' 5' lout lf 3V. O. tf(f(f Frpt)rd .f a frfe Nldle ia Jna- It is r !tMMlcr a new tiling to onrl , reader that, while ' portion of the South- rat people dsr( been making Mreniimr ifrt 14 jtnluc Kunsa iittri tttfl L'ni-j ted' State a blava btaUv the rapklly j growing Anti-Slavery influence m one t i . Q ...tt1, ' Ci4.J ' ' K .1 .tun. VUO oouilldil kjimyo iuvw uwii imi1 'Wrdy overlooked.' We allude foTeiaa, ttt western part of which i rniidly till ,feigip with emigrant frmn Germany anl itWer part of Lumpe. To know that this la of emigrant i populating Western .Taxa almost exclusively, is suiHcient to satisfy ''y well-informed and unprejii dleed mind' flint there ovists in that see 'liiMi an Anti-Slavery settlement. That 'illiese emigrant are opposed to the insti tution f Slavery in no eeret, they pub licly proclaim tfieiroppitiriMi trf tbaf Jh Mtituliuit. '-But laMjauna limy do not agi (4te the qnudtiiui ulVaJiwIititm, tli party with which these foreigner act affcst t "believe tbitt no linrni can com of their aiuiple feeling f dthki fur the institu tion of Klawy . . ,.'-.., r Jr-Vf t i ;Tlia foiigu olei already ulhcietly , larjjtj t 0'titmI tlie election in Tckus, 1 ft.i. Lnhba that EllhllltlHIl Hlttlld iaA)li ' rt-lern '"part of that Stite, there i wts m Jenw Mexican population. The (acta, -that the iuiMieuwt German populmt f Western Texa ate radically pjoed to ithe institution i Slavery, ani that the .Democratic 'paty h'wc itccuit their "vore and takes them t It bosom, ate ,atul to every fitisjHgeitt'reai'deril rf that iit: It Jajtjljr' ine' tho fact to which w a to direct public attention ,M to the duplicity or criminal blindness of that party in urging these foreigner, a they arrive by hundreds and thousand, Into orgatiiwsd political promiiifiice, for the aake of H,inMirariyj.rnBtiii ly their -itiitH. rt!iimit.ia(f Hiuiwft i?r cuiialmi it-nets may eiinut. The leader of the D-acrutlc party in Texa not only know ttnU a powerful hii- f i-Nlaveryv tHiitfmeht now -xiU in the Western part of tli State, hut (lint it i rapidly incruiu, o rapidlv .that, if it Hiet with no iiiU)frni(tMoi, firu m. , ... ie i, . i . ! not expire before it will wield a eon- IIU IIIMJOHIHHHI, II. iwin filing HiUeal influence, if not .tnmg aeuough tu effect a diviaiou of the State, and declare the Wlorii imrtiou tree. And those, caina . leader know that the Lait Ix-gidlalure etahliiiliud anew coun ty, moid of the mI within the btnito of wiiioJi iM-iotigod to a few (ierman, who iateuiled bringing over and witling u';on it a colony of fourihonaand of their c.nin drymauv Whetlier thi ha been done, (- are not adviaed, but that nch :u 4 tl iuteutiiin of ilieniiiaa ol'iha we a r credibly iuMiuwl by .ne who i ijiiite fatuibar with tiiu ull.or. f Western IVx n. Had tlii colony been binught over, the National iKiuiocraoy could havegruat f iy ireigthened it force by tlie adop tion of Mjaalrtfr overeijiity. la addition to thi foreign A irti Slave ry clement III Wenloro 'lex, there arc maiiy iinttve wiio will unite Willi die tor t-igucr in a ciiun'lc agnm.1 bhtvery, o aooii, a they are kiiltiuiciitly t'ooj; to promise ilcct. Many of thoe now oe-:iipyill-prMl),iji nt po.iiioniiiM the ranks f the .Natioiiiil IKoirn-nu-) , ill be fonn.l among the lemler wluin u r ml Anti ilaverif mkiH'iiimiI i nde. Thev arc aitvii wl are ii. wcluaieil by princile, Jolt bv a love for In.- i.'"',. mill o bee lire these lltcy are couteul to act with auy ' party that proinino ue es. Thi state rl fhiajf exiit in a 'Southern 1 ta!e, and no i.olir m tnki'n of it while no effort nor uipcitao ha Ikx'N spared to exiemi Slavery into iv.hik.i- iih i giv lug up (he ubtaucc tor t lie eliadow. Ftmm tk A'aiMittW jmtrtlgftf The PrlraH f Ibr Ijltalor. We find in a recant number of the Aaauville J tanner, the subjoined portiait-' ure of the Political Agilatoi, in which,' it we think, our reader adimt that the mirror ha evidently been held up to Na- Jure, and the prominent feature of the' ' subject taken from the lite. There i tit- ' ' tie danger, however, that the sketch inav 1 ,be CMiMilcrad ptminnai ill it a.pliCnlioii to any individual ot ih cla deairnated,1 iucu unfortunately tint genu winch it , Mttempt to describe ia too largu in our ;' country to admit of arli;u!ar iliii.lra-, ' iions in any picture galterv. however vx-i tcuaive. The normal type of tho agitator at iho present day ! faithfully depict fd in thu color emploved l.v tr 'Tunc aee cuuteiuporary, dark a tJiuy are. For w hat else is the turmoil which now ron alr tho political world among u thuii agitatimi for the aaku of agitation I What substantial iiiteresl of the country is now placed ill jeopardy by the real jiurimrt of any cniderableiwriion of the Auier - ican people. I Yet one who should take ' Jlis impressions from the excited journal nd o!iticiaus of the North would be .left to believe that the " slave power " is predominant in every act of Federal