iiil'-'.-r. . . - - i. ......... .... .4 ; ,., . . . ..... ........ IT- " - i . Jl I . - pmotfH to priitifs, Ufios, grifBllnrr, Jittrrital Jmpromrnb; Caamrrrr trr rts til' 9dMnf 'Bmlitf, itl tr 'fflrily.- telt. VO f J xi I. X K VV SERIES. " SALISBURY," N. 0., DECEMBER 2571855. NUMBER XXXI j, j. mi heRi miim u rrri'" x. L...;,. - - ;Pix.w,.r .win. , c ,, .,, ' McCardle went dawn to the crave, danntd Jvr Jlu,,Ur-J. u- nwlu fifteen Jt.r ,j,,ce rolled fort AnUfUt. r ' aw ay, tut) it in virion Providence turns A inWreeting murder trial took pW von up, and bring, yoq within the juris w Islington, 31 Wr UuL i''" W'K) n'aJM,'V " TIm eeM.Mi wm iiMn namil Joliu J. " ' Jom. rwiy.ll.we ear. f ae. IK- r"0"" "'f 'Kf",,!need 10 ,h bad boen a aol.Iier nn.lcr n. J-kmm, , icutiarj 6r Ule. and wa with the old hero in .ereml of, mvVT IV VIM! VIW fai campalSn aRUiiut the Indium. Jt.- I,r- i" "'r i wjm chawed with" murdering If.-mii.. AV. 1 Franklin ha. iw.n.fwhere aid that he- JfeCardle, a neighbor, some fifteen year ago. He mafe LU et ao an.I Was imt heard w until a short tune before ln ar- ,H,( f King that those who were to which was attached long claws, of i Almobt every injury, perhaps every ret Capita! pimi.him nt having been "diligent in bWtiess " should stand irj J wonderful jlish and sharpness. one upon record, from the accidental dis- abuliIicd in Ia, the jH-iw.i.er was sen-! the reence of prini-en. It ja well known j The details of the .'capture of this fero-J charge of the percussion gun, is attribnta toncod to hard labor in tli peuitei.tkry j " w",J'',a" wl!ne "e j,'! ci,,U!, nlive u ,,,e fort ,re tUa narr' b,e to t!' violution o( this important rule, during the remainder vt' iu Itle. "alTS'j'a career as a poor boye livd To ! SimiiKins : j growing in most instances out of waut of Jwues, through his attorney, ishrti ask- MU bidtored Auiiaseador at the Court ' He was armed with a double-barrelled 'consideration of its great danger. This ed if he Lad aujlLing to ay vthy eu- of the prouiTirmmiarrh in ehristeiidoin. iit-gun, one of the barrels of which was danger H ill at ouce he appararcut to any lett should nut b prvuouucvd, u!jiL ...... ted the lullowiiu t:itemeiit : e - M U plf il f-''U. tWrf ; """ I atn an TOTlnun: frf.Wf-i-rg fo rtie MVVTH, fnHts of' Mveitiv-ihrtv m lcr Uiutf i(U llwy uave ii' i wiiiii-aeu my fainilv and bomo a 'ride hassle. trsM, aad a plant ami tumble; fa.ay-but they were ...y U. lh de- -i nau a the sauciitV f tUeolio r lwo .until ollt a lovtlv daiigliU-r au-l a ukfj wite. . c'o- n returning to th.it home ie the dnv 1 - ' " e certaiitv brow, have nhkle.l my tcv, hihI doll- ""i.i, niTarwt.iy pn-re fallacious nen ,r,e ,,e mk-nce of the forest, ami soon is sufficient to explode It. When the ham ed usy heart wilfi uianv sorrow.. M.nr riidiy exnmined. .irrali, the great wW , ,,jt. all,w.erin? voice of tlie nier is on the cap, if it be drawn hack to- liii m t-heoiiertiil lilV And nou lri-li orator, was sai'l to have hail cl- , . , ,. I , has Uen a t ne-pn rvo in. .Aim "'".--,, , ,,. "ilir. Mr. ftmamiis quickened his step! w.fr( hilt eo-k. but not far enough to heu about to be separated frm im U I 'p"ncoiialic lorn , hut, on the contrary . . 1 , , , , , , " , I mratlitul version Jf the he liiui left it on record thnt lie 1..k the : " lhc direction of the sounds, expecting -catch at half cock, and then allowed to V" m " at x hediaisiau r r?r; tk Held, imv riHe .nil in hand. 1 know to several secretaries at one, and always eluded to try the etfeet f a Uwd of shot Hot why I wen L I had n tiled design, tiring out every body alniit him. ' in its body, at all events. Siinullaneous- II Ttict iue "with t t-lub -I shot tinii. " luliesc rvirt man ah4evd disliuct'iuu y tlie rertif the giin, whiehr And though I claim not to hae ueU-d in ul.v by their diligence iu business or ;erlH.raIrj fKr allj wi0 thM.igh tlie aelf.defe..cu,Id..a. Hthattl.erowa-..,.. if Dos, a. uoi.e can deny wa. tl game, which lUaVl COIII I'!. II ftl ) ( It1 Tint. 1 lit" I L.. rJlrs 'I havs livcl at LK kl.ind r.. ... ... -i.it f..r i n. r Mn-t l ill lwli I tool ilolil. JSw tiiiM has 1-Mie its w ork. The . government itauil, bu cliatid u a i i ii ii U. are ana .