tj' ilitmii us to i'te Ii'ieutt. , We arc Dow in possession of the full accounts, from China, of which the dec- :- ane telegraph had before tin nished usnnlv the outline. Mibslantlally tlie Brut Im-i j.rowion" conveyed to u,-V The Cause of , ihe quarrel sud tlie ojxjtatFiftjrthBfr M-' Mewed itf seems 1 be .correct? 'lifr nre indeed, .matters- in dipwt,Hli as whe ther the lorcha out of whtclrrne men were tttakeB waa carrying Uritiau coluri and. whether ; lit ComuI waa ciiiitely justified in the elepa that he look J but there con tw do question tliitt Ux Cuiueae aatWilice bad violated the exatl fojf treaty, which require; .litem tif demand ata peeled criumntU frout tba nearest Coiiul, aud nut seizing them- tbeuevea, aiiJ a lillUt that the requisition f lb Consul diet tneu .boahli be rcaiorej U ihs Ul, and that an nulitgy tbeuld be made, yuan refuted. . The conduct of the t'lmirae Governor Crnr "al waa throughout arrogmt and insulting, aud i M www mhvuuvh pinijj om aaii4 ntustiiti a(W l. .talltf Hthft tf la.t.f.fls-aaT fHiiit- t, aTT -etix any reprewulaiiv rf tba Uriii.hjio"" - mmt,oa I lis fmtiiid that all UxJmn wore ricluda-d from Canton. It niul Iw quits t-vi eatit tluit to loiuralo m li treatnivnt m IUi would b utirly to ilia oilioii arquiivd by tba war of Itfttf, and to anuuunut uuikK la Um Cbinew alwaya ulljcicuily r-ndv lo grip at aoch aibuiwiona a. a uatioii UutoiJ of iwivr aa I (-rvyiul, hu J ready, iu th. uimi of matetia' wealth lo wukl any all'roiit and Milmiil to any indignity. It m m u that illn K'futal of tba autboriliea nf Cautou lo j;ie audienca to tba rcprcavnUtivr of Eiigland who r. auxioua to euuiplain of inu!ta ami injurir. wbicb tbejr brllrvo j linve been oUaUiiinl bv .ho itruwJ 1 their charKv, in :v( lb" termiuatbin irf Iniiullv it-mtiuuiL ami an ad I tueiuunt that the rvnty, at eat w (hu 'un tun wiu iomruwJ, waa virtnatlr at an eihl. Uy tbi outbreak f boatilitim, ej'mtin tn-a-tic r anuallvd, and urnl. fi fire to our on futiira rilatioim itb tlio C'liin.w ni piru u w pb-aw. We have uo inlvroot iu rum- nig wo ovrnmetil or tliwirAnuingr llie Mt-ipiy ! of iIikIi last country t.iki only ny j e ma wij;nii-arv)sii io fnja in tin-iu. A I want la libt-rty and vtuiitir fur our cm Nmriwi uii.l t iwoiiii.t n.l ..H!,...,t ,.f gr ecancnt a tlifv uii-. To .cuie tli fiiu I "".v ri',l"". murder uitlmut distinc tne.recvnt i-rtawniin at Won rn u. tl.:(: j 1 '"', ail the men, women uud children e'f.tritf.1 enforce lft 'liht 4 fr.- rntraiMv ! they could hud. As the country tilled into the country and into the ru oi ii to u I Up, t i .4- people could no lunger submit l" wl.iih aa aiipubajeJ for by ih treaty of IM2. ! their horrid depredations. Aim and dogs AVe nuM nut imW told that our r. prt.'i.ia j collected, and took, the pursuit. Tliey tive must bit excludiJ from the pmrnee of thr came on the two llarpesin anarrow vallev t bi.0.erir (i. ner .1 tsoau e l.v tr.iv ; , ttt.....t t o miles Irom this tree Thev . ', ... , , t..rri(nera tu heu'-lrate iM-tuud ili .fi-i-nn of , , r . . ' I our lai-twn.. r.tprHuot liow tlmt on tan not tlhSA,... ..,,.,w.... nut t io.rig oufn!v, to frel. nou'l and inju n.-, nn, tjtat if e ate to livf peafeabljr and pt.iroi1y ilh t! t'li.n , e mu.i lecli H.-in lo trial u in etery nuU f nociai con tiUrlio4i a at K-ttst ihtrtr eijuiti. I KXTEXSIVE I'lliK IN l'llll.AHKI.I'illA. I'milai.i.i rim. Jan. '2U. A fire rmtl'Wnwd Uvt nielli among nit pris priiy oh CIhuiiuI !r,- t ulsm- Third, an ! t.m tuiiitj th lee uptsr loili. is t-upied t'V lltilsw C'arrow, jewril.-m ; John N. 11 trwr, uniofl.T of U'bei and E. liuOtlll, lik tun Ii r, Ttir torw Ulow areocttipieJ by 1. It. J'l-te.soU i.J .oodvi-ar. India liublirr, lamsgnl by atr. ,I)ubo.-' slink aianl at 1 mf-itufti tonally in" iaft ., iiru.d at :l.'i0O0, in-urrd for lO.tlO0. Tii fajrfrr bull. In. , and the -f'ritmmha a.ii' prrss riKM.u i ).il.i with waMr.caaa, nit; d lay in put, in aitoii this niorftinj. ll'k!'' prii.liriK ofliep diatrovnd. l-w i.'.Oou. insuiHOCe trilling. lti' J'rftnj'l.utn in' Jfiis?ijji. We I 'li-n from the Misissi.piati that tbcScn ate of llissi-sippi, alter a long and intt r esting dicusioii, adopted, by u Vote ot to u, lire toitii wing nnivuifinfiit, idler ed by Mr. El let to the Com ing a portion ot slave propt ; "F.xempting one lavp, to be M-lecled by the debtor, if ho have more than one. And should uch debtor select to retain! a female alate, then ali the children of j such female, under the .age. uf twenty i i , v ... 1 1 f i , , years, shall likewise be ccmp!ed. .VoriA CitrtiliM Atijlum f'-rtit In,int. Wo are indebted lo Dr. E. ( '. Fisher,! Little llarpe escaped, went down the Superintendent, for a copy of the Report I Mississippi, uud joined the celebrated . 