a I II II I l ll .v till Hi. - , ..... . W ..-,.,.-,i ...y.., . v . , .. ' , TO TS1 anTVUMlS. jfijowuris. H' 4ot flower t wtlVgil fl'w WBr lhT bora in th wood, tmrt-tml by lapinl twr mil altr-nt de'tray or tb r of ""1 . . ... ... . If Ih boir. lh pajnptna wmw of w ptrwrm. ,n oVt to eTjr k.vr ot nature iw thc bi-aa'ihil rrra UiJWhU ft wii ww-taina; blMM, tbay pro dat ia UV noul, and whal. twWoritb-jr awak : witb nwjie prll lh bind iha tawy. o-llina of daaciag -iflraanili-.. "nMWjr bank, abady dtlt r fca mat ftnwrf, (nil wiiny band S.laat, Ihmrli thrtril la. m ibvir lanffflaffi-, n4 who h M f-lt tlie Inirrtpf , l... .L :.i I t l. f:i.t M - """i i,l,H.fdnl.t.d.ih..r1.Ti.n..d.p..rrInc-, rwrfaDT prrM'd away T Oft lfc il-nt UnU- m-1 ' . kft kf wara , and who lite lh Ibiwf r ha - Wih1fa-.-n.d.y...d... now wilted in Truly, .k- "f Wb plraainc and mrl.nKB.dy ll tl. I..'lb ptirr.1 liful emWnn. bv whH-h Mii.n. ..f ih .nl nmr -ipr.Mr.l. Knrlh th-ni a hr ffiiy! tirf - t.r... ..ff.p.l V.v llt ilivim lianfl nt .n tn-r ' . . awrald liim, and .(.rid ihrm mil 0- mi i.- "I'll in ,hnt nd tvuH.a lhin ajnid lb hiiiinf trr" of lh fa r i mini; and, or I.,. I w. " p-ii. , . . xi . ' ,i i j l tb .rtv d-ad. 1 b rwlor wrarn them a n nuid- r( wrralh. w arallr thm in lb1 r.n.iiii'-ri.ri.' fri. .mnb.lP.h..v. ...dlrm ...I,,,.,,.' ' Th""- 'vp-.-f.b-P'. "nJ ,.,.rt.l.j-..fllmt..f parriimal cl,m,..l! niif.d.nr kiy A,r.h".ll H.".. , .... l..-r. ..rb,.r... rn. TWv M u h-id- vhf n ih iitiiin w (..vr nb. fd d fan: b w, cmmii u, in. r-M era,, .t-.nln.ur.df,.r.,.f fr:,nd. ll.rv wl.lM-ir .b,l ,- r - mnrtaiey bry.nrt lli r.mlm. a n on tan my u.n t.i ihlv li.'ri .if that rvauin fiinn of Ul) ai.d'anii thai ali1 v e r. j ig up ill the -i.uir of In: ea' In-ili a!, tu ua ..ur fnnd n't imfi.Tt .1 ytnb a.d l.-tiev. T"jwi,ire the. I elllfl .lied Mill o.hd'l tiV ll lh y..unfh-v .niBarl an lupurlant l.-a.m : U .'l.r.d. j c. uw , ,,f c.Mlt. tl pi-oj.dc oil t.,e luii Wat irWSuia na'.i'-nr.f,...dili-.i. f-.r b.k'l... ..)..! m WJ,., Ui .mi, to in.dj'. simdry'if"- lha. aU.rt lord admiral ,..n ; ixf.:.':.? I" l.uIti- if r.-j.u!-.. h -ti ; I J;rm '.. .Itl.i tit-- 4 ft iif (l(ci-Tlit lh-lf IlltlM'r. lltTT -iTfit- t irtu- -ntl li-y !i.i.jj 't""" tit."- tmprowp lb l) due th fry is ttail fliatfr rfy U ill I it-is Ki;dr n Uhhi. t.nt f.t-n-Uf parU in tririf rjm. Ml ill.- i w r A Xut of Mbtr-t ii -l t, t-'f frajVMUt ( i- - i tX . umi I.' ' ii. tffl hr bf -ill ftsTKir-. niiii .- I t.(.-"- fa r ttunf pr--!tt r ih'if t- uliiful in-i.U ' T -rr N-c-n,. l br mtln"i; ii Iitrip pan' y ak n t.. th ii.t.-ri t mmmm if riuffci'" i. (i't t'i iJn"wt Inn ilii fiuVtn wrtr it.a-J.' f f riiajrri I'll! ifti-nt. iihi.i bf ihr ntr- t.t r f-4.1 i .! .i.k m tt.- ;r h.-m ' !!' f tu - ! th- ui Ii v tli- r .' 1 ' u' 'i - ThraW ItiaM ' la ttl V '! f-l- 'it I'-' h'Ai ft Iif of llii- jfrbt'V tf .wn i wii'l a f uiy iiw.sk. :i Wi ji ni-i't -!t, ati ik t ' r - ' i " lr.M) UffT: tti ,l-.rf v Kr at. Ii. -iH. -k t . .11' t '.j B !hf f.n.1;.J . W ji'iif ; f.-.!l. . 1 !!,:. i n- r , wb ini ii t ;,t h rr , r j, v : j ( m . r , - ! : Ii-MtC-lit.i-li -li I wl Ui- inifj' tl.nl U ' i - U.-!i .f tht- I, jdl 'J-.! V' - '-' '- f 4 4V1 ! X i'd h r- at ii - o . m ' - -.. iin,.- 1 llMl lv-ii.f 'h Ii" ! L'f 't 1 " hspp-i ; h- tN-nliJ ia in '! it If t.tif it ni' glf ffauri u( tarSLitT i i : n;i. M ir. i- ' r.-W" of Trn uitt- f m d itii It. w M..w . r u t It Ji.4 J. -f.t x ti ((- (l r a r e - f af I r ti.- ; l.. tfst U- -in j;! ' i It j;-ai!i' 'i.i- . (( ii-.i'.f.. fuf. di t!w. f r -!! j'i ' -itf ; -ml, t.,--ft (...(.ii- lit i! t( 1 1.-in i ii'li r p.! larft!,- t I' ti. i i !' .ti '.' U. k ti v''' ' ' r, u m ta r 11 - . . - . v - it..- A iiu'l- e hi c- 1 1 A-. !u ii ei W. Tin" 1'At i llt iM' ( ' vverv ihitj-' in -'d i'njbtjt'.n.. ':hK0t&rMtf the Ii .tilule lhey uie ml eii .-ar.-d for. 1 r. 1 ,sh r is pr.gie.i Mltil tht Uiltel Ul.d g ls Wolk-. . ,: s ,.pidi. A 'ii'.. ileal di-tl.-s is s.lid t. prevail in lius-e.i, a , aed a-ljo.hi. 'Unties in in-iiiiu kv, oj to f eity-aild legh price el' j.Mtiv .:.s ia.id.it vairv litllit. raiu ur meat Hectioti to be pure! ii-e I at ;i- y .r T . .ii tli, it ie;a!,d while many l.i.'nibes are m a ...t. ..(. ditio'i, as regirds f.od, some ar.-ael.i.i itl 11 ntate b-.lideriiigou starvation. A .ub- lie meeting w.s held at .l.itne.t-.tin'la.t Week, to llevi-.- s.iiue jd.m by tt lii -'l th, lU'CCSsitll i.f ll... Slltfel .-J i. CH-biU ll- re lieved, ami bb.nd dot, a'i,.ns were iia.le. With the view of ;i.diiig to N.isl,v..ie foi Urofisiotia. iAiatr from Hamburg lilt., hu tint on the day '. of I.OcW-.eiiiioraiits were Co port to emh.ii k for the I t! l.