5 - -f pfcutcH tn Paliticv to, gricnltorr, ntrrnal eJinp wucmr ntsCammr rr rr tljr Aiib rienrrs, naralit noli ijjf ..pH f trrlr vol. xi.-Ni:v si:iui:s. SALISBURY, N. C, OCTOBER 12, 1854. '!; NUMBER XXI lir J. J. BRUNER, EMTOR AN II PRrtPRlBTOB. o' 4U4LitUitfiiriptii trHKtiiuHun iiMUiflv erm if mi l wt y.r. paid within Uiren mouth, man . pud Wfar. .h. .irinU. f ih. yw.r, auUlue. 4 - 2 Jjr;r;T,"W"W'Tjr ?' : ''i of ib Editur. " ueiiitn tu h buiuir inu.t be p.i paid) to emur attention. s c- L. 5 H tii'titw','m"1 I V i S jf i """'"'I t .iikllliS t Si w W use I,! ... II c c c i tatst. ! S f S 4 5 w iviuok A , th apw eeupd by idow Km. t (MuixirUoH tu I njum : Mtkmg 4t M a H dMHycd in proimniua 19 tym. All fraciK.iw ..f a aqr. equal to 1 or i, ehrid i pniuiirtiuii tu the whole, of whkh it frtK.l rt 1 H "S3 s : B ; B S 'MI 2 " rr I i 0 rrn.e u, u. rro- r,n, " j h.g up ,M. , f lr. l,,ul and C"j'.-r and Thfe Mmn t aavmacmf uadidal ue- lode r raw materials, the i.iuductioiis ol Viigima Cuwt OiwWa charted 93 per ml MfW than t'ilUt,i utll tVolina. i. 1IFNUV ' . fordm.wufhuA.nd and. -.re. , f - ' ' tTton.., w.-i lvert.me..u are f qu-L . . . ., . . . -d w'aiaw the- aawh.t f iaanh,.,,.aiuvwraJ-aElit :"'"'"''""' ,n ''""" .'''""-- - tt ui wwhed they utMiuld ttceupy the !-al fcss,.mei uw . they will be pt Bp the usual .iv U and charged WMwramtly- tt' No diMount ua the- rate. , i r I IXTERML IHPROVEM EXT. A General Convention of the frij nds of In ti rnal Imjirovemeiit ill ' held AT SAL1SHI HY On Tkmr-Uf tkt lemmd day 're4r mnl TU s( f ihe CWavenMun Rill .he to consider and rwommeiKl jreneral yum oi internal : . . . ..i.. ........k .- ISl'MWfllHK;Tr3f'KOTTOWI,'l0r'ni- rmn. All countiee, nr re.juUsl to end l. leiu . "lili4':'a1t'.1iri,B,'l arf" lttewTK 4mprrwiHi- vitcd to attend. R,mm C y. Cliae. V. Kiaher, Natb'l Hovdea, John W. fcllia, ft. 'fte'IWvia, John I. Shaver, AVtn. Murdiy, Micliai l ltrown. AJC-atehihBhfc,. fl K. btilv- 1 1 1. K. t 'al lvvell; John A- l.ilnier. yieed, Ja4?ih-SiiVr, II. (.. V.jodtin. IrtiU, V. V. t owan. "TT n-'Tsir-is.: " . . ;. 1te1, - J. a t herry. Bmrie, H J. l"win, K. . 1'earaon. Bmujort, Y. U. S.ttterthwaiU;, Jan. fl HoyL Hunrmmkf, J. . E. Hardy. "S-t'infceeind. ;eo. McVeill, It. K. Hrvan, -K J. Hal'.!, C. i. Ilaitrh, Jowejrri-An-y, K L Wilisliiw, John II. Cook, . ;. Mcltae. Catrha, V. L M4.rkle. CUarelmnd, A. It. Hounaly. A. J. Troy. fAevan, K. T. I 'ni ne. S. F. PatU rsoii, V. A. l"iioir. 5. H. CltrUtiai.'. I. A. I'mriMi. Sew llattottr, V. K. I hrkiti.n, A. J. lHK'W:l, TUuru iL Wrii-Ut John A. Au ritt. Kamtlvlpk, Jona Worlli, II. li. Elliott, A. II. Marh. A. Ia kerv. , 1 Rttbtmm,' It. S. Kr- nch, It. K. Troy, Elmund Vfi'Qi.een, X. A. McU-all. Sampmtn, I'atrick Mu.liy. Stoltf, li. 1). (.(ettllllir. Slanttj. M.T. VVa-Jtlill. S. I.. Live. , A. W . uabitu H. If.-rircr. t, W. Johnson. HnU. I. . liranch, Viii. I'siv Ian. " Duplin, CtuiereU M. V. Arendell. Hunrtjmh, J. S. J hitu y. Ymtktn, J. C'owkft. ' N! '. a. Fr..:. ,e I.ynelibnrt Iti (Hi' ,' Kailroad Connection between Lynchburg and North Carolina. Kdi tort of the lUfmhlkttn . You will have 4iaoaeaA.that ihe-oljeet: L liavfein ; vitw m not i . .1 . .1 . f . I . s-i i,i.,.i. ........ -,. ims.rtnnc of this connection, a to satisCy North nr 1(M -,!,., t. w-atcrs of the Amazon! ' arolina on I.cf part that tl.ia enb-rprise is ..r- This great lather of waters is bed led more tii of her moat serious consideration ; nnd that : than one thousand miles immediately un l.yiichburjj as a trading point merit her pat-; der the e piator, and all its tributary ronage. irgu.ia, at least the whole I n-umoM region, treU-l.ii.'; frtvin Dan river to the J'ot"-. tnii.f,dljht,wnl-jeet. . ... i ... ... II 1 . 11 1 .T. L uv T ijikf 'tl 1 1 r- eord.il fact that she receives neany or I'.'-te us niiifh Tohacco, yA from the hamls "f h i.rVlrrr. ms any other one mi.rket,, Kirk-j ,'.viiipiii.s. n "loie K h)I ,). (.,jMutor, it is ctremelv secret depository ot their 1. least. ,.u , 1 d to sp 111 me oil. 1 nave enoyci iu , y u.e c ium. ' 01 u.e omei iiaiu., u.e ; eoiiv ersation, ttho will produce ' 'ft'"'' ",' a"" v -is ,--v l.-t winter for a charter for Una road, and hm uar,,, . f-y. moreso than the JLtlantic inu-nig unccdote d this hingiiliir tailing pre'selit k.s,1i.ii for thirty years, and I , picture is dravyji .merely for the purpbso - a ,,dred ch inniii"- iimiges, ainoii" which Mli,,'y ?ott M,'ls to 8!,-v ' j"M, ' ll,c r-r the early- and unexs.-.-t"l ""iiifTiinmia of : (e(-ai.w:atc7 umh-r Vlie' 'ipir.r"'TT '""j wanted lo kmAy whefhef I slmntd hothtrVe j of giving the news, nnd Ihe pimishuieNit there .shdll not be one' itnlelicale ofcoarsc. I ' 1 ttt w vro ,ul'1 r'T'!.v'-' 1 10 ti-at l-aly would have i.a.sed into a law. ' I great "body of heat.