KVIK.ur U'.i kV'.un j , . ... j;V AN OLD MAN OF KANAWHA. No. i.. Hie S)cjiu rc and" l.'ie Ikntj Lccss. ! Time whs w lien the httck f the Ohio' and the Khii.ihI. i iic:V MipcrKlyu'loriu d" with tail, Pveuiiioie lives, tni,,-'. glcd with branchy elms unplea,iinl !ufi j of widow tt tho Wiiur edge. '-Tcnmnrtl:tTC"fn-gT.-w" in mo?TsmbC and irliuIarly-ii3r.-iiTcr-wtk,--Tfc-l4a tltoy can, i-uck piirc, titittrti iit?r.- , Marsh water i sophicttcaled, nod plea-! . ' i them not ; Imt .ihy can live hm NT"af : ''"VTTT if it be no piilrdicd by i cdr stn;.-iiioi VJ 1.1. -V 111, or it U bo well altered betorothev L-t;ik.4 .' 1 ' - lhc mellow nam, ami Kivmaxwiii j i r, li.e t rli.ii i.-IiMi! ,. i r. to ctii;. !.-: the vt!.i 1 inacc-.i-, i "liiiiul conception, fehe I.. ! 1 1.. iill. - has ii ;li ..I'M eminent. JIIII4 w. vir Im it SALTSBUKY. N. C JULY 22, jfcc and m,mv long .en'mie. had their abid- r!" VV ,'."! ' C fl. , I ,, ..f ititJ uuck, gttMi and .a.u.,7 fT i r Tt i T'-wc,'-t: :!r-7-tiar wii'i Were .ma tTnM(U reaming loon, ,, . , , f " . .- i"" H;VI u.Wt L-ai.i:.i.i diiivm IJV'IUI'U, A llio Ul.t ft -r tit :1k MrM(cntfru ! Crt tlino 1 cvrr raiue M1licit.,EQTIa.tX STATUE OF WASH imftiiy rtaftnl tJtit eaur, an.l th-man-l Hi.nl WavKitk!- Mr. Jim.-, lat Lm I ' IVCTrtV "3i K'liK.tiiMivnr 'nnif i k-' ixil tin tiur ui lt tour Ih-I I 1 t!i)w. a vnnttiuuii. eull '. hart v.iu t IVrt.ai. it i ruur inti-titMan lt cis,! -f l!je A'eent!tiiMn.froin Alcxmi'lria L just rn tmJ. .vf irr-fawk'irnrir.ff folloivinj Uct.il!" vruTe i ILiiliit'ii tf dollar, nil of hii-li I, a iieert cv? SgvO-jexeinli.-I, and lately the work lias loe ' ' 4 :. - . v . tourio.1 on nt of tlio private fund of Mr. ; " ' " ' ', ' ' Steven. Thin or two or thro ' Jsr" ' - 'er,Will gnijrit JScir York from any ; ul4tce-ite-ft perfectly-' iinhervloua laT ht)t ir tlii'll, from Miica&ter, Pftishan or (JulnmbiatL The ; irm plates of wbich 7 ' . she f'efirroctc4 ard cnel thoroufrhly x r tebted by 'caiu'iott Uri( btforo being fast eneil to the- friimw cif th fr(hAel. Hoc -ipac,huiery i ll s bolow the water-line, t and out of WuiV way(i Herapeod Witi -make luT-eoiitil'to twentv or thirtr imn - ImiitS of the modern trlo. With two or i deed be iuircgiiatjo, jf ;. jsumbeu;yiii. latliaa Relics rh irav s aud-thc tauil-a' with Wir!f. 7 T . ? f aTi p-vr..i;r Uwt al& firt Air 4.W t.c a Wtat. aM fl.la' n, tb .11 v.. j H.. . u -in .!'. .ST "r"" r ",Jt a-iiWrt: Wit IC sIumiUI In, In at. ,- , , ' diwn-er)- in thnfTikce, whlcTi .-well t 811 M.tlm.,ha AtcMfrsvA tU ttttentum ofth CHi i.Mii in N t. Ih,cU matters. 1'ri.f. IVImlal, -of .Viili- J it: . iirtin, Ut iihoui a ixirthm 'f the rc-lic 1 ....--.".. n 7 . u - i - - - . . - -." r it it k t. itoll hi view ana ffivc to tlie worm tin iniiiiii , "j ru;punrOT1,r -i nan t any wiu-, maitam; imrr ZriiZ 17.7-." V tt-6t r hi.areln' in the btti'Ml i .' . i - k . den, with liTVrnt! Wi rwiimfrnrii .l.l I JUT li!llll-I(.' M rtIC U ttllilj UiJIIh fclTliC t f .iT.ll 1 1 1 uiiiiiriiit;J beauty (1f titctM liver inar- 4HS uavts iK'cn uiMjHarii; an I tn a i ( Vi:ar iii mo, crc a aHSCt 4t corrtspoiidcmt'of tliof 2f i f Y, t Jdiiriial '"of Couuiivrce'writea a Jfollowas V ' "lliore is at tbU time nai cWo the sem- - l.lanccof mi Amcncan war feeling in Eng land. ' Tlie aentimcnt wljftfi pervade tbi " ' public tulnilftr-'Ppace at any price' but i Vl the juico of duihonor.1 Sfrl Datlalia con- , - ' tributed vastly to the . extonshM of Ud K , tun k-J ta iucrt-fc Mr. Ilrturti'' -Rtbar- f Vr II K IWt.L Ij i i hi view ant give to the worm met. iH-nnii an i in n i I . i t ,. , i . .i 1 .... .- . 'tWi-tfuJ tri.tli Jx ifMitM'Mtmn. rulllU wii I I rt' icvf t i .? ., 7- ""."" ptuwmit," vii nij rvm Kuan. - - .,- - . j .tHaked.tr.u.nl.lu," t," tt ,""TJ, 'XTC: VTjTi . .m. '!Ti"W'W r'l nT!" . . .. . kfc liVi -i-ri: : itL .4.f.Mci.t ...lc. and "Wvancea .i i r..:u it .nL ..i-rii vhho amoHir the Abriint"of the tir .1 1 Ti tfc.itfiii.ii:-tBiiiitfTrHi nai reinnrtiutittt -eritiHVT -rvirrrr.T-T;xr3r?vr: -nrrrrTrrrrr' i.i i . l.t the Kiitiavviii ide. which Uli d.te.l 1 .. -7 ' --- 'nfw'niw, -ia hiu - rojfue. leiUrHivut. '. re not iBariiirJ,! 