.V Ui 1 ; n : -.J-'.. VOL. XL-NEW SERIES. SALISBURY, X. C., OCTOBER 2G, 1854. NUMBElf XXIII 'immmm 1 1 F . ' 1 . -J . ' f L . i fa. I a", , mi m , J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AMD PROPRIETOR. TERMS : T fiollanrir, paid wilhia thru aMalhs from 4at of subacriarioa tniulhn and fifty ! if wM pM bsfof Um sipiratioa of iha yaar, ad Ihrea Sul im aftar Um yaar kas nfmd. No papr diarantia- anil alt amarafea an paid tact-pi at lh upta-a f tlw Jailor. Lallan m tha Kditur atuat to ptart paid, lo .mot. atiaalKaa. j till ' E. 3-1 6 p9 llftXlJUt, 5. S 4kt a s. D 3 I 5! g V- A (IS wa. I r P'taoM leading ia adwrtweraeata are r-m--4 u atata ta aaaiber af iaaefttiM naare4 i sad if it Wmm4 llwy alMU rapy the kul apace pnaal kl. mtm aaiia tha bark lh Ward tlf. tHhrrwwe tawy vMI b put ap la tha aal atyla a4 ebnM aaWfauirf. ti Jr Suamat aa Uiear mtea. INTERNAL I UPROVEMDT. A General Convention of thei friend of In teraal Iu.provcroent will be held T ohjwl of the CoaveoUi will e to conid.r mad rerm sd a p-wrr! Isternal Iniprwemeot, by Kail KuaJa, (or Uk tUU DdajTOeriii (Ti&aTlWproveimiiT ari ii vited to attend. Jtairaa Taaaly. Chaa. K. Ki.B.f, Nathl liorden, John W. kllw, U.-A. I )", John I. Slisver, ' Wi. Murphy. .Mkh!1!'0.'.- jTaaa. At 4.Wuiuali- im, ftai'ara. I. F. LHwell, John A. tfilmer, Jaoub Slier, II. ii. Wcxnttin. V. F. ('..wan. Hi-Wandem; . .raoiTiMf; - ----CTtJ. HtuJerson. MoafaaMvy. K iKU-rrv, .S. II. I'lin.tian. Aarlaaatpfaa, l. A. Itaruea. Sttt ifaaarr, r. K. IWtm.n, A J. IVUowet, Ihoa. II. Wriyl.L OMlair, John A. Aieritt. Randtifk, Jona Worth, II. H. EllHtt, A. H. M.vr-.h. Jliraaiaaiii , A. Ii-kery. RoaeaVa, It S. French, "W.T. Troy, Edmund M. ljueen, X, A. McLean. Tatriik Murphy Stoi,; R. I. fiolding. A'imiy. U. T. Waddill. - f. L; Ixtrf. IVraat ife, A. W. Venalde, Dmru, 11, Hnilev, (i. W. JollllHOIl. . la. a., B.F. J. M. Lilly, -fterrw, v t:iietry. . K J. Kj-wm, It. C. Teamon. kUtmJtt. K. h hattcrthwaite. Jaw. E. Iloyt Bmmrmmii, J. F. K. Hardy. FnbrW, lien. McX'mII, K. K. Bryan, h. i. Hale. tXT. llaigh; Juaeph Arer, K. L Winlow, John H. Cvk, I). G. Mrttae. ,,,,1 Ctlmtr, ' W. L. M.rk40. ("lMnwiaftli A. It. Ilouoaly. Caxliii, A. i. Trtiy. . f'Aaieaa, R.T. l'aine. 8. I'alteniuuV W. A. Lenoir. Vmfbm, I. T id. Cmlerel, M. F. Arrnd. II. i. S. I awy. Varfiia, Joa. Williatna i. Ct.sk. ' k-O'll. KraiH-h, Win. Ilovlan. NO. . Fmal tha Lyachbarf Eepobtican. aVailroad Conneetioa between Lynchburff - and Sorth Carolina. Mturt. Edibtrt of tkt Hrmhtimm . In tei ping aside for a moment from a clvu ly eoiitiiiini; oreupation lo writo iti' letter, I hae had bm . little hope of enlightening the publio mind ut on a subiect of so 111U1 h iinixirUure. I have writiM. in a sn im ii ij-i, lin.s.li-sl hoeralilv. nut iriiauewi nuT-raiu,, um act- (alien it for K') j I Danville railroad ""! .i in ' ..I.. I..'i ... .. .1 "sdir-hj wrgstn''W privatu. In tho o'ulel '1 f.aT ed that the liichmoud and t be e,U.,,..ed u. the (Vk,! of. the IUu rslg.. in I alnek county, nnd even beyond (hnl .ilfl. Aid... .i: ii,. ii I ..;!.. i, .r.. "nJ. At' U, .djo.ir.,me.,rof the laat Legislature I iLS ' 1 if ? " S " M-l 'DC I . ', .7 -7,, I " A I! c is- Pin 11 ; B ft as a ri.Lr.rr- .rr r . r-. i r .. . ... . 1 1 it is hh h uibiiiivi ifuirv vi iiiBiiiutiiii. , , . . i ..... . IU t V 1 W ar. U !t"tltttV '' S 1 n except tliat we believe it ifinretty blrong, , - . -i : ; , 11 rf;fiif ;a v. o.xf ;., I mauo Ins escape by bonntr a hole through JUimT- , , , , . and hat it is bad policy iu any other par- i "f '"' "' wc'" " 14 7?Wl' , W'e amount of wearing apparel. A 1 artihcm ght s too je loa nd iu -(f RJ no..we fettrn. from A i. tb. ocap-d by iteloMhiM. W itl. du regard fur the judgment of oih.ens , lv ,., n..turallv its rival to overwhelm i or K1'1 n"les east or i',rtl"'at from the Lite crayons may be made of rariSjtimc will ujure the eye. lcrsouswho s , ' t!,t two other Drisonera have Ai Mir.Nii.tf.arMfcWff WttUj. wl..n maile thi, r.d sho,.M T.a.1 - r,T ' " V ' i .1 1? . village, .w.Lt re the people were nearly all white, or Spanish white, which is nearly read or write much at night, must expect i 1 ,LV,i ' !. . , It 7?! If vljt mt la mmim t I awara i Maaiaf 34 or 2J arm. 1 woi"'i w, "en inai le, tin nd mioiiiu lean lt ,v vnih-iit denunt'iatiiiii. Uur business , . T ... . 1 i . -., , . ., '. ' . , . , . J f i. i.,i t;i,f !. ,.,. adopted the same mode ol egress, and fled :!aSrX-E-. AlifrU-.Vlou.of Lvihburg. eiih.-r up the .alley of Kuh- 'to-.Ly is with aditlVrent association, ivor ot iiidependence ; for at that the same, and wheat flour and .if.K, ,1a l' k- Cherry and l'roctor 'ZZfJir"" - or up the v.llev of liUlwater ; io ' whicfc, we hope is on the increase in the "" '". ,lie were nearly ever v- he correct ,,ro,ort.ons are hve oVL S or cJulle Sf, m , ' CoufiiMdn ef.i-of rta m a fracuuaal pan. " .. ' . , J. r.