I 1' ij A. II- r! 4 i r ,1 fv J..'. b'i.j . ami titm ieo " 'i am riiMn'c -Mioin i..4ew. 'Thtssr rnnstitulional means Ju. vl i'iart.v-r.'i.'iilv acr-ilir r-specin. . , . i. . . U,..r om. trgMau. wjr, nu tlwrowa .C , , .,,. 'JftJMf tli -big and dmocrstfc parties, MJWi;WUn.tuoJ tMiUUuMt .th-1 TIe docnmCTt i t!l8 BWM '?,tb..sr4elu,I,tiB CTat-ltt, .dotted th.plur.lity ut loMi-a r diintie molestatios. Juterier- to the Senate on Kansas atiairft- -., ! rule, and in tbat way a .Speaker m e k-cted, ce, ot. Lbs hand, to ocu,r the ablioe j j, wM jj o0 tie table, and the House I and H met with tb approval of lbs country! k.f U..lTmuyll-! ,. . ,-. ..'i , jTI.nUW lrtinMr IMr.bJ U lsod aiesbrevos. HitenWence, ouHbe oihor, " J , ... .-J , . Inwwl the beMfit f- tlU tatk, 'aad t U ,unii..U uu..rii1r(Hluctioo. Ui hnff ; VVV FOIl K VS VS. iaWwi, with hit part who then taUiUi that ,Wtt.a.W. Suu.,UeUUe0Urdytt..fou.MU-d.l HLMUh l.U8ai , I prbl, op.Kl to it now - urpsty wt1r'rru-.l, c-rng rrvau witU-! We have learned with great 8tlfac - lrj . arc wi.luljr Jofurtd tLroogl. ' ,ion ,lmt a Ci)rjlS t)f tir iluIlJrvll lnell 1 Mr. C.l.b rose to correct thi tfmo4t. rvm i.- Mn u. Uie flanie ut am- j i i :ii i-..: ihu W hif caucu. hl MtiO, had aUuptod -..) thrr.: ,t!K-.,nuuth,rf.f ,t .bcm- lhas been organtxed in Ah .ev.llo District, j,,,, ri,,in Js"7 ja itT re Mii iaioiiij,'uiv in return to viicuuragv aui lor the purjiose ut proceeding to Kansas, . je((,0, ju dfm,;rstie eanens by a le-MraaWu- 6i.ir mil'im ih Territory. ' nnder th direction of Mr. B. Poscv, late cided m.lj.iritv. Afterwards it was offer- Tfc. ifliii.try a'. U.i th ). ;f i jhia a tnot ed iu the Ilo'uge hi democrat, on his 1B.-Mt-c.aia(rfU. ,haB.S.,Ui. exccitenx -niorrirrcni, nii mm mm -i- y. -- r. . j . m ti Uir .i.w.ier ot ie doiunOM- iiota- com mi ml itselt to ifenerai approval. e . . , " v. - ; r , .. . . , ..u i i . , . ... . ... -vi ui inc tictiioerais. .iu one on inut hiAilinr no urien ot late. TTlrir.Vt'JrZ m,WOV"'tht 11 U bc fu,! n,he8id,ha,l moreviolenllyo,.-! r " .Jr. -i... .. ... ... ...... ii. ... ii ........ iir.Jin a.uD Uieio anv iiitifl mdouo'u. i. ..i i..-... iv f,...iK. m iw.r. uiuuuv.iVH i u, i. iU ,.uru.iorua,n o tb pan lilii(K(iletit.iilr gooj ibrtta aa no mini. srma nuii. oum have , , . . .... ,1 i j Ai ..i i irawilv uVwui.aed tUetuon wind, oat pleaded tor this canse with elqeuee, Mli sl Ma ll liulurbini ctmnwrUv. i:ut oo..Mr...J &t oor attention i.a immm- nrett a.l iwa .J mtl.irtani..nl flit- mrnmmt. It o.iy ot it ,..ph,f Kan, aa u ijiwKwin.-rran.irpvrrT act or purpm ot re- niaiHit' to in lawn. Ah... n ti, i...-.-.., Au all, tile (Mtvrwney pp,i. 10 il.. c.i.i...,. of the Sut, V Zofiuto the Lrritorv. & Unr In uuVrvn.iion f Lrm-rwidrnu iu electioiK bv aa.uibvrial militarv tVwc-. to attempt wviuimiu vMHi i.r ni me auinoriiv ui w in.y of th.. mhabiuiiu uf tlir irm.on-. No citiaea uf ,r cuntrv iio!d .-mit l.i.n sir u far-x ibat ti.- a part of it ifuv.mmetit, WuuuJ w U.-brarJ iu ibe d trrmiuAtionof M imill'I M nil ilat maa, h fl.I in-fT 1 nnFi.turti 1m bWht idrrailoaaof personal Honor and I . " ... , . nalever mjt lMiwr t n.Oii.'tirv. fen tn.tf iwmum l..M iiilir- TAJ of til las 4 tilcitt-puUM-. Enwitawiar Uiesa iw. it will be m imps - B ,l.v w, ...rt iK. . k.l. ... iK.. rn.. r ol 'dal ti eatire to upport public oni. r in the I Territory ; to vindicat its laws, whrtbrr fi'd. ral or local, airaiimt all altrmpu of orpnniwd nsnt-) ao; aad o to proon its people in the mtab 1 twbmrnt of their own rnlitution, undilurti'ij my DFroacbtaeut from suhoal, and in the fall enjoyment of die riirufs oT si-lt-ovi-rnMient s usnl o tbem by the 1 onutrttitiun and tbe or-; gaflic art of Congress. Allhuuj.'h serious and tbreatem.if; dikturban in the Territory of Kama, announced to me H ibe .tovemirf in I. cumber last, wi re p,s - dt - hr ifuirted without ihf j-tfan of tvhxl, and ins d the office nT deli very, hfl n't urhed for : Mr. Letcher, of Yirginia, desired to saufarlry manner, there is, I n-ffret to say, postage, much less should it be returned know whv it was that gentlemen, know -reasw t sppnb.-id thai diirders sill continue because tlie postage was not paid by ing that Sir. Dank could not lie elected, to nr uiere, wun mcrein(r letmenry 10 no- leWtV. Bnrttioire 4fi,iii Biealufr'WH.rrwrIi iL. - .. i.-.la- 1 .: I a .... - ..... i! "'I"""0". 'tlf wbid, consUut Bad uf etternal interference. ' ' This, it seems to me, can best tie sceomrilisb 4 fiv providing that, wbea the... babiu.it of KW ma desire it. .nd shall be of sufficient cam lien to constitute a State a conTeotion of leVirtes, dulv eler-ied b tbe ipjalifie voters, sirall asseinhle u frsms a constitution, and tbu. to prepare; tlrrongh regal.r avnd lawful mean,, Jor iu adinis-iun into .be Union as tSuie. , (.,. .1 . . I fepetMT recommetid tbe enactment of a Hm to that eftWt. I reeotnmend. arv. thst a iperial sprmpria-; Philadelphia has been interrupted by a fb be ma tn defray any eipenss wbicb mat j Jigtreaeing casualty. About five o'clock beooo njpiisiu- in the execution of (lie lass ,.r g , aftern'o-jn a sleilfh Cirtilaininlr - ,-...K?gMoinan amhtonr ladies W'ttim IKANKLIN l'lEltCE. the ice on the Jersey Channel uflLe raer 1. ' and before assistance could be rendered A ?ci:ne in congress. WssnqtoTr iir, While Ihe Clerk waT cW.'ni: tin t. 11 lie roll . , . - u mv tiv-T. 0011 ui m .