. ' .r-.-- v- (i 4 fc -niji"-"' ' "' i i f A .:..:..' ', ... . .-'.. . i) .' . ... "; '. , '111 "'sS 1 - - ' ' .7 ; r NUMBER XXX aol. xii.-i: s kinks. SAUSI5UUY, N. C DECEMBKIJ 18, 1H55. -;f':rit:K-rwufctofc . -t-v - ' - - I'aloa of Sirra It oat aad Likiu. A Infc nnmLor nf ti.c nni O't 'f- . i n ,, , , . ru7y tic aW JaCftOdiCUi T-ti!- Uoawjau t.iiuicli in t.nj;!ii4i lia an article! on th eiUMlitbiit and j.pwjw f!vLa -be n.a v. !. feoffor. w.-k-n ami the Kcpnbfic of Liberia, in which irft-r- f'rk-. if. rfM-ivry an-f imnmn, cnce i iude t "m-.v. B.Ki now iak -,,r-v ;--"!. c...u-:l.i.':l ;!; , .. . . ' i t ii ?rt! s-v! J-rl"i- fttt piu !-uru l!H- ""' "'I ' I f r 1 j!- r,a 1.1. . , U-IIvtc U .Wi,,c ! Iiib Meriilntt to iv ii. ivrra Li.i.e. , U miiei..rtir Lr ac!. va: fv.uli." umJ allow it lo firm a jtut I j'.HTia." llii woald j:irt- Liberia a wa p"a-t f more than Minn liiitidrfl m ;!.. Tin : viewer favour. t!ic j i"jci t,ainj i..h:.j t - ariolirt miniiik ti tin Ij.mriiiini.t ... t treat Intaiiil..iili! acmie to tl.e r. ijiuii result of the name j.'r.'t f I .:;;..!, i.. , toward the Afi.ca: iaev, !-i. li. :i . .r birlli iu a inural lit-i-a.-snity, a:i i by Uit Kiuu n -i. t.i tl.e uuw t:n-al tutl-j and It i,v V ?-. mit.f With tl.C sill- I ".What nu-ie ii;ilu,; t!mi. C f tI,C U.I IMjl'l-IH iii'Uii i pr.ni..uuci.-o by iii- littli in Titers is forei', hi i'VT. in :l " A .!H'W"H ',i fm I.c : our hattdi., lias ti. v,'. Lul In in i iu aita vi ,t ' in , ami tvcii u.ui bv t!m iiii.-iiita'diin..- '1 . V -..i li..- ' '.!... Lll".tt!l Ci'li-t.Hir. t..-- c.Mite a ,'nrt.i of r-uT;v tri-ntTi t"TN ..!iii-i r T i reor. Hie f.! i -i'.-l l-.r! bmii i.f ?ii.n .i J-i-iH- ; Kaiii. tu I.iU ri : a:.d ti,u. . j ...... -i in., ti!. ti.ni l fl e j;r:tlul n. .! Witliit-.-f.t. r!t oj . i- 'n'iw od, nutl .r.v; i;. Yll H n ft ill i:rs M'.d li'l-e M-ri c at .tie- ;.- It, r..t,i. at. . I W'v hold it te that the it !. ! . far fr aii mtpr. V i'I I Ji:'!e bal ! '' union f. ritn-d. f r ! ren tin of. I- vl r , aiti'i. ihler. v -i.ei L,. ... ; 'w'-cTTT t. l . a'l . . tliMt fiai 'fH-;ii tl ..' grave MKe r A" 'I sl'.-ii'', s..t ! r.a v ! pri.le f j ; -'a-. : .v-,- . In r so L.tig tu 1 1 :.Li.. 1 .ii.. ' Soli) of 1ms LtU'l.au iei.i. '. a.i im r BCV.ih tit dei".t 111 tM!au4:h:!. tLt r .i 1, would l e well eari-l f t. a: j not be thar.-d with ' . . it'npo-ed truit. ?ie i.l-t i-. 'Tail i-r 'fcv tftf riff- mi'iijw L Slid the vioui.i Ui oiil.-..-Iir nte inaleiy imvp gn-at intlneo.-.. in f ri a I) conticfl-. n (he 'r : . -r -' She m ould continue !. r. .-. '. . a', e5t that tiow at'i-r-iu l I -1 ti Inerce will, the lit .1 1 11 1 wille ut the stti iific. I.'.. no m . led to make "!-c woi-M. :i of a heavy r"-p.ii,-TTio"t y v. '"': ilimiiiutii'll of her i....il,.e a: . 1 tages, and Sitlt .but a ery p.irtinl -;T- tittr of her artnal aitth-'iiity t seem likely that l."!.i': ! w I! tate under sm h 1 tcun. .. And jet, while o..t :...! 1 rival list already j; mi ! 'in public rratttS it. atid s!itit .f of her g'Ml tiad '' j r- ' a'.'v . to these ihc cession ..f ;:ti m.j-. r:.. t " itoiy -w hTle Kttg'aml is. in trut , i.e ly Jabonng to Mxtutc f" htr-tfti. gr ing coimiirrce of lain T a mr .n CfiiiM'tit boit!e to rvi'B rer..ji-ie tin ihdvj"idi:(f ff tins ibitr !' pt:: !:c. Mint lu-ri.uit'Lt.'.tir tia! N'stvl i'e'!.)?...) aewxtn i pronos;n" cotuiut it tal !."' ttus which the puvatv b.M.ct i.l. ik Its. We rof,Vfcq r4t rtn 'v : r.-t. HC'l staf. siiKlt.-h .-S.i:- ac '; Vle! UH.J- : ' h.. !,; I.lj! r'a '..-.- . : :. willing to main in f rig .1 .u i. l j- .. . ' . , .... Hani power in ti e n alter ol .;i... :uu. find cotili.lc her mteiost t.. tin ' I 1 ;t- States gov rrtitm iit t" a i l ite tej-r . t.ta ite. It tlia n.;t set iu f ttlug 1 1 a 1 out should Uiiis pi JiXuall ue,l . tl" i.i 1 aitT-.rMg, espi Tiuliy wb: that ibi'd her belwvolont entei priw ronif laiio In her hand the precitin 't of c-i,.t:. t eial adviiit:ije. Tlie arltclv befme (, als.. rvl' r t- il.e advaiilagfS Kn-ilaiid is r-eMViti-. i, I uiti yrt uifirc al.iin.Luit I r. ...m- t. t-i ing sleaui navi;.i!i. i lib J it : .... i ..' rolnioiiniealioii, tlie r u ei sa ; already causing t sj.riiig up bet.'