Go-venmieiilr-aiul menaces, by its " aggres-iiis,"- the independence and freedom of iu non-iaveliolilinr Ntatos : while he. on thtb.r hmn who should yield an ...5 OV, "w iiaioi, who soon 10 yieuiim,, rJ . . , Aiuual i.iw,L ... ti. J .i..s...'in the presence ofln employer. oui,.l...i i. .1 1. ' 1 1 1 j - V WW tllll & IIHIKIH II 11 SI TViriltu: Jbe led to suppose that the social system of the South wa threatened with disas- i"ii uii-niiriiw ov me organnoii "ra uaticisnr of the North, F,ach of theso ' ipreeBtation is, in truth equally iuiug- " itiay, and the fear which each seek to generate n the breast of its dupes are aliku cliiuicrlcai. Hut it is in thu very groundlessness of thi crimination and ru- , riiiiinalioii that the moat alarming symp torn of fbi inisi hievous nature is to be foilnd. If the ugitatiou which disturb tho public rupoko Were bused on any real there w-puld, be the more liope ciiffd". This coarse brawling, scolding! ami then she helped yon" to put thtmt to that, tho former could be rumoved by the 1 woman will liav'o vicious, braw ling, tight-' gcthcr uud to spell words of thought. redress of the latter, Jtut when the wronirs itnr children. She who cries on everv-1 Shu taught you to spell God. And be- 01 wtiicu section complains are ideal, yet for that none tho less vociferously pro- claimed, what shall be done to relieve me puoiio iniria ironi an tncuhiis wlncli, "ureal a a peetre, i found to inspire a spectre' terror I We know of no other a ' no other remedy abv (lat which may bo found in , a lilora enighieyed ktiowledge and ' can- uiii construction pi. I lie view and opin Ions of different partio. havinu. it m f different Parties. Ilavimr. 'it lila ' fej tbi base" an different ccUonVofjfty millipns every month. ' t L , vol: xiv. a common country, hut alike recognizing the iibligatioii of ilia Oonstitution.- If the agitator of . Uith tectioii were di- carueu, a u n uiuar co.np.u.u.. ...a. . tlnwe, which l.ave a f.Mudati. .in fact),. 1 J .III .1 I At. . were employed to .tlr up the ,K.pular and ameadud dtreetion-tii the whole cur-i . , ., . ,.. i .... i: i . , either ran to wraote or tenor to the pro ductioii of positive and niiioitigated tiii- chief. ' " ' . . ' MAfJXAXlMOUS ACT, 8JW.000 Dollar Given Auxtyf "tltfr. Lefeyre, a wealtliy suar planter ef Lafourche, died recently without iaaue Imh wife having preceded him to the grave. 1 1 m estate wat nppiaitied at Htiolit (W,uw. A lew, gay wnee in win , L xiie majority of the inhabitant of w opetied, whwt it aa found that lM.iCjtnM,n mHj MmC,m altey are Gen had left the whole of hi po.on t..fi, H,lt) j( '0, wisb , hiive Jf.iion be divided eqnnlly between 'offirg (1Vcr them !l men of thii city, one a nephew to his, Th(J ,neeti1?) 1t"; ,p;r ,m,mmiul, ask wite, and the other the broker who iran ; t;ntrreis ,0 arffkni ,lem it. a territo ucted hi b.iwnw in tliM city, a man no- wk, fojuwnlr bo.uidarie: wite related to him onlv in the way of hi Ini.iiH'piK. To the Hat . i i i Fit mieut of Jjis fi ii IhIh, thin broker, on finding thut he had been made legatee to liHif the old man' estate, (350,fW at least;) wetit before a notiiry public' and lenoiiiiced the whole legacy, making it ower in favor ol tlie relative of the duceaM-d iu l ninte, - ( r ;- ,....,.1. .,i .,,,.. r thirtv. and hum- lititiiMif n..i,I...Ud ami uiM In (lit. T Uy Bituad ilt Iifc. T; ' l(I llttll i l'rev "' 'de a will in which l" ' Mexico, and the territory of New Mexico; r reiich relative were .ham!.mc!y re- ,h(Jllue hUi), tmt ymv , t1(. eiw,eru i,oll. meiulr. i; hut on retunntiu trotu a 1 ,-rjr f California, and thence along the t to them, not long ano, tor -oine reaitoii ! j(tl.r 1h(. ,( )laC(J uf i,,;,,,,;,,, known only to I,mmm.II, he tore tho will n,,. carHj Vallev people estimate the to piece and wrote a new mie, leaving wliUj ilk.Hbitatita (. the territory, with every tluna t.. hi wil.-. nephew aud hitfl(,ir ,,r,,.))JM;li boundaries, at f,0)0 of Uoker, as a'.ove Mated. whom ulioiit 1,000 are ill the Valley of lie caine to thi country when yotlng, 1 ---i it. a poor hatter; hut pr.Mponng in hw hu-, hiiickii, am! wealth, lie tinallv miiri viiig a lady ot ueiil into the aliar culture. anrt j .'..gtwd m well (hat w lew year) B im tty t!lu Btt;)tluer 0f t.,ay to .noieiiiilitliMvenidhiiiamilhoiiaiie.1fllS jlltie1 0f j,;. mission. JM flic , broker who o- iiiaKiianimoiily .re-1 ,;;,,. i noiinred hi reawm for so doing, that he) wa a reany .w r.cn a. ne wi neu ... oe, UuiN.,c.Wc (1I.ji,, (,fty. the York and h it no l,pe,i.lenr, that he did not v. Ej, iru tjlu w t j tl)e m.b it to he ,n the ,M,er ot any one to Sueof jj, mX Ut,rShi:riS of say that any part of hi fortune wa not Utr;. ai,, w' ,Hn, KrHptic .4 hi own making. I la V. K,,mmvUtt f lU IL1(or Jildg'f O'XUll will certainly be heartdy J.lwaud on thel-.. ,ih n, vf of s other side or. he water. e would g. v (au K. VVe CUUJ m)t Kjve a the iruii' cinuu nii tuii', weiv we not satis , 1 , ' .1 r 1.1 . a ,. .T 1 , 1 strikuii: iiahegync on ilie healtliy iijUu- hed tliat .he claims no merit for In uci,t . , -p . . .. . . , .. . . ' : eiice ol the Sons of lemperauce : and has 110 ilen e to he pubhelv mention-1, . i ; .; . ,1 V II I SotTll C AKot-INA, 1 a DlfTUlCJT: Jo the California Wtn by the Slar of (be tt I retfii!ly report that no person is A severe shock of an earthquake was I now contincd in the .liiil of Votk 1 (Strict, felt in several section of California oir S" V()l NtiliLOOl), S. Y. D. , . , ,1 01 . 