r 1 .if i. Li J A IIOItSE STOIIY. A kr or hotel not tnj bi:w liwu EotdoiMfe, or Was," a J.iiiiou in a u for lnr-J rf.r a tntA- m ch .,.,. ..lie wUar, , m.U mo that d.dn t count un li..j aide, iiutil tliej following ha.pe.!, tliiit proved an tutica u, the rale. He H 'I'?' liatl Wiiw-faiTicuIar mreticT of iranvnmiif aam.ni.ii.ot m .H-ruii..n in puttiiig sff a fatm-t. watV a subj.nt t'..r dviiyhk-U j ?ruva! .n all tiaMls-atii."i)l ctrtjiKniM iir!. .it 11i.it jji!ilil!irl and liitieTi--. abuauat milium, nil- florae. .o one i;Vif liWcd M M-o'ue rliat tVm-a-if ha! .-tv.il. tluMit it;-. l.iti'uvl.nai rd. liivi II. tt l-.-tiffS i KitisCictu ! .(1 tint a Ii was the mtiii .at,!; ' 11. J.:: I liii.i-s.- ill I he tr.i'ie hi f sin ofti.'.' 'villi u colitu '!i ii, u'it!i tiie ii re a- a i"liv ei'Milir W Wa . that ecu ii .1 .v smalt eii. the ii"tt-'. t. wu..iii MitloL av-cv.-; 'i.;i d to jvlVr id vis- el anv sink in a Iran hacIiOlx, 4;nl hv ;n .n a i!,-tiler"iHl I4ian. id decide "ii tin- iiu'.ti'.r vt liili'v iiiii-e, tilnaia, h.'evcr, bv wu- iei nu 1 a traii hi'nrtv-. ileiJ'.i! iufavnr '.i: lie. N-ine, hoytfver, v!il m far a? 1" llit;rivu;e ;a:tie aliu t.ie e.itni' lia.i tailed fie miller uu-r j tfrtmndi , aim i4ld irta:r. nj:,s i v wmcii (Lev under-t-atli hUjvT. When the ttick came, then -buttle iwiy,Ve;!. ureil, we can't jfCt.aiviijj ailjr ftif !ik.t. Nv I'm tiling tuiea ye it wut ti tliird -j-urtr, ai.vl as Mr. Wat. rootiil llie C'.iiv r. ki..s Ifie value el' l s liie Uilil i hjjirse 1 am f aj j'.iifT he a- iMDvl a: : taiivhv. You. he w ii 1 ait arLr.'.er ai we cat) find. sr. : Air. Wax u lea: In ' r ; 1 iess I will ca.i Intii. ai aeeordiiiik Cvlne out, i alio al!, and, ar.i-r h- kniii at the matrer CaitdtdU, Wubiil decide, that .-vtale re.ctte a smart cotisueratiti a.-! the d.lfert'LC :u value, and this Would ett! it ti.tie t.iue,;u ten; tiiC daT ti.t-re u.nne ! :!' it), itraner with a re:rv ....j i.,.r-e. and ;1 was at once the 'i;.ct ...f .Vattie'i interest. lie eiJ:wnt-d t;e horse in aii Li? point, and lieta-rmine i In have him. l :.e deterim nation worked ifceif up to a positive tevtr hj the next Ut'irniii.ahd when lilt otratt rer' horse w as J;d out tv he hanieiwed, -ratiie ateppeti up and a.-ked t!;e owner, who was kk:ng on M-eiu tiiat the liar IMM via lroi.eriv adjusted. .1 he diUu't want to fwap horses. , Tt stranger tohi him Le hadn't tiie least o''jv.et.o!i. pfuv;ded'i.e ceU.d make a ,.Uie Botneth.nj; out nf it. ! "Weil," eaiti ta!Me, " I am glad to I tiear Ti.u mv so. J .hn, hi.n out tne reil Colt." Ihe mi reft trtw acird:ft4 tfwtied Olit. lunaiue was a uiisiiuineK 1: (a one of tiioae auiiuais that, havint; t,een called a oit when legitimately entit.en to the appedat.on, haU torfetteU :t ov tne otfi-nce ot ajje, anj was now .sainn un der la.- colors, liie atr.iiijr-.-r ioe'oed at tht "Coil, ' and jrave a whi;ie as lie saw the UioCrrpaiK V ociweell Uie a'e and the t.iie. . A jkW- J . tt last. u - v ill We ie ti- trade 1 U i,a: tre oa w to , hootf Iio't '. said IMatfle. :: feiirnevi stir Jirise, " t..e w,; ou t-e oiuer iec', 1 thilik." "Aa! s.t.-i :.;.e ctaii. well, if e.t.-l :.;.e Ciaii. "Wei,, . e W ... eta I.etToiiat.oIi. VuU think O-joij tuormn. li- -..i. i ." cr;d MarfJ-. h -hi on i"tt t lie .1. a bTTV. .lppie I ciloulal otfer ovj . ,. t vacijti -I. -e Joi.ars ao Woui'i taal pi,a-e v. -u "It w luivi i j plea-e me at alt." was the reptv, "i si.oui-in't want to take less thati e-:,tv dollar-." "Well, ea.d Matf.e. "I can't do that. 1st I'd ted V on w .at i w:,i w i'.i vean It out to s-.Miie;i v . ' ; "Lhxi , r p;.ej t.'.e strati j.-r. "a- v -, tiling tor a :taie. W tv.n wh. ou i- aw ! il to! N.ii,.i,.iv. J n-ij-e, t.t aiii wtoat a ou U"ie is." I .' i vrr a U. J;flateal v . ".m l Ollitfa. li.at i a. tlie arJ. ta... W ax iio-iiia.it and a-i-i so, a? s;r. -a:.l lM-re'- Va-l ti.i u.a ii a.e t . s-e i Ui. nn;,:, M "I ai. L' -HI. I: J Wax." Iiai. ri. ' at lite ii'.." -Mr. Wax MititfTJlMIJ it!-'! 1. rMf. -ii'i v r UltHWfl t ai V-a Kti"W. w i. c nt dticl rva.::'.'. "tiii 1 art al...;it tr I. a ' t v.-vt to -n.-v.-..jtf ..ti to-... : 1 ii t Lii. :.im. j 'Am i. at an ccvi.ei.t ti-.r-e t.ie an juii't- .ii con. paring ttaar ..':, r-.-...-e s:.uii..; tic. arc y .-j a ...si JiiJ"- vl i tin- e'r;i'.-r. I.onc !' it-'.--; - Mr. Wax j. ... Kit fuc-e, a in - ij Law v-u :. ; ...ki.-l t;a in-.. V lit- ! j-t-.K-v.-i.-..: a: .. a' ! j.)f S" I ..Ui. t" -litis Mali ' . ' v-i' tl v .- ! out fi:- j." OttJ tivt t ltatj tra:i-ati-antr .j Mat!! !. ,i Vl-rv .-:i,.; " J'-iat t f j in.' ll.dn't . liiiiia. ' v.-..' usK- t :ii tll.i ..v. .' sj.eou a!. 1'lii . ne t: .f.r,i " ri-. .:al, at:-: t" ilia v . a a a v . .J ' UI. 'i .If - i J Hi T :" X. -1 .i.fi i . I'iV f : .'i Sillil llM.- net;., tile b. io-ar.) laaiv. I al.-, Jo. ai.l ,- : a- i c.'u rrt-'l. a'.-. Wo i' ,'. vt a. dr.-i,.' n- HIS I u ia' .- -... 1 lln'-ei li.l - - I .. It ant'- U ii.'ti ! ail i'..' Ipw4 r -1 1 t V.'ll eti.i .1 Ml;ltrtii-.l a nr iareOTaVaT a ll.i-lltl tlur iw i-r i lite . Wan s,h a iitiaid. i t.