V v9 ill i i "l .." '"T i; M T.1" f i ""-"l 1 1 Uf iJ 't (.-. 11 . $tttti ta p0litif5,aifaJ5ragrirttltnrf, nlrroal JmpraDfmfDti, (Coctifrrr tdr rts an rififfs, prolitp, an tljf amil? (Orrlf. VOL. XII.NEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, APRIL 22, 1856. DUMBER XLVIT. -$SV . : i - . . ; 1 i I 4 rrr ,V s-from ih . Pr-wfcj'iersir, LohDOK, March 18tb WHO anon l raMtTHi woiamip. 1 have oUefVJ lhal at Iiochle.r, United Rtat-. a rongregation of Pre.brterih ar id " lo have aoopteu a tuurgj in orni., i reii.iie without autbority from any of the auerior vourtK ia tb C'hurcb. If lliia ia no, you woulJ appear in America to have advanced a good deal furtW on th way to Iiidepend.-ncy thnn your frxaoytorMa brethren on lllit aiJplli a- J.J, BKINEK, Kwll.r awn lar can follow jratl, eacepl yor higher eoarta are Mirtortune. diraile an latimdaai in tlie eyia in , utniat rigour .fainal those Spaniard ao.l for aAt Uae eoa!aance af.tha Innovatwm. At 'the worl l. an.) tha-fnilure of profi t ia ulieu emners alio ma pretend, under any pretext rtb preaent moment a ontrovcrar ia imminent ia tbe Ert)(lill freabylerian Church on a point ofa aimilar kind, the introduction of an urgan by one of the Liverjwol cuhgregationa into their Worahip. Hie I'reabylery of the bound, after hej organ wa erected, which took place with- out any authority avc that of the eiii, Uk up the roatUrr, and ao apieal from their; deviaioti jptfmiitimy it, wtlt brfhg' the inealion up at the Synod,! w bich i our aupruine court, next month, Tbe queijn, however, will be deeid.-d, ou the jeanl of order, vii : wlielher a eai..n, or even 4'realiyUV, without the aamtion of auprt-m- au- tbority, eat inlrodooe new mode of wor.hip. On llti question I ladieve there will lie little dif- ference of upiuiou, and I anticipate, that tbe or- g an will be aih nced at least, if not taken domi, till time haa been given to discus and autib- the point whether organs in any rase are auiiii.aii.ie, and by what anth rriry and in 'what ens a the anay be allowed Tbe intelligence that l'r.-sl.v terian congregationa in America are ititrodin-ifig Jtrvj-Trt TVrH th" fir gre-...r o. n, l i..n ,.f Ijliu If'C woTsliip, will, I bs'heie, streiiglheii the eon lis-liw among a that extreme dang, r is lot. appreliei.d-d I'roin the tacit permission to e. Ii - ronirri-iratiiMi to act as may ! right in its own eye. Tbe Fr.-e fliurri, of swf.tid'i. taking a lively iuU-r.-st ia our uuesitoii. nnd h. l andli-l, Iia r.-fuWisho" wveral pamphlets Jo wtm-ba ainidir conirioersy gsie rise- fifty years ago .n r.luagow. a-vsu.pai.iiiig ih.-m with a pr.-f.-i. . of tin own, in whub la strongly depreeat.-s the in 4,jMmdmrf itnpll'-d .in the I.iteral p'M-e,s aga, and'iiitMitan-a a very d.s i.l .l btiuir to in truuiental inusic in puhln: worship, as fitted t.. iutrodilce gr -at heart l.urning. and iliv-a-tisioii. in contfr.-gaiions. .u shall hear in due little the result ol tie- d. hl rations in the "i n. il mouth on this iniH.rlnnl ubj.tt. In Ihe iii.-.o.- lime U- rtsiirv-.l tb- matter .a-c-isiolis g'.at anx- iety, and is taavU a atatu-r of butuhle prav. r that .he par.' and unity of the Church may no! tbereter tK, disturn-1 or ewJangere.. - rat rm'KCB or oi.i u isn w.i.Kt nn I gave your readers a hml in niv last, ol u incipient niovt tiu-iil on the part of the t 'hut. h towards a coriipreh. nsioii o tlie csl. an M tbuvliats, nnd I hate now to inform thein thai substantive iitensurc ate ai lualTy aUitit to Is takeu to try wh.-thcr' stieh a ouistiiuatioii is nn possihle.. Some inoiidis ao a I .mi not u-,- ol Clergyms-n was kirife-d with this view, who liairyaftrf lottg.and s,-tioua d. Ill-f ili.,n. u.,iue to lh rersoiutioii that a je-lition, largely sign. d. should be prestlilsil lo t uiiinuli prating that reforms may l- inlr ..lii. cl into ihe liuu li fitted 10 sali.lv the lintel, of conscientious M--tb.alisls, and that such relaxation- may lw ton oeded will laciliUU the. admission to order of Fram e, hul re.mg for support not upon tree in approved Vck-B Mansion.; and ei-r.ssMtig ,.,,, ; ;, ,!,. k, , pres., but upon lb. a hope thai by such lllea.til.-lel others ntllllar, protrrlioll he illfoid, to properly and tin- el, a restoration of this Urge and mil lehtial Ult tC,,ur(t,..t ,,. u,.. to theciiiin r. ial aim in to the communion of the Chinch of Kogland .utrl.t ,.,.. of the cunir,. II- ha. .le may be brought alaut. How these pnavednig will he viewed by tbe Weat'eyans lli. iiis, Iv ,-s re mains lo I seen. No doubt there are among (heir iuititsUrs individuals who would rejoice in any measure giving thcin the' ttntits. and the other privileges of the Fl.iLh-limeM ; but 1 cauaol for a moment believe thai any pallrv re form which lite Com. salion are able, and at the ..me time, willing lo make in the a.bn.i.istr.t-( .:on of the Church, wilPaTall satisfy the- great body of Weslcvnns all whose feeling, larsoii- al and hereditary, have for four generations Ien maturing into a hatred of that formality . . , . and mnbfopery which are now , rt-n tii,",1&ti.bilmtr-,'ttTObt W- will produs r.rtiltn. nn-l it i ""p' - s'bl.' - tlll a selhu. ..... Ia w, f.nm the Methodist to the Established ranks; bnt Ihe fctMaiianisiii of both partic is likely thereby lo la-mme lie more e-etated, and the variance la-tw.cti llieni rendered more matked and iu'tiiH'ral.le. TOCKXT ami. WI1IK XW 4KK, Tllllll.ll III IKI. I'...ry in F.nglaiid ha. for aoine lime Ih-i ii liia'ping a prudent silence, bat every now ami then indications of its presence among us pr. 