1 .'it ii- .... i i ot me jnreciors and Miiieriutendetit ol luiit institution, to the (leneral Asscinbly Vroiii it we condense the following: The whole amount actually expendei on the building, is HI, Ms fts. An addi-' Initial appropriation is called for, tocom-j which little llarpe decoyed him to Nat plete the supjfty ef-water t 4r hgltt tWs-chuz, .aud.thr tHrVtrmrt against and bcr building with gas, and' to put a permit- i't rayed him. On Mason's trial, llarpe uiyt enclosure aroiintl the grounds. When ! himself was recognized, w as tried and lhec objects arc attained, the institution 1 found guilty ; uud, on the same day that will be complete in nil parts. ', Masoi. was hung, he also expiated his L'p to October 31st, yd patients has , climes on the. gallows. Mason was a been received', Of these, four bail recov-' very remarkable and extraordinary mini. crtd, and two had died. At that dato patients remained iu the Asylum. Man vwf thec have greatly improved in their contiition, and nearl v ail of them are uiiich inoro comfortably situated than it w twinrttdefof Iheni to be before their arrival in this institution. .V. C. Chris ti'tn Advocate. NEWSI'AI'EIW AM) iKJtTOK'S 1UI.LS. ibi) Wbetding IttltNittfnrrt very jutiy com nnta a Vrrayafirr I'ndilt. Whi n one luia -d borne ti I ho llie cap tils better : Xtuiit)vr tVrJiM' It is a notorious fact tuH i'rjwr V biiU liewnprtper bill Htt ,f?ti arrot.nta in the tiun of Bluiost ctery mini's 'adobiednejui rhcn be thinks Ot pHVIIlg. V tint per may be hi. ah.liy io y. "u d.U.-reuc. if, - v...-. w wiu. on. M tiy of.,, .e !u nLrnsaii aet-uauta. i'tntple somehow have lriJiJjoLiry Jiolwa that llie pna-liee ol' pliraie "d llie paUmking uf ui'ji:tii rn aie in. id inn ttfar professiofit, Uilluaed lor jimiisciiu-iit' ako "id for lLe:ol ut wliick hide or nothing is en l"lej. yet ijre , 0ut f kuMueas. aa far at ' ,atJ, whole round : know, a more ex;K-ii- , - UltMlb U..U LUttt IA. IW llllltoi Ol , ""sjaar.' , "r muro UtoriiMi ami if Jeiiyiiig one ' ivi, ....... i..., .i ..j ..... t . , aa Uiat uf iirautieis ' lurtlii iat South Car- a dia. ..f ..rii.jieis r ..,ln.'i,. A',..,A f'..r-. "'"tun.J . - - ' frVifwif.,rilfi'iT Kinmoaa, iaa'n re con l rtrt lo the Irfgislaiureuf .North Carolina, nieo--'" dm liukory. in tbo-aediutewtitry rock of tuiC'olUerv uluult orlJ. I of basil an .''n aii.srior hiiv t.ri.e' ,liai..eiwi..s ,..'itrwof aiiinSatttfii. I 'rutin tor Kuitnotia eott- ""f. llicriifore, tfiat to far at tiiveatigatiom tutve 'Atllml ,., -.1 "-V';W o.ouiitw . w. ,-SwMari --fif-.'-. : Uitt' : -'i -- - . .....: -'-.. a - ' , I .'V ' 7 glriuM to P0litif5f VOL. XIII. 4 reoSBerSftie. J Abont seven miles north of Hopkins-' Kentucky, is a very remarkable' J '-'f IMJUI KstMU! A ifililur V ' iMfllt lift at.s.i, .'. . I. . ' ' ''HTona, fn the forks of thcroad and Iihs ! obtuiiied, miiveraally, the imino of the Ijiiiosoiiiu Post Ou"fc " In tt... tlittiieiitof the country more than half; t-eiiiury ago tnwwaa the only tree to be seen for man v miles romid ami l,ln, 1 'iy "Mies roujm, ana nonce. i up of war. Sniftirslitiuti hiulofhrr,nir . i,rwmon naftimurguaru- nig country in those early times. Two more execrable monsters never disgrac- :U liuii'auity. 1 lu-y lived Willi two Wo- imii us liml ns themselves, iu a cave about twenty miles from this tree. Blood ! and imiiMt.!ci'e iu their deli''lit. it was I their ftiatoin to isallv forth, and. without iiniiieii.iiiv, mounted their horaea and ,i i . ii-:,. ,i . .i- ., , .. . u.wla'il oil in the directum of their cave. n i . t; -i i i . H"'u about hve n.ilea, Davis, whose ic .i i . i . noise was very ucet, nal tell Ills com panions, uud caught up with liig Harpe, lie having previously separated from Lis bn.tlier, tbe Little llarpv. Here ucte Inn luiui'i-fii' tn..i, ari,'1 o hu noil i imiiii. i maji , ii i"11"' and flourishing ; i't is now, however, if it ",i"e,d lUo, vet stum!, it l..,tttM i,r,.,.,.i,i. ' .i l'y sinking his Imot, but no (ItY-riven, shuttered trunk, sending oi!-!"-,jr ' t'"0' .A CC""' itaahana cr,.i.rl,t uu l V lougcu euurt ui an amicauie (m iiaaj III Usl I 111 aOL l"I , v . ...v. uee is tootled u nun i., with eotiietliinir iko4le.aiue veuiiraiiuu.1 'W ': .... . . with which the Jv-vntiau rcirard i.v- ,J Mttafied,' aays he, 'with a'gogues who are the laughing stock ot the j b,ir till something isgiven to tlie petition- n, TZ'", L1.11yJ: ?" ri!,,-r. I.n W' wiil.Hr.w.1 f it... ..l.SMi....l.l- .r;..i...'S,.?,..r..H t-..r,la f t..,, , t I. ou.ta. ... . i i....t".. fl I Ciiioirethcx aul prepared for market , vere Jtflefo,,;,,; in-e satisfy ulhori." , i2'lij? nfc Ti... l... ii ... -i . ,. ,. learatice. t inn once checked the Wl v Cabinet ot a ooutn v-aronna mitratu- nen. i wiiere . ., " ' ' U . "a,re '". V ft TU.r r..n1ir. in In. nnl.-L- r l.,.,,l i t rv f,.wl,rin liriii.ilit in.. ' 6 first Commence cutting Olir 0WD IJlOlill.T. U Til IIim IiOT.r ..I t ... ,.l - i ... ... j - . . with rifle., Irutcher knives aild' to...... I rS "r s,alc Legislatures, City Coun- haaks, by themselves, far from help, au(f ! . l" lean back in,, put biiit on death. Dans well knew that if their feet upon dtks, w hittle sticks, and otcfpoweud he would certainly be kill-1 c. w tobacco, but gentlemen rarely pre- cd; and Haii: had detei mined to die' ' , , . , , , . r , - . , .... v , ;suine to urn,'.;' hi the halls of legislation, rather than be taken alue. 1 hev pa-se.l . ., , . , ., , and i.