" ' -' r 1"--:r :VV::V; v'-"'V-v", ; ' n.. i i rv f i . f i ! i i ' rv. , i . i . - . . . r . l A . J U ., Vil; V w " : l iiV a .LAV II" III I. H I v rJ-. I V " ' T' ' ." J. VOL. XIX. j.j. buuner; EDiroa AID P&OPXISTOS. TERMS - 12.00 " $8.00 $IV(X) ten, in th uni pro- jll.'itt ech. l'syneftt alwya in THE ROUT. At 10 45, ;. Scbcpck led bUeDlutnn, tJ-sl lf tb Firkt J Stcood Ohiw simI u. vkcd UlUryjofiix giio. TUy Waltl mu ur io rt vj clr,' 4 Ui n. (i on lLm. Oriiij; i r(nu uoc lioq. lci.iwu klitvtl aihI vUJeJ, Wl'Mij- jj io f ll SooJ Obta Kgi titOk, l-y " reinmr Jiiiliar f oar ,u mu'kiU iu lUxlr UmiJ. A r(ret cfvJ.ri.i, aiij our nitfO klr tMck-1 Lrutfc IvkJ ti rU ItM coluina ia oy crier. I'm Uliiw ui New York inn :.irr tf. Tit roar l ruil jiiu ' of iuuketrj er krpt tp lacv. Mi ti (i,r lu.lr or two alutig Hull Kuq, i .ic ' eueral aitj ia-Wliaet, :i iiupoUe lor at o kart, rliUjr, ...r jioktl'uu oi lb d&altltl brtf in Hi cviitr of TIet' J;t- CJOU0.01 ruib tv oar tr(,a liiry era Ujjog to WMllUuk M : J ivJiir oa m ir tk rear. - VealM iitend otLr. Ktlettttoo to it, Litl tltrf wutrU ;o be wo id4u alio coal J liav r Turwiucnu ut (or to ewr war fiank. , u tit tti wf tba road er fcberniaaa sJ Cdii!!l' Uaturrtwa, drawft a tor lt oh u$Ul rre toioe ihrea tLouua.l nta, GoUtMib," of .rt of the OLk arn N"e Vuik 1.'ihmu. aui l ie N York dOih. A'jtnM 3 oVIock p. m. lbir Uaivrw ope ri oa u. ; ewrjr ball . wet! firetl ; tlt itfoqt of iKc balletic, 40f ltie a(i our look off tbe beaJ of t4 mea, a ft Jitt-brpw wa. -4wie-rvO fvr l)ie Iimi to lie doK, ahd W( lb 'n oer, auJ jual aa tlie Miier wm ra. aotlir ona ej f.cmr KeaJ. i4 p'mHrJ lb 6IJ.a fc ij i oar tit. " Cjktar baiter JiJ ,t fire a JJo. 1m 'aae'Air rra aol to b aeen, oaring l lue mU lra tbM aaj aa. Oar r tfa- M Jfuijf -l-th-rig at. 2vabUi .jr iba rtfi beiaff brokt iua; lk ball flew faW nj Cwtcr, aoJ liK kaUeriea wera apparaaU J beag Uoubt Abi4 j. m, s report froni tnaa to "ium tbat Grlirirt3lrffln:l V b SreotJ oli, waa UmH iW the breaat be a caaaoo ball, aa4 iaaUallj Leak Col, E lliott, of the Seveaty-aiath, tJ toaarJ hi regiroeot, bafiag been at -e rviafoferrorata, when A cnoaoe baD cat Awraa'a k-i-i oft lhrt Liar do a, p. ' AU ihTeragjrrTaoW e0raeed ) ma toward CrauVville, and tleaaaiona, -.Miaae and aauWia' Bjagoo Wrr ordaf! 53!Ju larXaaabaiclL.at a)ew.taward Cn- r-rt ' J V-: x-- llU -Wirtir; wcra dere4 aroaad to ier oar retrtrat,aJMl keep be rbafc frone wtVoe(wWilre. wbicft f ff: e iadx ahout foaroe vetlw0Mndf a 4 iTiir' irt forte J be' baiteriee . wheeled off j troofe were coming To, ! bo one ofay -4 v atWeaaL aad arorelrwaaiittajiB of . elf 'waeifHoejfoaad oar r a good re.-wheHAtjal. of Ue ge earriagaa waa epeai. i The firiag of the eeeOiy Wa1 kepi np oo . atra tUr dA lbener rod Uroegb aad through, eattiag and trtg iU trace and reaaiag their noraaa.tig''wifJhp Ihm pat tb MaMry ia a parfoci aaaJeilittiahAUaab Uoke rauka iadawfaninauly aadcoaV t v damaiog act ea committed by e ti i. raja-kaaiaeaArkNta JCSJ, eartndga boAaban aee nearly all oa 1-i.g throwa ia all dtfwctiee. The ajeaiJjjT LauWlfcJd jhe handV thee .