iA n?r - ,i i j 'Iff 1 't 'i jtawffrJlMJ: (tostrrtr, tftr rts oni. Srirnffs, jtoalitiy, aaft tjie roil). (Eferif,' VOL. -XLNEW SEMES. - SALISBURY, N. C, JANUARY 25, 185;. NUMBER XXXV BY ' JJ. BkIHEB, EDtTJ AXD pKftRBIiTiK. .. . J. . WU ja, Awwtast. , .. ... i . r , Fw tk. Ratal, Rosier, Laafta, Jnu. 2d, 1855. ... . . , 'Ma. Eurroa: Having jut recxj ved and hastily ltenised the Report of the re- a,.-.n.nf tl. VriM,Jlr.,liii,. u,..l ' Wtern-JUil M or Western Kx- .Jim " k Miia llwtfnn ml iiii.ii it-n.iuu, j "j'. fttrhUhed heretofore Kiiioaketehe of the nilvnutage of .iba IWite. Swaimn m and Watauga, tn wincii a prerort'm-e wo jv ei to, tlie latter In miny repett I think it due to mytelf, an I the public, t jrive, without delay, tome of the reaaone why 1 now, under all the eireiiiiiatai.iceA, am wil - linto concur heartily and crilially with tlie advocated of tile Hwananoa route : 1 lt. AeoiiilpetcntKiijjirieerljMdioiim - atrated by acaal aarvey by which alone it coold be deternuned,! that the Kwaua - nua U preicnible UHhe Watatiirar-.titeou the JSorth, and the, Uee.ly-1 aii.li on thel--ft ,d sue!. atli Kl.igli andtias- have selected theae a two subject of tax South, U ome of the tnuat itu'portaut n- tn ; ,i,v,,, (Vm,n.4nv Seaboard and ' athm. not doiibtinif that the call of the tjnlmte Ur ucccaa. 8L Itia otrw, for a greater extent of country witltin tne Mate, than any ton e aouthof it, within proper raugo f ilie Cumbenatui (.tap; and though Hot no near tothatpomta by IIim ataiigft route, U the mm of one hiiti'lie'l ami twctity while one hundred dollars in land pays j ed m.f to report the a.ime ttn-k to the Senate, purtioti of the coal hV-IU, gave tlm coniniittee a j iug tln bill tLroujjli and wislu J for some y (arcording to urvey in North I'arolina ' thou ami dollars - being the amount of , six cetita. In thi connection itis worthy ) with the accompanying arm iHlinent, ami n-coin-1 inintite and very inter, sting account of I s'p tein in taking up bill. Mr. J. M. Leach thought ami Tennenaee,) i till tl(Beieiitlv direct 1 1,,,,.,!, i.,1.1 ... ,.,. ,1,,. c,!.,.' l.i(.riotioti ' ..f r..n. i, L- that monev at interest in the i mend it nawtg", and also to as-ign briefly the : Kir Coal field aud st.it?d that he had again on tlie other hand that the bill oiiifht to be Uk- foranuram!ucce-.fulciiHK!titioii with to the Favetfeville nn.l Western Plank our iUr State for the trade of the JittH It. .ad, from which eiht per cent, divi Weafc i lends smt iviid niitiiiallv into the Trean- Moatof the argu meitt-i which 1 adv.c el In favor f the Watung-a route, in com- parison with French Broad, will ntn.lv mire forcibly in favor ofthe French Hma'd .xuuteammpard wiihWtmrr rouiua, aiiu niicu iv i nm. s.. eiaiiy oe- inoMtrated that we have a route aiiwrior to thoto of other State which h ive big aince crowaed the aamu utouuiuiu harriers, there ia mote than the pr.ii itv of our fmil renting tijMin tlilii wi.'rKT jTiTrv- utation ami famTtnjr oTotir MaTe aoii nil pnd and palnotiatn of her cttixi iis. are.i more or le, Umnd tip in it nci t- ! 'o man in the Mate cj..u!.l have a tronger predilect than I had f. tlie Watauga. Has.-.!. P.ti Xn honest convictions, and fetn-tigf li.-ti-; iy a long and cle ol.M-rvatiou of the i two runtetl , IIiU Mialrutiieiitiil vX.ii'i'i'ii .tract nuile bv lUe. Tiuasiiicr. with 'he Ta on new subjects not here tion,elecially4h a nouHUin region, u ul , 1 1., f tl0 j;,...i,iic j the cit v of New toforc included in any rev dttiet the calaulatinn of the cb-ar ''h' ! V-. vrt.'. mot (it,i,r,.t'A it Tbnr bn vp trtouir-1 etlne l.ifl. acrver; and the rnitter route will aotne- t tine tie" Thcaari IV m ilitift frtiwi r re- gard to Ch ahiN-teat fine or t!iu wealthiest country. Under auch.-circuinstanccs. I lsojie oilier who have aectiou.il prefer- ( .?! orintereat will yield them a clu-er-fully M I Sn. XSMlie, -.jjewlISiutJl ' rdz tit. I a anr niTTiTcrir.'iiei al H fare and the glory of the old Male ! JIavtntf wutie rea.n r.r nn-iiiitttie:t,;t:v ,,,,,,,, irter, and thrr coetuf the AVatatijyt. route to I.e. about jqwal per 1 twhc-w the f wBiiawnu-4 ww - leu rerinatttrallr and inmt-ntly into an .". i f .....1 .1... irj:T TT--.T f.... T wtw ait H-uri hp in,- imo .... v venUon at laitbnry. A uieag i.y uie from the rcrj- genllemaiily and courteous! Chief Aaaistant in charge o! the natau- fa nuile, to wtioni l a- rtm.iei;iiij some aitanec) in regar.1 to aim heav y work about Uie main Tunnel, compare- favor ably with the main Tunnel and vicinity on the Watauga route, but it now appears that the duacei; mere difficult ami ticipated. And men very roerl Ucnmte comparison route, while the Watauga route w as tli . f to comjare Tery favorably, m many re-, pecta, witli ome ofthe iik .--iiihern iTrjrntefiWPr ly, I made too low an estimate of cud. Although the Swananoa should -one Li the first cared for on the part of th.- State, it i certainly due, a an act f justice and courtesy toTcnnefsee, whose citizen hare tubecribeil stock nnd organized a eompanr, under tho charter for the " At lantic, Tenneaneo and Ohio It. lto.nl," in that State, aud to our o 11 citizens, u h- would obtain more directly, by that route tlwt rieii tMiiwral tram,w-s'--Suill., 1 '!-. ter, etc- that tho charter hf.uld he grant- .1 fr ...ul T.oil..-T -ls Tt:r... ..Tii :; -;k-t. m .n Ul.J-i U i..