-l.- l.ut H,.!' rafli-Zij-. ..f , 'a all v'"mjUIJ I The Round of Life, fy. .iWi.ss atasaf 0 inton f Th. freer g Hamt, . fl bieujujiui'fubUaAd ... , . , , wrmfamt . i.hiBtf .hiUiaf-...!. . ; wfriimttii j. Siinw are Irinliy Amltr abuMnf ; Niuv rvrtupr-lhal "-pfoaadlitf ; Sv.ui. ar. riall'ruff am. degradlD i Nimr prr ptiitt-rsvMtt. ars fumruf ; S.rtiir aft- i).h1. l avuue pri-aulHiiif ; .-uit arc tmimig mir arr fhriniu;; .-miir arr hetff.tiK fctiu. arf harim'i1J?T s.u. arv ruuitiiif 'aiMiir v riiliiiir ; S..tiir i.farjiii2-T-uiilt- SHtii(r; Soiar arc pvt. nditia mni. arr bnnjiii : tir" c r tug aimit- a'. Mtiguig ; .-..in. ir- li.-ur ag atmi are pWachinjr t N.nir ,:ir. I. anting vmI. are teaching l ..di:nii(r aoine srTrrtitijj.; S.m. J.W.1U..UII limir li.liH-llllK ; S-llir arr f-anting ai.ni. aft- IHtm ; .m. .tr. pacing muie sr. -aing.; vn. arv tving atri. arc wiiifiiiig'; "9 s,iui' r-jM ut.ng saiiir ar. Mnniiig; Sihiw pr.-lra-ini; aniii. .ninnng: S lit. aw i.iit ataiir ar. rvianng; S..II1. ar. r.iive-si.i!i. arr willing; Som. nr.-n-ing sum. are kit.ng ; S.JH- ar. t.unt.u :nr ar. grinding; S'lii. ar. arkaig auni- are finiiing ; r-.ln. ar. trii.ving r.r.iving ; -,in. a-. Imimg Kiinr r.Teulilig ; S.iii c.Knui. tiding ui. ar. blaming ; S.m. diwn.rt.b'nng aump n.w framing; Svoi. ar. qm.t me dinutmg ; S-iiu eenfut.d and Confuting; r-,Hie ar. marching aunt. r.nnng ; rW-in are r-ating mm. aspirins;' S.ti. rndunug .mc dendmg ; S,iiic ir. failing fc-iu. ars rising ; . Th.s. ars sufficient to r.cit., Sine all m. n's deeds are infinite ; Some end their art when snuie begin ; Some go om aii-1 (..me come in. SINGLE LIFE. IV N VI K MID. 1 iix-an Ui hvf a Mnjjlf life And !tv" ki- nil I if ; I H uwrt tr 8 huithainJ'p Wife I'll ivii th-- rra'ifhj' ; Thf. ne n are a driiful ct TKc"l tik a far a dav : But h-Q th'vf rdught u tnihrirort Thsry'll lur:i an-hrr w,av. O harnd '. horrid ' njy think, W hii Hurl ar.- cji.'ktr. vi IU4I, Tn m-c carriiw. liiikd with drink The fluwrwilb baccti tp 1 1 ir ' Th-11 how iiifutmff is the rn4? ttAi buhauilhaalii i Hiw ittiif pHtr a wife en'. Wiiti Uatft u( children xiudtilii. U rnj ; I'll n-ver married be, W iailr lATit rr id the kv : tiiic e Lfr'i the lif for nie A uiaiid I'll livj- and die. "HOE OUT TOUB BOW." "One I.2ji Ja a hwr-ii taut the ruru. AikJ iiHdiiv auti lnt To lieur the dinner horn. The w-ni,iP blast iii h-ard at taat, And Ostwn he d r ; d. ht h.. ; But ihe- js.J mar, i-.,.ut-.J m ha eiu, .M) hu) hoe uut y .or ruw !" aVUhuh a "harti -ne" vu the row, 1 v. uae itkxtg itiiii'i phaie, Ai.d ta Ud, as itin hare it, B .fuuuij well i i "hiize" "T rari taid he, manfully. He 'i2-d anu m h, And 'fie pavid man snnied lo see hi- ttity hue out hi TifW. Tt- lad the ten r"iifiiered, V;,U '-roved ihi- trf.ra wll, Tim f-fiv-verenc- I - :he eud, At ii-t ooi- lr ;i. laix- e.urafp-, bi -i;t ' rehre you cn, Ati'J tnke a Vi.r-.m blow :' la If- gr, ai fjs-, ; ,,f vanrd toil, A s ffsr uut -jr riW. li-iyi tl,it ,it .;,jht. 'tavine trutiiful .arafr: We tiol tiiIul- !i in oue nf our cXCl.al.e-l; 1111 t it at u.'iit:' N rtmr. f '...vs iii a'li tin caj tiull uf "BnV's is run,. u tn t ;ie ni'ir'ui- 1 iti-taiice-. Tiicv aeijuirt'. tr . .1" ui - .', an unliealtiiv tii,.!-.-r t!n; etltttj" of I! larrtHij;r -tiinonv, a: C bad, vu.'ar,aiid jir.itiiiie ii-ieiH.- .ract;.j.-, criminal sen-1 i it ia a lc-5s ii'i i rl-j'ij-js bear-. ; I. it id iii . t;ie s'reet after! i.it bovs iir ncijially acquire; ft "! tiae l.j.J. ami ca.weity ! !!',r-iw.lv, tji--...;ute men.'' 1 ,1. ,:fa:i , e-iucat tl.e A J'-sftntcL ti I ,.,. in Mr. M a-.,n .trtloa tlint the ' .lot,. ,J a ( .,nv.rltiri with !i ol J jlv. wliti.li jaranU.-cs if i lo titc roofoi..j r-.titc. 1 '! i!rao:v' VALl'ARLK TOV FKOERTV FOR SALE OR REM. (IK : . -i.ll ..f It -, -. .t i ii l .. ...I in.-' .. -jut, h ti io Stc-,,.. . our' li.i.. i, K.i.t i!ij.lil. ,t'd I: ij.l.t.. B.. Il '...w. I' -ri V ar. hi ... i. a-i lo id ...itiiii A ii.t.il:ii .1. i. (;owa.nj, -" wrn'r ( OL X. KdBAKHS. AT'iilK. how a norsi: SATOE OFFICE FOR ALL ' "i-jr, -HOUSE. -,.-..-.... i - 3 i-" . -t-. Certificates of Marriage, IV I.N VI.. .SO O"' ..f..t, e.i ni osri. .'. al- "- " .1 'l.tli lift 1 Cerlilicateaof Confirmatio th t. printed ;n - --v (iue lyh1, f'-r sale lit th ' U alfhii.n ft','-, H'.ti stent lo ajnj p'J(rt ofb." -iiTr-f I f 3h'tr". jer if lit li.' . f- Ap! 2-. It-;'," '," : - WHEAT H. B. DOWLER &, Co, ; " " tt.iBta, x. c, tJ HAVE optntd a Shop la ti. Ticinity, of ttalishary. (lasar Cairns Mardoth's aci.yO for tha maa.fae.iBr of their eelehrsled H'asw fw, and an aow ready ta supply all deans lad. Thadr ma chines llnrwhly tested ta (ailrimt and many oBf counties in tkta Siata and Virginia, and bats Mtxti Jaiheat-to- gies sniire salisf.wioa. Those - : who want nar raa auoau tve carerui in gal one sun t irie naiws tirour nrm upoa il ri. fi. tiowt,aa a? i o for there are other compaiies imitating our work. O. ders prontprly .attended u. Ap.il allst, 1857. 