-.-i, vanls ! that 'I' , ted States Thev g ciicra.iv came mi Uo.-tein and Mi-eki. iibtirg. and lhe um intalno-.i, trieU of Central J.i.vttiui(n - ,i : IUfr t'f .WtjoJ.,!. At the late sale .f uuCographs, in Paris, a h tterdrom N.i .leotl, iheii only a (ieiu-r.il, to his broth er Jo-cp!i, wit.-, sold f,r two him. lied io.' Inr. .Napoleon whs in de-pinr at hoaring that Joi-cphine was sick. lie wi.te, : '"(iiit'iue hojie : tell me the tint li : vuti kriiiw my love, uud how ardent it is. Imi know tii.it I have never h.ved t.ef Josephine ii the tir-t wouian 1 ado ickue-d throws me into despair.' lli'i : I um!- Thf mil,., I. k. TUo latest ncc from the sent of war in Florida ami' ill.e tho killingo foii whiirior an I t .vo s i.i.vs'! and tlie, capture of four o!hcrsi,i.ut-s ainf their tiiree children. There is somethm- shocking in the idea of shootin- ,l.m n these n.isei.ilile women who hut f "t , r un io hiiitre u.e lain m tneir -;it ;i 'e t.,,i-: but we suppose in the melee of ii battle it Cannot be avoided. Tlie accounts state (hat, in the instance abut,: mention, i, the gra,s wa so 'ail it was iiiijs.s-lble t.. disliiigiiisli them fniaii the men. S.trinninJ, ,, ..7, 7.-. j. J'i.it ,m,I !.,j7i, h ..'. J.ot t- m i , Ky., May II. l he- four . iirgioi s n 'eiisinl ..f imirdering'the Jot ce familv s'-Miie"ti ths since liave been nc putted. One oftheui turned State's evidence, bu.t liis tcstimmtiv i not legal. It corroborated the murders. There is gn at excitement about the'c'iii't house, q'he inobg.it cannon and placed it in front i.f thejarl. A number of shots were liruii fruifi the'ja.l jiu-l froin'the mob, and me juiior if.iinig ine seiipti ol llio io is- oiiei-i, lormally siltieudered two of flit, ut. ami thev were b nig: th third cut his !. . ----- - ." in r. in . i in, .....-. ...... i I v, .... negro w ho I i deuce w.as Unmolested. t. ...-. :1 i ". v. j i i. si v,rv! j' . i i VOL. XlILv. TIM ' n . rn . . ' dti.: J.rmnt I hutch Jinmrivftuntiru . . ;,.,.,,, ' t . i i r nt . i"i mu , l oil rtliMip. I I . o reaction- ; ary ,,ult)- fijr u Ion- rime hml ikk. mitiwl : , ,llilke u .L,,,,,,,,,;,, ,,.,..,,;... . . ... ' . , ""b' Tc " txtruoclii.aiy" tilt! lutllavs: i i , fu-al of . t, ll.f Isnllt; l!S IIIU'U: Ii V the rr ., ... , me v uaiUT 01 me ti;il:f.;ial to admit ,. iovcrnor ami C.ui.cil ..1 the , letriet. u tl.eir preneiilaliuti, ua ia eiiiotuarv on ,. . iCul ua, t u..Ml at Ulvnie mm vice On j . -ti it.e . n t belli- thus refured adinittasfe, tht. (ioy- .... . . ... i .. :i .-.t i , " ami '.he the ' i ' V ,, ' f "r I"" 6,1 t!"" 1 ' ' "f '"' .romut I..U on TnrtTrt- tWet cle,.UH .rHnTrtWT jtirj uiiiUni tin ch'.I, lv ii j r - L i tlie it- . ,.e. . i; .1., canon.-. eii loe.t I Come . Wl !l Ull till- C Ullcll. t S.l.iu! ...... . i v ! e . ; . 1 1 1 . ' ' I V a iTL't ! e. al..n hi- i, r ll...... i; .-Million .HTCs 1 C I, aii.l Hie r . T sail I tlu-m . . i' . -i-ulit Mi I Vrit'uti:i; arauit tl.f (luvirii- im-nt ami !i-atii In thv lu-n t:s -.v-ic rui.-fl ll 4miiuIi w..-. .M-t.li t.,kil. j.;it ill tlir m y l iiit-i.t -uniii'l u.tii u Nt i .nv Hl.lh .l-Vti..t .1 . Im- JM;.ll 111 1 l -,nilllrliri;fl a luriMii-. id. an: i'ial.uu .,!' ti.t ( i.vc, hii.rni --.i r i! -ii.u.1 ....M-.i iuar tin- i ll.t," :.: ln-lt ,il . to j .;--ri j- i uiiiri, a l.ai tut.d .th'I I'l uIlIi Ii Hm- iiioh. r i.i! lilt n, jiui,-ii; tliVlit--iirn in tin- (.(' tttr t . tilii iir.il, r.ii-i 4 tin- crv : I i Ji' f ',, .' !- .' J,. i i.v i'iiiij'i ,n ri itl t.f a .-t' ariu-' j'-i.t'T, ul..iii, vvitli a :- -v ii.n'- tin-.: . ! aii'4 1.1- ;uii-t I I .v i t : - t:,i ii r. i . - ; - i. .-.m -i-'i 1' ' lie e li oil ti .j.ai.v il i . "l.at u! I r.iv ai r v. i-aiK ijral .ri r, with the ...loni.l a V-'u.-An of .,.- t.'ie plaA. .!. the di-.. I -o.e '-I ihoi.ror i d.re 'ii- h;.. iti.; ' : a. "halo 1 . 'C . - ill ' ..I Will - d . ! til idle t I I. pl.t ih 'A I !- the ill - ..Is ill the a. i by the .hg ilieh.i its vtelf tin in. 'Utah i atii 1 1 1 1 .t to al V i. . ' ioelit .. -a.hst lh.-.-c tl. h.v r ii ti .: vi 1 1 ... .: Ai... .. Ulid S..V 1... l: the 1.. .'...j. et the i II ot, ii.e ll.o.i;; pro- ill l e-ted- rj . o.iii t tei hiii. et, an i nun..- dl r ti .1 ;.'.' . up-ih , bi aiie-t. sir reteiuted tl and .Is i-'-'i" rty !" i- - . r. tl i .di d a n.i ' '"' l"';l' ; n ' 1 1 t' i r .( ; ; -A dee,.-, an : r p be old, l o! k..pl . ! . t. i o! ti. "I ' ni'ii.-r h.. . hiit. J,'-'., .1 .V ".' M t t, 1 ir and p' ''.. f UlW.K .l-opi, !: . .1. (i Id .La -e.io-toMh ! r i.. t.d ar.d .-oh -vVi' pr.Xcnd of l'...-m. It eilg.lg' hf-t sIX eiias v.s ao.i I -I eteii Ultive of ' "' a. -'-it jl' - ri'ier pnp.i I ""i-. 