-iu one. i.peaieo- ....i 1... 1 1, ..i. iUrrmu .. im.. .. .f" sm t i .- i are iuliie laud -a 'different code of iimr ls now prevails. I drank li.jnor, it W said aad true it is 1 drunk it. Not to saiu, aau iruo u , , Uave doue so 1un would have bwti the vbjeeium. Mcu iu high station team-l .. ii. .l....i.Ju,i, r..r.iini.,ii I.. tr. i.i oue'a fellow to the yaiay : "JecmJ 'JruT j.iUlr. ..f .j. tTTdrnir - I may not he held re,,M.ibb; ah''e Ire sZt, and tW U.vo.1 ouo is gone - - Tw V 'T l BBWW W mm,mw-m - - " a v Isasn. .I.sm't. writ.! tr..ul.U si..t avuiiL i 1 1 tit 1 . . au ealflV Krvu. HitU iuatsly .Uti-ltler lajOHWu m h hiizcu eerj u.; . . t t " i Kt m Ll .1...... i J..u- l.nl aunt -.la., tuV a hoiaeleM crihi wearing a l.ag- tferod fac. Of thv tu .i luiva m in l.t l..v- il. .,r f - old M' rv the one is gone to join . 1 f. , . r im itittireii ther, as witnefeies agauit the dead de- atroyar of their peace tho older and s l 1 ..... 1..... 1 . tuf &M0AT1 iMUfv aiuuu iu i. mv -4uvuotl.,uwauauvardeiU o uiv ealam.ty, k ot near ,u . Uut 1 forgive. I to riio attnnicrs and officer there."f, aud ' to the people 'of this pomnninitv, 1 return mi v I. 1.1 thank, for their' impartial Inarms- . eboiee, but rather, th creature ot eircuui- S S.'!!: me TauiL'"!'!.. I ... ..r i nvi.r tiat'M tint nne nrovetl fiiitlileAli to . . - . . . ' ai trust. When n coimtrv't ritrhta .' wvre ln.va.led, I ai.sweml them, aud so 1 1 aid sail hastar.- WitkMVneral Jarkaw 1 in all his (Jreek campa.g.. I battle,. ... ; ii i i. i i i.i ... HaaUTiii li W V T lr tsl I HPf i,.-ri. ; ni r ii no 1. 1 :iinl TitI dega I was there; and when the shouts "'N Have K'.ne no,a.e,iy arrnTO of idury drowi.rd the criv. of t j ing..' .11 l'M -dmii.of eMHteuee, like the crew .I..I.....I- It...... i... ;.. .r... ?....,-laU-lHiauikmlft..igJji.vf harh-, ",7.r: , , . . . raiiKi ui in v cmiTm k . w hji i ltk. u ii ,7" .. f l.,. L.. von John J-.' Jone. wa, another word for deed of during. ' "Theses are tho paM. A long life is nearly s-ut- the scene hit changed ; W ....... ..v. but Ho above, who read the Human eart, is, further than the formal sentence ; of tbe law, competent to judge me Judge IO we, in passing sentence upon the prisoner, said : 44 It is painful to" rutlect, in wviewiiig tlie evidence' for and against you, I lie ' mind can real upon no one fact or circum stance that would seem to offer the slight est apology or palliation for your offence. The tory of your crime is a slmrt one, .and. may bo briefy told thus; Yoii 1 1 it. I eft np some kind of a rTaiui.to hind oc cupied by Mr. Curdle, upon which he liau raiauJ a crop, ami was eugagwl gatfconng Uie same tor himaelf and lauu- a . s . ly. Jn.U-ad of testing your claims in tlie 0 in over the greater portion of , peaceful mode prescribed by law , you iu-1 ,'mp ie peculations are si.ted upon reaping where vou had iM!.jj t have Uh-ii' aprvad. own. And you suid to Mrt'urdlc that; t m If he shonld take any more corn -from I ' . yoar livid yon would shoot him. ltf Car-! Track lh.itmyej.-About one hundred die, believing himself entitled to the and fifty yards' of the Caiiiden Itailroad mil of hi ow n labor, persisteil. Von, track, two niiiu from Kingwville, was des- iiruJHliiiguverthu fatal meriatea fowdajsiitrtued by lire yeiterday afitiruoon, . TUe wallced deliberately into his lield with lire was accidentally cojiimunicated by a your gu itiiiTciiucutcd your fell jmrpo.se, ;by sending n bifilcf lolif heart' to thrj "nJj. Xi.m nia'l 'l him Trt MT t 1(,me, f a iasae hi ik-.-was an exainph', therefore, of the lit- .atrtil fn IH litkjki. f r flin t..rt ,. , .' , , lint he -at not the niy man wlm rM- ls,sl it truth. We donbt indeed if any mm ever meeeedct in life who wa not diligent in l.iiineK. Tlie supposed in- "-" mi- """imj, " 'ii-m jn.jUiai jfreaH-fl pains In perfect his elocntion, his ' 2ttirtf.' and hi .knowledge' of law.