-r f,aerbad water, and were talbag j cawl or walk were trying to via ety dirtrooa. vtBVera . were "inckea with the prieatea, and ia rata w arMlaeoeed to Atop the retfeaC -arlea Ogdea. George E. bimh, tiber- Harper, i.aaW! , Erfwlt, of Ittaberg, Vrad aair mmm ia iwUeat. aad plead- a-i lta (apl for tbera logo back and get Cameron' body; wa look naatkeU . tbreatraed tavaboot dewa If tbef did x i bat we might aa wall aaretdead with t4 wiadV u ea blowiag. The aload dual were aow aeffaetly aatfoeatieg. ' Tb,raey rpeVdla ;gbUtHeglbear 6, the ball rainier, open aa tbkk. Eoergiag (roea the rajley, we aaw the re porter of the rFerlef, With tU aUadard of Ue Uaaaachaaetta rdlh, avleg It eeee Jim, aad pWaditag for. the anee to rally aroaadhini; bwt H , wa Na t rain I, they b-aded kiat aa Ae aOeer aaked tbe fti ' .. "' '. ' - ' '; ' SALISBURY, N.: 0.; AUGUST 5, 1861. J 4 U -ga ridtag bebiVd kirn. It waa graa. Ud, aad Uforatbee had 100 aids a hot frora tb tliwkel Mrack tk oflkrH lha bead, aad be rled 4t Mf.Btrd bsaa wrapped ap tlie itaadard, aad gaUoo- ad about a nil ahead, and afterward aae cwauau itaJiriag a Urge force. Oar Weid "bad oow all left, Aad b Iroopa war flriag, aa. at tW cry that tka cavalry wart riding theia diaaandbatcV ering alt, we aurted (or (JebUerilU. Ia iba idga af tba. w.hhU, we aotked Ifr. V.ll.rJ, of tba New York JntU, Urlag I paciff tba wea, lelJlag tbeai it waaoaly a tinic. He waa inoantaJbot caald aot ! lake an paaaengivT Oar tbirat waa aow ; painful, tbe diMl filliag ear aoairila till we rotild aearoalr ret breaib. fladinir a be I-way ouald be aiada oa foot, aad ba iag liable) to be abot or hewn daw a ruo aoettUrilr, wa ataJe for a liuraa we beard riubiog tbiovgh tbe wooJe, and cangbl him; La bad a boi tbroub bita ia tbe dank, and waa bWdiiik tirofaarle, and had no aaddie or bridle. VVmoald bim, and clinging to mane, maJe for lU road' again reading to Cetiirrritle. Here tbe road was Mrvwn with wreck of wagona, provraions maaketa, blanket, ammunition, and eerrythiftg the mmcie!o dieeat thrrrwelve t4. i iW groan waa full. Tbe ield in all direction wer fait. rb Are of the etinny wa k4 p ia tba rear. 1'art of Sbfauata batlety breaking Jitao, lue ntea cat llie imx arid. d-d.- ll.ai Irti Ujmk1 guna Km. oa llie war. wbiia tbe cartridge botea, batoPeU, aabre Iwijonrta ( ami woru were mnamerawe. Anoat a A . a..ffH al.-a H la f. I.lll - - - - ft aw eit iuvrui I'Vl lliew aevi i 'va -ft I .a a a 'a- a. a "T h-w ii.ou.anu were lvpi. irat many wit: out wrepone. On tba high bill t at Centre., a column of infantry aaeea. .re atvpH. bat many wtth-, ill, their gk-an.ini; twyrawta, un tneiop the artillery were alao draa up, prepared Tbe GanbaldiAM. Eintteia a and TOenk- er' rrgiment. were drawa ap at tb Ut v, h .-.. fall in. Load cheering, wa done and the rallying ry girn, bot it wa of hub or no e men bad no oflK-era wbea tby did balH-and I . a U.y kept, m rvireatuig. Water ! water f waa the cry, " Giraiae water, or III wnt4 wa nearfl from ail i.lea. Nu A drop wa; to be had fit, to ' . . a a a ' a""ar " " - - aa driok. Tba welU were alt ?d rained, avl tU cloodaof dual fitted the air at every point, . We got in the rear of a negre bat, and there secured water thick wKh flth, but it wa tbe beat to b bad. A namber of baildiag were ad for