-..f..er..il ...Cfllls.. It OI.- . I"W "'I uiai svi.tomo . .is iM.uu.m- I t'MK-iiwlIi.iii was an- -.,t tl.nt nn i....H.o i.f tii.?ition i no- Prates -..iial!v v.mnt cvt-iv trjuk-r, vla'tli-J ,n,'"': , ... I "rV )WU,au) p 'cni ...... ....... 1 111- I-'MIIIMI lt-1' JCI 1 OI . , ...- --i . mq c , t t nr 7-. . - ' f. , .r.."'" lJ Ikil. of l!..ir dutvdid Ihev Licuuaid, r tleclincl lliakill ' anv Tm-mrr now- nl.ittn.r. mid mr i other the lifesent law. the inirlior TAX iaia nr. . . ... -. ., , .. . 1 V , 1. r e aietn-ottr tw mm. Mpgginlty- a ' thditirvey i ihcomplctei aud inay be iiii- proved. If built, with or without theanl- f tho State, it will bo a . blessing to her. If it cannot be built, the charter will he liannlefl. , In conclusion, I hope there w ill be no j ,,., future Aasemblv the work that retailing wpiritiloii lupiors, w nics, or cor Jialting or ettitnl.ling now on either side cn a,l nuht to be accomplished by our- dials, by a measure less tlum a gallon, is 1n walking np to the mute so favorablv solves. : recotniiicmted. , reported on by Maj. (Jwvnn. --tt4aMUroaut.UlJJ)jau .Ireiicw.,a. ugi;eati Zh il'e-jiir"in:'a li conimnnication, that Kv the charfer fora;wiii,' sijliinitred. - v road connectinir the South ('itmlina unilt Jioaui and Snartatiblirg. throti-li. the conntvof Kiithcrford. with the- Wpsterir Extciwion near the haeof the Utile Ridge, hauwtwi.i nW4f,lut-.W,Bf.,w'-of''twtb-iffl '"'taroimi - . AVMTfT"f'1'''' ' N7.K. E.litor who have puhlished my'mairs are crnc.ed, if eanalsare cut, . other eninmuiileationa will confer' fiv. r ' ouier eotnmuuicntiona wu tot tei a i.i..r tV Dlib Hl.inrr tb instv sketch iibsiK , - o . p . A French paHr thus traces the aensa- li.wa.ar-a M Jr of ailvoi-liseiiieuU : The rrt-awVerttWincntlfirdrmVtr "II. . V ! , I .. 1 .Z,ZLl ee it. Tim f..et4. inso.-ti.... . ooks.tliu rate is M. veil i.y i.uw ; "(''.""" r at tho irie. The tin I insertion. He u - .... . . t . Speaks of it to bia wifo ' Tlo. sivl. inser Rrmirt of the Flnanr f rimmiHe. ' . ..... .. ... ... . , T. IfJLy.. 'f. j (wiiw, Jinnnry, 1533. The Com mittfc f Fitiance hare had hot allude to litem in tin connexion for inmler consideration the en4l matter i k of illustration. , ,l,mim-l to them, and eh , by law!-. :Aeordi..jf to the present rat f taxa- i. . . , . . . , , ' . itinfl, a lawyer or physician, with an m- it I their duty to examine, nuj have in- coln(.f two thousand dollar ,payannn- .'rncti d toe. undersigned t imilothe fl- i low-in; report 11... .1.1.. .1 .. c...... ...i I " ' , ZI" ' V 77:. J. ' i .1 1 ... 1 rcu in nie ai'le lion or tlie iwtrrow - ;injr of ino iey in lion ihi-reof, inay he C - ! ntiHed ut three inil!; ;n- ftoir hitndred nni nine iiiitiK.rin -ix inni ;-vi ixtv- tiin-e dollar and lift v --nt.i-J.pi!l.(Hi3 50.) I iMIla till attlt.i tlx fltllltl'll MltlraaMt lj paid in two linuclic 1 :tni t'.nir thoii' ind. ! tivt- hunilr.-d and wwwv nine dollar and ; ';-'"'' ' cent-t. iS2 1.570 M .) An a- mount w lueli cvcI.m!s tlie revenue piti't iut the piihlif fluid y heri(T. from all t IU Mlllitt-tH of tn;itidn t.u w lii.'li .mr hfiw ift,t mteiu operate. i I,", 'Hl iit; t!. . ,,;,! ; i,v rulu - riff,. th.-. Si.-iti. .... ;n..u.fr.,,' ,,.t.rtain wta whrre1 ii.ve-t nr Itnvc . U -njiokc Uailr.i.l V- inpativ the Fav- ,.tt,.i ,, v,.;.,;r;r'pfef,k' '-Roli.T-n.tn-: .. ,,Htiv, and the AVilminton and Raleigh i ICtiln.ad t'ooit.nnv. neof the iteim forrniii' t lit- Slate debt, .rv. ,.r named above ,,. ,riM(,.tiv ' 'n... ,lr1.t i.n.tl.J. of tt,e i.nhlie debt ' In. l,,, ineire'l iV.l!i.-ia;!.r:pt4on4iiiM4t-dtt.Iewh.an whieh i ; lar iipwartl. From thi cliangt y t n-itinished. ami will re-piiro for it completion, one million of i..!Inr. This siibserintion is a dt bt which PaV n .tli'tig ns vet fr its support, and until1 ilie IJoad is coiiu l. tio,! and in ue. provi - .ti tiiiM T iiinde "No tiieet llio interest !if.f.riliinr iifk.ii it Tin cenmittec ha-1- cx poined the of. (vj, f ,). Tr,.a4.,r. r. bis I U. voucher n s..,t,..n, ntt, ,.r, t'.;t t1..-v nre tr..l.rV .dlitv ia nt vet tin sbed, but a (0,.;a r)..Mr. w ;i (inT11. MllMe. The Committc.- have -lin. ! the cn- '..I jnlrt .l... resiHinsil.ili'v of this Hank. rest nti si ami its nianageTiieiit. and f wnmru'rid a ) resolutioii in relation to the same, which j is herewith submitted. The committee have examined t'lat por tion of the Treasurer" e,.p.,rt rebitinir to tbr alt of rmr fltirtr. h.wri-fWI-ls had. tipTre- liem le'ti rstu.4feuikum,.ii.''i "' ,.tv ,,f Vt.. Y"rl;, ofthe highest rej-ect- j t ake pleasure iti expressing the opinion,; tt - 1rThr,itiaiiJii'fiinmt f-W-twa'ii''i' t),.. nc;i,tirition .tin been ittdieiotiatid .. r , . i.. ..- . 1. iii.ckh-i. anil tin ilotie nmpte innee to tir .,,,,! ic cddil of the State. The bond tint Keen delivered t" rod, Jnnd a st.if;1- j,,,,.,.),,,,,. uri. m,,i tne'it of them has been kept, from winch if will lw f .nn.l tlinf the nnniber of cuu-; iv .in detached niid r..eeiile.ll'..rpaviiiei.t ,u.iitiicd for the sake of argument to be era I AsmiiiI.Iv. as to any luilh-r lailure or .lisap .f ;,.t,.r...t .-'.,rr.... ,.,t.o,.U with the bonds it wentv five millions of dollars. theJi the , I-intment for the want ..f means, and that by ii'r a lv disposed "f. am titer sessTivii ,,r ftic f Jetieral A-rtnl.lv.