-i Knrke, the British ficem, buirt lip the " he of hi. fame bv slow, H-rsevefUV, amas-i1 frw TTTnTKnl fort llllyaWKBHHT Utteutioii to billlie. C lav, Webster, iuiid Calhonu nit Worked hard. AndNa- l'Ieoii tho I irt, who was a born gejilua ' ,- , , , it ever mau was, achieved lil of wiat ' "'V .j'saa . ..--v ' ' ! km. i iii cru-r aiiuuti tx ttci iu in- . lr uiilew thtv follow the same eaainple lie who noifleetn his business will whiii li"d his biiine ueglectiiig him. Ahili- ill, wiiliout inuiiir. wi;i not ou. ju-ii .. 1...1...L i. .......... I i.. ,)..;, l.lf - ' r " , " dav a work must sootier or later l'o to il. ull T1...M. U Kui .uw wav iu rnu : it is to be diligent, always diligent. The inuTjfhent wbn Icarcs brs- More to taU - a - " sociable ilrink ;" the mechanic who , , i , ,. 1 1 Mn,l.v work to ham a blue Monday , -tlie pr..feional ma., w bo g,s off on par- liv of i. l.-u-ure. iinJ in i" t he chaiic ( """" tiens calling all thee cither latf-trttrt4yHiile at W, a. n Ilia '" ."V"' ' ""l,'" "ul l,f Xk"' r'., ,U fa Me of the tortoise, win, IhmU .the hare - .t ij .1 . I......-.S.V a-1 to llie lie'hiuv the latter titotipeu ikj .a-.- ... i;, i . ...ll,,.,- ... "ie. sue o, vrn ueAavAZ'fut 1 nuaii 1 ut mn.- ireuiiM itself ha. been said hy l. less a w.y , 1 t .1 unuker iliaH, .r jiiues Mvintuwi w only another wunio fur iudustry. Uoaud ak of I lie scores of oeKgareO oW men, j u I... luu'ii i.r.akiupiiuL iittur 14 1 tin lircMtJ ! .-. r "V .1 '.1 o . ,,ae.,ce w., '7, eui, ami tl,e w . I at it honest, T" w " ,l" U,T." ... ... It i. voiini; men iiift startini; out in li w -ho should enalj- lay tin truth to heart. They mit not foolishly supHW. j Utause they sec their rich employer , dining in finu hoiiM'S, dressing eiuve- . i i -. ,,r mont-)' tt. ..tin. u sts iiiur iiia.v had nVC dihge. in early life they i I .1 tri.: in vr.iiw. would never Uava fiartti d the uioansti; I . .. I.i.n .Jw A axlaae-IC lal Hill tllf lulall f r,n "r an apprentice a master me- ei.ainc. uj . ...p. . , vu.... yt lMK'r, U ' "J'0.?: uiu come si iaL 10 na.a an . k-i.w - - " asajr JJirat lUL ilie Is WIV t-IM 1 I II. UU1 ll IIB V iiivnmiiwi w "''"'' iMM-kusa la-v ate and drank and uiaue ... erry when they should have been work- . , " l ' umf or. Lnujth of ih, Jfcr'y...-Tlio It-i ton (Mass?) Transcript gives tho total length of tlie Mississippi ana an us iruj- nturies a tifty-one thousand miles, which is more than twice thc equatorial circum ference of the cart ii : r. vi ...v.. r: if.,.. , , v. u j,;.J,..u unr Ix-n eaiised iii the coimin icial eireh s to dav, bv the niinoiineement that - . ... the cashier in the well known hrm ! tlier, and the hunter t'ok ins way with a siifprisitig Ik'W extensively tins impres Mcmiw. Jacques, Myres A til., broker. irisfcer ,,.., all, , ii,u.r u.,,rt for home. prevails ; to such and all others who hud been discovered to ! a defaulter to ' . . . . wish to do right, tins article will be ac- scovcreil io ne a ueiaiim-r i . ti i i:.,- f about t,Ml. : llie ilelm-- tlim'nieitt n,.m .--,vt-. .. . . .. ... . . i . qiieut, wlioso name is iviiimor, is a respi t iiil.li. I.w.k'in elderly man. of aviitlemaiil v i dorportmont." He ha--held the oJHc of IH' "NllJIUtlli 'i,it,r lo ,ie ,10vo firm for more than pHili. t 'ul. inttnnr" JEWi aati Danvenm Xncomter with , "... . ; Mr. R. D. Simmon called atom- office en Saturday last for the pnrpose of show- j U s rcnurkble specimen of a wild - uiml which U 1UIk nd cauM few dart since, wLil on banting ex- , enmion below thitdtj, alKWt thirty mil,, .. IIercujanBm.i( jt WM of tlle p(in. M'e. 