x i i; i iii.u l.v hi;: luluim. Vie luivo tliu following additional da ta!U of the Eiirojia : Vrogrtu of tit War,ykn official bul. lctio communicated to tlie Knlirili tin L 1mmW. t CotietHntino)ic, dated from Civonar, Old Fort, IGtli wit., announce that tlttj allie. had intended the neit day . to attack an, vntreiiclied eanip of 10,000 KumIiuis, pntted in the direction of Se btutopol, tot the camp was raisd Ln the night and tlte liiuaiau full bock mm the town. BTl tkoHMmd-Taftan fit the Cffiiiea have offered theinwlve m volunteers to the allies, and been accepted. It wat confidentljr stated otijtlie Pari Bourse that on the tilth the allies and Itniwians met and a battle ensued ; that the French cante first into the action, when tlie English aooneame up, and the Russians retired witV heavy hjss. If true, there could only have been skirmish ing, and not a battle between the main armies. , . Tits Russian embassy at Vienna receiv ed a despatch, dated oil the 22d from Cri mea, winch stated that all that had trans pired was not unfavorable to the Hus ians. - The latest date from Crimea is to the 19th, when the allies held the road from Cape Ealor to Simerool. It was intend ed to cross Alma on the 19th, but St. Ar nand telegraphed to Paris an unavoidable delay of ten days, the cause of which Was not stated, which prevents their marching until the 21st. A Russian courier, captured by the a! lies, stated that the whole Russian fi rea was only 45,000 men. . Accounts to the tilth state that tl e Rus sians hai fortiJtml their jMMtition at Kupa toria. Tlie main body of the allies were on a small river north of a parallel with Alma. Thirty thousnnd Russians were posted at the latter point, but with insuf ficient artillery. Admiral Lyons' squadron, with 100 transports, had left Crimea to fetch the reserve. Lord Raglan has called for tlie divis- ion in lWs.arahia, conwaui-iitU- the Turks were advancing to Prutti. Ten advance frnardt let out from Ducharent on tlte 517th, and Outer l'-asha would follow on the 29lh. Ibrail and OalaU will be the base of operations. A telegraphic nios-sjs from YieniiautBhwl anil site couiuieiiced to aluk tm, confirms the accounts of the favorable die toeithm to tlie allies hy tins Crimea, and announces that tlte health of the ulliee was excellent '' . Thu Turks are maltiue prppartions to besiege Ismail from the ISaltic. Hie bombardment of J level in vaidcer- lauuy to nave been ortlerert, althouglt the JwwghJefjJbad retMnnil hmn. In the H hiteNoa the Itrttisb had burn- barque llurett,jind tlte metigers recli elrtW thrivir tw 4f JCvlaw. - lid fiW J SjJthy the ship Hltyj. , Jtie fate Four allied steamers had leen sent ,,,lier 'are nnWin.wii. the Sea of Afof, to interrutit the ltusnian T, '..e saved are principally the crew. traninrrts. jlhe sleam projieller was much dainned. TirtTresinr or was anxiously awaile.1. T ....known. An attar-k was exiiec.cd about the 2th siiciwD i.mpatch. orSSd. Tlie allies were confident of sue j Nkw Yokk, Oct. 11. Four hundred ct-sa and in hiifli spirits, tittod health pre- and thirtv-one souls were on Uiard the vailml amottgBt the troop. . All the aininunitioii and artillery had iuu.n iful lumi.ui ut Ki.i.uut. TbMauhrtivii fatmei thtrei- ttedttion. -Wff:W.tttlIJ ts in I ans, on his way Uiltatleli, t -I . i i t Soule was A noero belonffitttr to Mr. Nuile. ha i. r r ' .i it uiformatinrt to lite guv- rinRthe part that Mr. Soulo ir of tlJ tirAn,ru.t and (riven iinponani eminent respect ii . i . . e took in the sffa; the revolutionary movement. Franee. There had Iteen intciine tfenent irtt l'art lhnrw, in cotiwiitcnte T ieTTV - i f of the dieroverv; forffcd Tnritips. - - ryrrmrrrry? Anstria anvt l'rtimti still remain in the same attitude, toward the alHea and Tttissia. ! No further prioress has Lees made to- wards tescc. Chi a-d India. Dates from Can tun to Angunt 5 state that the siee is cntrtinned, and that htiainess is close. There hail Iteen no arrivals of tea. Dates from lloinhav to the 2Stlt state that trails in India imlttll. At Mehlmurne, Jiilj 2. b'i-iii'- was quiet but depress ed. TIIE MAKKI-TS. LirerpmL, Sept. 30. Ci4ttn. Ktini- j toun reports cotton unchanged, with a' stvudier tone anil lielter (evliiio;, ami free-' !v supplied. Sules tif the week .r)3,7'M.: bales, of which 2,0tX were taken hy spt-c-' ulators, and 7,flH hy exjioiter. The market closed on Friday with sulea of 7,- WO hales, steady at C for New Orleans filfrStTirS otTfJ f.if NellfTeansTnltP dlihxT Mobile fair 8, middling 5 1-16 ; Upland fair 6, Upland middling 5. Stock on hand, exclusive of shipboard, M4,l0 bales, of whiuh 551,000 are American. ! Ft retuld uff All the circulars arec: that, wheat lias advanced 3d, Hour Is a ! 