J,' 1 - (U t. - i v ., ,M- tL ' A y " ' C. .' ) .--.- Vv, i. ., .' tOi-tWl ; " 4 - x- -v it " r - pfDotri) to Vlttirs, to, flrifnitnrr, Jutrrnfll mpranr uif nti, ! (tammr rrr, tie "JUts-art ctn(t$pfiml "anil Qf araitrtrrif. ' VOL. Xfc-XEW SEIUES. SALISBURY, N. C, NOVEMBER 9, 1854. , J . . NUMBER XXV C-rr ,f-j.v. , ......... J. J. BRUNElt, EDITOR AXD PROPRIETOR. TERMS : Ti D!Tr, Mjtr,ih4Db. im.mh. from.'11"'", "Hi'ly a report recommending die ll of suh rials.!. ; two dlarr and liny emit if m , following persons : iMtid batto. Ila exnirtiiiun nf the vear, and tlwe. Sal- v -. . i.ivi tmrr. r. . l mI H inm paid twin at tU4fUm ..I lh Ed.Uir. .J ' 1,'tfmta tbaUiMaMMt br po.t p.id, to f nir. Ul U-lllMHk Ci ;L ' ! r s j - 1 n S I '? 1 2 'i I'llj"""1 I I 5 I 8glSijiti-w'-' 1-1 j 3 , -4 -2 ft, i -r c 05 5 v 5S2s:4s.I. e- -ij; i t . I 1 1 1S " '4 ? i A i. (he wcui,, b. eW line. i ""? T"to "1""' :i"-li'fl , ,(lliniiurt. vMertained no Jouht that the :J.n"rS!j n-mT""hnZ "? ,hr,r "T"1""" '! ..ruetion of .Ins line of rUilroad would tend to -dm pnixvoimMl w.m: Ji.kin H or 1 ,. lloiie of Commons in tlie U-jfislature of .North ,jie d1.v.,,I.,m.t 0f tK. rt-.coiini-.of an imr . hanrrd m priMai lo.qn. All rraruoas .rf a aqr. 1 1 arolma. 1 ,.,, f ,jlt. .suu-. and to the ciiiceiitraliou Xt,1;! &"f,u.r !..!.T1w.UWwiwr tLUvgatoa ppuattd- andr l,rna,.al nnrwaia, without .ddliiennl ebaTf., eranted to'thaw m eairaMise rrguhiri)' lltiuash lb " " -..feSS :lvi nitvvj; Olden Itirdivurce of knuband and wilV, U'Ppiwimui Mndiiif i. Mrertitwmetils sr ri-(iie. 4rl to Mat. the .amber of ...ertimia f-quirrd ; aad if H is vUwd I bay aKould oeeuaiy that I-hI apacr maHi h v, writa .ami lbs back tlM wind rltttt. Oiherww llary will !a pel ap i. the utitia! style and cliug itceardincly. ftj" o diaeou.l un Ihcse ruljea. !BH!wawawawiwawawwaaaaiw tt.i i Lr tx t. if ti t.v r tar i itf:y.- S.ii.wnrRT, Nov. 2d, 154 ,- Pursiwtit to a call, aycwial Internal i -i Improvement Convention met this day. (!l motion, E. J. Erwin, Esq., of thc r-fiinitv of lhirko. was called to the Chair. and John M. Rose of Cumberland, and N. N. Fleming of Rowan, were regies!-; ed to act as Secretarves. i' -M.4tolnii filr. livid iLjUu.f-lja, tui;,-. TiiembrrA nf this f!onvf!if ion were reom-s- . , . .i. w ii-'i lo prerteni tiieir iiaimi ui iiio oetrt-; tarv's table, when the foil, .iwingd.degate were rvMrtod from their re-,pectivet-ouu CumitrhtnJlir. McNeill, D. O. McKae, Jobo H. tfook, H. L Mvrover, Jos.-ph Avery, ; Duncan McLaurin, Thewlore Marline, Thomas A. K Evans, John M. lioee, T.. It l'nderww-1. ' W. McL. McKar. Gen. A. L. -MclA-aii. J. C. , MeNair. Carteret C. It Thomas. CMa-rlly. A. Powell. aim I avid Heid. IrrdtU David Waddell John Davidson Andrew Baggarly, A. K. Wallace, L. ..rilhtli, ; h. Wooton, J. V ooton, T. Heath, A. Willar.l, W. Smith, J. F. Cash, Col. I). Itamsay, Sam'l Il lU-IIrl). L. Sliarpe, J. S. O. Hvem, V. P. 'aldwell, M. H. Ilranuoii, Join, Invitt, Joliu K I'.itts 1' It. t'liauihera. Col. John Murdoch. 1 J F. Mc'N'oelv. I .IA.fyoi-y-amuel II. Chnstian, Edward j I;, I'lirraife. Aew Ilanovrr V) . k-k. Urn. II. Mar-1. Onuhne Col. L. . Humphrey, John .V AvereU. 1 f. 'iff? ti' .Li,. Ti' 1... ' John I. fMiaver, u. A. navis, joiin n. ix.ju.-n. ; li. f. Kralev. John D. Itrown. It. II. li..lero. I.i... it.. i . . i . . f i a I. I I.. 1 on. John Jl. ls-ie, thas. r. ri-lier, .M. ... . I'.ro.ri. J. F. ChainrVrs. II. I. Itohards, A. II. ! aWwe . X. Ilovilen. X. X. H-mii.it;. Samuel , tus viz- ' "lu 1 '--'oeio ..i ."is v 00. .11.1011 via- niir.iu..i i.vwe- g.-iii.-inan t.oin Me. Ki.-nwirg : Mminiiglit, ami tlie mutim. lit 111 mans licart ,..... j . . .......,,1111 .u mi ci isiuj-cu positiou, SO X plUCeu J ..rA.C. Midntoab, Hugh Oxford, iJ the same, and .... m-lio., rl-fer-. y.w-W. That ,., C0,,v.,i.. r.toni.n.-iil ' re-oii-e to it, are- the gr-ate-i of r.,. L-r, t!' ' , ,J Vr'T V I'-'"', '"having paid j it ''V' V?tt!V ?"J ',e'(' 'l tlic t'1' J. W. J.Hiea.0. WjAing.V. M. H.1.-. ! red-to the M-lect Committee. Mo the Ig.-I itur-o. Xorth :,ol..,, .1... j.,,--..,.! r.f..n.-r,. And all other retinn t' SrX rcTrh'-m ' tl,U- vtts"h"ry fl,,K'ritl ,""",rs' d,J ' " L 7," f- "' p !7 WaTf Tn I . llurtiK I. Krwin. A. Mvem. K. . Ibe fidlowing resolution was offered". rW P " ";- aultiorMi.ilie comuies aiT.-Jf-, V;;H) j"MJ,rj ; btt.,uLi-I 4 '- L'r, hhia V II r.s.asft,.,!. Ti r?Tr- "umpr.rcv. of.Oii-Jou , rTiiirir .ri-mnf rr, n-Ti TiT-" uirn". j """ ,...,a. T'JL ,,f V " f ,rlt ''l'?' 1 II 'L , , f nio, for Heaven's sake 'to nsist . L to U "" That it is expedient to construct a a. may be regardc-l .1 " ' r ' iBlUItiC .f 1 .'. . . kww-. e,.-.--eTl;Trmt-t.-rrr-T-t.-7-iirr--irr.