. J t;Y it ''" ifi ' ' !i I . J' :iLJl L-l re vMa I A.i -.. ; 1 lit ' WSS parti) JJriitiw, ltfoi5, riraitiirf, Jitaiil mjiwiimf nts, aCoamfrr f, lit ?rts cna grirgfrs, jHgralitP, acD tf (imUg (Cirri. .. Y.QK1 XK-NE W SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, MAY 3, 1855. NUMBER XLIX; - 'W- , Ill . - fl 3 T -I t J I I f Till If r . 'V. II i si M i -I - I P i ..Jrv I II j. jr. rACB EImv mm rrwrtwr. 0. r. Jr iMbiMi cum. . CIPIUTT Of TBS EStllka USCClbC. " Whereae oar tongue mixed, it i bo dis grace. Tb Italian ta jWaat, but witlunit ain ., aa a atill floating water. Tn French, d-li-calf, but eveo nice M a woman, acarca daring to aa her tor fear of marring her coui.te uaoM. TUo rSjianub, majatkal, but IuUouh-, rauning too ruurh oa tha o, and terrible aa the dcril ta a ptay. Tb Duuh, manlika but witb al reiw banh, aa out ready to fkk a quarrel. o ire, ia borrowing from thern, give the rireagtb of eoeaoaaota to the Italian; the full toaaiv of word to tha Frcacb; tba vartefy of taraa'raatfwa to the 8.nib, anil tba moHifying ut n witht U) the Dutch. ; and o( like bot- we gather the bony of their good properties, J Lre tba drpin to there tehee. ' . "Aid tbaa, when iubatantiah'neaa combiiu-tli witb delightful neaa, fulloeaa witb firmtH-M, earn hneaaUblyine.aBdcotTctuaiitbUyd- n ' V. w mb itu. tfantfnarM ahu-Ji eunsited of. all Uwae, Sound oilier than full of sweetness V CmmJfu't Unit, IflO. Himilar ia the tiwtimotiy of (1aaipU-ll in bis Iliiinamtliv of Hhetortc. MM 517.' " Inere is i . no nartieular escellenoe of sound in which il ftbe' . fi'U.b Uoinuirrt ia not outdone bv the S.an-! -t f m : r .1 h. Italian. French or Dutch. The Italian hath IjL -w .k..,..nt, m,.m,l. ttlf ttntmili Autun more '.luster but none of & is id lliis respnet so tarious .1,. Englis,aaa can eaal it in all the pmliti." I Our countryman, Dnnonjeean, remarks, that, " lh piTueipal rba-act.-n.liis of our ' language are strength and rapidity. The veice does not act by pressure on accented syllsbl.-s as it doe iu tbft Italian and. fpaoish, resting iij..n th. 111 Awhile so a to tall gently on th.jse that sre un- , srsynted and give tliein their corn-.-t articulation, but s'-rlk s a t-'i sud d liforiv 0I1 the accented v. w -I, r ( m-t d by the mom-utui.i ah eh it - -' f. . ' tl i-.h-'I lb.- nuut- - 1 . to wiie-" ;- si-..4, " Amrr.fM 7. V-4 I. p 94-". e.,i, writer r-mrk ttn.1 " o .-H r- to u 1 niitibm.itOin of rtvtlletn hi b it i T tn oe than to disregard ; a r -pi-bs-h b-w kofW liow to rshsuxt ; a pliancy which w ill olspt itu lf tB-alm'ittri-T4f-Tatimt-e4-dT-ri-- IK i4 tbe flmxt?- - - And tin is tlie laniruaife. a. the treat h-xa-.-r- raphes, Noah VelU-r,ob-rii III the preface of px 'l by the - n-,tn, t, it l';,'l I I., , r h qnarto li-tioiinry. pagw 1.1, ihnt " wilbin tw-o IIo'HUT. ' (nturke wtB te spoken bv more p.-opl m' (Am j- The f..ttoM li'ig is' tl,.- ..!.- of ll..- "s. 1 mumtrp. than any other language on earth, e- ur.lnp, K.-1 ru. r i 10. n the final pn .'!.' cept th Chinewe in A.ia; and er.-n that may ; thi-gli that U-'l : ato:a.&ft'rtwa, ill ill ions of p vpU ta-oc-iipy slid asbaru tlo. J jt-. Urritorr ailhin our iurisJiclion. In a dissertation in the Kiiickerlx Ver some 'year ago be also remarks, "The English Ian griagfl is the dejiository of vast treasures of n-i-1 erice : tlie study of it is engsging 'flic attention J of the htrrati in ail parts of KtinqH ; and it is j prohly destine.! to be spoken and.w.i.Un by , the gmtfernunilroftt.. human ce than any j other language," " Th descendant of a few wild but stout-heart-1 ed AiU. lefk tbe woods of Germany Moo year ago, are new thundering in the track of tMMVMdea, UicUting the terms of their future ' intercourse with an empire of 400,000,000, cast-1 mg into the sjia.lo tbe xictones of Alexander, I even on tbe idoiitieal ground which he traverH-d ; in tbe sane year tracing the long-sought passage between Xorth America and Asia, and discover- j inn at tbe opposite pole a new continent. What is U-lU-r alilL tbe children of those who., light i shone w brightly iolhe writings of IWe, Al- i ret and Atfrnr are now carrying th. light of bft-f Ksick lt vKa 'rwtr , Lrt il mm first, ciiLiHrl4-.l I ji . t . . a i- Lax. I .. I 1 II... -,.......1.1 . - , . : . . ";. - cnyoy Uie language, the liberties auU luji rejigiou j for which SO hianv iretiratiortt Ii.vm l..i!.l ai.il ,, , , . .,' " , I wea; nappier sun il we prove worthy descen- i dnU of siku sires, ithhI stewards of b.J' man-1 iCJ.liTin." A Ii H.,-..,... ikisi i " It possesses, through its abundance of free I mflill.l Fftnn. M tl.el. fn.v Iw. Ii..r...w. ....I.ub. I. ill ' , ...... . , j which no riibss can teach, the power of expr.-s-1 ., sion aucu, . Iiav.ir Kltll is.-aiutm.al .liy any mi. WM tnagwa. Iu alUigether intellectual and sin-' gularly happy foundation and deieU.K-iiieiil has arisen from a surbriini'illiaure between the two 'lobftst laligwa I . I .1 - . ... - . ius innnwfjm' HrliiliK-(r'tHrh-liTtrti '.mt ia yctfltnowB lo be sucbuthat the U : i- . .1 . . , . . a-..,. ' , r.