j.vssBnsJva M ATLMLN I' Ul' CAIT. LI' CE. w;,rWA I lie following is the substance oLtti)- tain LaceWateuiefit tt-Wwdtftd from OucImjc to Mr. Collins : Caii Lncc. nt ll thnoiho cliirJ TcA;toct, IVMafter an npoeore in, wai below working out the position uf the steamer, t He immediately ran if deck, and aw .thq iron steatue'rTnideTiT.f ' . -Bn the starlHiant .b-.M-, and passing astern,' M''I'I'1. Knwing and teniing the guards iu her; Abmitdnsk another p.eee r,..-. n... I...... ' tC. t,..,.,. .-..a. on winch were hveot our ti ! wemed'to be literally cut or orhoT'f tre,l '"' 'he sufferers rescued. None, i c-t. t- l ...;.... ,)..., t others could be fnnnd. probably kink in ten minute?, ami taking n glance at our own ship, mxl believing that we were coinarittivcly uninjured, fhe boat were cleared, and the first offi cer and ix men left with a boat f. board the stranger and ascertain the extent of licr damage. Tile engineer? were immediately in Btructed t put on the steam pump-, and the four deck pumps were worked by the passengers and crcu Hie ship was at OI1C0 lieaded for latkl and several ineffec tual affeiupfs were made to slop the leak by getting siils over the bows. Finding that the leak was gaining on them very fast, notwithstanding the very powerful efforts to keep lier.free, the cap.: tain resolved to get Hip boats ready, and Lave a nianv la. lies and children plac-' tm in iin-iii u .lupummnii j ever, had an attempt been inaJo to do", this, than the firemen and others rushed. . l. to.li...... ... til order could ,bo restorc.1, when to my : aismaylsaw Uicm cut the rope in the bow and soon Ursapprar astern in the; .r "Another boat was brAkcn down bv per-! sous rushing in at the davit.-, and many j the outrage, and actually dragged the ; If they should be characterised by calm-! vrnibd but not painted, with ik velvet bot- wcre precipitated into the sea and drown-, jr awav while clinging to her mistress' nes and an, enlarged patriotism, as we turns, weJe strikingly tasteful. W. Holt's cattle 0!. yi"!g?j?;,t w'"l,'e 1 h,j be;nt c": uwk fur iimtcction against him. Hie citu! doubt not the v uiif be, muck good- to the Isum! any tW verv for. ThW wrePjeatt gagedTn getting tliefarlxiard guard boat : J , .... t " . . i r i ,r t .' , , ; ready, i liaa placeit t!ic second omcor in charge when the same scene was en-! acted as with the first boat. I then gave orders to the acconil officer to let go and row alU-r the slojaeep.ug near the stern. I to be readv to take the women and clui-: drcn as soon, as the fires were o-ut and tlie engine should stop. my attention was tlien drawn to the other quarter boat, which I found broken down, but hanriti2 by lone tackle. A rush was made, tof iier a!so. and some fif teen got in and cut the tackle and were Boon ont of siglit. -Not a seaman was left on board, or A carpi-nter, nml. wauaauJ ,.T-nrrn,'r' , ' ' . .. 7 wiuioui ioois to assist n in iiiitiiins a . , , , . j ,1; raft, as onr only hope, and the on v otn-i m. 1. .1 .i i- .. cerieuuswas air. dorian, uie mini maie, who worked nobly for tbe succor of all. Many of the pc-nirers. w ho dyvrye great praise for their coolness and ener gy, did all in their power until the la test moment bciWrr rinrjm tmk. Mr. jk!;'0, viJCii cuuiiiuci. SHU 'an . t. I .i j ',1 , . or Ins assistant, bad taken one ot thci .3.v;iiaV:ri!:i " : sary u, the-" Uie persons. To form a raft it ibecaine nrces. jcvfc lire viin iTTiirBTttroc w, Uat, mtu tUtt water, ilu being accoui plrslieti, Mr. luiaii, the chief othcer of tiie boat, taking care to keep the oars .--.-,.iL;.j,- r . . " - . .t.-. . CAJ c tv tru "itie .1 - 1 m' ." f-WW M in-the boat leiv our in, .nil. 1 ri M-f.-ot, 1 - ..--, ... 4 . ' widlnen and children -i board bi at last. They had made considerable progress in collecting spars, when the alarm was given that the ship was sink- in", anu uie ioai was snoven "ii wnn- out oar or anvthirr to hold themselves. : In mi in.l-u.t nU..r .,l..,uf n .,n;irtf.r itiMivtit after, at about a oiiarter aat 5 o cl..k, 1. M., the ship went dowii, I Bor.n T ititid mv'seTnih tlie"sorTa' ' ' ,r" -ft- .. tnef --Krosnle.- with rrrT oxrx i rhild ill lit v arms, wtieu I aain touitd' .-r,..,.7r I,..".-!!...! rl....l ...r .1J..H. .n.t'l-.f..r.. t r..,.,.l....l tl r.... a Second time 1 had nearly perished, and . toEl-ttar hoid oftiVT-ctiild'as I stmggtecl .,. i pf! up war u.s. - r . . When I g"t upon the surface nf the wa ter the most an lul ami heart remlinu acetic pijusented itself to my view. Over two hundred men, women and children Were struggling together amid pieces of the wreck, calling iip..u each other for help, and imploring roll to aist them. Juch an appalling scene inar od pre erve me frotu wiinessing again. Amid tlf struggling nas of human )eingI diM-overd my child, and wa in the act of trying to save him, when n liortion of the paddle box came rushing up edgy-wards, just irrazing niv head, and -y'.i. a :r tVr fc -s- . !iead, and falling with all its weight upon the Tiead ,.1 111, U.lllllllJ llll'l. . .", "... .J....7. l.