'a" ,uet,ru hoiy two ,nd , hf flN(i kmff ld mbmit twetj. j ;nc,1M ,,j jt ,,.d , ll0ri (tnm ,aIli !ix i,,t,,M in hite potted ears, gray isJi hair and large limbs, ula. ut dreaming fur an instant of ...... meetinr Willi sncb loriHiuaole iraute, he , ' ... , , ,v . ; w"ateriiix lenmrtly along thd mitnmn j ! "di depending: on a brace of hounds to arouseany game that might be in reach, iiiioeiu j nip uwji out ui oiib ui me to find a coon, possum or sonirrel, the oh-1 vci ,,( 1,U doirs alarm. As he came in I aIlll upward, he oWrved, j ,-,,. ( aUlU. t-rtv feet frmu - n - v!,v" n,uiiv .v.. .t. an animal which he at nnt supposed was ad omestic cat. . .. . . , . . .. . - Jlestooil.donbtmrly, watching itsmove- ' -j j . . . . - - both hounds attacked it w ith great cour- ' The charee of shot had lodged in side, and it fall had also broken its i hack, vet iti natnrul etrciiL'th and ferocity were so gn-al that in a moment or two - Ihiiii anf cjtiil me eoutesi, anu came cow- t the cuutest, and ardly and crouchingly to their master's f. - Mr. Simmons, while the fight was m- ' - g.ng, had been re-load.ng In pin, and when rcadc-, fired another chnrife into the ' ajmi(', "hIv, which provl adonth shot - fward, and wninrprfed to Uhold the size and character of the was re-loading, and while hi dog were . . . si.. i I (aL;T1(r fri.l, ronmi and nin.-lliiiv aronntl l n - . r . . 1 iwerful eneui v, he was startled : I ! ... , in J drv brush in I. J !.. t.i...U -a '",, """"S r ' i l:a e - m ml.ltm. .S . ' a wmancv 01 i.'n- imn ni -iiutuci j Bi,ii,tt, which lie at once thought to be ,,K, m(0 (f fvm,e ie n,j , ... 1 was crouehinij as if reaW to make a ing, while its tail wa's lashing 1C fc , . , ,V . i 7 !' - ' BIIU ri L'l liaUllllli; 1 III! rage. The situation of Mr. S. was very criti cal. He knew his dog were worthless gainst such a foe, and" felt certain that a . . . ... . i I,.,.. ,tr l.ia ..imt- u-Altlif Iitit o.r. ,te wrath, aud render the cutest j a ' j one of still greater dcsration and dan-: ger. Except the putting on of a cap, his L'un was loaded. At he lifted no the butt , (lf thc j,, t0 0 tIll! ,,ie animal made 1 a huge bound, and alighted within fifteen . , , , , i : f,,, of . luTC he .d. Tlie dog had v ll -J. - Alibis inon.ent M , me ioiuii ubiih oi. ... - ' connuef a TcWl'lolls WOt-l waftd l.Hk it ; fuU j B(.CHrili r, (ur.j ... . . . u . . ... .1 tmrirxew jpne-w ...s..e.ny -wn i . i . l i . i i .... i resoiiuio.i ne com., con.ni.uu. i.e , . 1 ll,., ,l.,a,l i"'J "l'"lwu wild cat by one of iu lgs, began a slow and deliberate retreat, not quitting for an iiuitaiit his gaxe, mid dopt uding solely , , n (eol to j,n,je i,im toward an open .fi lJ a jisUll!0) ncltt to the wood. The male wild cat followed inch by j .... .r i null, niaiiitHiiiing, however, a respecttiil 'distance, and awed, as it sccineil. hy the , superior looks of Mr. S. The skirt of the wood reached, the animal pursued no fur- -. . , . ,i We surest a grand hunt lor this re- -- t i- , - ... ,, , . .... .,. - i ....1,,11-ii.r u-l .1 put ol tin Missouri woous r -, , Can't we have something after the fashion f (10 0J,J (jormaii boar hunts! IKXIS. 11,.,, w n irrent ui-tivitv anion.' the anion..- the Porker's this week, a drove is now in tow,se.1ingatoU-, They are ex- cellciit hogs aC that, however. Inferior would not command more than Oc. Hog I ana Jiuv are 1 n 1 I.. .. . t. . -X .. . ... . v.... . - doiim th Konorton our ma-1 ? i.. -n:.x:.:. L. ii,'onv... J drJta. if-a.i.11,1 L"'i:f.n;rMwT oMg Vei, keep Jr GBU tt HaJf cL r from (Jk Wkmgto Sim. Daring th hunting te&aon we have fre qnei.t accounts of damage to life and limb by (he' accidental diaehargeof percHHeion gnat, and not nnfrequently, too, In the hand of those whoa experience would seem to be a sufficient gflurunteo of their safety. A word of counsel, properly heeded, wl!l est eff the most prolifie souroe of these disasters, and it is this: Never car- 'ry a Wled gun with the hammer down J upon the cap. 