. c ' r-li! Ii iri -i l l n PriMrtr) to pntitto, to,' firimllnrf, internal pxmmttib, lcmtt(tf; tjjrrts anH 3ftrnff5, .iHuralit anil te autilp irrir. VOL.-XII. NEW. SERIES; SALISBURY, N. C, AUGUST 2, 18,55. NUMBER X j, r. Java JlHlilMl BaUler. ; WESTERN? EXTENSION. , ittAIL JROAI? OSVEXTION., ; Convention met In Murphy's- IiaJt, lo the Tu n of Salutary on U ZStb of July, 1855, ' b inotton Mr. C. F' Fi.kr, E. J. Erwiu of Uurtf,t ppointwl.teniporiry Chairman, w$ W. P. Caldwell of gtaUsaville, temporary fcecre- TbVCbeir eallod upon (he ocmnliw represent ed for a report of delegates. . The following were. feportr:"' -'?' - - . from JtommJtiub Krlder, Itev. J. II. rarkery Cv 8. Krowa, Wn. Itowxie, 0. A- Da- .U L fa- V SLJ. John A. Iluv- J-. B. C. JHuionuU. Job. L gltmr. J II. Kn- ks J.CL GBm$J. l:hf,0. A. Mill, ! Ualf lW m to the caatl stock ofaaid'jtl,ts flor "d lu was Ka, out ot ' Uoa. D. F. Caldwell, Ho. 1. W. Ellia, IIoo. K. Company, whenever 30U0 .bare .hall have I'l-ymont. The conversation had Jjecn Itvydea, Cb-arlaT. Kbit,.. Miubael llrowa, Aj been tuUeriljed by other k rn so a to make ul""' tlie peculiarities of the negro, and IL Calilwell, 0. 0. foanl, Vr, Jobs Pwanl, M. i tit" aggrejfaU amount of stor'k anWibed by after a lew minutes' study Mr. E., con- 8. UcKawoav'ii J, ikvarr, JobaMeltoric, A: Ileuderavn, Win. Murj.by, E. Myers, M, Myera, Wm. I. Uurke, J. F. IV1I, Itobert Murphy, A. V urj4iy. ' ,,t . ma !'. . II t-. l. mM- r vmit tt i h iv. ii A . n. .-i.n.Krii K. F. Siinootoa, A7VV. Jameaohj John DaTd- mm. & . WbiU, i. E. Monlnomerr. J. N'. Me-1 . ... . .m.-.:. t V UV.......... MiiairisatiainarA. a.!. M. Cpbell, Dr. i. IL lU,to, Dr. M. Ah u- Tl a All J.J. 1 T II fa. U....I. VJl- i rii . iKtl 'W.'tfd.-JrAVVA.--Kerr-I VTiT i. ,r . YTrV. illll, s. liansaay n . i . waHiweu, ?.rai--CWWitA lr- E. O. Elltot,D.B. Gai jtojDr. A. M. I'owall, M. L M,Vkle, A. U I -v.j.wm. - r. , I dler, 5.1 - u - .. Ti..U ftiil. AJ. W.lf..r u.. J It ' Kay, David bmitb, 4uhu WUIoog, Uv. J. It-i trawlorU, T. W. itradbura. Fnm -1rJua.sV J. M. DogU,A.M. Itvgle, ' W. O. James, A. Carton and Thomas Miller. : fim CW Col. W. A. Lenoir. . rrfrvim Bitrk S. W. Avery, F. J. Erw.u. co-lie for aid and inert the oc asiou with the est notions f r .felicity Consisted in uudis-1-Q&wiffidi lit ytfi'tl&y, . tX)nu?.,ttr w'-.;aiui :"fiiiil llial Mfcx cvtrnt;.T, Tirarfi(.-.t .4trU4 iuuiLci-. . lie IV as a peU'ecl cll.tg aistinr of en deiegat trum each county wa ap- jp, t,i ann-juuceii i!.:it k- W'jiii i ib -u-' g;;rd, m:ii jit v el' let mi J 'port win t V to in pjintcti by list Cbsur to nominate pynuaiieut Ue bis .uU-riUion aud"a..-idiug!y iner ..-.! dulgo this jiropensitv pass unimproved. officer, of tlw CoatwiUoo, tu. V . W. Ar , bi M.lMri4io to 3,iw. One cold night he stretched hiinself down ; UiJie.iluMbJl.fe jit,U:mg inlimatod by Mr. F;her that pr..ba- ,, t10 iio.irtlt of his cabin, before a CikW of CaUaba, A. M. llogie of Alexander, . Uy '"ijuw''w'wl4ii.ii''Iii7t' iJiArttr-J.-r- rii i. ruiil aft tl C t Drifts tffWr wife t .K.Illt,ifIr.-JeIl, W. A. Lenoir of Cjldweil. , rjiw ltlC m,-arv amoant-upon moiioii, the ,-,,,,,;, ,i ,l ,,tf t ,0,j proved ' J'Cri,U"X'V,'lTJ l11 ''(",,,..1.1.1 a.lj-..vl untd t...i o,uni..g.mi;vi..;)ijj; JU. l'i;ait,taille,,.1is"lH8itiol,i v " 7 ' 1 bOfUIILalSl Fvr I'rtuArnl, lion. D.r.CAUAVLLL. t'or Via VrsiaVnto, ...TUOMAI A. AU40, )V. A. Iaoia, D. II. OamiEa, F. p. C.iaaa, i. M. 1 too IK, . i'nr Stcnlurin. W. I. Cauiwcu, A. M. I too 1. Th'ts report btig conenrred in, Mr. Krwiu I seated Um Chair, and the l'resi-lenl elect le cjared the CoiiieulKurg:iiiiiid and eiuuud.d , briefly iU object. " fhk nwitjua of W. W.' A very, the (oniciitiof. .lUJ M ,h- r:m.,..C.,mmi.Wr.to ie- . i ... . . . l . ...,L I...I laaeu . -. RUM RlllVUUk W ...!,' mw " l. I .1 Vtm'xn - ia 1- "- 11 ... behati ut Urn TOtanSaWalaiUIIBl, UmW& llHyWW..H 3,OiS!tJlJi :LLZl?.:.- 'KZJ ' " ""o" Lad been subacribed. t The lst named Si-ker, iu:rud llie praprv ilalkaU. A..rv .. fVinmllt.-.. , , . . . n.poiiitod eonawling of two frenn each eounty, - , i i .,;;,. to prepare budness tor th Convention, vu : W. W. Avery .d Mr. Glass of Ilurke. Mr. .Z2 .?