:- 11 t. ,t;:,. ion l,. i a AVe have mi iiii-'i'-ii. !,' i i; I u!; n-u-r s uiy where without thinking f the (.'Wnc-r, and never lire in writing out for it whatever he may ' see or hear thai will U- likely to interest it rea. - ders -i Io ths-riappened to be in li.ili.-igh da I ring tli lust et diy, and Bio hirawe. jtmJjBuif ! Pfesxloia"' deeply iudebted for the sketch of .; the iliterciiig and important debate iu the jlousa of Cotnmofirott. M-m.ffiy ad Tticsduyv, . noa-ix muoi'esBpii'6Siu&T'- Z iff Dtar Sir :-Tia Senau. refused to re- - .consider tlio BayelUiviIle .and Coal Field road ; by a vota of eighteen lo lily t wuauil Air tli'u Sawion, od inruiy be for all time, yoy'r-Vope of 8tat aid ba vanished.- i 1 Tbe friend of tbe road were prepared to ofter .L.vauhtitiiJft they bad graded the road to tliu Coal Fields the .Ktataabould then MUM her bonds for t-IO.tiUO per mile to buy and lay tutr raiit and lurnmli ;'rolligUKtV. , Tna Hill ia'deC'atfd, ao-1 yet not more tbari sa memberacan bo found who do not m know ledge fully tlie merits of the eiini. Hut be tween the influence of rival aclieiiiee and o)iti cat considerations, it baa been defeated. Tbe friend who voted for it have b. -h aulivneni provioi that no fnriiu-r a; ; . opnatiou true and reliable throughout, and are entitled lo ;eer be inaik- to iiid work." your thanki. ,. . L.L'non which, Mr. I -wi of Hke, mad a The Senate ia now upon the road from (irei-ti.it iitmj tlnl Mr. t 'oTwr could uol bn a borough to the Dan coal beds. They aVfc iw',TK'mo.-t when he vot.-J a-ajiu.the iovernor'a mouer, and it would anaa but for local cauwa, ! roiiiiii.-nd:ai..n. -!.; upokwat dome lun'h in acting ou indiVidualu; mid through thern u;nii tDeir Iriendi. 1U rate cannot be loretuld, aa iiij"1"" ri inaiKtoi sir. Aieare nemiaa are d6g(iuf( it with aiiiendiiientn.. tiovernor'hwl nete.) fj&IH ii , J'be frieuda ol the Cane Fear and lWii'liin-r 1 -iher than dictatinjr. bill are (anguine they can carry it thii evening 1 io the Houe of Comuions. i reinendou eiet-' tiona are being made, and the cnv nuw i, you ntwt tuatain the Governor, upon hoc uiearae Ihe bill waa gotten up. liotb houn t reaeinble a party at nii-luili1, hen half the gueI haie gmie huiiiu ..ml ili--other half feel jaded. Some in.iiil-i lin.-.m., homo, other are ab-til preparing, but beurter ' an imortaut btll coineii up lu uilber lioii.-, i:h -in- bera floek lu, aa wa the caau on your Cum held load. FtrmtauT 2d Emisuo T . , .. , , I Mr. Mi'ar.'s iiim-i. .) that the. fioternor In the Common., to, a lt.ll adjliomimf the !juU,. ,a. re,-oii.mn.kd so.i..-t,i.r. Cape tear Hank to is-ue one ami two dollar; Ml. Kllt leltew. his men,m.mt. notea, UL Outlaw was opposed to graining thai Mr Wr.l of Onslow made a m ry sen-il,!.-. Hank lh pnrdego, and wa iu Uvor of uking,,.!, , fa,r ,- xUh ,muM lti; a ll.al im.' Iron, ll. lt.,t ..f i i... i i ' ' ' . . Mr. Loach of Isvidon contended, tli.il as ll " rv . p- " privilege was granted to lb Sute Hank, the same privilege should bn extended to the I as Fear Bank, because the Sute had the -a-ce in Vreat iu the onejasthe other, and that it would La an odious, diK'ruuiistioii to give on the pn vuVge and toot the other. 'Ibe Hill, on motion of Cvl. iulaw, was in definitely postponed. The Cape Fuar and Ii.ep liiv.-r l!n! coming Up, Mr. CoW-n id Chatham, move.! to hid. nl Uv striking out t:i00,(X(O an 1 in- rti ig ?luu.o0o 23,000 to be und by the- Male whenever indi vidual pay t'.'6'.OOO. until all is paid. Whereupon Mr. Lewis of Was-, argued that inasmuch at the Ibrvctors were , -s r v.--J .-. 1 si ,1 tha Bill pronde'l lo' making lh- t.uvernor and Board of lnlevuili Improveiiieiit. its lir..!.,i., thai make it a Stale" wfcrk ; and at water mnaKMlioa ia cheap- r than rail road, he was in favor of making tlie appropriation as in tin- S. u ale Hilt, iu ronloiiii ty with the 1 port f M ;.j.,r (iwyno. Makd the .appropriation no Mk-.1- they will never as muietsM-aus.- the s-irtis iufsame 'wtll'ra'opl.'U. 'ib.rftork with stone l.m ks ,a4 Iam. Notwithstanding the Mate is m debt, yet the wealth ia the (.-o il t ieis! justiti. a : the epetid.Uie. Mr. Uw.-'s I.", uhnii:., bav ing eiuirvd, leave was not gr .mt.- l to pr. ;.-. . . Mr. ITargaa of Aiis.,,., s od h- had vot. ,i tr very ap. nation her. to! .ic iiia li-; but I, opposed to any and iv.iy luith. r sppjopr. atiou. liie w.j.k ws tiie..ii.j.i. t no pr,e.j,,.. of completion. - ft' w ui.i L-. as ,udsp. .cre. into a bole to iive ii-.r.- uiot,.--,. Major i-e. nu auvs it tiee.l ( I ju.o- ...i to r. j.a.r and 1 ;.io.oii lo make H,'iiiianriit. JI r. t.-ir. J making th larger appioprialiuii, ll he li.ui aur i-.inti 1. ii . .. ia tb lHMas.s H a m'.'f -wt-) -fi !' -PK lr.Ts.I' Tbompssiu's rsutuatc that 1.'-j O'io was Suth lb eotrlph-Uj th work. And he felt a--ur-ed that when he n. Ia. l U-u- ath tin -.. I. i: i, , piritwhould come here, it w-ild titid lJ p Ki te cjaiaaiug lor nioi.ey. Some i-tta i.tv f tlinalc cab be made lor Ksiiiuads, but not so for tlack water navigation. .Nnue of the Jams Were iu a rotU u sink.iig condition. Mr. Ferrel-e of Camden inU n-'.d in th honor otlbe Slate, and developing res. tn.K s of the Slate oould Hot let the vote be taseiiw ili- allL tflilvilirr til tin. iVelili. n-i.i f...... t....... tr (' '. Jaws.:d bis opinion on Major i.wt tin's r-p.t,'" ' N--b tignr. .., ul I .aixlrea.1 from ii attract showing it's, t' ,ibi;nv. ; ""' U""'v" ;" '"' h """"'''"'. - And whelwiclat.thTmrrth tu WrferA-"'1 "'b! Hi ail it, forms, oissd, he was in fafor of completing th w.irk.i Mr. ull.tw s itd he w a- not op-rated on l. Major Owyiiu' cndorsi-meut of Thompson's r i oii'.si.l- pi.s-iire. N.. man dai. d approa. h liuii .port wa based ou a lower gial- of woik than "i' taa! r any . th. r -u'.jit. t:it he was n-t that com pi. ted. He read Iroiu the r-port his prepared to ab.ii;.-i. tb- nioie v ien a.lv inv. -t explanations, and went on to show- bow the . "' ' knew the ...venior-w. II d ll i.-d vv .:h Wooden lock could be displ.-u e l by stone. T.j linl po.ni. aily bat km w him as a man of in- -quit lit work now, principal -and interest up to ' t-.rity, industry and vie.., who woiii 1 adiiunis tlie time the bonds fall due.' will bring iiiu the j 'ei the money la;'.hlu-y. Stata lot of '$7SO,000 a thing he ca t do. 1 Mr. l-eu of Wake .ailed nrjii the liein.i- II r?ad from Kmmous's leport lb- .piantity of. 