37 m4 .v- TIIE UREATElir yir dical DiieTf ry f the .Ijre. I l)K. h r.li , ot Koiearv, has dissoTereal in one oiour copmoitr amsfare MNfista remeifle that cores EVEKY KIND O'K, Hl'MOK. Front the worst Scnffuia flown to a common Pimple He hup trie ! i in ovT UMI cxm9, and never faded except in i wo ('Hoeif, (both hutider hanior.) He ha 4w in h it- MieiHi.ri over lu hundred certiHctite. of it !, aftwnhmtweTrtrm'ies f Bowon: Two bitules re Wdrrntd to cure njrnni)r pio.uth. - One to three bottles will cure the woii kind of Piiiiplft on lhr face. Two in itifce Ihiiilf will .'ler the syntem of Biles. ' TwoWlile-re warrantid to cure the arursiraaker in tlit nioiiih and stomach. Three t.. rive hotttea are eiirrantd'orurethe worst cim of KriPfla. ' (tie tt. t..iHitlesare trrailted to care ail homor 1 I in the eve. Two buttle-) are war railed to cure running of the earr or bi.K'het ainoii)j the h lir. F tir'o mi hollies are Harmnied to cure corrupt antt Mitininff iitrer. One bottle will cure ia-alv eruption of the xkin. Twt.'to three butilesare warruntedio cure tne worst 1 cine tf riiifworm. i Two tti three bottles are warranted to ;ur ;he iiM-nt df(eraie case of rheuil)alit.m- Three to four bottles are warraatedtweurethe salt rheum. Fire lo eight bottles Will .cur the worst cases of scrofula. A hy-ii.-til i alaVMia as v riaraskigavg f...iaa iKas rail Kail. tie. and a o.rfect cure I. warranted when the aboye rinlil v 18 taken. Kfadt-r. I Keddled orer a lhoiiand buttles if thi in the vicinity of ltotou. I know the rttVci of it in ve rv rune. So sere as water will exit nuinh tire, (Mtufe a ill this cure humor. 1 never sitd at Ih.lile of it hut ihm ftohl anotti'-r; after a trial it i!w.iy fpeaku t.r iUwlf. There are two tliincf al-Mt thi lierti that (ip Pan to me Kurprioiitg ; first that u grown m our p'to trev,iii Ha tine plucrti quite pjeii'ifiil. uil el He .vilurj has rir-v-r hffti known until I ui!r -red it in l4'i ee.tid. ihit it should curt all krndi of humor. luopifr to giv iiiii' nffai .if the ftnid'-n rte mid great ponul.infy of the d'wovt-r) , I will i ite ihttm April. I -."i:i, I (M--!aii..j it, xn't M'l ah.iiit .t;tl.s p d-ty in April. I sold o f-r ,in; thou iml botilrr pf r day of it. tli- of th wlioVntle Irni2i"ts wht 'mve hen in the Wiiiiir'(j tvvnty and tlnnv r t(.iv that noThm ill th- aiitntls of ii(-nt iii-d'a-nifs w ever !tk- it. Pii-r- it . iin-tversieil prttis !" it fro in ali ju.irt- ru It mi, nwii ira;lii-e "I iilwuyi1 k-'pl it !:nnl t-arhil-llVri y..it,KniV it"-) t:itrotii.-hoti UH -il-r.tl fai'intv iH'-.lt' i'i . 'J 1 1 i ml W..:i-tf ri'tl) Vi rlUrn Ink e trr n foil nd i II It I l 1 1 I II-V'T !i,tl.T!--(i. SfVHr.il f.nie- (f ef-'ilepli" ti'i a disease whi'-h win alwrtjt c.KiMitj red im-tir able, have beten rurs-d hv a f-w hoi'tr. I), whtl h mtrrv il it willprovr etf-tu.tl ja all .c-i-'-i of that awf.i'l rti.ilaidv ihrre arc but few ttnu h - v --(i iilnre of u ihun I fia ve" '"' I k fi w of -ts-viTil 'dvinl I st-iap v . all of he-tn n jfj (.. u r furt-fj 'A' it- F-T ihe kan.-oi dap-t-i ol th- Live-r. Sick Hed)dirT, I, -, i, AttStuA. Fvr aad A'iie, Pain in th Sol-. iaw-rtf-ii of th- S"ine, aaJ pdiriicuj jrjv in li i.M-i ..f ;he K-ltiy-. vV . tils' dtsctvry tiaisd.oi- more good lhau anv iif'iiciue evr known. N-rehatige of diet e v r n-c-iiafv eailhb"et vou cair gft and enough of n. OiaKcnoa rtij I'rb Adult on- tti st nfti. Pr It jJr-ra ovj;r. veirvden .nJiii . t'hillren from Iiv l niii .,r. un (., :j fit j. "f A no H'rr-eiit.n '-an h apnln-Tthle to all -oitinutioihs, lak SUtliciriil tooperate on liie boWfU twice u d.iy. MANFFACTI RF. BY DONALD KEW'EHV, 'o. 10 U'srr.u S--..t. It -I'.nrv. Mi... hii I'rtc. i ,11 t Whor,d Agrnta. NewS l',i -I B.r.l.v Sir... : C. II li.Qi i- . C V Cl.etilier, lir.odway . A It 4. IL S.iii.. Iml Kullon -r.-l. T.W I'v-'O Son.Pi, .,...iy, : S S. Ilanse. Battim.T-: l.n. II. Krv'-r.I'iliilii-...: A R M HutTHio; llii-i'i VI ;l.r, T-,r.'.!,. ;- l.viiitm d; Brollo-r. Tsr.,H" : John B.rk-. Mn-.-a' . B'.litvi.h..!r I' ton, Cliienjo ; Jain.a Red , .i.j ; John WiHi.ttn, Lon don. C. W At R-Mtl Sv i'l re.perlaril. I) r.jgsu ifl the I'lli l.d SiMi.-n an.! Hniih Provn r. K ir sal. at Sill Jr Sill', Hr-igSt .re. S ili.bu THE PROHIBITIONIST. 1J..VIli.i of the 1 Aam M. . t.l'or Tli. th. I an., in and . ;... in M ntlilv, In ti Kl.tutiv. t omitott... 'r.inji.-.dtit. -..civ ; l.a.. '1'iv. I 'ooiiii.t i.. .l.IH-llt ill! V. C it t . of v --rk St., ii , in-!;il..r ..I nil!- .11.1 tn. th., N imti, ... . I.. 1 . ..lit, to, tlott. of ih.-.r wisd VN Un id. .N"iitiil.-r lor Jtia irv , 1 - , it 1 IV i The n'ope and sptrit of the PtniilRirniMST is Ve to i tot I : n i ailapleii t.. ? i at m the I ' niori , snd iTirruliteM in every Male. i ,i the nti herein r.t ikhiii ; (jttl-tir.il par y rior ihe iijirni-i-ul . .1' ; i "t to r ?-o red 1 i rj.-v -ten loihe Supprea,..!, of tl'e L.inmr Trnffie,' mi') !' 