I ' ' "- ... t - , - . . . , . ... , j, ....;. fl jfi ' " ' -' . " -. ?YYjif''TI',"7j vj " "" " ,v- - - . . " - - ' if. I 9ll Aftf yf Pi ' zi, m'7 f illCf YtTf - " " - -Jflfbtfl J0.1J0litifli;llfB. nricaltDrf. Jutfrnal Mvmivmls, mmtt(tr tht ItU an) 0wlit0;;flai tf lailii Cirri. vol. x.-xew si:kii:s. SALISBURY, N, G., APKIL, 13, 1854. NUMBER XLVII; J. J. I5RUNF.Il, EDITOR AU PROPRIETOR. TERMS : .Two Duiltm i year, paid within ihrre month fnmu date wf aubcriptirn ; twutMTara fend fifty ce nta it' nH paid befiw lh t iirt'um tf the yrajr, and thive KI r wfter tha yrmr k ia rifMivd. Sa papt-MisKSMitiii-ne4 itatit N airman ge are paid cacept at thi Hum of tb Editor. Letter an the Editor must b poat paid, to nsur W.etoaV";:.r I ftrntfi - .,.JI; - SSESBS.H t -a M - .2 , 2 -5 ployed in building air castles. The tendency lo give reasons why or wherefore. TIii may be the Whig party.- Tina I list of office ia l)Ot of iniinv, aiij pcrliais most novel, i. iiijunmn ' Ltk.ii ao uir miiiW .f ho maiiii. r in likh o rt.ng in our rank M to reildur US un to moralilv, , !.. vuii lo know Iio JL coiivereatioil!. $m-b are gn.r.llv WMiH "MtiUful of the true hoiu.r of wnntrr. , ,., , , ., , .. One million two uanurMi thousand WIiijm ' nmv VKiliili- tin' .I.T.iuien of US', rtnluk'c in prof- liny may Iw very am-altlv to lli- partien ,, ... . .... , ... 1 , , , . ,'i .i ,., . . voted tor (en. bcolt. IU did not succeed ; IKm-)-M.l Ik,.. .t ,.,... , ...d rtill U, .t.ml :l-lt ImIh ll..y ar- fdifyii. and , ,(t mib . huV8 beato j,;in tot av,-rv . l. v.r f. ll..! r. a.l Tom Jon.-s IVni- ;inlrtK tiv m.y w lH .,.ia.oi,..d. Hut ollr Uemoc-ratic fellow citizens. In conclu rriti.- l'i. U- im.lolli. r nov. I.,f tlio amm ntamp. that mlikli in in itm-lf oiti rly -riiii 'K)U to baL,,nt lis 8gi,J 1,0 was from Old Kentucky th y..u ih lo know a inun may i li. rinh ' lol raU;d ami eieoiirawl, U-cauae it may alford M Bj,0 waJ ttnJ M gke Jj. go may he thi- imwl iiili!jiiaiit .iiiin, the iirofnuixlint a fruillul autijecl for eonvmatioti I If tliat tw. reniniH ! hate, thv r.-. iii;.-, tlw hitu-r.wt aninuwitv, a IkI aruim iit in bvor of ovU, M etjuully J a-iil Mill l- a x .-rv .Wi(hV t Imiaj r t W-aJ ' "w in four of dwrllinjj Uiaa wliwk mMug fur. IVvirvux, lo you wi-li to know i.w wy ; Wk cxriting- aubpet luf euariatMK eit-4 a lliinif it ii-l.. Iwa liiu'livman ; liat ; Ajmb, wmup lliink thai liistoricaJ uovela are io- . . ... .. . .. . i ii i '.i . "".f ' .1!.... ) t.. ..vrTTT .... .. i: jt a n. hi it oik'iia tor t! ili4.tv ot all tin- nUilcr m'HK inai mi re wc a uw m cum uiuuer jui eveiiinj' were inn i peuunur sl ' ... . . i .. . . .i . i i.... .i... ' fi. ............ .1 i. J (lU ilimn - ollf Sjji', i - JKW8 lT NEW YORK. The Jew are a e::iliur people, though their exereiw at their " inunnrHlioii ilium -"M t- (i . C; -.4 .mMV. wf .,J.l..JU: thai Lv Mulina Uwm we mav brtirtnv hat that the (.hrmtiana iiresent tluNiirlit a.-.iiiiiU-d UU liitori,;al farta in away mikb ' 11 lry exceneni unu .iir.giiuu-iiKe feasant than lli reading of work, purely . emeiianmieiii. erere mu u Hut do .u. b ruua conid, r that it ; K ' . .,.,, Illllnh,.r si -mt ed tu tarc li in the face."" My coinpan ly diffiiult iu tlirtc nonl. to wiuiiowj.i ..hiireli aeeoin.xlution ierhai mav beiame b deH.ndent that he gave rvrrrfHT-'lnt-itmaml WUwl it(l. tl.U in.tlv tnki-n a an inJcx to tlwir Ul) all Iioikj. and Would not leave the hlxiumi a i K ju-tir.'. uiodi -ration, liii ln .irniKi-, innMiiimtly, "'ifite . -5 5 . L buinanilv what a lit.- of UiM aJwnlurH and : plea natural I 2 'J jr 2 : I i - 2 3 lT mirrin iih i.I. ntf r. a.l l'aid ( lillord. unl.l : litatorK-al. bi . a :.. .... i..:.. i i - i..... . k m x r" ; Him" .n- :'m in".tii.,u uMfViii, mny ( THE HORRORS OF STAIfVATION. The following, which i the experience of miner, wo clip from recent Califor nia paier. Two men sought a distant u digging, became completely ttliut in bv a heuvv snow, mid aooii coiiaumed all their food. The writer : " Oil the econil day of our tarvatum 1 fouuu tlie carcase of mule that I hud lost iu the full, which cayotaa had nearly devoured : but on examination we found a atimll piece of lli -rcmatntng -w the- loww thigh, which we carefully cut off, with the hope that we could eat it ouraclvea. LI tit it waa no go ; it would not stick. We tried it in every way KWhible, hut to no urpone. It wavt mure than our atoinuehui couhl liear. What now to do we could not tell. To tret out waa imiMMMihle. Death seem 3 WK t i iii-siii ' t 0 1 fco'i;il and tl.-li aiir. i -fnl I. ( you kiU'W ii tllr HHWst rr 'l J.Ihl tloll, in tin- llluM it l iatitl. Iu liolt. it l Eloquent and True. In the course of ma late Bpeecn, in an impromptu pari, ui it, called out by a side remark oi a mem ber, Mr. Millson thus eloquently decriles and rebukes the rampant Young Ameri ca, which before It bus yet got out of its swaddling clothes, 'bestrides an " ava lanche," mid presumes to be captain gen eral of the land forces : " Young America cannot wait. It is perpetually sereamiug " Progress ! pro gress P The eoirsw ut nature is altogeth er Uhj slow. Mature is anperanuated a driveller " A Member. An old fogy. " Mr. Million. Yes, an olil fogy. All tha.t is wise, und prudent, ...and jnl, audi temperate, and patriotic, and respectable, it calls, " logyism." Shallow, saucy, head strong, fool-hardy, it sees no danger, and uvoids none. Tfie diseijdo young Amer ica would loose the avalanche from its btful oi.iii n., tW-anliiit .,.! rv from fal..