' - - ( r l ihnrli :i !i i if. ;i M i if VOL. XL NEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C., NOVEMBER 16, 1854. NUMBER XXVI J. J. BKCKER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS i Tw DaH.fl yr, ftU Mlm thnw tnonlhi from 4mu of MtMeXf! t IwoaWlara lad fifty cmta it nut bata Hrl MM .aptratmi of Mm y.r, im inn O.S tf MW 4a fMT IHMpMr- 4 wtU .11 arraararra an pud MtM Mi tor. UlIM to lb. Editor .Hi W port pud atlanlaua. THE NEWLY MARRIED, OR A . GOOD LESSON. BT MRS. EUhLI.NK P. PIXMMKR. commendations full a yard long ; and Susan did the work for one family thir teen years ; she, too, came to me highly j I: 5 lofiware J . 15 I SB I . I I 1 rf. -a ' 5 r ft rt ! - S. ! IB! sr.? Kft ! s Hi I - - t M ! 8 s '31 : F . 1 j " Olidear! this weather is cold enough for November," said Mr. Ashton, ' I wish, wife, you would order a fire made. I y.r, ud thr. d.4- cannot keep a limb of my body still.' ?SS " W the wife I think that wmiiu rui'roijf mucinous to nave my grates soiled after they had been cleaned so nicely, ami my summer blowers up, A WONDERFUL STORY. We notice iff the European papers a BOYS OUT AT NIGIIT. RALKIOII AND GASTON ROAD. From the report of the President and "Oli, nonsense 1 what are the crates times that if she were to follow my di tdkaJlMiM'Um U4f Uey r se-fetin iH-eokitrt he would have no- m., ..i.... ...I... - . tl.I,.,. Hi t ,.,.t ........ lAktA l 1111:17, w.iij liicill uu Wlll LUCEt' ll,Mii !'" wpwii fci"; muic. 7a WAV-Jwjno.This structure is now orer ooe hundred and sixty feet in height- The contributions will come and go when she pleases, and j T P" ,to . H WM say what she pleases." ! v" f the l'K,'6St s,andmf ,,n "She is punctual to duty, is she not T I rMn ''d V,el,IUV A v.e,7 worthy dJ inouired Mr. Ashton. I ' ttu 7 a nrsi marriage twin sons, to wuom "Oh, tbs ; .,;..L-U. ,....) i...t t. n,. .1. 1 oe"'g ueucaie, sue aecidea npou low me toirive her anv advice about it ! ,,erm"y- l'f ' advice of the iut em .jcituY, it scju&, es4(soI Um iuucU tot jand ciwtoina whicb. entrench noon the!l5J01 97, leaving $7S,"0S 24. The c .............. - .i . i l . e . . i : & p- j. ? i . i v pus uavu ivMuciiix me ovcaa ion z Iv ; there, under the influence of tle 4 : . . a lew years Mfp ine procMliagf ol tite I hare been an observer, as' I am a svm- patbixinjr lover of bovs I like to see Uirectora of this road, submitted to th we bear, are insufficient to keep op the jthem happy, cheerful, gleesomei Indeed, stockholders at their annual meeting held work actively, but it ia hooed snout lt- I hardly nnderaUnd h6w a hi'li-tjii- ,U!re last week, it appears that the entire ter reason will be f jtd for refusing to H U9,?fal nian be tha ripened truit of receipts of the company for the year end- she always doc. her work I 9 " devotedlr attached Tliwr healtl !? 1' a'. " 'Tf by 'hi" privilege, d.i to youth. It!aa8.410 21. The entire expenditures quickly and neatly ; hut she will not al-1 oe'" u-'"CHle B" aeciuea upon leaving p- " 'r,"lV""1- j white I watch, witbaieakraaeve all riglitai0, aceounts, HielaJnigdiideMl, wer is even saucy' enough to tell me sonie- i SW.SJ" 3 it tatitts 5,!iS-. . L" !S5rfi:ySTa i ictitttSkJ Til - -r A i. Ib apw. oec.pMd by I. rlcw Um- A. tdmlwwM nwkirif H it H urr, rh.rf rd i. pniajrt.. to I mam : Mahiuf Vi Of Si 4r. r.arf rd Hi pmpufl to 9 r. All frvUiKM of tl rouaj l , cftaxgrd I. pnifMirttu. to the wh.iM'.of .kick it ar. frwannrfp.rt.- -- llrriAnil RKnU, withnal uldilional chafr, (raalrd W IkoM arb. advertia r)raJHy tbrvufh thr )r- ' TWrca d.dlan f. ..aMMiiarinf cudidla furffirf.. ('uart 1'rdrr rkwfrd 'ii ftt fnl h.eh'r than thr lartr. rair. Order (ur divurc wf h.aiiand .Ml m-ifr, till .aria. irFrnaaa wn.if i. adirrrliarinrtita are rrt d a aat Ik. ..nhr of inarnaxui rri)uirrd ; and if it a wiafecd lh)r alxxild urrayy lh laal apacr axaai btf, arril Uf n I ha laark the word (- Othrrwiar tkay ilt k put P lk aa..l ') "d charfed acardia(T. r,tli But the wife remained immovable and inHevible. "Say, Emily, may I ring the bell, and I am very sorry that you have so ma ny trial, my dear. I have a great many in my business, and luno secretly hoped that you might be spared nil these little order a tire (" trials, that you, might fuel like diverting " A a, no, quickly interposed his wife, ; my mind in an agreeable clnt-cliat when 'I have just gt my rooms cleaned for j I return homo weary and dispirited' the t-umiiier, and 1 will not have them "Have yon seen Mr. Barre to-day?" touched.' inquired Emily. ' ' "I'leancd for the summer! I wish I "No, I have not," replied Mr. Abhton, could