.ft- VOLv XI. NEW SERIES. J. J. broker, EDITOR A!fU PBOrRIETOrt. TERMS : fir. b.alare iftv, paid within three month, from Mat af aubecription ; twodnllara and fifty rente if not leaael ftelor. th. eipiratieii of the year, and three J..I . tare after th. yer ha. expired. No Jiupor diaruntm ad antil ail arrearag e as paid except at the oi.tion vf th Editor. Latter Id the Editor mult be pit (laid, to euaiire atuatio. in" f B 3" 5 9 i-3 i g'i'ssftfc'B IKJOU 'sat J: 43ii-- " 'i a -ttf8i?8y;"M"J"' )l 05 S3 0 -1 n r . 3 I'ikieTtsa 3 O 2 p 3 SB .- a. ..a . : l ifitB.gt6. 'tSStsSis' .IA emea. A naare ia the paee urcuuied bt 1 eluae hne& v evi-i-iited on the ilav micceedinL' that I .rrr., l:VfZZlrJTtU, enO .hcold ...an i..;ing ancestors brought the spirit of free-; , mttur W!lAl.at the pew owner's I ehsvdi.pr.1...to2,. AUfrart-wof . ,r., by the digressing information, Ih.ra tor-m man wm.un.wMo lutt r i(i .;.rtjon ,,v lin(jTv inquiries as bVd..m with them from Scotland s nioim- tri(.k w;l CIltirt.v successful, and the ab-! ,uai w 1 or 1. eharged in prop,.rti..D to the ahule, of i r,,t U:r maiden delicacy, and throwing ; mantis. ut-Hrc 'The old man an- tains and moors -it lives in my blood litionists 'Mve Itfm three price? for his: U.taeiMd -a. I herself at the feet of his captors plead.in j In a few lutnntes thereafter nr- J " ' jrTfl,in. VW fcf Rf. 's.-aHwntr In iffilwranrt Win. nw; 1,7" order urpm-f'nt ffie aUdhloii Pliif, tcaVs U her l.erVI TV nes was eld I uurdled ll. hef ruling dres, de;c.,ule, , e. h thttt if our people wJ1d take Ccil of me, ; fl,m ui rAy illnstraU-d. uml-inexorableuand though llarnnpre- :lrm her apartment and fouml Nc... w,,h ' ' -Xnist of his visitor or the ; they would light while there is one J, ,.at all exami.le out of a.U.ous-( Cor. Orde chard 25 , p. W ; lurking trittmid. iii his eye more qwiet but .trong and servn-eahle .mn.ial .T,. rf , ' . U , ,tt " , " !,..;,,. to tvra.inv."1 i li,i..n -'A,7. L,ler. aniT. raiea. uruera vu unurec ... nui.au ... - , t.r... ill t n rack. II I III' 1, leuuiici nil" o' .v-.a , ... - ., , ..i i i ' v. .. - - -ptVeaeaaMSiavia adTerlineni.liIi are rr-owet-L,;,... ed taatate the number .if iniM-rti..ii r.-quirrj ; and if ..j, ,,ft (j, lii'iise 11 arrisoii found it wirited lhe- .h.mld -eupy the lea,t .P..-e p-ei- ..,..:, .. ,,r wlHIL.riil" in her ear ble. writa .pon the Urk the word rltr. tith. ri i an opportunity or nisrin in n r c.n ttLZSI kTlit P th. ueuul . vie a,.d ch'arged R few words of seeming interest and kind-! jiMidii- .minri.. " n..iiVii.."l wiranV-1-1 -",ffl'mKmam CT S dHt in tiieipe ratea. LOVE, A TELL-TAI.K. Lore, trltnale ! Yea the ft-aturea Of the )uolhful maiden rfmw Where the tide ufheart-afTreiioiit, ' Sumeumea utiaeught. freely fluw. When a oiy arid ahy youuf maidrii 7" Juat tli are her iBantf I.teJ ' " "" la a moment quickly paaa. When her efer-Varyioe fcJ.ir t'omei aud ff at ha drawi u.;h, And again at lua departure When ahe barathea a pent up nh Where the heart ii e'er turmnr, Thtre the ryea are lurumj uj ; There the Same of Ue ia buriiii, Tka4a'-aut lawn to I ; -. la bar tund from daily duuea CoBataBttr npntrthaTOre ? - Que. her memory deaw! bef I Then depend abe ta ui love. Ia aha reatlcaa, varying, moody f Due. th. Iiived one au be jruile. That ana laegha wiih fy unfeigned U'bea ahe Kea him wear a ainile 1 Then depend, dr good or evil, . fche would fairly riae ahoae. Every thought of care aud mpw, With the Ueaaing of hii U.ve. Natural Worvlersof FlorMd. wri - feilrer Spring, are the principal rtvent. .,n ,1... , i,.,.. al.O Creeks Ot tu.n uci.oiuoiulio.i o. numerousto mention: most of the,,, at'- f..rrl -t,'.;jI.;ip. n.ev are. t... fart- -Ir-tir-vrriryrlT-wtjzat class oi . - -i i ... out the runeous be t.tab trouble writer also say era! irronr : .i;....., .1... a. ,l..l,.i,,. ,.t -tef nr the- ftornhanmrnMfiW-tn, a.-- --- - - - - --- , - ,,, ..,, r.. .ni,..stiv upon her. uiie-iri is upon hh-.h ..... "-. ....., - tipper stratum -f Florida rests on one : cd wm.m i.er an energy am. s.-,. ; . - - f h- u W(ls -.Iai.iis.,11 is taken," replied l..ra. . deliver ttu-ir soul iroin ueau.,a.... o. xyiu.a Kate juid DUm Jlalcman. werfiihcT .BltUO. jon. anreii'. tncjL vast net work of irregular arches of stu- j dci.ee of which untd that hour si. e de I: M ? f ? 9 , ',,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,, UlUll ! "Weill well," asked Kerr, imf?frfent-! n.eirT alive in Wi- ? ' raw hrfp . , , the woro jvited by the , abandoned their death-deal. .