I- f It T i" LfisUiurf of North t'artUaa. . SKXATE. ' ' "TT -s ati ana r, Jan. ? Oth, 1 80S. "The bill concerning salaries and foe was read th first time. - ; H motion of Mr. Rav-ner, the Pensxe took r tot eoAwof rlion the fail to aid in th erection of 1 a moinel omr.mcfnotaltTe of tint I Velars Uon xsf lad.-JvwdcWCTV. Ms. Kay-a ajvoevated the bill at tome length. 1 TUl. Ml the nm ax one passed by the tld 7 Wl to amend the Constitution of North j tfctrton. Halia, This bill, doss not require an Oarolii.a to jtrovide for holding annual sessions! nppnwtoii wo, but merely the appointment tie ovneral Assemble, was read the nret time j wf S triken the part of the State to confer tnd n.fvm to ,, eommitto on the Judiciary. , With Similar trustees from other States as to a , Mr- W(WOT i(ltruiU(wl k, publish a new plan of a monument to be subimttod to the Leg-: coun(v ,,y t,1(. ,,,,. ()f Al lianv. ! nlatares of the.neveral old States. Should thry to it, then they can make the doowmty Hp-; propriationa. - Wr.lt,furtkrJvoot,-dthetillinortery approfwtate aod patriotic remarks. JHtHTSTr'.' Itavncr iVruarlt. tile- Wit psased n eua whI tlsird reading unsnsmously. j iT"7 ? T - Urn1; alioaia be o nwie ip, tnat posterity in air iuneon -l8 cn,,,,. to come luigm know ul una oil! naa reoeiveo the uiianiuioa an tion of the Senate o( North . i ,j , -i, , c l: 1 .1 t I. 1.1.. . f-..iDU ",e V"- v.aroiiJt, no uiai or owiiiotc name m of its pasiagc, tnilit be inscribed upon the journal : V hun it .it.lur.-4 that lite ntnwi .C u Or . the Senatir, tUo Speaker included, be recorded i in tavor of it. On motion of Mr. Mitchell, the bill to incor porate tbe hx kswlle and Wilkesboro' l'lank koad CompRTiv as taken up. Mr. Mitchell adiocaled the ia!age of tlic bill, It was alo adiocated by Mr. Fisher, when the bill paetl il --.i)J reading. tu motion of Mr. Hoke, the bill to'divide the State into the uUe. nijuuiciai circuiis was uiweu 00... After an amendment- the bill passed its third reading, by ayes 22, l.oea 22 ; the Speaker vo ting in tlie attirmative. , Mr. Hanirhtoii moved to re-conider the vole by which ll"- hill .e us!el which motion wao laid cm tie' tal.lv. , Mr. IloJke, frum the Corrimittee'c-f Conference upon the jliiagreineiit of the two House, eun oerning the, tattle on criminal proceedings made a reorX, which waa adopted. Ub motion, the Senate adjourned. H 'l"SE OK COMMONS. Sati hiiav, Jan. 2uth, 1S35. The House came to order at the usual hour aod the journal was read. r-KTITIOVb AMI MtMoKlALS. A petition was li..i,.l.l iu Justices in atiwha ouulv. concerning certain .tal. in a similar one Iroin Yadkin couutv. Mr. SlubU, a similar one from lieaufort couu- hcrouTs raon cosmrrrtES. .. . . . ,. Jlr. s-toelc. trom tbe Committee on Corpora- AaWaCTtiU. Mankroad ; thaf h.v - latio. w,U unnecessarv. and i.raved to be dis- charged. ' ' IIU 1 SD KESOLt'TIOMS. T If Tl 1 I :n . L :.. I ... .... ": ., .. .rii-ne-r , Mr. oeiiUi A Ull to inuorporaU.- the I ..I " j of Jefferson, is Ashe County. Mr. Sin"ellarv : a resolution that no bill internal iuiprou-inrnts shall be Considered prior to tbe passage of the fl Venue bill. . ... t . . i - i i a saeBtinc and unlitarv AcaJemv a sttecuu order --.' for Tbarviav next. li.-fuseti. ,ie s4u lite Senate was n-ad. r.rttM- tag a ctnunlivv wTeuii(-rt-!Ke wfi tbo . 1 ....... t - oll - wraing CTimmal prrssfdin. 1 Anottker ilnessagu was m-eived, transmitting . . . . . .11 , t i . , (rrwSutlraae,) ii c:i . rn-l tlw Ut bist. ,, " i ii... . .1 The ttoase concurred with ihe .Vuate in the . . , , 1 ' . VJMe, aiKl ujv lotto tug gentlemen .ere a.p.'ti.e i pan 01 ttiE llollM- .wtwsrs. iMjtum, r . . 1, .... Outiaw and rli.ii;-s. air. nagnuij ......... o. M) u.e s.w rT ... .. . T- v . . and aemanded the Ave and Noc. Ayes 42. v . - ' M. W.. - I.-.. I . I...- ...I ... .... .1 W-thltal fcsMW aaasl doiJjars .at-red bv Mr, Mehane vestonlav .Be. ti hour lor uk.ng a recess armed, was taken up tor consideration. Mr. onus; rt plained Its meaning, rsoiue discussion ensue.1. Mr. Jenkins opposed the amendtueiit, but did nut wish to be auderstoud as o.oscd to interu- M uxtproseiu. 111s. Aineuameut wiiuurawn. A luotHMl to str.Xe out twelve Liundred thou- Sand dollars wan adopted. Mr. MeUne ofl- red an an.end,n..-t to the fifth section. N .-siKpn.-r.j upliosi-.! 11. Ji.s-.rs. n and Iru-h wisled the bill to I Mr ltorteb moved a r-coii- . , , 1 , . Leach, G. Ci stand as ih-.u siduratiusi of tie- vte by which twelve hniidred 'tteMsand dutlars was stri.-kent Withdrawn. Ami!ieimei.t v8 tt il to the tiith. e :"ghlh, and ninth seeiwiis were submitted by Mr. Mobane, aod ab'fesl. An aut. udiueut by Mr. Ncale, of Ko. kin.'L..iii, was adopted. An aiii- nduient by ' Mr. Mvers. .bnifi tie- 'onipany to coinmi nte the work at a (t;jiii p.. int. was discussed aud rejtetod- Mr. i.'oit' u at l-.-n.th' found an o.pportuuity for opening a hu- ujsi. the whole sy-tTnn of In ternal lo.pr.-...-iii. hi-, ai. l a. cor.Jinly commenc ed plav tii tip -I. i: s i'.L u.. utis. Hesaid he was not an Aijti.l!n'fo'.eio-'nt iimii. lie Was an Anti-Sute-debt in n., i.e .- ..pi-- d to the manner bv which li- uupi o- iii- nts .-r-- earned out. jus to ihe - t "'"':v,- &-awlja.-i:)tf-wy-'l own i"js tnTnTTtrpn" u uTeie-IcTroin a vuio ..auawassatrtt't- Ins c-d.'-ai anppurt.-d l.v Mi.. 1 1 o SlStked Ure WC1. si.l- 1. tilled, it a- -vid- n: that u.-, M..J. H-ad.-n, ably ii. Ju-L-mg from the tlie a.i.nil '.-neral re- his -i- :' n s w.