. -. t , tw. coutilries a d'tisi !eia' le tra.''i..,' I he adiU : o 1 n." nvab v '"f A'toi-rie i t9rt X 't--nr. . to bo .m iked lor, and ibero is a lit. n. : ; tuns ginii.oii tLiaat tin-stal lisJi a.'r:-f .! hllfuili Is duti-t froi'ii t'ltfs.its-skc t . M .'i roVia, at short intervals. 1 lur American f,-Lj..tt ;ii;.... l..t ,t.. .......n taut 1-ra.la. tvl.ii-l. tl.jTw f.... ill, it.. l'.. " 1 .., 'tiv; iltojjei.er into t!,e hantlsjof tho KiojitsA Jttif'i-apitrTl'Kuttit is tlie Cr3- way .'T.ii f r trad.-. They wil lU,Ve to f'lP.J ctl' l.?4!T,'r'n so ',tli.-k. ws?i! a tin-.-- I e. that PresidVf.t V. ?. laMv funded at i.i inf i !i the t.t et :?v -m ciSi.f lav ftT it-a-. ii.g Ind'.ii. 11.- m'Tf'f lli ritat- r.v r- Utt.rf-r krla. l i t l.u. ' .'. 1 An t.'.t a '(. . a.t.,.,! , . ! i..v . ii a fi .emily -pit: he catn-u.-d. t!. nf th -n--ir. ' . r,i.i. an.! .-!l"r:T ,) , if t- , f I.; , :..-.a j..,; ,;.va; J: t,,,jjj;,,r i.a- i (.rent li.i. n. ! k .. .rv..il ivi-v.uii- iu takir. z tk'.4 v. 1 1 j . W ll'r !i Off ii' tj. 1 1 ,. f -; r. r - 1;.- !:.-..-r T v.. . ,nr-. tt I' .t al. .ri;'!'..?! I :.. n.n f. I'fiaft. an.l . '.t. .1 f A- -'it -A. tr.v',1 'l ,.4. V V I. .' m ; 1 .: ;a.. t .:;.c 1' wo a.'ir 1 .1 rt. tl o , r - .1 .i.r : IVtt. M . t .1 ti . 11. at 1 e. :--.;oe"i 1 . A i.kc ... li . : ..'v. bad i'"t . n r-tr . ! t . a- ,.r-gs ' a? ! a-f '-r -j.-.d , f-ud. W'r I.-.I if-l .i.trrrijrrff ... t..w ot' ci-uit-. i m r i tua,i- Ii.jui ti.nr pc it . hit u . tt r ovi r n p.'ck. '' (; .. w:. ei.il j luau li.t t.-bt iiataied. af i- ,"i a t-i - snutu M.Ui s SH- S!-1. S- 1 ..i.::rr re 1 e :.a: la-t tl.cy L t- nj ; - -li.. ea'. .iati-.. 1 . t 'i e i.f .. . ' ' .. j - w a- a! -. at - -e to W i.O . o if a:; p - I .-.tu i in r n .a .'ig 1 e s:-..i ..p a. i.tj ..' r.. '.; s. t ak I IOC to .e ..ft!,, i ;.. ii a r- i tad. itt j 1 1 , 1 ... 1 W if att.i wer.l..llt i.ni4t!igM Let, tiuai.t ! ,.v sut .i-v-h -I it I. erov. ing a left kind .! mat, frttm t .-LV ar ff a few .i-iys T- ! - -. ' " ' itrt o f-.'.in . .- , .......... t ,r.'...Hi ! riee kej.t li r ". a ': . ti' r 'v t.-n hand i m t, . , .. , n -.'-. i.. v ..jL .sir'..: tl.e s'U' : s'.-r-trg V-n;. ,...:'' Ih.'s .n . - .at '- to.itiv loitnit-i no n o -it ate ... i 1 earL.j'-.rip'i- ''.-i g' t b l....... ii ..t'r.t - J 1 I ' ' 1 ' i " I..! tf.oi b ,t-T 'Tr : i , o I.. th .nt Uotl, and tha tli.it was :h." ri ..... -I.. i!...i ..r.. -ilih' i. kctniin -uch - i,..in:.-ii!,. I. tt Landed slue-eis. -.. t. .,..-,'. 1 ,1. .1..'. . t.. a .'r.-t ut 1i.-5l.t1.ee y, a,.tii .ln ' iiiirsbiyadih of toe tnai... s't t..0i .i Tltf ?Tarftif!of (fce Wrid. TIip uso of narcof ics i mmnipn to all liati'.ri. aocf.rliii; N PriifiiuiKr J--iiiii-tiin le arcoivi!i,i' Pari- " "! . a:i ! t!iat wlntlu r the 1" o ruile. In t!ie pMcd Mil t!ii e ilan'f -r-ina ninnilant are resorted -tl'TjJTt T.iTIm ly . than ,n the Lot,, of the ' "'' ii'-ian, or the j-wan t-r the rwl Indian, r v P o inoricar t! o Fi-'i'i the Fronrh iouiiJ ileuwlj piautcU acres. . t:,.. EnmKan, nerai?; nWnarrotic h Tl.e t-wt and annual product of thes , , , i i. i -.i tf c s hape ,.f tuWhe Turks tl,e (In-! .mrsenes may U reckoned with some tie- trr-itntltUflittdaneref-rHpJoy mHr:grecr4" aerrary, by taking as the basis ian, or tt.p vu-wan i.r the red Infl an. .mer;ea.s. t!;e Eii'dis!. the Freneh nhiVthe IVr-ian. the Afrieani, and the I,!:a!li of lrar! ,he extract of n.e Ea-ft rn Arehirielai.'o has itila ' ' 1 1 Tit , . . . the P..tyneans ava ; and; wr,r:,a,!a.tlIetli,.m.ap,.!e. Illeo.' . tnnl rieri. l oa-t::; tin' hi-!,et culture of1' f.ffy " to seveitty-Cvc per cent of this t' i- - !-. are a innrh ad-1'nttd to riar- 'amount. Tt would of course be greatly (.". - i:r.!. t:-rrd av;i-. and are often ci-ritrollfd by tl.e kind of trees rai.