-, i w. , 1 ,i r .. i : i ,r . . . r f where so impudent and so confident of Paris white, one jiound of flour, and sum- ra) s ot gas, lamp or candle. ie morn- . , , . m u inretH.g,...,r the v.ll.-.ge of ew L uited states, and of ,u Inch wo profess to d 1 ,()lrtr coulU u o eicnt water to bake .'dougU of these um-1 ing is the best time to use the eye, both "V ,Mr IIJraau nt8r, m latter for .h- in tl-.u-.dW, 0.,0.1-1... ,ofecnble,a,idjbet.ausel,e light is then generally the "lirn, SfrJ Sat iiiif;.h . (j; cr m our uiuortui Aeouunt. en u hut hmihi'oui u . . .. . f " ' . u ( in(.r nt iumr m n t ho imiuU t. w.i.,.. . lAatn .n. u t.. a,.v niitl.iiiir ot tli:m PftlHllHll!'li. um ) ir Ml or frjisiiir Ml. m i . ri.c - - r- - i mi in i in n i.r ii hiii ! ii m ill ni it. in tvi.& mi iti. - . . 1111 nr i I'lin Tirui iin.ra , inriii iittc. r uiiii-:' u n. iii.ii i-iii.ni niir iiini rv I ill ii.i'h ui n ill I i ni' im; 1 1119 111111. . . lull wiuon their eakiider for the evleiisii.il of llml sccm of all, in which our young hero road to Tnyloravilln the eotinty ai nt of Patrick. ' slioiie forth, wringing exclamations from I have ,u).iud th extension of the South side ! lips that were hufletting the hungering r.d fro... Lynchburg un the valley ofjau.e, riv-! waters llien murmuring lor their prey. er , (ViviiJ 7,1-!... .iTi ffniiinil..,.,,. Holm, (.tor Unit was. his, lu.n.e,) uent lt.Mlros.1 from Lynchburg to Itiel.n.on.t Ui- rwt. i. ..i.i.-MTal li. -ll... Ulnlrt flnif I kniivr nf. en bo aggrleTvwl by tha making of this road i. front Lynchbrrrg tolhffiforth iarottna, hwH tl 1 -dl seetiooa mast beuefltedTiy itl Ite ehai efltedTiit: Iw ehai-1 i-tar. s. a dividi-nd paying- road ia too j.f eaiitttiiit.j .L.'. "-J... ...... . l:.U....VUUCTMWKW-i--M-m----- to make it uairy to urge it on tliHt ground. Jn Greek or Roman days such a man, Wbi-n mmlu from Ljuclil.urg to SalUbury or ! if he had not awarded the honors of dei Chrlott, it inurt furm imrt and parcel of the ' ticution, would have had Senates decree gr.t Atlantic and Tacift-Kail way" the la ing him stututes and inouumentg every of hid. will ret upon the hank, of the St. ' 1w.liere to commemorate h.s deeds, that , , i ' i . ii i i his example imirht not be lost upon po- Lawrvuoe, liil it othf-r extremity will reach' .. ,r, . . :.,. ... i..- ' , . . ,o .tenty. llts conduct has given new lus- to Uie .liorea of tlie I'awfic, at the bay of San trt colltrlK.tci witl, tlmt of the cravens Kranciwo. z- . who, only anxious to save tlieir own lives, I will here giva an extract from a letter al- i 8luit their ears to the shrieks of the help dreaaed to the wiiler by highly intelligent : less women and children that were grap geuUisman resiJing near Charlotte, N. C, fore- 'pliug with horrors all around and about .. -y ,-v.i ; . I them. Honor.thcn, eternal honor, to him . . . - i . : local and national point of vmw he AJ. glam-e at the map of the United Stti Wilt uliow diat C'linrlotle in N. t i almoat the cent re f a ' j atraight hue lietween Mobriu and New loik, an ei.ediliuu and convenient inland way, otfeiing by l.itenil nmtn nnmerom market for the vari- :wl productkma of a rich interior. ,,h(pfa ft!taH I mad euterpri) with the aUUidiary roadx of dif ; ferent kind, w ill nerejiaarily ad ( antage the coun try through whii'h it may pan. The main Kailm! routi in the upper tectum ol uie rAoiiinern nuiea win lie muen mwrrwi jatcrtainaeiwoiia. n.eyatr.irdfcililieatoapro- line mounuin ,u..try, and by the latt-ral line. I I I U, the ,K,ru of Savannah. t harbWOnunllU-In ami terrified at the i ton. Norfolk. IVu-rsburtr. and liiehmond. ri.e . rhbioei nu.rk.-u, according u. the demand of tallev of l iif nter, and thence on throuvh the e-iuu'tv of Henrv. running north ,4 the fourt 1....,. rn. it;., it... .;l.t l. .l, ...I by thia line ;, ..... . ine near uie niouin 01 loan run rei a' iorrivKt ia Xurlh ijuuliua 1 a..,i..i.i.hT..r, Ih eastern of the th.a.t.mlia-. ,.f tl. Fork wl.a-1. run i the South-eastern I ..f the aiiT Trwir chain of mnaH mrmntahw and : tii iulu ln rm-r near the town ijf Madison alloiiU through the whole enlenl of itn valley a most excellent grade 6r a railroad. Tiie mmu imt la tween the I'an and tin- Yadkin Ik -it.g lliui gained, a mot em-i lletil grade there lets iu doan the vall.T of tl.e Utter; and Sali-tiiiF? ii aily aiui'l. The .Vorlh ( wrolina 1 gi-lalure mih niei t. Let a road tu the Tirmia Line he eharti-riij and ftairWfttWfl t,rt"e. and Vfrgii liu iifijn-jl: mut l a -naul Lv nehbur);. A to the means road, as far a Virginia ii. ciitioerueil, ii ivkimuti that tb? cnuntry (hroiigh whicli it a ill pas i 1 ne of the wealthiest in tie- Slate. Tin ILiirsl.