-d wafer shoots out bi ' l.ord Dudh-v bad been invited to the pension." iso tmcertain or trilling, that the prtrticn-; Wariu a , (, the same subject, ho 11f.,l, -,ar"'. '-. on through tho I will now av something of the ,,ris.et and : to the Atlantic more' than a hundred miles , house of a Iriend upon the occasion of, So yon are not paid but allowed to Jar crime committed loses hall its dclor- sim ,Mhwi,v Hml stronger allusions, but ; J "teclusiii. the n l-inq)or ant moment i.,. .seiiv,. onJrt.nceof Ivtichlur, t nr.- in the face of the eternal trade winds. 'some great fete, but being a man of early steal the oil, eh '! 1 ctlllhut rather cool, mity. And so the sophist.y of every ar-; K,al ut.ithtP be so biilliant nor so hmg arrived, the little; shavers were iv-i.t,ve,,n,K,rUi,eofl.yt,tll,urg. At pn. , Vnr.zo., is sixty miles wide Af- ! habits, had ordered his carriage at, a cer but I will turn the knowledge I have gume.it that can be advanced to s.ista.n ch.ti, - 'told to stand tip. The little head hoy it "nt .s the ls-st lobaeco market for the ..- heiterUn ifs'irrcsist'ilile c nire, tain hour, having sonie miles to travel, ' gained to advantage. Von, however, said -such 11 positioirwiH appear equally its j , seems was missing, but the tact being un- (,.,- i tiw. C-nited State, Ilt hersiittisins.' . -ip t.: ir-. -i: :;:;n v;. ,.rr n..: -i;r.rv.i-v. t,o-eiTfd.rwT.iiim tits aeeiisToified ri- ; flfir Viiii had tiiiri'ots." ' - I ii.'iln.ibh T. if thcriT be uiu' truth in the tri re " " - 'noticed by tho teacher, sh6 iwceodetl ..- , hniinrillr hardly cjcepl.il ; .nnd. vet Tiav loriued between the two continents , r ,!i-l.r'. jjuuiuil a!,. 'iai.s.dvjt ih.a-h"f North and mlh Aiirik.i D.isiiiio( lit high frfcw. Her manufacturers of Totaco j along" the Northern Coast of South Amer-'-of the guests, seeing, how much his lord jare mm f indtm. liable energy and largo ten, and passing to the leaward of the :hirt was disconcerted by the event, very rk'uci- in tl.cir buniiH-x and have earned fori WtsMndin Islands, it loaves tlic shores politely offered him seat in bit carriage. ! their brands a reputation wlmh will at all thins !,,f O'hjl. and proceeds along tlie shores ! l'he gentleman in question had to puss I ,-niMu ttx-iii to pay the n ... Illwr,.! (.., .1... t.,.,i. .:.. n.,1 .1... .1 . , . , . . ' , ... ' ; 1 hip ; l"8 q'w"' gc,,th.,ii,-i, tno-tiy ot mrge :o'vp:ty. rvj niwii w um ioikicco nmi , it ay u. i.yin ii' iiCj.', n ta.lc tlmt grows rtc .-wfully nnd cau be ml to grw quit i f n- . . .. . . .. .' ,lfiv hi tiw coniKrv txmg imu ami rotti v,v"t f t,:,t . ntcri.risiiitf citv. Virginia Hnd North CuroiitiH own - nearly the virgin Tohacco lamb which lie ou th So,,- them s1oh of the lilue Kidge, the o1y land, jjj Ipioperlyniited to the growthof iimmifaeiiiring ' tl-H whuii iir or out of the OulfStream by the man. It was civil, certainlv ; butthe J3 iTohaia o, and it is through this U-lt of country ' dijiping the hand ill the water along side. Worst is, I suppose 1 must uk Iiim to diii 2 j ! 'hh' it now prip.d to lay down this grand ' I iidotibtcdly this view will be new to iter, it's a deuce of a bore !" lie then ' Itailvvav, which shall with its conned ions extend j from the 1'otonuu: u tho Miiij-pi river. f this "Tubatvo' i-ouotry, nnist alwuvs coimiijiixl the trade in that article, ua lu: will in iimnv otliem. hat h to prevent her from l coiiiiii one of the lar'int manufacturing .laec in the State f Uv means of the l. l.rt.ie.l Judith' ' , i.i..-. i.iin, nincli l Mull across .lane s Kun t no. r a sot. o i-.. .... i. .... distance tU'i.' the citv, a larjf: lai'r w caiia coiilj lu brought doBii and lour of fnu mil. of tiie iixuit inajriiitic' iit water -. r C.nle .l w!ii li the world ever Uhel.l. Tin, at no dnJaut dav Unit at no defiant day ! Ur a"'1 w " "" wrg- ai. j M,e the iseneo of KJhmi Mill t ami f'uutul i , " S,wl Tuurr,, Smelt,? M ;rk, and van tic. .o..s;......s -r,i..l i is:..,. Ai. " e -viiicrictins urriveu at ran .inioina, Texas, from California, having come by I the overland route fn'mi Mazutlan, on the rPaciTie. TnmV These genTlemeh the San i Antonio Lcd;rer hasddained the f jw- ling particulars, of lite iutpiiaoiituuui , t three Americans : 1 1 I" tin? ri?y of. Dnranefo, ''Mexico, they lea.ned in a prii ate intimu-r that there .were some Americans in the citv 'prison. ; and they afterwards got perwi-.-ioti isii iiit-m. ' j ney ,omni iiiem i a large j.wf.si-tiiiMeiiik rii 4:i rltft. e i (..L-iti-st i..t. ,..,. ,T-..--., that it was almost i miios-iiilo for visitors ,'M!a:';Mi'; . fe-.WHfiJ?';!! ,'.'J?,,a.fc., ,l.auit.3;-h.iiJj..U uwit U a:-MH";d ; -it i jeuud rrffftHftis.' IW'mrreiirrsin'tpnanpRtitrr rrnt trhi rr " f "trt, a' frfitny turHsxTii.pT-risf wen; tlirea jti.mimher. ami tlnur. iimin, and former places of re-idence were as. follows": Wiii. Shirley, iJp'om county. N. York ; Wikliaui ledger. Stark county, Ohio v John i iaiiHs, I 'avtoii, .Motttgotttf ery c.iiiiiTv, Dhio. ttiesc hSeii have U-ei. in this filthy dimgcon four years and three montlis, and during two years 04 'this time thev were chained down to the. floor-, in total darkness, w here, they Id not see - . wln.ilnMnH- tu..