-?" ' .... ,, auu ii. r. eimnoion ui ireueu ; .nr. jiev-.ihe and lH. 1'owell of Catawba; J. M, lioglu and A. Carson of Ah-iander; Mr. Lenoir of Cald - well. Mr. Lenoir offered and read the following reaolutioos t 1st 7?rofrW, That it U desirable thai expe rimental saner, be made between Shbury and Statosville, inj Import ant both to the interests , of the Wato and the Comiany, as well as neces sary to a just and proper settlement of the eon- E mrtiirg:;kilmf f tirtawba on the one Wj ana: Caldwell and Aleaattdr on the other ; tbat -jierimentat survey, be made between Slalrsville and Morgan ton ; one line, via the lowuot -ew and also that tin) survey b Mai. Uwynn west' of Blatcsvillt to Morganton be reveu ; anu maue w oonneci witu oiattwwue a a li-jm , o u. a full exhibit of the result of these aurvey. made, showing tho grades, distances, and cost each rwite, before a final location made.' Sd. lUtolmd, That the Company should Organised M.SOOO as :iUil,wo or more auan oe nbacribed; ami tbat the 4 th $1(10,0(10 uh scribed absuhrtcly. . or.any Ulnnee of the 4tb 100t0W axljs:h may be sul-scribcd absolutely i and ia- deeined-eolvent ; or for which the sub scribers may 'indicate a preference for tlip Sor thera, rithern'or middle route, the same ougbV to be received, whenever lha lirectors for the the Comnanv shall deem it expedient to adopt said routM. after tho result lha surveys have been I ..UI.,,..,.' .!., ..rf.l.,li,.,".l..r.who! wutyiwiu , h.iu im.. i ...... iliall have hiJiaateal it w-tWni-am,ther Tonte, should be allowed to withdraw their sub- . scripuoa. they choose to do so. ;- , -t - Which th mover desired should lie on the , toMfc-. Upon tho motion of Mr. Avery they were referred to the llusimss Coininiltic. Mr. Lenoir explained tho position of Caldwell County, end called ukii ltowan to take the bal nnee uf tha stock. ' Mr. Fisher moved that the Convention take a recosaanlilj o'clock, which was agreed to. :J-;-a-:-tr...,-. 9... oVtee.aw.-i -. - . -J m.Coo'oiitiQn reawieuibled acMrdliigJlhor; Mr. Avery, from the TJusiaes. Comuiitlee, on their behalf, submitted the following IIEFOUT: , The Coniiuitioe to boin it W ST referred to enquire tad atom-tain the amount of stock sub scribed to tlie Cajiital Stock of the Western Carolina Hail Uixul Coinpimy, report list Two Tlioaianil four ilutidptil aiwl iwiiitr U.rwliri . ...... . : . . .. uant.bta nuuriU'J tit tlia cnjMtal ot miO Cuuijiiuiy, at LHui : Catawba County, Iredell County, Rowan County, -CaTd'well County, AteHuJyr Oiuiilv, 100'J lianit. loal 80 " - 67 - I'Uviiiip A 1 7 hlirf j.r A7 litd f t ri-l ,iti. w ' . ' , I ' , . .1 . ',m kcriUd in order to avcuru Hie charter. 1 Lev ! farther .taW that the citizen, U ItarL, CU...V ; jbava mitiwrbel attowkw to aubacrib. on their iudiidua. toward-. tb -building of the first stv jtio il'0,0"0. j l our (amiinittco recoiium nda tbat the J. I ; a (gatcji in lliU Cfin.ntion sul.--.ril on their own (11.1 il.-.'.-.l .:.'. f.r:. IM.-Ii.iii. ur .ill u-iihii .M iiie I ii x-ilm ui LiH-ir ri-j.il.-.-. 'live counties, the residue of ,u,k uo rmammg f un.uWnbed, to w,t : 577 ,1,..,.,, a.,-1 that the , : : .,..., - . v r . . .'i l f-, day w day unt.l the cba.U, k- cur.,1. Th I '.-....nuo. t.. ... diw-ha,.,. ,1 f,.,,,. l.i , ., -, , t, .. .... I, . , , ' , ,,i ,, i" -'V--tat iiereu uy.iiiewi'jraui iruni ,a. ieu, mi. i , All of wbkh is rtjfiii!y kubuiUtd W. W. AVKUV, Cb'u. i - . . , ... .iitti at any uour inui.aiucu itmiAxnt Uwfw!.. .. , . ., , ... ...... , - - 77 "r - . i ul, some fcreilH au.rap,r.fnatrrTewatl y,. r: j. .lu llH,,t.a u eioiil,,. tmmitlee be .lo U-d, ahull ..nji, iev.-nled. mot.ou ummiin. '1!. Convention wa, then td.lv addrewd l.v jqj.,e Etlia urgin the . it.j. n of IWwau t.,.owiifd a stout hearty negro, whose ,w uuul- I ... ..... ki .. a . ! -.1. . ...... The Cvuvulion niet aee-jrding to adjourn W"1- The Itowan su.-enpnon iv-. -.ug .:- .. -i . . :. !..!... .1... for bv tins rn-sideat, it was announcedthat the CuiU'eDtiou wa nady to hear from any gentle iiiea of Uuwan, who were ready to make n idi , Uvtud subwriptiuns, Judge Ellis ma le wtne re j maiL and called uion Mr. Thonia I- Cowan Uil venerable jniatfeinan toiK'lud.d utt appeal . v. . ' 1 to his countv iiii b iiiereaing hi-i:'- r;,iiioii 0 . Jl.W". nrtetal JliUancU au j-il.ln u a e n )diaip"esr-hr- . - .... .. Mr. Fisher sialed tbat eight 4-ml-ni-11 ot liownti bud agn-.il to take lue twi'.ucr, S55.'M. Ita.tl:nniiouueedby Jadge tiisw, that l.i... .1 .... ..r.if.i. i, i.i uneeuiei.t i ' received with rapturous 1 In- I i.iivi iitKiu was cone-rat ulatcd ui.n the amount . ' " ... .