1 '' !d-e ,.f .M .d arlng a I., " " k "ii t.'i.- Natural I .a f '' h-eh In i,a' been 1. !e - l Coliettiiio .mater. a'.s il l 'I- teell Veal s, ,ii in 1. time i of II it.-d the prineo id ei1 ni.idl- hi r thai, ttn i.tt ili.ei is li . ,lil .-.g,l,,! Ill- Is, ill his sahjeet. ' Fr.-tii h.s ie-e:,rc! shicoe ie i III pi.. .11- s, thus far. he liic. ipo:i a sc:. iko ba a.! Ii:e io i,,, I i:i.i,ca:iohs of t.ie ani mal orgaliiatioii, so as to be able ih teet. with certainty, all eotisiitiilion.il de fects throii-!i the uied.uty of form. Ills khott!cd-e id iirt is in ire - minute and er. ti. al to. in we I. member to have met in any other writer, and he has been the i-e lnehd of in.iiiv a youthful artist and man ..!' ,-e:-ttr.- stnigglie g for po-lil.ui. houd till- i.-;illn-si l-Htor l.'U.a.U 11, totvn durin- the approaching rxl'ibitioh ! ,,l' l !. A i'n-.,v -,t. 1 l,--.-,i .- is-h-rll look p'htiie'l showings a i nf the ani- m.d crihlit a- ..I' .in t criticism, with vul- liable practic.i.l su '-e,-!io!is winch mif young artists will do well Io make a note l,f. ' ,- . I l' fl. r W ..r.-ellt M.-lt.lh' Vllle ,,,,, lntituti..i, and l.j ,-t, of artistic ,:,d -eleiititie i;iter.--t iii'.air eitv. in fur thei:im e ..t his w,.rk, which, from pre ., ,.,..,r..,.. wid be le.nlv for tin nt appear. iiiei i,r, in about t twsf-w.ii-s. T, .- . hi o!'u rs of bril les, hiive d ictor and I 'is. .M-.ti' and 1 riincis, a u.n i.tel ary anH x-ielitllic n !t tilketl il .tt ,11. ,li lllti rest in t hi hi. Well.. ;.. V: l, ,f, M ih. n .! mean h sat' that tho-e wrerclieil itovo!s.arc oe.-u- pied by l.vu.g beii.gs '."):: i 1 h, my coin paid. .te. "(Hi, je!" he i pl.ed with a quiet smile, "those are tour people your Jinii ', .. " but, sin-f-, s il l I . they do not live in these au v ncsl.s.du ring your iuteiis,.v cold writers.'" l- is. replied my conrniiiion, " ..tnl they h.iti apreflv hard tune of it. Ih ttveen vm. and 1," he i tinned " tliev are a miser able set of devils ; thev won't work,-an tlmv hiver it out hen; us well lis they can. 'During the most of t!ie year they are in a state ol nonet wa f 'li'iie.-t un"t. atnl then - t hey lire very ble. Ihit during the ,f,errv Keasoi, thev inafce a lill .e moiiev, - -s ,-. . . . . , i ... n . , i ... .).... ., .... . , , .on . s. i ' ! v la! uud-sa'icv i-uotigh. ' e vL-.ni t do a :v thing witli . ; t : ' - ; -s ' f . . ' , . r. I r . ! '. ,-,.' , - -.-SiVLISBURY. N. C 31 AY 2filSr7. i . ' tu;n t v ,.'( '- Tl,..r il,, ;,, .i,, ; ,,; .;, ., ,.; as y ' I M-ii them a 'i.t . of vafaliuiiilir1, a lilirihpn II in m Mim fi mi iii unit v i.t nn nu. J : v .; ' ", t"l ,V ' ' 'V' lluc , , .if'frniii Mr. Si'mrrow i'ra " Motitli witl the l!!ne Ni..-e.-., iiiihihe'l in the lvniek- i:rU,H:l 1U,"1 ils il with accounts . iven bv other travelers we limv sjik-lv t:oiic!ude that he has L'iveii us a truthful reire. iitaiion of the eoi.ditiou of llie free iit'ioen in the liritinh I'roviiM-es, Bo much lauded,, to which tho " l.untiii'' lii''itive .1 . . r, ... Inn nee Mr iiiienv. ,-.,u)ll ,fi0 ,j.(.r.. .,. ....,., ri., "f l'vif., HviV j, vols , , , , , .f ' . r, , ' t j t i , ft '"' . . , . , " T .;, , ,...J i.. ,; i. ... '" "", 1 ' ' " ! (I III I (."II Ml ll.'ll.i.U ' ' "-. '"lis- ..i.,. i, , . ... i........ . ... .. auv endiavor to ln;tter their li .. " . ' ,." u r 'inj.ai. ii'li "t Jl iiiir-:,r Mr. S. s i sparr-.wgrass ; ami w ell j ;ii.- " I would, for -, that m ueli-vamited ) r ( u U ff ilrirh rvia;. by and l!ri;i!i philut.tl. r hing better to sle.nv to ah i ti.a.'i the pro-pects aluund aoii. :i .n' I Jeer's e.i 'lhe k-itheifordtoii iJemoera' eoj.ies iir r. inal ks about t! i- si-arcitv of pr..veti h i- in some o I the Wi.T. iti count ie-, and -avs : 'Sti'-ii Htlie'V.iVt'a i'aras we e urst ..f tii. We learn from re! :!! il.v, l! at tariu.-r-. ..ti t1 e rid. t a i.tin.'.i-r .'(' cat'!.-.- '1 he i h.ih.tai.'s inf.. i in u- that tin- pri. . 1 t ' 1 ' i l v ih- -r:pt:oii is li': to. ill lor rill I '..( I! h i- 1 ''CM arn an io ! il- , d.t: -!y ere aiio i Colli. ,- t'-.r eoi.i.i ., '- 1 "' !' , t. r li- - . i.ty tt a t l.roii.'ii o' !,Iv' l ied with last w N. .t -. the , in, a! il. - "I he l' I i 1 a r 1. a 1 1 1 c bill i, .fi-.r-hll-- of tile -,-a- -ii is oj-ela':;;.' tiiv setel.lv li; -h our l.iimtr.-, and the coiiiniiihitv en.-ra! It. '1 lio. ui,,. have a great iiiiiiih. r of sto k to feed, are -s ; i;.ll v heaw s-di'er- I'-. 'I'll' 'I'i' V i.;-j.r- chc '...-.v.:-.,!. er t 'it i. tl : e . ll.iteir. u- : n.'i-i-s have i. ;:- ti s ..(' cattle hat e air, l.ar.'e niiii, ! . i-s ot e.ttt.e hate a.'!