ri "II, i. 1 --'M -j-.l". ill. i. C.-.i;. j liXE iit.l.01M. . J u.ltje IT.'k, in :?,t-n -jvfuiti.g to i:Ur- j - ..j hifurmt o.i that he wt deepljr Jin X J'imoi W iliiniiktHi, - :- i ptftsJ j; IVelJoo'joa Friday last, at Moiug Bui the counsJ of lie poiuoaef go behind four going alone in tha can to tender their mr- lb proueoding in which be wa. coutictedrand rrurt, dial the schU new for Contempt ia roid brij th cvrt bad no jurisdiction of a oer UiS Anther (natter, which it wa. investigating, or aVU-mptiog to investigate, when the contempt MM couioiilted. Wo find a judgment against him ia our caac ; and b complaint about aso- liier. In which there it no iudinneiit. lis itaufci.j." .1 . L n.:. :. i tWing lor au offence against the I niled Male. ; and be aav. . he is inuoce.,1 of any . run,; to a rrwrtkular' individual. He j. concliWy ad ju.lgej guilty ul contempt ; ami iic u-ua ut mat llie court bad 110 juriJi t.ou tJ ritore -Mr. , . , , . inn ! ' r4- t j. : i i aonM.m.w hv indivlnie! and aunienmea in a rammarr pnWlin- a. it in lh. case. Ia iW iim.I.. ..f tr ! ib,. u.!ni.li.j.ti!i r.'ihi i!i 'offender to a 'CML'v'ictiou, and the commitment m t j,--- - -r-T: 'rUTiZi u;: , doubted. LVrtaiuiv the K anied rnuQ.iel for t periiionar Laid nut deiiicJ it. Ibe vonieiupt KMV be CoUCevWd Villi nullie palllclliar c.'itle. or it may ci'tisift in behavior, which ha. a teii denr) Ui obtrticl the administration of JnUcegen r!lr Wtieti ii i. tr.mnnitii Iji a iieiniinir caui' tbo prooee-mg to ,.u. it n. a ,.r.wi,ng by l.,.i ., ih. .nn.i,.! rWail Hit fc m w. t w. vj Iu -"- -t - r The record of a com ictioo for conu m;;t a. UHI 1IM I imin IHI' llllll..'l UUIIt'l 111 CII'lLIOIl wkm it w dv,m!ti:fr.l in. in.l!.-li..T,l f.,r paWjwrr i".w. tle ssws hli the tatse oait. ; The sHr.paprrs are teeming with prai. I advocates of Woniaa'a Kighu." Tlarir fire vsaw taken, fciaa, a prnott; win srtt-d of perjtrnf, of those riobfe ipirits men and'womeu phy-'. seems to Bars) overleaped the Atlantic, and lo ask.to dehve.'h.m fr..,n the p. ..itenuarjvou citians, nursca-rson. of all clan's i have found rich fuel t,r its propagation, sinonjr alio irig that '.;: oalli, on uich the perjury ts as- ... ... I ' sigii.l,.asUkeninacaueofwhlcblLeijurthad nJ conditions, who are devoting themselves to , the litrrati of - merry old England." wo jurisdiction f Would any Judge in the Com 'bis work of humanity and mercy. The Peters- ro..neaith iu-n to such a reason for treating burg Express, referring to Mia. Andrews, says : ... yt j,,,., funi,heJ .itb ,n Mnua cir. tbesettence an void t It, instead of .seaniit; . . . . ..., is:y, he refims to be sworn at all, aud be is : " Sl- L" Entung Antt, referring toj cular of the, ational Medical College, Waahing eonvK'ted not of perjury, but of contempt,, the 'be noble conduct of Misa Andreas, in devuting : ton, I. ('. Iu thirty fuurth annual session will same rule applies, and ,t!i a t. rce precisely 1 1. 1 1 . .uc iu iiuu-i.ur, , bweommille.la.rai.-irt a Court while it is en.iuir- . " - . . . . . ,. . , ., lubtrauon oi uieir tina teeiiBS. lor tueir soutu- me Uilo a niaJter i-:rond iw lurndicuon, and if T , , , iZ Ui wa, ,in lh case Uen the petitioner b"ltrin. nJ " Tribune pub bad a goci defence, and li bugtit It, have made Ub-a the paragraph with a satUfaction the more it en hu mal. T.. mtH it li. ro i ii. i,r.liie hearty, because the writer sneers at Vinrinia for . . . . . i rt bHor the wron tnbuual. Kvt-rr iutiirnuMit must be conclusive until re . - . . . ' L. . .L. -1 ... . . I Wtfxceof judgruents. If it be not conclude it is wot a 'udgmeat A court imi.t either have power to settle a given question tina'lv and for- aoosto preclude all further inquiry upon it or ease it ha-' no power to make any decision at all I say thai a court may determine a matter, and that another court may regard the same matter afterwards a. oi. u and undeter- amned, i au .Usurditv iu Urtns. h is icost especial'iy necessjiry that convic- tioaa for cootemt4 in our court should be final, waxlwaii l an d-fawa-nam-r iiuiaaMuw b - lif" er tii.rt ua iiatiraj curf. Ui. It the law cxui r ao, OOr judicial system would break lo pieces in a month. Courts tolaliv unconnected with .-ach other wouM -e coming in contrmt cilliioii. rau. . .... i i .11 .t. 1 .... irnns i-i .o (.njru, .ou.u IV Mil ue O'l isioii oflBe.,. placed over and above them. A partv unwilling to be Iriel in thi. court need owiy to dchV our auibontv, aiii if we -.inmit iitm, tae lhiI his balsas crpu U fore an aao usate Jisdge-of hat on clioo.i. and if that judge is of opinion that ae ought not lo try Juln, tere is an en-1 to the caae. CENTRAL AMERICA. San Juan del Nrb. A 1'ust : f.. Kinney baa ju ccniplet,-.! the purchase hr t"9rrrm, of aT! Mesin Sher.-r.i 'i and Ha le ri!, title asd inlerta in the lanja grante.1 to tbem. in 1-J. bv the late M uito King. Tbewe land embrace aboot thirty millions of acrn, lounded 03 the north by Great river : aotith ty a !:oe .-x'.etHiiiij,: west from King Hup p. near Ikica d'.i lofo; vieat bv liic Spanish Mountains, the .reiueirtot.ai limit between ilie Ind.an -J Am-.run rai?e, ar. 1 ha-in on the east a JeBfii of sa c-ast exVt.d!:.' ti.ree hun dred and tiv mii. The tr-t of .