-re al lutstt c. .lit piyl- iv .1 l:eii-h. d. ., The 1-louV '."t r- c - .,t k,;, . '-'. ii.:;' m:ss,. Tlie Sp-ak'-lf read tbe titl.-s of a tiulllW of bills trail-not!--1 fioui tie- .V-uhU-. and if ave lee limyf a .o--r thai be w .Ui-1 iu, as r of -the Ili.'i'rafe-r t-rm-ji a moron TO arirniirii .nas maAi.jrfeJi.4Ui- J. I). a oi- o:,3J to shVA I L Mom.ai, Jan. '."2 1, .fr,r. The m...U.i. I.i. 'i t, the t.-i'ti. OoUsl.ies lie . v ! . . . !: lie urdav, to re '..J..I.I- the lie- o... Mr. hOon. Is. .111 '-.. tore, I.. V boll, s t.-l- 1 1 Stat vA-'i'i.. u.Jiii aittuiai; i... lit ., tirst i. ...;.ii Vl .s uf titjoij L- iii S l. ral Ssx 1. 1 t ll lllu'.l 'I. oi"Tl. I f-letiun.forM tlie Lunatic A-l nn. :. t.-.k-- MVsoeoed and 1I.U1I..1.1 a.l.lu'u. On too-tjou ot iii.- completion of the N- rtl tsk. n III'. . Ato s-vtl ll-.JlH l'l, o ai-.vtij T3"-" bv 4-twe -i IU I i.-! . i - p'rfsi.it bill tor tin - i ,, , i I' fir. . . ...!. . tie- , J tor ll.e e. Ill I it: ! '.V I II SI I. I III Iii. Ilrl-'. il. i i 'e 111'' L'I'rtll;-!- o! 1 r. we or - lor -.n" '!i!.a K.i.ii wa- On motion of Mr. CWry, the bill was teaJ the third time, r Mr. Hoke mtrrcd to amend by inserting proviso, that do director -OB the art of the Sstate shall be required to Stock. Pending the consideration of the amendment, the Senate took a recess." t---- r-- - --- ... - T AFTERXOOX ' SESSION. .7 " The bill to amend aa act to incorporate the town of Clinton, was read three time and pass-1 U(. j,;!,, oW wurt , weeks in New ji;liKlVfr count v was nad tin' tfrsl time mi J .j bill to exw-diie the trial ..f ceruin suits I in iwta of la', wa. rend lite sc-oiid lime auJ "...i,,.,, . - - .. The hill f..r the co..,i,lei:,.n of the North Carolina Jiail Koa.1. eoming up f. eon.-.idcraliou ' 11, ko waa rejected l h ,nirn(illl,.. . of ir . .. rate a company to con-truct a -hip canal to cole 1 1- ; .fi. !... i ,. . l. i in;s,n 1 DM4 thrt B,rdN ..f I 'iirriln.! win pt alll . " . - --. ..- p ,;., u.. 1 i-l.... I... li.,,. u- la. . -i..mv ..ui.u., ...u " up. XI- 1mv.h t,..e...l t. 1-ie it iiTtotl the t.-O. e. Which U ' Tli? bill pa-wnl itt Oiinl Mt-iinif. Tlie Ssnnlv cinctirrtl in tli atneniltneiit uf the House of Commons to the Statue concern- iriif ei idctiCe. ; On motion of Mr. Miils. the SLril'leineiital to an act entitled an act 10 lav on ana esiaunsn a ,-,.. I.,- tl, . ,.f i'..il--iL-.. .... ...... j- , . , t ! 1. . 1 nJ .j iu .ynj reading.- 1 ...... ..... . On motion of Mr. Hoke, the bill to authorize the Ca' Kcar and I e p River Navigation Com-', panv to issue bonds and for other purpose, was taken up. The bill passed its third leading by ay s 3(1 Noes 8 On nation of Mr. Fisher, the bill to tneorpo- rate the U estem North Carolina Railroad Coin- panv was token up. Ithout coming to a vote, tho Se nate a. (ouru- d i ! H '1K F C 'MMi NS. Monuav, January 22, 18o. Tlie folldwifig gentlemen are the coinmi.tee un Fnrolled t tills tor the week ". Messrs. Kaxttr, ! Siugletarv, J. U. l'vuuni, Shipp and Whitlocl. j i.... ir M.-ssrs. Martin, A. H. f alJwell, Selby, Lsng Kirth and Kurr, presented memorials for .he .i'""i"-"'i-"' """"i ,.nouo v- "tic. -. Mr. Norment : a temperance memorial. Rf - ferred to the Committee on rrofitious ami wuit.B praih-J 0ud the resolution "was laid on Mt-.J. 1L Whito approved of Mr. J. U. By I Grievances. , the table. ' ! num's suggestion. - ....... I Mr. Shepherd : a memorial from citizens of! r..mirl,.ul . .li.;.;... ..f.i- 1 -.... ' Committee on I millions and whkt mow coimrrrEEs. AV. L Steele, from the coinniitti-c on oorpo-'; rations. rvlM,rtel Lu I tjt inn.ntrsti. 1.! i-j. L i si- t t Stok.w Iron Minimr siMbjm, thai, a ou.rht In. " ght to - Jv - nn-f i taj ineswioratwi un.l. the- aets rwvoraWv - on 'the follow II. r V lull to in.sS-lM.rste Im. I list. ".ham and Randolph Railroad Company, asd a 'bitl to incorporate the Holtshurg Manufacturing ; CAjinpain . j Mr. Caii-l.-r, from the committee o'n Internal Improvement, rejiorUd tavorat.leon aluil to in- corporate the l.ult and Graham 11; ,.' , , .,. . . I ..iniianv. sti.l on m lull In lneorn. ink lioad . Mouutaiu liailruad Company. I UtLLs AND RE-SOU TIONS. ' - Mr Norment : a resolution relative to hold- 5htSinj from aud after to.. moryuvTl 1 Mr. Norm. -lit said he fouud a disiKtsitnni to ad- .111. . i f. .1 journ the Legislature in to wet-ks from to-dav, ' , , , s. , ... . . ..- and lieiice h- iiitriKluc-.! the r.-solution. Mr. I-ove mov.-d to lav it on the tal.ie. I.Rd. ' r. Outlaw moved an in i.-tini:.- t-!ljihlJ"!U!:Iil. . Lost. On the passage of the resolution the ayes and uavs were d-niauded. Av-s 57, noi 41. -v. J,, A resolution intro.lnd hv Mr. Sin.seltarv, c , , . , , - . ., . I uU Salurdav, wis taken up for aciibn. the .re; .tulioo provides that no toll lof apitropnation reading and 1 , 11, .- ..V , . v". ' 1...-1 s;... ... 1.... i ... . ...Uu..-s, ous.ites. 01. ciu..i.i lass, w up I..r its nnal .a;ige. Mr. Mngeltary moved lo lav- 11 on ll.e l.ii.le and Lake up tlie itcAeiiue . . . . Hill. Dn that inothm. Hie ave-and noca were. ! detnand.-d" Mi SiugelUrv ive notice f ,11' ailiendin.-nt to strike t ,J... T,, ' , , ; .A 1. . ,''', . .. o..i, auo 00.11;..- iiiK outie 10 i.f.ic ur e..o.,- , - - , ( ir . , 1 -I r I 1 Mr SI, -K-sjn .ml oih.-rs .1 y . ... d. .Mr. !m - t'-iea.t ii. .vie in,- tooooit, ...Hi ti" a.n fi.iu us.t sere demanded. AvrwO: noes 115. W'i.y ten the mutton likt a UtttJ nuxn ? Jit camte it hud to, iy, ey.4.)j Mr. Patterson ..tier, d an an.. ndmeiiU which was. aeptcl. Mr. .M. l 'uni- alirce.l me llou-e in opjs-it.oii to the lull. Mr. J. G. By iitun a i-lr.