.J v-' ,,Vj win- Mr VOL: SKUIES. ' - SALISBURY, N. C., SEPTEMBER 7, 1854. NUMBER XVI Ul L i 'f J; Vil A ;i 1 . U Ik H J I ' - " ' I J BBUNEB, BoiToii asi puoi'ribtor. TER3IS : Mi I i Aer I k.J a-iM a f It fed ma-. AeUen w the Edilur mut be p.t pud, .Ilea. too. a 5 H -r. s 2 a i C 1 a. r. i.w.mm---- . k3 013 - ; ft Bi -ysi 41 f ' S5SS..-- 2 p - -T S 3 r. 0 3 2 s, A tquftrr it 111. .par i-rrupivd by 16 eUmr Ittit-fi. Aa liirrrliwninl in ikiiij; 1 or l quart-. h..r t is pf.-t-urn..n l.i I t-jtiaro : AUknif ..r 'J r--. charff d in pn-p.rtHm lj tkjr. All iVai Ikkiii ..f . a -;r -quaJ u. 'if i, rharirrd i proputliou to tlir wltoIe,.'f , which it frarthHial part. Occammial rrnfwala, wil'hout adJi1i.itinl fliaf-., fnutrd tu IhuM why advrrnac regular); llifirtigli l.i.-y-i-a. Thre d.41ara (i-r aDnminriii candiilata for ..fTu'... i'urt Krdera charfrd -i pf ct-nl hiffli'T lltan l'i. abort rafrav Itrdrra tnr dtTtirre erf husfe-utd and wtf-. (lUrarh. I i" frfima k ndinf in advrtipruiiili ur.- r-.ur.l-vd lu atutf tli nuiUlH'r ol nv-rl k.iiIi r'-ijiLi.-U . lohI if it ia wiahd lhy ihould .-erupv llii. In,. i.i;i.-. p.'.i. a, vril up. HI the back llie w.iril rW. I llli-ra ih y will be put up iu the uauul at) it anj rliar.Hl s-irdi.iir.- Cj Su dtacMint on tbeae rati-a. JESl'ITS )ATII. pinSTsli' in 'ITua'' cTiiiuH the 'Jesu- it's Oatli. The public will see that there is no reliance to be placed on a llotnau Catholic Jesuit, iu regard to the political interests-of the country or the social hap ro Dollar, .rear, paid wilhm three mon'lii. from ..II ... ..f I.;. II..!:.. ' ; : , ' ! ' . - rtariMrTimiiM.t hj a ...... if ... . - . . . - F"", tiraclic-allv here f .A dtoit in fmrmn i me vmr, nd Ihnr M- i . ..- .... .- . ' Ilic nitiri-u LToCOr. w ht yeu r.n npirvil. . pap r diKoiuiii. j I'-" cim i iwmiiui uut iriue, xn TO 1 ....tiE" "f tlie .i'1'f..feLla.i. auce, pol.incul and religious, to a l'.-ieigu .1. ' , .... . i , ... raW'it'twfr'itHlhrww reputation ami nie. .vud vet u.ey cuu . .. 1 I-.- .1.1 a ta ata uran ntjmrtfri iie"?"s mt tile .. n ... . . .. ........ . 1 .....1. .1... i sanction and npiilaus f their Luctul s 1 . ",. . . MiMUtfx vile Italian I'rieat. . What is, to-be done in such a caae, in Potentate, thev can dtistrov. i.ur ln.u:u- .'.'! U'.Itv uiivlerauce.' tierw-euti. .u .V hUxU t... ,. . . . , .i..-,i (.,; .J,- iintoniied hiuwll tit Uie lrut 4alV of the"" l nriittnias: inWntSg; thvre was ado many a hm iav he trm-called br-.no ' i .t. l-'j. t i j ; v.JiXU, io.- tWwittrt - V!i--r:r : -.- -;i -' . ' , - t - v - -',-- ' . - ", " " ' o" '. : """'' ?i' " VTsericTofe'''niiT,Tr'.!ii"'' ,iieTi TVuiTd.-rs ii,""'!! or more boys iLsseiiitded lit the school- l ollier name tliaii 4 ItiMw tbo It.ii.tlat . tians uirougM irauu ana corru piion or h , , , , , .c-ii.y lend m.-ntallv balder. I p. ai , uggie "r i.uuv a- poiuu-iaus is.av, uie i ' " , , , ., .' . . .. J . "!"" .2 . , , ., ' , . ; attempted to nod tuiitrf.-r.eJ find torce J -u, i .t, .I-M-wri;n--wi-.4-i-sT.--H'T-.f---- 4riTt-.'r-'tl-l4' 3lp-AlwW,' ..hoUaU to couimeliw iittf. bmtlcHiki. - llttir . - T2. - arminniMt Hut niilmanal I NMinTkifinih i r nrtir-'---tfen Tott p 1r r.rmes-Ift.lt tmiSt two rtrd patr.r- nreil.(,iT.TeTTodi.--o70ToJi. ''JL . . , fm. Ti ii n a i n the IVqie of Borne. r -. the pafli.,t.- ..f T.i as ates." irml ,ie1r ' '"f: lr'' . f-f- -' f -f h c im.iak K. . ASM ( I A 1 1 tS . . ; -tW we-elhavrTe-- vhttntoto - - lh.te.1 a more formidable attack than was Vou many lather ? a ol, told Aunt Char- ... - . i .i i i , i- i. ,. i i- it aiT'ers tloii t know what tin v ale, our mg fiemeiit in the i" diiii-.u urnggies oi . , , . , , , ,. . - ... , i- - , - . . .. . ; lotte yon had Ttll tho money ,aen. ot this country and otj.er, have been hut loreign Koma-i ( a'.ioie. -ti.en ,,... fM ,-,. a,ff ,, w,. .hrco.mtrv : and JM i,ativ Amer-. '''-y 'ak -kiiouii ... the public ,!,c expeeied W e were becoming ii.ij.afent jj Msl thjUj h n,? ir!' 'y',1."w"tl'u U ndo enaiice is brought P. our ilnisk w,li(.h nf,.(.arv f.,ar i(,u,s to tuiite for self TrWrvation. A ml principles of their lerrw1,iclr-aW' V iIr' :4 "' JduwX' AiM,uJ4 ail Oiners, tlie riglits 01 cilizei.sii.p and very do.-.rs, hall we hot resist it ! .veil .... l. ,. ,. ,i. i.. 7.., .... ., .1 ... ".: M, ....im-Ti .7- ' ., , ..ilfc"' ''.V the.r luthers. and deeded on.:,, fu iu r,.t,; Jiru,i i,U . Uigue.itisdijJicultP.bay. Itisnothard.iparehmlnt, written with 1,1 .1. By this however, to come to a right .elusion, if ight thev hold it. The is mep.e- , , - i ,,i we were tiernutted to exercise common ; tioi.ahle. nor can thev gi.ii.sav it. Whet. ease and award justice iu the' ease. F.v- otheis shall at.e.npt" to hiv claim-, it i.