. X JERUXJSK.- KDITOU AND lUlOI'RIKToB. bfrM Ika .V-w far Biff aty.j Tlimi) HUX(JKU MEETING GUEAT ASSEMBLY AT TpMl'WNSiigl 'AUK A-A-M 'XUii. 1'Alik. Another meeting of the unemployed ni held on Thursday, (This morning,) on Tompkins Square, in pursuance of a call from the committee appointed for that purpose in various ire wajcrpcrs. Wlitle to the previ.nn cull only some one or two thousand individuals responded, there was to day, on the, S'luari acrwl. of some four or live thousand growTrrig asd clamoring fijr "work," "iour"' or "bread." ... :"'".. The ight waa awful. Sereriit flcrce; Dutch and Irish orator addressed the at- j embhufu. to lite effect tint they must procure or de we some means W - . B . the re- lief of their Mart families, ur.ji.ijj the I ... i ..,..i,i,...i-,..-v .i,.v f., i ,f-!, ery day to the Lit v Hall, and there pe .r-TT" titioa the "Oovernmunt" for employiiieiit. lot reliat, aud tinally , if necessary, tocom- . .i j .i . .i . . i t lel tliein ti give It, assert iiyflliut they have a perfect riht to do an, as every workinau, who is willing to work, has a right to a living. They sar, thev will now demonstrate very day, and thus increase their strength 3'i.taaind living in a land of praiite, tliey win nave t lie power 10 Better men terriuie auuauoiis. It was men resolved 10 mareu m tne City Hall and to present (here to the May or and Common Council their resolutions, which were read. In the following effect: Whereas, The ten ihle distress actually existing among the laboring classes gave cause to several meetings, and peaceable . . . . .1 . .1 ...... ' vet mournful procession througbout t"C city, for the purpose of obtaining "work from private resort, hut having entirely failed in this, and arrived at tho gloomy conviction that during the present crisis it will be impossible to. get employment by inJividuX exertion, thy sulonit to li.s Honor that he may cause the em ployment of the unemployed by employ ing thein at public works, such as the Central l'ark and the new Reservoir, in leveling streets and other work which has long been contemplated. Ihe resolutions were unanimously a dopted. A lioe of march was then formed, which, headed by three drummers and a trans paruncy with tlie inscription of woik car ried iu front, proceeded through St. Mark's Place, Third Avenue, IJoWcri and Chatham street, lo the City Hall. They marched on llnwfiilewalk, anil these were entirely blocked up along several streets as they passed. The picture represented was very alarm ing; and it wae viewed by the specta tors, when they passed, witli urptieaud astouishment. Arrived in i'rrtnt of the City Hall, two members of tlie committee read from the steps the petition and resolutions in Eng lish and German : "To convene without delay the Alder men and commonality of-t-he city, for the purpose of ordaining the immediate mi ployme.it of workmen at the Central i'ark, Grand Reservoir, New Post Ottiee, leveling or (ewering streets, or any other public woiks so indi.p asa'de for the san itary condition i-t the people, and the com fort and safety of the sealthy them clves." Every human being has a right to live not as a mere charity, but as a right ; and Governments, monarchical or repub lican) must find work for the people, it individual exertion prove not sufficient. -After repeated reading and short ex planation on the importance of this doc- utnent, the committee went into the cor ridor of the hall leading to the Mayor's office. Introduced by some attendants. Mr. Beeler, acting as Chairman, in the' absence of Mr. Smith, (who had retired in consequence of seeing his own more Voileiil resolutions not adopted at Toinp-' kins Square,! presented the above peli- ', tion. The Mayor attentively read it, ami autwered substantially as follow : He, the Mayor, expressed his deepest ympwtfcy with the content of the peti-, tion, atJperfect!y agreeable with the pro posal iu his message" to the Common Council ; thatlte would do all in hisjihw er for the alleviation of the terrible mise ry now resting upon the people ; and that he would bring the memorial next week to the deliberation of the Common Coun cil ; that he hoped tl.u committee would endeavor to keep the masses rjniet, and to make them wait until the decision of the authorities is given. Heverul papers bad pretended that the whole movement wa a political one, and especially com posed of a mob who had nothing less in view than to. create a disturbance, to ran sack the city, and push towards a social revolution. li it Irmn the firm yet mod erale terms of the memorial, he is happy to see that such was not their intention, etc., etc. Mr. Heeler here sleppcd forward and, though a German by birth, id iu good that the number parlicipaling in tW. fap " l It i ek 1 ' i ' ief ife 1 1 11 i Be d a rk i bu t ex wl - b? ,ho ,,e "f ,,,e '""T T,,e J"1'1 "1, ' , ov.me.it h.vinK already d.btil !, s.mie vL: We will hunger till t m .Ta'ii 1W imTxCl LJ ",4 b!7.