4 Uirrir; r i - . l 'tWnrit liiia ih nii'.lh-i..ii will lx """"' ,i.1.ucrc,.l.irdci.n'....itif,.r:..lJd in ; ,mulji - .i .i;v ,,L.:i '.TT. "T! . T I . .te ' " . Trl V 51 iTiAiMM k f4 eia m the aarf. iU l.eavy eXcavat.ou m front J the evetHng ago Le w'aa mvhed Mb pre- !" "X , 'jWMS.. i i.-t, ., , ur f ",Bfl-;v; - Tl .r?:.-?. r"". "Vs rlTdV. t5 lie Ul Clial kmhh vtbrt ! Alyaandra, e-.f at the celebration of aatiintific inati-H :., '.".IctkfcaaJ., . r .rt (a have re.ulted in Uivn -. a fcicJ, tb- DnU.of jCambri4jf w tri ir U.r. Wjrf Wnrr H ibe, tl,r u oiniibcr, with circiF "te,, "I0 aaK l'poae ln licaitn. mtT. t,!f rim- nl I t "f wall-4. ilie wero suintivuiiM into u uen ui name wa inntionea, Uie ap- Ii4.r if a, Ttsi i;ua.lvr artuidtit, in uj jf wlncii wa J plaiiao .became so deafaiiing that the duke 1 .w, lis-1 ,iit t f ti i Bit l-yW -.T-H 1, ..' . " . 1 , . . . .1... ,, iSri. a4.t Mr. Iivtdi,, "W" a when tirt t;kt.-ii frum the trnarry. 'U'Jl, etitlemeu,' auid he, 'let Ui drint, . a Ifa.44. s iw cujti A (4aw at 1 he " "Vmig cro uu t ttr I find if yo are not in advance of me . L. .-j iUj.. 111 U-k mm It. ti"t.t, 111 jrwxi .r.njratiou- - . - . . . . uaL-a n .l.:irk . t. ...fl. tlltl..l I. ;.tr J mWI M ?.. Mr. !' llgtH-v ot tno elk, ttie !.'.' ifv8ter A day ... -i tel-fW k.- 'a.KHH-Jeven oones snap-;(lr Ui(s jJuke caU p,b!9. I it! imikT Hurt lit 1 116 liiiik Ilii!5L'li1I .. ' , f, . , ,. , , " '-" - ...f.t-! ...uc.i,.i luiuciijiwm, :n nnuou vo.m.r b-it'in W bv mativ rear than i , Ur "" ,!" -JM in.t.. the lur-..tit i liiU tknitain f llie Xl dc.,i;,9'fi!,i water heh.w. leVrf '''"' '- - - u,i r H ... tita.&iU.w: - An- yu -tttir, thai Iktfcerr wa ! bi'4. inure stii!ii! It 'I lui.mu iini :it h.nr l.ttr f - ltme i Iir Imifl in til , , ....... 1.. ...i.i i. ..,... v : .-it. 1 ...... 1 - . v l ..,v ........n ...1. . in Jh.Tijrurg. .1 .11 hu. g"in-' r.im.i ami inanisrr-' ij-u uvar nr. J .r . . - 1 . ... . ... lW. ifCT I lll ltTf W will JTUUlii.l i.if t d- jn W!iw .m it-itu m-Miiru.-'ij Tin KMIIld; and () " i aitrjiuxwri; i.U xwn wiUiiM ha"li iiiL . awiti j"rt ihjilljfc lir-st iu.tn.ioil a 11 11iitlivt and tin tuptt i -k1i3 -rs: "n .1 wliile iviurued in smii i... ursmtr They weremi iiiiiiit'rmn nl s crnwdi.il tlnit their klendervb'-y uti'tn hnd sinn- nut all-were it'H civ sir i UI mm per-; ieiidicii!iir. ' They l'keJ a if their iiraneliy liead iivedid tntitn'al support ti. koi' tlii'iii erecf. pel f-ft calm thf stiMid still, hut 'every breath of n:r in.; h- them wave in concert. A strung wind, bent them far inw ard the jfr.ind ; but ; when the pri-xure i'e.iscdvthey rvtfeapti'. 1 Nw tlit-re i- tut a ruiuiiniit f thi- bcautiful Kan hr.therliood. "4'lici'. slcit der, irrrtcWul 4om wiro 4uiuMl a tit J iiialrnaU Id I.m.I i llrtt f lVthaj 11 t.iidc! I' i"y witt wave m.i m re i i ih Kinnnicr br.'eo.' T lie titntttttvbe li.- i.itv f thi gri.vi; wd. cntiil fur ulua. ; To RftVe mi " nlaiildy dollar" in .ihra":ti i;V HiaTeriids f .r a hore statik-! " Amei ican-!ief'w: may reader nay. "f lie yciiimiu is kiimm tn 'tahvme b"l 1-w with ae, and tfijii (i euh.re its lii- ati.i fer ni-ar lii l:?e, utitiu-tiiuc t ten or twelve feet., i'i'f tr s x i i.taia". "lie i.t'iit- lui'i-slnijt.- v. i ytn iri-ur the n"ii:Ji 't Kl k mi the K aa lm hank. It iud a fTaTurul doorway in tlie idi. mid Iiv!(e4i I nujr within i!tat a mr family ',t- 'e I it f.ir nie time as a dwelling. Mi- i.v a Kr (amity in tliom; days. ivd in ..... .1 .... -i.. . "... i ... .i.i .. I . 11 W! IlillH II I H1 L-l I.II H.l I.I M I - . . . j . Iimt i;-ftr mrth toil and shteirwere rrtrir-' . , , ' -i. ,. . nr. 'ui. aiul urm -irfruif- Hint si tin- lust tio . , , . .: , , . ' , . . . 1 iii i or it a ui-j.ii ji rm -.).i i m rw:i Mrvcii I'.rixitu e'i.- rv . i , t ,, i , . j. ... ,-. rhe pTiitnp. ' , l.rt tn oven-i.Hif 1lie ti-wniif HiT- . he larked, t H l.t tntpcti. it iu '. iiii .f tlie" KV-ciim-irr. V. hmn. .tTh-W 5.r' -Si- ot d U T.aVl !. Itlilt UTiI-:li Hi!! -nil:' i ! ivrr I tie nji: i- t.in -i u TutiM .mi v.-.i:.U- t !h-.u(!. 7. u-?- -n. i i nit, heaid a ; r:i;.T.T 'z i'.nu.i: -ri .:..i tuiHp, a:id a tnnni-ift r-.t-. a Fn. waiL: jin-liiMrt rritft the few:! f ; t rt-.nii. i.. ' nw tUe bte -art "H'r. rnnt.il' icfr ;:a n'.' iii.iri s Uii.iiiMi ..tf !..r ttv t mx Ui't ill', uhii Irt vimi liaVa l!m nnl4uLiii t'iihi tt Ht.tr. iii'iiriir. Ti" rw- ua dcute tf deny tbit y.Mt are uiy li(ttal! "i1" "r nine inr-n. fim-s. - it..