0d, and Corn 2 a 3d : the arrivals sittall . antl the market firm lirown v hliitilev ro- -Hih-Iplit -nm KaliiiiiMrw .lis nirins v Cd. -Whom White 9m. 2I a 10h 21 ; red 8 2-1 is C'rn Wtiito and yellow 31 6l ; inixod 3Uh. TIIE PEE DEE DKIIKiE COMPILE- I TKIl ' Ve re roinfcotl tn mv tliat lite ItriJin" . ri f It' .1 t e.i over the I ee Dee Hirer, on the line of tlte W ilminfrftiii V MtinrltenttT 1uhhI.ii com plcted at laat ; nil that the regular l,,uH Hear lay at thia ditticnlt jioint t the ICnad;' .aad ihe old ilata fur tlie traimtortatloo of! -tb41iail aiid WWair6M. .. I.. .!.., til I... ,l;M,.....o,l u-!tli Itraf-ticaltle river w ill he iliH..,.i.eil v. itn. ine coniiiietinn 01 intagrcHi "fK, tt pioneer l tlte kind in thia country, ie an era in tho history of bridge builtiini;; ami a source of congrRttilatiun to the frivtuU of. the Iloati and the public. We have time to-day only to aimounre the fact that tlie great Pee Dee lias been croaavd by a IUif Knad train, an event long looked for, and now Kticrettsfully achieviKt. (n atnlie future occamtm we ahall have more to ny tijMin.tliia inlerest ing aitlijeot. The next thing i the festivid ih com tt4trtioa(rlrte'cu doci it conio off? WUminqUm UnatJ. I'f lite U at- liiiuii. Sol tH Tkor, S, jit 8", 1854. M.-Mrt Editors, I sifh to Inform the KJi tor of tits CUurlutte mixr Utt w up Uii war Jo awl fl any bitierueae" or cuu&aa any " ig norance)" at ths raulta of Uts Hail Road Cotiveo- litm lM at tSotttb Troy ea the gOth-of. Asgutt last. Tbs Houk uf books says'' bs tltst pro vkleth 4 (of bia owe boewhulJ is worse Utsa aa W6J.L" ' ' - ' 'r. 'New, Mrs, Utit meeting wss not intenjoj lor tbs benefit of no prt or sect, but (or the pros pritjrat dm vlnii nrte of North CaroHnt, My dear EJiton st Clisrlotte, I as the l'reai dottt of tlte South Troy Kail Road Convention, woulJ kindly inform you that I sin to rilled iUi the barinouizitijr, and tranquiliting principle tltat I ttl but little tlie furce of Vour fliare : and as for "ignorance," I will let oilier judge according to s atauilanj which ievr erta auJ wilt stand fcrever. 1 would kindly invite the dear Editor to come up and stay with ine a few wet-ka and then para a judgment. 1 hare"ldij( ged dtsep, thrown sll the small ruin nutl gravel utl of the way and niy Itouae w founded on s rock. I am Winning tMgte City ttie wiujp of which I boM will eprvad over the United Mates ., .. . even m ut ainguom oi ooum-caroima, n. ar ahiefa is tliScity ofChartoUe Wwn. In neats-ful iit'luntry may we all join in buil'litig manuCiciur ; ing and eoramercial citien, and cities to dwell in. ' I will here say, Mensn. Editor, that vou rx-.-.J i not be urpriaed if you live to tee a city li rt' 10 unl. in h-ngth. The loealilily, water, IkhIiIi and every tiling jumlify ui b eipectatioiia. And yuii i-e.l not be turprisvd to ihh.Ic bi ru in grrat abundance, calico priiited out l.v tbe mile. JJo tiiori' at prvneiiU Your, with due rvapect, ANIMiEW llAtitiEULY l'reL of tlte South Trov It. IL Convention. OSS OF TJIF A IICTIC ! ! pYEtt FOllR IIL'XDUED SOULS LOST!!! New Yokk, (Jet. 11. Tlte steamchiii C ntrm ha m C4 here. Wie hrtttgs the I c IIIUIBIICIIOI T IlllHipi 1(1 tlte I- OIIIIV ArC- tic. She was run into on the 27th insl, liy the steam jir()H.'lk'r on the ocean. On a leak etiiiiiiir. her tires were extin- iiivlly. Her boat wens launchetl ami were ni:el ity tlte crew, with a tew jiii s!itgers. A sudden panic was occasion ed hf this, ami a htrjre niiiiiUr pt on the raft and tth bitat, and in three mlttuU the A rrlic Jiiutyjirarfd betstqth tlie traev .' 1 on) t one out of the trrenv ticj who took to the ran were Meed! - J tin f. Uiat svaa tiicktsl "tip by fef (Arctic. Of these onlv thirtv two are i known to be saved. Aiiioiii; tlume luxt uvu on (l.'ck wi n" Mr K K. t .jTtttrrnv: f jypnng-Mr'Hinii'"mr tilt ..aisMaJaiJ. i Uruwn and faiuilv, relatives ol l.mw n nfl'r ru , , t t , f .. k.t-'JWS-: i Mturhead of 1 tterbiiric, Mr. Hewitt, la- ' (I v and daughter, of r rederickxhiir, ami , . . .. i t . .i ' 'J'0 1 "k,B ,4 ". '". i tru"cl' L. Sillituati Ives, ht'e Tiieltop of thi I Hi aim', in exiaTtetl ehortlv t arrive in riiiladaphta fatuL LOrufaCaitd laU up t his tcatjleln,-' iWfc- ' Umtmfal Met''t lh. Bebaenbefi Iredell canUi N. V ' 1 DL' .....U j i fti.te.nrte. m ibe 2h of Sept.mVr. bv Rev S B o. .,(. K. slMtiNTuN to Mi M I- KS.1 .IIIUP la. IW.teaville. I On Ik- Hth all. in... hy Rev. Thornton Puller, Mr. CHARLES A Ii MILLKR of Rowan Mi M ARY R. KLt'TTS .rf Cabarru On the 13th in.linl. bv Charle IL J.oiea. Em . Mr. 1 WILLIAM I.EKSIIaV ER la Mia ELIZAUE I II ; it KYIS.. Buf IredelL 1 in Iredell etmnlv. on the I2lh inalanl. bv Tb.ana l..le.,,h. Eaq.M. ANDREW STEELE to Mia. JAM: MeCONN ELL. I I t thw county, nn the 2ih ina'anl, bv Rrv Sam'l i Rnlhroefc. Mr, N El 'HEN W IIOST and Mm I I A I'll ERIN E E .daugkujrnf Mr. Paul Heaver. DIED. In lnMl rMjn(T.im thr 31t of 8aptembr. jAlIN U lleSON, mmhI mih f Charlrs 8. and Hurah E KunmirB. fl year, 7 uimitha aud 19 day. I.