-i:.... ..1-1 I I thjU .succeeded in gt it.ng on top of toe pau.Jle-tx.x in cotupanv eleven ' otluT'. ( !ie. however, -.on hit f.r another ji and oth.-rs reinaiimd until - djtvWoy UcssUi---.AV.e..tlvu'i iu... waiter up to our fciM.-oj, u,e H-a frepient!y break ing over i... We si-j.aiat.-d- fi nil our . Icis'lids "f ..... wreck, and pn-ed. 'the liigiit. cm V i :.j.. rt.i.,; i . r;r J., UI' I,. ill- tit-?. The m.-n.j.g can.Oj. bul n...t a living njiii could lu en IfUt our o'n j.arty. i-oiisinting ..I s u-ii niL-n. A!o.;t noon. Air. M- VV.cxiroti', of N' w or... v. a re lieved by .!. ;.!, and u'A tiie r !g:ti; t-. slit!, r s. J er. ! v f r- .::i .i-i . J w .1 tor excert J-.. L. Alien and i:;vsdf. -1-JVigl.t at" hwt came :,, t : . : i i. m. ! .ir. ,irv. Willi our tniti'! m-ide no that tn-ither of lis would set- tin- !'!, t of atiotlivr da cry mn.ii t in , io. .to .. -tit ,,(!', -ring J arty v t re r.-iii -ed l y deaiii, and .Mr. Allen, a young man and iny-i ll' wer.- ali That, wero now li lt, ami we w i -n-. mm-h ' f i(iaiile.l. W.i-lt-i.t f..r a.whih: durhig he night; and became Ki(ii''i,at rehv.-h- Vm..' .in hTj". r f' -1 v "..1 "lav, I he :it:.-, to -:r.v a . .UC. -W e aj .. . il...l.Jli..' in,..) ..f .oil a!. .Kin . in I.ail.t.g. J iht di-;i... an .! ! the ca-! v, ai -1 No!i afu-r .i.i;. i.g'.t u b.a i. ! to the. north vi -I T'.e i -g i little and m-..i-. r ..U t:..i! jug aj'p'aiently f..,"n -. it. a thy "j 'J -vrr i to Jiai ei-ha' and aiirf't' v. vt. te d.s.ii.i t n.-ar U. m -:. I .lis iij)j.j.oirr;i.i"::i . " ." t J feer .;T.Tir.'T!Te . t our leii - s. t:.tl :er Ilia J..ir I .veil m.. and n-ii ueet ! t!. in. Miui-.lv ujiv-i' a mul: .! V'V-re.i to Tleasi ''aV- '7'asfwa'r-TtTtV''dfiv.y---.fr,e;-'a; ai-Vi.'W'h,'.i thi. v f.."ri BSMt&fi-S' dlj.' . ' rjOffk-d-tt 'ti.-ilt ..o-ltT.-tft ii.-ar '.yiiW ariVl;tWwa'::nenrt&t7 tiie suv age i-Uu) in oi" - . . . k--7 , - c.l is a Frenchman, vIiq was a P"eiiger the ateamer with which we ! i,. -.!' .,, ..l,,..,. i . wreck.' 'rid ho Preceded to cruise around ' .1 1. - C .1 . t ' ' . ... 111 nuHri-ii 01 int'iii, t e Here uiM'n un 01 '""J-1 - - - - ? - 02V,t,n rty-sis hours, in a most exhausted Shortly after Mr. Jainc Smith, of d and rescued. of the wreck,' on which were live of our firemen wasdis-. ("apt. John linsstl, tf the Cambric, proves to have been the Captain of the .lessc Stevens, whom? memorable rescue by Captain Nye of the Pacific will be re membered. Captain Luce, with hi fellow sufferers exported to leave fo New York on Satur-1 day evening. i laptain Luce adds, that at the time of the collision the anchor of the steamer Vc-ta was drawn through the bows of the Arctic about IS inches above the wa Uif line, and an immense hole had been made at the same instant bv the fluke of the anchor about two feet below the water line, raking the l're and aft plank and finally breaking its chain, left the .-toek remainim.' iu and throinilr fire Arc tic, which rendered the attempt to draw a sail around the bw of the vessel, iui- practicable. .... , . I itJ it) nation Mutiny al Miiiiphtn. f. .xr- T r ij,,, 0f Yonug slav girl, while1 Jf mI1K.nts in at , 11 . ,, I Salem, Ohio, and that Air. l.lackwell. merchant of Cincinnati, was the leader of "" , ing to consider this outrage, and unani-; molislv resolved .. 11ftt nn ,he f CUlcll)nati ,, einui ,lk. lnim.trn roiaie - t' e ,1 .. ... 1 .,,.1 r 1.. , ioiiuhli "f Iilack well, that we for ourselves, as citi-, zens ot Alemphis. will exercise every legi- :timate means to break up the commer- ciai imereourse oeiweeu our own eny aim the citv of Cincinnati, and divert South- era travel from said city and State to that direction in which their rights, and pro-, . ?l v 7; - Other resolutions askitu' the co-opera :n ... 'i , ., , . , a , tion of other slave holding itates and cit- . . , . , , ies, ivc. were uiso aoopreu wnn uie same 1 , 1 1... 1 ... .1 1 ii. Learning to spf.LL - - . . I iad fiK lling h discredttable. h.very ; omiii- limn eiiuuiu ii a ui.istt :i 1119 11,1' . ii.. 1. :n... 1 .. ii the language that is on bis tongue andl . .1... ... 1.:. . 1 ' - altitude for the duties of an intelligent, j ', ? , .- 'I".-"? - tiere- f":" '?1i I'idieation. . It nidi-1 I-V .4 . ... . i .... , J. ' . .,... ; we have known the application of more iiltlii JiviiG vr?tTTitr nrmi ihhivj wk l isrriui . - , , hip, proceeded ,1il'1av of pennmnsh-p ami parade of ref place to Atlanta, (i by Railad in three ....vmvfiled. .fiicjtdwvsv awl vet it eeeme imptble tvget of rennifiiifi!i:p ami parage of fvt . - . ... era LCMv jix,;iu..ioL-mis .HjMi sv .. ... . ... 1 r .: 1 1 17- t b'y, utterly incapable of appreciating : your stores of science, att, and literature. can see vour blunders. Vou will lind it) , , t . . . ... . l,ard 7o ",sl,lre t,,tJr w,,li ?.n-v. great ; - i---. "'j; ' - i iti;; is tin eremre a muriiivina mortifying and ine(n ven lent d eject. W eJiaiiL. k a'--"1--:.. t':""rrzr;- . ...as a - hamed of their, leticieucv iu this respect. i-tilftilHi MUX ttj'lf tirtttmiien-L. ttjwhs SO" t!:aM"Tiov'nev.?VeuTi nutii U hud U'cn revised by friei.d.