'one who will examine a percussion cap, . i . . . . its elements ana nse, the action ji the . , , , coinmtm h-ck, and then the manner in which accidents occur. The fulminating mercury in the cap is so exceedingly sen- nine mui a small lorce, cjuicaiy appiieu, )'all suddenly on the cap it will explode it : and airain. a smart blow on tiiill be- ,indbcJiHmmer, driving it firmly upon J:i 7,n ti -U.Ji tmm wn m iimta- ally discharged as tliough it had bee a full cocked and trigger pulled. To illustrate this, take a few instances of death and injury, sonic of recent date, iu and near this city. A youth, who was hunting in the vi cinity, -wii-hed to obtain some berries which htinjr over hid head out of Ireach. j Taking his gun by tlie muzzle, he placed the hammer (then down npon the cap) over the bough, lining it fto a hook to draw the fruit toward hiin. As ho drew it down, the resistance of the bough slightly raised the liaminer from the cap; the lxn-;h alijtjKi'J fivin itsIiuM.and the voiing man received the whole charge in his h eWMii. l!aI the hnminor stood at either haif or full cock, such had not been tlie result. A hid, honting An tho water, attempt ed to place hif jrnii (liAinmer down on j capi into the boat ; as lie slippe4 itahAg, .lhhjU!imer as Struck b ! rJ LJ 9 fa of the boat, ' fc'"n ; .charged, add he was kill- Oil- IlMfi flu ltnmimr afasVil at nitlwr 1.,ilf .ir i.ll tl.fi ..... VI ... I w WV'U1 I curred. Not long since wc had an account of one who was standing upon a porch, Test- ing his gun near its edge ; it slijiped from his hand, and, in it descent, both ham mers (which were down upon the capsi atruck agm the porch ao forcibly as to discharge the gun ; the loads I were lodife.1 in bis head. Had this nun been ! half cocked, he would not have been I.,:. tit t . . hurt. ' Another, standing; behind his biiggy, undertook to phtoe lii gun iu front, by piiain, the liaiuuier, which waa down. aruck ,be front c,lge of the -at, diseharg- mg tie KUU. Htt was not hurt, but his fricmli ndiug near him? ft j,.;,. hran.lih ..u, ir..I cn 1,., .ol,. or uuf or futl cocked, ueitlier his friend's i:fo or hii owll -oald i.ve 1)ecn - - -. - - iUvj. vaiiiainu citixcn wa seriously- uainageii bv the txUioii of his guu. Draw ing it a fo La,nllll!r a0wn, the ham- " ..... ... . '.. mcrwas ligtitir tinea irom me cap, , - - . , , Uy B0OVc it, ana imiiip au.ideuiy : I t I I 1 . I I I rcleased, exjiloded the cap, w hich, of , course, discharged the gun. Had his , hainiucr been set to either the half or full ' cock, he would not have been hurt. Instances need not be multiplied eve- ry coiuinutiitj' in our land cuu furnish its urouortion. Thev will lie found every- where of tlie same character, all occurring . i - , . , from this ilnuroiHir mode of carrying the a i - i hammers. liicro are many wno nave ai M 8vs curried tlicn'i thus undef the no- passion that i,t is the safer way, and it is . . . .,,.. wish io uu crptarliv It'a gun-lock be perfect, and none til , , I .i ., - I ever lie used, the linminer, at , i- ..... l v. t T XJtl i, bo broken oil, but tho gun cau- er should the half-cock lv Iwhind not be thus discharged, or if struck in front .iilKiMentlv hard, inav lsa driven U front siitliiMi'iill v hard, inav lie driven to ' tho full cock-or, failing to eatch" there, it will ml. again to the half cock. it can , go no further ; if it roach- the full cock, tho trigger must tliun lie used before a diachairgo.can occur ; imt in, to Trent L.- -j.., .t a.ili..ri..tf nafi.lt a.alr .l ..l, ...M ..in wmnr v.... n uv...r.. . , r ..-"1 : to lylodo a cap by forca ap- plied to the hammer, before or behind ; application in these eases mast be made to the trigger. Young men! keep -your guns at the half cock ! full cock them if you will hut if yon would avoid injury to yourself or your neighbor, in no case carry your I hammer ou the cap or suffer anybody who so carries it, to hoot with yoa. Fan Uw Ckmrieatm Coarkh' We had I just concluded a hasty peru- sal of the Widow Bedott papers, and have come to the concluiti that tliro ugluut the humorous pages in ItiWnpmed tome of the mont original eitant. For instance, the Widow speaking of her dear departed, Deacon Ilcsekiah Bedott mjs: He sever jawrd iu tU hit lif. He mmww vu pakiW AmI, (ibo' I mf it, iHitt vu In wife,) fcch UK! )rou rltijttl ftad. I never changed injr aiafle lot I (bongHi 'laruiti b a m. Fur I I bought ao inch u' Biuttt I rvr ftti uiwrit-d mptt. And mure it wu my loltek Th wife uf Mich a out, I tell the turn ihat'i afUr me. To kctrh me if Owy cut. Wbiky and rum be tasted not, He ihviujftil it vu a siu ; nlmbte Widuw o Deaeoo Bvduti, Don't rnlrsd to f rt tuarrwd agiM. onoriiv auer iiie iiiconwiiauic w mow aiiB Ti - n-n- . hi 4ov with the sMvaawEiaerfenrrH a n i t i . i i ' -.k 1 1 Host Hit a r lilsar id 1ft ui nn with i-ltl ci. r. i.i i ( i fles. Tlie Elder is ." laid up" with a cold, and receives the following epistle : . O, Brea4 fir, I So lelar, ll drirei m s'aNia l tnmiy. Tu Ikmk o' yon. a lyia' Ihcre, lluwa mck wtlb iaaucasy. A Kdyd a (htHiglit it vu enoaiglv To pMura yr wife "a defwrter. 