-rH, rh4 i titV, ! like m fl..er Tliat withrra and i f""". V ar it ftiMiriiJi ft an har, WTiilTaH its beauty on ; Bul death eiHtwa bke wintry day. And eula the rrtiy fl.iriwiy. Com TilRS. SHAW, Wa ffupMa(u4brHtHMMr bth f ChH-itf and ita vifttntv. that - ahf haa im-i (ifd a laryr aratirttiMrnl of iHg" (NmHiiti uf o( ttw wt at 1W 6t j)rtu jlakinf , BonBU Ctpi ft He&d Dreiser it a Well-arleelcd MiK-fc of 0HIM TRIHHf rATTCRVM, and feel aaaured he can give aatirfariion in brnh branehe a. No paina will be apared lt pleaae. I r OKDKK.S'pfomptly attended to- Octvaber 17, .Hjl. J 3-n-J l i ' liard .mi ihe t'alawbi, ! oa Ibe bth mat., my Bol war r .-pl off fniin niy bue- tr "ui"',n " riety.H-anieie ir ttoa ftvea to the uwuer will be Ihankt j B : l k fully received. . THOM AS. It 00000 Dill DPI 111 CTflPi liUAU MU For Stllfi. u v rSebebery,..; Tly,s;ii1BHll Jjfcu ad .Ikawie Sar abrart. I j0 i th Slel IS'oveinher netl, il I-iii week of Sup-ri- Acreauf upea land, iiicluiling fine Meadow. The; $M ,, if k A(f, oM Ne. nd f r Wlh , hrtr i aro Irirt. aged about III or 1 1 venr. M. ri.VKS'rO.N, Allorne). trl,er l!l, IK.Vl . SW N OTICC TO BRIDte BULUKKS. f1IIE endernenrd will let ual.lo thehiwem bidder. A on tna m ot novemoer nei., ine re-uu.i...... ... the pW.e B'idee acr. Hutch Necmid t re. k .. Ihe ! j f,Ma.i,.l.orv tot heraw. Thelettine n.d Iradma from S.li.hurv lo t'hrraw. The lellln oat will lake place at Ihe Bmlee at I o'clock. P. M. fA'OH HilJlltl'SKR. 8AMI KI. KDrilKtM'K, P. N. Hkni.lti. t'ummimnimeri. . Oct. 19, IH54. '' ' w4J NOTICE. HAVINtl obtained loiter f Administration a the eelate hmmk tl. 8trrt, OerxuteO, all pen indebted k the ealal wiH Stake payiaeat ta fy mmm aud tba having cUtna (4aM Ibe eateie, an arearut tntta ia frui Mm sv . be krre4 by thw SiSirei . r- , . . . r: OS We4nMday, ItumW I Sib, I e'il eel. at tb piaatetbai tt Ike leM Juatab It atrwer), SimmS, tit Nlee abuee Teyhmrilte, lha eiuf CUKN, abwN ; 1000 BUSHELS: ; OR 6 HEAD OF HORSES t farming Tool, ... aa4 utber ettictee au4 awiitMMie4. is Oe ike mum Say, I will reel eal lha Plutatiua ie ll h hra( hdaVr, the bii Tear. Ttua ia eery eaUakhr aJaalaiKUl, witb aw JU ACHES uf bud unuVr e-tluralit.n, a lar Mirlaa f whick m tid but lum Uh4, euial Hnek, wrtl luiakcS lwelbu( lluuer. ' nS all nrrvafary oul-buildiiifa, aud ia giad rrpajr Oe Theraday ISib, I wil reel a Ike preuiiaa, is he Inwa tt Tayhiraeilh., to Ike higboel SMMrr, tIM Tavern House & Lot, with alt thf Otfiw and out buiviliafs altaeHra luruar ywii and hirv Umt m lira iikrlv Nrin. AfU-r Md Kiiehe r.ir-liidMif and Tan, I ndiher raluabU-pmariy, atnoncn whirb itkeffvis lam new Cuubifir rttove, vee ttuvff y and ,.llw- ,lld . ri,ly ,,, lh, wt u,luoaMf. A KaeueabU credit a'ill be givea. Tena at the umy. A. C. Mi l.NTOSIt, Adtu'r. Octdwr 10. 1154. IMDSALE. ON WtiM.y 33d Nuvrmbar fil, t wiH ft in (he hKbrat biddrr, at Kaftr Ptr, atn mil- bltw Tayhmvilt, on the iStamviliv ivhuI, the lands b4iHiffifif lotbeeatale of Ur. Nuroitui N(Ktuaf deceaa t-d, . t 4 lue Tract euotatMusf Acs mt:itB:a K.mtla pltti, a rery AttMrahlf lucalissn fur a Store, ur a Mbautc. Aim, uttv traet eonlaininK 130 ACRES, .Mi the watera .f S,iu(h Yadkin; iu Atrxaiwlvr miunly. which tbnr ami tuiprurramii will atukc ve ry fmid Mnall farm. Ala.., Dr. X.lon'i intireat (one ball" ) ia 1 73 Aerra. Iviog ie Third t'ret-k. in AlcgandVreiiunly, iw which lhr ia an elrrllrnt Mill Mile, dwrllniff hMiee and ",k" ""P'n-'iitaHamBg viety giAtaitd uaiL AJt ! . -J i. i. I I. - u ...j , i. u .ii ti .1 c-i,admt.diirtihh.lHid. iiuui time will br !'" "'' P"'ch-r. Tmnaat ihdj.y. t)cjber 13. 1854. FALL & 5.22 - WINTER Onrgains! Bargains!! in all kinds of n ft. A MIIDDUV - - ,,.'" HV.jj!.jjL.j 4 IE Nine receiving their Stuck of FALL AND i W INTEJ1 UOOD.S, which m large and kanH Mumt Hy dtt.3waa.4oA. il naaaaiy,oaTiat au allempt to enume rate every artK-te whirh Hi kept in aa tUtabiiahwent like ura. bul freliuatined in eating that a mmi fn.m all tk.me deeiroua of pnrehaauig any and ' ,r". -T Li b 7 all kind, of IW.. would be ..ply rep.i by Mam-j 'A"r ! T '.'.''