-; that tli r,a.l.r often ruW.d in atreiiL'th. I'robably ti.000 Jews are U be amp ; altliolign lie-war nnttflt larger r f" l . .... .. V. . . . ... n. 1 .1.. If 1 I 1 IH'll T H HIHHll 1 11 ill II. IIIOIIII IJ11 II I Ml 111 Viiini. WoiiUMil't'o-iiii' that to b.' true lntorv wliicli m.-n touna in tlie city th sew l one. iltetr;"" Hwiiuiujaai,;cni i t - - . . v cliililr.'ii nltenil tlio aunie wlioola with 1 saw little chance but to aturve ; ra.l Ki ' '- ". !." 3 - .. r.i u in ir.li tl, Hot utib.. umi time the same rock acamst wlireh he wonld ' t Hi-' m.t .1. .llv rfal. to nelioii f - . i "-" ." ."""- " ; - , ., V . . 7 . "" " , I.,. I,.,,!, ,! ..j.i, !, u 1.1 ,1m. hn. L vi i i ' V r Iv-lkftU' "f t It nK-ijil rrl;i io. 1 f;i-l(ini r"A Faulk ii wtiuM itV iatri'x! : I'll I I I'll. UJIU UII1.I1 IVmil llll'll IC" ""'"w - J , I II 1 1 t J .1 .i .1...1. : i:..i., ... liu.l u f.iint I, m... tlmt I... ui.nl.l .Ii.. tir.t his muiiifled and lifeless body to the titiKuisl! t hem froiu t.tl.er. of our citizens. Und tlieji For fear tl.ut he might tafce gron,., would echo h.s wild shouts ol riiiiiiim. muse ntiv(H.aies 01 progress A' aqnliiria Ihe pr ocrati by 16 cMr lin ! An MfrtilfBaTiMoaf H U hw., rh.rs rd in pftfairtRia to I iiar i M.kini; H . "Jt . li irurd in pn.pi.nina ) 9 mfrm. All fr.ri.uM "f . r ! rqu.l to f or . ehargrtt ta pr.f-.rti. 'It td tln wti.rtf , .rf ; whtrh ii fracliunal pvt. Om.au rea.w, Hh..m ui.iii.ki.i tn.'r. ; vari.-ti. (r.al to Umm who utrrrtiM rrcuUrly tlr.i;h ihr ' A Tkra AJUn umiovint f.mlidat t-mr. Cuort Onlrr. ch.nr.-il "ii prr hietM-r lli il' ab.IT. fair OrJrn 'fair dlvorci hohm) Mni wrtV, SlU.u-h. 1- P' . .Jii.t adwitiwwrMU .-.aw rd t( SSt lh aunibrr of inarniaui. r. quir. d ; and if il wh'd thy iMnikl occupy thr I. a.l aarr p.' Wr, wril. ap.ai th. rrk ih. word rW. Hikwrwaw lly will b pul p in lh n.u.1 rtyV .nd rharjcl .MMntMfly...u.:. . , ir No diwwial . thrte rW. of all iu .l.'ti.riiiitici.. and rl-,l in ;trtn.'t!l .-v.-n more ra.litit than tli..- i'f lirtn.'. r.-a.l 110. .-K I'las-itn. ' .tTiT;Htr;it iirT' tli.- c.MiijM-n.aiiii a.l iuiil.- of n..iel r a.lm t It i k'ikI il 1.'U a late lor r a.liiij;. Are. lin. it i .aid, it in cr a- our kuoul.-ile of liiiinan nature. Hut in ..I .. I..k int.. . iik of ti.ii..ii t. .. 1 eoine a.'ijiii.i.m.'. yiilli luiiiian imtur.', w la-ii w.; have h. 1111111 living . iin. ns ..fail lia. lailv or-M'iit' .1 t.i our 11. . tiif f t Ml J , fl'.H IIC.IlV ..I' til' ' liov.-N :n.' Hiawn fu.fii ii.ture! ier' liall I Vnn Ih. IMI.r W'rcklv Ni-.i . . i tiiifruiKb tlo.in from 1 II K Jilt 1 AJkl 1 . 1 .r. ..... .1 '-. 1 .T7. I. ...:.: . U.lvu. .,... ,.f ... 1 -..I.)..... I..IV ...V r.fl.. -AiKi vei iney nne home ijruiiariiif. . ... ...... . v , t , . -a . r -The ir.;Mrria;JrrW- We ..l.,m lind one in .iiir urnaHia or ' out of my hands. I kei.t on my letH all ;' phmge Jnto the swift current of ! . . . I.i 1.1 . ..: " . I the rnru ami thnr ...mj.arr. Mu have been itelltiartes. bell one is seen III a pns- , le nine, amioiigi b,,tu,r,J 5i eelmal,uH of the tnl.ee eW,y,: ? " J for some petty ortVlicaU-WWlki Jlud 7 J J .1 ..1 I .!'.. . .. I 1 ... .1 e I. i.r u'.ii. t..or f.w.t f, u ' .1 , ... the charges being seldom graver than of bur was tour feet d ' , . .... i lle pretences ot receiving stolen g.Hlrt. ten feet deep on tl ml r.Wnr, ,.) In.lh. L, ........ ..., r .'all HIV fuifV dream is. 1 Kepi on mv ieei an - - 1 b .. gli I wiu getting exceed-1 -N ij,rara, and wave their ImmUdel.g id the snow on the river j rapids .were hurrying th et deep, and from six to, their dreadful fate ; and even w'heli t hied, III to luctiou of an incident aa having occurred ia S.ain, during the palmy days of the " Ilojjr Iinjuiitioii." "An American gentleman wai eon vering with a young lady of distinction, at Ma drid, educated, refined and amiable. Tliere araa ' soma coiwidursblu stir iu the street and the jn-n-tlcman a-M what waa the matter. "Uli," said . the lady, " nothing they are only going to bum . a jew r We attribute tbia heartleasoess to tke ignorance of bigotry, for do Dot admit that any woman could be so great a monster aa tbia one would have otherwise been. And wa at IrilHiU ta the aame cauaa, the UumitkkaU ma lignity of a large portion of the - people of that Faith, troughout the world even in our Amer ica. We bavo said and now repeat, that we have no quarrel with any one on account of religioua frtli but tlw Roman (Jatiioli Hierarohy we will raise our voice airainst, while we have the power of utterance, because it is deadly hostile to our free Constitution and inimical to the rigbta of man. No peoplO'have suffered more from this tyraniiyjjhan tlie " Ancient Covenant PeO- .le of Uod ' the Jews aud all win eoauui auffef, who fall under their power in thiaeouatry ! or elsewhere. . WHITEVIXLE AND SALISBURY. We called attention some time