----.l lie. ll..u-e aiv in opisition. G.-ii. Gr.-cu f..ilow-.J in -u)-.it of tbsi'bili. On the pas-age' of The bill the avi-s and noes were demanded. A-yes kH ; '-N.-s 2 .'. ine oiu ot meorporaie ue; ix-auion anu ray- etU-vill.- Kail Road o. was i.ts,ried. on mJ- tion of Mr. Huiupbr- id Moil-lay next. take up th- Wilmington Mr. Ilortch mo. t. an.J v.i...rioue i.auroa.i : ,.i. or. in-.ii.-.rv .ie- 1 -e. , , naifjesi ine avv aii'i 'tes...v.es ... , .' --s 1 rMIIWIill 1 'V"wnliasg(iMli , 11-f..!!---v'i Ka-teru F.M.-i. !ie- n. .live M -r-. BaJ J. G. Bviiniu. 1 -.It- -n. I ivuglilry. I Sushi. F!v lit, II- l.ai.d. ll-.itols. M. Ililrtie. Ims-vj Wv.it-. Wati-.di,"4. II. I urr. Hairiv.l.i 11. ,i. , MutiilT Mv-r-. Sin.' Vktotes.-'Whrtl.j.-k. '-: W. William-, 1 1. Wil- nVinV.-gj. HKKN'A sl-SlN. Ajtn---s.-i wa eurrTii-"' wiihTbel v-d from the S-iale. Con- oHlhe (.oiiilllitl.sr'on the -1 riminal Bank of 'oiiejrr. Br Wa-I, llli. a. I in-' -.n i . .1 1-iU- at.d eoi-rl.l- the , w.th an aineieliiieiit. R-vi--d Statutes was then 'I be r.-n j.r.s-'-l. ! A -.;!! th. I,.-d tin ii.- i ... rt.-.il 1 tot, r, .. . I... -lit I lit vlilv.. l.-l!t" irieortK.rat.-- tie- M.-i-li-on, v a., an-1 M.-eli-on, i '.r'-eii.-ro' I'jaiil, Rt.-el ( omj.any. -v ' An aineiidiii. ul otiere.. was atlopted an.1 the b;i. I a-. - I. " -s- It.ii f, iTi.j.ri-.'ail- iim vv ilmifttosi and lvak.vh ltllload I oli.panv. Ail. aiiM-ndssuiliL . was ofl- p-d Lanroj; llv mi mi-to W ilunnghm ii-iiitt-.. or.-. Agri.-ul. ,v, ,; j,.,,,, . ... ... i the m-moisal ot lb- ,.,.,,.,,., ;.,-.;.,, S-x-ieti-. ' J'a,- ui. l, sti it- Mr - . v '.mm- ui ..-.1 to h.v on able a ..; ;.1Jyri.i.,i..:i.,u UA ,,,,, ,,,,, ..;..,, Motion refused. Mr. i S1.V. Agr.i j.-.u i,),- ,,,,,.,1 ;,j ..o-!sr .h.jVtit.itelv. ! A I.J! and Roanoke Railroad Company. Adopted. Hill pa-wed. A Resol'ilion in fator of Thorn X Alexan der, late sheriff of Mecklenburg county.- A bill to - ioAsorporsta die Shelby , Railroad Cotnpanv. On motion, it waa made the apecial order Ajr WvdoedaT next, t tl o'clock- 1 ....... J . .- t? t . . 1 A inn to incorporate to ireni biver gation Companr, A bill concerning Vhkl Iloune. - A bill authorizing Mr. Ballinger to construct , &Am Xetise River. The llouae then adjourned. SENATE. TfKBDiT, Jan. 23, 1855. Mr. Mivrisev moved a reconsideration of the votebvHlnch thehilltodividelheSUteintoeight judicial ein-uits wa r.j.i-te.1, and moved that, J . i ' . ' . . i aid motion le laid iioii the table. Hank or Cai'e Kkar. TUcSrflajB WW.Vraoeedea tHiWMiderillfi bill , to re . iiart. r the Hunk of t'pe K. ar. The m-iI- : on the aineiidineut of Mr. li,;. a, f,l!o. : " Th;U no bill, certificate of deHsite or pro-1 ,lole .hall be issued or rei-ued by the j corociratioii for a ,-ss sum t hail live o ars r. , ., . . . , , i ne 0111 10 n-peal so Biucn 01 me act 01 i fo-' ..fovijes for a Suis-rinU-ndent of Coiumun l.' 1 l t .1. . . - -i . .. I!-.. i-enoois lor me niate was laien up, id-iiuiiii; me - , . , . . . Consl'lcration Ol WIIICU lUe Senate lOolt a recess till three o'clock. EVSMVO SKSSK.X. A number of bills were read anj unloreJ to be t-nnMcJ. N11TH Carolixa Wkstkrn Kxtensiox. The Senate now proceeded to the considera- ti . ..r tl... I.. I V V..-.I. ..... .. ......e : o,e two. .imm Carolina Railroad 1'oun.anv. The bill was dis - cussed, auien.l.-.!, and p.ndmg the consideration "f ,lie measure and the Senate adjourned. e .1 ... 1 .1 . i- 1 ' 1I"L SE OF CtlMMoNS. The report from tlie finance committe-e on the Comptroller's department was read, and on mo- tion of Mr. l'nttersoii, was s. nt to the S.-iiate. Mr. Hargau, from the committee on militarv llfl;lirs r,.,, f.lV0blv on the bill concerning Oie etirolluieiit. of iiiilitial ' 1 Mr. Jania moed to take un "the bill Cr the amemluient of tlie Constitutiou and called fut' the vean and uavs. Adopted vena 66, nav 43. : ,n t"11' "Ihl " " " reji-cted in coiis. Mr. ItaSter offered a tuViitute, being the bill H'- promised to move a reconsideration, introduced 'l.v Mr. t'irnliam in tii Ken-i. I'.-' Mr. Myers stated that he did not desire to on this a lenlrtbvdisiUssionensjietL 1'he House took a recs-ss until 3 o'clock. j ,. tvESiso esio. I On motion of Mr. Patterson the resolution n- stricting the business of the afternoon S-ssion to the cuiisideratiou only of Koised Stotuto was re-se.iiaeU. A. IT. Caldwell inovi-.l a roii-i.l..ruti..i, f0 - f tho rote nttlboriiiiiL' hul.lin-r niidit s, sio.. A h.ll in.n.ratin ilu. io.i. of Fnnli;. , u. hill ,t.ngtbe Dobbin House Com- AW a b.l im-or,sraUng the Guilford Gold and Coiits-r Minim? t'oini.anv. . i.ii ..!,. .',.', i... ,; j if 1 1- ... . .. V .. (. ourts in llvde passe.1 its third rc-a.line , Thj Uj. lUvU a,iJuUrBwL -e - - SENATE. Wednesday. Jan. 24, 1833. A number of engrosses! bills were sent to the Common, asking their concurrence in the same, ternal improveinents. I n motion by Mr. Biggs, ftimltrtt, That Uie Mr. Caiisl.-r at some leneh advis-atisl the jus-R.-visrd Statutes and private hills be considered, bee and necessity of lh hill, and staled if the . this aftem..on. L. Mr AVihicr. fxuin. Um-coliiuiittisi - on- stttMtr , buildings, rejorte.1 the following resolution and 1 ..-..r.Tnt.-.n.l. t !ta ?.n:..r. r-...t..ti. .n ..tut!....! .. i",i.i;.... l- ,;.?. M.msl0n , wc- Otv of tialet-h. -Kca-l first tnn and pa--.