Lib ; if " Pfrairl to PfHtiwr lie iDsrfirif ttltttrfrlntrrnttt-mproDf iariil3r Commr rcty tl)f -litis -aii&--$riwf5, . .ItoraUtij,-cnb-lljf .amil? . (Hirrltv. VOL. XI.-OsEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, FEBRUARY 8, 1855. NUMBER XXXVII S. I Ccrxut, "Eon FrsiirfvK. '. -, AltTAXT. AGREITITUL - Fmm tW Men rf. Yuuttii k, January 1 -iili, Mimi. KfinoB : During the past ysar I made an experiment to test thcef- feet which the polling of fodder would hare upon the ton from wlncli -j ltU' paned. The result .-rpri-ed me M lime; ana mi mint me eKpcnuwui a vaiuauie one, i.wunaeau you a i.u t ill . tatemeot of Uie man nor or conducting it, and theresalt. I elected a portion of my cort field iu which the rows ran -rpdie-ularly to a road, ad counted sixty rows along th road. I then, measnre.1 seventy yard along t!e rows on each ide of the piece d-slsned f the experiment, and ...... . oiarked off a line parallel with the mad at seventy yards dirtance from it. This embraced 4,2l") hill, from the alu niate rows of which, the fodder wa .tripped t t!'Ttfp,leitLe intemel:a,le rostuifc. tooclieiL After tho fodder was cured, I ighd it, and (-uiA that 1 Wl ja pound., which, at Jtr cwt., i north i.SO. Tle two parcels of corn were kc4 en tirely teparati until lui lot wsa folly niwle, which was done in the f-ljvwittg manner, viz : Having the two piled Wfore me, and- wishing to ascertain the uumltef ( rar in each parrel, I couimencwl with that from Which th?"f Mrrw. - jj"lil. aI. counted 75 ears into a basket, from each tlraA, until I had weighed The whole of it. I then wen throngh t!ie aflie . rr"0"?".; with that from which n f..lder was-pai." Ted. .Bj Uu count ing, 1 f.rti!id that I ha'I npwards of ts ear more in the p-.r- tio from, which the f.-lderVa not Vul 1 lJ.....Thk.JkarJi two larc,il!(!t0 to eana'ie the nrfmlier. ; i .,.i ,i,, i i,.'l i !.! ,v.n.l. in ih.. - r . latter .'. portion l-cih anJncrvascjM "i r . pounds in favor -of not pulling fjl.k-r. 1 then M,clie in same quaniny irom each parcel, to ascertain the rtiu to be dedttctel for hu.ks. Tliis amounted to one-fifth m each caw- The ri-sult gave me 135 .uudof shel led C"rn, in the place of " of fothler, which was suffered to remain on the sUlks. JTVS J! "Rf. .1!. "5L "I husliels, which, at W ccnt, would give ti.SO: showinff a lv of 3'l ceiit. which Sm A 1 1-r.i.i- tkatr rrtf. ll : v labor of tiullinir and curing the f.KMvr. To show that no exaggeration existed in this experiment, the cars were cord ed, and the number equalized, a before stated. 'The inequality which existed mav be accouuted for in two wavs. First, many ear were broken off in pulling the fodder; ami secondly, many were pre-. vented from maturing by having the f..l der pulled from the wtalls. " " It may be supposed tliat this fmlder' wt pulled tow iwoni f In h oumutuu aaC-- ... epption of that term. nch was not the case. I suffered it to stand until it s thoronglily rijic, or what is termed, suffer- j ing ft th want of pulling. Tbi experiment an entire of IS bushels to the liu"ndrjsIor cmc-ixth ; part of the crop. Tlic aTk)Vc wai "'3STv1s!f" periment alotted ti uie by" the Prince George Hdc and Comer CI nh, of whirlr I am a member If yoii think it worth' publishing, you arc at liberty to use it f in that way. - ?r:-j!jii44j-tfafai P.'8.rfvon think' tho above deserv ing of a place in your journal, you will confer a favor hy giving your vie on the hct mode of providing a soltittrfe , tor fodder. J.H.I!, i . . - Ihe January, Xo. ttf iaa.kwoi4VMag- eontin. the fohowlng remark. .icspeciing iMurpi wuicn may pn.K tcrestinJ t some f onr readers : ' t.. u t : ..': . . YT1 i r... MHllUII HU UlTH W OIITIIHW I" lllia. ... - - ....,....-" . i' . i t i ; .i... oao i.i.,lo ap . thjtittlhelWnd4latuliiImejEt.tinsdifcndan poun , or r ... ,. . . r v . lf ; tmr,grcat public scliooJs, a H'inchcstcr.fncnrljc 'al1 .,,,,K ; . f it i specified as tlic scholars food, and to continue to tbi day. It is hot known t where the origi n of the race is to b found.' ; Cut we hare reason to holier that it has been so altered by the cultivating care of man a almot to be considered as his crea tion. In all its varieties, it is an animal of seeming contradictions of instinc ; live character. Proverbially harmless and inoffensive, it has both courage nnl kill in protecting itself. A if aware of I ' their inadequate meant of defence iudivid , ually, a flock will arrange tbeuselves, up u approach of danger, almost with a military precision. Irawing themselves into a compact bdyi it it said that they place the young and females in the cen tre, while I hi nude, present a formidable front. Thrv have been a byword forstu- pUlitj, yvt few animals are more saga- 1. 