-ed, the :":i'.?r ff c-x " cf-s in t i--ir u.. !!e- pri'portiuu of ornamentals. Arc, but still iMw iix ii" a -lavp (.. lii sp 'tit.'f mor by the judgment, energy, and skill r,..p,.t. than the ni.t d i"-add ixereitsed by the manager, for under the Larf aran !!t tafto..,. his fnrr or eats his direeti"!i of son,,-, the ct execods the , r,( .. i. p i i-sfima'od that t"bfeo i profit., and the bnsitiees conaejueiitiy , i l e..., , ) i.. oT' t :.i'i In .1 million of' n rmiin to an eud. : : . ; in by f :.r l.nnlr.-d million-: p.ut it is not our present object t pnr ' ; :' ' ; ' -i" i.i.iidr! niiili -ns : sue tlti iicuiry, but to give to our read- , y ;, : v.::.-.; tmi:. a:.-! c ta J i r the results of a few hours personal ii ti lim-iif. ib-crvation of one of the estahlishinents 1 : al men. m au ai - la t ..i i. i i.oria! ani M nr.il. r ii.uiivi ti.al .;:i. it.-, si.oul i iueiit and it-Tv .-Ui ii kmS- "! narc-Ttn--. -rTsi:mp'r,n'e a."aaliV ..ccupie.I with their i.nrserie. ti:it t t'Tv ,t s.-iii-tu.:.g iH-ffie merv'"n.e are not all in one cutiruoii piece -t n-iiai tai lu ali ii:. m the s:atikiJj uf .4" "uniwl, Wl aretJMiitirUed iot four prih- .(men., t.ic c . e nri ofnittcni; or tup 111 , , ... ,.' . , , ta.ii. 11 : liati-ii.-si ii, 1 rot. -w.r Joi.n- -on. 1:1 ii. t ut!! tit w ., " 'liie C'iii...- .jk . ., . , , , . .H. ! Human J.ile, eii iam in hat - tlilrlntll' c a ''-" f - rt-i.oy U-sM-n t lej.i!,. uk Li! mar, e riio.sry i.e 'ratue. A writer -! I .a tt ,t...tmi w..i 1 -1.1. el- mmier. . " - 7- , t r .1 ..n.l ta..i.u-u: l,i u i.t Law :l.. v thi i;r.-i- He sy tlntt jjty thing !iich i n. Ui o men s -pu .:ua. essence. I t it . a. 0 it. i , or t:. ::.ore t-erilous narcotics. 'etei ;.. -t .rent . av and Witaiej. V ,1. deaiii oc iir-, f...r example, ail vi .11 (..vicr ihut the ..w!v. and l.u n :h i iit-i. .o.i t- ices (..liie ii-to iiiit.vtraiiied j.i.iV . rtti-j ciis . '!iptt.:i ur.i. i:t,ineii:ate .1. i-.uVi.oi. Lie .MKiv js Iti li.;, llV.il'il, tnv l'..rev. h..). !iie ciiemi.-al ones i ie k. Ineir ii.Suei.ee .iecrea-iiig aa di- et. I 11:. it: to-'H ii..teV( : pit UMI I -Vi'l i.,rea,.!.g aoiiew t.g..r, u-, ;f-t;ipartei ;.. t..e . '.'-ej i 11 h'. 'ei..; ,1 ,e oinji i mei,t el : u-. taii li ir me ot l.itiu, iii- . . ttr 'v rti'.tr .i llilt' 1 v ar.-:.-t er.n. .' lt-r a:i e .-'..: s. ,1. i Jit t!.e t te 1. c is. , 1 vet .-I i n -in.piet i.iirc4.cs. ! .:..! ti ..i, Lie : n 1 iu-ai'h; !"r thoiigii I;i; uter si'. uUiattotl ot tie lltTVi ill rr. si t ie aU ol tissue lot a tiiiile, as "tt as'dt'e ecltei,.c"t is.past. the waste S-es njwe rat I til v than ever. Titc s ns- i .f t -xitai.Ktti.il. which always f.4-ht- tae 1 XC. sf.te use ol !i.in..!i.-s, if tiau.i-e's uir::itt to tiie otfeli'ier. il. '. rC re. .11 t.ers-sts "i I tints wbtt-b re ..:!.. I i titn .-riit.i't- a.s Ltit.tli. and t otie ..tit.t, iort 11 Lis dat . he catling .-..in pl.iii- tiLr.-,t iie has t.ad.no tiota-e. Noi let tttit ii.ati, win.. Ill old or t-vvti niiihlieaite. sl'nti.-! in, .tower, e.,,.- i tl w-.-biiiiii irL touer.om- .as iialdual yf,l ,- . t! e . .... ." i.i v, ii.iuii ii.i:i- . . ... I ' .'. -:-.i:m. r !.. ti 1 1 .. . tl...: It known what i: is it. ...n- t:it is liem-'lecil, we know a!-o i-MlCS 1 1.. ri, thev sh. uhl ! Used and how. Piere is no lotiit.-r. then-lttre. any "sem - - tor -heir .'mol vmcr.t at improper time, !,e .risreat.ti.les. TlieVa, atrf f .tv l.-l -v bbr-lfwiih ava..r.i.rehr -' '.-tb.,! .It.dmanhas,, i.v-,-e f..r ,o,a:...g the vxam,U. wlih .... .-, n . . II , iW i. . i . a i-! o ii .1 .. '" SL, twmitl. Ki '. Kr'. 'i. .lid t l.te v. t.r :. Ik-ate litt-l s in the sweet t.t- I V. -s.-f I'.YVatl Coinedoti't ' p., is ,., ;,1 weather trvin to v:..s'l otftLv Let Y ' 'Xdii .P.istral.o. for rt I ik. T - tut I h' '..it I 'fMI mil. U.t II. M-rnt ..I 11, '! u ; , j . :i. ..;.. .1.-.. A wrtt.-r i'i tbebif.k of fa-hions sy, !.. re t n 1 tnueli ' in .'ctit letficii s rant... ,.t tliolltlt. "" A :! i.i'1 became attached to a vet y lad, w.-n,aii, h'i 1 11 1 i . 1 . 1 some i.siy s;n.i mai ' L :il fi".Kaii ! e with her ,1 V' v.ll (hill that fnlbi' in - Ltyp ! . '"M "' oi.-.,e..-r( it 1 IHr' te, 'im f fhrlimt Cmilirtttr. Tnf Largest ftnr.