- ' , ! r.. ..r .i-.i v.,. Lull... -OMtli. I-.. J 1-iuin. ""l1""' "l1 "7 , r.Tt.. Y.;-: f ,t;: M ru - : - - CaWUly OI CMIipiellll, lie) Unad lo tSlaUv ill : bv the 1st Januaiv, 1857, ami to Newton in six "J ,ne " " ' , mifctha thereafter, and to the teMin.u- of tlK- ! " " . . . -,, ' H-t -t.on m two .u-ar. fro,,, the Uginnin. o. Mi-:W. A. Lenoir .4er.dtbe Lliosmg re.o- lutiou: . ! ..... '. i....l,e i..i..1, il-.I t.. the l ain- ... i i.t t .., i iitiiLa id ii.kI ii tn t ii otic citutens'ol liowaii cuiuity,' win. nave come , forward, at the crUis of the tile of th'' iteiu North Carolina liail Uoad and uruied the char ter. Which resolution was unauimoiidy ndnjitcd. A resohilioi, was offered to the ellect, that in asmuch a "Scotch Ireland" had not assisted to ... .....I. ...I I.I ll,...!..! (secure the charter, luai mere anoum ..e...M. I to tlkir.lie.tehborW4 llda reasJuiiSa ou was how- ever withdrawn, on the larncst solicitatl. itatT.fh Of T. iLCowaft, who iiromised on their bihalf that j lin y would Jj something creditable yet. ,.t of thanks was teiulcud to aU oT the , CuvtIltiollMUa to Mr. Murphy I v 11 ..f il... .....in,. -i I ' ' " ' , of! of the Slate were requested to publi-Ii the pro-1 Icecdiiigs; after which tho Ir,dent declared.) fce!,jie invention adjourned. j, p i:.I.J) F.LI rie.- t. W. 1'. C.VI 1IW KLL, A. M. lloi i i:, - , . -- "W-.f ,. , . ; Ei r.ci.u. MAOSKnsv, is ani.nounc.-d to U- j remedy for cholera by two eminent physicrans, i different part, of Italy, The coiucdeiiio is. i .. ' li.ileworlllV. IT. JiOMl oi nt." j 1 Dr. liossi ot I lorence was pr.-j.ar-, " .. . r...:. .., 1 1.. ,,.,.1 ..v . tt meumir, me nun oi .....e.. .-..i - . . . -, , . . , . I ,n ir ,i,, ,jM. ,ajitty ' KsutU frotu IqHent-straiigQ ones whieU I had hoard i If a small Iwy be called a lad, is it proper to inVaWcricsturbTnr tilcltell tcalibigger JaMer t - nipcr ....jy. J What if the lame cook had burnt her foot v , , at. prty ni, a very ' WM StitVsrm.'.l ih-,t Dr.'Conrnta. of l'a-1 while roasting beel'-stcals at tho kiteheii'"i;,w-neckCi1 ttrcw mid Imre arms. eprsed bis amvhrli HllJ demonstrated the theory 1 jfro anJ then there was a little nigger , -admiration by saying that she out -.friy. the Within a'frw day. in ilw n-atorntion of fourdes- j wj,u a -f(Kt "w,om j gaw limping , 1,0,0 l,:lrl-v" . '" j wnte chera patients by mi of the electro- j - ,lvlior.-,.r li.it A trailcsman Iwvinjr sunk his shop floor a magnetic current, an., um I 'M - s - re'port umler the direction of the n,T,ici.al au. ihorities, for publication. New clothes are great promoters of piety. A WW bonnet or a n.iw dress win iiiuihai -to chitre-h at least three times on Sunday, wLTTCTni-inM Knm ilit New Vurk FfiiturJaf Courier. THE BURNT LEG. i tm or iis&isMPri. t lean. Wo had finished the regular course of .Kchoa nikt ..-era wuiKiw 1, t,. , , ,. ,, , ?. lo hrrmtrlit upon tjifi titblc. Mr. h.. our . y " ... ; his wtftrinr tirgartfrartfitn jrtniit come j to a ttand still, and tlie eonvureation'.dicd out. J " It will ho here in a iiiouiiint,' observ ed the lady in question, who understood Tier hushaiv!. lnijiilrin"g kkitj"fntd Mr: E. .....i i.;J r..i. ..A I. ....... ,. -,.ii .. ..-.. 111' Ilia H'lK III U UUZUH It! l-Ulld Bllil, J C''Un,,J 8UjC ,0 ",U0 tl" " Was ! '"'V:J 8 ' ,,JO f-lr a,,J !t rolltJ "1H"' ! eluded tliat his Interest in the subject was . not entirely oxhaitsfed; and casting anoth- I , . ' ' i .in- i ' "fk W rl hf ff,C ' eft of obscsvintr that tlie negro s Ia.Mlon 'for sl-ei) wa. rcniarkable. ,-ni.;t u a f;U., rctnnicd Walkcr s , ,.. ..., .,., ,,,,,, . . . r"? ( with tlieir faces exposed to the burning j ! of iK iit Mii . ! I.' ... . . ? . a ' . i8'' " Ml 8 P'U,C" ! .iu lhe nhs; and theu they tt-ould l.jok up .. . ... . you with as .much reproach ai if they . i .1 r .Tl i i our aiiusiuii to mo uuiniuir ravs oi - r . , 'r. r?" r'' i (Wlneii is iurther iilnr.tr.tti vu ol the ne- ; Vo's propensities b.r sleep. Mv father .. . to the I5re, and his family went to bed jUllU leI lum j0 U;j feje. mo next i lllorlli,,,, . was found by his wife with !otie leg luritt ijf umibj up In tha Liux; tfW h. t,;(l .-aU ,,.,,, :von recol- J 1 . . lect the ciicmiistatiec, l.ucy Ann" lie ob served to his wife. "O very well," was her cointiriuutorv response. '..ve fr Iv nnd lii inestitnulili.. wift . ,. . . were botli Methodists, and very stnet . ..n. - u T1..1- him to 1 1111 1 t n-ir ti-.tlllliiTi V nes vi a s i ,-flli. qll. tio!l. I bad LecU buT1 '1 -Ti.irt'tlfue in Mi.Vi,Hrpi,andwaTisi,.s-.l'y'Vl''r-' n .hi-e l t.. l g to Irani a!! I could i -pecl.ng tne negro '-." 1 - owt" I 'Vp"---' ihisdirecti m : but fi story or "incidetit" i or "tircuuislaiRc ot negro peculiarity 1 was unpl-epai dl for. 1 looked at Mr. E I , . . , . . i . llu-ie i.r:ii-ilv u-;n (roiinmo. I Ie t a 11- ..t, - .