-s.asi-i, iuo iinir- "tESRSF sWuiHfeir a' Wesiaire "froiii" iT.i. a. . b. ... ... . .. . rresiaent ot trie I ntted States. Air Cami, .,-!! .'(I ,;.,. ,.t. ,.r-t...I f,t t rceepHiMi. c ,, . bidden excitemetit sprung up all over lb Hall,, various gentlemen demanding Itfitiow the character of thB"xtnninitnfr' - Tlie Clerk vaii.lv endeavored to enforce in v..erkvamiy endeavort to et.lorce pr'l?r ; I ...:.t .... .... ir. t .,. Cation. i ..... t.,.i .,! if. ti. . : -aui.v. inc iu.uu.ciii.v-, un s t ...tc was heard expressing a hope that the Pnidftvt'. private Secretary miilit be ' peritlitted i 1 . . . , i 1 to state his trraDd. Mt ; i j .i i . . i . r. Craijje claimed the nght to bc aorad, (ieclariaft that he represented that i efiotnet in .North ( arohtia w hich hrst pro-; cVuried it indeptfideiice of Great Uritian. ; . What U further laid wjss. lost to the! atifasttk and cries of Hro on, Craige," i TZKfiTiniirrrCa IWly all the member, were now on Mr. Craige said he won Id let gentle-1 eji know that.hv was uot-tobeput down 1,.- il,..lr i,;.:., . .mj ..:....i;'.-.x-..r.-.. .. -. .... M, T si fT1 i a" r. Ia.ue.-In the name of (rod and my country, l a... ashamed thr pro- Cfe dings. fMr. c ra ge - And . aui ashamed to have t...1..t.... ut l.;t. ... tt... :.. . . -i , ....i.i twy riif.it a. Itenewed jirTaif-Vh of " Order," "Call (he roll-" ic, Ac. The Cluik essayed to speak. Mr. Oaijfi! (quiet bemi partially Tf Btored; made his .siint. Uje said they had a r'hl to know alio the messenger was, and what wun liu buains here. Kenewcil cries' of "order." 'ord.r,'" "Jiiwii in fmnt," "down in fiont.". Mr. Campbell lOiuor nia-ie his enlt. ayitig ti. tilling as in order except th clecfioii of a Sj.eaker. Mr. .Stephen piloted 'that tie u.cssai!c le rtcelicl, and deuiandud the pievious question. Haoaphrey Ma. siiatl --Thai" rigl.t. 1 MC'll 1 it Messrs Cj-B.o' and ( ampbeii Wltndr.-vi tlMHr p'liti.s, the1 .latter di-i lanng lieat h utrTl mnlntalti.-l his objcrtioi.. . il StepheU s liU'tintJ was agreed lo by tt3 BOij .l it v. The remit of tlie 1 L'-ltl. ballot f.r SpraV; tr m.a- , :, ui i p.. .UM i .1. us fallows ; lhtl.l'. : J i i i . 1 ' k ' m- v t'-i..' .:, ll.'u.-v Ij ro- it wait the J)!v : of tin CeivC it 1 " , """ ' tlieteawre- t ; House. ordered liv tvientv.two minority. "it iu utuCT invito v. mw n i.fv great cause of tlieSonth ami of the Cotmti- ...u r i.. HI M. CHJllllI VHrOIlllS 1 1 IIS 1 II 1. D IlCT foru,c,l. , ..rotninent iwrt. In the Conn- .1 r. t i ii i v , lull ttllU Bit imiMi. I...., ouu nun, ....v.. . . . nu . v - '"hl have our State - preparod, even there, 10 assi ittTaaJTiWirUieHattce. 1,0111; , , , .... 0 ., , ... ,, ,),.. tl,p neonlc nt flip Smitli IiiH-n " tiilk- V . , " ,, ' ' ,u tLo JJ?. J l.ng .die re lut.ons and this has been done to no pur- ! i.ose has L'iven to us neither indemnity i fiir a . nr ...Htv flir ,,., futnr... f . ii. . .. . ; . , , .' . . ,. , I "r conscience sake, lei acuou oe our T. 1 . 1 . .1 I , motto hereafter. j Our constitutional and equal rilits in I , . , . ,,...-,. , i U..I 1 ti l .. - . u , : ,"" 1 1 1 1 ir .1 1 . . ua Hv ronisu-Lttil ltaf.tr. imMf,'iW j . 1 idctin1 ctitrnd lid fimilillr tn .tin t'.if.i oinl . we entreat our fellow tiiizcusof the S.. nth ' , lo.i.eti.i a uetiiues nx;e iweu auu men. St. C(i-iiMn. ' " JmiH'ritiul to tmtutcr. Our atten- tion has been called to the fact tl.at some postmasters are iu the habit if send- uig back to tlie inailiiijr oliice lettei d.uj;s for a while, but lie afterwards ru rwacliiii them for delivery, becnuse they turned to thc charge, and aai.i was nail were not pre-paid by stamps, but by .no- ed to the counter, as base coin, by Messrs. net. This is w rong, and arises from a Cobb, Kdmundsoti, ( )rr, and Stanton. misapprehension of the law. In no case . indeed, should a letter, after it has reach stamps. It IS the general duty ot post- h) . ,, tut when .(having been pre-' jiaid in cash, either through ignorance of the law, or inadvertence, or want of , sia.upw on uie i . m m.,,,,, . ",ti!-ler-' tl,e,v riac!l their" dealiualii,... 41 . . stamps on the part ol the uiamuj; posi- th Qut.v 01 Jstuiasler to deliver .nein be same as though pre-paid by stamps, 'ath. Vni,m. 1 r. , , ., . , T, - ' Sdd AiVuLni on tht Duamiit. The carnival scene on, theDelaware river, at the widow of Col. I'eter Albright and her louly daughter, aged twenty-three, were - drowned. The rest of the party were ros- Clised bv the lMoladHllibia Skitrin. !lnb , - . 1 1- - ...- ,1. ;.;.. .- TK. 1. .. -- - -- ) "s. - v airs. n. origin was recovereu wuiilt. a "sfiorf rtisfaiu-t. oTtTitt" awm. of tfi7fis.i.i..e tUu l.it A.m. ..A It... i.li ..i -iiongm epi mi- "cl '"v "-v- i'.eiioiocs auu oici-u were ns,a; .1 ,.l,l ,.ii., ;-; lOSl. - -v.. w.v. .......v. ii iiniiu- ltlg the ice in the river and adding to the ditiiciilties of navigatihii. Some of the hiieU4:liat -wero larokcu up the river - J -ft . 