1 .1 l cum. nei:ier in ma selection ol tlieir f,J.rin f.,reand providing".;: ZmZZ ZZl l yM icle,ener of the weather. They:" m liarjyt bW tn CI,,lure tbe verities of; re hardy, able to endure the verities of; - climate,, : , et io di.Wues which' , i '" ' "n ,' ' "i '"m. r,r, , , ., ' f 1 i "T: . , . w T ; V re., ire the o,.9ta. t care of man. closed mouths half opened, tongue....- behave somewhere met with a curi- .chned to hang on , knees a .ttle bent, remark, that the two creations, wheat and parting asunder, and their Un-y T . U'imiIj'V fluil lilnL-d ui.rvi 1 11 11 ir iltL'li tin. i t . .1 .1 ... aim .iecj., si-eiu more man anj ouier 10 have U-eu purp-il for the use of man, .j , U. rer,Wted, each in iu kind, side- T 1 ly by hi care and industry, that, in fact, neither cau exist without continual hu man attention. It is has Keen said, that if any given emmtrv wire sown with wheat,, and left ; and so with flocks of sheep, and they were left entirely to them selve, after not very many years, neith- er a grain of wheat nor a sheep would be found in that i-onutrv. ; n.r. : .,.t:,.r ,.nf ;,...!.!.. i..i.!!,r!iv J n the she-p which tit. it fr nuui's use. TI. t in.!. U Lu ll in Cold Countries Slllil. lie. ii;e race v itli clothing, ceases and become rougli liuir iu hot climate, iAS TAR I.N IIOKTKTI.TFRE. TTiC MfnwTrrgmay be-vaiuabltiuloiuua.- . tii -n to oiir horticultural friends: v 1:..'!: r . .... 1. mi. .,.,,-.,. n .nvwi(.ri, as uuu- - m li. raukiiJi. Ui.tnute Kir IVceiu. , w, mu Icarri ,,, , , discovery.' m ,.-! i likely to lie of great advantage, toagricultnre, has been rej, to the ag-1 ri.ultural s.ietv at Clermont. Frame. -1 nuired painting, decided on making 'hem' T.Taiir likely to attract the . - . . -.. . . . . ' - i T brack' mint. Tbe wo Trasi rmnnrnn. dl- ,pu ou tin; approach of spring the gardner wai surprised to find that all the spiders and insects" ihicli usually infested his ln house hal ilsapjarel, attil also that a vine, wlncli for the last two years hail so fallen off that . TimfirtfiM- itsittmrn i,riMWliU...l m.iiw.l't'1 il u '"U ones., loukvu si.ii'i uuo he hail intenikd ti replace it bv another, had acquired frv-h forbid v'igor, ...jUiAILROADS OF THE V. STATES. ga e every sign ..fprinlucirlg a large crop : Tlie JaIlual-v number Hunt's Merchants" raps.--.. 1L; ailcrwaxda ui.l the suiuetMag substance to the pwis and trellis work which supi-.rted the tiers in tho open air, nl ttU't with thi' fLU-ii. rimilt All till' :" i i . caten.iHar and other inft. comjiletely lisapiare.1. n is saiu inai simiiarcxpe-, ritnents have Uvn made in some of the . vim-vards in the iironde, with similar re- suits! We commend these facts to . . ... vii t other growth- than that t the vine THY Aff. t.V: 11. w .(l dm. niarrsd' ..aWw..i.riili.a )stt at uime. AmI tn!'-. w-iMit rdnwl. .pr".' ' V hrrr Mimiir . Man wmlii .hini- ; rl Ids) d.rk.-f gn-w, - I'wm mre tmr .ondrtrt.. p.t Th. m-nlrnr, " Try ajatn." Il.i. i.nn tn th .till, dt.tir 4H i.ief.1 lb. Ktt .'ffh In ) d Miic u,.r.t Tm i.r-iinif in my rvi : And id., kk. .nr-l. d.-p-nnf Tim .trjf r, to ni.n. 'rr a qit'l drsatdm .f 'I'K. MMlcUC. '-'J'i a.m." lf.i r; T"iPiiI tmW l.lrV ..'t d.s, Vdsm.. And sM ... l.tiin-a ultra w frd .1 ...TT aul..; h.i tn, mi.drtiirir ..litrii In d. OVr.drlnitnf . .t.h ld-n t br walru.-., " Tt .ginn." M, r lyridin ansrl it n.t.t dr. or Mutt aMi aVji.tri inr dr.rt n.o. h lefdtrr, iMi b.ipi ihb iwftnrr. hra --, 1 d.r Idal snl a.niv dff.ide Th MrMrarr. ' Try igaiB." -A bailiff in Philadelphia was ( ! lately rvduajd to a perfect non plus. He L. M.r;f amt a fvmalc who is on iu at the CVdui.Tlda Mus-,;,V that city, me lemaie reiuset. ... g.. "" rttmi jcctjit height. It represents j tbe ofheer. Hi predicament may tie. t'-anLiT,, :n citizen's dress, wit If cane lis i '... .-Ih.h ,i etateil that the -inter-i MY FIRST SERMON. M Dear Bnrther lletm H,l. lav mj Jjear urmner &- UJ nwWWW1' mVj arjianu i preacueu my urev 1 ; . : V V ,. j . . u.. r. ...v : ftnfuinlliiir tn Sit irith titllfll e ,.,. .. ," learttnutreinuungiaMempteuiopreaen.j r V , hirer ft ft wim ilk n. fi.rin lutiitu I ho u irrti : . r .-. .. . it, r w.u irtuui 1 11 h mil 1 u.n. nrost'iiHii. 