- lwoth.rd. the beglnfling, they b.n tlnrt tfc mee- Mondae !" Others. - N.. I.mger." ,an who owmi .lm. is "Wler' lie is 3lerdy. bne is re,reuted to as as mn women and children. . f.r. 7l ':it.. Ll, iL.. J wn n,.. m . . . r , come v in aniK'srauce, irenteellv dressed, ! :-. , Luglish : Mi:. Wood 1 You projx.je to commu nicate our memorial only next week to the Common Council, agar list which in lent ion we must protest with aW our pow er. The people outside are hungry, ami myself, the only protector of my family ''WlTli"'sTx"ctiihTi,1reing' since six weeks without working. We cannot wait so Jong in our present misery. Why has Hiie report on your message not yet been . published f Ihe Common Council ap pointed lung ago, a. committee of live, and gave them orders to make their re port on or before the lir-.t of November, aiow, mit. , WoeU, -to-day we are on the noon of the 5th, and in report has yet - bewgrrcrrr the perrpXKnrrjtTrmrrr longer. 'lbeir Buttering are cruel, ami we cannot warrant that the pcple their patience exhausted should "help them selves" by employinajpTiysical powers, with its' unavoidable brutalities. He and his comrades of the committee had done all they could to keep the peace, but now the people ask for work or death. The Mayor, somewhat changed in. his countenance by the ardor ot this Ian guae, repjied to tlie tpcaker quickly, yet rery kiltdiy : - In regard to these eicumatance, he will j inise to cortnunieatc the memo- ff utf5 tn fUttto; Ufw, SljrifiUirf, Jatrraat 3j?rfifitJ, Ciimrff, p VOL. XIV. rjl 0f tlt, meetimr to the Common Conn - c;i tU very erautntf, urging thaui to de- i .1.1.... " '-"" ",UK"" uc'' . After wirn- ttmmiKirtnrrt obwrvati.mn from the part of aome other nieuihers of - rt, connuinee, the datMltiea retired to ttta a . . ..." . . . 1 . . steps ol tlie Uily tl all, Iter man v aiieedi- os 1 1, tinned amidst the hurrahs of the imillitude. StMiw orators explained the answers of lliu Mayor exiiorrtng me people 10 a wait pulieiitly the dueition of the (Join Amotum MarniJio. After the &nt meet- j , ljecll jth.n.J lMall ,;,r at.'un, l led "No. j hoiir. another meet in if was called on the Imiir, another inei tm was culled on the jlteps i'f" the City iralf, amr Win. Boole a hJacksmkh made a few remarks. Vr. ltoole stated that already many ! :.. ...4 :.. - i . I t. wcieui w uiii itiiu Biitiei 1 11 Miiu initi tt'.ii. . I. lit i. lev must a.i'l a ion d liuve. It was in- iiiisaililtt for h'iiu in mtiv ttnvlli:ii-r iniire ,H liMj reaUy been stated at the other . .. .... Ineetiug. lint he asked if It should go abroad lli.it the people were letting their poor fellow-creatures starve at their do rf No, no, it must not fa-; it never slmul.l b ! He urged the Workmen to get a banner, and parade the street-. He wauled to meet to morrow inorniiig, at Tompkins square, and then proceed in a IhmIj through the streets. Let them go to Wall street, and show those who have their pckets lined, Ihat tfa-v wantvd work. let that be ihe inscription on the banner "We Want Work. A com mittee of SIX .hoilld also lie appointed, to procure this banner, aud meet the peo ple lo-moirow In. truing mi!i it. If tire met'tiug would apj.oiut such a co.utu.ttet, he Wo. lid nut fail to work a lib them, and tnev would snow to t'te world lhal lio-y weie honest men, and thai all they want ed was tfork to keep tlieni tioin starving He continued : (.Veil. I it lie I hat ins. glorious a city like this, so many .n Hiifortuii.ite crealuies Would go begging tbroagb the streets ll cull not lie it must tint fa-. There weie no doubt many alio would help tl.eiu. but some one was needed to show Ibe ru t) that tlie j.Mir were in want. Well, then, ! Wll street they should gu and proclaim their situation. The moneyed men must shell out to the poor ; and if they Would riot, the musket would be their resort. Tliere was no time to be wasted, and a commit tee should be Immediately appointed to carry out their designs. A committee w as then appointed to .procure a banner. The meeting then adjourned, and in hall an hour only strag the Park. ier reiuaiuc l THE CRISIS AND ll EFFECTS OX AltOLITlU.NlSM. Two tilings of late have occurred more irritating to abolitionists than the mani fest scorn hi which they are regarded by all honest and sensible men. One is that the North Is the great sufferer by this panic, having; a million ot people in nan jjer of starvation, and with noiliiiig but .