. "' iniug uur Sloek lN peb..i Vlir4',rM,ltlP' J".L IW lb JV1VSII HI. N. B. AM kimh f ptvAucm tnken in richa.ii.re ft (vsHHla. IW which we y th htjrlinC mnrkrl price. I U. A A M. 8tri.try, Oct 19, tf21 LAND LAND ' FOIt"8AljlS rHE SI 1)S( Kill KR offert t.r Sale that eery aluable tract uf Laud know a the fl.lmaji I nEwiKrf.n')Mun,.RtTer,-aiienmr lr. Adam d titliera. There a in the- Tract- t:-v.1 400 ACRES, I; abinrt ooe hundred rf whick ia Eieekeal Bottom moat ly in cuttivuthMt. The eptanda prtaluee well. Alau g.arti meadow There ia on the premier a large dwel ling ll.wae, kitchen, bar, and evtYV other nece '':. . H YV ., rP f "" lo.0,"T I "iifLu"'' '""f If"rticS,sw ta 8b3iJA5UX Ocuer 12, li)54 1121 "valuable land for sam f WILL rlL In the kiirneat bidiler. al lh. Carl 11,. . Uw town of Salrtbnrv. on lha 2thh t N,nhr, heine M.udav of Kuoeraa-C.nri ih. i j rct of bind, known tke Wtllmre Gav place, lying ' . ou SeCMld Creek, aeven mile from Seltaburv. ailhMaw' mf ih Ijimm oi rft-r Jsiaey, J'jM-yti Obrn aitd WuvuJ . ('auujepg (uutauniuf b4( ! 37J ACHES, ab-rtit tvnr half of m hiHi ia wmid land "f anperior quali ty. There m on trw prennae a gl dcllmg hsuiv audsiiit hiwaea. Any prai.n wiohin; to are the land, ' run citi skv hit aaHinsr cm M r I a ;- U atw lirinrnn lb iirp. whs. will ahow it tn thrm. T wet re month cred it, with intereal after m niomha. The purchaarr jiv injF ht.nd and aiproTed a-cuniv. W M. Ii MOR A II, Jr. 'OruAer 19, 1H54. f 5wlW -mm for sin " j 'pilE anlwcriher will aetl. on the 10th November. 4a i I fiiiardii.ii, at kia Store, 15 mile Weal uf Saliabu ' ry, on the Statcrvilte road, THREE LILvELY NEGROES, hekinsinK to the lleira.uf Thouius ('oWan, coiiaisiing df mitt Wmfian about 3H, one h.y 10, and one virl four , earn old. Said Negri wa will be Kld oil a crista of nine j ' ntoutha with mterrat friwii dat. j i THO. V. ;RAHAMv(.ttrfan Alan, at iheftnine Unit and nlaee, I will sell my re- j' : illuming iTHK OF 4itM lS n hand jui nuctiuu. u i CsaHnnff or w ;frwTrfy iir CsikI numeroia to count, (wiihdHJt any reefieci io peraon) may reat a oed it piynHt i i4t made im or tulra the duy of ae, m liiiHineH w II be handed over to au nOicer for ci lleriioa. Till). C. URAIIAM. fwanvitlr,Oct. Hr, IKi. 3rJJ JERSEY LANDS FOR RENT. 'INIE undersigned mil receive proposal a mil the 4 lilu.rf .November, (bribe Keoliue ff Ihe ll.wte-4 trad Plitutatkn of the late Or. II. L. Hcell for tlie veur lr.io. The iniprovenienta cniairt of a fine i'.ittaee llwellinf IKmee, Kitchen. Ilairy, Smoke llinie, far naee llouae. a laree tioe Barn, with Wheal Threahiiie Meh, Kne nery. and ample low llouae atl excellent Shop, with two auitable fiir Phvetcian or l.awver. ' a good liarden. a Well, two Orchard of emaee aeieeieu r run. .w Ifreat vane.j . wereeervailQ j vreaMta ltouae.-wu.a. uof Ber t- ItaodV a iMaekf. qnaniiiv ( manure on hand, auil-ible Ux appiicalh-n. ' The fenct-a m giHid order. 1 EL1AHKTII J Pavidaon co . Oct. iP.Vt. II K A I.I Administrator's Notioe. i , ,w OTICE I hereby (.eell that the eiile of Ihe pro. . peny of Ihe laie M m. B. W.anl. w due the j 3"t Ii Sepiemlr laat. AH Ihnae tudrbled, will grcitlly Uiblieeme and fav.- THKMartvita, by coining tiirward and nidkine immediate patniiiit. wih lie aelfle.. the hiiaiueaa at the mriee peaeiiie iltite. I All pcraina havinr cImiiiii ajraieef the K.tate, are j for Ihe 11 liuie, eatl .upoa lo preaenl theln legully auinenlicatru tor paynieni. October 19,, 1851. 4w33 Till- MARKETS. Sutitlvry, OvttZfT 19, 1854. Afipk. (iritd) 00 74 , Miud. No. 1. 10w.ll - Sw. Saw, -0 4 -f-". .11 a 13 i ttmam, 10(e) liJ- Mutaaere, Cuba, S3 J? J Bewa tWef, bd3 " N.Ortaaua, 4U50 41 w i N.ile, 6T I J Mr r; mm 9 -i Butuiri l3iOU o. wnjugm, iv m 4e. HmeheW8S Oiaej . ... 40 (Ma. r - ,. Uaaaad, P fat 75 5 Ta.ra' gatSi75 rutalure, Iriab, 50S du, Hmt, , SO 8n '.fck,)toee3O0 du. baahet, 1.00 8hrrtiiiff, Bruwa, 4-4 7 Kh.a. V bag, 2JS Ca4kM,TaW, 17 a SO So. Adaamt, S3e3S W Hparav UiM CuOea, Kto, . IV, a 14 Vk inn, liallil 4a. Maleble 13 0 IS " Ueaay. 14a IS " Itondre. It 00 " Burlapa, 11 a Mi f'Mlun Vara, r4S Can, 6370 do. Mc.l. 70.75 nrra, rk,rr,VIab.f ja. tluaerd, 75 CkKk'iuVdut., tHm 'i Sugar. Bnnra, 7 SJ t'eatrwn, SS37 " t'nMtwd, llal'Ji runtr, V but, SaSSi" . " L'kmriad, Dalit Iron, Mwedi, 6 1 T.H..W, 13) V. Bar, 44t Terprnune, f (L fliSJ " Ef RrSud 5 Wl.rat, H7JaI.IHI "" M.-Ira, S W..J. Hi m 30 " Oval, 6 ( 7 ! WiuttW Glaaa, It bul. Lard. 10 13 10 'J.0 a fl 25 lt, bar, t 7J a i 10X 12 35 a 3.50 U.d,Urv While. IU 12 FayMerHh; X. C, Oi-f. 12. Rer.iwai Bcm, Cute. HI, Corn, Cidtee, Kkir, 21 3l 25 , Lar.', lOg 11 1 L- alhi-r, pde, 7 St Hl M..l. a, OOfaiO 00 i Nail, cut, I2t 131 Oat., II MIS SMI (if 2:1 25oj 26 55MXI II M 12 16 00 (et, 6 50 , Sugar, bntwn, Fralhvra, 411 45 ! iki Uwf, Flaxaerd, ! 00 ( SIXKt Sul,ck, SI 7.Vaf200 It w 12 (UOUut t,m, Hwrdra, 5 6 I TatKiw .-liiifliih, 4 , Wheat. C, Oct. 11, 1834. Bacon, Butter, (il'J Urd. 13) 13 30 t,t 25 leather, aide, 32 f2M Itf(,i20 Molaaaea, 30 (ft 3H lfllS 15 ! d.- rub, 33 he 37 Hi 4H ! Nail, cut, 1 6i SO 1 00 Riee, 4 J ( 5 13 f 15 ugr, brown, 8 (it 10 7 i7t ' dk 1W, II m J2 441 M 45 Salt, Urrrpiad, 2 00 15JQ6 Bceawnx, ( Coffee, ('atua, I'teTt, Kpira, Feather. Inui. I Charlotte, X. C, OH. 17, 1854. ft tiCf Mis " Bagging, Beef, Butter, l Mettoa, 5 (S, 6 Mackerel. bbl I0 W6 Midaaaea, 3 1 (d 40 Meal. 75 a 77 iuuU, 61 fit 9 150 IH 5 ( 6 12(1 15 -Stt 22- Ben, VI 00 Apple Brnndv. 