-"T ' 1 i.. ...... .....T" -The eircum-iLaiices of their sitlllllioii seemed' the winter (il 1 8.r. 1 -52 111 lilt. I 1 d.'g. o-j!!l. J lMiKthllllloila lil.eralilios.. A A Imi im. 'flnil lie m.iwl f-jM nWM Af IT. A a vrmttn tuurarti . aian.v. ............... .... ... -..i - ...... ...-,i. ..i, . . . 'Ttrsv.; IfiiyhS&frf'Jtett-Mt' ai.stlau.faBndt--- 1 I.. 7 ..rr.n. . D. I'.arrillger. 1 '. A. I '. I.. I'-.rt.-, M. S. M. Keiizie, Dani.1 W.s), (ieo. I! i Johnson, M. Craig-. J. M. Ifarah, T. T. Maxwell. -.-mntt ILfmss, U,-1 I'.!-.,!! U' I' I. ra- ii.-irn.-J.'M. (Viltin, (i. A. Miller, J. .1. linin-r, ,1. ' ' 1 annon, Itols-rt Mnrphv, Ifc-iiJ. Sumtier, Dr. J. '". Ka.ms.-y, J. (i. Hemiiij, Win. Miir.j.s:!., II. 1 . Simontim. Snwj.ntm. W. J. Devaiie, Patrick Murphv. Stanly. A. Krei iiian, J. M. McCorkle, il Marshall, J. S. '1 urii-r. On motion of Col. Ilnmprey, of f'hi 1 w, the (.'hairiiiair was re.jiif.-t.-d to aj- . int one member from i iu li ( omity, to report ponnanent oflicers for the ('ouveu- ti.n. The Chairman appointed '.A. S. W. imiplirey,jf Oimhiw D. ll. ;i-( m.-r-. f aUwba; S JI. Clirisljn, Mnlgm-ry ; Murphv, Samisson M,an. si.,nly ; I laud Ji.i.1, Dunlin; . JI. Mir-li. X,.w Hanover; W. X. M.KV.'Hurke ; b. U. Stanly, Craven; '. K. Ihom.w, Carteret ; I' I'.. 1 lumbers, Ir.-dclf; C. F. IVker, liowau ; ' M Ciiirils-rland. ''ti motion of Sir. Sumner, of Rowan. '.' '"., 'I hat all persons present, or who t- .n atl.-n.jai.ee, on this Convention, al.. ' e.-n..i !,. i ti ap,inted d-l-gal.-s thcraKr, Is i 1 '-'I to tak-s-at- ill the same. 111, ti-.n of .Mr. McNeill, Rev. Mr.! it ri-t ao- r. o,rt-ted tof.en ll.e ,,,.; f.f i i i.iin.ni .in I.v I'mv-.f ' -. ....j - . i a i. -ii, i i . a . -1 A;?sTtiiisamc, adjourirndtilUJu'cloclk. j Tkurtilaij Afternoon, AW. 2, Couve.it.on met as ujonmed. The Committee appointed to recom mend permanent officers of tint. Con vtn-- - For ,Vic I W.UljU E. X Er. iiv of Wu'rke , ! r.eo. Mi.Xi.ill. tif run.tUf..l t...,i ft,.m I -f towMl. -JUI of r It' Slanly, of Craven. , For Sc-. r. U.ri.J.o. M. Hum-, Cuuibur- S Mlid ; X. X. r'k.iiuiiu, of Kiwau. I llio re.rt "I thu CutuuuttM was uimn. ! : linoul adopted, iitiil the ouicer. djipoint-1 el cuiidiictod to tlit'ir several eut: ! ! The lWIeut inmle lib Heki...wWK-! I ff : 55S ntento to tl.e Convention, in a few elo-,.v ,.,,, HVtK a.'rtiouttv tL.i iu th. d,,tion ! " n'"Uon r.Jol.nwn of Metklen H P.i4lifiiit.JUid . appropriate . nututrku, which tflHe priwiJ, a it k usually mmh ckr loj""ro' Jk!Ji,lwi-w were recerveu wiiii congiaeraiile nppiaose ! 1 were rercived with coniiiltralili ni.i,lnno by tlie tnvctt.?im. ' - j On .liotiou of Sir. Mar.tli, of Xew Han over, ? I ml, Tlmt the linhn of Order of tho :H.mu.. I'.i, ,.f il... 1... I 1 1. ' " I 1, , 1, 1 , , ' , ', . Kiil.t for ttl Convention mi tiur :i lli stilne may lielt pliculile. On motion of Mr. Humphrey, of On-1 KwhtJ Thai the eounties r. -presented in this i tixik seatK ill the CoIiveKtioll, vi. : from .V.-rkhuhurqitw. A. Youu", Win j 11,,,.,, ', 1 i- , 1. 1 t-'i i . Win II. M Rirv. CuWriis Dr. F. M. 11. nib rsiMi. On motion Mr. Murphy, of Sampson, ' TiVWerf, TTiiit s Coniftiittee coiiitinif of one meniU r fn-rn each roimtv repr -ivlil in tlii Convention, lc appointed lv the I'r.i.leiit, to whom nli.'ill la referred all inatti-rs otfi red for lifinliJIlj.iJV alld that ! lliey liae h ale o ?ejjtl tllermn. , I "FresiJctit ai.MTiittil T Xalli hapiiel Itoydi n, of Uowan ; A. M. IWejle IAIeai.d. . I.. M. K.i- of liiiih.-: l II. .'f i Jutt- 11 l"uL- ' lsrland ; . K. I le-m i. ,t i ut. r -i: Y A j Iwdl.of Caldaell ; W V .l.l. II. -t lr.-l.-llt S. II. I 'lirUtUn, M..i,li;..iu. rv ; IJ.m. Win. ?. "' !?' I l.in.'N .. I . .on J. A. .ntr. li .ll,.l-. .11 . J .t ' iii--Dr. 1-. low; W, lli. r of Sl:ml-- t J li. LI. nl.io,. M h(.j, r,,,, f i.aUrr.. On motion Mr. Miirrdir.-the President .1 t -. i --WV- 71 .. T " J uud lee-rreai.leiits ..1 tlie niveiitioii. : were addel to the C .llllllitt. e -A Coiiiniiiuieatioii from Win. A Ia- , oir, of the County of Calduell a.ldn- f tlgltile joiiit on l autorl llarl- ur, via, K.-nans- ilk- Fajetl.-v die and S.,Iil.Ur , ih.-m-e W,-t, hy the most jira.ilical.le route to the lenn.ss- line. that the said line is strictly a gitat Sl.ilr work and that the. legislature !.-rcine-led to appr.t- j -rmw is., iitiros oi vi.e aiiioii.l. Ol u.e ei in I said work . On motion of Mr. Devano of Sampson, .. .-... . e .... I "lu resoiuuon was reierrcii in me .elect Committee j The following resolution was Ibv Mr. Mct'orkleof Catawba. ,1 WfWew, That this Convention recommend . . n... i ....:.i t v ...i. i ..... ilt.i iu.. il.ir.l. ..f (,,ii,.mi.-1 .... .. ii-' to (!,llM,,.u, ,. Atlantic and North Carolina Iil-in ,, ,111 '.1, ,- . 11 1 J If-,. l:..nil Iron. f,ol.tor to ls,'.-il..rt M.-.rtrf.ur vi; ! mill N,.,M.rn. ,) al .he ex..,,- Pi,, f the X. .'