-out. .cm cotton to savu her; anoiher, that the financial pressure has dr.veii to the wail tin; projected National Disunion Lon volition at Cleveland. " It hua betH In nft aJctKllitt, says the organ of these lucebduxries, "to postpone the Conven tion to a later period, on account of tbe paralysis with which the wholu country lias been struck in legal. I to all its finan cial operations and business relall-uts." liie VV ashiutoli correspondent of the New 1 oik lribuue is tin own into spasms by these lie w horrors ol tne financial pres sure, and fairly gnashes .'us teeth as be looks upon the piacul and pleasing pic ture of plenty n ihe Suuth prew-uts He threatens u with an irruption of the abolition hordes, wli.jm ne Jiially bke.us to Goto, who will overrun our Italy and bring their institution with tne.u. Wm Lloyd Garrison bus issued a Iran tic pro - iiiinciameiito, shuwing in every syllable of it impotent rage that the deme::'-d creature fee! his "occupation's gone." So far froui rejoicing al the present trou bles of the North, we feel the uiont pro found sympathy for it mechanical and laboring classes, inw out of employment, the only clanse tliere which deserve sym pathy : but at the same time we have riirbt In .mint with joy and irratitude to H.o... Sttuiharn iiiatllutimis. so often de- notiirce t afid bc'liel, to which we owe the Contrast in the condition of Southern and Northern laborers, f.om which the North Ilia de lived the most of its wealth, and upon wh-.se or-at staple test it only hope ot salvation. The New V.rk Herald gives n liiict h i s lurical re vTesv nf fhe earton itltcr.ia tivs between the slavery tiuesliou and I ltd money ipiestioii iti oiir politi cat affairs, illustrating the striking fact Ihat Ihe agi tation of the slavery question ha only prospered in our seasons of bhancial and couilliciciai prospernv aim nniainm " fiitth. Iti'oal iijaU'h. A Hrmarlcahle EmMnt. We learn fr im n gentleman Ol i.rnwi'iru ciuinj, urai t-s- . e ... . -I - - rrrri1r - r Mis.. Nancy tubanks, lormeriy afM Dickson, of Hancock, was terribly gored in the stomach by a bull, on the 6:h Oc tober, nit., ripping it open from idu to side, letting out her entire intestine. She gathered them in hef apron and climb ed three fences in that awful condition;: aim would have been killed before she could have escaed, had i: not have been jvening train, and rialo up in an omni- I'oi a ti. . dog she bad along w ith her aTTnu to the-hotel, but on arriving there, the tin,-, who kept the bull at bay. Mis. the landlord took the girl into the house, K. is in the 71tyearof age, and wa alive but refused to permit the 'icgro to slay,! on the 26th nit.; though not considered out nrVTangcr. .WMns llteorrier. 1 One of the Crimli" at the State -The Editor of the Frederick.hurg t . . . . ia. News attended the Mate rair at ... "Ti. r" . jkicilinoiiu neck uvfoiv niiu iimv n i it "t,'c VL"J . l. .:tu.u. He says: Ha airnaja ana wa wiiiinm 1 j WM mrc a,B4,.. with the "Young EUm Saxe Horn Kind," which came w;ln ,IIO ,m tha cars, than with anything yeitrs old. when askeo 10 piay, ne else. 1 Here are seven mtoiw ""j , 1 . m . ' m . : 1 1 1 1 . . ,,' . . .. 1 . i.fi.rn .. tti i" liati" , " .tl. .t L it iU" uii t ... ...... ...I .A ,.v,.r t ... I.l ,. , s .1 (I. ,i .truck u., "Lilly Hale" and played ,t struck m "Lilly Hale, an j beautifully. It was enonhtonMfke a j horse lauh to see their 'hil?7riiliiiost starting frtioi t'.eir heals, and ill blow- : t l:r- L1 . LJ .1 ui.'itMay l'r Hie. r.tery niw w.t invii .iB J.fi , , ; , lln:v w.ni il rt-Iinise into a nan. anil seem- - , . , . I'ould relaiise into a nap, and seem- 1 ... .I.. .. i .. ed as I lappi as uuav.uie, ineownei si-pi ill them for Ins own amusement, aud seeip ed as fond of the blacks as of the white boy. 1 regarded them a seven of the most remarkable people in the Stttte not excepting Gov. V is. '1 ne Fair has fatigued me more than usual, because 1 nearly broke my le by stepping into a coal vault, left open on the sidewalk. I thought of suing the city, and asked a lawyer here if I could recov er, lie said my h might recover, but lie did'nt think I would. If I did", hu ad ised mo to take thin-plasters, which were as o - id as suspended hunk notes for a braised le. I asked the same friend what would induce biiu to join one of those benevideftt societice, the Fire Companies, which are always lighting, and wear red flanm-I s'liit in the strwel. He saiil he might join if be had UseaxlMSMtMStisin, as red dauuei was he Ire veil to he good, for it ARRESTED J- Last Friday night a white man was committed to Jail iu this place for attempt ing to run i ff sfavt-a He give Ins name us aba. Cuderwtaml, and is ai I to be a ujttve ol Union connly. 