fir; - s ' ly NIL . -".-? f - ' ii a 1 1 ii ra a a M'.f'Ji r.v t j i ava van k j? r -v - - l. 1 -11 r jf - . T --m. - ..--.v.. .. i ; i e.- 1 l&I -TV - ' ; VVv . - .-'-r O IV i) i vVV . . - pfO0tfi to Politirs, Urros, grirsltorr, Jntrrnal 3miriDrmfal5, (Eommfrff, tjjf rb ano 3fif'ffSrHjMUtj, flirt tie amil? CCirtif. VOL. XL NEW SEMES. SALISBURY, N. C, JANUARY 18, 18,55. NtJMBER XXXIV 77 ro"Tii"Wjrcmi'in-'-- WUATEL I OaV PALE'. The moral fi-culty or power of . Ii.tingui.hing ryht from wrong one m which bruit. re l:....- . U. .L..- Ik. !.!.. ....... iU h. k-l writcr"lT it to m aUo. TUf dtw.-ri-ta fivfl by that aolbor of onr licrmMat uf gool aoj bJ conduct, a holly dvjiriidant on feipeetatioa of reward and rtini.hnifiit, would qwally apply to many of the brute creation, es pecially the more inteJIigcat of the dmnertic an- bawk at dog aad borMa. It it thu. that lU ardibUhop of Puhlin, in , . . . j , . . ,iewu .uiini.n man umi me wnum oi me r.-...r (i . fcfe.krf.-rr.rf!-. :-y Th.reon.howjd.tlK. Moral PbikMophr, tanirht kt-it mafrr of out' u : t i . ...i.. muiNvm vi mntwi . ihu wiiivii not ii 0 ' take away from men this faculty of dUtinguwh- iaf right from wrong, hut makes utility, and ri- pedienoy, the ground of right. It ia a direct source of corruption ; we feel it. practical working everyday. We ask a ou- lion, oa aa important matter the individual deaiea. noeordi to lh wincit.L of I'.lev wlo,t . . fc ' to kT ttimnAi sLtite. hiim.lf on ' . B,k,,'' l" "' VM'- : v """"T. T - "u "';V - was called into existence, three reading by quite a decisive vote whe Im krn . h .1; ; HWt prt. of thntry h,e b. .Uply ex- the honor. . ! cheer, were immediately given for the , her a tei vote, or not, we are unprcpar tUf.dtbatitiseiDeJnttotellthelrutk c,,a,rt, .1..,. r, lake !.,..! . I lie . hair . taken entally) hy a ; U,m. Calvin Graves, which weie answer- Ld to sav. h will l.e roc r-til iliat .her. Wsehood will sme b- turn, better. If tit. Ulk will op-ate to hi. da-drwt-ge, U..n k Wright for him lowhhboW it " wag " spremed went - sw4nm nam ftf ftrtLi at lk laW'hit1 ft dftivml ill certaia qwarters oa point, of this kind. L tihi. as the foaadatioa of right, open, the door .r all 1 , ' .. kinds of Wfc-.kedl-rs. under color of niifht " im. -By sajv" no m - 1uiy.oi judging right fronj wrong, hut mM detemiiia-, by the tendency of artioo. to av bap iues or misery, and call the sWmrr rihl. and tlie 1st-' tar wrong, then hrutee may do the tame ; th. y may expect n-war.l. aiid punilim.-uU. An. I at that which it useful is riht, aid shst is ri'l.t merits sppnnal ; and rtcites in u the f.-elini; .f approhatioa, to hotb hruUs and niehanieal s)f.'iit may be right or wrong in as high a . n.- As a powerful writer remarks, "If the per. P . tion of utitrty or bene 6V ial trndeiwy,- t hai - wtiK-a ia eewry leatawne, pn.iuces momi sppi UliutV M reason can be given why ilir."..-. ,X'Tin7r,lTU,:h ii.a, ...e-, of emotion is rrstrietej eirlusidy to the in iii,.., J. an.) iiuit .Urn. ai. ti.r.-. riples and acts of voluntary atf.-rH.. lie-, tir. lv I he unt; n jory tin., prut id-.1. r. sull nrw not the only thingt which are suil-1 lo pr.e ' fr""' lhe d.ten.i-.ii .,f at. r ,,,t,. the lak-.wher.- aeaaed of instincts and capabilities which ren.h r them eminently subservient to the interests of man: The doc rusm his dwelling the lslr of the oi anfulda the fertility of his g. LI.. J0- hainiel into the lnittatfoi', mat ert, ,-t,.-,l r aaimate object, too, may be the highest river, by the em Hon of salt-' , , ... , ; able m' purtaoce to Ui nroirms aud well ln.ij ..f s.j , ,.'.. -'. - - 1 - I- In N.irtii 1-jir.iUua: the U.tuuA.-. l'aiu.Tar. "y- i-N. ue. Vadkl'li. atawba. 1 1.-. p. and t'a- I ear Tb. printing press, the marinen the ' ,,. ari. u M1.j.,., , n..K b t I... h an on team engine, the notion gin. " Now if moral ap- men.: amount of pr..ertv i.anuua!!i .r ...... ... .1.. I ll' WOtstlion S lUiH2 rajr l!H V. . . we oat term. i. te ine aarrsi, ii wnai we nteau i-v - - i M...M....J iu wnmi ..Jt. - Mm ...e -uk -e ..trn-fve ,., ,e rrt - t - - - , . .i inst is onninnir man .town very low in in.- acal: but every man ot reflection kn.,v that .1 i ; i...i - . ?. l t :...! .t.. j.j i i . ! or rorur of arthma. with the fact, before the a a I .1 Tl . I'll mimWl. Ilii1antfnilistillif kf ulihfv That tn a r4itll will do tht. ia rates suited lo Its comprehension. The profound Butler remarks "This faculty ! (conscience) n plared within, to las our proper . i- . 1 1 . n ...1 pernor. o oirer, ana r-Tr-nau, an ,i.,..nB "r. I i - "-se. o. II 77!". 7 " - "" j ty." Another author remark, that "there are ' U. rntliromil .upremely ,n ibe eon iece. j hirh mk lu-ar J an.i.1 all the iu . wbKhmak, lBd-.Hl alltbeu. eiAnW, ... aprnM-uf .a, in..