1 1,1 ii u. t v ' ' it. ; Af:l. .Vm ctiH.j m ilk-', r.-i:! at enl . - . JIALT. Rciuita at l,i()prrtrk,u.ii!kui.wIlrujM - fdlrd. - ' lU'CJAtt Retaile at Ho. coi r ke Kii. o( id to i in. ORN. IV My, world O.'Jc. f " flHHIER Krtln at from Kir. tu $1.00. ' I fOl'LTKT" ANp EWiS.' Si-.rce, and la de. aHid. -. " - '''.' - WHDKKYFrnm 45r..tn $1.50 per galloa.' .", HA;;lM.-;L'XNYSUi.t1rnl!.H.li(y. ' BOCK. Fnaa 13ft M 14 coat, mimJI aupply, . , Tka Ktvtr i at bar wairg mark. I Iredell MfltttTvM lh 6th It ay tie. tllrpluia Mr. JOHN K. NKAiJI-Ecrft.-M-Micmiiy, aaa) Mm MARY AJ.X DOf'ULArW, dangbiar of Mr.J. lloagUaa. . . aa aiiiianiHi iiMiniUM ' - i Ingi iftaf Mr. Mictiacl L. Bmaa.ia lite 4(iili year other i ', .a u . - Tka tanad ra ia iru1r .nin,(liii..tl with the at. Lath. Ckarah, and cji-mplarv in her chrtMia.tt d. aatrtaa.nl. Una haa I A a Vereav hartwmi, tiro afvl- wceau mI a lerea errHTf nfulivr Had friend, lo I i4t their rrrrp-aruale knot - - - , THE aabaeeiher, Kavinf oht.aioad Irllara of aduliuia. Iralinanalhe eatala nf Tinxiiai Kincaid.dreeaai'd. a4 Aafuat Trra lHifl, wouUI hereby notify all rri.aa Indebted to aaid eHale, In mine I'urwerd and aaake payaieal wilhoat delay. Alai, all pcraun. hue iaf ateiana afaiaat aaid uta are hereby auiititd Ui kraaaat Ihaaaawdaty aatheaiksaied wiihin iheiime fcraaetiiid by la, ethetweae liiia ntrika will be plead U Uf T tWr lawrrtry. W.a. R. FRALEY. Adm'r. Af. 13, Kid Iwv) FIRST CLASS PIANOS, TUMXO AND KEPAI R IXft. A. t KUI, ralelv rneaarr af MiieiH;fef J.o N.C) reaaala .CadMrA re,aelfallv iuCitin. the eu. aaaa af Eaaraa aad aeigbbiaina etmnlira, thai he ha aala areaaaanala whu-b enable him lu funiieh Pm- Ma mt any Jtrai- tlmmf ai.ker thai nureba.eja mar a at l..t-"a earlara arte. ' I Thoee wlw aani aNareAaaMaiaatniaaeaUL. (whether at o. at aotaa la- laaaaiaaaj ky aaadlnff a, thair adlree n. lirt-ertalwir.i. caa 4naaaairaaeara aararderi t,iilirm.e.uiitjiiHie a ful' , ' eiataaaa f ary aaailnal af aVanf bnanrn, i-r.o. A .-. ' 1 lioaiwa arift aid aa p-rarrve, iliat m ri w i,f ttte ftut , aaaatatmaiieifXea aJade by parchaaerv in ihe a,-N-riiii f iaaaraaiAiii. aad Ihe tra'aattitai f.i-iently pre- j laved aa leaa ae4 aaaaaia uf jadxntf of Uia write (.t a pint, Ilea atari I kale adopted niu.t pn.re l.i3li! a...aialhla la the, arttatewl portion 4 the omtttumtt) ' Caaeak aad ferlta- Oif.ae, MebaVtar, At., Ir. ! B. Tee aaaae adaeea trailed refaiaily lee a fear. IT Tmif. aad Rtfrutg mil if tor-,. . t eeated ia aa ataieeptn nel aianiu-r. (Irdt-r uimt b teft at R oka-d.' I lot. l. ' Ae(. IS, IHi . iw ! IffOTICE.- AI.L rmi tiKld-btrdl Ut (Ke r4ifr f f 1tH K Mrkiuglil, aire'd, wiH p'rv rteo (rwnl i'l lib Mfdir4f In Atf'J hD rr.1.t.r t'1 pffMbnlt llinr rUutw a.ljf Hihiiti aiinf, wuImii lb M ifiwrtWd bv lMruf th iatitr ntti IW 'fed im tftw f iWir frfftr)'. II Ii l:r,K.K. A.ltM r. Atff. Wk, 180. . 4r li LAND WARRANT LOS! T MHG ptlklie ar Kartv arod imt in irmli- f..r t'tc .M W AHKAM , ?M2, f,. Kith . 4aV. HHi wn ifjmaW to ,Ninrv Jam-, w'Wjii ' i ri Jin-. ( ho mm prum- m i ajii J.Jm (Vetip.,, H4 Wnfrwof Iwsmt iJa(iJm Afrtt t"5i, a nit mnI by J MiWrl, I't'iioiiiK-tiifH r", Ihc -xtiitc ho ! baM Iwt aikd aooliCMlion ba? nu'lr lulliv CdMinui- j (Wmmt of Tnutt fur Jt.(t!nr-kttP ..f mm! W t, tirit. ' SASCY.-MMK. ! A I l.i, l-Mefi. (, i Executors Aotlcc. T: IHE Mthacrihrra havinf anaitUrd aa Kifcutora if Wittwf th late Th.an I- Cowan, b-rrby . gtv mi1 In all prrwon il"l-btrd to ih tatr u rww Ibffward and malt payment, or their Ham mil a pmi iM a kfal rour- of r-Jirin n and kit )) baviwf oVmanda afa.ti.ri lk iditM npfOMnt thtm U J. II JKNhIVS, 1 II II KOMKUTS, I --'-tvi Knr'T j w iiu.T. Aa(. I Dili. fio. :I5 Offlreofllif W. N.C. R. K.Xal x ..StatCHvillo, July 2, IK'. k' "VTOTK"E l. kerehy in thai ihe .nna.l morn iNairttektt,r!eriilt he held lit Si.i,Mi!lr, l- I aVflaaM-atke Vhof A'l?nt ntt. A'! (rnii.frr, ,.f i atck aaaat be filed in thiaofiire ttetorr tlie 'ti i4 Aun. ! that a Curreet liel may be reported lo the ntt.-etine.-Naa bat a tltaekhblder can be a pr-lv. " R. F.JIIMONTO. i Sec'y H Treaa'r "teadard and Reiater, tlnleifh, Prr!ahif and Neara, Aahettlle, atill coty until the !fcih of Aan.i. and luiraard their acroaiil. In ihuf olfier. 3 C-rprtlnss Rh, DufK ic. Ta waaM e JI atleatina to our atnrk nf the al.v 1 T araietea, which ia Urr and rarird, jual reerir aaV CaN al No. 1, Or.nilr Row. HltOWN i COKFtN. , March S. IKjii. 43 lf (.old r. 4 VERY I V I oild Tea l'ourfa, willmal Ihe Cum-, r'.t rule at J. II. teat IRK hS l l lit E. Jaly it f CABINET SHOP. Til E mbaeriber haa nprna da CABIN ET KHOP at iba feaidetipe nf Mr, Oatid WhImmi,. 0re m'tr H'( afji4rv, aitaatrd immedilmtelv on the hiiiroln ; "ad, and laka thia method f aoliriiirip puhlic uoiiet "ItfWvWW 'W': Pp m'nmiWW&hk'v M'A' J vwwa, ' aaanvimaht -f readf made Kl'ttN ITIJKH ; and wilt ale ImW hrrnaelf in readvue ki work toonler on any hwf In hi Itna. RrpatriiiJ and new drettain ikinr 4 ataart wot ice. laaraWt meet th wanlaof the anrrooitd'ms; ronu try, W haa sow on hand and will c,Hiiinua to rvphn ih it a eirruinataiicea require, a f'od arorimeni t f COKFIMH, ready made, which i, wol tiuii-h off jim awpoty at very short m.i.re. Ho h -liete n hi -4i.p.'ni thia particular, at lenat, will preve a ,llltr' ronvt li teiiea j aad aa he la deter mined to oft, r wotk ei rea aoaable pricea, ba kope. to receive a htarnl portion of public patruaagr. WILLIAM WATSON. Aaj. Illrj.16. Jwll Salisbury Planing Mill, .HASH FACTORY ANI LUMBER ... YARD. 01" WEST E1IL. SALISBURY, N. C. 1N IS ndemned have now - MiN aad Fartury, and ar oterulion the ebaive rtonr, ami are preitarrd to rurtii.h ht.l laality lomber -dreeited, or will j'laii. , TAMMtue and kjiue and "toove platik farnaihed hv inhere ; anil liM.kr "' w"k, looea, Frarnea, Ulinila and v...ioii!itltri vartoaa aitea and ratl.rita. NcroO .awiiijr, turning in wood or iron, anil general Ill.o konlliin;. Tha aaderaigned have fir.t.rwte workmrii frnm Hnl '"a., and caa guarantee Ihe.r work aa ..uituhle for 8"n rhtaa bonaee. ' l arpaalera, baibkira and i.llirr. nre rreprctfully re ineeird oj ( nj r,,ininr, apeeimen. nf Ihe woik. Ml'IIIIOtll A ( AMISS. "bebary, Aag. 19. !.'