1 n.. 11 , good. The room was crowded, j ami the col coioreuueopio, ior wantoj.seui8,:wIi.cli-1.v , t,1(J ofh(;rs g;ze all stood wall, over to my right and over to my left. A corner lire-place was piled up . , ' " . er ti mv riirlit mill over to mv with a large amount of vount; half-sea soned hickory, wood burning nercely. tlur roonnonn became ra Her warm tor:f tl.t-ir piti..n, nor .Les mueh rain me as I sUwd back near the fron door, &1 b , I cloU(;lia , aIlll tllo rh and the near tbe hre seemed to be I tim'Uwt!r u are 8tuIf, at aI1 eievuln melting into a profuse perspiration. of B thousii.d Teet and upwards, it jmis - ing and prayer pver, the text was aii- ft tolcrablv ixtIwt tlltjeH. nouuted and the sermon commenced.. l T,o , ,aMJt ((re Vocanic, and Darwin, lelt greatly embarrassed at indications of , w,1(in; wc t, cannt m.rth in my congregatmn. At hrs 1 su,- ,)(J ,e(w tlml,,tw(;honJallld cratlirs tliro ,,. posed all to have been occasioned by my ,, ,.,, Ti i,,.,ii awkwardness; but cast a look : that direction anr found them ahtp i . i .1-' . , fanuing on meir, ect arten, t,om,ng , f,,lu',,K - f f""T . 1 . ... i: .... ai. . ' e i i iu out oi tnc coiu, that hot hre had melt- .. .J . . . ' b . ffani lowfcr and lower they went, ami tliey sunk lower, the mirth rose 1 t,,,e -vo,"" pcple- Finall ,ii.. .1 I .n.... .... . ....... .-.. . . i i i . .i cauulit themselves sinking, anil strength- . . , , , 7 - . emiig up again looked wild v rouml us it 1 1 ,, . .j ., scared, and then took on them the ap - pearaiice of shame. The mirth, which I lacked courage to re-pravtv souXl. subsided, and I went on with my sermon who "call tell how? Presently the mirth arose again. A slick Iiitikriig yoimgster.a colored waiting man, slamlih'' on his fiet. U!i fst nlirn. and sinking down as lietV-re. All the rest of the colored people were now awake, and W1" ne whites lial their eyes turneu on .......... ... tlH, ,, midHdcc thorn, seemed to toe mnct. amnsed-down. dotnr. dower and !nu-ir lin until tii.Lh.tilv In. up, and Idowed like some uild Animal when badly scared, and then, as before. he seemed to be ashamed. That gen tee assembly evidently ain.cnj-to- 8un,.re,S laughter, but tailed-t.or had 1 coiirage to reprove. Presently all was nniet. and .1 lituteeded with my sermon. I suppose . . . . i 1 suppose from bad to worse, for the spirit ol the i.-... : ...... . ' ... . .1... nines was against inc. aL'aiu, mr ine , .1 ,: 1 ,, l.,,. ,,f t,,irr.;., ... ... i,m ,111111 ..iiui", 1 Hiia 1111 ,.11 1111. t . 11 1111 uiiisi .mm, u slet-n. stundiin'on his lT-et down he was sinking, mouth opened, eyes hall c,8i;,,' knt"' ,i ''ent and parting asunder. H U f4 l"."P 'i"UU J'" and seemed as if nothing could save bun fionr, he --fetched- n leap his head went nearly to the ceiling, anl when he came down agaTFf hwhTs: :.i...ii:i it i ..... i . ill i ; i i, . t i i ..... i... "". ,e)1,.c j. How could rpr.xce.1 with II1V scrmon ? I t.H), had to laui-li with the rest at what had happened ; so 1 was shorn (,r M? strength ; and alter a few feel enorts to close in an . A tmi':..ii t t)w rt. iiiirvm irderly manner. I M,thmlit ration. y,,,,,,;,,, , of the names, length, locality and the ''"'c of opening of all the railroads in the . .... itlie longest railway i" the moiIU m the niinois i'entral, wfiich, with it's Lranches, i ,:n miles in leiiglh, and has neen con- struc ted at a cost of if 15,0(10,000. The number of miles of railway in the I nited .? ,l,e worl,J b.v Ihe amount ot nuies. The total nuniber of railways complet- I ed in the 1. States is 271 ; the nuniber of railways in course of construction is 17C; i the number of miles in operation 21,52", which have been constructed at a cost of 1 !li,Ci!,S3-J. The number of miles in t course oi eons., iieuo.i is i.,ia. Thv State of Massachusetts hat one mile of rail way t-u-ach seven stpiare miles of its geographical -Ktirtacer Essex coun. ty, in that State, with a geographical sur - face of 40O square miles, has 15!' miles of 'railway facility; which is a ratio of one ! mile of railway to each three square miles j of its surface. The number of miles of railway now in i iijienrlion upon the: snrface-of t-ltt- gtnhe-t' I - - . .. . . ... -S6YL; ,r -W .41 M'Q P.rj2a2nil!ti. , tern, anu -,.