-paiwK'.l each oilher, fre-juentlv inak- 1 '"' ''".''"''era oj the Missouri Legislature, ing blows without etl'ect, vacii 'tlreiuling however, sinoke tobacco while engaged to ii i u for tear of missing, ami lherebv i( the transaction of public business, and plauug himself at the mercy of hi. antag-' the examtdo is followed of course by ont- o.iist. r inally, the horso of Big Harpe fel, mid thaw bi rider, then lose aud galloped t il'. Harpe sprang to his feet. iandllreil j.t lUt.s horse, w hich reared j and tell. ll;ev were now not more than ten yards ait. Ilarne, whose sagacity -Bi epm! t" his courage and viiliatiy, . kept diMlgmg and sinnging fnun title to side, approaching Davis, however, by imperceptible degrees. Davis, disco ver ; ing ho would tool, lo.-e the bei.clit of his gun, now nred in Ins turn,, but without ellitt. Jiacli man now drew his knife, and th y cloi.-d in mortal struigle. Ve ry sunn they ft'll side by side ; hut at this it bilL exempt-'Jimc"lre argc clf dog oTDavir carhe ' . ' loins ii:.istei s assistance and seized ,rt' from 'a!tMl..rpe by the throat. This prnducod a i . . ' iiiteision in lavor ot Uavia, wlio imiue- dialely recovered himself and stabbed Harpe to the heart. The hideous yell which the wretch sent up, is still to be heard on dark nights, tinging wildly along the heath. Some of Davis' friends I soon joined him ; they d lug u hole ami I buried Ilarpc at th '. some Pout Oak. foot ot the I.oiie- , j.aso.i am. ins gang at msch islam fsisin i.itcr llarpe p.nieil Inm, Mason at- i ... ..i i .. . . . i . ... .i- . ..- i j tiieiieu a itai ooai irom v inc'unaii, anil 1 killed all the hands. For this a large reward was offered ' for Mason, to obtain Mo w its distinguished bv u strong double row of under and upper, teeth that cleuch-4 ed together with the energy and tenacity of a steel trap. What llie Code of Houor Rrquires Thrilling Scene. A correspondent of one of our North- j mauded the Alsace regiment in the scrv crn weeklies furnishes the only full ac- j ice of France, which was in the garrison count of the late fatal duel near Charles-1 of Strasbourg. A few days after the birth ton, S. C, which has been puulished. ' of his child, he was astonished to see that ., avR . I"" his grenadiers had cut ofi" their beards ! anil moustaches. On inquiring why they ".Mr. 1 alwr wus a young man, influeti-, tiallv connected, His abilities were of the first order, and his prospects of at-, future ili.liii.lion nn it inibli,. mini, hrW,a"ui ,M theextreiiie. He was fearless , ; , , au,Mity aut enjoyed coiiside- , table reputation a iuluclit.,'j Magralh, though a young man ot a family reiiiar i Haute ioi titieni, was n.uuni iin ono u .hose ,,iet, easy harmless, goW nature,! I. ..I.i.. f .. ...1 ... ... ... ..f W ItiWH. win) never trouMo tlieinselvos 1 . . .... .. about, any t hing ami, glide so sn.ootl, y duwu tho stream ol life, that not a ripple i i..o i,. ...... i- i...;. ,L. S II H tO UllllA LOCO Hill Mugrath knew littlo or'tiothihg of the inaiiiigefiieiit of a pistol, and nothing whatever of dueling. Hoth he ami his opponent exhibited tho utmost sangfroid. The distance between- them was but ten ImceS. It was arranged that they should fire " tin the rise," that is, when in the ncr of raising, instead of whilst lowering their weapons." Just ainagi 1 1 iu scene, iimicviniua mvu i.i..v.. Tho trembling spectators retire atill 1 1 ... .' . t thu scene. 1 he seconds take their pi IllllllCr IICMI. IUO ItClKllOVl IHKJU Ol lll - dUell.stSiS;Ss ustviiatsir:; yojt .rca(T.v ' - -- , ., .... , .. .-i y,.-,.r''-J. , ,., -s r....n r.. .... .i... .... .j. i i i . i jax.vions. a mi neir ecuui ounreseui uuuta, tUtus, lgrirflltnrf, internal Yea,' itf tlio reply. Fire ! One two three !' 1 lie repoWi uru heurd ulnioftt siinulta 1 I I 1 a, I I 1 "'7 BllWlt SlJiokC CFI Veil IllfS the c,""l',l",t d H'eir inenda run up I .1"". ' " . V ,,1,rt-. to An : eitnrt is tiiaile at reconciliation,, without i efl!ljct: JUo li.8tul' r loaded, the I -,--"-" "u ,liu "rfl,i I' One two 1,7. , i mciioiu. iiMouiiiv .un-iuiii jiiiM-. feet proba-1 further ai.d more pro- , i- . . au usi me it i ilollows - w W , -,..; - e n nervous Stunner 'no regret never, sir, I shall disclaim them, but never ex press regret for their publication." Al peufofuj interference is now seen to be luttle. AJin the pistol are loaded, and the principle walk up to their Hts. The crowd recedes the pinto e presented tlio orilcr T ire . 'ne tw -ip lim e, is given tiie ipiick rat tat is heard bo nne the last w ord tvus uttered, and Ta'jer is seer, lo stagger backward, reel and tall. The people rush up and see the blood out of his forehead. 