-' tt..., Vtfn'Sv.S? .-.TSrTr.-rinH'iT- ii'TnWnV '''is was. to Fay the least of it, suthciently !'';vUniit. 'u say again learn to Keep your eyes open when y,. rva'1, and it anv won! ia Hpeit u.ncTcutlv r- s- . , . , , ironi vour muc ascertain winrii ie i right. Keep your dictionary before you ; 1 and in writing, whenever you have the ..... . ... .... word, hs.k at it at onoe. and remember :i.r tmrri v 1 1 1 -r nl.oiit t hi. in.r fit a it. I not' lyt vour lazinesji get 1, 1 i..:..,. . . .1 tic better of jou. Tun M-aim: The wrchlbnnglin'rof some of the new men whom the. master General has put in Oflice. On Tuediv lat we received Sew York ht- .... i , , -n i ;,.. : ..... ( ,,,7,. i.,., T.Tr.Tr"u-Z''d"'r7r.7TT"i .7 " '." - v - a day earlier than we received them.; One of our letter receivetl in thi- i ... ... batch, acknowlclgcd the receipt, all t.- ether. of letters lroiu us ot the preced- ing 1 hui sday, Friday, Sun. lay am d Mon- lav. -. . - :- i .. . Til is. is one day's (iNpeiienee of tlie in tercourse, both wave, hotweeh this place and Now York. rn the same da.v the "t."rr'nnlffT')rMII"(l l'!ttnt arrived, two dav" I'll-'inrM!! t I'lltrio! arnvi-., twtt dais . , . .... ... ... ... ..... ... . . . ...... oeioii'i time, ana. .ew. urieaho papers or, . i-pf. :j"tt and Ot-t. Hh. Jii-t as we- had' fiiiished writing the above, a friend called in to eay that hi oii in Alabama viritos him that In- does not g'-t tin- Ob-crviT rcgolarlv. II.- ad-d.-l tiiat on l-ridav hist he had a letter trotti hi t,trdnrr-ti tl! -d int. (alioiit a week l . hitid its time.) and otPim.' TTT'tt. ot Zvyl. . Jiicre is still "another letter on travels ' i'. S. O: thorn mail, letters of S i W,-.l;,. vlay 'Jo-. lav we itrurd.iv and we bad n" have New Mondav. ;... fUrr, nor . W. . ,-t.:. t w here ., Frhfay. I,...v .oiit..,h -e.t!uig f.rMi titeir that unless the '..,t )!f"ee oitiliC their old sehed-' -ui rati) of eoin.i'n-;tt;.iii. :n i nat r . pai'titieiit ti.e 1 1 if I IK J' li lt I ' Ml r the now sehed mI. i,i-. . r. t 1. 1 cat rv the imlils iui". Snnt t ' a ,! ',,, o,(". utter M niv line i'r.n rn- !.e.,i-t. (!.;. w I a e k.-M'M .10 to the ui'!. alter i timti;Md. m ha t n tVi.titBn;nt bf-rua'Lj-itff-aiti-. .bv 4-.u-. iUiifi'V .h.-'-k and ,Jtt, - ,J ' f"rt .1 Jttrt Jllrtf fhmrtll VsUUUUUU UIMUjlUail. THUBSDAY EVESWPCrlsB, 1854. SENATORIAL ELECTION. iTh Tdte -kliowing is the Senatorial fote dlled in this county, on Thursday last. Thursday la p. F7 FlSHEK. CrL. PaKTKK, Salisbury, !H 214 At wells 15 37 Sit. t'lla, 24 3 Litnkers, 12 27 H.nkeva. ,9 t (b.ld Hill, 2f 17 Neelys, 17 i!0 Morgans, lti 30 2o9 3o0 DAVIE. Moeksvillo, 54 87 Fulton, 19 14 Fartninrton fl Clihire'a (3 IS 10S 15 12iil Road CmivttitUm,. Hie Railroad . Contention appointed to be held in this place, will convene this day week. From the indications wo have seen, it will be a- I. ,,i.r,., m,Uin. ,h.o. r T , e tt o, I.,..: :,i i .... ..i .-- i. . i more fitting occasion for the display of hospitality our e'tizeus rtirelv h.ve. , ,. Many are looking with lively interest to the deliberations of this Convention, , .. greatly need the united wisdom of . the ! State in reference to a general system of internal improvements, both as a means - yt harmonizing sections, and as a guard . , 3 , .. , B against dangerous or truitless gfliemes. - State fair. Wo publish an interest- communication in this paper on the c .... , ,, ... ' ""u "l "-V'S" " itant. . It is from the pen of: a very intelligent gentleman and an 1 agrecabw-witeT; Wh.,4- n iv A., ..., n.. Wo rrwn;.-1 . .. . . . .1 . . . .. . . on jionuay uie z.m, me Augusta enroll-1 .. . .. .. ..... ' IVIV Ol III Till, UIIW 111V eaillC Ol III.T 11111 - instant, and titu -Col u h 1 bia Cartrbniair-of r the l"th, the latter due here on Wednes- Jav evenin last. And the Wilmington -r . - 'r"-" ' v...i. o, ........ .1 .in same time. It is evident, therefore, that Where is it 1 On the line from this place (o Augn'sta there i md.t intolerahle care, k.Si.neM ur nCglect. U-tters arid J-ajiers which ought to pass in two or three davs are usually from 7 to 20 days in going . a ' . r .1 mrtmiru -ra&ivwner iiulv ira irriin xiiim. i.tace to Atlanta, (i. lv Tiailiriail in t1ii 1 j - -.- - - . two to three weeks. Tht Cniwrn't'i M'trazine. This pnb- ,. , . l.catiou, we learn, is growing in public Wl.... ; ...... : .......! :iaoi. fi,..;ni,,ir,,::tl, .1 lit I 11 W ..B UI3L BlUI 11,1 HIU.L .'S..' iner siiuiiar enucrpnsfB . at liain'i ' .- ... . 11111 lli"1 M"rc " is pfeaaing,- - 'bf - 'ftiTPr nriniiiTJthin - with tie ot.jecUofltscreaUoti.toIeani that ,t pa-sMng beyond the mts.f danger, and is gathering strength as it ad vances in veara. Our voting townsman, Mr. X. A. Boy-',, '""". Mr- is now passing through College the editors of the Maoazixk, and !..., ,.t ;..,.u r. ...i, ,.,i.:.... :.. hex, who s one oft! ailliougll tnal Ot Itsell alloMS nothing in ..... " . 