-,.i-.v pi-i t-iie-i iutw- ninuireiis liuvu. been .tri- - .ell I" lhe he.lihtaills, to J.iCK Iif lljllll- j.Meiu.e il lhey can. or to u.e it tin t must. V e kiiotv a op-iit ,;!V i'ar:i,er- ttle. have b ed il te, iha.ie a er- ehde-r ci;.. Ilotv fhVy Ihle to llii il W I- h'llh l!Ci!..)ll.t o! Ill' I'es . .I c. ;ld not n ei e.n'.'v i ille to ie out. I.a-t and -. like ot be al lis." V. e i.i low t., !,t inch, t. .1.,, ',, ' . I mess loh't jiitnp I'i ci the i ; bat if v ai tli.uk ai ih! ii s tt , II ,h m toll lll'l am, w..ii't be per-im led to be have lo.e a -c the ttiiV to iln sjbic man, this :- pr it IHini.sldi'it ,-e I a- vou.cah, ;ihd ttl.eii ,n. tin- an- screw i toNt-js up ami iieiid tin- head foi wanl. ' ..u ttill -tjikv Tfre ground withtllat part ol' the body that is or sliouhl be cushion. d bv nit ui,- f.r f! tiirpo-,., junl vmi rli ii'.t.i;.' lnei t ie train in t,.e ina-n- inr ..! a ti.ccl. 11 ,'ids, to avoid tin scratches, had b. Iter he in Iroil-ers pock .-Is. It toll S'llVite t Oj.elat tt i.l fee! better, it is .j lit.- Ilk -Iv tou had blundered if w .liioiil 1 llie liths of s.-iehce, and br..k ii, on ''ui n ; ird to i oar heck or cracked the dome of thought.--'' One experiment tvill piobably satisfy voir as to ine c mveuieiice ami couitort ol uiis metiioii ijt oettiiit-nil the cais. .... ;. ti, ll ,'ir.' i,in. . . ... '-... t Ih. . ... il... .'.-f"..''....... .iie'Liui i" ml I..t .antWilu, tlie ai-t of prinluig was . known in ( liiuii fun t ears a-". In tin- fTTrm-rrf f-VrTrt'TTT-T-rT-T-- M- f riHft- -bor-rkx-tt-m-r - formed of slips of bamboo ; and, about l.'ci tears alter Christ, paper, was tirst made leave i.t I n A. D. Via, b, s were ln'iind m ; :. I . I'hif, printing was in gene The process ol' priutiug is sine lhe materials consist ot' a graver, o ttood. and a brush, w Inch tin is carry w.tli them fro.ii pi. ire b Without wheel, of wedge, m pi lil-ti place. i S' " " '' ' " .in '" oil in", e li,.,., g,.Viii impressions (u one daf. The paper liiiiii' fan be l...iig!.l for one-fourth the price iti -China tji.it it can in any other eoiintif. Tin' works of Coiifuctu.-, six v..! .inn's. -l.il. leaves octavo, can be bong! it I't I'd. 1-of rn historical imvi i, twenty t.'i'iiii, -, l,.V ' leaves, hail' a-irotin is the pr.ee a hgst the Chinese. - .!. 'i'; "'"'-.' M'irl'nii ('Iii'ur. -. A four u-i-i dil-, all of is to put the vines in rail pens, having at" Shapes which thvy are afterwards to its-und-. an i. thev are ter each h-ad,. two or three rails thru-l sume. They are more- c.'Utraeted unly irnggi-t. ha which ,-. lV.i:t- ol' s'llcll .-I that hevrtti weigh liny niven numherit pumidsj'rojii one to forty!- An-wcV "tcpirred, w ha! Is th.e'. We.ijfirt of each w eight .' . ,d . It wri I k.bbctt w ho said and he told the trull . ioi'. --ihat woniiin i- never, s amiable ns' .vheu she is u-elii! ; an tor beaiifv. tlnumli moll mav tail in ove .with g;rbi at play,, there is nothing -to, make them siauu to meir ioidiim' seeing, , .' , , ,' ,. . ' i.ieiu ui work -engaged in ine useiur oi- i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 in i 1 1 i. -i' i' i -it. i ii tie isi'iiu ui- liccs t'f tin1 home and lauiily. AGRICULTURAL. Stable Treatment of llorses. IlJs otic tliitid to litiow lmw to use a horse, but jitis anotlier tiling U know how to tib- ''"w A rtttWJ ln.re tiwd. fcpuc ial care unit aWentioii. II is fetdiii'r iniii-t lie ; r rllal. ag the nicUsnrulI Vut of the hoiii.-. , ' . ' , . , . nen a cnati''e ol teen is inaue it mnst be done w ith jrreat care -giving a miall allowance at tirst until the stomach be Comes used to the chae-e. He must be cit aneu every nay; and when e say clean- cleaned every . lay; and w! e,l, we mean all that can betweved bv ' , ', ,' brush, itml an oiled Avoitlcii clvth are the nten.sils ....orv First lt,. i.h.wni-, vwh,,,!. ,.. . . ..... .i . . i. i i. , .i oe"in a. 1110 n.o urn, u.n in u.e ears, working the hand botb.ways. .-eed in this wav till i'"il take both comb and brush, and follow th eoiul.witli tlie bra-ii, and after every str.e, ijwuv the brush across the teeth of tliecouilj to clean it. An experienced gloom will do this instantaneously r 'liiis doitf, take your cloth and Lay the CoatanJ li.ii.ote the dust that adheres to the outside. The face and e.-is must also teel thebriich. l ew men know lent- to leaii a lior.-e properly. If the above directions are lol- lowed daily your horse will enjoy ;,) health g.Vieriiliy. Stabled h.rs'-s uiit.-t lie exi reisc-l dailv. Tins :s absolutely essen tial to good health, hor.-es ale bijtile au aii-1 er.ii ii, fhey n 1 If the feet ot your are ha !c to break be well oiled once a tt ecu. A !r.r.-e tbu- treated will alwat s lie ready to go when wanted, atitl ynu will hot i.