- erraWahouldbc treated as an atun, ' time to resist. It s true that the,;, is a j j i t .i - i . i . I -i io i i a . and deprived of the right of voting and common nght with a . It i the nirhttu . . i if. . i .i - . i ... n ii . i of holding property, whether native or ; .fe, ibertv and the pur-nits r.f happi-1 foreign. Vhv tl.i; society has been the 1 m ss." This belongs t, ,!,u world, hi, object of censure-eve., in Catholic conn- the inheritance of every man, deeded bv , tries in Europe. Their rascality was too the A lu.i'dit v. Bet America belong, t-! muA.1. for ..Ln r-,,r.,i..n I'ni.ere- Lot v,-. I....!. i- i, Tt.r -. . .-I. J . . they come here ami established school, '.-llingfti1r M'4'' "t"-"'"- t-1"" - ' - Aireoii I nj vi wrc iHiuwii i amuiii; A hi lu-. fuL Thev have i list aUmt as much bu-; sineiS among us, in this Protestant coun-! try, as the Devil has in l aradise. Aite lo-uuwuii; is a eopy ot ti.e oesuiia ; oath. 44 which, sava a contomnorv. " has I been in print, under the sanction ot high literary names, for centuries." Many of our readers will remember, that in a sechirian controversy some vears since, this same oath was published in aupiwrt of an argument, and its uuthen- lifilv tlo.lloli iMv.Mn.tlv iboourl u-a Bill. iofactorilv : f....:i A.. : :,. 'V,,J ...--..fc.. ...v..,-.., ......... a ii n-,.. ...... .w, ..v.i.l.ii.... o. now aamtucr,, antt vrtJ itct-d m ttierer..r - recapitulate the pr.KAf adduced on that . TrrrasTOTK Itrl-ivin - .it intniii I . -e t H illtrrBrli 0tVlPTnaTeirT.rihe' samr - p.-- motive mat iiuiucea us previous produc- tion : we uo not intcuu to use ita an ar L'timeut in religious controversy, hut re icr to it, in Minni.ou bearing 111.011 tne duties, rights and Iibertie4 of citizen. l r-J..-'''-J- Mi-f'W-je. M tlmtwjluH Lommcivml.. , 1)(,lu ,m.;lSure for the fulfilment of her " l. A. Ii, now iu the prestuu of Almighty i'1"1-1'- "he can always do so, ," ""''' 01, tin- bksatej- Virgin Alary, the hl... .1 Ml- tlx- lojifinUiU .,. ,,it. No one can t.b clntel the An.lisngi l, the 1,1. a-sed Sl John lb.- ject again-t this doctrine, because St. lUptist, thu Holy Apontl.it St. VvU-t mid Si. Paul 01'dered obedience to the superior I'aul, nd th: Saints arid Siur.d Bosh of H a .power. But here Paul speaks only of vwi, and to you my 'iostly Father, do d. l.irc ,uiei ior power. Hot iff the secular one : from my heart about tiiKiititl niTViiiioii, that ami who ifitS. prtdend l't'l tt'iAJjiWAi. ... . . . , ... , . j . ' k-ju liptural, and w the tru ait-1. only H-ad , liiaUHi-(itaw.r 4JM.Ju.va.-itf 4htatlMM'l - iHvi ' . ,. ,, ,. -, . . , , ,, ' ILL' iive . ti. In. If niia bv Jill( iris .o7ni(( I " , I rw m iJfjmiir iirrrittni n my, irntt:t, '.jituiti, OuHMuumniiihi, . (fwtrmh, " J-imj ilteial triAottf liit meml ronjirmiiMu, '".V "'"y "'y t dnlniplt; lle-ro- t.r.: to th uuiMAst of i.iy pow.r 1 will 10.H.M. mi . ,KiKiaa..l hi, Hol.ri.-sV llighu and 4 ustisaia ngaiiisl ll I'snrpera, of iho Jlirthait "L V,"!',"'U"' """"''' rTZPi ' ' T: r, ' , i ry V";ri in I.iilxu 1, and all adherents, in .P-gael thai .... . 1 . .. . " 1 ii.- usuriitii itun lirreltral oiiljllig 11'- i-a- ..."i MUi.r (;,r,-i'..f K.m.. . , . .... 411...: "v iLiiH-s'tiitrr itnut inmtrHa jn'j .iiiry,.,.,. . nuui 'ajniph 9, oMitnrr Io of Iktir I inrrior Mamtlratfi t,r Oifirm. I do further Kiliire the diK-trin of tlia t'liurrh of Etij;liid, oi uiw vuiviiiiau .1 ..gurnets, ana OIHrr frolett - mils to bo iiimxaui.k, axd inosa to tit DAMN to who will not rMA.u ran 1 'do fur - on riiKiTWiS. I tin flirt litr nr.itniA n.l .1.-..luav. tl,, . f i inM1My , ,,,., ) .1 milinery way) nor yet Hr. Augustus hentiail, for iht .ny-iu.oii o" Kimpkiiii1, who ha " seen life on the Con tht mother Vhureh't inkntttyt kcP swKirr ' I",eMt'" ad .thinks tlin "opera dernned .l i kivaik all HKB (, W eocKSCi.-. ; il..v ntr,ist uk-, and not to dfvnl diril'v r iniimctiv, i.y r.T. wntiiic; t.r ireum.t4ii:f ,!ut.H v. r. la rtci Kxtci TK ai l ' wHu n KiiAtL hk i-hoioRtn, Hiuji tit y iiAKot. o licoT - KHKti i nto Mk, l.y j L.ii, my il,ot!y l atlu r, or I.y any or tin- ..-i.ai.t. : "All .Mi, I, A.li,, do 'isr by tho l,l.iid i Iriniiy. and l l.--. .1 laiiuut. I.k1i 1 am n.w !!':". .' . v Jrt to k.,,. 'T'; . i ' .""'.V . . V tt"d - t. i .i - . . il'll'JU? 14131 Ul litilll II 1(1 laiLlMViM 111 Ir'HI IHIilf liwim lu kt ti I h is it j v it.'tllJ. In lollliiiiiiv I.tn-- ,.f I i .L.. ii. .,.! 1. ,i ... I t.i ..I i...V. fth Kucliaiit. nihl Mitn,M iam.. further itl ,y h.iud aud ,ca!, ... tl, .(aw f tUi. Holy t'on.ia.ii." - - --- Fr. ,h, A,.r,c.n s..n.,.,,l. T1IK CIIY OF I'KIISK( r i lOX. Jesuitisni is not vet dead. It was no - ver more appait ntlv mani!e.-ted tlian i: the course pumiied b the Most Ibdv (iiuch, in the cry of Proscription. JVr secutivr Int .!. ranee, and other kindred epreT-ioiis. Nuvv that they are "driven to the Wiu!