-I If it - .. . i 1. - w-J - r-vaar.aV, I'j . 1 . ... 3Jfpgtftta..ygmi(g.rllfn5tiirlfBitttrf, Jntrrnai Jwntprprnts. toctfttf, tjjr girts ." griforfs, jngtg, eg JJr. VOL. XL-NEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, OCTOBER 19, 1854. NUMBER XXII J. J. BRUNER, EDITOI AND rBOFRIBTOR. TERMS : Tm IMI.ni y ur, pud witHia tbrp. month. from Jaw of aawnta j Hru4utl.nl Mil arty eHie If Mil pafcj fctfcfa Um naval ua af Mm fWi awal thna 4nf lar. aftar Mm jwwr hM .laired. Mv paper aoitla- u4 Mtfl til immpi in tv4 "p Mf Ik. Editor. ' ' Lallan to Mm Editor arwt to " paid, to .ntara ite.iioa. . vgtiteik'l,IIMI"l :! II s 2 8 2. M5( ,ttsts. naj t . - ll 0 1 S f-e-r- 1 SI 1 I til - A xju.ra i. the ajxu. oecapied hv l ekaw Km A. adnnuwuMat mkin llm l aare. rh.r- ti ia pnaurtMi la I ..ra : .Hni( Z ur It n rkanrrd ia pmnrtwa luZaaia, !T,UttT'' rudU l ar ivrtm Mi rt. to-tW iibwuiui f.irrnrmr twaL asw; rnTrr, ('nlvd to Uwn wax advrrtiM rrguhiri)- ihrui Tkn. aiJIar tat aaamMeiaa eaadidat ' C..l OrVr taf d U prr crul k.l.rr it.ua ih burr ralM. Urdcn a u( fcuakuad wl wife, (10 tmrk. 7'PrtaMM Miadinf ia drtaw.l ara tmfi i u al.ujK. Hawrrf ""ia wawwd ; ..at rf a wwfcrd tlMy 'iM urmpy llw w- MSr aH. l, wrio apua lh ttaek IIm wwd am. v,n will W aal p ja lb. a.l HI. ' acurdiRflr. I r K dwroaal aa n" rnMm. , IMhrrwMw ad tharfd IMLKNAL IMPROVEMENT. A General Convention of tlie f.K-uJn of In t. rnal Imiirovemcnl ill be held AT SALISM Xr I he ubjei t of (he (Vivefltkrti will ' u con.!. id recuiuinend a g. rKral y-t.m of Internal Improvement, by Itail Koak for lh State. . All counties m mu.wt.-d tn nd I ,J. galiw. 4 ail frea4 f Iatenwl lmpruviim ut are in-. .ucjtoatunj. Ibvaa TmbIb. Cha. K. Fiaber, XatUTltovden, J.,ba W. KHU, I). A. Italia, John I. Sharer, Win. Murphy, Mwbael llrown. A. C. McliUh. " -Kjrtmfr Bttt. "Trvrmmp- - Buttr, liJ. rw,a, li. C..l'earon. lirmmfmrt, K. H. hatu-rthwaite, Ja. E. Iloyt. Aaaraa.ii, J; F t Hardy. Caaerlaad, (ieo. McNeill, U. K. Krvan, . KJ. Hah-, C. T- lU'h, Jiawph Are)', K. U WinaloW, Jobn H. Cook, II. (i. MclUe. Cataa-Sa. W. L. Md Wkle. A. K. Hountty. -A". rt'rorr h. K. Calf well, . J.ibji Ai filliqef, liayaiaad, . J.icob hil.-r, 11. ti. U'oodtin. IrtiUU, V. K. Co n. -Jmkmtlmm, lit Wi -taiule; i C. C Jliud:tk. JfunljraaMry, .S 11. t 'hn-tiau. I). A. Banwa. .VfW laawrer, P. K. Uiekinann, A. J. I. Ku-aet, Thoa. 1L WrigbL OaaUra:, John A. Av.-ritt. Rtmdmlfk, Julia W orlb,' II. It. Klliott, A. II. Nf in.li. 9. Hiekmdni, A. 1.h kery. Jt.4M, R. S. Krl.eb, It. K. Troy. K.l.uin.1 Mitjiu-eii, N. A,. McLean. tfarnpmn, ' I'airiik Muiphy. ., "Tt Tr;T;.t.rrnr- - Xaaa, VI. T. a..lll. H'ajnw, S. L Ijve. , tinnvOU, A. W. V enable. It. Ilallev, n. Wmkt, I. Cl lt. Itraneh, Win. Doylau. n f'aaawa, IL T. 1'ai.M. S. K. Patterson, V. A. I'noir. Pupil, VmrUrtl, U.i An i,.' . !! itaarawtc. J. 8. 1 ancy. Vadan, J.iai M'itliama t H J-irv Alr-dytU Ure i. paring . turning the whole theory of apparitions!'" T hmmj ? J Leu, .Many ul bav. Lo "diculo and conteu.pt. .fclnce ttaTJjJ im-?f- ST' LA tk h. variou. fteawIU, - t"".1. " .W 7''?ttuV llerTliffi. accustomed seat, he lcked iitfllSBi i e T . .. ... . . i revei in tne uisiory or -lwuinson Crusoe . j ' , 'j . --') . " 5L ......,...........,., ,i..BBJwiiiv.rf .1 ....-t'-a o.,.i .i.. lance was he intently gazed at I lueap- From ... ty...r, R.p.taican. - . -there vet : for 'Neptune is itics theology and science. They Inul a ' it to ..rove that they might be unfixed 'ZLZJ.J.Zf: Z. iu Ireathless silence by Ins fellow clerks, ,et my aldent g,ze Kailroad Conn.,on between Lyachburf ; ,oru than six thousand years Iron, the well-selected library and spacious room, f jr -onie emergency. 1 ears j - ' - ' ' i, i. J a.id shop ; VT' " ,1 , M " ,"l,Jf "T.- . U'Wwl aa4 Inrtk Carolia. ,.ce..tro of our system." 3 in which they used to pursue their social "died on and t lie story was- a most tor-," Jsc the re.,. Let for a fm ',,h l'';'." ' " ,J to:.,: ....'.,.. " J Bv rcudiiiirfhe almve. you can form 1 conversations. None were almit ted bnt gotten. But Ume he great detector f j" ' '.i.bej.nj.wvd bv getting tumble.1, to d s,ly trembled as with suppn J " "i-""- " 1... :.i.. 1 .,';.. ,.l,;..l. .... , ar....-l, .listi.Mrih..,l ii, ..uhr.e. : error the sole guardian and ever-lami- ... an aiiciem piece 01 resTing, wmen i.a. tear tirop rested on n. il.pro.,1. wuimuly U.o ,-t my 1: 'Ud,' nKt nnnHloOr. ?l...ir .. ihJSful parent of truth. . care sorry 10 answer tnat some oeo- n ,yi - , ,i10 stro five-years au,i lilies, the muscles eo.nmuuiu.uon ; anu wuen we con.m. r u.c , -r , .,, ,, , ,, ,,. R, ,, ,,,m-ral stock of information. Their num- One of the ...embers of. the society was .i7 " .... ..... 