- . - .... ..rian, wnicn muisnKe..n many a w.-iik news before it caneuter .he lists with the F np-lisb " Saeh i the statemenl of Prof. Grinorn'P ftl most eminent continental philologists. Tbe-venerable PeU Picklehy id to Jii fop Jaber," . - ."Read Tour Ttiblel...l. it,. Um, .Jt f.. and don't repeal any of them. Mind the T. .'ti -omrnndmrnls, tu, and the Eleventh 'likewise for a mess f iaita.1. ..M il ,t , k u-:. mi. ii-inaietiai lou.i.lallon, the Utter 1 1 I'...: ali tract notions. Ibstilleries alut which a go.il. d.-al is uud,-was j . In lichiieaa, sound r-ason, and tl. x.l.ilit v, mla.n.-ii.liiie..t ...ade iu the House. It is also f modern tono-i.., can c....i,,... .1,1. ;. .' ' . '..:........ .1 . ,-. . ..1 ..... . when you'll be minister of the penitentiary 'nr'afafrlM-fclltSctar-H . .r..ry oi n.wgsnon. . i ay ;t,- grf?-' 't3 &j&94'WV i,:swfc.s 'f ' - ? ','v k.... r-Ttvw 'Mwria. i.T'i' .fsw-'m, aw iltw'ijjniu T I'iTiai i . - -r':.-- .-..r.--.: -ii. f--.. .. .-.rrr "... ;. - - - - - ----- . From Iki Wilmingm Jtwnml. TUE REVEN'UELAW. We are indebted to tli courtesy of our friend of tlie Standard for an aualysi of the voir, upon the Revenue Law of ihe last x-Mion of our State Legmlatur, from which we glean tba .following . : ' ..... . . ... i , . . The liill, oruriually one of the revued ttatuka, i9 . ' . , , , waa. a Wan early iwnod of tlie awwwu, utkeu from , . , , , , . the commtttoe on that Mibivt and referred to the . , . .A ' ... , joint finance Committee, coramting of Mimn. lVwer, : Boyd, JVild,,. Walker, iilmcr, Clark, IUyncr and t herry, ou U.. ,.r J H. rVnair, and MM -.d, ileUn C.Ur, Staa.-lo, r-altrraon, WhiUuf IMaden, hadlb ad Long, oa llw part of the II..u. lae b.ll. au-r di - eiwion and amendment in the crnmiltee, w n-ixjrted to the Houw of Common, by Mr She,J.erd, and after hating bor-n debated at mikh lenath. altered and amended in nianV r. - pwU, wai rinallv paucd ou the -SHli of January, N the fuihjwing vote : Tliuvs h.i vuto.1 for the liil , ,i. Bulham. Itarrimrer. Bailor ItU L- ltbw IbmL. Hryson, Bullock, J. U. Itrnuin J G. Itvnurrt. I ' ' ' A. 11. Caldwell, D. V. Caldwell. anler. Carmi- . ' ' ' 1 i I I i I i I I uriii. Kljlit, I urr, tjarlai.'l, try, tiorrt-M, 0 t.fiHii, M. lir.'-n. J. II. llea.lin, Hill, llorton, Ibmatoii. lliimhny, J.mU, i kins, Johr.son, Jonliin. II. Le h, Ijing. Mi I lulhe. MrKixsoii, , ,tin M.-ar. U.4ne. l..r.l.. l., J v i j ' - eI. S. J. Neal. Noiui.-nr. ( f... l-v. Parks. Pat-' terx.n, Patloii. Mulii v U. -'an. I:..:ind. liuiss. II. i . I "''- -sri.., Mia, Me i herd, Sherrill, , Miipp. Simmon. Sitwl. tarv. Nn.aooil, St.e, Van., Watigli. ' " "",T. i- eT-.rp .irrr i 1 ,,n mm- k. Wilkin,. Ii. V. Willi-m,.. W. Williams. S. A. Wiliiam. tn-l J.v - J. Tltoe wlio viili-d iiniri'-t lite l-ill, are. M. rs. A. ltarn-. Bryant, Cotten, IVim- I, I'miliirv. I 'file niort, Kure, (i!liaiir. II:irri-..n, A. I. H. h i j, ,, u-ltJl.t. r j U'ie, M.-Millan, Mien, Nub).. ToitliD-.on. W .Us ... II. lu:.e. J Wh.ie, T. II. Willism-. Wihst.-n.'an.l Wnnl.t '.'t. let'v 'ln.T 1 1. rnjernts an-I ll. r-v i.lie'Wl.is 111(1-. sf!:r'ii',ti. . at. ! fifteen I' ftl... rats aii.l lute- !.i s mi T1-- -i--"t e. 'Ibe ! ill wv. 'bet- -etit tin- S- nale. an 1 A ba'..il ami am. uj- d st sum.- 1 iu"li. IkiI on lb'. Ilth f K-br.ar . but - d. . !. )... the a-1 iouriiin-nt thi- fii..i'iiv .the S i.at... f.-aringu!"'u'J "I"'" '" ju'kH-t.t ; hut .1 llisl the wbolt- 111! imelit b- I-4 by the Don- i e.-ineorr.-n".-;- ,.f the 1! '-1-.-in the S-nitc. a'men.'l-' rnenl. r,..l.-.l f.o.n tl.. n, a. .1 n-r.,.1 to tbe 1 f.yiM'.'''a;l''rt7arri")-"'fr. .m'tTie Tf- i-e. .Viij , tj inefiTTitlrm Kj.son.-eXTmOo." v-,:. bVUrt llnLil.P.n ml-sli n.j 'Jii--,- im. ... 'u'-nt. wa. ' I .fTrT1 . .t . f the lbuaii. JIus..UibaL . Vt.jUi, bji.at1;1 M s, y liiyjs. 1 .iLiii tf, ns"-m.iJulrl,-iatuXaai.I Cuiii.ingliaui, Ibo., L-.fon. l isle t. i i.-.illall. ' l.ilfuer, I fraliani, I .rav s. I Ian-rbl.ii . J. . Lane, 'Mitchell, M.-rr is-, 'l.lti-M, T.n!..r. T !,.. : Tliouifts of i., I ie-iiias o! J., alL.-r, and U ikh! t . -io. i llinse who n.U-d asgninsl the bill, an-, Messrs. .1.1... it.. ...i..n i ri... v t...,:i j,; ff ' . , .. 1Vrm o s ; hu Wl..y-I5. t Kiliecn rieniorsi and . I. i.ii Wings in th.- atlirniMlive. and tell leiuocrats and tile W hiifsi lu ,). n,.e-tu,.. On Kriday, the Ulh, on motion p. tnke out ofi ,,f bi1 s h ,.( ,,. v,.,j,1 ,ls ,slS tax ,jn ,lijl,.rs f (UrlM"ntine, the vote a as fol- Ions Thoss a ho vot.-d in the aOinnauv-- r', hs.srs. js-aker, Ashe, P-ig-gs, I'ovd, l'rogd-n, Cherry, Christian, Clark, 4bii is, KUirn, I ai 11. Kenilell, I wIkt, Konville, llaugblon, lhrriti . I loins X1C- , CUam, Moloweil,' .lori.y, I ldfi.:ld, lVrsfin.! My"- M'k-n, S-iglit, lay toe, walker, ,r' 'W uml " "" 30. 1 It JV ho iote.1 in the negative are. M.-ssrs. i I UUWfT. tAih'inam; - t 'wHtrav-CiMtuingham, KwtiiiitLut. aJttulc(i:r, cell. 1 KlMmiti: ti rtrirer, -l iTatiant.-iiraves, I Ma .