'fats by whuiu he was siirroiindi ,1 to i-oinu to Coal on IVep Kiver. th. r.scue and answer the aps-a)s from tbeotb- Ur ( Vif ten of Cl.ill..n was in ll.u I . .rl.t s. ' cr -ide ol the Ill'tlH-. W e ill I e-lHJilsl blc for the ' lure when Internal ImnrorcnienU .ommVn.ss.xisl.Uion ol the Mat-, and will be h. id repow and when the State waa asked to take two-thirds ' in internal improvement Mthciiiew. Lul now ibis ooinuanr aski for aid from the Slate, and will ..C- s..r-... -I... , I ..... th' Ititw in not vrrrp1etd nii.1 th. v 1iave"c..iui. .;a. II.. ls.vieM.wl ll.d b,.l..ri .'.f ll. and tlie tarious Fngineera, Bresi.l. uts, Ac. He is willing to aid the work dollar for dollar, but ths owner of 181 on liw fiver ahou'Id .lo-s,ime-thinp. If Km mon's report is true, ll in, h.-sof land would complete the work. Xhc lijv.-r bus been euirineercd to death. I tie bill wa- l.i-C1n tbe Senate, H i 10. ov. Utagg" dation lie had "confideaco .bvIuil l' illineli- ivetnor Oiuld only aeti.l some man wlhi would turn out like the rest, ll his ameiidiuenl pass, s, he will wofe for the bill ; otb. .-rwiae be will not. Fiitht Itundred men in Chatham had in.'iiioriali..l linn to vote for lite load lo Fiiyttev nle, but not -one had requested bliu U vote lor llio river. 11. belhsved they were oppose.) to it. Mr. Mearesof Brunswick, was in favor of tbe Rier--re(rrlU;d that tbe (..ovivnor had not oome Out ia a manly manner and rvcomiiieudc.! it. Major Gwynu Lad not surveyed tfi iiver ; he had only overlooked Thompson", calculations and reporU-d on that, until his i.,-.'iil surv.-v. The work was lo pas into other bands the Governor'.1 Tlio pluvious board bad not man aged well tint Bow tha: the t ilo bad charter ed the Cheraw and coal f.cl.t road, and refused to charter the road to FayeUcnlle this riv.-r was of the Senate bill, and called upon all parties to tbe only outlet for the Coal through out own 'stand by it. He was tired of lu-aring of panics, porta." He eloruently vindicated Major fiwjnn and Imped we would act as a hand of In-llnis s a man of bttli IoimkI rlnvalrou feeling. ' ' joti this matter. Change the lhrcelory - let the Mr. Cutbin aid Vjiat he bad not aaaited'.Mj. tmverhor and Internal rmprovvmcnt B.i ii.l niail' Owynn. ' - i age it. Thomas Bragg would not l.d money ho Mr. D.trgan said he had not; he was basin? was!..-sj : he was willing to trust him rather tlniti his action upon hi rwtirexploiatioii and re-1 let it be sohl to the Northern people. Come up, Jiort, where hesay 430,OO0 would put il in re- nut as Whigs' or Americans or as Democrats, pair. Mr, L. oDered an aiurudmeiit to exclude all previous IKrertora. officers aud contractor . . ' ... .. .. . from ac.tiutr in lire now Board, Air; lijlliain, of Washington, spoke at tn'o Jength, -alily repfosentin the views that oia-ra-. leil uhiii the comhiittce, causing them to reiort '- --(. ... VOL xiii. the bill. He had based liia vi.-won Cwynii report r!."'itl "Jilli1A;iW'll''l',vf't .Vrth.-ru Coni-; r.) win py fi.ouu.ouu lor IN., Iniiuliw.', prou- tlialJjiB.Slalai.will not-giant to imv rail- road to tlie eoal tieldn. At nijflit, .lensr-. Gilliam an and tlie Htnendini'iit olli rtd In nH.ltr. ".fr ii uu. adopted, 55 to 30. i ' ' Mr. I.)arLr:in aiiM-ntlioeiit is o4l a rail of ill- IJUwi-ie. Wlu r.-l.; .)!,, Mr. Mitlu ..f hii liiui.Tnl. otl.ri.l in. I witli- aineiid- i'aor of the cliini-, and d-feinled the (iovenior lb. tlii.ii.-I.L siiggestmg i length, giving Mr. ('otten replied nt some hard bus right and left, and restating tli.-it lie was foi tlie road ; that he was U 1 moernl U-f.m- the1 gentleman Tumi Wake was bom; and colM settle with Ins r-.ii-tittit-iit- without pav ing a f to, the kniu'ht Iiomi Wake; and lie nil dle-Wle hllii. Il lu the car of any tfinelli- . or w l.atexer. I Mr. M- an-s of Unni- i k, n-p!ie.- to M,r. Cot- tell s ri'lil.'llk- a'sillt Major l.wyt.tl'-, eltuilte on the North Cnolui i Kad l,;'o.,.; ai d iui-ti-l , til it the rise III iron juMMh-d the illtt.-reOCe lit Ins i :liinat.-s. In r fi r- nee to ..: f maiks n( Mr. icame iroiu tlie -v-batc, an i ue did imtwit i- standtnit was the rival of his faorit rail road scle. fli-s. llr.exli Hui iiBtt led l,j witljitiiuli atl- tilit u. The ole was uk'-u on the whole It was !'it. 51 to 1(2: v: Mr. dliam of Washington inoveil rii-on-id eratlou, for the pur.e ot nrlering a MlbMlt'.lt.- oifn Li-.m I-1 i riAid-r lor a mi-i-muI. r ot ll S'at. 's il, t.n st to tin-prtv a!-i -lo. 1.1 ol.let Mr. 1 ei.-bee ol t 'am l.-it was ami. .us f.,r a re cotisnjeratuiii ; nu-l ur.;,.,l hs a reason t.'ial unl.-s lb- ,,rk i, cm; '. I. .1 ; v the n.-xt . u,.u of the l.egi.!aluiv a.-e.dit.g to t he terms of chatter ' li. ! r iliaft- re, privileges Wl'i CVjeTe. He lb night w.- w. r. ca-'.uig i. pud: li"ii on the hon or of the !..'.. . Vr. 'inlaw .:;rjti. f. !: !; was an impoirtrlt tu-llter. ai.. Ul.ti.ill.ini.:. .v tl. ,. who have the maiiag-tu-1 V ' 11 b n 1 d- lh w;tb f..n tor t" ward- lit" t po- ntatlves ..( t!ie Ji-upl.-, in s'at ing wi.at amount was ii'-e.J.d. I tut we have "v -w,.,,.ofcl(. o,,.,, n1,o .. eons froiti r.iiLfine, rs and t -eolois's, sliowin.r tie- f. si bi .i! v ol the si.bcm.i slid .'inntit- of Coal aiel isjs wy caijn..'. abati'l' ii lie- woik -I" C'ally the lem.H-rats are lioiind to cciih: up mi l u-t i .rain: i.ov.ru.'l - r. collllnell if. not go h.m.e and an-w.r lie hi: there bad t n gr. lh- V id- Is lor.- li.e 1 .. Ill .!' Jni1. fact M Ul. V 1. . I I b-'-'t.. ts bad Mr., it I, I'-' "" i i-r. .. 1 1 y d -lis! Ul"(tt. Hj. .' hi- hi U. I., : ii 1 ! nf v.'r. II. I I' .rg i-. ot : I': ll. Mi n-oti . iet'ed t . .1.1 III I I I I. Ill le . ...: VV ,tli lie -nr :i. -in . . .-m. r -r :.r v I ; . !:.v- I. :iii (loin l,to. i . j,... n , I, j,, ...v.e.-l. ii.. .wis bad al.-r -o i-s-t't rriv I.M.I li'allles .f th- pei.pl-. e -,.l ,i.ls laiii.iMtl v-t ll-e ii. .slew-is of ' al. i t- pf-s. n; , olldll...li. ll . 'ban .i or ti ears. t '..m- u. (.a a in.. con and a .; is't. r . . hue the f. s,!;si .. . i V and !!;- t ok- a mail. I o l-a a'.-cti-1 jt.'i n- siu's.n- the lie .u.