1 coiiM.lce.i ... oe s.v-, . mmn oecame ennv - t 1 . 1 .1 inr, iii nmiii iiuiwr. -i- -i 'ills TIliilK Tllfv UrP T nilr ttl Ilrtr l- i i- . . L i.l - aonderful effect, of ,K..er in netting nil ,- w, ,llltifll N ,1V ,,av or ,,v ,K.r was limited to twenty-four ; and as in a pl.ysician. In the coui-seof his practice, , , n , t V o lea c a le 'aJ-V ex""Me; u" V' , U rt!.v t u"lt?"n tla. old ...'eolation., about the ommer.-o ...d I.l .!,..... I:,'. ..f .1... I .1,.. ,-..b.l ;,t.-l Arademv at Antw.-ro. or I li ..., ...... ,,,l ,.ll..d In ,. .bl.,rlv I U . : ... , r.h 'as tt piece ot gls that wiW "rtl0 to war... pressure ot my - - iimi, mv o.iii.oii.um.ii.,.,..... iii.i.-.. ............. . j : , ' ( siMiu as 10 iiiiu such a cicra. i.ei mer- . - 11..... ....wh it vanl f th1iI.oiK- n-.v luiri.nl I....: t . 1 :. 1... t..l ..1 .. . 11 1 .1 I II . ... I.. ....... L... ....... ..f ..ne 1. ...... en. I I.... St ...,... I . ... . . .. . ., . lUe Ol II. HOW IIIIICU UUs II .. MieuittMV ll .IV , Dlir.eil ma Dl ine ura, .ny not uu ij,iuiiua 10 win reilll re. liu u I, OOlll V ouni; unu OKI, uic " ii"ii iiirmin-i .. ................ miniail, nne uiismem n wna 10 ciiniio .to llllnL- StTlOU-lV OtltllC-ie tllll": . . I 11 1 I .. II I l. .... ...... ... ... I Wli.,1, ....I. I..e .-..nr ft. :.l..r..,..mon Connril of New York, each I ...wo. SV.li.la .ml .ieb ,w.rwr.. Kb. told '.'-".u.il.u!1 . ..T I ' ' Iweutv-two shillings. hue cambric handkerch ihal of any other city in Virginia. See the fher You answer : llecause he is good member s chair was labelled With the , hi,,, that she could leave the world with trutMu al)J upright, and we shall see a ! . 'h Xioi.-S iu- lu--ium.V to " ' rnof-herftaHr,,wd.tr Why dtfy. love your inotherfnau.e of itswner or ou,m..t.av.ng copcience. f.jf 'Wj better state of things throughout the j. . rk vou ; tl, .lvi.-Recently vn a Sunday, da- i , ' .... me, ' must bo votir answer. W hy doyou at the head and loot of the table. A relneinlier Mr. -, said slic, whose r ,: . -, , rrii?.v;rrt-" y-Tr.tvtv-.rjr -mefutursday, all t.,rm...at,.,g at tfcM- O0 ,- frjendil "Because they are ! usual on such occasions, the president's I ghost was talked of eight, years since f- ' hut n !. she cued -'1 II g.v e v ou twenty kge of CleatantI .Ireland, thrcelanHof . he greatVirginia ami Tcnn.-e, the South kim , is the reason given. I chair was more elevated than the rest, so j his nurse. Otr the night of his An eminent minister of Norwich made--'"1 11 "U- - . ... tie 1 nuesyint iaitn were oi.iige.iw take .'h' with it. connection extenJini- to- Wolk.j Now think .rftlml who is g.hl to yon, I that, of course, any thing enacted there . death, thinking him asleep, Uel Uie r.K.m a sudden pause in his sermon; the con- i Madam.yo.i insult me again. shelter trom a heavy shower. I he otti- nd Ut. Orange and Alcaialtia liailroads Ufi-aiise he has given yon life, health, and would be more conspicuous to the other ! ad went down stairs for something which gregatioii were panic struck. Having r,v-1 . ' "t me ott y aM. ' )" -' mJ t"?"' 17. L-ngoarapidiyU, completion. At no di.,.,. enjoyment. wL lovls yo,'or he wmild members. At the ieriod at which I speak j wanted. I am sure I had not betm ab-( eti-d their attention, he addressed l""'-, .larn.. win,., h .1... Vir.,UU W not have surrounded yon with all thel-und I eould give the exact year and sent long, but on my return I found him sell bv name to a -gentleman 111 tbe guile lri4 're """"'i1'' .nmosiui ou-.pt l down to h.s attcn.ia.it, w iom vLw- 1 d ' , T b it fnl .1 ngs 11 at .nan's eye has ever night, and, if necessary the name of the ne, the bed deranged, and without my ry : " Has that poor man that stands at the treated the tair shopper. on Ins knees and whispered to h.m 'Three W.Af,rW,..U hm.oral.lc gentleman who l.a.l,,r some patient. He was delirious and insensible"; back of your pew a gold ring pubis tin- The salesman, alter much pervasion, chu. lor the Protestant ladies.' The. ..!.