ii 5t1WlTM 1 fit K-lT HiM!Mir ' 4 pfwlti ta Valitjfs, Ufius, rirnitiirf, JatfrMt mproofinrnts, dTonimrrff7 tftf Jlrts an) Srirnrrs, vitality, unit tjf ailrEirrlf. VOL. XL-NEW SERIES. i SALISBUItY, N. C., DECEMBER 21, 1854. NUMBER XXXI juwu tviu . fm.utk-r I J.J. BRCXEtt, Editor and FRorttlKTofc. T TERMS I THE KNOW NOTHINGS. A Seply to iht Utter of the Hi. Henry A. Wiie. Ni w VoiiK, Nov. 24, 1854. To tiik Hon. Hknkv A. V'i. : Sik poses, by fawning and flattery, have fos j it-red anti-American sentiments and anti- American organizations among our adopt ed citizens, lor tlie sake of political au Fnm tkt Rakigk Regutn rftkt 1.1. THE LEGISLATURE. another to give it effect at the expense of I vail ; we who'belong to American organ national and individual tacriticea. i jizationg believe our first duty is to our Yon iiivt infer that the Know Nothini? country and its children. 11ml up nmv organization is not only levelled against ! possibly deem it expedient to confer tin- T'10 Legislature lias entered upon the ; vance uent, as the chief sinners who are I foreigners by birth, hut against the Poic vi legos which are liable to abuse. I con- Jvw'h week of itasession, without having ......,.!..... ii. ....... i. ,.r .!. . I IV !.: I i I. I, . .I....ll I,,..., . I..U.I il.ui tiu kum iL. fu . I ueeol.tlilished much in tint il,.ji,i,teli , it' i-- riiuiii u ii.u mam ui uu .wuHtriieu e- I i.l iii.llic, lli u (til cn-i . ; M'ivmi i-i i,-.. . tvut .i.-, " wuu. mi? ill 11 i iut t" f ill- i 1 - ..... i i I l ' mesis. There are no men more earned ' Jar it is opposed to priestcraft ; and if the hold them, and that, therefore, if a ma-1 tlie puic business. Under the circum-1 lg" to vote y tlme a'"1 wliat olI,t7 Admiration for your talents and advocates of religious freedom, or more i'ope of Koine pretend to any right' or jority of the American, people thyik (ro- nces, it u prejMwterous to talk of ad- I have-to the advancement of thefarming oi JNortii Uaroiimu it was ap parent to me, at that time, that the most Two ftJLr. jrn t Kilkia thnw month, torn 4at uf mbn.'. t Iwu JI and fifty eruia if ihH fm4 brAHV liw liir.tiMl if lh )r, and lhn 0,4- I ard .niM N wirw.(. e m1 ejr(M .i tli o).(Hm eoniKieiicB in your pairiotisni (iave iniluc- loeciuetl opponents oi party con upli.iii. vr th Cin. ed me to periinu, carefutlv, your recent than tho-e who belong tx the orguiri.a:ion- iJr.'i'.'7 "' " " P' '"'"""' 'ai"--i'o against the so-calfed order of : which you oppose. It is not the religion " " Know Nothing. I d" not pretend to of the Catholic more than that of the Pro comete with you either in logical acu- testant to wliich they object hut it is free- I Communicated. THE LST APPEAL TO THE FAftM- ' EIW. OF NORTH CAROLINA! i It has been nearly three years sinco I privileges in this country, inconsistent Per to alter or abolish the naturalization jouming at any fixed period and par-1 interest with the entire freedom of" religious wor- law?, it is their inalienable privilege to j ticularly at so early a day as either of ! purt,,lt tl r.hip, or the spirit of our republican insti- do so, and their motives may not be im-j ,n"s(J mentioned in the House of Com-1 n: .:... tfff i ti pi- i-ifc ii t ( 5f3 ' " Be- . a C k i3S '--3 J' - 0 " I :.0?j...5 I if o tut:,,.,, l.ot i i mikI us minions vi i mi- tmi.Mn.il as itiiinica to the cans.! of cn-I I "ions on rnuay auu nam ma v nisi. duiibtedly u'nd a stubborn and successful liberty mid human rights, I am sat'sned w'" ,,e 8UU,' tliat the applications of opposition in the American party. Nor to rest upon this assertion, with following 1,10 "nkg ot tlie tateana Cae t ear for can I iiL'ree with o that the idea of the you through your long and learned, if not j "e-charters, of some others for an increase ;.of Aiiiericanisin, induce me to oiler some dmn in our j'veriMiiwitlri"'u aii rt-irgrriis '1i'e intlueiice arllris day is BorprcpoB- lucid, iliiertatitHi. That both parties i". capita stock, and yet other applica- i!trggesl1i,rr5 iu rPgiiriT To tlie " iht 4iae e-t blame lor the alue o the-""-""- um crauwu ut ucw jmiihi, jmi i....i. ..... ............ m ', ...i ... . ...i ...... I... 1 1 i'.i.i i : i .' ..( ........ t C.r tl.n ; i,!itiiri;ti,. l.i.i t ii nit fnp il... .!;.,.. i been made since our last The discussion IIOWC VI. IS H IllttllCI "I J HU UICHI ................... fj, lb IIIOUH,!, . , , . . . rican people to decide, nnd they are ' and degrading spectacle of a foreign in- Hna consideration ot our lianking system men or in rneioricai uispiay, but a sense "oni tor all whieli llicv advocate treeaom !of truth and justice, and a warm feeling from the tfrnnuy of priestcraft, and tiee- k Iiii'Ii voti assume. Hie imstulate wliich anv churc!i shall hold spiritual stmrema down that the laws of the Uni-cy in these United States: and they di; you lay- do A met ted Stales declare and defend the liberties I not believe that any man who acknowl- thank God o enlightened and well, fluetice m American elections, is true, and i "'V tHurcLire Ue expected- to come, up f our lieople, that the are free in eVerv 'cts a hiKher duty as it reirards his iio- I advised that they may bo fairly trusted ; it is time that the corrective should be : ue;'!re l" lwo nouses very shortly t ew . .. I -I... I. .' .. . . . ' . , .. . . - - - 1. I. ... iiM-nm.', surpassing in tlieir franchises oVfen l.litical and social obliratlous tochmch or- 'tli "Magna (liarfa is nndeioa'ble ; btW1 tfpimiintimi; than that wWitdi heowns PMbei w l,i..r..ll, ... .. ...I... ... i:i. V....il .....I... .. i.i.ii. i.,. ;. 