(in, M.t.h. II, Tiv..r: 'Idenias of .1., and Wd. t S,i.ial Senators, voted agiiii-t the bill !.K-causo , -,. . ,. ' ... ,, , r ,, .. I and had taken the bill lus Jt cune from the oin i JUS' ! ll will thus be seen that the law passed by I , I lery large m.-ijoiiti. s Ul. Is.th Houses, and that, fr,,,, , aI1Misi of the lotc, no party capital can m nm, Mly x,aUV t.liM.li l g'V..U W Jleunuc le gislation of ihe lasl i.encral AsStin hly. As we have remarked U f .re, the bill.' ; d !',itio inaUiialinroTirniat n- . . " ., , . , - 1 , tii.rt.il l.v Mr S1iii'i.si.i fin. tu Hi- ISit i:tt .'-ii- - r, - v - v - j ; j i)rmtm-rmn. tl.ai the. Iml hm w iwis-, in iimiiiI. I-or instance, t he l.i oil I urpeiiinie ht 10 reiiiuis iiim uie ia. 1 01 i.,,, geiiuemuii 1 - ............. .... i .,.. 1 !"1I"S ' ' 1 i-..-.., does, by no nieans, iitily an approval of all its j li alures. As . 111 the es.-iia.e, aiiieniinrenift were reccdcd.fro.il alid eii.lw.li.-d in. a siipp'leiiu-ntary i '"t THthll l,,"n ru" llu? ri-U o( hwii-'tho whole ; jbiD'and b-avW tio'i.roii'.ii o ustam flie ere-1 .bi an.1 t.r.ui.U for tbe exi.'cncics of the State; In il.,-. I I.tti hp rinilftit n tinnhlo to Jtt'fiit oh-; - :...; ...,. ; ,i, ..ii , .i,,...,.!,,,..,,,. . "I'"" .-n,,n'"J toswlhw i making no j.roi i-ion. TRICES DOWNWARD. T The Baltimore Tatrioi of Friday aflerpoon g?vv the following gratify ing intelligence : The upward movement in breadatuSa, it would i i -i 1 i -i e. ii.A naut ' . ,. ...... j Hour, afWr n-aching an Unusually high point, 'took adowuiard turn ypi!terTray,(l8 eetiUper , ,. . ., . J . . , i tairel,) ad to-dy it maintaint about the aama , .. ,, , t, . A .. fiuru 10.81 for Howard Street. Wheat, it j . , , , . , wjl be teeu, liaa niakrially declined, (10 cent . 1 ' j U ' U ,tuiBtJ PrMje toandeatremely enormou. upon toaauawn. i Vlu '"" ' m to " rtkJe- ! " o.n that al though e.trerae iK-oeaaitiea may ! Pu il UP to fi'urc lnw-1 b)u"d I r--b of the great man. of eoMumera, yet th.. J c"uld ""iutiB,d oo1? fo' nparatively 1 l,ru P"' anJ Tn feverish times like tliose throu-b wliicL 1 a i "I we havp nnMi, ana ftill exiL bolUcra or rro- 'rem ar? art to catch ibe cuiiUtfioh, nj .uffcr ' eventuallv from the iircvaihaff efWemic-of wu I pne . 1 h v m tlie fvrct yf awuuitoU cjijjhi Bant with lb.4r self interested wWu, ov.h1c in.,, hose. .f e....n...,...fT.,.t l-in,r l..f ev,,lle b regret, L u too late, lliT' lIiej did not act . differently. ' V1 !.,.. l-it.m. ,.,1.1 . I.:.. I. .1,..:.. .,.. , . " ,'i ...I ...... .1. .;. i... i ... i.- 1 . ii i n j.limuv.- i '.i, " "tvn i-A.ii- bitant nrinw were U-i...' . .,. but anxious to iret '. a little mure, refused In sell, iilseinc their wl in st.e to await theJ top of the market Fifte. a - 1 dollars i-t-r Urrel for Aur was not oiioniih thr ' !w ant. ,1 s.-.-i.t-ii.' The same ilh n-gard to n nest, (yrn. pro l-lons KC. . lew wecKS nasM-u .,,.1 il... rt..-l ii.i.. 4i.l..i.l.l Tl.inow ti-.L- . i tr.'.tfa.h- mow, the golden opjiortunity was lost,, pelerine is b rmiiiated. Hneel strip- patterns t eoinmendation of the iltt Lev. Archbishop sti.l many w.-rc oblige. to bike lew thau oue-h.ill liave 1',t entirely auiK-rseded s.uare and 'Hughes, conferred the degree of Doctor of I i-wli.-it il.y e. -ul J haie L"llen luul the iriasiiiiii" , I '"''K t'"iies iuteii.l.-d for walking aud visi-j vinity. with aTI the right, lienors, and duties of -intof aiarice Uol lured tie 111 with false h..p. ai-.T bus. 1. altlii ipati-ili- 1 Ii.triH le- U-n iii..iiil.-sted anJsiiisibli e-ii4W;'-on,? "re l" n nml """"" uiaii.a-s ,K-nce lor ir. roroes llial this w aa tlie daw 01 tlie I p.i'i..'i, when piJi.,- ' i,.'i...;i. t"t rjririHRidrinir warm season. "The hearned md (Hoqtwnt discntrrse delivered by him iii.s aUCMui- Iv iiiJiiwiK.il.k- lo subsist"-' CariiMI mantle, lor the mid-neason, is asmill'ai St IVlei's Church on the Immaculate Con- i-'ii.in-. . -n. i.-a. 1. i d j.lices apppafeli Uv U vond their , 1 'iiinii-i.-uilue. 1 leal rs are too apt to loi.t, ipa-t 1 1.... and r-r. t they dij tn-t pluck lie.-; ' 1 I 1 if...,i..-i. appi- when 11 was ri. i,Vc uo , ! sp. ei.-jl aid ice to volunteer. pi-f.-rrfniT rather that . all why are p. rsonally, -cuiiiaril inb resteil ,h" "' l'" 'M tl.os.- pa i , ,r dum Oie present week can be , ba J. pf-in. els . all ..- but lillle ill haijilc' fl 'b Of m ITiiigr'"Tu". WTs:-oot ' jHT-nitSTi. crosj-s, i-oiu an -Uitiou uT CH.ll T Tr. d.-s.-iiplio'ti, if no furtaitous cans,--intervene, will prol ably p.- abundant 1 lie Iiarvest n not Uttaot r ,-. . . . .. : J I .(affairs io. F.ur..j. f.-em mu. h iiidiiie.1 towards iN .-i. e: ami. ul t ni.t's c..iisiatea:-vieWTmr me a.r. a.h downwatd tea.ieu.-v of tkiur uud wheal 1 arc nn . i s of ll. ii. -I to th- belief that th.- highest : sx-asoli. have probably bs,-li oblaiu- Ir A Jlrothir. Arrison.the inurJercr. tiuder -lit. ii, .