-y air. -a IV a; p'-oi ., i. d th. I -gists are nu ll ot t.il.. V ll.-v s-joaie Is woitli inori- tn i'i th. o Noi'.b il tbat ham I- t ..ro.liia. I do hot bcii.-ve it ; h . vailse i- "O, t hells ISs there ill- -4 0 (l I l ha -.hi''- 'otue up then, arid Uiid by our mtT;ri- - tv and our t.ov rtior and the wealth of the coal 1 n.-ios. v. naiier.no rail n.ai to i tieiaw, and I lav - vour own t,rLs iint-ivensl.ed. It' 1 1. in. rarT nr sn vff-ih, let it be writl. ll i-' ' U V of t ll'' 1 ..'irt V 1 1 Hit l ll.' V I 'by tli.-ir le'love.i iiuvernor anj ins r.yoinuieiida- ii'ons. i MjXaJgiof.EJgeciimlslia.I.e.xijiiiiiio.1 sulvj.s-t calmly and . lly ; had Is-en in doubt ; is stnl in d.viibt ; bin' is in lavor of rc.-.h.ider.-v th.ii. As ali other bill- had been r.-con-i !. t.-d. he appealed to Ins friend, on tns side of ihe houe lo allow Oie lecoii-nh-rati at. not tiri.h i the la-ii ti. .in cither side, but liom cotirt-sy. Mr. Jenkins ol Warren: I'i. lo to .lav this , b. I. as had let more billcr en. mv than he ; id he thought' lh- speech of the no right to I ntl. in. ui his fel liolll W. , '.I. low d -liMK-rats. b id tnj ir. .1 the wo : uiole than any thing !-. thai has la-en said or done, and he ho-,i d.-iii. arats would mil come iu und.-r the hc-h or absti loii their convictions of duty eie-pl ou piiiiclple. 11- abhorred the manner In w !n. -i tli.- woi i, h id l -ii doiie. Mi. lacil of I Lo id - . II, a-k. d if the lover liol had uot appoint, d a ui ijo. ity ol the 1 brei-loi-s. and if the democratic paity was not responsible; Mr. Jeiiljins was uil wilhng In make this a par ty mailer, l-p lo io night lie was in doubt; hut aftei listening to speeches, he was iu lavor , but as Aortli . aroiiniani. as ue naa own eminv till to-night, lie would blumo no uue fur I ... . ; I -... ' Vollllg. I ouiniry 4,0 llllll, ' Mr. Joins of CraVeti said tlVtem i)f recoli-'S r it wis a ffrieit wajte of If tha woik i. what its friend av, why ,,. , . ' 'V--'.. v ' i' 3 . . .? . .., tuiio, V , s . j ;.- ... , . . . - , ' . - , , , j i , i " -' :i '" ' - . ;. I ""' . f 7 i !: '.' ' ' : - .: 1 ! i " ' ; -;;r- , ,: ... -t ...f .' . - 1 Salisbury, n. q., February 17, 1857 ia it that thorn who own (be coal field and tin-1 land aloiijr Ui r.-.l aru unwilling to tale mc of tliertu.k ! IJ.j i oriiawrd U Krautiii" fur-' itlier Stale aid. Mi- I.nui I'iriii.-l.t I, a miii lmv lun mlc. II.. l.-.l nn r..r o. I ... .... ;.. ,., .... II.. i,.at' ...1 .. i..:.. ' fiieiiila npiH-nK camvrruin the other side ..f the housy fur the -ffewocrulic party to come aktlungon uemok. .tirt-lins and honorable bentimeiitu, nu-ri who wp lo tlie mark. . -, , would ooru to do a corrupt thing. Ju.t if tin Mr. l'itehford of Warren waa not tobedriv-' After ;,n interesting ductibioQ ou the Lunatic . lurllIltiV0 u w ,,ruBS,., 11KJI1 s u.,ul.j en fruTii hi-i I'vitioiis and oiiinioiin by the speech-1 1 , rather vote for ten such l!:l!i a came from-the . 1 .ilr. Sc-Ult; lirotieedoil to sav that llie slnli-s li- .1 . . e .i : i n, i - . ii . . . es ol any ine. Mr. Scali - of itnckitizhatn had doubt ori tin ...i; . . i i i ii-i i , . i , ou iiiuiui.li iiu uitv, iii. 'ii iit-iuucriil, who did doubt. The Slate Im 'given S50,010 anj the work is not yet completed. Is it slran. the.h-iuoi iatie party- should hesitate and d-lit i .o. i T1...1 I ' ,t ni...... i i f . i ra-rrnvorta. nnnointed TOrmrriltPr. and rewknd jsirts frnin them. All are anxious to reach the Coal Fields. The . Joint Committee had bresenl- ed a hill and the Senate bad passed it. That. !.,!! l.f...... r V I ......!. il... ...1... tin r the scheme is practical or not. If pr.ieti-1 cal, let us. -a, rv it out ; if not. let us abandon it I lik-e m. u. Hut whilst doubt, exist, shall" ,! .neither bill, or shall we coii-'ih-r and re- eon.-ider i J.et us act like men, i-ahn'v and di ' jissi,,tiate!y and .leliheraU-Iv. With parties I have nothing lo do; but when the gentl'-man fioin licr'Je. MpM aU to me a twin, my very ; heart responds to his call, Is-ea'use I know him to be an honest, enlightened, patriotic gentle ! man, who will emiie up, not as a pattisan, hut as a patiiot, and share his part of the responsi bility involved in tjos scheme. - ' The vote to., n-consider prevailed by 55 to 31. 1 know I hav.e done injustice to ail lhieak ers. II" was a discussion wbicl.ibroagTit out the Ix-st tal. nt of the Hoiisii. It la-ted from 3 till lo o'vloek. The last speaker. Mr. Sales, wiih ,out comiuiitiiig htmselt' for the hiil, made a very IIIH.i.-s-l I'h'. bill lOVI.ak :ii in lavor sp.eial order if reconsideration, for to-moirow at tin- '1 heSetiate has Is en oc.-up' U kiiijliatii rai!roa,l, wh.-n it -d to-day on the enemies attempt to def. at by pai hatie ulary tacties, call for v and tutjs, iV i-. Itsi'.'vtiiii. I'i;ii. 3. To day tin- 1 .-cp riv.-r bill passed its 2d read ing. Lv a vote of 17 totl. 'lo.tl.-ct this result, ssillle H or 10 lliemliers who had voted o when he roll wa. called, eii.inj.d their votes to Ave. lie- Kui.-s w. r.- su-pended and the bill put upon i'..s :id reading. I Mr. ( in ! mined to Itrik- out Mr. C-.'t- n's atie i. Iiu. '... which had Is -en aj t- d on tbejue vii.ms day. .i . . !.- ii oi i 'ni i, i so a w as oiiposeii r sir s- l I I. l ..".: i . . i . . . irii' out that amen. luielit arnl sai. a etter was i. ..w iii the city stating tint Jotes L.H'k.,aid I'.iin hid h-ii w asb-d away. The correctness of which iilforma'loli Messrs. 1'errelwe sic! .lehk ins d-ui.-d. Mr. Leach pr.x-.-ed-. I to ar-'le !'i otu 1 1 w V nil's rejs.rt. I '.tills were subject to h wa-h- . 1. a1. 1 pr. i.al.lv M.r.-wa-huil aw.tv. as the riv.-r I, 1 i-s.-n son,- r.o f.et; and proc-. d-1 t.. nr. -i- a. 'a. i. -I t:i- ;-it- iiives!n,' u,.. uii- .! v. I iliis sul-.l,!,.l i bad U--U ..sj.oiiv . n.i th- :.in-,-, I a iiiiiornvrTTr'tl..- I'.i-c'. rs. 11.-lie- well; would ii,- ; .c, l.t le-nv is.. cptioiis .. le! Ui in.i lie v e .L s,. inun v 1 . n ' : 1 1 .. I Lai I--.!. .111. .uoi ii uu.'- r pre (v la.h -rS!:e Tii;m,i,,. 'ire'-TiT,;rf.e"."n'"a' ,1- : ii voter. .-Mr. Jcliliitn, fioiu Wan. ii lia 1 b-eti lii'lu.ral and yrt sildd.-iilv had tiuu. di ..