.. lirmcl!! lIingtoa Flag aud tireen.laa-o' I'ulriot ropy .1 ""tha, and aand account to line olftre. VXXTED IMMEDIATELY. n In.n n ' ' .r of atner, iiiduatrimi. halnta, anavl eapal ''g rharaa and e.H..I,.ri a ,,. I., t'urn.r, moobl- en tde 'of " , Wdy in ihe aufnwriber M l.agl. l oundry, I'ynn ,,J,,d' CirBnly.vN: CI.. ') w , f l IIMMLON v w, . I,.,,., n - 1.1 .,-. .t .'igiriaag54iJajiiW a- t.JW- . .. . -.- - . I- . I """ --A-. JnnnmismlliitBn ! " . ' ' MHBMaMaBBBHaWBB1BBBIBmvw,BaaaaaaawaWBBaaaBna ' o ' . -j, -. .- ,.M.aava YJ ol f. A r d, fifiic i:tiu.;f Whll Willi KJWf J ttU-'Util V , i, W. II ALL, It kilt TON t KAtE, Admiiitair"ier pedee lo- Swtll FARH FOR. SALE. ' P',E auaVraigaed otTera at print tale, a awat ex. a. arll.nl Ula4ja, hint Ihrra and a Iwlf antra tmt half a mil. fnrl lli Halaibwy and Ta.hawMIe nak Bua, a.lKmi.r the latiila at Mia. Mandiv. W Maaayi,.iMotka lek. and who re, Thhi'iraet auatataa . . -J- . - f : :!. . - ... - .r ' 1 i- a lary purtaf M arhtefc ' la "weM timbered ) the r. matader ia under a hili Male of ealiiralwu. On taia tract t a auirera eunlaiiiinc'aWit 40 ucnta aa thia hind b Irinf in hear tlaltebnry a Randmtna pmlil aan he niuile from !)! Brvkm aiuj&i J bm vaJaa,uu Uu. iaiiaiia a I if'""' dwelW honw a tuoat excellent barn, aud every 1 " mrnee attached llierct . The wiii.-rt.-r totality of thia farm will iiiuH ita.afi- ' iiire.tnK-nt to the pnrchaa.-r. Trr.ru will bo .tuudr I iiliiig. C"H nn lint .nWriber at the plants tioii or, adcp hy I. Her st Mtaburr. SC. July 83, riC. if Id Hous9 & Lot& Plantation . FOR SALE, . rpilK wbarrilavr will ufljr t pnUltcMlc ( Court X l"Ua in lilt Wiwn of 8ta(fcvil!r, uii ih Cfli nf Oi!ii.brr nfi. it brinr .MoittUy of Kuperior .'ourt. raf i of IrikJ rjntaiun; 259 1-2 ACRES; Hlati.vill, n 311 h.I 4U iicrt, Ll' BOTTOM LAND, ; l"rt of which ii a fund .M EAIMJW and mini land ; annteieni anal coarenient lo keep up the fn.ui n. I Km-heii. Ham and .Hi.lJ. and a brn k iliy hoae to i drj fiun m, jii oMmd ..f apide, clu-irv and r rh "eea. . Abv pr.in ixliinf tt p ilit prritiir' Ix-forelltr It) n ill cilf 1 hr fiimettmr. Teiu. III lie ilw 4I I'uf-'iM hiri'Wti on iluy (if ii, 1 wrti jirivaiely a ,;ry di-mrullr I.- In town UnUtlll' ujUtettt 5 Acres. t! im-nTt-i, milt arw 3 lf y rfwrlinig and pif. , iicenaT tiBi. trriltiin n-w nd h rfe )tr 2 ICIi a , ni.( Lj,afi . I Ik.- in V-fi4.fl lom a Ai!iii.iiitriilir of Ir. J. M. M'B'tV -i iir if) mal." pat ttifiti w kIi.k.i tU-ity. J(rt V MlH'KTuN. Aa lt. fiwltt j DISSOLUTION. 1 Th r.rim.f Wiirplij, M' H.Mit fc V. hid thia riiiy , .itL.'Wr4fc4tijJtifeg The butUit ; of ihf fidlt Will W faftik-'f atiltin old itiaod hy eiUit r of lltf ftrtnrr Ml itajfin.itfj mhI hits! to urn w.ll (ki rn!! matitr ' tll mrnl 'h ti bumioM ruul br c Instil willioul l Jith.i M "Koim ha vmi wiili.iMwii from ih'- firm, ii ir tit (i ttifftdl ut kn. (i flgr.nriila for tlx- rrry lib rjfiil p.tirt.f.jr- t.. anoik.d uu Mi liriu. j vn:s MCKrnv, JOHN MrKHfllK. J S M.CI'IIHINS ' Haltt-utirv, AtiT I til 9 Till'. S'l-.I,."V .. f"iifl'T il b- r-.imlticiftl lillilcf r;. hi umi ! v ! f Murjtln iV '(. at ih-'.-Id -tnnd avlii'fr-'th'" v will kr.p r.mMdViui n hnd iluir uaaal alftre aVUl'fM t .4 1' lOIH, dli.i-U I t,. tllO ' lllf ill tTitt :ttTTmree he cl 'r 11 ., rot, I in i hoc . i, Oj UHC tv M MUiril V, JAS Ml Kl'ilV, J S Mrt l ltltlNS. 'TIIOS. J FOSTER trio K.,1 d.iir . Are iLalaa Valuable Plantation 0 THE V1DKIN i:ivi;i;. TIIK wilt, r-H-r bsmr it .1,-airr I. in, sti'lirtrnt for. e tn ait loa v.i,u llic rlkolt kjtown ii, Ih. i rrniovr, i ot Ii.sV iU!e pUniti'iti tin Illl'hS I'lilllll TI11IT ft lT r it Cr a tie There are few tmeta it thia p.,tt of the- coii'iiry n hir!i C'jopnea more ad.k-aii.tag.-N. 1 hcrr 1000 ACRES in il, on hMlt-eWa,-d Utirl and i tie frninindt-r under tol ttvtitjon. Thffi' u rurf pt.rddn f it River Bottom, a hrh i (eTi) h rll. Thffe oii it a firal-rate two atury hmHi tmr!rHn;, a r.iperh new hari., aul.Ica, awd all uih er .iit4iour, ;i! Vn fra-rl roodiiitni. The tafuniulied with a fixid flat, aad pay vrry hrdome ly bit the adeiitiiiit M retjittrr- He will n!w a.'ll to the purehaair of the j-luut niton, a full Wpply of com, n-d-der, hayoatA, wheat for ceding ami for family uae, huraea. eaiu-N. fwiia. Lc. lurft;llii v.ith hia atuck ol farm in too!a. I Any irpon wiehinf topurrha-ve, will do well toratlj and ei4imn thi lamia, hear pn'eea, Ke. Ur hen lit: eerianUv ptve a harfjam if api,HirdinMi be nude enrly. 