'Hack oeiitleineii,' shouts the mrgeon, 'clear the - founders of this heaven-favored republic? ; track, that we may have room to aid the" What con. fort in life were their f a life wounded man.' iof privation and toil a grave in the bat-j Alan! poor fellow he is now beyond aid fru human agencf. A spasm or two and all is over with hi here. Smvk iittj in tin. I.iyilaluri . It is com-' ii, w e believe, for the members of Con isidei's, so that the "smoke it gracefully curls" iu the lobby us well as within the bar. A few days since a member at tempted to put a stop to the practice, by ollering a resolution instructing the sjeak cr to prohibit smoking in the hall, where upon an animated debate sprung up, and honorable gentlemen became very much excited. The speaker on one occasion, unable to preserve order, said : "If we can't keep order, will turn, legislation in- :to a mockery,. it islimo .we adjourn and to, homo. V ..ja..-i.-1-... -. - r,rti - dest man, who hud imt spoken before, ob tained the floor aud said : " If I was to teil you I was a modest man you would hardly believe me, for no modest man should arise to address the Speaker in thik Mouse with such con- fusion round him. This is the 'first time 1 have risen in this Representative Hall to speak. I have heard it said in the lobby since I have been in attendance here, that this Legislature assembled here is mere llkea mohthan a Legislative Hall. 1 was struck with the remark.'' The anti-smoking resolution was not ...l,,,,!,.,! Ibis proceeding enables ns to account for the scarcity of tobacco at Jef ferson city, which was urged as a reason why the Legislutii.e should adjourn to St. Li iii is. The Missouri Legislature is a curiosity in its line. j AnniJofr if the !t Kimjof liavaria. The ex-King Louis of Havana, who re- , cently attaitiotl his seventieth year, was ' . f.,ie .liii'i .i,,. u'oit.i.t ..n nt ltu ..I, .,.,. .. , n um uim..ii.eVj,0 jj.r. 1'iercc to tuo ooutti, savs : a deputation,. front Strasbourg.. iu -u bieh place he was born, who paid their re isiieets to him on the occasion. The King ! received them most kindly, promised to 'visit their ciry, ntid related to them a cii-r-rKH -circumstance : At the time of his i birth, in August, 17St. his father, who was then only Prince Deux Pouts, com- had done so, one of the men stepped for ward and said that thev had determined;01 io men meoinrvt 101 - to beg his acceptance C . ...I... t,.., tlio nnu-lv born r,row.rt unil tbnt I th'ev hud stuffed it with their beards and moustaches. 1 have the mattrass still ' and will show it to you.", said the K in i i.i l.- :- . ...II I . . . . ' ... . . . " ...v., iio auuetl, l no not iioos. uii-it, is in the world a bed which eat, be inOie strict-T" tout- Illinium y na i arv i iatr hut r - . ' MAKlIlAiK. I .1TT were talking to my own daughter, I would entreat her never to allow her- self to dwell upon marriage as an object of life. Dignity and delicacy sink, I can not say how rapidly, when onco thai idea . i ' : i'-.i... . ....1 ... llhcs possesion o. me m.i.u . u., -a., happiness there-is no tnoi-o miserable ing. ii)xistenco than a woman, past tln3 t tu yuuiu, nulling to no nme riedffor the sake ot being .married. "C - i- a J . Jjccomc mow and dissatisfied and aSja...: ...... ......I..Alt..l nf UHlUAnl Hlltl.lJ r - i r. .... i .4. Ti - MMnw nrii.H - on n v irnm in., i n i iiiiiir.H - - . . , ..... ... - . t;:M.. many others solely from tbe influence of .;' 'grading principle.- ':v:M.,.,. i....i.-.:--..-.. -iiL. ...... j fvymtmU, - OEominfrff, t&f SALISBURY. N. C, FEBRUARY 10, 1857. A SENSIBLE VIEW, BY AN IKLSII MAjN. An Irishman writing to the American l'anner, I eel urea his countrymen for their unwise and vindictive opiiohition to the American party: happily does ho state t,e trllti, jn tle ttI1,,exed severe rebuke of the manner n which they have so but . fa ; been castinz their votes : We have actually helped to carry out, iu-!hYonr conduct at the ballot-box, that solecism in free governn.ctiti., that the : - ii . it' : i ir t oruv Hiiat soveni. e aiueu to uracwo irom power anu juace, me wisetje(j "Aon as a poor man on the roaa i.vut L.n r tL; n...,.. A L.i rt:: -...i i- .i. - ' i i .i 8ibstituto in tlteir places a set ot Uuma- ations ignited the slumbetjing embers of expiring lilterty in the w Id pampas ot South America, and whosi undying elo-'i An eccentric clergyman, lately allnd quence recited around the camp tires of ing in his pulpit to the tubject of family (ireeceand Poland, nervejil the heat of j government, remarked that it is often Suliote and Samaritan to door die even t mik --"That 'now-adiiys" there is no such he. idoi ions in defeat was nulled down , thin" as family L'overiinietit. But it is from his high and well merited aspirations through the instrumentality of street po litu ians and barbecue patriots. Why not abandon this suicidal course, which must end