4i, ... .., "I'tt him 'si; mici tit. llt'V f"iiiii,vin luiiiii niuvii lie u.iih la ill I" ii.iii.i.-.ooiij 11 ....wdv.. u- - - - . ... '. ii-i declare and defend. The constitution! of be an American citizen. This, sir, is the : ganizatioii, but it is against the spirit f , dangers which you sewn to apprehend i ""o should characterize its delibcra- . ... ... .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. i-. C. . . ..'T .-'r 'Ilf.lias -r the I nitcil Matt-s ileclares in its prenim-1 argument whereupon all alleged ooposi - i ,. ..... . . .-i i with the issue J5nt ym argae- that there is " not only 1 no necessity lr tins secret political or- (applied: and the American organizations subjects are destined to perplex the Leg j to which you so bitterly, object appear to j 'slature so much. In the present condi- ino the only remedy for the evil. The , ul moueiury auairs, iiie inmost pru 'lt -. '-S . A fun la Ika mstnpted hy 16 rloa liiia. A aJrerti-T-oc.nl iuJuuj( 1 4 oi. 1 i a-)utta, r4 ill pm-Mlna li. I at-aare : MVu,f JJ or 81 Car-fd In prtp,tm b.Haqra. All rr-tf-tn.rta iff a vr. rajtMl In ur 1, cbwfd i. fmifnrftam tii ili vIm4, , t-f " . , j;. ...,..,..,,,:, ... :(,.. Tl.i. (..., Mraaatl irar-raia, iltKnt aanntamaj rnar-p-, '" - v .i.. i ,. n ,n ,- rraatrd U IkuK wbo Mrrmar rr fwUrty llmsMfli Uir . illg of I'HUtioll alld the sClltlllieut of llalion- lalitv which imposed these restrictions are Tbw. diiBaT. .nwia.i-i.f rawdidair. fiifTimr. T. . , , I , , A. CwrL ttdM ckMid 2i ! cent iufbu iluut lliaw .Uir. ral'-a. ritf. div.-ri-r uf ImabaiMj ..d -rih' 10 nek. ' hie, that it was firmed bv our ancestors ''"n to Unman Catholics is founded. I , to secure the bli-sjinirs of liberty to t hem- , have italicised the wont Jimtun bei-aiiM it becomes nec---ary belli! l.i draw a inark-.-d distinction- -a distinction which theeni i selves and their posterity; and the whole tenjr of that iiistruiueiishows a marked distinctloh belwei'ti Hie condltiou of the native burn and naturalized citizen. In evidence of this, I need scarcely call your : attention to the fact that no one but a na tive, nr a citizen ut the time of the a.iot efficient means which had contributed most in. the advancement of agriculture in other States, wero agricultural papers and County and State Agricultural Socie ties. Upon thii conclusion, I determined at once to pnbh'sh s paper devoted espe cially to the advancement of agriculture n North Carolina, and to travel over the State and exhort the farmers to form Couuty Agi ieu'-ual Societies, and awake an -interest enllicient to.cstablish a State Agricultural Society, which would beget a State Fair. In April, 1852, 1 commenced- tlie implication of "The Fanner 'a Journal " with a patronage not half equal to the necessary expense of the publica tion: I have been now nearly three 1....- .....1 :... t',..t ,.nr l.itiirv from those oririthivtittons nri,ritoitii in i,r. : tlons. .. ... .. . ...v .-... y. -v. -- - - n- ... . -.-..... ... . You have already admitted that the gen- iioiance oi meir true objects aim designs. ! "-a"--, u nnrauaj , me rc-uiiu , ral policy of a i'reut public party may 1 It is impossible after the scathing ordeal O,'llor of ti,u day, bei'ng the Convention lustily secret consultation and the issue j which meiiHiave undergone through thy v"v . Graham's) and the Free Suffrage on this point is fairly made up. How far i political changes of our day at the hands Mr. Iniyd s) Jhlls, was t.ostpotied until -! j , I I 1 ' I I . - . . 1 1' .....s ..... ,u i.l ii.mlli t.i i.oll tnnaf !.. einlil.iiil ii .-nan la LUUli V . I I Ut'Mlilt.l HI II II I'll If 'h 1 king f.r themseives; a distinction which .briefly i.muire. . It shall pay noW'mnwim to your allusion as U) our narioiial origin, , ism seems to wield, without combining-"' -', '" "e eueci i.iui oeiween - ,.r p. the intimation that possession of j incongruous elements; nor an- great p." : rd u.st.. and 4tl. pn., no bills shall be .tion and ut this time I lave only this country was taken, either directly or pnlarnovcments evn from er7or; but jP"t upon their second , or third .-lingU.x ecu hundred sulrscr.bers to " ll.e ,io,,ofcos,i,,iV,,isellig ii.i.iriiiti u t inkLL Ti i-iiTTifii . .ut iiii.'n i t nU'i.v'iir ni i iii m J 111 iii:i in: nn n .nui i "i iiuiiciiiiimio. . pnu-m.u liuu ' - , . ... . . .. .... . . . ... the American party fully recognize which will lite them in the fju judicious, Iiotn i-very imputation , mill f the f reli- nillce of I'residi-nt or V ice President ; and that a prolonged term of residence is an iiidisiieiisable qualitieatioii for a Senator I, ,lrn 1,, uiiii.ii IIUUIUH- H"n HI l,,,"i,n l,.,v ,.,J - I j . . . . d betw i 1 1 the Roman priesthood cal facts, it is apparent to the most ordi-; never, in any agt or country, was such a adopted hy tlie Senate. 