-; sh ..nrr, we have n-conrse to taxation at .1. i " U I .. . .1 I 1 al . 1 , ' , I I I . ...... .11 I tn '11P ' 1 " 1,1 ll" ' IU HIHft.tHV' .'" 1'IIUIIIIM.XJ in UK- I ' 1 1 M M Will Pelwecn uie '10 , -, .,.,.. . ., oroba e itv. Iielorx' : retail merchant is twenty loiiats. 1 .1- ..f o;m .,,., ,..1.1.. ,.. ,.,, ,!,..., ,. ..t :,k . - j .. .. , . r. . . . - ' 1101 ure noon i.eyiMi.i nil- lin- .0 I iis::-e-i lee nave n il iKHlllil lo i inform fh pt-.tde thatt(u-Matiijrtu.lhc. ccmitntttee recommend a tas u . "ha-tU t) Cl of trie SiU VP trrpom ail increase of revenue from tins source . and resort to the specious but deceptive m -de ..f borr.iwing for every purpose f No State can refer tn Iter securities with ( more of roittplareitev than can our own -. 1 .. . .. - . -t. p, i ,nrrww into iii!irl-..f on t-i-iir'to vear and ! bwrrww nc v at Imnie V'rtibrondwdttle have nnitde means In the rmi- f ; Our owTi' lHitxta..-Jt 'lireervo ftlld BldVOUt ;r public credit ? Justice to t I1.1t pill i,. credit, candor to our constituent, man ii,, A n moctiiig every responsibility which the exigencies of government place before ns all forbid that we should tlin.w . With these views the committee do not ati increase ft.... -FVotu what a-onree of tava'romnu' revenue rotue ' here shall the bur.len f.,! ? What i.roi.ertv -miolit to r.,iv it ? flenilv a it seem to the committee, that m t " TTraTtrTTliir-i'-" - I'1 navigation of our nvei:sis 1.111 .r.oeu, ?. .r,;an- mi- i known to ourselves are developed by pri-N.f 11 our iuo..ivvs, ,... .. - .',.t., ..i.t..r..r;s;. .u.b'.l bv a t'ostcriii'' yet ui .ih.i i'o.. " ' v . "11 .1 ... ... ! wholesome system I legislation an cmtribiite u a high degree to the value 1'" -but tlicy J txf rtni rwrnifi iin4 nitt I IV-V l It til nr are there anv wli. re tne energies 01 a , a large sum into o:ir trciiMiry, nmi me pe ple exerted with more coMimeiiilableCoiiimittee selecting this 11 it tit subject sp rit for their improvimien:, than with' of taxation, have reported a bill to. that us. What then shall be our Plicv I Miall effect. .' tlU u,.hi,, to in.,,,..- ut infer- wImhWv. .ShanUl thU stock, pax two pcT . . I. .. .. I . .iu . ..e 1.1 1 vi' r I I lie. 1 ff IU 4IIU .HII.O I" I li.'W-i 4 rs. . . . , .... -,.i nothing to sal, i id t.rol. As i. llal 111- . -. i - , ' KSS- i il.'l tllCV ICSseU' tv uf mich vehicle a m our revenue law ' nnt atrli.il l.leianr., CamMo-oa. 1 ...TdW- emmittee b W4ti.r1 ' 'diiee llic ta upon the item lust named, nnal State tax of nine dollars on h in in come, while a wealthy planter of the 8tate with forty five Mack poll at twenty cent on the poll, pay just nine dollar on that , nronertr j What has been anhl in relWionio Uui and alavea, frriiw an inciiiderhlo flirt or the argument in lavor 01 i tie laxauon. I Ijuid ia the fixed capital of the State the I I .. . .m 1 .lrt atkA ItAD III IlOItt tirHr- ty ofour citUeiia the iij.prt and the ' Uafcia of everv other interest. Slaves in many aectioiin give to it availability as a 'aource of protnetivenei nnrt l private irev-niie. while in many other and Urje ' . . . .f 1 1... Kt.it.. nnr AMinlv wliite IMtlll- llntion are at the name, time the owners and the tiller of tho koiI. '. m, n,.,.,nAt finding that an adJi- Ulotml mnonrit of reveline unit be raised, State will le promptly and cheerfully met hiy teT ijeltCfiinn nd patrnttie fine hundred dollar of money at inter- 'eatbrinsM ix dollar to the lender, on which he iav eighteen cent to the State, S"t"'.- 'i v at) amount of real estate. c-nnsntcrationi mat nave orouni uie v-oiiiinuu-e 'I ' I ..Mrinittee are of opinion that this'to thin coiiclii-ion. vciiile tnav t)0 made vet jrtore' orJer that the view of tin- Committee may ".' .- i ' ..i : i.iu- lie fully apT reciatisI, it is proinr, in" the. first '. '" ' J- imJre,l dol - !"'"' , U"'! . ". & . ii0 , preaetit aystem of revenue, an increase la (Hh.koi ior, 01 it" luviiBuis.uv.. r"" , annum. lender a proper assessment of land, i - with twelve cents on the one hundred lol - laM ValnatfoTI Thereat; ft i.i .. an atiioiinf mav' lie ri'rttred triitn TTrtirramtt over a mtttim t-tgiH "e eot hi t mrct! eqiial to one hlindrtil and twenty ; -n'a Fall, and the Caiml at Km k-lloin. five- j ranee that the riv. r iniptovcim iit will Is? eom i' ii jtl'IMKH) tat' eighths of a niile In length, is to hi widened and . plcted that h ha matlu arrangement (ir get- loiisAnii (ion ars, v'i ,, , '-. .o-.i iu ,o t . 1.1..1 tho From "5,000 white polls at I 35 cent on the poll, j From lt)0,000 black polls, Money at interest. 1 f. 50 OI)' 5(j7nH ' ' (M ' , Ktnidrie, including store tax. ' , 65,RX 0 ' Dividends on 1 tail road, I'lauk It.Tad, and other ttrodtrcttve 5H,43t .14 stocks. From State ltonds belonging; to the Treasury, a part of the invomc of 1S5., from N.av.dat, lSil.fo Nv. Ut 1 S'i, a-ot i'si 4 A total. change is recomiiieui ... t , . l, , 4t4'--t-W.4aii-w. m letCUalllh. IIIHU..IJIUJ t the pun-iwe of iucrcasiti'r the . 'i ' i.- - r ; awiTT5rine ervmvi and fairness in the lew. Ilie lvulo-in system lias l.ceti ailopieti. aim pro isiou iu t, , , , , ; , tii..y, thcr. tore, feel jii-ti!). .1 111 ex- may ly mad.