-, and tlm tcn.i,.n of .tbe t-k road "J Vllt )lf U)e gul, years, occupied this honorable office of Ul I feared that he had threw., himself! ger." lV gentleman turned round, and Isold the lady the vesting, for which they clerk who was racier an 4gnoraut man, l tbe valley of Jam.w 'rivar U. Cvigu., and ' f m4 .tar8 b el.airma.i-the president was confined to ut of the window, 1 was so frightened, replied, 44 1 believe not, sir.'" Oh, then, . had in vain sought to get live shillings Per ood p and .Uate4 tlie-cigregation. ! an hideja.-ndeBt road front Xytochburg to ,.Lht I his bed by severe indisposition. that 1 had ,110 tiower to stjr; but after I sirpose that is the reason ho ijiust not rynrd. at the price above indicated. I he t nree .w-. it ine 1 ruteataiil ladies . Ifeb-MHlraaaiag nearly parallel with the iiule children should think of the great- From a feeling of great personal es- some time-a few minutes-to my aslon- have a seat." The genfleiimn had three ; profits oftli e-ale flff"?yfV'. im Kr.Kl KaaawbiWl With .uLh. and kindness of their Heavenly Fa- teem, that night l?is.Cl.air waileft vacant, ishment Im. entered the roo.n. 81 '! ,"I,J I-' w...o,.nHl.to t outot which the clerks Jl, "Sj1"1! . :, lkltlrwaV, laid'hin.self nearly empty. - -, .r-wwrm : 1 '- '''.. '- 1 ' ' ' - ', : ''."" - .' ' '.. ' -"; ' ''.:-".'""' , ''' ' . ' :' - " '.':': 0' ;.:'" .' Z - . ' .' - -"T; "'...' ' ' " - - '" ' "" : , . ,r.. ,; . 1 of tli gml canal and Ht baaina, aha i bound to become on of the leading poinU irMhe' State. Under tho old system of Banka h. Virginia it h supposed Lynchburg tins never enjoyed that amount of r liable capital, which her iui vrtance a. a trading place required. That system n on. ratlier of vaaaalngB (run tlie oranchta mi the in - terror, to the cha-for nwtlieriMiilutocsUid main ly m Kiebmond and Norfolk.. Tbeae Wnnche are not trtiFvjti.-ntly Mibjw:teit to tlie amAiwitio. ainl vcu f.'ipriee. of tlie mother lanlit Tbe cbart Tt-irv ration IbauUiaoratiuB itb a niaiiiniim wpital (If airlr r m.llim. of dollar., ll.e :luir,..ter .. V. Mmrters ..fill., ol.l IkanU vn.ira in slmut io tlie inimoM of analvzinff iu truth, and I ' -s m I ; "u ins man rnuuv, or ine mi vi'inures j . ,-. . , . , :.,j;,: I u. , w 1 t I III IH . - L III. W III wish IMHIWHn. V B I'll. 1 1". ' I I T . 1 " I 'T 1 1 I 1 I IUIKIIII J I ' 1 1 . u -. . - w - i ' 1 H g X W "r- landbv 1837 in liavmir rill.-U up Ikne nmui tf u W.l..m" . u Ti.w.t u,c 'i"nr " ....." s . - Sr. fM ,, ,,, , nil i . i i i- i . in aiienca lie trazeu upon uiem, anu ium- of Uirae bauka I liava wA time to eiiilain, bull , ,, , ! , t . - i ' , cy of the gfd holiest bcluedain gin, or .llM.nply y lh.7 ar ln.l. r-a,l.-.,t of tl, - lls4.iou ,,inc.apl)le JallliCa, which ,U..n ofeaih other, and tliat the li.l wtnltli of 'nr worthy tidloulimwter, the village tlie State i plcJg-J ht the reJfi.iiition of their " dominie, reliuioiinly drank before read- Z lot. 1 lo prevent any mniifl.rr coiivuUioo mat r. , aught under the w.J. of the U-. gi-latui. U H-r,i iu the new uin. Hut ; ' ht'l"r ll"'B chany tike pl-e - i,t. tbe VVpii.ruTt.y n.T.t'.ur-i 'S j;r-i.ify Id be.ujjiueiitej' ov Off loiilroa.Jt. ,uiiuiii( u mure true iiiiu I llmt luiilroaila Iiu"U capital; ' jfaUict . .1,,.. i. .-.u..., i; y . . ,? . i .i . . t - ukui, lira iiinuKu n uic iiii7iii ixiuiiii, ur- . ; i , . ' eun. capital will immeJmuly ilo. there pureb.w. It i uun.-eean- f. tne, Mnun. E.liU.r, to uv any tiling more nlmut l.vm lilmr;;. If !he i louli Hue to berw lf h. cE be a in.t iinH,r- 1 uui I.W. ui iL Sua. iuu.ti. 'i.ii.... Hulk, do Jill. r iK. The Iwwer of .team train Kn,ilioii on Kailwaia Wfore referrtd to, com iiieLi'lv tin.leetjt her. Wliv ii it th.1 liiillel- - i in 1.,pulMno baaing of .It cklv we.lin on the I.., U of New Vork. wlnl- ! . , . , , .... , , Uw uitf-r n lix.uil .Mi (Ih .v. hore with one ui the M farl- i- the HjIhV - - liUh.lnH tune trutii the kxan on Ui liatardous I -1 t ' IK la are I lo i-oiiw nesnr hvin , it ufulik' U pr-Jict for Norfolk a brighter futuru llmii for Kii-hmdml. Nay. ll time may come wbei. s.libury a(i.t i."barl.,tte w.tt U iarg 'cr.mmer--'a. tU iUi..iiJe Jttaufort will be grently ''their In mv neit aiid laid aatielo'l w ill t-ndea. or to ho ', -U aud rhrrt tl.ii road, which ia . ', , ; 7 ; ,. . i iTi j so niurii uwl.d by both MaU should ! made. llfcM'V A foal (7iaT. A U-1y ailreiiiniuir (or a I husband ia tbe Walt-r-t'iire Journal iriv.r. tbe! I itlowmj a wripiwn rf -hwslt Ktw nihjr t haimafiuu.- uoiuiJ 1 3 I' am jli-A iwe I sUklTtoear.. ojder. L!JL . Mariwta Seimiiary. 1 can do, and hue to do. all mauuer of Uuwe work, from making pi. a nml j lwa.1 to washing .hirt;I can do all kind. of t wini, from embroidery to lindaev patita , toon ; I can kae, ride, dance, play 011 the pi-1 aiai or .H.i.mg .h.