55 0 60 Oat, 00 (S 35 Pork. 5 H Pea, 87 J al. ' Potat.ie, Irwh, 62 fl Peach Brudy. 621 M 75 Ctftti, C.tflee, Corn, Chicken, Ef. Fbnir, Feather. mm ii 70 10 r 12 ion Riee, V buah. SI 00 Kurar, Salt, ack, Te. l t Wheat, l. Whwkey. 6S II 2j a 2 75fiSI. 10 fit I 25 40 ( 50 Pi 30 i 35 ! I.ard. 9 IC Cut Um Yarn. FOR SALE At THE FACTORY ia thi place, 600 HEAVY GUNNY COTTON HMkS, in gnue lble bar bwaag eeium ia again at 40 per each, Svie. CAIRNS. " 8fabnry, 'Sept. 37, J54, , 19lf Til E gbthaerfhee Admiuiatnitor uf the Eatale of Rufua Kent dee'd, ao'.ifiea all eredilore to preaenl and H indebted, are b!r-W.JrBrley the old Maud Ml, Monroe, IredeHeuaaly. GEO. F. DAVIDSON, Aud i uf Rufu Raid, dee'd. 2w2l Oct.er 13, 1854. State of North Carolina, IREDELL COUNTY. Court uf I' I rat and Quarter Senium, : rrm, .Met'1 '. " ' Margaret (jrlUum, r. the Heira t aw of Jmea .... trahmy dee'd. Petition for Dwcer. I TrtTnet 4aa)anM.4l4-wt-Alelander P. (rraham,. Wd.iara Donaldaon and wife Jane, 'IWliM W. Hodaon ad wife MaW Ann. nd Margaret E. Furr, re aide beyond the limitaof thia ; H ..,ere,ore,.reo.uaeec,eeaoyine. ourt , I that pubhealwu be made far BIX week in Ihet " t ro-1 ,lina Watchman," newauaper publudied iu Ike Town . SalialHirv. aidifviM the id on r.dent to be and ' eppe" he aeai Court of Pleu ,l Wuarte, Sc.- "'iw, of aeni ror ine. owniy ireoei., l inf Court llouae i SlateaviHei, on Ibe 3d Monday's 'No- f-vember neii, theu iud there to plead, aiwwerir dct t iiiar lu ptmiilia petitu ia our aaid i'ourl filed, or piilgmenl pro eonf twmt .will b tken- gain4 the.- - -Wilne, M. F- FrerUnd, Clerk of or aaid Court at office i Stannllee, the 3d Moudy iu Auguat, A. l- r I n- ... - M. F. FREELAN l, Cl k. Price Sdv. f 5 50 bwl State of iVorth Carolina, IREDEIX CtH'-VrV. rara Plem$ mnd Quitter Sruwn, ( Amgmtt Term, 154. John Ijnsham, Exeiilfr of Jiue isrnham. dre'd, ra. A I. Graham and tMher. r IMHHm for &ite rtf Land ' IT npfiearinf to tins wMMfaetitH. f the Crt thai Aleiander P. GraJinm, WUluun Ihsnmldauo and wife Jae Tittsma Wtlindnow aod wile Mary Ann. and Marjfuret K. Fnrr, Heira at Uw of the aaid Jnmea ttritlmm, dee'd, are anreiadeiit of thin Htnte : It ia, therefs-re, ordered and decreed hy. ihe Court that pub hrntion he mnde f.r the apace f mi weeks iu the Carolina U airhmaa," awinj)uer published in the Town of ttalitkbnry. nufyinf the auid n.tn-reaidenta 10 be and appear at the nit Court to he held for the C.njniy trf Irnlell, at the Court llouae in Stateaville, on the 3d Mxiidnyof November next, then and there id Court filed, or judgment in duifeaao Will be tak en hii. at them. W itneaa, M. r. Freebtnd, Clerk of oereardConrt l omce in Stteville, the 3d Monday in August, A. 1). M. F. F Price adv. $5 50 FOR SALE, . VAMIABI.K Tract .rfl-nd. atlaataul , ilea v .u ra. . ii .1 i . . I pnn wt P'.tr.. ...... .w. im. n M.y. u..,-... and one rode and a half from .Snow 1 reek ( Im healthy regiun a ran be fimndin Weatern i'ai only a few mile from the Brutthy Mouutuiua. taiu upward of 700 Acres, of which near 4UU ia finelv limhenrd wtaid land : Alro two....pnru!t.wl..ehlreWe..verTI..Kl one. tn it i n voi-d dweltinr Ihmib and out buildiwr, rather heller than are uaoallv fiund. . r- ' do well lo five ine a call, or adtlreas ine bv letter MtareavihY, it can be had on the very beM terma. aUt, have aeveral ainaller plantations ciHiveuieut, tha I wuh to dipoe of. A. R LAI RENCK. Iredell oo., N. C, July 13, lri4. uinS HEKIIE'S HATS. FALL STYLE. 8AI.ISHI RT, Al tJl'sT, 154: I 'IIIK aiiliaenbr haa received two eaaea BKEBf 1 II ATS . Fall SluU. E. MYKRS. tiramte Building- (ID No. 4. lHKJ I I". P a panv north Carolina RAIL ROAD t'oni- i now open nr the Transportation of Ta- aenif-r "ltd Pnduce. All freiphu front Concord to Charlotte, mum be p iid at Conciifd. AH fretffht frnm Charlotte to Concord to ba paid at Chnrlmteor Concord. Alt freifhla delivered at intermediate tati(n must be paid when lakfn onboard. Cow- SIMGOfFATCOST. EXTRACr.DlMARY i:,:'J CEDENTS! To Ossasla Iluyoraill rpiIE 8BBS5CBIBERS -HAVIJfC-UEtBR. M. asiaed m ebav tkeir aMreanttl fcoatneee in lliia Im. w erTcr tiit tant ararahr Hick t4 Smmi I COST fare; Oar stock tt timda are wU aurSMl, aad eumpnare a feral earieiy at ANB FANCY ...DRY GOODS, CarjHtmgy ITurdwure, Cutlery, &utffr$, C rfclery, JSmt and Shoe. 11U it' 1'ainU, tfco., itfcM ttc. Three Uiwdr were perchaard fer eh nrluaively. and we iurite Country nMrcbaet and Tedlara, and 1 atl perauti trading in Una ntarket lu giv u a eU be- j for buying, aa aecb aa (. anil y (ur buviug giud i froaa eu draarable a ehiek at euat, happena kail aiduai. ' CAA.MBKRrf 4: t ll AMBKk.1. ; ,, . . . Any penwi hu would perch the enure Stock rf t :,). aa ab..ve nir ale Hied can rent the St., budding , t be need Sir... V bune-e.cept that .rfretalhiig nW. The rlf we .. I- er on. hundred fee. I .g. a. 