- tlnvmHi ilm-wl .Iwm - Uue. .' -i- n w. k.sw lAiai yoiL aiiow uin-i:. . v l me. euy oi . end.oi two NrIW''ttr - !rrr - t . . . ... . . ' bles ttud wriflts Imd worn the tltedt off to ! the-lronc, and such was their horrible con !ditioii that (heir chains were "removed to 1 save their lives and keep then, in misery itfie longer. The flesh is partly healed 'over the.e wounds, leaving the most In-art sickening scars, which were all seen by jthe five persons nbive uientioiied. j They state that thr-v wric iuiprisoui d un the charge of murdering and robbing a man for his money, and thev state also that fro-111 some facts which they are in i possession' of the person who committed the tiiurd er 1 . lOi-.l hie lfive leell 1 1 V ing to get a trial, but a hearing is refused thfeftJ. Iney liuyo written letters, the ; American Minister in Mt-Sico several : liuiea, and they have reason to lu'lieve 1 that he has never received them. li... liii-,.,.....'.. I r....l t , ..,i, . - ! i u,'..', :.,,. ; It ,i 'flT'-W was iinpo-isihle to get evidence to eon it-t ithein; and the great mass of the peojde i believe the innocent. Tlie youngest, of these prisoners, John (iaincs, of Dayton, --"4i-4s-ssstUi-.l--s4i; II n,cabo,statof i liable- character these pe.r.soh witttitnacd i it w ith their own eyes, and they are per 'sons of ilndonbte.l veracity, and some of , theul ii.ii; ioiii: men noon it 10 eoni, i.i ....... ...... I . ... ......... .,...iiI,-i.U,l,IIU V . .j i... ), nnibd in the ears ot every American of ev.-rv A , . er ca, c i 7z ti tTiHt " three of their brothers are conlined w ith out cause, and are faini-hing w ith hunger nod dying in chaMiis in a (lark loathsome dungeon in tin: city of Durungo, Mexico. Whot Cmtxr tint Gulf '.Stviim. Mr Stanton Shoaleu. aii experienced naviga tor, gives it lis "Tii- "'IliiTm"lltiil!!t!".V" -w-ji" , , I ..ill iln,,.,,, i-. iinl illui l.l. .ei streams, tor many inoiisiinii nines, ure constantly fiourmg their hot wafer into iter's Itrc m the re.) ill umhr the bm n-, . . ii. thin mi'dity r. si r oirot wtfer Astlit-t .. , trade winds till out of' '.jr reach. 'Driven along will. grea forftv - it' lakes its coilrso round tho great 1 r ti 1 h 1 1 I 1: jr . 11 11 m il' 1 'in i,,.-..,..-.v... ,- - . - . , . . t (, "i i' itiriiia, iiiu capes 01 irginni, ami me " norma, tiro ca pes 01 irgmn .south coust ot Aort America, and pass- ;",i"g among 'he icebergs which float of the ( Northern Oceun. 'tit .off the tiulfStrenin 'V1'1 !r wf'kl " ,,e "'", J befolUm,.. the ciyility was no more than : the Aoi tli Atlantic would lie tilled with - 1 icutjergs that ,wonld be very destructive ,0 navigation. tint a w ise 1 rovidence : vert heless, they hail not been seated in Ihi t. fLl... I .in. ..t.. imi. l ..' !. .!! .if i-i.nvu tt..Ai.. fK.iit tfi'.iiittr tuttitit l'"" . l" watcti constantly rushing around overtlie l.n.iL- i.f f1.. iiv-l.l Atl.no:.. t.. .I..ut!ti.i- i n VI 111.; VV'l.l 4AIMIMII1, 11. nn ULIlOIItt all;, ., ,.i! . i. , of u(itl' WM, ,,. fa,,,, j (. t-at Ajjiaz-n. Hcameii can always !SOIIe readers, tun wlialXiiave written is lonu experience, add was seen while. 1 nttyv when alter a lew uiiutues, tl.tj gen waa runng apou the mighty deep. The , ttcfiiaii, pretendini; to be afflicted w ith foil! Sli.ion I niu-jLl in notJiiiiir iiiii-it. thu siiliiu liuiiltir. Olid ililitiltiliif his lold- or h- tliun the water of the great Ania- .n of S.i.il. AMteriCa., 1 have crossed it in iimnv plarei, and for miinv vears have lulcd thmuLd, its warm w ater, ul- 1 wuvs pleased to liitivelt astern, llie nut . i violent btorius. Iioui Wliatever ouailer they may come, never change its course oTrtKOTTeuT"! nit it Ci iTiTTl 1 uei To move oil in thut irresistible power whicl i was lmvcii to it ill the beijiiiuilil! bv tie 1 v ,' .j.... .. " " ,v ii... 'i.w. j j . SKI.Et TlOX F tR A NKWSI'Al'illt. ' Most people think the selection of suitable .Matter for a newspaper the easi - 'A l'art )''' business, llovv great an trr'"' It i. '' ail means, the m.ist dil- j licit. To look ver ami over hundreds exchange pa,.rs every week, fann loch t, select enough for one, especially what shall not le selected, is noorisy task. i It every jerson w,bo reads a paper could huve edited !t w e should hear less com plaint. Not unfieinieiitlv is it the ease ' that un" editor looks over ail his ciT'liange paiiers for soi.iething interesting, and can uhnlntrtr tind nmhfng; Evrrv paprr is i .i. .. .. i ...... I....T .....i ..... O CI Ill lll It . CMIIll 1 OUO'MI IIMA, UNO ll'l - . . , .. i something must he hud ; his puper must ; , Witl, sonielliing in it, and he :,.