-r pemtiti. ami power. TW lare ea- tknri of the ssorvi tvstrm of Ik world." It is a matter uf deep concern, and serious in quiry, whetiier the leadeocy, nowso prevalent. especially among the young, to trampl down - nutnonly in g-rvenimeiil ; w n.le over all iwr . riers to anwiUU..aid.. passion, form. .! in tin .laws of GtsJ aad otau. is not trcatid td 'l. ed ia the fashionable moral pb.l lay. And whether th.ste who smile JiaiuateiiaiMiodi ah are not cultini, loose "the atukon ,4 tkr moral svf'at uf tkt world ;" aa.1 -parini fca-i. ly I. aome f.-arfiil catastrophe. M.-u uiay sow tin wind, and have it for others lo reap tlie whirl wind. The public sentiment of a Slat.- may la influenced greatly if not controlled, by a few mew of inteHigence. insttuUion, -themoinrf- wtav h.. msila,. wUh all solemnity, if those who thus stand al lb.- gate of Thermopylat, at it were, ia not the g-n.-ral ten dency at this trial dvwnwardi in our cotmtry 1 Are not the restraints' nf nwisci. rov; Hud the (ore. of that high Law whose seat is the bosom , wun iii i its-v ria .T rtirrnr Tiv . vil. an4 to that tlie dotxl of a h e mid iijntiorHl-'7- " - ... rilB THS WTfHl." V A Jl XHiH AT t ol.l.KliK A ft-w mnntht tinea while al College 1 heard .quit, aa amusing tlfair from a nK'iiih.-f of The' Junior Class. The claws was into tlie reci- - tstion rooms, and were -reciting ' as usual, the 1'resideat called on a certain young genii, man S.ffidJhi LPdtiLjn. J!ir-nJ,!lr.nd 4rocee,ied, " Bxejri monuin.iip-m .-re H-reiint mtrrU mud dtmmi is the rnvietH.ii uf . . nseew mm mt i. .imply in. cmivkIion,.. -. Cunor jiKV,,e.H, ,t U a . . . r . . .. a. i ..... ... ii.H i .iu. m e.ui..-iiiuu. L ri-ia-iu. ' ... ... i-.i. . ... .1 ...1....I. t.-.ii.i.i i iii.kiii.'.ir ii.'iiii.i' in n iki. .... .Mil ... arr.'.ff . lit .'fi .'r i.k ........ ... w i .. -iiv.: i..u:i:.: .. i wry, lontenea nsarw ana rnamn jtsst '!" m-j... uinuei-iuiaffl uic nuc it'ine .Hi.i'r,..iiiu v v. ....... w ..... . " . . , ..-', iiei, ... cu. i...ius. jncir iiHi.iiuiew are cessiui wacner : a entnrtrpa monnuin hirofyr than bra." The"? lWlenrtold liim, lie h-y.1 better .it down until h- diir.-tcd it. We have not heard t.i l. " ma v.. now " - " "" ""1. TIMOTHY. Fnim tht X: V. Standard. 1.KTTKII FROM I'KOF. EMMONS. I had onaxion in I8:t3 to iit the North, in nu mini H. HI.-.I pan. ot Maine, i i.e part . , " - " "T .y . .7 HVew uiiite Tiil , veii .irlt.- liftne Krrol: nri.r ; .i - t. : .1. 1 meir uiiiteu .t-f t.itui m iiit mirier larger . . . tlian tlie t ai, att. r it. iimrtion with lerp;. K.ver. Thccounir i. routfli. broken t..i,roekv. ....I ;i . f;..l .1... . Tl'... prvtailiiit; m k i. (fi'ieit. t f tlii. country Tt 1 Mu,v w M'i,l truly, that certain lare iracta are -rftlv denu.l.-d and .l.titute of .il ; the ur- ...... . .1 weinit iu.i.i. .i wun r. k inai in '"' ' l f"-' rk"io ro. k, in wh.e f are irr.V,il.Jr and wboae shore, are lly rut-ky. . of tl,.-- I.,k.. . I, 1 l,;,.l ZTTl.r-UZ " '5.; Z,S.X.ll ; ,, ,hr Mll,iJk.w,v. ,, river ti.U. '..I ll.;. 1..L.. .1... . k..,.. -t 1. I .....I f. ...v.l oil and, and .. not rise more , ,r 'K''' f'"'- ''he lake an. I riter water. Tlifoiih tln l and i ,. . , , , , . , . ."It material s .'liauiiel ha In-eu rtil lhioiifU - w(,irn thryrlrnorH,mmiT & .lrtl, Ifi.hly that a L.l la a.ilv ... . 1 .J J . 1 llnviiL'li in eith.r The llos. of .-miii-im-. i'lv ...itwar.l into t).. rii.-r. I., n. Ii-t.r, rain, have fallen .-..pi.Mi.ty on eith.-r l.r.-ui.-li of tl..- riv er and .it-r. hate ri-n ... a. t. U- th.- eiirrent (1.o iHH.ii. I int.. Ih.- lak'-. an. I tinn is ..tN-eiallv the ea-M- tiurlti fl . ai'.l li. sli.-t... 4 in sal.-r at tleiw- tun-. i l : ri !.-) 10 seeuiinl- I. il- in the Uk.- lani until iu l.ank. are n.-arlv f ull. when the outward pressure for.. the in wsr.1 iirr.-iit lua k. au.l lle-M.- -Ur l. gin U di.n iui. th .Jon the nv. r elian-n.-l, I Ih- lliHar.J rurr.-lit fre.ii.-litiv i.a.lilill.-i. II. rn- dais, slid during this tun.- lln-s. hi llie ruer in iii.-r.-ii-M-.l. v. t ... iiiu.1. water i. .-livert.-.! ...... ,1 .'.'". .. 1.1 . .1 I..... i by tlie fl.ssJ.Ukea up leveral .bits in iiiat.a.1 of rushing down at . ti.'e llin. tigl. th..- rit -r i baiin.-l in torrt-nu. ' What takes I t.i.-.- yifra iirtt.e- Andr". 'nvifin thr.m.'h lb- iii.irii.ii. nl ..t' the -i.l braiah- r- rto.n. b,- ,1am. er- . ..nslnu ., ., , , . , , hum.. rH. ,..ii.i..r...i ..i.i.c.rt i. .. . .tT.trr,r1Vrft - - ,.ll - .lrTi,r.m - nrrt pjrrt;Mt pu.pmtw uu.o.. i a tiiite .1111.1, and iu-U-ad of hating ih.-. oi .au-r ih it .hm-.iu.-ii. e . .1 ll. ill ll ply of water in ii.UM-.pieiil-e ..f It. imm-.i.ii. ,i. i. ii... ... ... ..... i.. - , , 1 . , 1,(1 t, , ,. the demands of tli ii.u-r.-sU I hat . . ... ... i.:.. I. ......... .1 .4 .. 1. I s-r"M,l.v kh'. a"'1 " IN m MI- W tM.Nl IIJl lll ltUrU'l Ut UliIV H HTllll . . a 1 it.. 1 ..1 1 1.. 1 sWT, Ills-TV WTll lr tjij mti-r III iH'VvHttlWIiUiV .J ...,... ,w ....,. whn h .,11 ...,er.n?Yver. .1 ll 1 a. 11 1 t I Mill ir-iif rntv V-wr and N-kiia. Ktt-n tin- dam. uikii leep river I'.w down as tli.y are. will la.' found to exert a 'aalularv intlueiHi- 111 tliiii.iiishiinr the .lam.