1.1 i .1 . . tw. , , . . ' tlie sliape ol aclatia on our citizens for m.co ..,.., o ur c, or patronage, however gravely such a tlnng parronanre, nowever gravel y such a thing i.i . , - r inigni i.e iiieiiTinneil in view ot its merits, . . ... Iost--."critters here, would prove hlglily grati-. f'ing "'"b "d encouraging to the stu- dents who are concerned in promoting . ..r ' .1.:. il m 'l,ntiu-iln.tl. in mis inu;c. , - T. ,r , ilr. Dlai.i MeMifct-AX, a democrat,, has been elected, from the New Hanover Senatorial District, over Dr. I". M. Wai.k- t.K the regular nominee of the nartr. Mr. , Mc!iu.aS' ws not announced as a can didate until the morning of election. The Wilmington :Wiii,t, u bil l .. ., , ,. , ,f ... ,. on t'l'oi tin. inui election oi my, it sisur.. . .. . ' :' t r -J'tU.UAl'lren' that altberat .v'-tol un-.y " w .o....u wMr " snap judgment taken iu the case. It l-n-t tt... r..siitt on tl... r.t.r4.f ..... I ! n ... of the " Know Nothings, of i ilmington and Kah ig!i. Mr. McMillan is a very -uitabli- mam it ahnit, but it objf-eH Tn- rire mode bv which his election has been ...secured. ..- Mi hn Vont, of this county. ..-.t his rlllllg horiie and all its cnn- tents on Wednesday '.'veiling of last week, by tiro. He i quite a txx.r man, a new oognmer, yii.j ine tans ueavny pm ...i.i:.! .n.i .. ..-i.. . '.I. - ., i i.....:.: ..r.'i.: ..,hx.... -doing' somHhing' U rJifvo hi... and hi, family in their di.stre-.s. MKi.wriiui.v riK a rn V. .-.'o-t t.. 1'srn il.at Cl. Iti. iitNit I.wsr, of ,t. in. iv. In!', il on ..jd-rS-iv , .hi In. lav li. i..r.l t't sO'-li'l It... it.--'li& of lie. Irl, Sriu k.H Wr sr. ii..i in -p.iwfii.(.ln i.f tt..- jeirti.-uldr.; '"""Vi?" "' '"" "c:":, '&" t.i. t.,..iis..H..iR.sWi....d.ni,....rii-iii.0, ,.. .rf ..i. ,a- uh. ,.M t u, t. .:. .11 d.-rf eii f.:...uts jfiM r.,i l. wss ' 1 ' , ' . ... . invwrt-lr'i.,t... lmJiici,Wicirvis.ir-- ...... . .. i. i.i, (.'., -h;us -tfiik' twiot i,is . a sri. aitww-f 'Hi'. rH-o .--ii-; s - ...-.-' - KiLt.Il.ll COKRKSl'OXDESCE. To th KniTon or thi Watchma ; I went out to tint at 12 o'clock, to see fhe FtitrAfficuIliif af nuifwK? ' wiaJi takfii with it that I loot my dinner. It th roost quiet ainl iilcaiiaiii terne I ever wllnel WrB where yott would there w aomething new be mil. I cannot begin la tell you of the ma ny new nd beautiful things exhibited, but by far tjie moot beautiful were the young ladies that waited on the tables ia Floral Hall ( I had teen the taiue faces at eliureh and at parties, and frepi;ntly pained lkM ia h stret d I Wat not struck with any thing of uucommon person al charms, but really in connexion with this ex liiliition,' IUIeij;li due not iititnd behind my own beloved Uiwu for "buQuie lussca". .. I have al ways thought that a pretty woman appeared to better advantaire betiliiJ a counter llian in a drawing room. The winly chat the graceful and natural empkiyusant of their hand and fin gers, and artkwa U'liding of the peraoo in plac ing and displacing the artichs with w hich they were charged, and the earnestness of spirit with which they conducted their operations, were far better calculated to tliuw them otf than if they hsd net down to make conquests in a more de liberate manner. Hie most remarkaUe inven tion I mi, was a Shingle Maker, which split from the block and havxl five binaries before vou could turn round; ' There was a Card l'rint- i Vn wbich Priut ""rty in a minute: The mechanism ia very beautiful, hut it would I IMIca, Corn 1 laahfa, Wheat bowers, Straw L'uttera, llorce lUkea, and every thiug in the implemeit line, were iu abundance. I saSr a very fine ecimen of a Carriage, I think from Milton, but it had rather too many gaudy tints j j t)ie rJiitW. .-,ini made of curled nine . ..... - ...v u,r.e. ' credit for the exertions be has made to sustain ! the credit rfWteltre lie receiv- eu wtnle Here two hue Hue. lMmb from W ebb . celebnrt.tl flo. k of Soutli Howns, England Much of the largest part of ibaarticleswere from tbe counties bordering on Uie Ioeich and (ias- ton Kail lioad, and we need not exjnt to rival ' our : tUstern friend, in this kind of parade, until ; . .k.ii k. .k. r...-l B.l -. 1......1 " " r 7 l ,1 " 4 p't to be al.le after that to b-Jd a hand ' "m- tuilfonl county lias more work- lJwpmat4tif, -ttran-wnT- roo I w.. .j w... 1.. l in .'1,.. .way : and Salem ! oh, our Dutch friends, will . . . tLir n 1 .-r .tsviuaLau. mn ii I be' W in their stteiurth-and ulorv : as it w. 1 , , T. b-urn tliv mri hti.1.1,- hinNUt. mI ' t.v fl, r..t,r.fitMl l.v I It by Uie t war, there ii a JpjlC of embroidery on e.l.ibi- , tio J unooniiuwn nuirit, madu bv Mit Lucy ltagge 0 Salein. who bad ber finders burnTot UIG l!M U IWMWb. . S N abtu she wa au iahmt. J hay eeo that lady j , - .. ... . , : .. - .1 . .... .1 ,11.. .1 . .. 1 . L ' the should liave exhibited so tine a work. . IiIh and tierseveraiiee of this most eicWIent lady bestows on tbe '.afflicted .w at-aM.fthetiM.urMds whkb i ! .be annuallv bestows in charity and benevolence j Tram .Twr'aihi-le' VeVury. ' "s'aotlier tiisMon . 