1 i! October 12, 1857. the evening of the SM of September. A :,.,,'. , , . v 1 . I ' he t'cMowmg is the cndorteuicnt of j despatch from Nevada a.: I Jn.lge t )'NmII : I About twenty minute to 8 o'clock. I lA't it be tiled and published us a hean jthi evening, quite a hard shock of nn fil'ul coinmeuttiry on tlie healthy, Condi 'eartVqunke w felt in this place, eilusitig lion of the Distict. -! for n tew miiitiies much cotiufc-rnatioii .Mill X lUXTON O'NKALL, auumi.' the inhabitant of brick hiiilibn' Ihe'coiirt house was cracked troni top loj bottom, but the extent of the injury can-1 not be ac crtaincd until davbght. li shook out die lights in the jail oiliifnnd j tin, prisoner were awfully frightened. All of the occupants of the court bouse , .,,adu some ur lea' of irouud and ..f. , ty tumbling in leaving it, and some of! tlieiii ran several liuudred yards before j iih shock Ceased. i 'l',u export ol lrcnro from S u Trail- j cjsco, during August, umoiiutcd to , lam KM. iimtit.o sinr tint 1st ..fJanuai-v i 'PUitjlMo. The value of th export .(other than trcaniirt') from San Franciaco for the lat t'julit lnoutli nmoiiuloil to ijs.'l.n''.'.!!!!. The imports of foreign dry goods from tho same time reached $f,12,",10o. There wa a cndi balance ot'fSI ,32 in tho California State Treasury at the close ttf II irltuf At th Snn Francisco mint, during An- Vi,,f. iM.ro was coined 1.0il,0iX) in louble eagles, and 8(1,(589 ounces of gold bullion deposited. . - Win-re ili'l that man to Ta a cer tain Hotel in this village, there is em ployed a bar-tender who is in the habit of takinj his. " toil" pretty freely, but , . ' ' . .. 1 . .... ?'?)' ake. it a point never 10 ar.iiK diivs airo. while he Was in the in the act ot drawing his " tod" preparatory to taking a drink, 1 he employer emue into the bar room rather unexpectedly. Fimrng bim nclf caught in the act, ho set the tumbler anil its content on the counter, and enst iiicr hi eve around with a look of snr- prise, exciaimeu : - . ..i.e ... ...B 1.1 1. ii iri..... 1.. .i. .1 aer .lid tne man, mat oruereu ..us unim, , go to f A ewbttw Idtgnpn. . lite .Vnniwn uf llu Motwr Mouhl thu i'hilil There i -no disnutiiiL' this 1 hie; . it shines in the face of every little ! occasjon, "111 box your cars, III slap , yoit jawsT-l'll break yotfr neck," ia, , known a thoroughly through the c'hib dren a it her uiiwoniaiily manner were 1 openly uispiayou iu the public street. When all tho white, people of the U. i Slates reduce their expense on shilling a -1 (lav. it .tnukci a difference of eighteen I r.iib'oi.s ,,t itnllun a wm.t "sn.l ot nvnr I f t t Tlie proposed Territory or Carson. The people of Carton Valley, and other valley adjacent, held a poUie meeting 0e,1( tho gti, ul,i,o, to . consider . ... - I .,;,;,11ri..'r!. rr te terriUaf orgltniration. (So learn from the rSpoft of the ,. If, ,. , , ... i. Mroceeutnirs jpuoiidneu ov icroiiwiiu were present, tlia meeting wa anatnmoutt m favor of a new territory of their own. The reaaon for demanding a aejinration from the dotnittlon of L'tah, are that they dndike the Mormong, and Rafveinow fto ulitieal coimnaiiication with thd author ities of Salt Lake, an J daring tUe winter coold have jo- communication if they wuhed it. A government i neceenary to them ftheir population U large and raJ idlr inereHsiriir : and they need peotection ugaiiutt raai-al within and Indians with- ' Ueginniilg on tjie nortli- wcHt on a 'line of 4S!dcgreeH ijiortli latitude, and Ion- jjitmle 120 degrees ; thence following the Oregon and Utah boundary line on a di rect east course to longitude 110; tlienco til a nortli-eiut online to nhont nurth at-itu.Ji- .'IS ul longitude 114; thence fur ther in the same direction to north hiti- . . ... 1, .. , ... .. . nine .i-t una ion;; tune i v& ; tnence aiuioi - - i a' i -! Kwfe of Jm,lvi jf. (ade Was chosen at t,e ,,;.... ,,,..,p,,i i t.. lul.in,fioii , i ,.., (,,,,,'t.H,i t.i ri.t tb 1.1.11. .n 1, Jivn. m ijitMi i-ll-, rciUny 11 11.. t 1, ... v .11 . jiuujt of in vomntj viamum j leu I ami ifrif Tnl Ijfi 1 iU'iiL ni tub 4 '1 tuft y(W, j.aa jvruif islt; Oct. 12, 18.-.7. ' Presiding Jude. 'Tajiajr offMolhfr." " Mother," said a little black-eyed boy f six, ear, " when you get old and WBiit me ui.e to reau to you, 1 will pay you off. Little Alexander's mother hail been in the habit reading to him a great (leal, and on this Sabbath "day; 'she had read to him a long time out of the lhblc mid a Sabbath school book. Tho child-was iust able to read a little himself, and the "I progress he was ' making doubtless sug- igested to him how he might at some fu- ture tune, return in kindness all his mother's care. 