-," i.i.d know full well that their inlliiei.ee in political matters ha 'Cye. I'.ut we believe they will be chan .vell ni.'h received its death blow, it i, ' tabtv d;att with. For. as an old seaman ... .i i i t..;,i ..c .,i.rj ..'r.. i;.,. i. ,..i oi in, .niiiis. ii.ni in m-.-ir nit- in pocrni- . . I I . I .1 .1 . . . e.i! wincing ..fthe men w ho have id avs rilled, w hen al nieiieaiis he n the same to-d.i le, -with an ii'vu rod. ,V- .t deceived. Jt-suidsiu ii. y that it ever has ben.. v and intolerance of the and tin- cr.n llouii-h t'hiireU has n..teliM!ijrt-d. dt can- not change, it ii an Inf:illa4i 'hureh, . ;md therefore, when they laise the cry of .(lerjetutiuii, it .tali .Wliupuu their lii;ad. withtri their a Q.Uia'tjiJUUthntatidlU!f I meekiies- and the power -nine lid eil'or: Bel. net, I of A H.eri i- llo i of I Se.vani. ..c. !v. lei. ton .V t o. lue. tiiiiia:ng ue!i a u:ii .. I be deceived, there Ici'anci' i !' -pir't among Au.cri- can-, i.yver ha.- l.een ; on the i.'Uicr hand. he n and is, the hi-torv wivt:l..lnes4. . .. i - i t aure, and surely no man P. in- de..ou..e- - . . . ,.t -. wrctr-.. . . . I . .. r i - . r .. . . .CQ..iAi.a.qi .1 1 1 1 1 . u Liltl- a-.t fti on i '" .America lM.-h.ng Ami-ritTtnabc!ong; , 11 . 1 . A.tu4ttut - 4 right, It4 their itrht-rrtam miuiin r 1 wihoM, U. (their - : 1 ... .1 . 1 .11.1 -poruon 1 neir legacy rvTVUiitjiu3 ' . - .. . .' . u no intolerance ui this, it in a rigid, we, . - as.iailA.ti. .tt,vhiirh,Ui-.4rit!-trfbH Us4 - me, i ahiii IS1I v.'.llll e o, ttii'i liiti liei 1,111 - nenn nniiriers : but we cannot beln it. nor do we w ish to. Our rights are ours, and w e mu-t iiiamtain the.u. . nnw f..r a duhii'i ti ki I'f ll'I-'Ii ' ! I Tiilet, one of the great fathers of the , : ,,,, v.r (! C,lx.h, and whose wri- ,e Church recognizes as. Orthodox, ' ' . j " n a KU n wj,m ;d I1W U. istowr,i flM ....wer overall material things, I . . . i . - I . ,...,. j . I . MIIII4. Hill II -llOSe J . . . I ..I II.O.i. ... In. Ii i...fil I'll ii'T 11,1111' llll'lll , . ............. ....... , .... ,. - mlr,r liw hmnnk mtd thetf ,ltl,H !.H M.rvallN al,d sc.ll.oa-; their J , V i . . .............. rTnTrrir- T-rtrtr- unn trri tn-niftt ftmrra. - t - raa.w . . . ' - i'' ' ' ... ,,. lUl, bti! ,. forcibly, the. t.ian of. lie man on rititat now - ',..i., r:,V,i r. t,.i-Mt,d m-if.fr titat now ... ..., .,, .,,, J.t,,- .... (.,,., t,, obtain the oh' jeet m-c ary to his end. W hen, tln re- the tlrtii-ch wants to use gome tcm- ,. .., .ti 11;, ii, , . .1 .. t . , ... ., . . ; - - - ' - -vrrrni-n x-r-x-rT i , .i.awi iii.iA .- .".i". . .... , ... . - - -v . r is Find ma. u.e J ope is aonui 11,1 semi another N iineii,v-lvi this (jonntry, to settle ilitlictillies that have arisen 'between the ,vv,tx and American horn Bishops of f;OI,ian Catholic Church. Wonder j jlj J I.iline.-,s ' will send another ltjl jnnrr " Acol.' i.iporary well observes : 44 If the Nuncio of the llpe would attend .0 the . . . , . ' , . . , 1 . - b - i'itiinate business of the I htirclj. nnd . " . . j . ... , i'" - '1 Politicians and politics alone, the pro- ui nit v is in would not meet Willi any j -. , . . i ran IMWplc."- , turrrfpuiidenca at the New York P.ily Timet. I VAX1TY FAIR AX1) ITS VISITORS. 1 I X-KWlMtiT, II, I.,- Aug. JJ0T-1S34. 1 " Vanity of vanities, faith the preach- Hut who believes in it ot Mr. Sni)kin8, ho has come to spend! i m Newport it Mr-Mmikiiis. Senior, who was once Jliss jiinj, and in the I tulllO HoP are IhO JMlW bllUI'klUlie, ihoe nglv,- ovetMlresse.!,- and withal ; would Lu exclusive voung li,lie.) nrer of one ot your prominent iNew 1 orktrs ,or, receivca 1 1 . innjorwj , air. uraimin iniodlul yd thii iiiucli quoted text. l!uttipon a bed of sickness and palti, atidjonly between thirty and forty, or about i ' want bujiim'S have" to "cflTTcise Siwiji-1 it may bo of death wq allude to iliss one-third." How mortifying it must be! kins, Senior, and family, -We ignore this I l'liuloii, who was thrown from her horse j '" tho vwhig j.arlv, that the gentleman I ad commentary upon the wuptiu'e.ss of! while riding, a few .lays ago. She was j "horn they ottered to the 1'ni.m, for one: . t,U world's pleasures. Tho " riitort" directly in the rear yf her father's carriage greatest oflicc, cu.not even obtain . : , Hu ,i. i;..!;.,., I,;..,, iirin. uii.l 1 i l,o"tiir.,. -l...n tlx. P,-ri.i,ro fn,.,.i,, the part v vote anioiiL' his neiirhbors and ' ,rfewi, c,lH10 mr toSnmr liiiw:' Thought MUMt -ive way-and does. .owIiv., fell back up, hi her. She was taken i we il'-ii t want l- iiiKif. wo doii t uunt to ' i ' . i " . . ... ; set lue HMnu io n'i.is. ii our iieijnoor . . I II. - I . t . .'II .. ' i. 1 V UH ,""n'1 wardrobe iii or - ' w, i,r V"' !,r'M?,Vt'" of ""-' - ' ' M' attendance upon her, and au.l cl.ntiaii r-i.ir.t in the most approved ( it is to he hoped, that .hc iiuiv recover. ' ,onWl..x Htvb., Heaven forbid t4t ren. Ali.ionto.of Mexicancelobritv, U1oidd briili t !.c suit or polish' up his virat'l Vllcv ue, aii.l divers and sundry nidi - j tm s. No, we ourselves are not infallible, vidlials " not uiiki'ou n to fame," at other ! we would fain prav with " 1 my Inn. : iiod Mess us yes, and save us too , , f"r if there be not some allowance made f..r the short comings of tl.o-c who bow1 down to l'a-hiou's altar in this her clu-1 en khrine then iudeeI niiii-t they verify the eaying of tlu1 camel mid the needle s ..... . ... I... r. .....I .... f . I I...... ... i ....... ft.. r. o..