'A hidy from our nhtiorheod, Msst IJunning- f . I 1 . -1 , I 1 vvumci tuw u., uwx, ,umi ''""sian belle n.itfht be proud W . ' -JW eaWWtioa.!. b lewghtiw- llM IVrisiaa U-Ue o.iilit U tf6Ul b cr. t ....: .... . i .... . . , . . . j li-jiiay. .-nanjrais. i o. uiu i liinii, irainij, Ac, . Tlie crowing was interspened with the ' H.:u.king of durks and the ijuankingt J some ; Poland ;ee, ami Seeuied to be kept up as if; in m-alrr of a b bu-k bund of. mu.irmris on fhe - tl..r side, who tiuaauetal ihu sei-ns with toW - ...T.. . .l- .a: ,l - . .... . .. i -r- - :-- ti i ,.r n i- - i i . . a.. T ....... . 1.. t. ! . .. 1 f it w ,.,,, ;f In.,, castings, .heavy., hollow, per IfK, Z the llarnsoa coavcnUon JJ' i i ih. . .... t . do boom, bar bolt ami boiU-r uo lo, ,!., ti-rf.ili 1H40. I lit hmn !U iirvr1iiiwiiiiT am ... .... , ... . , . , . " . the people, many of tbem, had to sleep in tl, of on 8tlJ I c0,. Tlle ji.,,,, an,i sttxilll ,he Fair . . . . i l,r,,nils arn lnrether and entin.lv hi, ron 'roiii..i are aiiogtnr ami entir. ly too con tni.-n-il f, tract,-,! for such an In ft, spirit of the thing, that one of two thing,! ilirit of ilw thin- that one of two tiling ; .,, , , , . , ..... , ; i!l have to be doiiel.v tlie net rair. itlier Unl-1 iu,lf will katol.tnlargrd, or people - 1 iut bnng their own aeCiininiodatmns wt : it waa, tliere was a wilderness of tenia! n.i covered wagons in tlie t-i( ground. I he w.-ailier was di-li.liifiil eieei.t for the dnsL an.l that was a (treat draw bs.-km.on tbe pleasant- "Trrsa gf the affairr Mi-. lUvners 'uixU aitl V: - ... . .i-.iv.re.no-oav, -.lieu no, ..... uea.,t;.iai i i: i.. i i I i, :n i -:.. i - i .. i . - ..I .- it' meaia, liesn, pre-iaiu, per iov ins., i;i"ii r.ii"iiini ami rrancc in near ueiiniie- for a genera) scaturing. I m rather tir.-d "fi,,, Iv iu re?i:wn?-e to the condition of affairs ' "-'' "wd of stran trers. j .)(,r iu.l(. g ccnl(, - ( t SebastojKtl. The rejoicings oscr vichv . The Sute Agri, lUtural Sxiety is a b.gl.ly re ' pla;,tc.r, ground and unground, j.er t..n, 1 ry nnd the capturing ..f that place had 'p'tw asw-moiai, ana ejiiiuiea some nne i passiga-ia-ila-UiaiaiaoBs-Uaft last. . night be-J le. n my old friend A. W. V. nable and" Tr. r J I Oudup, was l.iglily iuter.-stinjf. Judge ItiifHn ' also uuule a capital talk. lie is elected the Pre- - I saw E'TJrKi-aj;f ... - . .. h'M " yr. Ir. IIi. lt, Ir. F. J. ITill, n.IIaw-l other notables from abroad. 1 have j rambling li-tur;- and bare not time to. rei' it. Your r.-aders must just tak" ibis for a suiiiiningUp. that it was, as evi-rv lsi.lv sv. gr,.Htjy ,1,,1 ,,f tT, first Cur, aid ia the higl . t d. gree ereilital.l.- U the Old North Slate 'ion UI.I.-.S jiku 1 '. Yours, tc Ocl;Ur l. n:,4. Kuiiiav, Vt. 2') P. S. I may baie appeared a little contra dx lory in the alse from not staling that the I ;.. .... .J I..... ... n... !...... . l - - Iar.. influx of is-..le. Afu-rwar.ls when I w-tit ,T ''"' ' "."' i1,,7 hull-, and there wjs little rlianrejif sei-in any thilig. I attended the S.i.ty last night again, and w !4 ehiwr- d more t hati e .-r nt the improving pro-et before our rhin-tis. I'l.-d-s w. r-imide to lb.-aiimiinn.f si or seven thousHinl dol:.r in ri'l'litton to tin fimd in liari.t, w bb-bJ is nlotit toa- tbou-ind .bdun- to b laid .ait (iinM f.iU. u ,,miV,: .Tl,isilliktbe'.riSeiae..i.l mr.. u.,.,t,g, a,;i , greatly e,t,.-,,,ee ,i , , ., ' i Uie iuleret and lMiiie?f tlue nteprtso.. In ! y. . - , .'- . ,- . .. . '. , ad. I ml to the (rent lem. n ,J rli.liu,.ti, in fr..i.i . - .- : - - .;. :r:.";" .i "hnwi, liinM add lit.-. J,VlbiWin .aanV who';',.! tit' Pijirfft .-'tt graUfyingicvj'-J.ail -' -. ,-. ' : r :-,r j ,,.4 ,,KI n,. were not uvea by nip till hist night, 'is: "'. Morchead, Ix-wis 'lhoinraurt, Wr. Itortch, of Vayne, V'- Ilaughtou of Chatham, Mr. Pain ercifi and Col, Jones of praiigw, the Messrs. Mire WihuUigtonr-f 'icl IJiU war . :".":t :.i-r-..-i-:i,.i :..ei:.,.. Li,.i,"imt.. IfjLliH. wZi aqd wderty) bat ttpiu pf the Faulty -mt f tojaeat (that I taw.) Mr. Ray aer's address, like every thing that fells from that gentleman, first rata. H will read wulh Ir. Thompkias Is entitled to great credit fo the jart he has taken iu getting up an agricul tural sjmitp aml to Mm is nMastf iue for th derly and satintactory manner in which the af fair has commenced proceeded and terminated. Ilia paper ought to be in the hand of every far Bier that aspires alnne the name of cM mpr. I forgot to Ull you 1 saw our old friend llami Juav in a uniirt'-eolored uit, sitting otf to the j windward of the dust, and looking very much as if he was saving to himlf, f wait till we i-an get here from tbe Yadkin country, and we will ,i inve you sometliiue: wortli seenijr. a 1 " 0 NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. The Directors of this oi..i.i:i..i ., T..-;flr,.f Company have Freittht " on the North Carolina lUilrotuI, for a distance of ... 