'T will pay yon off, mother, said he looking into her face with childish satisfaction, and aa if a new thought from heaven had been gent down to light up the little world of his soul. His mother pressed him to her heart with u delight that seemed to say, "My dear son, 1 am more than paid off already." lint, children, you can never pay "off a motlter. Her thought of love and acts of affection ure more in number than the days of life. From the litmi1 of birth,, mother has been one with you. How of ten has she nourished you, dressed yon, kissed you, rocked you on her knee and iu the cradle, carried you in her tender arms, watched over you in sleep, guided your in fau t Heps, delighted iu the dawn ing intelligence of your eye, and tho win-, iiiug uffeclion of your smile, hushed your pain and sufferings, sweetly adjudgud many appeal cae to her sympathy, cor rected at times your iiiisdetneanorci, thought of you in absence, and guarded your life with the unvarying remembrance .-4of m0,K.r'g solicitude and the free-will J - ''". ,renllf,, f mot,cr'8 devotion f Ah, dulll. caild, vou never "iuy off moth- crl" Mother has fanght you to reud and prav. She has patient I v sat bv vAu and taught yon tho letters of tho alphabet ; love you 'could reud, she taught you to o... i.v.i .. . - 1 . . 1 iy , our miner, which an 111 iieiiven. Mother lias trained you with lessons, and hymns, and prayers, to come to Christ, to whom you have been dedicated in bap tism. She has prayed for you when none but God knew iffc and has prayed with you wlien your 'wondering eye, nnder slood not tho meaning of her grave and imploring looks; Shu has taken you on the Sabbath t(j church, anJ showed you' SALISBURY, N. C, OCTOBER 27, 1857. Iniw to behave in Ihe sanctnary, and, by her exam ule, she Jum .pointed vim, to heaven, and "led the way" i Dear child, yon can never "pay off mother." Te, there iaone way---HH:reione way in whicb von can more than pay oif tuo- Uher - It-a-by-losing J -CuStand hi commandment, and by preparing tor heaven. Motiier l ifoinir there. he u getting ready for that" bleH abode, wliere the parent ana ciuiaren may meet together around the throne of God and the Lamb;.' There Jeu dwell in giory, which he communicate to the amnU of all generation that same- Jesn,' whi aid: 'Suffer little children to come on to rae, and forbid tiiem not ; for of auch rrthekitigiiom of heaven." Couio lit tle children, come to Jesus Clirist 1 Come, Alexander, and pay off mother, by prais ing God with her in heaven! 1 Rt verf bc. "God opinion of industry and idle ness is sufficiently clear from these pas sage."; A clergyman thus comments on certain texts of Scripture, in a volume designed for youthful reader. . The ex- oresoroh aliocted 11 uupleaaiitly, and, it j give us pain o repeat it. Cuid opinion! it seem almost incredible that a iuiniter of the gospel could write deliberately in I .1 !, ok a sentence implying mat ine juug- 11. taof "the only wise God" are mat-, ... ..... 1 . 1 tel.. Of opinion. Ur. uetiiune, in an au- Ires 'to theological atuduiits delivered 1 some years ago, cannons against iiiiuuu freedom in using the uame of God and Christ, and recofumetids the habit of of ten coupling them with appellatives that shall at once exprea and help to excite reverenee, ucli as "tlie great, "the al mighty," "the blessed,'' "the ever bless ed," &c. Some writers and preachers undoubtedly carry thi to an exceas that savor 6f formality.' Bur all the tenden cies of the present time lead to the other If xtreme. -Any tnwiphttm l-eraon win oe nrpriiied at noticing tlai fin iiand, tm-nes-like style tti which tlie livtne name and work are spoken of in some of our pulpit, 8"d by popular writers. It is an evil that, demands correction. Though the men who offend In' this way may not be themselves guilty of irreverence in spirit, their manner of speech tends to be get irrevtyerfeo in others. There i no opposition between the most cheerful, fil ial trust in God, and the deepest venera tion. " Wfteret'ore," is the apotstolic in ference, " we receiving a kingdom which cannot bo moved, let us have grace wliere by we may serve God acceptably with revcrcuce and goilly fear, hraitiutr. 1 Candid Miutl. 