. Kail KoadWe-l from Salishu rv. to the Tennessee line Is-ai.nroi.ri.it. d I.v the rviti llw I i-micfisw HtH' Im ai.iirj.i.n.il il lv Ilw 1 - ,- a .1 - '....... . 1 f.,r . coi.-tiu, lion of the -ame shall i. ;...i:.;.i....i, .... ....,......... , ' ",u""" -ur- ucn..i , 01 x .iiiiii.eriami the Convention ailiou rued till to-morrow .V. 1:1,10 Un ij. FkIha.v, y-iff, o,'i'.'!i. ('onrentioii nit-lj as adjourned. n-i. f 11 .1 -I . . . . ......1 !...;. , m' "" "'8 """H--- names, viz : ..; f.. ..,,. Hugh McCain. ! from ..V-rtlrui-urir nm't .K l.owrie. ! 'nm Itm'ir A. f i, Cart-r j 'Ihe following resolution was oireri-'l ' . ,. , ... , hy Mr. Ihiggarlv ol Iredell: i J . t, ,' ,,.',f.-o. That the North Carolina W.--t-iii I. ranch Irorn ah.-l.ury . ' ntral I. .111 i-.a.i via S irh Troy, he Watauga J'a . considered for extension lo - i f lu motion of" Mr. R.vilen f.f iifiwan, j,)ie rJntiori Was kid on the table. . vi- CoiniriittOi; submitted the following ' KKi'i KT. '' '" The general Select Cornmiltee have performed lh- dulv n-sigu-d lln in as well as the brief peri.sl , , . .-. -. . . I . 1 allowed lor roiiMiiiaiion wuui.l .erHiii, an. i nave .lincl-d me to submit I h- following K-isrt: . . 1 our omrnitt-e. in the hr-t place, deemi- tir-t place, ileem.-l ,t eMK-.lie.it lo r-colnlll-n.I lo III.' onvi-mioii me . i . ..- . . i - I.I..I. .I.....1.I ..... , .. I - i ..... :, i ....i: i . in t i.-i. iii.ii .riiiil-lh-l-.n.-li.ture lu len.inr . n'io....,.i ..( -oiii ..-in: i rti i.i in, ... n...... - aid to Ka,!,..ad or other works of Internal H.. - ?. , , V:,Mm,iHU,K,!t-: " ur r..li.u, 1 -liu. I lttiK.ru 4clilli'IIIHII llimi .. . ... V . ll..... ... 1 ......a. (I... t.A I, . aL 1 ti ,r faan, . u That this Convention Is-ing deeply Impressed with the necessity of Hi. Stale of North Caroli na establishing tonic general principle which should hcrenflcr guide, them iu affording aid to corporation, iu the construction of lUilroad or otrrcr works of Internal Improvement, do re commend to tlit Legislature to lend it aid by subscribing two-thirds of the capital st.s-k neces sarylbf "ilia construction of uco- work nlune, a wum-a ot ..ur Hb.l .ml nNuwnint. the tnd thi-rvof iikii soiiiu one or mora point. HiOn our f J "r "avi-aU- wnte, within our own 'rih,ra, li-n it M M-, rl;im.sl tlmt individual ri. ;ruJ 6,r U(: uol,slnll.lioll. Your ('oiiniiiue. then UhkicIiI it Ufcmwry to I1"'"1 out ntttnin works of inVrnal iniirvt'iiii nt "l,i1' , c"me ,UbiB ,',e f tali lP.411 1. 1 pihu .lilt i..ti uii. I ai rwrCrmiiwi lln. .lulu T i--r- ,.... ..,4. ...... ""V w W wuu,n v,,iir 1 ...... l,.. 1 Kill.. ... ., .i;ir,...,iiv ,. iiit'udiiiafulliii); i(hiii the priiKMpU' thin adopt- """"K8 1,1 ' 1ln e4, tin romlruetion of a lUihoad from !old.-i. On motion of Mr. JIclulC 'of Cuuiber- 1 i. ...v. i.-:. ...... .. v 1 n t .T. -v- ' i,......l . i.t 1:1 .. :. . 11.... c..r:i 1... .1.,. iio..i , mm w -iiiai iivii " MV Mitt ami iuot ptjeticalile rout to Rome iKiiut on I lit the r. hi(ii.u i referrejl to voor Cummittve, introduced hv the .... , ... ... ... r a 1 j - gentleman from Catawba. Your Coiuinittue tin 11 ki.l..r'itinti .l ll.aa r.4i.1nti..ts nY.rr.irl t.. 1 1. ..in lit lr,MilleM lV ,. ,,,.,,,1, man from t.tnsloW. Your t-h- Wa-h. 4lW. ,- ,lemU. ,n,H,4- j own Mate, but Mine of your oniiiutu-e fe.rej 'l,ilt il '"'K1'1 ''"' tend to injure or d;niiiii-.h 'he value of the capital of the Mate and in-livid- :-lvalreadvi,,eJdi,,,l.,X.CIUiko,(d. I rent opniKjii. however, recommend tire coiistrnc Uon of lhi line of ri-ad. r llu-ii aiiliOiilt.1 li.-Uie enmiilerittioii of Vonr Committee br tbearntk n.ai, fmti, M.-ek- l -tilitllir M ,iltilion f.,r tl... e,lilriuti,,li of a liu- 4 l:ilr.ut.l from AYiliiiinirton or fnm some Point on the Wilmington A Mmidu-ater lailroa,! through the ta.iwu "-( .'liarlutle to Uie.TiJUUBtwri. ! ' ' S.me of , mir CummitU cnlcrUimid Lheouiau .-..i.that ahhonixh Ibi.i line .otjuad woldd.utt - iloulilnlh .-..nlnUite lo the develomi nt of tl - r-onrc- of an int. rctm and imiK.rtanl s.ctio,r . - ofthe State, and tliiis farcoine itlmi the prineii 1, ad.tpfed; yet a ortMu of voiiroommittee i nter t.iltie.l li-at-s lll.it the Colistriletiou of this line of roa-l. inii.'1't n n,I r.-.tl'v lo iliin-ii.-h d.. .Hilue of the eapital of tV Stute alnn.IV invesoil in til.' . f . I!. Ill K.HMl. Sill llkew He divert SCO . I ..... I I . . ....... . i .1. . I . t. I... 11" . . ' .- .i w. r i , i lion ot ttie Mat.-, from our own niarket-i, aixl I il to tl.e al.rU in Soiitt. Carol..... ai..l mu "' l'nn"l'- a.iopt-J i.v i s - in' in'g of opinion that it wolil.l not have llnB effect. .!.-l.'inilii-i lo .-.-. .1111 ii.-rnl tl.e eon.-truction of tin- lit f ro:el al-o. ..ur C-miiii'ii-- ti. xl proc.nl. -.1 to tlu: coil- ratii.i. ,.t a r. -oluti.