-d. A message ftotn the Commons stating that th. v have p iss, d the engrossed bill Iroin the N-nat.-, coueeriong istirv, with iiiiieielio. lit, in which TheV ask tlie coitcurfeh. e of tlie Senate, The Senate, disjigreed to the aiiiendiiient, aud the House of Commons was iufornied thereof. ,. ... Noiini Cakouna Westers Railroad. - Tliw SeWMto ow resumed -tlw witsderntiow of am UIi(iUhed bu.llies.of vesteidav. U wit. lite v.o...j-...., ,..v..o,uS .0. . ...... ; W,?t from the Tow n of Salisbury. . Mr. ri-iter m.rtcj ute loiiowiu amciiumeui ..... 0 as an a,lditioiiaI section. .. Jte ,Ar tnmtcj. That the extension ,.f ,1... fi, .1,.;.,..,, ,.f B;,l .hull , ..n,,,,.-..,-.. -- - " - - - ....... ., 4-. aii Lejiimuis ' mi.,1 the saut .liw.i.... Is-ill-. f II 1 1 V collll.l.-led. eclliilM-d aild l.Ut to Work. .1.,, ,ul-'iiieiit div s.1011- shall U- c-onstructe.1. uu-. . , 1 , . .. . -' 'r l 'rogress- ..... v ..-(....ki- an.l t ie Mate shall Ue -a .-! - , - u - ", """,U"1 "'a" 'H)'(H'" . wr Bntt, t. tUe nxt two years succeeding tbe jj. r e t Hit Ht-'l. I The amendment was adontpd. j Mr. Thomas, of Davidson, now moved to a melid the second section of the bill so as to strike out " Salisbury" and insert ' Lexington " as the starting point of ihe Road and ' thence through the County of Oavie."' j Said amendment was n j.vt.-d, yeas 18, nays -3. Considerable discussion took place on the bill aiid on iinprovirients generally, in win. h M.-ssni. t;h..rrv, Thomas, Bav Her, lirogden, ( unnii.ghaiii aT1,l ,l rs i.:.rti.-u."t.-.L i l l,e bill tie 11 passed iti third r-.-uling and was ,,-a.l , ,. .:,rr,mA ,v the following vol.-; 1 1,, , ,o ,ot. d lor it.are, M-s.rs. Ad.e, l.toyd. .rr. I iristl.ir.. ... m.-.n. tails, ralson. t-.-n- in I I I' i"i I i ps si i as i I m iiisim liiillliiiai liMlaaini llow. II, Mills, Mit.-liell, Moriscy, Oldtlel.l, liay-v-.t.: on the n.-r, Sj- iht, Tav U W. H. '1 hornas. Walker, mi J. Barnes.. W ilder. Wiiiis. W iuslow, and Wood '3. Tier-.: who vot.-d s.tin-t the bill ar- M.---r-. Bigg-, Bow..-!1, Br. ii.'. -ii. lark, Collins, (.'uiiniiig ham, I Irak-,-, 1-,-Ooti, K.ru, Jones, Martin, 1'. r oti, Sanders, l av lor, J. W. 1 lioiuas, and TN'il lev 1'i. The S. iiale tie n tix.k A recess till 3 o'clock. KvLMMI SlsSIOS. After passing tf-Aijral of the lievised Statutes, the Seliale coniidr'red the lull ti ineorporaU- tlie ... , . i i .i - i. l- ... -o - Its.itr A srefidr.n-iit Hi.-- -town .if I- ue.-lfev ill.- sH,, 1j it after distriission. passed Its second r-al- ,,. , . 1 ' i ins. yeas J'.. nays 10. ' Th bill to n- chart, r the Bank of aim Fear was . r. . 1 .... take., up. an.l utter .n-cu-ion H pass....,! ,u luiro i. reading and was order.-.i to lj eitgr.jsst-d. . Jl'lwsjieiuite ajjo;ij.4 l 'fl'vrialvlor tlie app.ltltllselit ot jlltlc.f of the me w r-- pr.-s. uled from th counti.-s ...f li.iiidolph and John-ton, and -.'lit to the Senate. Mr. Sps-le moved to take up tbe Wilmington and 1 .'barlotte railroad bill. ; Mr. Singh -tary tho-ight the Free SiifTrage bill, 1-mo the. Ulltirti-l.-.j bu-ill'-ss of vestesdav, had j.r. d.-ne. . aii.t itps-al.-. to the S.nker. 1 Ik; ak'T d.-cnled, it biy with the House. to s J.".-t wlc-h -boul-1 have Pree.-d.-iK. j Mr. St.s-1.-'- motion vv;i- adopted yeixs, .7.1 iiays MM.. Mr. M'""- in.,-, ...1 to loiii-ii.l the bill by in sertiug in lue ss-ou.t section " .intbwiU. , Aftoc a ttm njiiarUin. Mplsjsition,- .jjiv .O.rf. MovLawue and W ilksburough I'Unk Road. - (l biU 1 r Comiin lefirrMl - - nj, Mr. Shepherd oil. n.l m amendment, tlmt any other Railroad authorixsl by the Cenerul As emUv, may couueU with thij road. Adopted. Mr." J. O. Bum offwred aa amendment in-, creasing the. Capital Stock of tli Company one million, to construct a eonnedioft from Char lotto to Kmberfordton. Mr. a tated that the additional ttock wa onl to extend tlie road aa twonoaed. and tinleaa that atock aa auhacriUd, there waa nothing to comel die Company to build the nronoaed Mtenaion. Mr. U, in up- 1 port of h amendment, aUted it would not af- I Rt the North Carolina Railroad, and read a atatement of the reatmnjwe of the aection through ah'h it toul4parand-prov4-tley-er am ply auflieirnt'to maintain U10 Iioad, and moved thi amendment be. incorporated in the bill. Mr. Steele, while he thought the amendment would not injure the bill, waa opposed to .U a"l'l'""- . , , . ... I l. l II Wl.ii., il,...,..l,i nvul. I l- no ol.j.iiioii Urtheainendmentolfered.; he lived in.Clluton, Warsaw and fayetteville to ue neiu !theiitionwetoftheCatabaRivereonipUU!lvin Chatham county the Road to be built and j cut ofl from the ; ret of the State, and onlv ii-; ted by the la gather to collect nry lor me benefit of other part of the State. The greatest U'lK-tit mould accrue to Vil- iningtoii troin this roa.l, wlncli without injury to other projects would bind lib aection to the i Male. Willi Ule oolia ol luicn-si a wen aa ai- , '""" ; III would not affect the trade of the North Car- : ..t!i l ..ft-.w..T a. 1...... lo. ...!. tt . o'"" ". .o.i. ...... ... ! r .1... c... 1 1 . ,1.. 'l i-iaie wouiu eierpa-" mrr inn '""u whetlier this roa.l is built or not. If this char ter was not granted there a ill Is- a railroad from South Carolina, to accommodate the trade. A i;old and iron mining companv with a large ' capital, was established in his couutv. w'ho would nimt likely contribute liberally to building Ha- Koad, by which the proeeed of their entcrpnie would be carried to Wilmington. If this bill . If this hill . . ... .. ' .. . rejc-cleu uw section would consider ttieinseive L - ...... m ..i .!...;.;. .. ...i t.!