-...dnn. .,e,.it..h.. d.rouLd. which ir.nu- not believe herself posssesscd. Hcrspir-, dwo.it. ,t th.,i, i .., , , ,,,,,.1 our shield.' lri.st the,, m .'"m. .. 'J wo,.k' ut Wm.Kor I But no. they would not for lCZiail.U erH. h.h! mineral, .wa-1 its rose with ihe,oecuiou that called forth, "' .,T', -..4,,, is taken" ehe continued. 'Hit; old man pressed her hand kindly :tl.tn -i.l. tho mvnl children. While ! seller in this city knew . .:i J..-1-....aa ....r.-.t ..nil v flow. I her latent energies, and she deter i... ued ; wine n was n. a si...u. . nv..ll ' well !" cried the old man. nn- . 'I,,, spoke, and with slow and feeble j ',,..,., .:; U'nloa for the I ti.nrt fl.rain ho had been l Wkt-H. I WoreiL.. ( Vvat'al. Ho-1 to lose not an hour in irresolute delay. I acres stood on the .row oi u. . . . j . j - ,- M.a, while his followed her to the dor, nnd watch, , ... .. ,, M,.t : .1... M1(llse of, death's door bv Mriut """TAil ZiLC: w-,..,:.x. '..,i Summoning a servant by a bell that! toot i vmuci. .ay u e oo.y am. )"", ' .....l Veini!,.,! with fearful interest; ,..i w,r with interest as she proudly and. A.2 miuWU,. ,,.t tl.,.v wouLVtOwaya-let-l rnnwuuuft. viicBiouiiaiVd n n. . . . , , t..nr.t- i.-iv.. urmu n nn "i.t? v t ....... .- .a. r---. seam Hint sail vessels iiiujhu-. - - , . ditlieult v.- In fact it -em-' o.ne ... iii...mw r ; . .. . . , hTrr7mrt-taviugJux.'ioiiL' ', "j ' 2 entire distances of their superior Hon, he was tievoieu.y uiluv. - , , j iUl, it , . -, killed," she replied. . : regain Ins sear i,j .tne , .. , , s,,n as I'm a man, ma s pung-TTrgrvHtesjiiojaio ?u lv - .. , i .j. Kl.a wu tl. l.enti ideal ol t;.l as ll u,i. "n uli I . . r,., , 1. v. -r. i ... l... i' t ... r. i Ktit".'ered. . .. . (mi . u.. ... l.mrntrwg Winiwi mm . : course. ll.oe that are 1101, can .... v.. -,".,,.-,.. ..i.ck.d ,, in or.ler that at nn v time he; i' .mat. ..r. o -,. ;uo. ....... . -v . y , ,f ; the. i!triifi,!.ut'i uibii . u uj r .o- rrr-; .-ih-ewrmnrarwfv--W' -and littto expense. Tlifi same CveT lm-trt.gt.t - . .. .... .... to arrest him. ;grew l.v id from lhev.m.'...m uie.xe,.e- Jy mslMllnce ... .e. ., ., ... ... t!jL.n sai, : "Well, little N ah", it vou will we wouiu notuoum ji.e - . 4 s, that the number of min-1 Irom her at limes in .p.n.o.., a.. . ...... ,- at hand to receive mettt. He had already Keen ma 10 a ..e ,eul enter..) me ....... , ... .. v...... , hoy, study hard, and when y..u cannot aim uiougn many v .... ma. v. ' . . ..... - I. ..I ... ,.'u reiidv to lav t ;.l .M.ro .is re.t.iv i.L inn.. . i ... . ... I , .:,n nil ' ... i... I.... ,.r e.i.ii i j t. .r the use ot . . ...t t . i i....l.t... .),., ill mat tbp.r vntea . 1 ana thermal springs in Morula is .ever . w.. ......... v i , ; ,( f ,mli, enfis s he d summit "i me capiuie ot . n. ".". l ;,.i-,iw up study some noiiprame jmji.cs- in.... .u .-Lf. -.i thuil twil lhims.'iM,l. Tlmh piiuiul down l.hi l.fu ... Imr sern.re. In shoilJj" , f (, h), Kill Mm i,.t.. Ui.it Uiil.l.iiig had ; n. llv,tU.l. y your cainto cJiidera- against l ie IlerarTSn MitaBCiaaiid.BwlattideofmHtitti4itUhe wt iwir.rtant4antiatuiylW!t 1111:1 i;mt:nia ui v; uie ...w.v n , iodiiic. Their volatile ingredients con.i-t ..t .,.l..t,..f.t,..l bv.lr.eepn ..nrboiiic acid, C'i'l , nun nifnitrtMi f'JtfS; 1 nenu triou nwn. vvapunteiC the water be cxpostji m an, B-. . i mien vessel to the atmosphere i run titsie then becomes insipid, in 'some instance, cither magnesia., or acrid. If Florida be U Wltll iiiiiiuiw. ...v-o, . ...:.i. ...... ... . J . . ... ., . , .. . r will it not Clash w ith the incory oi i roi. . .i tt, t ,.:i. 'iirassiz, who say. mo a e ....... .-. i.7.l. . .a . ...... oy ine corai worm mi. whiki .... i,nl,.,.b. n.,d H.t ir f,.lr them nmrards trf tine hundred thousand years to accm- . pliah it I :.-"."r.::. M EL A NC I R LY ACOtUENT. On Thurstlay last, in attcinpting to rain; the " Democratic r nig i oie, oe- tc ring role. fore tlie Court Hoiiso iu Ibis City, alter Ix'.iig raised jine distance it slipped ironx the control of those having its manage inent and fell with a terrible crash, str.k ing Mr. Charles Finch on the head add . -.i -. i . . . i .i . .... i.. Killing turn almost instantly . -nr. r.i a twml excel K.IU ana .wonuy rmwn, .w .1 .' 1 ,. . t e. t.:.. I r.. nig universal y esiecmeu or ms .i....u.-.j nvlu.if wftg t he rep y. ..... ...... '..ei.i .i.;..tny"t was "'y,,' ,.att rtnitlsiTY. . inBimu. ...rv.... of the .community are feit for his family . who are thus suddenly deprived of a ktrni .Sjirltvf tht Age. . .? . ' . L k. ' ,lic Wui'.''