'til ihemsadvea.0 One of the bilcl of tbe.c i .he return to a w rit of Aniens emiug -.tie. n t'W day since, to i.r.xlucv the Ui.y of a "girl ... -'-- . . . named Mry Knivf. uppo-il be .lelann-.i nt (h Con rent of Our Lady at Norwood, made on f,,r t jr , (f. ,-t-. . t L Wondav last week lo Mr. JiisU.-e Croinploii. 0111 iiicotupai ible .,!( -ll :ioear that the irirl was t'ifl.-eii la-t M..v. ami ""'' "( Ju"'l" tr tlirough a certain priest was adiuillcd to llie Conv.-nt school in IHfiO, and had resi.led there' nil Boo, wneti, as tlie. return lo Ihe wrii set., rrt..i. i.ii.ri :ii ...ii, 1 V'lUue liau 01 Her ow.u uii- -1111 ..me au li e re, m Franc, an I had obtained a siluati. ,. ., ., . V 1 1... I :,,:, 1,101 iiii.i 11., i-nriiea in .ioi.s,u una mil 1 control or authority o.e- li. r. ruilher, that ' aimiority na cea-e.t twelve nroiiiii. t i.e.- ( ie writ was issued. In conseiience of ibis-tc- tUrn,-the Jude hml no ptTwrr t.i pmceed ftnlli' -r. atd-lhe mother of the girl'fiaslo mourn over l. i. tx i ... , '. , . . , he loo of her child without -the mean of re sires or any clue to Iter re overv.' Well ni iv we wonder at atate rff law wlijclrgit'i lo.any frti le iowor of tliU ditjiiigif the chii- ,dren uf others, and Bending them out of I heir iMtire conntry willmtit ihe Consent, of contrary ! to tlw of tli.-ir nat.urn! fcitard'mn, wlnt, t-r t tiint tiiinitcr nt llnrrcton,S.iii, ha injjin-il ! the tenobtain even a worj of informal ou on-M. Arios, the .Spanish Minister of Justice, to the subject. mttf rcsmt to nil -tit- machinery o'writr the following circular, addressed to, all llic n expensive biw-sinl to eoin-l those implicated U .(dl oTit, We l.-k fljrward to a Cuv-m In.f-.io,, Dill a, the olr .uriiv tl.. ireifiil r-ftttin oi .urn atr.K.nie, or w.- L. . J-'l An'Lhtl. It ia little lean limn niartlloua bow turii'a , opinion of me ilianjfe with circuin4an-i . aa an evidence of im-Hpaeity. Tliruuli all vr'- ! iuii h;i been the toUeliloiie of hIuIiiv. The aani,- act, lnt h m i:s pr..j. . lion w.- ih in c- ! aa ra.li and luaiUlionj;, Uu.l par inking ol : tbe heroic when it ia tnuiiij hantlv aeliiet.d. The rehel of to-day ia the patriot "f lo-iiiorrow. The wild p. culalur of teti-rdar olmll. two . nionllia In ure, he pmwd for hja energy ainl i foruthoiiglit. Tin- t.r.-ii n.l.-i tia throne rolK-ob d and t an. aim. d. ..me m.n'y j. ;ir ago, ii.nv ! coiiiniiiiul" tlo-a,.lnnnttoii of ill Kmnj Ih. ciowne.1 h. ! w hi. Ii in I "'ii . .iinl..iie. tog-tl to pr. riii ill.- i, . uiiktue tu.u of a. JSijLpijijii.i tlvnanlv. now n.l tin ir r.-pnan-nlauvea to ( t ..ngre.e. of nation, in t'o- t '.ipitoi of that Kin pire whose ruler tli.-v t':ir U toiera!e.l,and nlniae h. r.-.litart t-laima Me t refused lo r-e..gni.e. I le-se Miiul.ir iiiiimiioii. !,e,ir n strong i. .. m oinee io tue links oineiiiii . iM-e p. riotnn-.i jn a 'liri.tni.is uii)tHiiiiie. A s.-e-U looking unlit nlual entus ujm.ii lie ii. . IhimI. .Ily a rrowd, hi iutw.oi app-ir.-J is .u.l.-nlv siripp.-.l ll.a!l JliUl.jliili Jit tliUiiililliliial-lll plilii jJi ajr. tn. nfs. It, ;m in.t.int a liineii.. vou-. s are nf' in bis pi.-.i-. and be i. lanne off tb.- stig airinl.i tin- .n . l mi ili.m. .,( jl nil, in. .-. And V the, I'niie.- in rg- w. e.,r tl. .-s. ,i rrin. e, lb- r ig.f,:T!fi. .in him, and" he re,. ;.!..! in -purpl- au I line In n." 1 be a'jr ol l...ui Na,. ..n is ui toe ascend ant. i. i- t'.. right a gr.-.t war, and b... las n av oided hj i ..in.iu.ir eon i.i tie- I ,.n. r. ,.fui- t..rv l. I..i- ie.T -only -..lu-il. -.1. l-ti! lanind in abianee with I'm, the only I' a.r III Kui.l thai was abb- to nn a-ui. ,'t. ngth will, Frati'eV- i r, li u',. t. .! ..f K.ir.-pe I n r.:rat- ,il th- V.-t ..I the . Id. r Na ..!..ui. lb the terms ..I p, a. e lo lb. . 'i. ... has dictated of thu... na lions w hop- ruu. . , ,.,!,.. V, fi ,; org in an.e.u t, ., u,.ux.iu lo lie ;, .,, , x ,, subse.pl 1,1 1 1 to the blltle' ..t V ,,- cn., nrv nni In- f ,-iU .ir and llii bulli --I ! I lir..tn-. I I. tn.iii' i n ,-. r.h-re w -th rrim mlir rn nh-rits-. thlltv -ti.e y. sis le was all Xllc. Nut id v i. lou a. the woii.J d.-e'ar. .i, hill stildl"' euterpti.ing. Never at any Itui, do.-- belt; peat lo hale watered m Irs linn 1..-I,. ( thai he woiiid one dat l-iaii. d to rut.- ov.r Fiance. lb- had immense la.ti, in hiin.. if and m his lli;ss;ori - I be w .lk. he wrote Hi sol.tti I,- alt. I ibe plojei-t- he homed, all I. lib. I 1. 1 lie- one .1,1. I . a uobi. Fng'.sli It-It. who had rcfiis.-d to iitnt t f,,ji,es ,. ' , lv . t o i hat his. le is I. ported to I. ate sai l. - l!.,s .lav hoi a ci.,w n '." and wh.-lhtr tie- an.cl . ! In r not. the .p. . cl. I. t b.trrtct. i i.'u ot th. man. At the head of t he Niv ercign. ol r.uioi.e .laud, l.o Xa l.oli. oil.diiw wilh a linn hriiid the d.liue. ol chiri-d thai Fiance is-Hot yet pjepared I.i appre etitie a li- piibiicau tot in ..f lioveiiitneiit. ate those who havtt closely .lu.b- d lie- pr s. til con dtlioil ,ttd ("-,'iihaf eharart.-ri.-tie ol' ter L Collflde Willi llllll III this Oplllloll. ,'.(',,, lor 'atrntt. - TIIF. KI.V. Ul I LK liKLt IIKU. T)M ,H., r,. , p.h.-r .. in a very spun,. , ,,v He r.foninieii.ls v.-rv t h g tntiy .S, no J, .Van,,,,,,, ' ai him: It mak.s ii. - id to 1. ni' iilt the ' ' ""I, " '.' '. iyerthat we otosclies bale had; nil.lllaliv Hunk - - , ,. .,-.,, fis,,, ml(t Bffm,. ,,,, trrt - t - t rd -r ux-h..i" .miaaiaias - jima - ln,w go to the lllo.l unlr..lthy liver bo t 'llis till ill"' I .110- 111 one 11.11. 