11 ma - TU &WmV i C 1 i::. r We mUIiM dart is af d.fflenlty farter aaa Fftmeh veeeel, loading wll b aegnm mi fb eo f M ed-gaacar far Ibe llc of Iberbo, aad fcngemW-ll laUU-lWle lglleU il arretted" ftad lamed beck Ibe f rehab ahlp, ,M (rreend.lhal it wm engaged w trely whfab fa ia WvBBCcd m .piracy by. the latwaatMmal - mU af Ear.- IlWMalMel4 that tbe ),eca e-ihnt1e--r hlnl-y todiguaut rM .the ttfiMwrfLM? af tt -aglul. tonittjr, and bad dMMiM men--wr 1 pee- lt i'nmek veeeafa ia lb allege illicit ' ftral.' Aft article which reeeatiy appear d la oa of tb toarf-deil llH la 1 ri et M to ftBifarataad thai the Frertali Uvrvfnmtnl ha dIJVrmt.tjr en tered ap i Inx Ireffle, and M ftetermlaw ) aj JmJJ il el ell brl aJ at ft; ewrf. Tba French e-liU ed UW, pad Um IbveraMteat mm a Impropriety ia ob taining that ItUI IB Al-wa. II CM bar bfacia lhr far J fay baebfaa-wwd tt 'fJTvfaaeM I be IhtM fa mJ Ml JMM, dartotf which ftM UmtJT will pay far Uwir immiii cni lrrr-f yf-t'-f-rll Cadaribfa Ibm -gM, there toeeaemilua bat thia ere-earai im auve uwu u turfti aeaetawCMlly moreera! lhaa iWWIun -ttfdlaffewiM- ataaoa to mm the itaiMM e(vry IM interact of the aier la Ukln wn f bit tltvee, will ba wealing apd the to eera cpptvetitthip w)ll scmI U W arrjijr l ImJB. Will (UI jp to-wr f (iwttiilkl -W iw 1 y lm winlU if (kal WljTh bolWihif tavtrjr In ImT il: but ar iib 'nux b krrwa tb traJ ruld tw pvur Ml lh tUf. Wt MiuMiio paU (a t4 to him iriaitOT, ut4 UmU Ui fulKra Um ! trmU will kw 1 UU4MaMNIUiM )r - I. I it 4J Um4 tuttom lit aaaapU W fnw, mm it tlMj imiMtlMiavj cf Alricma ir . " .it- .i . k . -f. i i t - i it . . i ,liMiMl)4. KlMtjC lM M Hlticlt - -inbaiml iti jitt Nwilkorn Slate lU joiurUtivtt tf brjtruca la U tkmta . ttwoj. lb iaiiiwrtktKHi lrii mI Duicb - V MJol uW intorMting U .. tbaM Hnaeaawtcd with lb eattmiM rf t!t CaUiolie CWireH ia oimninf Cat 'N'ai ey atuwU t. " Tlw holrkManN 6 Ltt will a"aMiaoca in I jemrmr n wnnmnmj, rnmj inn, fid wHt clflM witb Uul Patard, Apfil cMvrrmlns fat1nf and alwlinitca t ba oUef Vftnl br llta ft.ill.ful of tlia DwcuM of CtiarlraiiMi duHag that timtwft lat. Every lar darinir Lrat, SanJava atcvviMuV U a da uf fU(, oa m wal. UmjU afmaM at b takaa twfura autl t.. tw a--fc .ray VOL; i'1l;3ir Hf rb it) SrittftvpfttUtf, ill t7f Uf Ctirrtr. :i: : ,-n ,J .a-; tia Jiatidai!.i aiii.wu,aaMj; atiaiaaawiari. aa.jrnww rMjTgtjtlS ', ,ii'.-il ftp i 'j,-If. i -,'. . ' .--- 1 .,. ! .-n,U-r-t- ' Ti ' n :SAtISBUUY,;N: C.V:MA!Cn 9, 1858. NUMBER 41 akual baMla)Qrltijr aa. OiarU auaU'bl bava Wa il haitar kiaiaalCV r Bo tayUc. ba MaJad it ap and arat It aver bf a bitU lnb baa ia bia amiiUy- , aaviatf firat taarkad 'privata' ia tba fit tt ltlall krcaaii 0s. Vlfra. Oaana( IWaana ta ttt, iW and tij-tur, arhan aarhatb; aada anap-b4 lar h varv fxl ciraaaiaiaaeaai m aall a4j6H bia lilW-la.k La. aaNtribalina'la tba gaaaral I'aii&caihM uTaiaakiad. Jtra. OttiMua jot.it afafa ffwa bar griaf la a prvtt cottaxa iliaaiad mi tba iriaaial axraw ia 10a nwa m u i , At 8r4 aba WMUeoaaolatJa; m aba aacriatt auftfttbstM tm. tb bM. Wliri-I MWfei-lM aaafar. UuU ambiait bat fl llaKliUn(!.WH . ...... jiii ii J. -u ..ii i .1 a u I i u )i- jij.ii.i.i ... i ' .1 iiinmiaiimt--.L ' i t. Waib'bMy tMMjHajaaaaifW Uaaj aaaajrb IflWaeaaf - rarVaf BiCUk-X a AaMfi- rfaTaMK M banU aab mUiU. aa- ladacf Aiaarkaa laJiaa ! taka anibajr aaa aairwaMidaat lka Uaaa Jaraal. -v-..TL. kra. a Lmk ft1..M.iM. aBJ (mltaia tba CnalUi ladlcaVba vaa Maaaat at tba laM ral wab frjiun MibMa kl aal a waarii iWck altaaa la bad wralhftjr.'Cirijt, fM twij(tfn aaa m awaii i4MtnwiiMMMi a'aWk.,kad m, eUldra Vaat tika brMM taa at paaetaataw at apa.Tafaaa, Wat aickad f aa tba aliwat b ana t tba kaada la ttU afflaa. ' Wa H' Waca-, ar wba ll la adJrMMd ta, If tbal twatLaf ., boald ft kid af b!, tad ai tba MaM ,' tim vaald ad a. Ira bar "Hack-if aa. j TaUaU aoti 13 aatr wttk ft thraa-lewl " 'aton!-tb kur-aarliinfaeaaia, wb ' im U wl.lp bit ava eLIMraa, if ba bat gotaa. Dal barf k tba huart ' , iff ' Sir , . ,' .v ' ;4. . I wafej baaary -Maab alliaal M aw wbaa yoa wldp aa? abltoVa laaklac at aw ar far aotUmt at all la talta a awiieh aa4 ' tw4 a i rd i thiak jvm ara aot M part ' : (bat It wUl di(raaa raw la baa tba bV kw bad. at turn laat Mb tVaak mm LxMMa.wkb tba. Uoad aad walu aw bia Wb aa4 laat altfbt iaaaa aaaaa Ua back tba mm I bava iaairad aad lad tt wwa ' bar daa btar fbawncw woakJ baa fw raotad bar from arNinal!na bar axiab aaea itf taa laianraniioa or f n wa. Mra lieaaoa in la na aiaail indabtad Ui bar daajrbtar-aiaea la tbaa tbfoa iwoalba tim Ibrtw aaid bar amaraiiijc aad baaaoi aa Mel. aa arar. ' ToacUia fluraaca, aba bad raacbad tba ajalara ajr f alwalaaa, aftd bcaa ta faal banalf mmabla. 