-oui.try tl.u Ifaciaited, Ml he uiundereil the n..! pdiict- ire of its eu-fit uionthe iriobe. Ev-rt laiMv of agricultural pr.Jduce belonin to ii,- t. nir- ataur torrid oe may be cuiuvatcd with auc- . vart-ated, heahhy plains the inteiior. thwide the st:ar.rat staples of grain and cattle, there is no !,m"t to the amount of -otf.- rocsaa, cochineal, indigo, cotton, aujiar and to Iwcco fitat may be ruio d on ita tmiung oil. feosewoodj n.ii'.-r'i, v, aid oth-r ntt!y oxi cover a large Iran , and tti n,;iK-ral a-a!'.h, in clndifig gold. .;v.-r, loja! and c.pj.-r. !;ii..,ti!i -ofttsn'HKa.tiotiaUe eai-terice, y.-t wjiu f,,r ihrir ihreiortrtie;.t Ly the '.j;.proa i;jg haid J w. This t.ujw.-e rr. ijiijf. eiiouii for a principality ia- U- u tr- l.a- d by L. -l. Kiu - xy adi-ou lo hi nttoiofi net rn bun-: drJ thouivsu-i in.ti. -r.-u eg an.l ncnir. !: tri.1 of Chu t.)". !,.. I. in n;tiir..l 1.1, thr northeast ahore of Uk- SVsrag'ia. lb- h;i r- made artaligements lit t!. entnbie.iiMi.iit ut onie III aii ':'. of i. a d !:i:i. i,. m,. for lhat ..ipv.h.jaj.Aria tabumit'i( te-tf?4"'- luebas UKl out to UiOulrlous an.J ei,l. ri rln, ...!....u..i. u ! ....... ,.f .1-.. . . .' 1 - There ca-. U 1.. .loul.t. judging fio .i LU for Cl-fper. ,..o, nrr aucius in I::.r -,i-, and Texas'of the uc...-, . n:-.r.;....im. .. .. j-,.,6ll.Ml-n ftitmuitf than thi. ?r'rf'ai"& . as well a'-' Abbott, w-m brought b.fore the Msyo r ' m Ps.norfr Williamson. w-.pi j .rtei.king oon the insolent mo- 0r j.j 1 HJ( nj at week, lua'ting verjr baillv, hia 'The Petersburg Intelligencer gives tho follow wpoly of the I r'j;; .oi.-i;riv. whu.li thus far b 3 1 has U,rn itaeif in hw wj . 'I hey u;ut eitiier I'ener.fng a a:."en appearance, as " if it j ing account of the manner in which W'illiainson 11m '.o t- rum or .tirr. n l. r : th. r n no aln-rna -. h-J come in or.lact with tome bard auUtaoce ; aod his coiifederate gaioeil posscaion of Col. live. Yv hi !.e. is h.-r. tbv.v will not dare to 1,,-r, il r.reav.led ita diatin'ruiahed owner from ' xx-i. .1 undertake another Ujii,l.ardinnt. a. just lli new jici. f.rf which tl.'-'0.'V: fr.wuait.g W .h4- tw-t V.,.! .t. (''. v, .,',.!, r , 1 1... I--.,. I... . hat-' ... ano act. fM.i;r-f. a:u.'-i- isv of ll..- - la in-in.- Am. !.. nr. g... "1.1 .;i:t:riirt! i-t :T .pie of I. '-. in. If!.- -i.---.:':!-g H.v . tie !.!..(. ,'. ....t'.ia.I. lue li-.M . 11. 1 v! !. . UMJ of I li' t.U . !ii ' ll M nv !:. I;. N. m !. 'in 1 1' 1 !. ij'i 1!! 1 v'n; !ri Air .r. '! h at- ri ftl!is In u, J; r.j KlMtW lii j:ir i Ml Vyi J jfk oil Ht'ta... l;i'-ffc..iU 1 '". t . 1 1,. - ! tl..- ... n- . d J -tir ..org. tt A .'.nd '.h li. t. . m t jii,1- .. '. : r . n. . a, i. laviLtiX, i.f ,1,1.:. j . a:, i u.m- j taper. . Ill-I i"li..Ili .Ull ixjj UUJ. UJ' thu S itfrt'iirt h.i hiM' (j.r hT n :ti fi A 1 bt.bitrji atuj.:.'. . r- i i t. iTj- - ai.-i l.i. pnti. arr imiM'iieM l. i ,-u Ui,- ;., t ,uu' ri-n w-iii iiuiif Utti m .' i ...I ii. tis.iitj w - iii Ttl.Att mnli j it -iilit ut ;. Jii a. lfGH'ft sjti tl.at 1 4 Lt J '111 !".: (.::. l.i i a.w,:it !i. !.. an i Ii, ,, K . v n-. ' inan i.tii at y.tt, t .iiiu. wiii u .- tii jJ i-f aiker m..; .;iing I .fic COSV-t. i ' r: ' a'. ' ..U. the i-apilol of C . l.glla. 1 he liber;.;-. V ".i ai aswd Walker; Wy r..ejn.i. .NiHwttbataiidu.tf their no;. I.e.v bas.lliueUfr.liin.il to .their t.i.-l ". '..i i a- !. V. nd l . arn.v sr. "i, 'l.e : :.. r :u k ot. 1 . in t pa't v in 45 Pa uiil-r K u i a. slr Ihf C'Jl;jf ;h- vice at Burst in Norfolk and Portatnoulh. Tber en tbrea female and matt, all of Ibara from Charleston. Three of them bad were? bad tbc yellow ferer, though aU of then bad btea in j lb Biidat of it ravagoa, acting a autwe. Some ' ' uf them, certaialv. nrobablv alL wereoin riirbt ... ,., , , .. , . " N 1,ka d-bing of .wordBo of artillery-no spirit stirring .train, omar- imi mK auunauM uieiu iu una mission- ut per- ,1. of privation, and of death ; and .hould they t 11 . e 1 r it. Tail, no lilOQUllieilfc ot urass ur Ul iiiMinv win full, no pivtiumeut of bran or of marUe will traunmt their uamea or tbvir deed, toother tiui. But th, v, and other., their .Moci.tr. in tbi. noble work, will lire in the heart, of the d ... i ...j i ...l. i r. ,, ' ..; f ,i auy iiiueriiiir, auu .Kriceu una w nnw iviivi ijyj uau iuc , auu in t iiivi u awu - o.u wnlleii in lieaen, will le ao bright as me lar beu the monuments uf conquerors andatati - men baH have psased to obi it ion. " For I wa an hungered, and ye gave me meat ; I waa thin- .... ... t v. and ye gave me driuk ; I was a stranger, ami ye lo..k me in ; naseu, ana ye c.otnea me, ' u-um Mux, unti yt rt$tlea m. v enuy. i vi , , . " unin r,Mi niiuniiun v ii' iinne il nnijione my- v, fc,v, done it UTltO me. licriill to Ibe an nj suCenng at .orMk and l orumoutu, takes occasion to eult over mis il- . I. .,.. . t . not iiaung manuwieii a proper aegree sym Patiiy fc ht 6ki fflicid children.