-. h-...... ...... ..... . -rT hard indeed ; so it with voiir thorough going fashionables ; tr hard work- .hardertl.au the labor of him 'who aches with toil-ataii.ed hands -is theirs; their t.-i.-k is nn r done. The sun- - e b.mr, whk-h hrtng.'tn the WJ-Bry Woiii man his Seasiiii ul rtpoe. i tollie-a! gau- dy butterflies but the noon of their fever- ih day -and hen thu lamp grow 4iiu it. i the gray dawn loik euldiy in upon . Ilie.r revels, think Vo'l that ti.e ' uxunts Couch, w hen it- inmate i " I'lir-p., and l-irn. a;iiii W ild -i h.-.,v l.'uiii utiii Tli-.iiMit, in a Tttis '1 L.I ..-. i,..i run iij.ui . . is softer than the rude bed II r ani"U a ii v';l r' I - Hi " .111 IV H..I.JI I a:ui lo II . 1 1 .1,11 LPM1UI. . . ... . .1 , ,i. 1,1 . . iiiio. 'i.-iiM-ii.t'iini:. -hi. 10 i,nii ..i.ooi n-vtl.Ul, . . .1 1 . . 1 1 . 1 - 1 ; .1 . lutn uum-.uixuu.'u uwi r nriTr an'i t-rili C i-e the janllUUCaUlf nil iVillu ItaV . It'll! .,. .i-i .1 .1 Ihev ever think, n- thev pas the aric.t : ..i . ,,,.. ,. V. i, J n 1 a. 1 1 - r . t . r i V . iV" "".""'"f ''rt,,",1" ' u f.i-tercoachn. an, ht haci ngitiii, the whirl , , ' .. , . " ,MJ,', l" dL ,Tl h V th t ! n uoii-eiise -we eat things that don t agree ... . tl. , .. . ,. ru r i . ,l with us we set up, when poor Housed, , .... , .,', , ri . ,ii V" ' ' f r r.-t, rt-,l-i,.l at U"' whl'n ! ll...n ...l. n.e i,,,!,, .pa.i .n. ,h, And .r..,.-, i.. ,,i.i e.. d ..i.. ... . , ... ... . . . " lay us down to jieatii s counierpart. " . ... ..... ...n . duty to "good Fociety.'' ! we speak truth or falsehood f judge ns as w-ede 1A i-erve. And now a truce 10 niortaiiziiig. . 4 iid ruiw fi.r a lii'hli'r r. in : A i:. VT .ni In tin. i . . . ! -. . ame utd .. Dr. ., iir. , I ' ; ', ,, . , , .A f" y"nX "''' fr"-'"tl the other day, 4 Oh, Miss S , I m m urh trouble- -Aunt says I must go t'. NewiM.rt, and I know you'll ""k, ""l'Vl,,k'- ,J,lt flltt that 1 IlliVCII t got bill tlilltll Wlk. lrV:4C i . 11 . to mv back--and Imir am lPfTiHik" de . . .imi .......... ...1 I.... ,.trr " '' "'" w"r'- . . . , , Nov this is no fiction ; we have heard- orala.lv. ..r what a triend ol ..my would - . Bi,i.i...,h.iiii ' i r all " an intended woman," who lakes the " '.""' "'".'".T . .... ..... hvld here this Summer yy,tii sixty . fciiits, "lm " 1111 '""'"', which , i lasuionao.e j..u all viiiriilih , , . ,V , ' i , lll- O Illl'Ullat tl I'lli III lll'.'tl 1 If illHl.-r-lMlMI that 1. Mrs.. , h,-t Summer sent home ' " f- In mr ii.niL.iiu on u in -he was iirtiiaTly "suireririg for.'' the nc-' ceessity being this : Another, Mrs. - -,' had ciiie out with her thirtieth, and she' herself had been able to di-. lay but nine and twenty. Tin: new dress came, ami the costume racers were once more 44 neck nd neck." ' How they came out at the; end of the Fpuson we can't say, but we will '" go "oiir Tvibr i srting phfazc,) , upon I he. woio;t.i who .sent lor i.uiiioii OTi,ii,w,-Tn..T-r.,r...,. a.... ,, . , ,, 1 ....,. 1 11 thousand III dIV "in ids Willi .It I. 1.1' I ; -.: i' ' - - visitor. ...1 .ii..ei umh- 1. men "cannot artum 10 marry, joke to make a wile " look decent it s no "' i.ow- a-davs. We hav e a great crowd here at present ; colleges, hotels, private residences, all are tilled or filling. There arc plenty to be amused, and, the w herewithal to en tertain them. The 44 Happy Family" we l.avii-jilrcailv alluded In. -And Chen, for - , . i n r ,r l mu,.c,. they fiddle us from dinner, and In die us to oeu. ,tuu ,, uieie tne in. . . . , . - , ', H -A "Of (he iwrry wvddiiig bll Wlwt wurld uf 1 diMvtd' llmni-lody furetrlla." AnJ the re 'h the celebrated Mrs. Lnca, w ho hiniictli or playcth for lucre, at tweti- ty-fivo cents per head; and Mr. Haiu- ! mend v. who rrivea " representations of : character, all tree gratis for nothing. And ho the world mm on ; and so it will i i . frotr; the Kdrtor. andeven tho little "'prrrr - ter's devil," shall, in the fullness of ti:no, hare " ne lienco. Aud now coino our local items to clone this ramblimr letter. It Ja with real ro - crct that we Wforro voV of an accident ! which has placed an amiable daughter suddenl v. her horse reared, and w e b ... ... . ... ... . mr sunr time. .el llomo'opathie ihVMciaii from ijidou- place.