8la'u a a it . !. J ...I.J-I.I- . II i prviTKmj wiwtmutj atwipiuii.q aa Ibat bar w UhM la tbai miajet wara vara . 1:1 i. i. r.aiii : . v - Jaat avartba War li4 Soaira VArb bam, tba riltaea laarar, jut varwbia no- aa ftft, wiib 111 aaa Cbarlaa, bo waa a boat balf b in. Daiax a roaaa asaa of agraaabla atlarior, tba laltar m qm't. a laannia aMuag iwa j-mcg ia.li M taa aaigbiMfffeniNl, aol aonaidarad ia aowmna aarlaaea. aaiU a aatca.V Aa rat. baar- arar. buj aiTactiaaa bad Nfr bait aari- aaal catanytad, and eaijrbt bava ramaiad ad an, bad it aat baaw (r tbaaaddaa ap- paniKM, mm aanraiajt. of r ioraaaa Uaa- fW"1 V at JwraaUae k. ititd, A dJlailoa, tut aiceedinjr tba faartb part ut aa ardiaar wail, it allaw -ad la tba arvnjag f a faat lajf-i 3d. I5aal.ua' im lik.aiM aalbHad tlia tkix f a tap vf coffa r taa, ia v tba moral ng. J ""': - j!s . ' 4tb- Tb?.waj of tuth wiaat jrt Gwmtf- Il airoik aim at aaea that aba wat ra- BUtkablrtneefuLaad taallr aaita Mat- t. Tharaapna ba ealiirated bar aa aaainttntaw-lih. IwrraMad aaaidalty. and Cr awtiila aaked Ilia fatal qawtiMu;,. J braaa aMwarad ittia aOranaliva :1 jaad iaalaal afatVrfaa; Mat datvfall 14 (bar atuibar, bialad baiaf a anataaiie young lad) bow ehanaln It waald ba ta ataal aatta tba watt iwa, aai yat iaamad Wituoal aabad bcinf tba - Cbarlaa Mar kbaia eaalu'at bia Umt wbicb cbiniad with bia lanparamaut; tad raw aa i aiiopc it. laarder that l Wit ba tarriacl aat witb parfact tacaaaa, it waa raanlrad ta aaam indiffWrnt to aaeh otbar, antil tba da 1 14, ia ar to ward off aay vaapiajaw ahica aii:ti auiarariM aa araaaao. So wall wara all thaae arraaMawt carried .oat, that MraV L'awaoa bad aaaa- picioa af wbat waa ruing aa. - K- aa with Saaira btarkbaav lit bad obUlaM a el a. to iiiaanair la whim man ner, to that ba bad aot aalf diaeoearad ibalaetaf tba alupniaht bat area tbe rare aae on which it waa to oeear. .?gl doav that Cbarlaa,' tltoaebt ba t hiroaeir, at aa tat be for tba Bra In bU dratainc nn and tnwkiac eatv leianra- 1 ptUliu at a ckoJca Haraaa. Dnt J dwat wnadar at il ; ba aaly takaaafkar Still i wwa biw aoHM t kaaitiait it to atenrltr frwa i. It woald ba a armd jofca if 1 wara a hum rtNinrrr, In aat biai lt aiM muurj her ta apita M bua. IIoaxno of AUhm. Bumm ago, aoaag aad Uaalifal MrViaiHtiu jba.Ataixa,al ia tMiew kKe faabbM, aa Worn T) wbila tnKafred Ua aarafaUAUkVta-cIra Jt to Xim Danena, aad d.m'l lat aa aae aUe taa it, waa tba partiag iajaaMlim. -- -ri-Mr. Ammmv waa alula (a bar waiat 'parbir. aaaUns beraa aaar a lata Beat ibaTaf UtrM tJa'iaa.;f baaaat ba i lag abeeat aa- t)ippiataaiaMiarah wat Ml alaaa. law naeiaff taa bau broaabt bar m tba door. Wiib rpm ' , M aeadam at a wartala jaaw aaajaw wwaaa wjwaw www.iwaw a away at via wat Mike, 8o,aire Markkam't boy af all wart'i - . inaaa MaWaaid ba. tba WNaalea, kitiar far MUa aa1 ka ear partieaiar tbataabad ataa akoald tea H.'" " Tba air af Tatar eaaecad ia tbU charaetarlatM) addraaa, araaaad Mr. Bea- ao eanoaitjr, tapaciall wbaa taaab aaread that it wataj JraMad f aaf tug- aat taa Jwm la Mara a im a am aH mj louMlnc araal taXMinMM ia . ..I . .. - - ' . . - - I .L Au a iiiiHinniwi r -7 -a aaviar. larr aai j aift w apt raWamtraaMafaM4maa4uMiMf4al baaaaaM a aatwm afO waUbmtaaWdiabbj aaita aflUlaAbMaajj, Mira eitiaaWa.-Ai-aad I v "!.'.." '.V 4 ". . - -. I ;,:"t' ' Vftataajaj " w nv a w itiiift ia( let af a la BtrMir at aha Brat nppoe- a4.-Sha tataraad ta tba parlor aai to read Harper 'a Uguitx$ that bad loel lit attraction. , What in the worbJ eaa it ba,' tba boajrhl 'that tbe eboald be an aftaatl Uaa tawaca aa earrie ow a elaadeatiaa aorraapoadaaaa I It ma be omeUiiBc that I omgfo. la kaow, enmUUed br bar feminine eenoaitr, kfn. ILtpaaditraoacladad thatebe woald ba faUe ia the iwaptmeihniibMofapwraat if tbe did wat aeratel tbi myater. 