GBEIT BATTLE IT 1115 ASS AS ! Desperate tad Cltt. j Cifilc( TfciCiifeieraCti GUrloi Jj yieUriiit-T-Tke Ettnjr Roil .ciTicd Pitted ( llcxaidrla! PtHIciUm. ' Uk wfcBeT ,.. - PmuMiao, Monday, 1 oV:lk f M,' : i 1 Jul; M, 181. The battle on Thursday last at Bell's Itaa, mr Uiimm Junction, was a deevd ad MUrr for tbe Ooa federate. The tots ;' '" tk unetny WM MfUlilj OM tboMeaad oa Km wu inconsiderable. ' Tb flght wm renewed oa Sunday, lb tllCt 1 berond HuHMi It-eoni- rad it four o'clock, A. M, by Ik Coa- fudenrtea. who dmroeered to omr throw -lag tip breastworks ander pretence, of bry luff their deed. The Yaake foroea wee estimated at on hundred thousand, aad that of the . Southerners at sixty thousand. General Johasoa had joined Oen.Bnuregurd wkb tweutfr thousand, and Gen. Patterson had joined Genera) McDowell, with thirty-Are tbooeaad men ; nnd both participated oa their respectiv aide u tht batik. -'-Tha Confederate army was commanded oath right by flaw, lkaaregard, ia the bntrebr tha omffuMer-ia-ebM, rmi dbt Dark, aad tha left by Of. Joba eon. Tb federal voroe wtr commanded brOsae, Wmidd Scott, McDowell aad Patterson. . The Igbt became general about aeon; aad iacrtewad ia, emlon c autil sevea, t. hi, when tb uemy fled in wild despair. Tbey wra panned oy tfleeo Hundred rrreaaralrf, aod followed b-Aknadria. Tbey were overridden nod cat down Id a tern- ' bJ maaaer.Tb loss or beta tide k - - fearful, but not aseerUiaed. Among tb r"djstlaffaHLed offiewa hUled nrrGew- Bee, -of Sooth frroIiaa, Gv ICvby Smith, of Florida, aad CoL Jobaeoa, of Hamptoa'e Lepow, Geo. McDowell of tb Ysokee ' army, was anortnJly wounded. , ' . Th particular coma fa slowly, bat it is ugreedoaall bads that the CoaWerate victory wee bnJIiaoC, tboogb dearly pur,; chased. A. F. C. Other dispatches received tow etate that CoL or Gen. Bartowof Georgia, was killed; aod thai tb ""iSaJaf.'fce: captarad Sbermaa's lattery of ? J the fteath Caroiaiaa. tf LATER NEWS. , Rjcbmosd, Jaly ?2. Tba reporU of th killed, aod woaoJed last aigbt weraaoaa ' rdiabJe, (Bdt tb eici teaseol : tod. eoafu ato ftillowioftbe eicbry at lfaaaaMM,tkat ' w refraioed roawtioofog tbera, being tmr fal of gieing eaaseless pais to many aoi ioot bearts. f " 'K'v v Among the dead art (ieoerak Barlow, of Georgia, Be, of Sootb CWma, aad Kirby Smitb, of Florida, ' Lieot Coional Xobason, of EaaptnaV Legion, is also General Baaaregard aad Saff art aafe, tkooVb tb Geweral bad bis bors shot 1 Geo. Joaepb E. Joboaa 1 eoatmaitded - tb left," wber the eoesay road tbeir Se cat attack. ' Oea. Beaeregard eomaoaaded Cbr n'gbtVi rrtwhif Daela reacbed tb filf at eoa, aad took oonnaad of tb eostr.- Wbea tb left wiag of oor force was Uie bardast p rasas j by tb eoemy, tb :tf o5aeBgxad oetJpl f l aens -Jbroe,a4 decided tb fbrwais of tb day. - 9 otbor raBabl reporaf bate bees re r eeired, bat art bowrty ctpaeted, " t ataied laat tb' toemy wear eom- fhU4 by Gwrak SooU, Pattersoo and MtDoeell, aad it Is reported that tU lat- ter wie aeriooary 'ioaiidtdrr5:fe J: VttQXLtJoi, of Capt CrantpV vonpo' " y; (of Aagasta, Ga.) airfead bora hat oeaoieg; aad aaya bis aoaspaay. and the . rcgtaxaV wlkb'rsa nap peas i to bae bWcapUr bar arrieed aafely a( Ifoo- .va rery jJigbUy Jbart