-; urn- ...v ".., noi ! isphere. anil w hich are oisirimueo as mi- Inch are (listriimtetl as loi-; lows : In Great luituili t.irt miles ; nC -.Germany 5,340 miles; in France 2,10 miles , iu iseigiiiin ...i.' nines; in iwissia '4J2 miles; in Italy 179 miles ; in Sweden 75 miles; in .Norway vl miles ; liipain -iiMiiMi.iittAfci. -4 iwliat,;,-iu . JudiiUiii jrni nnies ; ltrtw ' nnrt - mum z ivi iniiiesin the Islahd,of Cuba .'t.M miles ;' I in Panama 50 miles ; " in" South America liO miles. j statu? of lluj.imin Fmidin is to be erected in Boston, costing if I0,0oo. (ireeiiough, tlie sculptor, t at the work, i,;. rbd.f bund, and his cocked hat under -. , t .a r,ii Tm .. tire eivsl of lie statiie , is hit i iandb.t relict will ho yltriK --, . , I Another Stranger ut the Door. TheJ FROM CONSTANTINOPLE. . &WW W"", t,,e cw M.ow,5S Lave I CoxwAirraoinjs. Dec. 18, 14. ;bt.en ofleitd for sule to the Inited States, ! . . UW'triwunmonaof dilEtriT A Koo,r""Th, thtrfeitli trftW month, the round sum, those hard times, for a group of fiinoulikTinff volcanos, os. oft" the coast f c, if Congress will , Kcuador in tlo I'acihc. . buv. T, IrtianjsarC8itnatcd somosix hnn- drod milos from the amnt ot America, and ..... he immediately under the cinator. i he .... nt; 1 11 1 1 J 1 x i 1 rt ix 1 f iiinn; 111 x,'ii , ,,.., ;cta tJ lHlUlHIS OI nanielv, Albemarle, indelalig; . . . . n ..,i.i i , , NurI(rull , uml jall, . tho gll,all- .' ..... ir...,,i Rindloes ami Abinon. The climate is . -V( , , " . , . . on some of the islands none "s known to ti.. ,, .( eAifti. ijiiu uiiniiuib. iiiuxjls unu Minus vi tl)t, Wullj u nbt XM differ from these Wands in most i.Munegs, differ from all oth,rs known, but thev are very few ....,,, a,I c'xcepl tltVtortoi; and ft no UsC to man. n nj , lmrb Hlld Ue !lWi al()m,d with M . . . . . . - . . ,, " , 'iwhich causes it tube much frequented bv ,m as whalers. Excellent fi.-l, is caught close Z1'0'' to the shore. There is a lining establish- v. all r..i ;.. r,.,. ., i wine i euiiMfS it to lie nine i fi-eouenteil iv nil in "I am'iu mill, ini-ii ini- iri.ii'i-, i , .i i , i i. who drv the fish, and find a ready market ' J - for theiniH Pern, , , v;,, , ,,, rnn,iir;nn Af;n. ,.r..i , ,i.;,, .. tli. ;.-l.,..rl ister lit aslungtoii, is ihe proprietor ot one of the largest of the islands and it is said he has for some time past been ai.x-. inns to sell out. fc;nrew the atidwirh Islands hni rv up, therefore, " Young (ialapugos" will be in the Capitol be lore her. "Kansas," a country of yesti.idav, is already in,- Xe- briiska is cominy and Hawaii prei.anu- to start. and we sum fl u from u ' .ntWmall frnm- start.. and 1. 1 (ialapag) s"' iiet. A'. the . K. next Year conies to an cnd.- . , t -f be n fou Ln 1 , "-"l '". L ""L1 '"V:- ami seyn oi .,...,. .-. .... I .o 11 " " . "i-oi .I--"",, ..... 7iemroTr,-.TnCT niamsnrtr am - Mw . roe. John 1 vler. W iu. ll. Harrison, auu,. t . ... . it- ....... i ,, - ... s -aicnarv invior,-were ...rn in irginia. Two. viz; .Alartm .au. Uurcu. and .Mil- . ...... . . . - . - . i . i r 1 i ill more, were horn in .New l ork Two were born in Massachusetts .lobri Ad.tms and John iii;i'irv A One, v iz : Andrew Jack-on. was born in South; Carolina." ' One, James K. ,1'oli, sva..iiorn. in JXurtU . Cui'uJJjul;. un.d one, Franklin Pierce, was born in X. Hampshire-.- Mcarfs. -Van- !ure-, Tyler nd Fillmore, are the only snmvors of the r-x-iTesinenrs. trcncral lavir Ex-Presidents. General Taylor and Gcrr twiT-presi' J., . i 1 i .. 1 the lir.-t t hief Magistrate commenceit on ! All1 tliat hnn& me. t0 a'-tlicr topic, the :i"th of April, 179..and the term of w lncli is quite interesting iu its way. 1 the last commenced on the 4th of March, relet to the tact that Coustaiitinople is ls:,:j, t will expire on the 3d of March. Jgnuluully changing hands, and the rule 157. The Yiee-Presidcnc-v is vacant at he Mahomuiedan is yieldingto the et , this time, in consequence of the death of; frontery of the 1 rank. Everything tends itlie Hon. NT. R. King of Alabama. to prove that the days ot lslaiiiism are I . , over, and that the r rench will soon form ! tiii.' i-VDWTi'ii r'la- it i ntVT a I'nrison the sides of the .Golden Horn. I HIE E.l EC! ED GhLAT tOMET. X(it p the i-Vench took possession Th, einiiiont astronomer, M. l'.abinet, member ot the Academy of Science ices, rela- . ijjives some very interesting .details re tive to the return of that great comet whose periodical course is computed bv the ni(-t celebrated observers at three " ; l,,,Itl,,ri';1 years. Our evelical records , j j '. ' that it was observed m the year, 0"- !'75 again in liWl.and the next n 1 always described as shin- in nn i lie most extraordinary orui- iancv. ilost of the EuroiM'an a-tronomers had agieed in announcing, the return of this comet in nt : inn vt i .itherto failed to appear. In fact, it is not so easy or Sllllpl e a -matter to compute tlioso even- cal periods as some .superficial persons boi liood, and as the Turks were unable to who do not l,si bei.uid tho day or tlie.tiiwrvu lh i,ai'i. it was deemed necei-1 1.1-niit in in. i tlii.v