4 WidrJut aiach IrxiUf as thta rre To dime a fiflfrin artrr but aicktieaa wdl affltctiua ia Lrtala ar Ht fly tha will u a wtiK' Crratioa. And alwnyi ought tu be underwent With fortitude aad rai(iiatoav Then mourn Ar yrr pardner'a deatk Bui to Mbsmt tBaWrwr, Fur 'parB he badent dtvd m aoou, lhe couUla't a Itrtd iurcver. Ob, I could to yer bedside Hy, And arrpe-ymw wafaiu. eyr. And try my beat to cure fon up, If 'twWraVnt rais surpfiae 1 Both sick and wrl, you may dVpead, Jjaufe jjejL?x le frt By ytttir. tsuhful a-nd arTvctiotiate fneud. riCCIlXS VoiiUL BtlMVTT. The tender eei.tiineut of this poem reached the Elders heart, as acknowf- el.. wigeu m a leenu- resjHmBe. ononiv ai- . .1 ir" t . ter. the Widow retires to a orrove. in the rear of Elder Snitflcs' house, sits down log, and sings as follows: Lr kv ba4 teacbed any Oara to ftuw tras unconmou cheerful. But now such niuHr- I dew kaow, I'm always aad and fearftll; " What aaful bmirs I uaca ttjiyfdf AJI ! ua a Summer day 1 Bui O, my XMBfcrU star deaiiuyad, Wheal ihadrrk rmaaed my way! I heard him preach t heard him pray I heArd bjua swestly ainf Deax (Sin I how I aW feel last day, It wu a dretful thing If we'd ciintinuered apart. Fur tho he'a inade. my aptnt hve, He's safety hnH my heart ! Tlie Elder overhears tho song, but does not yield till he hears the following: Hrelreps Pnsctfly p. BedoU, Late rrlte of Hevekief How mIauchity was her lot How suua she did expire ! ..w1 1.HIU. V'VBIIC'' Twas thhwlatkui kilkd her, f i - t) ! irhai h rniif r k"' atisd AU slir saw tlie r.Uer : . A . ,.t I . i 'tlie anel was so iicax! A-fterAhe: laow s marriage to fcuJert , "". , . c . . , . ,1 ? i come, aud the sweet fl adraek biiitUea, she contributes the fol- T shadrack owi1 t0 thc "Scrabble Hill I.umiua- ry ..'piwcHIt ii rir, nd sh..ir.rk ib. .. ttaVr nnjif a ih. siunr in ihr t.Mi.f.M o i "' "'") - lk ainaaia ' h..w u. taa- n. No mtir. i0 ib' a.. ik- Khiraa mi.,wh, """'" ' aHitigau; " !B"' H"" w rt4 " 7 j Their airwr. k nii'i. Ih'ir imakl. .nK k.j,L . v crt - ra. i .. vii- u,, n., biuar. rmiWJ Aad tb. t..r. tl .Iff run. b.Si.srti Wi '" sh,dr,rk- Tt K.i aal lli a I m- na uirn fail i I'm US I k, The hr.rl Ih at . n MMruful uid nild m a .mu. Ita fturri iitlrri'd al last It Ibr Siriiiiil ia. ; KiUTWr!! U tliV IIHM-rM-l and fnrls I hat', had, . I'll 8rI drwrt tbe...O bbadrark A to the future fortunes of the Elder and Mrs. 8nitttes, and her sister, Ant to the depth of eighty feet, at alsout which , , , . B ' . Maguitvi are they not recorded in the. point there i a belt of black mud sixty J iLt iu width, and from eighteen to. we, - . ' . - , - - ! A ft.U ,:f 'W.-Mthin a radius " A T fIJ i;t lnovJ. Y Ithin a radius . . . n. . . . of five mile around. SebaattH-H i. rtp. P-,od moru lives sacr.M, !md more misery in nicies in a year iniin w any omer equai iUt "I the wtrtbiy aurtaceju lhesaui;.p,arai of havxug ouce been the beil itiina ainee tlirlav of NtHth HohI. i of a stream. . :' - 1- Lkll Illlie la Cane.' .tL. "ryr Prayer was not in vented ; i .... Amid the whirl and excitement which WR wi,h th fitret ft, the first oJt . , , , . . the first sorrow of the human heart: Of business of every kind bring npon on at . . , ' , rather man was born to pray ; to glorify eertamacaaona-cheeredbyhope.ofanx- Gfj) w t0 ,mplorfl vu ,,u ions friends, or discouraged by tbe mach- m;Mion ,,cre be,ow. rI1 tlse inations of opponenU the mind seeks a fre ;, r witn ;,. bnt tue cry 0( change in sweet memories of the past ;ry or admiration, or of love which he and in none ia there greater relief than in Jraincs toward