-l, or ...yU.in that may , nwujuaui. 1 ttxjmt'w-i. ui iy m:. .1 reiuireu t I j. in ar -fflka mrrt-n a ilunjT' iii o.wlu.Uv itf rh." r " uprc ten. . . .1.., . ..r - - - . A 6 riding her.-allow me lo make 1 - a banU-r ; any man maybrinir two horen, give1 women. me choice and tea h and then if bemirtake me in owi roil. 1 am In; if wot tl honu i 1 untie. IV ware! Hy fop. Iain styhu band-1 ! owe : by the young men on whom I phaw to Minlr, I am atyled . lW height of perfevtion, by th.Mel frown uihi, "the devil', imp;" bv the tie aud aoU-r 1 am called wild and f.Kilinh ; by my fVmnlc a. iuaiiitaiic.n Molly " and by my mule 1 am called "T0111." 1 MSTA XeE. TO THE ft SiIit uE iJaaTiuiHiteTcVmien It flirt llfrt fiimi oner U ! tin. ,b.n in the tonkin .tem, tbe old 'f tlw V'" ( our juvenile trin- i. , ... ., , , . '.. , j.. ity, nor could wo conjure it mto one of bunk. ilu Uieir eaintuL batiktuii prniwrtif, om- i , ' . . . . , ' - . ' . r:'.f tlie t nrtv-nine articles of our youthful "Imagine a railway from hereto the yet the appearance was firmly believed, sun. How many miles is the sun from and the delusion remained unravelled and us f Why, if we were to send a Iwby in unsolved for several years. No law-case an express train, going incessantly a bun-1 could have stronger presumptive and col divd miles an hour, without uiukiiiir any ilnh-ral evidence for its basis than this my 1 atom mires, the liubv would erow to he a bov. the 1iiv''w:outit llirtm lo lie-a-wian.i the man would grow old and die without I seeing the sun ; lor it is distant more than turn as it utlerwartls transpired, j a hundred years from us. Hut w hat is I In the town of Livcrmnd, some thirty ftii compared ta-NeptMUc's disUtlice r .lyeiirs ago, a society of literary and pro Ttad Aitain 11111I Y.w. mtrtcd hy our mil fc.-s.i.nil ineii. as well as mcrchnnts, were mm in im fmm Neiitiitin ... tho Si... ut ii... ... .f uiiv inll... mi 1 r ,1.... . .,hl ,.ssi,. of ..v looirs ronii.Hted with 1.0I-! when there were so many people ot ered-, '"" ..-,..0-.-- v" ; lhc salesman, who was now watched rested m mine, and e serve and olev him. lie who learna in enrlv'life, will not be very ait to foriret it in old ngo. And he who truly terve. anil luvea (iiid from cliildliood to old ago, ia the Imppiest iniu iu the world. 8uch a timn it not only liltwl by Ilia God, but he ia loved, honored and respected by hia ' fuow IH,Ui A QIIOST STORY. r Oliot gtorie are mr abhorrence, and I never listen to, or narrate one, but for !niwition ol me -ol.lesl inn , r ,VI . lf the life of I habitant"' of me, I could jiug morning pravers also at noon, and ir i". n.jiiii- -np, vn aiauigiiuei, cretH, fJu 8)(Iie after ie h T tj of gclmj.lav. (and irrmnblers mar uV what they like, for schooldays are bright and 'glorious timcrfj niysccpticiRin .rm. . nam uuiieiiiig uy a Bi.iifuiui f.occilrr:"ce the pop ulous town near which i liven. The alfrtir hud si .man jreMiWluhljs voiiclmr,and attested by eiiii i .- t . f . . . iscientinr men, who at first wrapt up the leveiit in such dark mysterious cloeene!, , as if alinmed of their own forced con- victioim, that, any longer to doubt, or ex- press the .lightent disbelief, waSthe height "f arrogance the very worst kind of her- '"i" "'C absolute acme of mental treason. '-it- - fn msmwiy tooarous n ware,ive . 1 lie eve-witnesses, too, were relt;ii.us, as i , ,, ., ' . . . , ... -, it i , ..I ..I : carefully the precise instant, ana, leaving well as ch.ar-l,ea.led and respectable men , , J , l.,kea.4uick i -and of that sect ol religion (little re- , j I , rC(iidence of tlie ,v,nd t..!L"-J JJ'"1 ..!. .uf;i. .'VNcw;iuUa told at U.e door iliat Ms friend -7, ,'.ve w'1,I,t! specie.! uuu ies uiHiersi.KMi iiere in je "T ,.rY, who ,.ii rsne ' Inqmrv - V Us' uTu.ost limit-, and weigh and sift scripture evi - 'i -,i iri i . deuce with lilulosoiiliic minuteness, ami ....... I . ."!' believe in the ex.atence of our 'n V U Itlf tri HWnUi-. 11 JJUI tit ft a. UKRI Flltt Uti , . . - e - duuioiiktrablu us tb first proHition in ,. ,. , rn , . a e .i . i hiiclid. I iiev were chiefly of that much ! evded. hi. l.ttle U;,lers..HKl, order of (jistinns. termed Unitarians of whom. ciViit wlST wlthCaiolicslTtrie Very ojaTosite extreme of the pole.) it "lay, ! believe as fur too little a the devout ln "m" believes too much. However, they : were iht4v t-iitariHii kefn, cantious, , . .