-Now, thel Va f. : i s - .. i Sf ,!. h .aam.r rnm m at Lataatt sit t ( arl xr -infortunate in ciung the caaeof Mis. Andrew, n prouf of Northern disinterestedneMa, iuce lhat lady comes orignally from Louisiana, and still i more soioiu reference to Boston a. among the . cities which have contributed of their abundance i " 'he relief of the sufferer, when not one cent; has been forwarded, to our knowledge, from that ; opulent capital. Hut .uppc.ing.ll it. fact. ! ' be true, it is neier tne part of true cbaritv, to I boai-t of its erformsnces ; it vauntetli not itself j ' 0( pufleil up, and never say. to other, "look - .rTiii how mtirh -litter I mm than.fhott - - 1'irfon'o at Parit.e and Albert have tevu over to lake tea with Louis Nspoleon and i hu-tne. Jbe i.rers teem with lntenMinir ae- r II r count.. The Queens had on their best bib, and tiuk-ra ; and Louis and Albert perspired in re- gimentals. Loui had the impudence to kisn Vic on loth cheeks ; but, Albert should have. bin tlie ginr by this transai tin, by rw ipro - eating witb tugvnie, who is unquestionably tbe better looking. The peordn, gJ0.1, eaay souls, shouted " vjo.1 save tha (Joeen." and " vive l'E.nrrenr," until tby were hoarse, ud then went to their tayeii and ontsls. while the biit gluin with hollianta retired srithin the palacr. How times change ' This Louis who vmacks Victoria ii-gina ao lustily, a few short years ago, w. one of her ten guard, you may say, a much below her notiqe as any other in.ignifi cant xr creature, lit the Mine man tlit-n as now, with iLitt qual;6cativn, that be lias man to train powor aud place ioce, and of course ie ! now ua man ellou prof-er man A tj'rtrat vrli tLii f H'il. IltrM. Premier on the Louiteille Democrat. "IT ed:Wr of the llemocrat .ugtsU that we slick our heads, in lbe sand as lUe osincti doe. lU:,), oar ow native Sute lis. bortje in the! .nu.,u,.,u..!.. ...... L, tl,. ...... ..I. vice. Hi., bead not worth prou-ctm, and tutu hia late adventure amoog bw Irish tnetvls. Lows thaL.it i"n t lhr r arl of him most in bevti of protection." Prentice, of the loornaL has jot bis neiirlibor of the Ileiiiocrai in a tight place. The said I X- niocrat, while peaceably passing along the afreet in a buggy, with a friend, received several shots' from the window of an Irish house, aud one of! the .hots found lodgement in some un.i.eiitiona-' 1.1..- part of the ed.tor a U,Jv. Hut notwithatand ! ing thi. assault, he has been laboring inceana.it- ! Iv to pr.ve that the natnes were Jtogwtber to bl.ui.e-and Ihe jajor, barmlea Iri,b greatly out- 1 aged. Wl..-n investigations were being made, 0 e the editor k-I I Ilium, ..aud. fK-mWouiJh 1 ii.. 1... ! ... 1... ;. i.; nfid ilo iniurv t. his Irish allies. ISultiniurt tli - rar' - " He tated that he waa .tunned by his I .a , , - . , , I -"l:; '"".my, who . th W with Mr. Wheeler at cuff, aril th-n preonmle-l oa hi. piigriiaage. IJe ,.,,,. ;I liif,,r,. S. C, 125 in money, from Ir. .,!.' r..-.l...l..n l,w r.;!ri,n,.,. It. ' W. , fr jilt 'l wil bon U ain-Mirit'ng to llrj.liOO dman. which he hel.l i . guar- d..-.n f-,r J. ! y a. to ... . fold vvntrli trom S KVui. i. I: "Vt. r Jje r arreu.l and order.;.) .'j'J U.i.a. wLi-'h sere dijly ad0liiiUo:r.-'l ; arid H't more a. r.- Ui hare ly-eri given in Novi-inln-r A J. t'.'-r from ' Hicbmond, however,, induo-d the iiif'otd authorities to s-nd him thither, v, hern he w,:i In-tried for alealing 118,75 from J. M. P. I.'-, of King William. W0 fiom Wm.J i-t!.,and v!indrv iirtici. of jew.-iry from from- anotli. r per 'I he exni:natioii haa In-en posp.ic .1 until li.t- T'.V.l. 'llirb. ll i.".. d that wlnii ofFu'er Tvier luard of hi. r'.pi.i dent ' 1 J" o 'l.an Mi,ted x.-rninin.on to ll.e .. ri .-r.t out t.y Oov.-rr.rri.-r.t. to ; ii..-art of jr al srv wtop-J .'. -a;-!, omy. on con-.. I on that ot nf'.er ard. g j w i'.l.it. the i.ntnv ret ..J -I,.. tl.e a.. . vi.rtt tf y filu'i'i Hi- Krt--Vsti-t-r of '!. ii' !jn:a h;iftr h tX it.aU-. im tln-ir can .li'Jjit- for 'ul (11111.1;,:.', ('ii; thr l-t c-lt'i. iu th- S!ai.) I';tsi,n.t: jl!mriwti,.th' tivw i ho w now in j.ii t't r;aiir ' "'A Cavolina JJUatcljmaiu TUESDAY EYE2?IJfG, SEP. 18, 1855. A new Poal OOot baa bees eatablUbed at the head oY tb Valley in Caldwell County, to be called Patterson, and Jas. C. Ilarper appoint- ed I oil Master. . . . We. notice that the falioo fortune of the lHoke,ille Exprm have b,n re.u-it.ted, ..kI u henrt.fot(h U1)der ..II ' r . f T r-I t- 1:. I T- : . r i ,,.,.., j tlie Utt nambi r of ll,e Norlh hnluh t lew u an article on " the Smtcm of I urchuse i in the amiv." in which it is atatri that, in , .. ... .greatpr. f -e.Utb. Englh- atmy, - i .. j? ... '.i. . ,i .,- . vmcrrt rrcrttT ir iuin r aantmirf mry ? miyAf Aare purckarJ far Iht motuy paiJ for tkrir committiotu." n t(ie Mras numoel. occur, , rti,..le on the ' non-e,itcnce of women," being a cut at that , . . . f . , i , branch of the Enirluih Uw, which declares the! u j noo-eiisienco ot married women, the arti- I cle h iuterting Prtk "larl v to the le- ! gal profession, and gratifying, no doubt, to the , gin OB Mooday, the 22d of Oetolr, 1855 -n(1 nj . . . ,,. end on the 1st of March, 185. Xorfolk and Porlrmoutk. A paper for pri vate subscriptions, for the benefit of the afflicted J i j ... . ., . . . . . i auo. aesuiuie ot tne auove towns, now so lern - Wv ,lfwi kv Ya.ll.,- F..., -M a - - founJ "D0t uon W nesd.ylt, and a little upward, of two hundred . dollars raised. This funj m placed in the hands of Mr. C. F. Fih- p, of N Q h ing business Et, has kindly proposed to invest jt in flour, or other prov isions, (probably at Haw River,) and sc-nd i l forward fr and wetm for . " fr '''' "er other IUda to Portsmouth, This is a small amount, we admit ; but it is arra- ;ls - .l - ... .i;. r .i of distress, hate yet given thi. manifolation of sympathy. Il will aerve to alleviate the woe of at least a few of the manv sufferer, of those deio- , . . . , , , j U""a- " chanty to the needy a crumb i ". apoa the wsters. which, with the blcws- mg of Heaven, may result in more good than ' man can estimate. 