1.........,. i,.l.l.l....'u,,.l Hillsboro'. We select the rates on such items as may be of most interest to our agricultural'frieuds along the route : , , Racon loose, iw 107 lb, 40 c s ; do. in hhds, hoxew, or bbls., ik.t 100 lbs., Jo cts. Rarrels, empty, all. distances, each, 15 cents; do. per car load, each, 10 cunts. lJeeswax, per'lOO lbs., 35 eetit. 1 ues and bono-duot, for nuinure, per Ion i ) 1 Liricks, jM?r Iihsi, iiutter, in kegs, jut 1 jcr lbs., 40 cents. Clover and grass seed, cr ptishel, 10C)(I(, )inc of dtfvnce jIIM i,.,, t.arried. cents. t oa , in tdids. or uuis., per ton, ou. U.ttee, per W IUs., 40 cents IW lb, 40 cei.U ; do. in vessels or! UTI . ' V'K- "r -'" "K-i pipe, do. SO cents ; Uo. ore, per ton, Cordage, rop', ate, JH.T ms., t",,,,, Accounts say that there was from I celi- fur to eight R usciau ships hi the hurlior. orn' I' V"8''-'1' V! "'"'' I Jf.-Vr, W..fy. The Fury has ar- ! Y ;'!.' v e'! Cotton waste and rags, per 100 lbs. 25 ' . . '. . .. ' , " , . , ' ' '1 Kggs boxed or 11. bbls., at owner risk, per I'.V lts., o cents. I Feathers and Fur, per ct'n,t.'. . ". , . . ... , :,, lit. .w.l. ?tr. fi-tita- do in 1 . . , ' . . . ' ' . , j hisii. in kir. piu'O. renis : uo. . " ' . ' ' . . . ... 5. . ' . .. , .i ,...i, bbls.. eacli. To cents ; do. in halt do. eaeji, r..nU : do. tresli. Iire-naid. ler 1W IOS..' . ... . , ... . . ' " ' ' . . , Flax, wr ltw lbs., 30 cents ; r lax-seod per bushel, 10 cents. Flour, less ...than 5 bbls . per bid., ; P..i Ats ; dK over 6 bids,, do M cenW; vh. in half-hliU.. each 35 cents. lan-oois., eaen oj ccrim. Forks, hay and manure, ler doien, 40, " ' , in cxii, common size, jiercoop. "Tt M'l " COOl"1. I' ren. "SO-cetiTs." Grain (faille, earh 50 cents. .rain t.tt rifhrwitM e-mililtTilTC!. nor .--" 11 'fttjM,p1. "' ceBtft . ' " . , . . iin.viriiw. mi. --- tmH-ated, a Iba.. ." CC,ts Hardware, not otherwise enumerated, per 10o lbs., 35 cents. - I lav, ill bales, ier 100 lbs., 'JO cents. Heading ana staves, not less man car ;'""'!, f,J" . ! yo .. , a ,irv. Oo i. ;io penis. rl'Wi ;:'l I . 1 ceat - -- - - - ; I..-.H nnw cts; do hoop, band sheet and ratliint, di. T , " " . ' " f ' 1 7" . Vi uT, ,K.T v lbs 35 cents . . ' I . . . sale, Laths, in bundles, car load jer. car; t-' . lcad in bars, pig or fclieet, per los., In OH" I"or fccciflwr i-iur.,. ,Tri rent i . .. U.MIIIiir IWr lint III! 4ll fl'llia , lw ni,pi ,' , i;,,,; j ) J'vi urn., ' iaiii1, I ....fb..i. t.,x liui ii.D in j bujbii,llt ,M.r bbl. 50 cut Single horec, mule, cow or ox, each, ji7 two each, l ; three, each, ?i u; lour, j i-neh i.'t .111. , Aluchimry, Maehimry, not otherwise 'designated, lr 40-lb.r- -etSr jicai. iter iiusi'ici. in ci. Mi.1 ..... I i. , , . . 1 "T . . !'..,,,..,,, . . . ' oIM, 1 'loughs, largo, each 65 cents. """"' '"'''"T''ariinrVv?llh--4l-iH!itifc,-T. 11 I. ..1.1 lti til r, saueo, in oois., pi r mil i do., pct$ do., 45. fr4i, pre-paid, pen iM 4fs, 4l ltuga and waste, jht I'll"! lbs., 2". Koiie. iter 1'I lbs.. .'.". Shucks, in bales, per l"n lbs., Steaiii-Knginew, per 100 lbs., .'!.). Straw Cutters, each. lid. Turjietitine, crrnh j n.bbl., f.n. Turpentine, spirits, j.r bid, 00. ! Wax. per Hai.lbs., 4o. m si, M-r i" ids., o. - ! t ool Yam, per 1HI lbs., 50. . ( I On urtieles nut I'liuinerati'il in the la- riff, the charge has been lixed at 4o ets. : !per MX) lbs. . - ... - - - : J-;imt SnDin. In some parts of Worces- . ." tejr Cotflity on W ediiesdav, two tr three . frcelv'on Sunday. A. geiith:maii fro,,. .Moi.freal via tl Atlantic and M. 1-iwr. nee i.ailroad re jiorts that in tin: vicinity of Sherbrook, ('ana.la, the snow was four or five in-, dies deep, and somewhat impeded the progress of the cars. South Cai cltuian. J. uiiuji.il IUihUhIhm. - -w .... i oi k . - .t.ra. -There is a 'rumor ..fa dcfalca- - tion' iii the K-enn - i!ank,.for a hundred and fifty thousand dollar. , , ' -. . . - j- n r'l..' '.' - If 'il . ' . 1 lie W llirill oiolf I 1 ITH II. Wl r. lo.f'i. in - , r,- -i , ' ' . '. ' . . - . - '. ' ' Kl"U ll.o SfUlll I'ntolil.uil KllCH. THE SEWS IKOM tfUOrE, We have received the following addh (ipiml items of news brought by IheAfii- ca at Now York I The ff poHed fall cf fluhastopol ryca - f--ueHy ftW ftfr ttl aj- lia ara now ititestinir it by sea ami land. The official Uaettt extra published the following Trom Ird Stratford d Rad cliffo to Ird Clarendott : tim&mtiniijW Sept HO,', Evening. The allied armies have established basis C opmtiuiis at Iklakhiya, , On the uiornin'' of the 38th they were preparing to march" without delay Upon SebBstniwl. The Agamemnon and other vessels of war were at Halakhiva, where they were ilia- . elI.i,llPi.:llo, t,c batte.rintr trains n i4 8tated that Menchikoff is in the IfiM with liP,(KK men, daily exiH-eting j reinforcemenU. , The fort i heat tops or Anapa were uunii , ')' the Russian garrison, who were march- l" HI lilt PO IIV Hi u, ik'ii. Tm i i i 4 T-. . 