4biav'.aaid aba. U.wiU aaam lt aad if it alioeld'nf ba aartbintr tmrtiealar. eaa aaauir re Mai lt, aaa Utoceeee " till be aona the wlaer." Tbit tba aeeordinfflf. did. Wbtt Wa ber aataaWinMat wbaa the ulaa at etop- atenf wat aicotrei m Iter I Here t prettr dm'nr f the tielaimad at ton at the recorerad breath, 'oo lloreaca wm fmnc u raa aaar and cat marW to ibia Cbwlot Markhaia, witb aat aa mac a m bintinf ft word to ml. , She Iraaad her bead apna ber band and beffa t eoneidar. 8ht waa attaralt lad ta thiak af bar owa marriaM with the late Mr. Ibnaoa,andtba bappinatt of ber wehlad Jifa, and the eoald act balp hearing ft t'ti at Wia reeoiiaetioa. Biire Markluiut. wuo wm una vl Uwwe It tirubibiltid darinir tlia en lira MrrmJ of I MVieJ widowara wairtaeafitVM H Lmuii mns ft it pnMiiwiaii ta wmia nt f the Cbereh, whera the ancient diaci- taaw Ihi puitHie rtgtdi adberad to 1 liaeertlieba, ia aceurjanc witb tba tiir- It of tba Cliarcb ia tbbfia M Uta wl aM ar rbe erwiiiM af bar atoildraa. tba aaa af f aab meat a allowed bf 4mt: naneatioa " all IM Bftadart at arert ' Mtaal ( aa the Monday uf Hal Weak, i March 19 J) oa all tba Teuedaya, inelaeV mt Ta-aday of U.J Week t aw all tba fiaiardat esea4 aiarday (lebraar hi) - ' aner Ann wadaaaaey, sataruay t,rira mrj tT) ia Ember Weak, and iMy 8atar day April 8. . All tba Mowda.rt, witb tba aolitarr aiceMlow rr alimaar ia ui Week, are dart of faattnr aad abMtaenea. -.Tbf w-t of fltfi It nit atluatd at the Mme cneal wiik the flial atUi the fleab; Meat JatllLraiW'aY vegetable, ce are allwwaa at taa pna ' ipat weal of tboai dayt, ua which amb meat it prabiMied aaa the mum with the eaceUioe aYecir. auir be need aa I. aay day at lb eoiUiwa, Batter, ar if - aerMrUrxi, M bawad ia dtaa4iig . fab ar abatable v-v t 8tb. Au aaraimt aaar aaeas ear af age ara baaed la abetaia fruw tba aa af Mk taaar, aad all wear t wanly -aaa, to .r - wbatatw aad ta faal weaardiaa ta the abaea rtgalattuNa, aataM taerw aa Ivgitimata caaaa af eiemplton. ' Tba paater af a foator la pror Jade, to wbnrn each aaa thMewear. wbare lMcm faweiitl b dona.; . . ' . " " " A there are man ia the Dioeeae wbo are anfurtanai.l depriead'af tlia advice af I'aai", tlia mora ommoa Wjtitimale , aaaaea are atatad. 11 Old aft. Sad, III beellh, M Weakne af evaaUtatian, td. : llard labnr. i. Far !, a aUie wf ""preipiaacy, or aarna abildraa it raa- mt ted More and mura.ow Ibb) idoa, ilrnck oat by chance M it were till ba really be- j-Ta to tfainl H waHW anmathHIg. Aner an, tnoaieu m, 'I am aatao bia aaaMaf eiemntiow. - Theaa waa Vmm baMir ia tbw aarriaa f atUert iw trttm at bar awaata, ara M petlad la dine at eerr lata bear. May -take the eutlaY la )ba ajarwlaf imiaad at ine areaiajf. . ; . : All i-arma diapeaaad fraw lb nbtJa tiow of fmjt. oa arcoaa of leader ar -avdraatad bard la bar, or illee, ere aai woaaq -b taa raatnctioa af aeiag aaaal awl at aaa wteal aa dayt, wbaa itt .aaabl paaja4 ba djtpeaaailuai. Oibare alapta.ad famw tlia teat fur atbar aaaaaa, a wall a tboM wba are obliged ta faat. rmilM ta. aw maat aalr at baa P. J.tCLUrAT.T' Beereiary aad Cbaacrllor. old either or tt kat the UdlM tar aad tbey eeirhi to be cowl ladimt ia tacb Mattara bare baaw baclivbwft g'wd wblle, ana oaiit lb aae kmiikI oat be lore tbie bow mack Mora comfortable il woald be to bare a prat t wile le wal- CONte m nouie im aa Um auaura vt Uble and to beta ww kean thai ratcal CbarlM ia ordaf. Egad, I've balf a mind lade it. . : ;-' . ' ; Baaire Mark ham tauk Iwa Mora whiff aaa etcmneea. "- i raw m do nr zr Wbat tbb) mretertoee f waa, wa will Eiara llm mmkIt Li IbIW Ynwn bia nn urn aWTwwrwttoagtk paired of tite terrtuti - it Mtm ai mm r. 4 Am I alwayt ta remain tbatealitartf ba tboaghtN Tra half ft mind not to thowJUiia letter to. Florence, bat to ran away with CbarWa to-morrow alahl on my own aeonanV Itt mid if I can't ter- tnada bim that tba mother i m good at the Wanriiter,' ami n rlancod compla cently at the MMI attract! v face aad farm rraeaian imm ma mirror Jatl tbewjiba beard the dW.npeW and Florence entered. ' She entmpted ap the letter and Jhrntt tt into her pocket? Florenee and Cbarle did wot maat da ring the aneeeedin day, chiefly ta per. nance of the plan tbey had agreed to, In arnar toaroul ammeinw. r: -P-'T' -'T ftqalre Markham acted fa an aseead inalr Wranre manner, ta bia eon 'a think ing. Occionally be woald eedeeeor ta repreet, ami para epand do anr the room. at it to wait off tome or nit tepertDon tdaat b0ritu4..i;u Whtrt in the wind f jhowgbt Cbartra to hiimielf. 