ago to a prop osition'; for a ltoad from Whitoville, in Columbus county, via Uichiuoud to-S.iI;sliUry. We believe thi. route has been aiprtved by gentlemen of ie mountains. I . lull ...V f..iev .lr..,..., ..f u'....ltb Ulr.1 l.m i ol CX II I tUlloll Would .llllllle Wltll tilt" Miir Now I '" tne. very brink ot the torrent, their song ip-i boriiejndgmPiit in this-aot'lion, who afe identified with 1 I v 1 ii.19 Hi;.', . e. o j -j . ? , ,, We are indebted lo a kind and valued ' M-ntMieed to the Statu orison for araoii : ' pines w hen 1 ahoiild iret home were (urn-fW UJ vuiaiact. il'kliil, whiie firm ndhfrPuce to the men but it is true that, to a remwkul.le ex-,el into glojiin and darkiieas .; gold lo.li " ' ' . text, i&raeiltcs ai'U Wluoni oirelKlers ,l" '"sire. 10 oeconn. a caiunai was nor-1 jmurm tne nauur int .imraw. in... mca-n-e, o, ,e pan, , ..as long- com- -7 ""r f A tPWOTTliminrrnlr. l-IMot.. .. : mended him t.all who know I11111. forcal . r , . ' ' l,,,B,',it,dH and never i t.deutli and become food for the w'.ld 1 'lav morning an anouj niou. note wa. Uli at our ...,.,,.. "r "'"" I" w seiitiiiiwi men , . ,. .. , , , . was intolerable, (iold w of !lo ; during our auw.c., oaiMibibg a warinu 1 1 ... . i.i.u' irruii We UI.U . III.' p.-ll. . tlt.,11 ol bautY. lovellllesa, r.- r;ie.', iiit.'IliL;.'!!.-.''. aiii.-nity. ri'ure M.ril"' The HKirinc r,i non'Kf or win M' -frarl we 111.-11 in r..-:. lite win. i-ir. sh ail tli.w lnt-li and . so (iuIhi.-. a11l.1l In the h.r.l .No from the n.-ble 11. re. 1 in- truth. iieuTarh tlie ..iiii'' 1 1 I.I....J -1... lieutM u-aa int. .I.ti. I.I.. (it. Id uhh uf !U) .!. .."tun,, nueir .. .......... ... M I 1 , I ... i.ie ei.ior ii.m. i i.imaiuit uiuro.'M.u. Ul- laek wonhl bo perj.'liat.tl aaifit in that very ie i .. . . .. urn ,iij .l. ... a... I ..Il 1 eoul.l iu.tirt.t iL .Mv lu'jirt irrew taint -. . ..... I u. uggeaiioua. . vt e Know i. ii to w nom mkiuui ..... ...u...y Kit..e....fi, " e . - : . ; t . . n . n I ,l I. mu leiu rs liaj b-n Ih lore H.l.lrvs-.! to u, e cuim.es or nnstiartsiHK.H. peiia.pJi-. '"....v;-"." but w l.a.1 im-vct paid any .riou. attention to i I ..n (l.,l .r I , w. ?wa no r iiinw tt tnr mm tn wt firm. .. r ,,. - - n .. ... ii'.ou ....in, i.ui w.ie.uer 11 eoine . i i . P. . . i-..J..rl. I I, lit liut'i.r a Jewish eihigrant arrives 1 we lutve .lace at tlie hcud of this article. ; mauv hundreds of tie poor, lri fling u" I would have, gludlyjiven all I Ps rIIow grateful and refreshing are such 1 across from the short s of the Old World! wssed for one "jamiid of bread, but. aliw ! uggentious. . We know not t. w horn xhotili fi.l.U? atliiUuted the credit for utknw ul the CajK.- Ktar inU-n.t. We since leara that the plan is now cot only eulertaitied with favor( but nitli mil. b warmth in U)e Counties of Rob eju, Kii liiiiiiiiJ, MuntL,'oii.ery, thu lower part f Anson, and in Stanly. We liiiiik now !11iTtrm to m&Tsto(MP melit ill this b.'half, by endeavoring to Sulelet lueinbers of the Legislature from the precineta iiitere-.l.-.i ttivonible to ttie tneailre ; for this matt'T i of more importance to u thin Fede ral jollities, and we tru-t our people w ill so con- i'riinite hilUof th. it conic ' North, llieJ i-, ih.r r.uwen. of n...K par-1 sunny clinle of the South, or tlie limad conn nit hiuiiet, t. J t . friini a (aha-t-wi-' M'liirit. of the F.M Ih W.lctilll.ll. TTntrt."1" of mmkoHf ; ' than th. i will -, 1 1. .NOVEL BEADING. ;ilv : Jctu-w? Ji'sHiiiHjiitt i m in., in. j t iti. a:iili aiel .Ji'nii. A .am, it aid, th.- ra.lui' (ui. 1 ui I parti, iilatlv the I .lutli.ll. . .'Iltaile .1 111 lie III. Tt.l 3VT.-lld.Hi V l'i whether fvlitHiM nriii.n ! iiiipr...- tb- ...in pati. iial p..wer. tjinle th- hh'inld iievcr forget, mid Uv n'r.i eatf.f ., n ti... , t,;;it-,ti,-,imi sMei.it. - '--- - ---- Jew. When the j Imfi I miht starve to death, unless m v ,tjv .Upalelie.! an otkw r to our wnietu'in. j It very likely an apjiropriation will be ask-.-... be dm.. n..t tcomi.aiiion, ahould die, or 1 . Tola?- V.r.'r.l.n niomimr th.. e..ii.,irn.-v .... i.i.i i.i !-d at the next aesaion of the l-ifislatuie for tlw thiuiL'h iHiverlv- lias! come a murderer seemed too heartless operation by two person who had received i exteii-i..n of tle Central Koail from GoJdsboro' r. . ' -. !. . ... i ... i . i . i i . . ' 1 . I ... t .. i r... - o, ...i ku. e..t:i...M V M,hLf.n,v. ....Il" . lew ' .o .M-ni.l.'ll, nil., wmi .w, m a.v... .wwvm.. '..- .1... .. .i....Hoi I r..,.,i,.-,l .....1 .tr.i,r,.l..,l m ud l.,r .1.11.I..1 i..i.l Iteinir well awam U tlu. ea-1 claim, an-I ouglil.io oe granini. 11 e am con- icis lii wliirli. , liiav laiiniitaliim-feajrea''', "I'til hif n was bait in ite-pair. West, U jeaks ta tbfijujart ' chased liini from hiw old home, and metuird treacherous; but what could I do ( tbrmigjiji aunv pecuniary ' . " ,n 'T . . . of Kiitiirrution li-r the receipt of that ;TIiiis I reasoned und struLded aguiut "r employiueiiL If.i!ig wi It is a qucstM are more braeAetai than injnrioti. ti . i. tv ! 1 rmw: th. v I. .-el ir. lo appm-iafc-owr ...wu arltrl- .If by flytiliows writiiig, novel, au.l romami-s an- j iu.. l. wtuna t t.,r.' u. un.P b. tn. Ii meant, 1 maintain that the injury tbaie to axci. - j ii.