-tiren f(jl). I -,,,w ,1B) , er. I lim kiinl ut improvement I iiiuicaieu 111 lite ion-going I'oiiimiii.H-aiio.i is es- j -, to those' rivers whose naujati..n u...- n..s a .,.. a ii.rt.vv , yo i M. i,row . i, - . rntry when-the raiii. are itwuifr- rcrning, M . M. Barker, N; B .ri,)k;j lWl,.r. , . .,f ,W main J W Reer, Dr. Hand James, and Ma- mvxhd iXLA iCwion ,,,, ..,(. ordinarily K..-. dim-ily to the ;,,,-,.,. ,b. I 1. ', 1 u- -V ! ! great rea.Tv.Hr. Hh ocean ,,ilV time ,4 ..i-m- I ItV arrives when it can la- irra.luallv dim liarg.-.l vi as in ni.i-l th.- want. I hat. indicated. No -..I... ..... full Ii. Iu. l..r..uu.l ..ll. lite llll!M.rl.'ll . f ,.lm:lll lf ,. j,,.,, the map of North t llie Mate is Ira terse. I l.v lit.- rivers, tsy of Ih. ni s.ih i.atii;a " mereail in e..iis.,pie,,,e ot ti u. - f the mil.l (vs tA ibe el. ...ale. TheM (l.tliltillllie.-ltl. 'II ss lib the oii-aii sill rar. lv la' interrupt. -.1 by a-.- .lu ring the winter. If therefore, the supply ii a ter may la- li.isl.mi. I. . I .luring Mimi.ier, the nat ialiou of nil llie river, may la' pi.erted the whole year. At a t wln-n railway. Iiate t- oome so a.'iilar in .i.iis.'.pi.'ii.i' ot llieir in. Mi.r an, I sh.iwv r.u I..II lie umre lUll.l.le n'T (oil th.el.y utoeisUi however, pros.-.l water by means of and main bran, lie- to la' feasible and priu-li. able 'ficicht anioiiiil of' eiil.-fpivse an.l colli. I a fllf- Ih1 awakened in it'!,, U'batf and llie means i.f..r... the pictures 1 X:....., ..... .... -.. ... .... .. . -.. 1...1:.. ;. 'fi'.TenH.iet- rltn'llviv-ri . i .1 mineral aim arietiiiiirai. mat nu.i u.eir .at ioj"i i . " is"." ..e,. . .....v. uu ... . - - - -- r , hnmflittT'n .sophy of die. , ... I,, , i...t;.,j t....i ..VT...,r ... .l,.i Li tl... Hall, which ciiii,.. Tiff lit Tiiirtir nt-""?!r?"'r a ... ...... , . ,r , .- . - , .. ,. , . ouiniuv, . ot siifc-h artk-ie. a are nniw.arv tor iioin.- ...11 in tier liami niul ine otner a song, me ........ a..., . . , 1. .i t. I ... .... . ' . . '. i..: 1 1 .,..:. ..: 1 I... ! Ifamet llie I at, ratiier , mnv in- return. vi. i in. oi irans ,,m, e.ia a tt'esti'i ii i.-idv i.-n.ii-rn.!' io rier i o. u...n ho.i.i , n 1,1 '" """"t - Ui4.UtJiM; i,.m.iii.h..:, gw.c mmwa.sia. ' .... r mmTm'l!mrirUmvnmvnint l K J.JZ.,Z ft i , :. JVJ resertoin iijk.ii llie upH-r ,-ars. treigliled Willi oi eitizein " .tw......s.. :,,,, to l.arliciitat.. in tl... ei.wti.... """'"''"" ...e ....i-.i- ln ..f the rivers, can I shown f the nei'dihorin counties, had arrived, that U,nio to persons were j.ies- ,,...',-.. sioti lias t.ccn caused by a tailuro to re- - ..' ot nansim union iiiiiii any , I i- i. il . ri, ,w r .i.e. i-otiicr iriniis, which st-ro tun: in nun - - - .t -m ...T--arTKTTrTTmx -ne-reTrOT' use nana OI violt'Tltl, in 1 h T .V . ? i .1 ' . .il I . &, . u. itV fltfven. did tint arrive in time hut the hnsmess were closed. .m aceineiit oc- uer ine re... r. or .e g..t c. f tiw same city to the extent .of :Jotb, the presence of hi lo " v 1 . ' ' !..l.;..f f,,i ..f tl... .biv ,.,...oi..'(.,l I fllired to llilir tlie IcsttvitlUS OI Hie occa- win cneciuany cxc.uoe ii ton It Ml. Sun, rv '...ton ,r.s..i abn. n..rT..r tv-r i ;n V Suiithfield, IVc. 21. We make an extract from the ciiiiiiniiiii. ation ill the Raleigh Register, diieriptiv.' ... M wlial tlie wriier ei.perieii.i-u liming, .m- J. . . .1 ' . I I ,1... I..,.. advent of tie Legislature here ii Vmr In (he evening, I went. to the. theatre I.T-. itv, -uwW,.. rTiVhtnsew thiiii illi a inure K KMMi )NS. Vthe pwwrUuiMrte sliar. of the cbivrb-y ; evwythiiigjladre and -gentlemen.- Sitfelien- -ly right everybody perieeiiy oroer- ''"'witluaunJiug it Chri.tuia. i..... and h)Uih. cn,mIllej froln fllMjr to ceiling; Bo ptaunu, no cijjuti, uu .nooung or wuiuinB , and, hm roM wiih it. Totaptnoa. iot," I tluitijrhl of our ILil.'igli hand and x tlicatre, iifi.1 -ijihi-d for the glory that dparUd. la th.- tiinf the muic v-d, the U-ll rung nerv- oiiflv tli lieitulilul ln ctiruin iruuz ui- jwaid out of tight, H.i.l the perforuutiice com- . men.fd. I lie play wl.-et.-o for I lie ocraion . - -y - . -..----. ... "r ' Z . . 1' 1 VIM President of-the ICoad, who W. fwriiw wa A Km in IRC JmK, ' ,lii,-li nu t.lut'...l uitli ..mi..!..! erT.-et mi.l to iiMe ..... , --- - .1 1 , 1 1 . 1 .1. . 1 unairicai piiiw, orou-111 uou 111c uoue gin '"'d ". Lair in tlir evoninir a larifo nartv awemlded T Molmea' W wind up the festivities of the day. 4 " host was the talented ami gentlemanly 'eore l)avi.h.e acpiaiutanc-e 1 had the ' ....... -..v.. ..t a....U.... a ih.r. ...mull u.m III ull (-..u.t - s- ............ - -.. Prohahihty will jet he known as tioun.or of l.-'".M.eU ...e.nlar ot the Uou ot Commons. " 7... . everv" Lart .arkliii2 wine circuiaitl, every war . Sd d)fa.,d erv toitrtu. elo-! , r qui-nt. Many were the toat. an.f nentiinenta, ll)II.IiV happy were tlw repoiii, and A.irr the re- nta. W ilnmigtoii. our ho.t. and the M.l .v.rih State, w.