- - x, i,-A-m,.w I mttintS- heaitv meal of lhe most savory viands, 1 and was only waiting to finish it off with a portion of'the rich desert which 1 knew i was foming. It came, and I felt a Wn-1 dcrfril relict. I put into pudding an.l -i -ii.iii.. tii.(.fi-r r rnv. iii.r m niv iiiiiui .... .. i- l i !'t!,e'ir,ibabilities' avo even tlie i of such a.storv ; and came to the con-; ciusiou ty propose a lew (luestious by way ' of cross examination. " Perhaps, Mr. h.., the negro never did-. wake tip again . ! es, sir, ' he quietly responded, "he did wake up, and my father had the burnt stnirip aniputated, and a wooden leg put on, and lie lived anu waiKeu on it till lie i FTTr t;.,T (Tied, which was number of years after- i wards.' Have some more of tlie pudding, Mr. ( ,!, ni,.r f ' asked '5t rh ,iv, ,lnv Illoro tlun.k vou." "Have soiiie more of the syllabub ? "Not anv iiuuv. I thank vou." ' I i..i i .1, ..e ,.,i,;. tl.l.t ihad been nerved at. tho table that, dav, j I . . ,i ., . r ,i i ,,... I " i I t a "" " V. " i , 1 thou .... , , i. .: ;c, ,..i.tf i ;,....;(i,r' iin.in.ioi j - ' iieiic nig oi ui. -i.e. ie i ing, uuk a. u.o.e.., lllelltil,Vi eVl.rv ,illl0 Votl get me down ! inet(.& lnor:,, evening, ! - . , , , ., . . .. ... ' ." ,i . . ...! 1 I'Cgiin.IO 111111- l,K, OI lie hittlll If. I nciruii.io iiiiu ioi, oi ue- . - . . - .- it he had roa.- ed it during tne operations . . . . -. . . of eookiug 1 ji . a aw. uiav wau.vai.vw. ? !rtist f. 'list for roast beef steaks in general and ,,. "a i,L pnrtivulur, But the storv l,nr,:.,...l ,rtU waa t.,...inoustrotis in! Jts details, to be true, and there i,iustUd.ie, lUhi,S Kurojy' ; ' ; bo orae trick in it Ioolvdiopria to little farther.' "Mr. E., was that negro in good health at the t'iuio he got his leg burnt off?" ' u Ilisliealth was excellent." " Fcrlmps hfs leg was alaied ?" VVIiatvfrnnilitinii it m lmvfl been 1 when it burnt, he certainly never was f-: flitted With that diase." "Did tl.oioijfTCdT - Vot a drop " Was it mch sorof " I can't say that it wa." ti .;. (MK.i-ta bul Uemiino J . tins iime tlie glltots liau oecomo coiivjilsed wituiaugmerarinynnuiwiauie ' . .. . ... i .. ... il. i iiicredulitjr ana anxiety to unravel tne ma stery that surrounded the case, and Mr. E'a imimrturbablo aravity. I was i ...... .i i t. v . UV- ft. I -- : ceiving my incredulity, was detennmed j - to iuuhou.e all the trouble he could. j . The desert hud been finished, and the dish- en removed some time, and all were jiu - patieiitly awaiting the denouncement of ! i"ve.tigatiU.u Mrs. E, who was a 1 - , , . , ' j'"' p''lV0 .a"d 6;J'ltu. ", freely , i""lgmg in merriment, was enuea- vouring to 6Upp.CS her laughter. I saw: .-TtljSr,5l, . ,rUi& comiM! aI,J l.raced mv- ,; . ... clt up t-r meet ,t hUe a brave man. " Mr. E.. t here r?i4have becrr sonic- ahont that ni-r'a le- not a com- . " , ., 1 moti to ni"rer les in scncrul. was there ;"' ,, 1:6 r"'o--''i I . . ., -.. ., ,. loues oi euriick, sacauui, psaiiery, uuiciuier anu was led to connect the ravages with the crime ot i .. , . ' ? r . , , ' , ,, , i . n i i i. i . . I- i i uarl' Dd U't rarest, purest, hohest of all mel ,,, ,, .., ,, ri,iiWltt;1'aaft- belief in what were in England oji cborus of human vuic Farewell , , . ... in , upon my feet .a waited with breathless ; ..... ..j . - , . -, ; anxiety the answ er. - Moo. oxr I reiiie.nhered a aTiTCaT . .- . . 1 . j ' iukhu hvih . rimiii : an 1 uasscu t ifl Uoor. I saw tue j. .i.l,,.!,,,.,. ..,,,1 !.;,.!. 1 ess sunning siusii'i IIIU.UUUOV., .(, , .... t . r i.t .... .. . . . abuve their topo, I tfmnght I saw a roast-, would bring him home some. game. 1 he hun-, e.riiggi''rwalki'ng through the air wtr-r, wlrile-oeettj4l la tldtasj. wasattacUd by, crutclies. ! a fi.re she wolf, and having fired at it without i Dr. Lacklun.l gave me a .lose of glan- effect, struck it with his hunting knife, and cut ' ber salts and I recovered." : off the paw of tlie right fore-l. on winch it im-1 LouisLurg, Ohio. UUMANCE IN HEAL LIFE. A w riter in one of the rortrth Virginia papers, tell tlie following romantie occurrence, nllegcd to have taken plac then-. A singular and romantic atia'ir ia rel life has n-c ntlv come to oor knowledge. tome twenty- six Tears ago, in this State, there lived a happy j when be .recognized the riug as one which he married couple. They entered upon life with had given to his own wife; and, descending prv-n t4 as bright as tlie unclouded sun. They j hastily iiito the kitchen, he found the lady warm lived in affluence and irosierity ; but two short 1 ing herself by the tire, With her right arm wrap vears rolled around, and be who liad j.lighted ed ill ber apron.. This he at once seized, iflnd his f.iith to love and protect the one he had lov- 'found to his horror that the hand was cut off. . ... ... e !,: .. ... i..;i 1 III voinil, o, wwio vi . " .. . . . . ... .11 11. l.