...! .. . j The: liiul taewttog f tW Owpaay 'toofc timet to ikl TV U&J ad JlesJJ (artoIH M-Var f ekarw rt TZraswatod ru ebeet KJUU, Mt f M10 to ft.' T U. 8lpW4 .presi "ded'et tb tifuf, mmI i JLM -Tbo.Tewa frW fey An M JfcUew. Mywr, A, A. McKvthsn, E. l"k Ouaaty Stock rfetd by Grto wad huL MtDiarmW, EwV ' " Tf ' Preside!, 0. il HdleM, Ei toWtl kU IUort, Wleli aaaa!- - aBOUalf awetite1. A tweotoste) tea,1 In th Board t publleh it M a able aad toilfecl.y p"ee ! vptratiou mJ impact (UmH 1 laomljr adopted. Tka elect m ejotneer io piac ITck rrmlteAto-lU aJuctlo f iWwU Board at follow I . 0, a MalWtr, rrmiitmtx George M .Nmlii A- A. MiKetban, !. L. Myrvvor, WWT. Hrv W I. Cook, Ji IjUTSpT UW-fWv W."1llwto. daW. Uieadel, tfwwiim -; -'- -rlaBepWt of thleaidBt rqiti IntervalUg ami if w U4 received it to ties for UiilSrttkli - iMt wwa. tun tunn t u paUleb. It eadif, hat dean from h a fw itraeto. wbick . aay - Wlnfevwating to th.tif of our irdr wk Mtt already trd it. I H- iwl t ' ' - :' J. ; -It will U rv -.lotted W at vk tout Mlllll meeting, our thnugb ' Utlar than tbev bad 1y MiM flattering. W bad jut failed lo obtain aid rnM lb Ljhalf, Una rr MMUiN bw L'mUrrlu J UMutt mvuU Knld U tlm aiil Lti mutim Ut Iter, nHj iIkmikIiI iImI i lit CwtMijr foiUd r VimiIJ Im ! JS w4 uvUUlr JmiI J I dilufiiik bits tkuf imJ by rjr Urg Mijnr(; Mbwrt4i f IKMUWUt "!, i 4b I mm mad ika MUerttrfiua). TliU cn y irwad lit lHb UlUrvtng, ud ::timif4 iImi bn C.1ta dtH1tia,t. ai4iMi' Mda, tba gradua&M th )W UiiHM , fU bal lrr 4Mlra'ct. ' TLaTrvait'irer'a ktatamcut 'iaarler A Woi that Jbi altuU aiuoBUi wUcriWl capital stuck U 34 U 19, : k;T-a,f lavaiaill, IO0.W0 W 0. of Camlxrlaud, ImMnKTOO ' ludividaala, HIJW 1 Mag aa ibova, - 3l43ir Tu whicb add, fr wr.rk already da and work ii'.w un.lor rimtracl. pay aula in atotk, tl $431 M, ioT 3Sa tul H - tar-oMr tha eittui.lcliirtr or th preaent eow Irmrt. W.ll H. tWJtf.eU. ' Ta IUpWl uu tka owrckaa f 1060 Inut if Irii. WMt of wiii 1mm arrwed at W.aiwiajhMfc-'lawwr tie of the CouijMWlf ; Ik aatuant of work ;;f.rtie. ami h be d-Hie. Aa. TW jtradaa- Un and if i'ltcifit tkw wbw4S . tvt f3la Wl tla iroa ami ou er tUata, i7,4i3: TotJ e of r..d- f 1,434 W. T wrkik add t l l.it j atuckf ait auuiit (tMlvr i.f U it C .r.ini ( lit Uuftu-t lite rual. - -Fr lui;Sli muWiki foal ill pa tliroagU mi aiiutiiclied pi"e f-.rnt fba titMbcr, twmU'r,-:'ml naval . irow wlucb would luriftiaii a ta4 1.oih lr viiUl r tiawirnlilg ifaalKotauiuir-.i Ution are Uhoiuihi: vrr acaroe. Hie Ih. liiir ai'td cuttttiir of tkia aear aufpllfwill La iniului.ouua witkka laying ,d" " oar rkili. " la fact, lit ooreW if iroa aietuaa, anu wa uaie niiaue miv- r4k-tkwtf tki 11 wriiea Vraid ;dw by Ily m-xt, wa will'liave ta lxa"rt-rJ-'af14,W kkk Wtfk 10 ' Iu.tc4 atora, aud amtl,r jeariW quaa- Uty would b dwabied,aud it will r.ritin- ae la bcreaee fr manjr rcar, tt a - naval atorea will bear .ItaufiaJO miUm, tliere will ! aete of country jhl mile tka belt tea iW iud M M'llliW ui,i1UWcrlJim oelrefc1iia- mw ft.-T.ft m ,..ftftjft,-r --T---TI lo wl.icU tl.a-ad wHf Uncceaaiblelaud tka iacraaaing demand (r4Wduet which tk lonrf leaf pin b can fur iiijk will Iu W landktfardias to Iha road aa before tta i.r a filr taiiier f.-r manr veara.. ' liulika Uoal and Ira let RiverJ art Ika grant, tb. averktairije aiid Jtict-1 Itauttiltl avareea trow which lua roau will derire ita bdlaai. Tka quaatitj and qaalitv of tka Goal and Iroa ore are aa fully and ably aei frlk ia Trof. Euj tauaa'i fuutrta. aud ika cWrwctaeaa of bia rauiria U aa iallv Itroven bv tb aataal working 4r tba; Uiat, tnai tit aanwataoji r.. . " . i T . . .1 aslant of ikea denaUa may b art dowa -iar ti faet; Vf ban tkev rw eat. J iaotii: ibat- k worked, aa they wjtt W; tka eotntilelion of the mad. ikea will -aar karveet biri4 tkanul avf afl ler, will wa kava aa much ireigin a we eaa earryr-wl.Uil ia tor a kingm Uack JWt.flUO tone p annuin, and f a doable ; tra.k-l0.tM Vma, - U'H tknt ninount (A JrivtfitlL (and, v,4a.:;aayayiJtLtr Tor iba iJiiriH now butiii.ur i a m warranted M Uat VS Iowa at. load and tka eUaTai wkiik ika road will fce baa fcailk it pay katrer ikaa any road to ika eoanlry. : . . ' . ; Jut lei It ba matla eeHaln Hal a way ;wllj kinjM to;8 1 wilrb MMmmd..twlyT forre.pitolisist., uJiaa .alnin L lam.hl in la I ' " .' .. . , . . "I I . . . .. ... ..L.: f l-.Cn. ur the eutel-IDftfl . 