- of d- ath at Cincinnati, haa a yoUtig brother ii ho Las Ihs-ii altnusl c.iis'.atr.ly with linn from the time of bis arrest, standing by his; ide throughout his prolonged trial, and after-' , i - - , , i , i - . , 1 Walds llolllHllstellllg to bis Willlls in hi lollill i c II. Tlie Tunes of Wednesday says : i, - '- - j i . He s n-.w engaged in circulating a ra-litiou praying llu- (ioieruor lo commute the sentence of tleulli be ibe scjJI'ol.l Ul innirisonnlent for life 1 ,.. .l.,n;,,. b,m.lf ,t, delivery ihsir of the post office durfnc the day, I and visiting the hotels in the evening, be lias al ready obtained upwards of four hundred signa-tun-s lo the petition, lew, when they know it is a brother who asks, and look uikiu that countc- i A , ... . . , r e.i- :, i t;.,i -i. 1 I.' ' . , ., " , , ' .. lose to atbx I beir nam.-s. thus tbe column of: ; variety in torin ami material ; tlii.se inri.se ol gou M,r, l.noiiii nn niiil the bri.tber will oolil....i . I .1. . . . X k now ttl,H iual. is this, his Inst act of kind-1 -. - --- IWN in Ubalf ( bi. motherV onlx other son, tb. I ptajinaro ofJU-U.yhot!, auJ tin olimvr of m.- ... a day's toil, who now is the lonely occupant - mjxrtunt Late tti.w. The New York cor- r-'1-! r. siKjtiUeiil of tlie A.vioual liileingeiiccr, ill his . , . - . ... 1. tl. r of the Ulh inst - I . . iie,,,rtmt law c.w wis .1 A ,,r ""I1""1'11 "w as" w-,' " .' l 1 ' our sl'f ' '" li" morning, inasiiiuell as it imolied the iiicstiun. whether a State can n ii.-d in its pun-courts. ,,f Ki, rsb d and others ': The case was that t the Pe,i.Ie ,.' h. ita-MC-Xew ViL, n.l llm licclnr. ii i , nf Tiin: Cbtiri4. M joiit- bad r..fereiie. to eert-iiii ' . u .1 j j i i .1 iiuri-tw-.-ana. nau. rum uu m.uruin.,. -tmrer-vmarh-irnted flounces edgerl with belonging to tW Tiiiiily.Church corni.r nging to thv Trinity.. ( hurch oonu.r ! a. Jiide Mitchell rendered flic decision ,,f jm' - - . . . ... 1 s-L .stton.'.. uitl.tn nurlifv v'!ir in-i th notiiih nf " -o'; - . i i ; theMrrtiMisvr tii mtlepenrteni, 111 w melt tney I 1 ' I when they had spiialW ; authorized the suit or I had been' made cod'efetphmts in an equity' suit I 1 .i...i.i:. .1.-:. -:.i... I have l-en sue.i n tiieir own irionnais. un ess lor lue purinjoo 01 ""nmn'S i"en o.. iijjnu., : .... i :. i,, t.i.L. .1... it .1...1. - u lt .w ,o...e-... ...... .. um. suit 'as ihe one in .pieslioii was sustainahlc, it , had uol is'cli Prougnt oei,,r,.t me juuge ineu enlarged upon .he English practice in such cases l.v mean of t!u I Wt uf Chaucorv nad iu ad t. 7 iiuurstration oniiVa a matter of graty, all of! , which was applicable in this State. The Lcirisla- turo was the troiHT trihunnl for tho thiintttfd to I idu.chts en-! nppoal lo; and the court co.iseoueiitlv dwided 1 tWb,ifwr,ifl,v,rof .w z&:zca; .dtim .t ... stl I nnt-., i .I .1,. curl e.eo....,.lv ,bv.i,le.l 1 cannot-be sued jn it own tribunals bv i a private innivi.iuai. TUE FAS.nipNS. Takii, Af.ril 5, 1655. l Our innumerable milliner aiidjnaiitua-ma- Irani an. titMil. iimtl.V.l in invrifintT snd lt.r. r .i i r m fueling toilettes for the approaching fete of Long- e r. ii i n i i j i 1 -j chamus. On Holy Iburtday nd Good rnday , ,. . . .. , .,, " , . ... the rehgiotM world of Taraj It rolled in black, , . . .. -, ., , ., exireaive of mourning and penitence, whilst the ' , . r , , , cay part of our community tyak.-a these sqlemu .' , . m ' , , - . ailDiveraanes gaia-uaya .or vac mspiay o. Vf,g finerT- We have been allowed a ghmpse at f our Fuvor- some of the fresh creations of koius of our fuvor- v ..-'to i- i r a-. ., . . . ., . , , .1 there is a carriage toilette consisting of an al- . . , ... . . i ; . , . niond colored silk dr-s : the skirt is trimmed ., ' i. with narrow green gcl!oon9 sewed on in the apron i .i i !i .i i .. r.i.i.:.. shape, tlie design at the bottom of the skirt be- . ' . , , , . , , i. . ir.ir .1ft in'lioK .lin tlie sVirt hiia two noefcpts surrounded by falloom, with a large button at! ,1,, mA of ehWket hoi. : these buttons mav ..... Mr. .am l. 1m. lro Af n ibons. Itie cor- K,f irt. Ir. cl4 to the figure; the 1 front w " - ,1 Ik luririeto aro open at tin-m1v. and tnmnv-d .-, , - -i . like (bo UaJv. The Moliete -'eve is half tight, .ml ,..;..',.l be", d.-en ,tl iin.d with a Vcrv I titf m-ln l keep it in slia-. this cuff is open- ed In-hind, and ii bound with a green galloon other iraltnmm tilaeetl aeerrta are fastened down i i .. ti i - r nit i. . ' Lmm Ul mil I inn m front Amonv the novel- - - - - - r- i ties brouglit out by fiagelin. there is a small , I" !' intended to worn in -driving ; it is '" "f velvrt ; around (he n-ck there is a roll ' "f f-athers ; around the r-lcrine there are guip- ure insertions, sparkling ilb j-t , ami tennina?jl'.ihop Me 'Kkey. - - "j tbeHuad ot the rnnpiire rl uln. wliicli me liff iltfs-. hi trie shop n la Ilalavu . No. J Place Ven- Jnuble cai-c of watered silk : this cape is tnin ed wil!i a :rsf:i'nlrr'' formed of cmJuti' of i f.ill. e..nn..i I...I l.v w-. n.il rr.'A ,.l' r:iti i-hIm ill Is ' I , , ' ' . I , I. rteTT, , 'this tr.i'iuni:g is pull.-tiprtuiii.se on luc Itrsl enpe, ..j j, ,-rjK.al,.J uU s,:miA above the Jr j frintje: which eompk-tes the niaulk'. The t.a-1 l.itea is is a short spring uoak male of silk : ' Uiere- .ire tlj r..