- un lieep Kiver clie.'ipr tliauatr.y I i,s 'made that one-eighth "f "tie per cent, pro sing the b. lief. that his cstima'tcs. for thej mher .oint elsewhere, and We are further aastir ! upon the capital illt-estod shall be the ta. completion of this work an- ample, "(11 at no ap-ed that a company wilt be mtuhlished for the If tlje uu-icaiitile interest l tlie Mate is 'ax proposed will lie J31,2."), der the alteration uropo-itl, a cai ital of one hundred thousand will pay V-." ' - - Trve p t Ctf lit. ttjwtt all pifltuou lliUur t and wines riot ot tho manufacture t this State, .from tins source an income is bnikel for not less than sixty thousand dollar per aniiuiii. Other articles not of our own grow th and iiiHtiiilaclui'c, pay . IV.. ..l .l.. A cliit'o'e is made in the tax on com uiioa .inerchanta.- . A tiut J11 laid ;f .h1 p.-t-ee-s, - t itll faM-tMam-ugav iiiiwiii-inwii ji.,ife-ri:.ii:iilittOlIlV&Iaie to-0 WHO , - l .ilar on all invti-rjusiiielits .or ' :- ig -its, selling or offi-iing to sell go... I bv semple; and one hiindi-ed dol lars on all forwarding express companies. lax of twenty dollars n all persons Of the tax on land and polls, it 1 mv tl..i 4'.. nalild ! tli) Ixslll ttllll tU'll itTrlttTfen .;l,i,. the sum now paid, vir: loti land, "",, , , i s . , - must the .and i(.ni the poll. v . . -! .. burden Hie comrtiitttse reco.nnieml an n.ereast . . t the coinrtnttt-e recomnieml an increase f money paid on entries of vacant limit to fifteen cents, for any number of acres - however largo or email. I " '" '"ilil " ' '" '" "Inn, .n I .ul,,,..., t numdeSiU r.iX ;yc., mu ... w .. . - , - - .Inc.. trreatcr imiforinitv in valuation ; nil iluee trreater imiforinitv in valuation" which is set out in, a bill reimrte.1 liero- tofore to the Jsenate. 1 !... .fVom tbi timo. it i ; ""'V" , .but tbo Vorth Tacv eo..h.h... ly I ..N , that the. North Uir v '! xfr"' W'gH-u-u.."- am asked from the State V (giyeti fifthis ... .-- 7 ....... . .1 1,. . . .1 ..i. ........ K-.it it,., mi,.rfl.t iiiu.n thcici.':. i... il ii.ine uu em.E o .. . ... .- ... i' i. : .. 1.!'.. t.,,.,ai in... ii ri.n . -o- .. .'w ;..i.:.:l. .I..'. Ii "IrtSI million lor W-IUl-.l u.e ...iij.n.o ' i asking. Shouhl the hopc.'of the'eompa-1 lllSCIiaiire, III ,1J, ihc ... ...vmiis imui.i, ii.ni cni no,,, iiuon njr be realized, and the rood snstain itsclft paying it expenacs and the intercut up - 1 m..T f t 1- T- ...!H I " fiWafcwula, tJeTrowuri. will be relieved of a heavy charge, and a pood ho accoiiiidm!t4-fe-oiir people which tiiey ana their otcnty will reel a preciuto in this and in future time. they and their totcritT will feel and ap-; - . . .. . . . .. 'II ireciuto in tuis ana in lutnrc time. If the recommendations of the committee iL i i . i ii i . i r,i r t i l ,i ill ver lean iiinn tour nunureu viioubhiiu uoi- laraper annum, and with all this addi- froln bout ftm ilo, .bove KavettavUW, thro' lion to our ineaua that uiav be hke(lforJiuweglj0(.itIILtjla river, atnl tnat tlw naviga- iu the future, the wauU if the Treasury uon gooj (tom that point to Haywood. may. ho supplied, tlie cxpeiinc of the Vo iliiuL th I'hcU show conclufcively that Sit..t. numKmiiiit iiii the contribution tho opinion of Mr. Ltoujrliu -ia well founded, that and the aid iven in the prmccution of nJ ncvur Uv any M.r..i,..i,,n D(,ut the public works, when completed, hIihII pr ipply of atr; that it will b awplo tor iu vide for themselves, and exhibit their , -u.li owraUon. l.itfh, their L'rand moral effect in binding , A 7eTJ ""porunt inquiry .uggU tlf, and toother with bar. of iron and.w,ith. h.toU ) tLat u uUiUt of ateel, all the memliers of our comuion I Indemnity to the Stair, mother in tlieir iuturwts, their affection j for ,,er endowment of bonds of the ComiMiny, their hopes and their utpinltioiu. Hepecliully auliiiijtteil, J. U. M1C.4 llc.HU, Vint. JIFJI HOT , W the ComnntU-e ou InU-allhiproTemvnUou the Cape Fear aud Deep lUver Naviipitkm 1 Lxuiatiy. The Cuinmitteo on Intf-rnnl Improvement to T!ioma n fi rnd the "HtU lo urit thu j p,.;ir an,j ver Navigation Company. ; u, j,. i,,,!,, ad ur other llrlH),' huve had tl)f. sa. under consideration and have instruct - ! r,!,c''- to ,l10 prf-"'"1 condition of the im- i pn.vein. nt, and hat remain to be done. Z.l-IW..lhat b alrwIy bw-ti done tTOslstaTrextiMi' a'nJ far more so than wa originally .1,.. scvcnt-n Lock and fonrt'a ijiii. Accor-, suppow-d, an,d that all hi cxnini nations go to ige ttl i ding to the plan of Mr. Iloughia, tjie distinguish- prove it more and moro extensive that there I able fcngii oiwsi-r Htio has flecent v ftain - ' iiie.i tlie v alM.-rear aua i"xp i.ners, me mini- Is r of dam ns-sniry nill b' sevciiteeu, and the number-of lst will I at tentytwo ; thus it apiieara the number of diunn vet to he const ruct- i . -i . . Li. ... ... ii.-i UeeSne.l. Kiit in order to make this improvement per- main-tit and available l " tim-, Mr. 1 oiigl.s propose to 1J much to the Locks and dams alr;aily coustrucUsl, so a . to make them dura- ible; and his plan is to widen the base or the datn. and to strengthen the walls i4 Locks ; ! and from the concurrent testimotiw. of M.-ssr. Wm. MrUne and 1. O. MJuffi :, (hs were examined by the committee verv thoroughlv, t tmrchi-tg the ttlire-wntkj and who 4iv bett her. tofore empioyed ill thtt c ip.-ieil y of assialiug i Kngine. r of the Company,) tlo- . xtra work is j annual revenue of o0.000, sutlhient to pay the n.-ccssary. and if don.