-ry la w ona . .u . a HUT It haabeen tome rear, since ltoclioa- Xf hM ! q" "' pnp8 '"America. From only a few acroe in extent, aa they existed fifteen or turen-! . e wars gince, the nDrseries within ten , .' , ot " " jtUtiswid densely jiianteU acres. . of calcnlation, the estimates of several hi- ; telt-nt ..nrrvmen of that i-lar-e.-that i ir. mang?d acre would yield an an , m . . .Il annual ayera-o from two to three hnn-. dred dullari-U.e xx,enses varyh,? from ... 1 . :..t. 1 .... .. 11 , ,.l..t no... ..If tl nf of Kliwanger ami iiarrv, who now Lave ah .lit ficn iiii'. .! trtvtttt, Po nrrcx rrprtf diMrhtd portions, of tift-v-tw--ium- ' . ... ", .1 Ire. I acres each, lying near cacli otlier. j l'.,r el'etitand iH-rfectioii combined, there ! . 1 t is none in America that nearly approach- " . - ,i'l!t-;a""'!lmellV " wt :)U.!i auie 10 asccriam iroin saii-iaei"r ; sources, that there is any in Kurope al- ., . .. -ii. t nitii. 1 llitrt n.ftv nosHit.lr m-eatfr nmiL of hnrols pmnlove'.l itt some Kn-i1,1" roiK-ar. nurseries, where labor is cheap!,. - 1 arnl economy siumeu. n-....,, ... . ,. 1 p.,,..,. i,.t ,,,i, i.ii Miin.i anu i.aiij im.. 01 i.piii.u m ploy at the time of our vioit, over one t-ired hands. Iu the spring, they have!)rinv a,j ;u UM, theu, mixed with f.-od t v. . r tLr. e l.tiTidn d. lieing iu the mid-t j f .r anv length of time, even although in of the bud.iii'.g sea-'ii, they Lad sixteen 1 mall .;,iantit;e may produce- death. A active '...td.L-rs at work, with Ih.vs to tie;'""!' '.f al '" wMl'r" " , , .. . , . " . same !en"th . t tune, iI h-r not nroihico the alter them. anl other hands to precede. . ni ' . . 1 .1 1 amc effect. I he poison acts as .1 local t'.a iii in preparing ilic ib..ci.i.. These-, I iTFitantT exciting violent intetinai eon- a hied to such as were occupied iu pr.- ..estion nnd intlaiimtion ; it likewise in- v:j;, t;ie ',Uts, and in removing the li- i4.url.i, anif,,mte, t- ab-mt iJiv in all e..ii!iec!ed with this department of ope ratutiis. lite buds are all cut t.y tlie pr.. ; '"Ttrlrifjws rhrmsetyr;.Tind prrTr'nurns rak-"' .... , , .....,,., ., ,., t1im 1 - 1 . 1 r ' ' ' . imt thk'nianmwith eahlistimewt--alfout -.i.,- t,-i tl.rt.ic .ut l.inl j nm .'ficiirtm! laily : and eight persons are required iti "tu i .n w ith the p - r 'is aves 1 Lo cuts the I from them or. i , i iul-. t.. remove the tl.e sp..L Tiiev einphiy twenty lite horses. Iu- rtn., a, tin. nflrlv fii-t nf tli.i tnaenn tl.Ai i, . . ... were a I reomred 111 cultivating the rows 1 , t ir at present only e.gnteen are needed for litis purp.o. ' . - W'e observed h,.,;.- n'.lh. of thirty or Kin v 1 (.- avu. vui ' nv uiii nii.ui . , , . , . alone would be reganled as large lor an ei.tirtMiursery. A l.iiH.k ol ninety tboti- snn l it't'.oot'i cnerry trees, one vear trom lLo bud. was esiiex -iiiJ.lv nuticutl lor its . U..11. ...... . . . ..i i . j .1 a i,.,... t...:.. 7 .'"'f v'r " 7, . . T .r r i - i . fl,re.fwt l'Vl" .il...... tl.A t....f j ,, ....m, j ...nr. -'.; .- . i. .-vt-n sm i - - . , ed. - A halt acre of setdmg J-ars, had as. '.Lie a growth as any we Lave ever seen, altfu-u ;u,ey nuiuoereo ai ieai one kinu ! .1 ... . ..1.1... ... -o ion. They ill ust "Te worth" af Tiuirkef j ir - w? - " - - - i.iiiiiiiiit,JlitliC&w.i. : wtfcW two LiwJiL'a.xU...vtJlhjil-Wkll. thev real.'r care little or , :!, ., 'Two hundred thonajid were picktsl out alins-Louse, Le refused to st- pand see the'!,vo!,;! tt 7":7ieTv"'itYt,,e f'- U.emtarly itLmincx..wiiImBtv;LM.Uhef .hI.- .-iH.lo ditniiiuti..n of their numbers.-.e result. ,.,..,..1.,...,. tht m. A luarly as we could estimate there j ; .ut.y :r-. Wo ,.. rm, ;Lc -ere at lea-t two hundred .ou-a,,l A or- v,l ,.vcrt;lk,;, ,,y a st.-rm. V:.,. Slav.-ty tattn.f Ma-t!;l; .t . , ... i f c tr feet or more in height, an. c.iVe'ring tnativ acres. ., . .... . . ineir ornamental tieparnneni is on a . very hire scale. Tliev have Jive bun tlre.1 feet in length of glass propagating Looses sevh acres in roses and a!out Lu't ere densely, planted with lah TK-v Lave a very rare collection '' the.eeIr:iteJ new California tree, the II . iiiytV.V' j,ijiint ii, being no less than five' theusiind tine young plant of this titi'. nr.. w ti from seed collected iu I'ai fornia, and which were pr.icured by gath- . ----' I er:t'g such as the s.piirrels lmd thrown, Wm. pit i;ni.