in our discotuiituru and disgrace 1 Can we wish for a nobler, a holier termination than was that of the tle-llelii, but with the proud conscious-! ness that they were leaviug to their sue-1 CCsSOlS "A Hoie. a name. I They, Usi, would milter die than shame.' .1 .Sia7' lJevoietlni. An atiectnig incident is related bv a Donegal ( Ireland i paper. A young boy and his si'Mcr, re-. coholic stimulus as liis only remedy, turning hoineward, had to cross a moun- When a Krson is in this state, it Will be tain. The night was dark and stormy, always .found that his stomach is in fault, and they lost their way. Next morning uud that the unnatural appetite arises both were found dead . from exposure ..jYom that cause alone ; if half a drachm The boy and girl lay side by side the of the powder of ipecacuanha be taken, latter with her arm around her brother's I so as to produce full vomiting, the desire neck, aud her flannel petticoat, removed' for intoxieatiug stimulants is,, iuunediate- ... . " ' from litdaT-stwu person, was wrapped rouudi i.:. 'Tf .il l .1 his fe4. Thus diti thu atl'.-clioiiate crc:-i-; lure perhaps sacnlie her own lite in a the opinion, if a patient can be persuad valu effort to sustain that of her young ed to follow tip the emetic plan for a few brother. times when the periodical attack comes on, that he will be effectually cured, and Xum L r of tL ir-.-0f the stars. ' tllilt tliu l'"1,it (r such 1 look upon it) thousands are visible to the naked eye, wlU b hroken. . ..." and uiillions are discovered by the teles:' ii ,v iii i ,. .1.: cope. Mr John iierscneii calculates mat about five and a half millions of stars arc iin.-impli tn lo. il it ini-tl v rmintiiil in . . . a . i.i i a tieioiti- loot rinntir in hutli idtiiiA. , puerv,, aim ...jk. . .av c uct... ........ i . . . , i , 'ber w uiucli tf.viwer. hi tftsfmer. rue - iTffiorrwiis r father estimated n one occasion, that one hundred and twenty-five thousand stars pnssed through the field of his forty feet reflector ii. a ijuarter of an hour. This would give twelve millions for the entire circuit of the heavens in a single telescopic zone; ami this estimate -was made under assumption that the iiehuhe were masses of luminous matter, not yel - - condensed suns. But with the increase i of instrumental power, especially under ; the iniirhlv irrasu of Lord Knsso's gigan-1 tic reflector and the great reflectors at j Putkova and Cambridge, the most irre solvable of these nebulitt have given way ; and the better opinion now is that every one of them is a. galaxy,-like our own milky way, composed of millions of suns. L. L WHY PIERCE WAS it V VTI'V AT CINCINNATI The Cohtmhus Times, a Democratic journal in alluding to the contemplated r i.- .1 ins l wiioie ijouu.we.otuiv.wtim.nirxr,TsT)oro- unorder states that on r ridav distinction of party, would delight to moinjn;, the 23d, the thermometer in honor the retiring ''Chief Magistrate. MiHsboro' was 13 degrees below zero He has stood by the Constitutional rights ,vhich is the greatest degree of cold, we td'every ewtwn f il. --HtaH,n4-aerv xti gays the Recorder, "that ever has tked his prospects of i dection by his ()een experienced here, at least by any hostility to the fanatical aggreastonsuof vn - Ttir. VtrnrAcr' utatpa' the" Black Republican upon Southern r,s.'"10- ! L'pon which the Mobile Advertiser! thus remarks : "The truth will out. If Mr. Tierce was thrown overboard at Cincinnati on ac count of "hi hostility to the aggressions . , ,,. , ,, , ..- ,, , ; ,"e l"a iwept.u.icaiis, now c... e tWCUpU IUU UUIIUIUBIUll lliilb HIU UliiU mill) supplanted him was not regarded by thelrplv. Northern Democracy as obnoxious to, l"'u ""Jltl,""t i,,,u ll,nl "c """" 1 V'1' . f,,r,tl'"t Vtr' r ! TI,ore ' V lit i II m-vi u3 i i ii i ii K'l ii a i" 'nitii'ii. a iiw i iiiini null ii in ill iiiiii mil nr ;M . i iiiiti inn- , .. , ll..!..... , , . . . , e 'V'',"""!"5 U,lxm?d.,M "-'"l;1!. ..-..... . . , . . . ' ' , , p InMirir t inn tliiif tt mull Wft All u ,.v ! ,,.. naMnm rtf. Lit measure niii ,.': o,;t.;.,.. .li..t.,.,.. r nomination at Cincinnati. UEAUTIKL'L KIULTiB OF grF.ECH. In Xew York a curtaiu hture TnHicli'd upon husband for slaying out late al niht, or for . . , m,llfeas.,Bfe is clntly .fto- coinbillij Li, head with a three leg- sfoo .., t ij, ; our underaunJing of the phntso ; tor such a process bv the wile ol .mooiliiug the hair 6u the caput of her lord aud master cannot be interpreted iulo an assault up on hit tri-pouged.woca ruis . .' (,.0 A.4 ''iit.''-l'l-' k' ' .: l ....... ' .... L.l..-, nui it ouru u ii!iuii. uiiuii tun uiiu'miw pfiociple. , a. i i . - ', ,.. . .V. .-..i."...'