1 1 I tirt V iwnnh V mriniiilor nf teniift liail telegraphed the minister of foreign affairs under dato of the 4th instant. Intelll- ' gence was said to have been brought that Unier I'asha hal eontradieted the eag- : gcratums ndati ve to the battle f Alma. the Anstrian Consul at Odessa tek The Anstrian Consul at Udesa telo- Igraphfrtl that tho struggle nomuiia-yd j' the 25th, and ontiiined. W hen the I ''" 1 2 rh, the allies were on the road to Unalbreck, (l miles from Se- ; ,lll(i,0 L ,,lwr lnnl,M u4a orders to join . .... v ,t( , .-; Austria intimates that she will consid er the fair's Jrohiigel refusal of the four conditions as. ' Tm III, . The allies occupy Ihilaklava, and are in cointnnr.icatiim with the fleet, awl com mand the approaches toSvhastojiul, which is considered invested. It is doubtfully rumored that the se (ienerulsOstensiu'keii and Luders have t,nt,.re(l tle (VjICH wi,, 4tJ battallions. j A, ,(e Unlti of Ahim( 3 (IOO nus,iM1 ..risoiK-rs were taken. ,.UBl,ian9 wtre ! ,,ut'' ; Sebast,- . uwi W0JjM u, aMlK.keJ hy w.u ttllJ rived from Constantinople, with Lord it 1 .. 1......... ..c ,l...,...t..l...u l,ui .. f. . ,rrim,.Il. u.i mri . .i,iw by yellow tyet. following effect : SeUntoiMd wa was inveoted Mi live i'lU, 1 I and tlie s:c'ndlineofde ,, . . ; L'uliantlv carrieil, and eiitiri-ly surrender KXi lbs., Co jj l.il..ttlt,i..i.l.i irn. l.i-ifliahlte iltiirrii. ... . . . . . . . naled 111 honor ot the battle ot Alma. I lie M ; , i....t, .... il... r in., i"iivui t,i i in a ... ..... l e-"-n.. i! i .... . i . . i. .1.1. i :.i trie pmrvr irenmiies cinrmtniea'c wmi . . , . r . , -, . s . it..i. 1 ....t . i:.J ,. .l.. t .., ,i wl , ,.., ,. r- ntor.in.-i.ta Vl... V.,U. I.-. t il. l.i.nl nf Alma is2,aN. n,e Orencli lwt about 1,:0. It was repirteil that thu allies carried the Riissiau entrench ment on the lVlltek, i ...d -..r ..inri,.., I., lav ai.,r S..ls. toiM.I in recra ar form. Pie Kli'-lish fleet was continnnlly en- 1 1 .1' 1 1 . 1 1 11 , ttitjuii iu iiiruw-iii? iiiavv mh ami kiiuiw.4. f TI10 verv hitett EMrtmra that tslaA-l prtHfiT1ilt'nrg1,,'' the JTth-thal the . - . . -. , -. y- .. -. . t - .... second l.uoof dcrence was carrieil, a .d i that tlio tilacesurrouiideii. llns, bowev- ! er. wants conQrmatioh. . The Uuiviona were sai. I to he complete- I If hemtneil in on all aides, and that the allies would shortly attack them bvseaf and land. It was reHrtel that (ieneral , Miners riiicreii t rmiCA.w !yj"-tf1 ., i ... 'n.. xt ,.i.;i.,.rf lJa, rnniisiui.i wrnr'. liini ..leiu iiimoii mil, iTu'en again VepulsedT jT wss gftrt sTtiiiti - B - iirfirn? - 11 V lives wen: lost thereby, beside de stroving prorty to the amount of one million tb.Uar. A lare'c mimlier of tbe wouffded allies have been taken to Constantinople. Tliere I were no general otlic.-rs hurt, ll.e 7th, , and z.ld regiments sulierea most severely, i i .,. . .. . I...:.. - : .! oe.ii" iiL-niiv iiitii. nit:, r. o ufii iia.tti ,,,, , fl,t " , ,.,. ...,i AuHt.a ftIj IWsia lmve Mlime,1 no1 .""... ........... , ..tt.tu.l.. t., urfirdsi I?nia rtp tits talllatet I " . . ....x. -. -" Affair in Spain, at the very latest Hati'a, have le n arnnewhat nnscftleil. 'roaiiee liaii taken pla:e at j -"'g' ou.er .ui.-:h. j n-j.uoneaii eiiispirncv had been discovered. Kfforts w,'r! making to arrest and punish the ,.icauij- 1. . . . , 111 1 ciiw an s um y w iis iireTuitinit' itiriniffii ..... L- l l V f. ' . ,.' ..!. f.. la-en suspended for lurtber accounts. : j Mr. Jiiines Mitchell, an extensive wind. ?.4ett.aumtifactnrer, had failed for a half '"i" complexion and l i verse teliden ' iiiilil.iti .,f if,,rTirs V- - - v,j4Ni n .. Kn(.l, ln.ini. tl' fqim. llu inii.tinll ) Atf'airs.iii Uungarv were unsettled, and'; 'self. ' la ruv Nothing new from I'oland. The latest accounts rjinrtc consols at K. which is a decline. French funds ' 'were lo-i bulriviintd. : Allen ,V Aiiders-tn. the lurgest Ameri- Iran era in dealers in Ix.nloti. have failed. ,'lheir liabilities are very heavy; lliey wen- connected with wI,s(. hills were iefns-i U ..j I. .... ...I I... 1. . ..: ... n.in ... .... .. nni LllUL .It! lllin nilll'l. HT- run.'ed with K. Oliver and will likelv be earned through. The' liabilities of Allen A Anderson were thought bibo i..WalKK ' to fpMMMHj. ; 1.. f 1 I .... ....Il.ul T1,o rrturna if thn Ttinlt t F.,.,la.t t .. .' - . . - . .. l.iviHmMOctolM.r 7. (Jinritx.- IletP . , . - . m-t.;n s eireiilar re.rts cotton less ac- tive -duniiB the lust tbnse days; but there is nominally from 1-1 i;d. to Jd. advance .... the week. The sales of the week.- , I he sales of the week tW.Di.O bubs, ol Which I.MHI were taken .... speculation and s,..imi lor Export. I ho limitation I li'lt ans tau" M lOKlilUnu ; iii.luml fair middling DiL. . . 1 . ' " " '! ' . .- ,.,,",.... i ,ut ' " ".: i R'umLtnJiMgliimhTr-ll is " j;f"t... ,-u i... . cv i -n . a ereat revival j in nroercs among ."" fr 2. James Holmes, of JSashviUe, waa,?,K. ,. 1 ,' , ...,i' ilmt a i u ! .V . , . - T , KplHilMllmili1t-KBKlaiulfiJUld.aJ!Ut killed III -Unit M l' . ill.. 1 Ml. :...,...S .. ...-. -'. ..... ... t . ... sn trfTiay-wWh a if jsjUtl--Titffr,f X"rt Vr ... . .'