1 llM-ka' IVrry. U. L IK KS. j ILuitlmii C.4. Aujj. :, Md. 3wlU 1 SIMtlXd AND SUMMI'.K FOR Jii. MICHAEL nnowM 8 now receiviiitT nd otM-ninft hta Inrpe and weH-aeaortrd ' atuek of Hnrins and Huninier (im-da, cotiaiatiiiir of - i o n n in 3 ill", (':. and llnnm td Shin iind Ititot ; Jicilil'l Milile ClotliilitJ ; Ciimi, lKfjh,vtud tHitM W'lin ; U.i rd ware JL fvillfrj, Grfcrlrs.if, t,i whirh lie imite. the nltritiioti of hi. rii.loiupr. and ihr pnbi.r otli-riiir ul low prirr. liir eii.h, or on time to piuirliul rtietoliicrti, nt ull, Htr or rt'tuil. N'. It. All klinia of CnillilrV I'n dtlrr lioiihl al the hifli,'M ni.trket prire. Sahelniry, April 10, IH.'iS. dfi.-lf STATE BONDS VOW SALK. j AITI.V li ! Au;f- 3 J KN k I N SA RORKRTM. trio Mali.bury. N. I', I IlsTr. rnvrd ul ihr old .inii.l 3004 Ibi.Shol, t- 'I. iiilrd. -I00 lh. liar Lead, 30 krt I'andrr l.lllrtl for ,li. wiling or lila.line. MTUI'IIV A CO. IflO All.Ml.1 let, IK'iG. r Encourage Home Imlustry! UK Ql'ICKl 111-: Ql'll k : ! S TII.I. HKTTKK AND llE'lTI'.ll! SAM pulling up Buggie- and ll.ickaway. with im:, provrmenta. .My work hna alway. given great Mtliefuction a'he ever il ha. been tried or known, and I km determined that il rJiall f-iveiaatiafurtioli and am ple rrwnril to the ptirrbam-r. I am .till nt Ihe aame old .laud, known, aa the Mowryhnp, on the Railroad, nrer ill,. FarlorVJ lu rxrhaiiEO hr llugpiea I will ink'- tvbrat, no-n. bacon, t&e., at Ihe Inirhi-at market nrirev. My WiU aliall lie goo.1 and ilurtilii,-. .-an ami nr my aork anil bear prici-a.1-and I fcm.w you - nil I h. p tiring pteoecd with ll. 1 return my atneere i the uuldic lor their verv liberal patronage lltUUKl. ilmt lli.-v luivir lirattiwiiil uu me heretofore. . , . . ,0---- 4ui I., wuiiiirr '.1 11. -r n f t , i rtawsTaA 1 i s i ALAHAMA LOTTERY! Authorized ly tin Slt( nf Alu'laaia.y sznmi iitary acaeimy; OTTERS! CLASS G, " ! dyof Mao aaiary. Alalia pak- Friday. K.pieaiUr llh. l5tL oa i.. HAVANA PLANJ! ,i.MUEt SWAST, iUnjf; f ; , PBIZEi AMOliiNTINtr TO r2C0.D0O0LLARS. WiB be di.lrioolciHecordini to the H.Howiiie; MAd'Nl FICBNT SCI IE JTB I T 3U.000 TICKETS ONLY!! Pen of "Actio ia jis.rioa 2.1,000 i 35,000 l.'i.WtO ia 15.000 lO.OttO ia 10,000 '6.000 ia CtlOO 5.000 ia jono 3,000 ia 3,000 1,000 are . " 3,000 500 are 5,000 400 are ,3i,000 800 are 20,000 1 3 10 Wl 100 APPROXIMATING PHIZES. ' H e( ) avprtlmUrii la avi.Ooft priie are ai,ft. it f.VflM) t LVrnn l,i a,Mt fi.nn.t H. aiw I, ') ' 1,'KIO l.no.1 inn tut) l.taio 7IKJ net M Ml . t-l . 4 ;af) IIS lb Itai MH TU M 4t null vrite, amfeMittini U $W).d'j0 1X4 ornir LGT1IK1. Th Niunbera from 1 (o 30.000, berrrppnadinf with ibiMw Numbera on th Tirkoia urinirii n ui I jm of pa(er, nr ritcircled with auiall tin tulta. ,J olured 111 Mir whrrl. T"h fir 200 rtMPnniilariy printed and e 111 rf 14rtl in BHoilMT Wtir. I ho wbffta lira Utru rrvolved, and HnrnWr ii drawn fmm ihf whI of XuuiWrv, are at tl. (im a Pruw t drawa fruni tlir other whl. Tht uamber and Prite drawa out are opiMd and exhibited i u aiwicnce, ami rrgiatrnd by the Comwirwoiirr, tli Hrrae hng iguixvt the nimbtr drawu Thw ratH.n iarrp,atfd nniil aJI the Pruca arc drawn out. ' AI'PKDXIM ATION PRIZES, The two p,ed- nif and Ihe la-.i auoeeedine Number, lo ihtaM- drawine ! .1 SI . (ttu n . . .. . - . . in. .;., , nira win ne .innira to the CUU Approj--; itnaiam Pnrie, arerdid to the Pcheaie. ' I a J" 1 1' .ttjee. determined that their 1t-llTrt- . .hull enl fit oilier., oBVr lo the nnUir. 111 a 1 to ve erhetne, wlutli, lor the brillieney of iu t.'.iinl, ami 1 : and the clianm of obtaining I'rliea, hua nrrer been 1 i eo,ttalrd. j 1 T Keait inbf-r lhat every Prite ia drawn, and pay. I i able Ml full Kili.,ul dednetaili. f ! 1 r All Prii. - of (1 .000 and nnd,T, paid immediate- 1 Iv aflrrlh" druHin; uiher Pnlea at I lie u.ual lime i ' of thirty ii.. , All r.iiiiinuioeatrliti. nrieily eonfidi-ntinl. Thedrawn! namheni will be forwarded lo porchaeera imiiicdialclj- i afte; die drawing. j j HV,or 'KHiti.tiO- JIutn,i;, Q,irt,r:2$. j Pn.e Tirkcta caahed nr renea ed in other Tkketa at j i iilo-r oflicr. r I tid'T, for firkrla .hiaitd Ih erut in enrly. ( ' I tidt-ra fttr Ticket, cao he sddreeeed In j i . .SWAN eV ft), Allauta. ;a. or . SHAN; Moaltoinerr. Ala. July 01, l".M. e .li.7ior.':r l,y the Stolen Georgia. FORT GAIKES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! CLASS I ' 'pub- i Tt b drown tn thef'ttr nf Atlanta fif, on ThiiradHy, Austin on (ho SAM'L SWAN A- CO., Mm.n-crsT PRIZES AMOUNTING TO S2O4.00 O I , will be diMnbiiled according lo the fidlowine Brilliant Schemes. ! EVERY OTHER TICIET SIRE Tfl DRAW A PRIZE. ! 30.000 KUJIBEE8 15,185 PRIZES ! 1 Prue of I'me of 40,000 ia 10.000 ia 10,000 ia .1.000 ia 3.000 ia I .OIK) i. I.MI0 ia, 300 are 100 am t-10.000 I0.OIHI 10,000 S.000 2.U00 1.0' I' 1.000 2,0M 10,000 1 I'rue of 1 I'nte i,f 1 Pnte of I Pnae-of 1 fnw uf 10 Prit.-. of 100 Pnieli uf 4 IMxn nf fftt anpmxiMat.af tn (tn.Ann pi iae Rrt wo i-nir in ji." a.irtjKiMtRtifif ,l IH.ono nnac are H ar)ntiuatlns 'to lM,inai prtie are SW" M aptaroxiinatinr to Van prim- ar W Ut M.fimimeiMtif o t.titKl prtae are Sikii a.rnx,mjtif to !,. prfae art? lthl t". i -tM-o.lvaj.il n r to nir arena in apiirosiniatiiiK lu tt lrla are um) are Jiit,iat 4 Prise., nf 4 Prtart of 4 I'l-ftr. of 4 Prii of Prtkv. of l.,ls.V IVUf. amniintinir to K 9-M4..W The l.,000 Priteauf $1 are detennined by the aum- U-r whieh dmwa the f 'iO.OOO Priie if that uuinW-r I should be an odd u timber, than emery odd number tick ct "i tlte Srheniv will be entitled to 4 ; if an even number. )i n cveey WB tlekel in- the-Scheme will be entitled lo $, tu additiuu to aoy uiher Prise which the j tn bet mny draw. Purchavera in buyina; aa equal quantity of odd and ! evea uumber ticket a will be certain of drawing hearty nnif tne eoat of the aaine.with chance of ubtuingoth er Ptiea. II f Rmember that every Trite is drawn, and pay. aM in full without deduction. 