.''LiiiilritilV1 V.itiVLl.'i,v;'. -My.', ii' - - Pttrtrt to "pilitto, SrisV flrifnltnrf, ntrrnal kaiTTx rua thi coumia aaaaia. FIRST PRIZE TALE. MICH AEl"a LLSCOTT ; on m. THE SHOTIN TIME. A STORY OF MARION'S MEN. II V J. W. Kit V IN. CHAPTKlt HI. There la'a atrenflh lleep buried in mir heart, iif whech reek Hut little, till the eharta.iif hean have pierced ll fmK'le dwelling. Muil not earth be teal, ltefnre her cemf are riund? I niyuelf will save him !'' cried IWa, midileiily arousing from her. dejec tion, while her eyes flashed with new born energy ; "I "will appeal ijo more to the mercy of savage men, but Wthe sword 'of his country. They live by the sword, jattd wo! unto them, by the sword they ! Thus i"ikc the noble woman, as with .. . i . i .i i . .. . t a iinner siei Kite tiaeeu toe iii"r tii; her clmnilKjr. Tvnes am i iianrnxm imu that very morning visited the house short ly after the dawn, nnd made in) coneeal ment of the fact that Allscott had been cajitured by them but a few hours before, and they were equally unreserved in pro claiming their intention to have Imu puli i,,l,,nitv ,.l Ivncs As these t o ..'.., Mlaa Kin rl,.t,,n " he " to I will join with vmi in an attempt to oh- siirnilicain aim sim-trous titan toe nn ns-, : 'i. .... I -i . i,i man -eves IfasIlOU wiin no- , itain for this voting man pardon from thejese: CTdont;l. Arcrpt tinr rttrT'in Wc--irmrrt in u liieli it is 1 1 1 :i I lel mir 1 lillt etlortS will perhaps save b.m. .. Doras hrst thought was to spurn hs nniafsT of hitvut. wliioli tuilv rlojikoa i .. irrmHitntel wr-.i.Lr, with lh- U'iwtw4iS&T, minO, thMy ' -t " 'lJ . . i i. i ..a i. n,, trie add.t-, t .u , 2 1 l" ltMXvU ..t carry hi.u.witl, me; and were he to! m;ght render r.is.Jang. r.!.,t more imini- r ride was Tnrt. cl a htgft H hm . H,th her dark eves fixed And oiilv think what .Linger it would Lent, she turned toward, Harris.,,, with : 'ery aummj H.sgb V '-' a.Ui".1'."T "T ' bring upon Michael, wtrv it only I a brighter eve and answer, d, 1 .- ' r' 11 ' ' '.. t ..,,..t.t ..!. inforuU-d of that.' t.ected at the t rv catnp-.that I was on my ; I I "lthankyou.Mr.Ilan:-.,,riIam:on,.:;;.t nn. as m...... as u - ; Kerii fctill c.ntft.ue.l sii.-nt. way to seek out .fe X'S ' f-' ' who was a major in tlie P.vansi ser ne, .on.. ...... r ,- ,, .. 1 1 ...... , " ,-,.tiini.- . "in. means friend, lor irntrrr r..-a-oiis you niihl pcr- t :. i.i , i:.. .....v...;. I- tlno.L von i slender tonn nnd laultle-s proportion-, all ! " J " . ' . , .... . . .. v.' :.i. "... ,.;t .... . imuiis ii i i.i. ' . ... ,, i , ,, ,i i,. i sir, tor vour oiler, and do indeel accept , pr.M-lain.ed him ,.c of that th.4oug l,b.ed it. in the spirit iu which itjs .nade,.JVr,t:'"'l 1"!. 4 tt-MJ--'" 1mprii7fMsTt"-to7.myratnp will lw tie-,ju.?tTy the pndo oHrt.htia. , laved until a lale hour on to-morrow, tmt i-W-rptiye- and li..v auumd was. led as'sure as the-sim rl will vi-it your up to the pl.it to, -in me. w . !,.... a m. camp.". , !;..vt r. htitat, m jMra ,' '' Harrison, with his superior oflleer, de- .the sa.ld e. and ... l .w and g.-iiih, . ue, parte hnrrjn-fhirTfrrrtvrM ct iraHKiiess ot tue iiiai.i. n. - . a 1 jf l. l.i ... 'She has fallen iito my snare, was the self congratulatory thought of the lo ry major as lie left the htMi. "Fool that he is, to think that I be lieved or trut one so bl ly and faith less !" was the soliloquy of the fair Dora, as she ascended the stirca.se and entered her chamber. All the heroism of her na- ;turc m aroused, and with tl detertl.I- i sk hnr Reek out and cmUft her, without do . ? . i . i i i.i ; . , - , i lav, V-ro, a valuable and trusty servant, j who had been in childhood the plavmatt , - . ages; yet, when Ins youii; i iu "luestioii. a most liumbl yet, wmn ms ..;... - tiriil miobtrtl - a. It. IVIr f 4.ti- i.iiirtrnt4 I)iir:4 in -.i-- m....,,....., i4;d .. - - . . , N .Ta.it..iiiiu .eu,, ., - -j cap in hand, who halted .at the do- , am stood respecuui.y .a a.t.ug ' I,. I Ins vimnir misiress. ii.e.u v. on I .... ....r..i.i.,n .,t curiosity and ex - j r , , . i ; - - - - 1 i...tntiiin that t.rovoked a smile troin lo i. , . . , ' ,. . - ' 1 ru iltuUt her distress. The wrinkles mi , ' , ,' , . i .i.. i...;L I tl. old man s brow ami the U ink in his eye said as plainly as words -" M, "us sy ! what no.wf -. .. ttionung, iiiibhj, said tuo was - ; h;H , .V(.s w;(i,. .; " rcarimug lit will - ,,a.S ,'i0 wind." j , , wvu f0,j this iiioriting .1 ,. unn..' oi' " .. - . i va ...a'um bin we 1 leuieeo t.m - , , ii L , a Bjo anu lure' 1 "o i' lit( young mistress. w j.. . mgim T,e 0e as v ; wild as de tiger," . ... i. i...f t -i t int i i k c nil pai r v at 1 1 1 m ii in. ni. i' "i . . . . ..r.. ... . ... i, ii.n foi 1 1 1 nugg-- -TTrtTOi4t4 tm-wiut i-X.' 1 . . t ; i . . i i .1 1 . ...... 