., a, ....... .a rfe ani Srirorfsrafflg, Kosciusko. llie following anecdote is related (f this celebruted l'oliah patriot: He wieh- , ; ro i .i .....i .. . i... i....: cier''y man in ciuioiiiiirii , nnu as uc ncoi- . .. i .i i... i- . i..a he should Binule mien io aeuu mem uy me cim, rem, a part; lie i?ave tlie!'v'' . t" o c"" "88'0" ' '". . of Ze tner, and desired him to taJte the , hi rc.,rn, youtiff Zeltner said ho would Ilever ride his horse again, unless he irave norse wn cti lie ii Ii6en usuaiir rouu. - o.r him his t.urse at the same time. W r. . . . . us-'mmbW, nLinir nhut iiv-HmmK n nnawer- " . horgu immediately stands still, and Won't false all false ! There is just as much family government now as there ever was just as much as in the davs of our fathers and grandfathers. The only dif- ference is, that then the old folks did the governing, ones 1" now it is done by the y.oung Remedy for Drunke nufs Dr. John Iligginsbothom, surgeon in Nottingham, England, reconimenda Ijec- . - isaya: "When the mania comes on, the lieiiun in u A enr.. fur omnL-oiim..,! lit iiitetiso desire for alcoholic stimulus ia 60 as to render the suffering subject to no contr i ouiiiy uviri huicui nd, and troni the sensation otHge sufficient to satisfy themselves for depression or sinking) he looks upon al fy removed. From theexperieticc I have i" .1 .i Ir : i... l i - had of the effect of ipecacuanha, 1 am of Swrli't Fever. This disease lias pre vailed in Martlnsburg, Va., and the adja- cent community for some weeks past to an uiai iiiiiir . calciii, uou iiiiuioei ot .AVedied from its fearful effects.. - . - ... ..... - , . .1 in 1 itrtmlitiriT K..IUI . i 'mi ctnlna that one family, that of Mr. Wm. Frevel, lost four children by it iu about one week's time, and in other families its effects have been little less experienced. Lieut. Maury desires information from jJh rirs, as to the late great storm from ll parts of the country. lie wishes to stuiiy its rise and progress as it passed over the country, Tbe stringent law, compelling witness es to answer when summoned by an or der of Congress, has passed both houses, and will, doubtless, be signed by the President, and become a law. Souiaaf tlitt Gisoxgia and Alaliauia. ne wa papers are complaining mm so many young men pass by the colleges in uieirnow inhabited by toads and frogs, would own Mates to go to the university 01 Virginia. Thus it is. There must not only be a South, but an extreme South. Tits rJd Weather in Oranae. The ,,at three persons if not more were i frozen to death in Orange. . , . Deacon Todd. 'What does Satan pay you for swear ing! saitl the deacoti to one whom he heard using profane language. He don t pay me anything, was the "Well, you work cheap; to lav aside the cliaracter t a gentleman; to. uinici so much pain on your friends and civil people to suffer, and lastly, t run the . 6.. ' i 'UOU Ul ios.111; join v u i. I. ........ ,..iin ...i, ni'.ini.iiij . . . . , i '(and gradually rising in .emphasis.) and ' all for nothing ?'' You certainly do work v.. . ... - Cheap very cheap indeed. A biography of Robespierre in an Irish paper, concluded thus : ''This extraordin ary man left no children behind him ex cept a brother, who' was killed at the same tune. . Lemon lutcc is much relied on by the physicians in London, for curing rhcunm- tisiu. Three table-spoonsful per day is a do6e fbr a man. ' : .AJrOting taay ooing asiiea uy a.puiu,i - a til 111 ...ire,: , .. Stfwhftu' party Bio iu moat tuTLvor of, replied that she preferred tlie wedding tynrtvl t - " t 1 i .'a .'). ! -i 'ii .--Mi.M...nMM,-..ij? :,,.1-M cnH tf aailp (flrrlf Frwrt ( JVirr Cri BulUtm. Borne Mannfodure and Ilome Labor. We have Dansed. looked abont ns, watch ed the movements of onr own people of the L'oodfMd North State, and are filled . . . . , i,r I with wonder and astonishment. e are , . , . , . ' From venr to vcar the agriculturist t rom vear to year uie a neu iur i nrenarea na and and 6 aces beneath the ! " 6ee1 wll,?h 14 ,,,e n P , towwrU advancing the interests of n6r U- . i . . . . i0"1 mnutactnre ana nortuern sptxu.a- tnra I n flu a t onp t Iia anfn. in roDfteQUence t. " M u S ti.A 'of tLe earth and the cromal ray a of the : if fiiA ai ntittirtn nf ttio ami rufl momitire " tl . ",T' r throat by , not having a home mark wnere, n any prout is to ue receiveu OJ the i.eculator, it can he kept within our own State, and (if needs be the raw ma- terial Ue transported to the north instead of being manufactured at home,) the sale of the same in a northern market bring back to us northern exchange. It will be perceived that, by the above process as represented in the patronage of markets without the State, twobiases i are already sustained. Now, let ua follow the article up, and see the final result of our custom. J lie raw material i ship- ped to the noitli and eold to northern manufacturers, the transportation, which must be paid, and a profit accrue from the manufacture of the same, tosnpport the thousands who are employed in these fac tories. The manufactured article is then l 1 i .. .. .i 1 l t .. . ; , fttircuaseu oy norinerii uuut'rr,.s uir iiiiisli L.