1 ne circani stance winch led to hi arrest, a near us we can learn, area follows: A negro man belonging to Day id Park, Esq., w as returning home tlirtxig!) the suburbs ot town, uf.er night, and w as accosted by Enderwoiaj with the interrogatory if he did not desire lo be set free- that if he did. be would write bun a pa-1 ami have nun. with other., conveyed olf next Sat- u.day night. Ihe negro told hun he i.l .... 1 1... .....I I 1..- . uld go aud invited hun to his master Kitchen lor the purpose of making ar rangements, and immediately informed bis master of the Conversation. A plan was formed for thr arrest nf I udcrwood. Alter the negro and I n. lerwo. had en tered tbe Kitchen, officer ll.inis tiik position near the d..r and heard the con versa. ion earned on. which I unnecesaa ry to detail here. The negro found out all he could from the fellow and I hep w alked out and intimated to Mr. Harris that It which Jail. i.l take charge .f tbi hiiA :tu I' he did .-i'ijI, marclieiJ 1'rjderwissl told tin ll b nogni t It.tt other were c onaiiicsa. He ntiected with him in the hd not write tbe ueifru a pass, for it appeaiatliat be la niied.ii aleil and cannot wi ilu. t'luirUAtt Ontiuctal. HtMtirl iUt initt'iitct nf ll'itntm. I he Rev Mr. Si under, ol India, in a let ter to the Christian Intelligencer, gives (lie fallow ing uistnncc of heroism, called drib by the Indian mutinies: fa-l Americans never be ashamed that Englishmen were their forefather. Ktig taiid is a noble country. Her sou are heroes and her daughters arc heroines. This re bellion bat brought nut ih-.-.la ifiai deserve to be aasocialed with those valor oiia ar-tiona w hieh wrsv. with tbrotitiino i.ilIs- , c reed in history. In OHO n lice m v s,-. and her husband lied in a carriage. He i$ie stood tipi tlit. rfsli,. took the reins lashed the horses through a band of nui tineers, while lie, with cool aim, shot dead one who seised the horses' heads, and an ntner who climbed up behind tbe can. age to cut him down, flu they lied, till again they found themselves among foes, a ami a rope sirercneu across tne roan, made further piogresapM-ar impossible, trot to herself, she dashed the horses at full speed against the roie, and as they, hear ing it down, stumbled, she, by rein ami whip, raised them, while her husband's w eapons again freed them from those who succeeded in leaning uihi.i them. He was wounded, hut both escaped with their lire, iu anoiner piaee a young laoy I .,.111 . I J the rfanrerttinrof ifrr'.-.ttivw, shot wren mu- uneers before they killed her. A cap tain, pressed by his sepoys, with his g I aword slew twenty six ot tliein before he fell ! AN olilo KLOPtMENT.. ignite an excitvment was created at (.omhiii on Tueadar, by this npriearUfi ly Ihe nppeamtii e I negro, baling in Rented ppanng.j id evidenllyl weak there of a well drej-sed , eo.i.M,.ij wi... n - im.v -titl I.:... but simple acting and evidently! weak minded white girl. From the facts suV sctpiciitly gathered, it seems that both resided at Morrow, and that the negro had induced the girl to run away with him, and she had left tier father's house to I'ol- low the fortune ol her ebony admirer. 1 lie couple arrived ut London on the axn therefore turned him out. f liy tin time a conjnneranie crown naa garnered KZNr'nt .Im'wmTO'T "f X SALISBURY, N. C; NOVEMBER 17, 187. about, and the negro, fearing personal vi- bitueir ' WIr part o! ilia town. : ,,.r "V. a i.k I...) '"! lu 'ril lover, and expressed a wish to cling II . Y j . i ... i. ...T.-lT. uiewrj jeameu iiiimuauxt m to Lira ; hut the negro, fearing lie might be mobbed if he persisted in taking the I girl with him, advised Iter to stay at tue : hotel, "which ah did through the night, ' the pair had not yet been married, but 11 was llieir intention 10 can 111 toe aiu ut u insliee at London, when the "cousiim ..- Kl.i-.l r.i,l .lil-l IIIWllll HVt niivniiinii, " I c.,arac.er.-l,.w. v. -v. Step the Villain. We learn that a 'i bold and daring attempt was made by two men who stopped a ahbrt while in nils inace on rmiiirnav aiieniotm ii u , . , 1 . .... J i j ;. : kidnap slaves. 1 hey succeeded, it issup , . t . ; . . this pace on featurdav afternoon last to I .... J . . . . .r -. irt earrvlllir oil fillt I10V. n.imv f " . " J . . llustcr," the propel ty of Miss Sarah Davidson of thu town, (as that boy is missing) aud made proposals for another boy named Jerry, the property of Mr. J.. II." Greenlee, of McDowell county, who soon after revealed the whole affair, but too late to insure the arrest of the rascals. Jerry says they offered him a gold watch and twenty dollars if hu woujd go with them, and they would pay the same price for seven more if he could knock around and procure that number. Ihey were to allow the white men to sell them several ! geai)oity. Brother II ill ssy a -Tell ihem all tunes, divide the money, and carrv them j ' vn.e. We hope, if ' pgs.i ble U. see ee, Ui lo a free State. The missing boy ia a tall 1 reprinted. We ..II Uk care of them mulatto with whisker. ',Kt '""" 10 UM r i i i i . Ilie . Iio.e raii.l I ' ...... 