-, the best he cau. To an editor who i.'is tlil- lea-t cure about what he select.. t"4the ui'itiiig that luHm tikdu is tin; cai : ,s,t part oi tlie iaieir. t.very auiiscnlM-r iV'l. L. .. .1 . . . . T . ' . ..:.. ..1 . 1. 1 . It.-. .;u.ii ,,,,,1 i ii,,-,-,. i noilun' in it that u.uiks iuc iioj ci is piooe-i .ua "mi an vdifor may Iuivju, nuouanv; tats Uu hoi U . ,rirr. .,,t , 1, . . , ., s. .. toconsult. One. wai.Uwethiug-J.u.ul.i lITr. t A.v 11 AM' 1 H F. 1 Alt h' 1. I hie likes anecdotes tun, and frolic ; and It is a well known fact that the Empe the next door neighbor wonders that a ' rr,r Nicholas is frequently in-tho habit of man of good sense vv.ll put such stuir Lvraikiai Uot the street! of St, I'cters a paper. Something spicy cuncs out. ' ..11 ', 1, 1 , 1 v 1 hiirg unattended. n hen a person niecN and tlie editor is a ol ickuard. .Next " 1 coiucs something argumentative, and the him the former removes the hat, ami the ..diior is a dull lied. And so. hi.t we-ti Ei.ijM'rorjm-wsrui, th.cjMriMi tiiritK Imek icni all, you see tne p.wurii'tiows g.-i - .. .Uw -I.. ..l-. V -..--I'lfc-.. ti..: HOUUt:y:.Cmrirtty- fi. rrirrTTii ii,h-s noi ineae lucm inav piease uie nei .i,.. ,,t . - . . r "'j'7'Viii'i.''''sl..i-ij, ' '" not suit them; it if good for ttothijitf H iiijttrn City till), I '' fit t'i itt t.'HH. month invention- of a In characrnr arc patented Almost every lily utilitarian at tlie t nired States latent !llce many of whieli are never, for want of meant on the part I' inventors, generally adopted, but lie neg lected till some enterprising spirit s.-e-their utility, buy s the patent tor a song, and makes hi lortune. Set era! ico.",' of this ch ".'actcr, W ithin the last few "lu"1'.' ii'd.u. tan. f wl. ich w ish to carl iiarlicnlar attention. 1 no- of these is a patent for ait improved wliod -aw, obtained bv a young man in this lI-trict. . The peculiarity of the inveii li,luUXonsi - ts in the sliapmg ot tlie teetli s in the shaping of ill such a manner ol' the saw in such a manner that with half the evpemhture of force, i uihle tie aiuoiitit of work can be done. Another patent is that of a machine for Jath-tiiaking. which is ho constructed that - . . I . 1. . Ill . . I . I .. ..!.. .11 -v.il lake "in los oi vvoi.hi, uie reiiise thstrt-a'UffiCImjT " l'"n'"t'i" iweu.v-ii.e, iinv, or a llltlllllll, "I HUT "11.1 HI -IH 'I. Another patent is for a peculiar shaped blade of a saw for stone-cutting, which, il , ....... . '-- , ,-, . 11.1 I is said, will accoinpiisii iiuiime tne wora t- - - umU: S m,!!....) is L'l-oiived on each side, into W hicl. ''moves w ider and sand are allowed to ; trick-le tbrwri tothc edge of thr s-aw, thr re to he used in cutting the stone ; tor it is friction ot the saild moved by the saw blade, that cilts the stone , and not the iron I of the saw-bhide. If iIh-i inventions 1 are really what they are ire reiiresented to TV'T,'''" ''i''"T"",' find a rV -iiV f "sV-tl !s : 11 rxhnitjltm Cil'J (itJn'. TII INK IN i AI.OI'D. i 'bold Dildlev was a icted with what n. av not lie -improperly termed the dis ease ol- thinking aloud that is, of iincou- seio.istv ('.vii.!; utterance .to uiivoltiiitan tho .f htJu hh h uJr wfjr.fi.li to Um f.l-l 4 t pose nioitilicatioii, after Teicated inquiries for Eordi.D'1 i'V s car- triage .1 loot not .'trriv oil. mill Ins lordshil). . i f - . . as well as others, ,i.itneil mat some 111:-1 . . .1 - 1 . .-i . . 1 i ... ., - 1 .1 . ..i ctilcht-Uillst have l.appencd to 11. tji.c. i 1. return home, I Hint though lie was ulmnst a stranger to I Lord Dudley, his rank and position in the ! country were, of course, well known to ; one gentleman would, under similar cir- cuni-tanees, have otlered to another. JNe- i " ' '--v "vo, : when the peer, w ho, being tired, had, up t.i tli-.r fiiiuiii.ot fioiioltiitii.d n iioiut )ioe. mill h.viiiv-ii, 1. .11. i.iui 1. .'wv i.ti ' fi.,.t .11. ....... ..l..,....,! ; l.ve hut dii !,rinutly dke-tono of voice-" I'm very i Sorry' i accepted his offer. I don't know ruiapseo into ins loriuer siaie.tii laeuiir- ship's tone, observed" IVrhapt he'll think I did it to make his acp.ai itance. hv, I would have dno the same to any farmer on hte estate. 1 hope he won't Ml think it necessary to ask, pie to dinner. I'll be hanged if I'd accept his iuvita - . , . . . . . i tton : i.oni uuoiev nsieiicu to nun witn Hon ! ealTiM lulereal, immediate y eomi-relieli- ded I lie tone w ti led lie into inuisell pro- . i - . ... . ' ,Ivmmm1' will'to his couiiiiiiion. inukiii.' voked. oiierea ni Hand wi! i nine i hear- , every proper apology lor 11s involuntary I rudeness- and from that night the tra- j Vcller bccuitie in.,eperabk friends. i - ; 7mW f wA.hcWh1 prw:- t i t i i r at'the "bar" undif the Mailt-law , ,isi.cns:itroti must be a K low Everything H1()l a Know-nothrirg at tie same tin.