'wrtJ'-fi",f LoUrt te'.rd. sutficiently ,inK rm,t destrmnii thel) here the icerema.na ontrr.diei. the sur- e. . . . . . . i r.. - i: i .. . . mix (amnis a ntcij awpeei , swarms oi skaters and sliders are gliding about in direction, while hrtndreds of look- 5IH .III i:ctujtwjii IIIC OU BCCIiO. 1CII1- e , r . . r . , . ers on gazeupon tlie bust sctne. Jem- j-irary refreshment .lands are erected at i ...... .,, 'i . different euota, and thwe who are hungry or atldrs't, aud who are hot dainty or hard toea-aq. obtaj,niie W'i.v:rfc..i.UilM. .lw.la4ioig(j "leJr "'W'Z- T' ' , Coming tn the Point. OreU. Tn-' KllaTJl Lu, and their wives and children I die. of famine ! If they can't L'et rid o such, rivaiailio other wy, they wiU resort to ; .biiarto'anfiewi - ' ' . ... .. 1 uia4'tfAse!tlsW-"l'Ue 1 luiiAfrwmW- XmfK. aereronre 'a-' Z..! "Tr i T. . ITZ 'T i.!' ' eU" i in . i.j.iwi i' v ."lite t:n-i - -.it," .. Ilt.,.ff.i. u. A talt iti.siii,Un,. -tu-A ixuiu.iiiiiu.u. - v,, ..v.u-itte - 0d, in the name of liberty, e'l'ii ualitv and ..in.....;... ' l.. .1,. .... ...i l i... . " tl... rr.. -...r.i. ..ri ... r.-.n . i, ....... . ! ..ti- ii ...r.t itC..,,i.e.,. ;.i ' ll. same composure of soul, that ll.ei d- tl .f ,1 a.,' Us- ,1 , ,a. a . .' Tfi. ! -a. . - a VI1BIHTLIJ UlsWWVD VI 41 ll'I'B T here it is ! ail their sublime and dis interested protewtioiis vanish in sinoke. Ihe entire stimulant to their uiMri.iiiiin ons eiideaVJis in tehalf of the Afncana, lieeiierate. into a base and -rd..) strn ?le for tilfby lin-r.-. ' The .black si ave un der w ork, tlii-ir winter slaVes ! That's the secret of all their .jhilaiithroj.v !- A'o7i- ,on7 ir. " J.'rtiiili e. it is useless Ut say, i. re.po.i sibie tor tbe loiiowiiij; minjjhtij slip-ot tht -tongue. -"Our cMitemporary uniJer tnlres to diM-iiss what lue calls a ' kimtM vp,-.-;stvi.i.-' ( 'ai.'lii- liirtiV any.hipg kiKd- tv f Kcho answers, n..f h 1'U'vulum ut JinKith II iViS. liiis toiiiiix man, char;ed with the murder of i... I'.il,u ....... ....... t .... il y i(i wittn-s-, wlio d.-jiosed flint the ' pri'nH'Sj. told linn that he iii'irdcri-d I'K fat her, vna execii'i-d at ' "xborilnrh. in ai irdance mi'h the law. mi -J h ,ir - lav I ..t. '.I-",,., '., u J.,n 1"!. f " -' ' J Hrst .for liiddings. - :Ill - vtfi charging tlio o tr- :ty with tlie responsibility for th present I 1 itotieu me ii(Hitiiori ti 1110 rn i mi iu- tlirijr hinin'lf, who now advocate I it. I ' Mr i; a1tnn Tiutiul-ahnt hi n-n rn' it: ;ht; ,od ..... -. . . --, - ., t'mt the plur.v ruleliiia been adoj. 'U the democratic caucus. Ana lie ti.iniifi.il. to siiktiiin hi assertion liv read - . j - illg from tt rt,1(J,rt uf the scene as publish-; ill JZif. AlUfcUi;il-illlll.ll.l"'i." fl u.a,Lm i;tlle and .here a lit- '.,.-. rt'i 1 ' ''' ilsifv the record. The decep- -ll nun r.i,..ii.iLil.li- anil n.lnlii...l b, IU4 .4Mir yiww ,-reniiiirai wumc tion was exiiosed by Mr. Jones of 'i't'nn.,grownig"cohL Veeteiday moruiitg the ...1... ... n ...i... ti... .ii...i ..." .... . 1 ... . .1 .. 1 wuo, as tu an uunai . .1 ........ 1 ... .11.: HS8 vongreaao. ioir, uei.ouueeu .......o-. .t rne. n , . ; rinally, Mr. Letcher of 11. quoted. frotu a speech which Giddm had de-, llvt'rcJ " e days alter flr. t " i had been elected under the plurality rule, . the following parage, fro... a I'i'l'''' . 'co.ivolthe M'eech as revised and null- lishcd lLy tiiddiiigs hiiiu-eit': 1 ..... ..... . . .1 - IK I Mr. .,..l.mr ovs.r to t to m. -It' Mr tii.lihn oV,,rl to sat to the! I ... .ui.!rir ll.al I lie lavWt htu- 11 -.1.1 .1 ... .1... I'HIit ut tl ..hk. r 5 ih.ur h?l,l It 11 olin-e a tlir nT'-rv 1. -n!l ..f .fie j.inr-ihty rulo. Tb;it nib- had Leu t.n- I ,1,,.., .11 y tlie a .eg part. :,i.. ,J bv m.mi.- small iHrttoii ! iik ni-inbn hum ihe ..ilur side of Hit ll .ii--'. ' This hritvinjc down of the not bull fiuzzani, "by a feutiier from his own winji,'' was received with shouts of laughter bv the House. It s.ieticed did And now for Hanks. In the s.ime discussion, . still insisted Ul-ol. sUstanuiii HUH II. pre- J ..... . puWfcan party j Was it because the.y endorsed the principles advanced by that ge.itle.nan. of the social equality of the white ami black ruces, am. desired to see yi.i, , ,y , . i, u. the problem worked out Ly which it was to tie aseertaineo win. 11 01 tne two raws would absorb the other f Mr. banks had made no sncli declara- ,,0- He had expressed no op.mon np-.n either of the nuostious to which the gen- . r t 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 tleiiian had adverted, but had iletiared 1,. ,ll)U; . .:, vcf,,.... . .., ,,ive decisive answer with respect to them. According to his understanding of Ian- guagu, the .-litimelits w hich the -elillc- . . Jjm Mf J ) wfre ,ll)t U) u. drmw fron,"Tv Just interpretation of the laii-'iiaire he has used hen interrogated oM subjects. IFe knew perfectly wttt, t ns did every man, that there was aii inequality in the condition and in the pro- ...1 ..4 tl... n-l.ttii ..mrl lihw-L- rt. sciii e.w.ai.o , "i ii.v ...... '. 1 J - i .1 .1 ces, auu uau iieer aa.i wai mej t.-io f .Mu.j . -..-. .1... j.,,.,;, ...... t..',i 1 ..... ...... - uHll t,y tiio getiUeanau Iro.ti .oith Varo- iulu 1 .yr. t litiimaii 1 the otlier day, and el.i..i. .... ..itu.i .i;...l..;...url ........ .1... ;,. " , , 7 ; "K , v ' siaiiu, lie iiau w av inai lie nan never entertained nor cmte.nplated in hi. mind an v sncl. idea a that which wias then pre- sented. The theory of the atiialgauiatioti oi me racA was as iiieuauu repi.-oiiru to his mind as it was to thatVtho gen- ,!enian fron Virijii.ia of the gentleman frulu Xortb Carolina, or ofanv otlier man.; . . . . .1 . . e i . . .! . , i ji,i dause 111 the gallerieS.J tfr. Letcher desired to read from the ,'cntkiuaus remarks as deliberately cor- rccted by him, and placed upon the re- c,)nJ' Wlt, all the sole.n.ii.y that could be I'l'l-Ii.ll ,L-4U cord' with all tbe solemnity tbat cuiild be coru w un an u jveu bv the reflection 1 1 . J. ----- ---- Uioat carelul and aiialolis ere was the guhtleiuan's I - 1 1.... .. ..e In ,1,!. ..,ttr., tt.ni 1 a' the .j.sirme of the U-char&uon of ludepiid-nce. ' !it ynen are crested -tuat. In pgar.J to the! So far as I have rtiidielj )'' il T. U )" i ",ia a'";r " alaais absorbed and d.s- ' ' (, .. r . . ' " ........ ...-.t t. .1.. ....r t.. t-tv... i...m- .. na"tim tiro, a.tsis.. usi .usiiv. 11 .i. ,.t,HHJluiri.Ti;r Urt 'flV;:" converse was true That lh, white race ... absorb or be ab.ortAO.1 in this - . was to aiisoro or be aborMHI in mis .- -t I" .T . :n hsr16 """" l"e race, now mas mai to Imj done ( Renewed langlvter j . o...... " ii. ,, ...,:, ,.f ,1... ' i'.i" vuiivi ...y . v. , . i. . ... 31 r. i.atiks calkd the attention itentleman to ;entleman to thc fact that the language- !'' !''"'. r' '"' TUu-, to a nm-s,,.,., ' ' - " ' "'-'t 11 ' ' ' - U I' t v. K f II ttj Jft,T Ulw. , ilr. Li.tclior. If tiie gentleman has not undertaken lo determine it, w hy dues he undertake to speak of the probahlu ab sorption of the one or the other rtc. ( Mr. Iiaiiss I have not si.oL A i.f il... 1 nave mil i.Ik Ii ui in.., i,rol,iii.ieab-oritiou of theone ..rllieotni r. Mr. J-'tcher. Tnen be-ides, the gen- tleman n given tins sui.jeci study, as ..e -a s m tins extract. M,, - . Ti - r. liatiKs. 1 he (.'en tleman Irom ir- rinia inisreprosoiits mv h.'njiwge. I did not a-crt that 1 have given the subject study. - ' .Mr. LetclK-r. 1 will read it to the House. f.i't, n j,, jour en5tr.w.oi'l, and yjtr tviK "K'.'TaTa-T hae tla li"l ll..; s'lhj. rt. r. at Ja 'n'- f,j ll S..-C1IIS to III.; tii be ihe illler.l i.'iw thai O.e jteiiln-r is sl..s aUofbed slut iti-..p I1'" r.e. ii tl,- .tr..r. '-r i :.--. 'iWti. tl,.-r tin- vl .la- coiilHi' id or ai.y o'.le-r i.ant of tl." Itoriil I- ..j'lai to iImi mle'ui raeu r.vi m... h u1' P mo;, u! ol.' :, a. I" " 1 .1 1,1 r tla Hie' an-oi j.' itiii, aiaj il..ip. arai.c ralier ; I l.r.ii.os to Ua.llfjr j ,1 lie-- r ( . -i Uf rH'-fc van he piut iuw OiJJt jiuJ'jiupoiuii le si V fvl'i J". -V. .'. ILSUAil-KVEXINaFKIW. 5, -ISM. i r-j TERMS OF Tl$ f APER $3 00 (CASH. 5?" There was a larger number ot vote polled at the Towu election on Sat urday last, than ever before polled here.r: .rN hethef it was owin to the excitement of the contest, or an increase in our 'pop ulation we cannot eay. Perhaps it was both combined. In any case, it in wor thy of remark. Wo leave it to those to account lor whose curiosity may lead them to investigate the subject. nave we nseu i , j ... i : . , n ' ' ; weu tel. or u ... any omer Hie storm continued Iron, about i or 4 , "'ii icii ui iv .. ..r i r. At UHII m t lllllivs i.i it'i NUi on - nils. , .11 ,0 . , k u . ko' ult uml thc re. . .-.1 1 . 1,1 was l'hasant unti tour .11 the evening, w hen it eoiiiinencea mercury was uerees auove zero, aim ' . .j ,ci;,ltttH,u to rise hi-her un- ,il afur S och,k. It was very cold all 'hiy the nWr ila'j tee hart tud thit yrat, P. S. kxcent to-tlav. which is colder. The Mereurv. at 6 o'cl.K-k this morui.lir. , , was acgrees ue.ow rero. -- m mw - V,,,,.; -Tl,i I...?;.n i. ' , ( (Va,V.Thi m-ntleinan is ! ' . . " . . 1 " iiitu,' in iwr tnu n ntiil u-p ai-i- ii-l.-nl luiiiv ' s look well Omit. Our February Court of l'leas and CJuarter Seo.-ioii is now in session. w"e- heard it aaid on the atreet yesterday, that there were UK. Magistrate on the bench. We know it is false, hut how did such a story get abroad. n.L-r.,ii.. 4tr.ln.in,, Onr ,,..i.di. bor of the f.iWr let off, last week, a charge of pebbles. X-as straw and w ind. ; Thcv were aimed at n, thng!i it is hard ly sitpposable, we jirefttne, that such novel cani-ter could seriously atfect any lie. At any rate, we do not feel dispus- 1 .vl. led bv our self, ami in which the:on li,1"J"fI nc cmino.it .'.:.?. r r,ubj;t. can have no in. -re interest. I l.u .Soc-Wy ll.c,r,l -is the title one o! the lie -t carelully got up little pa prs vee have ever seen. It is a valua- , , ,. . , , , ., n , . , , h ' . ' be indueed , j the hope that some may tie induced to. t,,),c.e;i. f,,r if r. ml ioln in f..r. 1 S'ltiscnt.e lor ir, w c su ijoin its terms . T, . , ' i. r-t..fore, thr.-.. c; ie, a- Ii Auvihart. ui.. t....... I, Uran.-h. au.'l one ... .-a.-b i.if- I . r. . t. .. an ! Us M. .nlxr, e, aiu.iuii-1) . Mbir c...i.s ,:lUu p-r ,uu-.i. in a-Lanc. Cb.ire.be. ... .-ah...- for 12 t.-e a-LI.e-s. est. c 've th.