1 1 1 f J.i loii o lu'emjierHiir-e; r,n aif jiher ''iH li i wnf'ti ill Vole the putillC rill H4j , L , a n-! Hi." I , , . It inrtlegl , th- Folio F'.rtn..on a d.,nhle me'toini :i-rt, iiiaaing ight Urge f.iiir-roluiiiio d pag' s to a IIUIll ef. . TKans oc "i s-t airrios. f h Copy f.r ..ne y-ar. fl Tliree, l., ,,(ie 4ddrs-. nit year, 1 Oil j And f..reeh addiiioiuj f,,ur copn-ii, $1 01 i w Hi be clufrfri' for iiv iui!.til, I bp ihao r ifi v opf. ' Flf'V ' '"IHen, to r.rje .tfii-ir'-f, -ne Hundred '(. -( toohe nil - The pit! Hire nn t!i itfi.n tli ('oiury d Ah. in. . u i'. frvl withui the State, 7'Arr I'l (Ml i.i.lr...., S-.'llllll r lKtltlKITIOMl I !. ) ..nil :i ( ,,,, C.i, a vi-ar . I.. Yn'i'i the Stale, and wilhm the I'lote-d Kiale, .Vij (h)a a )e.r 'pa tile fj.iarierlv in atvane. HaiTtfii VtfiMSA y.t I'h'-reare no pufLifje rharp.-a ..ii ihe PftoiKiiiTioMftr t'. iifrsrr.l-ri in '.lie 'ana(l.n, or d(IV of Hie I Vol iJiCw 111 Itfalich AlIlTI'H -F'il. hrl!H. To f i' i'iiltle the rr.ilil '...UH r fen. at ,oit III. r r, s - .-I.'. w ll n.l I In. 1 1 ii !'..oo,, "r "I w a. vr ...1 .J lo M Hol.l.. i, I.r I 'I (.ritttoil Kv.rv in ! - t.d !.. li I v I'l Ii i .1, .r.t. : and , . .. t .- r.at e I,. .fi. ..j ,, I,-. I i --! -!- No aiih-r.,.-. .... r... itf n every c-i-e , I- lo'.ftev tt M'-JVII.L.P- . afj f(,l a-a than one yep r if iiimI he a' coiiijnired si.tH tun A'aKsr A U'VrVX. Y- 'yiiii.t: it is Mi:i.tnioi.v to yir rej'LU T ON THK FUT. I II IT thotis-iiir of otir f-!!..-. . by ! 1- n tf.'; o?n..r fill, Ite cV.ljas.ela-fl' (,V I 'i Ut he ha'!. ! aw are anntial'v e-Jft o1 lite i.,We,a Jt off We a . th.it' a r-iiie.fi, .fo.a r jj.d r move t.'.e Protected ty W irlhinlin's Cinlrra nn(l Oi irrhd'H Mnlirine, ifM- nf th il" a . W , J(i , ri ll.nl fl. -li 1 t .... I - rrt .r, M.J.,.h, tv. . ot III..' my l- ti i . tl ..:.'! rv i. i I I..-S i te.i'.le ol it. .1.', .. II.. ,. Tl..,. aro! r r t.e .1 it.-. If li .I'.-. ' t r. I .uj.;;v .i.l r. ;v. .J ..id for .!. l.v ( v .11 i:n UKlt-iiN.rs. ii. . ,',, t -I'VUI; 4 ('II . Cat a",,. -,,. l sv l,r....i.-ts i,r.v)v.,i t.,. Maarlfc.Wtge. ma mil a (K .rcys:' . t TjU ha Li-: A T THIS OFFICE. IT! v JX1 MILL PROPERTY l-'OIt SAM-l. XI- i' I WILl sell a tract of ISO ACBES lawal lriit a th Yadkin Kieef, alaiat atO miles East rf Salia barv. adaiiains tha lands of Washmilna Hendley, rld .uhera. Beaf JUrtfcs-t rrTryr-l'lais" inBrTla"Trli-t a, ,a haying oa u aa sacellent mill ate, wiiti a race. 1 fret wide at the button, und U at ihe lop. already rmt A H.m ran (m Wilt at vi-rv amall exnewM. . ri : L ;ti tl.. Vksaa mmv Pnar. r MtSeitai for an miiiiiw can be obiauwd al a small oat-lav. Thers is a aplendid b.t of s.w mfll ' nuiber already at th place, ready ft huildiiiar--T ' 1 .' . t ha..H....l i.fm t....ooin.nee ihe . : . -.1- .t,.i I k.. -...ti. nA will than,. ' ! fore sen il on good i.nm. a..d time wll he gieea. i passed ia quality ; and the mvlrs .r. all late nud i-ery ; (j.wp,!,,. vitta qu-eti.l books, t'unimiiigs works, le-l-i,. r -ssi. u , l . ..l . loot si his rest I haaiiaorne. II is Slock of Iteadv- Mades, ciaiinriees I in,!, , Si dnev Smith, .-'amity and rocket tlibles'. 'dene at S(..a. V Kerry. or a .Ir.aa It. in al Mlttedge-; v.lle. M...,i,..,.i.. rv ..." N t . ! W I I.I.I A M ST K ES. May aith. in:, tf:l Encourage Home Industry, f,c PruDfirtor Of Ea?lf Fflfl BdlT 1 KithiM Sbop. 7( f.r tnf.trtn hisY i- ti-h and the ptihhV eener- ufactunuu the following am -.. tojril,er with niaoy otrters not nientioiu-d, to wu : The celubrated Drurey Threshing Machine I .xxcl Ilorao FoWor, f'f Bahimore, which f.T ease of drmight. perlU every tn otr SVKhP-POW r.ll io o- found m the cnuutr ; ''ey are either purl able or utalioiiiiry. Lambrelh's Vertieal Watrrwhffls ltri;TtM atl4l sw-M.tl; MILL A KAtTtUV tiK H VI I Til. k HHCI I PI HIS. su n.rl .n,tnvd XASTMAXS STUA W VCTT.KH ; "" ""' ""He worth hnv.ng it having Mood ihetel nrt v-rtve ear. 'oTl Sh' 'Its Pliiiirh of ererv va- n- ty ; t'uliivatty-; Kajstie V - ald, l.i hiuery ; ail ki'td" of ("aaiir, ,uid I icluue Wori, madf to order n'. iort otire nn'1 IVarr-tnted. Term Cisti. or un eiml'ti'd paper. All arttrle will b- delivered iu the cartMd the . (' R ul R.r ul 1'n-e n( cluri."'. J II TllttMPSON Tyn, M.irrh 5(1, l-.7. fiin4.1 1 " ( hrlttte Iir-moa ratcopy three monlht, and foj wurd IhII in this otii.'e. OXE DOLLAR WILL BUY K F TilK HKST Pl Rt.AllVK AM l.ivt-1 MrJit- i.w hfor thr nano-lv, lR. ANrtKI I.NVli.OKA TR, t.r I.IV KK UK M 11 1 V t' ii i' l a- a Cat at nr. fcr, nnid er rtiid. more t-ltiM ril nhan anv oth--r im-dicine known. Il m not ftiiv a t ,';it hnrt'C, bur a irr j re-no-iiv , cnm; n: -n'the ,.ref t ej-t lis ntor- bid mait-r, th-n tan the ,oiNarh n-id Uwels t 2, C4rrv otf thai in it tT, thus accofitphnhmg io pur pAjrjciU;tuaIi , ilth-ut anv ot the painful fre-l- - - v p. r t ' ne ' d i : -.. itie' o carinn"r-t-ajS. i' tt h i r tir. Ii sir'ii;th-!. tny? vwie-m t iht- nnc ii n: thl it pugt-s ite'i'id h ii takiidii t ui mod-rate dofs wdl ti..i;tli.-)i and but d it u,i ah un uial riii'ialitv Dr. Sanford'i Iivigorator e.Mnfhoiuidd iitir-ly to mi II" Jfi t . if itieU-citie, uluii) . itlHll. . '; S .in niea iif hr nsujtlt of tli"e gum m b- !