- Tf,,,,, we k-arn from violent. Maine- j w ,,,.. n Htr;lll,.r i, Hartford w ho akuig a gentle lidilcted liv one ;i..". ;,,,!, ;i. ;.;,, ins lonisnip s iiuust', on ins of the knowing ones into a building in a .(llo ,mt fHowed the history and crm- , "C V,""" .l"011"! ,Wlt" "W tn'jB ly street, and after go,,, ui. stairs and .i;,;,,,, ,,.. ;,, Africa, its nchh.v- 'l1 "f a P"" u.h.,c.U .WM "ttcl,4-.1 to down Uui,altriJml oils winding way s, hnaily arrives in a room.oaone of wo,ch is a small auiuu wiiuiir ; uet n i ittw riutMt inc. w hc l ..ff f.rt tn4u;. A Ifrsoii wishing to try his lor! line vv rites tipni a small card, and w iin a piece ol money, purs 11. in the dumb-waiter. A way goes the waiter, and shortly returns with a glast of Otard, pmieh, -tit afiv thing nut maV have ilerstf- i piece ol money, puts it. in the' -,j . 1 .,1... 1 ti.i. ..! .....i M answer comes ihr.M.irh llieLllfOhoIe. ! ... 1 ..v ,i : e noai-e vo.ee, . rvnov. .vouiiii. "' - " - ytirxtm t hmnr.it. t t.-.fe t um. imt it t-r a iiiiiiut -r",i,,"',i"i'i "'., ioi, thr j.jniM.fu.ii ..i.jof-ii , ped by individuals with some request-.to even' , ped ny individuals wiin some requ ' make, or some petition to picseiit. Some little time since tin- Emperor re marked on sev eral iefjt.ioit-, a man of the lower classes toiiowing I11111 anout Willi a lantern ifi his hand. Iteing curious to, kiitiw the mpantrrar' of rfiis crmd-nr;- he s-iddcnl v stopped short, and tnniing sharp ly round, a-ked.the perttvering iudivid- in question : ' I- let the. street road rnoiiL'h lor us both ' This i- the tenth tioie, at least. '..i;it I hay,- seen you walking cloe be hind me. If you have nothing to a-sk of tne, go about your business.'" ' Pardon me, your majesty," replied the, person addressed, " hut- but " ' Well, what is it ! Speak !'' " 'I I want to a-k you what sum I should receive as a pen-ion." " What post do von (ill ;" " I light the lumps in I apital5 he streets of voiir " . nd what else do v do?" " I educate parrots, your .Maestv, and teach them to cry, " (iod save the Empe-" J ... "I. .vn, -we.., - ...... .jTTnrmiMWZ w',mmr'T,'rilty XlMWH )MjlM,&SM.Uwt -liMlL Ihc.loca.l i 01 rioil.tl illli'-li. "I,, "111 "I " 11 111! you." ; The lam liter took off his re- his - 1 - , , -I ... o I .1 t .- 1 speci.u.iy, inn. ii.c vr-ur coniiuueo .ml the Lzar continued his srr':: day, after the imperial break - J he next i fast hour, the man was punctual to his a pointrueii't. lie tmd n Kupcrh wirH melt ot the leathered trilie w iin him in a cage, wrth silver pfated Inns. I lie l-.mperoi w as waiting lor him. The .nan entered , j.. ... .... ca,g.. at the door '"'wVsvfo''WirtThr-m " how- lono have vol! been laniti-lh'htcr ; . - , - i r- - 44 h.r thirty years, may it .please your Majesty." I have made inquiries, and I do not , hnd that there has allaclied to yi hi r pi arv r ever heefi' a pension -I. What is your sal- ' " I have none jtj, j.l.atcyonr nifljisn, liimalhm . i 1 Mill.. 1 . . " Y es, and please your majesty, I have got one there at, the door only waiting . . 1 1 . 1 . - 11 - 1 your lie.'. Mission to he uroliglit. 111. I iv .1 .-. i 1. 1.. l:..l.i'i on a sign in.ni .. v.ar, .uc lamp him- .. .1 c .1; 1 ;. .1 :.. 1 .: . i . I ei ran nun iciciicu in ins panoi 10 pieseni I ... ...... I ....... I 1.... I-.O II... I....I ......1 II. ..ill.'.. 1,1. ...I 1..K Sal... I." -I W..IM j I s I n r. I.rt. I. - I it to his Emperor, Tho bird was a most bcautitul one. " Vorr tell me that you teach your par rots to cry 4 God 6aVfc the Emperor ;' fhat one has been here five minutes and Jiafl ...m .. .....,i . I " fW mve the 'Emperor!" cried the'crh and clipped oil'. The bucket was up lamp-lighter. J he parrot, on hearing his muster, immediately imitated himand exclaimed in his crevereit and most em phatic tone, " God sure llm Emperor A'ajmtrtm." It the Czar had been struck with a tbun derbolt, he could not huve been more!,,"! water to the bottowv; the Tuttep ft stntiilied." hcing proved bv the quantity of sand in The anecdote soon became bruited ! her hair when site was drawn ttp, and by alx.ttt St. retersburgh. It appears that ll4-'r o" expression in regard to her de- li4kfor( tlie bird cmiiei into tin hiinti.liirht-1 er's possession it had belonged to a I rencb,- .....o,.;.... If tw.l ...I 1? I. 1I1IU1 Fmm ttis BiUtiniore Anirican. iM'i'.i.K rrv to t'lUMn. Thol'iessiu the United States, is a pow-i VT t!,t wields an influence almost omnip-1 j ()U,lt () ,d , with tlp for. j , ,, ,,, ... ... In,,1,c 0l"mon' ,IC "10,,l'llf,o' : ; "' ,lie sentiments ot the masses, 1,0th mo-1 1 rally and politically, that it becomes u j matter ol ijupohsiblllty tu nicasura 1 tla ,.,,, alld tx the boundaries of , .. . , . .. . i its eiiinire. lhis is a feature neen bur to ' ' . thw country, and tor reasons so perfectly ! iiiutrent to all, that we deem it sullieient h.i our purpose, merely to advert to the hd't her. In an liour afterward she was fact. We may remarkhowever, in this'"8 liv,'l-r . f" mtltnH even to .," ., , the extent ot a scratch on her person! connection, that the great ad van) ages we ' derive as a nation, at least from a fr . . , " IV, have not, escaped the not fee of the' Stolen frud.