-T luti Hit vuat iI nature, fcj.v.kiiir' ti.r.tih t ii.im l ciiiiiii : im .tt..-i. -in hi't'cbiil iitoalit vrriivlui vu. I J tile t ni.ij-.rr,nv n.tr n: ;ii2 thl he'know if..u ajv t4 tWr fit!r. vihv n.u '...u.t afKUiyt it. rlistl ffr-t iiuih. arc b'n ir.jj indy f..r Uvt I I S'-iuf.! W !''""r"'r'lt "tf !'"' iT ""'ilL" , l 'f j t lta v T" answer that. Knt I i-eaa- :j;v.'r tttift!ie l-pie. it wan -d by ' j ot never ar birr before in wttur lift. it -.m:rnii. suof if lie. .oii. ci...ii I;!l "I never Old. till liiv m-r, I ttre. u ..vji.I .:....;? !milW!!i1 .i.!i l,a!i,-. !fe JtX I UId helf I .uiJ cue .U t!w ea.idy if -e .wMii t OtiT uK'sitW ute aeut av- - rr, i coniu not- proceea. Alter it atifttea lie tU weight f r bhiiA e. .W, wlueh COH1III1!Utta " in w nsain trmte(l 1 I ... Tiff i.Fniii '"iw oae ueeu w ijrmiiny iiiramin iromi. ... " . . . j " . ; - t I -t. - tie 1'rBHI f U , -t 1- , - . . TIlTltariiiniiBur i.il,.j VUmrl . t!.. i. j . the eaii-L-rott roek iiiiuii wmeli Aiexan-i" - in the ajipretiiatiou of Mr, Dallas, you are : at least not behind me, as you could have WaAlr" riW-t fwl. wv.-n ewpptr plated, the 'xofa snmll nu higher fxproion in acknowl- J tW ! l Tw ktiee ee uf the breaitiat plate, U.e hitler lat iu ciigrav- edamunlof id merit fhaq yoa havu inaa- . " .uuemd-peWd t 5lr.;ea Uiet. figtirv of the elk, the dtyiftfted' A day or two alter . Ud occur- '4 J; - :i 'i r iT.r r.. ..-.. .. r - 1 1 , ... t -t racefi: iii 1 B did, did Von? IIj'K ' ur n-i. i bMie of onMiiare bird, puj.j)o,eil by l)r. J fbe Ui-ai a iiinl H'-Hfll-V. At ibift critical :si t I have lu ard Timl a t-'ee or n h!e tai i i Ui.i; .;;.'. ...Jtiiii' ' ii.-a Jl . i. '. - tlKUblllb a-"' ' ;bibl ' sxt t elt r.l. -.iVtr-Tf M .r b.-.n- '.I.r i li.iih I.v hnrmp JiMitrn, Ho ii lohiiitou-'! ! v4a mei.d I n Bw.-jru .iiiiiijj I.. tli nua! jnarim r. , .UriKit uie, jfij, aiaJJiar irr t. it, rWit If, a pltin wt.i-rw he t-.-i.td rlap'.ctdd cfaTltf.eTTitvth w-jiiu f aud. i tiii Hitn.ts- hotfiiwt'it Vt..ue the i.ei'i' -f 'yirn'r Erst Atcj. 4,-rf.rt4. tin; try rtilcf.il maitii.'iiit t Mil. J.ie wa'. ercnof a tiv-nep fiii- the iwy .-iwif any wifnhl ai' T.-TT t.a: t uii: ".it' .rfiicr ai.,t lha lt.-ly A i.f;'a.k Hi a fainting tit. -t 3ar. au.HU. rwu ttait atMMre Mi frMRit, . 1'itataiit'y ttuuiber v' r- raw t v ' , , ... TL t h&mg t tbo wild tttrk'ey, imrUa- WaHhittgtrtn -l.!v; r. - ilih.t Kx - JW-,Ki .jttfjjtatu-- si Vestl of bluck and AfTectioit for TW "a s.'. r.trtrUl ut turn Key pottery hieb would lirohably hold ' ... V' ",-- .t ' : " y te:iat for a visum; card, aud l.i-hly cmiH.ieiiCe for Avery p.1A benefit n- ''. J - ,r"?V ''VV(aultdoue.id .Lu4.idatik.a "l-"-' T rfVid,. k , ..rnaiueutcd with eiiauvcd l.v'ad, ' Spw-ded. C.jnsole tliyseM if thou canst with, .t H t.. n fie re r. . n ii lirjs c number-i1ui aimple. yet fmilo attrdmte of regret. Irving in bis bcADtiful- for tho Dead," says i .v Hio to the ffraro of bnricd love and. uoioa j tcee ofJiJ or ivory, liU.nt the 'neUiate. lhere siMtlo the account with B.T : d ihi.- a viiiiiint card, aud highly C'Mi-eieiiee for every iist benefit sb what he i.mld oe .if tlie iiiKftuiififl .Miur, iiior walking eater- Ltr anijtitr.rt. ! re tlif a i i wurnit I w I3 i warmtii wj- neeitct There i u hc:ir story eoimeetcl :t!i a ho! I" w. .vv eauiore, autotantUUy a,-i f 'How: A new Mittler on th. frontier, jjoiiiTj. t'jru.di the-WkoiIj, tiini thrnr r ftir mill-, it inilit be, frmii hi home. avi a!i"iit a hih nvea.niiiv st'imp n imnil.-r of he 1io.ii the sttimji, ami some of them 1'iiti lie.ll. ;i.j.b. be i:f!iiutjfd t. take a lusher Si'dd Vonr wifoWd.-rt tu fatbttii in lh tiii 'tne, be nifuncd thtft wli tk' weU.Iitv Sauuta. Lin rha ne bainl i wawF afctt-d the fira crnin nilir..n. i.rde'r ot lwr .r.fT(..Un-. 3Jt :ha.!niu; i- ..t,.f.usig SmC with tim .4tn-r.be iMran , 4 don't kiw.w. Nte imiT iot w ife. 1 ed Uwin tlwToiuKl- tnr iimjitI t!;'f i :. -i ;"..c a vmsiiu v an...o t!,c lUorn. il.ui't 1:mw anvli.iti aUmt lr. u.l.lim lltonwt. Sic -iflituc 5:lo n- . iitt nm;i,; .oteii ' cntiiunti Vm tiwnt. Inm .. -V uv. it. Mr, J...w tln'i it IVe4 hut Tin riot Mi. Jm-s.' ."