'lih gmid cellani abunl the mm li npll.aiid a portion of the I building ca ba need a dwelling Ii a ani.ll family, there being 2 riaeiir bebiw and 2 in- 3 above, oa the tenon oceiipymg the houw imghi prefer. It ia cmaid-1 ered the in. derb'1icatii.n fi.r irade ill the daee, , InMngwianted on Ut. cornet uf the PubUe SonM.ud: mini the Urgent pur. of the produce that will be. bnugtit here, wtM paaa by the door in order to reach the B.ii u.-j Ii..... I J. F. CHAMBERS. 1 tS.liabury, ( Udier 5,1 S54. ltf I . Daily K.nttb Carolinian cony two week, (orwrd account to lllia OAice. MEW SUPPLY. OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Xliolx-wlrs. HarrlKn, ARE now receiving i th- .r at.ire oppnir Murphy'i (iranile lluilding, an amn-tinrnt of Dry Ooodl, large lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, OROCEKIEX, die. They have on bund kit of Ctockery. Hardware nd Cu.lerv. wb.h they wilU , tut at very reduced price. In fact all the above ! named O.ajdi ahall be a..ld very kw Sir eath, or to ; punctual dealer. All ihey ark i cll to give aaliefac- litrit. They are thankful f. past favor, and hope by , nrk attrntio to buainea, to merit en increue. October 3. IB54. tfSO WILKKSlOtiO-, riHE U?ri)ERS10NED Havinr ta ken charge of thia et.dlihmeiit re apeclfullr inform! the travelling putdie and the conimnuily al large, that no paine i will be apared to render comfortable aceoroodaii.Ni to j II who may favor him with their patnmuge, Hiahouae will he au.Hrrd with truat-vorthy and attentive er- I vauta, nd hi i with lha bent the country afford. TBS BTABXaBa will al all tune be abundantly rapplied with good pro veuder and allcnlive .Mitlera. TIIE STACK OF PICK for the Snlem and Jefleraon Stage lines ia kept al ihia It.Sel. The Stage upon thia Hue arrive and deparla tri-weekly. By Miivt attention to the want in the pabtie tie hopea to merit and receive a liberal p!piiage. MATTHEW LOCKE Wilkeakoro', Sept 27. 1H54.' 2Utf kiij:sMAX wastiu). ONE or TWO GOOD SALESMEN Wanted. Apply to R. it A. MURPHY. JMPORTANLAMQUPMML VT j CRiXITE BUILDING. Glass Ware I Glass Ware ! 1 MYERS i now in receipt of the moat mugnif j. icent M of ULASS WARE both CUT and pREStiE, before offered in lb., ikm,, euaaka (n m n . . . . . ISUWl, .NWtvr, 1 itcher, JhTanters, biitiar ana' 1 reneree J;tsic. CeUry. JStaiuI(i!riiiet Jtilit and i'fuimimfh ' ulisxfs; X'1 GMh, TuiiilJer, ttv. tvc. Ffifna" Fmit nitAid, Viaw, ru( and Spacers, siid ( U I .N A ANCV afUohsa ta grvl variety lu'-are invit-d to call. ISaiiKbury , Oct. 5, lN4. Jhe 90 Great Inducements Sal iltiry, (M, 5, 1S54. ItF.ADV-MADE COTIIINO. , rpHK. Sl'BSt RIBKR ha opened one of the moal JL vat ried .Stocks of Ready Made Clothing, err hrooffht to ttii market. Hid BMnrtment ia rttiw, COMI'I.KTK, csnnprtMiHg alimiat every st)le aud qual ity. Al, a fine ktt of TElNkS, iOOTS, SII0KS AND BITS. H tikUetia all MTin io want, to rail and examine hia Stock, aa greater inducement witl be offered than ever. E. MYERS. 30 X. 4, Granite Building NEW FALL STOCK OI a (.HAMTR Hl lLDIi. J rptm wrasrRiBERs re now toh-kiv. i ..?.!"?. ,.!'fjh' 1 l nd V A Kl El) I'm : k. of STAPLE & FANCY DHV GOODS Jlo it. Shoe, Hilt tt" f"'y, Iitinnct, CLOAKS and r A L.MAS. A verv larre and fine aaaortmcnt of i . - . 1 , XtCailV 31 UlIC fLe lO t II 1 II I?, Worateil and Col ion Datnark Ut Curtain, Carpeting, Rug, Ate. It being their deaipn to devote their alteniMt to the nle of the above artirlea exrluiovely, they feel a per fect coulidenre in Haying that they run h-ld oal-aub-t antral indiireiuenta to whleale and rvtuil hover. ' J h. BROWN tX LKMLY. Saliabury, Sept. 27, IfM. I Actiec Slave Traders! NEW O MEANS $LA Vis and fS Ilttn'niw Sf.;N. 0. THOMAS FOSTER, Proprietor, (Kunnerlv of lavi Cnnty, Nrth Carolina. C CAROLINA TRADKRS rmint S,mth with ne f ffroe, will find it to their mieret, to ttp with hun, a he pellv m coniimeM.u, on veni acctmiiMtda tiiif tenn. and flatter himaelf tlvtt he ha the beat k cnou in the City, it bene in the immediate' vicinity ikf ihe prinnp,il lMtela and butt new houau. t'ndoubled Reference" given. , Seplember 14, IS54.' IvlT JOB PRINTING , I bauaburv. WILKESBORO' HOTEL. ' .V. v. 