hoapitah, aad on every aide crie were made for argoa. AH tint iababiUala nearly had fled from CVatrevUle, etpacting it to be.torired by the rebel. Uaard were aUtiaaed at the few we!U not dry. to allow no watee ei cept to ibe weaxled and atct. A boiae oa tKp tbe previous night, and what few nn eoutd ba indared to work Were engaged in throw, ing up aa embankment, orae eight feat thick, oat. of tbe raia and of dirt ; H wa atroutwowdrd- were now eirmlatrd for the men to gather at tlteir lat camping groond, around Ceo treiille 1 It waa lievdd tryj5rnetjbetjetb: i rrr-rrrr '.' "' lT - I era eegiecteu-u, ana ar ap un etampajua. He irrov wNraa were to be bad, aad toe raea ware all baeirr."!wii eat aince tarn o dock a. m, aad out hum or no water. At t And a halrb'olock p. hi - hen w tartcd foe - Waahtngtoa, tba ! get away, and ach pViable ctaclea were i m aa mada our heart Wk I bat we eoeld not hetp Ih-ni ; the few ambulance were Atarted off yearly wkh the wounded, and aeeer retoraed. We -aw a aamber lying aa the roadaide, with iriciaehaata aad baadagea. . J . . : - The lamaaaa haggage train, eoeeUUeg ef aome ail haadredor a thoeaaad wegoaa, lined the road for a aniU aad a half on the Warreetoa road toward Ball Raa, two tDilea hack ef Ceatrevill When the baaie atarted, tbe wagoaa tried to US hack ee Ceatrerilbvbat a aamber were uaet aad heokea dewa t the drteere weabj ttsnie-. iliUlr leave laeoi ead eope ee the her na. Olbere woeld throw eat their load ef proeialona and Atoeea, and til nnwka aol diara and aiaakau; the body ef the lr gager aoweear, jpn a tuw rear ot ywairw - till. . Oar opinion, U, ad It ca go tor wht it ia worth, that aAef oat army were toriooa, we were tkAated by a flank fnoe- meat of troop brought a from JJaNaaaaa Junction, aad who aMackrd cVheacl; ' and Tyler a anproteeted rear.' Ilad tht beea amply protcctad. aol frlaMceracit (ore cd back the Bank moertnentT'wa could bare krpt ap aur aJraalage, aad droee tbm'tA the Junction, aUboagli they ant aoinlvred a, and had Weary advantage arUing from cliOoelag tfaelr poailioa and fortl'jring tbemaelre, ajv tUir I borough kaoaWge of tbe eouniry aad t raoan taiaotf clararter gMg then eeery na tural adanUga, ' ' . . ' Col. .MIV' were Mnt with derpatche from (en. Scott, while lie wa I ring (a CSntreeitfe, la the hrH tret of the flglit, t Gen. McIKwell, which he had order to drliter immediately. lie at owe, wrthoat making any attempt to Jo o, eaid if Gn. Soit wanted to get tie bead blown ofl,lrl bim, carry them bima-lf ; be would not do o, and tbey nerri weaU . . We U(l CenlreiriJU with tha cheering new that Oeaetal XfanaoVbl, with artillery j aad aa immena forced n cuMiingap to j turn tbe rebel back. About a wile hl f Ceaireville. we met Um Fin4 New Jrr- ; er, itb Uer toionHrhiiagat thir iead. f ....t, follow, i i j Irwrr-Vianha. Tbey were f . tu.b iai a.ui.. iui ria trat. ( w, ,Lau.ted by u .... cnidenaZ tt a to rajrnai.. j g fcw l, La, um, Vhrf 2dwra. bat raaar fell bauated be - th lrMD ,1 s-. lawjf ,11 ean) J R,oB,tjs the baggage waguw droe j moat aorrowAl aight a tbe lo-e of pro- j ie arll kuNl of Atore tbat lined j kua roao to, - . tna motning The cowardly retreat, on of tbe, And arioO