!?r," aid the fir-t nivakcr. cn!y, tfei i no time toj.-t. 1 trn-t t!:al r.ta ate n4 the ran -f the i xcitr'ou ahiro m'.tst l.avi" oecai -1 1 ...tr i' f.fttinj tit. ..u had iM-t'cr dl a nt i ajtilcar r lii-l ien...ir. ii.;l.4Ji.:l,i. - Tilii:"f Kie? urj; " ith uutuy sutii t-j te. .Uimmrwi ?rir 'er.";ew!.- frlf fie g t new u-iti. .iit a,- !i.t hihtr hut at the .iw trin-t-r"ut dt.ien tlmni m', were ' -S b T--'- U" W now a f---t T;:ns ii.-n-'. imt wliKuvrer he'm-le a mo- v-tif Vwitiir tn Imt d-ittiu- n.. t t). .- .t, tfiu tiioni a!t..v an-t the .'I'cMiirse !irprir!:d ji'id a-sl V' o-n ii--wriri..r; 'iriirrrit twtft .'.'tfiaf w i!i it Kti-ldeil aw.abit iijmih ttr ffirr u.mn u-" v . ..(: jtaiit. !m !;.til t. r.ine t5t '.civ J art.cultii iv MMawtit e ! t:u!. mi iuC !iri ;: 'i;i :t ! coil i !r ' for- .ir tracks, 4-ointing l-'fti to amjj .wrfrl a ith aii p.... om--a--...-rr a:Tr-1W--rirW I'li'tlilititiiUf, liti'J wm vtt m-'-1- T-si-.jf.r.-i. u; himii a tSie it;l a if he hud been ri. he foiimt tt-ftpo of ,. .., i ... t ... . ',, . " , ...r ' n..;ir, cut- oil U!Ji.iiIap4 'lll'i,,, t4..-r run -p ivnii,rr-n . j.'ieut I'leliliililly nboiit the hidim from-thet- 'riiiimi iiii tii I'm loo u ii in muni t.'l'l I'.. I'roa n a-'luii.t'oiii'lc-i. w.-tidir," lt.al.t Le, ai vti'.iT il" ji---il.k tliat I'm Mr. J.-fieri i!!t..i.: n.. in.' u. lVrliM. hii renlr J.m. 'and Uit e jpne crayi in c.'juetiee i tiwa I l.tiu-y that my name it. i..r .iu W! tit I .hin't think I'm I" in li iw lit --taas iUiiiTfl 'Itirt ibe a im a l M fi-'i!' rtr .'atnfi iil...v I'll tl I'll I I , Tl II II I II I I I I 1,11 I iii Iiiii.iiI-'h ve. tltit uvea more ottcn 'lie at tlie-, ji... ....... 4, ..!..;.. t". and break oin iis tlame hndd,.1e..iroc,,.illi et ftfl IcaMn:: Hear th.' r..t livw flieil which fi,r...,. h anil , cr li...' i l,!lt f,,rt'' VWI".S branchw, Idle the I wm - ria. 1l!i,.M.u,. B,J t3ll t,eriente.l stamp before hi liie-Hmnp , ...- theiti-Mve. ow 1. ' wa lar;e eiumfrh t.-. he holh.w, an.! I.v t lv .,,.,. iiicatii of the yomitf branebe omld belfy,, i.. .:,,.j, ,1h!T in . Hiiihed with caye by man a well as bear. T see wby the bear climbed tho ittitmp. ho went tip and f.mml a h"!l w ahinit two feet in diitmeter, and 'nine or ten feet deep. lankily in, tie spied at tbvb"t tom a pair of hear cnln lli.it mr.ve'1 and whimpered he i f liey saw the" ojH-riins niiove darkened, t.iiiin,niV ftn. jt wan "their dani returm;d Iruin ikr daily hunt l r H'.lllotH. Now fid ne.iv settler from the east wa not an cxpjiienced bear hnnter ; and, be- eaiino tiiiirs tiaii I wen iiforetime ill if'.'-X tl T. OI. - t. tt ' lit1 'I'll .li. Ill of '. up -tTJIH.). iloeti,,-. v. .Of'.Ue i'it. -,(!' Ili'V a tioiii jt a: "t aktll ilti.wu. !..r It.il .IV. .11 . IS" -- L , liiwf Xaift-SA? flij tiaAilnai! Ikli. -Ai.ic!. i-J W-i a ?m-Um m the de- iir. tv-tt, of Aleaatidria, who i -Kirrow for the dead, and henecfor be, U 1 a atlb a caitnt, tua etate H j, fj.J;,, , (jlark's expeditidn to, W:,rJ ,,c ulrr0 faithful and affectionate .. and J. lklaa-vivcr,i tu daaw at Mtc.lU(j K-arky Mountain, and who was then i tlie dmharge of tby dutiea to tlieitr-..' fr-ta t taiaUr L eI tl eH.luiuwi. a a celebfaled hiuiter, and lu-'S- ' ; 5 " -B a 44e4 w.f wa! k tb ..tTeuaive .Uier, aya tbat lie saw bone of el - ' '' r-r1" ;riwe.Ipuo,,,t,.rMof m. w-i ...te,; - . ' fo M"iie river, a noted eiukipiiid; place!. . ' .1 T fcA-Tr rkr-ra Kea-' liid,'as tbat they used them in gam.,,,!n ,s f,T'u' ' nJ' weekly Be wsp-, J law w4 a ta.i ih. iw atwasafaB bat a in the modern game ofj I'Cr eibted by Douglas Jerrold - r .r-. U,.-. ... .bk tiu, ljl"ir; '' ''1'" ,tl4e r'1 ''lir "Next week, we trust these pajres wil! j,. i TWi, i. t"'11"-8 ""J- . wveu, (wlncb ,0 printed . an engine plantMri.by-Aa . iu mire .ctuiv"c,i mt oiua ivapia,,, j,r.nii, r.rged bv AniFrlcau arma, f:..tn hi scat and ejaculate the word, nn.I ct un iu.ro n "PirT.I'Ji W .. r" ' fv-..au" k'ai irtZ-.W.-, wLicli baa Ueii since an- io...n t.nn.Um.t .n,.;.. .;,t jt. .., p. ,,1k;m',1 by oar we-teru brethren Mo l ofur American bretbern en thooth ' i. Lai-rtc oiti, wbicb fcitilue the higher , ,.r i,Ie of the wave. Xw.. wlinf nnnrl ---- - - - ' ' TmriH'rt'rTrK-tanta'iiiiimt I.i three wTitte": we"eare"K."r tlie' red tape when- we may? 