-c -large j.i iihs on eacb rtde, wl:;cliJ lorin the bleevea; on ibe uiuulie there are llirt-e ,- fWfc- 1 1.0.0 ked lace,.UorUord by a ht(L.t kala- ,.r -ftnW - aT'otirrd the edire of the tloaif Hoab. a -b-P Inn , beail-d by a row o,iiL moss. ll,.- Arch i"--e iiiiii; -e , ;h - tm'i - i.Th prenyl ot -tnc rr.n.- . ,r .... 1.. ....... Thi is a p. .erine mantelet of grv rnn,n '"', . - . i ..... i I 11 1.1I1 loiuung squaie euo iu iroui, suu iriuiuie- 1 ,. "a .... . , - .. - .-...-j Ats.'luw.lTJ"na -uwtt .1 Ol-l-l 11- .Hill .11 ('' e ..., , f 1, UUI.U.. I I -pi, j flu,1Ce i, e'lgi-J by a blacs Wv inch , 'WTrti':"antt - r - Treretl't.T' -art-.-. uaxK u.juucc. , which re a. Iw - to within thre.- jnch.-s'of the , eog-- ..I tie- n-uneeol silk ; ttn- iriiiiiiuni; is com pleted bv rows of narrow bhiek iace sewed o.n all lb- s-nrns au-t e lges ol the garment 4- - '4n-ithsal.nis.s- M es.- aiaes . -Lrmasiitie -JL Al -rassJjmgsrai we eat ob IcrapemiM-d Willi t.ionele. ire- stiaM- i-very sma!l : the crown sloping off In hind ; the from ' eoin- I'otwal.i 111 ihe tUeen ol eH-ots stile, and , ,i... .:.r. . ., P... ...,,.., I... I,...' ,.l,ir.. M h,lt!l n ;n. will, lull,, forum'. light plaits, held bv a tuft of rose bud placed ery low on one side, nearly to the rurtniiu on ihe ., , , , , V - i ...1.... u.L ul...... ok .Iu il .i .1... )u..o..a d j,,, ornament seonsUing of a' handsome bow' of w bite riblsiii. K.W buds uiivei wiih blonde ar.-; i ; , ,, ., , , , , . . ,,, iiiside. lui.tiil lace is mucu e:iipioie-l l-v tb..-se ) i . . . . .,-,,, ,-, ,,;(, i .i'.r ,,f "bl., I., i V .l.-.r of b on, e iw u'....!,,i..i.,i...l l.v Iirun..lin ..i' u l.o.i .lu.l i..i--.l liw. ill coiiin'm as i,1h...s1 far l.-k'. the . "'" " ' ...o-... fc.v... f.d,age and mIi, r fuchsia, ; these tufts .are con- . . . u i -. i i .... t r i I c ,1, , i f UiVted behind by a bow of blende, the ends of . , - , ,- o ., . . , which fall on the neck as barhts. , , ,,,..,. . t i...' r , , As us-cratioiis lor coiaLres el cresses tor morn - ing and evening wear, button 'irC fVfil mure HI , vogue than th. v wero' last spring. 1 have seeu au Negre, l! Boiil-iarcl St. I . nis, an immense . . ... , ;iU( fu;!,!!,'!, reiiiieiiinikT me ii.iiei, anu w 01- nainent a white craiw dre-Lare very elegant. Mt-ncutis lace has Iki'ii in tfreat favor lli is w iu- trr for tiernnot'a of baH tln-s.. Lace flounces rme n..w - always sm.iiorUalby lljiinci-Mif lh,e same t 1 . , ,.- r , -i 7, ,i i . iimtcj-iid jls tbe .b-..s for ev, tine' toilette I tic- 1 . ,. . ... - - , f i - - first llou nee is sewed on at the waist. 1 have. !T - T"Ttv w-aKT,-;Mi.-avTTnie!,...i-5rf-Ai..o....i ': la tcler; J-T-ri-tTWwr i t. 44.i4 .am .nuiniiinrn. .so. . . mhi. ... i; , .... , . - ... ,. t , inniiiiiui ohf.. i. i. hi ir. iu i.ix- , u.'iiiiim, sunsin, . htfs t! o urres in lact-; ilunce. shawl. ' Ih tiIm'i, inaiiteU'lis collars, tVc, Ut the ap-rUi.h- I l" II I l.'l IIOII, t til.-'ir-i.-nii.- l-i.-n u n lit rrii iiiiftiT m nn - . i i . m i- (,n art),u. c,ul)lso,.s ar,. tni,,in.-.i with frills of Jeep aleneieiiiies down the front :,tthe sl.s-e are wide, aiidTiareirtfiiT ot .deep aldicii ttuc: I ttu-oids are eiubroid-r. d around the l. t Ion. , of the skirt: others have i J,m hem, nlvi .' '". ' L , J. , . i tcTrtrrTft 1f row-rvf TOrlWWrW-ln .aritlnHtlH-IT a.e. 'r The corsages of ball dresses are cut very low. IIIHHHI III III' , LMI'k'C II11U ItllUIUIUrifU lit I .tltl 1 1 . : & arv in r-at far. For uiimarneil 1 ailis. r - vH)1)s re orefenvd as tli minings. For more ai. j rtinue. .r.icai es. or .-.iimas. with 1. am skirts., or . .' . . . : . ' . trimiijed with lace. ireat care and attention are paid by the tail-: or lo l"e costume ot little boys, from five , l..v I llelv iwn at llu-I . ' ... . ... maun s, S.J ni.e .Ncuve ties lent i-liaiiips, a haudsoiiio suit for a child of six years old. It pousism ,t .es., iomuv .miu nUm..iS) . Piiii.iiung irom in.- top 10 me wa.si nu isun, , ... 1 1 l....a ... . al... I .... I...... I... ...... c.l.i , i . , thft wait MU ow the worlrsl sleex-e'of tlie ! Uhirt lh collar is embroidere.1 with verv small ! vnmlvk1, spivajliijir ovir tho top of tho shoul-! Wr. The skirt is ample in the Scok-h styh ,K'"- ',!' ""'I'1" ln . "Ru 8 J '" ".SL T il a' u i. m...! L -,w n t tK - W trw cir iuu laana iimai w l.ivu, aim w ghf r CtRATtvK lBoi'KRTiK or ScoarCj5ik Jt'icE.l "J'irtifi'i fiabf Skou. One of the ladle ae- A Sreaeh of Pfmua Mr. Maria Dr. Cartwright, of New Orlean, has publish- j leeted by Barnuro as a judge for hit eontempla- Rusell lately brought an action, In England, ed an article' describing the cure effected upon ' ted Baby Show, ba indignantly declined to terre; against a raitbleaa old Curmer, 63 years of ge, -ieron afflicted with consunytioo and bronchi- 'and tba press throughout the country is remar-) who promned to marry her, and did not keep ti, by inhaling tlie vapor arising from boiling ' ' . f caue Juice. It appears that chemical inreatiga- i ' 11 tion has discovered two very different properties ; . - . . , . insular tlie freshly cut cane juice dentrojing . 