--. And now, "Auios fur a tunc. i rulv yours, Vul'Nd AMKRICA. TUT KKillT SKXTIMKXT. We are so well pleaded with the follow. ing remarks of the Iiidtiuwre CYyo'-r, that we copy. them entire : in.. ,..lil..rj mi.. n'...Iif..il to imrlv ................ 7 ... "..... ....v ... ,.,... , , , . ,. , ,,. , , , . .. 11 uii iiiiii'ii i . eeii u I ie m vui i ui nit- con nirv w ere dependent upon the act . I' irtv is every th in" to them patriotism iiothiii" ild thisdcvoti m the'v di'iiitv by the'Ttaoie of " the rirht Fe-titimtr.t." .' ( Bight or wrong, party inu-t be follow to. ami cftnniandcd. If ii icrpetrate the mint flagrant outrage or be willing to reluxjiii-.li Aiuericai. riglits into the Kep- Mi . r . ,T Ti "7 ell Tn t ri irm.r. .fiTTtbi vrv 1. r- J the same w ith thc-e same party devotees, all's well.' But thank Heaven, the people ol t.ie l i.ited Mates have seen the danger of this blind attachment to 1 partv, and are cMiihii.ii.g as Americans, tou. ain tain their rights n;r.iinst all en- ' I . ' . . I i 1 1 u. .'K4.. -iv. . ..it1(,r,. iri,3-T .. -o 11, . , ,1 . ....V; ,u ,1.., .. hi hi,-,-,. tMv- tinii a oil -,-. -i'., ., . : up iiixeUfeiliUv-in wlncli conilition hlie lay i i-i-giouoor. w. such is uie laie oi pon for fcome tiiitf. r. Hull the distinnili- j ticians. Chrhtoi !indird. ' " so, ne uem.crately , . . ........ . .... " .... , , , . , 1 T v 1 irca-ii.ro, unn corrupt panv leaoe.san.; ., . , . 1 , i It till. Ill- t III- ri'f Ilt.ftaf'Ittllll.-Vtlt Hi' ll'lll n ptu t i i . -! -,,tl.M,io!o,,s W.. H.h.k ,l,.,r ,.u,.i,v V 1 V' t T " ' . " i, V""" '''i'" " t "" lives idiouhl take iuecedii.ee ol raw tor- . , n . f . 'i-"l,rs-" '."'' V? ' " , n 1? , ,v" Ji' read the constitution w . h they have ..... t ,. sworn to support. v ' ,, , ,.,;. ,i , i,,,., .; . l--rs l... t ,.nk tlmt Jooti..n to ' '! '"f' . U ,'"r I'',r"' t" pistily all im , -, ins right or w roi.g, which may be adopted by their party. I hev have in rain .'.iieiit no dis- ryY - -4.: ,. u-.tl ut knowing or what niiiect tliey have ... , II" 1! t . 1.1 sun nio-e iiiiii'i riite?io ' 1 onoeiuiKe . ,. , r .t ,, . t - - to tnughieii tlusir lellow-cilizous lis to . r ' . ... ..I ...... tl- , heir ... .crests and their duty Uy that thu reflecting people of this country i '.i ... . t .i seen enougii oi n.e eiiects oi iiiis ....,.r.....l nave seen cnoug , o, ,e ei ecis ... ...is .wit , . K, ,,.,,,,;, l.irth the road to gain the fonl by a tocher way ' U1!1l.,ll't tho world did not know it, infatuation to induce the,,, o stamp it (if Creed, the rights coi.ft.red When they arrived, Bill 1 his force T- , with their condemnation. his we infer . ( mrt ...H.H.'autl the laws in ambiulj and , inn es , a sed " 0" ,,ave tM Sh mi'chM- from the nurhrrnror;- America,. Associa- ,ftle To tl... ...amtainanee ,.f these : wearily fuougl, tohe exc t" lmt-s' i W h,at f V0,1' ? in "'-v. l'k Hons w hich nave recently been formed, ,.; u w(1 ,K.rt.Uv ,,,,, ',, haek." sm,.' out' a little I : when 1 sent you up stairs to all having , view the su .,.ut,on of gen ,c,1(UI.miwtlv,ri, , ...i,,,, vt.rv ; ,11v ie ' !''lvi It has come to a pit f.,1 pass, if i.me American principles f..r those by iiU)ot fviln SWerr hivh the idd paitiei iiavo btHHfw Ping ..o.. ,. I.. ... ... . .. . , . . , vacy retailed 'in thiTw:iy." I s;iii)tise voti 44 WhetiOrer we J.ear afi editor or. tW4'J::rJ-,?"--W i . . . birih llace o; wwn 1 rwrmw " m wmwrw i.ip iihiii i .. ,:, , .i Ti. .-.i ..' ".' e an empty head or a servile heart .. thAi-4S..AlAllAli..iiA.i'd Jitot'e tv selll. 1 consul-: i.eratioi.s t hau by ,.v,. ,,f,.nlri"W Hi ..4 11 C . "i . .1. ..... I ..tt.... j....-....! 4 ".' '.-"1-' iineui io reriaiii. w.d.wLi1di..,,",-!l,".'VrV -1- i. to them ; but forrhim wlio is willing to:hanr '," it continues Io ,mi;,Td new beau-' follow and defend urtv in nil things w iielher rigl.t of w rong we ei.ieriant nie most perfect coiiteu.pt ; and, unfortunate, ,1 , ,,.,.,,.,..,. i" ,1. :. ,.1,... - . . ... ...... ... u . - -. ....... 1 .ii no,, ii... ti ter vvl.o 11, iditako to instruct Hie pie iu their duty. " .;i 'liudih ii. The Boston Traveller)' learns, ou good autlioiuy,u.ac some wvcx... , ... f ... 1. wifh a cargo of salt. ' 1,....; , ... I'lttllir tl..- to, .I", in. iii.i.-iv., .1. ri-'J . ( ,,.., (; ,,. . ;in, a. mate hi soif, de-irilig to bring his body to Boston for christian burial, and deeming that salt was a preservative from corruption, dug a hole in the cargo M-vclal feet deep, placed 'tho dead body oi his father within ami covetwl it. up. I 'lion the arrival of the vessel ht this port, tl.e hodv was found jj'?'10 M n.ia.v nmoi nts to siir,uuo. iied, yet tlie jiastor showed no sign ol tbo hwit and regulating it, as desired., b, be in astateol',lecompositioi,,nnd was ' l,,rJ., "'"" -i?tr-hve dear, ami onlyasked their will. ... ' 'Hie 'burning. . brick is a very nice ope- witbthfiiculty buried. Vp,.,, the repre-! l0. t-dav, when all, 44 evvaut holiday, a.;, miht have it," ,.; j; . exw-ricce to .' I .1. ....... ifj t ,1. I , I .til ll.llU.I .,,.1.,.;.;,.. ..If the ,ltv on the salt. .... 