1 he bov Jerry describe one as Ikmii a . . , . , . ... . . , I It M aafirestr.1, la! tboe .no intend 1 ;. ' tii man with whiskers, wearing, a blown . .t ; i n u i F. i a i prs-a,-iit at that sesvl'.ii, tlioul.l ad areas a i uello trots coai, ano grey emu cap , aim u.e other medium sized, blue clolh coat with brass buttons. We have not learned in which direction these villain, went, but w e adv ise a sharp luok-out along the Cen tral Road. (,'. OtMoeml. Cxcoirr. Two underground railroad agent trom "ay dow n east " w ere cai t u red in Sumter county last week and bulged in jail. It seems that the scoun drels had several interviews with some negroes and persuaded some ol then tolrpriae. It is slatsd, jaureorw jr . tkw Jour leave far free-uiggerdom, hut one of tli would he midnight emigrants informed lus master of ino allair, alter reflection had brought linn to his sciiac. The mas li r tbeTOtore dresaed and hl.u-ked biuiseil ,,.to . counterfeit neirni and Went to the i,ucc. f reuezvoua, where he met tbe "lib . ' . erators and talked aud laughed "high negro'' until all their plana were discover ed, and evidence enough to convict ob- tamed, when the master and Confede.ate.1 threw off the.r diagulses an 1 ariesled tiie . thieves, aud sent them to "durance vile I and the pnnpect of a few years at hard labor iii the carpenter's shop over akauil Wetiiuipka. A swift and easy voyagMa' them to that pleasant place where they will be able to do the "State some ser vice," and learn more useful trades than that ut stealing people's negroes. .'ufoir (itt.) H'iiy. CI' RIOT'S. (In Wednesday evening, asGeu. Wheat and Captain Earnham were standing in trout ot the St. Nicbolas Hotel, on I (road way, two' men having the appearance ot I nited Males Ivavy tijhceis, stepped up, w ben one of them, in an iinpertiiiout man ner presented Gen. Wheal with a bmpiet. The General made some remark relative to the act, upon which both ol the navy ifficeri became very ituiiudelit, and used iu. ist insulting language, (ten. Wheat sritl.out'mnltipli ing words, struck ImiiIi the men. in the face, knocking (hem down and cutting them very badly . alter which, he walked off about his business. Tite gentlemen of the "butlnn" were couduet- -. , , " """ m ' "g "'".e, -iie.o "" "' wounds were dressed t.y a burgeon, It is supposed that (liatol it not oafeel will be the result. letter frum J. HiKiS. Our exchanges from the hog feeding districts generally speak of inac tivity existing, although the packing sea son is at hand. At Cincinnati!,, a sale of 500 head has liecn made at delivera ble on the luth of December. Tin is a clear decline of $2 per hundred pounds from the prices current about tbe lira! ol August. Packing operations will com iiicine in that city, weathof Tiivoring, about the fifth nf this month. At Hen derson, Kentucky, $tj is reported to be the running rate. At Madison, Indiana, early in the season, about 25,0(1.1 head were crnrfractcd fVrr at fli iHf net. Atl e- :o. i .i ."! UO-l 1. i : r.v insv . f null aioii" uie v anasu, utiv- .,, " . o .. '. '. era wi not oiierate in the uncertainty of i r lu-iri Wal t-here are omc contracts on the b at sr.. At Cincinnatti it is ex pected the price may go down to $1. At Chicago, sales have been made, net s I 7.'. a 5.2.i irross. At I'm linirton. Iowa. priced eipaal lo $5 net, . delivered, hava;" course of asingle season, about pn hci been accepted. Jtiyt Appeal. hstxJu if the, Monmm tf Carton Viilti ij Ttui Iintnigration. Wu copy the following telegraphic despalch from the Sacramento State Journal. It is .fat ! ed.Genoa, September 17". It will be seen that by it the rumor of the exodus of the I Mormons from CaTson Valley, by order ol lirigham I oirtig, ts continued. Ihe settlers iu that Valley will have a happy riddance of them. Thu despatch also conveys the gratifying intelligence that the immigration of the present year will liiliy reach 20,000, and probably do.ooti, twai loiroa oi wiioiu are women ana cuu- rb ani. Sfificfi, .ton .it), j dren. Thi will make a great addition , to our population. year w may expect 4U.0UO at least : V..