-r.i-.'d w lie ii iV " Iium irut one bMrr o' ih I iingoratttr Colli., n a muh mr-hgih as uuc ; y. -f- v. t hii'idrrd d'fi of i i!o!iil, without any of its de- ; X Ivter ,itii erftct ' ' i ' Trm-;h ati !j rar- uietlicin-i'l I t-fcr, tlnte i t tun have h'-t-nintL !,: kiiovi.ii to pr,, sm-i t n, and never us-! in th-ir ir'-rri;i.oi um l ud in the j Wtn ! 'lo- iriif mf"i . wh-cii mri wiih sorb uiin',e- j c-,lt-l.l'd ir e... n. ,t a f i 'in y iii.-tj. i I: h . ri'.'.v .T-r fa Uie ori pn- l r to nffr j lii ku ii id : erlVu j e I.icrr ('oiiip.aint in' ..1 ;., Ui-:r vvori.: forni,. Indigestion ig en. cur.i w'l.it I... I.v.r i . Jaundice ca,i-d bv Air.r. 4 id a a pn..f th it tin. .ii-.u... I.t anv on. : il,- l:tv,. .rj:..r r-2 '' ir'v i hv a deranged .irer u. led to atrium ! i nifir -jf-r action nf ihe I n i'. ok a ml relievjes i d wfrt J eiidiew take - w.--k and ttfir km. I t.. ,1 - Costivenest ' i,v. I'al lie i.t v rur.il -.1 by til' u I.,-. , ,,i t ,-i i r t'g, a it.! Hv- gvi.l.i .llv rfi .. 1 .-ft in a IWlhv ul aria a. .-It., k w-.rk r-;i- v .--I li lk ti! wh.ch correct.. lo o. ' "tf !:; "'." ' t;v - -I I..- , i n.l Wof Sick Headache - .i-.i.l. .o.- of ill. lurlj i i . ; v . oi-n ..I" lii- i K-.r rf.i ,v..--loa'l. .' n i - it- v. a a'! oTmr.ietv. -r ti-.- f h t- n' f.-e'lllg : e (reueftl i-aj-i a f . as it lf.f a-atnig !v, all wh.. II. .r 11. ,t ik i'l the h-ghe -'I tnd sold by !:..rd II. A fo-, Front .ft- Uie. roll tailing W- V-O ? A -N j-.; h. k Vr i d 1m uur rou ii ujjuoai. tf-5'J Ir" Yd J HAVE m RX FOR ME Please briiiff it in. GUX AM) LOCK JSiVilTIIlrviTO-, Bell Hanging. I n'r'-r li iv.ag np'ned an e . ;. 'a. j.n-a) lo i drrv nn the..; -ii the town of SnhrMi- ! ' -tr.et, m all its r.iTtoo , Vs'anfl l.M ks r-' not t'e auii ibn r-otai'n- ...r.Hj.'h rti iint-iti' : r '-iiimntd' i re;i"a4i--k w irrant- -I AH or- j. nil i in') iiromoUv al- - Ii th" Itfi.iti. .h tr.. or ip i- d, r. I. ft a iiUi I tended to. 'It Ml.. t.d 1 II win:- HO! I M AX. cowws VEHETAI5I.E l.mioNTIM.TIC FIE I FN I) OF TUP HIM N FAMILY. m;si:i) kiD.M-.vs, i th- IV'hl'L ft ml h'iifft 'm H.e5 Th II ... I d,:t: Iii.h!. rn.di . fie- is for pal. at tli I Dr. It '.iii.li.lf.. llne.e I I.e.- I. , M.k-v'il!' : HI t. Ilrug Nior I 'h''4 ! .in ' and at tt. S , l .loir v . . in n,r!..M. : ; !i. C ttrt.li tia VV t Zeajr-fy, ' liimii U. Hot ttri- The Bn'r ' l"f 14.V I ntb Join, F - "owan. -if" u fa ei tire a nd to. te g,f h i fnfiiiti a up;t! hv ai'f. ('..or Caililt- al 'US fei: ei.terrd into r, t r t tir r-l, i l al paTer l.-e.r.r 'u- ntati M.ve M-die,rtr . . iri'.. j.:ti h rn 1 Sahloir , nre, ' liiilea west i t,.a " F. I). AC'STI N tf.1 .Apjrrops Wanted. rniiK ..ii. I mid ilk. . to hiv fr.fn 'i'l tn tM ohng ,r a iii' h It- .!' ' ihe high i!,(r,.f,a h m it ittn. (Jace. - M C K I . IKI. Ksjr : iff 1 St III trk'-t JIM Mav ... i--.: WAV 1(10,0(11)?: v:r;: -o L.f.d. Ueew. ... W'l . W J vi iu.? oi'll.. Art l.rrh 31. 1 MKK. vvlnil, l,.;iilliltX . .,.1 HTR.AW . II A IS, itjst re e.rd and tor sale U.w. . . W. J 'MILLSATo. vi J. .Salwbtsff., li THE .uh- t lai.ll-llineii Ml, sloie bum 111 r.. oil Wat . t hr uirhea. ? p-tr-d at ' TV M-'ler.na II he hoje-et. Mlldlf-. Al ,,m Vl ii be f.i 'lerf reepa I li-bnr . t ' I ' I- 1 a "J SPltlA'O AND SUMEfi ''pilE sabseriber has Just retartied from ths Norlb. JL aud ia aatw ia tha receipt of kw rttosk of ' GOODS IAND6L0THIFG fi the Spring and Summer, Hit Uk Comprises a la5 amd BaautiM QmiHf. if. k is m h ii T, twt .- -i fii'iiM'fH I. 'it y. AL - il'-S.J j a-. al , B3S93V 1 K3S ? irtAtka lataianaarava. VmIiiim. Miwl (tnl lamen'l fW- ' aislting gaui, which will ha auld ferv low, or made op, to order in Ihe beat .tvle ..f the Art. tin wit hsep in his employ a skilful rmter, M..d can therefore 1 arMrraiii mvoit tits. Ilia eiiH-rience in the bisnies i.il,liM h.io in aavine llnit his Bliaik' cann.a he sur- Hale, Caps. Shine. 1 oUnrs. Vssls, II .milkerchiels. Cuaia, Pains. and eei ry thing required. Call and see. Orders for work urnnmtlv fill.-d V JAMES B. BKRU MrrchatU T iii Siihehnry, April Uj'lHiT. I- I" JAMi:s HOilAl!, VYATCH-MAXER AND JEWELE3, S LISl Is 1 . .V t... One dlaiar aaelaw II. at A. -Iaarphr4a atiwra. KK.IirS eonstmlv on hiitid a large aewprtment o IK MRS and JKH II HI of all kiitda. Cl.x-ks. Watches and J.w.trv of ev.rv il.tenptioit, ! repinri'd in the beet manner and on the most reasons- ble term. - - Vbruitr'y Ifl, 1t-:fi. 13H DR. WILLIAM S. TATE, i iTUrjaa and Maslimtaal Dentist, (GrailUile or the Hxllniutre Urtilal filler) . sTaTF ii.!ai; x. ;c. IESPKf t FI LLV rT r his profe-siounl aeriices V to the 7--usof letlfll ami public generally. i 'Tin nie to betrtHiiy "At-I t I'l- T" a-u ure tht? ftitittif tl ros II' .-.I - iff-'i .f . anal I-iir Hi tult H ajlort ml'- niaiif w.aiiD'l?). T'.r I. Ml T srr, .lefnrimljr .a rialat U f I HI II '. lit! uh. Iirttti olnK'ira ll.atl ataf, lh rwltf. VI ,t t ke hrt unati . iii-i iil.i r tiuuiit The- .-. of man. T Tt'f n 4e ttoain ! gin -v Tin- harni:i fi.