1 . . . 1 .. . .i i . ' 1 ..-1 .. . t' ... II ...1 . . ..I ..1 . . I itit ftitn in t in If.iiuA t trr.fi ... . - - . iwmncnlt?jJteJtJu approval ot -nr ear- ciiiai uuiirernii ay ut lifst patnots,as by our wntimenta of ,tnmr wln Ii has no w het It i true that Congress is 'cm- ' le.'t than among members of tlws Anier In What uiav hel1"10- " hat lias been the cause ot this ble tO-stlla11 number ol renders to an agreni- oron-i 'ral pniier among the farmers ot onr .... ..v .-ii.v en ir . . . i .. .... . I I I . a L. - t . . i' . ! a 1 holy so free from bh-trv and osition, f successful, will be to leave loth ' "reiy, n is not a iaci i uai mere " . a . .II r.t . I . .1 ) K.. Ill it a-it 1 lit Pal 1 lltk Tit UL AlSttlU-LtMt) TM ce; so devoted to national in.le-1 iiouMy wnuoaiL.flfltHriiiii twiwwn nie-."-.; r.. . specinen oates. atawaw awawiof i Btrrtm.mri.t. ar rriin.t- ...... i .. .i , . , ., . . i i i ... ...i.nLnj l . I . I,u',i.l ., . . . , IHIMIiniu, lH l,,.lllll ,l I'P Ullll HI' 11 " .ll,l.,l,l-',l. llf 1.1. ,11. 1,, ..,,t-r M jiJ.iid ifc.yasld rn ihai imc - uiiifonu rule of naturalization;' but 'he congregutioiii in the Lulled States, in L m. p ih tank itt mmrur. iithrraw iliu i iiten lv permissive au authi.ritv men ' iv-i-iancc to tne tyranny oi priest ' kjiii ww jm. my m im mat ww mini mmjrv j-z Jim Ike MltaiMs H.ik lar.lialaa. , ManaaMMT r. - - 1 US 1e IM'il ax-ruppdifttcr ma-v dictBtc-'Idiih-HttJiaJciinQwJhjit " tor the genera! gooil," and hy n otniiulsoi i , win n tlie exercise and their Catholic coiiirreirations In vari-, narv understanding thut they have no; body ot men called together who acted , "-a is" iiousc e are una 011-seiiioiis. .f our country, tlie most re- iln-aring on the question at issue. I care in concert with motives so pure and ob-j to.Ra.v- Jne prouaolc ellect ot the cent of which, in the case of the Rev. i not under what tiction of univeriial iapal jects so .lohn I trail v. of Hiirtfonl. Conn., bus ex-' iloininion the discoverers of this western ptvjudu ,.i... . . ..i;.,,u.uiMaiw-tm-iii(ii-w me true interest oi univer- ""-""' uu,ra- e been" more powerful-' it, nor of what different nations the colo-. sal liberty. They may bea&oiled or nia,! '. Fisher of IL.wan and Davie, it will ', f .1 . 1 1 1 .1 1 1 .1 - .1... . be nercei veil, lias inti-odiii.iMl resolution nisis inav nave ueeii inane m, mey ne-, uviuagnjiira, 01 u.i; , . . came bv' comim -t and bv ,.; !ie the ' minions of ecclesiastical tvrannv, whose ; Hiithorizmgaii additional subscription, on ma-feis'of the s-il, and hi suctvs-f.tl re j intrigues they bathe, at.d'whosi unholy . t '.'-' part of the State to the st.K-k of the volution an indenendeiit nafii. A i who I machinations for power they defeat ; but!"'"' v.;aro.m iwauroau vomimny, oi in' no means se of tbe frit AMU VA L OF rilK I' A ( IFJC . Tea ttfi UUr frta Eirapr. --... Skw Y.hui, 1 .-. 12. 17 :l, Tli teamr Pacific h' arriicd, pisil Jat f likjornilier 'i. SaWof Cotton during lhi tea 5!,0o0 . baka, al. a dttlilli! sif uniaiph. trt H'J,ir'"'- liu!in mvte fmnaing on the niark.'t. ! r-'culatnnt 1,HK) sii.l eikjti-r sjlwj btd-jy Fair 'fl.-mim fl.L, lui'lilling id.: fair u l.in l .'i j iitolillirif. H. frail - r4iri'ti7rir'Vt rrrdrd n s bnnTimthefi vrrr'Tt- er threaten to ib-ttirb i-tir " domestic tran ijiiTliiy.""' "T 'hf-Tt-affff trr'i arg".fttiptt jf-!,nn as to move 'tie from the . .s-i :..n that tlie i .stiti. .ions ot a cutnitrv, i j giiverntnetit, its laws and Us freedom, ari as much an inheritance to it il,;Mn-n the iimperlv ot a i.tiiul v : and tout i hence as an American born citizen, 1 J.avv j rights more sacred thiOi iina 5ajiichcan be ,'acouired bv the rule of i.aturiilization. -- III ts true that -privileges of a national crriirnt ( ir - as Ions as the sentiments of the heart are lti,iXK) bbares- intiing ot the end, will have no tinner i lean citizens, and it they cli iso, at an ear-, hmut rTnc-njiraTiTTe Titan -tne-flojfmsinea-f 1 , .- - 1 .1 .1 11 . - -. - - t r. f..l .1.. ........... n.-. .... ...-L, aiiieirieuijsiiiatilhemenvou.lv niv, io invite, emigraiiou aim comet m mi.- iouul- -us mug mi.- luiunugs the.bc: partook in the act became ij'".a to Ainer- or J1(K,000. more reha il-ee virtue ol their so cxerclsed or'Tiiif, f Washington hold an influeiico over the ATiiencan mind as long as the Tovo THE UAXKs. T4te UHWglnffiB4itiitf- tWC(uuuslnu' Patriot rits that there is one consideration in MWHsr wuk.jjuiuMr.., A' ut li tujt idtizeueiin, it was in ,1.1,0.11101, to the Catholic relii'iiui. Ti.e . vereiirn riL'ht. to be ,i.,k..4..!ji'.o! il,.,.l.',,i..,ii, LWiirul.i-i.iolj..;., Mud tln-jr ile-.-iLuduuts. ehiiin the. same i c iiHitr v is a prcdoinitiatiiiL' si-ntiment !.th ieuiior.ii and spiritual control if this ' rii'ht, not only bv inheritance, but direct J with Americans so long will theseor-'"rfovor of rfcKartprtrt'tlnf -F.r ilanlr mr!