1 --. y c OliATCiILS FOR KING'S MUl'NTvIN ! At a meeting of cilixena in Charlotte, J. W. ..borne. Esq, was invited to represent North -H- " ' "V""1 ','rln 1 Crol,M tho cekbration at King'. MounUin. tr. Hawks, teing a North Carolinian by birth, ha.1 been selected as our State orator 011 that f j occaaion ; hut previous engagement precluded I ' be possibility of his being present at the time j ppoint. d. We learn from the Shelby Intelli-j ; , . CoramiU rU.J,nJ hm. i written to Hon. Iaiii L. .Hain. lkrMul-nt. r(' the N. I. LDiftaitv, nlicitiije his prince a 1 (in matin ai tuw ticuinuuu. C a Urw UI II O w e Know of no . man, in ,1, range of our persona, uainunc.,! that would be better calculaU-d than E;. Oov. , , . m to throw tight upon the then:e ; ncjoe who would bettor explain to posterity the part - " Df UuggU of the pawl. Should both of the gentlemen above named accept, North Carolina u u.-. no mnva in f-..l liawriaris tKn nmnd ; of m , . ,. . .... . ioii.iu ou me oiuer. ! I'ASsMOI'.E WILLIAMSON'. ' ' Ve are rej.icJ lo learn that thia noUirioui! character, who haa been announced aa a eandi- date for the lucrative office of Canal Commi.- ...mer bv the Kre.,i!. rs, i, in a fair way to ...f-1 f..r ie pilni.hn....t due .0 hi, lawk. 'ou,r.ge. Itw k, in an able opinion d. livered by j . . ,f . , . , , . , . 1 " inma. ir has refused to arrant a writ of habeas - , - ( 1 . - j animal, and ia likely to remain so for some time ... , .. " e haae received from a gentleman of this " ' . . . " h 0 h rowdies, an ! account of the proceeding which 1. worthy of, iling puhliahed. This g. ntkmari aaya that at o.e o.o.ie ... 01 ......... .-, . .... 11 . ..... n. ' ll.. in .ll... nel ,.( l. ..... tit. k.W ..... - .... ... ..n. ". Wheeler waa ujio the upjr deck with hia aer vantn. a briber he bad gonst for the purjme of geiijng jjut of the crod beloar. All the .a seugerk (including alnut thirty . Southernera I ' wre tliarefurc separated from him, and could n n- d-r hnn no'a.ainiance. Williamaon saw how ll'iig ""I tl"! I'1" ,u l WTieeler na-j reiir.-u iin iii. negroes waa riHirii M:inni 1,1-- to him than nytlier part of the lnat. and Ult.-r calculated to facilitate the sixomph.li-oi'-nl of l.ia purpoet he made a sudden ru.h 'here, and In-fore tbe pasrigera lielow. knew what wan jro n on he ha.1 the slaves on terra jiriiui and w;m priceedin.g with tliem up the ntre.-t. llie lai, in tlie inan tilnn, lia.1 Lit I. I llf III III; III- sill IHII;, ll.wl It'll wharf, and wa prl'in or, her way,'.. th. thf. ;ti! cii!rritjfii''atnn wilh thsliorf; , out off. If Wheel, r and hi gr.Kn bad Ijei-n Ut,.n yijMt f the Eriglinh peerage. Also, ti,i Ihe attempt would not have Un made or, if; ,)uk(. ,)( Mall(:n(at,r ,,,1JH. fu MD, ,rJ tiU W .uke and Ear, of Man - , d"w,n.a they deaerved. by the .Sou'lhern'-r otl chestcr, iniouiit Mondeville, and Jiaron Mon-1 ' board, "who were, of coiirs, deeply incenaed , tagu, of Kimbolton. He died in his 40 th year, j wi.ei, they 'saw wh.twa. going on, without the'.Ja -early life Ire entererTthe ltritlali 4'aiy, anil ' r,ower to inuirfere. At sll evntn if the rav:al. . it-.. . . , . . , , 1. ... ., i , . ,, . -, atunnrl tbe rank of Commander, wljith h held 1..1 not taken the itnek advantage that they ... did of ill er.araliori of Wh .r frum hi. fellow '" '"" death. He waa at v'ariou. fiimw a Mem- passengers, the seentt would have bn a' very diitereiYt oiie from-isharrt'wsrv 'V WARE! OF fXTRSAL IMTBOVEXIEXTS. - T" Boar d ot Liliui JmprotcnienU held meeting at I) getutiv Oe, ia tliia City, oa Wepeada laU preaent, ia Exoelleocy Got.. Bragg, Prai'l tf ojiao,n& Hoai Calvin Grara and N, E. Cannady, V learn that tbem waa 1 q informalily ! tba certificate of the Coroiulauoneft 0 the Weatera North Carolina Railroad Company the certifi cate not being under the aeal, a. 'required by the charter, of tba Commfaaiooeia ; aiu oa thi. account the Board did not feel authorised to maae the State's luUctiplion of ail hundred thousand dolbtra. The Board will meet again, j ou J0(h rf by ,"nic time it i thought thi. omwtion can UsaupjilkJ and aa lue CauiicU of ?tate will meet at tne tame I ,lml tb ,ubKnPUo" b"e j n-J. ub P to 'PP" tb 'eiMit Slate Directors in the work. a. urovided a ! iu the charter. i. , ., , , . , iii factonly assured, by a certibcate under the Seal , , . , . .. . ., .. ., , of the Atlantic and ortn Corlina liailroad Com - , , . . . . . , pany, that tlie amount of stia;li required br the , . . . i i , charier to be taken by individuals, had been taken, subscribed on the part of the State Iwu- j . . , , I lhl,1, ll" U)ck rf C omPnT. mounting , . ,T T. ?T . i to about one million of dollars the said amount I to be railed by tba State Treasurer a. provided j the charter. The charter of thi. Road, sec ; lion 12, provides that the Directors to be ap pointed by the Board of Internal Improvements j shall not enter upou their duties aa members of ( I the Board of Directors, before tbo nest annual meeting of the stockholders after the subscrip tion made bv the Slate"; and as the next an nual meeting of the stockholders will not be held before July, 1856, the Board of Internal Im provement did 'Hot deem it expedient or neces sary to appoint the eight Slate Directors. JV. C Standard. We are in receipt of the last nuii)her, Ameri can Edition, of the North British l&efiew. We i l ' ; ll ,k. -..