1'liero is nothing sheds' so tine a light upuii the hiimau iiiiuil as candor. It was culled to whiteness by the ancient for its imrity ; and it has always won the em vein due to the most admirable of - virtues. However sought for and practiced, all li.i l the power uud charm or its influence. The man whose opinion makes tlie deep est mark upon hi fellow in. in ; whose 111 Uueucu is the most lasting and etliciciit; whose friendship is instinctively sought where all others have proved faitlilc., is not the man of brilliant parts, or flatter ing tongue, or splendid genius, or com manding power; hut he whose lucid can dor and ingenuous truth transmit the heart's real feelings, pure and without refraction. There am other qualities which are more showy uud other traits that have a higher place in the world's code, of honor, but noue Wear better, or gather less tarnish by use,orclaim a deeper reverence which the mind must pay to virtue. The Wife Prayer. If there ia anything that c6ines nearer to the imploration of l.utli and Naomi than the subjoined, we have not seen it: ,an t ie sunjoinea, we nave no seen u : Lord bless and preserve that dear per- "Lord bless and preserve that dear son whom llloti hast chosen to lie my husband; let his life be long and blessed, comfortable and holy ; and let me also become a great blessing and comfort to him, a sharer in all hi sorrows, a help meet iu all the accidents and changes in the world ; make me amiable forever iu Hi eyes and forever dear to hi in. Unite b heart to ine in the dearest ( love and holiness, and mine to him in all its sweet ness,, charity, aud complacency. Keep lue from all uiigcutlcnesa, all discoutent- edncss and unreasonableness of passion aud humor, and make me humble and obedient, useful and observant, that we may delight in each other according to and humor, and make me humble and Thy blessed word ; and may both of us rejoice ill TllCC, having for our portion J I C I the love and service of GihI tor ever. Cet (Marrird, WIiV i it that so inanv young men are en- . ..... ... . " , : and true Lalrtotic worth. Hv lar tb greater teriag "their name upon "the gloomy record of j suspension is inevitable witnn a few days. K),ltll0 lrf UUt,;iis sre ,Ileo im the M-coiidarv baubeUwiiunt 6ome say it is bveause the yoat.g i it Was deemed prudent to stop at once, grade ot military renowu. W w.il les,ve tin ladii of the present day are si) worthies. aud I flir M W4. are able to learn the "ene-: tender to draw hi own infete.ne from thi fact, euravagant thai th.y Citnuut allurd to marry, i , . , apjved ' ' "l" M"''' U"W ' T," Now, it the young ladle are worthless and ex- , ' ?- ... . w ho have - tvisuadej intv du- hi s travagant, the men have made the,,, so. The comu.utl.ty. W e would S.igge.t . Tu j u,ukell ,u Uw)r lVnciu,u.. young ladle, are r.v.ious to receive attention, '' hill-holders not to be alarmed or;ou J and Ihey tuppus. thai die men would admire rt with the bills at a sacrihee ot any h rt.lllilui8 1UlW lo ,,.;, rfu.r the )otlor in fiueappearai.ee. The rwiRou why ibey tlm thing. Tli.e assets ot the bank are ample .hsle. This will be .asilv d.s.ii of. If suppose is, that whenever there cornea along a ,t rseet its liabilities in any contingency, lnt.rB ( 110 ju,lllV, nor bravery in an act. can it showy flirt, be catrie a train of young fellows 'and besides, the stockholder are individ.be honorabie to engage in it ! Can there be along the path she walk. The coiicluiou i a I uallv liable for more than twice the' anv hoir in an oen viubtiiou of the laws of natural one. It may not be ngrable, but we amount of the entire liabilities tif tlie liod and man f Can there be honor in an act. give it as ur opin.ua, ma ine reason way ine girl are uot courted ami Marrie l, i uto lazi ness ou the part uf the? young men. They ale loo uiHffablv proud and buy tu walk right into the drudgery of a business life, d a to Umke tho mean neeeasarv to suiiport a wife. 0 no 1 tiley cam work i they r Waiting to Had a girl I , " "' - riqh enouifh to support two eietravaganl people. ! Jones baa discovered tlie repeclive nalun of TU girl ui general show a much good sonse as : a dininction and a difference. lie says dial the men. It' uteq were reloniied in their tastes, little diffiivnce" frequently make many eo girla would be rol'orine.liulkeiruiauucr, Thul'sainie whita "a little dislution" attracU boats HfCliloH' lkdrpinii:L r f , of frirtiu to the one en aboin it is couferred, m watch Mia. THE CALL IOmJm niM mm &w Ol ttu&mi of W. C. Jf. AcatUmf, fta, M. C, Hut, la JUMM,va4. Iia4, ruMJta if iwwn. Com., hd iking, Y. y.mtlifu! Ihrung, . ' With gtadauto bowl draw near; .-. W'l 'miio.sMfif-,' ; -; With yuieei trotij, ' To tuih svery fes. aa Willisis ud Jlearjr, y 7 Aa4- Msrii iul Clk-!T. . , . . ' , , EemsmlMr. jwa'w MWMHhiag la sW 1' J ' And ttaaaiy and Blephea, And Jimmy K. Folky Aad prijlill? Tbtephitui tuu. f Cuuit, iumtf Ac. Cum one nd alt Buih grent slid iuisll, Tb nwiruni sow nirruaud; Cum t the cull, And U-l this bH With rkjaen rranutid. Coiue Jacob sad Peter, Aiid Juhiuiy and ICii Remember, we, gji? e yo a charge Aud Franky and liuMy, And WnhmfMiu Taykir, And Archejr, uifelher wuh ileoigt). f Come one and nft dte. GAMMA. Ml. Pteasaut, N. C, Oct., 185T. na THU WATCfltfAK. The Pedagogue's Complaint. (Af by Ikr Slmtfuf tf W. C. M. Aeaiirmy, Mt. Pinuaat, A". C, l Me.r late xMtUnffr,HtL-l. li, J857.) reauiHco ar aancBST. I've uflen heard U laid of late, (And nothing ia more sure,) That Pedagogue' unhappy aien- Aro ofien very (ir ; And wlmt'a Ihe refl thi is aa, I'm veil prepared to ftav. For the atingy people wiH fiv'ni no amre Than One dollar day .' To se.ve ihe peiipte we have a;wnt t ur llloai-y and our time The days of jfuih the day -if amngik The daya of rsaahood'a prime, Aud what d'ye think w pour lellowa get To oonetiiote oar pay? 