. '") hi . " ." - - -"mtarxWitV'Mnitw t'nm the &uuh ('-ifvltu.uit, THE YELLOW FEVEIL It w ill be seen that but 0110 duutli is t. iKirted in Charleston on Friday. mere were two ueatns rroin rellw . fever reported y; th lhiard of lliii, of Savannah for tho tweutjr-foorr eiidiu Wednesday evening. : . . In 8eaking of th weather thetieor gian of IVida aaja : "Tlia weather eon. tinuer vary comfortably cold, and titers re rumor of frosts having been teen ia .iLjljeiKljlOT think, has Iiown ittelf in tit cltj, . Our strrM art exceedingly drj ami dusty, &, notexpeot aa'atisfuctory frost , until. rm comes. ' ' Tli.Tn wont four dnatba fertm lll' 1 rj,,. demic at August on Thursday, oulyjWu of which we find iu tbe official .report, the other two are added V the Chroni. tie and Scutiuel, with ihe following re marks : " ' Heretofore the Board of Health lave made their dailjr reiirt from the rejiort of the physician. In the earlier stages of the disease, the physician repgrted jironiptlyaud the rejKvrta were accord nigly very nearly or quite aectirat. Hi is ia Hot. Iiowever the case Uywkaf re cent tact Lave fully dewbtjMid. ,", , Yeeturxlay, for iuslanee, the ltoarll re. iMrtel only two death from yellow1 fiver. We knew of two others and adde4 tlieir names; and we heard there , were t still others, but we could not obtain auclt in. ftriuiitiott as to feel justified In; adding their names. ... .. . j,, THE YELLOW FEVFA In Charleatoa the dualks by & tvr oa Ssr day and Sunday 2 1st and 2 id, wen tea. Id Montgomery, Alabama, oa tbe Sglst, there wre I ttt cases untler treatuMot, and thent wn ten deaths oa that day. In Savauusjli, oa Thursday, the deaths w,r five, of whieb J Were by yellow fever. In Augusta, ou Kralay, there were S ik-slbi bj- yellow t ver, and on Saturday one fruiu the same disi-ase. 1 In New Orleans, durii.g the wetk ending (c lobr It, the d-aths w. se 27 '4, of which 131 t4gu0gTjt:'&lierjTKrf. ; l otion firm. Sale to-tlay , 1 ,700 bahvat " a Uj.'. l.uud aiiddhng 8J a He Tn harrraoerrT Tainr'AotMBti fto Prince El ward's Island statu that the Legislature Oirm kaiw, ibur part, aeenptod the teeijtwi ly treaty. T)i 4iZUiury "XW5Selrterri has apointed 13 Ia.-h-gtes, and Suuiua r ville, iu tliia county, 40 lAjIegates, fu the Convention. J'ay. 0b. , 5 Dh ult .;-r-Thc Rank of Cape Fear has "deVrared a " cent, payable on the Ist(Xqyeilibt. . TliC I i rector of Um? IUttfiisli'ftnJr Ui- - . tonTWl have" declared dividend of .a ' . i , T nM lf u ,re mMtL I . . receipt fofjht pMlJW BP j "hunt 1 75,000. . r'- . '" : -" I'iiT" Tlie annual session of th fforth f:aroi,m (MnfereoPe of the Methodist K. Ii will lie.tieM' hr-PIfwnrto " euueauay uio ii uav oi xovemoer. - - . - - Ths Kww--3Wrniw-Tif-1iiiHpintt-- j tho legislature of South Carolina in the recent election in that State. HOW IS ITI Ue A jninlrtnrti4m ,aa been laten in . , . , , . Maine by twenty-six thousand votes : in ' - , . . Connecticut bv a verv larue nialotitv ; i Vermont hv eleven thousand: in IUksJ,. l,,..,, '... ,. , irotiiu in iwemj-uve uuiiurvii , in a cwi- i .. ' I t. al !. T...I .. .. ai-lvnuid I.V lli.tW llx.iiiinii.l !. laaalldtta -,saisswvweasv wiiss . niivu n u T iiiiriT aiiifiisU&iiu . hi iiruian by twelve thousand : in Iowa bv thrw fhoiisand ; In Ohio by ninety tiioosatid Vutea. This i a perfect deluge of catastroplics. Hie Administration w hicli went into aiw er almost with the unanimous-consent of the American eghrjpO!tSS!!r- I . 1 It . ..I . .... wuemieu. now is in usi ny .ills' If il ....I V .1.- Vil.i...rt. ..,......., - ...w...,. Journal, and other eheeU of like political faith, " With the Whiga wero-.tuilled the Abolitionist, the -Anil -Ncbraskaites, the l.upior-l roniunioMisia, uie ji-iiow-i-vooi ing, and other insignificant factious i i well put by tho Natiowai IiiUtlfigencer and ends gathertsil. If they havebut just nnited with the Whigs who have been long in a minority in the State als've named, from w hat party were they re crnitedl Were not some of lluwtl fnaa ,,",t K"-'"1 IVinocratic dUtrictit Jhiv id w''"'t which uruished two thoiisaial hvc .'"'"'"' Miaioritjr for Up. jircseiil cry ueavy: jney . . , v J .lames McIIenry,1 1 'rtMideiit, and whotw snpp.ort Was aivep K'd on Friday but '"' ,,,,,c'' cnthusiasinT Mere t be has since ,,r. ' not some of them recruited from that pr r " .. i' '" '''''rt which in 1849 cnf Mttlinoii I '', Freeiwdl llemoenit to the Senate tinted State f were not some . tlicm from that great Democratic phalanx !." - aiHlllre WUIOII Has in liauiuinre wiiieii nas gwierauy V"'" ' 'T would they not havo bli allowed .1" i'.L.. ....I ..:.v r....t.....r. i.o.n t'la-v ISI1U. ,7111", nil T lUIIIISCTlfi; lK.i. (k.at(ej f ft n ouy w,eu bejr ,tee tte w ,;lie u'uivT deserve anal!'- vmti n,.",, ,Il0 Wo Koco i.nn'i"'"- f 0f .t friendships, ami with -defeat lum hn ' ,i,,0 ftre endcav..r ..i.i r.i, like nick ... njw jjr Aitkin, wruieriy -a .ncy ItiyaylltTfllirW fonifrd ljfg '1ti)(la'ithlliy.lL v.v.'.ikw. AWlM.slW. ti.i ..n.. ,,!.'.. . . .

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