-iiuii.ed either to ride or to drite hill!. 1 Anot er tliiti" as .in j.oi iant is a ..... nn.l u-i.ll lib. to. I ....I.I,. W.. notexensi-anylarmer or horse owner who :d.HS not clean out his stab twice a day-. ' A stable shuuhl be so coi.strneted as to!,su,s" 111 a T ,ttrKu r-"J .ave a wide pa-saoe-wa: or tl ,r in fro.'it I -ictdfr-m. Above the manr a space ' himid I,.-left a h,,,t or it.,,;,, tt i, , t h elear. i ! i , ,i, .,,., , nn.l the pasiu:r-way u lu, . u t -I ! v of fresh air to the tins :ii ef 1 e horse. A Imrsc eh ,ys .1 good !n. I,:,;..! it.shol'.ld never be refused him. At ni;;ht take your lork and make it up 1 1 -' , t and ymi will eel amply rewarded for ti..- humane treat ment you have given t ' '. o " a run r. .u.r beast. 1 i:o! im. sot im kn , i i;t M,,t:. Sin in.!; Tea tine Hnj !l;i (hina Prolific -Pra. l.M I I I 111 UN Cl i : n t n it. In tie ( letobei number of the CuhivaMr, I. nee a iviumuiiicatei d fr, T. C. C." 'in can llhd in. which he complains that h suitable substitute for fodder, much a-: In objects to the loss of time and corn in volved in pulling it. lie s.i .-srko hits f atid it j ossible to -atlier and .cure pea-hay so that his hoi-sfs would i a', i', even nftct seterid days sunning. 1 lumk he wounl mi,! ,t a a,ii-;iiitage to , , . tiodueed into our net-h sue a p.aii m : li..,-.,! bv Dr. lltllK. w iclTis, to plant the peas in ridges f,,ur of life feet apart, after as taken ,,(,:, ,,.it C1.,,,, tu?,, at crop. J nt betore liost he has the vines pulled tip and ihrowu into M iu- 'notes. ). Iter it lias taken one day s sun, and bel'.ire the leaves -et drv enoii di to -- . crumble he lias the rows chopped in two , ,,.,, I t;, .,,..., : " ..'vi'..V- Vl1!'1 '.' 'o .iCJ.'.'.sJJi then leaden on a wa- m am riven to a convenient place lor , lll po-ts stacks, w hich are'in ade bv settin til ten or twenty teet in hei bedded,, and having holes lit, Weil nil- mlt w ith a ttto inch auger evi rv two f which are thrust strong pub , through .Mending I. ii ol' .IV T.i.'T on . 1 I e 1 1 sl.i lit are hung the vines, from iot!"iii to ton. Tlie si. 'fk slbdiit't t'e Ttiarcned wrr u oai-trr other straw, and suffered to remain nn-. touched for a month ; when he w-ill find a rich, sweet food that will keep his hor ses and mules (unless at ttoik-i perfectly fat without the assistance of other food. Another plan wl ieh we ,1 siiccesstili f,-om one side to the otfu-r. so that the n'ext lojid niny pailiaiiv rest up .ii iheui ; in this tvay eilhition of air. :" iidmitlihg'a free eir .('.('."will lind bv aiUpting this plrin trrrrt his mo-t fasti liouS'tcT tins gly eat pea hay.- .Ur. M.ll-. 1 loi ts, ol i.n-. cotintv, is Mr. W-.i.;l'.-J), ( Vl,.lr pi;lMt;M,, China jn-a." which' 1 , .,. .,. UUIUs Sliouiu suptuse'ie llie ll-e oi e.ei. I have ttul-icvtl hi.scr.jp iVom iinw ' i .rf-- "-v...... ..... . if!' ,p &t ) 'j ' i to tiino during tliu geasorl, and must Biy 1 1 have never seen anything to .eqnaK.it. 1 tihall plant no other next yiwvso well ' , . . . , satefieu am I of its sujicnority. " WT It. I &u(A IhnJ, Ark.; 0,4, 1C. Esriitchrons. When Gnenon theorv of determininjr ,i i f ...... ! n, ,.rr.i!, .,f hair on its thighs, above, and adjacent to, , Mozart, Schubert. Mendelssohn, Bellini, ii;:) J.aurensVtreet, while sitting by her the bag, was first introduced, the idea ' others, may be eit.-. as glorious x-; tiR-side on Sunday ereninjr, 2ith nit, WH B' , amples ol the trutli of this remark. Jliey Ilt.;irly burned to death by her dress catch- was received with a good deal of scepti- Woiild have lived much longer had let i,, Hie. She wore hoops of the most ewm. Time has wrought changes. At.""-' M..nnality of their nature found sir.a.rTple dimensions, ami over them adress - perabuiidaiit Juud m tlie seiisiiality ol .,f white muslin. A door opening sudden- Uiite convciUion by the legislative club ..t ,.f V... Vrl- on,. t il.o -' , .. . i .- . .-pea! .-.JieaKelS ua. e lilt evidence in itiiUi'Jii o. Pro-...Uuenon's theorv : "M. (iueiion, a French writer. h:i covered certaiti indications which In claims to determine ?he milking qualities of cows, ,,'hislet calls "escutcheons." being the hair-which grows upward--, ieoiitrnry to the L'etieral rule; on the ud der, thighs, and' hinder part of the body. It is easy to distinguish the eseuteheon bv the upward directionsnf the hair which forms them. I cannot go ititti deljul here upon the system, but would refer to the work of M. (iueiion itself. l!ut to show thii'ii: is, esteemed worthy of notice, I will allude to the testimony of those who have oiten attention-to it." Mr. Juhti Ilitxton, in a work pu '.!'