(.iv,. a r,rit Tl-v dl to or ,er- i ci;iutH, our merchants pav for tho traniaJ . . , , , , 6 , , . , I,, '.'i ,. . , inctent school should be erected ana ck, and then place a per cent- . . . , . . , ... . f . . r iTinintitinAfl in Avnrv nnriitli In thoA , portation back their labor, the time of sellintr to ns by the single yard, besides pay tht interest on their .capital invested. Hence yon will perceive there are five profits to be added over and above whut woiil dbe the actual cost of the manufacture of the arti cle witl.iu ourselve. We contend that it is wrong to transport tlio raw material i uonii, wueu o tutisrsa iialuuii auvauia- ; m-a over them for its manufacture. In i b. .. . i . i - t " north, when we possess natural advanta- the first place we think we have water power every jive miles sufficient for run ning any factory ; and if not, we have coal fields almost endless in their extent, while our forests spread from one end of the State to the other, consequently we have every facility for driving any kind or all kinds of mills, small or large. In the next place the material for the man ufactory of cotton goods is a production of our own soil, therefore we would not have alb tbe above named profits to pay upon the goods before they are ready for ferv ice. --Inst wad of paying speatotaw northern manufactories, northern jobbers and transportation money back, we should keep the money all within ourselves. llie money which accrues trout tlie man ufacture of the article north, supports thousands, builds up their towns and en riches the masses, wonld be received by us, and our towns and our people's inter est be promoted. If we had these thou- iands working upon onr soil within onr State bouudury, think you that the farm er would not directly perceive the bene fit derived therefrom t think you that the merchant would not behold his wealth increase from mouth to mouth in, conse quence J think you that our common schools would not be also benefitted? Yea, the whole State would realize the vast benefits to be derived from inann-taetures.--Thewate pfnees of our Stare would become as a garden : the' ulaces be amongst earth's verdant walks. Eve ry branch of manufacturing as it pros pers, advances the interest of another of a different character; therefore the es tablishment of large cotton factories in ourTmJii'ETvfouTil be TliF TnHiSbr"estat)i: lishiug other of a still diflereut character. Aud why is it that we cannot establish such? Why is it that we, as a State, cannot reap the henefits which must needs come from such (as can easily be seen) instead of pouring pur money into l'ie Pf cts other States I There can i.. .. . i.i.'i ..: : ,v, i;k oe "o r ?m"r : mcnt of this end, ifwe will but take 4 I of the matter with the true "yankee'V ' spirit i .1 ... ..... l... .,i. ;,. ir,. . l.atllir Willi US t Sll Ol. I'liUllUCliniHIllll as cheap, provisions still cheaper and i .i.'.fli s.,Ht r.. whirl. .- i n. . I t the profit and expense which we have bef i . ' :, i ..tin .t i... . before -cited, would not, by us, ... 7-1 have to be added upon the actual cost of manufactory. Is it not plainly tobe.seen! that we ought to be more able fo " compete with the north in the. manufac ture of cotton goinls and southern produc tions. Have wo not the natural facilities' for so doing? We have: ami it is high time that old Rip Van Winkle, (,aa she has been sneeringly termed,) was awake. wide awake ! to. her interests. It is high , time that the people had began to enquire alter her welfare ; it is high tune . t"1" , i i i , . our people lutd began to patronize i.cmk miuiufactm-es and home labor. .Now, i what is the spirit which has been inani- . ... l ...... t .. ...4 .tsteu ti. ,iue nets tn our ui'ocr-teiittoui i ,, ., , , v - Have .they not been ready to patronize northern abolitionists, wlio are deadly fties i to our interests? purchase of them, till 'lljeir pockets, come home and abuse them ? 1 Is noti4hrs- the truth f Is this not the i wy which many, too many, have done, i very much to the luiury of North Caro- If a nVe tuggv m waufid,' or iflco Tur-' n it tire, whe.e are wo apt to go forit ! To) thn nnrttt ' Wliv dr iva Thi it- avhail mi "'V-- -Ti.....' ' .- - -.,- ; ; - , i cm 1)') t.u .i.oiig 1 caua ;r t.i-iB norioera CjiuoiisaiBerita can ijot-iiuiy io stab! 1.1 A . C ,- torn uas pru iuceu ineae uunit. iiiecu- . 1 . 1 1 .1 .1 - n tom offsetting still has robbed Nortk Carolina of the glory which nature intend ed for her. But thank to fortnne she ia wulTinp -.p, a great change it bein wrongbt in the minds of her people, and we trust the day is not far distant when the wilt riae- amongst be - sistef fitatee " and be aectna to none. When she ahall have acted liberally upon the internal inv provement system ; when her people shall hate learned to look well to home interest; when she ahall have become fal Ir 'awakened to the necessitT of ActJon - envaaiwe V uviviwjrt.'W) ir VaVl VaM fta be wbat ale ahoald tare ben longer tin. Ts,-: : ; ' ' ' 'j Knglith Seen! Service JtWy.