'Tie the miphly auin Ihe enormoua mm Of Oik dollar day.' Juat fp with rae to the old field icbool If you really would behold,, "All thl imaiuation craves. And more lhan e'er tu told," D'ye eee the little ach.vl-holiM awarin With urchina yonnjr and ay; And the master he must teach thera all At One dollmr a day ! And he must take the greatest care That he duel Ii.it ulft-nd The the hopeful young America, Who'U neither yield nor bend ; For then lie must pull up hia atakes And march without delay, To try hia luck at another place, At One dollar m dny-i From morn to noon, from noon to nifht, The sin. i all the same, W try to aerve and pl'eaee iheni all. And then rci-ive but blame. But now we hat made up our mind. And mark ye wlial we ady He will no) teach for le any more Til a 11 'lira dollaiM a day ! GAMMA Ml. rieaaant. X. C, Oct 185;. The. iiall Stceet Ctnirtetie of Life. The fallowing extract from the letter of Witi. Wirt to Jiis daughter, gives public ity to a secret which, if practiced, would f bo worth a mint to the possessor: ,r I want to tell vou a secret. TliO wuv to make vourself "pleasing to others is t gj j n (.)r th9Uer at Mansfield, who care.1 for noUoUv no, not Iw because HhW1v;i",hwi7 "fcf ' "to,,ua xv i''noinumtioiii -nJ ajixiintiteiit f Vwr cared for him. And the. whole world tiJilZ.lt We take thes.ubjoiaedpara. w ... servC ou so .. jou .oe,., v..cj see that yon do care f. ing wnai oterne so nappiiy cans if ie. smalt sweet courtesies ot lite, m which there is no parade ; whoso voice ! sot still, to ease, and which." manifest them- selves by tender and affectionate looks, and little kind acts of attention giving others the preference in. every little en- loymeut at t he tub e, in the he d, wait- -f . p - )iZ-..iWoi.Tli. Plantpr' Rink i , .... M . , . . i nf 1ilirnnlil atiaivomloil bivmii. im V moll tii . ' , , , i A yesterday. The suspension of severaij of I-. tne larger nanus in Unarieston iiiuiieing .r... J! t:? DariK. We Hope ami believe that as Soim il the present panic subside the liiik;,iy a liule personal desire fur revenge. Can will bo able to resume at an earlv day. there be houor in seeking ihe ble uf a ...an, There is no possibility uf loss to the bill holder." Ir'iViNiiWo iijiihr. VTTTA f lirri 99 jl From the- CSntsa Isde pendent. The Code or Donor. The "code of honor" embrace , thow rule aad reaalau'ot- by which duilUUriigov!rnl. Wiico an ioultiapsed Utweea two com.no. - . .. . r .1 J.nl.,p,.BgJotM merit ofdi moment do each other what J''f - oaldatniige tliey an with blow frav kantl or feet, or with "eh w"ipin aa c-Lance way throw iuto tlusir hand. Tlire ire uo role obaerrrd id a Hgbtef this character. ' VVImmi gtmtlmm (?) receive imulu. from each other, one send a wrttten challenge born by a friend who rtiwa li ajuwer truut the ot W j IrieiiU. 11 the challenge is acceuleu, ure irienuai. f make arrange. rrenn for a hostil" meeting. Thus the beligeraut parties tueet, aad with sol emn gravity, proceed to shoot each other down, according to auch rules a have been established by gentlemtn (!) Thus if one kill the other, no (sxly is to blame,, fur the thing was dune strictly 10 aoiordasce llll die "fwe of honor" (!) It was s fair bargain, aud the1 bravery ef both a es tablished. Nuw tlie question oftn arise among mett of reflecting minds, " Iloea tnicb a coarse of con duct meet the end of justice f If it J"..!. proceed ; if it does not, is any tnao in liunor bound lu adopt.lhi method uf vUliug a dilii cultyl muse w no cumeiiu .ur iios iii'-vamo v p.u - 1 .1 . . 1 11 .1 i, i. L , weJing aver that it Is honorable, that It la iut, J II10M who contend fur tin imllKXi ol pro that It evinces bravery, and if it in just, bonura- ble and brave, there cau be no valid objection to ill practice. The whole ubj.-i t might be swtpt from the board by refereace to the fact that we entire pro ceeding is a viulatiun uf the law uf Uud and uf ! the country ; but n answers a better purpow lu auulize the subject, and meet each point that arise a we pned. To any ihat justice i done, in to assume that the most guilty in the quarrel, gets the worst end of the bargain. Wherea. all the Wrld know. l .! Ihe wlKrte matter turn., nl u .01. wi.icl, ,s f() Uu) ,mM of a tb. n,ut gnilty of -rung, bat .ba.li tb. e.ost , ,u tQ 6UiU ia irliwil it. the use of the weapon, there are ., , . ,.,'h, snd true gen.k-men. wLaTrt extort in the j ?.!"";r stt"f bC W rP Use of.. u weapon whatever, while there re W!oWe(J lle Pf eiPUoa, plajed t many vidian, who know well buw to use almurf Ala", - game played pa borsebaci, 1i any deadly weapon in use amut.g men. put t the medicine placed in the luall liaeiag tlmt and that logelbfer and draw your iuferei.ee. J heated hi baud, a profuse sweat WW Cb Would not tlie better man ia that case be like consequence. It petietrated the mlmi If to become the sufferer, be he evero innoi ei.t. body, uud after certain washing mad imb- Again, if A charge H with falsehood, li's kil bing in the bath, a perfect care was ef ling A U no evidence of Li'a ii.ins;ei.