vol. IS-. J. J. BKUNEI;; editok aid? ntc?5itxoa. . the itM pro- .-, J I 50 each. rTv 'alwaj In M-icc-. , ;-v.' of Thf OficUl Report tf lie Cat- - tl at UBUS&zj?sr?r irjwKt of th frsl diyoM vt lU F1- "r. -ii Ani.y in tU Ltllk Uhmm, D u ,,' ciru U report vf 0nil MI0 (J t'u l, KarJlf Uuok U mcwaary f 411 ti; our (wc itb iU mioor rrports. t .'v.. lul e fiv. bU OfD Pi lk I ,IIi:! HIVISION colosfx uaiT : OFFICIAL liEPORT.".. The gLlnM jot tl Ktw Vnwi JTrt t .vrt m mUIjt iUiuagvJ Vj Cwt lltit- Mi4i rrporc , n vtti I teem ' :h iota c4h tlk Anwima rrgv tKBnt f ', Cot-UeiatiiiftM, ttai - r.l finally rtnchMK ! iU rmkU of tU : - 11e divMioa aadcf mj foraaMaJ w utijf na, ia laarckiag rJr, ita io it j cooM tKttoaii la tkf .ck, oJ conifurjc-J ib march Waif pari S. A. M,oa th ifc WjJ U OA. Kranklin roo im;. (41ai by ihoat af Ool- rtneld Wikoi atl UovarJ. At CaU. ibr" wa Land tba road 4llad wrtw ' traoia' un 1 rt .Irtaiard lkr lioars lo alloiw tba 0fI TtWe aad CoJooal ii i rr.j I. "V rTT" wtin mj ui- . mmW"J r Z7 - trJl. w Wl tba Wamato Tara lUirWn?l?l Caj4a n n?U aotopaaifU tba or iM. HoBtera oaraa, wr.a cirwwri to itop at a ruad wbieb toraad iaU iba WA to a (vrd metm Btf! Uaa, aboat balf way Letwota ika jxrfal wbera ara Uraad otf frora lip urapika ad 3dby Sjiagi, at wbicbJ-t'r jat Cul. flaaJar'a diftMoa wa to ctum. Na aacb M foaad to eiiat, aad aboat H JU IL. wo food aw lt at 8wdly a fepriag aboat taw aika frara CeuUatilU, with oao brigada of CoL IlttBUr't ditiaioo lifl o Of iida of tba ran. Itfnra rcacbiag thia polat tba UllU bad CuwirtifBCvd. Wa cwld toa tba taaoka tha drraettoa of Maiaa-.- ' i - Aiswiry a niog-. wwHa. wv- fwiga Jif tba tfvoK: oar front, f ordrtd forward tba MUigt adho.ail lUir raaUMia. IWIvNi Ibh aa AtSadUyVRga. Mtk ai of Stry: U imiiUJio.!. tba kadia Rrn)aU of OA. liahier'v divialoi beHi aagagad. a. McIWei!. wbo, acowaipaaiad wy b uff bad boa aa a altort tima fcfora, aaal J'k lHbrt-.MjafU Mi.MlWWol:tmidar-itbv ... . , , 1 cUr bi Ma.l lrwaM two lurx"Baia ii i tat.i oftfray worn wuhnkr rt taia Wgrt W fonrwd tba UtoaaaoU . Iffli i tka LA of tba road, which j . tM lWWMy frootlU , rroMMitba ria at thia point. ' M-jor a T3wdl fed tW EWtawtk llo-aobawitia op tUr4d. I acwMnpattiiBd..1! WB,,S m ir Lw ika rainaiadvr of tba .t tiirf. ix. r..iLi ' aitb tba ascablioo of ArmJ.r. Utwy, wlitcb Mpwi1od bf iba Ht Ukbigau, waa potlad a littlo Ulow tWiroamg f tfcraa a raaerva. At a l.nU m..fa than alnila fro tba bon'tba baUla UlaV 4Uck . . ' i i - v.rr i u a oai'.rry waa powtQ ow m " gbtoUlanln a dion, aod to tba right of i In road. - Aftar iViag' aorad, taraaty T mina; at a batUry, of tba aoatay, plaoad .t Jf I LHt eav ibair titriof lefX tba diaunca liogeoaatdrad t'w great, H waa axxtd forward to whhia Uat 1,000 fct of tka aaamy battery. ' llrta tba battery waaazpoaod to banvy i fa of matkatry, wAfc aeon afiraiW U. I raakflb a Wgada val poatad oa tba right of a woodsaerlbcrauaof oarliaaaad - oa groaad rtaiog towarda tba eaaojy'a po- ' . aitioa. Ja tba roeaalima I aaet ordartfof tba Koaivea to mqva forward b nappovt utckctt a baUary oa tto rtgba, UJ un up I M I acta forward agaiatf ra a tlaiap'of tatalt piaca la aa'old M tUr$ttr$ Otf kU, wn! th rrvatr ar on o( Iheai 04 to tba raar,, katp Uj ap a tlMiluxj Irinji ar Uki )rad of taair aowra&a la Cnhit ; at Om ua; mo mmI