-re .Irui.k in foaming Lumia-rs. The east an.l tie- '-t were met and eter- nal : tlie .tar of Ituiu-oiuhe lione wiUiaJiiiimouU:il.biitfliUi!.-wa ...ols..!V!.!Utbjit thev wotihl niake the nece.irv ai-1 lt an.) with nlorv . . .f ..n.ttL...M.lli I ."fl '.. ..tiii, i.-i. linn.., - ' t :. everything '"' ,w'r,'"l-v """ . 'did forget who tl.nlii plaee ed. N". in our Iu the im..t ot our revelry a name was a noble s..ul that has pa- te. away for ever, and instantly a solemn ni- leii.-e reigned ; etery mall Tom; t.. his fi-t, every lip as husbed an.l evert eve t-a.1 dosn when th.-I bairn. an. in a subdued tone, gate "the j inetii'jry .f t'ol. I.illiiigti.ii.n ' " ltrriH.rele Vrtih! if Ihu. Ih) flame, eonsume s Trie tM-st mim! t.iflu-sl of hi. ruce, tv h.', .licit eseaicr Ins dtaail T vv liai rxtr nuic sltarl (raee i Tie- w.rUI l.k him. an4 with hat nurtc .traia 1 'all f..rl Ii llie v.t'o.l. leate. ihr W.sNit. (Ir lad the wrealbaie tartilis eoila.wrr Ilia raaiuier ' tl.s.t.l aa-d the tht. ror my part, .Jel,Kl, ! was fast l u 1 1 1 1 Hi it 1 1 UT. .Nmio Were least so I hate La-.-ii told. rr..iii tins H-ri..l u.y iii.-iii-..rt lo ... .mall a mini, thai 1 niu-4 Im--xcu-d from entering into any further particil j lars. How I nut lioine f. a mystery 1 am pre '. partJ Ui .wear Ui. When ,1 got up uexl, iejwtt.-r, s-v -rtlni.eJ- was a!l riixlit, exe.-j.l that n.v lnital.a.ii. sure uiiUido lhed.aa, my UilU oil tlte elsaw, ai.4 my hatiu th w4i luiu. K.. . Jan ML liiii , f -wrt hlfi 4th w t. m . t . . i . . , , , , 1 . ' ' i Ube l.ngktest day that ever dawned on ! i r w n-r. iw ... it..'i. ii.'riin.v ty .i,. yaririFt.ijg times -wl-ttie-tw?teit- AWH - ?LW"'J. he JloteU anil on vale i we , . .... . . . - o u.-r. ledr V n . l;i.T 1-..I. i ll ' an.l nr- ' - j . , t un.. iiioi nnijj, iii.iiiiiiiues tame iur- mg in imm every road and avenue lead- . ' ... - M., the HtreeU of Salisbury were cl"ely hiickt il with ladies and gentlemen, LV8 ' I I ... I ...... ....I a. .I.l:.... ..M ttiiu wniiiun. nuu n mviiiu PiFiiuiwiiiiir ti ; . , " , .1 niggrnbmi - 1 he owner of tire col.wd - ..' i i . i: i . . . , i . . . . . I hireli.,-. and tTie countenances of all I aeeilltil Up with joyotistiesS. e;...., At iu o ciotK, Willi ikarrillger, i c luer Marshal of t ic dav, assisted bv .I.e. a ' . cinei .uiriii 01 ine uuy, assisieti ny .i.e. soph F. (.'hatlilicrs, J. ' . C'lerhrjnt, t ik - ,.,r . , ... i. ,,, ,,v ! "a'"eh i 1 f-' -V 1 , M e' :'f b"KWT, t-l'",cl,,itl'1 u(1 l.'"o 8 th.ase for whose good he had labored, but liberty, and would make any sacrifice to t ., , ..... . , - I vefis, and l e.stlliUvte.1- to r- Inuu. l,liar.-,. Hrhv tb.hata aruausui tlia IJiJl to iiuuir- i- . " au .witou, uat J .'.i.l A.... f . A .-. uf Sih.J,urj ; In- , , c i: i .... . :;,, , ... " - . ,. . a"w'", i io iiKair. tn, tjl0 parrlng gtfV, crrtiiing-wtth-the-Hutam it; but we question the warta. i . .i . ii i i lottu to . Salisbury ii .uiiW: 111 00 linn- i,.,rate the I limn Hank to lie" locjiti-il in j f , , i t .i . i-i . l - i a. -i.A r the It.ii; llilhx.n Acn ; , , .... - -l- . , . i' ne ioi-uu-u iji worj- farewet 'waa tke crowning of that liberty which a man enjoy. wTm ,;n; EOHi E.tert:,,h,mt, I diawmg . car. Newbern, wk;U was participated ih U it ' K is deiHjmletit utwn the caprice of hi. em- - i"f eiiiiiaM now ui- H-reu in evei .r-t-n . ciikiiiri. 4 u iIuh I vm h m , . , . . ,. , , . i .J , . , , , . ,- ... , .. , ! : setiu oaca ui iue couuiries irom wnieii i ns irienus. llie de)i; ittul evctutiir ot ,.ia . .,! . tu tl.f . .:;i-- Sa shi rv and Concord Bunds. A ( tended for the benefit of those outsiders, ,, .. . .. ,,-..- . , ,t t. o-.t km -m P i -,"ur v . agents , and also that a vigilance com a...!. , ..... -oiik ih ..ail is. . , .i-i ,i , , .J- they come, ull tueli loreigners ot those, Doc. 2. th, bo, will long be remember-! r;rT i, iirL'e Banner, the device ol which I in who had takeu their places on the tops ot . ' . . " . . -. , , ' ,.n , . , 1 imttee tic nppnintea to carry the abOTO ' pre el to . ea, Aoki . it kk ot-; adjoining house, without pavi, for an claa- .ny, in violation ot such law til by hose who were favored in being into eff1 The ,eaderg NortherB MIL" iind Fk,km,; was blir,:; aloft adiissi,!;, ticketMIe was sin loft a.nong Oreenro lat,u,L ,,i n ion have long taught that there to the i.rvcxe. and was tntich admired bv I the clouds ; and after some five miles of lllu r1Qu l." ... T': V - . ; a higher law than " the Constitution and 1 ........ ..... it i lllK. ,,,! j,,..,,,. as.-iii .iio; that tins Is , land of peace n 'j,a.ti le string" ill . . . 1 plenty, and that the hilll'jxoli tin OHtnlilt Tl.n ciiiiimnv. on arrivinir at the station : l..m.ewu4KM.-ai a. i-It- iirraii.'." on either ., . , i . : - r. , , , , .iile f the Koad ; and, at 11 o clock, the ! booming of (-.