-n-, j the Martina, the Salplii", the Ki dd. the IVnns, ! and various other ! owner in 1'itiM hama. . H.-nrvand I'atrk k aonht funiisli a larjf amount nf that kiiid of lal.r shkli I kilo u 10 bv suit- iiiriin r wai rantea try the voni;uuion 01 cim ovpr that tiiiirning, elthet lllcldeli vlj fcir ra.lfon.1 wmL.- jOte 1'uited States, which iire a repre-, taUy or on an ewandr or, more probublv, w I..II. iu.ii.-tt. .... .. .J.TITTT1-, . ....... i . -I iii ii r IU.- ii. ol your eoiunins, aij to our iiiiiii.tous reailtm for their patience.- HEMtY From thr A". Y. F.zprti. TIIE SIGNAL Cil X. Amidst all the terrible incidents ntten, dant 1.1.01, the destruction of the Arctic, whi'ch we have been receiving these two , davs past, there is one that impresses us with a teelmg of awe ami admiration heroes is not vet altnirefher gone by. Wp : iler to Uie yoiiiW man, whose post of ty throughout the Irving scene was the tiring off a signal gun, aTiiilcrvalH, in the lioiie of attraeling thc'attentiou of vessels from a distance to the scene of disaster, While all around him were death and de pair, in bold relict nn-re lie siood, IhKe ... i'it'7 i .-t-f 1 r r. V i i . i ..... . i . i .i-i it:..... i,..,j,.h' ii , tf.n ....I,.. UeilTI III Ml." tion of a true hero, discharging gun utter gun, .fntil the gallant ship went dovVn be- Seath the waves. Mere was a courage and a ma..lii.ess,- defiance of deatlJ hmf anrndh overinS1m-srn.nV;il.si;dt. s.. f. .a .is.. I rtiiil I In. c.ilili.ii- ... . -. . ... tory in inn iui 4ii iii'i hum, iin. m-iuivi I wn with a lee ing ot awe ami admiration,.:- i - - v. i i , ind shows nil tlie world that the aire of11 movements, with a jealous and sleep-' .ilia sin s an tne worn ina- n t age or t-..,5-;.....n;-w... ...-;' braves the Kin" of Terrors at the""1" ""8"' " -- wem omy .10 prove .' ..,.,,,,1, : .,i. 1,,. T-tllll"tl r lll.'illll in ..iiiiiii.IT .1 ... m o -.vur of courage improvised for the .K-casio, ; lailllli aiuLnuiaiuUiiuw" aniuml hint. -There can be pl-oj.erIy no cowards when men are drawn up in battle array, with drums heating, eolors flying, and thoughts of reward and. promotion flit ting through the brain! if a victory is won. Dantards dare any thing then un dcr such stimulants. Hut the bravery of the ballle-lleld ia not the I.Jiivery which was shown by our young hero of the wreck. The former is a specie of unnat ural courage itjs of an animal nature; but the latter was moral courage of the 1 highest and noblest kind. With his tight led march he seemed to stand, on the quar ter ot that devoted ship, hurling ilctiaiice ! u it wont. 111 the verv laws ot death u- aa j. were, in viic .wi v ihb v. ii.-i.i-ii h- . o ,Ioni;,HM, rut 10ll. a - niav dieilt his , ...:,iw... .i-,.,.,) ,,1.'f,.r i . . ii' o' 'ii.' . . . - .. 1 .1 . . -s - - , ol t...i VrB that would make most . I . . ... ... . . . , rnt,M (.,)W.,n Awfully iinpressivt, in i i . -ii i . .i .1... l; tt,r.jl,v i.ielo-dramatic. was the lust ' " could not be induced to leave the ship u . . thofin. from first to ' . . . 1 n . 1 . 1 ... 1. .. . T.'.'."i last, firing Hi'i.als: he kept tiring that 1 1. ,,m Bt.ijirvul till the ship i j We saw hifntw the tvry tM ik1i went turt, -trt mote tm ' '.'"1 i. ' ' U'lin u-unf HAwh In ilimlli u Miiimlnrnr nf , , . , u,j,;n.a,i nni,i M mil I 41 Ol liv.l.13 null iiuv i.vwv spirits on bouril,- but uoue nobler than The brnv min ia mi) he who feela do fear, l-'ur that werii tttHS anil irralinnnl ; But hn wIkmmi nuhle niul it feiif ubdua. And bravely bravef the danger naturx ahrinka ' ' from. . . From tA Sirutkera Wetkly Pott. WHAT WE KNOW. The country is alive with reports of the j . .1 . ....:..., dtlja " Know N'ofliinirs," and many of, uouiis o. null very nit bai-iius u:ii ur simon-pure politicians profess fJ he multiplication of its nu.uhers. We shall : .'have nothing to say of its merits or de-; ,i... ,.....,.; k ;...i;,..,t.l I... ;U w0 ,,reteiid to a little knowledge of men"' ...... ii.;...,u .;,i ....,.r.l ;i .. ..... .1 1 t 1. r. , l'io ui"aie mis anon ivult u oil us we ran auiy-mr: our felloe citizens, that we mav t"tilL' 1,L', "ur ra,lk'i- Inhteud of a ' jat ioi wrijj ei 1 .iLfi we will content oUi;i)t.j . ut i,,,,. w,'ih a brief state- mint of some few well ascertained truths, in llie kiiovt ledge of which our powpr cou- .-i.Slli. In tl.e first place, wo liutc that iu eve ry cpuutry 011 the globe, there is a diMer-t-wte bHwef the fitrties of the soil and persons of foreign birth, in resju'ct to the degree of uttachment which they, feel for the laud .11 which they reside. We ap peal to every human heart, wiieu.ex uie In. ii-t-r in huiierlf Imth .Mi.l. 'I h is uiy oirii. uiy NATivt'land ! t'h..w h.