-. . ,, , ., ' ,. ' 'a" "erntinizing air of them literary I persons, and members of the same scien tific club, i lie event so spiritual, so in explicable, occurred in Liverp.Mil, then the Alliens of Knirland. ornamented as it WB5 (v eogant scholaMhip of Itoseoe, the - pilot historian of lieMcdicUmid by .itor. Tliese four philosophers were mwnKrs of, the very club who saw the aI,.)arjlion . aj many otIUM) f eVeii ,..i ,,,..,.,,,.,...,: . a 1 u 0?,.i, Hwi;,i',.;j,.,l I . ,;,; nl , io , Bnd ,he cxac7cr wi. j C4JCCA. . ...... , . . , , . ..1.1 at iw nnw i.n n iinprnn nu nnv mr, ir for tonus that a ghost story is too ancient 1 . y . 1 nn J obsolete an idea, and lli.suited fortius lour modern record of the "Tillies, or that it is ina.liniiible iu the columns of an occaional exiitor of fact, law, and iu risprudence. Hie facta, as they occurred, would, for the time, have shaken the cre dulity of the coolest, most exerieiiced public officer. The evidence of the ap parition was that of the senses sight, hearing, and touch ; thowwitnesses were twenty-three clear-headed, keen.scientitic men, met iu deliberative assembly, and story. Ljowever, without more preface, I will narrate tfie evVnT ui' iistoiiieil t.i meet week I v tor the dis- j An intimate friend, however, atepped round to hi bouae. which waa iiumediate- ly adjoining the society's rooms, and bro't buck tlie melancholy intelligence that he was that evening considerably worse and, in fact, was then considerd to be in a rapidly dying state, This information naturally threw a gloom over their dis enssious, which, however, were sustained with some spirit on a vety exciting topic of the day." In the midst of their delib erations, about midnight, tlie door of the room quietly opened, and in stalked a chair to assure all 'ho; were present of the reality of the vision. His bright in tellectual eye surveyed them round ; a placid serenity of ! feature seemed mant ling into a smile wilieu his lip quivered ; and, gathering his robe closer around his bust, with fixed eyes and all the mourn ful expression of departure, the figure eenlla arose from ita scat, looked its adiejh glided past its friends with feeble and noiseless sten. and vanished as a vision, the door openi ng ami closing upon him at his will " Cvntieure Omm r Awe struck all were silent, and wrapt in won der! They nere entranced in breathless susjiense for several minutes, looking doubtfully iu each other's faces aud after the receding figure. After an intense silence of some min ntes,. when bonie what recovered from the shock, one member inquired 'of his- next aiMtociate, but inquired whisperingly -" Did you see anything J" 44 lid jfouP was the subdued rejoinder. The society rose iu confusion ; but one gentleman- the same who hud brought the intelli gence of the chairman's exjtected dissolu- rMH mstimt ly tootout his watet,-ow . . , . .. , . r.:,t !,ld ". jlie door lliat Jiis fricnd 1 .,,e ' J fe f"a" lore expired. Himself astounded, he re- . . ' ., ... V ... i turn. '.I to lim .Miiiuliv AKtolllhl.ed fellow- T, ' . . , no deceltion. ... ... . ... , ,. ... j,j -,;r;:, r familiar face, or Ins disembodied spirit: 0 A ... j ..... no eo'llusM, It VM ftl-r-hia..OJHO!ng- tmum to say-44 if only ,uu of us had seen ti.is, he would not have been creilittttl, but it is impossible . that so ma- i' -have .bceia-jleewi &.-!--rsvr " Others- exelaimed and asked rt Was he come to take his last leave of them up on earth, to bid them an eternal farewell from his favorite and oft-accustomed seutT And was this really an essence disenthrall ed from its earthly tenement, fitting on its way to the brighter world of ever-living intelligence and immortal mind ? The. pale, attenuated, ethereal figure bore the impress 01 death, and the niiger,ol atnar. by decrees recovered their composure, amttlie" Whot'n4e1iTeltoW'U''tlet innumicd, turned upon the dreadful ob ject, the actual phantom which had so ab sorbed their attention. Thev broke up and went home. Next morning their in- quirics were more minutely and person ally by each renewed. Still the coiucb deuce was the same. The servants and ... ... iiiiniiv unswereu inein ov m precise ac- j ' ofiligdeati w,ich hanwned exact- I'UrillUlI CUIllllltlCU BUllfVIVUk H'V ly at the tiuie of his appearance in the j they flatter themselves that they are tit club room. There could be little doubt Jed for the place, but we would advise before, but