' 'v J' vou SVLISBU RY, N. CA-UGUST 19, 186i. r . j 4 , , "--4 X '-'t r -- ...-, f! T"- 'V- ,-- v "ft. rr--fr 're- ;.-'- '--f -l-'.-' ,r - ffrieTi i ii w m m a ii i i an axr ii iiiJT?ri - - i J. J. BRUNER,7- v ; EOITOE AIDJEOPmtOa, V terlto r;; it opy, . - 12,00 F v'i- Vrti i- . u From the EichaKMMt CxMaioar. - fill - PartkiUr ef tke UanUy f OaepfeA. U'e ;ie lull and iutereatin par tii-nlun uf the burning of Hainan, an J ( ih Menea r events ieadin ing red tirvi". Tliof town was detrov i,v orJT i'tjn. Maifrader, and bjr Hie (orcv uuJvr Itis couiniaod. On Tnuriaj morning lat, about liv-trek, Gen. if ngroder inarcbd h c',iii.iorolj irce in tbe direction f Xewjwrt Neaand drew ap Iq itneoi ii.itt!. After wattinf tbere r . m Uuie, tbe enemv decfioinK to "'jie btiitlc, oor force were tnarcb t!iiftAni! aid a half of Uauip ton. a;in drawn up ie giro tut:!:; enemy tboald tliow (.hums'.' th inniitiiue. a cjr .! l.tc New'Vtffk UeraKi ha)u C J to Ih; ubtained bj Geo. Jlajgro- uer, tu uuii waa a iiir oiactwaing tiiepotcuc from Gen. Itutler, reeelf ' vit!iJc nco4wrjr Ivr liiin ttf .ro .ur llauipton; iu order W be mu.tic' retain tbe large force of coi :r.titi.J" negrove tit at be bad collec ted. Will tbl notice of Uie latend id re occupation of ilatnptou b tbe ic4rAl torcet, Ueu. Magruder do ci JeJ to Uelroj tbe town. - Preej out to tUe deairaction of tbe town, :uioriui: ti vtju roceited tbrongb i 'cout, ml confirmed bj tbecircato uucc of an additional Federal ttcAiiier baring arrived in tbe Itoada lit t rritiforceirnta baa arrived at tue lVit tr tbe puriMjee. doobtlc ..of. responding to Betler edeinand Vthe reoceuption o Hampton. N uigiooa euorta bemg iaie t nav It ap earn tbat Hampton bad beevec N. C. Volonteer IlegiroenU ?o eiutuaieu lv Uullet'm foret-a. iu tbe i ttioveil' from Voiktown, on the al- tint in tauce, on accoant of a paoie criminated by a balloon exploratioa. Aktut 7w of oor men noder emu winded u( Captain I'billipe bad gone ru fie Uirectiou of tbe town, on A aearcii fur contraband'' negroea. tbe balloonUt reported to UeoeraJ liutler that 10,000 men werf inareli i g upn liamptoo. and In conae 'juuce of tbe report the- town waa vruereu in ueoacmauo.- Tea teciiotii of the bridge were torn , up by tiie retreating rty -l fleet) V !$' ." eecoiinte now?: nntni. JWloUWaUflHr4tJcr03nd4 If it weuniay nigut by toe orcervf! uiiuineuon oi tin aicanvm, cwiuanw l itu. MauUer. lite expedition forily becioe eeuie care l.a at lat nt d.-iirii-fi.iii wiu,uiii.aAt iiLrniMU tiketi tnnroaite health.) "Noay 'Mdck'lei burg Cavalry. Vui Goude. ! pi. Goude,! i, Captain! tlaut. MaJ Ulll I)oill!LIlLli Dfai.MMui. I'iiJilips, Vorx liaiigars, Cept, 6lu- 7 ttiir, Waraick DMuregardS! Capt, : tiiwidl ix cowipnia of the I4tb Virguiu Uegiment. Ite wbole W beiMg under the coinoiand of it l.i t...... r ii . I . (. i . i. - tuw a waa lowet effect aAlly fifed. ! Hats amgle liooae waa left standing.) aaaalb - - - I-J TLl he .pared, but caojrht fire acCiden-1 ..i wii. -MaBonbelaeinUrf of tat cuiupjtniva were cilixeiisof 11 amp- unsuij m nreio l4r own