-,,-r .-..i-.. V 1... that ha re?l 111 one, ul il,.. tv by tliem, iavaatly di.pr...aH-li.jU. d to the U'li- standard work. lh w. 11 tiiaii.el dial.ue, ii reewvei1..,!. Cuuf.jl attl , .!ir hal at - besiitiful latetta-. il. line w.n;iin, m, u IBmU, I m to imagine any real advantage' to btderiveJ tu-.J ftun, u r. ailv "tnwrr -thewwrbrig rf-'st-rka,i may be said, that it U geU a Uvte fur r.-wliiii:'. "j.iiet'an.1 iiioriiti'uti..u inn rt imn a fcoowieu.a riuit.a" ..a.ure .mg ittortuu Uiv sauiv D-ldl Vlittt aiiir.iis that it is a u.noceHt and Irieawiiit way ..( iw-n.1-: vt)Uti, , , ia r.-ad a ik.h-1 ioiirtliii. : Jia us It ihg time that migl.t otlierwi bang Wat fly on f.-nKt.-.! ni ,ti t blow iW . ,1.- a trulli wlucli wu... urK .1111. ..iiwai.i wntiii-.f. .. entitles linn l,t ,e ouor es tirat. II A. re l'"t liurk : 1111 Plea .acurs P. n.e. 1 11 sought to destroy that party, .cilljcr by . i thcrii.it :Jici J I is brother foimd, lends ine-iiler seeing the track of a cayota'near ..a'ii foes L.r secret and concealed eueiiiic. rhim to the umii Ii... by apaiiitiueiit ..f :the carcase of that mule ! Hope nprings 1 The puitv that cluiiiied the Sage of,,!'e V.agoguc or ..therwise, acsiiliiea the;"'!'; new vigor is aiotl-.l. 1 aiia'ched ' . 1, ... . . . 1 . : tt'ihc tnK ot' rnrriiir for such. iuii uiv ritle, und starttal uft in tlie diivc- ,W ' m"' w'?,:,,:,wmu- Aid for tl,e"kntriger is solicited fn.m'tionof the mule, with alight heart and u.e grea. expoinnicr ..1 me v oiisin unoii (W I1 ,,c)(ie, aiJ by contributions ! an eager ami .i.iick .tel.. with a hope ol for one of it great bulwarks, may' well ; within their circle all "his immediate vet eacaoing the' dread luf cahiniitv lliut go proudly before the. -world mid claim : wimU are he is put in the j seemed to await pit U.i.-u of Mwiiuinal nd..i.ini..v nrain iu. w.. i.r,.- Kdcht lli.Te are but tew hero who will Uesire to rHT.nsirCTwrs'irn nrtrrKiv.'r iir.7rraT7Trn.T' ""d a ...n.iitame-tlmt-wUI oniwis-i ih- aUail 11.M a. they .d-K itt-l. they nr.- now , hJi-ih .. Hurt while our people cherish the adop-.-oiitiui d it. ,lW tmW,-aii.l ou their Irixl some tioii.of a liberal and general system, of Internal new and e11rT.11. d. v.-l..,mei,t. will be made. j Improvement, tlicy ought uot to neglect tboir We .hall only add here, that. 1-ct Sundat. in aj' i"'". by tailing to take ihe steps neoea ..w la, ..-oi kept !. a.. llMlian, (a.vid. ntallv so I ? i-ietpafc.,i- tlw l-liefila that may r by ' birth.) a few ruffian, plnnnwl the coniMruev. j "Ve from the owning of new avenues of Comma while one .d them l.-Midilre.l a poignurd. ex-1 nieatiou. We may bora, that both East ind pr..ii.g a wi-'e lo iw it ii.u ..ur iwrHi. If j West will unite in lav or of all the plana prc- thi. i. the th.Hl ..ur eneini.-. bare adopted h. 1 HHe.l. 1 He H!t'-r will give 10 tins region a lair i-V-"1- - . ,-"r- fN YitaTy arThff -grrnt C'rilisei Vllfrtrnf tttf tX lMlHW i! - their IliTeriial ih.Ik V. . 1 -n-inw tit rrnnrc in ine sre.ient. o.-rreni ., ituun.ur, iu .paikuug .t. i . . . ; ..ti' .v... il... .... .i;i,',. ............. tlu-re. ... uv.,T:. i.i il... l.ntot' ..f c..niiiii .I.... i.-.11 i ! We throw out these bint lor tlie euinitiern- f hi, own fcebh- and faul- country Iroin the .wll.,.agrari.iinstii orio:,t(U j,v w th f . f t kill it .was flic "next Hun to be d'-tie. A f are firm in our prii;.leK ! We nfiall -tandoii our! hope tfifs ubject will not be neglrcted..;rFf. - , e'I'M"iiM. hi otir tir A fid l llh lli-ffllt it UI:iV I..m .1 Ll.ita i . 1 k.r ViKatnitititii .11 I n. intuit' txlaiittrtu pruinllv retir "Its head, coin-' them iit charitv. -ThirtvtMi. huuijj'cd tons behind a large rock. It wn- now geHswe3awE3a5the TasTTBgaiiist any and all ih.- phj.ical '"' "l kirf a-1 ft. torcr nur niriiiun tri.iv .'tntAir to .trenee i.itrfrec i r i i :.. i..,.,...r ... ,.,.. i,.t .... ,.. . il... ....it ...... 1 "1" n ain ireo .r.s. f rwwror. irn ... isin.'it.v 111 : - "r. . - , liirin" tb.i t.at winter I incut would I .Till.' ...iiie. wild liea-t ... AN EXUlUint; El)mox.. inn Ul wnai wnanisge is Tvvo.ac- ry w, Uir....jiug li.-art ready lo i.Mik ) i.t ull trv l.'Vcrs of lloif coiintrv every .juire a twte for reading, if W wwatk taj. W j tbriwigh sk. frajj JarrirA .ahkb enaduae it, Uar wUwm. It truej that tho. w li..iu f oi suca.ciwracuT iuat ho o,, w ....... .uieriuu i i.aie au.l i iiiiim.i..i ei. a, un- agna- I,M.k.(I himi'ii a ... i,r....i I,, .i. ,.f i ., i .. - " .. , ., I; I ! .1 ..;.t,. r..... I ' tlie'i.urrv- litive iroin. out. tnit not iM'tiii-c riiviurirreatlr.-tijmi--tn-v'iri' cut the- rum. 1 fre4-ninHtintf a .teat Ii" .birr tlie -poor- by ew I oik iluntiif tlie' -past winter. 'This early alid nil fill Ii li att.-nifoii of fb.rfic''sitit bo lessons of useftrl. and- practical kin.1 arreted form, tln-dee'f. drtwn- twrti;-thr fmjri.irtv drawn from theiul Whoever ha. been in tin id gealurea, tlui Uuinuig wjmJ ihu iu dent. Jc ! .!. I..f.t .J fepyg .Q..- Lniux liateotr.erv.'.i, now rvotioii nt In.; one, the att and tender r.-.mv. utterly averse he is, at leaH k.ng as he i. .(u- HH1 i,arl ey.a of die other; ami I HlWl tj ..v ,' "-v w'.'fc . - -I . hH. ...