(!u. Nothing ' fected. The grand Vizier, jeaioot ef ti is yarned but that remorse cuneiUeiit upon so-' honors and wealth lavished Upoa that lhj Ur retleciion uvt-r a rah and muiiltious act. Uiciaii, insinuated that the cure waa mat Again, a man without family or even ieputa-1 raJii-,! uut , appearatice only, aad titat ' ,7 " I 1.4. I UniK t l, lull... w,,nLI l,.v. eml r miwe at stake than the former whose worthless life would ba of tittle advantage tu liiruWIf or to i the world. 1 Lastly, it require a great sin imleed to make it necessary to take a man's lite. It is op "eeed-i ed by all able jurists that before ruau'a life ! reiiuircd of bim, it must be uroven. ibat be has ahuwn in bis conduct that he poeethe bean ; as the band touched the Cover of tae irtX, uf a murderer. Most of those case which come and the loaves being glued, tlie King weC unJer the regulations of the rode1 of honor arej ted tbem with spittle the better t tars generally from causes of small magnitude, and j them over, till he got to the si Ilk !. vi.o, ,c.iUuSi. uiurc miiuaij u..i n as a untiiK. i lie ivnig earn, i ttrtt real. 1. it just then to desire to lake a ma"' ! ciati, there is nothing written Thebesvi hie, or require him tu risk bit hie, becau. i j d-ected him turn over more leaves. TU some trivial offence f ( poison with which each leaf wasiu&aedi , , "'Tr,",i JTT Cnnw r'tt-uM the whole system, and the Mt- willr It - I lis! tliAm ia a uli.oft t( kiui'.rv 1.1 III.,. 1 . . - i , ii i . . . i . .. r , . idea of walking deliberately into lire face uf dau- gi-r we admit, but we mutt also be allow, d lu ak, if oae or two des.srrate acts in life will con- stuute a man a brave one. (. annul any coward Jo one aeserate il-ilf xooic is biicii a n.-11-iico as uwuioaab And is not the feeling carried otit nndvr the code ! Imperfect as it is, by its means bfcaJti, of honor, more a feeling uf ilesjratiun, (ban of I strength and life have been girej to tens true .undaunted courage. Hetwitiv. men, s.itier l-of thousand of snlfcrillg humanity, &d, their minds to dwell upon injuries, real, or iru- ljn the Words of one of oar most tiastiB aginary, until thirst lor revenge, wcreated, that I gtiishcd Professors, on tbe OCCasiasi f Ml aguiarj., until uirsi lor revenge, is creaieu, mat prumpi them to risk Ibeir own lives, for aubanca to take the life of another. Spurred un by the fear ot being called a coward, they adopt a course of action, which proves that they fear the laugli of inconsistent men, more than tlie'y esteem tlie law ul Uud and their country. The spirit which prompts most men b en-1 , gage iu a du! i a compound utie, viz , a thirst lt!l eir professed bMTOr tt W K.r reu'iige, and a feju- of being called a Coward, j Cret p.litica! orgttlliailtiona, it seNUS tliat Are either of the, feelings taken singly or to- a 1o,.ti0 t,f ,l,u Democracy f PnSTl gellier consistent with irue lavery ! He is a ' . . . , , man, who can "dare to do rigl.L" whether , lUu WotM fruWns or Uan ul ,,ls ,omiul.,. i True bravery is delated in defending right b. . . jyrt, to rUsB mj, an eoeniTi and a coward mav i, for' them b v 'show! I S'T? 1 ' 'i'" d"V ' an, X the1 "li i W ,'i iiajipity cans toe . cause and consi.Hjueuce of the actiuu, and i to rUsh , eoernT, ,nd , coward mav cause and conHjuepce of the actiuu, and governed by well drawn coudusion. To be onue daring and desperate not brave j ry.for bravery arum from adeep rwted principle, ; established by mature rdec,tioii,an.l nurtured by generous iinpule. h a tiied mar that uever j qui the firmament The dpert act of w. ",u 18 tne meteor sgiareuiatje. our ajmiration monetarily from il. great iustelUtiou above ill True bravery fames with it an abiding wnae ! of justice, aud resiU alike tin! Hatlerv uf one class and me threatened cori. of an.rth. r. It t .- .1.. IU-r. . ..... . t i 1 the patient woiki-r f a life time, man.ivstin 1 . S3 nilli'h alrvtltfili lit kllHifi'? ft atr-t i, m , rems.tsbleji.et that the code ( honor seiuom wings un.ier n control, nun wi.oiiaie b jreat wilttaev tired , that has no higher object in view than lo grati- uierclv becat.se lie ha insulud vuuf We will leave these question ojien tor llio ivdevtioa ol . war ; but-do people ever consider , that of all who read iheui. , ' two or three glasses of brandy arai half a dozen regalias indulged in daily by a tuaa. The jwrent who would train tip a child j Jd'say nothing .ffive and ten dollar Jia in thoway it should. W, niust-go.in tlie ,'ner, ainount to more, ia s year iKt wm)iI ' wav in which ho would train tip the; he required to dix-ss a maii upto thefail, child. ' (requireineutai vf fashion J .,f L'.,e l :. !.. t . t ;i; . , v - ji titii.lo and litiMj7..ljr, r '! 