now nofhiug could be more certain than the apparition, which had been simultaneously seen by so many persons. Their own hesitation or disbe lief as to spirits aud separate existences could hardly resist such accumulated ev idence as this, with the testimony of their to confirm it Some members wa vered and took refuge in Lord Boling brooke's theory which, in fuct, is almost the popular belief. Others painfully wait ed tor lime to develop the truth. It is unnecessary to say that such a sto- "eg ccteu anu aione 1 ry (for it quickly got into circulation, . he protest that a certain article though an attempt was made to suppress nnjwrted, when he knows it was man it) spread over the country, and found utuctiired in this country ..f; .n ....t ;..fi. Uoes lie, witn 1110 voitiuiiiiy ot a 1. .-Ti.-t?, ..-ii.;, .7...n K.iiteiirn ucukt. assure you xuai n piece superfluous and idle, when oppeTlo - ', w i.e.. niiuiirei. .on plain fact, -atteste.1 by Hrrw an4wety f ......... ...... ....I.,-.. T. T " :r.'v" lo assc-rt the u.winue 1 If tlie H XCU m fittttlrg'iratitllP,IHHi!i,r" down on his bed, and immediately diel. Considering my negligence as the cause of his death, I kept this a secret from tho family, from fear of what miirht be done. . ; w . . . I. . .i .i usual niiflit. of. jnectiiig. and he had that 'liirlitetiinif' on his mind which often f comes over tne sick jnsi uciore anu n the stroke of death. He was chilled by the effort and the exposure, having only the sheet aronnd Ms person, and he hud down ana durst not tell before, but I hope that Ood and the gentleman's friends will forgive me the injury Tdid, aud I shall die content-Such is my story of The Guost, and such Its natural explanation. 1 j j Calling Thing ly tuir right Namt. Some years ago, a man went into a bank in the city of B i with a check for a stnujl sum, which, he placed upon tlie counter to get the njonby for it: At the sniiie time another person placed his check there, for a very large amount. The ti Her in pickinjf up the checks, coun ted out the large sum of money, and gave it to the man who owned the small check. He took the money, and beginning to count it, soon saw he had too much. In stantly, as he told some one afterwards, the devil began tempting him, not toittettl itOh no, he was too conning for that but 44 borrmo it. Mr. , you know you are poor and are very much in want of money just now ; very soon, by using tJiisywjtt wjlLitiuk etHHigh to return it. But cunning as the devlt was",1ie did- not i.revail njM.ii the nmn to do wrong, for the ioly Spirit helped him to do right. 44 Halloo, mister," said he to (the teller, ''you have given me the wrong money; mine was the small ciiecK. ine -e- ' - --. r jJ.uoiga wiisjiuuleArMl lhv Ml U:j4 bank a happy man, How very cunning the devil is. One of his cunning Ways is, never to cull things Ity their right names. He docs not want to make wcteiliieo8fotro-"ifriy". Any one must already have becoino very hardened, whom the devil tempts to tVA lie calls ''stealing" only "taking;"' "ly ing," only 14 telling story." Burmmdtbwt; call thinirs by their riiiht names. SteaTTriVIs TPat-f; ing1, and "nothing else. Lying is lying, aud Jiutliiug else, . If the dy yi can. inake poll believe that nuuiiiiy is only UikLiitj. will eertainly gtBw devil is euMuing, butlMj. eaiu-ujure 'vum who sincerely prays the Holy.lSpirit to help him. Wanted AOoou SaLtsMAS. Doubt less many in search of employment will read this advertisement with the deepest interest. That baukrupynerchant, whose failure iu business is still the town's which it holds out to him man, who has cone torth from the home of his childhood to seek Ills fort tl lie', ttiity see in the above notice a stepping-stone to wealth. In more than one dwelling it will shed a gleam of suuli"ltt ; perhaps a thousand 'eyes will brighten, as they rest on those brief words, and as many hearts beat fust with blissful exicctancy IK-s ules, them not to be too sati'mino. The stun dard of excellence varies so much in dif ferent people, that those peculiar charac teristics which, would please one person offend another. Now, what constitutes the good sales man ! Docs he bow, and smile, and sim per, when you enter the store in your holiday attire, and treat you as if you wcreji princess in your own right; while the Tady who coinesTn w ith fl piairr straw bonnet and common shawl stands - ti . . . . . 1 . k L is tlm "irM. , - - -t 1 wuu our xteuuuiuugiueui u,u y ou ....... ,1 tv... 1... s.