'atrat brag, 'ibir tatrcopliagaa and it; hind both nides liT the Atlantic together b-J 3 . r as . ! W ft contcnisitie now in the posrt.iot) id A.4 wh the tape of the atoaro ptei,?- --' ra h! ,.u, a. L.i a a fr-nt Newton, fcwi.,r.f Alexandria, wlrli tbe.. ...... .. . ;v v i '., in -it p-. . .i p. WW Pal F HI T im HI li wa r.m t.tk. M. iiir i.tni. li.trm Hill, 111 jilt-. 4 .-ttf i-tft.-t l ir ef ttl V " f ,,. .ii i : i I'-tw j.u CaHa-V-a-X'' t ' Tm-'i :i--tti t'.i.-.ti j v.-r e- n. 1'i.iri . a .lllit ?.e.. ! U -:ii..-i.l. '.If H lt.V: Utf . 'I. .H t il! . ol't I'. 'l;-t titf'. l.a . !i:: j tu I 'i v ...ir-iev tb.-rit. ('it i ...,. Ijnrf!. t-it..r. Wnerm jit. 0 'i.i 111 III to '. Itll'I . aftt-r i ar.lt t.t wh.'t had I'iisiitwd a r.ttimr dn-ky tu 'ii1 .rcwicii u " .liT-tiuct vn-w. 1 a Wur w "..!? ; in man wa lutlf UxU iult a'fwtl K nm i itiiout tiikin lcaie, tit.- icw:wnut.ti. eardi on bin tw iU; d tin- tui.jj uui. jiartcd by niutual cm-., ut, iji n at v. .n, drou!y a tmiahud an J the inuii a i0.t,ni !y relieved. I Aitotber tree f tflid KafauwS: !.. iri'tmJs, ibiifrve pHitfciilur nmti- ; It i"tbe boner lwnt, ieflicbiu i)iii'rt lai'lv .' catlvu It:miM.' (t lieui. at .iat-e 5CS: F-Ifrvs-s SUSIIAiS. 5C Kbphuirf' Cvtarii wat a. Itacht-b-r f ' ii i.' tive. "r tin:i.;.ti.ut ; rile of tli-vv oo't' um V.ru t.. throitjth for k .i.'.ovw. iw this 'en!:.tfi!T. there aoitoiiT t,. iliniii!.isit Mr. Ur-ju n '-itlil mu.t'.i.lM .1 other 1 .Wll w!k. rti.i?'. ami the in tin world It i 'tK-ccmiry .ihfct vtir wife .h-aid I-:vn-ed ut "lice. .ft'U Joa "f-ivt rir- ! Lir '. ii a 'iiat it in- ti 'o jr 'fact the rlif in i..n by a dcidal. lie. tLiiefie, withont cotiteffiti the Ji.', . .I'l.Ti-t a hjii-kney ai h t.. the j.t. Mr. tliowu accortlinly lent an aim t- Mi. Jotie, who had tfomewhaf rctovrr ed, arid wa almut to close the il mt ajx.it iter. 'What, are roil not going yonr-clf f 'Why, no; wby houldif' i i .ntr aifo iionI I not go ahvic ; Le ha hardly jvvercd.' Ir.iwn girrc ardsj 'airing gla.H-e a! tin. crowd around bint, aioT deein.ii it ii- -4 ,ar- fcwwM MlM r V I .sm Virvcitf- I.. 11m. t,.. I... ..... I. ......... 1 ... : . 1 . .. . U-LJMllii.t.i,w rtA.--, j Vr Jiul t.- . ..!..l.r.o..,l 'be Ldentou Banner, ftnd Mr Bddliam, :' fi .r.U9,.l r '.ti.ittary;'ibwWriptia p.e;iiU fUIIr .lawyer of Pasqimtunk conuty, Tlie dia- WM''a 7 ' I-'Lrt b; i Jrr or divb,i and ba apia-aranee :nta otuiitei from' a jp!y ina.U by Mr.' ' r-. ttm h f-y- rtf- ( wr , , t(?,,,nI or epiti,.-,,, J i.fobt be t ' anntiyittotta cnmmnnicatioii.' 1 ---aaaa-. lb cmiC. " , , ... . :. . .1 i ... in. nrra of thtt nnwi.naiw.ni of that wolimi o iini l).--bk:blt teH- tf eeiitel ") .lffau t a l. loilvn. Jl- IjiLJutil!?' Priiidat, of Wadiiii-'ton cite. :The Norfolk Herald learns thht a reucorr- 't,iu!. -k-atj-rj i t i. tiicr.iirT'Tilii. loinh tm which r. tixs look placo in EJntoti, to or three . Xrt'-mri. And. ..ccui'ilt.r. 1'loti.thlV tri'Iiie oreat iial.Hilie- I ... . ..... i . .. irJ V. i. -r-,. -. ... .. t . ii'iit mit". ociwcen .u.r. ai.uiii. xiHur oi - t liat j uiMt riiiurttmu- jmnc tree, i it jtrmalnee if tboriH---, uuii 'Oir . , . . ,. r i 'T i . , tit .i , - ,, immj cvniuiiiiii-5 a i'utr s-wi Mtn--Jtv a cnnoitf to liitii, be bad greatly de-ircl : r .... . t '. : .. .:i ... . nesa. IT'.IIIIII ,1J..4ia. III. l I l"f t'lt-lllH.-, I" OHO -:. . .'. .1.... I.- ...:l . .1 .1 II.Llj: 111 .fllUh. ...1.L l.H.Jlllirill- tPHr .Jl.Mfl. ' . w. ( ' ., . . ... i M iuc.i IhnruaJ i Ik-v are a 'i-iCkole (rut--fo.-the iuiiUTmei)tot bunaulf and family:' . r . .. - i i"-ri .i . .it . o.ty ; tbev are, 1 tlitttk. ttite "nw-ft" i fl lo : here thev were, unprotected bv '..,- . . . , .ii , ,- . - ' . , ' thorn ttl The w oi'4l. tu tltt""iiiv; lun tii'j 'i.i'H. and only ten feet at most down , . . . . , i- ,, . ,, . - J , . , , -'ebew, a "t f tm le.r tmikeA tirJ -m.iisi:. tli-' hollow tree, which ho Conld -c.It.kv ' . . ' ,i i . . ' . . .' ,e .. t '.' inene grow and l.ameu MtJ ttlitw .w-. le-'( nd by proiitnng IniiWif wiMi feet . ,. , . i i 'id ... . . i i-i k ' three or lour imilii itms. an J iii'iei. tfw " l hand against tho rough tdor..