(1111 V t .3 ... XJtK WIUVJ , IU... .Ii. L Oil. J 'it. .'11 ...t". I . IIUKl'l II. .S 1 JM gage 1 the rrtubhgof nrtvs-to any inwta with ), .n hiiihaiit ami d)l.tr..u. A- i ,' . 1 " " c"'trn,"ll'.v '"r; petuallv beck. .... .1 ...i , i.,,ia . . .i -, i. 1- i i .. , ! their services arises, among those, wc. Il,.re bi1 f, Tl 1,1 : .1.1.- t . LI; I liie Crmle i. tdited bv Mr. Cawali. a've- ",c 1 "llatu-1P1" ger puouaue. nom wa . . .. . .. .. , . i I-.. - - l;.. ..r i...:.... r... .1... r .1.- At ihe first appearance of the an- 'T '" ' .... a t.p,ro,.5 9 "'""" yt "V . " lUic JthuXjisj.ary.nuJ the higliest, sixty thou- lUX ULTLLUjH IN VSIIF. '- -nriTTT... Satnrdav. the 4th of March. Thi. k iikedi.e.s oM'inhv d.M.r.'amt-Wffnt T?r.-w,I- tt. wa-m-m.etli jat -that i,.(VV r,HVM,v ,..ali tK. j.,rjieiilara of !ln enormous circulation, and exceed that ol any 'the prrmph'tinn wi Inntrons- nrrdHrrrlltant 'd' criuui. .iuce crime ulks iiijheart was lilted with jay', and I fell lluif j ''career.; but new ligtdaare .,,.! wai.ti.,gT"""'h!'re ' i-W a, when hunger nd'" wU had created ie was abl to fee.1; d- . , ... . . -"riiakeilliCwS owmho- d.a-.r'nTni-wmit rT.-,-Tl rt.-wns'lin m.etlmjswt-that - rUjitkiif, to any tni iital i ffort or Usltly rrti,n. fn,t. at the ej'.iirt I on t.'j4 Iu. .fiKi..ii and services arises, among j It creates a sort of dreamy existence, a castk- jiib:irrameTit, building propensity, an indiffen nex- to the call-. ' In, il,r,rfil and form a yii.'ii.-e of tin.-.- llaU.w oLduty, and a di.regard of the eeremtmie. aiel and,o.i.- .busy laid.-, the nnavatiiug p-dieiit of obaervaneM rc.min.ti by the rules of na-i. tv. A. slnfiin' hi. iM.itioii, i.r.s.,n.' hi. 1. 1;.. tl I should leel the .fin-' of the lash 1 bad ! ....- j ,i,.. :r:;i,:.r ,r ".oi... The Ltm.lon -Taa .. , . . . . .': i- I iv ;.. .1... I l ..rtt:...' . ... re , . . -: . - ' . ncre i. a mi l ii.mii wmcii v-iirisuana ; .i-n "y " ""- " . tratwi n .-feufcer a savmje or ciuli-..! ..muiiuiiitv. , prints alwiit 40,000 dailv.tbe I'aris Constitutioii- i the palate may be no vitiated by Ihe use of high- ihe chair., .iglinig, niiiin', .uii rwig, and all ly seasoned viamU as to r. j.H t with loathing the ; il,.- , t-leras. usually r. s..it.d to on such Irting .. , i ' . - ;..... . . . t .. .. .. MllvlanilUI KXKI Oeai suneu lo llie wains ..i na- j , , a,in. ; au.J has r.s ..li, .-t. d tlie e..lu.ur. In. fruit I.-., art.-rni.tw to clear " f;..n. n-u-i iuhctuimj rnir prtmimy Hcevpi a umu !i'ip!-fw:;.w'w.:w j u iveurreit in At.e pnimtv, in Him Mate. vvj i nel 2S,(H0, and the New YOrk Itenil.l claims ... r. - . : . ... ..i. ..... .- ,.. i. . i.. .i ........ ...I....... , u .. .i.e. , .1. ... v i-.i re. ..'. n ill. . . . ... v . i. - . . . i .1 1.... 1.. .. r ... 1 .. j. ...n. - r.-i. .. . .... 1. . . . l;u!.-i 1 11 , nig 111, t. roe. on 11, w no, a lew v . .1 n ..i.v .. . men .-in , . .-.I, . .,,.....;---- .' . ' '". - .-- -.- ui,,. U.-....1 ..Mm- ri.nrs ... 11, uui ..mi - i if. 1 ot er oo.ooo. 1 ne i.t.iiger . Biaii'tiieui iuu.1 ma. wicks since, iii ril'crriii" to ihe " (iloriotis von remote the temptation to vice; for oiiijniitrTn, who, but a m ent previous, ,at .ago leaned the paitieiilar. jfn.ni January 2nd to the 18lh '..wtant iialuaive. hunger has a sharp l.a.tli, utiil cannot . .iriiggnui: m iioh-ic.s uespu.r,- m.g.ii u msmii. iii.ii a nun, iiaui.'.l M it. n il. nn.i a l...ut two n gular months and a halt, February I, nt soon gnaw through the restraints. nf;Iiotv be win with a liriglitcned counted-; negro man hir.;.l, who slept in jW k.ft ..f the j (.-ing a slMirv mouth, there have lieeu consumed virtue, when that w hich must relieve il . ance, wiiii tears oi joy ciuising eacu oilier nous.- iif i.i. n .tir...ti.i.-n. .. nteo. iniriug uie i uh.ii tnu regular daily etimoiis ot tlie ledger,. I cheeks . alsvnee ot Mr. M. I In. negro, tog-ther w uli an- aeven lli.ius.iiid (bur hundred and ninety-two ana Whig Parly,'' ami- utterance to the fol lowing very beaiiiiful sentiments: "He was a Whig of I he Henry ('lav and Webster whiHil. Thev were lii.s teach lies only on the other side. ' Christiana, ' dow u Ida emaciate tu,wtiitblitMaaaf--tarf4V...by aHiirg lv 'Vnh win, h the C.ir one a.aited the issue .,! ',f and if be understood their teacbings. much upou the dainties ..-tted up in novel- and j u, Ii ,ri. ni,.u- siru I.... might leurn lrom the Israelites some lioldu lessons us to the policy f suir- other negro an.) a it lute man named Wliiiak. r, ' three fourth reams of paper, making at the rate , ' outrag.-.! the person of Mrs. Mit. h. ll, and then I of 70.000 reams per annum,' It shows the ag- I'UOJKCI lr AN ll!N Tl NNKL 1 N I'KK ; imir,,.r, d .r. Th- p .rti. ulars areTioo hultfiigi gregute of the dah-isJiliuiia bf two and a half for publication. The negro that was hired to , months to Iw 3,5118,520, or exceeding at the rate Mr. M. mailt' a lull o.iit. sion, implicating the i of seventeen million of copies per annum. This : . . .. . . ....i .... ! ..' . .... i i , .... . .. it Ik. lol.l rii.lit v loulerstiuul V hur r.ri.i l.lt'llio tlo. uiints of tliosf. Willi liolil the f mucu upou uie iiaiiiue. iHixeu ujj in no...