-n in In. f..Il..wH.g -..r.i-. T he .ominillee uiianimoii-ly recomm. nded the adoption of this resolution. otir Ciiimitlee cann.4 ihilt.-r ihciiiaelrc that th.-ir ial.i- will nm tth ,e uilire approbatioii .,( tl ill. V I 'tiiiv.-l.tl.... nil tln v i-.-.n t- Im i-l i- ll.:it wtL , ;. I.... a- a less of tl ..uvclitiou. I 1 he m-st.oii being np.-n the a.loption i . of the ri'oliitiong reported !v the Com-! " " . ""-'- The resolutions were adopted as follows I ui.ttllill.ou.ly, viz -WW, 'iM4hi.vii,i Umg dep - I5.' ' . yiV of the Mate ofj. .-orui v aronim s e-.ai. ii-ung -one g.n.ira prm . I " . " is " -"-r-V- .. 1 1.: 1. 1 ..1 1 . . .1 ... .1 1: . 1 .T Z T.T: r ::- ' rT yi oimi n.ianvi 11111111,11 1 1 nniii-iiiti 1. 1 11 re- have U cii t-ik'-n in r. , it ion t e r. to. . . ...... citifiritfii'i is it 1.1 Ti-i:.! tire in i, int un nil 1 i.v KiitKi-riliiiiir u.,- nr. U . .r 1 1... t -.1 nt.,1 S'lal i.s. I : ' , 1 c.-ssary for llie o.i.striK-t,oi, of si.. I, works alow,. ... 1 .11 ;.. .1 :. ..... i ... ., i .1... : -...... ......... " .,. .. rw.iir.-rt ... our Mate. mrU to coneynlrate ll.e trad- iher.-jf ui-m some on- or more i-iint- no- , llier.-.f .i-n some on- or more -.iut- up-, 011 our sea iH.ru or n.-.v f-.-n. e vt.-ui rs. w 111 1 . ; that irehv i.hial- or counties vvtll Mil.-.-rili.- the : remniiiing -urn r.-nnr-.l for su. h oii-triictioii. It' ""';'t 'I'i-' 'ol" to llie l.gi-ljilure ol .North I 'arolina at il- n-xt ses-ion. that two ihir. I-.f ll.e Capital St.s k n.s : -sry to ,-omplete the Atlantic and .North I ar- . ,,., tfktr lf..a.t fitrfll ;.4,itHTroi..., to lt-ai.n.rl arl.r, via lmt..i and XewU-ri'i, and al-o the exl-i.-ion of the N'orlli Carolina C.-ntr.-.l Kail Kya-1 W.-at fr. Salisbury to th- T-nri. ssee line, le-appropriated hv the SmU; a soon as j.ue- ''r.l of the capital n.e.-arv f..r tn- c.,...t,ii.- tion of the same shall Is sub-cnls-l bv mvnlu- . , . al - aii.I coiniii.--. ,', Jr,,l, That it i- exp.-.li-nt lo con-truct a trunk In,. ..I Hail 1,'n.iil from lli-ni. the-eligible p.m. oj. letort llarhor tlir..gh hi- low v ia Keiian-ville, I in,!,,i, a,,,! l av . tl.-i ill- I Sail-!, nrv ..and th.-nce W.?,t bv llie in.ot Ma. ti -..i t.. ...:.. l. .1... t . .!.. .,. .it,....i . .- ... .. . l' tfiishrfuw. bpMld ,1 lli- nmoiint ol llie co-t iHs i-s-af y lor tlm fort, i slrii. tiori of such work.. .1 ,.,.. That this Convention recommend to the Jagi-lalnre of, North I 'arolina, the pfl-s age of an a.t for llie" North 'arolina, i-imes-ee . .1 . ... .:l ...... I , - . r. t... .v mi" nan ion... .o.iipio.i, ... ...n .... :i..vvn ol v iiriliiL'iou, or iron, -..me i.oiiii on in- ;....! I M,.. -I,.-.-. l: ..I tl.......d, tovvn ot ilmiiiL'lou. or horn -me j.-inl on tin " , that tin- State siiUciiIk. two third- of tin- -lis k n. c.ary lor the eonipi-in.li ol una oi.j-. i, so J ....... . , I loll of tin- ol.t-. I, "H" ...-." ' " - - ,,...... n.;. .,;.. ,,..M,e...l! "t"""" s .i.-i l ,..,. v...ii, i i .14. Ull. A-t'il.AWi.. ui u-.i ......iw, u.. I"-. jug ol uu ml ,.Uwwug:i Uui. A,.ti. and eot- LI 111 Ajtr-J lavlStLMS HI v Hi -a .ami...- wa- fwn. porate town throngh which, or u.H lo which ! . I f ! I) 1 . a 1 "l .1 huu nan iuMi may pnw, lo.uuwno nucn lunM M may I rfranjol judicioiu, afiir tlio ne of mi1 countiit and towns uiy - Lava (wen IhIclu tn n-lation thfrvto. On motion of Mr. Jolmson of Mocklcn- JttuiitJ, That the next LegMahir. of the : State Ui rtHinttit to miike audi furtlicr aimro- ' liatH aa may'tlr mecwarv ti iwuw tlM.MMKly ' foinplction of lite North Carolina Kail Hottd- i T,n of jjr McKlc cf Cumbcr- . . . ' j jfJmif n,t tl, I'rwd. nt and Vl Prt!- d(-ni of this Convention, he a committed to nre- yatv an addivm and uhmit to 4.1m wxt General , A-enJJy t! promdii. of dii. bojy. - - v.. ...uv.i wi Sa whurv f.Helr lioan la tr dnr n,r i i 1 r !..-. .1 . 1 ,tt,,u fttnAvrtl, That the thank of this Convention lie ami thev are lirrdly tenoVrei to the l'rrat lent id ortri-ers of lite Couvcntion. for (lie dig- niti.d .nd erhYient divluirire of their duties as On motion adjourned sine die, DAVID KKID, 1'rtiiJtnt. fiKOKci: VcXeii.l, E. U. Stj.slv, S. K. Hill, V. SmmcR,' K. J. Kkwim. -.'ire J'rtMiJrnlt... Jons M. HokC, X. X. FttMin Surituntt, I X JfUJl TUX WATCHMAN. R A WPI TYR N OIATTE : HTBUI.D H "The II.iim the Sa-vrw cklea," I ' - . jver - tt .!t"-J.,IJL,;:j....'.'5.V.,i.j... .!Jt. , atchv'.tl.-Mniuiiof.iip beaqlifill an eve, and, 1 never ft It ijnv thing so verv much like hapi-i- a. ,., i,.r .,, A, . m, ii.i,s a-at iiu niomenu Aiu-r all, nai a l'ock HutM v live How good slid leai(iful '. How yoiin-r it i, Ua), with nothinf; really rotten ; or agt-w.rn in it ! This old lu.use, fr i!liitn!le, vhi )i si.iiietimes lias pnaitivelv opil my I.r.atli ith it- mil II .f d.iiivina- timl-er '. And this -jsrdeii, w here the hladt nrottl.l alwav-, cfiiiir . . "'' "I""1-. wt S- Xtoll, U-.K-.ifJ were a sexu,.., delving iu a ; rv..,ara - ym .fM laaibtriuM vpoaa-y wnl. wrr Hy would bin" virgin m.iI. with the earth s first fr.l.n.