'cold-blooded animals aa nuik as lihtninir. f . , , , rrom witnewiing this remarkable iroperty of , . - I equally as cffectuallv, and he tried - - i (lie evr-riiiM-nt nn a mnslilnntive Frenchman. 'bT making him iuhide the vaiwr of boiling cane juice. The man got well. The doctor, ic a fit .... , of medical cnthumam, ascribed it to the vapor, : 1 I and be wishes the world to know.4he good ef- I - ... , . fecta of this remedy. It has long been observed - , bv overseers of suffiir plantations that weaklv or " - o i tT robjUsUBD'1 K Wn " WrT I""". TO"in? 01 nnnA niu Tim fru rrnnf funn ura In rutrtnt 1 r J ana rnr uiesmanei oron- il..al In u.. an. I r.rrufni. iw.rw.feytal ff.u.ta 1 T If , .t .i ! i i . f . Li . e ii " . . - 7 b ... , . . . ... , , "..e,, v... u, r M..v.o- lL "( M ,Lc TOVCt of the humUft race. I Km FftT urn- 4 1 r-rpuii Thil V Kroemflli s Journal of Wednesday luis the following iUr-ins e barn witb i.articular satistactiou Hint the j llev. Holncr Wheaton, fprnierly Pastor of the , IWsfant fcp:-.ipiU Christ Church, of Pough- keepsie. asreceixed into the Catholic Church, I )on Ka.br Ee, at Albany, by lllC PJ-'ht Lev. OU.llie. - r- HUi oi Jaimarv l ist, tlie Holy rattier, on the re- ' the same, on the liev. J. M. I St. Ann's Church. ' ll will be Forbes, Pastor of: a nleasini; coiej. , eeniion of our Moot lilesoed Lady. lr. Foibc. it will b.- recollected, was also for- . . ..? . , . ... " r !"-"I'al -lergymn. J .V;-. CWioan' father, -The New Orleans r!-aiiiao says: 11... r.ih .r ... l. 1 ..11 . . ,,.,., I... c 111' he I.egislaluro of South Carolina- 1 ciUifeii a. geiitleuiau of bileiit and ability ; but I, , ,., , . , . 1 I vote.1 himself successfully to the practice' of hjsaamtjixrdr aaVptP Tlirnn RothieltilJ ttf-takii-"-! be dhked the lsajajtiija- nf certain vonng-Iaw. 1 . ; ,-, . j -- 7 . 7 """ - .0 riroteuin nn.I to tile nr. li.rfif ii.r. r.f lw.L-k on.. lAnid i-..n.ii..n u X . ...A .1... Tl u T T who were ac Ust. UK.l to interlard tle-ir ehes with Ciceronian .lUolntionh and scraps and a j.iged Latin : and lising one day in tbe as- . , , , , .1 . uww wero sevvnil 111 pwiu comuiou M-n.se uieu iu the Legislature who er uu.in uu-.i wiui loiyiKn iauiuaK-, ass if ibe obieitiuiiaUe course 11 as iK.-rsisted in, to their aiiuoyanir, he would speak iu a tongue ' w hicb viouid, U- a poiile- to the, . most crmlite I aiuuitg. Uicin, vli : bis natii IriOiT. The threat I OB ' H-wa then blaclnd aadsold at Xnrth Carolina State Stork The Public Treasurer advertises for sealed proposals until 10 o'clock A. M. of the gist May next for the purchase of the following bon is, lo be issued by the State of North Carolina, in sums of 1000 each, to wit: .MI.O'Ki running -thirty years. j" suJ Jw ftom tutf Ut J"ury ... , A -o. I j.ftdO, running thirty vears. Waring . - ; i o ibt'rtft ami Mate from the 1st April, 1 8o3. Ami .jo.iioij running t.-n years, ami Hearing "' " '" Jwiuary, 185J. . ! All of ihem arc exempt Irom taxation by law. . ; '' 1 ' T, I uiieiest, at s x per cem per a iiiiiu , paiaue se- w I j. . . ' I nii-annun y ; and both t ic iinnnna and inter-1 i , ,, 1 , ' , ,. . . t w-i Is- navable at the Rank of the Hepublic, i. . ...i-... ,i i.iL iihI.iwb u-li.irii ihi ntir..iiaestt nri.(i.r ' , ' . , , . In bat.i thoiii Ivu. al t i.. I rwii.iirt- ..I r in N at.. U'il. JlrralJ. Hon. P.M. 1 1 a it ul so kh. llou. P. M. Par ringer, late Minister-to tspain, recently paid a j list to -Xew Oi bans. The.Z'itu thit? rpcaks of him ... ,. ,. . , , " AS e regret lo b-nrt. that this dislmgTHhed - e . . . s gonwewan, wuo nas ena-areu ininseii so mui-n ,, , , , , u.all true AiiK-rnuns by las generous conduct, sonervJnis . tsvn ccmiPe ea to leave our city in iMi.ll.n departure is the more t. bo regr.tt.-.l. . . .. ..- . . . iiirause ll prevent our citizens irom testiiving i their rt,shtt fur him as tlu-v wouhl uifh, in a I ' . . i . . t i : . i i ' i it-i'Hiinit'iiviir:iu nio i ut .i i . i ."rntiL . ? er Idt Uwii t'li .SuuiUv hist. i - -n . v- ... v -i. i - : o.. i; . . CllLtL.--llli; VCW t Ul Is.. V.UU.ttlF, touoiot- ,1. arrival f the Nashville, which is a slow st,V , , , , -., , , nu r and nul expected m siteen Jnw-savs H . - . : r- ' ma V be Moiulax-. .ox. . -Illegibly e.yeji. bxdurc. ii e ",l";v , . I'SP"" bear Irom Loiil luiglau in regard to th. - 'state of the weather outside of Sybiistpol nil), a ........... 1 tl. H. 'Itlw.r t ll -IT 11P.H lh.' 'hi.hi paHrs- panoses w ms.. - r-"M - ; . partiuvutvl th-Hreenivh b tvr Hiu,jtl, hu.p.-cuhar talcut . ai me neau 01 .1 in- meieoroi. -a ica. or a..u..M.i. u i vatori as b4- . 1 1 irw l,l.r..l., t;.,r Vilwankee. the bi-r - '"I town of Wis, onsiii. is only r,vi,fy y.arso7, and j n u a pipMimu un. mu 01 -.o.oov. .t-- w , , ls:j5 . , 1(i:)s ia 1H1,,uiH,lon 700:. in 14,000: ni 1 8;0. -0,000 ; 1 Banking capital amount to 7.