1 a.e. -' oeaoj . oi u ..I her. for Ihe v. ry Le nd i plu. k-d out of lilt gum monster who has bad ... long a dcs-oti-m m Western va!i. and river bottoms. I h. .ptarterlv iltnlis of m 11 m. will no long.. 1 -ivgntfy mere cash, but mil. thing more a. .bile. for It Will, of COUI-e. I.- the .!lll of ill.' r. .. ill society to Selld foltll lh. . .sellCC of Wolfe lo .'tli 1 h. ii nations." ' "Not. 'inn i.'iiii't1 nun shoiud ta1,.' a b"il ihe I H110 or Mi--ls.ll. el. until be le hi. name ft he ph dg-t. I "h ',. 1 v, '"' ''" I """"1 In a-1 vv il.i. on au.1 .1. al ti 1 1 ui 'nop ... . o '- l.-l .-.I Iv nt I'i ''lit' of M"V , Hh n I. in. dv I t. r h.s 11 sli-cov. n .1 1 mdv or vv In-kev . mil il discoverer, I,,, bolani , "W ith a tla.k ml .lump, r in wir efy the waters ol'tlie vt.ul.l !'" ckels Turiiiini Ihe uW.i Jxinlli -- 1 In re wa. ,w ..1... '"1....1 .. 1...., ........ 1 1 .... I'.,!.. ' giaini io i,-e.v ie s.. . .- .. g. 11 s t i plain riotnes wen pr-.. 1.1 , t.u.v . , a lll'a.k will, .balk on Ihe U-nk of the I t up , , 1 . 1 r...ii..n, ol the sin, . lit., so lhal I hey might le -u,, ; , , ,lrri. , Bi ,. . .,f, l Lrmvv.i all. I arte. led when til i-'ll t lie b.lll I he , , . (,.,,... ,., ,. .. n.i . y Ut I tk.. police ag. tit. ; 1e n ll tbtets h fi 11 ' place, the Sergei de Vie a.r.-le I lli.in. Is ftl :i,"'", m l'r"""' m"' fc'T,'l,,"in t' ,v f'" " " '-V . ai3 a liiglrt. . - . ' I lHV-'i,. I,.- y ' I be has.thiis fru ta.eil dcrtion ltELIGIOL'9 IXTol-Er-AXCR. The Pari Prttte says, tlie prescnco of Pro- ' president of tribunals ia iliu peninsula, but!" con,e th . ae roigni " Ub ha not aprnl in the Muitnd Uuztttt. tuwu- " Mother umI h.. "will yMX.. with 1 The tM. ,M laVly been informed that at - , . , . . -in.u. imve mi mane, in certain .oiiital.t llie:..T(, , mother." ana ia a moment waa in the rH-mii-ular to t:"rh and propagate doctrine con - l'rv to the very aacrvd Jojrium of our true faith, and to liwt which the holy Catholic apostolic j and ttoinaii t'liurcli teui bea. IIr M.ijeaty'ii iuverniin ul ia firmly reaolved to exerciao the wh it' ter, to break or disturb the religion, unity I to whiih it has pleaaed I 'nine I'roudeiiee thai ' 'in hou. owe lil-r proaperity, nnd U)ii Inch r-.M-a it could not Ik- other iho the weond Imimh of the coti.tilulion by whirh the monun liv liould lie guided. In comeijin nce. M. le I'lvuh nt, you will arrange with the ulni- eal, ailinini.tiative, ainl eceleKiaatical iiutliorilii-n to put a .lop, at any price, to Mich a criim to in li .oi eii iniioiK v;iii'J:il. Vou will -ai-lii.iii.y aexeii. the x. al of the public i.routor, w!,m lllll-l proei-ed oflki.-tlU agiin.-t the guilty pnrli. win-never he mny sun-el the accoitiiii.bmeiit - of all) . I v. Hilary to the bai of the Mate re ligioii. It i. lo be thoroughly uii'h r.tiMl thai a. the pjily of the IJueeti will worljiilv reward tin- if-rvir. r.-n.lered Ii) the judges in this mat ter, ... il,. who mny la' iiiditf-ient, or eulpnli'v tuer;iiii, will .iiaw .I.-wn upon tlieiii.eU t-s an . . x- eniplarv cl.Hstiserncnt.'1 1 'STI- IlII.I.E. AL.atiXiOlL aal. in ,KujUw4f- ile lil.wv-Mf a ilivefced geiiiieinah rmrnerl John Alhinsmi. of Ihe-toii, a Ihble was aol'-l wlm-lt cost origiiotllv, tli tin- onk ciliin.-t iiiuilaining it, the stun of f,lllr ,, ,.,.,,! o, ,., -( . t.r t. "I li.iininei f.r tfJliO. ii con. i. ted of forty fie Volumes, i-. o.intlv laiuiid. and illustrated lit al least si thou.and engral tug.. executed hv aU.ul six hundr- d of" the niie-t iehiated engravers, and fiotll the w..rks of i riiin- lit arli.t. fr.,rn tin year H.'di in the t;ni of Us completion. Mr. I', .H-r. a pul.'i-lu r, coiiini iice.l the w.ok .f gelling ll. this edition of tin- Hihle, ill 1.11. 1. HI. in tlie. t.ar is mi. and spent more than tw.-nM- foir y.-ai. :tl il. II.- prolilc'd two folio eopi.-, ..in of win. h is in the lirilish Mil-uni. in m-i.ii It does tvA coiilain the illi'nivin fii'-ij'i' oil. d. but the magnificence of its printing. tiii'i.ig. bit'. lir.g. A;.-., make, it l. :i t i , e. . i v 'I h. I coi t i. tin- ..lie ,,,i a. a's.ve .t.il.-d "I'I II ol to i, graving, vv a. ?li,.'itl. It i. olano-d .i.d-eaivd auii. .oak caboiet wlii. I bvi tl c .-t f nalii-' '.). ..f th This .pi. lid.d woik is Lriu I er 'I hide. F., 'ftl rul '1 - S.-l 1. nn his tlierr I.eetl a m.ee ridiculous exhibition of 1'ollv and exiiut- g-,ne-' tj.nli lets b. en dp!:iy. .1 tn the F'relieh . . II the b.l(h of the :.1 ti l! heir. A lit :J.- to.-Ii-h .-l i a agalice, tl i . I - r the cm uin-tan-. rnigl.t have lel. pat lol.lt.ie ; Iiiil'iil the w lid ev. llement of the ocasi-.n. the truckling eouiii. r. have not hi.;l:it.-.l at ihe mo-t i.utra .suis blasphemy. The l'aiis crrespoii. l.-nt of the lri l"tt runt state, that one of the ).. t,v-t-r. I,-a. C'.mpar. il the rotal infarit to our S.t v tour, calling hint by the name ''Jesti.," sating that the dat he w.i. b'lti w a. a new Chi istlilaSv and that he had ronie to hririg "peac-n earth a.,. I the priest vvl. olliciat. d in the c'l-tpp-l of tbe 1 till, ties ots the .lay of the birth, in allusion to il, t.s.k for hi. b xt lb- word., 'liles.s.-d is he that co,, tl, , il,.- name ,.f the Ixir.l." Such blasphemt collld liar T!y U; surpassed, even in Fllll.CC it-. !f. .1 Si 1 mini X. vv ll tv. II " .,,..--'I he Ktv. M I hitto w le-..-chuich was the sielle of t.'le l.tte III. Illolable !sball.