-art hath nrVr witbiu him burned, A IhHue In ImHi-mi hi hslh luriteil, Kruiu wauderi. ou.a direi(n atrand We kwnc that a certain degree of nu- tir'min is nut urn I and right, and that it is ctv 1 1 1 ii i . t. iii i. iv .I-. "..I .......... ... -. . . . , N years, U senator nun' years, and the I rrei-.dunt to have been absolutely (torn : i..,i;..i. r, f . 1 ' 1 , -wiui his own iiieaiutions on the tonn- ski" t cnongn to manmaeture itheiR with totituite -ham -in iiaturi-w4t-u t sats t l i . - . . .1 . ....5. . .... . . .. 1, - ' cotning breahiitst or anything else lie eaie. llie expense' ni rrramjr, scorex'ty i.t making llu nr. aihes ih.r. a mn with .ol . dead. I rbose. .m-nter tbnii that of rbiilk. while it is tar on the soil. ' an animosity existed between the royal- i We also I note that a large majority of jBts and the friends of liberty. TJiough ;the foreigners who emigrate to this coun- unobserved himself, and perhaps had stu try, are disqualified by ignorance, super- j diously kept hiinseif out of. viewr ho-Uad '""' """I " -lavish subjection to the con- tr"1 f 'gn pnestlnxsl, for proj.er discharge of the duties of citi- ens, aim mat mis pari 01 our pojniijaiiou i . i . . i ... ..... r . I .. requires to be watched, in all their poht- "-fa ' ""- - --- j .......ij,--"--,.."--. . du-jCal1 umHt ue '- " proposition, I"'-"'' ''.v tl,u sacre.l obligiificltis of'; ! PU'W"1'''". to counteract, its fall- as he may ! "? a'1'' dangerous tendency of Jnr-, fitjn coinbinations. We iiioic that history, and every day s ; rTrm ok iDservu.ioii, prove inai mere is un inu- . rl " "s . "J "f -, ,,,,,'",l.v- K,'.''ri,,l.v. ,"m"1 t" M,,",.t hi' ! ''ie K1'-11' '11W association, r ew ot those ; h".have U.wimI m abject abasement at ....... m.diti. Sal, .(,.. Itf. i.i lit ovi.ni.1 .t. . iiiuti ULiii". .-'.i.v v.vviHivun II I 1 tlie rule. We ktlt'W, therefore, that it . ... I l m the people ol tins '. .t.hiii--i i. ...ui ....... .. in. hands ol incii, w hose u j'u-eTiieallegiance is due to an Italian conclave, presiding in gl nv desj.olisiii over .iinpov,.-i!-.hed de scendants of the ancient Romans. Jo seph K. I 'handler, id l'liiladelpliia, is a case ill point, Mr: Chandler went to K11- rope a 1 lotentant. lie found a supernan- ualed 'priest reigning at Koine, over a 'population of ignorant and degraded pels, who are kepi ill thai condition i.y long centuries of uiisrule. anil by the hired liavoiiels of Austrian and French soldie ry. Mr. Chandler became a convert to' the faith which has cou.secrated these op pressions tuid riveted these chains upon .1 . . 1 1 .. .1 11 . .... ... 1 11.1 -r. .ii -11.. 11 iii'i ii in ill 1 1311 v- 11 nil 1 111.1. ill iu "v i i . . . . .- f Congress, n renew at of their confidence, Failing lo ivccivetlicrcgular nomiiiatii.il - . . . , , ..t I ... U 1 1. re. 1 1.. 1 li.ive Hh. I 111 I. M 11.II1 It'll! the Whigs, TcaUT litiltF: aird 'ho ttain.t c-Mecttr tn m - l,"" t' "V --" - a li.nu- wtim-n c llgrie Willi llie Il";illr I. Ill-s im . nil.,- delphia, that the circumstances of Mr. ' Chandler's change of religion are such as' to diminish their confidence jn his devo tion to tliiqprfnciples of free government unil religious liberty. , . We hioin tliat the" An'ieriean people have a pejrfect right to judge- for theiti i ' : .1 i:.; ..: .'. . i- .1. .: . down. I selves ol llie qiiaiiucaiioiis 01 men repie- j-... - ....... .,......, - , . . . B-r.- , V- , f , ,-, . . v . tinna UeutatH 'e. and thikt tbe eMliuktu ut tlto4-.aft.if..Uuiy, .-arc?.witUitt a. lew. -jumi-s, ot; a IciviliZatHritrbutof an imniiiture one. t or,ea to the L itueiis ot the l 111011 as an et-ihis wives and chiUlreinKrt lXMngrec-gni. wIh-.im-.ii.Vv -iviiiHHLhiirt with' Uoarv svs- i rimnlown fox, and stimulated to the lit- we miidi.it can PC Known iiMfjnmsrroiy tcctual reuu'ilv lor gimerul deraiLgeiu-iiits. ed w.s neirs. ue cnurcu is me sow heir ' 'Items -of oppression m fctirbiH', .-. a necesun.v o.. imu ". v .-"' .t-,,.t-..,v-.-,......... i n,v s.?..u.v ' . - f--'-- -rr-'V"--:---:" : -. --c-., -.- -..r sary measure of self-preservation, fully warranted by the spirit of our institutions. There is an ecclesiastico-poiitical party in ecclesiastico-poiitical party in this country, whose chief are, to all in tents and purposes, a "secret society," and the masses ol which are more inclined to ... . a 1 resort to sacti arguiiieitia m tji ie-.Hi-iiiiu ; hludgfoiis than to the resource- ut'ober reason, in their conflicts ot opinion. e know that these politicians who smoothe over and apologize for the enormities of I hi uartv. while ther denounce iu un measured terms the transactions of nUice citirens who have combined for self-do- fi.r uiminat them, nre unworthv of the n j conlidei.ee of the smallest otlice m their irift. .these are some things which we kiww, and we believe that, in this respect,- mufti knowledge does not exceed that ot our fellow citizens generally. We have ut tered self-evident trutliH, which do not re quire proof at our hunds. 