boueee aiiMNig utherr Capt Sinclair fired van imu.. r - -in ttie earPy part of tbe night, Wut 11 w'cUck, a skirmish took " tSacb, I, iTvf 9 ooae!l B Capt at na Yonog and - Leftrige's parties, sod a German regiment iiie other side. The firing eon iibul for about half an boar, tbe ''tit Uirig as dark a pitch, and ? iuiined by tbe flasbea of tbe Qiotketry. Oar men wera Dstmct d to fire Tbelow tbe lUbca of the tnorcr'a guns, and tbe acreanit of hi wounded told of the execstlon of -ur slxits. Oar men were aoinjared, "t receiving a ballet throuju. bis - blanket and another beiug grxxod ' the. cheek by a musket uafl. A member of the expedition that flr4 tht low a rUt ldonce of tb foli descraiofiifr het tooe lonM? of oor VirlnU paopU br tbIr fonoer Tartlet oc I wipwiu. in unn; caw, tl ptrlort m iu doom wcr allotted lolh filtltlett total of tiAtore, wbiU 1b WftlU of Ut roowtiroro gmnUtlicd bv tbo oboooocfl OiprvMioas ftikt Ibo ?iltt Crric4turt. v W t. ! been bown nambcr of carrtcatared let l'tkhi ofibaJTAiikM Juldien whTcli ore gaMreJ as tntbita. On4o of an -A merkan ej?U br ljal Jut Datm" bjr tb naort avaiSabk port ion of lila pantaloon. Aooibvr U of Undo 8amt Dan- tato, Ibfvllihlof ta craw vbito I atnjum in nctLrow wliere naf v WIUEH iur( ail I ono can bear bim. and rerr bard U) and. - Tbe tWtifieationt of Uatnbton.eree- tod bjr Bcrxxx'i troM. and left taodinr, aro-deacribed of - tbe moat cowt Jete kind and ae extend-1 I log eotiroV acroaa tbe lawaf 'CSeX ditch 18 feet Jeep with ramoart and eiubraaurea for tbe bcriet cannon, I f i . a a a iiu oincr wort tf oeieuee. iad been eonttractel. rr: liewtiwrt Kew4 baa not beettevac- eated. It cintinuea in tbe liea- atonvftbeeueinj. wbu it about 4,000 atroog. Tbedetencea are laid to bo complete, tbe ool-ajjrOach to the ambiaia. vTite kreent ffceof tbe enemy mt Old ioi n t Ii eitimated at WOO. - ... ' Gen. llagntder w m Erecting ttrong fortificationa nt nelbet. two beridred and fifty men being daily employed oo tbe worka. It waa aappoaed tbat a man of tbe name of I'aaebal Latimer bad per- talked in one of tbe bo rot bouaeeof Uampum. Tliere waa oo other cat aalty known to have occurred, , ; A DAP MOVEMENT. ebear from Ilicb iuond of pro- bMfed artood of eSckneea. We hope tliat the efforia will not be eooceta fel. 1 All our accoenta from tliat place repreeent tliat tbere baa been vaat deal of ickne4 tbere. (and if we aaiy believe an eideutly com petent And diaintereated wltneaa tbroegb the IUcbmood Examiner, Jckueaa mainly owing to tbe ntter neglect by tbd reapobalble aatbori tiaa of almoat every means bv which t t - - w , ar lieknee might have been preven- thai the regiments have climated, shall they be aoma other tdaee toco thaf the regincN have Ucnne ac reinuvcu w aoaw iher place logo tjirvogli tbe tamo dangeruiia proceaa again. And sal4e - hae - wbo take lltair lAcee at Yvrktown to thelr sad expcrienctt We hope not. Bet besides, there ii .MM.Ir i mih atnine our Fava-tte ville companies at l.orktowny and. we aepfpee It la lite aame with their - taMiaaijlmCw Aroettu nisar era