1 It eaat be the Marnor'e gertiag csy f -Sumeihlatr wm the mat-j ter beyond oonht Hut what it wat, be bad ant tba fainteat ennieetara. At tba boar tpectfled, the Soalre bad bkaarriaga drawn a p at tba appoiated wleieona. - 1 1 Keren ta peer anaiowal a taa dark for r Inreaoa. At leartti a tat fnrw well ma (Tied ap. made Itt appeartncevlbankiag fear ta ft eery tow wbbmer. ktet it mteht ba tatpeetad.that he wm tbe wrong parana, be helped bar imn in cirrmn ami arm to m. anvnr deatmarbm wat the haeee of the Jaetiee of tbe Peaoe, rMidiag at the diataoot of om etgbt milra. . I'...'- Daring U Bret part of the journey nniblng wm aaiit. Unb Na tlr,; wm lb reply, 'bo went oat tlift morning and will be gone all day .. Uampbl .Tbatll do. ..So i better fur mf jmrpwif tbowgbt 1 mech the be wbea bjftabma.' fcNvwIbllb4Tethgroaad Uft to mteIC Lt me aeei Tim raaeal hHeftda raaaing away eettThereday arw- alng, and to-day la Moada? Kothlngp like atriking whHe tba iro it bet," III write to her la bit aame, tatting ber that bava altered at mind and will go jaat at dark ta-Moirrea aiicbL Bha woe'ttee- pect an thing antil ibe knot i tied, aad arejpurn CaibadraJ af St. tbw aad St. frnbar, CbjtrtMlaw, 8. C Feb. , IWa.'J lenrth Soaire Mrlhaia;ax anntiderfng that after all ba eaald aat marrr I ha lady wttboet bar eonaent, and that tba duae ery maat be made harora the tnamtga. deeidad la re real binMelf, and than arge bia nwft twit u wa at ha ntenir Mr aar Mm tlnniaav ba Mauaaed ia ba iatatal mtm. . . mir iMM tba bvlr. 1 that I m Cbarba. ..--.w.--'.ar.-ri.- w- ---.--.-V -. k - - And I ail Aaab Markkanv JrtW Jfnv SHwna't roe wttk atioeaVUectil it am Plarram. : ' - 'Wa il yoa, air. ahe wm amnglag la tmpt abb my aMchiarT . ' . , Xa; bat I eoadeM It wm yoa ma'am b ma1ng--tr.wl Jaibwd, Njaim Markham.- ye am -wmag; lb aSW anmia; hHrfatallr le my kaewbdea, t anrtalad I U Nr fUe itcHMf, tt erdef ia IraatraU be abm.;": ,V ?.-??--.i-ar r4 the try idrn I bad mflf KaVltba 8oil taatiilec liat taa net M- bate euaAmadadte Mklaad IklMi bum far IVHa, Mtiaf il ;' a eaibmbaMly ba aillJak lberHaHy. at raa T aab FbmaM aarmgam btat.and aJem liaailf, tbe raaeal, aa tba aay la abirk tbea wbatftlaurh w l:H bar. -Bonire MerkUaie did a4 euaaider that it might make a liitiediffWreaea with tbe bride alptcUnl lie eouaiderad it t cap ital Joke aa bit ta, aad bmked ao far titer, lie accordingly draw bia writing matertalt toward bim, and indited the faiiowiog Ufu r-.7Zr XVarret Flartmmt-A tad tb day le ad far ear elapamant, aa wane aoaeaata, wbjeiioaabia, aad waa id hka, with oar parmimiaa, ta M bad l ate lumarraw aiiifclllfibaaf authiag fromye.I iafar that aweal le ibia arrangement. I tbail bar aarrtarvta readiaeM iif dor rba old oak tree, at balf peat eight aM Wa eaek clock. Voa eaa walk there- wilboet at- f Mafrbe trtcting.taapicion, aad attliara wul.be 'vnekae. onk ibem WIWm w. ba4 aa am we aball fa abbj ta earryaet k ia tie alt afaag. aad aly iaiaaaed la eight ear tilana witboat fear of iioorr. Ifeaihent. - -r am baiipy ta mi that tba goeerear doM Mm. Beaw aawaied bb fad ag. aad out taimot la lb hmet, that a d Klf-, V ma f m he M tmaa aab ia bw it ia tore far hiaa. Wo V la bo "mateeWy raW bm beam, a. Uiamad I Veer derotad - ' meyamaa iam r i-mm. aaa Mmv m Eod faald feiw UaVkbaav tonga- inf beartilr, that mtba-i; atpbaiall town is tba iatarkar, ft tba bank f rirer what water fawt Into Mobile Ilk, wow tba heart of yoang jl, tbtr aa it a pfauttar ia tba imigbbwkood,Tba at tatbaieat wm Mat aat, bat, M ataa), traa tor a raft epoa a nag; tba parent I nf tbe Wrara aMeetad ta taa taaieii. atxl the reeeg bdr, tea proad ta eater a lamil ift which the autoa woald be regarded m a s ateartftaaet, uieeuivl tlte engage- amnt Tbit wt aboat tlm time of tbe Brat eidtetarnt raepaetiag tba CaJifaraU gold." Yoaag X. detanumed ta make bie owa wa ra tba worbl, faft bit parental home, aad tat off for tba fiwJ'aciflc Ar rived at St. Lnaia. be aoVJraaaed a lefler to bit lady-toe, aaturing ber of bit fl Jili ty and of hU intentioa to ratara borne at falareaay, ana claim ber m aie wa. ateae watte, jum l. bad aieo ten tba place af bar farmer abode, and tlw fatter never reached bar. Of coena be aeer received an repl. Ua wrote no more letter hoate, and tba first and laat aewt that tba family jhreeired of blut wa tla aewt af bie iilnae attd almoat aertaia deU among the miiiee. TmMr.4ied