- omiirv inn -t be familiar to you. Hieir tiaii-inis.sioti through the constitution. j ganizatioirs march onward, pro-jierous i-os, ,i",uoii ,,f the liible iu'our pnhlie li e law rcci.jinizcs the aciiuisitiou of 11a-1 and triumphant until their, mission is ac- , ' . . . . . . ' . . . , . , , - 1 .1 . . .-1 1 : .1 ..1 :.. t. . t v- . . srhoois m A. w 1 oi k must have revolted tionality ami dohiam, as noes huh 01 cotopnstieu m uiepeneciiouoi our nation al 1 uion, the peace and barinony ot the States, the overthrow of deningoguism, and the destruction of jwditiea! and reli- ry4 to alUwlm 4n gooii fulth Uvmue cili: zeti, b'll ecn this docs not inipair the rirht ,,f the native 1. 1 guiir.1 with jealoiisv tli!' fra!i!'!'--T-! !i!i !i i.,- Int. ii;!n-nt,-i. I accord fiili.v with tl.c priiiopfe i-staUish, Ly our Jv liin-'ii, whirh n-c- gtiizcs t n'lit o expatriation; but the a--crtniTi of this ri''l,t bv 110 means 1 111 1 i 11 tin- 11. 1 1 ..uta would have beef outraged l'.v i 'rrclei;r-tiral n-ttfpati'fH-won thepoiliti; had hot .1 t.-i,,!i-- ..rganijllioli Hissesed ; -w.-tortu to eppiau juie uiHch, nations ol , toe I. iii.i.ii pri'-st'iood, and deleal tiie im is ul corrupt partiaus. I ac- nlW Otll. Us. ' f.., a. i,l ,m-,,,l .1 ,..!,. lull n;IV SIT. Willi 'VllU'r liflllld tlOUSt , - . , - fs-n..-. ,- . - , I . .... . i.g ( omiii.r,.,.; itl,lin jf!irn.y Ml,, I 11 j ( ,i i .nil,. I' . .1 I,, i l.i - -. . ' , . rtins Ki-m.,it i appeal neiiiier to the s,,-li j. i istrU of loie nor tlie delusive figures of rhetoric, but the natural .feelings of the , human heart. .-tir feelings us a christian; and their ut-j personal properity by certain fixed rales; tempt to revive the tenure of church projs- lut it imposes no obligations of au agra- erty. a-Miitst which the statute of iwrt- nan nature upon a nation more than up-, m a'l n enacted- centuries ago in ing- on an idividual. Are you to lie reiroacli- gious intolerance. They will increase in l.iiid. inii-t have caMed forth votir earnest cd as cla:utiii'' exclusive privileges -hikiii numbers, and be perfected in strength . , . , . i ' . . -- i....- i.iji. J.n4. .:... i .i.p...iti..tt nn fHHUtenwa jetflatoU'r.-r- rfal'r plUJXtatloll uyciiuie stranger, utriti- imuwiiiij in nijin.il, ntiiti Titey eiiiorace tit sad cxperit nee luis taught us, so venal less and improvident, hunt it, pleads au hii'l our poUtical I'lirties bee i veil l!u- great principles of the true Ma milt, that i etUa.l uue. iroiu tue t ruaior oi me turai Itwoattuff. wt-latJt UttaL-lluiii: .il-.;sui.i:ir..riii.h.L...f .il. native i.,,i,nhi' hm t Miiu 4). Wtiu and v. II, which w ill imdoiibtediv sin-; thiise i'li hinir irenerations : nor, tauiily creating dist ird and dis-..ns:oii, to tin's aim vive llip would 1 have in v countrymen seinsil or , aim attempting to woiw uieu uviara 'exclusive ill their ilovotioii to freedom. j rigats, they determine to resist the ag lt is-because 1 desire that liberty, in this 1 gression ? : country, sho'ild be j-rjiet'.t! ntui that our' To maintain the assertion that the Know light slioilil l,e a beacon to all mankind. Nothing movement is ugainst the spirit , - - t. o r . . .. . itical ends, w hat else can that 1 would guard well me avenues-or of our laws and the tact op ilr history w, sir, with all vnur f tt- her sacred temple. It is not against the : vmi quote largely, from the Virginia " I)o- loreigner by birth, or the (- athohc in re- j claratioti of Rights. 1 our lucubrations ligioti. that secret political organization is , ,, this subject are interesting as a narra- btit when men of foreign birth hive, but extremely weak as an argument. in cepted tne noon ot c.ni.eii: , i ).,es any intelligent man. .presume that -sf,np tiff i levjctl.-d. h who have cho bnIMd'-vrhrrrtl-re crisis in at li.iuil. Parliaitii'tit w,ul.rprt,Uib!v tusm I smiimoi, ed and !) t.-nosj Irviol. Frim SbastorKil tln-ri- w;i ttothing it.'w since flu. tfctlflu iif Inkiirman im tlie .ritli i.i.itlu.r t,:ir. Iv hav Iss n in a condition to u ri. l.-rt .. k- i.rl.-t- "lir "ft objection to this invstci lone ut oivnttiiinit. Th n-xiP-.l battle on ;!. i:i;li order is its secrecy, and you ask, Whc inconwi t. . (there i no nece.asUy.Ui,juslif.v a secret a- Tito uini'it fc'livttv as miiif"teil l,v rritin i- s,s'iat;oti lor and Knihui l ta r.dnf,ir.i-ni, iii. as tin- if,-iv tbtf allies d,-jwnda lliir-nn. Svi-ral thoiis.-tnd haul arrived. It a rriortod thai the liussiatm had taplur--d tsu ijjjj'liih cruisers in the l'.nliic. N'awlim Jiy. ponerful. ivcraoa- to W trmln in tlewarabia. . . .. ... ... , . ... .. . lue .lU'in.tn aim I ru-si-tii ui t utiais wi n- . , , , , if i i. t ! list d tt panics i i-vi.r, I nil rtlWT ail-j ..ii--iiin, nn-i L,u in,- g- .- . - ... ,, . . . .,i i lot opisising organizations. I cannot ue tt. lliat llii y will liul in-.il i'ti tin- nusis ut un-: , . . , t . l.i I . .1 .... I .... ' -. t -n vmi, however, ol sach nci'ldcnCc:.", band tlu itiselves together an as 1 our oiiiMtiiiinm. . . i - - , , ... - . t ittwuortl, Ni.ven.bT 29.