-.. on S-t .i .:M : n tb.wu in their depretfatittn. Ayearago. This n.dei i..G'iiUtid.oiiisJ, iti it;- LttetT these plants soid for a guinea ach at the Iltit.ei I. iiimi!tee retiising to leetm tvtdv a dollar now, hero was a space of on s-l.tvery, because ,.utl, en, men useie twetitv feet . j n arc w ith -a valuable farm, invited sins: In their'-griipe "houses, they Lave pvi r ten tl.oiisa',.1 exotic-grapes el lii.e gn.wtk kM-.aki,. Their xoUerlitm uf bca;niig clmen iHtar tKe i uneiinnHed .1: tllis ,1, , ,. . .. 1 '.eountry-tLev have t,ve to six tlioiwaml. - t 1 t wliuli are ii.iti.isoine trai.vie i p - . - t - . . ,ut f.U itfre, t'OHt.e, itmif, 1 a I .., ' In such an immciiAe eittalrlibiiiontt our readers will naturally suppose there mnt I i . ,i I f ,.,,f0;-... mrA mnuli I ,)flJ ,.,0,u!l ami bad cultivation. But tl.c 1 r- reverse u true iu a striking degree. An jTli, ar , exCeIlent 8jfein apeara to jxjrvade the: inches from the pjiiit whole: and ax manv have remarked, they j extremity of the tail, 'are remarkably suceegsful in all they no-1 I ,,,rtko. fro,,, the most delicate hot-house - , . f1 ,! i plantMo their vast plantations oflarge and j ,th 7 frilit . , thero .Menif to be a sort of niaic in a their attempt j " . e ra , r" . . ' . . ., ,! jplants.to their vast plantationsot large ana ri ..... "'"" , ,. , - . ebony, and the eyes of a briirht velWw The of. thls rerkbl8. g,acces,8Uh,r". The leRS are lare ami feat4,ered 1 in on - a( .T tl.n if.iiiiaitni: f.ir nrflrv nilPMhrtn i . r.i . j . ' i;n''v;uniuiv'liiiniin.fi..v - ii''i'. o ....,.,. i...... - " . 1 " . ' o.ili i l, ,n in' 4.11 1 iui i ii it ir mill ii ii 1 1 i :li 1 1 lit- lage, A weed is a great rnrity on their grounds. The cost f conducting this. establish ment must of course be yf-. grejit ul thoiiL'h we have u dt linite iufurinutioti n the subject, we should judge from thCi estimates mentioned in an early part of i this article, that they must amount t. lift v thoutffd ... dlars nnnun!lv". TL lieir ! I a'.es may Le est i united from the same ! .elel.ratn.l traveller ol.servcs ,t aa-tsg! r. data. reinemU-riliZ that none are More!'11 disioay even to a (trcenland winter. succej.sf.il, and that probably no nursery is better managed for ecnniary pucces". "Tliete are several otlior nurcrku at Ii. .theote, of large rp; which we. were to v: :t - arn ing vr. !.;c!i t!ine ot If. I! llo..U.r .V l r..t C... itr.-i S. Mo-ilsori. arc widclv ceb-brilted. each I have bvcii iuforuied. , , C- a hundred acre or more, ' . , lirtnt A J'rim. M. Kfvnel, of ,. ' ' . . , . , . eterinnt v hcliool lit A vort, r ranee, r thp A n n i- Suit 1 u-.I st rut-t H rti u rut iti . mnnieated to tlic-Im,rial Aeademy WfjThere ifre very few Art-tic nav.Vators wl.. Medicine in .Mav la"t, tlie re-Hits 01 m: vestigationsiijM.n the j.iioti-pr.fjwrtifs iicoiilrc l bv the brim1. afrr-r a cnnrrerT- ''t n'r "' ' wh;cli pork oth ... ..,,..., I il I...,.,, c.lt.wl a. .,;..L!,..l 4 1. ...1. .1 ,.,,f.i .; ;,,,..,u- in! - L I UlUI t VI HI. ' '.-"II "- ' " led in considerable obscuritv its txi-i enee 1s clearlv demonstnited. The pois ono;i yiroverties are aojnired in two or H,r.y mont'is after t!,e tircnnration rf the crease the secretion of the skin and kid- nf-.v' nTrf1 f1ir( Ct cnc" "P""."1' nervous system, giving rise to trembling. o.i "t" seii-atioii, cotivul-.ii.ns, tVc. J-.x- IK,rmt,..wero tried with it. in tho vcte- 'm,.,. ctir-it KT."h'osViS'"-.t.vw-a-n'rt-rtrffs-- ...- As brine is sometimes used a second time iur pitiliug. and .tojLolI'JiXI'.HI??.' these tacts should he remetiuiered. Uutti'U Ti .'.' ilc'r. THE UNGIiATKFl'L SoX. The follow ing incident was related last 'year by the Kev. 11. Weisor: 1 "The eve that mocketh at his father. the ravens t.t the vallev shall duck it ' .. i,., ' lo"t.' Proy.xxx.li. J his is a terrible j ju,,,;,,,, agaiiift ingratitude to pa I rents, ami even to the present day is some- times virtually fullilled. c ... I..: I. .1 ...1... 