'L lei SALEi iaa FOll riHE aubwubrr bring drainwa lochaitc kM Vn . liua. offm lur alvlua.yuibl IIOI CE AND tATTi aitoatrd w Mnr. eaete lb Kuwaa ttua, i 8)iakury. Any peraoe wiehiag to key tfcie property, arueld do wet to eM aad eMwtie Ik prw mine. -'ferme wilt be buuU -, aad puaaraHua gir ea iouaediuly. ' - . WM. BOWZEEi Baliabery, July SO, 1S54, ' tf The Tin, Sheet Iron, AND COPPER ttUSINESS, T carried n in all it earioa hraaehe, at the nld 1 at. lid. iuMiippiaute the Watchman Printing Office. mnti . r4. R,4,rd.' Il.ael, by BAKER OWES, mhr , wu,fe , 0,eir hue I. d..ne in the h, o,,,,.,.,,,, , aupldy uf " ' XlO-Wtrf, Sl0Te. Dtl PiDf H, Slills, JLf . Abm, iorlment of fm Clnvrno ' UOOKHlff btOVGSi VW 1 . , ., alwaya .HI hand, which they will let out on trial, if nrv. to nenona wndiwe to bnv. Call and ee ; and price our Oor-U. . e ... I V ALSO Wanted one or two ipriiird workmen, ( I inner) ' who eu get liberal wagea and eonalaiit eniploymenj, i by applying aoon by lettrr, p." I'"1' eallmg on I ItAKUt & OVVEV. SaU.Urv, Feb. 23, If 54. 40 NOTICE Iei hereby given, that Book at now opened for r ceiving aubacription to the Capital Slock of The Sallakary, iMluvllle aal H llkrkrgk rtaak Rd teapsay, - ."urpnj. mto.w ' uiiUPHV . . i .i . . t i H JOS. F. CH A M HERS, CHARLES F. FISHER, (.'cat tu eiea era. May II, IP54. rr The tommii..ner wTH aT6, oy fefliiei al the earn place, aubecriptama far more Northerly route, enieenig the South Yadkin below the mouth of Second creek, thenev to M.-kvdfe. far ilie-perpuae of ucertaining which roule ra preferred. NO. 1, ranite BuUding. SALISBURY, SKPT. 21v 1854. FALL AXD WLXTEB 'IIIE Subacriber ia mum daily fcixuur bi SU-k of I FALL AND WINTER GOODS and HXfl iBTICLKS, which wheu eomplrte, will complin the greatrat vara t be bat trtt befgre off. red. coutiuf ia part of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, . 4rf.alinuet ery.dfe.rirfiiMi4 iVeetllt-ieorleeJ Cullart, Sletiv, Handkerrkief, Infant' Rube; Wainti and Latltft Stirtu, at all yricei. Silt, CtutK aJ Ytleet ' Vlouki, from 4 to 10U. Ilihbinu, Ultm, Ituteriet, a fine attiirlmrnt. Aluhair SHrti t Comi ty Mm and "r JJtiii ftuthtHif, no ( 'luth, 'ii. Ktmerts, Vett'Iiiya, Kniturktj . tJUH. fU4a4 ,Jte-rteyei lllMryi, Illuukitt, He (thesl earn'fktilv Mtlirila an examination of hiaJ Urk, as he feels aaaured from the fart of hi purcha- c haVina; been made aince the great dtrhne in pri ce of good, that he i t.fffring greater inducement than ever. lhnt ftmret the atore of r, ..... E. MYERS, IH Krt4iranite fltiiMmfr. VALUABLE PLANTATION 20 LIKELY MOROES FOR SALE. N Tueacjay the 1 4tb duy of XovembT eif will proceed to ell, at public suit', uiy Plant--. 1 tiou lying ue nuln North of Salivbu'y , oil the main road leading bi Mtickvillet contis'.iing 200 ACRES, 5 One Hundred of which are cleared aud io a good tte of euluvaOon, the balance i very heavily timbered. The nearu' m of . tht place to market the pnduc tivenea of the soil, and the immrnae a oh Mitt of tim ber on it, render it one of the most detumble tract of la'.d in th virion y of Salilury. Tht r g mi the plane a dwelling and all necem-ary o( honeea. Ah-ir. Bnck'-Yard. whirh might be made very profitable I will alo tell at ihe aaioe lime, 15 OR 20 LIKELY NEGROES, ciniiing of Men, Women and Children. Among j iheae are Imi rtiok and two gtaid mirae aervanln. Alxi. my Vof,,n HOKSKS and MI LKS Farm ing Ctenaila of every dearriptHrti. Term madi kmiwu on the dy of le. Kale to comwenc-p al 10 n'rk-rte" 1 JOHN II. IHIKKMAX. rtwIH September It, SL VAIiUABIjB REAL ESTATE FORSAJLXINSAIJS front of Wm K. ilwn Jewflry afore, fwrt ot mv LtVI', my !T fe-e'l front and 7" f-t Iwo-k, adj.-otittg Win. Murphv'a graiuie row, on Miuu Mtrtfet HH the purrhae nHn- I" be Md in r"b,- ben pmie. mHi will be givrn on the Ut JaiitVlW. Ijj, the other hulf any reaxmahle indulgence wdl be givt ii, by an apprised m4e aim iuiereH. ' AT THK SAM I TIM K M PL CK I w.ltwll a Ua of 15 ACRKS atd a tV w rod of land one iuilei, frtm Sah-ibnrv Iinnn-diaielr m the mam thnrrttfrr iW, r the Central Rail Kad runiong ihrmiiri aattt kM of land. Anv penattn wihinr to examine iht lot will pleaae ; call upon Joeeph r'iher.wh4m n m.i-r Jariit-a Krti)rh- ; erty in Town. A credit tt month with mtereat frti dte wdl be eireu. Ii.wnnxm gui-n ntiiediau-ly , aftr ibe le. W. Bt)tiER. .Salisbury. iVpt S. I.V4. 4w IS L,: The C1arMt Wh4 np5 4 wkai4J trtrmrd MRS. LOl'ISA BROWN II A VI ( rviurtr4M,frmn JekM. M inimi(ti. 4 J re-o-iied her KrtaWivhment in 'Silibur. lt-ii the putrttnae of i her old friend and aruinianre, and imNm-iiivI ihr-ui that ahe haa reevtved I nun Nt w YiKk and Philiuirlphta, a upily,of fSknable BonD(st Caps Hfad-Drrvscs, lcM dr. She i prt-pared lo do work -at ihe hortet ntMiee, in ; the neaifX anl lairnt ntyle. lnit n froiit"ahriad will 1 re ive pnunpt attention, und ptHtl pa'kd ami for- : Wftiwd; ..J:.., .... .-;,r. j:fi LV WATCHES HWWi JAMES HORAII, HAH joM reeeieed from Near Turk aad rhHadef phi, the largyat end beet neleeied aiajunnwBI WATEE8 AID JEWEliT. ever offered t ale ia Ike Iwi ut Salibry Cuea. priaiug a grnt-ral eaurtmeat of Cold aid Silver Watchf. 