-union and the of the and, together with the shrill whistle of "PI... ,.r.. l,.. ..;f..lU- ,l..r...rut..l u itb ......y. , ... ..-,. J : l i-1 - -..LliiA. Mr l-..l.t.r. ia. ' im.f lilt one ot r- ' . ' w .. .... tr.. i.-i i v re&n t lit inaLiii.. e ..." t'v f;ll"t the Iron lorse will, a h,i train ,,t nosx on, rr uar . u,e unreal otitno it-; .n-i-iit vnrietv of lu'iiiiicrs : and us to.v'!c.Vtiltt have witnessed (his most elithnsi ' i .. ; n.,i,.i..". j ,n...a.. , the exercises on the ground would now commence with an uddross from Judge Ellis, welcoming their friends ami neigh bors to the hospitalities of the town. JIudj'eEllisLtiii licing intntdtift'il to the -(.--- -- - .-'. of a artioii"rrI1.,mlv , iWivcretrattdexeelfenf ad.fros,"!, .1 1 I....1 .1........I.....I 1... .. .....a... which was murne.i iiiii.iii;...h.i .'t H T" " fof liberulitV ill t.-nml p' . . r J reference to works oi in- emeni. in me cuaiv, w nicu . .-!.. .1 - o. i:: .l. nenil admiration. While rtvetlj pjn-keJ. aliljost to suffocation witiil ( . .ion Had Dcen lor the safety qt the train; ;al,d ,jie ?liKl,t interruption caused to the Banker bv their arrival out of time wag ; wltolljr lost mglit ol ljr the audience, in view of tlie Iiuppv turn whieli the Judsre I gtff jig Biltiresa in congratulating the ! company on the aafety of the passenger, who were now added to the company, j Duritifr the delivery of the address of 1 , v la i. VOJ. tn-illent v iiiti-rrinit y 8hotitg of applause. : JJe lig havmir concluded, call were made in every direction for Uov. vu M Bllnrr timn lirKlitiil liv Mr olhfi'd rr r - ---- muuiier loenienain me atiuience wun a 1 . 1 .1 . . 1 mtinttio' .IcMteti tf tli iiieiiiu.lit utpli. l.v :",,, ...- r- I MrU":l ,he. c,rr,ed on a,ld ,,,e 1 ttroild IX Wit Kill which It HOW OCCUUteS. j Jits allusion to the three locomotives and their immense trains of cars, then on the track betore him, was eloquent indeed ; ....I ...I..... 1. ... .1... m.L . r .1... Umu k ni-u ne rv-ierruu to inu vine oi me shaker of the Senate, by which this . u l.;,,. of tllu l,--o,lotivcs. in . , ..- . ... I . , .', . i stfain. Oov. M. slated that j ! US miles of the mail were now in run- 1 'il?s of the ma.1 w ere now in r... ! "'")-' order, and the biilance all graded, j aim in" one million 01 uoiiars. was yet j neeueu lor us co.i.p.eiioti ; alio mat .iug- j ing, irom a s..j..rti oi some weens in me , city of Jaka, of the liberality of the pre-1 sent lA'gislatnre, he had no doubt but V.' 1' "ri .r:.: -rr T .1. -..- i proi. nation : and if tliuv tint, that in one 1 vear more, there would be agreut jubilee ' ,1. ., ,r (:..,,.-1,, relehratorv I of the filial coinpleti. in of this uiL'iiiitic 1 final coiiiplctinn of this gigantic i public work! Here cheers, Til UEE HMl- 1 Ilkb.L, jor th: Jtjmtutun oj adoption. It a.ks but little and promises j utmost exertions to build up an " Anter Xorth Citruliiia, were proi.osed by the . immense benefit. ' wrfy," whoso maxim shall be : Hon. Nathaniel Ih.ydcn. Tlie multitude j Tie Bill for the extension of the North i Ameuicass shall rclk tiikik Coi.ntbv! caught the glowing spirit which prompt-'Carolina Iiailroad, Easti, to Jfcaufort, ' ed the mover, and in a moment, ull Hats wore otf. and a universal shout burst from i .en uit... . e . . w... ,...1. n ... .icnt-aiii ..p...-. Mi... instiiiet ..f lil'.- eauoht tlui f. r-1 Voralpl reiH'iltttl the cheers. . - , o - --- ,e,cf. .ttg . ,. . . ?".. ...f j , ix IIiarke.l that the -ti-.ini vvIiUtlct had het- j r 1,,,!,, than ll anJ he had ho iloubt Ii it I lt till' litJlHiH' ratlier hear llltill.. ii tln.vJ lkwtir-iail iw iii u i irut i I lil' that the Noi-th Carolina Kail It-tad waa.;,! dt.iirt.d tension West,i,f W -r no fancy sketch! ; Sl)1(, portion of it-wo l,av Tl ie names . .1 t the three Ixicomotives are novel to me. Jlit-y are us tollows, Cvi i.ow." tancieiit Giant.) "Tka- e tdireclioH.some.-.M.oa to sumnluou. i . o. . :. ii.. . i i. i. . i .... ' . . . . . . i was aeei aiKl-lwartlelt. Mshv its . of e 1--' """" "o"'"- ....... i , P, '1 i .i it r. r.i .. 5- the liberality of the committee ot arrange-. ua. i.t t .l.i'.i i.ii.i .i-'ii H.'ii..i.u lit v-aie Jiauses wiucuiiau uecn vpeucu v un t , - reception. Hie liHrliecue foiisi.U-il ot VI ., , ,. , ,, . I lit!'.. I n rl eetl. f e I Ml t's. H 1.1 1 ' . t . i t s- , - , . i.-jstun-i .. o . ...".... ... ... ..t.... , making noo pounds oi preau. At 4 o clock, l mfessor r.lliutt was in i rt'iuliiifss to take bis ntrial flii'lit niniiior; the clouds in hin fine silken palace, Ia-1 L.IU l!..4..P.,a .al.:..a. I.l. I....,, J., ri.ii. irvi"i m taniiii: 11 10 nmiii tn wt.v i.i.. i r :.... ..r 11 . r war 1 , .. a. car, a la.!y, (Mr. We.ks, .wile ol one of, .- . , . :n ,i ,1;,. rope. She displayed great presence of nuud. and pwvvd. quite conelnsively, . ... ...... .-1 uiai 11 ner iiusiiaiiti coiim riue upon 111c ilasiiing locomotive, at tlieralc ol no miles- I . - ' .... ".!.'