-red all bis worl.llv gixnls and was ' gary anO want. Ui-fl.i'tions of hi ; form' r prol-eritv and new reverses, drove him an exile from his home a wanderer iu a foreign i ... i .... i i. . i. a a., r ..... . ..r i.;. lanu. ini'i ii-.- i- i. i ue luiim i juinuei e-. 1.10 : to seek fortune and happiw-ss in some otlier j oiiarler of the w oi Id. Ile roaiued a stranger in I (iVry una in every quail-r 01 ine giuoe i i . e .1 . .1 1 . l'ls,eil '.. - . - . 1 . ... ... -pr.peiny an i a.iverMty tbns Wt-dwsliuito, with two ung iufants, uiih a woman's true and faithful nature and that love that only a mother knows, struggled, and toiled under di advantages, which only those under similar cir - cuiutaiicvs, cau devise or diune; an.F by nor imhni.i, . iL.-r.rv to lier ll.e. e. ailll Willi llie ' 11 fSly and industry, aucceeded in &j - : makintr a wiiKcH-ncy to support and educate her ' destitute ci.iiri.a. . i ears rolled on. The wife bad. given up hope of tl... .-.f- r. iiirn .vf her .m,v .l.-.-ir and dnlv tie. I s. ..i,....,!,,,.. ,1.., tbou.dit of ever secimr tiim! H - n ,ricllJa weep inj nu,rn ith her, and of-! f ,r the ,vnillliu, J (rue affection. . Year after j y.,ar j slin no l0. of .turn. ' .uc ila, accumulated a ceinivteiicv, and bv the j " i-'-.K-Tr'.-i 'i JTTS'.rv.tvr"" nersuasion of lneiids, a nriviletre and a dutv due to bmclf, she applies te a court of justice-ami I divorccnl-lcft free to uiarry or act as' she may think proper, r eliiMrcn t(MHi.Jo..juaJauityo! choe th professionof mclicinc and graduates ,ih l,u,,ur ru r '"" vnr ,l'VJl,on ',,nom success ,ul.ls1.ro,s,0,.,,,egave.vupa,uisougl some otlier einplovnieiit. He married with hapjiy prosji!ct. and is now en.pioyed in one of - the cities of Virginia as a clerk aud is receiving Hie lllgliet-l wam ?. nt i.n omiieii ,-. i-i.-u....... i i .i . , . . :.. .:. l. .-,...1. .. 1.,,;,,.,.. i -' : 1 w.,tiii-.i .... .i.-n-c tinea t.n,l '.ttiie nnn.l ten thousand vi.-i-!lu.h-. .and.the loaining husband anj father return to give twa.v, liaijin.s ana abundance to his lainik. lie returned will, rk'hes.and seeks thloveil ones of bis early days. . ' ' vero A, i. o. - i. inn., oi i.m-i - iitioiiiii-iK. null. ill :.iii-,,-u.i'-iiev i , e ....... .. u :.. rf wi b,. 80d Ml. ; TO(.., tof.r than formerly ." s.e.,Wn. ,w.1 ls ur . ne irvslllli . AnIl,vtrm:" f'P l;V . "'jitook it w much to heart that she watched for an' Americin mad a newspatwr arrived at Liveriiool , ,- , .... .1 roil in ja,dre.l to - Zar AlcVnder, Esq., Emperor Qf jopirtun.ty committed u:ci.de by Oirow rng j - .,.i !..... .L..I... V K...n,,; ofl 1FICIHCEAJT. YS FHAN'CE lJf XHESIX TEESTII CFSTUIty! During the earlier part of the tixteenth cen tury, triali for nitckcraft iu France were of rare occurrence, and there were no casta of great im- ' porlaoce recorded till after the year 1500. In 1501, a number of peisona were brought lo trial t Vrnn .i,! nf l,vln.r L l.l il.frTSnl,K.,iJi ' ! u witcbea, iu an old mined caMle, in the abnr of cata; and witnemea deod having aeon tlie afflt.lBWy, and hating wITuhiJ ftum-tlw atl. I of the pseudo-feline coiwpiratora. liut the court : fur0Ut thecbar M,orthy ouly of ridicule, j j IaJSlUliWand a wwimn were executed ' I Wtier, ncr hnvmz been made to confeaa to : j o vanitn tfivtv rf i.riW arllfflltr AlJUAT tlim( I lt"V : .7' '. : 7 v . ' ftnid llint tliiv IiaiI rpfviilflrlv nttinilAd the wieu- aaid that they bad regularly attended the wicb es' Sabbath, which was held three times a year. , ii.'. i I and tbat the deaion who presiued at it elided !"J - U""""i by .burning hiiuatlf to make powder for the use of ,jU j,, lnisl.hiet Iu 1571, a mere con . wJjo lav(?J .rick,umn carjS) wa,t,romn -m(0 in . furceJ t0 confoil lflt ,le all .,,.,,,1;,, on t!le gabbath. and then exe- cufid. In 1573, a man wai burnt. -at Urole, on i the cIum-sb of Lniii2 changed himself into f wolf, ami in that form devoured several children. . , . , veml !., ho all.coufcsaed tohavmg been w ' d to burned m different parts of Franc. la 1478, another maa .as tried and condemn- Ll in 1'irU for chan-nmr himself Into - J, nml a ma" w'u wudcmiKd at uricaiis ' tor the " l'P-. "M- As France wa, of ; wu iufeated with these rapacious auiuiaU, it is .. r not Uilficult to conceive how popular crevluljty I ......