1 ... . . i From " iho Old Norlli Stale in 17(6," by Carathera. WILLIAM CUMJIIXOS, & CO. , . t , - 1 AOWaru? l,;e clORC 01 me year j bu, ; !roua'"' ' nwmon n 01 . m-ecmoer .- ammmgsUahlL ktoA.nul H II 1. Bl" "". 1.11. , ( , ( went out one morning before, day on a i-, riwr IrprrrgTCTy told and- hwrgryv t',"lc!lull!'1 tllc.V '"lll,J tail at the house of , -r. 1 . 1 u . .ifiouias 1.0U1 . 10 w arm tiieuisei ves ami Ihonias t eei someiiuiiii to eat. ia v-oucn was wen i . . . . . ... 1' 'LV- .H "u W 1 " CuU" brully ami treate. ac uaiuieu wiui 11. em. aim w.uiai a iroou . . . ' . . . . . 5 ryvne rCCeU'ea them thev ;thesie-o ki"dl-v Hml u "eni as well as lie, process will be expedited somewhat, and I jmpcr, tends to produce short-sightedness ; e""1,1" Having nTtendcd to their horscrthe crHTfms tro of a-TTmre crmnl Fiz(r;if Ttjawl it-wost-.-rofes8ionttl ineHy-literary and given directions for breakfast, heaskj ' edl them to walk with him to his hog-pen, a hundred or a hundred and titty steps from the house, and see his hogs that he had up Uuieuing for his winter s meat. K a. ! ! is an Critlitrett aiTttpted tlw ipvitfe lion ; but Cuiiiiiiings thought he would be more comfortable by the tire ; and, as the female part of the fiiiiiily were out.in the kitchen preparing breakfast, he was There was a man living in the neigh borhood, two or three miles oil', by the name of Jake I'l aeken, who was a zeal ous royalist, and was always ready to im prove any opportunity that oi'curred for aiding me cause ot his master, lie had uuki oeeii sueaKing uooui to see w.tat if them well nnd intimately acquainted w Bracken. ,.r had been before such been where he saw tin they arrived, undcoul. IllaI1y Wl.nt to tl.e hog the fox hunters when 1 could also perceive how e hoc iieii and how ma- - . . - . nv remained. Determined to improve the v 'T ""'"""J ""'"b ""-i.....-, would recommend him to the royal favor, i . . ...i' i ....... I port unity ot doing something that ue erne. en ine mnise i,, oiu-j pmg up softly to dimming!-, who was sit- i ting with his' hack towards, the d.Kir and j-hj face to the tire, apparently absorbed ui his own sage reflections nml not dream-1 ing of any danger, laid his hand on hisf shoulder, and saying as he did so, you are uiy prisoner, sir, and you mils my prisoner, sir, and you must come a-, i iuu iiuiM eoiue u- . - .. i,v i was a man ol a ready turn, and a very jo- -lipositiuii, look.;-., up at him, not at u disconcerted, and .said to him with a j,l,,VrilUlt latt-h, "Why Jake, you must that!" ri'l " . 7 t 'T , 1 lltTt' W JlS III) Tllllf TO lt lll-ir. ftl(l lit4 . . . . replied with an air ot positiveness which , lelt no r. von know .111 me to don it. l,.No. 1 111111. well enough not to indulge any sue! thought. I am not loking but .ut 111 good, solid earnest, and von must come ui I...... . 1 . ' along at once, without aintther momeiifs 1 V'niteil States, by means of which, and lutions, roeomrncmling tlie repeal of the delay or hesitation.." " Very well," said ' the experience to whicli it gives rise, im- Fugitive Slave Law, the re-enactment of Camming, " if 1 iiiust go, let us be ; po'rtant additions wilt be made to the in-'the MiivuH-t.i.pn.mise.-and " that Per ot!' ;" and. so saying, he aroise briskly to .formation of the country iuagricuLtural sons holding slaves f..r gain, or for their his feet and started along with liini or I affaire. .We suppose that the common ; own convenience in any way, or with the rlse behiml ; but recollecting - at tlut - lucky moment, that when he went into hmu; Ii is h utit j uj Im Mil to a nail on the outside ot the door-post, he jerked that down; and putting it to his nioiiili. gave it a few blasts, .., (-Wi, T'H.ri:, which roused up the hounds from tlieir slumbers in the corners of the fence, I i . . i .... i .... and in a minute, or less, iney an came i i . - i. - , - ; - something, right clever before we go ; borne." 'The men 'at the hog pen, con- . . .i i ... . I veipiug around him. as muen as lo say 111 . .il Iroin I Mind of the horn, so! eiirnest'"anr''hO "iiuickrv repealed, that ,,t.re must be souieth.iig ... the wind, and met CUIllt Willi llll J.iwMOIU eApeunioll , lmf tyheu the dogs cunio up, expressing Km.h h.'arty: good will to do the bidding of -their master, .lake louinl hiniselt 111 ra- thcr a " bad box." and " took to his sera- iiors." down the lane. lie had not gone many rods, however, until C-umiuiiigs .'live the hounds the signal, and the whole ' ......L- t....L. oiti.r linn iiiieiiiiur n!t. in-other . I:ml lo the ehanre. not ot a too peneci nmr tv nioilieno. It is a Un n.coiiiini'111 - Pertv descends to the jlornton eliurrh. voice of their master. Mr. Cuuimings always loved to tell this anecdote, espe- cially when In company with his ricnds, or wlicn lie got in the spirit or talking .. 