eioining, oeaamg w-.. ' Ji f which tlkey will Uve to leave If tjy. ga Awayi:oroe jpiFeroiweo will only provide trtirtiuw . for what they carry in their knapsacks and the moat Judiipenaable of other artieloa. -N . wv- . y ' ..We mlffht uf much; more, bat refrain, trusting that the infiocncot mir iHrf hm ait off. stripped of tbeir eas v . J w al ooutforta, to U worked to death la throwing en new embkmente at tame new plaoe.or to die of the die esaes of some new climate. fay. cMcreer. Omxocs. The great wigwam eooatracted for tbe lUpablican Con-j veoUotr at- Chicago a year ago, ia which Lincoln waa nominated for President, baa been struck by Jight sing, tbe flag w"r"IJ? fj0 fttf taatMae (Oa.J " te(Wr Vr a My, to-Mfty awiat W, aa4 Mte a Hatlf T Aararta. Tart ar amU4 U a aaaoa faatab alf iqi fotrrucftjt battls toxa, : ' Aim Vtk' Addrm. " Kait la aetra tt aa aifti t IkkMttMUiMiwtfTi Lai u NkM ftaaa lie Af ' -M aa4 tWilara rtft," 8mm of ltV. aa4 f WU1 WiH yt jmM tmj laa awaaMl, Ca fca fcvat eVwatWa I Ckr bw iaka U Mail aar aaaar trHrai, UMItnrffNMklfl.kt Iha) ika Wm lataaar'i altlii, , Oa Um WitU aVht Waa ta M aluaa .rmiy WkM U itMHt Wat roar. 'Taaif a rt Md a atHr4 ia i WW ; Lai apoa aav aMiaa laao, Liamta'a tw4 kWvtnr ataM, UaM to ararA ia aMt.H Uaa ! . r ..Wia a aatna' aaaM. Oa t f af tattlr. rw Wmim wt a4lai taata. By aar ia waa (bag at mmi U4 By VlnpaiaV ? By taa ahaat aa laivly tA4 1 Koataara aaafM ara ua as rtri, liami hka aar a W a al, wil aw laae laval - T a Nartaata faa. ar jvwci arraa. v"" Taia'a lataaea aaat tuna eaitata. -- Uaa"t Waata eaae laa Ium amk Maw, Aatf ait aiy aval at aagai-A aUvara, Aa4 bMaafc) at laa aWy gtow ' Aa4 il I , "A iioi air . A4 a ka a-AtMt at. auM atia. U aaaaaa aa4 taya aiy a art. al aaaui, Oa laa aaH aaH, aaaa4 a (ala aa aw a fek? aWfa U arat It Waa ala graal air. Ww a Www J . Aa4 yatl vakfar, " A G4 anH !" Aaa. at aaaviaai Wa. UM attJL Ua iala my aftta4 atari aaa Wl il Tae aara fy an at atary aaw j Il lraa a ' aa4 a'ar. aa aat n, Aaa lata H aaol aa4 avakva it fW j Aa4 ya t aratayar AaiW iAr Aa4, ia iMa agMy aaati. InM tbUA Way aanaM I taanaar t a taa wim Taaa aaiy liag--af 4 wromU aa ta aa4 aay aanaa, aal OUf, ta awwraay Wkaa GU baa eWa km vara ia m j A I aay, traanag. M Aa m4 -mM T Oa UaatM fcc ray faaSt aarrly . Aftrtiaa'a gWag, iry ar4. . Aa4 al ka ltaiai ahiva ara ariy - laaWtt4 ay a aMiatar aaa4 -Sa I aay, frarlag, "A C4 wtfl r" Aaa hafa ia fctat. awl aaaW atilL A GOOD EXAMPLE. The Governor of Alabani bit seed A procUmation calling upon the women f that 8tate t tee that t he aobiicrt in the field do not suffer for winter cWhing, by wntrtbntmg a tiortion of their own blankets, ku it hinx and making flannel shirts and drawers, and waking nit vnlen eni forms, recommending that tliey fm Soldiers AdBeties,, In each county, town and neigh !rtrbd, end get and Torward CnT him liats r all wlio cao eotriVete aiiy of the above Tiie surgeetion cannot too toon be .eted.olJttAtber.fitaieefell at Alabama.