livn mnv itntiiTine. t Vo a,v Jiowever, assured bv M. I'.ai.inet ,,.lt U) , ))lis mom,.,,t. thfs beautiful iST;j. , ( fs living iSirits brilliiint repntatfi.n :" . s tl t sir i0in Herscheli hiuisolf was wrong when he despaired of its re -appearance, and put crape on his telescope! We are now informed that a celebrated and accurate computer M. Homme, of Middleburi;h with a patience and de- voteducss tTulv t.mraii, has ir"neover,.,.., .. ... . ,,..,. . . .. . ,a new esuuiitie oi me scpmuiu ami lom-, bmed action ot all the planet hmed action ot all the planets upon mis eomet, of three hundred years; and ,,.,,, discovered tliiit it i not.lost to us, but only retarded in it-motion. The result y thissevere Tabor give flic' amvul ol lliw rare aid renowned visitor rare au lumniiini i si 1 1 ii A4inn4...1a.i5d.Jii ith au.iiuccjt tfwtMW mwrr or- w ; J" 1 w, Miav lipe to see the great luminary which in caused Charles V. to ahdicare. ifri.'i.f, I . ' T In the absence of any authentic iufor-iam inarionasto the u eposes ot the Know- of veins tVoni this lime, we will see a tine i Nothings on'the slavery question, it is a'and noble citv, rising like a Phuinix from rood si'Mi Ior uie r-ouiii io see inai ine .N . V;- tmwrV --,UotuaJurfl-the. Albany .loiirfial, -and other abolition pa - pers, favori ..iui, '"r V" " ,..,t., in , ii.ii. .,i in,, in. Tim iir,i,.r ni .l. lfiki, IWIVilumnl 1 41 ll'ii HIV OiV imxiv "v ...... , vharges tl,t tl,.. ..r.ler U ooen v nn. II .I avowedly pro-6la el J s So be it ! . .1 y.' (Wwrfivr. Kre"1 ol- fuc'ioias uay ot me nussians, as tt,c11 Orceks, and is kept by their church with great solemnity. And as the liiisrtians are in the habit of iwing their hvi ..r..,,B t.u.. iholiaujs to accomplish acts o Uostihties , v r..8..oi Mi..n orttnrtu ttiu1 tlnt S.t .l...t , ......a0 v V i v" ' 1 out lutin tiiinti 11 mil iiikz enemy. v ithiii tho last tew days, these rears or hopes, as many would call them. ljL'e Btrengthened by the reports ot deserters and iirisoncrs. Conseoueiitlv iur aic nuiiiess anu atcrtr.ei i've;thcn in the strect( ince ,h' inflixoffor. bee,, prescribed this day, and the whohs :ar, " called out at a momeiit s j warning .1 am Lilly assured that every bosom '11 be beating with excitement on the fv ,4 another engagement. Revengefor ''f comrades, daring emulation oi each other a bravery,a.,d deterjniuat.on to con- ,qucr, w.ll actuate all, and will strike the -"ey note to victory. Inkermann is not yet forgotten, and if ever the Russians ft s wundly thrashed as then, it will be todav, should tbe enemy dure to at . . -, , . r. . . tncK-. 'Uastoiwl must Jail, is the coun- tack. " Sebastoiol must fall, is the coun- lersigu to wiucn everytmug else " i tl. . tattle alter battle, may take place but w.ll only hasten the event; breaking down the conhdeuce of die; ', bebastopo will prove the easier, i-wtjifr ill tin. mill 'vll"ry 111 "'e end. lhu. Fefut ovei..ei.U of the Allies ilro "ll lc""du, f "",st e,,ertretic man- ner to carry out tho one irreat object of .... J .-- ner to carry out the one great object of uiu euiupai"u, anu uiiib in luu uyciiiiiow , and that is. the overthrow the J,ussiau neeL for that purpose, re- 111101 ceinenis are now Hastening 10 ine , Crimea, as quickly as possible, and in- . . . 1 . 1 1 I : II 1 ; "LT. .1 3 , wUlbe- md iv the French with the lis - Since ofthe Tu rks elsUlIICe 01 tlie llll KS. Omar P-u-ha with his veteran trooos 'inar 1 acua, uiui ins cicrau "oojm, win commence tlieir campaign on the h . . ... . . uonusme. a.iawHU ,000 x .euci ., , north side, and with French troops, ! I a siithciuut army can be lormeu "V ? rrtetrds outvie; Sueh a - nnHHeu - U II ire LO vn i.4 iiiiu- iliomf.i ni.rossnrv ' lor it is , ., . , , clear ttiat. as long as egress ami ingress lie allowed the enemy in Sebastopol, nothing decisive tan he done. It has lieen seen u p c ,f 8Uch 8trengfl, as Sebastopol , , f , t rla ..... ". I 1 .1 ..11. .iiiuont iuuu iui a uiiii eAiiorimtf uie ut Sebastopol, and the total destruction of , u;-n,ii. .u .. i . t. .. to continue that aloue. The city must be - - - . V-,T-V nr iv-.4ii.iit lii.cii.v w, in.,, u-. vii. vuv - ', .. n , s.ue, uui on an biucs ine norm as wen ..,, . tlm, .... r(JSe,.t :.;.:.. L. - : 11'lvV 13 HI llll IIIUUUIlllUIC. IIIIU IIIIIOl I ' v. in- -torcu is-qnttetnedcruate; anw iwwwiuf.w, uie uiuw . treased. ior this puna-se, men are iro ing up every day. As fast as an tnglislr ot French regiment comes here, it is trans ported to the Crimea without further de lay. Two dnvs- ngir,' the lioval Albert, on board of which Sir Edin-und Lyons will hoist his flag, left this harbor with Captain Codtnan, is .here at present,' hav-T. 