1 . i ,, , ... it 1 n r KMun ih. ki tit'iiriva 1- Nero was in HIS own estimation oim . - . , ., , :, e, to bear the news ol the lory gam Overcome Pv tne imense eeoem. ... - . ,, others will eticeringiv say u is j i nnsn wit l asuaUe expressive , wo u e '.'., ,,, , ,; a Im-ucU G,l morning .Uldv -Nero, - deeply was he' ab- w.thasigh "I havest nt l. r v . thoii'dit, r sod. H and inactive ; to know if Fearno.,ghtH.npK.r plight, ""firl 3tlm.il. ,. lulilh.css, .hat he .,,,.,,1 not l,r ,gh, " I mean, daddy Nero," asked Dora, " is he sure footed, and will lie g tro' all dimcnlticg!" " Sure-footed for true !" repliud Xer. opening lii n-yes witler and wider, "and he'll go to du lclilil if you'll' only eil him lino enough. Foarnought'n a mighty erited hore tor true." " Wellj then, Nero, he i jnut the horse I want," rcnlied lii iuistreh8. u I wish you to saddle him for mu at once ; and here' n valise I wish you to attach to the Middle for me." " Saddle l'eanionght for you, misy !" replied the old nmu with an incredulous frown and smile. "Why, there ain't a nijjrfer mils Wharton pit what dare for ride him. How den my own missia, my child Dora, gwinc for ride him J" " My father was a good horseman was he not " asked loru. " Yea, ma'am ! he ride like de dcbhil !" resiroiided Nero. Well, then, I think," replied 8lie,.' I'll nrove mvself hi.daiiirhter. Sadille Fear- f .1.. t" 1 rn .T.i ..' .. .v..it.vinii...n tiim " I she continued with a Hashing oye, f-r ! ( many a long mile, ay, even if ......i " il it cont me mv ; - ix-i me g. . uc, ...... . "I shall at ufl event need your attend .... tl, v .., vimr UUV It "'it " " serv.ee until 1 return, answereu snceva- I. II . .. i i " lank (..m! for dat, anyhow, eiacilla-; ted Ner.V receiving the valise which rhe : Willie he With dlllUllltV lllld llV 1 the an imal which she had ordered to be 1 -addled for her own use. , ...... ll . 1 .In truth I enniotight was as dd and fierce a htc'd as ever paced the Miltry ! plains of Arat)V. tail and ot miigniliceiii , iq iold V " : "- ' "'-. ' " , , ,' i . icuci let me put am. . ..o u .T'" i i 1 "x- "nn v i.riir-it.ifn Tin rri TP Jfrrrr so rx'iiii i.. i.i -t .A -.,l.Lw. .vo,.. ;:H!.l. a unj..iil-atinucr .aiia .axiami;i'.,'u..uan au..tjo.u. . . . . . . - " . .i i i I r..l in.U-t.iMiniU mir ri-iir; in cau.-e. when evtli the wo-1 i the earth and plunging a, out as it to ,. ..e K a,. . - 3 ."!...-' - or are insnired v. ill. the ,l , - r .r,vi, .7. t ton.- ' t S-iltt of IllMTtNl - si... I ... a. . I 1, . , III' III M tr. ill II llill tllli .-w 1 4 " Y.7u can't ri.le him. missy? l,.rved , " Marion's camp!" cja,-,, ated t ,e? old ; "!.,,., leave vou ...w ur e . tu ...... . 1. 1 j ii.i'i.l .1. .ii .1 i n if i- i t 1 sui 'ii ...... - , - r- , "rrrr.r.tTrrs.: .rrrr i.:; u.x XTT.ni,n,ru,c.i of an n.at I ItVi I I I! a(! I I'. J tlU fltl a" Hinini 1 i,..sii..r. think v..u not. there are nxi iii I it i'liiiini . ;iiaii. uuiv i 'uif . , .i ...-.I '....I. .v 1 ..I-I.,- eiiy as a taino, as i i. - gent e rider, and miudlul ot her aaieiy. ."-'", .. . Ki, wouutn .trongertl.au oUC dehhil" j " Ih.t if h.s scouts are all taken i s.ig- , i i i v i , i ,!, , 1 .rented Dora - witi, a capacious basket con, Inge iTt forts lor the sick man mi the saddle now. t'ora was sooi ... " - i 1 1 L ,. II. ...tin. t aliii.low .i .hi" tlie lire e r-i t t ei ... . .... .. uoor wav aim tosscu a iiiucn wiueuo, on, ll'oit beyond its margin. The bridle path that wound around the CtJiLtualut-lio.lkuLw ck - I on bv brushwood, that it wa payable i . .... tiii.lTiVc' ..,,. , .;,.,,, f L 1 ' ' i in.' at the door for admission, eros-ed toe ; fhresliold and entered ihu solc npartim id ; ( tt the but. The room was poorly and scantily fur ; ', In one corner vtiwrn a pcn-reim rtiri m IlellUy M.pplied, and before . . ..r . - . ..... the hearth, on which were arrange. I.. h. 1 ft;w culii.ai'V utensils which the o. ' Jios-it ssed, stood a rude bench and a cm I pie of oaken chairs. The floor was I'ault ilcssly tileatt, and even the pine shelves,' ulii.b wen nri-ani'tid the briirht tin ....... ..! i.,.aiii, .il..tr.u