-ss 111 the flavor of it heans and n-iia-die ; and the hou--! ltd I.- like u bower .in K-l.-u, ..mM-niing Ail) the erli.t rose that to.l ever mad.-. j to draw Ihcm together; I hey were like two , children who go hand in hand, pn-ing closely In one ....otli'.r -i.l. tliri.l.i.h a -limlou -too.tit.-l ....,, . passage. ., .The . ,w louWi ,.d tie-,., uuiled hy tl, alilfened P- ri.. t...,...i .1... .i....i.. ..f emotions that might not otheri-e have flowered pinill., :,..,, llad ,. n.,tfrv-. I x . .i,, : lllfc.i..4l.L..i I-'" 1" " "- ''V MS... avs..v','V'. g.-nns. i. Why do w d. lay so T aske.1 fboaba. "Thi ' s.r.-t lakes an ay my brealtli '. lei us tnrow wm tbo dw - I all our hv.-., there can never eome anotlt-; er moment like this!1 said llolgrav.. I1..i.1m. " u itaUJaiBot Wuutluuir but- Wrorl --Awuaro-indebted for tlie udlowin, i ,.f i(,v . ., .... .,...,. .,., - - j i - in.- i.niv iHini i ins wiirni it m inr ' .x I. . .1-1 .1 . !v - 11 ""' " J") - . . .... , ,..;. -, u ....... ....;,.' 'K-JZU'!' '.' xx 1 vv"..-y ; "H" me, in.- Hour isiore you came, exciaimen with me, the hour la-tore you came. in. .11 -1 1 .-x.i.-.ik. cola. 1 t-i-raoie Hour . 1 - - - lok.-d atrattge, wild,. evil, hostile;. 11. y past life,, . I. ....4. ,... u,.il .Ir.-.r.- F.I.- ft. tor., u .liu.u.l.. m gi'Joui, wl.n li I iiili-l iiioul.l inlogi..omyMiapes '. liut, lii.i-l., you crossed the thresh. .1.1 ; an- ,H. warmth and iov, cain.iin with you ! Th I """V..o s;cnn.ea. once i.ii-mtui one. 11 I mi last 11., I Ihi.s uitlniilt ttwt atMiLtoii uiinl I lillf you r r "if ....... i...-, . ri,i ti ! .... . - ...... te,I rh,,.., -oiiiR.le.l bv his cariicstn.-ss to olll -s-at. Yon have maiiv. main thoindits. w ith which I woull try in vain to sympathise. . .. . 1,-1, hs., -I have tendencies will. klncli vou WuU,j sj-lnlMtl,i. a little. I hall a l. mat- 11.., i i,,.. ,,, ,.,1(),,. o, make vou lmny - '.. - . ... !l!. ..f L.:... SI ,v , . :, ,,h , ." " And then I am afraid I contmi.. shrinking towards llolgrave, even while she told ,;, M, frNnkly lb loiil.ts with w Inch he all , t, . I on will ead me out of mv own I l.-r " Vol. will lead llie olll. of 1IIV . . ... , . e w ... 'I1'1"1 I'"'1- "u ' "" me strive to follow you, where it is pallihss. I ciuiliot do so. It is n.,1 tny nature, I shall sink down and s.ri.-h !" a n p,.iu, An, 1 lurra1 CMlain.ed Uolgrave, w.tU al ,! sigh, and a smile thai was buruieiied ". It will I far otherwise than ; JU voii ftrri-Inbilr. I h6 wo (I ottd nil IUV IV - ... ... .. .. . -- - - 'I - ... , . pd Uuj.uk lo. wn: ill. at ease. : Xly. h-SflWW'.Ji F? JiL!SS :?. j. - . , man inevitably confine himself within ancient limiu. I have a pnwn'timent that, hen-after, it will he my lot to set out tree, to make fences perhaps, even, in due tint, to build a hotrse for another gi'iierntion, in a word, to conform my aulf to laws, and the peaceful practice, of aocivty, Vour poUe will be moro powerful Uian any oe cilUtiiij; t.iidency fiiiit.,!.',i... , " 1 would not have it so f said I'lieelw, earn estly. ' , ., ; ! Do you love me V aked Holgrave. " If we love one another, the moment ha room for nothing more, , Let us pause upon it, and be utlstied, Do you love ige, rhoeb f t You look into my heart," aal "he, letting hw eye drop. You knowI love yon T And it m in tli'is hour, so full of doubt and awe, thai the one miracle was wrought, without which every human -vxistence is a blank. -The UK wBicb maFairiuTniKtre. WHW,ii4;rienf. Sgrejyprnted jy a.Wjndiail riory, h around "tlii yonth and maiden. They were coiim-ious of nutbiug awl nor old. They transfigured the earth, and made it Eden again, and themselvos the two first dweller in it. The dead mau, so close bwide theut, was ' forgotten. At such a crisis, there is ua death ; for immortality is revealed anew, and emlirace every tiling iu iu h.illuweil presence. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. Tl.e steamer Star of the West has ar- j rived at Now -York, bringing later dates i from California : I The general news from California is ...!.!..... .......1. , .111 1 - - a 1 vikioii, kfated, fhal thouizli there hud been Accounts had been received giving do-. . ,, f e .1 j . ., , ,, . ... , a decrease in the iimnliers of the order tails of another party ot em igranls, con- , , ., ,, , , , i ,. , ,, . w. .