-m on the sane- i. rm. In.li.lu.il u"-nl-rs re-ie the w.,rk ti eenu p-r ""u", """ll!"Kl1'- f ir- s 1 . .ir- . , 11 arm inr-srwi fi- J.i''Ur tin, ' -Th. ie usual vjniet of our Tow n was Tt 11 rhtd for several" Ta v sTast w eck Tii ....m..m. ....l-fcl. . ... lrfW4--l.wwi. i"" " ' v,,v - siuiiers Having oruereu an election 10 as- .1 .t .1 ",K M,,w l" u'e """"1"'1 r ,..rii , ... fi.. ....m,,., . . l 'Uc . , ucc" 111 c'i'tI0" thlB l,lat;t lyr,lllt'j J-a-t year. The notice allowed was very ..v.s, t.-...B ...j i.o... .uen.unj to -, ,jav on which atpointed to b ".. , At An earlv taller 'Jay tlie election was be held. At an early hour on Saturday iiiorinni'. 1 i i I t!' crowd upon the streets, ami the little ; knots hefe and there, and the quick step's ' of men moving about, gave token of : a,.,,,..,.,;,,, f SIla .;.', At to ,.tl.: ,.t ..1 t At in! ".iiiiiini'S "i unusual ii.icivs.. ill vi . . . , , .. . . , ,, v.-v-n ...v. oov.i.c-1, a.... ""-i .vjttiug.-mnti.r;tici-d. .e-tkkot.-aisd ! V i V. T.I. ... . . " rl .. .... i w -," -" '-."., "u me one pan, anu - .vga.nsi tne nve gallon law auu i.,rj,.ie c,.truc,i (Uv,,,,, l;l,vcr License," on the o,lier- A ""'"her of 4re4ttviH:2ii 110 iV then some pretty high words Cabilit.t vlta Uie trcaty WJM 1Virill, J ( ""f J"'1' wre, Lc',eve' ,we"; , briefly expressed their views of lU sb- m favor of a repeal of the five gallon law y n at llto tmte. but w OtmM .liwiharyhCTr-tJntrp" .-; - 3.uupajtwJiiv.iA. - - - r M t1'"'"'"' r,'"vcri,l. At f.,ur o'clock the polls were closed . , e ...... ... I- ...... 1 1 . I . . . " -vvm : p."., mere cioeeii ; " r-.l VI .V V. "I 1 T - ; . e- aiei lue v.nes couuieu out, aim nere is the result : No License, License, HI 19 -V' Ucel.se uisij. t- r This is, on Several accounts, a irratifv-1 n j inj; result. As iin; on the part of our citizens, ... . ,- I" me low am. leLTadiiio business ot de- .. ? ... pnviri'' the In-Dotted ot the money whicl, icating a dis,Kitioi, Ar wa tliko"' wi'1' the following re-i.l. : itixens, to puta'stopi1U"U 'Jl rr ;7. FulBr -'IS, scattering t slioiild go to tlie' support of wives an,Tri'f"fM:I to c'""-'I'iti'-"1-'jr i'""'Toliiise children tt,l the ruiuoiig oecupatiou of I ie ru.no... occupatiou of!. -..-i.;, ..,.,,. v. . i -, i i iiirtnoii: 'n'lllivtnir ,l ISlClldllllT BO. : ... - . . J I " u !ux' --onstrairi.'d to believe tue nuin- her -f M.'.i-c favorable to rigid restriction, against the liquor tratnVv'n really 'much -,IL.(.r than this vote seems to in, licit.. I here are comparatively very jew intelli rent men, we think, niibiassi-d bv tin i.anii oi .irit.Kinj;, wim would not .bail with joy the entiiely di:trm:tionT.f the ' iradii: ill an its toi n.s as a beverage. lint ami is, an iiiiiri',,',.in mi the ... . ' , .. . m.ri'ls ot mmir, tnat the tl ve nail. ,11 .ie is iiietlieii-iit in its opt-rutp.n. as a restnc 1...., . ...I U......1 . .it i... ....1 .... - " -iiaois. 1 . ..11 ui. urouuu. 1 lit.t t I.. " iiamis, a ad t1iat.it in bestill, ...1- ...ta... ........ ..U...I...I .... 1 t) 1 p; ..-... 1 not tun-. .Ntitrtheless, : entitled to respect, uliheeitatiui-ly uM' j , .I,- t.r....iit law has !..kiiu:J riie'iKMine -f th cwit iiitTw.tf tlm coiiti illio-linr r .Ir.mku.u.e J therefore proved ft public, m wJI aa lrl u H nefit to our cotuuiunity. Iho evader of the law. conduct thoir biiaincss in the most socuro innnner. They dare Hot net tlie law at defiance and come out in open day. Hi community ha put the trade under the hand.. (It ia.a wroii and dia-, gracoluf traflJc,''ay the olrjnd it hall not le tolerated iu our midst and by our coiMteu't, Surely thia is an impor tant aIii in tliA rti'lit i!irtetion. and thixte who desire to s.-c the day of complete!' 'T tUrW W , emanctput.on fwin the ciiiw, n.uat ee that tlc next stp tndinjf to flint tvault will be much easier taken. It is -hoped I they at least feel doubtful being con- vinced of the evils of the business how : , . , , , 111. c i a tstep bttckuMi'lt could hasten a lorwurd v'-" i mv. v.-.. .v in thia contest, whooe motives they tin- Jcrstam, ,v w bUeh as u, COInul(lllj llMsk,.contilllKHl ,., ,ct. IIII11HIIU 1 11CIT UOIIlllltieU IVflll'tl. Therosultof.hise.ee.! yymg aa Vindication ot the lieuetita ot ,i . ... . . ; the law iu question. A majority of the 1 -.. . ..... Citizena exnre4in,r llmt nn n hr mir 1 n 1 . . . i.: - . - .- t ' public admission of the fact as to corn- i menu it to the approval of M well-w.sl era of soc.etr. KINISHK1)!! ().. Tii(cwhiv .last, about 3 o'clock, T. M., .he lat har of iron was laid 0.1 the North Carolina Hail K.iad. The ineeliin' of the two end, took ..lace some 4 mile- i ii ...y v...., ,v..n .Hi, ciiii T ihiif u...t of .1.1. ,,l A r,.., .1,..; 1 est of (hi tdace. After their work was 1 . 1 eoitinlini.il Mia hum! iif flo. l-, i-.i'm.. ' ' " I" nies got iu the cars and rode1 down to Clreensboro', amid the happy greetings and rejoicings of our citizens. And after an hour of hilarity, they returned ' to Jamestown, to enjoy some of the iuiier inau comforts. The mail and passenger trains ma le their first through trip on Weducluy. advertisement for illfonilatioll u, to '";'"v "ar!4 liinJ-iro J'.tt. C )NUIiKSS J Nl AK1 TJ. The leading feature in thc S. si itf' prt- . I 1 . . a-s i lias more man once niiaiiod ; pn'ii.c'v, : w hich he brought on the ' v t-terd.i v , w T tli much elaboratelicss and e i.ii-n pre T . l-i-.l r paration. ll was, in unci, me M .i,roV i.octrine," so teraied. None .,f ..i;r read ers Can doubt that we have fa.ie.l to be Convinced, by 'he arguments from time ' ,.... , , . 