l,.iev. tl... tr:t.u..A ul .e. r - ----r footsteps us she crosse. i His feet encased hi a soft, pair of moi-cn-:iiis, and a blanket thrown around his I shoulders, supplying the place of eon and ..... ur...,.t he KJ.t vetllllllL' over llie se.im y i . " ... .. ... . t e.. or. tiici Ml) iroll Pot was hieainmg. . '. , . i.. I -t ...l...r ,j4. I.,nir bony Juufttri. clasped together, ---- - - r. 1 ... ,r !. ,, Iseeminglv lost in thought, Dora paused and gaaed Hit him for a tnomcnt before islie vcnturcii in amtresa un, - -:. .. . :..:u - W tmMH"J-!r "-viV-- A -S. VC ' '. on- hut, over which a grow in. oi ma-m ,. . .,. , - .. L ,w. - . i.,, .ftww-, r.1i!.iislfd fraiiMtiL--e.-,. .,,.,. ., -friTrrtriwrnKHl wlih tirilitfea! - rv-- - - rr.- TeiirfiW -i Uni IT I" H tll'.II. to ..111..11 liia ... --.v - i . iiiioio v.... L - a I ot the lore-it Hung their Mi.llvi.. ,-""r. . , . , .,. ... i ., , , , . . . ... .... ......,,. r.... .1 v i ...... . -r. . tu mt tt ...... ......... v.:nV.nn -.. l e ...... t rr.n..rnr vrnnintt'e. .- - - l a ....II fnfiTttlit l4 ilri H lit' ITrtW(.M IIH lllll-firm.''. mprourmr nt5, (Cmamrrrr, t)t OJSBUJtY, N. C, AUGUST 17, 1854. Far bcyondJhe common heiglit, with a broad and capacious chest, his figure still bore evidence of gigantic Btsength. As he sato bowed uowu with his head bent till it hnng above his knees, and his sinewy hands laid up on his lap, with his long thin pale fin gers intertwined with one another, and his sunken meditative eyes fixed upon the floor, his air was so stern that the maiden almost trembled before him. Stiff as the quills of this fretful porcupine, his bristliug hair grizzled with age, rose above his huge massive forehead, which was deeply and thickly furrowed with wrinkles. Hi face was long, withered und darkened by exposure; hi long and acquilino nose iidiled dereriniiiatiou and expression to his features, while his lull projecting nether lip gave additional harshness to his countenance. Dora gazed silently ujMin him for a mo ment and then advanced to the spot where the old . man sat. Hearing the rustliii" of her dress, he turning suddon- lv iirontid raised hiu arnntiu raiseJ Inmsell erect uit ma seal, and lix. d upon her his keen prey eye l" 1"K"Jl' B"-,"i;i""j u....v. r coal-black bushy brows mat projecieu ,i., , . ,-rr vn tt.,.r v. 'tremely ill," said she advancing and kind lv extending her halid, and 1 have cmie 1 f . . t- I I f V . all . , , ,,,, 'i:.. ,.; ....i.u t,.it ..f itriTiiiicss. " " - . - . . ..-, i,..J, " Z li ,t "Mr. Kerr," said she at am told y.i know Imw to in v wav to Marion's camp. length, "I direct me on ( an vou do The old man stared wildly, and fixed -One n onu-nt. Mr. Kerr, I beg in n. hi ; nr. i .., i i hum in mi: win ' tin ' i uiii"'-v i . ..:..i totii-. ' v'"l li.i la.'uL'ut U ;L .uuXXutriuu. - - n . . , ,,f foru 'infill'' to inn in orinaiion so nn ... , h . , ., .. aI,m., but am ' ' 1 ' r - . if 1f v tttrV,.th,;r general wW - il.for - tin voir it mv bi, t ,.mnn . ' - ,ixin., ; M,rilir. spic trv l " - I : and s.oiils eiioii-'li in the country .- . . c j,"" " ..-.. . .... r: 1 I... I I ..v.-r and ,r:i.ed but what do Vou Know iiihuh o, " .-l.:iia. . '-; - - - n j "r. ,' ami his na u s were ore - - - - . . . ,. , ' getlier, wnai oi -never uuiei .v.. vliat more ( And Ki. hbourg!" she an cried inn '!.' ni'Maimm - . .... .1 I .. "All irone . lie at leligtn groaoen ...id "niiil oiilv 1 an. left, feetde, sliat I. ii.ni fur lib. or a hall . score hours of heal, I. and slrengin, . . i .1 1 I w. ., .Id then willingly be do w a arm,,,,,,,,, like a i unto shadow, carciui.) aiiu - "Mr Kerr, said Dora, in a lirm ami Kl,i.Li... tun,. -Will vou not trust tnef I am mi mv w av to Ma. ioii s camp ; will you not uyir aside your pn ildent distrust and rlircct me thither 1 low" knew yu aught, of my connec lion with-Marimii' imiuire-1 Kerr stern lyV "AVIin i told you HiUt.1 kcw the; so f . . hrieiid, " and i will tell 'you my whol: wt ... ..... nltleliMv IMV lrttnon..! ,..y ;" ami without a moment s lies ,. ,i,m Bhe told bin, .. tm, c.iav,,.. ... ...-.... ... . ..- . . - tw,;c. them, and tho ...o ivcs m . in. Iu. with .1,,, vomi" w hi" to intrust ner; It 75110,?- camp, which he held " It is tho. good prov i .1 t.i ...i.. ho had hoard. her saiit me "i" "".. - , .......fr lint. .1.1 volt think to iro aloii(i I "Altogether alone," bIio, rej.lied. "I ihircnot risk exiting -our gtmeral's sc.-. crct hiding ld,' by; carrying ycti a " ;." f 1.V" ' " "V ' V.".'- -. .