live in a place where they would 'glad to turn the conversation. cniler it a crime to clean a hoiie more incut in Italy; there, under the influence of the hue climate they grew, but preserved the nervous impressibility which in tlteii youth had put their Jives in danger. flieir likeness to each other was truly surprising. Uoth devoted themselves to fine arts, painting especially. When, sixteen year, old tliey were con sidered as masters ; but about that time Washington Mouameat Society at Wash ington received a stuitien imjxHaa. A uioiig other measures adopted to procure (sufficient funds fir the completion of the eui&oe was that of ajpantinjr an agent in each congressional district throughout the United Matt, who were furnLdifd with lithographs of the, future monument. inrr tmth. 1 in ttii vsiftntia ntfuntl that' ..... 0 g ..j r H I 9fi OJ1m EA iilltiatntii jected for a long time, but at last over- f, vm ,r ; .1- come by the supp .cation, of mother they Lnd of uiin conntr. Pennsvlvan- Couie, tea is rea.lv" said Emily. ! eu l C 'Ifl-T, w aec? ;.w1,' c""e 6,K""U The whole family were assembled than once in twelve veurs.' ' Thv both sat down in silence, and ap-1 . " ' V "H"" ' r ' i to U-4 at Uie beautiful picture. In tiie Tl...., I .1 I.I "l ...l.. in.nr.4 to 1k H-rnrinvd in tl.li' nwr. i tu 10 vMt weece and the 4ast, to be all- ;.-.:. ,, .11 r:. tluin I m.w nil. " Kn.ilr f. .r f....r I I thollLhtS. SCIlt 8 year. miirht net iMiisoiied before inv time came. I Soon aflt-r tea the door .ucii fieciu 1101 ti nave any iicrceiu ion 01 , on- i n v-i u uiiuiimuicu. a n c vmiix ' . .- i , t i ' iva w aaumcuiu ui nuu- . ,. t.-. dirt. It is fortunate that so ,,ehnVw.' l.d off in lively conversation. The '-teresfng and beautiful scene. , his ,,e dweh in terilisl wdj , dissolute, cnmmdnien,. Parent. .1.1..... : ...ii i.i r. i...,i ,,! travels. But these pictures taken from I .;,...u . uf-if-.i i should in this particular have a ri'Md and up the tire-frames to soon." muttered Iter ' 1 1 with a resolution that nothing should . nf w,ee 80 tx?t"tl'1 V"5 'n"terl,rt oJ i Suddenly the fanner broke silence : lius'inml. 1. 1 . ri HiuHuHin, lawajui sua uaa ara iiesuiany were transmit-!,...,... :..Ji r.i i ji iuiu tue sireei aiier uit bell rang, and ft .h,.,n ,t0, 1,19 mother .rl brother , , ,e tln.-. -,k portrayed fT "C4're : l .1 lrvper ri'-ius 01 uoys, 1 am equally appre heuaive Test parent who are not tore thoughtful, and have not habituated thein awlrco u rUw oWrvaiioii upon tlio sub ject, permit their scms indulgences which are almost certain to result in their de nKralization, if not in their total ruin ; and among the habits which I have ob served tending most surely to ruin, I know of none more important thau that of parents permitting their sons to be in the street after nightfall It i ruinous, to their morals in all in stances. They acquire, under the cover ot night, an nnhealthful state of mind, bad, vulgar and profane language, ob scene practices, criminal sentiments, a lowkgs and riotous bearing. Indeed, it is 111 the street alter uuhtfall that the the education ipacity for ""becoiiii rig "What! at this seat-on pf the year almo-t the mid. lie of June t We had ought to expect summer weather by this linm."- . "Snpjxisc we should have callers to day." " So one will call to-day, i should not readily imagine. I think the clouds pre dict a storm. K-cur to cluud the sky over their matri ."' T 'a"Ue1 U-V.U,e LTU,T " " 1 i.a!IthUf.r m al life. For many times our young e4 "6 ,e e ume, mai ii.ey , . u D . Yo0 know wife had contrived to feel sad, and make rndv be distrngurshed the one from- L( Whingt.m w " her' husband as gloomy as if stmie real i .l'u."1,.'cr 'V'0 '," Ll'IK'r " Vet, be was tiw first President; he misfortune were hanging over them. red died, and the physicians wrote to the ;.ke1 ,Le pnd,, didn't he C " What say von, Emily, to giving- Hpl' I,.,,c crcumstauces 1 a. Ves u,-, ,Le and tLU lK.usekeei.ing, and going out to board ll "Tl"fi ,,ea,th- -r heauftda.y.! h b-etod Jft a tmini; leSimo- said Mr. Asia after another chapter of i f"1 'he ,bour' tUe. brod'er ''nial of the etefuai gratitude hi -coun- the servant's deficiencies, and short com ings, and overgrown ideas to " what was I ly also died. The same circumstances at tended his death the last words uttered were the same. trvinen. The anticipated sabscriber studied the " In d.H.rs or out f inouired her hns-: their place, and what was not." "1 should i "r , ' pUte attentively. band, roguishly. Ilike to try it, at anv rate," continued hoJ ...v-..