1 autliorities PKiK on me oiiiy on i.ie sau, f in autttujAa..,r1i 77e Late Whuj Candidate for the Vice Presidency Political Change. Our readers remember that the whiff candidates for President and Vice Prow - Ident, in l$52, were repudiated by an over - wneiniitig and uiiexam throuKhout the liiion, neiiher candidate i . own Stt... 'I' m v.. waa ' w wuch-ninriti them as hi lavor of en. Tierce. Mr. tint! ' i.o. sought the anffrnges of his crwti county (iirnnmA in V. ('nmliiin f.ir &f.at in tl.i (' 'range) ..P . . " " 1 LetnslHtnre, and fiiikd U obtain even the ! party vote ; out of 8,04.1 Votes cast, Ucn. j UoyWy, the whig candidate for (lovem- ! 4ot iatc, ho have known Liin from Ivouth, even f..r the petty office of State i i ...-... i. .1 i- . e . i: Our neighbor hlmnld have known bet- I,,,,. .jmn lU je;,liW c,IIllluith.J ,MU. or I. . , , , , ... .. '' y little trouble '"" l'urt llUVU prevented, but jthut also would have prevented the ap- . pcaranco of Lis artic The first envr coni-ti iu coinnariiiir ! Mr. (indium's vote witlfflen. Dockcry s land, deducing the ii.l'i rciice. from the dif ; I ference between them, that the former re- ceived ni.ly about one third of the Whig ' vote. ( )n"r neighbor was ignorant of the ' fact, that Air. I Jrahatn ran for the S.wtU; laud that there is a landed qualification ,. in this State ficeesuv to foititnfe a vo- icr lor (Ills olliee oi N-ual.ir. vv llice of Sena'or. which, is li'ot red uirwl in the caV.f ll.c (.'..veriior. -o ii. an can vote lor Senator iu N . .t Ii t'aro- .: . , , , , V . '"'a uuh-ss he ha owned itf. j .. t ,"" the same District for mx : """th" M election; but it ig not neccs.-arv that he should own. this laud . ,- . . . to enable him to Vote for iovernor. " s " oao miig oeeu ine custom among ; -r., nunrcssmg tne . crowp, " but wishing Hence the difference in the vote betWeeii ""r predecessors to have it by good will to see the fun out, I thought I would give Mr. (iraham and Uu. Dockery "is easily ! w t.rcfl, we delermTiied to have Tt also, you a call. "TJierc will be no schod until prpfaincrl. "J 4and Ittdd n wlmmri-oTicIave witli reaslii--''iieT-'eart'l.ti'iI wTieii3iTly"trie IuutT i he (-. (oinl error is the statement that tiom after --the milliner of the great de- thefd, is warmer, you will find Sftino ap Mr. (iriihaiu did not, and e-miiot, receive t chuatioii, that "we boys were of right, pies and nuts in my desk for your use." the party vote among his neighbors and "d ought to he free, at 'hri-tinas tinie." , So adieu boys, and mounting his horse, asMieiates. The facts prove the reverse t' w hich we mutually pledged our honor he was soon out of sight, of all thi-. In Orange, and over the State to support. Bill Alby, vvho was the wit j 44 Three cheers for Billy the Baptist," generally, this allegation of our Charles- f the school, was ujqiointed cominander shouted all in chorus, and "a merry ii'mo w3 ton ' tetntmrsTV -iU-Mly excite a smile, i d the loree. V i had. Billy Boon recovered his wonted liut, renilv oir iieigTtI...r should have : I'l.i'iio, . , II ... . . , , . ... r ,. . , , ........... i ., .... .-.. ... . . iilt'ftb which r".-,"!''-' '-VAy-citizen who .; ,,.1,;,.!, ,.... ""t belong to their organization or : .1 - I . !1m.'" . V" . "f ? lhe,e priiicitd,-. they have uddetl an odious re-1 louste-t. iiutter violation o,' that re!i-1 r , , . , , , gous toleration which has ever be our , prmident boa.t. and without Xvhicl. no m,i"u li,-rt-v ' '5 whereas I 71 i. . . .... , i , . I il l the pur nwe-of this eecn-t association i ", ,i ,i -. . ,1. to swallow up both those tune-honored j Mli.iwi, ,,,,,,,, lmj,r whMS nllu our! eonntry has gmwu and pr-pered, and to! ubsiu.to therefor a secret a,,d irresponsi-1 war with tho rights' .. . , , , ... ., " ' olllil 1111 illin 1 .11 lllll, IO I'V. KIIOU It itS '" wn.-n nr- vrmiw roiiowmg oiuecis, - ,. - - . t i r . i .1 .-. . .1 i7' ' 1 O llefc III the ( ol 1st 1 1 lit loll ot the ...... i- , i. ..i .i . .ia i t lM s otcct civil and religious ii;i,lrf i , 1 oi.eiir, nun i . weenie i" virn i iii.en, i ... .. cjibes citizens on account -aiC their r r''ligi.m.j.l-.im.v rum. '"i r ohice, who, when called upon, shall; relu-e to declare Ins opposition bj isiicli principles. .1 mitt!,! (,' h im t,l 1 ' " . - - ,. . - ; " i - - 1 .1.. . . I - T. i' M -.1 ' " '. ' , "r..-i'ie.i.i.i4r.- lioiievsl.ad Book, for Spleniber. '. it. i,... 