1 s. . to tlme tuu lnl,,:" respected Senator ... ,. , , ,. Ir-uu Mi.hi-an and others. i,ot , tt. M-s-ioii of yesterday there was real! v some thing to remind us of tbu dava w hen prin ciples were discussed ill the S hate. 1111. 1 not PtM?rlipTtts. Wc did not see nrhf imt cause to alter our Somewhat cloi i-ln d pinions on tlKs vexed question, hut we listened witli much Hef.TetiCe to the ma tilled views of the hoii.r,tMf S. na;..r We w ere leased t eehim vigoro-i-and in health, (indeed with the voulltfiii-ar- JL'Xj.dLllJiajiiJJL;uaiuijiii.L iil-illU. to dri.w his a worj i'l d"f' "i e of tL hi Willi- - . .. . . . try,; advocating w hut he deems patriotic. We shall be likt u ise phased to have ai .! . r opportunity to examine his observation,. . . , ,, , at "u --"'li ' dcr ls habitually rapid etiiincialioii. What ever cmc(lsiljn wo nttV ai riveatll.cn, ve are Bre tna, -c ,nll be. art.1 tlmt . renders will m. edified Itv ll,e hi.ti.ii. I f.1 .II1....IU.U .1, Iu I I..- ll... (.......1... v . o. u. t ' v ne ii . ii, i iir icii.iioi. .. i i.:. i. i.n i. ...i t- . 'peeen snail no piioiisiied in fu jt jJlMsj,c tiat we may suggest a f,.w f.,,mil.is on il. dehnhs s!,.,l l extrll,i,.. om. taL r,i..r.. , ... 1 .. l ,,. ,llw,.t,i,n nr.,... c ,h l - '.... 1 r " ' based his re.naiks was a mot n in to refer -tf,cfvinrnft'erForeTg7,:R;;1 ations : . ; . . . ei t ie Let terof UJJ,. ,u llu.- 1 t.., l .;.i.v- .r .. . . - I . 1 tr t :. Jja-uua.ll ,ti pr.ipiniiu.il ny ..r, I......T "" J""' - 1 n Mr T- "" ,0 cmtit..r,. 1 1' "II I HI CI e'i O Y .11 T. 1 V S'M 1 SO I .) C'lO sl ; 1 1 1 1 1 , - - . . . AOs? -eOtreHlHefStrti - SW. -lO- .-. Ve 4 t- -ftlt OnrtA - . . -- - t . the proportion ju-tlv due it, and loan I ' 1 J , i ' i thorire the committee, to appoint their 'respective chairmen. Some personated ' . . - . , 1. labrttioiis or iiieiiiheie, elicited by letters tt'.. ..: , .... .. pied an hour or, h vote for Speak -' ,.'. i. oi.iiiiiji.iii, o... .much nn nour or n,,,ro' 8"" l"c" "- v"'c ",r a" I .1 i ... , ,.A,I . . .... , .. .. i, . . , nei-i...i.rv ti. . el.. ...... ...1 f. .. . ! I " - -.-.. .. k ,l,. . .... ,l., ,1....,.;. ., . .....a u.. ..,i.v .lll.IV IB UI. HWlia. l I " Iai akv Ml , , Wamakv ,U . mi- er.nir. sat noi irr seslfl. 1 liu llol'SK UT UK.Pkl-MKSTlMU M mad . n,, pro- -res, in the eloet.oi, of a h-makcr. Va- nous proH,sili.,iis lo accoinplish tlie re suit worn read, aud either deferred by i.i.iiseiil or laid on the table. Whilst, a .......... .it i. I. ...i i. ... oi me uieiiioets sceini'ii lo aim at nciiiaiioii, iin;rc were otiiers wlio man ilested a 'reteriiiiiiahoii to adheie to the' inijiracticablu coiir-.e of the lust tVo!'h,it tin- iigoeStin f the writer will Ilioiiths. ( )rte) fjentleii man considered the preservation of the iiririniinii..i. f 1.1. 5,. oar. v us of fur onin. iin.riu,.,.a ... .!.., . I ....-... ..'.-. 1I1TT . country than the election of a Speaker ; ...1 : ii-. ... . 1 e . t .. : .. r .1.1. .1.1... I wiuiai auouiui, 01 opposite U1U1, Ueclareal .. .1... . I .... '.1 I'll . ... .., mi, j.,,, ij ami which n had beeir ailing ir.:ver, tinder -Any ir- ctijiisjaiiccs. to cTmngo .it. pa.nv'" iKrofn' ! w hen inipor-ed.und liul.tvliv ill the I .V ' Th, only takv-j, (.!.o 11.) re-j ,erir 3 : necessary to a clioio. Ir(Trt ferini; 8 ; necessary to a clioiee too. It u much to ho reyrelted, wo think that the pinpoaitUm moved bv Mr. Whit,- ney did ...it ...ewi.h the lavor of H, llouae. t lllltfl't liavjvtetl o M - iiie - .1 . .. 1....... .....l. It mem in IHO coniesi, iioerer iiim-o nii-rhf liaveUUnpjM'inted one or the other of tbt phalaiiiei. llnftf thoqnmtion i ever t he nettlea.tnemDer sitoiiiu make u.u tltfir minds to let the lrotl";et sue- e-ed, ami with that view yield W tuijf ptan,,, iiAU iuythe Ne fotl ioarkU" ffca of fairlv testiuv' the true rehitivetreir.-lh f ; '.,. , ' T ? . .f , VJ. J, . ' i ami, ty a UifUU'Uioi V icsi'iiuiou, irj j wMhltf a :whi.h memlnt Cftl J uii. u uuji.iit y of the 11. mse iu his t'avur. . . x. . . .. . The Sf .NATK wan not in m-smoii. The llolsK of ItKl'UISKSTAKVt Wll ell.leil uriii;; its entire silting in loiihiilerui pn.tToiis oifere.1 with' a view to etfet (he choice ot' Hmker ; niui one of tlu-nl ;(r.r lllu . .. ... of .hey, j very Nearly plikeed it in .he ot. Ihu iiurimty I u( ) power ol the , , r 11 1 1 1 I tJ "l iti,m Cseaiied "the tal.h ' !.v a tie and then was, -liV'sotnc parly fear or re- i .1 ..".4 1 ! .. . iineiiiem, or uie umu m mmiiu oiiriT m- 1 1 ... - l - -v TtotiMiiHiirr. nMtM-iea or a niuioriiv 'i t- iv ffiiii. fnl,.n It iiiatr 1u uiil uillu.nl I. .1111. tlA.ll.HCI In 1'ltllMP IllkflV tUltt 111,' CMi.si lurat.oiis ulncl. Iiave kept one ' branch of the (j. eminent loii mior - iraiiized have been insittlicie.it iu rlianil auue.i nave nee-.. .....imc.e.ii ..i nij-nnv r real miiiorlaiice f 111-tit y the xacriti.-e ui i . tit v and 011 1 ic 111 I dutv and .public euai iu ter wlueli l.av e been mi) reiiJered to them. Kv.rv other iniajriiiulile exiiedictit haviu aii;tially failvl in Coiisi.mnialii. a cho.ee ! rpoa- K'r' ,'.'e,c Tllr' l" . I.. ..