the Creator, does not pee that of some loved one, who waa intimate- ish on his passing from the earth ; it re ly interwoven with the modicum of earth-J ascends, it resonnds from age to age, In ly happiness, that It allowed ns in this the. ear of the Almighty, like the reflee world. On such occasions there is a calm i of Li magnificence. It is the 1 I 11 and aoothin? sorrow, which for a time m ' supplants tbe business occupation of the mind and contributes, by changing the current of thought, to relieve the weari nett of spirit which weighs down and op presses one. It is a blessed feeling, and one to be cultivated, as it smooths the as-: peri ties of life's contentions and bicker - ings, and contrasts pleasurably with, the nothingness of evil passions to influence us. Such .thought occur when we find sucl. sublimely touching expressions annear in the notice bv tbe editor f tl Mutioal OuetU, of New York, of the death of hi little girl of five years old. In innnnnrinn her iti-lli ln nua tlio f lowing language : ignee have Ucn aUe to collect only Kittie is gone. Where? To Heaven. $25,9SO 24. whilst they cliarge for tbe An angel came and tot.k her away. She I expenses of cidlecting, the modest sam of was a lovely child gentle as a lamb j the(4,!91 80, or nearly twice the amount net of the Wholn fMlnfle tlo voninwit of .M..i.t fir il.u. i i .- j n - .i it t i 11 .i - . .. . . "'em all. Cut she could notsUy withjMijjneee takes to hinclf,iori.i-trooblej: T7.t v t? r ' i .. . : . i 7- . nl' ,K,ger- s',e LJ u nfc' 1U 1'.00, and the two other M,000 each. . . . . . i " : Heaven who wa waiting Tor lier. lleThe remainder is expenses of litigation. angtd-sister was with nsonly afewtriotttl, ; k... .i. i... i . I wu win um uvbii h itv vu many jcim, and .he must hare led Kittie, for eye-1 ldv loved her. Tlie loveliest flowersare often- soonest plucked. If a little voice sweeter and mc re musical than others was heard, I knew Kittie wa near. If my study -door wa opened so gently and .lily that no sound could be heard, I knew Kittie wa coming. If after an hour's quiet play, a little shadow passed mc, and the door opened and shut as no one else could oen and shot it, " so as not to dis turb papa," I knew Kittie was going. When, in the midst of my composing, .1 heard a gentle roice saying : " Papa, may I stay with you a little while t I will be very till," I did not ueed to look off my. work to assure roe that it was my tittle lamb. You staid with me too long, Kit tie dear, to leave mc ao suddenly ; aud yiu jtfeJwB MULnox. !L You became my little assistant my Uom-angel y youHjrwst an4 we4t singing-bird, and I miss the little voice that 1 have ao often heard in the adjoin- ing room, catching up and echoing little snatctie ot melody a. they were being lur to tue forthcoming crop of sugar: I comwsed. I miss tliose soft and sweet j ' With respect to tho crop, it U quit kisses. I miss the little hand that was al-: certain that tlie grinding season, oa the way first to be placed npon my forehead, whole, has been a very unfavorable om to "drive away the pain." I miss the f"r' "' during a large por- aaund of thoae little feet npon the stairs.! f, , b?B f .i i-..r t i. . . i vnt" 811 unseasonably low temperature I miss the little knock at my bed-room alMj ,1, draw backs, added to the diI door iu tlie morning, aud the triple good- advanages which the crop labored under night kiss in the evening. I miss the .'" the early part of the season, and which sweet smile from the sunniest of faces, i 1,,'e heretofore been referred to, hare I miss-oh ! how I mls-the foremost in ! !enJ to redu l',e "tima,e U" ,i ... i low the product of hwt yoai wluclt iro tlie little group who came out to meet meldlict .,. of Tr !?' t .vn .v 1 . IT a- -f 1 a 0 "", a-.i.e, io give wiat nr?x '., - T7J: " ",C l'.'e "na 'J ta"' - I I miaa rn.. al .I.Ia - .4 - A j i dui . ni j our .o.cc .,, - t wa.u . der Koreiuber..29 : to be an angel, for nobody could sing it : like you. I miss you in my rides and 1 " W e ,r ha,rinK unfavorable walks. I missyo in the garden. I mis ' tl,er't0Krmk"le'',,e,nH0nt roo erery where; but I will try not to mn? planter hay Hopped. There mis yon iu Heaven. Papa, if we are 14 Uule- "ft io ' good, will an angel truly come aud take 1J,0 ,h wetttl'er- I!"