-)0,0tH hut ihcvsay the business rcoiiircs ti,- 000,000. Iho ni.Hnufat'turcs hist year amount- 000,000. The manufactures List year amount I cd in value to 4.600,000, against g,100,000 I- . r -1-1 .... J I 1 Ailil . ed in value to 4.600.000, against 2.100.000 ' m two vcars. ! lho imports f U.WOAHH) ; Uho exerts 7,70ii,notl. kDST.t.' : finl .feJejl-i, kablr one aided in ridicule and denunciation of the scheme. We think that Barnura ha "had bit day" (every dog haa hi day.") And it Barnum is not a dog, be has "written himself down" some thing decidedly worse. Hir Life, by himself, Iah(iw, ..,.,,1,;,,,, Mulu.in or tlm suc- f cesaful perrxK ration of every "pedes of rascality, .... .... t'l Would not t0 able to hold HO bl bead j for a day any where ek- than ia a Urge city like Xew York, where familiarity "with crime and swindling blunt th moral Mings. " t'avtlttvilU Obttrvtr, What Railroads do for Land. The Alcxan driii Gm. tie lays that Mr. William B. Kitharda, of Alexandria has sold a piece of tand, about 30 acres, south and wot -of the burial ground, in Fairfax Co., (Va.) for about 400 dollars er 'acre.' inis tana sir. lucnarus purcuitseu a icw years ago at 1QQ dollars per acre, hicb, at that time, was considered a good price. The Manages 1 l w I. - 1. .. 1 l A. Uf Kail Load runs through a portion of this land. Jfif lrlrqraph.lhe extent to which tbej I r...l.ii,;., i;n. ,,.,..1 i. ;,..! ,1... t .i... c ,. .i ... t i-. laci, mai on r riaay eeK mere were lorwsnieu 1 rar-t Jk, !..,.,.. v v,b .. I Wllsi.in!rton ine!Uulni, t10Ke two omce-s.1 83 jj, 831 rec,.ived. I,Kl,ided in these I was a long report of the foreign news, anj a I recovered 300 damages; enough to supply her number of other message containing oir 1 .50 ! stock of jugs and flower pot for 4jrear to worcVeaehi - -And in tn iiislancii , Ka jthere a coni- A,'1 detention of oer liie minutes in the forwanling " " ' 3 """" ' v- ; of a message. Prturi pliant in Latin, The editor of th : -' . 'jKnickerljocker ' ludicrously illustrate the nth1 flrath offfuyh Mr Quern, AV?.-Late Texas 8it-v of 8 r"forra in the Medical nomenclatore:-; pa)s,-ts announce the death at Lagrange, Texas, I vy mucb co"fonded, he .ay. waaDr.Doane, ; on the 1st inst., of Hugh McQueen, Esq, of J few '"" by remark of one of h pa-? ' B 1 I .1 . -rl j- . : .1 , t . Galveston. Mr. McQueen was a nativl ..f Chatham coun ty, X. C. and represented that County in the State Legislature anj in the' .mention in 1535 to amend the Xorth Carolina Constitution. He was an able1 hlwyer and hell 'lie Attorney Gen eralship of this State for several, years. He re moved to Texas some 10 or 12 years ai;o, and alter the close of the Mexican Wsr, (in which Lis : inuoiuiiaoie courage as uisjt.-oeu at me suirm O.ir r.t f.,nt..,. l.i .l. nihn.u.innX .In profession, and to til Tf -wmch,-" The rntor'-s Toiieln.Uiuu," 4uu 4wcn published by the Harpers. fvi(ttevilt Obxrvcr. I SW Whenever we hear remarked. " Such a tla.v has uiarrivd a fortune," we always tremble M er prosperity. UJchcs left to children by walthy parents often turn out a curse instead of . Wessing. Voung women remember. this, and tmrr erornrnitTg-tne cut ot their voM, tojlr- mto their habits and hearts. Mark if itiew--Lavai..l.-M1 hy the ninU and Im-rml and klird hr i traded, and can depend on thcmseli es : see if they have minds which will lead them to look above a huttetlly existence. Talk not of the beautiful while skin, and soft, delicious hand the splendid form, and fine apiearance of the young gentlemen. Let not these considerations throng our .thoughts. ITntr Our lioilir ore .Viuie t'p. The fol- lowing i a forcible illustration of the way we M1pr,r tbe natural waste of the bo.ly ' Ut it he remembered that to takefood is to1 ,',-,, K.iti.i.T is tl... nroe,-i v which the maae man. railing is the proems iy wnicii tne ,, , , . , . , . ... noblest of terr.stnal fabrics is constantly re- paired. All our liiul and organ have been picked up from our plates. We. have been served up attnble many tunes over. Every, in dividual is literally- a mass of vivified viands ; be is ah epitome of innumerable meals ; he has dined upon himself, supped upon, himself, and in fact paradoxical as it Iriat appear has agmniwi.1 again leaned down his own tnroat. Liebig states than aii Ju!t pig wgb.Bg hundred and twenty pounds wilt consume tire ) ri'LAiuit. aa vel lM.fl - ti-iiioii iii.ii iwriufl ll. Wii.riii 111.1 ii... iix, i i - " ' "-"a s ..v - ...- , I t , , , I , '" j On ftcnJir I'-.in.-h ls!i,'.erou!v ssys : I "The sun i calhsl masculine from his .up-' t porting and sustaining the iuoou and und.ng , -. . , - i i - ,' ' . . ... V . ;. . ....V ...J. t . , . " . ' Vi ' ! ,J, tniuilv of .Mr l'sid.-s. The ro.xvn is "'" " 1 '''.'"''J u . . Utmutme-lie.i-:nio be ts cmsianliv cnangnitfiusi. , - .. . . .-k as a s.i.p i "" r: ...cvnu-s to t purged with hvsoD. tbev are throwa ctitiren is lelllllone IK-, an- sue is uiarri.-u 10 oir jyrfKbTin'e n -''i''ci.-.U;:t.h ,Ksl wish bv the Udr- I The Wheat Ft,! .'