ia. tb bigb , 2io- body tie is aaowa. too tvari. Pasaenzen Ut tbat Gea. Wis' wo a J- doiied victory la tb Kaasnb rallev last weektif 10 of tba eoemy, aad loa lag bat a few nwa bimel . - jiotbiag later reeeieed from Maaaeaas ptalA o'clock to-day. Xtmnii Joty 10 P.M. A Urge paUic meeCog waa held tbls afieroooa, at wbicb a coaamitle was appointed to gel Maaaesaa aod reaetva all the erosaoVd able ta b tiwuepeetavl. to Rtch nood. A not her comorileeo wm arfmttted toaeceruua the ' aumbete familjws i Ridiood who wi'l ' receive and attend the wounded : and toamiUe U soUcitaaUcnpOoot to obuia com forts to alkeiate the euffariage and . .. sraots of tb sick and woonded. " It km beea raining a!f dst. The train 'Trom Maoaea1.d at J o'clock: tbk after noon,' was not iMetod toarrie till aear mid bight- Tb Telegrapb to Maaaasa has bee oat workiag order for aeeeral hour, 7 - -.. vj-- (i k iw Vorkiii wl.k'aa SAm ataoaat J he Je hs i4 aod rri UK tbiVlu,. Impoastbti so UlaUs daUik of tb -killed aa! ' wohadi yL Tb bait! ground i tended over a pne of aooul tea aoHes, , r . OFFICIAL REPORT OF TUB BATTLE. KiCHHOUD, Jutv Si President Davis sends official despatch to the Secretary of War, aoaoaactng a conptt and, fleciat victory Testerdar bear Manassas.' Tb enemy, after lea boor flgbtln'lled pre- ciptately tb direction. f MeUrg aad Centre t ills, purawed by oar caxairy and light infantry, till ailit pat aa end to the pursuit. . The enimf left on the fleld a large qosntity of stores in uoitioo' srni, ti.. and ie4 piles of tU lae. lrarvwhere U the direction of their flit bt, the dead bd- iea and wondedrira acaUered, and tb aeigbboriog fiutt-Kooaeji on tb toad are crowara who in wounaeu oi voe encmj . Tb Cos federate fereee ianmediately an gaged war about 15,000, the Federalists are eelirosted at 93.000. Tbk refer to tha Irft wing, eibere the battle priaoipnlly raged, aad does not include tbe rigbt w ing and eeatre, wbieh waa 'only partiaHy ea- gaged.' The entir Confederate force was about 4d,000, and tb Federals, nearly 80,000. Tbe eneatr lort aeeeral batterire of field artrtlery, and one staad of regi- mental colors. ' - Xo particttUr of tb dead and wound ad on either aid bava been received up to I o'clock thi aiiornoon. TUE S0CT11EBX C0XGRESS. Uicimoaov Jaly S2eCoogreas net at nooa io-dar.Naad waa apeoed with prarer. The followiag despatch, aWed Naaasea, Suaday aigbt, wws tend by tb derk : " To Geo. 8w' Cooper, Adiotanl General: Night baa dosed apoa a bard fought fi-ll. Our force bar . won a Horiou xictorr. Tbe enemy wan rooted, and fled ptfcipi lately abandoning a eery wga noal of arm. ptUDittoata, knapsacks and hacgage. Tba eeosnd waa strewn , for mile 'witb those killed, aod ibe Iferfnnses and the gmads around ware filled with bit woun ded. The psreait wa: ooatinoed aioeg sereraTroatea towards Ltasbwrg and Cen trevin. uatil dntkaes covered tba fugi tieov Wa aaew captared several held bat lertea and regiotental stand of arnu, and L ailed 8uta flag. Maey priaonars bava bee ukaa. ; Too nacb .praise cas aot ba bestoired, whether for tba skill of tb DriadpeJ oficers, or for tb esllantrv of ail lb troops, Tb battl . was mainly fouzbt oa our lert, several miles r from our cenUe Oor, force Was U.000, and tbiT of.tba enemy ja asliaialed at SSufiQQi-. tSigned,; ittT. HAY 13." ThfeJlowiaff rasoluttooa were offered by Mr. Mcmmioger and Danimouly adop-, tad: MtmU4. That wereeofeiae Ihehsaof the Meet Hieh lied, the Kief ktiars aad Levdel Leede, ia the tforf lry eMh whfca H haa crowned ear ertaVM Maaaeaaai aa4 thai tie aesetee the Cwabderale States ere tew td, by apprgoriateasrviceseelheenaniaf 8s halh, to Sie ee their sailed thaakfivif aad f rail i far hie naif Mv eeevereaee. ' . 