twtteriea, had aWpraaiieg ' Uc aooa vir !WvJtB!g Jht .... , i , ,1. I r be U, by tbe atory thai onr jaea ware i .rwa- ainr. mat their "time wa ap; That tbeir "time wa aim am mum, ynimj r ... aw ww i r,r ,; eiin I niAOe aOO pmot aCCDre i j.HMUw aepoct It WOHld Te I tnru; lm drnmeier ypa were pkying to ,rl0 operator, if a different atyle of ,,rce,$ gfrj t0 rmr chnrchea, a a aar . . a ..u a a aa a a m ar. tlee twie raiii i. g -5- . . - f -tA- m . a -. .4. . . .1: im.m n ti . . " : 1 1 r -ai."Tr-,s::'fWMjvmi'iu3, I -'" e-trrr.K e .. . ion of otir'ooimle: 1 .t.- a i...t..i... r .i-..7.r;:fcui tA m.. I l. .1 ... ......... . I. I - - 1 - . , II.V IIHIIIJ MM .vn.n,tv - -J!-" - '7- - - i At the TW place, where 1 ba4 1 k- eVorr-diavoat.o were na-ariw worn out waa weir aiewaa that will not anawer: they tk-d iajnnnarei tone a nay can eaaiy ,ne - aomiBMuaiy wbea f oar country &n.rkitoJ(jki9 jVaoairee. , w needed , A AVfAera Oaemeawe at Me ! tU if limirt ?aav Mr. lUhwlaoa, a 1 m r. iii ,!,. rr at tie flgbi at Uatr Ita a, haa wrilUe a BMWVtr W owan- awa tiuun, u va frure Illiooav who brtter to tbe liaJlWaora 5a, giving an no count of the nflair. lie aaya that the ae CoOaceticot, at half Mat on a'ckit k, oa Thursday leal the Michigan, Maine aad aWooaJB regnaeau Uxd tbeir ground braealr. while tbe New York Twelfob and ! MAachtteu reginieoui ma wiih aII their j ngaL ihrewiag away JawiCABjaaaiM tocka, and, ia fact, everything that hoi. a . a . . r Uieif officer, l-ck courage, and w-re tin srtt to -uka the bMfncl U ee,. . thatibeoaly rejrmt bocould be rrlied thai lb only regiioeut bo oa ia ibetr grealaatenVergaacy aer com" poaed'of foreigaera lh 'w York Cdlh (triab) and Aha JOih ..(feHkl-J' The wriur gtvee it aa hi opinion that Mnaaiaa caJtoel be takaa with ; ftU.000 eaee ka two aaoatha, anal that - tka North ban beea ereatb 4Wat not ealy ra the number and dwcipline .of the boatbera- eraJrut io their ngbuag qaalilie-- rwali ing, a Tbey 4K ' baAl"wTtFa about which roae above tba wbilt their artillery waa eervea ta unear-1 paawal AtylaOae Jia a group of Coogreeaoien, anjgtwbotn wa Owen Lovejo, which aauaed a lodie roe aeaajperjng and dodjfing behind Um I eery nnweeorning iae oiaaiwriea. ; vow aearkable featara wbkh Upraaaed baelf we the mind of the (grvaarnea derinu tbeir route to the i 0f fatiioa, we the ab eeaoa of all the rnaia popubuion capable of wtwrtag ' aeaaa. The lew whoa tbey aa w were decrepit eld eaee and women, eboae eve fairly fiabed flre at th aight of the Yaakee a-Jdiera. .. .. u; :- , banka in Ricbmood and tbtoe to Savannah, incladlog the branch oa of aacb, bare made arrmngemeota, by bica tbeir notea win oe receivea by each other at par - j : Vol anteera and other may now go directly to tbe baaka of the two at- iee axuLxetfallVAliaot meir money. . Cannot aimilar arraogemeot be made between the bnka la other 'L....U. i.. JJiUCi . JU f 'WAVTu coat ( Q9 uttp juver region ?a now Itboat-to ( brooglit Into notlc, It trwt not he) rnftppmpr)t to rokM ariiBeexptkiiatlonaenncerTiIngit-iod tlia trpetatiotu beincArried nntliere. J All ..DltpminOH poi cjoniaina mtirw or Jew Anlpliar, and tlU fnlplipr fn- creaaee in qotnuij tuo yiearer too approach flit