-A gr,.atj!"r you admit in the next sentence that "a .erma.i assm-iftion, tointml Americ.,,. al.mii prevailed on the llhuk S,a t. il. 1 lib. earn Us may sit m secret to consult on the elections and this - lM4.withs-.,..i.,- i:,, by wliK-h thirty-two Ktighslt trstissirt ner. l.M. general policy ol a great public party." ; "atli they have taken in becoiim ciuzeiis. The skill. Prince and Sea Nvtnpli found. r.-.l with ; lv what right, then, confessing as you do, to abjure ul leg, .nee to every otiicr sover all on board. ' Tlinsc mail steamers w.-n- tiainl-! to ignorance of the organization, and oh- i eignit v. i- it not time for native born citi J aa J tli 8nuwuvil was run ashore, having jects of that great American whose sue zens to act in concert and oppose conduct caught fire. The ItritUnia has live feet water in cc-is w ould scent miraculous if we did not ; so ant i-American and insulting to their n.i her1 hold ; the Agamemnon was idraiiib'.l 'nit af , imdcrstiiud the patriotic principles which , tionul pride '. And when, moreover, the U-rwariU got afloat; the Sauijisai's niMehincn' j ,j,vt. induced to its popularity, do you i emissaries of "a religious Im- in-hv which waa dauiagvl, and (lift Ketnlmiion was onlv.av j ,i(.1)V ,jK.,n t1(, privil(r,, f secret r pri-i lias aimed mid still aims at u . veisal sii .tsfArtialwtTO .Vft; nmsnltuiuai pou their Keuerl L.U ' prcmaev, proclaim boldly, d.-igns antag - Trt,!i? .i T,i !! I M' o"'"''"-vf I take von u,.o.i vur own adt .is- -nistic to fhe genius of ....r ii.stitu.i..,',V tv.r Lull i.n I klisuu. ..ii th., '.i-.l I Lii l.si llt.i. .. . - .... i ... ... ... . - . l.l- MM.11. .. U-. UirUlUSL ..1,'Vl o.l,,, , --us nun i-i.hi,.m. ,-l ' TI.IMSIN IT! r r . -,. .. " to good thereof, when vim choose to de ny bun that winch ymi have acipnreu by inheritance or purchase i Would you not rather feel indignaut and mitra: at'Ler liaving bestowed tip--n Insn that charity w hich your heart Would doubtless prompt, he should assume airs of master-Bti-rn- and control ;f " Shall a "pcnplc;-thiti,' as 'l-i rl rr- wn rlrnenf s- ofJ: : j'iaM t. 4 isirt an J ; i e -bta tmti7 h, -Ttaviii-gTH he4- StaT-ani n it -,,ii-. in- u I, i.-li beioii,. toas a tieo- cultivated cherised iusli'tiitioiis. if, tSinlilig Tfnrpni e itiid noble of ou r taTtrjandH trct not de?pairr sir, when their purposes be- come tuny developed, their objects more clearlv understood, to see even you, the the ltiti.k of tin: Slate, which at oi.ee sink, -s tin- Hi i rid with great fori, . to wit : that the with drawal of uion-y accommodations, from among the people, coiiseiiuetit upAQ winding up the old banks, and aim colli-ctionnW individual capital for the purpose ot vesting their lutnls ut new banks ilf greatly aggravate the eiils of the ex isting pressure, particularly with that class least pn-jiar-sj to endure the 'operation. : True as O"0spc1T Vet although the I'atriul admits tniiftTieolT pers besides the sixteen liundred who take ' The Farmer's Joiinal." A less number than from live to six thousand subscribers to a paper like this,' at the small sum of one (foliar, will not pay ; and how easily this number might be secured if on'y ten men in each county in the : State would furnish ten names each. "f HeTcirthcfitct fa-fore-trs, that we-faavfr- j tlie only ngricultur.il paper in the State, i!iJi'ijUjjoiiv. juxtfion. hundra. sulscriberft, J at otic dollar a year, ana 8Staie griciii-' turaJ Society with about -een hundred ' iiieniberg, the initiation fee being three dollars. How mnch longer shall tlii be the case f Will not every farmer, whoso eye this may chance to meet, feel that it ia his duty to expend a small sum into the general fund for tlie advancement of the agriculture of his own State ? Here are three years' of my life devoted to the advancement of my native State tion of the cold cucuorasmenl of the caflF ,1cm pubIicl''.lMi't'1nUe''J pufstJff uTioiiniieyliave adojTeiriiiTien ( Tetrtmt'nrdoi -for Batiks tiav?e been adtniriibry iiianaiftif: flirtt tirey l(Hve- been safe for the Stale ; .accommodating to ,t irt f- y,v Jt. I Iiova the tieol.U- tatiil nrotitahle tu their stis-kliuiders : , i , i " . t j . d you sometime champion of the wing party, a isVet . iufcr oWsed to their charter, be-: a,rett7, 1V? "'J1- "68' ,a if wtK.se baltle-cty,-thO linior. of the wings iieving that trrj,,,t of .lie popular j,tdg,m-nt J" f"1'1 .tl" .f-'N KJK:, tor tlie sake ot the Lni.m," is even now lis in favor of reaming tlie old immunoiis to i - , 'wui "ion their shibboleth even vou, : whose gilsat wind up m the expiration of their . barters, j.eiicoiiragement than I ha.vo heretofore energies and undoubted" talents are now ! then start Jt novo, or that iiW oues start iu their K've np in despair, and seek (as other stead". ": " " -Tnavettme-;myiortttnem9reotiierte.