&!fc .-..,r-- -TiTT?rT iliMie : m two minutes bn wa ; , ,i i.ii- . t .i n- opti- l.-nijri r mm vniiiij; -j'rt.e .i,(t .u' ,:" vii. and wa Itnnillnii' .and diimllni? -. .. l . . ,8 iTmtn--. Ii7l e-r-i -at OiUfe.. all MiIBi JMM HH- ti'iMt Ti . i .ti !T ii , ii vear tin rouii'otiii J luorn le'C'inof 'uoc-j, Hut t i : thon-'iit he, nl of a ti hlen. . - . , . J . - II- diWnld have tliousbt of tbat bef .re. ' '" ' ' v-'-V"'''- 1 lit I firiiiua Hrr iut iiirrrt th-ni . . aie4 UTitncii iiw; rrt.. tnfnn .. 1t.t iiMt uoriiiifn iK-tilLii U.-iaur.-1'y ahjijj tit -.'reel, he s;t!- .1.1 af otiiTt ai cite. dr child ufSrc, ili. itin ny to Inru, esctaiming: J.tf.tttiv want yoii to, buy uie s-.me .' ... . i ... :. . .1 i .. ! in (Sim of thn finuKnaiwra uf tliat anfliAn " . , ... . .-. f suiiif'svu, win c.iuciniv luienocu to , , . I ' -.,.. ' r ti:? j-rr'f , i t u py .ii. . avlSW-n..w t, .n 'e.har. Wlirrt commcntiug on tl.e;'ave hn the autlu, U .demand -. r . .! ... k,U; bf is an Indian armed witV bow and ,!.! AM m xm. U .. w, rw and may repiu-iit a body of arm ,dt.m s aiticlo, M which he (Mr. It.)took U-.-i !-t-V -. e.1 Iml'atia. Ih eennd peara to tie all -'"-j'",m. jir. umon repneu. imi ua 'u't At ;.-,"-iv;i-:"i.t ktt pur ' hieroglyphic, atol irilnddy it definition i ?" rrmnt f tbe ftuthonhip ofthear--m tiw'-tftaw J f inv-.tiw. the greater, part of the secret, ! tide tu which be had replied, and declia Km,- !l -J UlMt t! at-rj f,b.ngb it doiTutiei-s rciem more paiticu-),- M'akit'g any retraction ;; wberoBpoo iV i its it ijk iMMt Uaii' aa.i.ttfl.S't'u. ii ,i,.i ii... . .r - Ti. n.ir.i .t;.-;;.-... i Mr. Ladliatn coinmeiiced an attack ooon . ..: . - . . . J . . . t IV, a. .I..... - I ..!.. tXt . ! . I .ur. vouoii, nun iii me senmea nmioi waa by winch Mr Biidbam waa been severely wounded. : ..icv. i.'.....iii.K.Tj.ni..., ""-'" T-mi. ieviikntly avcicl with bow, i-terii. rnd-i ..s.unc.k riii.r Kr in hml ,.. t.. -'e.iiiur.mgut "i timi i.e wa. - r..-i.? , U.r,-taU and anelntf ; the triangle ' Air .l.a.a. L. .tu utf 1.aa I.lv tu lrtfr. ft rTrtMBl trWai'J Mub't ttfll rl ' . a' a. .. V I .: i . I J ,t l.ni'A a.na u;t, uant .... -i V r T T..,. -!.:,. .r,5. .. ,!ik-t L l"' "rw,r' 5rU,r 1 ,CVA '"o -" '- "" " r.4.b.iu.' It waf.;lirttvbt' 7 , , ., . , ' , ! oO. U i.r" ' "k ""gJpi'c language iign ing, or. ..; l I I I don t know, said Mr. I.roa n. niAk J'1r- infe.ee ti.rlt fnnf. fort ..r l...mr ' rfi no Jfifrif. HOl'I'Ili'; .. . . - . - li: " ''"' w. i i ,L , ' . 4.i.ord.WiveitmKc-IfiX . ... j there ariaeveral .wlde and iog1e tnan- n. i.k aiK.r.t . ' '' " -- 4 ...tt irtit t iilC second. ' inur W.i it p..II,Ie that be, a u iie-.nti'.p. w:is .iihirewl !v that title JoIl- ' Where i that f a-le ! the driver. j lo not know," aid Mr. Drown. '.. l'J ii etreef,' al the gcmle- man alrea.fr Intro.lnce.1, giaucdp;;, ju-triil'liloii-K' af Itrown. Vill Ton help me on. Mr. Jones H'njhefit itnMalnj$&x, Clins lmrt. In tho fourth ",:,B re 'lie to ur.. iuitciicil a article , . . . . . . . .. . ii ...... .i . j, j. . . tMtfj-u.ru. l.iil ti.w a:uwj'trfrit lioW;(tivis;.in we seii two huiiw figure, evi-i""0"1. ,,lc 'o.-coiry oi too lngiiet peas prx tbe .4 tbe rartii aivl en all Wrttlv did'ering from tliat iu the fir tire Klaek Mountain in Wcetcrn Orth pU.vk,ifi.w.tghtfif- ;rT,Ti;m mie j anji couiiucieit wiiii me j " ( "- tea -iKii rr fcv .reset tuts . eat.; Imt howsoever ho mihf e.nrrv ;.. waiint sMAptakif tn, jny. dear an :u', uru ! -t' nie Iitsle n. ii -jj.'SUi y.u. tuliter,' mo. -.arjirTVi-l. iS;aJly.":it..Mg.t 7.1: T.l 'tiit a- tntiirnitw..ii. fl iiiiiiii't y.oir Iltfintr.'nr dear, heaid. "tUtiat n-'oir natiii J"' d the li;tle liihiilct Ciowu, 'ttaiire wa I'.ro'.rn, and t TTi.- i I... ... ;r :.i .i ; r.iin uraw. in.ioa t-m-n i'" ttumtiio. it ke. 'What a fai.i.v , till -J.'l ,l . , I lit- i-.i . ' .llioni become a mom ivt, "r.tui . tiicm, le winilij find them a grrmt inrun-' . ' . . , ... .... , 'ranee, if,,", effct-taal hindrance liic.'i ,iichehigb, witli l.r:me..K'.Hi;nv. Li. outward ,, aSge. !.!.', ibat hai c H'vi.'.r t,uav.k... A.Min. lo 'U,..' r.mn l at the .0'!e'tt ' Wi? b,rty jui, n.d'..,rut.d wall, of the ileii Slof, ! he cx.