-j caiieu -i"a iiinru'uii win iii riduix . .,.. ..... ...ii. I ..I. i.. ........ ....I. " .i.iih ur.3....uu .,,,,.l.i vm,, Ti ; .rt..,l l.v . ...,-;... : Z".; 7 ,7 Ukhn ou o Vw ndow of hU - gUeman, looking om 01 a winnow 01 ins chateau in the village TwolrsiMaJiui Acboa, :,. ,1... (..;,... .,....., f 1.: ... ... fiuaiiiLinco g-iinga nuniiiig, arm ooggeii mat no r... i- .i ..e. : rft 1 . ..i l mediately took to flight. The hunter took up .1 . .1 . I I -.1 .1 . IS. VI.HE .V.. .U M.U HVl. D I -T BU SAitll.l UI.I.IUU Wl . , . , . , . j ins story. bat was bis surprise at drawing I out a uys uauu wiiuagoia ring on oiie till- get ! His friends astouialiiue.u. was still greater "i - i... 1...1..-....r.......i .1..., w... i... .1... . .. ....... ,.v- . ... - . c - ... 1 1. -i ... 1. 1 .1... 1 was in due course' ot tune, brought to lier trial and con jer.-,ned, nud was bnmoliately bured at Kin ims. 1 1 ,, 1578, a witch was burned at Compeigne, , . . . , i i i - . i .i .' .... i . conn-sseii sue nai given uerscii u me uevn, who appeared, to her as a great black man, on horseback, booted and spurred. Another avow- which uas burned Uifl same year, who also me paw, turew .1 inw nw oag iin u.e r(i o. bvoten aulng te gLt, aUeude-1 by Jove bis game, and soon afterwards returned -to his and faith and hope, around whose steps the friend's chateau, and told liiin of his adventure, mountain breezes blow and from whose counten at the same time putting bis baud into the bag I ne " tlie virtues gather strength. Look around ... !..;.. ..-i. il. -..if. ;.. t you upon the distinguished men tbat in evert 're W'-Tarirrf"as7itattd Ihiir the evif omrramo to berin the sbapr1? gV"ned CdlUto UU1, of Uilmanton ....! . 1 ... i r i . .i i erf a WmAMuvJui5S2..aiL.,X5bLa witches were burned ail frequenters of the Sah ' baths-. Several local councils at this date passed ! 5inS'" uaiii' an,ion looking P " perceived l.vcro Jaws' against witchcraft, and from that!'"0 hrS bbK SBakes, oae of which ,iim, to the end of the century the nnmU-r ofi.attitade.and gating tinedly upoe her, aacompa- mirable Jiersons put to death in France tinder II... o. ... l II... a.-.,,..., : J.my of fifteen ea,froin 15S0"to 1305,and on- "' H,u,-i""uu ."."-' " v.."i jv iu one province : that of Loraine. the prwrf. ! d.nt Kemrgios-tmrm-.t nine linitdrvd witclies, and i M maBy ,.;. fl 0f the country to save ' iu.. i .i.i ti.. -I ..e .1,".. ...... 1 . ..... ... .... . - ..( ,i. V...l. ;,-.,?... ,..ll. ... ,W ih. ,:1 of , itl.heraft had become so common, that there Bero not jaiU enottsU ,0 lluj uie ,,rUouers, or j, to hau lhvit . , " - V ll'YIVi: Til Ylll'Vi: MVV ........ ..... . v .-v. j Willis Kelly promised to take Nancy C. Sir-' voss to his home and heart, but as be failed to ,....1 . . .i e i , i . .luini uiecomract. tne.iair intiv uisutMievi nm , ;ng.unst him aud recovered ?:t.500 damages for ,oss of l,me 1,1 m tear ot tect.on.- niecase was tried in i.yons, a;ne cou.n,.-: K-llev will !. less nttentivo to '"Miss NamV in lut...... and d-voto hinwlf to some she "Servos."' ,. . - . .... i :. i. . .1 .. i :n i. . ....... .... ... I I e, alio ll lie lion . lie win ue iei, -. i- ...-.., 1 .. ...!. thejame fashion aaain. -This around dimitv wit'hm'st fixed ... rv-.. promiscuous fly in; ii)teutio!w following out, the. Ssfcaaaxiiufge i lemons if vou are sqiieJted, is not to bt endured. It is a violation of an inalienable right ef afore said dimity, a'uil" should be discouraged by all means, - . JCfuh. f Frjlt in ue of the I h'part - mints of France "a young girl oil a'v isit to ber frieil.ls as so -ttiglltencd by imaginai V dang., while walking if, a wood, that ou her return -lie was ntt.k'ke.) will, feier, and the next day hei skin changed color and b.raiiie almost black, Tliis a as the s-ffA-t of a very rare disease, Inowa as the bUuudice. Ahl.ougl, the doctor awed her that tho iti-ccilor.'itioii would disapinjar, she ... ......... opisorfumty-and committed su:cide by Uirowing Melt mtu a well, - ' MSTHESSIXO. ., In a &rm-tioiMej Be Liberty, Miouri, the miatreaa of the bouae becaino very ill one morn ing, having accordhig to aymptoma, received an attack of cholera. , lli-r liusUand had left the bouse at daybreak, anl her only daugliter, who who was then with her,"aent for a physician. Afttf boara tlia latter arrived, but wa al- mcl lhe door h''3 lJ . '"g 8r'' wit1' Ucfy "1m U doaJ !" 