'ri is-i-iih Bck anr candHlaie. ji"wi.. .,....1 ?aa taken to tit liniwrtai r- '. : . ' . . . r iba r.twIiJatra shall bare Iteca aeiecieu, . urt Al. ant-re 11 reuiatncu raw ..ro.,r -t,-- --- - - . - ..ci. -1...:.- .Mik.yfMraeitlir. to tar preuiiau, ami ita lantcu raww,:ai)l - ttnieby tn j ....mwi mm i- . tolbatokV'tole in the .acceediug U.nber. -Upon som newly ..coer 'r re7jnWa a ctoaa bouaa, a w.tfc na adm-Htitioa Ibat VWav i.neHdded on the brenst already, at M.as. - 'j-..V..t. il.nm..l.wrf W'-rlFJtttiX& Shm iJJ.iiMa.iiftW.MjiiaH dftM tbk 'tiiftin r itiMdri " "T." T! ., raa&ta jlmtiiih pilltlri; VOL. XIV. aaa U tka Bra eMlfdL And rl.n rumtatd il viil da aa Kwrik Car- o1iiUim ail tUrva4.ka.baiaka.a't;llj MJ fc, fcijjlr, ar tka violation da 44aa dot and U will da motm fcr . ... . i. i .wi.n. ...i.kl (b atuckkaddara IIm an ia tbe bat arr atada." . ' SOITTU CAROLINA UOl-XTAlX . RCEXERT, Aa. Ilatir E. Cufloa, E Saanf Editor of lU AUiUa 8ctaii, yirat gkar lag diaariyUwaj of th aMiMry ,sd rfckaa U tka aHMtaUiaa aad valla; al lU Wast, aw nag wbiak k baa ajavai a fivtalgktaa kocaUk.-T'Wa iilraetjlia UIu viaf : "TU valWr U Valley Kivr, I rMaark 4 to aiv U4. kaa vf ka wt iaaati ful 1 kava avr aeafi, httililj mad wealth it dova Rot daeta ite tuuia. IT 1 arara iAtM U ia laf Mf aad tki art tka Mfimt and moat indtpvadattt of mea I kaow of an lite I wwtia oeair more. 1 vroald aa liava oa a (arm vn Vallt ICar, M ajTaatioa I kava avar jrrl cu, 01 nnij iaineoiiwrun-uai titer i. ia Ue hi'Uo ami vallvra a mm- eral wealth perfect! ineihaattitlv ; In, Lrwl, btlver ami OwlU alxKiml In MarUe, of varioa qaalitie and tliM, M twand in tka grall abaHdaHca. 1 waa urjriarti to ae in Murpky awtbera ..f eliiuuara built uf marbla. wliieti br a ljul work ia capabU of tlta l'tfml p.4 ii wkil ia Iba qoarrj I aad au "a kienaa cia of tt paraat wktla.- Tba vein of lead, attvatf aad rdd-wont vala- ablajui- Ud and aiUar tbaa aajtbiag tl .CJU.w cioaa vpwatlNi aiarbio iu talker Im it KuMtbara i4..; AUal law iirle of tl trac4 vein U owwed bjr I), K. lUmar. En . w4m l ilHelr "tftff- edto furniak ui wilk a but of ika mine blT Mt at n rl wcn4 f . a aUe luer. bent vtnxi in aareral place am tailed Xo. 6. ia now in tow. and ill i ruUbly lie kile lot aciine Hut, lie uriirinal WM?ra ar Mr. A. J. 1'alt.m, of Mat on, and U. L. XI rria, of Om- lUa iudicaliona of iro ar very atroiig even on tit Waal aid af Ik Valley ri er Ut., bottl.e iiijly urfne ikictt kava baeu worked of HiUcti iroutUit V ta a tWw atepa ofdia rad llimugb tU valley. I waa lokl Ikat ariiclea of roaware auld ia U.arulua at frontllol cla. Par ptwutL nevar dearer ilia Ik latter.' Tkey ka e Iroa M'tirka in ilia ammiy wilk ao facili ty gvttia U to aiarUt- Guyper kaa Uwn fouml in cm 4aca, but mH aa valaabl aa iW obw wtttentU, it i rj evident to ma from wbal I liava areti, that tb valley af Valley Itiver contain wre undeveloped wealtk tkaa any toir of Hirtry ot lit aaine or large eiae iu tit wrld. I kava never aeen it equal aiul 1 da nut car to ae ita auperior, -I cn in ila Hot ball eultivated vtate aud in beart awell with pride when 1 think that ail Ihi beauty I wilfiin hiy own gWtoue Carolina. 'Hut bow neglected, bow unknown I Haw many .if tne weal TSSiuiltivfSiSTKmi ikat tuJ,ii "faai- 1 HI nea-M-v of our loountaiit, aa many bult 'ttlikiiUHatMwt' 4k)--iM on limtir amp1 land." X one, a fear,nnoii. S will Htey ever know it until lWrJiava.uiora ut lUn Mrtk-IJ.