- 'I gtrti ono Srto.ro, .totality, sino-lo domestic with me." "The camp is full fifty miles away," said the old man ; "can you undergo the fatigue t" "i am ready to lay down even my life, so I can but see our brave general," she replied with warmth. . .. ., i .i i . i lio it so, tnen, my emiu, answereu thc old man, " ami stooping flown ne disolaced a stone faun the rude heartli, ;ng altogether too strong for, his own ca and drew forth a map, upon which !Dacitv of endurance, ottered his pew for taiu uown me ciuei roaus . mai kui of country, and the hiding places fre- quented by the partisan." - intelligible manner, he pointed out to her I J-l T ' . the route she must take to reach t!ie camp, eVery Sunday till further orders. The or rather to full iu with a guide, who i ew wa8 jn a mogt conspicuous and eligi would conduct her" to Marion; for tho:(0 Bituation, and when on the succeed camp itself, wliich lay in the heart of an in? Sun,) tho son of Africa and his extensive swamp, could only be reached L, took possession, they were tho "ob l.y one thoroughly acquainted with the gerve, 0f aH observer." intrU-acies of Uie locality. H was not many minutes before! the oc " Thank you, Mr. Kerr, thank von," CI1)llflp, Mf. neighboring pews Vacated replied Dora, when the old man had o"-1 tleir places, and the looks of indignation i-lii.li il : " I iinw ft'ol secure of mv ol- i . iV t .1..... ,..t n ...,, iliu im nnli-iti ject, ami rest assured that Marion secret i txi,j,ited the tue character of their abo- Alcautora, two pages, and as innn ca is as sate with me as with the best A- Vth)n philanthropy. Tho next tinie the valiers, were all who stocKl forward m de- divr of Ins camp. "1 believe you, my cmlil, answered the old man kindly ; "I had judged you ! kiiow ot olil Isaac '"ir" I hat he was bitterly ot-i ton. posed tons, and did not dream that chad had converted you to whiggery." " .Nor did be. nuteeil, reiilietl lora, .i-u- l i,r.. .tl.,l i iri.l.-iifn.lencu i lioW .:i,iWh.lV bth. - c,H.t-i;, lie-lit as he he iked upon tho noble wo man whose earnest features gave addi tional force to her language. I "(jod bless vou for n worthy decern! ,nt of Scotland's glorious martyrs ! as will i-.-Miuiu mid nurse lull durmir - y ' v..nr LN'Li... ii ii til mv i-a.urii. Nuv. I ' ........... , r, . van UkiTiw rZiwd, cuntiuueil ilie,tiecin ! , .. . .1 , - vou ! with me a faithful and discreet servant,; . nm cro to jcioaio jom -. , oi ....- , mWrntrTV fnait ' "-VnC " Ah! d-ar young ladv." said -the old (, the fn ' man, shakih" his head -Ul.lit.glv, "have 'rl-wd, one ! JrvI rtj,m;rhtTrf- the -.HHtrttrt'eti slah-l ing the -sup) .erf - thc co,m.ry-of the. lawless and -vieerwith ittt .lent men wlit y.. ,.y em-ou, l- .id,rt - Will not v..r maid;-.. les.y el.ri.ik an unfortim v..h may fwimiiw 'maiden desty shrink back'fmm ilangers greater than death; "Believe in.', no," replied 1 .,ra, firm- lv. "I would tru-t in al.rav'e steed, ileet la's the wind." that w-uld bear me oir in . , . ,, , ..t..,,, .:.i, Hil safety thrmgh the bl.s-.ly l arlt.m vtl. all I his troop were at inv heels '. I; .-f!.... , ' hw .!, w iieauiiiut iai.i.n o. "i..t .... , l.i ,1 his tlailv food; " but ' behold tlie eye ol the MM'.l IS Upon llic.ll toai itni aton, -r r .. -- lv r:;, ri- .rt'" confidently took her si ;1 1 r - at "''."m 'T ot her impanel. i siecu. ne ... . . ... i ue i,,.ioe.. .... with his ev es as site iiirne.i away .. trail".1 and romantic mission, aim us sue disappeared (Your his -sight ctzed with Jl , t bThreh fits trrHp-aiid csrrmrtt?rr-tnrrtr H.etl suKiecieti, ne net ;nm- ........... . . I . 1 I.I. w, ...II .1. ; .oi,! permitted himself to I J.i, t.. I bed bv Nero, who, win "" w,Ul "1 . . rueful cmtntenal.ee. waiKC. i, I .,K-.i thn walked about the i. . - IcittHtitiLe ihe wmits ol'- the u:k uiuu, an. ,,u. !lM,i then ,iu hiiu- a tear ...m, honest eve. ns the sad memory cros sse.l hi,,, f bis kind mistress departing atom. ..,,,1 unattended oil sonic mysterious mis sion, the sccrwt of which he was not (-r- - ; ,itted to share. uMuluJl Mf! me, I.) ; . - ; ... . t ; . It ........ . -i-.ii. 1 .M" ITU I V f Of Tllk.t-l."I- kka fl,e New Vo.k.TJ.ays : -, . influential ,( l5l,w,k,v, among whm.i is I i.nit.ei t. are making elf-.rt to oh ,111,nS,ui il( lain ..n. ... t . Fn.nk.in aveii.fe, Watme, pa- -J lieillS l.eei.Kii.if; .... . j ,-idcncc of (iod,"Dr. Kilter, a honi.rpafliic phys cinu, lias had- twenty choienvq.aucms ... all of vvlioinrecovercu except iu. ical aid was called to these latter in the lat stngo of tho disease,' but. at a time when no itcmodicrcoifld affnl relief. - ' " - :'. j;. ' '-- " ; . .