3 f" All Priea of f 1,000 and und-r, paid iniinedtifle- ty ufter ihe tlrawma; either Prize at tha tiauM time 1' thirty dny. AH cWmnniCftti-MTa niirum-r. anil he for after Ihe tlrawitif. ardeil lo jiurrh-ra immediat-ly Hbale Tlckftt J Halves ft l-i Qatrlrrt I 1-1. Trixe Tirkri.ca.hed or renewed ia other Ticket, al either oil',, e. 4.HIMT IXIU COWTS TO CLI US. LOTTERY A. otie-hiilf of the Ticket, are aTnaraitleed to draw : Mreere. leorffe dt Wht.nant, adjoining Mr. J. Kitdt 7h we will .rll ('ertifiratea of l'arkafrea of 10 Ticket. ' aill'a lMiiuiiift Milla, wher be (.prepared lo execute all )ot!fl nnd rvrn tiuinlter.,) at llie f..ltwinp; ratoa I work in hi. line, aa cheap aud good aa can be done iu All ili:ti the 10 Ticket, drawn over tha uinount I the Siule. . runratileril nrrruea tu the purrtmeer. t'ertilirule ol I'.uknRr. of 10 Whole Tirkeia, I10 10 Half " 30 10 qurtrtrr ' 15 ; Aiblrimi onlrra forTickrl., or ('erliltciilee of Fack agre of Tirkrl. either lo K. SWAN St CO., Atlanta, lia. or S. SWAX, Montgoinery, Ala. New Discovery! Ambrotypc Likenesses. l rK l..lr.l iin,m.vei.ient iu lhe beautiful art of la- king mrlur n glaaa. Die biullA and dltVabllllj: (.filler oSciirr, hapla,I re.1 the AnililolVte lit the brild of all the hue aria. and i.ctin.idrrrd onr of lhe greateal discovert.-, uf the ugr j The .ubarrilier having .lutiied ihi. methd of taking like'itreat-R al rinlndelpliia uuder the m.oti di.iiiigui.h ed urtiKt of that placn, oiler. In. .rrvicca iu that capa eitv. to the citixena of tin. ptare. t'hil.lren of any age taken in a few aecoiida. Pupil, iii.tulrtrd in lhe art. 1,-oiiea und tielilteliieu are inviletl to call nnd exam- apeciuirna li.VIIKIF.L I I I.KY, . Of Chapel Hill, N. C. Sali.hnry, July 23. S tf. JOB PniNTSG Nitttlll 'Jlt SUtnl ul t,M OJit-e , n. m i:ii, a-, i of u,.. a, i, ft Sft,d t' Dii'U ( ixtCi.E. i! ill trf,( u!iu:;.', l:.-te . lie cmt.ttly kui ia M( hand, a fin.(J it;t!y of lite rt-iy . pocueatio, among w.ntn .r. louua, eecry , j4 100, Tel. tibrariei, I0,0Q li, Cabinet f.iltra' I .T- - ' t'l 50 ,3,7J,d. .-t:,M 1W0 Cha'w I . vteme, par awe t ; U ...L. J. : 3, ai cat. illerea iiorartee, it uu aacn, soeii. - ma Vonka per at. 7J Abw, a kn-fa auaatiiy of Hilda Uictioaariee, flibli eal Anikpiiiiaa, BibleTlieofraphiea, Slapa, Reward Bake, Ttckeia, Ita. ' . ' - - . . Order, addreaaed, Ateat of Amerieaa t. .School Uakta, Uo 71. UraeaeborouEb, N. C wilt rvaeiea prnmpt altaattmt. -i . -r-. t . Jaaa , 1HJ. ';v' ;t Herald and Baa tier pleaaa topy 3 or 4 lime. SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Wheltaala Dealer! la DRY GOODS, No. 143, Marlcct Street, I'mirfii Hut'iait, '' , U. M. ZtHur.KUi, ut (Jucoltilow, Ji. C., daoauaM Aia.au. " 43:Cia AVANTEl), 100,000 bashcLs of good WHEAT. - i IORwhieh the hisrheat pticee will be paid in CAS II. Toe freight on Wheat hneoeen y ry (really re- doced from Charlotte to 1'harleaton, which enablea a. lo pty higher price, than can be paid elaewhere. W. hare a Iprge stock of Dry Gomh, Groceries Salt, I which we will tell lower than can be nrmght in any ' market ia VV eat era North ('arrina. Ctime with rour ! wagoae. BROWN, STITT CO. Charlotte, N. C . July iilll, ljf. Swp7 ! OFFICE OF C. i K CT R. R. CO., ) ' June S3, IS5C. TARIFF OF THROUGH FREIGHT BETWEEN CIinrlestoQ & Charlotte. CLASS. Firnt Claea Hneidn.'ule Barrel. ARTICLES. RATE Mettmtruinent, per e. ft. Ifi Moluaaea 7 l 9 00 FUdi 3 Ml I 2J 70 ) 40 fcO 9 0 50 h; II. If Barrel. Sack. Floor " -JtrO IU. ' 100 Iba. ." 8ait niark.mitb., In-tlow., t Oil WJe ( ' Buckei.. per docn Corn " " per bunht-1 Wheat ' " Hiffee - per 100 lit. Candlea I'heeiie " " 00 70 70 On and after the let of Jul)-, the above ml, of Freight will be eharr;ed upon all the through article. enumerated. Alt otheia a-ill be charred at the pre. 14111 Local Rate., T. J. SUMNKR. General Suucuuteittleiit. j July l.r)ih, IMG. 5wJ Ten Dollars Reward ! I ANA WAY fr'im the eubaeriber, an the 29lh day I V of May bat, a free nram nauiei HENRY VA LOt'lTNE, aliMK Hrnry oaMi. Raid boy waacon vie ted at the list Term uf Rowan Superior Court of mMdemcaivor, whipped and aold fur the imyment uf niffta for the term of 18 moiilha. Said Valentine or Lomax, iaabttut yearaof afre,five feet three and a half inehea high, of ftaprbread color, lr)(e noae, thick lipa, bow-leed. atout bnift, aud by trade a B'k-maaon, Plaalerer and Painter. He Wat raiaed in Aiiaoa cttuniy, and may be lurking abont Wadea- ' bori.agh and Albemarle. I I will give the uUivc reward for hit apprehension and delivery to me at Mount Tleaaant, Cabarra I comity, or if Confined in nny jail ao thai I grl hiiu a jaiii. leetiera adoreatkMt t itie at Moutil rleasaiU, a tli bo promptly attended to. CHARLES KM TTS. June 10, l.iG. If3- Thunder k Lightning! DISUNION AND CIVIL WAIi, Pestilence, PatentJIedicia FAMINE, ic, &c, VRKeviUand elamittt lhat ahould puanJed a?aint. ItAKKIt At OWEN bep learv to in form ihe public generally and private individual pur ticularly, iltnl they are ready, willing and able lo pro tect them from one at least of tha above (.Lithtnin by pullmj up to thvir building their Patent feulsied I.thtnintr Conductor, at price power than it haa ev er ueen none at in in in pari or me