-: - a i 1- i ! ....i.i;.. ... k. v..i..m. r k. i .! .k. vi , .k. r x ! j r"" "v- """rc" Brilib Kxw MimrU, lUioburirfa, Xorth Utit - - - . ah l natanirulAa atiax.l ah. (..n I ..-1.- ana, siiai aawtsx. r , avatni rrir4 vuat bv i so, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, (monthly,) all or any of which can be obtained at the iA fica of the American Republisbers, L. Scott A Co. 54 tiuld street, corner Fulton, New York. Tha North British commence, in May, and the other Review, and Blackwood in July. TVrs. ttf Sakteripiiom. Any one Review or Blackwood, 3 a year. Blackwood and one leview or auy two Review., ?3. The four Review and Blackwood. 10. lour copies to one address, I'ostage (which should be paid tjuarterly in advance) on the four Reviews and Klackwood to any Post Office in the United Slates, only 80 cents a year. Namely : It cent, a year on each Review, and 24 cents a year on Itlackwood. Address, L. Scott A Co, Publishers, 54 Gold street, corner 1 niton, N. V. 0u TiiritaDir, the Fora Day of - toiik next, there will he a Celebration of the Battle of King 'a Mountain, on the spot wheng it was fought; in whit-b the Rtate "Virginia; sit, t-.a. X-tl.c-lh,. .. T.,.-.. ' ooito. Tclrgrmpked r lU Smmtk Cinltmtm: IMKKTAT KUM HAVANA. Nlw. Vobc. S-t 13. Tbe !It-raU Las a-Juc.- from Havana ttatit I that a m-w LarilT will almrtlv tro inL. ..fwaraf ittn rr pivjuUicai to th iuUrU of the I'm led i n . " " ft""" , . J .111 1 - ; - vr..s lr.i oy "I Spanish veatcla. MAINE ELECTION'. Aiot rra, .Sept, 13. Return from g98 townt show there ha been no election br'lh DeKile. snd that there u Urge Anli-Itepublican majority in the Legiala, ! ture. - WASHINGTON' ITEMS. W v n Se L avifisoToa, , -p Wr "T"" dissJIowed flene- Uck W " U .'V'"8 f AhUm bM W'D 'I" J Klm0'V ' .. ..... ... - . - UlAMAi. .A. VVAiJ4,W. . ... . . latlllvvt-i-rr-aai fwUrit 1 1 1 llie military of tile liiatnct. toiTether with ome visiting companie from Uallimorc, arei'n' to Ungrn by a round majority. The). celebrating the aniversary of tic Battle of North , Point to day, giving quite a holiday appearance I to our at roe U. YELLOW KEVEUON SHIl'ISOAKD. - N'aw Yoaii, Sept, II. llie .hip Chaa. Cxper, from Mobile, bound for Eornrw, n wrnrnuncrrd below, wilb the care ( " I lain tck wiin Uie.te.v;t, . ,.. - " ' - It in Slinounw-d from llie Post ("flice I leparlnient at Wanhington, that the mail, can- l.o, III I OIIII'llHII. e Willi W, U Oin:ij-.l OT IliatJC 1 ' . 1 . ... I ., 1 1... .... .... 1.1. . uj uw lire rJ"lll.lwl. or HM tiiuiu iw.inu.iioi, w.thiu th.; reach of pi tm.iis not authorized to handle them. The poatinanter must, therefore, while dineharging these, duties, excludi) from the room appropriatttd to Um use of hi. ofli all rsons except hia aiwinlanti regularly employed and .worn. Thi. law i. often violated by mj.1- ,,,,tl.r, ,d the .agent of the department are .i . .i . . ie.ttireu Iiroilliaiy lij Tritfin. Ill llie U.'liartmelll - mica.- that LL lo their not.ee. ' i W . i,i. , ' - , , VJ, i Denlh of I)t,n,jt.ke.l Afrmrn.-Ib-c.rnrl Mjinion tiarer, inrortn us or llie death, in lliat t r ... ..... - ntv, of V. ko u t.t Hereford. 'Ilobert Flemniim? " "la l it. I I' I I f lJeatix, in tbw prime of manbood, at bia ut w adviM by tbe medical geullemen. from deuce it, H i ton I rese nt. He waathWiuier lr of I arlianient, and always a noted rory.pol-rb Ui.a jjytjna-aiaf .pf BXrm Pty, I i , - - 1 Wa baa reoeired Xo. trof lhBrat ol aroi of til Banner poblnihed erery Saturday, in tba Iowa of &auort, Carteret Co, K. 0, litrphep P. Pool and J. Cameroa arttbc Editom. Tenna : 12. ftr man ia adranc. are favorably j in pressed by ita appear ance, and with the Editor much auooeaa, both pejcuniarUy and politically. The Ocean Banner" a beautiful title, would remiud u. of a weetlieart, if we were not ao old, and had not lot! our fondneae for the ro . r Jl. I ... ,i!hogliea.U,Uingadecreaeoffi2,J00 bll 'Hie igge-Uve of fool hree, boundl.- . ,7....:B. ., . IMMi h,u mantic, w .11 ik'ua; and "a bow on lite rolling deep. ; j 'e deem it our duty to oopy a aimple .tute- mfit of the circuin.tnce charactt-nied by the vernciou. cortv.ndenl of the Standard aa " n- ! ota," - mola" Ac. at Salem. j Mr. Riddick, (for protest against styling hrm ii...... ..) ..!.;, ... ,;. .1,1.. -...,1... . -..r..-. ion,) came to inaton, a. we learn, to procure ' . ' certificates to bolster up hi. blasted character, ! , , , , , , . . ,, I and took dinner there , but being noticed bv no I , , , ,. , , , , ' one, he soon felt iliagreably loneaome, and con cluded he would move bin quarters, and accord i intjrTy in the evening ,,,..- came down to Zerelv'a botrl in Sale.n. Tlie people of Waugbtown being anxious to make some demonstration in behalf of Col. l'ur year's re-election, procured the Salem ca.nnon which was carried to Waughtuwn by a compa ny of hoys, (tlitre, being but four voters in the crowd.) When they were done firing, they re turned with the cannon, and atopped in the mid dle of the street, in front of Zevely'a and But- uer's hotels, and gaie three checra for l'urycar. Discovering Riddick sitting in the porch, and not in his rciom, as is falsely charged, they man-1 ifested their indignation, not on account of bis I withdrawal from the K Vs, as is falsely charged but for his treacherj, and violation of faith and confidence, by groan, for liiddick the " ttaitor.'T tlie " IVnetljict Arnold," Ac They then pro ceeded on with the cannon, making no attempt, i " Mxly cl""-(f'l. to a-ault, or use .lolenee ! ur threats on Uiddick nor to 1 . . , .t . tl uvul liai. i iei snr mor man uuiner i od iiw 0)Puii iiiK1 I . rat .li.t I Iv 7dV.. v n nv (illi.v n . in k i. I 7 ' ' . ', , , 'a' tuto,Jf ,L AnJ leh"S ...iv an. ... ana. fin. ,.i..i, li ki i .n a.