-. rutiiw ipfnt. lay aftery Ckaralolt4,, tit (run of orili Oarttima laduatry, ,.uLW a.., oftuW re.ltf.ath Uv( towatnavwa in ihi alioutd not u ao, but axaiu tk Leg ialatura aaiteiubU-a and tb claim of IU weal are 4MiI by, whiW Houtlt Carwlma reTrinf . . t . - - - altuadaiid win IkepfWiAi . - 1 apan naly a day at 'kTr" Itoi '- water, of fty- eldom found. I would rcoMiu Pr- . veiling tli Waaler ttuHiatama to call vn biw -i learned tkar nbout four- twn miU-4 from bn bout there Taaiarge and kwk lav.aulain WttollV of LrUUtilul 0eti eolorwl marbi ana mat uiera ia iu it ff Blowing Cava. ' Having no guide an aont other circauutanc prevent ing, I did not via it It" v -' , ... . -ffnynta(r1lf -ji .,wi.aceiar tor which atreaaooaiy object u. in Aierican arty aidng MfMc Ea ir aliy" 4tbr democrat for Governor, ... .a 14 ... 41.. X -Ifow Hand the Fayetteril. Obat-r-vertI If UnrJIclU arid iViwusratUt Iltalribulw-n f A on of -tb otdeatMd moat influenrial patter of th Sut, a wl WMt nrmeiidea. w afmatd hk to m.w!ear.aw.Mi T 7 iwW..i&iftow -- s -- TUCrbaervar cannot aw 'tkat Sicily. andNva WguUrly cleared at the uiv lWn"too witk lb queelion. . Af'.IToaiiHn llotiie. but when about Id tail. lacbed to awitber oftk lrtiea, wa hi t ww - , ; B riirlit ar inclinatioa lo mdl .He wit" .... J. MV IVr''U i litis; 'irillirr; )t6titi )wiimkti (baarw,le 1 f taafiiiaa ilaiMaiia. Tkara U no owhtr to wklck comma- of iu law ia ava lwtartiaJlj panlakad, tbaa ia Oraat BriUla. Maa of tha WgV at poaltioa, kadgad roand by all tka da feneat of aobllit and vealtk, ara at thh . . '.T . 7; day avrving aat taa i,ar am. a.......ng aanivmia -m f --;a eoy or la gamma waa arvc oa aad paaal atdnalea of Ureal Driula, wkojcapiaia Xarltam, witk aotica tkat tlta Ifikeir wffencw M.Wa cgouaittei toibartoa aroald U Milaad ka ae&t day.f. ila-ry. Iklal -,lgll W "PTJL a . M kl . 1.. I. l.ialha balka; "7" " , r" - - -Uw,, ja Cna Capiat Iiad aa Maa at ea aor dagradad- ky pUU opaloa,TUIIIa, lhm LiIt u iMHilfUt iu k..! Uat IftM .. . ft. .. . . I t MSiUUjaraiatyiia iaeiar org aeemtata of IUa UlaYrtal, eooTkottoa aaa ;yn MWOaai poat4iia iitn. a Mm.WLr . Uul WlUk biMtuH.1 AaaooaaUUardythadaelaioa " oSm "mm ;.ivafcaa lima aaa4 gi-amaa4Mrfc-at mairy. Tka atora) tgatoat Ik pariie alleged tolaa and feandatont aakibila af the veal amdiria of tha bank (tb Royal lUitiak,) lb dWIartag of dividend, U 4key bad atfctog W divid-4aa- rag of new akarea when tbey war ia a eiukhig enoditloa, and varioaeottier tricky feat, wklch in tbli country anmatime pM fir claverneaa and Inanciaring aklil.' Tka girt of tb HtTcnee of the Bank officer and Director wa tli placing on lit cre dit aid of tk balanc dieet money ad vanced to (ailing concern, Lad debta and tha calculation of interett ujkmi tle (It baai of a lialf yearly dividend,. ! Ja. paatiog aeutauca apoa Utatn, Lord Cawpkell aatd I J;. . , , 1 abalMnit t-elfiew aJtajay-yaw, WHr rBrWtVaAart E-daOa, 1L t i.l"tiauittma-- AAa.'la'itjC aw f bopav' i. ...... ... 'i impartial iriai, ya '. wwn by a jury of y our country, upon lit elear eat aviilcnce. of an lufainout etiiii. I Yp9 "wer ckjrrged wilk eornplring tu de eeive and defraud tlie akarvli'dder of tha batik lo a l.ii'U you bet.Wipxi, by falae re- preaentattont, aad tactitarthatyaa am v 1 etuuv yoat AtUMkmn origiuaiev tkia bank witU tb fraudulent bileat lo cbuat the public ', but it ia now demoiv etrated that f.r year yn bav carried fi fyttcni of delibrrait fraud, and fair ricatad aVwamenta, ft Hi parjirw of d eviviaaT tlte public, (or your direct or la- direct UkQcHu . It wouU b a diafrrmce to tlto.la of any eowitry if ikia were not a criin to be puniaked. It i not a mer breach jf contract with the hrrholder or c titmucr of tlta bank, but it ia a crl minr ctiimpiracy to do what inevitably leatia to foal public miackief, in tit ruin 4 rtuniliea, ami reOueinr tn whiow anu . " .it . t iitei lo ay lltat in niitTtfauftrti of y.mr of f.mre. it a aid tu be a c.nnmon practic. I tfcfofWtiaUlr,. Aity Jim been jntrH 4luv-r-4 Mrt erMiitxwimierciai neaiiiia, it.. I frimi anr dt-foct in the law, but from ine iaw nH y'Vfk Jr ?H ,u, ""o l'1?