- u. n t:.. jtions to leave foryte Great Salt I..0.1 ; ! l ;ti l. u-Z2-tZ ..1 , 1.... .1., . , ... vl ...... -...k 1 they will leave herein about ten day , and will hfce in their traiu over one hun- , area wagon, tneir farm nave oeeu purchased by emigrant comingjover the plains tin season The emigration tins t unr is immense The valley is alive with men, women, children and animals, ! A. ,aeane4 hat -ssk. m am, .a.u.l : ,b, ,; a u,, , inueri satpetaea i of North Carolina, ia to euovv.is iu I Us town of Loeishurir. on the lt day of Uoceniber, at I! o'clock, A.M. I llrlegates en reach Franklin ton either by the Northern or 8ou.nern traia of the Italeif(b aud lias ton lUilruad. that morning, iu liini) to reach Loijisburg. by ksek or stagr, Iwforv tlw hour apHHUlt-d for opemug Louis burg being oulv suuie right or teu miles horn tlie Kailruad. . .j tl.ii notiw Isst mtrV, a have bad s ii.il !i.,i P. .. W. I. llamul S. Hill, of Luuiaburg, .bo informs ua that the luetiitwrs of the . lrd,-r tliefe, and the i .'.! us gi-n. -rally, are anxiou.ly I.K.ki'ig forward lo llii. ineetinj, liop uig it may Is.- a very good as .ell as Very use ful asa.-mbJage. The) are determined lo enter tain all alio attend, in a manner corrrpondng wiib the sell known liopitlity of the ii-ople ol Louisbur and tin is aatin enough to any who bavu ever partieipau-d ot llieir kiii.ln.s and M, inrln,n , ,1,. , ,litlM A, rangsmrBta, at Lrjuiaberg ; so that lb. y may have all tb.-ir places allotted to ttivtii I. lore ll.-ir arrival. The ..'oiumillea would prefer suvh a etiur ; and a line atbhiSM il lo silhef of the fol lowing brethren .ill be attended In, vis : llaliiel III II, Jus. J. Iatta, Joel Tbuaaas, W. K. liar baas, auJ S. T. WiluVr. Spirit -j iK. .jf. Tat Calobic Ractaa. Mr. ib well known lavenloff of tbe caloric engine, lira disheartened by Uiedisappoiulinei.laexawMntti , ..uJUm . i. anil busily enraiJ m Ins trrea. en nal itf tommrrrt Mist Lis prisvravt of eventual suceeaa it itfit encoarai;i.ig. 11- ! s t., sta liouary engiuea, nlneli bid las- lo .otk well, be lias a la-sutifu! yavbt, lu. li ba. been ply ing.ia Ntrw York llarUif during the pat l.o e. L. propelltj sol.'lv I.. I caiort.j engine ; still, al- I l'Ku'' bas coiouiuml only ono con) of oak w I .11 . 1. - .1... - w l i u all dial tune die i-ninn.- being sailed lo either wood or coal. Another r. niarkable t-aiure alsiul it ra, that after the (ires bate been tatuJlv Hia.nM.LJ ..lli. ...i.l if... w .. OilmI , , m,u a jj w ,,,. j,i ,i ,.. ,..,.i ,i... e.., .1..,., two milt-s. liu- vaelit is ataiut fifty ft-et long. and ha. an eight f.s.l r.a idle wbei I, w hi. h work aUmi thirty tuiiit j.. r iiiiiuite, giving a rate of wvd e.fual 1. 1 als.ut nias kn. '. an hour. Al ilioitghihe printiphi pon,wbn;li llrn-saon's cal or h engine was o.lgmall) built as .holly pre served, ihe in. i-hanisin sn.i arraftreme.il arc .eat tirelydttf.-re.it ihe .hole U-ing redueed to s simplicity never Uforv attained in any engine. Singular (run I.l bile boring an ar U atan w. II in the baseinenl of a ; i ' Atitl near Walerln.n, N. V., and when a d-pib of siy.y feet bad la-en rearlieil, tbe. mill working badlv. a ligbl wa l.rotighl in Jis uirr the rau, when I an innAiiuiiai.ie gas issmsi ir.nn uie hole, alio lighting, shot Uni (lain whi. b rearhed ihe (ior oterhesd. Two alreamt nf water Wen jtaraed on from hydrants, but could not ehei-k iheftani. i antil ihe whole fore of a tbtme Taa i let into the bu.Mui and s.iv.ed iL 1'be gaa. however, kei.l b'lrning until a plug unwle by sriBdiar blanket around a handspike wactbraM Into tlie bole. '. (rrotthnyfxr ' '(. in Minnet riie Galena Advertiser says twu gentlemen arc in that city soliciting sub- I ... .1 I . .- ..I .1 l t atripiiona tor tne rcuei "i tne BiiiiereT. tij j the grasshopper plague, which ilesohtted matiy of tbe Settlement in Northern Min j .iessota last summer. They represented i that many families there arc in a suffer I ing condition, and illy prepared to stand : the winter. fugitiv .SVnv! Cauahl. A runaway siuve, named lien, who escaped from Ken- I . i I . t alv . ..... ... -O..V -a-i - -"'. UIUXU DIVISION MKtTHNO. atter a desperate resistance, at Lexington, ,d ,wcntv wele cpicJ from 'Wil last Inday night, while enifagcd iu run ii;.n.J fSnninn.ti Iv; ..... .i ning off some slaves from his master. . . iiidc nf the Central Amertea. Last week a dead body was picked up on the Atlantic beach, a little to the north of Capyj (Ittttoras, havttux a belt around it containing gold dust. No doubt it-was ,i .... r .i the corpstMif one of the paasongers of the -n e . . I r ... i a. iVi i r ill-fiited (.entral Amei-u-ie (Ither ib.ad dead Ibodie have been neighborhood. seen floating in the A young lady, fond of dancing, traver- four hundred miles, and yet no lady would think of walking that distance in six months. Death of Gen. Boone, of Miiippi. Tlie Rienxi Clipper brings the painful intelligence of the death of Gen. Uoone, which .vent took place at his residi j at Tishomingo County, Mississippi, Icnce on the 1 1 th tiniuin. lie was a regular des cendant of the distinguished Col. Daniel Uoone, und was said to resemble liini not only in personal aptieurance, but also in hi qualities of head