7aVeet. Thai eriy eValonae the aeeea- eity which aae waakee the awl of oer eoee'ry with the atued of ee maav at her s6)et eoaa, we eaVr te their reeaeeiive faaMlea ae ftiit aed aaoet eeratel syatee4ay, aaeer- bf then that ihe eecnneee asede will he wee See rated as Ike hearts ef etr Mople. aa w there eewhriae the aaaaes ef the pHaeS need es lae ehaataeaaaef free aad eoastaetioaal ttberty. Jsraatee. That we apwroee UM jareeaet an P!ieifwrtitke!lever edT tke e v Ekkmae4 le ntake previaioa for e weeaded. and that a sivaaaiiiee efeate 'kar fraas eeeh ajteie he affenued te es gyrate U th plea. Jtreeiead, That Cengreae do now ad)uera. . RiCBMoiro, July 12, 9 rV m. The ciiy k lull of rumors about the a umber of killed and woonded on both sidrn. aad tbe move menu making, but all are utterly unrelia-1 Tb hodf oftJenT Fupck IkHoe7ard perhapa wthers, are etpected on th train ' jotTom iceWif kt tic bittie. newt of tba Coofederaje VKory at tleirs Run create tb most itetie eftrrneW f ftera. atarti tb nabias mtnd the mora-1' log 'paper haeiag - pnbliaUdt deae),icbs from n asbtagtoa prodaimtnn n brilliant yklury for tb f oWrii'ta," Tbre k great rejoioiag among the Southern Rights mem VVajsuuero, Monday,1 Noon. Our rtroopa, after gainiag a great victory, were eveotualiy repuked, and commenced tore tfatoa Washington, After thiainferma tiua was reeeiyed- last eight from Centre wifle. a aerie "of evnU took ptaco in the bigheat degree dieastroos snd many onn foeed staterneak am pre vailing, but enough k known te wwrrant the suumeat that we haya suffered to degree which casts gioora veer the femaaetof the army, aad escitee derpeat melancholy throughout ashing ton. ., Ihe carnage n;aaircnenaowtyaary o both sides, and ours k represafited as ft igblfuL Wa ' net e ' 1 vanci og, . tak i eg masked balteriea, and graJaaily bat surely driving lb enemy towards Man sat as. when the eoemy wa reinferced by Gen. Johnson. We were immediately drive bark, and a pabie suddenly occurred among our troops. It k aaderstood tat Ga McDowaJI vadertock to make a ' and nr Centre etlle, but tb panic wm ao jeai Tol th-t tb whole mb a aa I- t 1 - ' '- ' S uJ b HMtlh pWbletoc k W, eitbeeat Cer-jf vi1 r,ri..Ai Uaart Iloaaa, A iJg W of tb troops is their rttraat fat oa Eraysid Crota ttbanMioa,' aad ar scaU aioog tbaroat all tb way from Fair fai CmA lkcf Tb foaJ ftara' Balfa Kua Utrewa with ga W Uap-j sack dwearded by fbetroopa, tba better to faoil Uat. tbeir retreot. Gen. McDowell waa in tba rent ol k eae,, Ddavoring lo'rajr IT inetn, oui eniy paruauT eweceeuea. Oal UF .iOMes are reft frnm tb atauglite. Tb 09(h nnd other XetvYork regiments suffered frightfully:. 