-.... South Carohna. This hill will iucrease the r- - . sources of that section of the State, which in- ... ......... ... stead ot going to rvulltri Carolina will then goto v-:....:. 1... .. 1 1 . . . vili t iliiliuiou. anu (fciiem our ow n seaiatn. jirj W. read a statement ot the prosluce and trade of the country through which the road would pass. lie acknowksilged It would injure the Vuiknile I; ,1 1 .:nl in South Carolina, hut would not injure tike W ilmingtou and Charlotte lUil roa.1. Mr. J. G. livnimi in answer to Mr. Stei-lo, sta- u" " ""e.i nis anicnuinviil to lie iiKMrpora- make a sp-eeh. Hut the amcuduieiit of the I gentleman from Ktltlierford was so manifi-stly I just to the people of the west, that-he desired to k'ive it his approval notwithstanding the cMen- sion of the raid bi-voiid the town of Charlottu 'could not, in his opinion, result to the Sdt autage of his coii-lituents experience hatiatf proven . mai ine point- oi l.-riinuallou was always the lioitit Itlost beiietitUsl l.v works trf" this character. ! He IioishI the amendment would be ad tided. Mr. Maun was in favor of the r.n .position of ""Iu. 11..- -.1.1 . . ' -...,. gentleman suffic,.-,.t to cnv.oce the country of Mr. CansU-r said as the measure atf.-ctoJ-his ortion of the State, he wished to be heard on tin. sul.ucl. His iteoide were not ohlv an ag ricultural but a manul'aclurini! c.inmuiiitv, and hJCaronnl. They ask hv in -.ut'u ... ...u .r uutikirv wm mi -m'.il m. 1 f .1 - j. . . ,. ... ; Soul to get to Wilmington; give ihein this bill and ... ... u ;i..,; . .1. .1.:. 1.11 1 . tli. will build the road. In a-kini; this aid ; they were only asking that which tln-y alway. were willint' to iriie to other Railroads, and in ; charter was granted, the-State of North Car..i- - fta - svo'Od -ip-rt-r be called apatt tti'vnv tti.T would raise the means tst-ii'i- lvrs. f1.-r M.nte r.-n.arks fr..r. Messrs. Gorrelb ftn.l I 1; It, tl... .m.....lm'..t - I. ....... I f Mr. Mfi-d-txrv coinm.-nt.-.t r.n the in.h-i isi r riiMt.it.- .1 bv some of the members of the House an. I g.iw it as his opinion that it will eventually d.-str-.y the North Carolina Railroad, and mad- eaU-iilatioit to Jit;5. the road . lu. Wilmington from A-li.-v ille would Is- about " miles sl...rt.ij than that to lieaufort. Alt. r some r. inarkj from Messrs. Steele and J. . Rynuin. 1 .vlr. 1 . r. V-aldw.-n oiksw,.) tlie arnen.imcm I - - - ,t. v..i. .... 1 ... o..;i....i ..,..1 wmrlrf Tole against the brH. - U.san jWtetanr. and-J..IU.MiM .WImIwiisss f..'lA Mt4 mi' wi1,l. iVrrtt. 1.. ts .1-or.n-reu 10 eui;r.t-s.-.i teas o.-. nav. Mr. Singlctary m.oed to t U- uj. the Free Mitlr.er,. I, ill h . . ,s. . . . . Mr. Mi Uu. e moved to I.u the motion on the table and take ui. the Rev -u i- bill. Withdraw n. - I ,1. .1: 1 i..i., ..... .un.... i.,.....,,...u o.e jMij..uui.u o'-.'o ,..... l. UJ-.'.J Mr Sit.oLti.rc r.u. I.. a ....o.l .f .lr.t..r 1't... .-.met..!....-.,! w", ..Ir.-s.lt .a i . . . - ' 1 ,rm ,., r.j.-t-,l ft.-r ome deltaic between Messrs, Melsin. , Sin- gl.-tary. Marrinirr-r and Ami-, The S nker decided tie- amendment was not i in order, and gave his reasons at length. I Mr. Baxter appealed, Slid the House sustain-; ed the Speaker's d.-cision. j Mr. M bane offered an am.-n Iment, that every free white man 21 y.-nrs r.f a- -, and a resident of the Stat.: for 'tfie v.-ar -bail be 'luahhed to vote for S..-iiator. Mr. liairinefer siipiM.rt. d tin- ,-iiiieii.lni.-iit. ; Mr. S. A. Williams moved to ptstsnic- the hour for reis-ss. Mr. Jordan 'moved to postpone the hour of rPC. until the Fr.-e Sutfia .... u ;.l..lr.,.n bill was voted up Mr. Baxter r-ii.-w.-d the motion, r . ,, f,.r ,. ,.A ,i ring which the hour of recess arrived, and tie II ....til .1 ,..-1.-1. Aswtssiwtii. tawwisa-- I'l... If.l.-e l.nd. U.-lhe OI,(iioJ.e.t 4. I,H- i.j on Mr. M.-ban's amendment. After M.-ssrs. 1'atU-rson and Mulanehl sssa.le -oin- r.-iinirkj. Mr. Bull.H-k said it was g-n. -rally understood in his county that unnaturalized foreigners could not vote. ' Am.-mlmont reject. si- ay.-s 2, nays 104. Mr. Mcb.'ine oil. r.-d another ameiidment, that nothing h.-rcin shall be, so construed as to allow unnaturalized ! foreigners to vote. Kejecttsl yeas 1, nav ;4 Miwsrr. Birgmi and Ptcefe di-ffncsT thefr nosl - uoim oh nut oot anu ljnw nsesr reasons lor vol- ... . .- . .1.. l :li ... i -v. , .. frl , , , ., , .. . ,. Ihe rrw- Suflragi: bill passed lis first readme, i nawlH '" , !.-., ' , ., . ..,' . ,. Mr. Cofi.-ld moved the bill to lav off a new ..,-v nt Bain , . . . ,r lm The bill m. t with strong oiiistsition from Mr. j - -r- ;?J,itShviheraV"swd-TWbly -tt,.-'.v.i.....i r..K..i.i - vi...- ..--i....-srTr3xvt.-i..-.-i Old G. M. While, tbe name waa ehanif.il to! s; Fear, and tlie bill passed yeas 64, nays) !iM. Mr. Mear.-s a-k.-d leave of the House to have his vote recorded iu favor of Free Suffrage, w hich w as refused ; after w hich the l.b'Use adjourned till Thursdav inoniiii. sFN ATKr Imiksi.av, Jan. 25, 1855. -v ..... - j . '... i . - Mr. t-islu-rrwdnuute.1 K-,lui kiun r.tUtion rffiTrTi' "l'uhlic 'Treasurer. Refrrn-d. Mr.Fi.hr,a IsH-Hoaiw-ud an ai-t lassl in W5..entil.-d an iii to iiicoriHtr.