'It ..... . 6 wiui any one uiwui revolutionary nines, and he would generally add, that it was ! .1.- a . I.- - ,:i ti. tow utuist nh iu riw- taw, umii an had to take a tree at the end of the bine, where the dogs kept him as safe ae a coon, until the men came up. He was then ta ken prisoner, carried to Hillsborough, and loclyed in iail. Without adopting the old Latin maxim, that "fortune favors jthe brave," we may say that kind l'rovi-; dence favors the l.km1. or those who are O 7 ... heartily engaged in a good cause, and this important lesson mav be read all through 'the history ot the revolutionary war, in characters too legible to he mistaken, and in the minutest as well as in the mostim portunt events. HOW TO MAKE CRAYONS. Every school-room has, or should have, blackboards. On these, chalk is almost universally employed. There are many ,. .. - . .1 .11. ... .1... objections 10 ine use 01 euam, i.oi uiu least 01 wu.cr, is, mat auer a promem .s performed, the flngers voxtobmgprr se.u a u.ny u.iu appearance Crayons lare far' preferahlje, Could they be gener- ally employed, it would be a favor done f a pitiVa.v5:Uid-away..AUimJeadil)g"4-r -ri dacT. or in the sun. to drv : the I We at ni-dit, tl.e. light should fall crowT a warm pi ...... .. r:e urvinir win freneruiiv reou.re irom iweive j ---rt n r to twentv-lour hours. m n- 1 r i. . t . lue urocess 01 roiiinirmav oe nerioriu- ,cd npoh a table, or any nut board. lhisto tne rolling board be employed ; whicli is situ ply a strip ol baru, say a loot in length,: and eight or ten inches in width, with a handle 011 the top, and with the edges upraised about a third of an inch in itiitkiiea- aw ,Uic aide t the loncar. vtufoe'e 011 which it may slide buck and forth, as the crayons are rolled. With nn appara tus simple as this., crayons may be made j with creat rapidity and cheapness. Kv- i . . r it . 1 .1 lad grcii superior. - -Ji7i uwtU 2'i.uchci: CASIIMEUE GOATS. In chronicli Dnicling the Gommencement, on Tuesday last, ot the Annual State Fair at New i ii t I In .Tmii ihh! fi1fr'l:Vliniiiir,i,ii-' ..I .1... t-. 1 -v,t -. . says tered It is the animal of which the Cashmere shawls are made, the value of which docs not depend, as many suppose, upon their j rarity, but upon the fact that the mate-: rial 8i.r.taaaTaA-.-ttIw lik rtirb in :t--.-,.a,.;iL-.-rP Th rabmoro .mnt j .. . r.....:... was iiitroUuced into several years ago by tN.Utll t.'aro''lltti Dr. Davis, who caught them in Asia, forty-two -.lays' ride, on the back ot camels, Irom Constantino- 11 m a.. i.-.iv.-- pie. I'.iey Live been introduced bv him ... . v..f. -.,. , ... .it. A-oriu v-a.oiiiiu, vieorg.a, iviaoumu, in- .Htwttl- HHefe-Hitt" an innis un tncuin I rn c-miixiiiriTiri-riirf tn TTtir-it-rrtf-.--it ..i iiv.it- 1111,-v v.U-uiiiii:ii; jiu--.is, 1.11- i c 1 1 - T. t. ' Sjitj tit. d.i lit iiiuu -uih-:t i.". by ur, lav!8, ot c-outli Carolina. : pie. I'litltuMithttt LAdicr. t A lennessce and Honda, and are mixed with the native goat. The fiair of the animal, which is pnre; white, is most beautiful. It somewhat resembles in ap pearance the finest portion of the fleece of the Chinese sheep, a few, of which are ' i'ii c.u iiioii. i. in uur v. sou iii ie.iine. on exhibition, lt is curly, sou in texture, ............ ... ... ..--.. . ..... ...... ranee, ine annual . , 1 r . t .t.i LrTnade fro,,fther'',wt shown with the goats. Welearn that the s. . 1 . .. . J Cl'CT THn'lf-H--rtWiiaX iJLLllT IP r' ( a great advantage over siieep . in locna- ties where do:s are troublesome. Ine I question what animals and phnts mav be i 'acclimated iu particular regions is under- j -. . n t -. n goingrinuch discussion throughout me goat of the North would be much im-; proved if hred'to those of Dr. Davis. 71 rt'L.rtMi. -t1: Vllii fsir--!.' '.'.1UL the .ordinal annual has risen largely in price, irom me facility with which the breed is iinpinv- ed nv nits cross, i lie experiinenr wouni i . .1- --ni .11 be worth trying in the northern States. . , . PKESKUVE THE EYK-SIGI1T. ... . . ... . i .1 . :..T . tits, has its counterbalancing disadvanta- ges : and in proof of this, the presumed i i :. . . .1 1 ..: . ..I, . decline of the moderns, in size, strength. ; and physical superiority gcneraiiv , 1 an- duccd .ini,.i..i.orum,i.a. ..,., o, .,, Mini, hit.- ihji.it.i " persons, especially 'f those living in cit- les, is brought forward. ...eat is white and delicate, and is prefer-! ". t i" "f.ieve ,.a. . ..o..uC,FU.. rmTtkuUuuwL M.1 Fre.niet. the first 1, .. 