enuntrv. Ackirefw your order to linker & Oweu, Salwbarv, S. C. July SW, lt5G. ' 8 tf VALUABLE LAND For Sale ! rrillF. I'XDF.USHiNED ofTera tar Kile the v-ilna- JL ble 1'KACT OF LAND lying on the Beattica lord Koad, rive milea U eat of sajiebury, Conlamiiig 346 ACRES, of ua good quality as can be found anywhere in, the State. There is aJao about 50 or 60 Acres of nOTTO.n LAMES which cannot be aurpaased, well ditchad and drained. There are on the promise all the necessary building. and iu tact everything is in good repair. Peraoua wiahing to aee tha land can be acomnmo- duted by catling on Mr. John R. Knox, who resides on the al mtaUin. To peranii wwhing to purchase such a Taluablc Tract of I.nd, such an opportunity ia rarelv pre ee fit ed. ' DANIEL WOOD. July 29, 185G. 9 tf. f IHE anderKijrnrd beg leave to return bta thauks L to those wbo favored him with acati during the lirat year, and he reaeetfully informs the public kinai ne nas removen nt ine fnop inieiy oecnpiea nv Turning, Cullinp; Screws, Repairing Boilers and Engines, of all dcacriptiona ; making and repairing Mill SjilnHIes, Wood Plainent, Plows, Ironing Wagons, arc. and in 2ii3JiLIiiia. will comnnre work with anv on. for nealneaa. wear. nd dceprtleh ; I irierfcrring .hoea, fil.25: coiuiiion do. , ' ' " ' P ; - L I have al. ereel.-d an Air Jurn.nce Rtrmelling "'..". .rf "" , ! Jm ".t Itraa. anil I'.uupoairHrii i. a.tiug. by cfilliug nl lhe alio e.tahli.hinent and forni.hing pattern.. Alat Bra 'melted over at a reduced price, with neatm-m and de .patch. .' J )" OldCopper and BrniMi wanteds ! S. J. l-EHUV. j Clmrlotle, May 5, 1856. 49:(ini I FOR SALE, tt" AAll Dm. of Bxron. ht round. r.nri 2500 lb. I Ta . vrl i 1.000 II 01 lets of i i.nu bir sale by the ubicri-s avurvu A Ut aa. .. bcr at ( lanl.tt lane. KCCLES & GRAY. tf; )W This Knocking! FKMALi: SCHOOL. 1 RS. Mrt.: t..?rt)B-r Uli Smi Mi.LrAti wit, J l a(.h ,Jw Femili Hcjliw - gtw buUdmgoa theBoaih rSlnaK, aU fitted ap, and 1 well tentilaied and eonifortable. ' , Turtiaa aa foraierir. from 6 lo 13 dot MaaiunaT Sea aHNiika, aeasrdtHf k adrinermeBt, foatiareneiea AO. Board caa be bad at 7.00 per mouth. JOSEPH A. McLEAS. ' a,.i..v:tu w n l,.t- i f.k tu-.r. -w ,ra aNOTHER FRESH -, ST OCK Sjrlng& Sinnmer Goods ' JVilT ARRIVING ! nA VIXta ld. off ou drat eiteuaive parckaaa ot rtjiriug and attiaiuier tiapda in a very alnt time after tki-r Wert, to band, we have einec l.ul in a aacoad MPFTt n9i! In Mrlvitig... ll Wll Kkel4 itlrT eare, buorht al ry reduced aaah price., and wdl be old low. No mm deatrablc good, have ln brought 1 to thia market Ilia Uf raeut year, none ae arc anre . ran I i.l e. i - ... UV BOW tV'l CBa. DWX & COFFIM. No. 3, (.rmrile ItoW. April 29, IfoC. 4r:lf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COOSTV. ' Court of Pica ami Quarter Sr&t'wnii, 2fatj Ttrm, 185C. John Baaka, Adm'r., againat Hrira at law of Lucy Thompatn. w . -. - . i. a . i ciiuoii to sen L,anu. I X thia caae, It appearing to the aatiafaetioa nt lha i Coart. that Holomon Bonka' heir., who reaide in : Georgia, Andrew. Hiram, Kanaum, Polly, Amy, Kb- aa and Narcieaa Banka. and T.l.l.v U iltiam.' k.u. Paiay, and Sally Nollen, and Polly, formerly Polly nana., ara atK iiinanuanu or thia Mate : II ia; there-; rote, Ordered by lha Court, that publication be made j ewaiawevaaia in. "varolina w aienman, lor the aaid dlefrudaut, to I and appear al the next Court of! Plea, and Quarter Saeainn., tn be held lirr the cuouly ; of Oario, at tha i:oart ILmae ia Moclt.vrlle, on the ' 4tk Monday in Aoguarneit. aad plead, anawer and dewtud to cotnplaiDant'a peiilion. or tha aauie will be taken pro, eonfeean, and aale ordered aecotdmg!) ' Witueee. Caewell Harlan, C'lcik of onr ntid Conrt al office, iu Mockaviile, tha -till Monday in Mm, A. ! D. Is38. i C. HARDIV. Clerk. By A. A IIAUBI.N. 1). C. ; Printer, fre $5 50. 6w l R. mm MENDENHALL, LAND AGENT. f ILL SKLECT and enter Ooeernmeut Lam- 1 Loratn fnd Waffsols Pay Taie matte inTestmeote on Jsittt account and Irausact a ii aceoiint-and transact a Oen- t m M,Ue,Wt" era! Kent Estate baain- Wiactanin. luformutuiu of the rojotry fiiriu.Ji- wben-deeircd Address, R J. .MENDENHALL, 1)4 (ipd MentaeapoNs. THOMAS B. m() Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder. ISA I.1S11 KV, 1. C. SH nnvearrjrinit on lhe uliov hnilafHiandinTii the pub- i hr i call andexamtneh r-rk. Iff I. mnnufrtrinTrjT I vuoerinr Trhh-ir-.n.i fci4.nfltltrnt he eao sir-atiractjiu t a 1 1 whn want a nrwlratr arfLrr. H ran put op Vnrk at lw price-, if it be drirl, but trunk! aiwavi rt-cwanrn-nal th barltarr -iimlltr-P a t-lMrafNjdit in Ik I' ne run. He won!.! adviM lh whoari.hinprtvairaHyttimplDhishBetaeaJlat.iftaW atenlatefurc ther purv-litieetjlwcatiere. IU ihop U f n the rear of all Li very 9 table. j ' lrr 1 1' a !tane? 75rrlertnf iri,-a1W ptv?awreri7aB- j pacy me oraerwun a drarnpLton af Ihe arUcI rrquirfil ijiuiHy nt prtpf and atren dtlvsred, if It deea l.vt tflve Mtii farti'to they wttt.mt be requiretl to lie-p It. With the advantairf ot the Rnltroaai at hti door, he wittlake almoal any kind nt trad io exetianse tvr awt norh ai t'wra, Wheat, rtonr, Oau, Dacuu, lrd, Horica, Prorendvr .Timber, c.,tr. uia i LIVERY STABLE ( kept np a, aa.) Ar.tr.tr liorwi nr mi Julr SI, I and tbote vho vi.h eilhet I o bar or lose! j e.,areinriWJIoCi.ll. i MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY. MIE next iH.eai.iii of ihi. Inatitulion iriilroninrenre on Wedliearluy the 20lb of Fi-hrnarv. hint.. The achool i. now in a very ftouri.hitur eoaijiiioii, and the aalraanber mM m h amerM eadewvor. -to kevir it arrt and to auitaiu the reputation whith it haa heretofore emuyed. . Xouna men wilt oc prepared to tnlcr any claa. in the I'niverrity o? a any of our College, which tnev mav ur.ire. TERMS : Primary Dcr.irlin.