-. Well, saiJ ne, I won't pay any Jiit t this moment the door bell ran.' " hy, .Mr. Ashton ! 1 thought you -. fi tWn towards it: 1 dotal see no use to which betokened something more than wished to keep house, because you could '"" 'V.T ''i' S".n8' ' le ..u'.ter- , ,wllie mitsarh bia cLiomey. .JeriWaljLa tslie Und lost She 1 11 mi trarruiiii iihv tir iiimiiit. ii'm-iiliv 11 h f n moiv not in, hum . viKitnr was nsnereu in. ell. .Lium soitua, out 11 is more . , ,. .. , . . , , . ' l,t i .r. , Mr rn. " ..-.M for voiir sake than mv own that I won d ' ""- 'ot-oisei.es, atiu t- 1 l a 1.....?. . ...1 1'.l ... .. mai-.. tU.i .li.ifn.. I u,. t..ii. I...,i-.L. ...... itmtttm.- w-fHhmfc4ftrt-rrgOT twcfmt--.- -- - T ; , T-r-d-ir7?;rr.TriZ vr ,;;,.V r 1 rrT..1. . 1 the m'lhey niiaired to Span . . M.rri vi' 1 mt ' v- i-i K-ntniiii'i iu. ii imp , - . . Hon our readers against a very yisy j A, , t vis. u.t.n ,mtllil but ,,,. illternipted chain mlvi'riiiuMiieiit lii'Hili-il "American A ft-1 . . 1 1 : 1 ....... II ..., ... .n i.,..! ..!. I.i. III 111 Hi :l I Id I1 T lll'll l.ll ll'l'l'l. II 111 I. I I Ul. lll"l IB .l-IT BIIILTIIII1I IT .-,1111, I'll - - ..... .. , 1 JtUnJLamtt Paper. receipts from freight, passengers and mail nMiir9a.il I'I I Al. " . viv i u,d.j, ii,uuu iiiu current ex penses $70,530 tM, showing a profit on the year's business of 103, 302 81 or 10J per ceut. , The following gentlemeo were elected Directors on the part of the individual stock-holders for the ensuing year, viz : L O'B. Branch, Thomas Miller, Geo. W. Mordecai, and Dr. W. J. Hawkins ; and Hit following gentlemen were appointed by fiie Board of Internal Improvement, Directors on the part of the State, vix : Oastoi. II. Wilder, John G. King, and Dr. E. 11. Crudnp. At a Meeting of the Directors, subse quently livid, L. O'B. Branch, Esq., the popular and able President, was re-elected ; and iltj. W. W. Vas. was re-elected Treasurer; The atTawiTlie i Itiiaa"apaToTeTn a most tiroepero-j. and aatiat'actory condi tion. hal-cuh SUindard. illfjelildt. rula.. tlmi irill n,.a n..rfiiit a a..ti under any circumsUnce. whatever to go ' HON'- HEXUY A. WISE OS KNOW XOTH into tne streets alter uightfall with a view of engajafing in oit-of-4or sports, or met other boys for cial chance occupation. A right rule of this kind invariably ad hered to, will soon deaden the desire for such dangerous practices. Boy should Ue taught to have pleasure around the family centre table, in read ing, iu conversation, and in quiet amuse ments. Boys are seen in the streets after nightfall, behaving in a manner entirely destructive of all good morals. Fathers and mothers, keep your children home at uuuu a ihiuk urn auca a ui; ariuuiurj. " I 4 .... I ...... 1. . , man o i iu i mru 1 ruusHania. in . irinuia 1110 your rreiTJitTS pteaiaTiTrsnfacandpKF ti table to them ; and above all, with a view to their security from further de- LlOIl, in U- . .aJMUI'"-Wi,., , , , , . I ., rTJnne, he cotifllaleu ; ' try, ' pr loses to sundry " gilt " , i , i t, lots and house, in and near N. Vl'",1't'r- . , , . , .., A.iiiwiiM. : i : It is indeed. I havi iaiV UnionJl.ia Jtlucki. J . W . Holhrook iu. (Secretary Picturet, York, and 24),0K) in cash, in various sum. ; all of which is to do alter he shall have uccecdcd in selling 250,000 tickets at fl each. iht is. to ay. t.hi..Mr., U.ii These remarks sank heavily into the vc been telling wife i heart that we ouirht to have a ir.ssl eoa! fire, not retrain trom weeping puss LV-I.. .1 .I...... r I....I 1.... .n-ir flu. ,11 u-l,,.ii ulii. u.i,a t..t.,i Ikiw. .I..,- Ciilliv, uunr, inm i . ou uuiia. i iiau uiu- ........ ... . ..v. niw..iiV. ...ivji. ( j i. I i..v ,1... ....I n.,l..r rit. ' Jvi liila eiiiiniiiir oviir tliu ilia of hhi . 1 . .l' ii tj. .....i. i : -i i.i - , l I r.iroiT ironiiru, nun 1.1-1 1111 iioiuiiirot . . J!XV5ri- TtefrMr hnJM Mr. Norrmiick- n I liow WKu I'll do ; I'll 1 1 .. iK, i finil Ci'f trif friwul mill i-ultijir I L...a All '1 a I Al- U 1,11 ,T KliXJ 1 Hill lllll I-IMII, IiItlll'sifM ill), " ( . ' - " i , I i. ,i I hot - RO fff' Mr. Alison wns ',. .,, , V. .V' : " in,- the t.rL ,af whirh thr iv thiW Uly eer heartf before, is to lie trusted with $2.50,000, with the faint hope that sted 'a wilL as he promise, to do, not onlv furnish stout picture with $250,0)0, but wuaflerwanJi digtribute, iiy s4urt-.ul' lottery, (itself utterly unlawful ii New York,) another $230,000 iu pictures, mo ncy and "real estate ! . , AYLJCmsed.Jlolb4xiokfcv fisemetif, with a Circular ottering us $25 ti insert U six. iiioiifhs. But, seeiiig iio- " TTimg fiTiriTiart