on and the ehb?r X died. Hit aetata wm divided ftawag bit cUIdraa, witboat fa- fcreocf Jm ttt . ana wba bad Jong iNsea rlvo aa a dead. Some Tear bad iaM- ed, wbaa war infartnaat. waVucied by ' tba tnddaw ajiparMioa, in bie vine, f tbe long abeeat JL, wba Ifftd ia! arrived ia Hubtlav oa bit return ta hi mmi hw. Uit Bret inoviry tuftr Mim V- bet hi friend, from whom wo have tba Merrill ve, bad kwir bwi aliclit ofber, aftd could oafy give btia tbe aad aaw of bia father. daatb and other chanrea wroaabtbt flee ! eery, ftateral talateLtat "TUere wa i Wbea g ta a ebtwe eVwagor a erne able, tbey eWfaey wt waat them tarrtetal bat h'red aw tbawtber, I dida braatbaaa bke bratee i tldak tbair fa law far r far twa atarmiaaUa boar, la aateb Mark if year Oaat da wa batter gw itiate, y M were MiaaKnoaa:ua(. to tbtgar .Til:nJrej eweaw aad my laetgaa, leo, aa- far Ibat ifrwrn tba aesl tieae yaw draw bfaad aa . a" . . ..a at . . e. a .a lake it art aat 1 atada aa meer UdieroM iImm raw aill two k aaa Lbatob ftml Lb Tba liHleld JVavr M lbbiMa.fiijawilir batt taeet ft wp lime. Like a laSeht of tbe olden time retarned 10 -f aleatlue, tba hero ofaareKiry tougtit far aad wide fur tba lady of hie love bat eoald Bad no dee by which la irace bar. Final! r ba rave aa tba March in da. pair; be did ftol wine a war. bowever. at a celibate, or commit an other aUnnli tt bat Ilka ft Mnible tuaa, ba found a new bv and Hiarrled. "After a- btfaf year af bapM'neea, hie wife died, and X. wm again ieft afaaa -iw-tba worbi. Oar friend i not isfai-nmd at to the detail of wbat bM fall wed eiaea that event, aad bad not beard of X far ft Umz time, antil a few dat tinea, alien ba wet hiin. on iaapniq afeet, wua a. taa nw u it arm, who wm Introduced aMr.XVind wbo proved to be no other thao the identical faeroina of bit early fava,(yoarinfwm. aat,) at yaaaw, aa Ireeh aad a favrly a aha wm tea roar ago Bha bad remaia4 ad a manlea, antil limed by ber faver, Wmelf a widowM,' atnl "tbr-wv; aew oa a bridal toar.-ifuoa Iraar. " Taa Jaaawtu of Ilttxra la varkme parte of tlia ouanlry gt v pictare, by aa meant BaUeiag, -af tba 4irtieal derea- eracy f oar oonntrraen, , TieviloiHn-: piaiimdot prevail pnucipall in the citiM woicu are aiwara aoa evenrwuere naree- rtM of ill health, in which the ineritieM tbair time ia dingy w.wk elHipt and eloM aoaatiag rvoma, aad the women tcarce aver place tbaur laat oa the pavemaat, and wbea tbey do, wear each tbia ho that cold and eowaamptiua are the general rmolt Tba eooatMDca it a paay, paw faced. drlCDtio race, aa nulikn'a ouaat. limb partiea were de-1 bie to tba halt tnd vig-jrflitU inao af lie -tbafe IJeatitr. At tcoUaial era. aad of tbe rarat dittricta ia oarwww tin?5 Wa ea bat fWUe aad mfreqaroj iodicatioo ia any of oar araat citie of ft people baviug tbe moat remote oonnectioae with tboea Magnificent iwom deaeribed by Tecitec and other, at eni rrtyla(ftitete,povtllormed, aad eftealliug evea tba ItoMaae ia digni ty sad baaaly. tbiak af Ibe ancient lr maua,tbe aneieat iiritoa, (aad many af in yraaant oa,j taa jfatmana ami the tba Camdaa aarwef, aad eat t "Tba Joaraal tbea. aavm ether tUagt, aaU tb arliaiaa right a ta IKehop Batanmb 'a aeatb, wbieb weeat taw Waiter paper jaat aaw aotieae, bat wbicb aacar d rffnf We aopiad tbe para- Capb from tle Caroliaiaa, aad hereby y ear faatt at ita doar. The troth fa, wa ara ta taaeb ift tbe habit af elippieg oonfideally from rtl coiemaa, that we doabt aat ear bora woald readily eat ap the intelligence that tba 'DtcA Aaaf fav hmMUUmd if that atataaaaat ahoabj appear jmragrapbicall Ift Itf aef tetaa. kfal a fang m we baea a watebfal Mai tor like tbe Joaraal la keep w eorrected. all will auma right ia tb and." ' W cwMidar war tciaaor tf ridarabi well eJacatee?, bat accatioaaltjr the Cat right aad left, and ia tin Uetaace did aetaatrigbt, Wa abargw tba ataiter to tba Jayaafa Cmjttimtidt which bM tacwatidaiaad k-JtM cvwrtii. The Aaetiii ormpowdewt, of tbw Oab redo Cirinan. la bU letter of tb IZih altimwrifttiM I ie have the pfaatara of anaaaacing tba paatag af aaa of tlm aeaet important lew ever enacted far lb welfare Tea- a. Il U an act opening lb alaauet ea tire paWtetfamaia tba Stat ta aalaal filed Mice. To ba brief, lb O bmar of the Lead Ofliea fa aatboriaed h Mil land aeript ia aaaatitiee af !, liO. K and Mau acre Iraot: The lead la the