- . . a J 1 " 1 1 ,:uuniig the, luiht year, he be levedthat t he -mating of twentv-live, who it-riKlied for , , !.' J t , , , , 1 t 1 1 , , . d-i ... , 1 cause ol temperaiice had been advanced. wu.t of fol , , ,1 water Heir suiler-, fn ,;, he m.m hsaLdonioiL fHmt t tore wa iiiHoh CoHiiiIiunt of tif'ht-' Sa. - t mere was iiihoii complaint oi ugni - in the msnrr markeV Real estate o tho do -line in on loiic ine. ... , limn i wan it was aeriouiv aiiiiretii'ini mat some . II. Ninora, as slie-hud been greatly .out of i . . i . - . " ' - her tiiim at lant ncemints. Mining i-p-r-ratrntT prove sttrwful.- iTlic l.i.lmn troublf ilave l.tarlv coaacd " : ,,, i,,,,.,. ' V j i i i ui. ruiivi til h h j UUUIltl IU lillf't. j .vii,ffff int ritfiitxfi rtvtr irmnrTrttt .VAiyi 'tJt rcJi: .1 IIC lU'llUh !i'UUuhlK) 1 eytona urrnei Pevtona srrivnl at Han Francisco fr,-,m tlie andu ieli J--latiH, living Hie pi.meer Vm " rwr"' 1 , f it ' ' " "T '"' - if.;ii';ers, M ptH-ti.ti -ot- wlotin went to : New Y'ort in iV tti,r ,if tho Wisr: the- tio'everarTivFir jiX ItiaT pi .rl tf avetrf j ,ng the entire distance by steam. j 1 The I'evtutia brought intelligence of, the hmg mis-mg Kng'i-Ti An tic .-hip hti-1 tcrpriM.-. wl nth am veil at 1 rt ( lurotiep north. 11 idi g. .5. mini, we.-t ; after , making every exertion to accomplish the , . - , , . i . j . . . .-. . ... -1.1 o. .... "w.i:-j noe .u-.nl .1 in,, niu- . . . . -. 0 .. .. . . i..r ..f 1 ,.- ".1 In vi..1I.ii.,ii I'.iv i.. ..i ' ler ol IN', e.l in wolliu-loii llil.it., ..;:.log. north, Hijflcg. 3oinin. west. ThejOue may imagine the .uipiise caused j j will,,.r ()f IS.j.T 54 found her in Camden ! liav, ill hit. iil.leg. Smiii. north, 14.deg. I .-loniiu. west. The ice released her on the ,H ln 01 ' l,V rVW .Vai.-r,- lu the , in S.- uora. 1 ho nioht imi.or.ant ii.tolht'iico ' .... 1 . a . ' I ".7 "T ,os............. I furrrislied sl.eilby Mr. Henry J.iviiignt.,,,, who k((liveranco frola u.1Tt.8,ril4l ed at San Diego for (ho Colorado,1 . . 1 arrivf ()n t)ui 1Tt, September. The San Diego I Jernld has the fallowing account furnish- e,i f.y Mr. I. ' Xlr lli.nrt- 1 .1 vi li f.sti ill . to wllom we; j item imcm from Son..ra, arrived , at this city ..11 Mind.-iy la-t, aceompsi.ied ; by Messrs. John Stein and Samm- Smu.11. ; During the two day s stay of Mr. 1. at ' .the erasing ol the ..farad.., a report "a- nt flnu ttv tut iiful'iv I;lI. ni'Ci nil DAItUHl . . . . . i - , ' -t - . . . J I ( I hi cm. imr ol llie v o orauo. a rei.01 1 was , .. . .1. . . . , ,, immlgrauis, colnpose.l-ol nuy persons, 1, an 1 jt.sur.. iii; 101.. ..v;. 01 ... ...v. d near tlie - . . ... . Mist There were sev- : . . ' . .ltl . ii . t .1 .111 enl womeii and children in ll.e train.'1"0,"",0 -T, , ,7 Unftppmftehingmc. Ton mirilitcs more and vsoiiiin uii.i 1 inn 11. .11 ... ...v, .linn, ,Vtli u. e-i-enlest enthii-ia.-in Umse ,'' , , -, " . . 1, 1 11 l. ii is 1. 1... 1 were il.s.o.e.l to am. ur . . ..P .. 1 1 ..Ti. 'I would hiive gmmi but l'i..viil..iico had horrible fate All the cattle, (100 in number, togelh- II-! ..r uilh the i.rovi-TFh.. wiiro iMirried otl'u - - . . . . . - . .. . r,v the Indians, leaving the wagons m me t'.iilll ; Tl,i- news was brought by a train which ' ".wio. uL iho.uiua u few Iiouls' travel in i : M it; .i. : i... ...i.r.,l. I ...I..,1!- im o no .o.... ..t-iU ... . lu.-k-. Aerir I uesson n unit the sumc tune , me nine , ,;.,, l' eating I,; ecu in- ol' tweirt v .Americans v ere " "J ' flii.ii ilinn-r U'li.-IL a l.an.l of fitt ilians made a descent upon them, and car- rw fy s(.VL,n ( t,t.j,. jm.st with' ' ..... u l..,i l...!m, deloiro...! I.v ..ithor ir: ;fv, although the Americans were well armed, outnumbered them anil wit!ie.-.-ed l l.e parties l.etore mentioned were ail j ' . a .. - . I II a irom liu .-rare texas. 1 The Apaches lire hi il.OI... .,,...' ti-o... bU-soine and lot ini.lalile each nay. linn almost . every tram wiiieu enieis m.-ir - range, will be more or less hairussud bv ' them. " ' .;.,.,, ...V tn.hrirh WW.-The King '"' ;'7- .I'L'S f the Sandwich Islands had ,.i-or..gued , Parliament. In Ins Kp,,.,-h he says : In tho. absence nl adifjmijo means to-l nlt', . A..oili..r i,rtv n few iuft.'s the oHno-iil'o. one ol our most distinguished au-T. . '.. -o. .- i.. . T.. u. i- I , . i- , i i i i ' . i. ;. Illlll. " n will uuv len snchs oi eaiiirr, or iide of '1 lies,,,,, were attacked, one Amor- tlmra, M. de Kil.ae, w.as Iving.awake "C ,tlt wrm(U, ll((rw-with tIlc Ti,, UM(e, or 1 rim-l-. iPH.i tilled, and twenty seven horses taken. ! bed, he saw a man entel- his room can- , - ;,. i,,i1 ...a.i.i.... u i,;,.!, ,,.n..hl Providence for protection to my kingdom, and to jronr loyalty, recoiiinionded by word and deed, for quiet subjection to law and order. - Honolulu a Free Port. Dates from Honolulu to thu 10th have been received. The Hawninn Ledature adjourned on tlie 12th of Angnet, the great measure of the aosaioU betltg the ftblutloii of totlnap duties, byr which thepoi-ta of thaSnnd wich Ialuiidti became, as far aa shipping and navigation are considered, free porta. . .