neked'1irnriT?rrTinirr -iug mU HMany a poor and toohinkintf per . i . i .i ... i i . son miiiht be tempted U throw away a dollar upon tuch a humbug, we threw the Circular and advertisement into the tire. To our surprise we fine that many otlier papers, and among them several of our most respectable exchanges, have published the advertisement. We there fore thiuk it a duty, not only to refuse to give it currency, as we did, but also. to expose it We have no doubt that the whole affair i. an arrant humbug, a cheat a hr i unquestionably unlawful. The law. of New York prohibit lotteries, in every shape, as demoralizing, even .when regulated by law and under ressmsible management. How much more Mieh a lottery a this where the public has no scennty for the forthcoming of any of the prieea. It ha. every appearance of one of those swindling operations with which -New York abounds. c regret mat me Southern pres. give, it currency (it is not published in llie .-ew iora piijiers, we believe,) and hope that ho reader of ours wHI bd humbugged by "J. W. Holbrooke, Secretary." jnuujaUaiwtiier-.ciaaa. IrS'Tnorelike No-: ritnt. Precfarrs little romfort do I seef' j T" ,1ken.l8,tk lrat'on was or- t cllNlMti un ii.r-.iti nrL.r-iji Tli- JLhCMmSeMUsMJWM,&M yr; i.trnctiiKi. Ui tlntlil niit, IwaiiniiM r-w hiht. sous again devoted themselves to naint- P'4 ra,lw ' t.uing ineir ctiaracters tor lile, so ac- in jr. htu (sixteen vear old, tliev were f "ujius i ri -nr. cui.Miieu o uuregara the iifinii sense ol Awi-.wu w jiphjii i.. w "uuct- .-jiiikme as u oitenir viuiute the ahbuth- I- a : 1 .fOtW-..T, f .-. IXG1SM. In a rreeirt letter to the Richmond Ebqtiirer, ocvupving some six murbtl columns of that Jour nal, lion. Henry A. Wise, L-ikus into conoidenv lioo the nw orilifr, known as Know Xijtliinga. He propose tlie opinion, that the preaeut auto of aifin in this country is nut im b u to jwtify theiuruiatiuo, by .the people, of sny se- cra puiiiM-ai aticirtj. Ana inoruer 10 suow inr in.ulhciunoy of tlio Cathuhc Church to eudunger public harmony, gives tlio following statistics : TUe number of churches in the United Slate, is 3t4,04il, of Catholic churches 2,1 ; rtiora than 3 1 to 1 aru l'rotustanta. In Yiririnia tha dered. The mother for a time resisted, f"l 'rucTaT, p.eriiig 2Krdar rtr street pastrrrres duTtrnj its day or of he vninir wife and si ecod ! 1,1,1 fi,,all)r "'ted that one of them hf- i " .TiZ should visit the Smith of SMin. Cliance I 14 d ivt 'inK inwi-Fiinivii ... . . . . . . Im. .muc i anuin.1 m-1imi L Jtr again aesigimiea Altrea as the one that " . " " . . - The same phenomena were j wil '""T?. "r , ilirimi U'ltii.niMl hut u- i.in.I. I., imiuiiitu in aomii wall has alreawlv been erected, to be sur- natl!nr luanutActur evening hours. "0i. I am hot Norri. with shivering prote limbs ; ..... J xm infarlhr WaS reWliced by the U V-mwi tlss-Ir, at tik.wl.fcft,-!.. m . phweaq ao I ...st run over ; SSjS? ffid rJS I e Tron' Work, in Im enaartr Ttah Tern-1 rW P' k, glove, , sua- . . 1 ..... . i nut In makinu vourself i tml In- wiiikinii at HOW TO SHOW LOVE FOR A WIFE. Skw L W fur vetir wir. bum I Trior a.liniralinn of not Wi or iu the her; tnu w making vourseu a i.i nv wwikini; si anil 1 7 : luore than 20 to 1. The whole value of church property in the United State ia $37,328,901 ; of Catholic church fwtefty ift Jjaofl-or 9 to1; -In-Virginia llie whole value of church proiierty is $2,856,- 070 ; of Catholic church projwrty $42U,100 ; or 22 to 1. In the United States there are four Proteataat aect, either of winch ia larger than the CatholiciT The Baptiata pnivida acomiuodatioua ...347,09 Tha Methodnia fi ...443,479 TUe Priiabyl.riana Ii To. t,'uugr(aUuaaiiili aa Amr"ir fiair Prolealaat ar-rla. 1 he Catbuilca fcr. Majiirity iif niily fnnr Pmteatant aecta.... AiW tha Knai-Ai)ialiwia fur. 4 I..... .im. I.iilli I ooll.i.l a rielnl loin in aiuv : to her s le ill. In . - " ... -i . i -i l.t ni i . . . ' " w Mi",ur .. 1 i i i . ,, . Lj ttw...!... .ur- l...a- '.-.. rl""-!"- bttiUMsr. lied.i -thegL I'-iS J-VJ aNUl W1 tX.yny.tfcmliatUt-iiliw thtin Wartef real conhirs ratherearir.a... already airlmpe 1 the wh,de m: m'r-her ulmle heurr j bothpronounci ngth eT-e(f - TWNortl an.1 southern Wmira, ,,T -nit-iea! U7the you wilt excuse lift-but as I hint some am a I : her , same words their brothers had prououuc-! - .nk. , nigh value j J t on "her health and lifc. and particular business with Mr. Ashton. I dear child, said .Mrs. iIm.ii, . 1 , j,,. H,ten 4Uve eylln. 