-unu i ii, ii .mri.-nious .iruggl , and tti.u the reaij. . : r -, , , r. ( , i -. -r-. . - TI1K HKI ( IK Til K OIlli I I'M V HI - . . , ... ..,,!. ,i. ,..i ! i , . i , . .. ciilen, he thought that when he served same tailh. ........ ..... . onnaireei!. .ll.r w ,..,...- ... ..... ... . uess will! H ll-i M.e uli.sVl . I. .1 t IS. or l.o. ... .. .. . ... ... ,-.. .1. .. ..... . .. - - -. . - - ... ... . , . . ".im.n.i.iMihMMH.iv.iu-u-aa i-...-uv-i ......ii .i,..r u .............. ... tne .1 ..tt-tsii 1 ... 11.. .1 1. ..r.'i. 1 .. . . . .... ... . . . . . . . . matter of fact detail of history, the sound and I a. soon as a s-i.teti.e-... .-tir-.t to wlu-hai. I "7 , , -''J"-" ; y " '- , , . . ,. ., ,! v " ' ' "' ," ' 'r.Tw.st to win. n an . s yurty ,lt. Uv r,.,M.tv, f eharacfcf seems to have been imparted nieati,.ii to the city authorities of Cincinnati. twu weeks ago, and c.iitieie.1. but sei.tenee was of Hw's last ei.'l.t cylinder tn-esM-s aroused by praiucal v.ews.an.1 rene,-n,. oY ,.h.lo., .1,). ai.d ! asw.r .,.uld I-git.,, ; ..r W be ha. made ,,;! . had ever cxpresst d, .,f no . b. it by the hard lot in which its lines j with the design of aii mm tunnel f..r the tu.,- ,rt HMw, ,gi bim, ia order that he inav be Ube Le.lg.-r in Wing th.'s hniuensTethlion, H'JiTtLL' lllMllj.be had ever ('oiii-. have been cist. rerseciited for eeiitu- i mding of the ihi.ag,. river. The dimeii.V.n. , e.,ii,,s'tei,t witiiesa again.! the other ... gro. tid it eoiieliid. its stteiiieiit with anaiHcora- vi .-d'.i..r i-,ris iui.'.t ..fim-Ls. .I,.! .ui. r- ..,.triri. ,t ii... -i. .... i :.( ..... . i . ...:o...l .. oi. ..nn.;." .T.v.i : i:r. szr ti.tt t.vi?. T..e;v.;ru r;r - - - 1 .. .. ...... ..- .-- . ... .... dt. n .ie. V.......V... , ...... u.n,i,a ,ai... ..iti lie ,. .v -,.... . ...... . ., ... , .,. - .... . n c r n .... n ,, t..j iii , vu , . ; . .a. iM.ii oiese. riioiu iiiueii uie. w mi lue Olil 1,.. I ' ellflll I.s-l w ,1 neial reading, .unfavorable to the si idv ..t w...k- wi.ul.i Is- l ariie.! by storm, and - ivijiiiriag.tartkait.jihejtltiHi ' awl d'-..-applH -n. d tl.- p rt. ei iKmchuliuc let.lopiwiit of the plot, the fate ol tlie. hero or heroiue: tlies.- are the Joints w hi. h 'engross the attelitiou of the eier-hiirrying reader; while the mrt-al of tin- tale, (if any there be,) Hie 'sag-di. l,al youth w I... ha. read-sueb a sc. lie as I qnisition of Ihe author, the adt i. ,-. the . nuti... I,.,,, an. iiijt. ,1 I.. i!. ..tid base pared the warning., un wholly uulesd.-d. Ib n.-, is jM wll ,.x, j,,.,,,.,. , , , lie.liir.-d a habit of rapid read-ng iii.'oiii.atil.. il!u nt U , n ,.d t. I'.lrm a very huiiil.le cli with tin; consideration and r. Il . lion n.e. .sun nut,- f Jiu i. (.,,. r.; or if hi. vaiuOj I, liietjl. linn.;. un, I t rut lis of In. .rat. I... I Ileal. ....... t. . . I... physical .,i aUtrnct ie,..,, .o. reading is ' Ag , ,t n. said, that ,1,.- leading of noi.d, i. l"'' .Hrm,wtt. ?f . ... r, i, , i 1Md-. the t oiiipromise of l.itM ihe lug hostile lo every useful pursuit in hf.-:-to Ih- lul, inasmuch a, il often allor.ls a very olr.- .mrtv .u;nJ, defctleil it. tl... -rreut o.vass of IH.V' tilth t il.. ., l.. ,. ffliuiiin -a.iriI-iLsiM'rili.s ioism nit-av ts-.il. tin. their tialiirnl acn ...i. i. ,i...!.K.casion which wive lliein birth. shan-cned; and tl.e angles and iK.ints '."' '','o i cast or wrought iron i iw !.uiin. i lo ! .nur.jy con-. There b-ing no romisleiit t.tiuioiiv against iniHle of i-rint inir wiih hand pnses: lie says : . Wl.ilaLer. flioii-.h .'.ini' . doubt is entertained ; I... .1 . i I i . e ;..'. . .. , . . rl-I ..I - .. .-. -.- - L ' I "VJ. oie ...o ....s.e o. pri.ii.iiir witu a UUI .....il. ine ,.,.... ,v...i n. i. .......a. i.. .... ...a...... ..... .... u n. ... ,i ..p.,.,..... ., . i . ... . . ,. , . -. , l.lUfl n.-f - miee saved the country from impending ''as peculiarly impressed us; mid it is . avoiding the use of offer dam ruin, in 1 tin, l"C:i, anil in Will. With-' curious, toy), lliiit. with five only of the sev-j.jii.-stioii aU.nl the practicability i 'ha lit , and agi.-cable ttii uie l'..r eoiiv.-rsatioii. ell d.s-s. .- ICiill ploy.il ill profitable labor; --it .'ii.rtat.. and A t'.ung g.-ntluuuii calls upon mfeeUe. the il.md by iiliiiiisi.'iiiig lo it, a va-1 aud hat ing exhausted tW u-tud U.ie ul'.. the pid and .H'kly kind -of foo.1, I lint .hs.piaiilies il slate of w.atber, coiii.s'to a dead halt. After u9 .nwu. ,k,ww , tt-iinw.,. .urne- en , Tliaiiy llllll .IfUggl.-s, lo rcll.'W llle COUV. rsaiM.Jl, I .,.,1,. .... ... 1 I : I I.. . . . '. .. . . I m uwi.uu ...c ...v v. num. ui-.ir.si .iiiii. iisi.iis, nun sins it in uie . I..,-,.,i ia , we .ml .,n He was t leu , .. l.:..l. . .1. : I..: .. r it. , i ' I . . , , , i I which iima uie cuiiioii oi toe .wiilit uiian; u It. sis. ...... H. I.tw li.i.e 1m ' 1 .:i -I.. .. ... 1 .. I. ... I .1. .. 1 .: .. ' . . ... " . ill a minority or majority, tl.e .Inly of the S1 I'K' eiiact.iients. mid their duties as j luul, ,(rilc,icttl,,., ,v ,irKt dr.dgmg a channel, ,, .rmllu,l:, n-vit. and then hoisted n-ain. I 1 ' ' waya. Hlnir imrlv was flu- same tu sUind bv , H"""1 c.ur.e.is, re-irai.i in. in ihcii ousiness UIXU euough to adinil of Uie tot. Uinir suuk be-: ii.l-,.,.us-. r.....ui.ut il.r ...,,,.! i,....