- TS(riiCMis iwtmi bring "mg a ooiicii.iiMeM of Iiame, ami I fear Ukut inittki tltoa with whom they aaaociate. It waa time a tp i lMuld W v'jju'l ""to uck aye- tke law not tieing put in force ; and pmc- reinf ami tin iitiorniaiion wm im.rii Med 'tJiiVISV'''! and iIm jury have proWrty, found yoa gwiltyi T k.".iS frill 4.inuw;n mat ancn -tracticea ar mcgai, aoo win but mat ricaciee of account, and tin device will ba able lo ahield eiick practice. On account of llii lieiiiK the Brt prox.'cutiou of tlii na- I mnerwiie lloli , u mv ninw-a kit tiw tUl l ii -prHHie- pn you. llombrvy Brown, Kdward lilaile, and lluxh Jmii Camenm, that you be im priaouwd ia, lb Queea 1'iiaoti. for . jne : . 1" - THE BAlttiUE ADUIAtlC-HEU IS- .trETHOM TnEFRESCH. By reference to our aliitingre,Tt will b aeea ttaat-tb barque Adriatic, kaacauaed o mack eicitvment ia thi country and franc durintftli laattwelv Monika. uv ator eL-Wa kad a ktog raia4ioa vealerdav withCaptala Dart ham, bar ommanden from w bom lietled aia taeU wWtMhay inte 31 U will b rwcoltoeted tbat e Adriatic n.n ii.ru iba new rrench ateanter Lyon- nas'oii the Slid o"rXwruhrri ISM, and that the ttuamer uokv two' day after ward. " Tb Adriatic pul itito (Jlbuce- ler, U., to rejiair daftiagra. She then it. - . I. . iIm Ifttuk lu a eajiro for " . a I be paper wer taken away frombcr, ana an actum eoronienceu ajrainai an -,-, , 1, - ... .--ri. .ft.- i tAaA ia Anril r owner.! iajfa The r wjuJriad ' . ftft.a 3 jijJd in fav.wof ilm buipilnuod; Could tb yontkto wlmm I SALISBURY, N. C;, MAHCII 30, 1858. wera Ratta for ana half tha ' vaJaa .o( tLa eteamafallagln'ir Ibat bar tljcbt waa t"o riair ivmi waa poatiKm, er am in laia. Wkiia ilia aaa waa to Utaoaart at All, Capt. Durham raqaaued panuiatioa to ramova bM Hip,aiiu ia aiv mat ana waa lowed from La lAoiai W Haraaiitaa ia attarga of Mr ', appaintad for tka wanmaa bT Utw proavrati.ig paHy. Tka VM M ,wh ajmmmrj ... ft . t ft I ' " . . . . i ,u.ing Uio. M i Oa, aa i gal away la . ,.ul. ... in wMclely walclied. aud bad to vork kuut. and at aack olker timaa aa k cald -! tbir notice, rroviaion vm oalii4JrtwiilKr f rjjnJly to biin, and a arew wTalii.ed ia tb Mat of am ar vaaaet-not an of tm being a war of tk nam af tk bariru, autiftbey war put at aaa. At 4 olock oa tk nniting of tha fck of Jan nary, the Adriatic act aai anil kft br wkarf. Coming ap tb guard-boat wbicb wa atationed at a point necenaary laii paaoed; ab waa bailed aad ker aort-naaa naked for, Tl eaptaia eiiteef. d tkia and waa preparwd for it llavingJ1 no eb document in hi pnaieaaum, n folded a two avua piee to' -per, and, baring gi ven lkcauiiary. word; ' nj tMroV. flirew it over, but ia uch a manner tbat t eeUtt4ttf felt tiito tli1 water. jiien.cerinHtiMBT,u('pMg i t-ib U -right, let kr paam, and the hmit iiaurtaonad Adriali weae w ke tay-trtotowar7H-",- - ;; r, vx: . Mt aiiapml bar eour i..r upexna, a pttit ia bardinia, where h eitecled to war, fr?i4 wkn k and uck other thing a were neede.1.- 8b found neitMer paiter nor man-of-war. tlte r revt-cb lm felivrapiMKi to air uotnta, iiMttravtiona to aeiaa Uia banja u here Vtr tit bititit ItfT. and the autltori- lie actually ant a un lt ut to Walck Iter tb tirat nlgbt after ker arrival In port witk Instruction to fir on kef if iti it temi.ted to aaif order to aeiae her bav in been reteivid front Tarin. - Tb next day order were give not tn aioletf her, but to allow no. aummuni! ion witk tk bore not ev for tli parp-ie of pro curing proviaLto or water. lir a day or two afterwara, However, tn capiain w allowed (o buy whatever be could pay for. Having procured wnat be waniea, and a favta-abl wind aiiringing ap, b left gnetiia umnoleal.-dT and after top- ping at tu Madeira laianda, and ana or two other place,, reached our -port yes terday Bioruing. LxS.'