Qot-emp; hence the) belt and porcat eoAl. it obtained. ttyd deei ehafa working. Tlrelbat one abaft aa yet in the Deep Wr(e ifrm-ltT le at Egypt, and eaona )art:ba!nr;aiaboolJ bf particnUr n fnqntrhtjr if it 'cam froro Egjrft, f the vlnli to obtain the beat quali ty mined, eo far. ' " 8 man eiagjferated alatanienti hare cne fnyih aa to mating of oil and iron lb that region, that I took the trouble to examine into what had been done, and to obeerre what ia likely to be dn. . At the Farinville place, a great maa of machinery, dte baa been po up, bot en far aa the taa lingo'' oil, it waa a failure only one I err I baring beee made ia week. This reo)t wne the faolt of the worke nd tllelr management, not of the ivc2 dand iron ore. . A goodqnahtj n"',k,l mil paper that eat quantitie or iron had len made, 1 uJ 'Tcrai cnangea irom tn ony f inal plan of the WOrke-Hthangw 1 which hate reealfed tn nothtng bot I.; bot at now they haTe retnrnedpnjeof uianrtiingaoitA, atlhe great to the original old plan of aCatftlan ' forge, aoim lliiiig may be done when j t : A Ore II ill, ten mile North of , Hirer, A furnace ia being pot op, and will be at werk ia abont two t waynL.a . TJ. nra ai tbia nlaM la eerr t rerolntion, "At Egyrrfrw ..r .t I. Iu.in. l.ktna nut tnd mW ? . . " r; . . . ken iwit. Tlie only drawback te tlie j uniinuiieu Mate oi maq. - ' r I make tbeae etatementa beeaeact; -aa..''a- ft ' ' I learn n quantity of oat-e.rop coal haa gme t market, anlteft eome ... rl.. .i.w. girMIHIKCIIOn, IOU ll.HV lira ytmin. Aim pie tnitn aa t witat t ong on Deep River may be knowo. FaytUtvttU Otierixr, CA ITLRE-OF A BIII0 AKft ' CARGQ. W. Wn tliat the bnV Jno. Welaht hound from Trinidad de Cuba, 'UwJZW'' bia Kmaiia, for orderal waacao- Me.wft W thcoi reported in a North . . .1,- ..rienteer Jeff Bavie. J fttTffTtiejaTtha ,.f wfoondlatidrMr-J j -.a 1 f , f j , & e.r 0 t-1 . j-, b M tierceiaud 23 JTW,D$ ' " mlT. T .52 rreUluexovjuiuug boiee olarlflcHl doJihe wee placed ; .--a.wi ,,f a bri'ia eraw.: who 4 . r i.t: .-i-:..i. - CU.k.. .-. -dni I !aiif .in .lid ttrieerwar arrived bew. tuoa iltfr into a ivwaiiwiw iw a" - i tlia luortiing, and wUU we learn, -ao. that they were to ftdvaocft to- -make arraogeto-nu for Uie diapoaa) objugate the city, overUironT of br cargo :'-rr.'-- fend expetlbe anthoritie of the gor? -Tl.e Captaia alatee tliat the Jaff-ermentweojd tber be any cogetK 'IKfiriaftMriitX oo.j, 0(JOM and ran the block . - , i..t - ri,,- oa, aMiva-ijau fii. pvwiai ,c ! ff- urefabedubnWeUU, nuaraed two "-tnlier rtecle, a witt proved to In Vjceevl fnin Maryland, but had betrtt iwai ayit appeara, from rrfudctit Davl not to bejiMiloated if Wet iiy ' jifivafeer. Tlie dthet waa;) Yankee craft, whicb had pre Vtoua In her being brded, ehaCd Iter pepr,but na there ia no decciv jug tbe boy a of tbe Jeff Davie aha waa .takcu and a prise erew.plaerd on board. The , cargo and veeacl are wortli over $100.(KK) ; pretty good theae hard timea.