-... ........ M 7 7 . ..riini.v... in,a' .. f 11.1. ,iv iir u iej.rr to HlO It. ll.'uld V 1 Uie, or to liu e ... pea 1 . . 1 . .. : .. I'. . . .1 mi a. 10 no oiuainuioiu. uiroien, deed, must he any views of pity devo tion that can cl.o.ve the latter alterna tive, bt the adoption of the former r'-nlt as it mar. Wo trust that, more elevated conceptions ol duly limy ye. prevail, ami that the House may at oi.ee- relievo ,U fioiu the IoimI ot .Kliuiii and reproach . . wlnellllow ir-ts on ,t. U e w ..;i.d Ii "t he . , i i , unjirstor ilndu.y eeiisorioite, but remiv . . ' . . r .. i:ei.:o-:iteli can h.u.in le ii.ov aw uie ol the i.' i eat ev !l tin are inll.etiii'' on tin in Ie!es. ,,r, t,P roiititrv. and on the credit and rc-.ectab.,Tty of uur (i.tvemmcnt a'ojid. 1 he ili.en d.t dot s hot fall (.e this timt faction, tm. on (he whole l"l , oi. the coiiiiti'V, und lis iiistitutioiis .1 Sjnk?r .'A-' (.il We hare .1 rv J.rf "tT'cre Irv -Tfni sT'Too.f ?ffiTfrfirtr1f''ir;'t; that a teh Ta !.ic d.'-jatca was re. ei.ed in t!;at e:tv a da - r tvvo -inc, v,.l:iti' that 1 " V N s.s had belli elected Spil!.T, hi. a 'j. .rai.ty vote. ... I .. .Mr J'yr'ftar unJ 'lu .Itti.'u.- 'ei '( r ti.mnti. p.i.-i.-S d. a .li or l.u a., a lull r fr.'l.i lh.: Mi I'urv.ir, ttaio..' i.r suliIiie i a col. -. ..il.t'li Ul.t.a I. Mr. U.i, 2d .-i-'ni.l I 'otuii.i-l. r O aid lo l!i- Jt j lU.l.h.l. 1.1 .'!' .1' I'.stiutaiiler at M.t-1. 1.. N . . Mr ft-f.e-'i. L"lv ,! . 1 " A-ii. i- u.i -S"- I ..d K.i.ii l...t the ae. linn e . . Mr 1' h .k.'T , u.i iv'r..11, lie- v ,. i -.4! 1 I,. 11 ta- : .1 I, n MP I n 1. ir I re.. r,t. , tl,.. set lion t..r il. ..I 1 V :. l( p 'l.lMi. hi. 1 r I-! k'-d, i.oll.e.sflt pi-s,j . ..-..1. iwi. mas a c 1 111.,'. I 1 i ll .! I,.- W.. it,,' f 'in- . '. r ; ll. '.t I,.- .11 !-"e-r.' j it. r, u i.it .ot : -in sV l rte- iHX LiLj- tt a. lw- 1-. kuitiil iu at'P''ea,B)iiv1'ira-jinmtiM-. My . ' 1..-0 a oid; th;il w, not only h-l n- ! ad h. N'otl.ilias. if Setii-W ii. Iml li...! a, turn -I t!.- in out alu-neter Cfood liern i ' -.ii in. rid I for their pl.tei-.. Jf. i r;i: -. 1. ll a lll"W .Nolliil." al.l an Irwh . alli-.lie. -'!, e.(ii.i'!) eoiiipet. a, mi-re pr.nente.l fi r an i.tliet . i mould refit., tbe aplrMl.tltllV.lll ( I " pi rt. li.al 1 muuld auss.r hi ai.i tl.at th- U i "' l"' as IrUhman n .r a .it , I F.r. -ut Wn rereivttstr he ar-rs)Tr.t!ri-nf, if i .... ... ? luihi, also, in !. acutid.itic ub the i"Uii. h oe ld-ii, that m ile: rtjiju.iiitiiteni .a I -""'-'. -uh. r a man", bntb i ! .. i...r I.,. il it ew-r lli.i'l.' th- ut j-el'tf in..lir : 1-lt a denis! rrf tlm id.hjai.ona ,mt-ie. and th- . ... .... .e ... . .... e ...naomnon w a u..r bul. " 1 atteuUua. , . Tr.Mii llit I .).eli'IIU-i)lcMr. , .4.-.vur 111-ary.uiiwiw.aToUMe. c.rd.ally ckollg. d' '""'" eo"rttt,,l M "I1""' ."" Straight forward Wl.iw conr." If rrrnraT . IW Skit irfil ri I i uwe rr- " - -,,., ,,v 1.1 01, ,luv-7rjTTT-TrF---r '1 bijl'aiMMstTiey are ,o acc,,.cd to "death and burinl" ,., ,,: . , . . I .... , . , , , , ti'en wiat im-y-ra.r;iy..iarie .' : 1 , r .-. except ly a lively iciiAv, to contradict ,,, . i ' ," 1 , sncli slauderoiM stories. The Whigs of Maryhuul, aNn, sccui v ' - to be wakinr liu Suva the N,.ii,..oi I., ,,. r ' teh.-ei.oer: " IF W VrV mailt.' rmnarL'i.i hw .a. m, ..... ;.. ..... iLl.i.ZZ .. ... T liall.iuore American, ainiriiit? . If" A M-lim Whio? that the condition of political parties and of oclit- ...... ..it'.;., I .1 . ... ......, , lumni. iioccssury on my pan ... ll... Wbi.s u a 1.1......; -111..'. ..TO I . I . . . . .,, (til. 'll "ll .oe co.. i proper u. i.e taken ny tiieiu in approarliliii; political arranefiietir's af- f,.,.,ig ,K. hiohest interests of the conn- -llie-same writer CllliS oil tlie old- - ii-i . . , , .mo V Itiyr party of Marvlntid to meet in O.nvctinn U, deliberu.e on that curseof aclK-u best calculated to make etleetiiiil their votes in siistaiuing the fuiuhsiiiuiita! 'principles of the ( iovoriuiicnt in preserv - .....i .: . - . Mi'- mon ami rejiresaing seetarlali i-m. it v are glaij (usee public atten ''"ti drawn to tins siibjeet, and we b. hd.trtily and promptly rS-.t.le'l to bv fift- lov'i r-iuiirii.iii. l..... ..f t 1... i -. s 1- is" " : aim J IMIIO, ui.il l.ilen m. ib. I....,t .1... 1 . . - - - y - ... u.....iu. I.IU I. I I ). ' he resp. .naibilitif. of the Wl,i.. con.er- . . rv e , I , , ... . .1' I V i I I vanvij. .,1 ificmtiiry me bceouiimr de' P-' 1.. . 1 -.- 11 - ... . ... ""J imponaiit, utid Iliiv must. mi4et und releeitl f.rtn with uii'wiVri-l.iT1 h'Mttjr and detcr.nilinkn " V' M f'rum tht StitHiltitiL Hxixa. IN'TKUESTS OF N'. CAROIJV1 I , ... :. .... ' Mitort of A. C. Simulant: i;KSr,,t-ex HtaliMiieat inuhUa ihrnh . . - , hMj.W.W j .. - - : ii.L.lu.U till Nfttfii lllllUM niM ta U m inu rmli of this Stale, iuduea ma to say ajrar lew worus ujioa tun suijxb . It j very ccrtsia lHat tfca vidua of ninj properly eaatua be tiiuall irom um fnecr with Xyi ill Carolina Gold rtd jCoppcr bm 1 axuiucil iho ropiaiiUlily of stating ia ths Mmiiijj Jural, a year aOi cauw Uiffc liJ ojivrattrd iu doprowag tlx 0iiaiig1afMsla .it' tlim Male ; aud mom, attor fortW ap(ara n. mi nu.l ulMt-rvMtioit, I tinj the j'iniot wMrh I ' ".'"'d, utainv'd. Tosalisfy toosa bo nr.