-li a "iv - a purpose, 1 a corrupt and wilful lals. noo.1. The next morning the aecond rfM,cu mob; ,,,1 e tUJ,kj fr,,m 1. k,, ,' occurred ai a tailor's .hop, Rid.lick w- le.v- u, buJr . . , . . - , , .duume 01 su or aevtfi nuudrid mile. . mil in Ins tuif"T. It was comprwed of only three ; 8 1 ! - persona, a young Souih Carolinian, anrf two of Mr. II11-W woikmcn, who tood in the d.ar Tkt Cr"l" Aero -11 N. w ,k pa I and rang a till bucket and a Cow b. II. . I"'r t.M" ,l,"t "M' UK' frum Ue,mj"1' 1 TIi-v used no abunive or threatiug Iangua -e, " '" H'e'graio cro is uf a very unfav.ara-' i-v.-rtrg.S I did they follow him, aa ia falsely charged. KXI'Li'SI'iN IX SAVANNAH. We learn from the Savaunah Hepnblican thai an awful expLaion of Gas occured in lb. basement story of a house ownrd by Mr. A lloiiaud, on Tliursilav night la.1, by which a.-re- ral i-pions, inmaU of the house received aevere injuries, fractures of limbs and bruises. It seems that Mr. Jas. L'amcls, uf the firm of Headman A Co, had been called in hi cxainin.- the iraa fixture in the ba-nii nt, nd to t..p a , , , . , . ,, leak in the pipe panning under the floor. Hav ing taken up a plank au! ascenalned lhat Ihe gas was escaping from a joint iu th pipe, he lighted a match for the purpose of soldering it anew, when the gas which had accumulated bc- I t .l . . .. I .. lwwn ",e "" l"' ' rxpn-ieo. Jarif'- uIf 10",. ovtr,lIim'rjff lM- u .. . ...... . i - -Wri', - aO Hilt.' II i WIC SIMit, wx, lllsTal lllf llMr .ide w.lU of the baaemen, , were forced from their places, and large ,!. , dnven half out of the celling and joists. The damage to the groceries a. e.t.,n.u d at ti.'XHJ, . .r.,1 I., tl,. ).,..... .1 I3W1 Tit. atir. .Tl... it..! I ,.. i fiploaion, presented a scene of the utmost eon fu,ion : furniture, goo.ia, shelve., planks, 4c, having leen lorn from their places and tumbled ; ' tvl'Tr direction. 1 Et li'lHKIt FU'M TEXAS. The election returns are unexpectedly favora ble to the American party. Although tlie Iem ocrats have re-elected Governor Pease, his ma jority is reduced in hitherto impregnable Texan to probably h-s than 3,0fr0. In seventy one . counties he h ail, llickson 3.42.1. with twenty-1 . - . , ' I nine strong American ciUiitie to hear from. I I .1 . i ... , In the Mine counties, Ir. Jowtra, tlie American iAndidafteWr-ntntferfKir, ha. 251 nil: I' - .. .,::; . ..: tftfltP Slifl ilUI PwCCtlllll U rCtTftrrii'li It flfsxl fxai- umn" " ena-wi r.taoi, imen- returD sum up as follows : j Kvans, 7 ,07 N i nard, i,3fll! . , 7 , '" With seven counties to hear from, w increased Evana' majority. It ia conceib d, ...... .. ....... , n..v."..j.u, wr I believe, that Crosby, (A,) hnar Fields, f I.,) for- 1 ri;mmiiioner of the Land Office. Thua. iL aUvlZ" 1 . - ' ' . rv:;g .1... . . . 1.. . . . j-.i.., ..mi. lii; vaiiieiieaua .laveiirriil ins l.l.-UI. ' i :......... "....,. ;....v ..r ii.. i 1 1 ,r; ... .... i , ,,. , , i . . OtlM nil'llili'l ..I 1 .l.rrM. ' nn. ll... Int.. I..... I'lwtetl their fiiivernor and one Congresnman. 1 The legislature ia yet in doubt. The Snate in probably I fem'jeratic, from the large number of !. .Vnalors who hold over. The House, may or may not counterbalance the Senate. 'In the whole, Texas has done nobly, especially as the! Order in that State is hardly twelve months old. . -j PrVow fever in Pitt Cuy.The Tarboro' Konif.. u. Ik. Ii-'u :.i -'--""'- . .... -..,"., - H - distant from Falkland, in Pitt conn- tv, is al. k with yellow fever. Ir. (Jarrett has - b"n in pra.--lice but a abort time About ti n " "'".l P1 U "if or I arlt. Hirrn tttipp nu vrent Tl . ..r.iy ........ J ' ' " " '"r the Trt mid. afflicted there. i"ea-rriraica-iw sush awrai teourgw, : to return. B however viaitw a few patients, "d on hi. return waa taken with the .lis,,.., - ' ' ' ' - "" Tba Kmperor of Austria ha. confer red u,d Prof. wor Morse the large- golden medal . , ' , . . for aria and atnence, in nmsiderstion of the v . ..... uabhi services rendered by him to acienee, by. is ween-rxtrn- ' y.dt ;...tl. ,i ...iar..',l i',aia.i. m. -'liyh. ra.