-- It airily ii hi tb .l.l rtila, to " let well ! It would be a source of uiiicli regret to ine enoufili' Hoii'i appneabfe Ti-rr : nTTTTIiMi't'' f Ii Tr llrttr tlHrtrTirinj-IHrti'rfl- firBte-i-of-jf JyatttrojaJ U-st, giye a new lea of life to i there is a man' who would exult more these faithful public, servants, by granting theiii , than at!' t.txed with the herculeati task of ceinent- Ing T.te-iuiita ed democratic party fighting with re- jiititv it '. Ii'ioii ymi must have read carelessly the j history of the times not to be aware, of j the strict surveillance which is exercised j4 v- coiileiidiiiir factions in this country joVer the dehberatiotis .irflioTr oppiihehTs. as well as the siihtledevices which are destroy the etlicicucv an a-vlimi under our institutions li'oin tvrannv and oppres-iotf, pretehd to lllilili- taiit the ancient iiati'Uial piciidice V-frgtrrin declared no man or set or men are einttnn inex iisive ' eiiiiiiiini'cuts or privilege from the to community, but in consideration of public banner of the great American party. licspectlully, your obedient servant, JOHN W. iiRICE. RED HAIR. In ancient times the Ttatrrms-wbo' "were re-charters; rather than launch out on the uu eertatii si-a of experiment, attended with danger and general disinss. ar-V "oilier ut the chtkmof the farming interest of die State, I am that man. Farmers of North Carolina, Lear what Mr. Eayner said in bis address before thousands at the last State Fair: ' " I have said that the means of intelli gence were within our reach intelligence to enable us to avoid the errors of the past, and to avail ourselves of the improve ments ot the present and the future. An agricultural journal, devoted to the eluci- whtt eh not 1, DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. We understand, that a lad some four teen years of aire, the son of Mr. Danitd the most polished, the most civilized, and J Arney, of Leakesville, N. C, came to his the most skilful in the tine arts, were pas-1 death a few days since, by the acccident sionatcly fond of red hair. The Gauls, !al discharge of" his gun while huutin". the ancestors of the modern French, had . It nnm-uri tlmt. Im ten nt .!, ;... ,.t tlto saiim prelerence. thtmidi lliur cohmr ' rim i.o...ncl.,,ly rt..eMi.ri.,)Ct. huhUtt ir-hk jditfion oi general principles, and their is now in disrepute by their desceiiilants, gipi in his hand with the muzzle ruiiiti"' ' application to our peculiar position, is who like black hair. A taste for red hair, ; directly under hfs "jiiii. Hi dog in t$mE.'in 4spensabte to every practical farmer. however, still exists in extensive regions, ling on him struck the tri""er with his foot 1K''' we liavc ln "r State 44 Tlie I I - 1 I I 111 I lll'L .- t..a A1.1..1..1.. nas.i ..t .a-.. - .1 . . f r I) . J . . I-l 1 41 I ft 1 1 all rl 1 11 I iri 1I1I1 II I I descendible. ; ,-1""'r.lti y "' ; causing iiie gun to nre and lodge its con- """- - j b- -i- oiigjit-toe liW-4.f -mioriitratei-en who nave red nair, while uie iiKHlern tents in the hea.l of the unfortunate youth. auu 8Ua ,u u 1 ' ua 1 i ' . i . i i:. .... " o I ersians nave a strotisr aversion to it. i uu.,.i ,, ;,,.,..i J i;... Know, wuu irreai iauor aim awiiw,ii eieiOl.ll.,11, , .v... c mi,! in e. iiio(-i ouov iVOlilll.lll-i, . 11. --' ,' I 'I'l. I I A i - i I , . ... C5 ..I........ ,1 nc .. ol.-.l 1 1.1 111. ...I I'l 1 le 111 111 IlliiniS III irillu l. W HO lirO l.i I V ner ,,,1 B,iriii-,u , -. I.. ., o ..... Ceil IIOW, Hill 111 UN nu s ii oiiemu illioill'l ... . .. . r , v utt o,,,,u nig nim uiu UBHLill. -, x.- polilicul parties in the lut ire repuiuic : ( js--1 nmc nusis out Now according to your own parfial or a rd tinge by the aid ot Vermillion. Hie uielancholy iustau I mi-lit sav, pivjudiced statement, this , oiiK-nol : Venule and the Deccan are also i carelessness in the use of tire arm Know Nothiii"" organizati.ui is simply i '""lt meir luur yellow and red, should serve as a warning to others. as i ne nouiuns oui, in iiiiiiaiioii oi v.er- , VancUU r! v'-sf. r man hair. There is among European ' generally a strong dislike to red hair; bull -,, v , . ; in si.,.ii. e..,l i,..;, :. i ..i. LxrK.vstvK osk rn.i.ixii. On W cane: i ..... .v.. I,,.,, n i.i,inii-,i ,iiiii,ii adrtfatjon;,aml there rs a storv -ervice iicitl.e r legislator or Judge to be wa.- uieaiit tt prohibit the orgaiiiz tin i nlitpi uf tin- linn and -i -lip- were greatly damaged. )- r rw fCiwaiV Ktlwcr-tj tlie rnHstan- Bnt- ts telegraphed fruiil liillin. It savn that the t'.ar wilt treat tirst. on a prifposition logtiartititee e-r-' lllia ri'ltta to the Christian suhjivts of ll.e l',,tte; tMid, on a joint proteetonile over the 1'iiii. i i.niioi-a v ll.e me piiwem; llnnl. l,.r t revision 'tynti oil thijMijiOf thiirhi'A.y tit- crct organization Cilll lie Cstatitlsed, and puio m .oiuiuiion to inn government. that this is both necessary ami i voiiient, does it not become the sons of sire's, is, I have no doubt, satisfactory to the ; hellier l'uritaii or Cavalier, who, in re, incmliers of the organization which you ' si.-ting unjust taxes or tithes, gave life and den iiiiicc. 