-.l- Capl. Durbaiu I i fine pclmea f the American tailor iutelliifent, bold and darfng and our French friend wilt kkr IO reton o in or uueiainou . maa fnwa. and riaa a little earlfer in the m.n- iog. befor tby ?aa bop to get ahead of tucb tueo. TIM ca bf)b 'Adriatic it a remarka ble one. without a uerellel in our mart- lime bitory, and i likely, to bec.iuu a aeatiiih -of -. Ulbtirtiinc ttetwecn e United Stat and tli riciVcTrJsvyf yrwmenfc !TijrterJhIOJ.reM brougui itcxor uoagnm. XiavtanaA A'r U. x to become cxiiArrv. Ia lira 8rat tJaee.tf voa want to I mia- eraUe. ba aeibali, Tkink all lit ttnie of; youraalf and of your owa Iking;. Do not car about any bouyeiw. uave uo ieei inir f.traftV cilia but vouraelf. Never think of enjoying tlta atifcl ion of teeing oth- ra-iiappy;. tiut.iH4.jrat0cr, h jw ve a uiilirM face, b jcaloua, ktt auother (liyutdcnjoy what yoa kav not Ery. every on who ia belief tf in any revpect titan youraeii tbina anaiauiy wiwaru tl.im. and aneak III of tbetuA Cn- ttautly afraid lt om omv ahould i.'i cncb npon your rigltt ; b watchful a gainat it, anq if any one come near your thiiiga, cnap at him like a mad dogK Con-1 lend eanieatlr for everything l;tht it. "you? own thoupb if '"may aot be wortk a dime for yoar rigbi!ir jutta muck' concerned at if it wr a pound of gold. Xever yield, a p.4nO B very aenaitive, and take every thing that i aaid tojoa ia playfulnea ia tb moat eerioa manner., tie jafoa of Tywrfriwd, Wat tkeyl tltould not tbink enoajrk of you. Aad a at an tint .lkv akwwld a awfckjet yoa, put BjSJ,t couuucvyoca...jt. s-r' ZftlwT 1HnC1arlo Lamb a genius 4"d a drunkard, tell kit tad'titierienceaa a warning to young iu the Tallow inc Uotfutire: "Tb waler bav gim over me. Jlut'oatof wtrr. uf w,, rw. 77 i . -v. a-" li. i .1.-1 I tti flavor of the irat rtiul 5rififfjXlilitf, . J . a- . night' repetition of lb folly t Id k bat foal tka body of lb deatb froc wkickj I ery kowrlr. wilk feebler iery I b totivard4t warnongb la make kirn daak tit aparkltog kvverag to In eartk to all tka pride of U maatlin lewiptatJon." If y kava a young irtond wk may I to tahgwr -U acquiring an aprjatiurbratrongdrak,iuviukl ati lion to Utarlea Lamb' draadfnl pH- L -THE:HAPPIfHOMI Tri tfeaafa. IlaKna kava la praaa a work from tka pen af tk well know " Ktawiji "watitled "Jaa Harrr Dowa.- I'rwai ao of tka advan akeeta villi wbiak w kav kar tovard, w make Ika following astract. TTkaN to aai Inaetiaibl 3ueatIo)To pro- gra ia every family, of irraal power, ami wkidi U not tk Uaa iai-taatiaJ-becaaae ia auMt jhy .il partM giviiigjMl reoatvuig lL ImJaeU, Jt i otlau lb can tkat, tbrough thi ineeoeibto education. tk rbaadanoaa of tbufacfei' ar laid b for ekiklrwa kav learned tka alpbabt befor tbey ar old anoagb to go lo ecbouL Tbey kav loaraed lit butguaa of iit-etr parent, ami many of tue.r tiawu. in lan.ny aiamp u on? apoa mew. Their tnatea kav coninDCd lu develop UtetoaelTea: and Huiwtlv aa Ut dew of evening daaoanda apon graaa, flower, and plant for tbetr relreatiiuonl, witboul Ueii inc whence it eurn or whiiber it ifueUi, ao qaietlv do tb habit and iaaunr of the burn etrcl fall po tti wind anq krt W cnildreu, training tbem after tttwir own itnUsraw Ueao Ut m.purti of doing all -tkat ia aa lie I maa bow attractive, ecinlly hi ckildra,ud ao to arrange vtrytkig couuectod wilk it, and all u aarroanainga, aa to renuer u oadueiv to tbtiixUt education of Ika rV. . i-i'i. i. t. . wouia uui uuiiu i in n vbhp wuca w could dc it on a kill, m la a naked lot wliea w eoald embower if to tree. uoTear a ta-unt pool or aaptoa marali, wheu w could place i ) tb bank of a clear and murmuring Mraam. W would, a far m poeaibt. wocfrcto it wltk" tree, and wilk flower, and witk vine tkat ra4d kaar frail, aad wboae fiowar weald rnit tk be aad httisming-kirtL Wa would kp U 1 tk beat of repair, and tree trow vry apMK of auiaanc. eleaa without