I'acille lnerve te b aol J at J er aer ; the alleraate recrfaoe faeadae railwmd aad taataeatwa Caaal graata and btnda on all tba iaUndtat ll.U aer acre I and all other pablic badt at on dollar. The bill pad, aa nottoft of Mr. tlrowa, at 10 a clock but aigbL TbU lamralng a raa wat made ea tbe (jutd OIBaa ta bey fifty canta tcrip (aatboriaed by tba laat LeroUtara at the trice of lead la tb Pacific Beeerva.) befar tba Governor eoald tiga tbit bill, aad by It w'alock, aboat twelve tbaaaaad eWllart bad beae paid ia bat Oar. Jteenela, hearing of the aaoveavtat, leal aa nana m aaiiag hit attnt wiaaaat ta the act aad wottfyiag tb Oommilefttr that it wm ft law- af the land, which at t p. m. pat ft atop je the pecetauoa, Yoa will eee that -lation. Yoa will ee that tpccalatort war Ibn aeearinf ftaervw eeHp af fiftr cent, while itt pnea woald be two dot- tart tba Mtoaieol the act wa igned. that 1 gave ap la daapalr, raaed, aad aaid not hie. Lrk dame r'artinrtMi. I eoalda't opaa my moatb bat I pat my faot latait. Twfaa ewfy my rebel luagae wat laa macb farnta. . ' - - Fred,' aaid I, after prateegee i bme. wba ia that dmlinguiabed aoUa aaaa jaat appeal to tba awe aO guM bme aad eilk tteckHtger at all aa I gie yoa rbie M a raria c (') H atMa Wan Cr, Iouca.--" Wake apt.wak , apl yew. tleepy fallow I If fa watt yer yoang day la UI em bar, yea will -aa god-for Bathing wbea aa grow ftp to maaboad. Be wakt ap t wake Bp, My lad, tad go to work, aad ttady wiU beftr ; ty good win. A . -,, . IV efaa'f awaf fa taal f ten iae ver knew aa idler wbo did "TW." replied Trad, trying to beeh doww ft wmliatea laagb; Hfaat ia Lard B a Mf ataftT -vrtoriu wwiuii. mis - , , . , . . I eeatar agaiawbaaa faetmaa fa tatl"T' ffJTW'Tial wl f ai.ted ertib me buewaat to a mod- T"""a " rr".. '" mm -r - j a . : . . i . -' - - - - - - a 'iia:"wh"' wM"Inlnt:t ---- r' at evarvrliing witb ft pair af eyoe. 'WboM fantmaa ia thatl - Tba',' aaid Fred, ie Lard 6ELUXQ XEc1ko3 iTOXSEC. TtCUT. Tb Urtfard llmaev eoiwmanting apoa tba violence of 1 aertaia atctfonel ptAUh ciaat in Iba-towa of WatUrtfiald, tw- mind tbam of tbe Ufawincircautrtanoe, which w aiea fa itt www werdet y ln Wethenfield, aboat lb year 1816, fete and (lua, two aegroea, de-reaiUliU of liavMin thetamHy of .rwlenck Hat far, were eeld at the pablic mat far a debt daa-ros reali-ud from the taJe wm applied to that parpnea. - .. -Mr. Abol Dnmln, obtained P0MMioa of tbea aagrota. II wa a toaa -who didn't like to py the to which wa at that time by law elected of tbe people far tb Mptmrt and benefit af the Cimgra- catioaal Uiaran, andar Ut tjuarea aao- SUIJty(RWjrflbjrt:d obtaia thit tax tne aegroat ware Miaoa and told at the pubU poet, aad th avail war paid m a tot te tbe uae. uaiau . Teany'a there-, ia Wetlmnfield. Mr. Tenar, bimealt we believe, tabeaqaeatly left tba Iowa witboat paying bit debtt. "fleet taiagt happeead at a com par-) lively recant )erio4 1ft Um good towa ol Waumrtfield. Boma of the aagra aglta tort tbare maaj tamemberth itott par- weU &Se. -. F ... -,-n trjg 1 1 -. ... -raa, amier ma, aim pie jusaancM oil eiarna ana weetr at aceap an Wtf wUl defy any one,- mt a ootemnorary.t A miarwNf ftm. Mny rear ta at) tbit tabjeet witboat beeomlag! in wbat ia wow ft ffoermhing city la ffew loot ift wonder at the perfect erienae of j llampahire, lived ft ttalwart blackamith, like nd lH ftiM-ii.. t -WI,I. tUmm i- H.I--Wii Mt of bia ih-r-r- lie WM prevailad, and witboat eipertenciag tbe abw fattd 'oflitll'm- danghter, wboM deepeat regret that wa of tlm jjreeeat day many grace aad charm bad eoenared ahoatd aa waatcfairv tacrifice each meane : tb affectioaa of a voanw printer. Tbe of hap)iaeta. Tba '; lofty V. - " , -m r----- - . .l,'.' k I... I - .,. Weal of Creek cxmpfcr, after ft eeaao e wimm Minag -amw, -7- A JfiaaV aai Wift AmtUd for ?Uwy. The tfatnm Evening TrareiW, of Tbareda, etate that the liv. Bama 1 faaitb. maafer of the Collegiate Scboul at CTiAm, and faraterly aeound WMatari of iJfal hit wifa; baw baaw arreMed - far highway robbery and attempted merder. il aaam that aVk SaUk wiahed tor renew tba weneaialaaee of aa aid ibir aamwi ' . a ta a -a e av.ft: Uraew, wbaaa wim aaw recently uieu, faying that ber bMbaad wm alio dea--After MVefal fatter had paaead between them, tbey met but 8anday at tba Uria tut depot, aad took. iiaga far Gate, wbar Ibe atofiped. i-aiog