- Oar enldiere .most; not be allowed to tuffer by the cold, wbichlU-aoonbftpm-ihenil- Tliere are not enough good sin jbf J stores to be purchaael ; and the on ly way lo get them ! tbaijiidiiftl by the Governor of JlUbania-Li tbe j ladies, therefore, to tu Work at once, and with a will. At CulWper" 0urt-IInse are more than fifteen bnndred disabled auldierv. and at Cl.arhitea villa slout . . ' . j e 1 a I. - ?a I pot 0 IS T no SIC I lar e acweu i ne eapac 1 17 of the Doblic hospitals the larre ex cess being distributed among the booses of the private eiiiscmv Ia neither place are more than half the number under Government tnperln tendence. They are promiscuously taken to the homes of the people, and there nursed with tbe tame tan, demese and (attention aa woald be bestowed on members of their fami lies,; Tbe tretb Is, history fails Iff any parfatef to the ani versal charac ter of this boundless hospitality, which ha characterised the conduct -.. - : of. oar chtseni toward tbe alck anJ woonda4.-aoIdlerJv Wor eegbt It to be eonalderod Invidioat topartico bwiae tbe good people of Albemarle, Calpeper end Grange, jutj Lave bad tbe most of It to do, and moat nobly have they diacbarged their aelfimpoaed . obligation. vDCArce farm lioate In the eoantry or real deoce In the town llt baa not withi in It aome two or three of tbediaa bkd aoldiertv Making no Mleetiona. ther have taken the nrtt tbat came, ana contiune to receive tnem u last ae titer come. All I be little delica- ciee and lnxniiee whieb their welb eupplied pantriea afford are aerrod up (or their tick and vooaded gaetta, and all the day long may be eeo carta - and - wafona, eonung ia from long dutaneea in tbe eoantry, eontri batina etores for thie common pnr poee, Ood blest tln-ee people ! And lie will bletalhem bv confound- ing lfielr etiemlef, and by securing tbetn in their freedom and indepen- Uence. ' ' ' : . . It takes jus) each occasions as these to develop be man oatnre -its better and viler tl asct,. God be praised tliat onr Virginia people have so stood tiie teat, and are coming so no bly out of tbe trying ordeal. HUhmomd Exttier . nioae who carp at what they call inefficiency and tardiness in live man ageinent of I be . War Department should remember .. that a military system and an immenae army cannot be extemporised in a day or a month it is tbe labour ,f yesra, and frequent ly then fails in c-Mipleteoess of do tail. Tbe War Department of the Confederate Government has worked wonders. It bat brought order oat of chaos ; organized in bureaus, and put into tlie fleld one of the vastest ariniee Jtlie world bits . ever seen. The labour necessary to tub) great te suit has been almoat incredible. And when we reflect that it hsibeco aourcea oi utn'agenta aim means, the. conduct of this department, in stead of being censured for acciden tal thorteomiugf, should rather be Cmnmended fr tbe. taeooaa which has Btteoded its vast undertaking. No doubt Congreas could promote the promptness and efficiency of the War Department by adding to its clerical force, thus lightening the da lles ot the various beads of buresos and of the becrciary himself. But