-s llfle d'M'cra! loll. arid who.wa- a pi 011, in. nt actor 011 that oeca.ioii. pr- ac'i' d a sermoii on the following Sabbath ,e l.tte evening on the same theme, llii caane Hot lo s-nd Jk ace, but a text w as. swoid." II siouily ,b I. mled tli " pr.x'eeditlg. of that sh.s k nicetiiig. and gtoiii d iii his shame. "Sp.-ak- p.-aa- iug, l--,, ttf rrt-'festor Sillim in, lei-iirii.ati.'ii 111 11. asm-aijtLi-?. - .. . 1 .t 7". re.',.'.. ., ). - Icliri I!iJt (tli.- tA the HfilxMit 11 I. LI ti.tn tin- Kt.-k Ul:iii. llii-l.-, I;t-t . k. a ilMiiuir i.f t)!' tu iV.'t. A lart slul .t"ii(iiir i. ii ;,i Ih.- vim- linif. :it..l (V.hm tl,.- nine lime, nn.l fiom the 1 .... 1 . 1. .1. . s.'llll. sn, k tli I lace. he I " ' f I, nil. r and the matt went through lo nnd tlie men on the bridge stood agha.l evpeeting to see their cornia.le no more. l'.nl , 1 1 1 111. .1 1 in a Imh -Wing be s.-ianibl. ,1 out on the ice. . t,nl. - , . . vv ith c .11. 1.. d tl-i. and si -iMiieanl gestur.-s, com- r 111. tie d s.v, .i,,g ten, ble at some one fr pti-l, in- lorn . l! lli-I'l'Ti.ig... Li'rng the cold bath he had r.veiv. il, he was none the worse for - hi- f.iii'.il a.b. mure. ' I. Mimxhr. Mi sTitiinliv Ust saw- 1)1 in,,.t singtd.ir fr.-ak ol' iiattn which wc ever wit n.-sscil. Il wa. n lainh vviihout a month, fiom a cive h. '.ii"iti" lo Mr. William l'olbsrd; rrf .' '"' (, mje and born on his plantation near 1 n.llto.l. otf 11.11 latf 1 1st. Il lived, vv. IcVltll. - .1 1 -nine three boll oiiiC Ibree 1. . .. nil ants-ate. I unite si. n-.l.tly I Mpts'llted null iohtlv f r n ... , . .1.... t,M,,.h of tl.llC. lie fonil-'it on f it, ,. j. -j . ,,a, f ., p , pi that heT rt.i'f ilsrose i. turned to the left; the eves Bre -)M, r ,1,,. n)MMt where the h wee jaw sboul.l I--, ai d the . nr. are without holes and placed on the side of the throa' tiudcr ihe eyes, i here ' i., howetcr an oiiti. e in the c -litre ol'tlie throat,; A f. w days previous to my vi.il to the ice-1 crecteiL, will' tdfer a formidable ohstrnc iii Cinciiitiati, ' b"twecn the ears, having-the appearance of thej'roy, I called njain the 1b.verii.-T of Alexandria, t .1-, Qf l,anoJ 1 v ., j.n- "I ,ii ...... - .....i .l..f. :-..,'l 1. rtCllin fi..,--. -Vrte- grcrU.s.1 deformities of the agc- THE ANGEL B1RQI E. Little Clvii... Mu.-eyta.. W.-hred cUilj of w summers, wa.dyinr,nd tie We haaaaer and moth- ! ""her Z --' mother. , w ith hw eye. Sua .pw.rd, he iniwrred. 1 anna of him who haa aaid " fuffer lit le children to ! W)m ana mi ineai not. lor oi aucn ia in kiogdom of Heaven-", - Froih the ro y weatern heaven, Tbrou(h the tinted miatf of area Ua lli purple deepa of tWiKghl ' Slowly aailed a snowy ebaid, Coantinir hy the gulden aky-luida, Wpillr nmild the alarr) ialaoda, Sailed that barque until I lie lenith Waa enveloped in Its aliroud. 811! ail had come and parted, Sine upon that aea uncharted, Once le-fure came arrapa sailing On a ikywa'd tending track. Then a le;if, of t.Ufa evaoyel They hail left a liny nlif-l On thy le'iMm. gentle inotlier Now the) cum.' lo call it hack. - t All hia -an Illy nimaioll eroded, . On hi lilie eriueh sxlend.-d, I.iy he, walr-hiitf wilh lh rpirit, Aa hia aiure eye r.-w dim ; T1ioiij;Ii by olliers ull ufiiioti-d, Walelnn. where thai venw-l flojiled, And ihe wnonr onjjela wuiled. For he knew lliey caine. for him. Vuny fwe'l ".wai bja" he told ye, t!ae t.mlit'ti uriiia enfold ye Father hro:hr pr-s.iii near him, ' SlmlMna liesv.-u from hit v.cw. Hill lo the,, he .-Inn? the nearest. -fhnn !!,. I,.,d. m. Aii h" muoii.ireil; " Oh'! my mothar, til n..l i om eo with uie, iim P "U'li. re, oh ! where, my clu'd T" .Sj;lied the pastMIl lijiinl. Kven t 'anyrrt the ewtletiee h4 ihe cIhohS-- As ihe origel-barque .wept ,,n : Sailing tip the ..th-r al.wly It liar, readied the haven holv. And lies uii.ir.-u wilh, n the .had-.w Of J.-Iiovah a gre it w hite throne. Tulle F'iYI'TI AN I'lsruVKfilFA We tak. fioii In-' c.rr.-.pon..'ticeof the Hal f.ulow in.; ex'raet, winch th t;in,ir;. ljh c,iIh. lie- i ai. -I e.o ol te present vil rnv -and alludes t.i our f. II .w-ciliztn Mr. lie li.in.l-eii.c ..- i. a large whit The a ,;'. is a i.trg,. while building, dtstiii- gui.hable n- Hi li..r the b aulv r l..r tlie sit I.- if Ms at. lule. ture f it. finish, an. I a. hinll din ing -the reio-i ol Maltofttet All. A-eiliiig a lo-.. in,-,,!.!.. way and passing th,- ante room, in whiJx a..u uattai )u Un- Km,1. a large -cot I. .cii . 1. of 1 1 : v dressed ami lav looking alt. nd- 1-, . , r 1 1 . 1 , , - , , icerov, a man of ciu. l disousiiioti. was otilt ants, xve entered the reci-plmu i-wiii of A-toflifca;. . ..1 ' 1 , 1;. . .,,11 ., ' , , 1 , . ,, l.ici ela.l nt tiiidmg an oppoiltitiity to display it II . -v. the mini. ter of foreign allairs. Here we . ,1 it ." . 1 i' .-, , . : upon the inotletisive and unprotected (ins ks 111 vvliili d awHt a oiiart.-r of an hour 111 sii.t.in'r t-.if. , '.. , .. . , - . . 1 , 11 , r.g pt. Ihdera w.-re ltnniedia'elv Jflven to his l. e and rec ti ing and returning Oruula r com- 1 ,,,, 1 ' , 1 , , . 1 , , ; , , . . . ' - , , , , Laulal Hli.i lalialic .Mildiel'V riot otilv lo ob.v the phineiits. Aller passing t eoiigh a Urge liali ,,,,,, 1 , ,1, 1 ,, . .-'.i " 1 : ' , ' . spin! bill llie l.-tt.-r ol the commands ol the we eltl. led a .spacious sa .H'li III t 11c I we follll.L . , . ,1 . , . , , . ,. . , ' 1 1 , , , I oil.-, and Uie most cut. ! and revolting scenes me viceroy, ,1 t.ioa.i low .jivan covert-. I Will cum l.iinask satali riin atouiel tl etiilre l j - :t 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 . llie ioor Ol a.is !...... .1 a - e . or ebony was dee- iiat..J with a ha-keT of tt itvers freb hrtwry rn- pi.. all made of colored wood inlaid into the ei-ntie. 