aad within. o tbat tb eiaitor, aad even tli traveller would e to everytbingtb etfecuof tk Maml of taat and iadaatry. luat Utare i mack bulk of civiliaatioo and ruligM ia alt Ihii v aiay oou aee in paaaing from viltaga ia Lowef Canada, to I if- mt la. Hew fcnziana : ana mat wa may tee tb. effect of all thi tba riaing gen eration, w wa but eompar ta aiolid youth brought up ia tb bleak irencb village Bortii or Ui.L Mwjrttie,,. Willi tkoa bronebt up amid tit embowered village and nicely decorated bone od fb Unk of tli Merrimac, tit Cobnee- tleaU tk Uadaoa. and tk Obto. Tk taat, aad tka babit of chiidraa ar thu. formed, ar tkn educated ia their eartieat Veara, and thu a reliah i imparted for .". a" ' a . a " a ". a a a.? 1) - tb cloan ami lit beaeuiut wiiicn aotue tltronli life, and wbicb ert a powerful mfloencu on tne formation of enaracur. Tb fwligum. of &ukU94J'to receive it fa-b !aa -and at,a well a to be Dure. tacabl and loving. It clean ap and repair tb bona ut a b liver, aa well aa parifie kia bear In claauaiug tb ijtaiUe of tb p and ptal- tar it On not forgot Ui outiu. . lltink not that the itrincipl wbicb w beraadvocata ba il .blicallon only to tli rick, or to lb" engaged in proajier oa buMtiae. It ba tta applicaliou to Ik poorttomeMder- tag are olten mouew oi neameaa. n kav aeea tb vis trained over tk wio dow of lb widow who livd by kar aa dl. and th,bot of violeU growing upon ita tilt aod everything neat within, and lite Voa, ia tumbler of water, atanding ok tb -littto Ublc, i.y tk aide of kick, Wah af a-wy mt war, Wa kawr aa , - flpat k Wkal ww laaiat n a tbat, a far a poeiible. vary tluug sluiuLl .b pknuaat a Hbia and arvaml tb tauiny reaiueuce. TTi dtwroa to whicb Ihi rul may be carried out muat depeud, of court, uiHUi tb eondirioa and arcumawaeca or cacn family. KmU to f to riaVMw - ' roe. Th frrv bt Ibewcbani luti alioj, tb mCrcbaiuideedt crowded bTt brain ; each hair ttoojj amid lit anaklie of boaiuee. the pro. Ion endh leajd out of bl,rtik feaaiouar aaiid : In coa Bid of cla thing interest tb clerk id tbe coununbou, tb apprentice wearied with effort to lara La trade, tb child, fretted witk the fuattn of acuooW ail ami eat-n aw-v.u L.U bomebaurkwiblln Iba nil foravttea amid tb b ail W,f?. tb cowforta and Kitto'e wbSk tker do most elter; to just a lawaatl," aay an iuimi- u) H.fici dlrdl. NUMBER 44 eoertanna, and forbar.ng, and pattonl I a iteljfkbor a kona. If anyiking g In Itrkkora koa.a. If anytking go wronr. ar M aat of time, or diaagreeabla lhvr,it i mad tk bt f, not the worat; va tfli'Tta ar mad ta iea rr, and I abow tbat bt I aat foil t or, ir felt, ft i attributed t accident, wot lo deal. And lkta It tmt only ay, bat natural to tha koata af a fViewd. Vkat ia Uaa a bleaaaat ami aataral la tb konaa of an other caneot, b Impiaaibl at bom. Cannal all tk aoarteei of life be abaarved la domeali life V- A kaaband a wrtl ug to b pleaaed at bom, and aa t . . ft .. ft.. L , ! l I nawaa to i lanta aa in ni wvigoonr . . ...... .. ba, and a wit a lawn on maamg tbing conifbrUbt very day ti t aet day t lo ber gaeeta, eoald aot fail Id make tkir a kappy bom to all III Inmate pnd ta alt viaitor." Ye : and; w may add, eklldm aa anirouf to b courtno and ploaalng to llmto paraato aa tky aaaally ar I tkoa witk wbom tny apend aa caaioaal evening ia lb social eircl. would reader tha familiet to which tbey aatoag.a pipf uV amLlavclypda mviting, aa waa Eden itself before defiled by tb tlitn of tb aerpent. .... Let noea aeek to vnde tb point and fore of all tkia oa tk ground of HilTer- ence af lew. per. H ea raatraia their fern bar ia tmbiie. wbv not in private! Tbey do a ia lb way of bwttnet and in their iatrere with met) for prudential ir not for kigkr fwaaona, why mH t at komef Uad lmpn ar I tit bean wuai ouieiui waada ar lo a rardeit t if w keep dowa or black ap to tit on cat; why not neck to do to lu tli oilier I Ana a uaa im per due no good-am i;ury - wbaa BBraatrainad. it waiuuuea auu e- tend ik Till W iitowa Wth thiatle wbea permitted t grow to aeea, wny givwytoitt-.To Kwdy thething that mak for peace, and tft thing wnereuy one war edifr another, ttiotiiu ue uw ml and tke tow of vry member of ry family. Xowbar it that law nMu-e imDerativalv biudinj than in Iba family ircl:raiid nowlierto bbe.tince to it Htttv ttentiaiiy reniMirw. u mcr arr UUUaction in ou cfanrcli w may reiuova to another; if w cannot lie plaaaauuy in oua nMmnunilv. wa mav acau to all other, bet from lb diatracled domeatic circle tbr t ao capr -ia way tbat do violaace to tb law of Ood, and f nM,.aod of Hi family ampwrt- Uaoce 'nb Itame thoald b tli rwtidonc oi jnmc, and of love, and of all the grace and virtue. When "tne uome ta. m thie rett-jct. what tt tmzbrtir be. it ia Baaaaa ia tb edneauofl or cnuurwn win . . TV . . . " . b moat rracloM. aad it will be tb uar aert of nobto 'Biea and woinn for tb Church and for the State : it will b aa a a-ardea that tka Lord ba bleated. And vary member of k koma circl will be able to ay. : . - I itar aRvribaVai(w4arib. Ta aick U aaa aoavf if of tawaat arinht Tirt r wUb Uw kaaati of na aWuai aa v. I wurtt Aat k! ha 4f liaaam. lu ia.nalial abaaara, " W-alwaral V BQl ATTEUrT-AT BGBBERT BY V'OCTU. . A GoldabmV orraimndnt of tkePe- tertbarjr Erprtt, audur date of Marcl SO, give the following account of a bold attempt to rob iTgow feltow in. Jii w bad, 4n tb formr plac, fuwalghttag: - ' - : - Vf ilaea, yonne twntlctriao who recent I r atfttod aad commenced batin bcm,IriMn t'elertburg, bad bired a ciera a mew boy4J or if year of ageto tend' bit ttoru, wtioae bame, I learn it P. r. revheo. 11 waa eneol tb faucy kimL atood la tb door with kid tin, tried w4ouk killing at todie aa they patted in wore, auu f n uui una ih iuiuj. Xot working to Wilton' tatitfaction, be toM Mu to tb cars for Wilmington; but, for some causa, puatibly financial preetere, h Wat pDtoH ik cart teat atuto aoata aJ. hare frota wbick plac k tramped back to Ooldabor', and getting bar jat after dark, k cr4 into tb back room iu M it auu't t,ora, aitd secreted bimaelf under a cot, oa wbick Wilson and probably anoth er clerk, alept. Waving bit shoes ouUlu tb door. ..Altr whU Wilton cam in and want to bad. toaviac kia tf outer. AeLetva chair Bear b i and ftcr i'a- hen had waited uoul.be aappoawd Wilson . aaleev. b bekraa to. feel about lor tne trousers tkat be migUt relieve Uiemwfi whatever valuabto tBCTHwntained.but I riw "'lZ "Sj T " n" "T" M and WiiaV awoke, and. after 21l.ff kit 7 ."""" ,T" 77" " -otkar clerk by ae and getUng o res-t f M T mows. twvrv-iHl -all tbeirrkroedy itwlicd.t nA tbAJa4aa-MalTt a v ugm; nnaaoearu..nju....s..j. kiMiug look aud alll Wilaon watamaa - d be pulied hiui out, asked him whene cauuy and nUatJut a ... ' . ' t T .t.. u itaHeu. aov urittraiftiw. a" tltartra of an officer l bat hi. better feel- f - .. . - ... . ky toaektof that rrfnea dot act brfif-" katwtVu kad awtwlmrit. Oa V at tlcbaSigW a gauerwu tew tumwtnr lion U Ibto trwtlH klk teff I 1 Tb pria of draaaailtta wroU tvw twtarto aad a kalf ago, - Caaay Itof tb kad tkat wean a crown." ' Tb aeav tiasMl waa tr thee, wa tra bfor ikftM anJ ta traa waw. ' ' V - Imvki. wkww Kmf laract ttnw afja. dak. uelalaMdL 0 tkat I kad tk) wing of a dor, for lka I woahl if way aad to) at rt 7 ; Jjiawywfaa. tk mo arch of pioITy, 4 tcnlted kl altaatioa at tkat of a pereo. witk a draw aword tutpended abv bui bead by wtogto bafr.aad tw rmtinaad ' -borrar lat II aa adg abottld b kariadl ., iakiabraia.. . Wkwa tk tat Emperor of Hateia trtv al4 to Italy, k we ia aoawtant lrwpi d alien. Uat aom iwcaatad I "or tka Id area re hi country "a wrwag ky ' Bf ; a ballet to bbj baart, and awvwr retired to raat wiltomt prwetowaly atriking a tk -walla of hi bambr witk a hammer, to aa Ibat aH wa eolid, aad tbat Utr wa a eoureaWd panel thiwash wblca u outraird ft could ntr. I ' Lowi fblUipM at Mrtod mt hi reigw allowed m log to b brought toto' bit palaea until it wa flrat iamiad, for fear lest aotn lafemal macLiaw waa kid- don in it. .