1 trf miu). M Tour (f ((. concluded you might be at home at this sun ing kindly, you are young yet that , r--v js J,. jn (c German 'dric1- K.nnie.I by oa-tag. turrets and fall nt of her aWrt, b let it be consent m . The ''ftwWaV"wV--'''"':'"g "' 'ir4-aty-.,it.i tnith in.1 srn-a.'.nil .irh4atoiuiaca .."i am giati m you, .am air, ,-tsn. t .. v v . m.-w -hi., n miciv no. .. ,, , . ,r.i,.,,l . wav letinji to the battiemenu. IV. . her of y.w juaawitn. ' tarn. . : I , iVLrj,.w.''Vy .a"yVy"" l'''x Baliererrf-HiisHrhVrmrt-'"8- iiiioiu.iu "urn i ii". va-iw. , , -, ... .. t. at . t- t.rikiiil J tZa-. I.n 1 1.1 1 r..v ' Tim DVT lUf ttt ntkW MUQ HI ttUlinL 'y4Wg-K-i.Ff4d..a ( ,lie western end will be placed in ,.idN th Ut that yo can use, eau.-c.ally THE GOOD OLD TIMFjS IX YIU- la Hipper or I rsa Ma A.B -y f '' GINl jor- Asregardftheintri.arrange.nents pfUofl btwrt Mi-vi-a. J r. Iuv lhat tnak.-s the husbaiid cheerfullv toll bv . nil. ... .Mr waaarmvui aa imihiiiui . , - .. . .. . , t--- -i'i !"V, l-rvat his nst bv ui'li', einmre all mrta of ..a.OTW.W ... SUI,83i .10.47173 ..9,WMM . tj'J8 . 10.447, M8 After a short time, Mr. N orris took liisl ma leave;"" -I " Small favors received, acknowledged, "ess move in jH-rlect system, and yet and gratefully accepted, and larger ones have quietness and ease." in t.roM.rtionV' said Kmily, as soon as the ! " In the first place, the object of good visitor had closed the door. ' I gave or- housekeeping is comfort, and comfort it.r lers to the servants, this morning, to say plies quiet and ease. Always try and Under this head, " J. A. Y." a corres-. ."7 feet long ly 35 tevt w ide, and on f mi .mil i uiiio n.1,1 itimiiril fur ii .but have e very t tiinir Mlcasant lor Vour uus-. l'niieni. oi me . l . spirit ol me irjiec, .. i i,:i .. l ,. .... ------ " ' - - ' -r- . . . -. . . , : 11 . .. , mar nir. ui.a aa ad. c a.u " ' mi ".i. il i . i .. - .. .i i I......I If ...n 1...,- n .. ., ..t I.. ,-,.,1 ; li'lU two or three varv (mml clum... ..iw. - F-. .. ..... - - u- we nan gone ..no ine country. ......... .... ........ .u. -;- - - o ; l.v lt wslo, wliiie oo tlie third floor L, miir f i ..i.i.. x- ...mm ........ ...,,.t;..i. ),...., With a., mi I. uf w ne i is the foilou-inir : I .. .... .. .. . r or my pun, a was giau to see .a or- -u.-.v, .. , --- - . tin-re miu in; aaoUaer o lue same sue, beart a dailv . , . i ,. ,, . 'I .1.1. II.... . I. .....I. !.. i n t iiiu ilnrj lifi-l i.l.l V.-..1I ., rw.. ... . . . ' - " rm aniil Mr Aiilirmi ' u ia-.. 1 11 mi.rll. llt'ltllJI. IIICUIIS. HI1U lllbl. llioillll IlOl leunl. ' ... win ' . 1.;.!. ......... ...... a- ... .l . . a liiilinml t int von niMirlv i hardship, if the life or. health of bis w ife demand fied at the cool recei.tion we iave him. I'oor fellow. ! he had llie Idueshakes when ; right have petty trials which we regret having given currency he went out. I must ask him to tea to morrow. Say, shan't I, Kmily (' " Well, if yon must, why you must, I supp.ise; But" " But what f Have yon any objection ?" Nothing, only I have just got my table-service nicely cleuned and polished, and my table-cloths all-put away with the exception of tlioo we have for our own 4isei - "Capital!" said Mr. Ashton, "How proud 1 shall feel to have things look so nice! I don't doubt, if Mr. Norris takes tea here, that he will be a married man iii less than a year. What do you think, r. Iiim u-hiit 1 Every one livinir here then recollected v ,,ii v- i r i ii ii wus iinN.ses. ir: to intervene In- Old .Ned a frolicking old lee darkey, mi i tw een you and happiness ?"' j who never let a muster, a cock tight or a jj t wy0 ( " ( )h', well, but I have the worst do- i race pas, without being on hand, it p- j. mestics in the world ! They will not tet ; sible. Joined to old Ned's inordiuate, ' me instruct them at all; and nothing is love of such sports was what is now-a- 'done as I should do it." (days termed the business part of mankind ' rui. " I think I heard you say, not long i a great deal of cuteiiess, but what was in ... .i . J. . . . . . i ,., ,i.;.... i.... i:...i.i. deeds, and your word- carry to ber an.l hourly onnfinn.ition uf tlie fact. valoe her health and life and hamiine Artund the otitside of the ; U-yond all other things ii the world; and 1. 1 tl.is a pr.Mut-navile tni fce roanitoat to ner paruculariy at Uiose tunes apprvaaclieJ ou all sides : hW ia luoni ot lutt ia danger. large KANSAS. 