- in I enti'led "Ilotv to c!i"..: 1 I Milk Cow, hi releretice to the indication of a -ood milk cow, p. 17"., savs: "The writer has examine 1 many hundred ! ...:.... ;.. i'..;..,;,, .,,,,1 .1... In-h 0...1, .-.- i.. ........... ...v. . ai rived a! in regard to "Mr. tiueiioiiji test ;. le.b.:,,,, th.. .MrH.-ii,.r or.n.erties of a ' J 'r ' " , , '. ' ' ! tl,c "evejopinen., mo (x.. il rm out by' tacts. In a Umdon dry'' - K'--li' 31 Ell-U' road, where about 4"J cows ate kept, and where nine-tenths ot them are 1.11 ,1' - fi ..,o,.. - v. t . ii, tut or i,ji;u,l growth of the hair on j the posterior part of the udder, thighs, j ane perinn um, was too rem accounted for by accidental cau-es. As well might it be said that all other tests. such as length of head, softness, and llexi jbili'y of skin,' and 'wide quarters, were accidental, and bad no reference to the in'lkiiig properties of a cow. When a I phenomenon presents itself over ami over i lig-dh, awun .iiuied in a majority of eases ' l.v certain results, we may be certain that it is not accidi ntal, hut natural; and while we mav be unable to account for these results upon satisfactory grounds. it is neither philosophical or prudent, to i lit, v or ignore the connection between ihe one and the other, and thus to forfeit the advantages which the fact itself is .. .. , . ...v i caicuiaic.i loaii'iiii. The late Mr. I'hihiVv, of Massachusetts. ; a t yry cai'et'u! and critical observer, made ' exatiiihi.tion of a large number of milk:;i cow -, a,. d found in a majority of them 1 that were good milkers, these develop-1 incuts well marked. He conversed with , , , . ,! t ' ,1 . . a lar;e number of llitelli-ent gentlemen F. . i when he wjis abroad in .Wil, in Great rhititin and France, and found but one . ,i ...,.,1 l, ..r.h.. ii i is ,i r .inoi ii'iii,', ,m ,., ,, j -..-.sM-sseil these develop: , .- , . - iJlts.L. imds.. tar as we nave learneu uie views of .'entlemeti in this country who 's ,.,.,.;.,,., tbw t,,bht t!."u .' i in . j , i,l. " -"J" ' i i - ii 1 1 ii . i'ii tlie same. I think it m:iv with safety be atlirni ; - , that tills 'one principle' is established that all things b, ing alike, as regards ' -i,,e ti'Vture of skin. iVe.. Cows with .It veloped escnt-'liciitis, w ill, in a A, .. s 1, .. f , , t.i S. tll.-v all g'. i,i;i"t itv o1 eases, I.e loiind to be ; ., , j . , , , ..a.-riiMl,, sc .est milkers, and abova; an-Uiurage ;',,,) time; dav retu tt c w l on the otlier hand, those Willi verv mail escutcheons, will be found under, r'iif iii'ist, r. ( fi'iove an aversge in their nilkiieg 'I'opei ties. "lu calves, the escutcheons show the becau-e the parts which they Cover are slightly develop, They are c.i-ily pcr- ceivefl' after biith, but tiie hair which t forms'tlu'iii is luig, coarse, and still'. Af- hair falls oil', tin' escutcheons ol eait.es i !!', '-! f Ci'Hvs, though ot ' ' ,1 . , . . . ,es.s s;ze. iiu w.ui cuau.ti uie i.iruier n save such calves as tvi.l prohnb.v serv," i . i ...ill..,.," .-., ,;,,, nun is iroou,, jmiM.a. a '' PhtnU r. -. TV v ii - ! CAX Ml SIC IK IMMOIIAL? MuHicilL.itKulf aeusual. Nothing ti the nerves, tiinl o the tenses, than PL-aS'iI), tliat ill the a'l" 5 t.i. through ti . i tuo latter goumlri. It i.- lor ti Alt ur.i.iical men of ll history of ail t'tnuie th Ktlirilv nneieal i.'iriii" or talents, von T L . . can trace the inimeii iiitluence their art Imil lllloll their nellrtllul Comliti. ill. J hat ' iniliieiice is y.'iii-rirtlj4 .tilt'r bodilv htreiijth n M taker, and wea- ker, ti! an tin iv deatJi tniis iiieiu away.i r before thev hat...- foiled not milv what fhcy pron i u,.-d t oild, tint oiurh more, wliat thev i.roinued tl,emelve. ,l(.;r Jllt.- And yet these were th". hi-h- ..ri.-t ofurt. the f.,!'..iv,rs of the btantl- , ... ' .: I .. ... ihi ii ire i seiumieiii. j d 'the pure. sentiment. Hut where these coh.i.i.o:J ate w.n.oi.g, j where mu-.i ha-s n- "iber purpose than ita a bath igul turned the faucet, but h. idea-. and excite vij,u ; what do v..tM,Qf r,. the file vas extin'mibhcd her back t:i::,i; w l, toe re "f that ehertie thlg ;il!e o! body wiii have put -n '. !-o ehertat.-i!. it aiife, aed be ii'..ii.' i- -"ire and !;!.!., l-oiiie one of t..;il tvliieli lives only b -i.i.j i ihi-ij led. and ih.-ahs ot sati-fyit-j best aiis-.t,.r to t!., lie g. it!. ei ed in mi t ,t;ins which 4i!i o ho.ises. An ihtell ly trace the fri. Ih some ..i.!ir.t an cilia-1 upon hi.- pa'i-. inaiiy and l'.n is, 1; lerers of a ee: ta n in tin.' !u: atie s.; fourth, who are or ttlliieii such tin.-,c ll ..ur mind will he i sooll joSe its b.-u- di Mle'V CI Will il tt ! ic.ye! .1 - v i.ioliiiii ih-t.iii-i-, ale. o:'!