-e I j vim-, Tl.r .lu-l i-'Kl ..1 It. I'm ' tiitlU th'-n. no- i liitilTorr:it hit rid, n ,!." Tent, ((olsilivelv Cttjtll t tthl-e l U'-milenre, i.tti rttt hr lnirsf Irst. 'of Willi i'airl'H!i J IsaJ 1 It II irtl t,Ut - i 'oiiiiilt (ion if work. l t.f the Femnle ColVge. I'ofnmimic.uiotit hv mail of otheraise Mill re prompt altent.on. February Kith i- rivJiT I) mm, mm. rpilF. S R'fllltKli takes this method lo M-f-. 1 ihf puUfif, (hit in ord'-r to imk.' romri f.r hu FALL SI PPLl OF FLOTIIIXG he w Ii efl h- eti - ve, mid elegant kt of Sl.iliEia ( LOTIH(i . t R k 1 1 rr nr rtth-twr i-tw Ut the ta-s rit .icii iti.- have tfVrr b. en Ift-r'ij to the iitibi c, Hi -k. i I, :,.r.. M VltCl i IK 'I'l l, IN' : Jn'v il.t. I-.'i7. ' , uJt THE GREAT SOUTHERN J HAT AND CAP if M M'K.HltV, aaa)a.a.sJX DUPOT. srimi. Ttttui:, i fi.. 'Mi 'UN I) . ,v, MIN STREET. RICHMOND, VA. 81 I- t", l -alta II i, IaAlIK n iv t vp H It.-, IhlviMiNiiS ,Ve. w::";" ..ti liim ' ! n p..rt-eti'arl I n-jwUr tii. .111. : a tti tie h hu le t- .f tti" l fie jtr-i ( fit I bUet ?,.r.iig I'urtMg his r- not oiilv h en e JV V ofli, but Ire!" laVllefaja gt K aa flit ta.'tr ,1 ,ef H. ijao tie ji' i III I'l l North, he Ppi.U !(.h mwulntir :ot in- - it ii- i-?e..Udv Ir, TWlttd 4. a id t,.'eu III ote tta'.f. t'.-aali lll.lh ' i.d ("urciuiw more a-I v avut F" the 'iN;,.rut.eii of F U'-ll ar'.fletyt.!(( n a Will u' .li-- neia-n! it ud i- in.n - .i-c h e - I.. I.r I...- 11 a ri ti' ir link. I.... t -i . ' lo. T -i i and ..th-r II il vjruhh n de.-n,..! hv h - . t.f V.. the. ii uii'wti ,,t 'Ot ( ' . -II. .1I..I (tr. it -rn- ti rei ,i: i ) m a-ie i . g,.- 'HfufV. tie atjn ..ra . i:i n., (!!'.- W nn '..f-il Stt( oNfctl to. i i i- i ml 1 1 III ' r i i ii .tit fin r- lidaae e ite v- hero , th..n g,-m- lio-tniionil j tfiil. h- Wf.tjld rratycrlful V iii.il" ''i. ru in i-n it' a'.lottiine.i' lie a"ii"ea '.hem if, ,.,,) lllt-V tjo th'". Will liri') a at,., k of g..e. Ill.l i . t 1 1 a if Ol v i V oth.r ho . m il lo .lit (inc. ,f ! s, III ol I'L .. - llflt.t.. . Hit.l I lo .gre 1, . .1 . ! I ... ' i. nig it'i'l frooinl .lii,-itii..l - i p od to il,. f.-.tle la. REMOVAL. II. tV A. Mnil'IIV. II A l:-in.,.d th.tr Store tothe.N'MV HUH K Itl I I.I.I N't; ii. l d .r I-. tl u i,t,. - ilfi".- I'll- ir-f.i. ii 1. ii,. co.toin.r., ar. Invtd to ad and ... tli- m ai tli.,r n.-iat a id 1 1, .mt stand .Srtli.l.urj . J iii i.'irv '.tli, I".'i7. tl- 'r.' j XaiXtriXaE aato XI UNOB. slain H. Ilibhle. I Joaauthnaa H. Haaaaee CUE AFEK TH A EVER (;onimissio!i iieirhinils1 TAILOR SHOP! etlll." .ol I.... ,.L.. ..: . r In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Na.val Storet, AMI oaatht-en t'raadaaa-r (.Vaa.era II f . No. lOO Front fltroot, RKM.IirKSI'F a'.m. II l-i,-.: H-.n H'm A ti- M ... j i m i II I. Mi'-i,. r, l J '.tin II - Wll'!..- PRIYAJE SALE. T io: r.T, -d I., niov. .sf. ..IT- r. I..r .,1. I, - -i.l. ... ,tl ii,. thriving l,..liiil.ll village of III. IV. Ir.d.ll C, X C. li.Mt.. . .-I lot i- ! .. .t,-. t th . t-.i.rr., air.l nt om a ...1 .-it d II. of tli. ,.-.rtlile .ittnatioiie in tit. vi.Ut. J M .rut. a.-. Ili-ra. l(..l. r.C.. ,-N.i tf aa. i MiTK'i:. "f Wll. I. , I H...I.I. or nd 1 'I or I a old Nali.l.nrv, th- t Hi M I I-1.- Tl -gr.t l.,v '.(I llMliia-l. Ul ..ii ir. I., Itk- ar II. JIAklNS.. ti b I't-J i-:.i;. 1 1TJKXKIXS ,fe IMIICIt I'-t int.. and will. -on lain, to Niaie llotid. o.i I.hiiiI f..r ml... BOOK BINDER WANTED. Ur K d.. r- to etnpl. v lt,..t.l,.,.,l. . r'li;ilM and eofopeleiil II h- pieced lo f f-nre siir-h a woikm m. A'ldr-o h: Milor VApti4 lllbUaava. - , IH V K Sal ' - JJllillVIUJ f vllhn'itfcr mtKulXhlt STATE3VILLE : vr.- If W, AVER haa Jual reiT4 Alzl'Jy IA and opened a rai4-kufBiuka, fa g-V Stationary, Fancy arncleit f' Winoo. tfh.de., Tohieoo. Seg.ra. '" aUMfrcta.n-.M - mMKTOttfcia.Ma Tills.'oppiisila tha l!""" Honsa. the COM MOS sflKMIt, "lOh.S, recuuiuaendeal bv tRe8in.ini,hJenl6f 'CiTa'ia Iselvmlstif tlinj Wat, I' ..i. K.i,.h. Utin and Oreek Tst Books, H kF ' n.-h,ul.d-hciwry, oa.the.Ni Harmon nf-T Uartaa. Ih.w ir.. Pateut Mar- t L.t;m lwmn IkuW MH juons. Lorenm IXuv san'r.. Ufa and viallaoais,l'hai. . L pp, , th. iplejliims llialiwy of fciigtarid -fiilibon's Kwllie, Mr JtiJrruainn t a Middle Ages, fa1itK1'a hses f "kief Jnslicea, i MiMirirMitis SeruHiiis, ffttencsrs Sketches and Sermons, ! Ill.l ..Hh Slut., 'ied edition, Jadbns Notes ua.ht llvmn btaikaof all knads. Imtigl Haaaiaglaa,d !. ItiaJgeon Kphi-sniiis, Dicks ofk. South feriiions, Vam.i Amhiteciiire, Or. KAXtiS ARCTIC KX HI.OHA 'i'f'A -V Shakspeara. ytn, Coa-per, Top per, Vlilloti and great many olb.r poetical wilrke, Mrs llciiu 'a N..t.l and a great many other novels, by ill. bct writ. -r -f the day. lie cm sliow fine, a Varied, a stink of .Manoinry as ever wiis seen south il Mason mid 1 1 ,.li line. Allium. I'ortfoll. and fsn- . a. 11. In. ,1,. in aliinidaiice. HUtik and t oiv bta'ksof ail sixes. M.iii.iraiidiona and lhan.s stttiout eud, i . . .1' t k. ... .kii.it. A iiv Ik. Amsrlr Tract S.i. letv. In Ihe Nolwn hue I show great a ' VHneiv as anvteHi) osght lo ih lo m-. in one day, inv slock uiclnd-.. Kia.d l.iin(s. P,rt-mo"i-avit'.ua,. 