tba com ataa, a eiolant amaalt, with attempt to kill, wa fttada epoa Leach by . Mae. Mr. Smithy -"t -:? - The detective fare proceeded to the boaMof Mr. Bmltfa aftd arreotad tba par lie. Oa their track War faaad wib ew't cap aad a til barrel revolver piatol. faaded and capped, itaar tba epot whore the atreggte took place. ' - la taarablag tbe boa, vartoat ataloa artkfat War faaad, ; Tbey war Mat to W - ,:i.;-;or" b-iitiir)111 ww a-aw-caa-.ja-.yw.aaOM---bda or U poor pitifal draw alt, roar lile. , And mark me, ldlat a) ft V " bard matter. It will bed vow aa beak. ' ' er4be roe with rags lodge roa laa tbaa V t, and at batMndyow to lb aJmt-boee to die. Tbea tbey wi0 bery oa tiag.' .' lug: '-. , -f ' . - A -E-tde bit beam . .1 : U-rikaae: - lit anly paaMr whom aaaad rm' la 4u'tlUuimekprpdi . Try'. . well tbw-:---Wka p--Opaw yatr aye wide. Caataff yoarebaiaa, Oetowevk. - ltlri- litaa.- who' wm - ry.?7. t.L : Wak ap. r:7ZrJi2A:iZlZi9t l.fa. And mark mc.MIat b) ft n-X-- hhnmlfr "After that I kept atill, bal I tboadit to mvarlf. What ft bad ia thlei where Urn faot ate wear all tba goodV"' aot bat." . Fat that timbfad drawer to right. Ilaaf up tba cfatba in thai ehaoUo clotel. . 1'ick au tluaa bookt. Leara tboM la? auaa.. Off to tcbovt witb fa, bright tad ; early, lie widaV wide awake. Wet bard, aad idfaaom 'will fat ga-lto gratp, -and oa wilt be amttaboJy b and ey ia wm tnava oar mora u u worm i:farfc -la looking o paper day or two aiuea. My tba Mr eery, wa atamlilad over a eech deliver- d iy Uawry Xfay, belora tl'atldantof; tba Aaw Xurk etate and eiionai tw School.. Bpeakiag uf the art of ealeuipo- ra-eoat peaking, be laid : - 1 aww mramceM in rife to one aia- gfa fact, vis r that at the ae of twenty Mven, 1 commenced and eontinaad far year, tb pMCMi of daily reading and (pMking euoa tb eoateuie or eotna bt torical aad ecientioe boot- ueea on- band tff.irt wert aiade ametiat in a nvfiald. at bar in the (treat, and Hot anrrtqaeotiy In tot uutaiit bem, witb the horta and the as ft my aoJitor. It u t tbie early practice of -tba. araal art af aQ arte that I aa indebted tWtba primary and faadlngimpalaMtbat ttima iated ma forward, and bavw tbaprd and eiitire tabewiqent deatinjL, far rrmd. What 1 aay yaw, Ulera, to' tbb d vkw I Will yo take it I Jew erf Good I "Sergeant Worthy, Jaat auliat theM bea . . 1 11 ...i. n" af taa -- nu. Hjrwi wurf rj Kamfmnj i mouluad my eiitire tabecqent detin Improve, then, yoang gentlemen, tbe ta. parior advantage 'yaw bare enLuw Let aot Kay paM witboat exdrciaing your powere wf epeeea. inere it ua power' like that af oratory. Caar waMrollad ate by exciting their fcara ; Cteara.by eaptivatiag their afiVcona and awttng tbair ramioae. The falaenaa of tba one Itariabad witb -Hi ietketbal af tbVatbari cofttmae tui rigli live MlaJ" - f7a. UtulM cMia aaae-W clip tba faUowiag paragraph fora the Loab vilfa Coarier. of tbe th faat, from wbicb it wHt tppear rhat Oea. Waa. T. Itatkell b tgain iataae, tad eonlned ia the La- aati Atlani at Uopkjoaville, !- s" or attanUva aiwtaapow-av-uron- ttaT iefagTapht m, fr il-idiii-viiie. aader date of yoaeayd, that Oaa. W as, T. Uaakell, af -TjaWiMtae, .baa agate be oma deraagad, nd b mmr aoafined ia tba -Beetle Atiam at ll-pkuuv.ne. - It will bareaollaetad that Gea. U. wm meant I r fltMtnjed troM iim ayiam Leiiaum, earad. We anderaund,f A Tirainlft editor deeorrvet tb Ing tcene, which h attertt at atriely Ira. We don't think it could bar eecorred fa any other State. " lie tajrf that b mmw:' ft taani of fawr animal a bora, peay, a mala and ft bell. Tim bore ha) tint heave, tb pony waa blind, tb male lama, aad the ball bad aa proebbw far fly-time. Ia tba wagoa there wat ft whit .man, crippled nigger, and a lama tkawk frailly bound 'with a wup of trtw.""Tb wbila bum held tlia liaee, tbe team held iteewa, and the nigger, held tb tktaik, . aad tbey all moved forward. Jt JMifum0 YeaeawamM to.-- tlieh op lfayfay, the Catbolia biabop of Kaw Jottey, baa beifad ewJiifeato, to ba read ia all the cbarcbea, ia wbieb he alb mt tentwm to drunkard and dealer ia lioaor. -Lcftt-lng to Iht pa-tort tb aboiea af tb iwrtienlar meant to ba . he tejrXMta -lai aacb eboald keep a lint of tbe draek- ki-ft. t t. . arua ; aaq uaof oamcra ia ibjmi Lie eayt 1 --. -VT.