-I.ii.oed - ,"t ,lr H w am -I to get out, of thihohl ,,iyclf '. "i,n" . . liiaiuirwa ar,' ittie taid; Mutt vims are g' H'..l! .,.;..!.. l b 1.;......, .(. .Lis.-. . .Vow cmeeive tl Vs nt atiinwaafi iiur ha ttt ma n cttn.lr f ' u'l.. .. i... i i i." ... .i... i ii. l.nM..feM itf flo-tiw an thii'lcii' B w.ftll, hm. t mM lute ... n.m.l irrMitotinient of all. wlien a man ii iii- ii.mi'i WIH1 II l w I l ill 1 llllltl w ant- i ..... , --tT.' ?w ! . weieir-.-iJ near the butUmi so us to .iv;tliee tbwiw,tbt atiiigurieoulilnt. wbtisc wwr wwMsTtt cail. aw father any niwe," i! 'im no foothold bv which hu miirht raise i be aafel- rnrti among ltein,aiMil TCk. J. nurvo.iMy. I' .-. f to tho narro.w, perpendicular J will readily iilnte 4 bat ai aniimiiii. ai.c L'!m littiu g.rl siaipetl ber band w 1 !. -oiiip ihr.-i. or fi.nr foet m 1 1 hail 'ven t lie ffrcr u n WTui, wtia attt-.tcati 4t:0"-(ir.. lau protnin wa all kite re- ';,--i!;i t the nharo clau lror the tr f tell bitwditdbg-'i & ii out i-w tittttuf ut lu-.o WOI1.-U ivar era--, . r . . , - 'eltv dro.e me.' " n.w I t .rTa-- , f tie tea. s pre! Arv y.. rtnite sure that I am Sir.,". --Jr ,s rieamteiit J.ki r adit-il Mr. Ibown with ailiiety weight a!es-. ao-l irjw'e! .af ,.f.g in- M If fi.nw,' uaid Mrs. J -ru-t. cwinooded by -lMs rveidn-red more i 'Then.' said be resignedly, 'I snpie I yaiJ. Ti a.-jJlW . f lue air are U a'u Uut if yon wid beU-v. ,e,J Wo,,,,,!..-,,,. ,iiyw ? " .U.,r t-n .. .T,l..t-tt,u;it.: aM .b..'by dcnviiiir that tho Iallnikajo. : W ' f'dy ilWra-; ri2ttre of the Ibiifat... KIk aud Mastadon." a",,e lak that he v4Ue(. Tboprospert iitbaiEsWidiiidjj ;Cusion of the claim to tho credit of dia- t - ----- v . . f - cvijringHthcrbigliost jWotak, between? T LNLW lOIlK IKON FLOAT- -iriiese gentlemon, both 'lf wbota appear . to regariLtbtflionor -f tbe diaeoverf a ewe ING BATTEKY. i if tut inv nncnn isotirwA lli-m n a aha A Urge iron fl,,t'ng : .battery lias been" iyK-Lfryrtttillh lOSa-w. ;i ........ .1.. ut .-.vw t in n tot boiiiu eiirj past,- Thi. iron veel, uiyteriouly i' .locke-i nn i iii.i rroin puwic- view; lian ! f a:.- 1 Cfwt tf tlie "Wttr ui Europ. The . ti II t7i.- titith 1 ' v-1'"! 35 nef e -ffr ai rttaM-v t . already been fomteen year under way, ! Xew York Journal of Commerce torn of this !,ou;.' ' bndb" ttiT,3. atwag iheaa. thi the-se and ot Course eoiijti'k'iahlo- progress ba nieut upon tho cot of ho war, to tb . ..... . ik... ..I. -. I ' .. .: .1 i .11:... Hum ... ui Aim . . i.t , I - Itrown lu.lne.1 Mm Join into lhc i.ar . accrawtJ. V.c wtiU f the air an.l the "' " ctii neuou, .aim ne , cjs nw,.jvw w -tsaigww au .... ,i . .: .1 . . t ... . Ir- ; - iii.. . i . " ... ' i . ".!- . Ir: but, good Irearcs! receive the as-' Ht Were ,sf tiW .t..i.W sWn-. c -"f "ecceHry in one .u, . ...ore .orrnnce, so aay aosmnK - j r. i ... ... .i . i , r . wT i'ear. Hbe is fmr hnndred-feet long, and Turkey and ! harihma. liicluduig the .aii.(i.riiei.l ..fall, when a man was.!,- t-lmUi cw-a!edL For a bi little i . . .J .i i . . Si. t. l..'-:.tJ. ..!:...... .! a ' i ,,- ..i:i . , , i ... .'t .trir tw-ci .:j uraintiii. one- it i ttiit.r.iit vaivoiiimiiv, tnu iw ta ii.i.uuacu roVei-.nl mated in an arm,cliair, w ho j af,-r flte dinKwrerr the iwe-rire .'f tbe!i...:t. ...r...i t .i. : . . i . . i ... i .1. ...,i -i.mu a .n - -r e i , . .- ii , win, vt.i..vtf .r tn'iiiiT iron l'laici., am. . w o i n u n.i.tiis.,iiu iiiuuuii uotiajra. :,he very (,r of Mr IW n tiw.li, afin, nr. the wtwW re.we.1 , igno. Mcb ,,latu . in Wue ; - -' - - ' -il -.: itL , feature., and every other re-w-ct t . ranee s4 il.;be.-fcanr!rK a',.. atti,dl0(t , leI.lht, frrtmu wort - -TTi'. ; - 'Wy' re- t -ri.r ejactilatetltbe lady Inch flat.. Katlfford Wirel krdr.si1 I..,.-. ..:. ........ ....;...., ....., ir.Jl..,.? lJ,-.;.v. l-.l.- the harf. elw-tv thd at..ngl black anhke w.mw awmmn.jn w-kw --..... ; - .r ? r. ,.i;r , . iiaikllc. ' habit jrejitrallf. of.'.noticlnff IhV tlttNteastl '- -'s-'oftho old liear by whi.