1U'vai co- ;d!il?? J" Zl!!!" --m ... -v w tL, iatcrmeut ,ta tfour hour, bad 1' h"J ,Sirw'3r M "ke0-iVe 1 B ...... . .. tLia motion, and waa so borr tied tbat abe -. ' - down dead ou llie aoot. It U welt kaowtt that 1 jiersons who die of 'Cholera retain the warmth ol tue tilixjd for a lone time, freqaentlyalarinins , , , ... . bystau Jers by contraction of the muscles. CASTLE (iAKDLX. - The Vew York Comineriai eowpares Castle Garden its an emigrant depot with wiiat it has beca iu onner days : Cf course castle Carden is changed is no more' lt , " "f " -'f' It rnemory only reiuajns. How great the cbatig- CJ t ,ias UIl4,.rolie , Rfrewned and br .' liun...r;, its ,l,nace at the o,roser. liber; it ,t aw-h, e to waWd to a more i'S"'.""" ' oy . and nothing long," iiuw eeboiu the siuothercd roar of lauie sri''f-beaats, of tlie insane laughter 'gaikd ,,(5 by acirnis do w nVs stereotyped jests ; ,on gorged with the anmud fair of the Ameri- ioao Instituto, or made a mere gangway to a , , no " Chinese junk ; and again mellifluous with the- .... . 10 an sucu aee-ues in vne uaruen; v, nere . i-h. divine . ii i . ip. .1.. i . . - - ... .. w perhaps now a railroad ticket office. Where theorcbestrawasarebathhrg.ndwashingtuU! " TZ 'tv', T p,Uf an(j bent bis supple knee iu the presence of peer- tess maiden or jewelled princess all m play ' rmwuui.jEUid Jlvnlieer 011 UicrnriHierilrunkeo all in earnest bids" WrwtisVa laiilt frow diouUl . . . . . , J T i" T n4- u.i mc ueu.r wi w i.ne" nu uanrLOiu lue iiLiub- er bllIJ,lkv, ,f, TllUS tuIU tUt! wuj lttar r " . , ' j KLF-SSINGSi "F WVEIITV. - w,iat , dUtinguUln-d writer say. on the , ; . . - ' l'overity is the nwrsc ot manly energy and w.... , , . ... . . 1 . I.I department of lite, guide and control the times ,nd in,uire wl)at was tl)ejr RnJ fchat whs their early fortunes. e-re th. y as a general rule, rocked and dandled in tho lap of wealth I Xo, such men emerge from the homes of decent competence, or .struggling poverty. Necessity sharpens rlieir faculties; and privation and sacri fice brace their moral nature. Thev learu the great art of renunciation and enjoy the happi- j nes. of having few uants. They know nothing ! of indifference or safety. There is not an idle uore in me iranies. i my -ui tne , ,Kor oi a re- i,.. ,..,.. ,., .,... ,.. T ... M ., I luillJi ;s aways kept sharp. I the rWs Off , - . ... o hfe men like these meet the soRly nurtured dar- ling of prosperity as the iron, uiects.the ysel of; . JftrUnlti ,naryCae of l-ascmahon j a- UiH by a Atake. J From the N. II. fulrjot, July 13. About two weeks since a little girl, near sii fur u-,rrics '" ! - Then Tier aUenoo wsaWe "., "'S ' ' '"'"'J .. " . j She first attempted to run, but found herself iiiav Kn.u.ui .uji.... u"l'rl.v wcapawe oi so ooiug. one- then looe4 .t Ihn anol., t.nlil .1... 'mVoitA a., ulna&i, will, ft "v 9,,c ,olk U '",0.ll,;r -d 'M U n.uUl shc lhoubt it asleep, and then fled to tho house. a numU-r of days she visited the snaU nn- 'no" n to her who finally-discovered ber fd,nS from m'r ntinued feed- j j ing it regularly every day, becoming more and more att.v lied to it until it ' would wind itself j abe Wwmml neck,-. I, , i - n . i . . ... trom uer mouiu, riuany sue waa prevauea up-; on to place 11 in a not on eonauion k snouia hurt, and W tuai .1 is sun sepi, eacep, , w lt.-n lv.in- fed. I. ? . . r- . e ..,.... .. " . , . , 7 - - "ie .team oi me repine woui.i pro,e i.auu w mr. Her pannts lia,e bad mauy b-mjitmg ofl.rs to! ,vnu,t ber to be taken about and exhibited with.) th- suake, 1-ui, though thev .ire p-vr. .thev h'e . -" . 'if toTetuv all suet, ,-n-rs. i.ie ,: over four feet long. , , r..We have the above from a g.-n'.I man who'.tliis i'uorning in full of his aecUBt.V-.' " has visited the girl and received the fact from ! "I wrote just what yott tobl me and her and her patents, aud of oiurs.it may be t' kept a Coj'V of the letter." ''' 4- '.: iivxl uHn as- substantially cornet. t,;0i to hu letter book, and opening, The N. II. Mirror adds the follow ing: . he found the following; , j "The little gid was asked if she was not,. tVhjhu - m.sl hea she saw the snakes. . She said . alio.' "Was" tnbly fiighlciK.i ; and when avsked - by abe, did net rutu hc. said she tried loA but i .eowld not', -ho also tried to scream for h.r . i'ler, but cou'.d n4 sjwak a word. The idea is, she was patalyzed by the magiielic power of the : .snakes. . Tae first tiiao she remained with them , k,g time-oould in Ull how hmg-. After-' i wants aliy sne.aiaia wiui ynem several uours, -. ,-. . .1 i .1.. . - I .1 .. I:V t feeding the... rcg ,,,.. i sweet tilings best, guiany. oue.stiu uk;j i.n. .sweet tu.iiigs ti, aue. mat sue s,o,e tunc cat, aud that she stole three cakes jot map sugar her