1 oomc 1 1 a; s ao .in 11 isu i:i-iiiieii uu no - i 1 lVV;i - H(l A-lUiiblVC CL-'ilLl4.lL.l.L'l ' x.'il UIi; j.'MA.'' ,;. w,,rki ,vns r(.,i,.rt.j t poverty by the pr..liaey and dishonour ot tin impute- i . tin son. 1 ho old man lost nts wile, ami nmi to a to his calamitv. Lis health tailed.! .. i . .:n i : . i- .... .... 1... t... . I.; aii'i io mi ins en oi , no t-t "liilit. Thus pour, ftrioudicsa, blind, an lijht. Thus pour, , Kasake.l, he found I, in n-t- tt tu i t ,. I- r-! 1 : . . . t T . 1 .. - . . o eoiint e .-i ins-luitie. I .-litis vvatun. .-. ., - While an inmate of this rcttige- for the afflicted, his wicked and nngratetnl son tr.iei.l rti, f i-if tt-tv hl e:S f!ltortne(l OT . ... ; '.,.. ,MT tu-irible rld.ts-but mercivfor a:t I . o-ttts- (t.M-P s. s illtfc....- It-!' uwwi jm. wished to see him ; and ;yithongh he pass- and tool, a severe c, hi. t.iai ivsiino.i in the (L'structioti of his ivts. lie. lav at (iettvsbiiii; in a critical situation uuti , , , -' ,i ... , i 1 ,i. .... in, . his tu litis were exhausted, and those w no had him in charge to. k hnn to the V rank Ln county liliii.- in :'.-. -. The vet v day Le w is .br.niu'ht in. Lis father, Iiax'it.L' die! the day be!'. -re. wa carried ottt. lit', was put in ttie -sme i . iH'cupied the same beti. and in a si.-.n time t'olit.wetl Itis la'.-let te-l initl In Li,'i hearted t'hrist. father to the jti-lgmelit se.tt ot' It is il tl'jltful t-hl!lg t.t. I i'.te !,.. L "I d. ' nod,.; -s'a'-.i, v ,'tt itit 'Vi-lj'i w 3 ii'-' ,-':t ' tlie lawless. itilKnii. the '.l rul U: Ate nsoti tfiill tli-sieraie tleinaoiie an.i - ts ' .t 1 : .. :. .. ,. ,1 - o, .11 n't .lan.'i iu i.iniit, ..,t-yt.i .,,.. . ,;.,,;, tl'l? U ick.-u.ir.l and tly.v U,--,,,- .se-'-at.4t tat s-ln-oen's-s outov, lie; rv ' , ni 'tister in human f Ta:iitsJ. M: 'Mil, A Bare Bird Cuptorrd. ; s A Mftvlick (KcntuckO crrosioriil-i.t ?nn,,'".T9 th C8I,t'?rf of ni,.! tirPHiiuiui enowT nwici iititr me ts tiiii;' . ineasure. thirtr-six ot the bill to ti e Htands twelltv-ix jncliw , and from tip to tip of win-s i, fi.Te.f ";. T1'e pl0'n",f the breast ana nitler tiie eovt-rts ol Uie the breast anu uiiier Ujc coverts ut tJ.e wh)gs and thih, as wIlite a8 tli(; 4r;v. e" Bnow,jtnf silky as tl.e rvgnotV to downy crest. The head, back, win's and I" tail arc white, handsomely manned with spots ef a dusky Jaue. - The beak is of au1'" wings and thilf as ,vlli,t. m tll(. ,riv. A 1. t rv.- 1 ,. . r .. -fto vi - iwui jjue. - m'j ,sui txix It) IUV Kfjf iVt'l, HIIU U1U HI C ttl lUCM . .i t . -i.ii.i t, i h Liu ii ill i' j.iunj .iano. Aiijrii"nivi.i ,.t i. . ,,,,;v, f ,l. most ,.,-tl,,m J,r n in nt. but is onlv an Tea- i . sioiial visitant to (lie model repultlic. lie braves the coldeM winter, even on the ba- ren ground, htrj fnun nnv shelftT that might be denVciffriin tfip woorls. I;. such situati.iis Im' erclis 011 hitfh rock- and stones, watching for his prev. his .1 1 1 "i . t f- 1.;....m. .., wpn gf,",,,.,) ; ,ie pjient dei.thof mid- ni.'ht. br-aks the L'cnernl uniise with a . . : . . . . . in.rri'i var:aTi..n. nriu 1-so dismal that a . . . .. . .... ....... . 1.. . Kxrrtisf in Ihr flpea iir. lem Jlarti-telie's expedition t" the I'o- lar ht-n. we extract the fallowing : has nmilined mn to breathe an at- uiosplieie l-'J degrees above zero, or C' below it, a difference of ISO deirree,"" wTfhonTffijrv , , , ' ..f physiciidis that great and sudden ; changes of temperature are injurious to health is disproved by recorded facts. lie 111 the Arctic zone ; it is theinosti aea : ! 1 1 y e i in 1 ate. ''le ! he ti v be m 1 lio-.. . y, Jjo rcutiic tin iiii-h mi: it e have anione our assoeia'c observers one w ho observes 1 ll-r 1H pe. eonuining the Mp , , , j : km from irrn. t.nktr to me. An lone Unn mr and records the changes of temperature !,m(1 fro, hnn mlnie. dted at Monterey, ia Mrs :u Au.tral.a, where the teiiieratare PoscMicr., I tliink in fptembHr, lr47. He audi to 115 at o o"eh.ek, I'. II., arid next morn- jdiff.