. 0,3 .ot ..u. v.-, ut me ... ol- .nut.. atr hour, that she aspired I" flights far-, ..e.a v.- . ... e, v o-v , adieu U a time to the things of earth; ! ml tmdt his fiigl.t to parts unknown, attaining a clevatioi, of some HX. feet, he 1-!..t off a uiiantii v of sand, which I.e i. i ride in Ins Iwantidil Laiiooii, no re- tripped Umiii the " light lant"atic toe, until the " wee stna' hours." At VI o' clock, a rich supper was spread in an ad joining room l.v the lady of Col. liobards. 'of the Rowan House. Among the deli- caries, there were some halt dozen larcje , .... sv ind truly lieautiful cakes, prepared nt llie Con feet iouary an.l Uakery establishment set Mr. Itiii. of tins town. Ctlt 1 Ulld it the l.CL' l-lilt U TO ot OUT i i .. i . i- .. list c (i s i av oi p.inii ar ieei nir. inev bion. . i' " BKAIMONT. I. i a , 1 i. ...... , . , , ., -' - binding f.irce ol the Constitution of the Cure fur Hunt FtlUm. My practice with I'nired States, as paramount to all obli bonetfelloiis, is to direct a poultice of bread anj gations of adhosi.oii or allegiance to any naniil, nr tlU'pi-ry, tl'H...iir'a ti-w . oay, a deep mid lr moasion to M the .-uu . matter ouL Wl I... I,... l..i, f.,1. pnatiii' nas ..i n io. towea: t haVi never seen anv lost of hone or . V - . i ' titicned flngers; on the eOntrarv, where linifly ' oia'iiing has h.i'11 neel,.itil one tir the other of .fteWwt- Fans the EiUJgb Hcauur, of Jan 10. THE LEOISLATUKeT The Legislature lias entered noon the high th Week of the Session, much more " constitution. business, by the way, having been accorn-1 Sixth. We shall oppose, now and lierc plished, during the last week, than during fti", y " union oj Church and State," any previous portion of it. " matter what class of religionists shall In the Senate, on Monday, the Free 8!k to bring about such union. Suffrage bill was brought up for a second Seventh. We shall vigorously maintain reading, when Mr. llauahUm. moved to!'10 vetted rights of all persons, of native amend the first section, by providing that no unnaturalized foreigner shall vote for of Snat or I Ioua nf ( .m. mons, which amendment was finally pas - sed by a vote of 55U to 23, despite the . against ui auruiiment of reujuiu iioer strenuous opposition of the Hoo, Aa 1 ty, holdtiig jt as a cardinal maxim, that iMiios, ontma cuaiet oenaie eteci, hiio '"y'"" usuutMiun wi.reucstii seemed, during the whole proceedings, j individual and his God, and over which to be undergoing a purgatorial process.-"0 political government, or other human More on this subject anon. The bill pass-,' power, can rightfully exercise any supcr ed bv a voteof3tf to 14. j vision or control, at any time, in any i Ju the House of Commons, on Friday I last, the Hill introduced by Mr. Steele .1 . r. . lor tlie incorporation 01 a lUlllroad Irom Wilmiiiton to Charlotte passed iu second Irt.i - Hill r.iea S., ...H.-, .. 7 . '. Bond, of the Company to an amount not lorifer than .4I.0WJ.iWXi.' We have t larger than already taken occasion to approve this principle in tlie construction ot Kail- roads. tjn the same day, Mr. Ueaden s JJill for a Charter for a Kail mad from the coal region on Deep Uiver tj a certain noint on the North ('ami inn Itiiilmwl - ? . ... ... . .1 wa iirwV carried tl)tll? it-J.ld.r4!illl-Jcaft6 hig. We regard this as u most 1....1 ..... j..r.. u.,,1 .rr.jtiri,..! r..,.. .r.l i iu nassHLre. We hone that there can. lie! ju nassaire. We hope th no obstructions in the way of is final! came before tlie House d Commons, on Saturday, on its second reading, lind was earned triumpiiai.tly tlir-ngii, - only i muriceu votes ueing recorueti in ttie ...: W- ....... ',..1..... ,i. ....! ,.r cau.ti. c v".iK.ns..n..c ,v, v. the whole State, and especially that nor-! . . . . - .... . . - . U(m 7 them wtercstcd mttirr great irtd inoht iinitortant work, uimui thu certain t v l(( ,ta niiu (Nin-iinnintioii. 1 hut t m u urn It. mi nr- r m .inul.t. To otherw ise. would lie ., . , , , i distrustitiL' the patriotism of its mem- .. . , ' " . Lt'li I ...J Tb lt:.k., ...I K- r.. "J". . etr.. '", "' " We are cimihsllwl, for lack of mom. .....i .-.n t.i.i la . T.r I ia ,i-.a..tir .iij.ujieA, ouAlotlUav. -Mmm feaiki "iLii ' , rf..r ,,r (Tio 'T.r.I.! j Tfrftilr." riffffrr 'Tin1- - j , -i - i.e.. ........ It.r... ,t. .e. uli u. I. iu-... I t..rt. m (., ....... ... iue comiiliinicuiums oi itu-oK, comes Up to dav, ( luesday.) - 4 ' " " Irom the Amrncsn Orpi, n i" I? I'Pivt'iPi v -r w M. -a w lit w 1 I IIjU. I ' firt. h e fiimli ndvocato n rcneiit oft Uni laws of naturahziitioii, or if that can- bc 'l8 KV. ' " i"- iri iniiiiitrruiiiH ir.tni 1 ti 11 nir iiyi.ita , . ( , , r ,.....,,.. .... ... ... ,. , . .... r' . i J I Uttasr ftlk Itllf tina iit la I Istiri l!lt,rl. fit TNI a takill ' the oalll of alio 'I'llicu to the i;,,., gttt)6 Cauj 0f aLJrttum of all , potentates, and princes. goblet was from " the Eaeulty of Greens-1 1 , 1? 