-r in !.iv..r . t iu'iii away Slat- uion. y with- i ell . S-lbs.1 .In lie pie ti.au nt!; Mr 1 hv. '! of Ciiirford had ..ps.ised ithe ,i. tl. d the r.ni r..ad had not passe I - it bad no, passed he wa, now.;- !. ; in the mang. r. and told sot d-les. An iiiih-r.tl -p'rit bad Is I by lb- p.,.p-of Fav. tteiille, win ,'r-tt-l He did not think the appi but Is cm . to .-t tin '.s.. atle. l:iililfe,te ll- had re'r. I i.ri.itiori was di. Mr. Jcnlius of.Warrcu thought justicclnliiiu- seit' le.julied he sii.-iid notice the I cilia; ks , .f id r. I L-a h ol" I av i.s.,n. His record ihis session slums that I,.- is a bc'ter internal improvement lino than I., ich. and had voted for the tav bid. wlikh he had hot. I.-1. h had Voted for lll.-as-ures to run past In, own .fur he had ask d for .nothing for his people. IBs repeulani-e and .conversion was n..t sudd-n. lie. had been inves tigating the k'.iLj.t't, and liis coie lu-ioiis had just ' la-eri tn.idej If this river scheme; su.x-eeds, th-ti 1 there will lH) sevei.-tl road- running lo il, and ' then the Favetlev ille road will 'la- built. He ""!H'S l".v 1101 1,0 .'' " ''"-'iitioued m tins discussion.. ' Mr. 1'ickett of Anion was opposed t.vany fur- ' rr"l r,"' ""u ' " j ed too mnch a, ready, lor that was ad lost and n down as thetlttortrated his viowvl.y t-lli'nif the anecdote of ..uld not stand 'the dog with a piece of beef in bis 'mouth, and T""s ... .... ..,, ju...(..u l shadow and lost all. Mr. lla. kti. y of Chatham w ;vs not opposed to all int. ru t! iiuprovements ; was not instructed, but was opposed toil because be did nbt think the woik was practicable. 11- knew the men who ....led the lauds on 1 1 p Kiver, and knew that il "l per cent, could he made,, they vv. Ti the very uieii to avail themselves of uch prolits. 1 But they had' no I'ailli in the work they had tii.-d it and had failed. At lii-t tli-y were tin willing the Stab; should Ik- the lareststtK'kllold er, because at thai time th. y hid coiilid-nce il wouid Is- paving sto-k. Now they bad no con-lideiu-e, and a,k. .1 the Slate to take all. The. dam- co;. 1.1 not be m i le to stand, and if they could, the Mind and : t -. i I would till tie in up an I make the eliauni I shadow-.' II fn. ud L-wis I1..111 ik.- bad o.i. posed the rail road liotn Fy- eite.iii. !-v voti and s- ch; and it s.s-ined Strang., to iicai biiu a lv . eating flic river. A, to 1 rr. b 'e, w ho ha.l s.ii.t that the work ha I Iseti inciensi'd since Maj. trwynn endorsed l'hoinpsoii's reports, he was mistaken. The orig inal object of the work was to carry otf coal. He hoped the bill would pass with ameinFments in ord-r top." oil' th- d.ifis of the Company. Mr. Fiirels.'.' regretted the iiicasuie had been mixed up with its rival scheme the road; he was lor bolli was still for both and thought hotli some irieti.ls that tlio Mate had lietler nppropu shonl.l receive aid. lie again sustained Major ate half a million of dollars and buy up the Cw villi and his, reports, and reviewed, generally' all the ohicctious made, and' thoutrlit a steam .lec.li'.i but could remove in 48 hours the accu initialed III mt ot IU years, lie reau uov. ivrngsg s . . . it 1 . - 1 1 ... I message briiigini; the subject lo III.) attention ol .1,., I ... .l.t... nr.. anil went ilil.i slltisties v." - - . , Mr- Setllo of Il.iekiiighaiii, for two days, from j liersonnl-ConsidglJitiotis, had Ufoltned.to strike a 1 f, . ....... ... 1 ...I.. .1. i.-. tl .... I I:' blow ul thjs.worki but justi tt himsolf and bis Suto, and all from Cuniberland willtaku up their ' ' .. ;. f erW-.vv .".'-'' r-rk.s j- ys - ; .... . constituent required of him that be should now ; ."wafc. Ibearbeine l mipraiiticabl.-. hven b ' low 1'iiyettevil e tllertt r. sand banks in tlieriv- er that prevent boats briugii up even dry L'oods. as is demonstrated in the caw of lioner us Crist, in"" 1 Jones's liDorui. And then auaiti it ris 4(1 fi-et in aa mai.v hours. n,l nvmi more ' I'"4 risen 50 feet in a day aud night. ' J !low the dami bad been wash -d away, and tlw dams weru Ktnuding on tin-. hr;nk. In estimates . f 1 am iiwii deceived it ia his l&ult who de- ceiyed; if deceived twice it is my own tault a"d "S,l"! htA. f". '"i thncu upon esti mates lie. would not again be' deceived. Mat. r" WK "u Mn I . l. .. ........... 1 1. I S. 1 - i. UUU will niaKe a temporary improvement, l ou I don't even1 come up to that. 1 his work is a I Jiaiu. on the treasury. It is now time the drain i was stopped. An argument pressed on him iu u"! ,ou" "T, v- " '" . " S" ,i,ru"ir- O01 '' " "' "!.') ' oe.ore ne, out i m not heed them or be' governed by them. , .'1 he Com pany lias forfeited its charter, but 1 w ill pass that , by. Craut $300,000 now and nest session the lobby will be crow. led., asking more. I have1 voted against tb-KayT:rtevilie road because the. treasury "was empty. I would rather vole a; million to that road than one dollar to the river, j . 1 1 ..... 1 e I , . . : i viamor nas no terrors ior nun; oeiter aitjouru now tliati add one dollar to tins wort. II tlie dams are so fragile aa not to stand two years, we had better abandon ihun now, rebuke the Com pany, and sell out tbu works, as the shentl selis out the projierty of a private citizen. 1 have cut loose from many of those with whom I have ever acted; but Upon the heel the S'fssloll I fell constrain, d hum a sense ot duty lo act as 1 have, and I ask no lavors from those with whom 1 il.tl.-r. I am respoDsiti.e lo my consinuenu. . ,,, . Mr. i unlaw, ot iw,ic, use to corjct some misappieheusioiis. No dam, after b-iii-? cotn- I pl-ted, has la-en w.-vshed away th. v have wash-1 ed away Hi an unfinished slate, and sUjierstruc-j I tur.- raised to protect the in had been washed : away. llo repealed what he) said last night j thai the Oemocrats were in .orr, and appeal-; ed to tln-ip to come up as Caroiituau, and Uevei- i ! op the wealth of the State1, and yut . aUow the w.-alih on I i.s p Kiver longer to remain there. I j II.- w ill take the word of a man of science soon- it than the opinions of ihe members trom Chat-j ; bam. If lie c.-uid look at the tn- asi.re in a partv i vi.w, t.. vould Isj g'a.l ot' its :, al, bee;i.iv.- ill Wotiid tsj an ac-sliovv icdiiienl nil tlie part ot the; I i...... ........ ...... . i.... had not the nerve-or the I pride to .lev-lop the resources of the. Slate, bin 1 he stood here as a North Carolinian proud of his Stat anxious to elevate her lo her true p-Mtion among her sister Stab s. Mr. Settle: I am a l'etnociat mv party friends have asked me lo keep my seal but it I can defeat this schoin-, huuibl- as I am. i sha'i feel proud, and shall hot be afraid of the r.spon--il. i, tv, bin will -lory iu it. 1 d.-iie no; b. ii. capital I bav- l-eii here a- ofl-n as. 1 de-ire and have no end in view b it the -st th- gloiy and pro-p-riiy. i(4W s-'ate.' ri -iit thai is enough f.r nie. It my br baled to the lolletlt and stol ill, let It e- inter i !'.-. : ll.Jtl'Vl Collies to 111 ', J. t It eotlle, 11 liiav.aJJl!jirj...iil save the Stale ,.30 ..In w .1,000, .Ill it, ana i sliaii not qua;:. Mr. il.iliiK-s of New llauovcr said he was dia- i posrd to have kept .lii.et and given a sil-nt vole) m its favor, but wh.-n r-iitlemen were ''.v-.n-- in: u;,. r,.ut., hVuI the llains beiiig vvash-d away. ,e ...aid not remain sil.-i.t. ' A 1-tt. r had Is-eti ! i. t-n-d to ;is com. nt; trom r,ivett..-,.il!e, saving , the I i;iuis were Wasiied away, and Vet ll. re is a j paper j.ubl.shed on v esterday in Favef.ev nle siiys ,' IK-.tlnno about It. Ill j.islice lo l av ettevihe and . V iltnii.gton he felt bound tw say. Boats of lignt ill aught bad been put upon the Kiv. r, such as I were not knovvu al the linio Boiler A. t 'lists' mi, t ! was instituted. Boats now and for iivu yeais have tun daily; and any .juaulity ol oal can be car' i.-d froiii FayaTttcrillu to Wtfrmrrgtnir; Hv then vv.nt mlu the general condilKiti ot the work and argued thai ll should be completed. ! iov. Hi agg w.-ls seated iu the gallery during tde allernoons discussion. TUB CLOSING SCF.M FytMM Mr. Coxe of lVrotiimans introvluced an amend - m.-ut providing that the (.ovemor should have h ave to prosecute the work or sell, at his option. ,,.! ..ue ,.n' tUa ,,, I. .1...,. ;.,.... ..i-ii... i Mr. liNliaiu " Wtishtugtou thoii-ht weou-hl ,)t Ul f,t on t10 (;0yernor tho4-epousibilitv of selling or retaining a responsibility which Uo0e?e ought to suiue. this .vir. tmilavv ol ixjrlio was ot a siimlar pinion A division of the question was called for, aud, ; ., r,,te tHkeu up.m siriknig from the bill t 'otb n's amendment, which wsu, jVjst, tv a vote of lid to i i After wlrrch Mr. Ciham of- Washington offer- I a substitute that 'the lovr and Int. Imp. Board shall sell out to Marshall Barks, Addi-oii Burt, and others, for Jud,Ouo, all. ihe rights, privileges and franchises of the C. F. it 1 . Ii. Company, and the rights and franchises of the of. f.'ooe ''fur itritilwn CuntKilty, btimc Fuiie-tU ciYc and Vurtber, that the State -11. 1 graul no aid to any oilier works except to a road to Ihe N.-C. Load. ' ' Mr. Shepherd of Cumberland h it the Chair, aud by leave of the House was permited lo ad dress the body. He rem uked Unit ihe proposi tion embodied sentiments so monstrous as lo rouse all the feelings .of his nature. A degree, of liVralily ha.l been manifested towards the. F ist erti pari of ihe Mato in giantiiig liberal -aid lo the ship canal; but. not suisiied with that, they ak that Marshal Barks and Addison Burt shall bave ji inteel to tlielll a 11. -HOI y and tho save - r.igt.;v oi the Mate. 1 would rather be driven lioiu the House with a would ralln-r hare mv-h censure utvoti me ves. t to the assasin's da- g. r. and tell him to strike Homo to tlie heart, than havo this Bill passed. 1 would rather pass a Bill gianliug l''ii Million of Hollars than so lar disgrace the Mate, by surrendering her sove reignly to these men. 1 have been taunted hv town ot ravetteville ; but piss this bill, and qii der tlio oi. ration of tl operation ot the reign ot l arks and llu It tlio town would sooii,vgo dowu. Barks 1 1 ...... I v 1 r , . . 1. .. 1 .1.1... . e mm nmi uaniiiiu im uocess io me iooov 01 uns nau. .yo wo oniy ioou lor inen rrom oilier StllteS to alien Oil I 1 do UOt wib to lellVe lrLV . native land ; but pass this lliil, make 1 ark and IWrl our sovrigns uisti'iut ot tue; Uld isort-n Cl.l.i n,l ..II f,.'.,n I V lut.l, a .1 u.,11 l.iL.. .... I I, .it . .--. r maft, to 0.u,.r B11J V-tU-r lamK. u,, (le OWur Capo Fear, tlio.nulW ivt-r in the ,uU:R.M, States lo taiere ajvnlurvr-: No m-v i .jvuvt, t j hiciq ml ituiuii i'. .in u' t-.i The chartered right of the old t', i ',,a.:n.i o, ...rr... I i..tl...,,, iiL.,p' I , i i..., ... ...,.. .. I ,1 ..,,.1 1 ..! n... i I.' .4. 1 1 I! i 1 tmny: tnaiiv of them I know well, men of kindly .enaie uiau lor mis on;,- iviin ii wouia htainii u,..,,, ,i;,.. ,,, , i... ;,... l, i.;i'r,.ni ,,f VV I :.,,n.., .l .,i,. ,,, - ,..! i., i r.n; f ,t. ? u .... ?li 1 .... I li , win but right tbat tlie purcha;i sliuu!i acquire lhc4titerest iu the river below Favetteville. The 4if had ban luhiititied to Ike GovenviT tul iHiiU Aitt ajijirobutioH. Lobby members have been fiotn Kayelteviilo and have invaded tho sanctity of their seats with garbled s'Lateameuui aaiiisL the river, and have injured the road. Mr. Shepherd stated the interest the Stale has 'i lh" U tympany below KaVetteviIe, an 1 I he protiU the Slate cam realize if eoal is ,-a.rk-d ,j.u. He had si.l in the out.vt, wi'h n, v elioii'h the C. F. and i. il. eoiil l is; eoliii and although he has been strii-keii down ujs.ii Ins tavor.le scjienie, y-t he can neveir a'.andoti his Slate jiridb, for : Iransl.-r his ali.-giai.ve to Tarks and Itu'it; but rather prefers in il an iirotination sboti d be made nronde. the i,.,ioi...i i. lr.... ,..!. ,..,..,., l...l-i H(Jlj aud dams. -T,..' eL-s- ' 1 . Mr. cnkfoatJi I was r-ndit walite-'of a rasi touring part,.,, ; lo sutii-Mt the bill a-s it came from the Senate. I ! lie wa, opposed to the substitute, but m favor of. : grantm,r an appropriation. Was unwilling logo boine whout doing meUiinir. and thecouducl ' of the House somewhat jii.titied the gentleman liotn W a-shitigion in introducin g tue sulistiiuie. to the bill, lie went into the general m-nt, ..t ; , lU ,Jlk) a., .,., raUi,.r ,.,,,,,.,. , I million dollars thau seil the suit W Norfhern men. Mr. Bridgets, of K Ig -comhe ha.t n-w ma le up his mind. Ii the weakb i th-r.