-ite tlm SaUbu-! .icir I fcrred. Tl hill to enlaUUh a IHank Goad from Mooka- tille to WilUborough, waa read the third time and ordered to baowgraamad. On motion of Mr. Itord. the 8enate then toolt ttm the bill to iiieorpoftrte the l)it liiuer wd The bill waa aroende nr motion of Mr. Martin, and paased by the following Tote and waa order ed to V engrmwed. 11,28; Ay, W, The Senate th?n took tnw-twt' nwtiwn of Mr. Mills, the bill to incorporate the Fayetteville and (i.nrougl, 1 '"' , ,f , , , n , " T 7 T . J fi.r Itui mud from lkautort harbor bv av ot Ued I ill diviion of (ifUvn niilea, PJ l" vo wum- . , tent of 10.000 iH-r mile, to nav for the iron I the grading and auperstructure are prepared for it by the i.onipaiiv. i The hill was advocated by Messrs rai.n. Foil- . io-, no.i o, ... - . 1... ,-. u in. .1 .. I. ..tin. i anneal lor t lie mean- ure and in behalf of the ancient and enterprising low n of I xvetteVlUe. 1 he hill lliell IUWAC4 IIS - -. -.. -- - , ,,-.1 -..-.I,,.,- nti.l u ,r.T..reVI lo Im eli'rroKsed third reading and waa ordered to lie engrossed l.v the following lote. Vean 2o, nays 1U. j The Seliale then took a ritess until J o'clock, j Kvemnu Si;ssioX. A niesaage was rec.-ied fioin hi- Kxcclleney, lowlirav.', in ri-lalioii t the condition of lie- I'Ul'I'c """ de,ite.i 1 in the town of .ewlrn. UC.iU IOIU reiene.i. o, l-ad and reteir.,1. oil motion ot .Mr. v 00.1. 10 t ... I '..,, .It.... ..1. ,. n.t rv i.tl-iim " " .' Also, a in.-ssa.re in relation to a prortmition ' mMe totneiiovernor to restore! nnova s .-siaiue u asnmgioii. mnu a..u rceneu to ......... 1. .,. ...I.l... I....I. I .. 1 v . -a .... ..1 1 l r.. . .. stw. r"""' ' - I n nu.ti..n of Mr. Mills, t on motion of Mr. Mills, the hill t.. im-..r,rate ----- . ll'e lUnk rf Clarendon, was taken up on iu third reading. The said bill was amend. .!, and ss- ed its third reading, and was ord. red to U- en- gr rtsed. - The remainder of the evening was occupied by the reading of privato bills. ; , HI SK i'F C0MM0MS. A commutiicatioii fioin the Covenior was read, transmitting a pro-iiioji from A. W. Jones, Sculptor of New York, on t fi. snl.j.st of restoring l anova's Statute of Washington. 1 n motion of Mr. J. Ci. Hvriuin, the document were sent to the Senate. A M.-ssai;.- from the Governor concerning l'uhlic Arm-.." w.is s'iit to the . h;.t--, wi'h a projsjsitioii to ref.r to the Coimiiiltcs- 011 Milita ry AH.iirs. Mr. ilumi.hrev 1. rvsei.tc.1 a Meinorial from . i..sinwt.,UM.. taior ot prohit.fting uu;sa,- of spirituous Iniiioi-, within two tml.-s of loch- laud Academy, li.-f.-rr. d to the tmmitu-e on Kducaiion. ' "'Mr, : M.-ares intrislii-.; a Till to cede to th- 1 Mate certain land on tbe t an- I nited Slate certain laud en the Cup.- K. ar f ( i;c,m1,inj J j,,.,,,.,.,,,.. "Mr. Marsh mtr.sliieej a hill in "Tate and present Sin-rid" of I laiie. fnvr of the Read au.l re- ferred to the coinniilUa; on claims. i n motion of Mr. rharpe the bill fiir the re lief of the citizens of Iredell was taken up, the ...e e......-o. i..,e t - "J ", u w .- .--..-. Mr S,..,,l....r- ...... ...I .1.- Il... ..L..U- it. s. lfintoa comu'iitiee.if tM,wl.,..-..nther.-.A- nu.-hll. Ah-r some remarks from M.-asrs. Sin- glcury. sterlc. ! F. Caldw.ll ihI M.epherd. the motion was adopt. l ave 56. no.- 41. The Hons.- ,c,.li,.lc ;.-.l..,l u-lf ,.,. . oinimueeof tlie whole, 'Mr. Stngletary in tbe- .Cbait The sari.. us items of taxation in th.- bill were discussed. AlTKRVO. Sl.-los. The d.bffle: on the K.-t .-Iiiit-btlt Wn" foul 111- bv M.-ssrs, uesl iri the it-.inuiitt.-e ..f the who! I '1111111. Smith and I'au-.ditry. A motion by Mr. I'auhlrv l. am. n.l the sc- - fund - station b n-dwing lit eprm hmrl from lt is-nt-Jo lu cs-nts p-'rl'Si vaiu- w y r. j.s t.-.. - m iii.ttion of Mr. M K.-rfi. the toll I n in jh - ' fourth action was taj-iLfajBL.j'j ii ltd:L.; rT porr. 1 ,' , ;.. ,.f u. 1 t: It .1... iTtrni.iki! pitw. toll tindgt s iri itn- fifth sr-cttoii, f After some trifling amendments lu the sixth Mr. Outlaw nu.v. d th.- cotiiiniii.-e ri-e. whi. h in-a.loi.1. d. th-S,.k.-r r.-.UMied the chair, M in.'l-tary r. is.rt.sl progress, and ihe ', Ilo.is.- adjourned until Friday niorniii-r. P. FORD, urrr A U hvlrttn in vissslsrlsrrrS X hlrMsl Isrmlrr BOOTS a. SHOES, Ho. 47. Sm-tk Tktr4 tUrt, btUrmrn Atvh as'f -V-lrftH, wTK.imw4i a. sJa spsw nssaw. s-xw i hVZZTrZJZJ'"- .Zl"?l','ZZr '"" '"''" j With U.i. ssnn I .Nri.l .i rMwttfallr lovlbp rw p-r. ..i,..M..n..o.,sA. i r-rtlculr ttc..t. ... H1 psiH tt ,.1-r. fnr O.nmI.. v.r, K-..fuii,. I v. 4:. AV..-I4 TxtrrfAir' wMji.. J WILLIAM Mc. HAYHES, ll-'-ruvrly ,,f N-.rth Csridtiij ELKINTON? GILLAM & CO, HOSIERY, GLOVES i TRIMMINGS, . , . . r . . - a. too tiarhrt si., K.nh oise, s-sve Third, WIl.l.SAII Itt lTY. EMERSON U KLKINTOM, f l-'.-liruary' I, sjj. - STTTT S t WH (iSI.I.AW 1 1 ariis Johns. JOHN C. BAKER & CO S GENUINE "1"T T Tiri?l) TTT I VjUlJ 1j1 V J-U 1L - V J. J J I rriUIH Mftietae, ttsrMl t. dt.- iwst snnt.urd tsns .4 ihenssu srisiiiiiie tits Msdirsi Pn-suHi ' should become a little tiioro Atnurican ' HiMMrfPtna a.. riwi..re. wh. rseinnasaad a ! ized, instead of feeding the paupers and users.r Ui sny ollirr nowinBitufMrlured. T i 1 ' IK jut-lfiesoy an.l iin)srlsnes ss a rf medial iseasSs j laborers of Etlgllind, feed Olir OWII, Or else ilf. 