-- i t LM STATISTICS J XKW OnLEAN'A t" ""KwOLSaftjt.t.: Tba annual statement f tba coiiw- swop, rtib- j li.bed UUy. Mbibto tU Mlowlng'aoa4Uj; TliS receipt, for thi year Us been J,l"l,0Of balea, being . dacsof a,OOTlW inat the prwrioua year. Tit tJports in it bava ben 1,474,000 balea, being sWereaa. of 11,700 balea against tha previous yr. Tim j whole crop baa been about 9,900,000 bales. The reveipta of sugar have been crop 01 i-yiaiii - The receijito of niolaxae. hare been 3 1 1,000 hlida. compared wilb the-cormponding period of last year. The. crop of 1-ouiiiana ia estimated at it. 000,000 gallons. The decrease in the receipts of flour is fully 10,000 bbls. compared .with the corresponding period of last year. The decrease inihe receipu yf corn ia 760,000 bitohek The im-masw in the receipt, of ork is 2,000 bhls. There has been an increase of 119,000 bajfi in tlie direct im portation of coff. at New Orleans, and the itoci iu market is 4,000 bsg The quotation for prime are I If a 12. The receipt uf duties at tha CutUim llouw for the vear have Iwn i,128,0)0, twing a de- creaw of 430,tHK compared with ttie previous year, lue exports nave been tos.ooi.uoo, ue iriK a ih-creasvs of 30,t)00. The number of , tea; J sels entered show su iacrease of 1, and tbedesr SUpes ahoW: .ki'.!aa of J8, . .. Tkt f!rttT7ion In (Kiasi. The accouuts from China for some months wl have justified the wlicf that the revolution waa at a sum!, and the insurgi nU have met wilhwrioua revert. The Overland Friend of China, of June , reoiied tiruul!ti the North Chins Herald, and copied from Uie VkiD ,Jlu,.,Ui J,,,, j April Uvl, of' , . .., r .. ... .i,.... I.r lU l.li ... .. - , i If . ti . situated iu tne prov loence ot iiopin. una pro vine t lituatrd soutlis.ykrly frwlsi" 'aukia at a dUunce of about .1ml nnhw. In the tm - an - ,M Ule illfurlI1,,lu f iht r,.rtw ... ... . I of t,v '"ur,,u " "nU- 'm llw ," aeucc tif snv aext.unt of their advaom unon the ..... ... capital. Me Uk ofw.slions ar, recorded in the oftVi.l ...sel.e, .1 i. natural to infer th ,,, . .... . , . tuiat ijuarter notninir ol luinorlance lia.1 m-curred. TK ,j w.-U 1,.., , .d .u , . tear .re usual, r very amair .nd fTif pTTcrw-not T-v ... , .. ., : . , . . . . , ' , arid Naiaj., and TTi" 'tnahs- w4- Jiwanllw - high, but Ihe account, hum hal 1'rus.ia, I om A mn frrJ MlltnM lmU) , rania, bilesia, Mecklenburg, and 1 1. .!U t u havi- ,.( jBai:v ,J t,., tbe luuxahaalt. A few at cauaij rnmie . it. inr nt live will give hardly before the party Uft, tlw Uuvernor aad Oeawrwl on.-h.lf tb- ... raife. The wheal has b.ri a."'11 returned from lort lkfltitcc, wber they inih iniuml by the rn.t thsl the entire ha. .rf it ia f.-sr.-.l. ahile the diseaae of fxtlatoes ha y'vn "' I?' extent thai llie w.ml n to be ex - -ct"l. The at.a k of wheat ia entirely ealiau-t ed. l ieler th.we rircumaUnc. prieea ia all the continental o,.A.-i. ,,!. ,he .Jt IU. hind. hv MHi.h-rahly .dv.iinl. At lUrlin, Sl..fto. ....I l'.J.u.n. c . u...l .1... k .1 1 , , , . , ba.J entirely w illidraw 11 from the luailo-t. ITS0M AUik.V. IloaroW, S. 8. 1U from the ('"ait of Africa, lo August Ii, . r,..l. AJvi,ffl), IWImrat tbattroulJe had bn.a out between lh Un . I ,1 1 1 liali and Mamimgo trilv. A Mrty of ifovern- 1 . " n.ent olhi ials ai-ii- tir-J uHn by the laiu-r, in consequence of !,nk the fioieruor of Surra rKanix,.., , f, , , bl ,n u,lrd 0 lix u w Maoi ,j M mto. Th. ivrm, w . i wuundl, and lw. .flU-ers sere killed and two w..uiiih.l. Forty of th native troops were kill ske.l f.- hu uaturahiaiion pajiers. " Me aatav e ! and aa many aouned. H.wlilitie. atill con- ,a' l!"'. 's it, J'f hotn.r wants" said Tina, wilb tinu. d, and the ,.in.v of the FreiH-h .mile-' an insinuating gnn, "an" me a foil blooded A mer ry from fioree having been obtained, an rx- ,r-n f rf-dition wa. to pro.-n-d from Itathursl lo eba.- " Vou don't mean to sa'y Ihafyow war not lise the enemy. born in Ir. land P . I " "o,n Ireland," replied Tim, "ur I waa. , , .,... s Hut thin, ver honor. I kem from Cork to New KF 1 be newa from the stflicted citiiw 1. worse , , . . , ,-.., (Irl. ana, ll .uiumcr,an Uvr lle Utiody miod- aud worse. 00 bunl m Norfolk on Tu-lay ' , , . ... : . . -or deaths in Port-mouth the same and pre- oiling day. They cannot get force sufficient to bury the dead, although m-raona am ni,.i.nil . Ion the atrect and roiain-llimf the nefrcsr by :, . force lo carry tlie .b-ad bIie. out of the CJtl ' ..0 in TK Xt this ler- rtl.l. rafas ni.rl 1 ,f.- V. a I . ; 110m out, lor me warn ot m.Unal. Acaseuf Vwllow fWr bfuke out m Soflblk 00 Monday, and ll . rested lbs most unparalled stampede. The. town waa nearly depopulated. Ts"The Bank of Wilminirlon haa Mmmtu-. ed orations, Jno. McKae, President -r Stephen Jewell, Cashier ; Win. L. Smith, T-ller. Tile . , 1, .1- , .. i.wtii i.an.inir iionae ia in i ..lie 1.1 1.11 ir.j... . , ' T , .'i.nu.,1 mo .. 1 ... K....u ...I 1.. ..... .1. - Iu. nr.. .-wuaw .it 1 jt- 11 of the Journal office, and deaign erecting a build- ing suiianii! tor tlieir purrjtnvw, 1 Tuiwlar is ilia- count day. We hsve seen one of the notea a fin il in very pretty. Know Nothing or anti Know Nothing, if the Hank ia hlieral in the matter of accommodation on ahall be aatiatied. Wilmingtim Herald. Arch Iliahop Hughe has taken an oath, of which this is a part : , " l, r, ;ir". s hiamalica and rebel, to our .aid ! """ t op') or h,ia alor.