-- -; .? r -laiw detemlad toa ftat f t; avwt Mvera mieierM ftwiaat all wheat j addietad to tbit tcaadafaft and liv vice; aad if tbey eoatieaa ift tba pi cUca afit. tbey aiatt d it at -via tu tha-Catboiie eharab, wa ew ft ight to the name of fJtbolt wbila tbf 1 va, ftor to (JurieUaa Ha barbd wbew t-ty Moniear Qreffalha. af Parbv lie owa whole etraet thara, which b bailt, and called Ra Greffatba, after bimaelf. Lie b aaid to poaaaM anar t d aad tileer, oa eei depoait at the lbnk of France, Jhan any other banker in Pari. : It w aot know what b the preeeot tmeeat e(eoial.bi erediC bat wbea therev.. latioa of February accarred, h bad 13,000,000 ia gold and eUvar ift tba Baak of Fraace. lib aiaaU b to bava bb pecie depot- ia boia, wbila tba Ifatbav chUib and Mhar benkere keep-lcar d poat u ta goioi .erau vr oar or c . t. t , , . WHT 'art, wnieh wm the .otlMng M Ore ii7lrrJ' lfa.dO,k iuteijact, aa ideal whi , . rbamanhy mt awver arttrw attained, 1 aba, lettiaf bimkaa I ,. , . V, Ore-k and owing, "engaged themMlvea, and t - tift la baaT-J-lTw 9 J Wrewit Aai fca,f,ftWeT-ww4 fl tn yaa ahau4 mid Utt after aft. aat eet ltb Wt maiaMae erf-Btaf Why aet aurey earh atbar, aad thea hich ! nothing bat the enneaatoftb yoang lady ma bArtri bated Ihe c. -11i-.-r.- . - ...4,i-- .l -T-jlapae. it inJeed. be ta w an. 1 , IV v.v... .... II- . ' . ... redecible to U.e ciinpt problem af an taia Ibia, aa intervfaw wm arrenged. and" eent lifter aad pocticar coawoatioae 10 intellieaf rae.dwvpW br air,btbla Tytm wimred a bttfa peeeh to a-toaiehlb paimr ..rtiftly jadicfttaJ an aBeoand aad eiarciae. The-Apolfa, the Veaat, j ami eon viae the obi gentlemen, who eat . I T z 1 . . 1 I : ' ' - T. vtw ia mi , in wne myio-inirv :eiyio piu ---- of mtaila beaely, and of idM ahicb wi p dU-led eiam tbe feet their faag-4-o ever ioce, and to whuk, probably, of the re- miaX.' Ppil it w-Srwra. TV- TV ba. ma heart b like a faatlier badit meet W roagbly baadled- aad -wall abakew ta . . . -"tft . . arwvcni 11a uecoming nam aaw aaotiy. With properity comMtb witbmlng die- eover.that apaieece M not bappme,far tbe Jiadowt. emend at are t-t trkeet wbea the tan of oar turtaae b brighteet. Very t.ftrn, too, weare eatr the Mora rkliculuu m well a anbappy. for beiaw tutted le fartune't bfanket, aad b ring oar bead turned, by being tbaeatovatad llte W -10 l!0. fafa ll jpattert. mil to o worm maoajr, u w are wena nv,aiMf vi. trader iK ibfaf the feat Wj-mtntoWiaUriea tbeii lfa iLdmetr tb bet the roMlt af aonetaal faa-lmnty the bemaa farm perfacted ia 4u e pbata. Tbe thirty tbooMad rod and ' - r i .u 1 '..!.. i. L.i. m.,mm ita uml maa erow oaa rv fleeted ideaU'of baianily,and thb'bed batWfpbe-linki-avareama Wi,ilimoe twmatioa hnd the wnU Part 4 Xfm am a. -a . - . A . - ..a t ..! . 'if ft: ft. ml b-M. .t-t ftLM th ua MUh i at 1 V . . HMHVarM BW ne".TCdM r Wl iwiiiw nt..ftwt f tw-?w -T i mkWM M wmtw a a aa. !.- " ft -1 k I . . J " , . ' a 'Fort-la crovi tirj 4 tJvar auTrLitf .1 ' a. ua tame iun oa aer oacx. Ti JTea ma Aireew "Bimmlf Oal e 2UL ."r-lf yoa wWb far f-i. rm ma er. far h, rt?'t'!tey.ai.i far it. Yea aw' make mem aad..' i of the fmnti lam tia yae did ebJe yea woald avr have bva tbe cbm had aot be forgot tne remainder m dm neor.ca ( '"- w-... - -t 1 x-Ma. ,a mn m at n fftgai, hamanity firat attained wbeT mmf be" oariabrbtdu4, afamfardrod finttyimw,mad riiw-reaart ta-thwwet xt- at Wia-mdef mv-ta4ry, ka- T" a-ll-t aa .t.J.i. r i.',; -li- aJ ta ai"ii in latml kfja-Jtittt - fatt t hrrw bat WiIdiw-,h-. iwim item at Ua Inlank ef'W- ' WetherMKe,pleeedtotMmedi.'tomewn.- TUfatlmrkMal Ma-achatejte, tnaa tamttb. and Hu -ye mamm rffrC A aeOa eel aad etberjoaraala argtng, witb great tb ditcomfitara bf the tailor, aad after iw thoM remaiaed. kentneke aad earned aertb a tonowtd. aad a drated aarBettaeaa, ; tba imporfat aubMotaTraiaoviag hu pipe and bfawiag etoad jlowa, -lit tof-a atttaii m aaataM pby-cal iTtbey cm pr.va.1 1 of w-iTtepl : "W.O, yaeg wy 1 figarM t will be faaad .atba -ge L7tT? ?t?!?7 rjtoillV ap.m ear auaatrymea to take l-eir advice doal knew aa Ft any aW-ctn,Mveii.Vtly of tba M-MMtppi, Ift ft faw gewtr- jwmik a il i if. bea j.laaaiawt.-; , ljili-Tl 111 lt TI I "" r-"" -' --' loOO, td five , fom wu mm i toe pnt -' ir-3 -. . - .-. ; - -; ; tteffad af a diffnaal dnaalita, rah a jmt- far -aeatKv- : ... ;.' ' TW mvJ their !JIJH. .. V' . . . T .Z1 . ' V- - - 1. :-"- ." .'- -' -- "-T .. - i.n . ... -C,.-.W. , m -Uj . -