4 IWn in a number of trunks lettered since, that they wera very neat and ; mci someimi g ies creuuaoie. ; if , iourueT. SatunUr after- r . " ii. kin ma ii.A.lck itaaittir-tr- -aii-aal t. n rial . , a a a but thev will not let me come off at some tavern in the county of 1 ,, ' . -t " trim n.arfeet. Une negro girt almut ten years . . i said airs yes command them at all prompt "Oh, Wilson. On a certain day a great muster was to Sale Oat. We had quite i ! crowd in Winnsboro' on sale day. ' The negroes commanded an astonish ingly high price, when we reflect what a gency there lias been in the money 1 caunot exercise llcnrico, aud.ol eourse a cock light or,. rlm,,4 ,V frt Ki Titorr. " - ' "Tr ir atiy dignity whatever in my own house." . two. At the appointed time a great ma- v cvos ilesr, WeaIelL ( Zrt i Sl SKi'iw " Do not exact too much," said Mrs. : ny masons were proMent, and among them . -. -th tte- f-.v. ,n j. txHt tuurteen sold for $S.so, a w Wilson. " Doiift vou think, l.v vour own 1 Mr. M.. a ireutleiiian of the real old striw, .i ' , i ..i.' Iuan ulree cuuuren lor Mi. ; anu Majurity of only 6 re Prutratant arcta.. ' In Virginia there "aro' five Tfotesiahl eci7" either of which " htget than the number of Calholies in the Slate. Bipoau .247,598 Epucupal - - 79.UM Luihcraa, ,., .. .JfI .., ..j. 1 M.tb.iit .".::.T;r.TSJ.7r" rian . ...'.I.i ........ llM.IUi 77MiS ratixCi-a. ... ... .... jJO Ma.mly oTfre. Piwteatajil aects iu Tvgiiuar.Tbj.-iii r nearly 9 Iu 1 Thua naliTra are to priwuia uf iurcin birth .D tbr UDltrd Statea, a..1..'. 3 Hr,l- In Vtrjriliia, aa 38 tu I Thr I'nitratant churrh arrumrradntiiKia to the CathiJic an ia Ihc L'ultrd Stale, aa 21 Id I In Virginia aa 108 Iu 1 The nuailier of Pruleataut churehea to num ber of Catholic, in the United State, aa . 31 to 1 1. Virginia aa 14U to 1 The value uf Proteat.nl church property ia the failed State. i to the value of Cath olic church pnierty aa .9 to t In Virginia aa Ji to I There are four l'rotestant sects each of which is lurger thau llie Csrholift in the United States, -and the agirrvgate of which exceeds the Catho lic by a majority of 9,804,250 votaries, and add ing one sect smaller, by a majority uf 10,447,348. In Virginia there are five Protestant sects, each larger thaa the number of Catholics in tha State, and the aggregate of which exceeds the I Catholics by a majority of 705,426 votaries. ttvTFtTT At this lile.isimt turn of affair. Kmilv onnnewtwooccaaiouss Veuiean iiiose , , . . w v,,m(t silv, Mrs. W ih which promise to impart "valuable Inl-.r-1 jviu.j ,,, tl.a ; ..vervthi'tig, to all up- u By" 'keepiti i.iuti. lii i.i ant' aiia u-im u' 1 1 1 n ruur I uir ; 1 . short experience, that ' perfect obedience' j who had made a few ten dollar bets on ,K.rtBre f l!jeir new in ,he f;ir is tlie most difficult of human virtues ?" the c.K'k fights, and lost every one. He West, durin" thi , t TIk-t seem M ",W', ti?rlliHi. aatil Kllllly." Bill 1 " immm iitiuj. i.n hid l.itdluck. when L .ftlie rtuif 4 vLich enit-rants to a how is it that vou take everythin.' so ca-: old N ed was seen api.n.achiiilpwirh-s, ...j,,. eountrr" sk.nf.l 1 u . iaait T uu . .... -aaa. . f--pPantnTi.- passed ll -well - - and Mt.ttr.-.4WrXJLii irtHWiTltll'Jar. IHf- we imveiieani , r;,,1J,!,l thllt if h...-nhl t4 married ! Ml v "have wcrecneai. i ncy vcttt j . . . Mr A(,lt(ni out reflection, lint none sucn .wiii nme , , , . il,-,..., r,,l ihiti.V after with llicm ,m llior tniils ; in short, l.v place in the Observer hereafter. I .. I" Vit v 1 1 iiiir looked mi nice the tea-1 endeavoring to make everything lis plea in ?' : larire ban thrown over his shoulder. a general snpcrinteinf ' " Mill So, Ned, what haverou there t" not 'intertermg too niiicli with , rast rale cock, aiassa ai. servants, encouraging thein when I f TamSXcf - Mi... a al in ViTilioTlllliliy. iili.l fii'llllWII IlitlllL' "till, 'i . iOmi .is il Ihtiit, f, Jlilaaa i t , . ,. , .... I-... v. i . :.t. i.:... i -III . no ii 1 1 ii , oiii aim nun ifp-WaTtl--f.ricountrr j'.seI ; and !-.k jWwarI"To-"tiarwaujr: ney s end. and the squatter life that i te 're them, with versTiig wTt!I AY.r.'I!, lie said the Tain a fig were takin" aa .ne anu vi lue Plain Talk. The Church Review, a very able and learned Episcopal periodical, publislied a woman and one child for $1,100. The in New Haven, Connecticut, cannot certainly be The tract of land on which is located the ' aecuaed of flattering the people of its section. Simpson place, near the station of the 1 Noticing a work called Karmingdalc, by Caro sanie name on the Charlotte Iload, sold line Tboin.is, the liok says : "The solid ig at 1 T.5 ler acre, llie ballanee of the ! norance. the c.iilra. t.il tneaniiesa, tlie cold-heart-land, annie .4 it -B04tW-tilaotee at A5 ;ed,calcuh.t.ng t-m.lius. the want of moral and V t .1... ...,;.. ..r f , V T. . Wfimtl uilluu wl.i.li . Ii -irscferm- ajaxgeas. In coll- i . ' i. i .11.., Yankee farmers, ari' portravt-d to the very - ' W Twill Und no difllculiv in uaiuin'the iK-rtou. wIh.