-. - And Ika DicUtor af JiMfMi-ati careful r to emol V Igar aula! k kad anSd bimaelf by aarwlling aai eiamining iu to vac, that lb wd talned ao poiaoa. . ; . XaooUow tha Great, while writtoa? to Joseph, say t J"To prvnl bing cau ad aw amattlualtd, kep-wly Frteaii eookt, and ,hv Jprcacbmaa) aloaav. to your kody-iruard. B carefal, too, tkat. no bo enter Your tlewpinr apartmwat z apt yoor aid-de camp. II bld at) in tb room opauiag into yoar. Lack your door cm tb inatd, aad never opaa. t wvajw to yvwtdduTJipr trtttowr making him firet tpaak, tkat yew may ra gnia ltia-ic, and wHbowt toddiaf liini lock tb door of bit owa race, to make aur that ao pertoa will foil tim." Who can wiab for a crowa that preaaM o heavily on tli brow I Itogal atattoa i.f.vd to pay eoatly tribal; and if tkat tati.ia i roacltmi or retained by urtwag; th tkroti i on tha crater of a etoepiea? volcano. Thi tk aarpr feele, IM ticmbleaV .:; ...::..s;-r- -ft 1 1 i, ika aaiha aiai I - r - TW ufaWk ata aam kam aat ! lrWrctk CamMli 'SfgiifilA' &&jftn4 Mayor' offiw, : witk a suad of men. last, niglit .jaud'..A deaceut upon a firat-claa gambling knata, kept bv V'barte Vanaon and Ueorg Oa han, si Xo. 51 Walker street, : lit place) wJt privaU rtidaaee, In to. ttterwal ;. apiaraiior, and elegantly furnish d. TkV M-reant placed aevtn men ia tba ttraat. and ram the U-ll. Tb dour waa tipeaaa by a negro, and Mr, Croft walk4 'to ' lb hiL- Wiiat do yea want PdamaaeV V. -d CnjiafT""! Waul to ta Mr. Itoaaoo-V -" . . replied tb otBor." "I have a k'ttto ItamVV neat with bita." , c?ar go to a aooru,.....v:.. . the end of tb hull and guv tkra iir:. .XC Xo iwtpoaaa. Ctstar rappctkBaMl Ihre tirne. . Tb ofticer now C to tkw L.-, dwr wlir Caosar ia Mr." fiansoo step odC Oa twrcoivtog -.--. wbom be baa to deal witk k itamadiato : ly clinches biin, and there i a acufll af ." '-.""'V '""'," thon doralion, in which Mr.' ItoaeuA to -teated lu tb dtair in tb hall by the aar reant, and then Urofta and 1m may go la v tu tlie licit TOOIB.C-"' - Uponnlering tli nait mow, they fonnd ail Iher xitctd lo Clod, only a-- on a more elegMd plan. -Tb pUc va furnialied in a luxuriant manner ; IM ta blot were loaded with wine and rafraaky mcnt served up In the beat style, and a faro tank an J varidu garnlUng opera tioa : f..n i -- tC anon a tlie officer showed their etaitV Tb uien preMnt were alt weUdrtstad apparently retpecUbie ; Sotti ot I beat grey-baireii, and all of them torrlbly friiflnened. Tbey begged Dot to be ar rwu4 their stsmling in th community would be impaired ;.tbir famiiie woaut b degraded. Soma of them aaid lby had never befor been In a rambling bo. and all protested solemnly mat n tua w ItcCrS would Bot iTest tlmaThr would appear at tit Mayoraofflc thi aaoraiB and tn'v an aooounl of themtel v. Oat TBii promtto tiiey wer allowed , (0.1-. lb faro bank ami outer apparatus ar aid to b the most costly vr taken by tb policU.Tbf war twbMof aok' id silyertJlrBon4 otber uiinn,ja officer found $20 in nioney in th drawer, bureveryontljifuaen tlta ownership, jiantoa una moroinr gar bail in tb turn of 1,500 befor tb Mayer. Only two of th persiHi present rUea- ed their premiee and appeared at lb City 1111 to a-tv an account of tbemaelva. On olLfiiein wata Xew Haven man, who was found ia a Irofct room. . U declared that ba did not know that it wa a. jfeaa bling boat. Hbonb," added b,"I might havf bad. rresam jtijn of what waa go- tac on. --.i .uw "I ncT4rr i Ikrascefc Vwriian' a 4m U fnala to' kf. near aa Lww at n elephant, we can te all tu woa- moar macb more cotnplete than er a a-wri w ,j Ji,hJ ..u, fltUng over cb Other, 'and w ber tbey meet, hundred of atroaf ' quillt project like those- tm. tk back of . " , , - - ., Vji- be skm, a sucker to drawawsy tb btoodi i "V.