--u even unlawful ; lhetii. Wv t!.::ik t!,. : above quest! ii may he records of tlie c ir hospitals a'el ma l 'e:it doctor wld ea.si- . - :'u 1 ravages winch l eetitloiis mu-ic has i.t. At lea-t in 'icr inoii -t a hundred stil-eia-s of the resideho i. iiii. yi.-i will lih'l a t i :v musicians. wll'.WIIl till We t.i.nk it bee. niiei jj,,,!.,.!! i ,4utV( tl, advocate, iMt only 1 where music is ada'i'e l to words, a u om! , but a.-o :u g -h not merely app' Siicll b (!t also to y-rtir br.hhs ; lit(-li. u.::k titiulc and rell.-ct, ami is flf io.eiihiig t oiu- m:nd. ill'stt-.e! of Ie llieihg it to ,'llsCS. ,ate of v.mr nerves and senses. .)'..e il 7.'- I'ti " "' O'tl-' tli. A Hit of .Uuce. Have von enemies ! do string! and Uon t miiei uiem. n met gei i-oiir wav u:iik- l-olllli I hem. re 'ill , 1 less of thir suite A iium tln.t has no cue-' mic.s js ..IJ,,,,, .,,r,,l fr :.,.y thing he is' made of that kind of malt-rial which is so arkable to be'ca:ill.v WorKeii f.iat every one uas a uaiiu unit. A b'ciling cbaraclur one w:,.o thinks for himself, and -.peaks what lu.ne think, is always sure, to hate enemies. Tnt-y ate s he.-essary to him as frs-s'.i air. they keep I. mi alive and active. A celebrated-character, who was surrounded by enemies, u-e I to. ivmrii k : "lhey are -piiiks. wliic'i if yon do ii.,; bi w will go out themselves." Let this be your feel ing, while endeavoring; to live, down the scandal oRh..n- wTio nn- bitter against t on. li vou .-top to dispute, you do but as thev de-lte. and open t he way for more abuse. Let t.ie poor fellows talk there vtili be a reaction, mid hundreds who tveie once alienated from vn, will llock to Vou in; kiiotvli-iL'.: tiieir error. I.!oqtent Passaic, The following beautiful passage is from . .... ,-ophy of I ife" i.ee by Mr. Win . Mr. Winter is a ill i ii i e on l ne l i delivered a -holt time ter, at Caiiibridge, Ma young man, n..t more than twenty years' "f age, and has already wii a lngu ret.u - tatiou as a poet ijnd pm-e writer: " For the greatest human intellects there ris no exemt'ti 'ii from tlio common doom, ' . , . . 1 have sometimes thought hw Kid. jet , li)W subl!m.-. must have been lhe emo- ! tiohs of that iniin, wln-e privilege it wa 1 to stand bv the coilln oi Shakespeare, and j '''i" 'i'''' 'b-iit!i bad ca..ed o b.Ci when ail the :-;h-n. itrur.ge beau It wus worth tv NVhich never bv a life time to have ....... I. I . ; I ' f there one- ;n::! - i our hand on that : bread brow, and s i d at the cold ciiiid e called up in mem- -;it creat' .n "I' ,,is I hi.h tio le lil'ti.c and. so pausing, t orv nil the mar.!. 'genius, and w i s.ence and 'he i , ;,, i ... ,i -V ! ;:t hiiti.iC o, ,e:i sp.eti :i' ti.v-tcrv I ili-r. and u ,1 file same tle-tield . f bodies of re! the t:i:ir! Ie oil t he slid t living gioiv ..f.t he nt.:.'! devrlstiitioii i d' oil mice, d.d to Dan: t'H. of t!n , i J,,. s:e,i...sss iii li ,.' 'i t lie tfiltc. I-',",!-. t'il-ong'i ceh'-r .'s ,e, have sthi h i: -elk to us a- tl .J-.e-i'i arv, an i M rv, the terinipi'tetn ' v and i"l e et ( .e-J ever Iris' ' r : . ol .d ,ic n. ',1 ,11 ,'! , si m , :tv Ill it Citlls. ll, ' u-l I. .11 ' ell .!.'! .'.g i't ;eit n U ci . tiit.i-in ; li,a ! en iilt.i'i .ie ; tliitt inn ts'eii s-upreiiii ; and tint r:. ts'lji.-i-Ule, e kucdv In lilllt illt. h g He- 1, is. '. li'i.-ieiii'v n 1 1 1-1 li . unit--' '. r mu-'. f o ( t. lecli ith. a , tt in. i;:" I ihe nam.- (.! ' lu.it a Liii'r- Join." " ' , , ''Napolean said that the reason why ho heat tho AfffTrlan's Vis that they did not know the Talne of five minr.tirs. At tlia celebrated battlo of Kivoli, ' tho conflict iqemed on the point of being decided nui'ist him. - lie buw the critical state of . atr.ur and Justantly -took hia resolution. Me disutttched &&ag to tho Austrian ' heii-ijn aiJCri with proposals for an armis- -tice. ' Tliei unweary Austrians fell ipt6 the enaro for a few minutes the than--" ders of battldsesiriushed. Kapolean seiaeu, lu.e.fccious injomcnw, ana wnne,, amusinjj theuai.etjuy with mock negotia tions, rearranged his line of battle, chang- -ed liifront, andn a few minntes, was ready to renounce tho farces of discussion . for the. stern arbitrament of arm. ' The -.