- T11K KUSSIAN KMIH;K. Tlie New York Tribune nv that Kuwia can till cmcenlrate an army of three l.mulrtil iliou ;inl mn at a givin piint, and add : "And there are people who Is-lifVe lhai Nicho hw will sue for (H-aeeif SeyawtoNil he lak 'i.! why, Kiuwia has Hot ph.Jvd one-third ..f hi-r lruiiiH. y.-t, and the mmni'iitary lo of Sevat...l and '( til. IWt ia hardly f. it at atl by the i:int, to wlio.a Sevastopol and the fl.-.-l wen- but ;i pl-iy-ihing. Uussia knowa full well that her ..i-iive a. tioa doc Dot he aloliir the s.-a shores or sillnu -ftt Obaermi.. ir,.;, ...-i ii.l,h..i l.il -i.. i i:tllv. sunt as 'iosihlc l.v an even course daily Kmily took things hard. Everything witlr iiiy hiibaml--aud- vaiiU.J . x. , . in lioiisckeeiiiii'' ai feared burdensome to let little ditficultiesgrow into larger ones. " hat s-jne prTcr.-;e4 4- tier. She trusted nobody ; she was con- i Vou will find them much easier to cv" tm.iiillv timliny fault. Servants were n'oncr. hie must pass over much to get c.iiiliuiH'.l "thorn in her flesh, sourer of irritation, moths were horril and all the daily vexations of life teudi to make this a World ani'iiih. flies a .throiiL'h life happily. i. ' Kmily went home 1 ! put in practice the gi of tiiliiihitioH-attrU Mr. A-lit.m soon .. 1 and, with -grt-'at deli .1 -....!. tt....- And Ned drew -4rth ji lariii! ia.-aJklti . . . ...... Maiiitme I uii ynin.f tiinl ii.ui. It , , . , . , , . ' . i.,aa ii. t-n, ..,.-T . aagaaaaa- -a i ,ai immv. . , , - i i . cock, which, to ludge by- its uu was a ,, ... j ... : f;..,-;,.,- - i.M. i-i.I t'ail ft MatUnii' 1 aUyvraiid that one day, tier tiuuana having ton ncr rnar IVn-m was coming to dii.iu r. bid her read a little of. bi.-Unik upon Egvpt. juat pub- tii-tie.1. in order that rie-hii'ir tie enabled ... i - i to av Tiicthinj civil to It t i ti ;!!. u it, a.i- I.O.' , firmly resolved t" Kid advice given her. Ii.-crved the change, ghl, remarked" that She had been married about two years,he bd not envy a man his " single l.less and. wanted to be considered an excellent e.lness" while lie had such 'a sure resource r..u,.L....ii,.r So Jui mis. so lar as neat- tor crushed spirit a pleasant wile, am filinctiiality lar aa ueai-. , i v. K' n.un iuu- : -. coiim-ucd ;j iiAdiort, a hai'lD" nH;. " Five dollars, Massa, an' eheaji at dat; an it any cock .. inns ground dis f.n k, I gin you back tie HH'iiVy." The barsain was accordingly s'roek and the niaich made for a liglit right a wav. M. bet about the amount he bad already lost, and the cocks were put iu the ring. - At the first touch of the steel. Old N ed's cock gave a most awful squall, and took a strong wind for the woods. .M- were no slaves in tnecnipanv ; out, san he. w, iih a smile, when tin-time for voting --h4W- iww Jd'tteliiujitMi e.;n-f we shall givcuoute Si.athem voe." While weare xrry. sv emigration still omlinuing from tlie old N.-r.h StaU-itlir t"Lt wiii-e- :nc-'iiipai!y ti.is aJva-:itur.us band on tiieir journey wot. May ti.eir foiu!ct a:itici;i'.i-..is !e n;..ne tiiaM realiz,sl. an-i may they thi-i in ll.eir t;.-w b r:us pr. jHjrity and hajipini-ss. II 7. Ilcr-i' l. hiaaali-A .n I... I.I. I., :l, -1 Ctlll'l'll- ... ... ., . 1 I I 1 I I ' Irnti-d on o.. aiiot, wilbniil' fiill.-nng away lli-ir i..rra m a trnitla Coast ilrti nee Hi'ainn evaii.- . . ., ,, , .-..i . .-.i. i . .... . , ,, , ., ,.- ,i i e ai ll er nine i. iai m.i in i iii.iii. o- rent .m-n.H. Kuaa.a mav Use the . rill.ra. the . ". . ., ... I Ki 1, su l-,--er,brg. and ..H ..!, """K tl.a- .laav. w, . which she i . nhl 's'...h.g.s,; but a. long as her l.slv. will, M.- generally cnclu. o with the son-M fill for its heart, and fortifieil I '.'.land f..r its flection that she should l.ot ive long and wwd-arm, !. uiiUuelHd, jJh n.nd.uot gim in . lie might see whom he M ould get to keep mi i.4a." , ( tltingfcin aH nice trder,s. slielid." ' - : " Well, why don't you dismiss them f" ' M'fSfi Martin Parker, of Wcsfmoreliind, said Mr. Ashton iiiipntieu.lly. ,' ew-iWk,TwveHMl''ft " Tfrdirt' ftir-tvwt-1- " What, would, be tliu .iv !)!. ihiilt 1 tl.riliann.l C .. .. I .. ... 1 . I .1 ll.. ,i,.t .... T.l, , .1 il,l till. Ui.rk 1 lllll hot L'.'t 111111- --..n,.,i,a in ,, 1 1 ii uu ,i uu i iaai s nun. ..nt i - r ,- , l-llli f'I'oy who had slanUend lnr, and the mdM make a si ie f h.