1 ' ere I t L-a the aijciuiit jiro!'v:s.-iiii of nivfliclue, anl may tend to keep before the wind of tk people, the important fact, that the 32t fied doctor it not s mere pretender, &4 hi treatmetit not dependent on tlie Lsj liaifurd effoi-ta of thecliarlataa. The !Iace dotiiati copipteror had arrived at tie Cy d nns, a river running tliroagk the Cttaeau city, itftcrwarda thwhi?fe-place of Bt rnut. Uintifrtn the treaia li hai jacarcety toniitrit nnipid ateri,re b j iw oeizeu wiiii a vioieiii uweuiiier. uiu an...l .t. i.,.i-. ' luimu ma s uia at ill I eiiHvuiiuawv None of tha physician had the coarag I ti irecri be, with the exception ef Philip, Jan Arcananian who had beel hi atteod Jaut frotrt hi ronth ; and, the danger tvaa enhanced by the circHio&t-ance, tliat Ds M offered ttirtoaand taleot to tb " whottld (kill leiatider. physician reqntred three daf to V?? . ( IH.OI1,iM;(j to be peedy lft i elfeeJl. WMIe tlieltoart w fo tretnbIiB; niviety, and the Couquerof ttf nation received m j letter from Partner. ia, ill whom L placed more confidence titan in a T etber mt h' ,,1 warning hpf'Slewawef Hi- i . . a. M . - I.e.. Vn.il lv.aw 1 .aa a. A Atmm and tlie promise of the daughter of Iriu tI... vr .."i li Metier under Ins pillow, isnd ob tbe a- rroach or the physician with the mtxbciDe, presented the letter to Idui at the time he received the cap at Ins Laads, and fixing his eyes upon bim, swallowed the drattgbt without hesitation. Ihe loy al physician expressed jtiis just iodigTia tion at the unfounded accusation, asa re quested his royal master to com pose Lis mind that the physic might Lava iu 4m effect. The violence-of its action, bow ever, seemed to justify the accusation at I'arineiiia. Alexaodcr rrew speecltloBa, vii seized with strong fainting 'fits, si , , ,. , . ' wa almost in a state of aspbixta. rbilip . , .. . J 1..- u.iki.li.vi-f ull tl.j. ruviflpKi,. iAf to a till employed all the resources of hia art, till a salutary and revivifying virtue was da (used throughout th systeim, rcokf pei fet-t con valesceuce, Xo carcase were sufficient for the physician. Every" hugged hiin with tender affection, maA re-, turned him thanks, as a God by wlwaas tlie King' life was preserved. Tln-ra ta a beautiful atory in the Arabian jkigiaa. ahout a physician named Daubaa, 'jri i J j,) tlJ ,avecured ofhisleproStkKklJ ! vf 'Mliltmt , K ,memi ofttiedicMie MB- the design ot the doctor wa to take away 1 . . .. . . . . J. hi .life. Hie physician was cosdBB&ei to die. 11 i last request was that when his head was. cut off, the King a&Mokt open a rare book he beueatbod iiim, at the sixth leaf, and -the iiead should arm wer his question. The Lead lielng let tail in a basin, the blood stopped i Tareh fell to the foot of his throne . . , ? . " , , 1& viilsious. The head upbraided lu8 Ibr ",4 "1gra"5"u.e crueiyr, SUIO i . .i - ... , deaia ' soon elided Ills days. i jjuighcd rrotessors, on the OCCasii j Introductory Lecture "There is j Jloped power in phvslc aud t I gjcjall , t!w pJiy- , 4 N'KYV SKfRFT ilRflFIL I van,a ."" jmfm j words, gr,pS, srp.s, Are, for the pnmom of enabling them the better to control1 tU , from a ITiiladclpliia paper: tram a 1 liilauelpliia paper: " The Philadelphia Democracy La been much excited for some tiWby tit. ... . . . J discovery that a secret organiiaticw ei- ist among them, whose object is to eom ! trol tlie convention, nomination and ap 1 pointmetits of the Deiuccratie party. It is known in street jariance a "lollr 1 Maguire," and is said to be composed T lrrshtiieti, or the immediate aous of Irisla men, who pMfess the Catholic religfesa. It is bound by oat hs, is strictly organned, with presiding and subordinate -ot&ers wtwords, signs, grips, degrees, etc. uch is 'lie iudujence of thh seccet ec4er. ' ili at candidate for office find it nrrriitiirj to secure its favor in order to make tare of their noiuitration. Some of the Dem ocrats arc indignant, aud talk of csiltsir a convention uf true LVmocrat to cnasii out tlie "Molly Maguire,", who arelookej np.ui as a kind of foreigu "know notking' older, iiut if rumor tell the truth, tfcia oriler is not cou&ued t( l'iiiiadelpbiav. It is alleged to have originated i ISoston, and extended thence to New, York and all the principal cities of tae Union." '.... j vr-i' ICttwayani. Some id" the papers are lecturing woitieii uikiu extravagance ia drovs, ami advising them to hmMk, f pecially during the present financial d;f tieultv. l)oubtles there are maav case ul ail un warrantable extravagance in this

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