'Ti-i.i-pn'rii.g". , tm-t Vttirt arid .wit! -2,:5:.u men 6n board French troops from ing just returned from the Crimea. Shertiie' strength of a giant, he leap "agaia " r Marseilles. .. Other EiiKlish vessels are ar-J was cluutered by the French ifwverumcuU. ,w. .Ui. --. -Inoi.... tL.m.. f il,.nl-i riving every dav with Freuchuien, who ; ,"T" : rr. r .: -.-r-l-r-ri-r--- TT.--i-r-?-.. D n ui ut VU ruuvw IKS it III U OVWISX A lOi of tho large and beautiful Russian palace, .ojic.of (lie . best edies m Peru, and ertn lield inviolate bv the Eiigrisli. The i . . t . ii, . ' French for a long time looked upon it with covetous eve, but were not prepared to use it now ; now, however, they arc so numerous here, that additional room is wanted lor accommodation, and the pre - text was found for seizing on the Russian palace. Again, three or tour days ago, several suaru nouses m uaiaia were oc- 'cupied by French soldiers, andjhe Turks turned out into the open-streets, not dar- ing to open their lips in defence. The r.-.-won .issi.Mied was. that as such a nuiii-! ber id outrages were committed by the trench and hnglish sailors in the neigh-: snry to use a more ellicient authority, one . with more force to back it. j to the Allies. This treaty has quieted tlie And when we-consider the .matter, in j fa rf .uiauyv...who duuUtcd tho success its" most serious light, and view the sub-! of the Allies in the coming struggle, and jtct in all its bearings, we must confess , they believe that Russia w ill now come that Constantiple would be a more plea-Mown a little, ami make some pacjtic de sant resilience, and a greater mart, ot" umnstrations. Whether such be the case . - 1 ......! I. 1 ...I commerce, ll the r rench retained posses - ii.m nt' it At nreseiit. as is well known, the streets are badly paved, narrow anil .lree,.tjjHltheJ. li'IVVtl till T .1.1 are not named ,le dtf Vra. the Kue de Grand and oth ers. in which we win see uns housc uum liered l'o, and that one 50; lint this ar-: range incut is the effect of a. whim or ca- 1... ..1. .. tl... f....,l ,,,, x.liu lho mniei,,ai regulations are en- lr:,.,,r.. . , w ue . exist, iciiil' false system of Turkish administration, we u ifl feel "hoTiesifiitioii in " nMerinj; tlie' j cry--"Give us any civilized .masters." ' I induced to believe that, in a couple its asncs. on the silo oi tue iireseni. .Mtgbty .ylninge, ftuivnlsin- iHtth htirope niup America, nuiy take place before ....,.' - men . . . . lf. :.. ..-.-n !,;. i.f ,. - jnil III llMO'VUUir v. . t.ns. I ,l.i ..... lt...,tl,..r deerv the i.n.seiit Ito-'Hlierdecrv Uie present ofTui kev for it has ma,lo ' aintv ol ., ..... i.. i t 1 ,-MiaT;t fiwhnn Wwi?der SIT"" i ao.iiiii.sii .ii.., ... ... ..!, i"i i ,i. ....-.. j .. .. . ., -imairv bHofiaal.ra-ariuAud I. Insist rc-1 roll w one thousand and sixty administration J tnark, that more toleration, both religious nd civil existo tinder the Ottoman gov - ernment than wonld be found under that rFrance;- indeed, 1 tlilnfe tt. rfiauy ! restrictions wonld be laid on religious gects then which do not exist now.and that ; if any one belief should be patronized and : fostered, it would be the Roman Catbo- losiereu, u would ue uie iwoman camo- i;c. Inking at it in that light alone, J would sooner remain aa I am, under a MusHulmau ditpen.ftation ; but vhen we view society ami literature aim science, aiuUee its stationary position under the hiko ii;m.nint;n I unnid nilirnoato tUo' j change. - ' -- ' c ... , j 1 eign troop Twodays ao, I was walk- shapes thronging the avenwja of the outer ing past the Church of St. Marie, in the j Life- Clouds may gather upon our paths main street of Pera, when an advancing ; tares press their veuomed lips against our crowd drew my atteution. Iu the midst; cheeks disappointments gather around appeared an English corporal, who had us like an army with banners, but all thi been indulging iu the "joyous juice" of .cannot destroy ,thc hope within us, if we the grape, and was somewhat tjght in ' have this motto upon our lips : "All will both senses of the word, for he juis pin-1 be bright in the iiia(!iing." ioned in tlie grasp of two Turkish'iSlicialsi Here is one who is doomed to roam Kavjisses. As I drew near, the said -awhile in a foreign land, far from the corporal was expressing his belief thati-Scenes and friendships of his earlieryears. the Turks were not real policemen, anil : Day by day, as he trudges on his pilgri- . 