-ln world, or that portion of it, wliere the ,Mr', (';"""" AfcAer, a flew English Press is p rmittcd t ,,(',. . J b",jk' hu ft 'u''n-v 8t"r- f lr. Ogden, It was only the other day this very Y"" of Geology: 'iThe Doctor vfaesffirwasbKacheun duriio- the lone- and verv interc.i h- ,c, n "' lu$ V"! 4 '" or four years ; masses - were dwelt upon ; and it was : ramlidv ndniitteil that in the ditlusioi, f jj,.,,,.) mfrllo'cnce am , , o.ioy thr- -pcroplr-- ; .. tt0 uft,.t Mutes was f; I' i-. I J I 1 I land." t '11,, press, then, occui-viie' Mich ci.miiuiiidiiig iMisition in this countrv. conies to a great extent, as we .. intimated, the regulator of its tiiorals. '"on um l.u . . j . . .. , ,,d rnrt ..f nil ...,,,.., s rWe . .'. nIt ot cour-e, the seed thus and of course, the seed thus scattered " "whether k-'mkI dr 'bVnl, iniVst " ff 1 fI a h m I 'o- r;;-'.:'. - ,.5,...r. -. .-: :re-i - .. . iiiciil soiuevv fie. nun a so 1. 100-1 hit vv I 1'resS suffered to M-mvt UfU-i-j-U, in- cuh'n.e immorality i Are we prepared to iitiswcr in t! negative ? There are ico.1 iiBuu-.Liona n lljco lonuo o oiravciiv 1 1 ..... ...1 :..i. ..1 :.t ir . .1.. " 1 d nut do we n .i .1 . .- ., t snow imii a poinot, 01 tne I t ress is striking indirectly at the exist i eiice of w hat underlies all the social re: hBsjnjiJos.srttfiry-iadla ier&tble: tuion r 1 social happiness ( I .r...fM,w.fl4nt.1w.n)i, 7.;...:,. rr: an occ4itma J '1. 1 osiii ill no 1 1 ic 11 1 1 1 H ; lv i renin toil teituirs of th. ni.iiiifri' ' that th. re is a disposition to pander to a ..''..' . - a oisixiMiioi. to panuer 10 a morliid curiosity, by presenting such de-; tails of monstrous crimes, and heinous oticiiecs as are calculated not only to crirrtin tlw phrt'k" of modesfy, hut to shock ii'l sense of propiety and -decc"; v. 'f a,cacjfif action or w.iK'tio:; occurs it is not'cVjuoli to s;vo the simple fact, but 'he particulars dressed and colored per haps, by the ready jton of the reptuter, and occupying a promi'iit-nt place in the paper, follow as a "further' account of the outrage;,'' And who has not observ ed tlie aviditv win. winch vointiy oiiiirl ""'n men ninmgi, whose veins tne spring tide i of passion i, coursitig-seize upon these glowing pictures, the eye not suflermg a word to escape, w hilst it distils tor the neart a siihtie and deadly poison. lor, to the gaz should be as free trmii taint "as lltl llll- no un ;el s Willi;. v would place in thei , . i V -,..1,...,.! .r7taTr-fsH-ld-ttI r to give them that, if the restraints i belle of virtue are to be slacked, than the vill i uar and disgustinv accounts of every lib-; gar and disgusting nceouots ot every lib-; r.d and mai.T TT.eru will be found at lea-t Rouie regard for common decency. . heart a simile and deadly poison. i ,i, -,:.; ;. .i, ..,.i, .i. .! ..r coverisl urotrinlinr fruni the inclined aide oi a ., i ' , . , mi iv ia inu ii.iii.il n in a, v"ii IU9UU ii f ... . ., , - . I l.ut the newspaper not only reaches the!. mrt fe limlU. ,- ,jlt.lnsclvW; ad so i ""''V d''vitv. few miles from the city of I countJiig room and the work shop ; its , wol,dt.rfull combined, that thev must be l o"l,kf,1K'; Moas-ire were .m.ncdmtely tak ,ls teeming pages are opened in the par-' ltv flli(.roS(.oic ovo to he ,-h.r.rlv i'" to .tfc., ?hua. ho. sk" i. .it tiioi.iic.i ..I oi- ii. i t int ; -t i i 1..' - ' uin. v. e are miornieu uiav me. .uiiiiimow snme have atfe;niit.ltrM.mkc this i.,atterlI(4-;.,t(lt,s "iut if fVjw'-wriihim ritcMi"r-,'f lbl! '.,.-!V'' -'f-- ol g ing pul.licity to the vn b-tails ot crime a question, and have undertaken 1 me a question, and hi luce iiii argument li to adduce a,.i argument for the allirina- ; by citing Shakspeare's ""Mache-th," I .. .. .. ...... ... .. . ' . rt ' aradise J.ost, io the Ihlilc j iiutiie ot crime -are a the nrotier sub-l , . 1 1 'j'eets ol publicity and notoriety. Iheer - j mr la al to such an argument as this, sists in losing sight ol a very important ' iiiiolatiir - lioiii J ope ' V.ch i. a litiiimter of tui-li liiili-nui niiotl, t'l. 1.. , l..i. I .......a ..,.1 1.. ... . j ... Kill seen tisi oil. fiinnliitr W illi im larr, We Inn. I'.iiliui1, ttri'.j'iiiiyi Un-n i-mliriiiH-," iiiimiini i. 1 1 1 un utiu cam1 nit' mi lti in ..i i1J.: t ....t. i...... . . . hi e t moral , h, , e v n e is ,, t, ,3 uu ktll irom .those pfiu, , dV 1 ' ( d with nil its h ,i.os,ss, ! , usat AJ thtn- point those impres- T,esl';'lis trat lion .ire ctlorth, it i only thai tin M,. .,1. ,1,,. viv;i.'ii w ith which thev '-ore .the visitors tn tfealterSoon. " After '.mrjmiiros-niaT-nir-ar more ternWc.. ,),,.,.' (;vt ; ,,,o.m lfl,,c,H arHrnnlhem 1 .1 1 . 