'I In- fiiijidute was eht. tlv Kuropcati. and by 110 in. all- r, inaikaUe for il. l.-gance. When .- entered lie- Vic. roy a- se i'.- l a I t Tur.jti. up .11 ' It. fot best roue 1 of the ,i v an, fiom w Inch I:.- slid -. I as we approached, to gieet us with 11 shake ol tin- halld vvbell presented. In order ih at yotif readers mav not Man tin der the mistake in pittiinng Ui thcnt.elv.-a a turnancti nnrt maitgitHiit luiic. with solemn fa -e and a flowing beard. a ti e great dtgnita ries ,f ill,- F.i-t are usually r. pr. .eni.-l by poet '' tonri.ts and imaginative prin ters. I will give 'I'1'"1 !' ,,r" ' fa"l'f"1 -vrripnon of Said Pa- --Jia. the- youngest 10m of Mahomet Ait and th present Viremy of Kg pt. Apparently ale.iit lorty t . :trs of age, I am conlid- nt was lit. weight arcnr.-ttolv ascertained it would not fall fir tte lovy three hundred and fiflv pounds. This .ilan I it y of flesh, together wilh his lovv.st.iiu,. an. I the' I. sis,. .; I,. ill his dres, give, him, a. mav naltir ally Is- supH-.ed. instead of a cortimaiiding fig ure, raiher a ..jiialty one; whiM he- k-ad. plac ed i 1 n in .-. 1 1 m t y npoti his shoulders without ihe I iinertei.tion of a neck, by no 111. ans lends to etib ltl.e the tliemty of Ills appe'arania. U lace, wnirli is as J.-voniot ex.r. 1011 and as un-uleai-tlig a. a itia.s uf copp.-r colored flesh ran possibly rj-ndcr it, is cot end with a short vv terv '.-d b- aid ; and if I.onl t h. stei rH-ld. c'aiiti.ni lo "hilt's 1 tlii' .-Y." U' o iillld ever b; oil. Tie lleV'er .' "et. 1""TTiTTTm 1 , 1 1 T" :i TvM ll7 rov . I. r lie ll.'V'er .'I on.' i l Mliif :i!u ril k . Ihe oilrf r half ,,r . ..',, n 011 liis heal the atiipie tnil.tu. it was coveted ii-h. ..- ireely concealing f,.I.N ft' . t- x. wtt'' n " "r-""-: r.g wnh 1: 01 tbe bnohtn.-s. tu n.- w is Fgyptiatt, a small t 1: cot-.r. II elllbr, ..L.l-.-J i .. L. I I...I tr.ov..... lo-,. I., ol ll.rl.l ,:,. ,.. .( b. a'unitta! ra.bin. tc shawl woimd alsutt h's waist, and a piir of red morocco slii- " r- upon In- Lit. u. h wa. the appearance ot the icelot, as lie .......l revealed l.-fore 11. , , rlPer .ll.blig trom the .lit. -Ill lll-nll which We .. . , , . I-.tin. I hint co 1- d. rev ned n- most kindly, s. a'.-.l us by" l.'.itt on I1. .1 vt'i. and coiiiiiielnv d a-king inrii v .pi .rse. rnfng Ameiiea and her in ..... I I . .' ... . 1 .... '' "" ' .r.. .... .,,...,... our e-iilv .t.oll I el I . 11 IJ.'glicli'd, ilt(. e.p.-ciailv concerning I .... all in. ot the w .-stern colli ni.-ht. should know a.. 11m. 'h" as le d,,l. Ilf.i' ,. ,,, ,f (ll I;,,,..,,,.,,,.,,",.,;, the Fiii'tcd States were als.ut pnrchri.ing. 'as he had been mfoi ined. ait isl ni l- fioili the King of tirci tv.W , ' li i.i i . . -vm-r spe.,..,g nearly a. iiour u. piea-.tnt con- -iersrr;ion. ami .'j pmg .M.a-!.a cotl a, Iiand.-.l t,. -inait ,'huia In.o.'in.. h 'aulittiov clicrtl.tr.! ,. ,.,., ,.t. 1. , ., ti 1. l. n.el.l-il -..eilv br lo. 'ill. an. c t -. SI . Ul. Is w-tli hi. physical 4 yelopmeins. I was ..Itooiln.r hiuch gritih.d wnh the reception be pave us. lVe rug our inteivtew, U wa. .ii.eiliiigly ir .fus. i'i h.s.thmks t. Mr UeL. on for I woM tne i.ltU w Inch he bad recently prcss-iited linn. -I . 'that - ii. making some excavations la-hind ih palace a few - day before, sevens! ancient Egyptian tomb bad been discovered, arid kind Ijo &,.ruLiD the. aervic. of hut Dragoman to 1KJ int them out did I wish to examine them. j aaguiy tile palace and proeprdinjf toward the : , , mJ, mul. we c,me UDn tli tninU. They were tlire in number, nnd. . ,U,ut twentv f.-et'U-lor the urfce of the ground. H.teenaing. tenu-reo a mw vu ,eo t r Ml)Ut twelve feet in lenffth, and eiiflit in i.ltta" the whole covered with a tine and liiirh-1 j r polished alncco. The aidm were emUliahid ,(, Kgyptian paititmga, the rl&lora in the higti est state of preservation, and representing funer-1 al scenes, resembling those in the ninminv pit near Memphis. I Ins chawlier is separateil from another and nmnller one hy an arched partition. I In this, upon a stone aliar about three f.-et in 1 height, were the bone of the iieraon for whom the ai-pulchfaj -chamber was huilt. f From their i appearance, I should judge them to hae lieen ( , those of a female, though I was informed no ! jewels ur ornaments bad bevn found. They had not la-en disturbed, but were King in the same ; position aa when the totnl. was opened, and were in excellent presort ati.m. The skull wa entire, and I could not ree.L the Umj.atiuu iff extracting a tooth. I "t Tlie other tomb, thnngh not larg or not ' so well preseryed, were hti.lt uism tbe same mod- ( jeland no douht about the same rioI. Judg ling from the figures nHu the walls, the style of the jrrhi.-el nr.-, and their whole appearance. '' theti are dollhlleas of irreat a liti.i nil v. datin.r far 'le yoiid the lime of ihe l'toloiuic. ' What a.1,1. jwt-ight to this siipositi.in, is the fact that -since j the foundation of an ancient Alexandria, three hu.nlied ami twenty-three years 'la-fore Christ. the Island of 1'baros has n.-v.-r b"i-n used for the I , , , , , ! purp.H -s of hepllllure, and ronseqil'-filly tiles.' i newly discovered ti.ruhs Were those of The an- cieiit Kgt j.liaiis, and are no djiil.t ('haraonic. .(The Viceroy, 1 understand, intends -continuing 1 ihe excavation, for the pntpoae of discover inir. 