'i "idiviuuuis ami me peace oi the coin-'iJi I, "every one ol vou a ter him, and . ' ;t j V ,1 , UT. ,1 W tf.eFef.iK., (hefrTenils of enuul rights The benches from the dor were quick- f' 1 lI""k; . respeak.ng ot ancle whither they' go o. , f ? , , ,, , . . Jethro and his tami v." :.. ..; v .. i ...,ii.i.vioiiiiA-u..iiinei.ee: i, ...uii-.nvii, ami an was soon in noi i , . , ' , , in view. Alia-;,.,.,' ... ,. .. .- ... .. . . , 4'lfut they have no A-nies. mother, ami ........... ...... inu.'ii iiia 1. 1 noi e iiioiil:ii uiiie siooii 1 1 isa noise wiierc rnev ever taiK against them I. . I.I I 1 ',. 1 ' ties, and to develop in v evidences ot the 1 . . .' . gcititme conduct. nnd untiring et.tertinse ot its ..... r ' . r. Ibis 1, umher contains as usu- : 1 1,.,, ii .- 1. i- w .. ., ,. 1 , ..... , ..-..ai.. i,.iiiiiti. ...iiiitn. .tt i-11 ;o tn.. 1 ;.r,h ,i, 1 , j 1 1 1 1 1 it .turner. 01 r. i- peo-.gravings and til ( 'onlnbulions. We wish ' . ..." .. . 1 ,( ,dey all the success imagiuahle., . I- Jii;,i,.4,owu.jk I'lUriot. ...44 lunvtuu nti t.siiLi.t.-iiui. t.i kilu ai xu. ...... . .. 1 . lerrinc hurricane occurred here ves- .. . ! terdavrT'he Fourth Presbyterian CI lurch I mid was blown down during service. twenty -live person, killed and many woun ded. Throughout the city houses were unroofed ami great damage done. The destruction of property by the tor- 'O"o ".. . 1. . 1 A ,,V "CC'iired at Milwajlki.4. b4- . - . 'V4 ...... CUB1STXLS IX THE D1STEICT SCHOOL. A TUUJC 8KKVUK, What country boy in there, that has ! not enjoyed the glorious privileges of the 1 .District ?clio"l lbe fun that is always I .;,. r;i.,i.brewin!r f The inerrv iiiisoliief-niukinir K'ee oi urignt eyes, cnoeriui laces, ana : ' 'Py uearn f mere w scarcely one, ; Kveii;iiow as I wrnte, tlie jaewwy of my i boyish davs comes back', and I smile or i dop A toarnpoti those fondly recollected : tunes. 1 . ,ii ... ii ? . !" " onr ' w"'"u fI7 toiui.ics ; ui, w n,J tJionghts go uack to one tiieinorabie " u b"' lor us all. . . uKust School Committee had se- lw:,,u stranger a young man from a ue'Khboring countyT to govern us for the W'ter term, and on the morning our ac.iool was to begin, there had assemblod ' .Kroup of the ' responsibilities' r graced- " The humble vealibute of leemiug'a fame.n Hoys whose toes stuck a ' feet' through their uniiientionables-- coats that would have graced their grand-father's time, and bonnets (of the feiiiitic side) that had done service to some other 4 Eve.' Not to say unythiiig of 'huts,' 'dickies,' etc., that were arranged on benches around the room, to present a dignified appearance to the eyes of ilr. C- , who took our govcniniciits in au easy matter-of-fact ay; yet he had a fun-loving eye that tuld lie could well appreciate our pranks, -dill he was tirm in bis discipline, and as 'ho old folks said, he was a moddcl of 44 a "ice young man, for we all leurned so Ist 5 verily, we did ; for the slyest tncir-wna sore to bring dowtuhehousc," and seldom failed to carrv the ferule with ' 't. t lnght ami happy to us, all passed the i n ,., ,,. . V- ., , '. . , . , lays until (. Iin-nnas : the glorious jubi-. -ce of boys. Mr. had not said a wordt.f' giving ug holiday, and seemed, oblivions ot the hints that were offered. ' , . i .. . ... i i i . . , . 1 -it me nrsr rnrwaoi u.ir. m nmt eTenr - - I',,. I ,. 1 I l , i it . , ICS, l.lO.IieF. VOU SIllll llo Wl ding. Jio roile slovvly dovvu the wad,.... . - VLV.K .. 1 ... t," -I... " -'tr- I " .... l-. ,i , i ... ...... i . ., ,,.1 ..... ...i 1, . ' It opened not, and 1- a crack look a sur - - ,,. , .. ap;U im his eye to" vev of the room, ami gK,d humoredlv a ' Aro yo u tcaclong Sch.U hoys ? and ; will vou mlmit a spectator i" " -o," answered Bill. "But wo are ! . . ., ... , ,. , teaching t!ic inasler to give us holiday :, the fort is. pretty well garrisoned, and you ! cannot entlr until we have if. 3 j . t i i i . i I see, said he, Without display hg , , ' , . ' ' ..J ft i mg the least hesitaey, "So wo Wll ac- cordingly raise the si -go," and walking ! hack, Amounted his ho-c and rode oS'i llt a rapid pace. "Tlo. S,.l.o..l.m,(.., f i.,f,,i .;...t! ....v. ... ., v.... . , at t .i ii t i . i ,m I i .... "iouii, .Aiinii: hiav n 'illA OA noviuvi.a All. !fu!i trail. Bill, " or ho is gone, f ir he is rlZr' W,,en ? "l0Ved in iv ... ..... I . . , . . "ithis house, your monev pad t.r everv iroui us . ui. on rnev starlet, leaving ihe was tirst hitched Bill had forgotten -i- - . . . ".. behind him to protect the house ' 44 Well take him in the fortress, bovs ,. I - , ..r , . .Ii ' -., ,. ,,v.-.eH-; I mg tii4iCA wa passiui. ana as they near Itlir lllt'l.!... M--U 1...-J..J ..... Ilt mf ...1.1.. "" f.va., ,... U - - ,c ho.rs;-l.ilUyhis,.ered. "Now for T 1 ."i '..V . . i. '"i 1 . V 1 '. " I V 1 'llilHill - IHIvi 1UXII UIUUUA .n.,, ...,,, .. . . . . , 1 he. sl utters were iviieiieil. luiiii-lio. 111 ,1 .. 1 . ', . . . their proper places, and Mr. C -stood . .. 