-We aee hf a London paper that X49.417 waa expended lut year by tbe IiritUh Governmecit, for aeofet iaervioea, about 10,000. for"tbe home, and tb remainder for foreign service. We wonder how " much of this Keduath and other abolition araia aariet iu lltta country received. S. Carolinian. Wild Iitatti ii A'orM Carolina. The New born (V. C.) Junrnal ''atatea that within ten or twelve mile of N'ekbera, on tbe North aide df Neuae, bears, catamoonta and wild cats $xiat to -ueb an extent, that it ia with great difficulty ' ho( and sheep are reared. Ortat Abundant of Veniton. Tht UadH on (Wisconaon) "Argus of, tbe second inauuit, . ": '. " - "-r-- - "A Lunter In toea toHfaiytaya the woodaam ' full of slain deer, and they will be brought e '' town with a perfect raab at aooo aa the aaetw will permit. The snow ia so very deep that tbe . ,1 :i i . j j i jt fi on ,h afler AtJ m iWas u, jule, that ,limwf tnd one or two-0 B,, j, bout forty hung upon treea. awaitimraa opnor-x ; unity to get them to market. Tbe deer are n more numerous, we are told, this aeaaon lbas tltey were last, and a a matter of coarse vent- ; SOB Will be more plentifully supplied." , ., r-' Tbe aame paper in itlaat kwue of the 9th aayat lite deer we spoke of a few days ago aa be ing killed off so rapidly are beginning to make their appearance. Vesterday one hundred aud eigh. of them were brought in from Richland, county, and were shipped east ibja morning via . rirol,j, Tbe lot weighed ten tone, or over oo hundred and eighty-five pound, each on aa aw . average. We doubt whether aueb a lot can We got together by tbe hunter of any other State." Five Words in Season. Abont two . , . T . , . centuries and a half ago, the Legialature Lri:...ii . .. a .1.....I i i five words 'a good and sufficient school introduced into an act of Parliament no longer than a man's thumb, is Scotland indebted at this day for nearly every sol id glury she possesses." ' A clergyman travelling in a stage coach was asked by one of the passengers if haj thought pious heathen would go to heav en. "Sir" said the clergy, fcI am not ap pointed jrtdgif of the "world; and conso quently cannot tell; but if yon get to heaven, you shall either find them there, or a good reason why they are not." A reply well fitted to answer an impertin ent question, dictated by idle curiosity. By the operation of a general law of tbe State of Maine, the charters of ail the banks in that State will expire daring ' the year 1857, and ali have to wind opr their affairs, unless re-chartered by the Legislature now iu session. Tlie Mayor of Paducah. Kentuckv.haa issued a proclamation ordering all tho free negroes to leave that place instanter. -Ageneral migration. has taken place. ' Why is a cat running after hit tail lika a Alillerite! Because he has bis latter end in view, It always affords us pleasure to chron icle the triumph of genius the creations of minds delving in the realms of thought. We accordingly give place to the follow- ing, which is na less startling than new. It is, we presume, from the pen of anon wedded "Western editor." 1 "I sat me down in thought profound, . This maxim wi.sfl.Xdrew : " Tt'a easier far to like a girl, Than make a girl like yen." Young gentlemen affected with calico proclivities will please copy. ' ' The man who made an impression, on the heart of a coquette has become n Death makes our enemies cease to bate us and our friends to love us more. Dr. Franklinendeavoring to kill a tar key by an electric shock, received the whole force bf the battery himself. Be- w"'it, xyi coywing, he good humoredly remarked, tbat instead of killing a turkey he twd - rj uut . cnj t0 eooM J " BtarlJ put " enJ 10 tt g0O8e' " lmhh serosa a roau in in a conntrv 1 1 1 .1. . . n.- ' , . l , , 'Ply mm pole, having, afextJ t"'t a board, wifl. this tnscrtption: SU..WU i" u a joaru, witu in . , .. .. : take notice, that wnen tlie waters is over . . . ... . . . ,, - tlllK ll.ntril Inn rouil IS imnonaiiKIa'r " ....r--.v. Beware of judging hastily : it is better to suspend an opinion than to retract an assertion. v - - V A stranger is received according to his dress and taken leave according to his merit. . ' LXn't blunt your razor to open another ....... , .- I .... . U ..... ... 1 .. . 1. . . . L. uidu , viaiciff, tvrcii iuui a ii h . uut;a 1... .. .!.".. I. ,ir I . ...i io ,v uvitiiuivmscii, attu nob u.3 a aworu U) woullJ otW . ' v A wotnau may laugh too much. It is i .. . , j. , . on'y a comb that can always afford to .10w - its teeth IJeary Future. We learn that Messrs. Rankin aud McLean, of Greensboro' in this State, have failed for about (125, 1)00. Ii'iUeKjiStatnlanl. I -.. ... " Atwnit-g-n the late Mm the how -- ve f Protestant iu Hungary is 2,792,- ' i -- ' i 'I. t l- J . '.. ... j ' - . : . ' .. ... . .... -i -r , i ... - ...

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