-- . , I'moi Ut. HitUbuTOagh RcxiJr THE OR AND DIVISION. Tlie GrandDivion of tho Son of Temperance met in the city of Ilalcigh on the 16th nit, and continued in session untiLt.bffjj.ight of the 19th. Fit, Di?i- t dred members. The Spirit of tlie Age 'states that harmony and good feeling pre vailed, and that the reports handed in gave evidence of a prosperous condition of the order. .i I The, following officers ware, elected for she etisniiiff year r D. S.' IJift, of Ioiiis- burg, (i. W. P. ; John Q. lXCartet, of Raleigh, O. W. A. 1 A. M (ionimn, vi ' IZaleigh, (. Scribe ; V. M. Johnson, 6f;ly faces upwards, reniiiidinir those who : Al.-.oiulieo (I Trona 1 M Tiait-iu of (jliaiH. jnn. (i Coil.': R. I'. Tonov! of Granville, G. Sen. ; Rev. 11 . Davis, of Lincoln ton, (. I liuiilain. The last G. W. 1'., the Rev. C. F. Deems, in his address to the Grand M- : Bi . , i lllfF 111 fills ftftj:lf til l.r.uiilr.i n t ia .1 1 1 1 ai f . iir . is- . . j -i w. " ,,,e tY to l'r,.,cure a l,roVl,,,tor.v ; and lorever. . 1 lie address i maiuly an 'art'iiuient in favor oi siieh action, and to i ,, . , , . , . niton' llio rnnKi.ti'iii.i' of u r...nrt:u oo tlo. , ... ., . stiereiHls. Ilia nTicentji no one eotlld ... .. w - . justly .finest ion. I'lai-ty att were; nmSniVitMae! 1 1 . rluw,S. w ncr;i" '"!'e could with great difficult some fleuato, almost unanimously adop- ited: . ,,, t t-e.--. ia,.,..,..i. . i... ,i i .. Mir v1 '!!. iajr.uu, n. in in 4. ),n j;i,iua 1 U-. W'J'V . ,he v..,. , i t .,,., t.,.. , ,nv ,..;,,, , i,.,r ., After which, the (ir.-tml Divi-i.,, .- iotmied to mC-et in Charlotte on the 4th f,., , . . , ... m October, lbau, ' ' - " - AN ECCENTRIC WILL, . "-"-"i;. --' '""T"'"1. '"d, was among llie victims 01 i lie last vt.r j,jvulj a penny to either of his relit-ijiu ..... ti i ,..h in r i i' ill- lilt .1...... iiii- TTiir.,i iitci. iiiiiuii; i.ia i.ie nine, niev x .x l 'CClfrt 1 . . . . . to tie llie richer now tlmt lie was no more, - bv the lirst line of tho will . I give and : . ls.."'3r testanient ,1, ,.ti 1 . 1 : tare, moveable or immo! cable, in En- : laud or on tl.e continent, to that railroad 1 il... ... i...t -..;i-..!!i 1 ...i,,..,, ..i i i. I "" J UWO UJHU . ilUV HUU lilUl tfillIH(l Il II H1!! W 1 1 II Html 1 1 1 lift I illi .. , Further on, the testator gives his rca- r,., ...:,. i .,.;.! ti..., r,..' destined to'die a violent death, and the , caused l,v the explosion of a locomotive. : 11... , 1. ..'.-.. 1.. ,,,, triivcl0(i therefore, coii-tantly on the , ra j ,., it1 in Kiiglun.l, Ifelgium, & France, f T, wa, )U -h wa4 ot All ,lt! conductors were fainil 4... iviiw. ixo ...1 x-....v..., ...,, L-, c i.,.,,,,, ,Mr K M wmliar costume. He had .,... .. ,.-,., ,,..rn.i'.ifiTrr , ,, 1. " .., :i,, ; , . . 1, 1... ....... ... . , i... , ,711,.,; 1. v. ,1- 001 it ... a tn. i.o.i.'i ni.ii.1 , - an. fin. 1 iinii- ne w a- 111 Hie m .i v .1. ",,. a , ., .. . 1 .. 1 1 1 1 I heard the voices or persons 111 a bunt - tUo 01.0 that . was Juttteted, and he .doM .,,,, .. .. T , , ternl.le accidents, when he saw deal I ' so near without being able to obtain it - ... 1 :.. ...... . .. 1 :. ... .1... 1 ' .11. .. V . t iei oiaies. nil uiaoe ireinier.i exc.irwir.n u, ,u, 0,its (K, Missi.-sij.pi, the Ontario,1 . ! 1 l X" I.i ...'!. i ):..' tl lt.ir flv,,110 txj,h,.sious, he returned ,, - i.l. . -lL.l.. .1-!., 11.. . .Ifsiine.l .,, ... iii-ii i . I , with a whole skin lie was , eStme d to . e crushed under a car ft the '"other y,. crtisueii inioer a cur ei uie imniiei conn rv.- t is mii.I that the relatives will . . i .i ii .i ,i H tempt lo break the wdl mi tbo-ground .. . 1 .. i . -. . i.i. ,i , ,i i m-aiiitv. but it is probable that Hie ........in - . It k ...i. i mi i ...w iiiiivsivi railroad v ill iu the suit in spite of the; jrf,verl that the murderer never iubeiits : I.io " u - m - ,y, mio uue mn .o,..ck .,,e ...c k . . .. I 1 S 1 .... .. I. . ... 1 . 1. ., . ..,,"- -r. itisconserted at liearing a loud laugh Ifoni , to - oei upani oi me uihi iniein, n n..ui uv; r , .oppose., a-.eep. "Why do v.m laugh V H-K. II l" ..111'., i. " I am laughing, mv t . , i " i . ir -I I am laughing, mv good lellow, said i.i- ... ..I.... v. -e,. .....If-IA., It. Hill p.ll..- J nil X. .1 . I 1,... !.... 1. ...I..., v.. i, kbeg, nml wlmt- tt-rrst vW-H.nT-4n-t4H; tin,,in momiv l.iaiaUv- 7 , J , w - .1 . 10 I "'0 is a na.11 room 11k "".Vi : . ... .-- u.i lie tuiet evacuated c jauuers ai oncc.