-. i. i..i:r- 1 noiign i coma nave contraa.cte.i an u.c ; (,wi c(ri,mi r;c,s wcre nRrrtttud hy Dr. story of the ghost, I dared not do it. I Wfkricl om o( ,nelbcrs, with re knew by what had. hapiwied that it wn' U) ra,UlmiU He stated A A.mWfwhohad been in the club-room , J t whun ,(0 jn Dnniiani) the through a private passage in the rear - ( of ie of 8 for(J d Wttrring- i;om, i.ii.'.uragmgtlmicrrtgty'Tritrar EXTRAORDINARY INSTINCT OF - A FISH. . At the meeting of tlie Liverpool Liter ary and 1 liilosoplncat ln.titution, thetol- ton, he was walking one evening in the 1 ark, and came to a pond whore halt m- I ienuei lor me iituie were Kei.b tie iook ,ice of B fine ,jk about gix ds n wel,rlt which wlell it observed him, N, ,n u alrll,.., j,. ......i . i..l ; a post, (of which there were several in tlie pond to prevent poaching, and, as it afterwards apeared, fractured its skull, aud turned the optic nerve on one side. The agony evinced by the fish was most horrible, it rushed to the bottom boring its head into the mud ; whirled itself round Willi such velocity that it was al most lost to the sight for a short interval. It then plunged about the pond, and at length threw itself completely out of the water on the bank, lie (the Doctor) went aud examiued it, and found that a very small portion of the brain was protruding from the fracture of the skull. He care fully replaced this, mid with a small sM- ver tooth pick raised the indented portion of the skull. Tlie fish remained still for a short time, and he then put it again into the pond. It appeared ut first a good deal relieved, but it tiiruiii darted and plunged about, until it threw itself out of the water the second time. A second time Dr. Warwick did what he could to relieve it, and again put it in to the . water. It continued for several times to throw itself out of the water, and with the assistance of the keeper, the docf tifTmv le a k ind rf pillow. fijirtlui Jish, which was then left iu the pond to its fate. On making his appearance at the poutl the following iiiorning,the pike came towards him to the edge of the wa ter, fliifl actually laid its head upon his HV-aHtUlJ IUIV1 il IIUlIU USlll Sill - e dwt 4leght t4i Mioste truordinary, iln.l examined the fish's skull, and found it was going on all right. He then walked backwards ami forwards a lung the e'lge id." the pond for some time, ami the fish continued to swiiii up and down, turning whenever he turned, but being blinded on the wounded side of the skull, it alwavs ap'ftred agitnte.1 when it had that side towards the bunk,' as it could not see its benefactor. On-the next day lie took some y mug Aiettdw duwii to see the hh, w hich came to linn as usual; and at length he actually taught the pike to come t him ut Ins whistle, and teed vftrtiBitcrl-aswhr sx fish ustmHy inc.- -He (Dr. Warwick) thought .this a most re markable instance of gratitude in a fish for a benefit received,, and as it always came ut his whistle, it proved also, what lie hail previously, with other naturalists, disbelieved that fishes are sensible to sound." SELLING DRY OOODS. easy , matter to stuuil .behiiid a .cjountiuv) and retuil dry goods ; but a week's expert rieuce 111 thu business would convince the cleverest man that it is much more diffi cult and laborious than the task of turn ing agrindstouc twelve hours per diem. The office of salesman embodies,' in its 1 duties, necessity lor the shrewdness of a politician, the persuasion of a love, the! poliiteness of a Chesterfield, the patience of Job, and the impudence of a pickpock et, xfiere are salesmen who make it a I point never to lose a customor. One ot the gentlemen who is in a store in Chat ham street, not long since was called to iivn , mutiiiiiiug unit man ivim Jier-in-law, but it would be useless to show .I it to you it is the only piece 111 the city, v'u, uunn ...u M-o ai.v acuvi . .1. n ... ...... ; - ... nA... . in anxlovli toncrah'T "TonfMffitfr -ei"" ."v no intention 01 annoying you, or 01 1119- lady, who 'dropped in while going to ;urV , ' , 10 Ue,"i; 'Jf " allowed out' Stewart's,' sopie rich silk cloaking. Eve-! 1 don t care a darn va good mule ry article of the kind was exposed to her , um'er "' .. - . r view- the whole store was ransacked 1 ' ' " 7' nothing suited. The costly was stigma-1 Very Touching.