'asassiaipxsai. x.ssii, r.enas, Asotms, I hrome Kheuiitsllsrn, and sll Serofulotls diM-ssss. St Sswtvnecrs. wry lu wsk-ihuusaii.ls t.f rtnni-iil iihtnrians uf --r... WltslMf ltH5".S.S, Nn list N 3rfTr,niilsdetnlilm. " Also, by His. KILL Jt Mll.l., , .Vulisbury. $. C, ! J.n u:,, is:.:.. CtiHsii Cash! Cash!! ninttsit.nl sr mil is s . . ,m j, . t ilUMlliLLl 1U.IV LAM LALL i I fT' T J - ' r-t hwinls-rs oV I f. , x lia.t.lieni sad ( ha.nils.rs , ,,, en,, m iisiwess, ihisr ioia Uis Wh .J F'ltrusry nest and say an is'a si as iferlaf estl I snail maks w this j ' Aft.i thai da, I w.H pl.ne .11 th. rl...... due in, """u -- ... i a.. Vk. i J V I 11 1 11 111 UU n ij.ry. NjC ,47.b.T,-lU Carolina lUatcljman.i;;,;' Cl'L 11 SALISBURY. X. V. ITEJUO, KB. 1, 1855. S ALISBCIkV ELECTIfi Jf . " " The fiillowing citiwn were clioacn, on Monday last, FarbtUtV:- -ABATIS North inirV-John I. Shaver, C. S. Drown. Eatt WardA William ilurphy, Jcae iiowaru. tl)M Yanl- 15. B. Uoht-rta, TlioinM T XW0U. ...J. , t I .. II tr ....I. T ..In -m .mhiii m. iu.iu.., . p.lueknier. a Knhsvonont intvtliig of tlie new j, j,, yM. Wlls t.cli-fled - ,. , I ivustircr : linu v'uuuuiu oooooo, - , ( -i , .1 . , ; '..!:.. '.., : , , itlir(iuy iircvioue, vhimii v h J 1 . was elected Town Constable. FOKKIGN INFLUENCE. Much has already been said, by the pt-riisliculs of the day, upon the subjeut of foreign influence, i'ublie attention bus, tV.r many long years, been directed . . , . tl,t .,,,1 to tho inroads and impressions tunt are 1 i,vWl., madu Upon UUt UiSUIUllOIU uy till- M1i,.uts from tbeold world, llow tliebe 1 ts 1 ..... i ''onse.itiei.ccs were to be met, anu now . it .. i- l ' the ballot bos, the 1 illiadlum of Oitr Civil . ut)(i r,.;,,i,,iis liberries, was to be prcserv- ed pure uin! five fnui the witliemij; sen-' so called "Know Nothings," arrayed tiuiciits and doctrines of 1'oj.ery, long ago: themselves scatter terror and dismay attrai tcl tlio mindu of our olitical fore- throughout the ranks of Evrryxa AV fatlieis, and considerations of this kind jruhlicanim. .That .necessity forced the demanded that they should point out the American I'cojile to adopt litis mode of remedy by w hich our nation w as to re-; attacking the stormy march of foreign in lieve itself from future disastrous results, j fluence let the union of Whigs and De- Wiisliingt 11, the luthcr of his country, j lived to see, even in his own dav, the evil coiiscpiences entailed iijhjii his na tion l.v foreign ii fluence. Hear w hat he savs : " Agatiisl tlie insidious w iles of foreign infliietiee, I conjure you to be- fe0w-eiliens, the jealousy of , ' 11 f-e l'" -pleought o oe constantly awake, It is one of the mt baneful foes of a lie - .,..1,1 j.. , ( iovemninit.'" Coining frolU the .. , . i i . .. ...I.l ! nps 01 me grctttusi so.t oc-s. .it... ...V - o. ; ever saw, this, of itself, ought to have 1 been a siilhciejit jiemento to us of the hazards to which our liberties were ex posetL Hut WasUiugton waa gone to his last resting place, u 11 d ambitious leaders . . . . dTtieeasyteT6MntiaTlt WouTiT. r subserve their purpoes to leave bis injunction to nsoulder 111 i.l.livioti, tlian to keep the "jealousy of a free Jteople i c,Mautlv awake." The result was, that,! e , . . . .1 . .1 1 from Ins time down to the present, the; CiaUest between the two great political parries liiis'Tii (ondiicti-1 more or less witli the design of ingrafting, rather than '"li'iig off,-this same " foreign influence," iu .order tu ..scorn the pfoinitojut elec tions. Evasive logic and scholastic u ilroitness were plied with uriotis succe bv ltli jnirties, mil triitiiuatiiitui-w itb; re? ruiiiiiatioiis marked the ol der of the bat tle iu endeavoring 'o draw this corps of iiiulisfiplitiiil -diplomat ifs - into, tlut Te-- spective rank. Tlie t!.e..ry of " n.relgn 4nllufe - liow 4Hwl tlto barely all 11- .Veil t; I. Of all 11 lilted m Wlllklllif at tlie practical danger. In our largo cities more . ' I., .?.. ... ...... n. -i.iiil..n.l ;,...tf I excessively availattle. Hut asbltigtotl did not sfntnl alone ! upon this jtoinf ; if he had, however, the ' t'uet r.f his having nttcrcd such a senti- iu-nt tttight, from our veneration and ts ' gratitude, to have claimed and caused our notice and regard. ISut hear the voices of other "choice spirits," that grace . our national history. Jelferson, our se : couil rresidcut, w ho wrote the American lXlarato of Independence, and whom may safely trust in this matter, gives his opinion upon this subject in the fob 1., ri .1 lowing words: "1 Iioik- we may nml i . , t I i- some means, iii luture, of itbielding our- sc'l ves from foreign influence, political, commercial, or in whatever form it may I o attempted. I wish there were an I wish there 'ocean oi fire betwixt tii.s and the old world." Thus the first Presidents of oitr Nntion- ' at- Kcuablie. uuiler.ta- tm4r .sontinifitta';. i4sl-Ht4ttle-i' a (ireciau horse tj the liepublic we can- not be too careful to rxcltido its entrance And on dow n the list of illustrious Presi dents, we hear one after another protest ing aguin.it the same influence. Jackson, the great primogenitor and sir-oracle of 1 1 ,l""'c distinguiMhed party insnes which tThave - added.tuJ.h. thus,akitUimebiHeinhiH- Zi"' f "Tecidea tocMt is time we . . irfW.--,- i. -" "I ' j i I V shall bees. mo Iiuutters OureH'Ca.n La- iTlpiiigliand to tTTo cause of American frelom in the dark and erilnus hours of uncertainty, has left on rocord the fol lowing prophetic declaration: " If over the liberties of the United States aro de stroyed, it will lie by the machinations of Hnlllish Priests. " Ili.rb ailtborirv sat. lot n J furwJied, from a multitude of other ilia- ''' Worthies, for the necessity of . . v . , , .?. -', -Americans kt.'cptug A vigilant cyo upon the W0rkill"8 of foreilMl influence '- . ' . m ,ort;bn "'"'lento . We C,M v-n ",e "M 'I""'l In ilufenca Of ... J , "tlspOalUlsll. 