1 I. 1. i. Ik " . I .'It . miorn uiAoiirwii jit 1 1 tin. .s.1l Qmlln nt rk i i jiul ijiimiimi uu wuh iiui iiir iioine 1 1 1 1 j mnntin ll0 wo,d mtwr xo Cm To all this rigmarole the levolet Ka - aitwered bv B.noJotinny and (4fV .V. CVW, iin-by Mrrny, aml 4(, pxpreMifin8 -Then the wr - j wo,d disctaim at the idea of his 1 - . . ... name being .ciiy. Althonah the scene j WM nnn- j (va9 8till mo,.e (livoi.t , b )icari , the con8(Jiator.. a(vicc of I i.-...:.i? ...... ..... . ... . I -f ,. ,f . J i,1(.r; ,r .t, . ... i .. p . .1 ! ,lfn. . ' , , ., " not to let her Majesty's service j abugcd Again, yesterday, I saw a cuinle of Frenchmen pursue with their drawn : -ords a lot tV Greeks and Turks!. w'ho - 1 lmvl hectr amiovihg tliem. Hie street was tk!ired i no time, and then soitic English , , . fe, sailors came up, anq saying jsono, clap- , i r. , i 1 . 1 rrenc.m.e.. on . .e.r mcks, au - iimttir.!' nt the same tune t hat tho Vn-'u- i , - - C ' r- . w French which mve prc'it sitKfiition to p - 'U ' '- . - - Lut however ainiisiiiir these tl ... ... r. i . lilies are, I "oise Bceiies iiaeu iu nijrni, , ior rows .1 - - , . Ufifiii HPI'tuia liniilirxi lit nurlit f..i r....'. I and tights take place in Galata between every sunset ami every sunrise, in uiese sv, form one party, and the treacherous Greeks, fellows who use their knives with: advantage m every dark corner, the other, , - ; - - --j n . ri, . ,. f. A ,-i.i..,.i ;- , " oi-"wi , out of the way place: and the assassin is I,,, Iti'tbn.., r,. tl. l.l.,r i. . ... . - - i generally uenvere.i in.m tne rcar.ior me urees is as cowaruiv as lie is treacherous. , , l J , An Aineriran sailor as daiiin nuislv , i .1 , .1 t. '.i wounded the other niL' it in n row nt 1 in- was uaii'TL'roiisi mv.ierc. , - --"- . i , ine American steamer iinain I'eim, uuo, as e u.i.itri siiiiiu, nni Llluuaor 10 derstanduwill endeavor topvjng ana deliverance. Hope has risen Tho bark Eagle, Captain j be brijrllt i the inoruiiigl" seenreacTiarTer" the J-.nglish. iho hmk J.agle, Captain ilatti.ews, is also tiere, and lias made a jA a cver. Trouble raav come np passage of 39 days from P.ostoii. Shejoa U:J amj (ura wlxilu obscure' tho bright. will probably visit the Black Sea. N e are happy to mention the arrival lever. The cross we bear upon our shoul of R. C. McCormick, a promising yonng(ders may be heavy our faith in Heaven man of your city, lie proposes to visit j may have gone down in doubt and dark- the Crimea in three or four days, with a ness, but all is not yet lost; some one design of witnessing military operations. Star still twinkles in tho Heaven above Mr. Righter, the agent of the - American .' niC " Therefore, ohj Brother! despond not Biblo Society, is also here at present. ; wholly look not alwavs back. There ia .dajreawill of our MvxScari heroes, had deiermineIsoon dawn in oiden fulincss npon" the .. .. , - i . . . . . . i. on visiting nie r.iisi ami scenes oi war, but some opposition was made to this scheme i bv the Minister at Paris wbvivon h:i!l vet find tiat nil u-i!l ba inadn or wheroiore we cannot say f it may be : an anti-hnsrlish loelnitr. or in otiier words,. j a Russian mameuvre ! At this moment, the Austrian question !. iq tntm.' tie nub he mind extieme v ! NVe understand that Austria has formed, I Itiontv r nntirn oiMkotntin xiitli 1 1 ' : Western powers, and that Prussia haiiigJ ;.l o.ll,r..,,. .. f..-.., ,.,- : with her. 1 In this treaty, it is "stipuHfed1!1"" r,ll, nt lmnctuation. " I set up as itorv of Anrtrih shall be Iwld lon. as 1 l'a" LolJ "V l,reath' a,,d tben that the territory inviolate, and "ilarrantied from all foreign ;,o..,.;., -1... .... tl,., ,lu.r promises to give ertective and active aid "r mo, ami ueuiei an, s.ien when ottered, are questions of the future which time alone will decide. (VrrW,if"'A-'s,-"Twi' ...... 77.r Vruh riiro'in,! .' ti'r,v? inllihtnr. -A bill was.pre-seittedjii tliv Illinois Leg-.; iif"jihie abusing another-m. islatniv,...on the ICth inst., to prevent the the presence of Churchill the poet said; carrying of colored people on the railroads' H0 was so extremely stnpid, that if you' of -rh;ri-tatp withimtdHwleti.'i .eaiatHHt -evhI -thing ht" coaU. not--- nmW' titivatei-of freedom. Any railroad coin- st;1,, i ." IVav, sir," said Churchill, .any s-t.nvevina: a ..ue. iiiumi sucn cer- mtat.-l4flW,ailttfe5!iaiiB - - T-iiarr, 'I'glv women," it is said, abound in San Francisco. Some "horrid wrorch" s:ivs: 1 do not wish to ho uugaltant, or to fail in mv allegiance to the tiiir sex, but I must sav it is an abominable fact that San Francisco "cannot boast of one per- f0llt- lautfful man. .. .. , ; ., i. . .. t Ihrec huiulreu and twenty-six uei o-. lutionary pensioners, died during the juisC year, .Thenuinber now on the pension. I 1 1 11 .