1'hev are the best, the onl truejiidgcs iin.u this subject. and the right a political party, and how, then, the loii: string of objections, which you raise can apply to il differently from the whig or democratic party, I am at a loss to con jecture. D" ti"t whlgs in oiHce claim cx Vlie ive privik"goa, frnjn, ,llu' I'lilllHWiltl.Yi ' know, with great labor and expense ; and ' even now, not supported as it should be. ,i, .1, r 1 . . . 1. .. .. i os iiiiiki.e is a son . . aroi iia OHoer . ia another ol Ilic many , . v , t- . '. . es on mvird, of the ?"'-" "iitt'I ' North Caralina enterprise. .is devoted to ortti laronua nueieeus, and must rely on North Carohda pride for support. 'It would be a reproach ti our State and our asivtiation to allow it t .i fail. It is. with due deference, then, that 1 w-rtld bog leave to ajipcal to the irit.ot our association, and uf UniUmU of JSil ; trf ll ir nHriiti..n .rf. of hundreds of tlioiisaiuU of native b.mu' uupaUoU trength to our revolution, to oppose jmdi langeroin and tyrannical, uttcini ta at tile flalilllie A dtwtch from '-en. fnnruls-rt from S.-bas-toK)l, N'oveititM r 1;l, says that tln-aii-gc ens ,r,. gr.n.iug regularlv, aud the tr,,s Here in tit h.-altlt and spirit.. M,-li,ink,,ll under . I vt - i-t ihe I8:h iay the !.' -)nrati-lis w--r--hish .,I eii, and that on tha'. d.i the i-aiiotia-:e l...s n.-.-.r-ry'tspaspj, -.. .... f'l.ina itrb.ii". a.e i.TiiutMirtant. It was reporwl thai lite. lUisaiaiislu,! iuvaileil IVililmrri, im, I il.-l.-ateil lie - Ihhi,s ut tlie I '.-i.tl-toill . I mi ricaus to exercise the priv ere! caucus catitliil be denied. on any -rule ol' ih jiioci atic principle. That recognize such a right, and oppose Voti seem to adopt the stale argument that because foreigners by birth aided us in securing our independence, we are I se am,! you 'the jiractii'i'. simply upon the ground that II is unnecessary, appears from your labor ed "s,sav iijhiii this point. After an ex hibition of statistics which is paHlal iliTrr-imers: h -ht'twwii titiTiiiid iln im .t I :. i ... i . .i , 1 , " us naiiiie, our which, tieverineiess, snews er cotinrry, were, engaged in both sales i a hotiiul. ot, fitftti to share our birthright w ith every foreigner w ho may desire to the privileges thus secured us. This rea soning i-as fallacious as it is specious, .t against democrats : is it not in me natine of political parties to proscribe those' differing from thi-in -in sentiments ami opinions '. Is it not in the very nature of political freedom that n r nties nn;y select persons of their ou t iai.:: ' iiilthe oilri-es of the governmettt when ' ' arc in power f Your political, cxi viice ap tiroves this fact, aud tile welfare of the cniiitrv is argument, whether sound or specious T will not uiuteitiike To argue.: which excuses the oxclusiveliess. 'linn; sir. vwur arguments deduced from the Virginia resolutions" ajiply with eipial force to all other political parties as well j Knr.r'othfrrgsr--r'they arc-1 j u uiu-ttavalVgiTmtrianTlef's. wfio 1 -Hi tiery locks, lietug il-.dzesi an- in and conscipteiiee by the Sj an. almost t..: iij, .' . : told of one day lust, in jthc . J uaticc Cuai'U-at . ltiotiaii, .jMadg-wk phJiHAnt,it IriTUriate.r'l'iiiiotliy Singleton recovered fifty 'A .Hars and ot 'our pep e here a ! eaiessed leotti dohn Rea-llVt). ( HN tIsmmIi- nium ' .''' a'"! ':,:.,'l",'.r.t.,H Llj . . women, i i t.ia.-y. it compares fa"i d upon as a perfect A women, i ;. ua.al olllS. ! est N. I Ci una s. The candidates of the Demo cratic patty in Virginia, for the three ! highest otKces. were in lsfo united in j opposition to the same party that now puts them forw ard. They were then " for , the union of the Whigs for the sake of t!ie I'tiion." So that it seems that the 1 Democracy of Virginia are pursuing the same policy as that same party are doing i i this State, putting forward renegade nigs as their standard bearers, l ie FKItiiriTTL ACCIDENT Ri.Ki.rii,.lee. 7. Tlu: Uor.svatt.i. i;i.,l to a buggy in w hich Dr. Grocu, of W ar reii, was ruling in thiscitv ve-ie."il.iy at 'teniiHin, tmdi fright, ran awav aud threw the Doctor and the servant .iiitiiirf hint. .very seriously ;t not t.ital.y the Doctor and h:s sen.i!.'. :ill'!llg I to 1ti n.c - lxrtrrw rotntttgsv. w nicy ure - - - -, -j - .. ...... . 1 ho light of ex-;1;.' ' "o-o-y o. many ...euioers tissue stries. a kii flic rent Imllanee of t 'at holies and nat- "in our revoliitii'inary contest ; would vou - put nation is one to which 1 have -already -l.:......-... .............l 1..- ... .... .1 , . I , ' ' , , .. ....... t t I ... ". . .i . . . . . - .. ... :. . .1. . I. .. . , ,,..,...,,.,,1,,,,.,,,..,,.! iwc'iii t,..s-,s-.. ....j-Ls-.t n-eiccumi-m mis conniii. oii ask, tne sa tU.e Xrxv ijje -gjio jmejit'l';'.' "." ' l . I idle ln,noO(i)o(l loan an, I an ii.,r,-ase in the liuoine what has stub a majority of numbers and the Hessian, who endeavored to subject Tax. I of wealth, of natives and of Protestants. 