1 .1 1 " . ei-ee,, iei uie 1.1 nam., nun in a voice 01 1 . , . , sier 1 i-TTTTiiiiiinrr. I'xr :i ii'i ...... ,11 1 . r 1 1 V 'tl.ev had time to think, "were nil in their tiinmer nbieei 'I'bia m-u ....ltiihile n ...1 - :li;,.l' - 'i!l'l;'i. - ,'.,K' .,l'i!LJl-'.1-,i,l!'lIiL'en gitardcU , :aguiji. aitu iest expecieii.iui iiiti st !" "4W o.-.m-s, n n. te icauy wucii 1 tuey siion l.i recite their les-oui wl,-,,i.t lliev SIIOIIliI 44 First class.'.' It was the big hoys: called. At the conclusion of the lesson which was badly recited, Mr. C. feign-! ed lassitude and reclined at full length' upon the bench. 44 Now bovs is nor time." whUnered' J'.iH, and tho bench Wa qwickly iiProun'- II IVH nui.HM t- I . ., Miist,"isa word that I'only use here,,'1" 4,1,8 properly. ( We are glad to see J' 1 , . . . . .. . ' ' tor -yonr benulitrwdk tii'w ttn" ; Bill, 44 and must have holiday, or .we will duck you 'till you give' it to us." " Well, boys, I guess I will have to taka " the ducking, said Mr. C, with a strong incomprehensible smile. Each boy was eager to proffer bis ser vices, as they were in for fun, and tho body of Sir. C. Was quickly transferred 4 to the bank of the creek. ' " ' "Will yoU give up 'now P "deinatidedT Bill. Who thought the sight of the wa ter with a speedy prospect of a good im mersing would effect Ida nerves. The answer was still in the negative. ' WelI boys, help shove him in, and by tho time he 'comes to the top again he will think holiday the most preterable. said Bill, as tho recumbent body of Mr. C. was put in a swinging motion until tho desired .momentum could be given, to send him clear of tho bank. 41 It is a general rule," said Mr. C, 44 whejn one is to be baptized, not to swing Unn over tho bushes in this manner. I lull, who boasted ot having the best jack-knife in school, stepped forward to , cut the bushes, which might have impe ded tho way. ' ; As I ain to baptize you. said Bill. addressing Mr. (J. "yAii had bettor giy " iu your experience pretty soon." 41 You shall hear it," said Mr. C. with a strange smile, 41 Veni, vidi, vice versa," and raising his foot quickly, Bill disap peared in the middle of the streain. . 4 I will give up now, you shall have holiday," said Mr. C. quickly, as the boys were crying, 44 rut Imu in, put him nil Bill, who in the mean time had gained j the hank, shouted as well as ho could be tween his chattering teeth- -44In with him, in with him." f It wonrd have been "against all of oiir school boy honor or etiquette to have a II treated a vanquished - l,,. nd wotwitli- standing Jiill repeated vociferations, Mr. , . C was liberated amidst the cheers at Bill's Bad plight; who bore thorn with as ill grace as could be expected. 44 1 was on mv way home." said Mr. , , ii :, - , . . . .... cnTOrctnnc3S" ana goa liiuinir ; but for : rfTJi . noil li;tu t oil miner ir hi In.niir Imn. , , tt.if1l i ' " , " "'. deucu with so ,, . , you call ieuH , n j" .any 4couutry cousins, as ...... iinii , K.oit.-iiiia. youf never would liave bad " 1 1 ill. Don t you like Aunt 1'luebo. nnd Aunt Polly aud Aunt Judv I. -Fwsuiv I lo." ......... ai 11'1 a - . - ,. ,v '"OT"" nrc WfJ ' ,V H hen did yoU.eVer Iwar. roar ...other talk so I Tell mc instnnllv ' ., v , , , '"w , 1 ma, when I sat ... the back Plor. and you ami aunt were in the front one, 1 iu sure von didnav so. dear nn.th- ' v , 1 er, and 1 luty you verv iinieh fur von , .' , , , Ju,LJl-r7 m',L" ' J011 W a,1,t ,hfu WM. 11 t"M0 hetoro I was m W,,W'fatl,cr toor 'c,1'. n( then, you know-you spoke of the 'pledge, uml sulli how glad you werethatthe tem- ,,.. r,,,,-.,,,..,.! i,j, yon know- you tord-nbout father's., failuro. t,m iMiNiits. i lire ticiiiro ni'pr on. .. . '. t -j 1.. ..1. 1 1 1 1 .::; s .:j " . "u!lr K "" . lmvu neuio I " X, mother. I haven't, because I thought it would hurt his feelings. I love mv father, and I never told him anvthimy . ,w l- , :,, ,,, fir ,rf " " .. v..,...., ... ..v, niltl ..K...l . aa ?rf . H a:, ' . :" " iT' rea.iy ...re Hain't vou tell me never to speak of any "h diie dilliculty ; and if Edward and I say 'wrong words you tell me never to repeat ihein. and I nevcr do." ' a Agnes,'' p;i,il the rebuked mother, lis-- tellers are despicable characters Don't v'?" ,ll'V4'r 'l't me know of your doing, the I'1'''4' iij(am ; you dont hittr rtijh', nnd you make a ixout deal of mis hicf.iii this way. LllIIIcJCKlLSrs.. Wn linglim liordniiT of Jlavcrstraw, - X. V,, has taken measures to secure a pa tent for an improvement in kilns for burjung brick with anthracite or other coals as fuel. The lire chambers are cou- t nicted ill a peculiar manner, and blasts i are. usihI -for the purpose of intensifying J 111 , -.. . -Hi V k I 1 S'.'i " . ' ' ' ' - . f- ' ' ' ' 1 . L. g -. . , '

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