-ih-i:Iid victory of Iiivoli wa the result. The (;rtat moral victories and defeats of the world often turn on minutes. Crises i .1 . . i i i;ij ne the seizing of which is victory, noL'h.'ct of v, -liieU is ruin. Men may 1. n tor, hut time fii.s on the wings of time, .... l and all the 'reat interests oi ineare sp.eeq- in- on w.i.i me sure anu biiem ireau oi -tk,v4)4)?r-.Ji ". -' . .i i m . . t. .i e . ,. n j 1 1 r I! 01 uw Durm-u. The .N'.rv York :"r7,n Bays: Mary, Hall, a nretiv .vonrnr irirl residintr at NoA 'v itdUted her baloon-liko robe, and car- ,;. if,.. ,.. u-ben it i.rnited md., instantly wrapped her in dames. . . " r , A . ith un.eli presence ol mind she spranff ana 'lit-lower prut ot tier person were si. Uiiely burned. Her friends convey t d im t the City Jlospital, where but . ?h:.t iopN are entertained of her recov ery. I ."" ! .-, niliis Saunders C'hipinan, who murderei Miss Tinnix jn (iuilford lust lad, was tried befue Judge Saunders , a ber tt h, m he w as probably named,) and. s.-ti-.-need bv him to expiate his crime on tin- -allows." 1; is rather a singular circumstance, ays the Wilmington Herald, that in the disposition of events, this young man (he is only -jii.i should be brought before the uiiiii whose name he bore, charged with the iittfii! ci liiie.ef murder, convicted and sentenced to die a felon's death.- - Judge. Sueiehr-. d'iriii- ( 'hiptnan's brief life, ha b. - n a im ii. in r . f Congress, Minister to a foreign iaml, was elevated to tile bench but a few years since, and now, in the dis.-har ,' of his public duties, it has fal len to his lot to pronounce 'he stern sen tehee o i in- law on this unhappy crimi ' ti.ii. 1: is, to say the least, & singular co- ' incidence. 1 l iiipujaii, it is stated, is a man of good education and appearance, ilis parents are both iiving, are of the highest respec Itability. and are wealthy. Ilia motuer has written several religious volumes of interest. The evidence on which bo was convicted was entirely' circjuinstantial but ! overwhelming. 77..' Jlrl.-r.- J-'.tf-: Simon Dillon was tried in Howling (irccn, Indiana, a few (lays a-", on a charge of murdering his sou, til'teen years previous, and ac quitted for want of evidence to prove his positive gu'll. Facts were given, howov er. that convinced all who heard them th it he' was a murderer. After his ac . pedal he quaffed deep of the "damming dr.ingb'.'' and left the place for ids home, some miles distant, of which he was the sole occupant. His neighbors knew no thingof him until one day last week, their attention was arrested by the blaze of light from his biirniii-Jiouso. They reached the place just in time to hear the cries of the retched man who perished in the - dames. T.ie murderer hud met his fate. i Signification of Ladies' Names. Mauv, Mariu, Marie. (French) signify ex died." Aeeordingt,) some, Mary means lady of the sen.' Martha interpreted, is bitieruess," Isabel, signifies 'lovely;' Julia ami .nine!, v'it Jiiureil ; tiertrmie, "all t.lltii;- j. . '.nor, 'alnrititful;' Kllen, origi (ireek Helen, cTiHiiged by the , m.lly tii Latins liiio Helens, and lulio French into lleieiie, siguilies 'aifmjjlg,' though a -eordliiLr to (ir. ek aut!yfs7Tt means 'one win. pities. The interpretation of Char- tt i queen;' Klizabii and Kliza, aijr- iiir'y 'true;' Clara, 'bright,' or 'clear eve;' Agues, -chaste:' Amanda, -amiable;' Lau ra, 'a laurel;' Mdith. -joyous;' Olivia. ;,;:' I'll.,'!..', 'li. ;!it of lifis' lirace, 'fa- to, :' Sariih. or Sallv, 'a princess;' Stiphi.1!; i '. i , .i i.. ,.i .t .sitom; Ahiehii ana .vipv, -ueioveu ; l.i'.ldn. 'a noble maid;- I auline, 'littio " :; Mnrg art t. 'a pearl;' Kebeca, 'plump;' , , .' ' '.' i iiiiih. Atiii i, Anne Ann and Nancy, . f w hich are of the same original name, s rprvtiJ. niciiiis 'gracious,' or 'kind;' i t. si.iiiiies -digniiv;' biia, 'the morn- ; :.-,;' l.m v. 'bnghtness of aspect;' ..-i. oi l ;i - -..tie w ho protects, Em- i. ;, ". .' -,' C.hli.iritie, 'pure;' Frances, i i-,' v. ':.,;,', or fret-;' I.ydia, 'sevor..,' ' tita, -chaste;' Mtsrin, tuischievoas. - .1 '.' ' -" '.. . k-Kt-v. tV.Uawks, -, . li' it, ( i ',- 1 jr. his recently been '.,.- .i . i . , : 1 1 , la'... i, Jed' to shii.v , 1 - , . i. t.i l. I- j" ;': d bv SJCCl'Ssit'-) mi - i. - , he in . i. m .btfi rent era ntl :-; i : i i,. s. , s t :r-, in tin' shores of the , .it , nc. a i. tt !.,, li tc is the far lies t seat of c )tn- .--., I the p t'ple from wlii,-!i I ' 1 ,' ; e-' ! ii!'. il the t -1st ruinaef Vu .. ' ,f. i 'In i ill. 1 .l.ipntl to M :et ,. n .... s,.i', . .a. ami next fiolU Ner.ii , -, t. a uii, ,i i !. An,, licau liiU-s ol b. e! . . ;-e '. I :i -(, n-,, ,-i hi.V sUstHlnifd by r I nt. -i i.gl' S l '. seen l.-iuguaafrs-pre . .1 i . .,'t i eis ,.i ii,.- i.istein contiom.'. te 11 1 ell s c "It i 'i-.'ht. . . ', know; wli-,' ai i the're, ever. -;;, i, spend, 1L . , l.ort to-niorreii, i. . So (t gui, li' ci ene shtw'tli. iitl. i J. i,; ,'SiirJ.vJ,At.vJi-i!t.i3j-:a' .-v-- "

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