1 $ber-4ia GijielY GrUSna and tb WeaTuint watWiea were, taken by tb Confederate; ah the eight aiege tbVty. two pounder rifle vannoa. Cot WiVroi, tli eommatder cf a brlgn le,' and Capt McCook are Idled. CJ, llatAttcIuiaa k wounded. - WaabiogU M aoaa vf tbe moat latana .asmtcmeal. -Wapone are continually arvtvinr, hriapng tbe dead nnd wounded, to leelliig in in aty m awiui ly distressing. ' Both tt'egrafb aa J steam boat oommaaiastioa with AietaadrM w suspended, in order to sntkfy th puWie. Th greatest alarm prtvaik tbronghout tha cttf , and tb Oti flections are being strong ly reinforced with fresh troops.- Jt sup tweed Gen. MaaafleU will take eomatand of tb fertile! ions oa tbe other aid of the river. Large rifled caanoa and mortar ar being rapidly seat over. NORTUERN REPORTS. " WAawMoion Julr'lt.- Pattersoa'sdiv- tsort k moving on w fctcUester slowly aod eitouaJy. Seigle has beea appointed a Brigadier , I." ..r: The freiffht depot of tb Boston and Main Railroad, ia Boston baa been burnt. ' Foavau Moaaoa, July II. A aeoaVi tag party aaa oeep surpnseo, ana toree Kerferal kille.1. WaSHisoto.e July tl. Tb eorreapon- Jaao of tbe JTsyaXnw Pott says that Bank MtlrMd i'tareoa. and ia aueceeded by Gen. Dit. " : " We bae ietelligenoe from Ball's Run up to 7 o'clock Uat erening. Jfm Fstrfej to 4 elect 4k mornIng.--Th The lighting bad not been renewed,-aieept by tbe pickets who ore eery wear together, tb nrmic not being more than a mile part.' . ' . u " v' . '' ' Tyler has been made a General. A intonnoisaaaoa was made, yasteeday, but nothing of rotornt waa diacoeefed. Tb largest boas ta Centrerille ; was bumej down. 'v"v' Loctariuc July GeaBtnrr, CoL liunt and aeeeral other tJBoers of the gtale Oeard bate reiiened. ' Cotketor Oot tim lie- refueed foods to BneaeWiH or Bowbng Green.- Tba truakc. of pasaewgert, mluena ol Ken- ! toeky travelbng from here to their homes near th border, are enmioed. ' ' i After Unlay but one tfaia leave dally, at 9 o'clock i the morning. -( , aaciaaan, July 1 1-Eight thousand t Cor, federates are at Itomney. lien. NcMeiian returns to vincinnaa to see b family. (VaaeeirwEx-Goy.- rernsour, ia a speech in tb Senate of Connecticut, aald,- I go with all who art for peace mans una instead of war measures ! There aaema U U rndiceJ mnUh the part nf many pwpre they seeen to think tba South can bt corAiuered,' Sir! tbk is Im- DoaaibU! It eaa' ao mora b done tban mhe SooU) Can oornioer tb Xorth t .There are trare men there aa Well as nere. . ia revolatiotwMrycwy ihem. Ii'UkjAiar'18 l'J Jbey rhl fled round oor flai aad protected ' our commerce.5 Do yon tbiok yow caa secure theii loyally and affection-by bmf Two or three sow. eign States have beta Olefin aod trampled wmlor foot aireTmi bay got A kind of fot4holdwLeeb yen call Mpac but It awl peeee it k nlkmi uteW Mary land k la a vokank eenditieej Uday ; and the name spirit:, will rise at Uateey in spite, of all lb thaint yoo caa pot ipo it andl?" of nil the ruin that k wroezbL Yofl mat I '!' dastrey:. tbetr baUtatk, yatu tbeir fields, ntxl snea U of lnw people : tni yon cannot conquer 'tutim- Evealal tlvlr a.hes tireJVhejr yrqritea iJr," J4LTjMQREJTCiBE DmRCTED. - General Baaka k aot aatiefied with bav ing don away with 3 civil authority aad eaUblisbed a military-despotism it.UaIti more. II k detrmmd that tbe