- -n-i.-Tlii,inil'"t.Tailfi. B&'''rJtf."Jf "'1'ii';i?'Tft ''Tri"" ajt "V ' ...a- irt te omilg (Orrltv BRIMSTONE COUNER. This is the very appropriate title of the corner of a Boston street, on which the chSirch of Theodore Parker is situated. A friend iiiforjns us of an incident con nected with this same abolition cathedral wliich strictly illustrates abolition consis tency. An individual who had attended tlie ehurch, bi found the flltraism bear- gale but was lor a 'ong lime unauie v MM It". 1 1 1 1 L WJU B I ' ' 1 1 n 1 "V. ui.wv.w ' - I fij purchaser. He at length hit upon ,hfi cHans expedient of a sham sale of W IU II IJ V M V " I 1 1 tt Mini I tie pew wjt, J,H wife und children ., ,.. . I IIPL'TO tttt negro attended church he found tho pew . r- ... . . 1 j,j(Mjr locked, but he lifted his affectionate row ail(i j,ai,0 cl,crub over thenclo- sure, then followed himself, listening with ,tj.i:r!,.u;.,,1 ,i the abolition theories M-j)Voin the pulpit, in such strange contrast with the practice of the eople. The ,t,;r,i m.t of t . n neirro to attend ser- vf c.n .i"-...,...,l i. l.M.L-i,. Ai:MN(.s Ol I UOV IDh.NLh. We verily believe that the warnings l ..I .,,,.., r.f(I.l n.e constantly ! - tlJti litle-snes anu excuu meir uiiiiKiiauoii against the excessive use nnU destructive j 'tendency of the traftit: in liitoxicatingi Iriuks. In our own City and County lu , . ,i . i t riii'r t ic :renclil vear, we inois, nai- ---r. r ' - been exhibitions ol hub iaci, sum. i. oi.. -1iftr ninl htmnif. to have; uvtlk(Mio thc .jlttisl?, and Ueoh .niU-riiliuu .f cv ry man. . .-ln-.;4anngrj Ja,w?iili of '-Italcigh- were voting to .municipal j. of the ,eing the suppression of grog shops in the city, there wa a commitment trial tin b,4w ( tliree men for a bru tal murder Jjt ..ft . jju-J---uHift fin the first .lav of tho campaign lust ehw.l. one i me pron.utviit i.im-o .. : in" the -snpprewuon-oi iuc sysiem v. fm'rwith tntoxtcatmg- arttiks ny tnctran hiwirresi KHit fwt w "r ' "r1 1 , an unfortunate man was made drunk l i flrt I'lifherini'. and w as drownert on , 'his way home. ;Attdn -the day previous 1 1,, the elec'tioii, atiolhcr limn was stricken j down muter the inllueiico of lnpior and ...x ... . ---f.- ; home. ;Atttn-the iay pievtous , in an install. mi" ten iutt . . . i i : ,i ..H..o.- i Is there no meaning no wanting in these awful visitations of (tod's wrath and judgement? Ami will not men lay them solemnly to heart and profit I l,..ie t..rril.l atli.ttinitiotts t-Sinnt t the .... .. ..... a Aye. - f - 1 - 7TtTSTTr tthtisiuv; "i .n.-. ' I he retunie.l home, before he would allow i. ,., ,. :,,..,. i. taken fmrn bis! , ; .',,,.. Hatoiiian. and tind- . l. I.".,... H.,t.,i.i,m mill tirul. ing her in the royal nursery win. ins sis- ...... ., ..- n , ... , . . . he ndvanced towards cri'.A to i:k sold. hiifa ridiculous story that is which ,1... ...t..e,.,.l. that i.i ruse' the remains r.'"l ' .?...,,. l ;., tl... r..v..Tntl..ii i ;,1JU,...1..1t4 are siiccesslul in ' MiHUr'i'iiia ill L: nttuVii a?it e. - , n s,.lr,..j i Spain, Cuba will be ! in v.s .1 - 1 . I - tv t .i fnii rl Id . II these iciegrapinc ti.-.n-' ." , ,.., 11Rt.l vos to facts in their com . . .. ., ,.i ..,,,,., c.ttii 1 liinme.tTions, nicy ........ i their duty than -by mixing up with their litems of intelligence their opinions ami 1 view s of the etl'ect-s and consequences tit Luch fiefs. NTow, if nil who have. the l.li.d.test knowledire of tndities at Madrid Lk.Ttttwi, Otmight to know, that this party 'of the revolution is the wry party wluch ;.. . I.iwtiht to the sale of Cuba, and that tlieir success, of which there is little ! hope, would render that event ev en more 11 lllt'iv: -X. O. I improbable than it is at present. - i IMta. ., 4 1 tin ft? it. The Xew York E press savsje A company of black sol diers piirudcd-lho streets yesterday after noon, carrying tho American flag. Then? were about twenty in tho company, one quarter of whom were olliccrs, and the wlmlo were preceded by eight white mu sicians. - i - '' '- .- .. Authorities, m the upfer j.art ,,a' ! ,,f Tcmperairce. But, alas 1 now his gait-Cutrt-House, the mam -f""'""' "tissue, , nj t),0 inebriate's-sillr . . I 1 .1 NUMBER XIII DEATH OF PIZABBO. Three hnudred and thirteen years ago A writer in Blackwood's Magazine thus Fizarro was murdered in his own house, notices the event : " They that take the sword shall perish bv the sword." Bv the sword he had ri sen ; by the sword he was to perish; not on some wen lougm oaiue uciu, shouts of victorr ringing in his ear, but in his Dalace hall, bv the assassin's blade. 