'if aeib!e. tome token by w hich the date of . lheie e.,t,triieli..ti lini' tM. s...r.uii,e.i Tl...iioh -thr hiiid T sTrrrrrorrdr'T ' icoers the (l.sir of ihe tombs is lerf-ctlv fresh'.' I h ue la-, ii thus iiiinule in my d -senption. as it i. I tsli.-ie. the first that has yet been given of ! ih. in, t.ut few liaving seen th.-in. - ;! A f.w days since I had the gratification of wi!ic-s,.ihg an iinpmmptu demonstration, upon ,tlr j.ail oft he piiin-ial lireek nierchaiils of Al.'-x- aii liia at Hie resilience ot l onsul (ieaeral .Mr. . lie Leon, rertifips your reader- mav r.c.tllect. thai shorlly after the declaration of war la-tween the K i. ic:n powers and l!u.-ia. owing to certain j ditli.Miitics arising fmni the I'hilo Kusian sv m- palln.-s of tin; subjects of King ( Mho. all diplo- uiatic intercourse was suddenly broken off la'- tw. -en that Court and the Sublime J'orte, and llie (ir.L-. U.-r e,.miu.l...l noon tlx. short no- tice ot fourteen ilavs lo leave ihe ( li Ionian Km - pire. Constituting, as thev did, the principal lueridianu and llie chief mechanics of the (own ,,l l ie Levant this eru.-l ami iinc .il. d f,.r order the iai-e of much misery and dtstres, a it was mil o bl.- at so .hort a notice to wind no their afJurs wttlmtit brin ruin Hott them- si-lt'es and lb. ir fainl'i.-s. : .. Ahll,, purt ,',., f ,,, were daily witnessed in the str.s tsi 4 .Vl.-xaii-diia. To pin a stop, if possible, lo ihese bail.ar ili.-s. Mr. 1 1. l.-oii at lir-l mii.iit piotcsted lo lie Viva iov. audiitviti-tf Iii rolfeflpw try jinn vrrrh him in' the protest, to w Inch the Viceroy turned leal car. I Mir I onsul I .viier.tl, indignant at tiie continued cruelties per-s-t t at. si ttpott the tireeks. llllll those feelings of li 11 11 1 -1 1 1 1 ty which idioiild cv.T prompt a'i Aiiiettcci repre.eiilative, ami b llie tight belonging to consul., in the Le vant, plac. d I In-Ill Under the prelect of the l ulled Stat.. ring. Tins at one, put a Hop to th.- i-eis,-,-uIioIts. ate! the ol h.-r consuls, who had al tirsi stood ah...!', op, n!) approv.d .if hiscouisv: rill I .lesllc.l to divide t hese jn nlit Willi hilll. Iliu. niatlers sUmk1 until the arrival here some weeks siure of the Coiis.ul (iciteral of tiiecce, when Mr. tl. Lon handed over to Ins prot.vtioii the (ire. ks of A h-x iiuii la. To show then giatitude and lo express their thanks for thce signal erviss reiiih-'ed lh-if eotttilnnieii, the principal iiierchanls of the cilV piotec-it'd in a liody to the coti.ulnte. 'Ihe lu.-eiing was a iniLl atl.-cting one, and it wa. cvideiil liom the .hep and health-It emotion eilll. by them. now 1 .ai nliil it was to scv.-r tlie kind r. lation that had existed between them and our Consul lielieral. and I10W" hlv'KIt they ai-l. teciat. .1 hi. .erv ir.-s in th. ir l-b.-ilf 1 have I. -ell liif.,rtii'. A licit in adduion to the in iiked aUei.tions ;1id .nr. 1 . i.eon inn mg a siion v is some moi, -n. since to Alliens, both by King ( itho and In. t'u.-cii. the loriin r tendered lo him the oid oid r of nitTtfTt tif his esteem, which oft.tiise was declined. lHi TTnf--tlo1e"";iiTaTr"oT" pursued bl our C ul. 11 1 lielieral was rert.uidy matk.dly lliat loinnca. iii'l hnmaliily wi..ch should ever chacucH-iuc the conduel ol Amrri- can i.'pre.eiitain , .. It h is r. nd. red hitii c cec.li:ig!y p-pultr In re. .ln.-t In- k;n.lii-.s ami ho.i it afiiy- lias endeared him to Am. iican tiav - ti. is lit. I.gv j t. Tli,- p ,,;.- ,f yr o;Z.-r..rl Kirhmolnl, ..lie nf llie inlt ti J.d defensive y..i ks of New .it k harbour, wit. l.eenm pletetl tills year. The .system nt' .lefeii-cef-pl ojecUti upon Muhn I. land include .1 , rcbuildiiio- et l'nt t Tompkins, upon ihe hill in tlie rear of I'm-; k.cu'n mi I. This Fort, wltich was built in 1 S Ul by ihe. State nf . New Vmk, is now little bet ter llnin a mass nf ruins, and it is esrima tetl eatuiot I.e. phiied in a sl.u'o -rt' td' lieicncy t'.r ti"ss than The Secretary nf War has recommended it-itt- in.tnifli..ti. Tlic.se two fortitieatinns, when eoinpletetl, with the barte'te btt'i' rics llnds.iii and Nfortmi, a'.. i t . i S'a'eti l-l mil, and F.Tts rramiltoii and I.;t,'.iv ette on the L.tij; Isl.tml side, with sneb iiii.roi-itii batteries as -c u.l h1 easily hostile flent, I AMJiOVED. r tutiiitu i o ti x t t. Julal.le ! I am kived I And h?a lips at fchfih B ld It " IaMif ainre ui hia eyea'l read itr , m Jkt 1 thought it eouiil not be Ah ! wh.t hapaniasa (ur aae ' Julalale ! I am loved ! Now am I like a little queen. And very pleasant 'Ii I ween i WhataoeVr I do or say Reemeih good and right alway. Jubilate '. I am W.vtd Til ae. him kneeling t my fee.t. Oh I it i sweet 'M very sweet ! Every day and every hoor Do I gVjy ia my power ! JuUiate ' I am loved ! So dearly loved, that till I prnyrd, I waa more than half araid ; lird forgive my uua and make Me pure and good ir his dear sake ! Julalale '. I am loved! Lord ! f.a-srive my glorying'! To the dear cruaa t meekly eling ! 11 the love he beareth me lad him lead ua both lo Thee ! liEAI'TIFL'L IS IKTH. Tiie foliowiiig paas.-tge in taken fioiu a volume of l'0 -' l''". " Knghah painter of di.tniclioii. The facts slated are remarkahle, ditf.-ring a l!i-y do so widely from our every - Jav eep,.ri. nee. Few artist hate f. h tlie emu ' . , , . , . . lions dcM-nued hy the writer nli.-u in the pre- J 1 of ihe dead. " I knew a man of ihe highest order of mind a man of tine feelings, but of great simplicity. and far above all a(l-i l.ttion. who standing be- fore the corpse of hi. if.