- in pinii:i!He of the plan J current expenses, the interest on these bonds aa " of Mr. luugav "ill make tlie f.opn.vcment an- they fall liu and h ave more than a suth'ciency s. T the purj .. Cr which it a- d--sigin-d. to Is- set apart as a sinking fund to pay the prin ilf 7HWI fift! Voor tjmiimittef f4 -atattt-d in plawifTeHia4.-.- , ... great confidence in the plan nn.l estimate of! ffJ tX'ingh',- a 4t- Iw Ua.u proi ed U) tle-ir en - , tire satislaiTion, tnat lie has ts-ti .-uiiiKiitly sue - ,'cefoful iu all the shu k-water improv. menu Uiat - , li1-Trrirrtrifait4--Ini-r-tiir r-ntrrl----fff an'it " . . "rilluiit nC JS.JL? r?!"!"!'' n- aenimry .of tits i prr n'-a.r 1'eep liiycr, fltld U immediate pniximi Jimft.trmttyj eatiinalm a fur hi alt HI iidJ3Jclitt-in. - tho en-: J tr with tlie coaL and we arc assured by a ex- ,lrm.,n - woik that have b en committed preli.-tisioil ncl is- 1.11 on me part ..1 in.- oen- carrvins out his plan, this improvfiiiebl.il ill re alize all that is elatmeit l. r it its most sanguine 4u.c.-.sry, arul tu. grant thai, pioi.ij.tly i.s Je- ity tniahl prove of great lo-s to the Suite aud th.. indiudual atockholdcr. U is dmned appropriate to state, as evidence .of Mr, Doitglas;klLflty a slack -ww- ter hnginecr, that it ha been shown ly a geit-r lleninn very familiar with that work, tluit the Lehigh Canal (the most ditin ult par' of v lncli to thuse vast resources, should the Kill now be was coiistiuctt-d by-Mr. I ioiig'a.i was r work in fore us, or some other suitable measure" of relief, eiery t. ?ss-t ii.linitely im.re difficult of cx.-cu- le rejected Ly the present tjeneral Assembly, tion trin our proKjsed jinproi.-inent ; that in for we ar.s assured by Mr. McLane, that he is 1111 alHjnt twenty-six miles a fall of 11 no feet had to ! d r cxiress orders from his employers, to remove l8 overcome, while on the Cape Fear and Peep ! the force and machinery of even kind, under Livers there is onlv a fall of not quite iOil loot :i .. .1. ...'.I. . 1.: .1. ... 1 .1 ..-I. Mil ft-eU h'l tlihiiglH.x.ui thia in 100 nines, oini me uii.esi tian. '.. .un. . I a t.elT'lerait tan. works of tlie. Lcburh N.nrtgnfion fi iver,-sisted ucc.'"riiTT- not onlv the heaviest fr -sh. ts, but also the attack of iui inens.. ni-i .s ; of i? foUr inoiiths in every year,-, and that the. foiin.hition.for the works i not as g.H.d there Js in our works. V.mr committee next proose to iu! ite attention to the J'rartirahilitit of the ll'onv. It jll be con 1 that this d. pen.l iipon 7'A jxTntanrrtcy of th the sup i 'I it of trntrr. two main causes : 1 .t iroi-Z-s : and siohdlv ' p",B'hi'eaiTruu b.-twvt teT,,.,pWraT mI - iUoA tor our Kockx and those on the U-lngli !" "" t'Hlial. and the durabilitv .H'"thr. latter miuV-r se-- The.c ri, -tha our j,,,,,;,,,,,,,.,,, w iU 1m. slli,j,.ct-, mei.t V ltl.1.1, Il.l.l lliv....l. "l '- -s ; ..,.., -;n i .i.u.. ,,,,,.1,1 ,. .t.-ihlish the fact that the K311, (n ,,i,, here ill iK'e.pially suce.sful ; nn, when to this is ad.k-d the l';'t, which cannoi j - -' . -C ... . . , . . . . ' prtx-nt ut ntiiry ; w- mijmi imhhii m ajrJJ 1 that there is no doubt that the woi k mav h made permanent, Secondly, as regard the Sln.i.lv of water. In mi also we nave great a. i. an. age over ..,,' ia l,iJh N"'"'"-' Mr-Me Lane, h,. is ii.tun.ite (i)iI.i ,,, W(,rk. k;ltM W(in. t yimrnnr.s rri,ek,n,nall...,b,,tarv of Us p A3-T,.jvi.ri h(iu w.;,'or tla ,,- ii, ,71 , tKe M,',gh ; and he ami Mr.AbdUw Uk ;.TM,,M!" 'r.r"rrmmr"' ; there i not the sli-hti-st doubt on n, .... .1.': - .1.. ...... u i. this nnjirw- of ttntfr i . . . i i I., .1 i ... ..i !... .,f ll' I. l.J u " -'. -I. ice . '.. . o . wherever UiSVorto have been coiistrHc.eil, andtrf 1 that there in at preaent-'itood navieation from ' Jonc' FalU, eiijiil mile aliora Favetterilla to ' 11 1 i't .1 i. - I: . in Chatham county, a dhtaiH of over x vrnty uiilnt. Va re U mformed by Mr. 1 .w':Iuffif, that prior to diis improvenwit, noth- WM ' ever j?" to rk,l1 Jown rnwr Puna Vvmr t.mM. Hn. V..II. . ' i i , . ' T n?T' Tn.n OI "f ) man nre, ana umi now Doaw, ec, mav au , t'fli ury won; aod tnat some wka since, , . . .rill,.. t . j ,i .. j ro,xwca by th bill. Thia Itill Jp nd upon I the' capacity of the work and the resourcua !f Uw counuy throuirlt lucli it iuww. In the first yUuu it n trati- a valuable and exlf ntive ' pint; forft, from whuh larc (piantititt of nuval ! ton-, timber and lumber will be rnrried to mar ket, aa well m great iiatititienj of kUvw, aa it Sin cr! abundant with white oak. '!ut l"e Hr'-nl urcd of revetiuefwill lie ti traiw- I initio,, cf foai ubieh your committee feel l oured exietH iu lare quantities on and near tlie bank e4Vep Ui Thiywealiink, Iim niitjuf the day for MsMiJay neiWJlt J-i aidoc ! only been etablihe.l t,y thecxamiuatiotis of tlie ' first GeoUrUa of Uiecountry, but bv nctuulcx- ! iK-iimeiit. Mr. McLanc, Mining Engineer of a aim ngniii eiainineu ii in eonipamy Willi i ron- sors Johnson, Kinnious. Jackson and C W. Shephard, and has duritig a luru'epoKi u oHhe i U1 three years, bet'n engaged m these extilora - tions in boring, digging coal, Ac, and gave it as j hiU.!cidopinion t prove it more ana moro extensive uiai mere ' sr.. in Ins r.iiiinon. at leant nine liuliilnut nil Iw.lm lonsot coal in ineae neta-anu mai ii is tne wki coal in Uie aotld for gas. Mr. MeLauo also sta ted that his company have cxHtuded oil IVep liiver ut least tltO.OUO in laud, macliinerv, Ac, f .. .' ' Y" . " i ' Vi' l-.i. .1'.'' L--..l''iZ'L-1- Tl J.'