ciuaens f that city shall aerer know th aweta of freedom from, LiicoUersk tb fellow tag from the Boston " Joornal " shows olainlr hel a k'Uar f.te aeraiu tha Ifonumental i City, ebould she dsru to itrik fof ber. Ilbaf j ty ! ' -f- rf- "'Vw '. .' f - ts ream free Military genifeotaji ae a . . -U ' ho ekrted Fort MeUeary or Thnrsdsr the dlb rnt,'that GeweraJ jloak prejwr d for nay erierguncy. The aoe mt iag towards Hal timer am all Mdod, aad th furnace, fires bad all beea kept Up fee several day, and would b able to furnish oa tboosaad red hot balk la a brief period (or tb destruction of tb ehy. .L ,' What great caasidoratioa these Lt aorta Use bar (or Southerners'. Under tb f, adrsawed, l toe Ween or rweiv, .'eleek, of protoetio tbey would bombaed ue atA phe feriaaea ethe day vers evidead ta feeee iea, deetrey our tewwa,Wa wp our nelds aad inciu our slav populalioa to ris ia. trreciioand auFflii u!cf h wirt and ctt Jra. tlKfef n r-ikl J opproaaae) l ) jjowb tioil el. JO f4 I1a KVfctnckat ! miUJ mmmrw 4 - , ; efHisBt;RT.c.s . mtttii stixufe J(U 14, mk, , trWe are ahemad le aaaaaaa TIIOM A UtH KELY a eeedklate M relectioti to ike WTwe ef MaoarW tM Ur. THE DEATH OF COL FISHER, , Apia ehe ffcteW ef a W f Was ee fcllee aanw ewr Hwa. Afa'a, taesnrahle Death has vbWled as, sad hurae ttim oaf widat abialaj aaark. Aaaiaear eei have been evented with aaneae ef eerrew. eiaeeaaiaf aaare ehaa taefwe caa alter. Apia we have been bruefhl te realise' that aiaa's tfe Is hat vaelly, a leader nlaat which ssea wihereiha flowerihat okUy feaWth away, and is net. - ' Searee im'j weehe have elaaefd eieeethe death of Juha W. Ellis, Cevvmuref ihe Slate,' was eeeeaaeed le hie larg s cirele ef fWeee an dear reWli vet as tkia Iowa, aasonpt wh he had au lunf reaided, falflar wilb a sTislreae. ie veifhl aeon the he a Ha ef alt, when end eealy. eaeaaeevadly. the Uepef a aew wee ia sehed mftrn aa ; aad -are see eaJtod mm ea aaoera Ihe death of eee m4 lee kieedeal etT ia hi prime, aad ehM Ifa heeadias earreal area fail, free end vipreee. swataiaiaf a ajuA asaearty haeWaitahte aa w k the let ef aseaie avearea.' rnaaiaa T. Fama k aw aaaee. He' wee killed ea the belifc IU a M sasasae Jeaclien. Saadey Slat Jely taetaal, nrhtbi Wesely ieedMaf hie refiaaeet kto aa eaptf e i meet. He was street he a Btiaale haa aek aeeynaed) ahbve ihe left eye.' It eel the ran, aaV paased threegb Ihe hat at the hand, and cetse oei the heck an ef the heed.. Hw death ia hehveed t have 'been leetsatannea - He awie aetieed In Ut at the aaeaseatner i4 nay taawiaf hia death aati klela iheaAeroartef the day ,hie jreseaee waa aeimf freaa hie rea ima' Srarek vrae f)M veade aeee the te d epea "wbieb the enppnteat was had, end hk trte Udv :feaad..; ; : - f -:: There are. aiaay ether reperls ia evreatalieat he We heaeve thb etarracM k aeadf anervw an far aa it pee. Ne aWh aoeae eve we'll ae- e.Sewd wiih the eirteaxUaea, wife in dee ttase pat leeasee riaard. " . TCXESAL AND BL'KlAfe ' ! An estea tmiaerrreWhereWfweea fveraed ' t Wilr uf CU. rSahef. tl had Wa naaMt4 jMemtog yeeterdee el Ite'eleh,aekarre4es. j Mata for the receptien. Ahaaet the entire ui ,U w.a e re i the eswt k,a m fenivad. JIe rmaim warn ueeVr the 0tMHt :.Jf c,. c4jJl c-naeay nf 