- -a:. not the own er, of I he laud carry the evidence lo capita'. sis alid get tin- stock taken t I shall vote aga.n-t every proposilioti extxiit the on- that will eiiah.. the cajtiipaliy to oj.. II their buoks. increase tti. it ' stock and manage their affairs intie ir own way. He was opposed lo the State becoming the man i agers of public '.v oi ks. If this company cannot get the sto' k lak-u or if the Wealth Is not ou Deep lti ver. the whole scliettie should be driven from th- lions-. Mr. Bullock of irativil!- mov-d to aiii. .l hv striking out the name, of Barks and Burl, and inserting the names of J. (j. Stiepherd, Jeukiu,, and 1 ii-idgers. . , Mr. dilliatn moved to strike out that part of ibe bill p...l,ieli,.,r lb- ,., fts,m eo...,i;.,., , , il,, i. ,f ,,i i- ... . ii,"' .1 to i.-ttier woiss-atid .etling Ibe Oco ei iitr be.l lo iiie i highest bidder. , Mr. I 'argaii of Anson Jesired to sav, he Usske. .uj on tlie substitut-as monstrous, 'tne ait-inpl i I.. ml'n::,'e upon tbu chartered privileges ol tne o.d C. f. Coii.paiiv. so hng a source of rev. i. in- 1 p. t.i ite, vv;., an oilllag.. s. Idoiu heard of in islation. lu his vou'.ii he was cr.-du- N. C. I. a..l liu'l.nr's trave:,, S;ii'...,d the sa.loi ; eve.l all'he read ul the miraculous vveailli .lrw ''l-d. He d..i not belit-ve in .ihiifif kWp.MUvv eoept in jiarl, mid ..t I lie '.lie We t-waiiVIH' ;i--to- the 4m and tbe--v-..d!emf lo ihe and fell he wa, .serving the best hi bitter en. teres ts of the SiiuV rTi defealing il. Whereiipnu ihe subsliiiite and all tlm amond iii. -uts were voted down, by ovc twin im;ng ma jor;, i--s. I 'ue pin ham. nlary manccuviv after an other was rvsoited to lu older lo -ji i a vote up on a mol.oii to strike out all ofCoUuii's ani.-iid-m-ii'.s; upon which Mr. Bargan inov.-d to i..v ti.e 1. :,i en the table; which uioii. n did not u-- M Sett e t ion- it w i.n tlo. nresenl freshet siib.-i l. d some of ihe d.iius would . . , I . . . . be. washed nds of such away; and lie wished to wash his h a s ppery thing. If it rots, let-it. lot, father thiiii copend mo money pona wowhicb nt every-- el, ol ll.,. ... uiiure is jus; acsjui lo l" wasne.i away uun-ss more inoliev was appro n- at.- I. He then read from the case of Boner vV- 1. 1 st. t,,,.si,ow that at Spring lliil there was but iicti.s waier lor some weeks, and that in lij-'J tin u-.'i.iv .Money li.'titer had to 1st tow-. , r the shoals by a vviudiaas and negroes wad - 1 "' lh" "nWt "J l'uh"'S mvt w;tl' I"' 1 Imagine a great work and large bodies ot eo.,1 ! to ,U',oar1r1K'J do,vn lliu river with a Wi.idUs and ; poles. 1 1 o was not to bo alarmed by the chun- or that w'e oucrlit not to leave till wo had done , soin.-t liing lor the Biver. Il would he a ble-s-j ing from kind Providence to have it washed i away, rather than lavish more money upon it. I lie wanted il sold. It will be no reproach to the State to sell her interest in the work. 11 r ! investment has proved nnprorStoble.- IVnnsyl 'HI"a lr-u"o (" ''' ollt illUr,'st ' . puouc vvoi ks. i,ei us , puouc vvorss. home; the Coveruor ttl" Uut Cil" " I Mr. Il..!:iics of New Hauuver 'wa nut afraid lo liearot any ot t.be dauis belli-; wa-heol awav. car of any of the .! river was the Ust tils being wa-hed ic knew of. 1 ii.- Ihe river was the Us he knew of. 1 lie ll.i l sou river was frozen uj The ( hfe river and the o months in the y.ai. Al.-.bam.i riv-r w.-resh il lower than the Cape Fear. The Cmp ani.- had bought Steamers ot light draught and do le-v cany all the produce that comes or can coin i-Fav.-t'.eviile. lie was stinnglv ipos,-.l to a .:i. or tiaiis'er of the Miite's interest to i-m. ,-si c ;:. pani.".. IBs coiisti tu. tits are deeply .nil. .-, st,,: in this work. They desired to bv tV o iiet the-coal. they vy.-.e st. ,-kli. .id.-rs a:',: t!;.- -.eav; -t tax .payer 111 tne Srite, atpl 011 tha' 1 entitled to some ca.nsiileraiioii at t! this body. Mr. Caldwell of nrilt'.r 1 saidtli;. V Crist oil I v provcTtTh.it th Ci.. I. ll.t vv. ban Is ,-f B 1 low ..onr-month in the yc .it then it Was the most constant river 111 tlm word, tivj to Coniussticut; MassachuK-tt, New ou. and ihere tlieir rfvett, and canals are fio. -u up live month's in the year. The noble i 'uto that drains one-half the continent, is sir. mower tti in th- C:.pe Fe ir. .Civ. lhag VV.- .1 .it;.. !ol Sending iti this IlnSMl.',', ;p,d Wolli.l P.- a vv;-e ilia. 1 ll' he d:d not call us hack. He has done hjs duty, let us do pars. He ha.l h.-a:.l some men sav in ISIS, they were willing I.1.-1I! lh.- Bileigh an.) (laslon road. Where; Hi u. tv, ; 1 'riven hoin the balls ot legislation, and. thes,' who had couricro were here now. Ibinul i i' . . .1, . . , , e .... . v.onneii sau no. lovctl ireiami. loiigni ..r ner tc.iigtit ..r tier m lilu and in death dt-sired Ins body lo .ay with- ill her soil liu.l bis li-srl 1., lu. sent to Ibvnle ' ' j Bobcrl Bruee, the" patriot kiujj of Scotland avted in the same. way. Jlut wheu 1 die, 1 have in.i 1 oilier land to consign my body and he art to bat fcle-e wai ho iij VJisiaW -OeMM-ivasiiriss; ix.xum''" J"-- '"" 1 ...!... 1 1. ..'...! ' 1. . I.. .. 11.. . . I. ... 'numijer-'xxxviii (;jV(ji'tl,e Old jt'ortb State. And lie desired to be bnr- , d tiitre; an.'l :iU,, he wante.i ier W W) a f;lon H land for bi remaiua lo I aiiilx r in '!oriou . ,r 11 IV (h-.;'"' improvements and wealth, and Uw and liter- at lire. Mr. Mann of Pani'iotn w.-m originally op- iied to tlii liH-amrc; U mind In ! b en preju- I and binsi-d by garbled dlatements in the ( "nrolifn in; hut when the Senate bid ;:'tne in, whieh filies liie control of tlie work from the old lirertoi, he concluded to support it. TarksanJ liurt are u'elillemell of lli.'h ehararter; tltey were here on oiher hii-otic-i-had not opened their moiuli-till ap idaehed, and then .iid they would nivc the amount uanv-1 ia the lSTfcW-ke aw W.rtli 4 :ir..iir,i:1f. fiilil.l linl i(l til S:ll rrrit to the terms iu the bid introduced by Mr. j lllia"1- i i .,..(;. ,n ,,f fr Ver..l.o id,. II .use by a vote of 31 to 24, agreed to reconsider Mr. Cot- ten's ametidiiienl. Wheretipoti I Mr. Dargan moved to am-nd, by strikini out ! 300.000, "and giving the Coui.any. one bun-; dre-l dollars. ' I Mr. Krwin of Uuno.mbe thought if this Kern-1 ocratic Legislature gran t-d money to this Com-! panv tie ) . miiit prepare lo follow the money , iii.o'the nve," "J i,- uisi.je pre-sure from iut-r- esl.