- Here is a touching tised as trash everything was common description of a i.iooulight scene. After and not tit for a lady. She guessed she whirling for some time in the ecstatic would go to Stewart's. ThgTOle3man pre- mages eda doligbtful J .It., f.nmliii nn.l tended to bo indignant. myself stepped out unobserved on to the ' Madam,' said he, in a tone of injured balcony, to enjoy a few of those momenta innocence, ' I have a very beautiful and of solitude so precious to lovers. It was rare piece of goods a case which I divi-ia glorious night the air was cool and re ded w ith Mr. Stewart, who is my broth- freshim. As I irazod on the iMwutiful . ters. The let of tliis brief tale of dry goods is to be told. Tlie lady bad her -cloak mado, and one or two of her friends, delighted with it, bought the teste! tie vesting at the same price. There is a moral to this anecdote, which we leave to bo discovered by the it.ifeiin- fty of our lady readers who occasionally go a shopping. NoaK$ MtMtngtr. . LOVE. How bright and beautiful is " love" in its hour of purity and innocence how mysteriously it etherealizee every feeling, and concentrates every wild and bewil dering impulse of tlie heart : Love ho ly and mysterious love, it is the garland . spring of life, the poetry of nature. Iu song is heard in the rude hut of tlie poor, ' as well as the gorgeous palace of the rich its flames embellish the solitude of the forest and the tliroiiired haunts tf busy life, and its light imparts a brilliancy to ! every heart, no matter what may be it -condition. "ii Love pure and devoted love can ne ver change. Friends may forsake as the riches of this world may sour away, but the heart that loves will cling the clo. ser ; as loud roars tho storm, and amid the wreck of the tempest, it will serve as m.-ii Imarr.li" tn light. 11a jm fj oye happiness. Love is the music and unseen spell that soothes, tlie wild and nigged tendencies of hu mat nature that lingers about, tho sanctity of the fireside, hjmI unites in clos- - -er union the affections of society; nd the soul that loves truly will love forever. N oHi bo the waves of the oceaTrrrrtrac-'-ed iu sand, is the image impressed npon -t a loving heart. No, no but it will re main unbroken and unmarked it will bum on un defaced in its lustre, amid the ' ' quick. Juab. .oftl tg tern pest cloud and when our fate seems dark and dreary. then will I0T0 seek -shelter in her own- hallowed temple, and offer ns a sacrifice, her vows aud affections. JfoHutmetUal Lit. Gazette. 7- A Gootl Story. Two chaps came in contact at one of our restaurants some . time since, and wejre regaling- on a long 'iTrtiie7r"wTiei!'IheliBr iuTTatr7ru-' came the topic of their conversation. One observed that several coal teams were , stock in the mud; axle-tree deep, and that he saw twenty yoke of oxen straining ev ery nerve, but without effect. The other no doubt thinkinsr that a pretty tontrli yearn, replied - L" " niat-when he was coming to the-city - niSlwTiip sindelpmg and hallowing at s; furiwts -niter he appnwelied- him and in- - quired what was Wrong f" " Oh ! nothingmucb,'!repliedfJie tcajrj-J stcr, 44 only (pointing to the road) I have a wagon and four yoke of oxen in the mud ' and the plagney brutes -fm't pull a bill" At tins moment an old lloosier entered, who heard only the winding up part of the story, drew up a chair and eommene- ed a yam about what he had seen. Say a he u frkud,..werajMitt eyeroa tho American bottoms ? I crossed th.-ro oneA 4it-w-,wditig-Aretigh 'iimFrlict'' was a mafter of course, was not the best, walking, I kicked out a hat, when a voice which said 44 Quit that old follow," saluted nr . - f jrrdrin rr nmimil 'inil -as..? n ' hwfti" 1 1 concluded to give it another! wh: "1?? idid ; when the same voice was he; 'exclaim ; "Stop you're kicking my hat!" ' 44 1 here discovered thut a r jM was sticking in the mud, and observ od- " Old fellow, you had better gottins t of that before night or y on will be . . . , 'r . --i . w Mug at my side, I thought I never saw her look so lovely; the full moon-cast her 1 . . u. ii-iii itt.s yr iier WllOie lHrsOll. irll'. imparting to her Mowing iparttng ' curls a still more otic sir hands ver and atin she with one of pure, tly a change came her full, red lip i-ssod, emotion, a Lr long lrxi!!nj around her faultless tilsctl, she gasped fiw her hand trom the own, ste turned her face in her iicf, and sneezed t y-MMfamr't ,..' :.. ''-:--.: ;.gyj:- ;i- :- ' y' . i a. ,-Mkw.a.awaM

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