4ieiJd nee. "It was eeesad we ihe heads ef eight rmarers ai ihe dea4 ; eedeeeVf theeert ike .JUury .id a yery kag ptsMaawf lejene, korae Ifcrengh the aeieeisnl streem ef ; oer leW a m ike RfweupaJ Ckereh. The ewnHi eras fi&Vd. aad a vrjr fcrp rweV serroaaded the ealMnee, and gathered eaeW the' shade ireeein the yard." . It oeetheaaaaaeaatf thai Ihe eeedtOee ef ike hedy fjrkade detey, and that (he feeeral senrkea sad hartal weld tie Uke pUee. 8Uail: ewagregntina) eeteeed Alter the easreawe ia he eherch rb aeecetaiua wa rv-turat, aad a& meeed whnrwanJ -aJrV '-4&tQ',&&fti0QtJ 1tH$mi ew-wbet- ef the Braae Ifea The ehadee ef eee slag were ebseieg when wreewh. 4d le pae. The eserekee there weieeew fjr aekmn. theexb kWf.Ji Wssiaderd n leaieh israsMoem. Ma sly kwee. heaved witkreee. klAeH ihaee' wheeteed srennd and leek .K?t.ihJ?JI?!!,J we hulked' "ijee ; yeVevefeJedge'Ra Prewa tetia', FanT C.Ctasenlai. 11 adfe dy.aed asaey eweagere wheee' aaaaea we 4 wat;kerS.3 TW.' ket eeteesa' Aaeen" wee preaeeacedt aad eea the- aioetg nf y elhu j etey rte te ra 4ee resueg stars ef as let re. fa.:triet etbe ireeeeaiien ed 1MU .The 1 a-kisrenwertweaed tftieed) the treee cad need the sea el eeleieThe leprkg nsafled drnaa, asiagfad wUh the mverbersika e ge.a. c) tlkt.leee faenih a tU er co- theeerty gaaaseaieg ea fbeatars im I btMZ. the. lle "twlt j vaaw ak.ite.tnsankmnaeeektstwty laarmd k geweUFeae. te hia aahes. aad forever greea he the karsle ef w aeary.' v , It aria be seen ay the aeeeeeu gtera la ihie at ihe greet haitk at Maaaaaas Jean. eee Toegar at siefc rr aaoni a - 'eVa aad Sewihera armie bare keen eeleg eech ether at "that 'petei. They have kWkd dkf d iUghlM'aeHetieg foreee h A-aa . M Jii...J Ia aad awuons of war for erh other's eeatree. tlw.,Frjejese dajererwee, ear ptnut an aay keeaaae roily aware that the iavedera were ahoat ie atnke Ike keg asedrtatedaeid esrevu&y aiawd bker. Theyieere' preaafed ts reeeive - Eerty on leads avernief kef.' the eaeaay apsse their hei;eriee. They Wete.'Vsapoaaed ee wuh . Creu Tba Ight gradsaBy aateaded nMg tbe bee, grewiag hettee aad holler aa the U the eaeatj, s ws bam freak ene wh on the held. ITheir oae eeceaste ckisa that It' bad gnkK a bddaat rletery, ep k thk IL What freat aekaewledr that sllsreerda tier were, reVpeel aad ronled wlih trenHndaas feas.) tar nisa bad beea wUpMr'-nad pi they avaad thek grewad aad fee'fcht a with a deiernalaatJoa that knew ne defeat. IAs aid XaeluTaykrt treepe at Beea Viets,thy d net seem to baser that tbey were whiaeed. Tbey eWf net heevr lt, Their perseverfsf eeerap waa at ket rvwarded. Tha eeeaiv bepa U ykld-tj. heaethey pedhj held was eura. The Confederate leg leattd k liteeaeheveeiu ilar Caeeiry and Fliag Ak tillery, Sksthaadereeha.pnrsaeiheaiikark fleMf and weeds, rnad and kaes; ever hthMd ratteya. The afnage wa awfeU, and Iki eV ' kat asasakta. , v ; every BeetWre "Mn Hv Alnvlfhty God for ibis rWJeel tkury fo, ee ewekeJIlo Ilia Kraeoae ktsreeaHUak ewr hehair. Hew great k ,Jla adaeM k eiew.efenr nawerthieeee.' Alter sS that Be , has dene ft aa war Jhk straggle eeemneaaed, wwe wvl kept the ieJeaeUaev-" Treat y k the Urdeereeet, te m the Urd Jehevah k yveikenagetreegh." Ifsba.bwateteath aealedir epieet rhe eeeerwr