-l. ho IU)gl,tbomy I.n.t tn-e. 1LMJJ Bt-w en-rw-diH . naifati'iL-. Ad exnti.ti. jji.iu, u -av ; ;u aw, iwoo,n each Uk-of ton, post. ' In sm.attli land mm medicines of tbe day ; but when It-H liimirnp till he cuuld "get foot- that a man f fled, and W-d 1,-uott.! h, ,.v!Ut arvwally l..gbf a pound cleared up, awl Mr. brow,. awtrtbat .rr Iir, dioeered ej- Wil.ve Wll! rMM it is rlecy fro, ta realty Wit.ri.wi!jtui-U' lwfor''tJu '' - rhi l;K-r en have imdiirtaleii ii.trr .f w,lw. wliHot Im phirvd in th hand wmgbt for tlie e,..l.rr.-,-.ing r,,,rtale. It gee. , 'twentv to twenly-tive mile iter hour; 1 public, we thiuWHtdno to the afflicttk lla-tily laying the cnb'aide, be. Irie.1, form that depurate, font 4 oi so.fla, f :, Uui grL - wa fre-ely wrivd by Mr. lVwn,wb.. - - aadaheis intended solely for Imrbor ibBt4he ifaet fdmuld liemad khown. We n, ,1 :otcn, he tried every way, he ; man in she- Kenawba wU mu te & iwms ut ..f the store they en- waa .p.it delighted to thmk f lMit after . r.y.--Ir. Ilogft, 1&! .tefeweea, .he willjiove smo.nb "water to , have need lloUoway IMI and Ointment , l"l with tthtnrifjMrtgtTiratri ftr: writer-caw aoiitly--eipr-7 fe fcajtwadr e.iw5 rarehibrs n,.4her, T .- " '" 'ad t U'.cetr, bl a wratlier gtitsri whirl, run in at all times. '.She' -.can, by hcijin ease of bunumr. bruise, and scald, f t. !,v pullint, "pimliing or spring in thi aie. . .-. wrfbuFsatiffii hiilegwl.'jnst see .child to .lieut. ie4 thirty jMine; i rrrsnit -wa tu..'ftbwlde Wtnlbn 'power, liy reveling' with beneficial effect, "and there are caa- '' - ' . iii bo -work liimself iieart-r to the' AIkhi. thirty yoar o. a jwmreueaB. &" math taiUy'fialk ha b..ught aw. f Mr. Brown 'kea.titt ; aince'-VMited . Uie ,'ked brie-: it smth. sua r. t. Jmw ; W of ber screw, turiijn hfrown axit'e within "our knowledge of extraordiiuv ' ' V I.mtv effort terminate! with hi the Salt work, wartaugiiUnue ou.iwir -Ite anoabln't ha b..ngbt ber ph.- where thi KJ..n,edy dErr.w bap- ;it l.t teetir, w iw banding it j. in tbeapaee d" fonr hundred feet. hv j ry enrct irfomcd ''in : disenst4 of lonff ,:.',.,'.'". Ihe'-jfrbiiuE liy-'absnditit- iip!evwiwg, in 4hMnrit,i'-ltts,1isij- iatttoiiir.tstiautti ae tamp, Mr.. JMitirtii.d tlie hwly, eued. He i afraid of losing hi klee-jte-'kis bdt.j. let it fall and brot Hw u. bumiMintcd whIi Iwtiiity gnn, nfUwiiiling. I'rof. llolloway Ointmeut ' " ii .y,iild stretch forth hi hand with- jof hom pole. 'Te owiwtr ta'tlltf' o.db fiamaAsiilbwwiri rnuke herself wck. lity. . . "' i -dta. TU rwltdd nan deairedjtbe heaviest calibre and Imlgest range, land are ainoinr the -few- prepam- ty melie ot tliotop; uu Willi a;reolvea i nw t.b jnir - , ." ., wrm "c. - - . .. ..k .ii.mui. tvo.i.k. nre um wuuueruu noauug tious w uicu oerionn i.L uo enret lor :i'r'''.vii- coiihj reach within three inch- ' theft.' OdneJ ntsffatw, ettgirfiw ant yooStt? I UtI m-eapaet yen titt night. t Sl, Mys tbe prettiest ' sewin.g ina-- thiink, abl U.rt wa loeky emeo;! Uttery i now Ijing js very inysterinis Jt,.t.,ad it was!atcrr.H- M evH be- tfionr. ' -JVaE-,,,a4a.r said tist einbar-. , about aertttoee i f I ! djr R"anled Owing to . tJiestwme length I. - ..... i.: t..... Ji, ?l it-.u..! vfr l!n.-iKi. it all a tuiittaku : I ik. h-a .kail I .n m 1... . t. I ...1. . 1.:. . i . r 1 1 l! ' that wa the ntiii"t..H,id it ''' TIOII t'. I "it ami di'siicnile, In! snt down to Why .hd hu not be ing a pole their war t bdhiwr,,fbw tiioseB irsratfl ax- Bnovu, it all a mistake ; I ,. . , , , , b.-w - shall bar ram, for I t. nut rc-lof the vessel rocks have been excavated - -,' . m ii r. ....... i va'nrsi fiiti vmi uiii'in k fpvt'i. tiaiar nw- - a . . .. .. . . . . - ininlMrat.ir ofinfT.of-u Tlx- irwftr Dmiit nwrn jhu lv ihii . mj ajuw. J . 7 " " w " " "fc7 itiM9mir evrr m ltae icra .5Hf xUn -toJ fhl one of tUe .treet or Ilobokn hn . e- ' li t a . W 1 leww asH.I ttnilar uu,ta U -..' ....... . , I . a t . . . .jt . , here a lo, iocn-l tree wa.- aiaan BlrkJiw uv 55PtfisHsi tj: .--jbeert twrmeleit s ndntft m erTd-Olirh,Tf'Vtrrtit Rtw-"T t rt-i '1," 1 , , 1 . ... wmeu tijey aro reciminvnaed. Weare satisfied ihot for jmrifying the blood, reg ulating the stomach, and curing liver and billions eoiiiiiiiiiis, no Letter reme.lv can i -I -.-i,l.v-i.rjv J ?V Jll- -tt. x ifutSfjiftfr j,.v -sr JTtViVS$ t 5S r 7"-. r Jty"-'vV3r-- , 2 Pfiiii f,di i?H t- "-ft. " I - 1 '- . - ' . -. .ri . . TVr" WJ '-'' tV!'