-r l- "t the eotrtuaw sUt letter; aad I ing at o was down to' 40 degreesa 1 wouU1 fi"J dj Tboma. I. ir-ks , 1 . p am svini me a R.-Kt copy of it, ana pt up tin change . .f . o degrees in fourteen hours ; OM(,ilm i-k . yr Aid- it. there the people are healthy and anoth- 1 am still stay ing t the N'mioaal Hotel, wbers er at Franconia. iN. II. .j where the 1 huve a tfl psrl. and Us r.m, for wba.li, 1 ,1 1 1 , land mt lw.l, 1 iay lliirt doll.tni per week. changes lire the mot sudden, the most ... .,- ' p I I he Lritidi Minister occupm Mom near bids, lre.jUent, and ot the greatest extent ot ,j 1 Vester.Jy diinJ with lam. Us has bis any place with which I am in eorrespon- wifti with him, 11 niece of the 1 Hike of Welling deuce on the American Continent; and plin hut wssihle pertKSi, ... , . .. . , I have dined willi.Uia FrenleM, twit OetllXtl yet there is no town of its size that has UU ..u 1. ioUtou, so great a proportion of its inhabitants ! neeount of a had cold. Tlies people are all or w ho pass the a-'e of three score vears and i 'I i'h me. but nothing more. Krom every body ten. It is the Ualitv of the changed air "f tl' T.1 T"M" ki"d t"lio Thnt ttttts! . ! ti tes-rtt.FTtrticTrnce that pfrprf' - ,n"s "notice, and not the tenfper'ature'.' The AlxJitinn War Begun. The vir-i ;in soil of Kansas is stained with the bl.Kd : of its citizens. Tlie Abolition fanatics ; and vaga'.tonds, w ho have been sent out . hv societies of cDtinized traitors against tfic Inion, have at last committed the 1 .... overt act, and a civil war is begun Without tiUtteFwtg- iitt the abstract tjuessj tion. whether it is right or wrong f.u ' ... . 111 1 "I white men to .oe black men. we have only now to lAok at the simple fact, that 1 "1 V t l I'V I'I'"' .fl V itili" 1'i.f their L - r i j The Missounans are t; ri v ; and in this thev have as much - i . . .i . ... V , ' ' .'. . v n i. Ill ti i 'i:lltil J if lirnliw-t n in . tf t i.i K . .. ral Government as it tuey w ere lig'hting -. . .... 'or.tlie purses in then- jkets. the Uorse. Ill T I IP iTl 1 t'ti OP 1 lis tittil -111. I I Ht.i nil. .11 i- it 1 ..... ... . . . . .HI ni.r u ...i ,11 f u. ,.l in. . ion. t... j " ....v .... .... Al..Iiti.ntt are Idusterins and murder- . . . . . i . . 1r,,, ., not in St .t-detetiei n.t to jr..tec . - - . . abftraeti-tn of thuibtfu! eouitv. a':-l A WesVrn- publisher Ltt.lv jjn-, ttee tha' !., Itit. t nr. .1.-: ia'S t.-r V' head" tor o'' h.s sui. 1,.. n. it,- : the ,,l -ic tr i -t "a isv is j.,.:iiT. 1 he ti . .bv-i dr. "ed ':. " 1' .n't .tj tt. Hotter and Luv it "tte-w l,CrM-i. !' ,-.(. t-l'-. e.ii r. It'' l-'icy. Mi', ill We iOw ther. kt t u ' L 1 os.;mss,it women. .J ,.(.i,;, ., . She jfrobably niOai'.f to ia 1 lienor f ,r we I v tor ;. .pc m tue cies mI ji.cti !."know- t) .,. i I. .1.1. t'l Wo ari..wf rtspeet a lt..i:i ... stat. N i t:, d. ''. o l I.'- t.r, i..v.t. '!;.'.: t ,:nti.is ii....iy t'.is.ne.s our -s-vtti-a-t tt - , are net .'teo.i against i:,e .ViMttt..n.is. Alul we Lope t..ev will gel .ueii a .i"st J .f piiis from tl.e muzzle of Federal ion.. j k.'!, as w ... s. e...-f ! at .r Ant; .avert and ' li.i'..: ,.i ' . . 1 ' . t..e i ;.. i . ! t . . .V I', I , -..'. : .V I.OTEIW OF IIEXKY CLAV. An mo rmtitij ,limi Jim bvn compiled frot tlx; t nnl- (orrpoTuifncn of Hcnrv (1a. b ;lu ,r.Jr. m4 pHUhW by A.. m 1 orn. ii e puuiin inrw or lour or '"ii-r. ti show what Mr. Clay was doing "'(? - . Mr. Chu ok lie Tuulur Cabinet. CLAT h - " "'-io, Jiareu o, isou. jy jar s .j twkful to uU lur litv mloruiaUou yuu liar, from tuna lime, i nniiniinKatvd to mi itunuc tlia Mauoa A LViiArrewL While, on tJieotW iuod ysa Ii.. luiiiid mn an iimltiiti -- ' t - -r--- -rrw,'! WA" ' 1 "TS1" proweouu aiwiy trom ta. ""tf I. 1 !, all-r ntitHiiitj; tulj-t of glmrery eootia- ,i ;.. i. i i ... ."f 10 "J 10 I" lmort Z T... X." fT ll ir1"? win uiiuiuftMTiv Ik' niiiisTmiuv a iiiaiai i,..0 ,,r lOW crarl. My r.-Uihis to iiie Rstxafne r ml fwt ruM. V ,rj littia iBlrrcoune of any kin.J. I..