In all candour, eoosiderieg its present establishment, it most be said that the VVartJiai'e'worti Wider IltcltiMmd Examimtr. WHO WANTS ATDHTUNEf Wa will bware a Ibrteue to the Int Gaetical, eatrgtil ie, a tqrwog beataate tur, aU will otaUiab a Oat Factory in tJraaaabarwegli; A doeau aeiatrate aa uUiAnM!ftttjoigliL be profiuWy ml oar . WejJlwr tb opl U Vtb OnfRna and the w boh) aJata. are Uiged to have batav and tlWrwiltao loogar be iwisdled by tbe yaakae ; cbtwla. The supply ef yaakae ban m-our stores is nearly ex hauated so tbat there is but Hule tints to be luat, ia prcpariag to aaaks oar own hatk And wbtia it may, at pretest, be iurae ticibls te procfire the aloct'fcr lie nwaa-" factors of lb f aerjaaTiliIaSa6lIj laa roaianal r caa - 1 bad lof sab aUaibarTicea liir Preahk-et laia or Gva. Lee, ' '', Tlwta are aeMbat of'cUixrft hi this pat ef North Carofcaa wbe la tWr yaelb laaral the llattet s Uads hat bo ware furecd .to'abaaduu the beaiaaaa, ,breaaas tba South fa fiooded with cheap, (daerf) trifling yaakaa bata, watch oer pwople luot- aaUua- ilavl Ii aai an a si aa ft m liaL baao-maaaf-ard artiefa. A aJ aorae may be loth to eagage hi tbe beaiatas; ai fear or egais laaag broken Oowa by tae weethlaeryf akee article. I Bat that cwssot. soon bappiaed we hope 1T nay aever Ulpiaea. Wbile Ua ml blereourss ess takt iHace betwesa the North aad the fioetb; aadet ksskss, sad the lias ef arparaUoe betweae the two satioas drswa, (br two aaUoee tbeV ajaat bereafUr ba the aliaaatice of fcelieg be tweea them will be se bitter, that it eaa aei be baalad estil tbe preaaet geseratioe shall have pasted away. Witb Uia stats efesiatieg laeta, we nwl CoaUaei tkat wbeevsr eagagaa la tbe nseefactere of ttaii at eligible polats b North QreTtaa . aed presaratst tbe tesraess - ebb eaergy, -fe'saeWaef.saetaaa., r .i:-z Tbe saute argnetsats la favor of tk es Ubliaknieet of list Factoriea, will she ap ply te otbsr artlcet of, Moral ass. There ' are tot near eaoegk of aee Faeloriaa to sapply tbe fioutbara eamaad, aod. tVare: are maay etaes artklas of domasUe atost ' alty that sstst beresAcr be mads at aome ameeg aawgrerw store FttrioL . Every eoiatttsar ind eradof la tbT Net there arasy regarda bis regtaet as kia own, sacs bar, private sftd evfxeial baakef of etb, a sort of gilt of Iroidsoee for hie arpeoial . skhmlag aed profit r A keel -tbeireeett of the wsr, tbe raenla do ne care a alipaaea, as they are certain of - making fcrtsaea, it natters not ko visa. From tbe sdmiation of lie Nertbara areas, -we imaeiee tbat tbe wbolssale Jobbita? sad swindling. now goiaf oa bt the Ysakea armj, axesads aaytbieg ia line of opera tioa wbiebjee have beretofore regarded as peculiar U Us Uuaatau sad Caiaaaa niilP tare sareieav Tbe Nonkera aoldkrir ore ebeatad MUietrpay, tUirlbed. tbsty clotb tag sad is tbcW maahioea. Tbae are vk Umnad w oast Ibey eat, dnak and wear, , by tbeir rapaeSoss eoetractofs and corooakw sanaa.