-iit per r,.,n ot 5 inoiuli., 9 00 Higher English Hi anrlin, 12.00 A'laaaic, 15 00 J.NO, B. CRETTER, A. B. Beb. 15, 1S56. if 31 REFEEr.XCES. Preaiilent and Facility of (he Cnivrrity : Rer. Drury I.acy. 1). I), Pranidrnt of David, n I'ollre-: Hon. John M. Mrtrehead, II. in. John M. Dirk, Grern. bornugh; F. E. .Shutter, Esq., J. F. Bell, Esq., Sulia bury. NEWBEKN Hutual Insurance Co. THE roraijncJ haa been appointed ojrentat Salia-biH-y, ff the above ('ompauy, and is prepared to rrceive ajlicatkius fruin any ptrs.m wiithuiff to insure property. This company is now in succeasful operation, and its business is fast increaainj. Pt'mm wishing to hav property iusured1 in this office will please call on the subscriber. J. D. ttAMSAY. Jane 10th, 1856. '.- GinoS! Dyspepsia Cured. DR. HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED BIT TERS, for the care of Dy.prpsia and ChiH. Fever, c. For aal. hv M1LLS, MOOSE A CO. Saliabury, May 13. (tf37) For Rent A FINE BRICK STORE HOI SE, two etorte. hili, raluated next door to Watchmen Printing office. Apply lo K. Ml lll'IIV. July 99. 9 If STEAM ENGINE AM) SAW MILL FOR SALE. r I'M IE untlerti?ned orT-ra for sale, his Well kiHwu L Engine nnd Saw Milt. This machinery ha Uen thoroughly tried, and has performed in a verv mpa'n.ir maimer and to his euttre satisfartiort. The enjme an 18 Worse Tower. The wlMtle eMtabliahmeM can be easily moved and set up al any place. IVraoa wishms; to pnrchnae, are re quested lo call end examine it, as 1 have deMnniued lo sell. LIBER r 1 u r. suiM-rriner is ocaironsoi movin; his Milla and X has i;0,(HK nr 2tHl.tHW feet of p4 IA .MHER on hand, phuopaHy Weatherboardmu, F'tuwiiur aud inch 11 an k, w hich ne will sell very low tor casii. Al so, a fine lot of Maple, Kirch, Ah nnd Pofiar Plank, and Scantling nawed expressly for Cnrringv and Cab inet Mnker purpose. Any per hi wnthins; to buy any of the abore tmiaWd Luinlier would d well lo ad dress me at Saltsbtirv, tlmnigh the Foat OiUtv. JtHI HEARD. Franklinsville. Julv H, lH."fk.-3m:t.. 1)1. M WUlTRIIlVn.:; t-rr maT" :' ww !. A ji M aV .-.JL r f t OFFICE on the saina M with his residence. ' In ilia abeence prrenii. during lu ace him. will leaw their name, on Hte Stile. ; Jilllr IT. I !..!. lO , Tiiba: tilinia l.ib.iw 1 dsf Ifta tue Xartk IV) II -If a.l, eofr;r linme Sasafartire. .' rpilK ntltaeriben (i.re put Hut ROWAN FAC A 'Tt lKY (located in tfaUebury) ha MicccaaCut ope. falio"., and,are hrak,inj atiperuar j ' ! ' SHEETIHG3 & YAMS, which they offer on reasonable terma.- We are deter mined to produce rood, a qqal b tlte beat rnada ia the Stala aad apare ao elEtrt to (ta Madaeuoa la all who aiay favor aa aril, (beer palroairr. la a fear week, weabad a perparrd te fill order. U Skirt-inira aad heavy Good COTTON BATTaV keot ou baud aad areata. Tha , -GRIST MILLS ." ara aleo in operation and Cora wilt be ground far tod aa promptly a. aueaibla. .MORNING A MEADER. Sal'ieuarr, Jan. 17th,'l j. . If3 FOR SALE. A LOT of four or lira acre, of goad land, half a j mile from China Grove Depot, and nine milea WeM of fliibarr. On it ordUrtW. dwaHiaf MHW,lilHeBoka-koai.aUbia,-rik,apriag, .pritrforccaallid garrha. TtWiaaaiaW grnd fctiea. For further informattuo, apply lo M. AlcKenti.lJlabimld 1 a, .ue . mLmlmtltftm . June 84, 1K36. Imori I r Concord Gaielte puUiek ona qioath and lor ward acormnt tn thia office. . , KITlfFLAN rTER" WILMINGTON, N. C. Throc'h Frti'ht to Vilminfl.i pr. Sail Trsii. WE have made aa arrangrmeal with tha Bad road Company lo run a freight car wub their Mail 1 1 Tri- ;miet , ,wk, -from g1-Miry to yva nrinftitn direat ; leaving Salivary oa Moaday .and Tharaday ; lea,. Wilmington, ou Taraday aad r n- agent will aeeampany tha ear te receive freight ft all Ike inlrrmediate ataiiona i will leave etalisbdry on Mondar 91d inat. " u"r d deliver Tl, fir,t c' KEITH FLANNER. Waminrtoo N. C , June 14, l&SS. IfJ PRESBYTERIAN FE1IALE COLLEGE. STATESVILLE, N. C. BliboiS'X NOTICE. rITH a vie w of enabiing them io mature truy v plan, fjlly. a. cl! aa to nave liiir n-wion. au Tacittione -to ctMncide with thoae of Uavidauu t. oil the Trustees of tins Inrtilatn.n hare d-termiiied dfrr the opfuiag of their CoiVfe nutil tiie lott day of SyjittuJer mrty when ib-'V will W pre jv:rt d fiir -the receptiou of puptls. Tlh-y tftkt pli aatire iu acotpuucitij to the public, aaid :-ll ,;-...!- ..a- wta,. ha.a w..j w ...;,.. .... v.g mamfeated so rrrent interest in ita eslaWtsnnieni nd UmiI their new and lndaow eiiitxcc ; miui. rafly to tn J. that Ine nervice. .oT a mil eorpae .f elltcient uiuhera will be aecurafl ia ne(il : . time, and every ixawlile provaion made t- Uia onm-i u MKVti lhal , p,F eo.dueied aa thia ia ara. fort of the young ladir. eotnuned to t how et, J'oMt4..to.Ue will be- appreciated, end roppocted Iheir por)-e mv, rt ha. beea fr.n the aeginiUngrrbv n teu uidtirtrioua and inquiriag eomunnAv. " lo render their College imeraa- in no re .pec l, lo aaa- i Th pmBlw,, ,rc raed with lhe tin af aeeT-' i- ::. ...l..,. . ii . i.:. .I,-.. nri ut .ainh, I liahed rt-iMit-ttiuu io cur State. The kkcntton is ratnr- able to rioalth, in a few tnura able to hoalth, being in an elevated refnin, a4 with- ide uf the miftintaius, , while frmn the Kiwer e Mintrv, U is euily accesaible bv means of the i Central Kail Kotid, and n tri-wcikly line of stages i front tWi.titbmty. lib' mi!, n. It mru and 1 utlcn to be p.l in advaup-;. 