3wjf"T!ie late act oWarlmment, for cstali- m.t c.t:ti.iivo toltn- : try called Qnclitc, (Cunailu,) la danger.', ouu, In an cxtreum degree, to the Prot estant RcliinL and to tho rictf rights andlikiik' tft'A nrieata.nA CTtriiL liunB we are imiiupcnsabljr obliged totako all pef meant fir our seenritjr "Cfewr-yr-, &jt. 17, lT7k 'Yj:r JTot witliatanjitig thcae reiterations tiint rulleil on and brought witU it noehanm in our policy Local iaaue enjroaed Ttlio jiublic nttoniion' and fofelgn "JuJo- ence was eamly drawn into the contest ITie Macedonian crj, of " come and help tin," was music to their ear when backed by the protniao of political promotion.-. . Eagerly they entered into the spirit of the contest, and the newt of the great ad-vamH-Hietit, made by their brethren who had gone before, caused thouaands nposj thouHands, of those that were left behind, to flock annually to our shore. These gathering strength day by day loon - - . - H iuiieo innt numerical nrvrinw uwwir. . , . i nJ bi'llig overjoyed lit the CXerciS of .,. I 1 . J- . . ulu hviiuhms 01 aorereilf HIT oeiran to Ito. C n tnand as a prescripti ve right the appoint ment to those offices of honor, profit and trust in the gift of the American people, which should have been git-en to native born Aiuericansalouo. And well have they auccet- led in attaining tbe ultima tbule jof their ardent expectations at the bauds r.i 1 1 1 1 t 1 0f ium: leaders who hoped for re-election. till I It was written npsm tbuir tratS-at- lantic visage "thy dars are numl r- j . . numbered" ir near the mulUle of tliat same HHll . century, SO remarkable for improvement, the Strango and mysterious Order of the moerat and tlie rapidity w ith which tboil- sands enrolled their names among the American party explain. Aside from this buttling against foreign influence, we have nothing to say in regard to this Know Nothing" party. We are not .ware that the party claims to hold to . ' any other d.H-tnne, So far aa their pnn- ' eiples are concerned, they certainly have (bi.rb amttnrit V ftr trteir tit.ti utMMt tbia ' . i-i " i .1 jhiiiii. a ue nuKiu vjwrumn aevuia w ue the irreat objection in the minds of our citizens. (In that score, there is a diver sity of opinion; So long as virtus and itttrff-iyrnee prcirotttiiiatc, tmr libertiei are Mr : totoiir ciliseiis associate theniselvus fa "whatever orgaiiitatious they 1 in whatever organiatious they may.- ; If t uu true that Know Nothings are ab- iits ju.lgmg from the returns of recent elections, we must conclude that the days lAlaverv are well nigh nnm- . . ... U-rvd, and wc must exinct someUung de- ; cisive elfecti-) at all early prioALWjuat . j ro the dcK:tri-ies of this arty let its past aud future achievements disclose. .'ii7 'TliduT. TI10 Senate lias pal through three readings the following bills: -Tlie bill tor the completion of the N. Carolina Railroad ; the bill to Incorpor ate the Western North Carolina liailruad; the ll.in Uivcrund Yadkin Iiuilroad; and the Tteii 11 f.rt, Fayetteville ami ftrveiisbo; rough liailrvtad. Tlie House of (Vminions bare pitwiF the fidJowrngrttie Atiantyc I ia 1 frond; the Wilmington, Charlotte an.l Kutiierior'it.m I Uil road: ami Uiu i French Hroad Kailroad. Nearly all charters provide either for an endorsement of the bonds of the com panies, or for a general construction of the roads by sections. Hie present Ie gi -hit u re ha shown a liberality upon the subject of Internal Improvenicnts' that clearly borders oil extravagance. A i balky h'trsu is hard to start but furious when started. There can be no doubt, however, but that hj-rUinij has given the impetus to this State liberality. - Another Fatal 1tltatrjthti We lenru that on Monday last, a little child of Mr. Ilame, of this county, stand ing or playing near the fire at hit resi dence, its clothing was caught in the flames; the child ran to its mother, who caught it up in her arms. Her clothing iitiiiniMliiilely-t4iols--ftrT-a4--sire waa wo ono it wmreii ttmrtneream nrctriiotiiw afterwards. Hie child, at last account its recovery. And we learn, also, that the wifo of Mr. Tliomiis lturke, of this county, narrowly escaped a similar fate: Jlur clothing caught w hile' standing near the fire, and on discovering it, she waa so baslly fright ened as to render her own efforts toextin. ATuiall thn fluiint iiiiflv.il!i. Tl... tlml y. isti,lcd . Uvror M we4u incvitabi. ,ilvfr ;)eriahea. Al it was, she was pretty 'badly burned on the arms, shoulders and. nock, not danger: ously. ' Thcn distressing accidents should hvQ ms iiuets ttj wammg au m -ua tiger v TOiixirnriJTrii w.ti trie tire. itB euia - weatlier of tho present season, we cannot doubt, has sent thousands of children and olsler people, shive ring, into dangerotii proximity to the firo for comfort Pa rents cannot le too watchful of their little -ones, when the biting frost drive them in doors from their iitips.itholts At such times how unwarily they tush tq tlie firot with ey es .sparkling twitl merry life: 'Their iiiuocencu' is nq protection against the hick of caution, and but for mother's watchfulness how many cherish t uncs iouIJ Le,swpioJf orery year by relenthisa ffarue .

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