-d ji.-rsi.Me. in l.'i.-s6 lobbies is greater than fie ever saw, and ineur-bers of ihi- o.,.'!y s'hoiild b1 alsjve their influence. He was wii bug to vote It ml Ii thought it was worth, 100. The House arwd to strike out 300.000, and -ii mutton ofMr Orei.-ti of Franklin it was propped to eiv.heCompany '00,000 vyhon- (tkholdm paid .n ,oo,ooy. L 1"J !'! "l"-": , 11 ""'v'-a w n V. " '. u,Mt """'' l,r,vw stockmn-ier. paiu in f j ..-1 t '""' l"y i-Ash. unm " l'a" WW "J mduidua.s 4oO,'WO. , " S-veial voles were UKeu, but boloutbe main 'P'-sOoti. slid . 1 -Mr- '""V "j-n inirojuce.j a new oni . as a substitute, giving tlie eiilne trauel..-e to , nnvate st1.s:'hol.i.-rs. and auliiorizin the ioV r. o sell the, stock in the Cajs: Kar Navigation Compatiy 1 low Favettev ille. Mr. I -i.l.'ers objected lo interfering with the C. F. Co., that has so long b-ieii charter.-d, and oi j. et. d to the stil-stiute because it allows the sl.s.kholders the ri'ht to sell the negito-8 and reiea tne lieu tlie suw on . lH4 negroes, an.u yet take no slock. I Mr. Ferels-e replied, but evidently the bill had been piac-d in his bauds as he did not -e- i:i to make a distinction between the "Cape ear itj lieep Uivt-r Navigation t'omj-any") and Ibe ' al ten Navigation Com-any, bpon v. hah Messrs. Brid i and Fetchee bad au iu- leiestiug disc.UsE.ioii. ' The hill was with.lrawn, and Mr. Outlaw movej to insert 30o,000, and make the bill what it. was when it came from the Senate ; ' -'!' "as lost by 8 VSv of 15 to 40. ' Motions of r.-c-ss and extending the tiuie for , , s- I ailjournment, vvc. .Mucti excitement prevailed M but the hand, of the clock began to ioint to 1. At 10 inn. ut. -s ui 1 o'clock, a unanimous vote of thanks was passed to Hon. J. ti. Shepherd, . .. .-tker; wli.ii he ros.1, and by his feeling and e.o jticnt toii.s soon caiiiied down the excitement of t;.e House, and it became ;is calm and silent is il-c grav-. His valedictory wa, sensible, inaioy. ;;!: and elo.p.i-nt, in -'sl taste, and e cite i tli... deepest emotion of the heart As be t.....h hi- at tli- clock struck 1 au hoUK which uiiu;., i ii;. Vour lei; Jj'.iui' i- mil A'fiUlvi itupjiiajJt'lalH ai. I J,u;itwasrftW. UMtMrwarfky wetf !; ''rt -r sud to the Kiver. Ihe Legislature wa- dechird n lj.jtirned sine d!f." At some inconvenience I have endeavored to put on hts-rd the spir-.t an I seutmicnt of tttti I ma'U; It m i I -chs. discussion on ihis l.V. p Kiver bill. I... r.l.......' .'.. b-rearier' as w..!l ;ts"-..- I iiu any alteiu; t to .'ite the wor.js oj' the' p -a',. i. and niat.y of tlieir id.-a .iolhsVaJna-.-ir. ; d 1 . ; .im is. that wbe'c I attempt lo give the ,e, 1 have et .leavured to do it honestly I ..... .......... t. ...... 1 .... I .....le. . I....... ....... , . , . ... cpiLu-ts up i. lied lo the Lhrcelory aud oilleers ot on,1,ill,v. i vt.,i.i ...i w... ;. n,. 11 1 ! ,,,,,..,;,,. L kl,,i, ,i, ,. ,.i,.. ,"i' jf -: r -,t) ;, , ' T, ... er. , " 1. . ..i,-,,. -., r ,o .. I inn naiiini; 101 i I . I cars v. Inch w ere l.o late. i I- com ti......... I sl.ii, .1 ouf to lb Tvorli r. tf"' : t,lc o!,((. c iU,L AUi ,.,ttei ., ,,tf c, aIld , ...j.i,.,,, ' ,,, ,i .'.u,i ,i, , ...it e ,.,,. . I .... . ... n . .. .,, .. . ... .1 :, aii-i Lite ..ui oass li.hi a.ioni me UJll'.ia. s. naif. i t ... ,. , .;,,, . . ! ; anxiety was y.si!,;,- there; and 1 could not but j I'l imi the following advertisement clipped ihitik of I 'avie, (iaston, 'loonier, Stanly, Iredell, ' friiiii tlie X. Y. Herald : - r - Strut-'e. Fceles, and a host of others, whose ta- , ,r . 1 -j t, i j t , lent-s elevated the character and aliped the leg- "Matnmomal Gtt.de Book and For- , ,-sIation of the Stale, who hen iu hfc had min-1 tu1",e 8 Wfe'- tontatning the name, gledin such heated -contests a raged witliiu, I advircsa and personal description of the but who h ive passed to tbe irauviaiiitv of thr''"wt tastriwaabll$ belles, not .only in the grave. With ibis train of thought F I'tnessed ; Fifth Avenue of New Ycu-k, but in all for the tirsl tun ... the adjournment of a L.-gisIa -the large cities of the Union, together" .live body. When thai occurred, 1 was a leaker with reliable t-tatuinents of the exact for- 'on. and etij A.d heartily the instantaneous s.,'tu- ttltte (wlietlier in their' OWTt "right "6r ltt 1114 b.r, tf iia s, ot all the uupleasii.il osvotreu-'1 iirv$i'ectl ot" more than five thousand mavr- C's ol -s-;oii, and the appar. nt deterntina-. lion to carry ili-u.M uothing tsitth recvilsction , of th. pleasant, and agreeable events. ', ' 1 . Siii.s' wrung ttie atane, 1 nave met I ..... 1 in .r I !ra,''j. al .1 he a-surcs me tlie me in is r troiu .i-i;ii.j:..u iiad IlllsUil lei-;.! w n it In- wi ling tlie above. 1 have met to i.iill at-. lit ills siilwiuutj full. lll.lt he Vied '.. sei.lhg the liailCillse Is-ioW' l"aV.tU- , ami wa- opper-.-d to restricting the Mate 1 gin.ttbg a d !" other works 1-adnig to the .. .-. t . .; the Mate v.,.,1. t u..; a, 1 I k, I.- tie fl - It l'lVV .slOll slio.il i U- 111 de di os, cf it lu sollie wav. Ti.at jsirtnei ..t bio 11;. t I. - :iperot.,U'e,ti. and ti.at pot:..n v.i.,1 ile r-i.-ts ti.at be' was l:it-uuder.tcs! til- lllel'lb t. .!ti-r liie to add, tins; know ; tbe ill.si.;- r iro n V ..sfie.e'. .11 as 1 do. I am ..-:i..i ;t w .i- a1 in s iepr.-l. -n-c.n on ins part. be is t.N ll, ...- a t ,,,.vv lo l!--t.tle. i VC t.t ei t ul -c . r .'. .- ;; ol' what t..e Vi .v-r.iol lieu v..;-'.! v him. VT '. 1 I I . in;. O'UKI-'.M'iiVi'F.NT. I. IN Tilt: SLNATK. C. F vV ! t, ..I. Bi i. Fin. M---.-.F..... ilvi:;,k S .v :'K-i,.wu.g th 1. .tie r correspond. :,; wi-'l I'm., -h ton .!n :!;. t; Is of. i,e' ;Kt;.i of the l'..niui..ns ,.u t'!.. I. ej. B.ver Kill, permit me to .1 ta;l th it of the iiate. iu ordci I.iat vour- p ip.r liiiiv h ive a alttltlll revo'vt" of the act 01, of both lluuscs oniL -i-i 1 11 1 v , . k . .. , . . - . j s 1111 u;n n i'n more inoroiigiiiy (.whci, titan any other b-lever b.tore tin, pi. t-. Leais- I at lire tile I blvernor Trs-sslirer slid ..veil- in. ... Jirenre iIhuii K deign, together vvi.b cx-tlovem- ors, ei. t !. irg. ,, ind ex and trwu.u 6s' every th.u K.l -l !... I... of tl bill exci-pt tlie first k't'.iin,,B lieh vested in the Internal Improveiiieiit liiard the power -to epjioint all tlie ofiicera of the Company ; ia - fact giving iti tiiiinaoTjment eonerally to that xk in favor of. th brlt. SrrrttiVe, in, accept ing the substitute, did not wish to be consider ed as tYtki-ling on the management of the Com pany. " - 4 "': ' .;. 