and heart. He had tilled various place of honor and trust in Mississippi. ill tf ..! frdf. NUMBER 25 t ..I K TmbU 1 .j tew .afcgat. t uw imm. Una mm Sma mmt, v., k In. la M mm Haa Aim! ikmgk '.., aw jU.. W prlt. A ri ! pU; aa. Wild iIm bitk tl mmt m.4m Irfl u. t Otis la is a assssk Is ika hat., st kaaa. raws srmSroifsyUiesray.ataMas. Bat ... eesr saw greener, tne fahsrers aag Aay brifht ansa kaawr sw valor's teas sa If Ike Was ksaastaf akiea m lae aasasm ksafce sat, far lutcrmeut. IFlBBaiW tttfimwr As his bark flVar wnfc eslrnlsy's Mss.eriaa hreesc. ? . mt 8k.ll k. .kaap.. UV-SV. UHgk IS. hesve- avay . at..! awlaAa A us ika luk of Iks suina waks Ik kowl at ike ' t autVr Ground. At the Brat OeS ! iber meeting of tlie liuatusx Nataral His tory Suciety, Dr. A- A. Haves reaW ak- N.i, lluss upa and lbe k,.a are kui cWe. iktU ler' fnUU Dr. C F. Wjl til, aT TVJW, On Ike Bukleaaaalkeat.uks tke laa) tke ka.ee. Ann mr sail ibji oue..i..er. o r. .o ) .hi no, tad Ihr etatla Ikl n:. . I In Feat ika kaeaeal atod Sial eeery trial Itiey sf-i. Tlisn s.st ak deapuudrDef k-l coarankrs ykld. Al fain mo. ol lac uos, Iu s srealh a s Wast. Bui the eprit uf Starta alresh k,r Ilia aif'.l, .iMkaoiayrd btkc last ! -- - - THE YANKLL ANDTHE tCAKKR. Bome years aifo a vo.iiur New Km! an der found himself in tbe back part ofi Pennsylvania, ashore aa the means nfl livinif. In this strait he atmlied lo a wealthy Quaker in the neighborhood far help. 1 will furnish thee with work, and i ill pay thee for it my f.iend.' said fSsw Quaker, 'but it i not my custom to give aim to one able to labor, like thee.' Well, that's all I want,' .aid the Yan kee 'of course I am willing lo work.' ' What can thee do friuud '.' 1 will do anything to get little money to help me out of my d.tlicu!ties ' VW-II, tliere i an axe. Thee may pound on the log with the head of the axe, and if thee is diligent and faithful 1 will ay thee a tluliar a day.' ' Agreed, I'd a ooo do that a most any thing else.' And o the youth went to work aud (ion tide J lustily with tbe head of the axe Upon the log. After a pause he stopped to get breath, then he began again. liul after half an hour be stopped, threw down the axe impatiently, and walked away saying 'I'd be hanged if I'll ' cut Wood without seeing the chips fly !' ' Tht VniUd StoUi Mint Tha state meat of the business of the P.uladelphia mint for the mouth of October sjiow a the amount of gild bullion depisiled t . ;b. $.'1,157,040, and of silver C&,510; old cents deposited in exchange for new,: $813, making the total of depositcs for the month $3,!11,410. Tlie gold coinage during the came time was $i,5t52,Ho, nearly the whole of which was in double eagle. The silver coinage amounted Ui $Su3,3."0, mostly iu (jusvrter and half dol lar. There were coined durini; the unolith 1S,0OO of new cents. The total value of the coinage of tbe mouth is fJ'Ssa.miO, covering 5,17i.l)sJ pieces, of which S,lMI,IKrU were ill quarter dollars. and l.ob'i.uuo jn Cci,t. . . Election Fraud in Kanta. The fol lowing paragraph, w hich we copy from a Kansas letter, (says the Pittsburg Com uierciai journal,) is quite interesting and suggestive : On Gov. Walker return from the " . ,v. ..in iiuiii tne ur , ,,f .r,.,i l, l.-h.-l . I a UXh.ru, he uallcU at Laiw- taking out of- his portfolio a r(. aij ukJ- . f. , - .r,.. . ,, . , . . I u . . ... ...II ..f ..... I.l ... . ,e wj how them a s'6 i yy:i , rmi'i totlieeio.U lliat enriositv, if tliev promised not to destroy it. He then un rolled the returns of the precinct of Ox ford, (iu Kansas,) which contained one thousand six hundred and one names, all written in the same hand w riting, and uhieh iniiaaiiv-ittt ..v.o.ll.- t'.li.. r....t:, "... I. 11 length! ltY the name, except one bun- vtiiviiiiiau initt tin . i, ,1-s.,- a.i(iii- inencing with the Same letter fallowing each other as regularly as thev do uuon "e pages ot that boot Sinijular Ointruction of Telegraph Coiiimuuieafim.-Tie Tlunra Gazette! tells of the obstruction of telegraph com-; mutiicatton near that place as follows: " An immediate search was made for the obstruction, which was found at a place w here the main aud auxiliary hues run paralel far a few rods, nud at a dis- j tance of about six inches apart. At this point the spiders had wove their web Inuu one wire to the other, and the con atatit dropping of the water from the dews and fogs through -the different threads of the webs to the line below" formed a complete circuit for the electri city, rendering the efforts of the njicrabir to communicate powerless; 'Ilu- tiny threads of the spiders were removed, and the lilies spread further Apart, since which time the operations ol the line, have been uninterrupted." - att" There is movement br tbe HatiktNii N York, il it said, towards rvsumiiig yytae pavwisat aa tb iwt-ef Jaaeary. .. hmit it i laaiiiwir A fcwi Unity -St rear of age, a tail 4 at a Va aery m tb apfr part of CaatluhaJ mat, ak ML I.. .