-, said, ' It giies uie ve- .....I s,.r..l.l.. .. . ...i. .... .... ... 1 . ,.. the a-js-ct of ire.-, e i. com, anil to a ta-aulil'til zil' of this city, wins i traVtlLiujg li) fli$ corp--, are fainih.tr to every reader. I.onl lt- S.mlli uitii I. is rain w ater liltcTri, and roil, in a note to the passage, r.-maiks ihat ' this writing letter elavcry. lit! is, and peculiar heatity remains hut a few hours afier at wav.s lias lii'eu. ev-raiiipant Alii)itiinist death." Hut 1 b-ive been t!d by those whoiireiof the most i i ti practical lie sort, untl in the bnliit oT making casts, that on itie secohd' (irsf 'lctttrr's vVt'Tu'ill al'fiiritmice trith hi the expression is generally iniproved, and even u-,, kmma .itiiliioua. ilia) ttlat, luuvever. on tin: uiir.i nay it is niteii sun qn.-r. i nave. in seveial in.rHiiccs. a-ked to make drawings ,. the dead ; an I though in every case I have en- tered the ro..mwh.-re the body lay somewhat reluctantly, yet I invariabiy felt rehutaut to rjnu At hrelzborg, near ltoun, there la a church, under the pavement of which lie, in one vault, the lajdi.-s of twenty-file monk in open coltins. Tile dl VtlCSS ill' the air haS nreSi-rVed them flOIll decay, thoui'li the last luiricj had lain more than a century. I visited 1 1. is church w it It a party of. ' laditu, who at first licirateLjy descend into the aiaele of the dead. e nil Went down, carrv- ing a lighted l.i.er, and such was the lacination of this Mii''til,r sc. ne that we IniL'. red in il for oe turn-. lire air was peHertty purrt, and we seeitieil tola- ill another worid. vvnh us own etet- ual witer.-ivt,. kfat..,- l..u.aul,.!;,k, tbatdeaih:; shoti d he repres. ntei by poets or hy painters as . a hideous phantom. e could not contemplate j those withered faces of old men for they seem - ...1 ..1.1 ....1 ,i.,..i. .a- .I.....I. ... .1 .. gentle ft iend. Their attitudes were vaiied, and , all had a kind ot' grace which though we knew ; it lo be arranged by tueir friends, secm.-d I'.ftlv n ittital. On-, the gardener, had a chap - l.-t of withereiVaves round bis head. All wen - eloih.d in WcJlrtete "I tlwir order; an.1 their rchitucs. as w.ti tli.-ir bo.li.-s, though the lal were; ,J,""U' l" 'minimi, s. appear. to be link- decayed. ' Ihe cast, veiy imiMil.clly lakeli.hr I r. Auto- iiittrchi. ft. .m ihe la I Napoleon, i. nitre braid ntte than t bust or.portrait ot l.tui, and. in - .iceii, nas iiie i.mik ot a mih-ii vtuniger matithan lie appeals in ihe bite. t portrait. This i.t - .i-' It accounted for. Illness had reduced lhesu-: ... 'ihio.,1 oil tt.-sion.-.. ..l' l!.., I..u..r ..I l.t. ' I . .. j o, o. .... tare, Htl.l blollght it Unak to the condition of all oi. I , ., o ....ai ,., .1... ,...,(, ,. ,t D -'!'1 I" ri... and d.aih, bv h aving il. mouih li.dnlv o!.c.i. .t bad ,1 -strove,! that . xi.r.-sa-oii ot selfish determination which the thin, com-i IlochetUr L inon. pressed lips give to every Krtruit of Xnpolcon. ' - - - The profile .,f the ca.t't the n.o.1 a-rfectlj j Th. .Dome of tlu' CllntuhX corregs., Iieautitu profile of a man I ever saw. . . ' , ,r r -- - -r ; 1 p.imlent nt the rennsylvania Impitrer, at ' Waslitngb.n, tints speaks of the itnprtire- A M-IAX'TIFi: L COXCLIT. ments ,.f the capitol: '-The new dome Ti 1 . . c it t . xr ititemlctl to stiriiiiiiint the rnpitoi. anil ibe late .Smtltern Ltteraiv Messenger; , , , . ., 1 ' ", , . " . (rendered urclntecttirailv necessary by repiibli.lies a gem td true poetry ti tlie ,....,.,. ,!iv x t..,-..io,,s",,f that i.iifWitiir. pennfT. I.. AI !iie!i,entitletl"T!ier..e,mid' a Little Life tinilw as but three Aprils long.' We agree with the editor that if Mr. Al- .-tlritrll Write, f.-'tbilnr mitre be veill e.f deserve to be ranked anintig tin: trite t'ts or otir iiav tor tins Kvc-iv line and every w 1 . . , ul is replete vt ii'li 1, 0 ,, ..... 1. . .1 t 1 '.' .iV..yt.fs.JXij.it!tJa JJ.'.tba i.jawt4 ' - Mave y ut net heard the )wt tell HwwssiererfiT''THir-1tlltire-flV' lilt.. ttltS World ef e.irS Tli .frs of II. iv.ii w erv t. n it. -r ' XX , t ti lold.-d tlioeis and I'reailn' rtrl Slli- w r-.niler. fi... til of IV.-ad.se. SheVaw t lii- f'.i . ! . like s sl-ir. II. i iiii trie .: 't. i.f jiur;-'. ev. ti It's bridges, num. us t,. and fro,. IWfT trVell the W illie wine M-a,i J.., Pear.eg the h.Jv dead I,, lb at. 11 ' Slie. I .ii :h d a bn.l.-e of r W e r. -l!i..- feet S.'. Ir.'lit l!. -Hi' lie r, , 'I'lo-v t. r A.r ih And lints . d-.l not t,e ad i, t. ;: '. .! .. !,,..!..! ' .'. w i ; . . ti I1 ft w .-r ' - vv irn i,. V v ' d.llitv bab..- Il. ii I. it., this world ef ours .7,j.r '..'),,, nf ,'ti.J '' . a cer- t.rii .Cure b.r yal - U.crt U. lltirv, 1 M iria. 1". a-nl .!.!. n Ames. '.b nf Apa'.t ehifola '-'t id.t. were all three hILt'cI with tlii. tlrS;igt-eable mnlattv ; M, tr a in partienl.tr vt as kr asewrelehed pl.gbt with iynn t altleoigli tliere tier.' tn'anv renie dtes Jned. t tll.e umlad y i.d not seem Ul tleerease. iti-h'd ibe .l.-i-ase spreatl-it-self all over tbe surface of lb- c!nl I ; (be- bl aid nf tl.e others was e.piallv i npttre. At last the arcnts pm the three no der a course nt II .11 v:iy s O ttfinent ami 1 ills, vvliipb citreil-t'icm nl! in flip space nf nine- I teen tl.ivs. '1 Is fir health ha since ennsid- eriblv i'nr.vttd. Tbese remedies are also )"...'.; I ! ... n : :.; ...tl .1' .... ' e i'ioiv-1 iiina c.in.iy i' ma iii -uii uiseajses ni the skin. I T - k t AN" CXFOBTUSATE. TliAVELLEO. Mr. Wiiisnn of St.