'f.'Il .T I 1 .1 ..i... v.s.. . w.s-. ..iJ.xi-.5v'lio nnnitinn -rirl A Murveloik liescue. A little girl, named hemira iT-entice, nx years ot age, wild resides with Kohert Getty, on Kd gar's farm, east of tho Asylum, near Day ton. Ohio, fell into a well sixty feet deeo. Shefwas probably playing inside of the ! ' the tune, leaving the passage a nob strncted from the month of the well to die top of the wutar.in it The water was six feet deep, and the distance to it as measured, was tiftv-toiir feet, lhis dis tance tho little girl full, passing through scent, When she arose to the surface of !th the water she sustained herself by clinir- ing to the walls, immediately crying, 44 1'ull tne up," 8o"ioud as to be heard by Mrs. tJetty, the lady, upon running to the well, and discovering the child's position, lowered the bucket and told the little creature to 4 in ; but no persflORion conl'' i'uhice her to do as directed. Keach- in as high up on the rono as she could, "he took hold of it, and the lady began to draw her up. When about half the dis- inI1C(,, ,Mt not half tho danger had been passed, the child said she couldn't hold . i. 4 .... it . i ... .i e lo " " ,'m' m ?ra,"a- k"i "erven ner mr a lasi euori ; arm . i.. . . i -i i i- i -.i . iiirnieiMiiir nur cm uisn irasn w mi l ie atWncth of despair, tin she came to the top, her head sinking down as if life had , - ,' ' i . , , ,, plan ,m.8o,C t. me, and winch should nn.r rin-imnorn eiii'i. t ITi.n, imu e"-T 1 .......l . r.:l i ! -.1 t. . . . , ! nmini v taiieii. j o me iocior a trreiu uc hirlit itl at glit itl at last snowed signs o hearing, and about 11 dozen cherries after a while began to p-smiie n tempting appearace. I.'. .0, ei, -I...- r...... 1,:-, ..;.i.. 1 ... in nuimi; ..111 u.ii ovoi ios ime, uv; iiii.ss- ...1 1 1 , ' ... 3 ot S(ri,eWK:s nnd nm'iid the liaving tbi'tn. " 1 have not touch-!, . , UU O.OIJI. iioy 01 m. riTU ' " Fnie (Is heaven," (a very common mode , . time 1 .f asK-rt .KHMtt rtnng rtferrw pcople at'tltat iuia i ." llial's .ll g'j-xl liill..! jsit tlive down , - . .... 1 - ., . - - v - T J. 1, " "" 1 ? r 'l"'', ,eXn " V"S 8trP ' 1"-' , . 1 i J 1 . 1 . 1 t 1 uiiiiih "u, nun w ii pi --pill nig 10 iea 13 tne xoirrrr, rote los-fHWicer; fcj-n-vtH-Ul.i cimvOT: , ,, , ., , , alion. At len -'111 tlie liny was inakin ' n huxti 1 tnut, saviiiir he did not feel well. ' ita.c-i,,!'e , mu. utit assurance jixihi "Ua -notnitil.llj.c.Tirini." .auu-tlm LKjcttif-Xmts,. 4 , .. I "' "." ,, 1 1 iii-in now 11, 10011 wim h am ue oeiicr ; llHtltillillg-a- tlaV i J-. 1 - 'I'l.n ,1-,...; , -.- -is- . I, 11 i .ue ineines s. ".. luiim- tutj.i lip-, ance. to the great consternation of icii ies mm made their ap-! .1... ...... ....... .-...: ..f rueirunei' to ff,,,7l,,,,'V?.. 'K' F;" consternation ..1 :; ji , 1 1 ad. Where's the Uod in heaven ?" fliirDoctor. 44 1 hou iiiiscreant ! get ! said' thee out of my house!" lie quitted it I ,tbe saute day, but: not. until the DtHrtrj uei showed him bis w ill, in which he had II him .i'.'iiO, ESSAY ON WOMAN'. .x ivouii, , , tt ve.y nice, compucateu , ,,,, jja,i hl)X sh(, Im(1 t jnta she gtlll machine ller sprinp are iiilinitely lel-1 ivcjJ to teact, er lll8i)anl better man icute and .hirer from those ot a man, pret-! m tlmn t0 brv ft (1.lcint wolnnn with lv nearly, as the works ol a reiieiitinfr i,.;,.0 n : i.-"i.rt,i,. i i ... i Si '- : watch do Iroin tbos-e ol a town clock. J,n(lk at ,er bolyl.w tk-licatcly form- e,j ; .;XHInie her fcenses--cxquisite and iP0 ; , Ml,rvo ler understanding how i .l.tU nnd acute lint look- into her heart i 1 lie iM'i-cei.lion ot a wo-1 -I ,.,'.. ' ,, - in .in is iimek- lia llo- htlmtiir ller notin. r is intuition I had almost said in- j ' ii ,;V; ' ni " i..., 1., ' ii. i - n- i i.,.i.ii'ii, ,i ini.i in i in...-; i sun. in- i f.(IK,.,-..,iy,,a; ineeot uex o R,r low Hle fof)nt!il it , jjli. I1SI0I1. Ask She ca 1 1 1 1 o Fa 1 swer the question. As tho perce.tion of ( coin oi i licooeo a w0lnan ie Rnrris,redv nuick, so her!atl tlwm Jmvu cu,UI-0 enough to write,, '" ... w.., .1..,.. .... ...(.v ,,?.ted their ' .1. O . II- 1 ! .. 1 ... tut an lain- ivnvi eit.iv 111..11 niav jinijr .i,,,,,. :., ,1. ,,,,;. " fr.,M. ,.verv eirelu ,1( mu s.iirit in converaath... 1 ' ,,,..le,lH entirctv on lancy, aim women . K . - .. . ujj ,,Ver the world tiUkJietter. than uieiu, . i " i -r. . t ... .'i. ........;. , ... c to uescriue . i ii-v t;i v u oui no ee ii an-i 'onc ,lt , a;uf 0 ,.,aracter is : con-;.io.v or t,,0 fi,M,rt.i,Uccd before your " ... vi;,- 'rom iho siise.Mitihi-lities 1 G,mt ',.. Eamartine has pist com- . . a ... 