.":" , uiaraLAtv jiarcu uen. liihiih-ii iu.tc in au- i uij( uu. 400,. '00 ,uun ii.e ui. je.'i. uiiu iimii 0,11- j er companies oill also git out large quantities, j one of which is ready at any moment to cotn- j m. iice bhipping. o soon aa the river ia open lo Navigation, and that there will ie sliipd per aiiiium at least from 400.000 to aiioXKlO tons. Taking Uietii: thiugs to be so. an I your oomiuit t"e have uo reason to doubt thviti. there can cer tainly, bd no risk in endorsing the bonds by the : Mate ; for. suppuiiiir one-half the coal estimated g,- t tttarkeVtur thr- neat v-year this, at a t..lj ,,f twenty-five Cents per ton. would yield an There is another important matter, to which 1 your committee invite nttetiion. It appears fnuu 1 the reports of tbe-distin-ruialMd l'rufeHrs refcr- red to, aad from testimony before us that here fn'aii inriliniiiilibh-nnnnlr nfih'i- T.-n- liin .1 .nati mrieneed and uracticaf miner that rail roadlroii manufacture ol iron, so soon a the completions of the river improveilieiit is made certain by the ot this I. ill on your bible, and ihat two extensive manufacturer of iron, oae r.4ding in IVtershur, Vs.. have cxamin.-d this irun and :.ed $T0,000 of the caj.ital an v. .r;,Uiouol'Uii.-selhiugs,yaur ..uiuuut - make a more . I -tailed re view of britk-'ini these j iuiwrt'.'!' facts before the Legislature, and ih.-v ' f,r tlialjthey cannot too strongly urge it to grant every necensury aid calculated lo c.nnpl. te the greatest Stat.t work ever projected bi North Car- jolina. es-pecially when coiupari! iw reourcm yv p cannot otml -to mention, tnat from aw j mony before us, that a fatal blow will be given i Ins charge, now on lieep Kner, and to abandon , . 1 . 1' 1 1 .1 . 1 r.. ... ' uie eoai 11.-1.1, 11 ilie ieisiniure r.-ius.. 10 eia.il w.iU'ium,omr . UlhiB w n rmichThe.iivr ., ,-.. ,t.., ... (or i ol . coal than Railroad, and kvai uisc no one l.nlroau nor any number that are likely to be built, will . Is? eoin'teiit to carry off the coal that is expect-1 ed to be taken out, and further, that another ' company, bow n-a.ly to coinmencu shipping coal, , ha susj.n,iii operations, until nullier anl Is; -ranted the lover. Kinallv. v-ur e..mtnitt.se hos that these fact will satisfv the Legislature ,.f the itnmrtance of pr-M.pt and .-lliri.-ut r- lief, iu the passage of the hill on vour table, and thus rvti.lcr a public b-n- alo s:ne (tie nion.-v appr. .i.riat.sl nv stni. nt. .Mknutt.v nrobose tbe f..!,,i,?ii amend- T- ' 1 ' - W - m.-nt .. the tirst-s.s tioii .4" the biil : ; Strike out all after the words - to wit in the j loth line of sM mvti.in.and insert as nilh.w : j 'aiOO.UOtl on the tirt day of January? 115., - - .n "CTlAy T. 1 TlU3iigigfl&SdJ . ; . , . vy . . ; -:t- J.,1,1'11'0'' Ojf,r. lli I atnt.tic ; J-' tinil, now gathering in, Kitghirrd, calls ter. the simple privilege of improving their coun otit man v eccentricities, and oiie of tlicni S ,r-v wltl' l,K'ir OM" ll,u,u.v' ""' ",,( '".V for .. . ', . . - 1 -,. is an a.ncn.sci.ie.H .., ii.c i rxioru v urmi- icle, which IS as follows : " A widower, sif g.xvtl character, with live ctuldrgu, of- fcrs to marry the widow r of anv sohlier; slain at Alma. For particular particulars d tailor, Soi ".rr'.'' . C V k " tr I outU Mokis . it Mr- Ilig.siliapef an. ( Vhu ttbovo oiler i to be ootisivlor-; Uie contnbiitian to tho Itrrot-ic Funi tW widowor.-, Legislature af Nartb Carolina. SEXATE - Satuhday, Jan. 13tli, 18J5. Mt Fkher, from the committee on Internal lmi,r.iiiii,i. rw,rl fi,...,i.i 1 1,. t.;u the completion of tG North Carolina Railroad.1 The- bill and report were ordered to be printed, i The reaolution to loan to Clinton Female In-1 titute 3,000 wn takes up. Atwr couwueraote aeuate, the revolution waa xlopted by Aye 26 Noea 17. On motion of Mr. Kay tier, the rewlution to authorize a loam to the VVealcran' Female Col lege waa taken up. After debate, the resolution wa reiected bv Avj'slft. '-3, Ou UlOttOU, VlfC bcTiatfe tUy,utnJ. IIOC-SE OF COMMON'S. Saturday, Jan. 13, 1855. Tho II. iu came to order at the usual hour, and the journal waa read. Mr. Carmichael : a Temperance invmoriaL lteferred to the Committee on 1'ropoitiutia and (iricvancea. . Mr. hharpe called attention to the bill coi ceruing a Court-house in StafeMille.' A meaaae from the Senate wan read concurring (n the bill. A nieaiAge waa aUo read concurring in the bill to erect I'olk County. W. F. McKewujn moved that the Western ex tension ltailroad bill be made the apecial order ' . i . ... i. M.w. A. II. Caldwell aud I'atteraon auir- ecst-l other days, Uon uliitli discuiuion atwe. j Mr. Myera aid there waa do occasion for hurry ten up aim pasaca tiirongn a soon aa Kiijie. 'edmlay next n finally fixed ou for takmg pip the bill. . 1 JJr. Wauirli. from the Committee on frono- j sitions and tJrievatiixas reported on a bill cun irie'low'u oi Fav. ttevillo. V. L. St. nle, from iHiralion-. i i..t. d fav the CouiuiitU-e on (A.r- tHiraiion-. i i t . -. t iaoratly on tUe toikwiu2 ' lillls ! A l u T..iriirulnifr tl. Snow Hill mn.l : -luauiic i laiia roa.i eo a wn mcoriKxaung uie Xew liiver aud Wilmington and Tail Sound 1 lank road C04 a bill incorporating thctown of Snow Hill; a bill concerning lliu FayaUSville High Si-hool. J iv.Trlllinins'jbm lj.'Ji s.