-mII, oi U put moiir, a man n lined M im i. kilhd I wtng men T.f Itnnip gitTtr her n g-dd'mv luad wit or 1.bh bv doing h.m e-d their illegitimate Unldrut by throw watch,. - J : v I w-iirk- .Thero t-CIniuge- fame wan r-- -uieni-ii;i un. idedlv. When her husband caiiie . . , , curious woman, in l.rookville, says ic would comnieiicV repeating in the llartt'.ird C.uirant, counted llie sliehes she took in making a shirt, llie nimil.ei was fourteen thousand four, hundred and ihirl) -five. ., SHOCKING UK V KI.Ol' M K N TS. - 1'lIII.A I.KI.I'lll A, Nov. ISo.f. ....o.... - - i-. . .... i . ..jt .-!... A i.....,,- iAmn . run-.' a rpi.iii-' u i inr rim aiH. . s ..aa. i at I ut . ru.it 1 . t. i.-w i.. iK.-i. .... ""'uiIM.8a, Hl. . tllllKMUalllV WCl'l! COULTXllCU.jllloil, lif.ll.. .......v. , ........ ... .. ...... ... .... .. . - 7- .... - -. - . . . a . i.l ,..,',.11. ,.;. .1 I.." it!iiiiw'1iitttto . . . . ii,,, niu-n ,.,ii.-...M , .... ,-. . i - - . . 1. ...... .. .l...-,...,l.r..l ..l-..l.,u, .if "1 IV.t?A 1 IkTiiM litflK SAin 4IU44H tn-n!! mi ai I. Hit T7iiTi-a laaijaii. ira nw i ,a a. -a nana i r. -aa a.iji- - - - - a--.--i-..jt,-..-r,.,.a l - . . , .. ' . . " C . i , i - . " . - i .. . -1 ...l. .. 1 ding that he wonld leai'e the volume tor her on his tudy.tahie. lie forgot this, however, and 'Madame, np n going into the -tu iv. found a volume i " ltd .in-n Cnisvi" on tiie table i.wtead. which having- read very attentively, she wa- not Ion" on opening upon 1 leiion at dinner. about the desert island, fits manner ot mi l..r ihrir picture. 1ms paitrv uiean- n.-ss ..I li.-r:u-u-r is alnio-t the urst thing .iImiiiI . Hngl uul.-rs." It is just this eliiss pnvisely wtrirh -imaaWW4ate-Mt4..aUaa. aUiUl.3!!?!!'i!; ,u- Th rni.ri' r. titi.-l an.l iiit. liigi iit (iortii.li i.f e Kng-l.-tiiij MH.-K-1V bate nuthmg to do uith'it. A n:v l.i.iiacions ladv once offered to l-et ber hn-band fifty tWlars-that she would not speak a word for a week. " Goifcl !" said the delighted husband, staking the money, ahich the lady im mediately put it into her pocket, observ ing very gravely that she would secure it until tiie wager was decided. "Whv, madam." cried the husband, Inn. (Ud Ned was accordingly hauled up, with the application of some pretty epithets. " Didn't I tell you Massa M.' says Ned. if onv cock hero dat cock I give you back de five dollars Ihit tl.ev1fa.ve -to lanrtin lo contain rnev. mi uu-u. ou unot an acvjileutal e.vaminaii..n. pr.-ved to ! ten whole kegs, five hjdf kegs, four quar ter kegs of gunwtK-r. V'," llx... and t . iilv -five kt-gs ,.l" ,ajjal packet! in thec.'tfi.v. It'wa diava-ta.-af-t.VGrena.la. i . . . . i . i ia! site meant : ai nasi, u nn ner saving. A7i j'it. r 1 1 infrn .' (t ri davi W percvived she t.x.k him tr no les a person than lit.binsoii Crusoe. fTie Tii'iTC"'; I'meaii th'elfoefc: affor T "am" buried. ' kotch hi ul t'us ; an' I never seen any cock Mis-is-ippi. bur as n i04-a.et would re oiitniu oh" Skew ball in mv lile. Ya! ya!" eeive it. and Yiok-dtirg merchant con ( M. wauled to be very angrv. but it was sa-nt to st .n- it. the Mavor .. charge of ' i r . i 1 ' a. - " ... I .i .. . liis artwor was c lokeil iiown hv ii. it is susfsea ne iw A Woman named l'uiiielia Myers, now ' - - ,. ...... . ,i . A I , i. .... under arrest, lias coniess.on rimr imrpar-a- five iiitr . ii, i. in I ' t lie niiroiirioiisraut.'hler of the crowd that i..-u-ki-.l to save tlie frt-tght.v ..ifthoiigb it en l-Ttlla Uier Mr. A. h H ill liU.rh.siiI aliiv-h iim .r li'ilf lr..ni n." --.tsTi f.. rin ivt wii..' i m r Trieii.i lunik I .11 it no t him -on . sidv, and he was forr Wia it 1 .e Jin i . m pa.r-1 ot t ie lKi.it anil w a j hrtn xiid 1 hear ot" I hi lb. t w.iillia.i 'I to I'liinv it as a capital mkc. ltd N- ad on l-nd. 1. -email whocouUl dosu. Ii .vms.. i clai'tli.-ir wmg f,r ,v. 'and "I.I I'lcn- cvntititK'tl to fiviiucut the course till Jus a ihtiiij for the sake of a tew dollars tUt- tich-cr t nib the welimw-pwiQ with l rn. , w - r4.r-i nn.nr-a' ea-.rr - , "imp - HiU6orotih Rtmrrr .-.,.'. . " ' ' '. : I J, 1n.',.. ... A I.AKI.K OWL A fiiend in this count., intprms u- thai re.-r.itU killed Am 'wi in that wi; measured ttvt si-r- a tm-A ' The census of Itichiuoiid, Virginia, has just been taken. The entire population is put down at .12,3S Of this number are ll'.JJ m hiWpeisons, 10,8-"t slaves, and J.'.-'i free perspus of color. Thuilow Weed, of the Albany Evening inurnal. is now the lather ot eigliteen clnl- -drun bis valuable liclpniate having prc--ented bun with one every eleven months ;jtftre their mimnge ..v y " i'lwp' ..,-.-i-.:M-".t.a..r?v t'ii

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