1 . . . . I. i pleted a history- ol J lirkerv, which he sold winch elicited me louowing i.tugiiaoiejui i to one'ot the Paris papers for S!iid.O(")0 ! : swer, 44 1 was llYftde out of the dirf'of tho I Who navs French iiiit'liors lire hot proper- 'ert ; bill the little ieller what (Jod ufufo I ly paid for their works f - w has got the bclly-acht", and gone, homo.' GRANDMAMMA. Sha is by the fire a dear old Judy, with' nicely crimped and plaited cap bor der and old fashioned spectacles as plea sant a picture, of tlie home grandmother as any living heart may wish to see. Tho . oracle of tho family the record of births and marriages the narrator of old rev olutionary stories that kept bright eyes big and wide awake till the evening logs fefl to ashes what should wedo without , the home grand mothers ? IIow many littlo faults she hides ! What a delight- ' M special pleader is she when the rod trembles over the uutortnnate urchin's head! 44 Do yon get many lickings?" ihqrtir. ed a flaxen-haired youngster of his eurley headed playmate. . r - 44 No, was the prompt, half indignant answer, M I've got a grandmother." Love that aged woman. Sitather feet and learn of her patient lessons from tlie past. Though' she knows no gramnUMv cannot tell boundaries of distant States, ' or the history of nations, she has that per haps which exceeds all lore wisdom. She has fought life's battles, and conquered. She has laid hef, treasures away, and grown pnrer, stronger, through tears and sorrow. Never let her feel the string of ingratitude, bit at her. fw-'t- ' Slw 'W teach you all the dangers of life's journey, and teach you how to go cheerfully and smilingly to the gatg of death, trusting like her in a blissful hereafter. Anextote of Tom Curwin. Some years ago, when Tom Corwin and Tom Ewing were on a political pilgrimage to theiflor thcni part of the State, they were Invited to tarry over night with a diKtrnguishod local politician. The guests arrived ra ther lute, and the lady of the mansion be ing absent, a niece undertook to preside great men,, and supposed they were ele phantine altogether, and all talked in great language, 44 Mr. Ewing, will you take condiments in your tea, sir," mquir- ploase,'r replied the quondam salt boiler, ' twillky.. Here wa8 f 5 ye twmklesl. Here was fun 1 rat i tied w itl w i th the appa- C . I tor him. retit success of her first tiial at talking with big men, the young lady addressed Mr. Corwin in the same manner: 44 Will you take condiments in your tea, sir!" - 1 " 1 eptier anu salt, out no mustard, was (hu A ... ' ' . ' ' 4 1 .ur- iOTiniSr iwar .h t t ts,i . a hs. w tu. and the entertainer roared in spite of theiiisel ve. . Corwin essayed to amend tho matter, and was Voluble Tn eoHipl tuentf atreed.ftcs.aitd wit; 15u the wound was- Immedicable,. .. Tho yotitig Jajjjr. i . tliis day declares that Tom Corwin is a coarse, vulgar, disagreeable man. Tho Toledo ISIado tell a-rood staryoi ., M Af ,.ll,.., vel.o t.,L-.... ;. ;tl. ,.li..l..ro o.,.l .i;..'l ctv l,..., . t,.n. .i,:ci-m, i,n.i . -i.i. 1 J 11 .iioAi-j uvini; 1.1. uiu iiviiu I.", uei 1 i..e .., , ;.... .....1 ,...,.1 ,.i., . r,-;nn.i ,,e,i. iter relatives and p.-, f Tirrt at I ..,n;.e 'Ht"iVi-- iUllrs Tort nt mtfTiiMif V'hen dm-finr vtrm. -fiwt ainIfi.en.-ieH ,H-l,b-lv tiiere camo -tapping, as 'i.,1.,nv ,,.:,, iKi.l,, tl there camo a tapping, as of some one . .. . M . Vr . ...... , rs - l(udIy j,18i,l0 the cofliu lid.- Then the hairs J.f each individual stuck ont M 8tiff as The watchers were l,rntt.l. t.ilf Mo, volno of H,n dm.il fcrobn onV. 'shrill and nitWrilv: 44 -PaW vn baste ! git over t' yer own side of the bed! There's niver a bit iv room for me atwixt ye an' the wall ! l'at hkiked solemn n ; and the wife raised up in the coifing and ii-n-i a.,,,iii-lint utiiiel- ml in .1 icni il-n ri II it no eiic au i-u iii-i uio. rrr-r- A MtloU J.Vo.W near Ponghteepw. We learn from a fricud.that a fcwdnys aim tho tasks of a inashxlou of eBrnws size wre ihs- 1 , ...i ... ...jtl.i .,.i ,.iil llS lllTII ri'llOII H.IOI. Plllllim, 11..V1 lVJ ivuur . . . ... i . . . .1 . . l!ou 1 e 8klll'u'u sncu s M I.. , e mt HV! seeciinon of ..I,, -,i ii,., i.i, ui .M.iri.w.1 ui won in llie niMsro. ottrivmcly fn- vorahle. The excavation, whir a ts prdsecutcj 1-iireT.TTtie' Jiriti.ni nf-j-'rofmiiW-MDri.-, llituUa-. coverer of thu magnetic telegraph, who -remit. 'oiijjliliis'iisio, tia-s procMeueq inw a u.e and. slioulil.-rs nt the nianiuioii.. ine Iwncs arc partialli wtrijied, as far aa the exhu- niation has exU'.ided, and this promises the re- MlltU UMII mi T III uisi.iinu. v... ....... ''"' 'Worroet am. u eiim.....e oon, ii.,v- - v r(H;nH,,r. s",lrcer " wl f , seielicu and study of ,,,,,.,.1 i ' " H no JItufii J oh t -f)ne of the la- , .. .... .i l . L" dies connected with the 44 Methodist t it e Pnin.sMwMon, who has underhcrcharge 601110 thirty little hoys, called mem 10- getheoti the morning of Thanksgiving with tho question, u I10 made yon t i-i 1- . 1,1 - ioi 1 . .t .1. . 1 1 . t - 1 i .- ' .- .- . . yw,, -w- 1 ' J- '- WSI' ' . .1 It v.lBr6Jn''n,.':, ' "I s- -a