1 P,'rfiim.ri.-.. Hair llils.,l'..iiia.l.. I'liii.K Syaew.- rv, l k ,u Van, funs " Sonrfri. .f fiinre tmnfrw. ( f 'aril ll.o-k.ia. Candlclicka. luti. r Ine I. ur flings in (rtit tnimr. t ummum I'ltws mmd rifi i'. Skipping n(M-s. tirai:e, U'me (overs, alkMig fnites from -I Iff fo fallU ear Sp fHa fi f I IMI ( l.Uld. AWiee,JM-fe frttm MtrlM. J; ft 1 .541, .Vrr MrnwM. jPii'.w.i. ''iw-rowns, Milt mlefas far rktldrm, U'tHutt ha'f aiul U'-jjnifA, fluUt fram Kii-ptif ii Kill auJ wife Harriet, Heirs ai Law u tk At '' ' Vttih" from Ml.-fa fKt iHi, ft $(' , rase, are UrtMi-residi-nts uf this iate ! li fts, thereas, from ft.'!. f .t, Atrftfn fimm&l IS ! ftfi MI. jVsi. i orh-red and oVrrred, by the (iiilks4! liiji Hm ro Flute. Ttmhorine. f'Mifiirs. k'tagnirt Hatmnmi- ' made m ih "Carobiia Waithniatl,A ft ftaWpaaatr pk. troT, Thrrtwimt er. 1'tmtaart, Tiff .Ware. ( lihrd m the ipwtt of alasJwrjK. Iiif the apace uf Soij'M, .VfafNcfir 7v. F-V ,6' t;!J pr, with I weeks, itoiif-titig awid iNisi'resstieau to W 9n4 apass mJ wfihnui rm', mnJ mltokit TEN TNtH'S AN ; b-f.r the justices mt mr amtl t'oart, to W k14 mtker tkntgt mot 4ereia mrmtwitti, all ttf whu-h are ftir the t 'ort HtMse iu Hiaiesville un the 9rd Mo-askt pj sule u ihe ii iot art .m mod a ting term". Hetug eiy i Aiigu t iwil, then anltoi to pleas), answer er -an (tone in sett I inak no charges ir showing goods. oitir to pUnrtifT (wtitkiu in our said Cissart (sWi, or Cull and etanunt for vtireelres. j will b hettrd n parte and tlgmnt pm eufsse wiQ i "Krroi.Lm T, onosiTC rue "rT Hotst . J June I "."iT. tlV I WILLIAMS BROWN. Tin, Shrrl-lres anil t'iip r Smilh. At hit old Stand opposite the tore of MURPHY 0. til sK-rl'Hir V; ,d I.I I l i:i; I NO done Mi ii. iiLwi puilai.l.al iliami.r lii.i a .ri. til . d i.r.atvari.. ilaav.on hdiid for -T hi NO III M 1 5 1 i 1 1 K Sutw riWr t now pf'-pared to 1.11 all ordern 1. for SITKI5I0K WATER IHTKETS. ! II. ,M uni.iqr.. North I tru'i r.lip..V. N.irllv I'ar.Jiita .pit.) A ; . N . oih I nrnlinn (..tron.-. tt,, I .,iof l-v .o.i.p,ri:i. I- si t, S. i a M .il.rotU ; h. d UU.r. and l. i Ha g.aiiiy hitn I , til, .In work .til : f,io.tt,l. li I h. h..,,.. I., b. ,i.l.. I,. n,.k. tug. A I 1.I M. In Vt II V I io: N I : II M tkl.l i:( i: N sr. fat II I-ra W.ir-.li i I'llea ol I'.a.tl. ,'-.,l. f..r lit. .' It. l.o. Il.u k- 1 i .tr. v.lle. I'.li. l-.'i? N C. W. P. ELLIOTT, of World A. K.'.oti, Kavtl.vHI. N.f. (JENER-AL COMMISSION AM Fonir.ii.!ii.( liiiciiur, WILMINOTOH, 5. C. Or iers for M 'ehatidi, and rt.ii-ntu: -f Ph. and reeei M ilher Pr.Mltieo, f.,r ie-i ,,f ahinllleul .tbsnkfil . f-t! and jroinpl')' altendvO' lo . I :.:.. hf G'llOCKHIKS. li.Vlt. inifHi:, MOhASSKS. MiCKH S iii.i.. v i 7 I'l.n-i.R ( . mui:u- Ti: .:.! I. I'll Kl.l.s. s HII l v Inn. V77 .s, v ..W'i.v. All I V I .' A ; 4 Til.. I.O W I I.Vl..A. de . I..r .... ha v J Mil l..- A 1 ... j Sjl,elm. l ori, 'I I . -.-,T (, j. 1 DEROSSET & BROWN, w II.MIt;,rix-, c. BROWN & DEROSSET, 1 t)W V-UHK.' ci:ti.R 11 1 iiimsMto m si iiims. i L'uhI d va nee- maileon ( " onig n men t a. .1)11: M. WIIITKIIKAl). f 1 UI Fit K on ih ...ne lot with In r."..'!.ii e In . 4 i..t--. j,-r... ,, d.atritig to lout wll l.aie If II l rl t3 Wanted to Purchase, - yoryi: Alin.IKF.LY Sr.. f" '' 10 ' 20 ve.r. old Al'I'l.V al ibe MANSION HOTEL. .-ali.liiiiv, Mir. Ii ITlh IL'.T. tf .l Ml V. .ubatirilH-r I n 1 k'- thi nirth.al to 4vtf,.rtn hi nd. 1 ft.- p .Mo ,ihi l.-h-.,, -d . NKW : T All - Ml 111. H(IN K I MlLIsM MKN I ... Dm- ,,'a.- riier rKiinii ol l J ,. hiiilmo'v. dirertlv o;,.,.'e the i,f V.(rphv, M- Rofl I o.aod mlf.-ntiiig Ihe 'P,iiS(.,(, f Uithnru- Hrturn. II l..(lg eijfe'tiWoe Hnd liref. ui the baltie ale, he Uiliiko, a gn-traiilee ft,r the future. HIS JOItS -1.., 1 1 he hrnhfiillv nd artiilirallv etiied. He i. in (lie r eij.1 ot the ! FASHIONS and ta, lli.r.for.. alwa v readt It, stiftnlv e u.ttan.r. in th. .tile of the" .oe.l .Igr.ny" Jrl all and ere 'i"" C. N. I'll C K. , SaliJiurV. S..t le.-.f,. vj Thunder k Lilitiiin I.lslMoN AMI ( 'I, WAIt, Pestilence, Patent Medicine FA M IN F., A c , Ac, A li K . 'Viiflmid eitliilliili.. Iltnl shullltt he ounr.l.d .;,,. n.l. II K Kit A (1VV I'.N lit-ir Lav. it, in. lorni ih. fulfill, tjr-n.rullr aiid (invale tittli v idttit' li'ii.li,rly. that ihe are read v. willtnir and a hie It Pr. pn- .... litem 110111 one .1 i.h., , 11,. ,.,.. hv nulling ... iloir',.,.!.!,,,,,., ,. ,., ,.,,,;,, Isigh'tiiug 'i o.id.i. t..r. al tint .. lowr tl,,,,, ,, a,.. ... IT been di-lie at I .-ri itt tne to.iiirrv .!il.....t v-t.ttr orders I.. Il.ker A tlw.n, Hah.litarv, N C July U J. I r-.,f.. . ReadV-Hilde CiolIlllPr ASplrml.d a-tsorim-Mti of Re,,dv Mudes. Pants Vesle. and (oats, and It.--!.... ..t .11 1....- 1 and Coats, and It uH.,. f .ii ,,.i.,... lrit-esjii.i r.r.te.d anal r,,r .ale ..w l,v rtniiniury, Vlarnlt III m.77 llama-1. J If o' War- l Stot-eaj i Jaiiuulk -Jit. I . JOB PH IX Tl XV XcnlfTj txsfHtriX at ihit Oj!c0. -FOUNDUY ; - ' AND MACHINE-SHOP . . ... . Jt llt. f ama. . P. . -j, -is. :. . - jtraTimoBiVBo amd I oh i,t:, lEViaiLor KaeaTl WIDW.T CKUtlATCD, - Rail-Way Horse Power . 