-" ". f -S'. AQ of tbe were pa Ions demairacaas who are feapoaaibls air thaj civil war, are atree gliag far tbe spoils tike a jack of "cayoU " or pniirie welves, over Ike careaaeof a dead bedalo.v -The IvoUMra, btbers aadj-ousias of the prwdr . pilkni. jw.sU snailag -bay while the sea shines. CAMtsoe,'lbe Seetetarv of War, ia tbe leader, tbe Xorlb ern eapets say, of tbe party tbiem.' CAjiisoaa soaa, soaa-le-biw asd kith sad - kia to the reasotaat eellsteraL are hard at work swiadliag sad ftkhiag. i., . ' - Eaea Boa the ommiBiee booe of lha Iinaols . Chimpaeare dyaaaty, has bete " takee from eellege, ia order that be assy do An fall part te the geaand pillage of the Tressure. It is said by tbeNortaera preat that Ibis yoethful baboon ia bickier eelaegarplaawattUrAteetXOOMr- aaaaaa, sue aaiaaiaf we aaaee soioiery wait a easteroes rascality beyoed bis leader year. Ills pamtta are Juatly proed ef bit ftorsMBecev- So was aow of i be " Aft- U-Diidferfe - U is Irely rafrcabier, sow that we Itv" eat loose from tbk race ofaatnah thieves and coeanJa, to see them for tbe I rat time' devoeringTeach otherforeed to do so, as they eat so loaeer prey spoo the vicaJs of ' tbe SoalkajaiorMf AjreatiW. It b eaiffersally conceded that, but for the ejporteae jeeetloa of the two eow maads et Joaasroa sad DraCsioaso at C Msuaatas, tbe rsssh of the late battle would x have baeaatlasat apocryphal Umce to , tbe brsio tbat coeeai-ad the naioa nf " theae forest wdee toaeYteVereatlte ' -'- chief feeditofthe day. Wall foaadd la- . Omaiio aaeribes tbw Uppy coacer'ton to tU niiliUry lagacity of; the Gwaaral "-BcAoasoAan.- Pereivbig tbat it was o,siU laipoaMUs for bit Baited command to sue ' caeefulry eppeee the adesace of MpDow- -AS ewbaliag coloaa7ba early le tba week i tebvrspbed both the Freshlest " sad Oaaeral ioUaSTOS, ergiug the union forot as aa sbsolste aoomifter aaeae HurdUoe boh of theaf entieeat tniK- tary wta aoosdad 10 the ssgatieo, sad ZTZ the jefoe WM slktaf cestiJsoertnlUed.'r ;-' Oa arriving at Ifaaataas Caaeral Joas sroa, btiag the raakiog ofSeer, assutoed eomsxaad sot, however, wiiboet ratifying tbe wboh) plea of baOle prepared by Gasv. BaACMS Aan,' aad - ehrfsiroualy aiged W1ilts exeeirtSoeruroBgh . the day Tbaaa ereWri of battle were coefideaUy die tributed to etch of tbe rtgtaebta coeonas-3' Oarsf -aad Ttsrt drawe p with graat elab oratioa sad compleUasss, and am esteemed a saatAfrpieee of elegaat aad precias com leebaaw si:-:? r Uerelofore, aS the shoe pegs uasd ia the )8oeia, wate psrnbmiil fr Back akoaVJ not bare bsea bsretotxe, sad will not be hereafter. A week or two iaea, we were at Bosh Hill, ia tbe eortk weatera eareer of Randolph county, N- CL, where we saw a sew Shoe Tee machise, jtaAsssdastuatpUtea,saddeaTged to be run by tae stsaas-poerer Mtscaed te toe targe tannery -at tbat pbee. -The IVg eat by fc wOl be, we have ae doebv eaal to aay ever breegbt frota yaakae-kwd. le a short tints we presume all the shoe end boot faoteriea la tbe 8tate osa be sspplied with pegs frees this machise. For forthar iefonasiioe oa the aebjact, addreas A. I. Temhasoav Bloemiagteav N. C wVara. ,4 i ' V-- ' ,

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