1 .iL,., ,,,,...,', v , , , y- W. f1"11 advocate R passage horo J-emale LolLye. KJlf. to l,revc,", After he presentation , the compaurj lhu tHlUcrw.f fS,r'nr who , adjourned to the parfors where Dr. V. re f'" """'." ana w j IIIMIIII lllllll Hll lrll t t-I II III1IIL1 UIlll'II Illll , , .. J ? , ..' . .. .- ... . .j.. and a proper mdenrmty eiietition thereof. Hsball oirtww-tlr or aiK)intmeiit of anv r'l'reujn-l-orn c iti. 1 reus to anv othce ol trust, lion. .r or emo u-:n the bonds ot that Mate. A telegraph- I .i . i- i . . . 1 i .i meiit, uuder the hederal or State govcri!-.ic desitatch savs: ' ...cuts, orthreinploviiieiit or eiihMiu. nt 1 v , n . ,. I ; -Messrs. n atlswoith and Mieldoii s ba-' l such persons in the army or navy , . viuiaM fo U"?"l T'! ,,."a"",.",n' ""-' show resources largely above tl.eir habit- opinion, that. the uUv,- citizens of..,; am, thw ,o Hie I n.ted ssuue have the right to gov-' tuvntiltn win l)e mvTx.U. t,T)i. orn ll.H land of their hirtli ami that a . 1 state. " ' Fourth. Wtv shall and urge .1... ... ..r ,....i ...i - . ...w. u. .. . ii.i i.i. . . j roi, no snail not nirecuy an.r tjcpuvtuy rci-itgiii.c ine iiiuigauoiia aim -i,,,,.!,,,. prince, iniwcr. putontate. or au- . i.,,riv. u hatevur. under anv and all eir f - - (.utllstullCCS. c-i .ostances. rtrrn-jn e . ..w . mat " onu oi me oiaies oi mis x. nion i'lias Uitr riglit U aailllt to me ciljot mem of twVr'yM , birth, who lias not htxnjirtt made a citi zen of the United State, according to the " uniform rule" of naturalization prescrib- J Vy Congress, uuder tlie iirovisiong of or foreign birth, and shall at all times op- lYe u'e sugnieai interierence wun sucu 1 vested rights. 1 Eighth. We shall oppose and protest Jplace or in any form. i Atnth. We shall oppose all "higher I r. l I . ..... .r.&: ,ttw uoviriucs, uy w hich me conaiuuuou is to be set at nought, violated, or disre- garded, whether by jKliticiaiu,by relttrim nit, or by the adherents or followers of either, or bv any other cIom of persons. U ........ ............. ...... I , the amtSMum it .Unda, the Union as ! 't exmte, and the rtgM-nof the Strtiet, with- 'out diminution as guaranteed thereby: njXMttnJ at an times, anu to tlte extent oi our aouiiy aim itinucncc, tui wno may assail them or either of ihetn. Eleventh. We shall opiioee no man, and sustain no man, on the around of his opposition to, or bis suiitxirt . Demo- measures, or II lua measures : but . ... in ' . 1 we shall op"KBe (hose who oppose our d.x'trines. an. I anstjiiii tlnutn who sii.tain our doctrines. Twelfth. And lastly, wo shall use our A BEAL'TIFL'L PliESENT. We ie ,,loasllref beine present e-'..,.,.:...,...,:,." : ,i10 at an liitereting scene in tlie Lhapel oi :,. .nn, I, I i .... .... Vwl. i .i. o-.i. u....... . uctinv uvciiniir iiic 41111 i ruccii. m:r ; 011 wllit;l, c6SrtT,TOTrmii:Tu'im r i. f r i . n rv i1 . . i . ... . 1 tcstimo-! "i;f1,l'";'a''dia 'ewrd f"r.'"9 """" ..ffolt. ? T"0 ,l.,e we,,are 'ti ' " tot swill-;:" uuini me iasi lour years. .un le scene was not that cold formality i. . t , , . . U.suailV exil lill.t.1 nil Hlleti f-ueai.ina I...I n. i . i i J 1 a . t . JCT,n.P ninanagci to Keep Yttteit cwoireit r and the lr.- war -takc?n -toy surprise when 1 resident Jones rose, un- L,v(.rv.i the mlr !?litt..rin.. and o-raktful . ...... - sive jieeeli presented it We havenev- ur seeil-Dr. I), so Illtlch catmized bv uiiv ! f n. -i'i yv - . - Tii occasion as in ins attt'itipi to re . -. jirescnt seemed to catch the contagion of than will supply her own needs. Free feeling, as he concluded his few remarks dom and the field are indissolubly asso in manly tears. jciated iu our minds. Ihe massive salver contains the simple , iJ'U"", t resemea ut i ruiriex . ''' . J). D., hy the Junior, &,ihiiu,e J L " " ' ei unman ciatuu fi or irreetuooro re. matr t idfrttr. rf- .S;V4-. - 1 he pitcher, one of the most nearlv ,ao u.e eanmiuaer., I..... in .., ye ; i..e f iiijut .- nil., iti rim frrtrura . .v I" , v ,i , , i . i rlirs.s ikf taMliim 1sT- lllllltr-tsltiil niu ni.-asas v. ..... teachers in the Collcrje, and another , , . ... siwnt.tiie reniaiiiaer ,;t t ,e evening witli , -I ir ..... i-.; ti . i r w i 1 j . - . ...v., n-h,.,.. KuJr.nT.ripH il. i,r.mi.,,r I,, c. , . ,. . , , I ' ,,rlT-"J iwyiiwiu was made on l uesday ot interest .., ... ...,.1. ... ,...Y.vw -...v.. cetve extiecteu Tviuittauces. The telegraph also aniioni.ces the fail tire of Belcher tk Co.; sugar re li the am.,u)lt ,,f Jl.eMrPxm. The failure of tlie banking house of "ibis is erected bv hi. pn tieti. Liriitier, of l'ittsbiirg, l'a., is re- pils a bereavnl community, to sliow their ported. appreciation of his worth, and to perpe - itate their horror at his murder." - " e 'riFTwiiiig III liigli- -and h-4v liatL uf Jillv unlihli.t.-.! l.v si umhiue . ' ' 7 . . 7 " . and unn-.illi.