1 1 -ii . compaTTir wrrn Tnivr or last vvftr"" ----,' v ; v v--, are reared to mutton. A herd will pro- 1 ,. .. , ... mals in ! runce. nut, it an ouier uescrioiioim 01 pii.si-iso eal deterioration owe their origin, as we have but little dotib they -dj,to a revolu- tion of the laws of nature, as is.the rase 1 i'.f this instance, then the 'fault should be! of excessive or improH?mse of the eye, jeither in the victim or his ancestry. If all the short-sighted, weak -sighted, and iimperieciiy gigiiieu persons now aiivc, l..l.l l. oi.,l.T..,l l, .I...:. wuu mioiv8v, i..v.. progenitors thoroughly studied, it. would f....,..l l....dl .ffir. tl.ai ...... w w.y .. , fective vision was distinctly traceable to ' :...,o ol...,ii I abuse'of the eye, by themselves or their;'1.8 knew nothing about, it being left en. forefathers. The most brdljitvy cause of injured leye - siglit is u.ing tu eye in an improper! light. inc wliilc ligut ot a cloudless day ; i that designed by nuture for man's use j ut tins iignt must not be too brilliant. uenectea iroin sanciy piains.or irom snow, this light produces opthalinia, and reflec ted irom red brick walls it is also injuri ous, though in a less degree; while when reflected from green woods or fields, or even from brown Ploughed earth, it is not hurtful ut all, as the experience of every man proves, to say nothing of the suiieri or eye-sight of farmers. Jvature, by cloth ing the'hubitable parts of the earth with verdure, otters to us a guide as to how we should net, in this matter. If the light of the day is too brilliant, we should tern per it with green. If, on the contrary, ; it ii dull, we should increase its power by (the employment of proper colors. Hut j the worst daylight is nearly always better I I ...,.l ..". .!. T.. 1 diiihih-i hm ht-ih 11.11. v ivuu... with a lamp i front-always e eve. To i.old the bo,k close or wrne ',,.:... , onuuin wc ,- . eye, Or to bend dowii close fo the men, and even merchants aim clerks io this, hence tlieir frequent short-sightedness and that of their progeny. The improper employment of glasses is a fer tile cause of impaired eye-sight. Specta cles, ..or .eye-glasses which aTe not exact ly suitable, are an injury rather than a benefit. Their uee should be put off, moreover, ai long. as possible. 'I lie v are like crutches, which once introduced, be- comes indispensable ever after: All snd: ntimler full orie-hah',---iVnjj- en IraTfsffrohs' from IfgTif To da'rliiiess,' or yftt 7iVywffr:"'"'"'r" j""-"'"' frofn trbiiciirity tit light, nrirhiiTttn to thcr ' -'-fnriiarig-"-ar- -- - - eyes. Small print in reading or too fine ! yhuUc h tlc name of a new gJ.,e ot a hand in writing, should be avoided.- yw bomjet o PaI.;gittn ,a Hy t "re, the eye- con8tructed ,i,at it can U foWed and sigm can .e pre,erveu to a a.eper.ou o lifii 1 tilt lie iilcro.rr.liiTi. tin.-:.! nii-.'ii..l ijiu ov uisregaruing tnese laws not only uo adults impair their own eve-sight, j but they hand down to tlieir children im - V;,;,... ...i w: n. ,.i ' i iu t ft 'i ( t iii-i in -mill i iri-9i-ii ui till i i i 1 1 I tl,0 TIIE COTTON CIMP t. 1 . . 11 . 'fP--"-n? to oc credited that the iuiomiug crop, ot col ,C8S t'!ui- tuat of last season. The New xsvvuiug. VIUM Mi A.tl-OI IfV l4IHV--a nn - shi; eaT a iiii. n t.oi I T. r-j'on- ! !,u."t' on .wllos.e J""jr'ent ''' "-'ns ot ! "'""'"' .ue ii.gnesi c niiueuce may n i ii ufi-iii aoiirna iiai timr run nttriti i , i.'" ' " " v . , -, . .,, -n n ,i ' 1 ie 1'? 11 bea'." I1111,.,'0 most probably greatly short, of thut ot last most probably greatly short, of thut of last year. iginia there have been insjiected during The Little Rock True Democrat, of the j the year ending the 1st iust., 44.S05 hogs 4th instant, says the incessant rains are heads, of tobaccoj against 47,421 last year, working very injuriously upon the cotton jc.roP prcvciiiiug us neing gainereu aim .' -. I v . i . , mg much that is ready tor the pick- . . . . I ' , notice, too, in many ot the fields , , . , . ., . com. grow 111 nas eoi.iuieiiceu 111 ine weed, j Mississippi,,, accounts are not ! ' ."' ,. c "A" l ntciinniti IT HT nuiT w hi'. .... Wai the Ciiu'iiuiati .tiazette of. learn, from Thursday, that the Methodist Conference . . - .. t.. .1 . .J n .1 - . . now m session m mat cu v mi nieu rew- inteution of the perpetuating the bondage of the slave, should not be received into unue nieieui. . .... II... ...n.u.r.1 I.. itr.- .ti Hr.. - nvn' i I" hll" n iuu tin- i-i'iniii I n ii nip- wiii-- Tli.-.v u-ill .1.. u-lmr tli.e ulie.ivs ,l.av'e done.' Hold oiuiaitlifullv. inanftil- ; jv, l,Klv, to'their cause and their prin- einle& n.nii sii4iinirt rJie l oii-Ttitiilioii the UyAlur. . - , r ii ,i - ii , . i :i : . .. l. r- .. ..: t,c JJMiu-.ujh Vi.