'I't-nii, fr the si muttu of live mouths, os ftatliws: , itoanl and 1 uithn in the r-lij. UepirlQient ,t".IHL Tmtion aioue v. . j L', .,,-n, Jw,,r" "l"liuate latin aud t-reek, each Music, with the USC of Piano.. 15.00 s.oo 10,00 22.50 Candle, and towele furnialied by the pupila. ' Ttrtirrlertif the Btwrd, K. B. I). WILSON, Prea't Board of Truateca. July f, 1856.- tdcifi. "TRUSISALE!" IY virtueo." two sevt-ral anafrnnienta in Trnst from William Iaocbc, we will se!l at public auction on Tuesday, the 26th day of August nest, at the resi dence of aaid Locke, tii miles Eusl of Saliabury, tbe foUimi ng valuable prwjicrty, to wit: 396 ACRES of land Ivine- on the Enat aid. of Ihe Yadkin River. on ihia tract there i. about 75 acre. of rirer autlemlhr imwt of which iaclt-irtd and in ffoud couditkai for cul- j tivalron. A WTweMrrfrrhrerf rtv ornVe acmaa tka Yadkin rrr- j er (known aa Loekr'r bridge.) 1 of Abu euother .mail tract of land lying.in the county Daviu.n. . the outer, ot th. Y.k.u R.ver en - UII12 inn acre., aancti which there utan excellent ij STEAM SAW MILL recently erected and in pood repair. Aim another small tract of laud lytttf in Rowmu county near the fork of the Yadkia tWd road miitain- i i.pj M ax re, Alan another tract lying io the county 4 Uowau adkaning Michael Brown. Wilev Brown and! others containing t(J acre, Aba i -Aba another Intel Iving in the County of l iv.dfcio, auj-xniu the lauds of Mil drid Kerr,id others CotiLainutg , 100 ACRES. Aha.. 3 negroe .lave., 4 bead of horar... 3 mule., 3 large road w.agona and gear, 1 two korea wagon, 1 Buggy nnd harnrra, 1 Carriage and karaeaa, 20 head cattle, 40 head of hoe. I art Biarktoillli. bail., e.r ' penlerv totj. a.iiautily of Corn and Bacon, 2 gnu., Farming tool, of every drneriation, Ac, a. I Trrmi C month, credit with nMereet from data of ale. M. BtMiER. JAS E KERR, i 7Veea . ' 6w7 July 15th, lr.'iC. PITTMAN, WADE & CHARLTON. (cresra tn WILLS fc PITTn At.) General Produce P lO-avaPae.iria 7la, . . BLAKE PIT rMAN , ) hue of ihe hrutof W ,um A JAiMKei-AA ADK,-- A Pito,- lve-rf T J CHARLTON. Movtooaaav Co,, V. 1 : I .. I . .J - . II . 1 a .orri con au....,e. o.aue an ....r... in hand. May 20 i:.o. 3 lie 0 1 xvroexoes. VLI. person, in any way, indebted to ne aa Arl nuuitrHtitr of the raatr of MiWea l. Kirpatnrk, ij"i'v.ie,, nre hcrthy uotitied to Cttiue forward and nuke imrticdttttr p n ment. Tlie crebt of the sab? of llie p-oj-rriv of'the perstmal e.iai has expired, and the est ale must n" be srtll.ti- tip- Abas alt those having claims aifanici the estiite, are airaia notifi! to preaerit them tVr payment, or this nouce will be plead in bar of their rttverv. JAMHS G. RAMSAY, Adm'r. June 17. lifi - If 3 Far Spring shimn IF ST RECEIVED a new and beautiful Stock of . Seasonable Cloihine of upnnr quahty awd work- m.nirhip. which we arc ib.w tcltttia? ' verv bw pnee idwrnble tnr Mit-k contpns H TS. C iW.nviTS.Vrm... xlpji r. . tkiliUTii. COLLARS atMlCRAVATsU;.. . DUAVEISs..Ks IRUXS ami SUiJES. aotd-i rr i.lUor ariM'. .t" t'l.uhitiaj required, of the ITKM4 varhd atvlesi tinln tud price. j' Call aud'Sre! tur Hm fc nt ?nii) and we are fiTtne; bargains to i every muchoer. it r :or at the ooruer of the t Mniun Hotel. i II. K. F..M M A OH. I Sali.burr. M tv 5, l5S. . 49Juk. ; Mualo. aeaorluirifl of Piano Fta-te Music lr a. t II. ENNISS' BOOK8TO.KK. A ' rg' Arnolds Writing Fluid milE Ri-sl Ink ln thi- World, lor aale al J 11 I J HlMaiTtKE l.yt.- ' I -Tllll-i Kitoid ia eitnated in Ire.b'11 county K- V' JL " aioral, intelligent, and healthy netgW borliood, aa muck ao aa any ia Weetcra North Caro ' bna. ; s 9 Tha aeil aewioa will ope oa Monday tha 8 let 4 July aad coulinue 30 weeka. . , ,. :?j;;- rvmox rERSEissiosi ''i' Primary" fitodiea,-" -' !t """"'t S OA -i . Highar Engliah I'' Latin, Oreek, Malhemailca, , - , - . IS MN JalyS. 1946. 8 Sir J. M. 8HTJFORO. State of North Carolina ;v ; ;" -, DAVIE COUNTY. j J ' Conrt of Pitiu aaaf Quarter SesriouVof ' -; rcTrH, 1830. . '. . ,'y, flmaal Fiaat 1 jjgd Atlaohmail kvie. aa ' IT appearing to the aatiafaetioa of lia Coart, tka -. tka defeadaal, Kirh round Nail, it MtU hkataH taat of that 8tatat.lt ia, Ihereaxe, ordered by tka '' Court, that pnUicatioa ba aaade lor eix week, ba U.' ' "Candiaa WatcboMa,' pnntad ia lha tuwaof tlaka. bary, that ba aaid Rickraoad Nail be aad appear at " the next Coart of Fleaa aad Qrurtff Kaaaiuaa, b ba, held la- the Cunnty of Davie, at the Court Uwuia, hi Mockavdla, on tha dlh Monday ia Aagnat aeil, and ahew cauar, if any ba kaa, why tka aaid Rom aad pUHatid". debt, and falo ordered aceordiegly. W.lneaa. Caawva llarbiu. Clerk of or aaid Coart, at offire, tha 4th Monday in May, A. D., 1856, aaal ia lha t'Olh year of our ladepeadenca. C. HARBlJf.Ctetfr--. By A. A- HARBIN, DC. "PriBtcra fee ij 50. Ca A - ' PROSPECTUS OFTUE Llneolnton Dlspateb. A. tlte conaty of liaoda wtH at an aarly day I the rniovmrnl uf Rail Koad facilittea cnaneetiag k t eitixeaa with the reel .rf mankind, ll ta mamfeet lo ail, 1 that a Piilduj Journal .!i.jld a eatabUahed in bar audet, I al6.rdiug a aardium of coimnunic.tioe ta her alarm at lumie. and eouvevini to. and from llieui whatever raav be dciraWe and iatereatingtu bekaown. The aaderaigned tberrfora propoae paMiahing ia Ih town of Lwcoluton, a weekly newspaper aadet Ika lie tie of tha LixcouvToa Duaarca. Tin. paper will be devoted lo imparting iafurmataa of every kind. II. chief aim will ba U promole rhe eaaee of Internal linprovrraent ia Ilia largeat aeava to anwer aad eneounige all tka ladoatrial aria aa -awakea a aew apirit in Agncullare, aad ta aftued far hable aaawer. to the Farinen ioqairicra thai will and I mnat v.