'In his own fair capital of ijima, Uie cut jof Kings, the gem of Uie racifie, wUicli 1 - . .. incredible rapidity, for I izarro sceinea w 1 O '.. - 1 ill! j'tS wmY sj - score of consiiirators assembled at the house ot Amalgro's son, plotted his death. It was on Sunday in June 1541, at tha hour of dinner, that they burst into liia apartment with cries of "Death to the tyrant." A number of visitors were with him but they were imperfectly armed, ..ml l..afrtpl liim. oscnuinc bv the win dows, anJ his half brother, Martinex do fence of tticir erne , incy sooutcu, o.ur- , l.w nnmhAn anil pnvpmu Wltll j " i m 1 1. u iv , u uviw - wounds. Bnt Pizarro was not the maa to meekly meet his death. Alone, with out armor, his cloak around one arm, his good sword in his right hand, with a vi gor and intrepidity surprising at his ad- auced age, the old hero kept bis cowara- lv hAsailatit at bar. yc come to kill me in my own house!" And, as lie spoKo two ot uis enemies fell beneath his blows, lltedaaiha Jel'M of' tlie conspirators, impatient of the de lay called out: " Why arc wo so long about it ? Down withwjth ; tho. tyrant:. . and taking one " of Us coinpnnions in arms, nc inrusi mm agamst, me manjino. t;, i.iil.o.tlo nrnmilinrr Willi fllS Ot- ,ut Bt ,imt ni0ment, he received a wonnd in the throat, and reeling, he Sunk on tho H"r, when the. swords of luida and sev. wtLere Scfe plungeU mto W8 D03, tracing a cross witli ins Dioouy ungcr uit the floor, ho bent down his head to kiss it, when & stroke nioro tirccly than tjhe rest, put an end to ins existence. AWTtLANDSa)DENDEATII. Seated in onr office on Wednesday afternoon la, (the day before the ' election) wc saw pas bv onr-otace a Tcifli it S mart' tcittTWoffl' we hiivreften-sat the citizens tlta Division room,.nd whoso manly . , .rt infiviiiee we had Saay a'tiinS heard iiL-eR . y j. nftb causa -1 . , r . . . i.t ,- on" his coufittjiiance. The sight . , . i gtrorl2rer impre- cation than ever arose within us against rDBrvm-wipKririOT young man from the high path of sobrie ty and honor, and turned him again into tho drunkard's downward way from which we had hoped him piico redeemed. , In less than an hour, upou titer sultry Hi'iize. ttiore carnc a voice orwfi. Desoatchin a messenger were soon in- .- :. i t. .. t,xmA ol. j Wt. i,nmea;atl.iy on reaching home w .jj with a fit, an was JuI!M (. (. j , wi,at a sight was there, wh lorin. lunt vni iott.iv. .vi.u iii ;1lej;at..lv on reaehinff home WAS what a scene I Twas enough to melt a heart of adamant, to bear the cries and witness the distress of that stricken mother -"for ho was an only son, and she was a wddow." Could the vile wretch who sold him tho li.uior that caused his death, have heard ! tltu tjjirajthat.tlitractett mother to a sill-avenging vtou tor reinounun jv. KOUiu navo ng traffic. every liquor that time anti irought near trem.n and tint lave-th- J J ' . , .. ; poison. Surely they must be satisfied now. that tucv have sent Ullll reeling tu- tA ita irravp. To-morrow. thotiL'ht wc, an election is to be held in this City and County, and Will the eyes of men, christian, thinking men never be open to their high duty in this great matter i Spirit of tte Aye, MORE BITfEIl FKUIT. . ... A Correspondent in Davie county writes that there has also fallen thero a victim to the ruinous practice of treating with ardent spirits by candidates. A young man named Jesse Caton attetldod otie'df the gatherings where the whiskey hottlu was circulated freely, where he be came helplessly intoxicated ami on tho nnvt .IihtTip. wits seized with a snecession . of tits wliich terminated in a few hours in his death 1 If there is anything that, will arouso public indignation against this pernicious .system, it must bo tho slaugh ter and destruction of human life which it occasions in a community. It would no .loiibt be a startling array, if wo could lav before tho people the number of men who have been brought to an untimely -end, this campaign through this horriblo and revolting agency 1 Has thero been titty? Perhaps all of that 1 Whrui to answer tor it beforo Ood 1 . Sjntitof.thc Age- " V;f f - f?- r I-' (1 r 1 1- "t - s-l e-J i r. V

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