. -.Tl.. most favorable re-1 . l...;. I... 1 .1... IIV.A.,.. 01 rn,, .ll.lii...i j . .:. 1 "... . : .1. 1. i L. t : i n i.eoi o .oc ..o.,u. . the In at grow ing State of the west and Oana ' ; da. 1 that v ii-iuitv the" vuiiiig wheat looks i well. hut the farmer are already borrowing , , trouble hy th weevil South Carolinian. . Strnnsi 4 iif v.iirtt inj.ii in Lhia vuinitv lut-hmrU last week, because Be x-ouM not get a wife, and another, because Ik- could uot obUin ' a divotve. Button Trots s. - - h n?zrmAbiu -vz 1 ...... s1 iAi 1. u- h as. .1 1 w-as.b ls.m.l lll . put vour kiot down and hold vour natl up. Then go ahead anr.way. ;, " ' 1 1 HM I 1 ll I i-TBjK'Jtw.nifc.1 i u word. Mr. Kusaell herself was a widow. and somewhat advanced in life sav 60 yer and kept a small shop for the sale of jug, flow er pots, and the like, at Wainfieet Toe plain tiff made out her case by producing tn follow ing letter: j - - ' Waisfliet, Jan. 19, 1855. Jry Dear Maria Jtutttll : I will never mar-, rie no woman uppon the berth but your jSelf J; can A suje you if that you shall joiod with ma at al I bam worth and bee my lawful! wife be cose you are a prudent and I Dot uppon you and if I live I will make you my lawful! if( and be for long I will own 1 have been very nrf- fe witb you but I Will make you nuwds and so: don't think no more A bout it know I have pro mised you luis for l do love you Above All wo- ' men. JESSUP WHITEHEAD. This was followed by a letter ia February con- I.. . taming tbeae. expreaskins : I I love Monney too Well to deserve one that I j Do Dot on you know that We-mes- Wat-1 yeres I never did nor will brack my promi. Yet notwithstanding these profession of at tachment, and hi solemn promise that be would "never itariie mi woman uppon harth- but Ma ria, this ugly old Jesenp Whitehead did "brack I.:- r....m;a " .J .J j. wm.., uU m..w mii .mnu wriow,., 54 vears old onlv 6 nam vnnnewvlliaiiWa. V ' Wbereuiwo a suit for damasei waa eommencett' against him and we are happy to aey Maria dents. The day previous, the doctor bad pre scribed that safe and palatable remedy, tbe syrup of blacktboj-ne, and left hi. prescription duly wrilu-n in the usual cabalastic characters SyrC , LhaiD. Cath.' On enquiring if the patient bad : taken lh medicine, a -thunder cloud darkened ' bur face, lightning darted from her eye, and .he ' roared out, ' Xo ! I can read your Dr. writing " --and I ain't a going to take Syrup of'Kam I Cats for any body Xo," said Uio Baron, I never ; -touch venison, I don'-t liunk it so g.w as jniit- ton. "Oh, said the Baron' frieDd, I wonder 4 at your saying so; if mutton is better than yen isou, why iToe venison cost so maeh more 1"! c " I will tell you vy,"in dish world the people ai- , ways prefer vat is dear to vat ih irep." . On the 17th ulL, at Greeusboro', Georgia, a ; young Abubiiouist tionMMaa&iu&Ur-mmmr- pimiar - r iju waa altfiaanii Ukettgati ihe negroes who had carried the rail upon which he was riddeu. Mr. Patton, recently oue of the brightest of tbe Virginia Democratic lights, in Lis recent Know Xothing speech at Richmond, thu de-. scritKia the joy -p ith which all sort, of political ' sinners and reprobates are received within the loving embraces of Democracy : v And now, gentlemen, I ought, perhaps, af ter saying thu. mucb about political denuncia tion, say what is perfectly just perhaps to all parties, and certainly- to the Democratic party, that whatever other-sins they might have been guilty of, they did not bear tHalict. Let any re probate politician no matter how long be may have despised their counsels, no matter w bat bis political offences may have been, come back to ' the high priests of the Democratic party and say 'purg- me with hvsop and I shall be clean, wash me and I shall be whiter than now,' ito wil, $urt. to tll y ., HBomrtf-thr-fini te n ariet tbe-duJl !nito' - --V .tveT-:fe.-lii..1.she- 'LU, - 4rii - m,rv i.,v in-t4t Lhn'.h.m nf-lW . J J a"-'" " - , ., , , ., , m.H-ra.'-, lof uey. seeiu 10 laxuncti LUeir tuiliiuUl- ftion in the same sj-irit and tone as if they con- ceived thcnisrlve like hu holin.-ss the'Pope, tile icereg.-nt of .Uo.!, whose decree and bull of exconiniunicaliuu proclaimed eternal damnation for verily there is more joy over CM sinuej; - , ,u" 'w wuw "-vd no rvpenunce. And if there shal bo here ' mirhmr i.e.wii..!s ..eo.o.ir..m - ., . 4- --. ceding Know Xothing, or obdurate hie that . c . . Id Siiria thereajhiiurie are cat served up in hear oil; while iu Japan a'stewedcrocodile. uai.ti uu uiihixcli a-ci, mu ltql. eja- curianisra. . ' llalUitoy'if Pills, a-certain remedy tVr Bill- ' iotis CMnpisinu.-Mr.Johii pabrvmple, of State I ., .. ...-"' 1 ; street, lloston. iwording to nn own admission, I utT i-J mri thap uiofst jHvpTe from wsvew ni ' . ... i:n: v. - i: , xirdered" stomacb. and great derangement of tb - system, from .wUicH last fall. He was ettectually cunU bv takiui; Uollowav i HU. ile ha a i. i. 1 . !' .. " i. - -.:r i j and mUo.! U?r healib better tbau ever. . . , , . it w a. m n.-r uie. 'J