-7- TWE.YIT-SIX HOURS ON A RAFT A TIIRILLIXO NARRATIVE., -l'eter McCabc, of Ireland, who was rescued from the raft and brought to New York, publishes a letter, in which after stating that he remained on the Arc tic until the water reached tlie main deckj and tHe vessel commenced sinking, says I left the door, and got upon the raft, , which had been partially constructed fronr the spars we took from the veeL A . great many persons were trying to get on the raft Some were clinging to it with one hand, and, although it was already crowaea, outers were, striving to get a foothold. Among the number whe- were upon it I saw four ladies. Their names I did not know. Altogether, there were tukftfy-M permtu on the raft -The sea, , though not strong was rough, and the waves, as they dashed ovor it, washed away a portion of our living freight. I shall never forget the awful scene. There we were, in the midst of the ocean, with out the slightest hopo of assistance, whilst every minute one or more of our nnfor tunate fellow passengers wijre dropping , into their watery graves from shere ex haustion. Those who liad-Ufc preserver di J-not sink, bul floated withlKetf ghasT still remaiued alive of the fute that await ed them. . .: In the midst of all this, thanks to Hear en, I never lost hope, bnt retained my ' courage to the last One by one I saw my unfortunate companions drop off; somtrnf tlrcm floated otf, -find WMifMen"'" and gnawed by tinhes, while others were washed under the: raft and rt-umiiied with mo till I wa rescued,- I could Bee their faces in the openings as they were swayed to and fro by the waves, which threaten- ed TiioTneii t to wash 'me off. TJie raft at" f 1 it 1 , . , "jf ' ti liJalil s-kti I i vr elm hm.l . T.. .....4 . i. i i i i i j ,; , , to llold b.v, "le '. J fry few words were spoken by any, and the only sound i that e heard was the Biilash of the wa- . . ., , , .. , ., Ifr fir Hut. I.oitetr l.w,illi,,ii ..f tl.. eavy breathinz of the Poor they tried to i"ecover their : . ,, I ' breath after a s. . i wave had passed over them. v Kept mcir lieal above the surface. i tie w omen were the first to so. Thei" all fell nil' the raft without a word, except nin ii.ior giri who cried out in intense U!,lhV. 4k ( mv iiortf uin, lim' iiml tiaf i.r w) u. .. ,. ..,,..,.,. I.;,..., OI. the mil there were not more than throe "r '' "' gave me what , '''IT1'1"-'1 W ue .a small map, nut WIilcU I understood Lira to sav was a sort of ti-" ttdeecno his j.ropcrtj-. In a tew rno- , jui.eiits alUr T took it, he-tob milox.sedrttls 1 hold, and wus added to U16 nuuAer that floated about the raft, i. I endeavored to get the paper into my ip-.ci-.ci uiu mum! mis lmponsiuie, on ac Wis about four or five feet from. me, it was .liflicu't torench him bnf nfw em.. v . - . . . . isiileriilili. exertions f iiiprtodft in ln.iivi i , , , ... , V , ,so. ami hrloe.l linn u-ith oni nf inv t-nooa 't . ..v.. i . v ..... , ....... ...i .n...i.i. nntJl j Oceania quite faiut.wheil I was ... obliged to leave fijm to his fate. Poor fel- I"w', '' I-romised me if he ever g got to N. uiu iic w cm 11 1 rewaru me well.- ,e F,ung terrible tenac.ty to life, ""J " Um' ""'Wf " 119 "" . but he, too, dropped off in hie i was now left alono on the rait ; not a I - . . . but rtill my hope continued strong llie night of the second. day Was abont closing ' A. O T.V ' ''nnz me wno.o time i nau , . x 1 .1 - .... 1 ' v 1 111 uiu i,lVI 4 II'.', l. Jilt 11 a jr1H- :C"lo of ntiything br drank a drop. strt'"i5'"'. 1 wis beginning to give 1 1l,um "ol I'crceive onjecw w feet otf; even the lrhartlr faces of the r 11 a .... 1 . r 'm , mi , ?'C? V'U fc""l",,J' , ,j V? 1' f H u.i.r thC raft wore hardly d.scen.able determined ". m.ak,nK ,!" """"P ert"rt f,,r ,1,fe ' 1 i.. ,..,,). ,ft . - 7", . -, " , 1 t , UUT"K ' 1 '""""'"ij 1 r"7 'or immgiu 1 sar ir-rrs-e4, jlYsengiii , . 1 . ... ... , ... ,v -tuercv en inc. hhu iiiih' iwemv mj. mtv-I'ls-1 - , . , . -. . 1 posiiru 1 was oy 11s mercy j.reseivuu 'from n..vatery grave. . , r . . . -- - J... 1011 111 Now York, and settins, at times, l'11!';1'1 '$- 4kon trot, , the 'alt, large eruptl.ms have taken placo on ran, larjre ei iipiions nave lakeu oiiieu uu j. n I hands and - IV..,,, the - ., ......ll., 1V. tl,A .. ; i eflecls, as issupposed, of being uiiiiicrscd ., ' II v- in the water so long. .. 1 . J - : THE TEN CENT PIECE. ''Ten cent to fpend just as I ple;rCi jUinm r .. W,y, you do not ex'neet to u av w th miirb e or worn Cn . ........ , v . .... .. ... .X', Kill CVU , I..IA. 11 ... 1 . ... ,i i .., l ; ' ion . t-ic im , in'., ni'iiiu .I'll i....ii.. ii . ,, ..ii m io.nnrt a It. . .. I les-oii, ami ii liaroni wouin waicu ancu , ' ,, , , ., . chances, they could lead their ehihlren .... - .'. . . . kenn old ham of ineatv Pccau.c it is full ot skipio.r!. --1 i .r i .f .n'w.trmr&urtxt, .-as' 4 .;irtiA-7lb1S i. sfflsj:jii j

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