- . .u r country, tlie Whig'tiartv ni..ro tbun 'suvoctltiaiis iiim.ii the Christian Sl.l.nth, . w, or et.-n with t'he Us of the river, eniir.lyl yvh.-n tak.-n down ih.tliird li be was thoudit '. Xa 'hire. Lite Hmf.L. Pk-k- rL .rite tills. 1 ll. ro I. IIO I ,., I .1..-.I , n, ... ,1 irlness he ll, ',-,1 l,, lr U' .II ,.-.. tl. nnl,.li.l sl,., I,... In.l .,,1 and .iisri..rity ( 1,., iirr..uU,l ihui i iLu Lit. we bilVtL Uejird.otiur juwnt.iu-.sireel.iH- s.Him.H. ,'rm rh-ti.htS , . -oiit llej.rv UayJsiJCll..Wuuld.we..lmv.ii' VL ' jof the Amazoli, - pick out the loveliest spots ' Tii f Wticft' wo WVMM)fckM "y '"' design, as.-1 ,s a general thing we are opposed to l.yn-h i w here the most gorgeous flowers of the tTOpien coiiipanymg ims. n wm no hth -mav t mrt rTre-if foot-way at the top of my arch, Ibnnd. bwo.vj ; jjtirrsle, U,t eommeiwIaU... Th luitmudwi i of this kiud-e may find oni.Mrr of " near a par.ilK.hc curve as i.racl .cable, coiiiliiiiinv : 1, ..i,. ,,, i,.,.,, i-H. ,'rt;.r,d ia ban,, a little lon.rer i .....! Is,,.i.. uiil. ,. ..r,,i..l ..n....n. .k-ill' ' tiitrij liiuiti. r. unit color. Look at a held of buttercups and --sa iditisi.si a billsi.lccovr-d1thgoM'iidtewn ....... ... ' a mouiitaiti rich with purple hcatlier or a l:LLIv.lULS4:IifchlXM. I,- . . . . , . ... e. ,,'l . ' t r.l,,,. w ., ,m hH,.rVa - . " . . . ' ..... 1. - ' (WrMIHHfrHB W 1VU UliTllti. - tH,, .WUuV--AVa.- .. .1 II so. .Iliii oil. lie tt in, r I. lint tt-Ms .ml v-... -,'."- ... ... , ... ,i. , ,-,i ;.. ..!... . . " . . .... .. - youiigia.it,,---- ; p, i j --- i .i .. e i ...r ......... u.e ... . ... ..h- ... J n - ' 1 . . t .:o .1 i I ..' . ;..'! it ... I 11.., ..tl,..r . ,f kit ....rsi.i.a tel.., u'ir r .. . . -. . - , . 1 rw irW 1 (; 1 nih - An Ajf'.rtinrj i;iVc;if. An affecting in .'ri'ltl :llnl o:ii a.ll ..-." m ",. ....... ... , -. . . , ... . tlu, farmer. tl7uTIudT7.rii i .l.trr.-1artiBrTr -.- - - j . ......... ...r". . .,( -ii unu. n t i i"i. un ii n hm;i, nur it ticnn it mi i " " . ... . . . 1 1 a I . . . i !..! ..A a I... ft euMttftiff trim tfrnt wnrit Trthi'rwwe term- rra&-m ulikli nut. h a th.wi.tnit be tnraiuatrfe t wimia UiUr 4v It tiur-. aHMiuirv (-,,-r uie bt.iiui i iV iiiuit r, iiiur iiii'tr: i UmHwU--Ui4ii- i.:WsuuUi. uriat f It" it Hlioiilihlii Th. lii-r imrtv ums not ctnt exil-wion. J wn tain Hit?, one of nve ,i.-,r.i. ... .! , .i. ;,. .1 uuMiU'iif ih rrlut.Ml by "riitlt'iimn who f M , 'H,u "' nV" yur vxy unli'w it jeftiHi.'ti to Ihv dow it a ritil- 1 1 1 1 . 1 r . r, l'i... I ......... . t'VHthH. nnil tlit-v will IkfJir iimiiianaitn m-itfi mtw llil tint III lltIV a..fit Fib I 1 ....-. . , ... ' I . . a . ...l'i- "I .1 . : r.nrkT-iTirr ffni t.i M iiiutim .-a.r t i 'i . ITIVSIIv ItTUVIIIir UlM. II) HI IKMIV WIU i?naoaVr l " ' "-V" ,.Vi.' V". I" ""wx. ! imi. KT-r nw h ' i) 1 w 1 u it- vit iiu? fiiiinirv ' - ,v .,-oiii iiriiii ruiiiitiirr invoinoii, iiirnuirn. iui Aim- . r.. 1 : . .1 made to be killed by one defeat : it will and tlie other ot six persons, who .were ! f ,jM, fuia-wav. I it- "cam, fry atmospheric pressU'e, lis ha. ' ' ide.nutiils its service, Ilere,in Kent nek v,i all so badly Wasted by. the -ahuuu tUatdy ihr tar,, fry at.n.TSpheric r- 1 ... , 7 .Tr T . T Cf.il hl.and .1 .. I,..rs,. .-... lU-T vears lias the Whig tliejr have since died. A little girl of five j t. . u .tone in oile r iwIsikw. This would .lis- ' ' ' "T' ?. " h'. '.',' ,' . ' ' ' V ! .,.. ,.lP1,1 l;n ,.u ;.l. .1 ,Z m twetit the suber realitn-. and the every day employ- he. at last Is-think. him of some lew n.ivi I lie ;..(,M .l,.f...if ,.,f Here we luive lii.ver "r aix years of age, yvho belonged to oiip ' isnse with the msesity of a f...t wav, as pass WK'nts of life; and itj.risliK-e. a hstl.-ssness wnl ,- juit reitd. f nun. .Ii.il, ly bin edlinU'liaiin- ;.a-id 'down our anils.' This is the obi ban-; "' those fumilies. and wliase tender flesh ciigi-rs could go through very expeditiously languor averse to all motion or ehaiige of ,a.e. bright,.!,, up',.... he v'ainlv tl'i'il.is ioins.ll 'thai! her Whig Stale of tlie Tnioli, and if our' Was literally boiled, was laid alongside of j by the eat,-- 1 also pr..,s to- make th... ais. 1..! Lrii. of ruitel .r..a,lm.r i. .u.lnL ; i. ..... ......... .i....:. I -...i.:.'. .i ... ;n ... I,ai,i..r stioiild fn.il in tbe dii.t in ..tber-her mother, wIioms spirit was pnsiii.', in ' pr..;uh.s all of iron, as Wing cheaper and were certamlv not pWa-d in lhi llliW yon W ltVer.kst H .1 -i.L.1. .. ; , r c. .: .. . ... i -" I'Wtrt and a str.d.g arm to uphold inottier, she saj.l, Wa, t w dark , will . it. The Whig party. is the party of true Kl 1 "J""1' 1 - i-i.ini : progress, a progress" based upon tlnV ex-.t "' " were dufkeiimg bv the haze jif dnnin away our .isu-itr in tfitni siiacti wu hate tak nts eommiUid to us which it i. our n,,v.. f The young la.lv t.. d.-ligl.Ualwith the duty to employ for the glory of-otir M;rkr arei M, a of renewing the conversation on so agreea- .! death, and soon afterward talent and loo not employ it, will have hi. re- allow ..If hit 'book I. ar.iing, .piw kly replies in is a bteji forward. -. .. " llilfeitere(l, iittilTniJ go ho waul. To ii( down tb.