--; Debilitated" Consti- tntsi.11. lh.e wondcrlul power lmssesse d ,,v UlC80 , rlls, are snc.i, inai liev per- imni ihhi ii-tLiiitiini-; .in-.--. it- string health when all other means fail ; 'cases of debilitated constitutions by their are completely invigorated, the deii- u - ate and weak are made strong. l.he ilnurbter cfiitreing ilih .w.oiuaniiaod, vr . the mother nrtlie turn of life, alike derive llni,ottkable benefit fiv the use of this a. which constitutes ! -"'"y.o. on.'..... . . , , . i A good many god stories of Tennessee (judges are tufd, and here is one of the best j0f,ltm: . nimrn t A Sllll-TY JltXIF..- -A short time since , , , f ..: : . i. Mtli! J"d.? " ewer I'mnavi xcmietwee. no wa8 K0"0 7.'n apiarence and less for dress. The latter tirely to Hetty, his wife. His Hetty was absent from home once when he started around nn the circuit, leaving the Judge to pack his clothes for the trip. He did so, but instead of finding his shirts, he seized a pile ot his wife's what's-you-call-eins, used for a like purpose. A learned brother who roomed with hi 111, was much amused a few mornings afterwards, at the queer appearance of the Judge; no thing being in sight hut his head, arms and foot, his look of bewilderment and his sottor voice reflections, which were " wtmiier what on earth innd cut off mynleevet? I don't He." It is probable that he heard the reason the inext time he saw liett y, but not before, as the bar kept dark on the matter (to him) that round. A SAFE JAIL The notorious Dr. Armstrong, confined in theTarboro'jailon a charge of murder, it will be rememliered, some months ago "'ey "eseeiiueu uy means 01 u jauuer nsea jrr7;un"g ti?- JheZ 8tl11 at larSe " '""' - . . ., - both N -wDjptopert. The cost of newspaper puUlitlung -Las-increased full twenty re iicr cent, in less than two years. - Unless by some method white pa,er Is reduced in price, and that too, soon, many of the journals now published must go down. It has long been true that newspaper publishing was among the least remune rative of occupations, and thcr friitti has" of late obtained a startling significance. We must have a cheaper article of white paper, or newspa,iers will be rednc)d in , ku(j gmalt cage of tw0 RnJm I ....r. .. . i l,i(-,i ' ,,,.,,,i.i ti... l.'..,.. '.f i . ...,i , ! -,,.t ,i , i " i. i...:i. r " " ') f tlie faski'ni, without impaniuj it mong the prominent things reconir mended at the late Itailroad Convention at Columbus, was that of establishing Ithrouirli fare at two and a half celfit's iter j lllilo . oca dTe, t0 be three celltg ft m,or Irr order to pitt a stop lo the frauds tii)ii emigrants, tlie roads are to refuse the tick- I ets of emigrant brokers, and receive only . tickegs igsue1 v tlie iiaiiroa)j Companies. Thc .Illllier" gy8tem U8s been entirely . i a ' abolished. At the various tobacco houses in Vir- rn. . V. . . . T!-.."; .' 1 ' ... me i roiesiaui episcopal voiiveuiioii of the Diocese ot liliodo Jslnntl, recent- ly elected the icev. lhomas 31. tjlarke, or ... ... ... ... .... .. n- i 1.1....1.. 1,1. . ..1 ..i V.. .1... i.isie'.' i.ui.eiTj At,ianu, .uemeu u. .utj , death of Bishop Ilenshaw . lie wa for- ' Ti " - - t scnlidor of ani- lios been cha rgcif with a CmiHTor. This is, to carve in marble, miniatures of all tlie -r...-J.ytlia jjg .Wl. f,w-f and horse. Ki.'lit inches is tfiieTL4irefTri4idkulrv"" The most particular attention is to be . . n T -r- taid to nie uniiorm anu accontremeuTs d" both men and horses. Tlie collection when completed will number not tar from 10 statuettes. Joseph F. ILillev, a printer from Port land, Me., has been convicted iu Lima, Peru, of counterfeiting government notes, havimf struek off t'.iai,lHH worth, l'uifc isliment, five rears in the chain gang. w. i v.i i-:,i. it.... -. ..e v- ..... .ui n . . .. - ... . . , ... .. , ;,.. -m i,,i,. .. .1 .... " - . - - . . . - SI 11 CC, 1 II C'llsOl UCI1CC of t lie polSollOUS 118- fl,rt' ",n,,ul mad? under the nail of ;' ." rs bv the tin of a black . " on.! itj ic5 T..-VIUX uvm ii. -T--k. 0f ajiew com,Hwing machihe. whieli has kevs like a l.iano, and every touch on the ' ...... i . . : . . . . . iisn wiiicn no was laKjitg Torn a i.iH'k. tangent is-fullowed by a cliOk, and the let- tcF takes its place 111 a long tnahogony channel prepared for it. It distributes the already used types at the same time that it sets the new page, and with Jierfect exactness. The machine is about thesizsj of a large chair, is inadg of hard wood, lir:iss. mill -ili'.d ilriil will li.sit atinr-.,iltTr ut a century .wt two without repairs. In JL'talr, on the death f a nian, his pnv r-r!rt-.--V.-T--;-

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