- iSoomuiA Repub lican. --r MeckUAbuTg Ceaaty Geert laat week approprUud $10,000 to aid ibe farni baa ef votaatoera ia need. Got IV W. Alexander waa appointed Trenaarar, and Joba L Brewa eomm'neary, with aaiataata. ChAA. Oraraiaa Eae. I the AtaiaUat for CbArlottadWlric. farther parttoelara wCI be pabliahed neit week, CAerfofat XVm NUMBER; 28." - .. , JlOURNlNO. ' The annexed tjnaele and appropri-' ate remark, which we eeppj from; ilia Rich mood WMf9 are'worthj the apecial attention of our readera. We ara aware, it ta thdoght by many tliat a failure to put oo noarn 2, after tbe death of a rolatlre; in-1 dieatea a want of lha appreciation of etiqnette if not down right indifler ence, bat we are one of tltoee who " thnik"thak inr, t$rf koaoj - caeca '"ft breech 0 the rale la more approprt ', . ate and honorable than ita alrict ob aervance, eten where, the ItrongeAt' affretiona exitt. It ia ft mere faab hm. Dot, to tbe remark of the ... , ' I, . A Suggestion. We woe Id reepeet ; fully auggeat to onr cttixen, and In deed to thoae of the Confaderata. . Statee generally, that the uaqaI eia bletai uf extenial tuourtiiug be dia. penaed with thoae who bae lost re lationa who were bravely toitainlng their eobntry'a right, and in ihia tnel with a glorioua death. 1; J Apart from the ctatreatiog ao , O OOJ amid " hfcL na ;" oaralelled tlre ia another eery itrong reaeoo for not adopting the habiliinenta i mourning Jliany familiea wbo na f Jygf deaf lUUve;CaWbot'-eU-jal- l fuf j i Xh& timea to incur the ex -f iocreacJ-eoAtof tliew, even iV poaaible to obUin them at any pric. jt beat under a colored vestment j Another cooaideratioo may ?6M j properly be uggeated, in the fftftfe ! .!.. ,1.. I r..i... . . i.M : r ! the Aorrow it mar Carry to the heaiis r ... ' --.'.. , v-...v-. .... ru, ... caqm for tbat bitterooea Of moaru- which attenda the ordinary die- - . . - wT- - i ' penaatione of providence, becanat the rluom la brtVhtenod be the arlo- ; py t, diecharge of the holieatob k izfetko of duty. - Ajtdssw Joojhmx---Thia notori oua traitor, who oow misrepreaoata TcnncAAee in the RampJ&ngreea, made.' ft epeech a few daya aincw oa the oia4 reeoleiioo to approve ftod . ct; certain aeto of ) aoppreetiog lotometioa and rebell. ee,to tiMl&OOM: . . . a . .a d, (YaAkee land,) i i'-.,-TriV. lawa or toe were not regar- JThonfcatr ftrmj: Tir ejmot 5; within range of Waabiogtoo, liea raJ TJatm. Ijck aod RaUcexflAlvik. - - - - .. it-t-.-.- ... . ' - - 1 - leading theaU Boppoae, taid J wun aucQ riatcaioue twaoaie a -y tbia did Jobrao teootlana to Tegalo ; the eeuate for: one or mora uoara. Ua once enjoyd aoine repotatioa- foi talcof ' lie now provea hitnaelf to be botb knave and foOL A- -1 DcATH or a Horn CAftouatAjt.-f We regret to aaoounce the death of J.J. Steven, a member bf oe of the N.Carolina Reginenta, wbo breathed -hi laat at the Eaat Ilill Hocpitat, in thie citt, on Wedneeday- &ncLhb adwiaaioo into tbe hcepital h baa ' been too ill to give any account of hirneelf, or relati vee, or bia regimeftt II la poetoffice 1 unknown, and there fore no step can be taken in regard . to hit remain. ; Any Information . . repecting bim, can be obtained by ftddreeaiog Dr. a F. Cocoa of thw city. ' Our-North Cmroliaa eontemv rxrtHea will n6 doubt confer a great favor epba the rlati ve and meooa -of the deceaeed, if they will brrag thi paragraph to tbeir ftotlee. ' V'- V

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