- inii-n-l. J in rtiu iUiiuT of Vrh CaroKna in in.-. I ill kla.c. rt-rr tiTh nr, a hr bxrls ahM-h 1 ,nVl. htninl hv ihrwl uUnatloa ; aad I . ? U I'!? illxiiiinff rorrx't Uifurmation, boll by iinli.ili. nf llie unji rruund aotkilia, sad of lb lvk Hii.i S.KHHIU lii'ior 1 fished, , la lbs hi-t .I-it, I Til cli tiia attoaliou of lb raadaf 1.1 ill.. I ..!. I Hill mm. uj ataln. tjist ika UiA .I.n tl... t!. MM.lt. l.i tg.-.s , 1.,,. t,.,.. ,i0 4s ifl F.lrfasx. 1 , , ,., ft: MjicI,. ill.isO ill AutiL tll ' ., ', i . ' ' ' ... ;" ! ' " i' '' Its', for workiu lU wusa. : '. IU aowunl of fold take oolaf lis j nim tn a moii.li. Has rra brd so kttfm as 13,- j hj ; and .1 n.ay W .isum!, tbat lb. Ml M n t, . u.e psmai usm. aet.a 1 . . 1 a a K . tn.'i.ui, 1.WWI. Th ,,i,t , a wh workx! to a Jejtfi of 4oo Ui-t, ami d nv an iuuiase ia gulA ss aba wrwkinjt sre mnieil (tnwa. ' Ihe . i .rili ( .-ir,.!.ii:i ( ...ir niiaa, know a. aw i'iv K nlr.-sn iu .ht, his m ire than ulta4, it- U' d,,,,,,,, U.e pa( u-tr. ll has Had its lw : , ,t . jiHl j( . ., . , . .ind it sapabi ot luisuJaini; mora euMsT ttvsva ' " at am furtner time. im aditot of of fsrMttv -1 tt-rr 7'SMI 1. r.. 1 1. . J n . .l,k HM 1 1 S ------ ,..,1 ... j so. I fur ni.ii)o-i.al an fipensa of aboal r.'OiHI. At the prrmenl Ullte it txldi HQ bs 1. 1 I .'0 .r e.i.t, ore per moulit, besMhsi a i.i.-f i(u,ilil ij lit js-r orui. ore, mhteb, al aa I .t a.vnhe:i. r rice uf m. Ut, may b atwt I. , ii.aik'-l at a fur pr. .fit. lbs seam of anhd '"p r pyri'es t '.'2 im-be wid, on lbs Vtvlssa u. mtnib. thst ta b.at ftnrt f quarts rit'aiia assy -i:.M-'aTrr.rT;MT-in;",iH..h.-;iTyV (,'real m!Ji c.ia-nititrw tb ; II, . I f 111 n,.e f-i, a,- are wariMtted s U , I-h. I il..it 1 . i, r...e iue wf lbs Htoal VsisjabtS null iri i 1. : 1 1 -urilr v. - Hie lV.hii.rti,n mine, in Dsisidmcm, is now no es.fulit miske.l, after havint baa aasisa pr... ... fur lb Uat lltrmt years, l ive 4aVmh)f hetel.ff.ire baa U-en ra sspmrallita; tb aiits Itmtm llie I ad : this m now arei.idipliabetl by lb ma) uf I'.rlt -.1'. SvsM.Oi.r. w',ieh eaatilra tb en-it si a n.iirli Ita etl titan mirmeeit. TIsS . i, nt i,s4 , a , te.a.nw osx ef lbs Hi. l-tt4.4- stmts is .e ettntttry. I migsll ' emiiiieralt rnwriv aim il.le .old and opfer MthsaS si'irv 4 which -ann..t I,. at.J to enjoy a repajta. . 11 . te V-'ii I the immediate nn(bboboo4 mi llieir I. s-aiw-n, ...il wl.ieh are ririnrr ITliBSS Tt : hcherlbn Miiiw. in fiuilforrl; tlM. Jwm ri ut-. nn.l ili- War.) mrn in laubvoa; tfea Kymwr lion . n liwan ; tlm Hiavstdt asiaa, ta ""V"""?"- 1. rwttamiat tla. 1 'ie hi I, ,..j.j-r :, In Abe XAht" .Jloma - mhie; iTt iif "ifi 1 m"efuj,U aiiaes. I think it Mif- tn if. Hi. I It, tlr. rvMiner tmirtM ij Isia s, . , . , . .. " -" ; -i'ii.iriii ami peewtants am any auli. buret mine rxtw ksown. 'v (ptll and mpj,er itiinea, altff-Ojfh esrkk- id !r i.r.itritir. and on..mlt.eII addiaf .'r.a'lv ti, the f.i.-ral prnapr-rify of tbe Stale, d i r. t ini, m the lattrr (.articular coal 1 b nnsvmdstJe ilefsy ta the Compbtio ,.of wipv.vem-ato tiM.i' Fear d Ir.p p. rs. bus ..n mxTsmraieing to ih.aw hlrtsiia in tl... ma! fld.!-, and aMe doultta in th minds of r.i'ifr., rts to tin ir valias. The ca rases of tks I- Int. u i. sml.'sre the difficulty of procariaf . lats.r. ra ; litit tli-re it nothini; to Indicata tbat : tlns improtemesta are wot tafrfretty nvrbbt, sad ifi a tlu-re it rm imphliftwnt to iMt betn ear- ri.-d out ; Kiel fhsf the "will Issnee b otnpbtsil ta oSir t.ma.-- t'Tf i-n-t r innniilfriil- rimtf 1 Inroad. .HI built to the ! 1Md., f-,m diff reat po,rW " '''f rfUWa. . nd Mo.tT. r.roHn. onty pire. . charter v foa.li ttiltt llthailh. . 'ii'L'""!!" '1? IP "vs'ri drtra no l..rfer os .ny d.,.U. mm i, ia. I . . 1 . l".."Tl 1TT"." . '".1.1 T. i . '."wiwH-Mia. mciiiuas w asiaHnjr are to thov of any coal ft. Id in tbe I'alied Rlaias; . "w.1 T'VT "'T ' 1 ll I I''" 1 . . ,t . . . y LJatat'll MJ 01 aM aVVI tUI UVM CsW M J IW tUr txtn in lit eoomry, in arataottott w'it tli rw,n! ft rt- it i. J(atlt,1;l) HrfU of tom OfV. T1m . x . n --... rrt" r'l". l pops m MM tf ,l..sai. l. I ...... IfHI -.,,1 inn l. i a " : , -, . "'-'. ' '?" ol ore. ol a uuaJllv alilrli will rtamliu emal anas ' "r : T e.ii..d in ... rs k-ImmiI to tit. ISeutJi ama. Tba - l t ' " T-W. - I .. . I .1 . . . I ... S ". " am coai oa isrrp mver, aaa Mas jaos enre it will hsn tirioa the braarmirlt-of tb s.,..e e. ,.,-tne.l ... a. ..........:.A...,I Ti.:'.- .1 !ii . .Lw i i. ..with, i in. aione , win mass IDS rassa , . , .. . ., . . -s.l ' , " '" f( Muef eireiimsUaw rbtB M ' !!t nMirri' ""TTot'aliag herboodav. Ileaos ' or" " lp Itiwer shoald b hastssss !.. .0 a cotlll lelioo, - ' ' ' ,' I Muel: more might be "Sid respectlof th h Uu of lha luiaiug mliireat is t.at Stats) , bat 1 deem it iiunei-easarjr to rut or into furlissr 4siaib at tins tun.., s 1 .hall emlMxl in m .ortbeoav , ... 1 uur mnort. the itrn.einal fuel. wl.LJs 1 kanrin rs- lrde., ninl win, u ma be MawriM aaaipa- . -. m . ' - ' -l I' - . "''' ' ibapabbe Id know. K. KMMON9. (lutn'itl 10 tht Slab oy. C, . s. 1 'i irSb-J'i fl li0 s r . L t s.s.tv.t T s 4. I 1 -wst ivt lit. v 1. V iir,i. - i -fatijiV