-Jt. AV - -a-t --- ia W yigaity a" flu ma isRrcas. Faamy. DMWln ss-irkWs a tan a. bat fra.1 MfkMa WawHl nj I U J f'nd t bjsbV. a.aWfc il l i 11 1 i tW r-sriss ""'.aaaay aajal i ta Mfanl a a auatcr f , rrgiMn taw as j UomiciJt. We deeply regret te ttttm Thai a bom i cide wa eaasmittesi ia tisia tow n. tan Tt.urlay la, by Mat. Jam) H. ttim, tbe fasdv of Mr. Join A. a i aadiaa4 naai aafaaa aarf ' . . a .. - - a. 1 m. aa i f " T aeaaW WUrM sfaVeTaTaVJaM IciUiatrlMW. iai;hU coana.aaa aa v4- P.ayer. Immediately alter tbe ecewr a;aaf We ' rence Maj. Riua OasaWcsI to laril mim bsa adf lo tlie authorities af tlse law. WJ as barn that is still bold btsneetf ist imsis nea to sarressaer. baft baa aet ret Ma cartel oa re do 10C A. t ease tt sesa dergo investigation, we forbear aay com The Coroaer'. saiue even. eg and a vcrjicl laaSaafSWal ist 'accordance with Use abov fscta. 1W ! Uarjy of Xr. Player wa Uken to Osswsw- I t..a ma Prutar tv t.ta liasmiiTssi lalliasi presenting to tlie ocety a meiit of a homan . . . . , .. r a...- 1 . ...... i -v v . ws -. .u. v svsaasaa Mountain. It was fuawd sa tke claim SB Of Colonel Hubb, and WJk IsTwaght Bp Wltla "jiay dirt. lacmaJSXS Of tlse . ,ut ,lu( M great a depth. ' 2-ucuraUt of Ws Ntw Voax, November s. Hie foreign new ia favorably euor- stnied. Money latter here are uI and stock adv attciaf, witli a iniiuiry 1 Ihe Arago rep-rts no imports! CstV "r. ami Imng im pn.leteO bill, WeB- mtoru.cd London eorresposvdect balicewj that tlie crisis will be sb-art. Large purchase of lutd been made m Loiidua, ing tlie m i a deciixte ia per Canada. Jun. I Tfttturt Cvninf to Liml Tlie Pen i utD far i Delaware I Xet nay: "Die people ot the lower part of Sussex ciMitiune to pick op silver eoiaaaltmgtkm coast. A friend inf.ane as that, atcxrtaU mg to best infaneatioa he there have been from ebrtit to i .and dollar collected aitngpetbav. TW prevailing opinion t tltat it ysthe Btotvey Which wa buried by Uibbs and Walm aley, the two uoton us pirate, who after conviction cuiifesea-d tluttthev bariadtnas ney iu tlie sand iu that ncigb borad . " A An CmtinU TntuUuam uf tie assise. 1 be LossJoa Calbolie tsegtater svakes ttat til a mg aiinoaaccaseat : "We are aatbenarsa to state that, ia aetxtsaV aaoe .nil lite decree f llse iawt SyBod at n taV lumsur, nksrli Base lately tasea trial Baal fruea Kotne Willi tlie apinabatsua af Use Uoiy Saw, tbe . i.l ul ArcLbntHai of vr , riaiiaw.i r ka esv-im-l. d the pteasratioa of a i-Qt ISalad swaaiea ia English of il.de KnirtiU to Use oae ef lw. Ne. man. Nrto baa a beess oavr ataxy a saaaar aa unwairsM .hack Bast gnrea a Bet bearUeii aauslactaas ; and, uVaavt Bat, it wsl tie sbaral by aM ttaes taf oar ra.il as." none in it. Madame, said a very polite trarrjler to a testy old landlady, if I see proper to help you to this luiik, i there aay propriety iu it: I don't know what yoa mean ; bat if you mean to insinuate that thar it any thing nasty in that milk. 111 give yoa t understand that vu'v struck tbe wronsr fa.ose,! There ajn'ft a fust bair in it, fur Taa soon as Lv-ratliT Aria told me tbe eat was drvwnt-Ftls the milk, I went right -e strai t and stramcl it crer '. ' n. r. " . .... Him. Id . . .. - C TUE Xl Tl- X X L w K. S X Tli i x or XVkr. A.laaa. aeallets ka dipirt.af yVaiasat nl a)finkinf aV.alas7. falsa td. sSst, Tbs saaik J.a4e ; aast I and naW aasaasl O ar ika r Jaa sky. ia r asudatiia aandl, Thr Sratkrla-d eddy SVavl: ny.aag asst.. Era to ikaar snstn; tlaaayn xksry sett. : I. tlaaat rs eksac. Wsraaki tka asaaaVtrtka last. Xnd trha-ap. .tifaiwial kr ftvaa. tlr ralkrr MS. .rrter ilk .aher kraaW sasas ad sra TW) Itnttct eksstfal. tat Ikr saasaal i lav its Uveas arekvaaa kark i laaaassnias sr.. ass ka i TIIE SO XI BBC III ; OF At TV XV Gal sa tha fading, at , at t wtmu 4 araaaia. Miads dVepeaasf was afcads. use r i sart i j asaas l.al.a . I f rfary hue. frvaa araa Ta dark- TWar sx tha i BJa l-.w wl.iwr.af , Itssd i t aj five Ut Saaaaa ta Ha I . ..as... TrrwmJomt.- WsalnmjtoB city nH-DUuus the fact that rrewjeal Har1iBBB sra savB valkiur a fcw days siace. wbwa IBs at sal was 14... lag. MarTekraa tiract Usna, a-bra a l'r.-s;.i, ni is im to stalk ia tbe wisdl. V" iailr if such a inoVentrat t ossaioBs of aay xaaxw; ia pari cular 1 Just iltiak.of a a Praatiat walk ing ia the .lud : CltMlom asoarastVai. dafttf (4 XmptiA RmitnftL ImM rear on It otve peruat ia l.lS.t, who Bad taavcW uaaamstase. aa. rwaart aavSraar. thaak a. di rlia mf rnr leafaarssary srsJBs, by railway, wa killed kvm ' nara control.' '--

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