-aaid : auicira-.rs. I -,t , - , . . ' W , xl ... . , , , ', "h BOt imtmtetttitbe. her.Hi.ra. Amnnnan of ua i ar.) such, and nan.expHrl-nothing Icsa "than yf 1 ni-c-otion and war from him and hia aubordinaU-s. Who carrii a dark lantern ! , i "" iilifornia Corilerrniornrv. aneakinw .f new psH-r ju.t at.ro d, say, Sl only lark's ablh ty and character to be influential." i n. -- lUIl.ltMAl) ACCIKEN'T. lUnaisni H.i, Pa, Sepf.. I. The train bound West ran off il,.. i..L' K'lita'vT'ttni' "8 O0" fun an. injuring taru . rrSS,, wmrn, iMrv. $1VV 'SNtt&lfyf WtK&aWt KOStiUTH UX TUK KALI. OF fcVK.H01;Q. fa his last letter to llm New York TiineaK,,, sulb says that all alluwanc must be mada U tba Maggeratioii of corrriondenU ia tba Balua, when they till u that Sweaborgeiuta aosaorr. be tliinka, aud b is quit right, that tMlreas hI -still tba prate i ions to exist 1 ' 7" " Tba. chW Un porta ncs of tba adiMremt eonsisU in tba '(act, tiiat it k a new JiledgsTaf, protracted war. English publicists think this rent brings I hem a step nearer Inwards (be ui. I uinpnani conclusion of uts war. 1 am jaat of tne opinion, ano oeiieve uiai is casts tbem rsr th. r off, without an aalrquaui c hangs in ths puj. Icy of llie combined allies. Such acbierenieau) do not take away strength, neither do they am. terially atfl the political prronderanes of fLmt. sia ; they are jiut enough to irritate Kussia bs yuiid tha possibility of conciliation, Iiploa may .train erery nerva to sooth the savtaoiciu rtl.cl of such a blow, they may go so tar a ij reduce the cuiiditinn. of pesre, inatt ad uf rami,. lh price; the Ca will wot agrew to arrythiu he rsanot agree to any thing, .wubosit prestige of bis ower restored. It would Bust him hw throne aad his life. Ilia power Bust Ui brokra or be wiust ismjui.li. fcoib sseata as the rsu.trophe of Sweaborg admit of ao oUwr alternative." Tlte recent accident on tin Camden and A la boy Kailroad has affected tin Value of iu m. j titlrt Th(, MuA j Company baa sUd at 130, an I the bonds of 'H3 at ! J, being a da- dine of s)tt,-pwTtaBl3H3r),?Wer, and of 1 er cent on the Utter, This ia tha result of ap. jrrehsroitmtr Tbnt thrCompiny Mt W nalcted in heavy t'amage for personal Injuries, The al most unlimited coulrol that tile Company exer- cis over every body and everything in New Jtf. , s y. however, rrn.hr il doiiUtful wbetlier jwrin be found to do justice lio tha premisea. ' A tfrarrosu firm. Il ia staled, says tba H.ton"PtVat, that a dry goods film ia that city ' diid.d fi.e thousand dollars ailMMIA tha rLvrta i ft l. : 1 f. . . - c. . j m nuuw, innjj im nintNii( oi prouis arcrwusg ! Iu. thai moiitb oer and abovs lb per re tap , abicb the firm has fixed aa a limit uf what they , w,h to male ! LE1TER FRtiM NEW MEXIOJ. The ("aula F mail, bringing iolelligeao I August I, arrived at ludttdeBw, Mo, oa lb .'id. Tlie Independeacw Meaaeogvr sat . ; lb WJ l nbundano. f mm ll "J Kf-d pUs. which a t,- ru.itU up, ,n troublesomr for tram, to fas 1 .1 l " in o'nuei.ce of atari ily of both, bava wow as muih as is r.-uuir.d. Only (wo or three la- ,,,.M sw. M th, r,MU). . $rm Meaitas, Itrdnm .Isaturtiaiitea bar measiarewUy csaaswL nd all uf the bostila Uibt saasut tiawinaat to 'TrXZZ. l. ma.1, with the M.W I" - cooaereoo. ur - oxg -laiS. " wlib-b r.cl(iMl in a inny l.l llaalff fbH .............. l.... l.....l ,k.. ' lata-iy t'a4. M. iUe has ffnmt to Fort lgwoa. snd Mr. Tlioanpwio tak-w Mclaaar' piau. at tan L yK"' A g.a.i iiiwy per-, ar auon to Uav f'" m"wn ",Hm m vo1- " . . my, I -u. lU.wiiiBu ami Vliittleaary, and J. i. rl.ls with their families, and I nr. IWyn. Hie u w f..rl of .V,ioi. and- liuolbsv, un taw S.i.u K" road at Wft.uul Ova a, wa pfwtly wU .a-lv-anid to coinpUu.rti; wh-n finiahed tbey hope lo on up a trade with the surrouadiag lawimo awl prrpare.1 fo furnuJi any ia want ' sitfi proamoiH .ml aid a they jnsjraey actwaa the plmi.a, and atiitfd paraware aorkiag parliaa a 1 are ii.no. iu kill budalu. Ihe laity lhat Wit 'hi. ,.(, r.ntl ou a ir.,ld hunur..- c.iwd.lK ""I I" J " A"' d Ivthe'. raii. h. and mad 'lu'1'' auoceWiil g4me hujlt, Sbd teastesloa bw- , . , ,. , . talo lo then hearl a colitruL i ' A ' ,W,J .W.a.-T.m Mulloway, . jI; L.,klll) Ufi w,, u ,t ,lw C1 How. the other dar.fcr a ")milectsw a. an Anisrtvan ritisew. II. waa e.i niiMK. -! run inir mils im.v v.r in..h em in.-, an' su. ked out every drop of me Irish blood, good luck to eni'anuow I'm a full blooded Amwr- nan. ... .... 1 here wa sotn plnlushj a well a fuw, ! i ., , -T 'f" v - . ' IUII( fttf u mm -.. ., tVooJ flour, Although ao indifferent jadgw, yet we are sustained by oilier, mora buathar with Flour than ouraelf, in the declaralioa that tha Flour from tb mill, of Win. U. IJolt, Estj,, of Lexington, is fully ripwl, if not supcripT, ia al ' rcint to the very beat article from the ortt), .. . ... ... ... - " "o motive for writing a puff, forjwia quality, and put up in unexceptionable package. Sons jwrv.na laugh at the idea of neat barrels wr hsncirig the price of the Flour, and we bar beet) lwitt.il on various occanion by fricn.la up tb river for our remarks some time ago on tun sub ject ; but we atill hold lo our opinion that tba additional expense in preparing neat lasrreUawd otherwise improving llie appparano of lb ar ticle iu market, will b found to be economy the end. The Yankee understand It ; tbey ! that it pays. . '" ' Wo 'bat by mean of our railroad iv Irron rneiiU, m a year r si. thai our Iowa wil - .hipment al-b- a' the rich auppli.ra .rf Flour and oilier produo i-tern tuotiea.-M'.7. Wsf. ! 'Michael Angelo must havelnven a wicked w.,' not overburdened with the spirit of the true faith, It ia said that when he wa tcJ4 that U bad i one of his pamtiiig given loo florid . . . . .. . . i k. aw. inesHin to tne Atasile l eier anu l au., j plied that he lui. not porlrayl them a llT apjiean d on earth, but as they were likely w ; built- In heaven, where they blushed for ' ih Hw of their sijinwaors. Xtfllie conlrilMitiuns alrnaTly mad thivjugwr 'mfjuhjujijrr. for the ruiieiiat-.Xurfi.lk an4 - portMfiouth exceed llOe.tKrO. &'S'lS;j 4 asJrS