-n be made aa to what in Ih. beat patk la eaar ll ia pmp.avd to elicit diacaaawn. net all brinr. ! um aubjecu aa the aureet way of eetabitthmg truths 'l ha Journal will gather I froon every point, and pre- at-nt weekly a coEdcnseH stale meat ol ttva wewa nf v - ery kind, ao as to be acknowledged an n rfcajnt nnd ' oeefal cunipanioi. lu crery faoiily which il may cnaaow j to greet. ' Wbife. p..lit:es will be only a aecondary matter, Tel they wdl rrceite snrb attention na they oVaerre, and i . i., , rM.A . .L.ihj LVhi. aVkLn.J i'Amm - ! - . . . . j Webatet, nnd beltertng m the i . . - u , .!. .Jii.tiw aJ.aaM l lZ l 11 vl. Ly WiH not tmfm tootver. .tt: IZZ JZw Is reci-ired, to ,hui DrilIK.ctu- .unr Ittbora. Should w hoar- j fVpr rcceiwe .lieMiraceinent we eapcot, then tn-a I.ivcouvto DmrATCii, will be iaaued at the radical day pructtcaii!.'. OF U TERMS of aubwriptinn ia $3.00 per aaaaaa in advance ; if payment be delayed ail moat be. and 3.00 tf lot paid unlit th. eipiratioa of lha year. Subucripl uiii money not required until tka tret aaaa ber haa been ianoed and received. Addreaa, Fral a Krimmingert LiucolutuB, N. C. . A. FINK. R. KRIMM1NGER. Juiji jc56. ... - ,-aa- The Great Iran Wheel Examloed. ; AND ITS FALSE 8 POKES EXTRACTEB.ky W. U. Urownluw. Foraal. at J. H. Eaniar BOOKSTOPi; JulySl Wall Paper, &&, A Large .upply of moat beautiful Wall Paper. A I. ao Fare eieteena aad Win. low Shade, ht aala by J. H. KNNISS, Boakarllar. Jidy 22 - . New North Carolina Form Book. . IOR .Sheriffs, Conelablr., 'Mnjiitratea and BuarU aer. turn, for aule at J. II. Enrrea .. ;BUOJOBF. ... July2-.l. 8 ' . , 0T the Factory and other PrBf Hy BELONGING TO TIIE ISLAND FORD MAN UFACTl RING COMPANY I T 1Y virtu, of a deed of trnat mad. by lka Ialaad) At Ford Manufactariug Company, I auction, at nid Facl.a-y,on th. il al day of Aagaet next, all the real and peraonal property aelonging lu i l-uoipany, luciouing tna racroryaau rand Maehiaey. Tha peraonal property wiH be sued on a credit of Wx nv tilth, lha real eetate oo 3, 6, 9 and 12 nauelee, ft e ha sera giving bond and approved aocuritiea, r .. The butldtugs are com pa rati rely new nnd eommnv diuu-. There are in tbe Factory about 1 !4M) spiiMhVe 20 looms, and all ueccsaary marhinery, a IT In fine w r""' f der. On the premises area rargre and nrcH ttrnetrwei-' ed Store House, f.ur excellent bouses !ue efteratkMiw. and snudty olner bniUtinrs. There is a fund dam aaast exeellcnt water power. I u short all the adranlafet. . necessary to Siii aud weafe cottun toannta)re. 1 will afford full ttportunity to any one who mar wish it, to ex aim ue the property before the sal. ALFRED PIKE, FraiklinsTirk. July 14. 8 ta. . VALUABLE TOWN LOT JbET" 1y virtue of a Deed of Truat to me eieeuled by XJ Dr. WtHiam L. McRe., dee'd., during tune. I .ball, oa Monday of tha Ooauly Caan. lur ! Hurkc C ouDty, be lug i 18tb Aug. at aaxt, at tka I door of ihe Coun-H.Mia. in Murgantoa. aiaua. aa i pb,,e to lh! ,,, Kdj,,, VALUABLE j.tyj. tV-TmTWN rtrMNTON.-iaja- I n SM f lh, Court Hiaiae, fmuUng oa Mo. S 1 . - . . , ,nu i Mr MrKt,, mhera Ur. McaUa raiadad, aoa. f taitnuf kit or tuttre acre, oa which there as a vary ' FINE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. . m-arty cv-npleted. with Kmr Large. rNtma below stair a ' aud -ar abkTe, w :h a wide pasasya abore and WlkW.- Ccavt fcN.ut three irKuiuid oollars, AdkMnma; tka a bu;ldiof; there ia a tiuc one -siory Brick, Vuiredttirt w ithj two rvknu and a piaxxa a front, with aM tha ne-ee-eairy oat btMia and stables ia guudrrpnir. lauiav , diu ly ou the corner of Main street, ia a aa an . story Hnck Uuiiuina, rou jr. -oast, and etvrad wuh un, wiiH a birg and Convenient Su-ra lUaans,. ireU fittttaj qj, aud two other inMabte ro.iua aUa-cbeai, ( A yard tastefully decv rated with everreaM and . dowers, and a ftue f;rden. Ii situation being central and coaeeaient, aay per son damrooa of pnrchaaiuf a beautilaU bead thy, and ' dairabk. residence, would do well lo attend tbe aalew The Weatera Rid Road will be here ia leaatKan threw years, and property will dVvuble in vafae. 8boaid than i ofiponunityto mure a u turner or a permanent raai- oeace, nitanrpanefl by this or any other town tn lHottar - Camlina. be kt, there i no proUbihiy of aahngw wiibia the corporate limits uf the town, a reaideaca u Terms cash. E. J. EKWIN, Traatra. ALSO; - - At ,f W. Ihe nine lime and place, aa Elevator af L. MeKee, 1 wiH rl! eleven Likely A'eara.a- Term, of thi. tuie made known at that liana. E. J. ERWIN, amiAaK July 3"3, 156. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COt NT Y. K'jutUj September Ttrm, lSajL Fielding Comb. tr. laaac Proit, and atkara.' - UK i E It by tne i ?owr that pardioa,b a, aSaa. ' aa to Win. Crnble iu th. larohaa Watekmaa tar mx week., tvi appear, plead or drmu, abw jadgauat will b. entered a.tin.t linn: MMIS CALLOWAY, C. V. K Julv IT. 1S5U. U-W L. '