-Ua.I of uv flf(ition Ut oblige Di, I fvl that a coi.tr.rvji)iporHioa bat kwasotn. hum inii;f.u.i.' la iii asc of a Mnlml far ..in -.tr. f..,.. ..( vi.. ........1 .j 1..1. ! s oiw, uniw.l t'mm tl.e first in rmd. '"tf ,Ir' i,lt'-1'i. To uliera U tlwm (mik'tug 'I' lu','n." u,! -Vcr.'Ury of the lntcrwr tltat t in v tti.ni.i - , , , 7 - ..v,m.i .J :tn IKiinillU'il. anj in r.fiMiin.tii u - LJll MLMIi.l IKJ kUKUMtl ttlUl M . M HrtkJtM i, ,v .N n;it... lt tUi M u , w ui U Emm. j -1 liv,.- riti. r brkr twit sucb u adaaiaiatfk. i tiv.n. liir.. i v. r: lu(l ev-ofratijt or cut U.irreri tli two ud of tint Menu. Tbera 1 iiot. I Itrlii-rf, b pruiiiitieiit v bif ia ilbr ILaiw fUm lnu. uny otnlid.ratial interoour. milk Unil-.xe4.ulAr. Mr. N?tu, II Stul, bail i Hit ! I. ,'!.... .1. I.. ..: la . rltLMtUm u uTh -tU i,e r. fia ,4 l,nost ail ntra for bim. ''' coatiuu lo aa accuniinc la sav cssv -1 i.lmm -nt-qmy, MO-nporMiiig mmm ma ttus tuc rnuj. lit. Slid opiKMiutr j c.tuUw jwti on y, Mil I "HMl. iinttuliitc twi on your aiiuoiauoeat m 1M of tlte rvf ,m;r, UL CLAV. Hit. CLVAT to nts win. Wa.iuxutox. Due. 28. j... itt J Wife j-Hw i buudl. of pupm in u,v otnc on utrv tnelovtl in raalebuara t - - yTv'Totc tu" JOTi iT: I-.-' : (jell. Toihir'u death Vr. Clilf'l RrlatiuKl with ..... . ....Mr, wTiortiorr. . .. . ,, . MR. CLAT TO UKS. TH0i II. CLAT. WiauiNUTos, July 13, 1850. M, I ...... l.rv . l t..ltt, u u.un.l.l. -.1 Mn,.'!,BUJ, pf U-ungton, anj party ar. mow here, and will to-day Kilnesa lite funeral ceieno. "it of General Taylor, about ltich the wbols Jt. T!f ib , I'll leii 1 nomas tlntl 1 lliiak tlie event wuica has happened will favor to the comproniu bilk 1 can nol wU yon, my dear Mary, ltuwsnxiom 1 'n to heme with jour dear mother, aiy i!e and ail of you. IL Ci-tV. w ms mll Pmladelpliia. Aug. 6, 1840. ' j My ..ear Thomas : I am here oa my (if to Ne rl, lor LkIi place I proceed to-morrow. i ""I r"uh,,t drii,tr Ot. uigbt. ..,,'. 1 rviMO iir uuer 01 uit zoiii umma, am. i i i . i . . . - . .i ' a-u.w.Muwa u.yoar.nroseia'io.iM.r a nmi rr o jpahI. n.. . ,. i. i-h t 1 ' .T.T. 'ZJZZl iiR'nun iuu luuuurmiah - iu uiv ainvi in iui. . . . . ! ' .. . . ..,'' Mr. e riLUn.hu 1 aeuuiecsxsl. Mr. K. aaketl I .... I .. 1 . I . ,i 1'.. .t .. .1 . in,- uow 1 si UWI . 1 IANU unit IUJU itte W11M uc of i.i'imaey between ut that onee existed, n- longer prevailed ; but ibal wo were oa tern e i . 1 adiled thai, il lie lliooght of ro- .i.K'tt.j I.ott- -ttt-itia Htbtttl. l-itttputl-tbal ao iishi-tri' .-tt no relai!ii! Uj liiiu.ttoulJ form tr ant .v!-:a. ' ... ' , l't. tr,ee .., Leiin-tom my -i.be. . . . 1 .,, .,at. . fnaly pretaiL ' ' 't mvih' r- 1 1 a. v my Dtii.tti and wrenu. .. it-. io Alt trt .in, the l-lill.lri-ll. LKITKllS tK I1KNKV CLAY. IVTKKLsllMi POLITICAL It K I !t IM.'B C. The ttiiunu ctni,ih. and publiabed by CaJ- int. v'...,. tohtiinui the pntate corrvmpoaJoea ""th.. II nI i, ry l lay, contain many letter ,a :ei ho. .-.on.; oliararter. The following re vs, to the i on.tti.ttion of lien. Taylor (or tb l'r.sti-l. ti v : I- '"- i'i ft, a '7.1 wo nf LimiswilU. , AhUtf; June 28; 181s;" - ih : r ' ... r, -ti : I rivoite.l your fmoT adTertinj !. . t it i 1. .-..rt. m etretii alitiu in res peel lo UM, ' - o i Ij the np.roat lont J 'reaidenlial . . m l re. . u. ti ng' luftsmutUon ia relatioa l:.f.';i..tj t...i as linioiig my utauaclieet, '1. -st. !, ! M,t faithful friends, I hall cer 1 '. 1 lo.-ii r r i,.- gr, :tt.-t, ebligntinnj to you, and -I, i'IU h'wv.s l.sppy when I can rommamt tour. ; i).l'ttt,..ti, isr .lo atiything sgree'ahle to 't.,u li lt I .liV'iii.l not lie entitletl io rour-ea-teeiu it" 1 '" I i tttiliiiue to m-t, as I have ever en.l ni.ii .-.1 to U' ...vernej, aetstrtluig to my lottu iii.tse Hiuious ct.irviciiont of thiiy". ' far I . rsoiiaily eoiteernetj, I nub in it.. I ;.. ill.- ,l.fio,.ii of the late National v. 111. 0,1 t. riii':i,lt:l.hi Il has rvnevvtl DJ , lifiti imiiiiii -iiM'.'tiv.' iri,. M.iivMv.if 1 Lad bteft' ' jiiiu t.t.luji auiu gtxaL u.xtl iou cat. atttX- 9inittaitne)itA,-iifi 11 ml Mj a