-owi. ixjtvc need All UB forlttnntc career of railroad travel last attmmef, at the time of the (-jlasconade disaster, at wliich tim-s- he r'svlyJiJkt- bi JifcL. SttUCfJ h?A .I1? . jn-coered from tbe injuries 'Ix-n-received, when i be again narrowly escna-d death, from nn acct ide'M which ocetired to the train whi'e he wa corViuijpX.isti IH- was I ltd np.ur sninc-inonfIi 1 al the Giranl ilouse, in riala-I-Ipliu, on rc- count of tlie iiejuoe receiitd. As noon as suffi 'ciently n-coi'ered, be took passage fo I'itt j burgh. Some gentlemen who intended lo go in the same direction, purposely delayed tlreir de- parture, in oruVr to avoid partii-iiiig in lit apprehended misfortune. But a il singularly oct-arred, Mr.. Watson's train mct,wilb Irfei dent after proceeding a f.-wn ilea, slight, indeel. j but sufficient to detain the tr-tin IjT several I hours; nnd before arriving at Ilarrisburg. a sec ond accident occurred, with n detention of twen- ty-four hours. In the meantimP, the cautious ! gentlemen liefore alluded to, ursuing their jour ! ny, overtook SIrt Watson, and unwittingly- got the same train, for Iitubtirgh. liefore , reiuhing its d -st illation, however, the fated train j was thrown entirely from tlie traek, by the j tweaking of a wheel. The passengers alighted, ! and. greailv to their Cimstein-itioii, found that Mr. U aloh (Jonah) was on board. Thereupon r the whole conipanv ln-eame greatly exasperated. And resectl'uliv informed the conductor that it Would he utterly iiii"ilile to prr-ei d in hi company. hir itif.o iniint --t.-it.-. that Mr. Wat son has siieceeded in reaching Iittsbtirgh, and ia recovering trwin his coutusioim, at the Motiouga-lo-la 1 1 .ii-.-. Mr. Watson ilerlares that once more at home, he will remain there. X. )'. Journal of Commerce. f..if We aUtiilt'd vesfertlav fo the sii.iws mat lie lias inrmvti a fiuiijiieie siri.tniTsot and bin. led lint itjioti the pro slttveV latt'ot'iti. We flid mt believe tiiitt lie was sincere in what lie wrote, ami intimated as ninth. It'innv appears t at be Intii been at (liarlestoti. ami had left mule' advice of citizen, who tlid not . apllfUVe of Ins Abolition siiititiients. 1 Tli is explain the hi ilc llialtcr. Mr. Ketlzte was .hltered nut ul Cliai'leston, aiul went as litr.Niulli as 1 orleimnitli, , :l . it .iTii u wiolo l ie ettor luLln.r Lack liat lie bad loinierl V I it ten, and . . ........ I.. .!i'..,r.ul . ... ib,. J...-er ; (105titti. He wilt to the Advertiser a ,,,,,,,.,, ,r..il,.,eti ot the S..111L f, ,,e ,1,.,; t htirr- Mrw tll- . f... , ri,or , y . . , 1 i. i . ami btiv his titters, or permit liini to sell them. We do lt d believe " the bait will cov er the honk." Mr. Ketlzie hud better ; rit.'iv at home, ami let ait ajgeni y ,nit gati ; attend to his litter husuwass ten fyoilth, and ; attend to it exclusively. J lie lilters are an ixeelletit arilele, we believe, Imt Wtiiilti bave" een"1hr lITrrre n.n.tibir in other loin. Is than llo,.o..l" Mr Wj,jc . u-as selling filter last Stltll- r , ,,,...... .. .1... k',.,,. ,vlllors .,( the city, lie was acting as a spy, and a' witness .or complainant IVir the inlammis Carson League, lie can't plav so bobl , , , , , ,. ' '3 in. 11 ,n toy .-.oiui ine Mitv ctioiucra i are "" i"neanng as tue litpmr Geal- ' t,rsr ''enee the Uet letter.. is t.i be a inargnitlicciit atlair, e.xeellin.' every tiling nl" tlie kind in tlTis country, H.nJ yivint v!.'i1' tlj iwt 1;i"".'113 ' . ''Ir' I l-.nrnpe. n is 10 ne cnnsirtictea ol cast iron, anil some i-tlea of its size and work manship mav be had in knowing .that f M' '....- 1.;, .... : :.. ... 1 . II I It I , l l't HI I llllll I., IS! iniiiitrs- its ,.,, ,, . , v.. si tn r .'t . AJU.'. iMm 111 Uiuiaiinnii.-- - 1 - 'Ti 1 i 1 1 -it itireatly, puUeil tbuvti, ami work will skmi eomtnenoe on the new one. When the Tr.n'iiT"iriTdtTre two cxtcnsTntw are cnnipTe te.l. ttie caj. it.d will be .mo nf the grand est stineturrs in tin. Worhl." l'J-r I. in- a ,,. We fin. 1 the fol antioiiTtccui. nt in tl,.- Tampa I Florida) IV i ell.ir : I '- t. t as' V. the n r 'on-ia, l an' Inn tz.-d . tit f..r I.ii'!.:iu iijl'iirs in to off.-r h aer ctintti re- wai.i or pi. uiiiiiii f..r .living Ih- c t uied ..r in-lu.-ed to tl.'ll IO ttl. West. he toil i d i I nil t-.r ln.l'a'! I o.'i, or F 1 M l el., v botn 'o .'.' '; f ,r e.t'c Ind-.tiis. w h.i nntv "in.- iii t..r cmigla wing rales will la.. I- bv.-t.-t at Fori r -i . a. Ii vv arrt,,r. ' ..man, tio'll $ljij o -.n ... ; f e K , ,o r 1 1 v nr., f out H!0 l.ve, will Is. t-. J in. P.ie logb.-st rate pa .1, f .r all eViS pt the ihti helpless, in which crisis I'e t be tn ooinit'ii a'mv . ) ,11 b of tbe board. as t. l-.l-i.Jd.-n and !'.- ijo' I ss than ti v.-.l I v the ago.it W.e .sm; p.j- jt i, tn,,. ti. it- tl... Atnrieati,,.. .- Nvl.'lyi-rl l V,v:i.,. r :,. repud tited ll lioiti'tiatons ,,f Fit: w.. and I (..nelson; but, Wi-i. ,l ,. , i.-d j a' ' !,..r population sr.. ..., ,,,,.1 t. .r,ii ,ns. nnd i!,- t!.-t half alav b'o.it'-'s t: . -r v.,., .,. i eii I. l ajri. I.,:n ex- '" p- c'.-.l v v 'm -,e..; ii . m ... -v -' t .. -v . -1 a wri td rsta'e. Ill II I :r d I d.i nor.- a i ill h o t I .1 a. I I io'.. seVrsiT Xit'.-mat epta'i-.n of the term. W.I ffrrM., fimtcu-d (' U as'iing'oti (lytittson, an American m .reliant at M ,r . .. . . icaibo, and fur manjf l ice, was d;'oivtie I years a rcsid rut of l'nt .wbijc crossrag the J rrljr cn the I! of March r sva---tw.-;"e' -:

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