-n iiiid-.h. nothing al all, j the -affirmative. , " Well, Mis.," say, the 'happy j "Hut the glory of our future S.MmdsiCVr T ""P1" is sinful. Iwause. He are liot eiunlovi.e. the tub ! Vi.utlc "'liov .In ton like il f" "(th hiv. il ia ! OlMtn tlu I'ni.in of tbn Krat.u lltvr.l..i L . her spirit was l-4liHik,- after a dier iaveMigatioti, y our b tmimd can W Divide itt entrusted with lis: to .it down and build .'.hariiiiiiir. .leliohtlul." What .1.. vmi think..' tile States, and tile world has never seen M,r"!"fc LA".U ''"cii.ArioN.-At, um city " n - . .. . , , , .. w L . .- .1 . .. . so wild a wreck as there Would be. lie, " . ' . , . " . . S...U ..n ..I. ...ii i,-, m.k. si., . .LS III castl... in the air, th.-n drinoli-h them, then Mi-s, 6f lliesi-.-iM-ill lli,'-r.brsr' cav e j" - W ell, build other, and , n, ad liihniliiiir,rTs literally ; I never, it is .hocking. And what ddyou think. I think they are ye- He ........f . w...... .i.:..i. .1 .ep..-se...ei. . eiiiie ill which ineiv w an . i i L ir s- i . .. . . two bourn hkjI . half ir..ii.svTTir,.n.rli - - -s s -- ti nt) Ilisiinioni.ts. to do luthing ; therefore to ut down and rear .ir, of Iie.keii.'s novels ( caul., in the air is .infill. Now what an-not- ry inierrslinlr." And td -els but air Iniilt iisi,ii f Jl.ve llu v.aliv mori' one novel Iu anolber niiti -.-ral'V anyniorr- practical, iim: ! time Tjs-lit ID hok hl utOiutstthcy htts.lj i.pptonng tr!biinu..iul jvhjclilie wot tw provnl to tC-, r a.ling novel., i. no l. tter spent than thai em- jlsaiileminng iu general torm, nultout-stoppinglresont. He saw liothjng to iliscoiinigej Ihe entire M-cit!aor bought tlie r .i. . , a.v.v i.. .,v,.r.,. n ...... i .' . ... ... 11 . ..... .1... I'. ' .. .. .IT' " C .1 .le.oe ...... 1.-.',... U.WU, ...e . ....... ......... H.WHVH II. H -.. .. . . . . i. A.i.l ll.tt. thev ..fYMSM.I frtan-i.. ... .. c . A - 1 . -'w" t.i..iisniei.i. ..... m.i un iih-.i it. riu , aroi.i- g. Aim intis ui.y procesij man , m, , i. Such are tbeft rmm e i... ..... .I...i3 ..r ... :..t -,, . - , . i. ..... .i i .i .. . i. f er tne iowr iiuiiurvsi. 11 ,itt ot air iiien n.r T-l jt lW.ny nuae one novel Iu anolber mini tiny run through the Lf KctOckv, the State iu which f.e was .ai.u.eV ih. j,U.U.l .fht,.h for Hia n,..l. err the eighth uf jm.iiu.li tbr I;l3 i u J anolbj'rJ a hall of an inch tor fn, ;.'1iSti, -au.1 more i-oiiveliielit' for the public than a bridge." Ul.KKlUNll ATTIIK NtwK. Dr. NegllT, a French surgeon, nays "that the simple elevation of a person's nnn will Mop bleeding at the 'tlose. He explains the fact physically, nndlleclares it a positive remedy. It is certainly easy of trial. loin." If it were iHissihl,. to conceive that : 'd lahuriium, will vie will h t Ik ch incest troiH- the Jews could W ene'lti.bsl from the operations : cal tr.?sairl shrd. In the tropical watersar . of a law giving protection to .iiiritii cithrns i m UwutHy planta, than our white aud their protection shoiitd lie'a miilfcr for the, Jio!u.lV"ntw"l Amcncnn pisii.le to .take ia hand, - JYti ..r i?..,.:'.i:.-iT.-..tL.s-v i...r.:- i.. i.. 1 , . : ------- - Asi ahowW W uught tW their -.us-riihw. Wi T!!a J. and 'nori ' itbhtimsj llt;' tl-rit to the people of this Faith, .haU nob...if?I8,w! .um tipetuv ,tnit s vt U ux-'n-inotl ilium any who imv Amt'ncjm tut-! i ... 7 . ir.ns; that lliey. at bad. shall not W the vkti,,..' lkem' c'",""f caterpillar;- it is green, or of ign.H-ance, bigotry and cruelly. The Journal ,'1rutt"' ','r ?Aio"-lvm t,u"J. "f "' rf . of Cs..n...erce says ol. this subieyt : i cu,un- A'" w,!n? U leach side a rowof feet, horny claws rather. In - ". No other people, pmbably, have .snffiMred as ! agim. that yon walk son' night aenvss your much front ititobrHiice, Hint and J.ist, as the Jews, j chamber floi.r, with nakvd feet; vou put your unl.-H. l'ro.testatit christians are an excei.tioif. (it fot into n ring, striking every claw up to th f not .tnnge therefore ihat they should synipa-ibi.lv in your foot; that jxiisoii flows lhrouifli , 9 m - -rv "Iv ..v ... i-.wa.i-, eacu ciawf aim in i mwiuics you win nave lann- j for the protection of the n ligious righfa of our: r, ag..ny ; in a few more yoiiVwill be dead. A y-oiing greenhorn wa Md that if he pVeaa- i itien in fiireign coutritw-Mihti whirli are so . Th0 dt.ly ihing ennnot be torn iwav. It has ed a certain bashful young lady, .he would'siug. ab.uidanlly cot.ce.WI to the cilijciis of SirWgn ii, be cut ,ajt an,l rlnw bv claw tur o'uU' Even Thn next evening he asked her to aing and she i countries when tcmporatily rcsiding'iu the U" lit- if ii ,-rawl over the naked'hodv .rf a sleeping pi-r-encused Wrself. ted Stat..' . la.it without .tickiw. 'vii ita claws, llu- i.lace will W-byXhara.";..- in nirr i naf n th ra-rivin W Years after, at least so we could thing -if I s iticcrcd you a hlllo : V ' remarks. ' We are incited to this froin the recoi- nac ieen told.' " - . - .s l?itotHJifW)miwc:tf u uimtevMriMnfrr' 'laysaa.tawynjit'O wynian j

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