!!?" us to Heaven when we die f" When the thu far' Um U-'on nprxcedentljf small,- Question Was 1ited.iiow littla did Y iliiiTL- 1. ..ButiaaJid truly ower i tnuispliuii- ed t. a more gonial clinic, " 1 do wish r""K ':lal are UoinS " m papa would come home." Wait a littU- O,',or while, Kittie, and papa will come. TU- journey i,not long, lie w ill soon be A rrf iff.-He havejthe Jhiiiie." fp win g tcv ni iirofjTsiugiilar instance of conjugal affection and femiuiue streugtlt ' .7-,- "hdjAtin. At the late annua!' arJ endurance from au English paper:.,. (Miiiniiinication of the tirwud Ld of . ., . . , , ' North tarolina. the Kov. CliarU-s F. . " An old o.uple in Newcaatle beeam !IW. !.!:, of ln.ld.brt,.gh, was elec- o''T 7'"!' "eeesaar ! ted Grand CUplam. ! .I,at Uiu !''l"d. w .uttered extremely ' ' from continued rheumatism, should be : - removed to some charitable institution. (" trftlit and r IlumumJ: California pa- He besought n-nioval to llaverton Hill, ers mention the discovery of diainonds and bi" wife had pnmiised it. Tlicjour : hr the gold diggers. One of the stones "l"-v W ils H lo.nf and expensive one, and ; " ,, , .j , ,. ... not only s.1, but bv the usual enuvevaneL was sold for . A O'ld inountain i , , . , , ., . 1 ., , t , t i ,i slu"'' "int have caused tlie "patieirt said, taiiavc been.disoixv.ered and staked. ,,.l ajt..,t .or...... 'n.- off by the miners. Shaft, have been sunk ty feet in depth. In this are contained . I t I i r l i i ' i. r . I nose laouious auwun.s o, w men iar - arfrpa. lu richnaw thaepoaU discover - iTlu layer of mu I is filled w. It st.cksand "nr .v.8.. . . , . . - ) "7 "'vwas and which he exhales with joy aad pride homage to Him to- w hum homage alone is due the infinite aud eturual being. Lamartint. What a Fall A hotel in San Fran- cisfo, which rented last year fur 5,KM ' r month, has beet) leased now at $1,000 ' per month. It is a new idea to lease socn proi-er'y by the 'month probably to the rapidity with which people or c " Vmorma. ' ,her 1noer ,,,iu come to "lanJ of gold." For iustance, Adam 6c ' Co., w heu tliey failed some month ago, . '. ejJ&S' amount of .573.790 17. Of tlu'i th mm.: wtuvnu. vi uvunvk viw vi ua "J ' " " .....HO UHI1...H VI IU I IOIII the Dank of Englaud i producing It natural effect "upon the foqntain-head', whence its" rich reservoir 'are" supplied, the Itayal Mint, and this latter establish ment is now engaged, almost night and day, it is said, in replenishing them. Nearly half a million of sovereign are truck off weekly at it eight coining pressee, and transferred to Thread-needle street. In addition to the severe' prearare thus exerted on the Queen's money-makers, they are required also to produce two thousand Crimean medals daily, a instalments of those ordered for tlie armies and fleet of the East. To meet and orer como this strain npon the mint, tlie honra of labor for some of the officials aud work men have been extended very considera bly, and tlie steam oTltio ehgTheufkepT' -ep from 8 A. M. td TOT: H7 r Crp f Sugar. Tlie New Orleana ; I rice Current, of tlie 1st inataut, tho re- . e,,,,,,,. of X(.w tlrt-ana 1 t St, James, Louisiana, write, uu- 'Uiev" eoiisiuertlieinselves fayored W1W ye. -aatfy. r1'0rU rrom otler parishes, I coil and affectionate heart of" the wife waa stun to a noble resolution to satisfy the i i i i .i desire of her poor husband iu tho face "f T imo" Sh- -nderto. U. carrv Uuii on her lutck the whole way f v........ . l. .... u. ........ i. .i.-.. i.:..i- . . . . ar . 'I vin - . v I nonv K' tlai ll H'li. ui tue uixti way nite-a distance ot -0 imlcs I tin !. e .iuidart.k aud .rformed aid ; H. rtill,.a telllhrarv Mt mt jvu. ian, iaVin.: Uen the only interiuission , tl,u taitUtil w.oiuau riuittodrstf iMte ' tct u the bimksot" the T.viiv and I he leva. f i ' trinwfhaf nflu