aaaieere ef ear ie,aBd UebaashMded uektheheaeaf ha. ik. Let every heart praiee Dial for Uia fead. We have not yet been ahk w ekaJa relahk drtaikdflhe, hat lie, aad eeaeekly ta rsgefd U The seliewe aad aeweJlie 's tieadUg Ike Kerth Cerea.ns Uwaee eageged in h. O ar fee. re meet west Ike these W an the yaUaeee they eaa eeanasaad. , "J - ; r , A MISTAKE. It seem tbet ar a fewlpeiaoa aboat SatkUry wbo think that Mb R. A.Cti- wau. n nfi'lM to Mr. OaJge's vaeaat (at ia the Slat Conveatioev. Tbey as totally mistaken, and w caa' prove It t them. Thue It will be rrexdlectrd by maav that th two old partite held a jgim meetiag here, ia May Jai, for the purpaae of aowinnting candidate ft State Con vention; and that ii the became ppareat thatSbeWWll bk to tb 4mocrtt; and Kerr ad Caldwell so dkuauful to the old Unma men, that ait these grnrtemea had to be" laid aaid. end ntw men taken ajj It wilt be reesdiechd that this was done by etpma agvfeawnt, N'o vw wiU deny this. Xuw. by alat imeeea baa either of tbe rratlewww. thaa 4 a r : r . . .. UU aaide, aMUtred m tUim-U tba seat . then refuaed him I Ami by what rveif oan tba rtt nf eitSwi, bavleg due re-' gard to lb May ruwproaniae, frees eea wbieh weref tL, bf mutual agreement, M fcM,r' 1,r bm aetUd tbe effect of removing I he object ions thaw eatertaiaed towards Mr. CaldweB, not of aaauHiag tb 'a'nhrb KTU hka aeidf. If it baa, k Mgbtakwtw inv a simiki ej; fed it regard to Messrs. Pheber and UV and tenraj their frarndatWaWlia WnWil this k all etey plamarwl , (a4enbkC; "'J "' The ae-aiamkw 4 lw iMeaO W- thereore. A sttwt ibnrailty t fib? ! sad spirit of thw'awmpammko aud at th tUjoial meetinjr.K ' ( fn&: rwvec4fwllylpawt koall fcir mitdoi Mji that it if rleatly urof g aj Msg fe-' te f-s-" ' , i '"fit aay one of the peranstheryectaJ- k lJ the vacant seat, beeaue it dVu ehiknel te the Urme of an agnremat wbkli abotu t , . - ' ifc. 11 J a" U secvwlly ebedV thiak k h beea iteoiJalJy le' Mr.' ttMr well's, frWnde, and tAal apoa nlerteeathrt win rl oblige.), i howofeTalhle ejf tW. ewmptrW mad k) May, aad aifew the seas soon a W Kmi new wae. - euanmernli k personally nnd ptMiOcaHy n rputl h that tide et-titVd tn fllt tkf and mas atoaa the ttl iM'Lifiae la ! CsUeaflkUUr. Ad;ffrreattowrwwT bar iba Sect f deetroymg tb prubaVir awcoess cf any coaretmee' iar the future, regret. bimj aod eieriauwg a'strvng 'eik rlutto "'ef" ft fltaeaa of efectmg btm to hk rtapararlbl poet, take pJcaeur la "pw'tpetdips bhw h twrport of thevr feSoar ktiaaoe ef th ev9 - 'y j ROWAN RIFLE OUARa Tbk Cuenpaay, VithtU Fgittieol I ah', k behmex k ar . nt. ttim4L Vfrekk--.' Ttawr oeetmatiofl, as w Varn y a P""- Wtmr from a tnceiUr of the Guard, Msaav ea Gap, where tbey etpect t arrive 4 few dajt. Our oorreepnndent mya the re gmMtU feired eUy 'beIJy le l r Gairyv burg and Rkbmond fen' want of aoearikftl -to eat That they eprert b aifihl I hf hikk-bcMjae ia PakrtbariV theif b-nk-at aurrerkaa ;; took wp tbe kneel anarth ibt depot aett moming iUmur breeiAft where they stood, ujuIJ tvv v'Ctxt0 wni was ready i rmnee ibana to Be abod. Tyakpmtykeyern, aodKkfer aat fer tba cause U tie S?u& thkt the ysm otarmf our 4utte cm bear k ro v2, ' v

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