- lutionary pensioners, uied uurmg me psi i ' ' W agtla to tt rakg t L ! Such waa the exclamation of a dying child as the red rays of the sunset ' streamed on htih throngl. the wlfldd Good bve, Pi Papal " HVUaU meet a- I gain in the morning "and the heart of that father grew lighter under its br.rden, for something assured him that hia little tor sometiimir angel bad gone to the bosom ofhimwho said, "Suffer little children to come unto ! me, for of bucU is the kingdom of heft' ven. There is aometLing cheerful and inspir. t.. n 00 ;,. ,.,,1.1., ; u-,.nt t meet again in the morning." It rousea 1 ,1.., S.;.;..,,i . mni..t.Mu alld frightens away forever the dark 1 mi;. Vllr. wiu omiio vi i.u ! stranger, his heart! yearns for the com- . ' miinion of the loved ones at home, and silent prayers steal up from bis lips that , the Ud'tio,! will watch over and pro- i teet them from every peril. To sucl a I one bow preciously dear is the-thought . , . . . . X . f tbat thongh the darkness may now shadW his path, and distance lie like a Dead Sea between him and his frieuds, he shall yet u ... t,,., n : ,...;.. n 1 " meet them all in the momim??" : von(i..r ia ollfi wbo nvr . dMolat, heart stone. The wife of his love she whose voice has cliecred him on to "reat and noble deeds whose sympa. V"es "ave Uecn an .Vnls protecting nim Iri,i"rQn - 5fi Ftejsinhjer - i ur0llS'lt u"w" ba m lro, "avf " tor His ! rrnw-t .is one has broken away I n t in i,,iiip.b 11- no nmil vain Anul nni : " "T. , " I in tbe Shadow- fleidm whpneo iinn ! 1 - - -,n;7" "tr return. JJay by day, Lour by hour, ,e has watched Uw shttdow, creepinffto. . . . ! M ' - ward lier the sunshine lading him, it seems as if there U -the sunshine fading from her Hcsbeftr" WM"notTM16 i,:..i,. 1 r....i. . iiiiftin noire icib 111111 101 iiic uiwruw. 4JUb 0 . . 1 . . . . . - ;. ,. ,i..,.a...i . iir,.; yet w oment j , i, ,' hjhall ineet the loved one ' again in the , II1UI IIIIILT. j , r,u,;,n ; ...i,: ... T:r'. rii-nnrv. ,.-.., I.Ai.nt.i. . .nH ... 'I ,J'"'J "lt ""r,c '"""u"" xw ireii . i.nrt i c slmisnrf fmits don.' du. " ."Vr,:" "3 .-i,s' a,lu. 119 85ie? conqueaw Xm ,,Mded-n.oeerre-. witliertnir as Hov- v. ., .- .v . . , ,,.,, ,-, , i , ; n' i : ; "u 10 ss'O" "'is looiaoru weary, anu ue louirs - "... t? ! l. , : . . . i i i . V. .-initio ILOUCUU U.OSSO.llQ IU UtB WB, . p. . .. . . . " j lo Btb uijnn mtu id enjoy the calm of Death. ie sinks fainting at the road l, . i Isut even as he , fi,rV. 5. r;.rt v.r iviiisa orSn,i hint i tfl yp tr aij. be brijrl,i ness of our li ves,, hut it will not last fop. darkness, jje patient, cheerful bear , your trials as the olden martyrs did. and ; nght u in the ntwrnmsP-. Oh wiUl u. III. trm)M ai Jark ia tli. night, But will the duydrsak Iw dwiiu; I he ii tha ixieiiiliip. ill ) ure Sh.,1 hltirain, unc morr, " Anil we'll .11 meet ariii in Id. aoorniug V A stranger in 'a printing office asked tlie youngest apprentice what was m,t .'" a ct""ma 5 w"cn 1 gape, I insert f i sentt-eolon; and when I want a cliaW Of lv' ! ..Prr?rl'" Thaekt'ry, in hi Christmas waif, thus touches ., upon a hri-tlior writw's literary pecntiarities ! " H hen they were pono, the smile that bad lighted tllo eves of the kiutxiMi Had fitthtr fled ihe pri l. ut' tli.' AVi; fleil the (.! ws alooe. I the kiii4'a I.. 1. K. Jjimes, I would de wn!,1 mUihiso's tonetit in the choicest laa gti.-i.' : in nhieli l would also liopict tmtlashlDJ vve. his .ii.-it-ii.ied iKKtril, his dressing-gowu, s-L.-t-UniiJu4,Jirt-i. aud loiU. Itutl Beed not siv 1 I. in-,- ti, if the !! of Uiat novelist; tufBc "11 1 sayVartfimfci -wr-'irkmria - ;r ,,,( y-.u ever trv him I mrl itnM,.s Jhm.rt..i.,.r vf d Bail -urn l.oir bv l,tirncu' thntnii iit tuul I'dl. lhoiuas Loiigliottoni, uf Walnut-street, Cincinnati, about four years ago met with an accident and broke his leg, which being imperfectly set.foi nicd into running ulcers and every endeavor to heal them was fruitless. Ten wee.W ago he commenced -' using Jlollovyay's tjintment and Pills, the . rPttteTe:ieiin seiteijlrwd very quickly, tfndH bv 'a constant application of the Oint- .1... " i . . a mem, uie lefisooii assumeu an improvea apiu-arance, and in seven w 'remedies completeU-..f'ured . . - . ap n-arauce, anu .m seven weeKS uieso lrirh, when v,i..v, v.uci iiviviuieiii iiiiu iiit.1. .. ...l..,. .. i-.:i...i tri 1 - - Jt, ,L