'f :,!' Mr. McDiarnitd offered iti amendment proHt1 ' ding (bat no part of the Suite' subecriptioQ . should be paid until the work wa given to eon tract aiidgoTodiaucurity-- given by persona real- dent of the Suite, for the faithful execution of the wo'ikand providing tliat the workhoold first Ijm begun at Croat Creek, Jonea'i Fall, ver Hun'. A'- Tliii wat not idojited. - ' " Mr. J. Th6naa rnade:-lror5' peeeli against the work. Mr. Cameron again advoca- U d it, irtHfing that be waa not willing to give it ' np and lose all that the State bad invested j that ; he had great confidence in Maj. GwynnV re- 1 port, Ol('m Ac. -'j' " Mr. Rivi-s Bgaia advocated the bilL Mr. rool ably advocated it, giving it as hi opinion that the i-IO'V-HjO would enable the Company to reach the first coal urines, and then the incoma . finish the work. .- ' " Mr. A. J. Jom-s made an able apeech attack ing the praetieahility of tbo work, and giving it ,; as his opinion that not one cent of the money invested 'jy the Slate would ever be returned to the treasury. Mr. Jones's was a handsome and well delivered speech, and bad groat effect a port the body and upon the large audience ia attend- Mr. ( herrv followed, advocating the Jjtll. , Mr. W. ft. Myraolfered a tobatitute, making the Slate's subscripUon eooditioned, that $T50r 000 Was subscribed by individual, to make op the e450,fX)O auggested by Maj. Gwynn. After considerable discussion, in which (ien. Dockery ; and other participated, Mr. Myers' amendment was adopted by a vote of 32 to 12. Tbereopon Mr. ttivea aoj other friend proclaimed the ( woik as dead, as. it wa impossible to raiae any .r.vaio subscription, ana staiea mat ne naa do -ohj -ttion to the indefinite postponement of tlia It'il.l A motion was madeti tbat effect by Mr. llattile, but at the suggestion of Gen. Dockery it as uot adopted and the Bill waa laid upon tha. 'table. ', Friday AWehsoo The bill .afterwards came np on its 2d reading as amended. MrT ( iorrell moved to strike out the amendments of Mr. Cameron and Mr. Myers, which was agreed lo; arid Mr. Gorrell offered an lm.n,havnt al0i,, individuals to Mbacrib j li0 000 and when individuals shall pat 25,- o,, tie Sute t01HV t5o,000, and aulhori-iag th- l'ublic Treasurer to pay off the Company's M advanced navment of the SUte's suU.r, ,jon. to ive the Btete lw0 new dirertori au.i iiKiiviouais one, arc Mr. McDiarmid again offered hi amendment requiring the work to be first done at Cross Creek, Silver Bun, ic which was not adapted. Mr; McDiarmid ottered another amendment, provid ing that do one who had been a contractor on the wnrksiiould be an officer, which waa reject- . , A,, y amendmeuU were adout- , . . . y., . - . j reieeted. by a vote of of 10 to 24. --. r Fridit XionT Skbsioit. A Communication was received from 0ousa of Commons transmitting tlie Governor's sageelating to Cape Fear ami Deep Kiver Nat Co. and a committee consisting of Messrs. Oor rell aud Eaton of the Senate, Blow, (Jilliam ami Long of the House, was appointed to whom the Coventor's meoaaga was referred. i . -v . S ATi iin at A vTEtiNoost Session. Mr. A. J. Joues moved to reconsider the vote by which the Cape Fear and Leep lliver bill ' -was rejected.- W lieu Mr. Uorrvl! reported from .. the Sch-ei Committee, a new bill substantially that of Mr. Cameron, giving the whole work in to ihe hands of the Hoard of Internal Improve ment, appropriating 300,000, to be subscribed iu preferred stock, providing Tor the payment ef th.-Company's debts; Cov'r to ascertain if tbe iii-iividiial st.xk can be boughpnd upon what ,f terms. 1 Ins suhsiitulc was adopted, under the lea-t 10 Senators siltinir in theii seats and-not voting. Mr. Gorr.-ll stated thatjie wa author-. izl bv the l Governor lo state that lie was willing tirassumo the work. , . SI. T.olir ..Si At the South CarolF- ! toilfiTs'ltco ot tlie MetUOtllat EpitCtV );tl C'litirch the presiding Disbop decided long tMM!tltia, I'XCOJvt On VtTJ Special 0C- .... I... n.snv.kWM M flta -. . - 1 r . . . J s liscipline, to the practice of the "Fas tliirs," ami, to gome rycterrt, gnbtersive of the ends of tlie Christian; ministry... Tlie Httiir-rnr trrtirTrrtry 3CcTra6rTSccbrtJ" ing to tlio liishop, should be ljroin Uiirt to forty -live minutes. " yt Wonders Will Xiver Cease. We Late ....l. . a r 1. I long hi nee exitsusieu our mutiny ot wou- , ,. ..n.-ia tier. HetlCO we are not at all astonishea ria-?eablo ladies. As but a limited Dam- iu.r f- llti trolT-rrirTft"nd -alnnbl" wrk have U-eu published, ud DO SOOO&d ..,iti..;. will li..isiie.l am! it eknnot b nra. enrrc l ;it ativ lH.k store; persons deisirinir . a. copy forwarded by mail, post-paid, to tiny part, of the United States, should en close ft;e dollar without delav to the ad ..ttc.ss ot -, N. York lsost Office." IB i .V Tt TAKE OUT THE SCENT. . Sating; on the piazza of tha Cataract, wa, ti vi.iittg, u.ppislt jvsifeiTrg gentleman, iii, garment very l.igiily scented with iiiiiigieJ csior of iinisk. A soletQii-faced, ni.l looking wan after passing tho dandy several tutu's, with a look of avereitfOT" w.iieii itivvv general notice, auddenly stop I K'd .ind in a"co. tidontial tone, said; 1 ''ci: ranger, I know wliai'U take that ' ,eetit out of your clothes ; you" , :' "What! what do yon mean, sir J" aid the i 'vuisitc, tired with indignation, atart , ing 1 1 .hi Lis chair. , get mad, luwr swear, pitcli round, lUii) jn-t Because a iiitin want to do' you a hiti'liicss !" c.'olv reidied thostranij er. "B. t I tell you I kiiow what'll take .ut ti n: sine.! ).;.. i on jusi oury your ch-tias liu.yViu, a day or two. L'nele JvU got u ioiil ol' tkuuk,' and lie-" . ' At t'.ti iu.stiint tliere '.yent up frota tha orovva a Mtuii'i.aitoou.s r-'.'i" "i lucrrtmeui, afiti liie .l.tiivby aci'v seii.-iiily "clearvd the