1, (i.W Fidt and Ruard Chain, ftrala, BraeHela. Ear ; B4, i'ulT.rtii. Ueutlenirn and Ldiea' Breat Pin, Fiuger R'nga, Fin1 ti.rf rrneihi and t , Ut4l. Sil er and rtual XPKrT ttLKS, and n rrvty 4 Fancy Anwlr and Perfumery. All uf a kick, h will aril envaper, lho ibey can be U(hl al umilar rataWiah nicnla ill 1 Ik Mlale. Call iHiedVair brlow R. at A. Mar phy'a hltire. and examine fr yiHiraelrca. J f Ch-eka, Watchea, aad JrWelry of alt kinda. re paired in tlie beat mawlrr, and on ihe iwmI renaieiabl' u-rma. JAMKK IIOItAII n.liahorv. April 6, 1H54. - 34 Dissolution of Co-partnership ! ... i. . rpiI E C.pwr heetoe ...f betwee. L """. Maaeej w xJ?i cle of bnotatlon. All Iht- Indebted to the firm, v rrapectfully reeeeated to call and aetile. either by c.n u we, by the Itrrt ot .o?eniner, tna. a HHigar in dulgeace ieill w ie girt it. Bear thi In rhind. BROWN Jt. HAN ES. AaguM I , 1651. It NEW ARRANGEMENT. THE ufulrrugned reepectrully inform tlte public, that having entered inl tVpartiB ralup, will carry oa the buainearof TANNING. BOOT AND SHOE, AND ia all their branehe. l Ih Old Sl.md, lately pied by llruwa It Hanee. Having aupplied Ihrm aelve with paid workmea in the Srverel depart ineiu" of their buamere, they are fully prepared to meet the juat eapeclatHina of the pulrfie in Leather, Itiirnere, Ac., Ac. at moderate phcee, a the eery beef water ttt, g-F Tliinkful for ilia favor Upturned u Ibe old firm, they eek a eontinuance of the aame on the aew. T. VV. HANES, at Co. ' Snlnibary, Aug- I. If 54. DISSOLUTION. T IIE Copartnerahip f M. BROWH SON ie Ui day dtaaotved by limilatH. 1 bw Smhu will be earrird on mider lh name .if Michael Brwwn. All peraon indebted by account will pteae al) cluae the ame either by note ur caah. M. BROWlf, Shoury, Sept. I, IR54. - C 8. BROWN NEW ARRANGEMENT. THE SL'BSCRIBKR Wttald IMufti' '' and the public that h haa taken the Mock of tiuoda of M. Bmwn Jk. Sirti.andwillenatiniMrailheoMpiaiHi. He Witt aerl the piraant efeb 4 eiry ndlad friiii t five place to a. pew stock thi Fall. He enlieita enaw tinaaoe ef Ihe old euatoiner. and hope from a deter iinaiioa to sell a kw aa any hoaae in the ptaee, to re tain the old euetomer and tn make new one a. " 7" MICHAEL WKfXfTT. September 1, 1M4. I7tf Sheet Iron, Copper and Tta Ware ESTAJSUSHMENT. WILLIAMS BriOWN. lONTINUES to carry om the abnvr bminew iaall j ira varieties. Ila kaepa etMialaiaLyiMihaiid.anaa- aortment of Tin Ware, Still, Mtovea, Stovepipe ami i Sheet Iron Ware. Shp oppoaite Murphy' grand J row. Bargaina for caah. lld Oopprr. pewter, brea- Salisbury, Ja, JO, 1854. Si Stoves! StoyesJI - rIIIE suliaeriher haa )ut revived a fine nmirTine-tit which he witt aril low, for eah. . WILLIAMS DROW., Oupoaita- Um mf--Row. - SaUAwrv. Julv 90, 1854. rf 9 G RElT ATTRACTION f NEW AXD LARGE SUPPLY OF I JEWELRY, At reduced Prices. W. lt.-WIL.SOX AH iut received from Philadelphia and N. York. It by A da n a' Lipr-, a new aupply it.UwU od Silver Walchea of every price and quality. JEWELRY . 'Of the la teat and moat rathhwaMe t lea, cejawiatinf m part tf Ladiea' fine Mimmic Biravt Pint Kar-ring and Brncel-ie, Lava Breavt Pina and Ear-nnga, fine old Breast Ptrt, Ear-ring atid 'Bracelet, lAdie.that . lain, CitrT-p.il Ktnger riug. fob, vest and guard Cliaias of vartitua Myle aud prices, liold CnMei fi hair. Stere aud foliar huitoon, lgrlher with large as- urtmeut of LWAd, ISilver, Strel and cominoai Silver, Tea and. Table Spiam, Butter hirra. Sail Snm, tine CuiJery. riatola, Portmone. Hair, Comb, Tetltr 4 nait Brut-hea, I'erfu uery and r'aucy Arti cles usoaHy kept in Jewelry Storr. All ftMiaila warranted to be what they are w4d f. Call and eianuue fir vounWea. IT Chetka, Waichem Jt-wvlry, Muaic Btiaea, re-p-tired iu the'beat manner and warniiiied. W. U. WIOON. jutv is.'iui. tm BlV- - iTOTIILW STOKE, HAS just been opened by the Mibacribcra, door b-iw W illiama Blown'? Tin Shop, oa the cor ner fcrw'elv occupied Mertmy A Bark head, wkera thev are mw receiving a aplettdid aUck if CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTIN6S " avti .. .. " Made Clothing. 1 m Shirta. t'ttlla-. l'ra it. H.HMeiy. and Oaktrd'fl , txtrm article f II ATS ; in abort. ery urticie irt fu ' man i nt: (wAeodf, naceaairy Ul jreHtl' luan' Wardroba, . ail of which, will be ld at aatonialiint; low price, i Our tin in rou frieiwli. pairi'ii. iul the public cen raHy. ar reapectfully invited to full it nd eimnnue tor (heuiaH-Ut-a, a we ku't want any io ink ur word for . !- t'kethiMf made io order on ihe nnal reaaoaabU lernt, and in a myle int U be tu rpa aaed. hy anv. T JN.. A. VKI.KMXN '' i Mtrvhnnt Tailor. KlLISIlti, S. C. Au;iit 31, l-il. I) 1 j Marna,'.-Lt.cne U-itutil'ulh .rinliAl aatl Cu t r r i l4i. etrn. i a- l I V t i 1 X i ! i! 4 -I