1 ns to the liritish Voke. im to those of La in Si pain. Epa.irt. rn.liad notified the (' that ll.e ministry wot.l I desire to lue as a primt i'ti, and eit i.iti. pr, to fear from such minorities of Catholics ' faveftior Rosciuseo. wffo birHled for our and nalnralized citizens?" Why sir it is 1 freedom ! Or to put a more homely ipies- j us. 1 havtvjiist slated; that in the excite-; Hon, because yon reiuiie the services, or 1 uicnt of party polities a tsiiiall c unpiu't ! acct'pt the aid of hall a dozen Irislt.biUor At Clevc- body of voters may control the elections crs to c.iltivute your plantation, must vou fl horsi. in ' of Villi-cometrv. ntui in n ,r.'ieit ini,:islire ' i,i i,,it voiirelt to he overrun liv seotesol i'O stable of Mr. W. K. Adams, run "his ' dictate its policy. Tlfis ymir own expe-. htifigrv applicants, who devour your sub joiigiic through a crack into a partition : Hence- us a politician has doubtless tinghf stance and jeopardise your rights t Sij-. lietween two stalls. X was caught, by J vou. You greatly, mistake, however, the ii.rfi.;), it ir.-ll w iiuliriiliitih, hm t atnrther horse, and the first one "drawing objects and 'purposes ol' . the American j r'mfii to hr " k, nit. ins own tongue cotiiJiieflTy oft.' party if you suppose their- opposition islfl. jutfrim t-iKHKt m the-ii-nmgw i the "til. rrohaliK- u.,l, ,1 ;.1;.,.i',...v., opposes yi l.ec; Fxtriloninmy rJ. ei,', h;. land, Ohio, a few ilav since mr view on TTih pise men have a right themselves, is it llieilinbeiil upon any na tion, whose institutions they -nay prefer to those under which they were bout to naturalize them, and admit them to citi zenship1!' For such a paradox you w ill hardly contend: .ori it ointgaioiv tip on us .' Cilll ciiize t the present Legislature who are tbdit- c i . - . . . ,. - nig under the banners ot the nomocracy, " " ...!,.. : .. :.. - MiTVieTtTT.-.rr-'"'"--1 "w:tfu- - to expatriate! ; 1 "J T EC- N( Seej limv that fellow w..rk stacles are t.vV gre;W t'-r lilui t no occean t-si w id,- for h:u'i N-i ,-h- .tnti-.an: : ascujblcd, to en now, ia its m- uipaivs iavoraoij "u u rn agricultural journals ; but, bv increased pati'ouago. we shall stretigth eii.aiel siimiilate its eoniltietors to make t a 'still ui.'i'c useful vehicle of iiif-irnia-ioii --a j .iirnal of which every North Carolina' farmer should feel proud." Tliis is the last appeal that I shall make to tlie r ,ii mei's ,f the Mate to sustain a pa i ,-r dvv.itid to their interest. I- feel that I have done e en more than inv duty in t! matter . 1 have wasted three years of my life upon it. without a particle of", profit to uivvlf; but my labors have, I .wa sure, redounded Id the advancement T.f. agrirtitrtrre inr the Staterllut Uiia -work can vet g on. if every fanner in North C.irohho, whose eve this address , . . .. . , , .North l arotiiio, wimse eve mis auuress ill the Mom: I. v. A proposition has lately bt-eii made to increase the pav of mem bers of Congress. Some papers advocate a stated salary rather than an increase' in the ' o 'i as that would have" a ten- to collier the righto ot Anii'i t-i deucy to dispatch the public business, ship -upon foreigners 'because, sinco. thev w ould have the same pav take. Such a rai roads, d.g up the fornia and enrich i tie.- th nie'i 111 e,i:, e we in Cal: .T lie: N C. paper has not co-Sue out nothing gained bv Tliis is a W.'lM of ney, gain a rcput.i ai'd s,,-u. el to make mo c-.crt a ha-'p tie. pei'M-ver m.'i-t not ipiai i;s., or atti'iiipl b..f, tf'fH'rurreil. iioini and it Is one thirty tons- of our ci iu.xtdi.,t,ttiUjiJirt,h agiuitatli iniau (illuaUc -tM-liSHil-HHMWUiu tlwu-uu ijJ jit luuuui.iui joI iApxdiUn.,V. 1 I. i e.vc.r and niituraliwi! citizens. tr,look iimh i treed, un in- the -abstract, a it is to usseur duty. ppA the hirtt'rp tlw dem 4" V" Who, with pettish jnir-land inniifrnttt the rights of prepi'rtv. :pnl nude iflv days ot tlie ropiii'iic, we need- wiiettii r they remained a long or .a short ulatioli to develop? the resources- tntie in" ashingtoil. Might Jiot some uuU'v. The whole iiuesiion is silch niove liave a salutary effect on North l:liiax.vtoM aioiina legislation -f InKt other re- rpmnt rt ts rasv- to -firntts are atritated. this oftght 1111.0 attt'ttd- land tljat- two opiiu-ms ,iiiav pre ;eil t",. Ii i. tii ,' Idlelli'ss icti Hi in ion a:: 1 intliieiice. linn oo'st he ai illg. and energetic. 1 hey it m,i. lou-s run from li- to .to.l-e thelightViTng. -Uo'arTTene (su-lv. ill what wii; risK vou ..id W i? ever vou undertake, a! anvw here and thrnur4i lii'e ,t,,4.C p.fvU. ,'rtnl ilcYtK. ,U.d iiuv mi ll.' - i.i. a.:., ana Ji-a .nauie . to the ..publisher, .of" Tin- t".irn:-i' - ,loui iial," V. 1). Cookd eV Co.l! i;.i:.'U 1 kl'.-'W tll.lt 111 regiii.iriy in manv in-tauces to subscribers, w hieh has, been .w hen my fault at all,) for the want of patronage- sutlicient to support" it. It is to the interest of every ptiplishcr of a paper that every subscriber get his paper instead of withholding it . - If piierpt-action is, takm-Uy-sic4i a might to fee! an iliterest iu tliis -matter, in a month 'from this time my list," instead Jillityii.il sixteen. tnuiari;.dl innv'-u" tjvfe- or " "" .:r- - ,v...,.,,,.,--,,,. s,v t;.oTis:ln,i. rr rmTrkiN 3. S4 I - .iwfc-.-

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