0VK1USII0T TJIRASIIEKS, Capnhle of gelling amt IWKI bustiers nf Wheat It hours with two horses and three haiadav Tksai v chines will be sold al tlta Isaliufsctorsr's priaaa, ask the aiMiliun of transportation charges only. -t r"V M ar potg.- : Stale of Xorth Carolina. IREDELL COUNTY. ' Court of PL and Quarter Se$umtt A- B. F. t.aiiher. .Vlmf, Pc TITION T SILai Ujlftv, TheHr.ra i Iiw of Jtssiab JohBut. , Jtv:'d IT apr'eating U the Mtifa.etii.n ifc. t(rt, tlsj( i lie l.ken against lhera. W itu.ss. M V Kreeland. 1ek of oair Kud Cast, I ai ..Ifice in Slat, stdle,. the 3rd Moaday ia May, A. 0. M. T. I'REEt.AND, CrV. IV ads SO lis S HOUSE AND LOT fOR .tu; j I.N MT. PLEASANT. 'Mil P. sulicri--er ,4f. ra Uw savle bis HOtKK ta r I LOT l. ' ii, he now liv.-s The uort le U m proved hivtia thereon a i tLl-iw, 114 by 97 (rt, two siori mi. BfMitts. a gi-l Vifr4ea, a srvu. of gt-ai water, aini oih -r tl -lioos- s - 1 itat asaf v J ir.i T.-fiii ran l sii the pjrekaar. P. B. C. HMITH. j i'sbarrua c.,. Jit- 9, i7 f'dljU. A0P.TI1 ( U!OI,l, Wll.Kf.M Col'.NTV. Si i'i ukik ("t.rirr is tajrnr. " Simxti Tmm, 1757. Petition for Sale of Land, 1"R I'kKTITIO). Mi!.. -ti.tr.n Willi.m Ci.ton and wife llaaaak; 4.1") . 'i: m Muilw, Pans liootma-i, and Ailerai,i( ,Milrbelt a ;'iii'( Mtiii. Ffi.. K-becca, ArViniasa O sad liettrge'tr . ehih.reu oi l. .Nt.ute rhn ; Abrtahasn. i' I. am. Pa-ill, Anritve, J jtn, thtrgnret, and K'tn-efa t h d en of uMMuh 1 ild)e, -s.de tuf Abner T'ift ; W i In ni ot.d Martha lli)i, smi Thoniiu ner!w ; al' Hi-fi rr ,. ihe S'ale The -Mali l l- t. litila will iske utie lb-al Ihe PrU io iu waitii cif' H tie ien up f.f hf-aritg, al la iw W T-roi i I'i - "U't -4 t. , to tie field fS Sl etstll.l1,, IKtllP t 'otr bfUSa, III Wllt-l e (0 0 1 . J 'In! Moit-1.iv m Sett'r mt-er et al whM'tl lm d p oJf, lliet, tia at-"f ptead, sB'Wer. r aVsnttl. an.. rfn r!e jt-iltni'-nt and decree dl be sasat et-aeirtr. a ud filial H sa'd rmr Al tfice, his 1'Hh day of - J M F l A l.I.O vV a V, T M. E SALISBURY ( LVSSK AL SCHOOL T", tie Flli-T M'MY . t K'TilBLs. ' Pit pi p'i"oi'i'i! (..r eiilra'oe int-i a'tj t-f l-olifges. I Tf BUS PLK StSMOl or tf.i lovrw. I r Paint'. II-.. i.iVti Rmiiii, . If) IIm.h a imi. aths Marii-a, . . 3 uo i t-i-1 mi Ui. . . . . &U(s) '.TIsr i I., - -'. . . fSj) f hie third pa ab-V on ihe Istofttct ; tmm - hird thr 1st f Vtarrh, a ml the remain r at ids elnae sf ;' itiae sesaioii, Ui J'XJTUsaVkB m President ami Fteu'iy f ibe rniversit i- ; Ret ' !io' Eirk, I' I'r.-tdent of Pavida. n (. lee; H .n p 1'V.ls'ili Hon J W. Eilii: lie J H. P.rker; K v H-ker; Hon Itiiu.rti (r . ;e ... t-.nleii. A II t-?rPitassJ-.M ; John I -ef, ! ;M ; Jas. K kerr, K' : J H'onef. Sah-I ' JV Ii (sK-KTPKK, A M August 1. I j7. ifwltl IM( OX. I r nnA'-"1 ho ox. ihm; koi xh lO.UUU ,500 lbi. LARD. ItM.Otaa l i. il laeh PI Ik aHlltl IX far stk k) J . W, tA t I.KH aV Julv 21 IiiiH Cti.af, ae, .V C TI. U. AHHIIIID, la, I qaallr sWavl f saanav. J. A. t i l ntiT,l I stIb rstsav IT spf-eanng. fr-nn affidavit made he f-ire me. tkri Thom.ia Foster, t tin of the dt-'fr lida.llt SIB this ease, t is not an tnhahituat of this Mi ite. Notice is, thi-efef, herehv gtTen to the amd I't-orowa I taller, lu appeal , ttiaj iieii Court of Fipnty. lo t-r held U the t'oeai of Piiite,- the t'ourihoiise m M-cksdte, on the 41 Monday after lhi 4th Monday in Ailgust neit. " pi--a.t. imifff or emur, tot 'oop!inl.itt' BiH. si i ne will le tken pr-roflteswi, and the cans tei firming rsp.trte. a lii hilil- W lines.. I. ri.n jham, ' lerk aiH, Maeter 4 d Cfmri ..f Futtv. nt MrTrtf;ryh M.mday after tk I li M-mdiiy m FehriiarT. A l. jt, and in the pi yesr of American Imb pehdenre bw ii - is. iiiNt;HAM, ('. M. I fVt9. risst srasiti4 or Tills tsTtTt'Tl Wll.t m 1 the nd Julv: Those wh.. wish t enter Seh would d.i We,to do as as.n as pawible. . fin duct ion mads front lbs time ol entering, -.ntd th rfce-ae of ihe session, aiiless m case of prot racird lie as :"' This Srhotil is sitnai-d m Ireefl rinnty, S -C, a healthy, in.-ral. and intelligent neighbjiiSH-od. Terms. - arr twalsM mt leeHl-a. Pntn;jy Kturh-li Inninh-, $-i.l-llija'ti.T " aii'l MutlM4iMtir, - ( 'l,ii.-s and MntluTiitttiin, ' P--,J lloaiding ffoin f(i.tM) lo ' .110 per month .1 i-iii riiiii'. If 9 July SI. IH57 a-,, a YT V TtV-Y, tf. 1 l)M(t Dl vltfUSttCn it. L. fa. Jl. L9. . I..I. Olih. ICil. I THE ANNUAL MEETlXti or th ! Stockholders of ibNOompanl I lirtl I 1 ..J i- V.u.inH f'ttlatarkf. m Mini ft 4 J I I.l. lie held in' Newton, If 1 .t,.t.i.t 111. a 1 tir'r. "K"ir " t . " ' Hv a rt-solnmui lif last meetinf. Messrs J"" "A ilftii'tTJ 1 1. II Uaiihsr, snd l.eairit haliar, welt ikmammissssssss Noun till-a Hlae klnildr-f est) he a pWivV J k y. KiaoNTiii. r. , ltti He ere I ar. antl.Tr -,-"ufJ 4- fitaaialas, Rtrfsvttt-f yevra.-Aaamil.,' Hie day of aneetlt.j

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