-nt lo ,tbt;jiciMite, propi-siiif t adjourn Uitli Houses tiuedit on the Ii inst. S. A. William moved to lay it on the table. Aye and Noes deiuande.1. Aye S8, Noes) 18. Mr. Cook ottered resolution that a similar 1 imposition be made to adjourn on Thursday, 'eli. oth. Laid on tho table, On motion of Mr. barringer. Mr. Wlntaker otTere.1 a resolution, that the elueJ ilennce between himself aad Mr. Uyuuax House continue in session to-day till two o'clock ' waa, that he (Mr. V.) wished the railroad top and that the wae of the Halt be given to the j through hi couuly. while MrByaam very aa:il State Agricultural Society at four o'clock, I'.M. turally wUbed it to par through 'bia owe. A-loptod.- - - . j Mr. tuk?n .next addressed, tjje JUoo4 in oj-,. Mr. DaxU'r more. to take up the unfinished I position to the bill. ' ' business (4 yesterday, the French Broad Rail-1 Mr. Phillips said be we sorry tlie Ilowse bad road Bill. I'revailed. ever thought of granting a eroa charter,' which TtieJmme-Jiate qncstion under consideration was in no way connected with the general hi. ' waa an amemlment offerWI by Mr. J. U. Kynum. j lercst of North Carolina. Mr. Phillip gar bia Mr, Bynutn demandi-d the ajes and noes. S. . reason for coming to this conclttsion by exam A. W illiams asked Mr. Baxter if tie did not think ! hiing the mcnl of Hie bill lie said be was not his road would interfere with the Western rx- j interested in the bill either personally or a tension. Air. IJaxtcr answered no, but, on the contrary, would tend nilu-r to iucrcasc lhe trade Irnii thai lium"' The amendment wn rTccted. be avc 15 : noes 78. " ' nr. uviitini otlere.1 another atiieti'linent, fttat the road shall not cross the Blue liid.'e, south of the Snnnanoa Gap. Mr. Baxter said the amendiiK-nt was very c bjectionable. It changed the proposed route and proposed one which would be too expenstie for the company. After tine Mate 01 A ortn Carolina It in laying on some further explanations from both side, the the territory of North Carolina, ber people bad aye and noes were demand-d by Mr, Kvnum. ' looked to their interest a little better, they would Ayes 23; Noes 68. Amendment rejected. j have belonged to tlie neighboring Stsite, iur Mr. Kynum offered anotln-r am ndiiu nt, thnt; there are'rwirta of North Carolina, whose 4ntt the road shall not cms the Blue Ui.I"e. south !ct arc not tho interests of the (state. There' vf..the.Recdy..ratdi..Uan, Objected Jlu.. by Mr, waxier, avw and n.x-s .icmaiidcU by Mr. vy- num. Ayes IT; Noes 7(1. ! Mr. Craven offered an amendment, that the coriipany shall pay a tax of fifty cent. oii every j passenger coming from South Carolina and ' I ennessee, and cira vtrttn. llell.l. rsou, (ilr. Itaxtrr.) and the genUemaa Mr. I'argiin nppos,-d the amendment and aiJ Buncombe, (Mr. Vance.) represented a part h -vouM Wttarot k till diwmVssJjsy, if lw XorthiliroKha wtnsainterwta could live so long. Ihe amendment prosed teresis of North Carolina, but of Georgia, Tea a thing unheard ol on any railroad except in V, ncssee, Ac. In case of any conflict with thoae Jersey aud Maryland. It was supposed that interests they are inclined to favor Mich, lather Uiis proiwaed road would injure the Western than the interests of North Carolina. II eoa exteiislon. but he did not tliiuk so, and would ' sid. r.-d the extension of railroa.1 from one end vote for both. But with regard to the Western to the other of Hie State would do more toward extension, a stranger listening to this debute binding nil part together than the advocacy of would suppose that it was biiill and t.ie cars ac- ... o . ... -. . , . , inanv ruillllitir. liereas 11 ..ism-M -is ev MIIV Ul 1 rtnerennns TBI . uiti jiu mTOR-oTTii Trouse. t.?'Y..,Il:: ki.Md of 04--aa.i1j.Hi manilUted , a-ainst tins lull ; he oi.jcvlcd to siss men optsis-, ed lo other Stat.-s benchtting a part of the o.un try which cannot be U-netitksl bv North Can. loot legislation. Mr. Smith spoke in opposition to the l h .xir. ivynum al lressi the ll-us,- in opj.-i I ion to i ' . .til a cousi.l.raM lime as s nt iu : :.-en that g n:l. man and Mr. Haxt. r. Mr. I try tion to the on. of J:icls.in Co, sjk.k,' in oppisi bill. lb- said if this were p-v-scd, it nM cut off fonr is.'inti.sa n-lii,-!i tt.iit.l then lw I heir verv existence, as a part ot North I aroh- h.. would dei.eiid tirsvn i!w action th.it wtmUl - r . .. ( ...... - W taken on thi hill. . " i Mr. Vance then addressed, the Hotie at ome length uon the merits of tlie hill. II" said he regretted that his duty should compel him to .. ti.. . . .1.:,. t -ri. . ' i .1 in ... Ufore Uie1lDH'al:klndi but a naked char- w n irww. w uuaj jmu . either money or endorsement. ut. The qnesjtion of this charter in- erially daiu.iini anv ,,u.n ,()uM ,h( jure the t Vntral lioad. or materiallv daiu.imi anv State work, or anyjs.rtion of the people of the lw " w.."'ras111 1101 i.vfstr TT it aid not it slioulxl ivrUtililv he L'ninLtti. li t. I .n'tiil.