woiuer uua lam awav. ,jav sweet gingerbread whenever .be eoutdto gtrw . them, The big snake would try to drive the. mall one away from ber (when fcd, . and aher cuffed him several times, and he returned flia -compliment by taking hc-r finger, into her ntouA several times, without doing much barm. Con" sequently she don't love this snake as much mi she does the other one, though she is generally fond of him." -r ' ' ' v '.' The subject of marriage with a deceased wife's istorbas again Jjeen occupying the English House of Commons. The Liverpool Times aaye that wealthy and influential persona bar long been striving to amend th marriaga law in Una particular phase, at the sacrifice- of nioch tint and money persons who find their position; compromised by having orcrleapcd the bonnda of the statute boot ; aniTa grand figbT look" place in the committee, as to whether the Dew bill should have a retrospective effect. Sir Fred erick Thesiger, who it strongly opposed to any change in the law as it stands, proposed aa av Beadment, which, if passed, woald hay limit ed tlie measure to futurt engagements, bat be was defeated by a largo majority 130 to 83. , . . iii i . i. ".: A WESTEliX WEDDIXt?."- -One bright spring morning, while a good oI4 Methodist Disbop was traveling in the . Wea there rode up to the log cabin of oueof the ptotv eer itinerants, a stout westers lad with a bloom ing lassie ou the pillion behind him. Arrived at the charing in front of the minister's door ba was soon invited, very cordially, by the latter to dismount and cno in. Accepting the invita tion, his first salutation after entering Was;- J ' Are job a preacher 1 " ' g- S? Yea, Sir.' -7 'Can yon marry f .. -"". . r " '0 Yes.' ';.'',-i ' Can you do it quick f - -' -'.trA 'Certaiuly.' i,i.-r- ' Well, I and this young woman wuhes yoi . to marry us, just as quick as you can do it. the ceremony was soon performed. - The new husband, then, turning to the parson said, 1 how much do you charge 1 ,- Ze , -Now tins,' said Mr. Wilburn, is always' eiubarrasStng (pioiitioiuXJtjys, onietiuMn bad it propounded to me.' A clergymaarcil!. eralty "feplr; ' lmhrmx'vi- ' A-a-any-thing you please, sir;- and aft tit preacher replied on this oecasion, but the jubt laut groom ' wouldn't bare a wife Lr nothing,' so hastily quitting the room he went out to the place where he had bitched his stoed and aaea returned bearing a eornthuck korm collar, which he presented to the accommodating ' clergy maa as his marriage fee. ' , ' . ' ' ' Eltxptmt Brevity. Tliat "brevity l the soul of wit," has been uttered again - and again until it is as "familiar aa house hold words," and many are the example given in proof of the assertion.T Bat -we heard on Saturday ef an instance in which brevity was not only witty but eloquent ; if by eloquence we are to understand the accotnplisliiii'j of tho object in 1 lev. ' in lilts CflSO. tlie Clooilnnrn waa rrv. ...1. . r ... . . . . . fll0 w... v. .s.v..l;.ll miu IIUI UCSIIfU. 11 ul iitma Dn ' . . . . tLcra.Iii.-ad a iiirclinntt wllOtig liamoia DOt '" at all necessary. Times were hard, as rlipv urn iiavi- ami rtm n,A.lni u ceivctl from one of his customers Bt a dia- tace ;n answer to a iirevioiis dun. a 1st. tor stating his difficulties, and requesting time. ) isiiat Agitated, rrot-wrtlrtimtm but many others, the' merchant pafel th ij jlia bck aU(j a lowering brow Stopping, toddeulrjie turned teUtclerk g. . .. - : ..s u Mr. " , write that man without de ' . -'":v " 1 es, sir."! , ' - ' "" "T Tlie paper was ready, and the pen filled with ink; but still the merchant 'held his peace ; his clerk called to him once left bis Stool and 1 he was ready, " Well, write." "What shall I write? t-r qrijcJi' pjj. toTiI"aek wetlESclerl?lip!tl. moveJ hjg fifl oyer 4 - AU& -as-sea I o d-,n4--btekeel.-rnt- 0jfice. JJy return of mail came let- ter from his delinquent customer: iaeW , . wflftint - , I. .. . a u U .o.c..uin o ajoa-vciniu sucu aiv WH'nvHlJais letter, ana Hastening to Ills clerk hcsatd: - -.:"- .iW l.... .l:.l ... . say o rwoou you- wrote tho other day Here is the money Pkak Sib : Something or. nothing, and that very quick, Yours, &C ' l?y .nf , Jkud that letter brought tlie nionoy.r ,4,;t.("t IKiHtfiut. ' - ,- ..- Siehult.l'ha New York Times t ,Aijn4toll . - , . . . . !. Und. nais- ini onr.j.tj yuatorJay. on its n turu from a tar- J. - - ' . . -et excursion. They made a soldiet-like aiipear- ,, t excursion. - (jet at o'tloyli rm, my '...,Vf-' -i-.j-.jir-JuH.-t'e

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