-.l lie storm.' I here are Kho . w m,w the .Jste. o - the- gmver-liero n.ei oi eutlurauce, of whom the world fias never IS'nr.1, hut whose names will b.' twiglrt heiWler evou Uyd the l.rilittt ngl. ' ' . DISTliESS NORTH .AND SOUTH. Both Northern and Southern newspa pers abound in notice, of pecuniary dis tress ; but the development, are striking ly different in the two sections. In the South a few house, have suspended, aa good many note, have been protested, bank, have refused accommodations, rail road improveoMtuU Are at a stand still this is all. All this exist, at tike Korfh to a much greater degree, and, in addition, capital is idle, for fear of loss by bain; employed, and laborer, are thrown oat of employment, and either starve or are fed ou soup by the benificence of the cha ritable. We do not allude to this con trast to exalt over the calamities ot -ear neighbors. We would, if we could, feed the hungry mouth and clothe tlie naked back of all the poor of the Norther States. But as our Northern mend. har latiL'hed immoderately over onr red hill. and sluggish husbandry, and been at some pains to contrast the comforts conven iences and thrift of life at the North t i tli life at the South, it is a good time to ar them back in their own coin. Trae, our hill sides are red, washed, gullied and unpromising, but they feed Us. We, the poorcstirf us, haw bread and meat cnough und ui spare. Our cities are very poor things in comparison with Northern citiea, but a soup charity i. altogether unknown iu them. Tight Times has come down here too, but lie make. hi. abode in tha big house with " masses ;" Sambo i. be neath his notice, and Dinab never heard of him. There is plenty of corn in ffee , crib, plenty of bacon in the smoke honse,' . whatever may be the condition of man's bunk account. The difference is attributable to the dif ference in the pursuits of the two sections aud to the social institutions of the South. An agricultural people never can be distressed for want of food by the .tat of tlie money market ; and more especially is this the case if the laborers are slaves. As part of the capital, the slave must be fed aud clothed, his health and life pre served, or the; profits of the capitalist will be losfcuiiod.- -Not so, luwevrTin a matv. -ufacturing community. Tlie laborer mar starve and another will fill his place, tl l'iu profits of the mills and factories do- not pay interest upon the investment, tun mills and factories must .top, and the la borer live on charity, or starve until ftmee chnnge, and it becomes profitable for th i.t.ui il.oir mllli an.l faetnrina in " " " '" , . plovers, the change, and chance, of fash ion and tradu, the events of warrior fiMal to eat and clofhes to wear. With thesclilews, we cannot irniir- tliize with that teelmg which prompts Inien to desert the cotton field for. the wrl- al.n. unj l.nn nvr su. Ih H.w- - - - ? - ..T.' - ,, . n.-..y.r.r Another and darker feature of North- ern society is being developed by the pressure of the times, to which theSontb times, to which the Sonus ;s n stranger. stranger. .Notwithstanding the city antlioritles of New York have appropria-- tail 41llfUlll f.,1. tlta ISlliilf nf ilia AAA. ...! I . . . ' ' . '-' 1 ...V . ....... V. . UlVWl, .u.. utiiust to lessen the distress, the Iftboniijj t . .1 . 1. .1 ,..""..., .aiaS ie sen. to ..limn, to tiui.ihi riutoiu at . ..a a . I f-t . scenes of 1 J 11 me weaitny ao not spxfl Ut, Mi:0r At . .nn. - k Z'iw i, Tw Z rL, ItlJZ recently, it was resolved Uiat jxorfam- iUes living in the city, who are unaVietO theh-lents, daring tl present hard h;le, ghaU not be turned out et' their i.ib M. M uiivi.llK 1.. . a W4 hoa9C, by avariciotis landlords or their law msue in pursuance tliereol, ana 1 att cnllot co,,,.. ain MOW that the " no sonesl y.;.u. .... .;.. 1 -a.j, 1.... . . M...,. ... .... r . .. ii . ... ,, . ... . . llie citizens of lAinisville have erected a ... , , . iHoniiment to W . II. G. Butler, thejeacher It.- M,.tr U'.t 1. ; .... .A shot by Matt U aid It is an elegant ,,ece ot orkmanshirt,. built of Italian marble, and about ten feet in height The inscriptions on its sides are as follow.: 1 " v nitam II. t... Hut er. born in Jef- H'yi cptintyIntliana October 3d. 1825: diedat,.Iuisv.ilUi,.ivy.Suv...2dI the reverse- man without fear and without- re- . J 1'. "Hi'li ; an J gentle and retiring disposi tion, ot clear ana vigorous mind, svu sve eouii1ished scholar; a devoted, and sue- uieek ana iiumbie vmg pulptls a mar-. the discharge of dutY.1 I ti the south sidi li A pnuter't dwvil, wbs. p.;-. speeisl swentioa Is a yuu lad. un tows, w.ibuut ".I'-i au 'minmrn, - wa. rM.-wtn, walt-W- ether aujln, waea mmw faeUiuily said, n.vtr r is lutrn." - Why," mid oar Jna.J!i: (cstiir," sk r?Btist, " r Sits a swi so WcU." f? ttyjjatjsaiaeeasa ";r r-Vin'fj.j'-fr-i'. vtr, iy.w.'--v.B.'.-',..'.'jjUC'.vjij..e.. -t-'i-"r'""'-: k-ai.--s-i'V.'--

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