-iiwn - B " l- - tm, ,!li,V ' V'" w uiai vutu - IIU IUU oH th fontmrv. that ibHUsik! of ainafirL' tho j,.,wi. . ...... ... . . .1.... ,v .si it. .i. h contra! projwl, he couKI liow to hyr k.wouM prove tbo ivilvion of iIr- IIou-h- th:l riuhJ. J AIL ijruMh in .niilrontb W-iotWMafittn. in-ad tf our v wo. -; --T - Atlantic Suite alune could furniah trade tnoogh to build Bp commercial eitiaa aad auatai kmg linea of railroad. Tliey mere the alaaia- . aipi vaTley. There they (buud the ricbeat aad' moat productive region on the globe, wkilat the great Father of Water bore upon hie boaom a "i'l'"'? atream of commerce an parallelled oa !rt Thlrd ' n outlet to the market V! "K wor,a U,rouiib tl port of tb. Atlantie. hen,u:kJr. Tenneaaw aud Ohio are bow coa- jawucung jnosoa to uirow utetr produce apva the Occau. North Carolina bold on of Iba gate by which th produce of the State may . be exported.' A route over oar territory beia; already found in th direction of Cbarleatoa by the Kubun (lap, sod ao oilier outlet beiawat oa'n wrta,lmmenM Uoeaof railway 'are eMMtraoa W ( lUeuiiioUuuugh riwCBiDberiand moaa-.. taiua toward Chattanooga and the Rabaa Gap road. In a few year, when the line abait -have been completed, the current of trad will become fixed and immovable by U root to Charleston, and the commerce of the great N. West, from Kuoxville to Chicago, will b4 for ever lost to North Carolina, Th Central Road can never gel that trade in any event, though it slwuld, be extended to the lUbuo Gap load. The relative distance betweea Cbarleatoa and lieatifort an! the, reahipment at the poiut of junction will forever preclude that Now, thi bill propoaea to eatabluh a road which ahail eoa nect with a line of road from die Paint Rock to Ixxiiigton and Cincinnati by the Comberlaad (Jap, and the direct tendency of which will be to djethejjrajle of iIk Su tea further eaat j to ktrike Nertb Carolina and tho Central Road at a oint eighty mile nearer to Iieautbrt. Add to tliia the fact that thia road propoaea to axake i their guagu tho aame aa that of the North Car olino road, mhich aill obiinto tlie ty ef of reahipmeiit at the junotioa, equal to at least 100 mile of tranaortation, aad Uvea w aaabe t IW aufort nearer lo Aahevill than Cbarleatoa, - and givo tliia rout on hundred aad eighty mile the advantage of llieotber. WaahalUiki a isc tan the Kaat Tetituswee and Vinnoia Road. rt ahil 'drafii' Tt of "great Jeal of trade and travel , otherwise lost to our roak. Thua be thought ' j it evident Unit any road which diverted thi. I imue iroin me circutioua isouiu iveatrra nwa 1 11 VM now lllal lakllltr. WOUkl DTOA'a a ncACiac iiiiiw uer n j Mr. V. here adverted totUobjeclionaargrd by g-iietnan iroin Kutnenora, r. nynam,; and discussed the proioaiion lo cr.ss the Blue ' Ridge at different gapa referred hi, and answered son, (Mr. Krvson.) and vSnou other. Helo- cd by aptin U the justice of ceatlenwa id ' , behalf of those who were cunt-ring (row a wasst of this road, aud who were willing to work fbe ' tltemselvea. Mr. Kymtm aid Mr. Vane bad misundcts. stood htm and explained. 1 Mr. Vance said in reply that be thoucht the i native .l ttrange to. - Ills cotHKItaent t more intcrcatcd than he ; he therefore did not . .hjiuj ma uwciui laa-tsMin. aawoftar atiivi h- :.' inrluiaccd solely by s destr ta wrre iIm j S t U. p . yH wfjy tin TilT h Wlbf" " - pa- Ji connu-rijaianeo py arguments or green er weight, he would cheerfully give hi vote hi favor of the measure, but until ncb tune a would remain in ontHwition. lie tbonorht a "freat fault had been committed by those who hud eT .LW''.. 9l?!r,K''n the way that separated i jwopio in a manner irom tne losienng care and protection of their own native State, and be desired to see those obstruction removed and ihe "hole State bound together by "bead of inn and hook of teel. 1 he gentleman Iron "V meredoctnne. lie considered the advocacy ..f ' :n:l 1 -,-.... Lm ""s ..n-wsnin Mtnr.wwwyiw m jwrtaVoTtVJ CkroKna., - m answer in a qn.-stion Irom Mr. X ance. Nr. rhillis said, that though an illiberal vote bad never Iieen given by the representative irom that .-ction, yet he should insit that the tea demy of thi measure would be a leaning aMtre to South Carolina than toh'ortie. He asked, when was there a time when people were not actuated more by a material int.-r.--t than any ttherl If it Iw tin- policy of North Carolina to build Bp a rs.rt, the State should contribute to th support of that port. He (Mr. 1'.) would not vole foe any sv.tetn of Internal Improvement which will onus. Th..is. .i,',ii,a. .t..i. tiL.t. w.t. ..... ,--.....-.., . mmv. lil.n; WMKH .1UTW ir,,lni. bl,..rl i,..l. .n.i it... l ii... l j.j er and streams flow thromrk other StaiM tn reach the sea. If the 1'ee I lee. and Catawba could be dammed up, it Would hsj advantage. 1 'n . -i . 1 pe. iu Qa$.juua will. tlMtr RKXtev the capital cornea from Charleston ; thepriaei pal and interest of which will be returned truaV I-tol.I. In conclusion he honed he had nrtl hurt the feeling of either of tlie gentlemei 'tVsaea'' aud Baxter) interested in this road ;" be felt tans he ha.1 not Ho knew them to t North Ps. he had uol. linian and friends to the Slate, nd trwated tbey would ever remember the true. inLwwU at it. Stt. II.. aaitt.l .vl l- v uutxa tuciiut. I 7 UsJUUIBkUlM JritifM a,OlUaUdlt- a. Hit- IPVMCH S, "C t.l.i. h iUt .it -w-. i i . . i . ua m Ineh couU mt fait tt bu of imm LL. vanU'Tij to th tirmi. r'.tv ilu st .i. cU-.L. T-f-vix, f.'AiiWti.'i.si'M' M s iSM-e: v1" flt i