tltey war altars! If a toaiaauf of Moaatloa ca? alrjf ikaW rear, wao coaaa bj a toad, Urotigh ta atrip of ooda oa oar itriH HcbU TL Bra of ka Leaa IUW four aad ouaJ4 ana, dWptraiag iWaa. Tl OWoMaliara of tbW caralrt aa aaij4aHt by it CkpU di lttw evwpatgr Jf UaM 6uu cavalry, kWl .kiUrJ aa4 WaaWdri aal imM. CoL Farahaia, a rib aaata of bit odiomaiH) aaaa, beharad gatlaaily, fntt JU rrfimmt ;ZMMr, a rrywai, f mK a4 ifw aaia ik$ JUld. Many of l!ta awa )taJ otbaf rvgrniaaU aad dlJ f ood atr- tot aa akinaiaiMra. : I J ap tb ilia aaOU rfiaBl, arAcA afaw aa. rrymlted, bat tird ta tokrably gwod ordar, , i did food attvioa io iba moid oa our rit fUakf aad waa'atnoef tb but to rrUr, Mtiaa; UT Ua 144 iba TVw U. & i('Ii'il ' W Uard lb r SJicblffaa, tekkk i aa rfpaW, aa rtiirm jm tifditmUt coajioa. Tby orf ralliod aad balnad to fed tba ooda oa lUrkbU TalWllja FoartaaaUi U ai paarod oa tba groaad ooaainf forward ia fa!Uat Mjla. ' I W lUia forward lo th lefwbert rt AWi rinal. baj Oapoai tbaaHT bat bad jaa4liippaarjUtMrt mmm caroa Jo aigbt of tbi 'tit otTfl tM8lf,4raw ap Wyotid llMtrc1aap of traaa. boa afr tha frinf exHnmrfiad Tfgitwtnt aV a4 n. rvVW it nUt to Itwyt at wrfjr tarn, r'fb of diaeip ha In lb rtgtmaata a ao groit ibal tba mort of lb wa wbald raa from fifty to aevaral bandred jarda to lb rtar, aad pootiaaa a arrtoatly t tba braacr otoa ry bb ia tba air, al oonpi-Uag tboaa ia frBt to wratr IaHa tb tima IticlrU'i battcrv bad leva Ukta and ruba tbrra tiaMa by a, bat mmtmally fori; auavt wf tba. bora battag tajaO kitlad 0brAior4kktt"lteWobiJr- Ftrtt LttaUftaiil t. ltaawa r killad. ' LltaU I KWbf bebaved w rJdr, an J acfrl- ad i. cam lac od i, C-.b. IWbra tbka ... " . . dUtial aa oroacbiaif bf two sj.-rfi e!oa a tU - tUk b-iag IV. dataid bT - -wja ,k. Poiat wbea Iba GeOari at a laxnt M tba 'poiat w.bcw l-fl urmikL It Look putt 03 a bill aa oar riiibt and rear, aad for tore tima gallaaUy bJd tba aaeroy ia cUck. 1 bad oao cvtapaay of cavalry attacbad ta my diWioj, wbka. wa juiaad daring-tba aagagtincot by tba earatry U CoL Sua toa'a diffbdoC Vlaor rlinort wbo eooi aaaadod tbaan, waa aaitvoa to tgga tba awaroy. Tb greaod btiagLaalawabla, I aaat tbaroback oot of raagaof 4wif J1Va it immmuiUs la iouM la rwUf aay fryiaicww, wa mammtmttd oar TtUttr aboat balf at rl". , LLU.1 hm nt, Cuy. fc taw t,, J,d dao . . . - coward my Uff o rv" ia tU wtornlag. 1 afat forward my Uff oDem ur - oan aroaU orav I aiorwdJ back a faw mouuBU at tha bvapiUl to ae wbat arrangehwati euald ba faada to aata I WDU BTf " - - wBdodTb km awbalaaota tliati I fftr. v ABO vnwviif ami. ' n....i. Ll.L.k aa ai jafr. WW '.'"rj I bo rwr and an amvauaca ran or- ,: . i . . . a a if" .yar evopla wf roande U eaaiawr froea bia tmom of oruUary, wbieb Beat them aearn- prriag away ad ke4 IbrM at a reapecuai jui.x .lutior lImb rernwaHbir of onr ra- trC At tbia point waa of tba auagflera vvra I ndaac of na; uamg ren-wo foara vigoroaa paraaH from tba enemy a freahtrovpe, J'irow ''',lf atroog rear guard, but aeitlier tba effort of the oOtfeM Tif tba-egla myr.aac Jmi of tba taealar trovoa witb oe. CU imm4 fArm fa tm t mU roav aa, W raweq enurai ' r- tioa oa one eeeiioe otvukt . compaaie of eavabr. Mott of th fond waa mtoerabla for rotary, bat nafavorabla for aavalrj and artillery. , Abonj. doak, a wa approached tba Wartaatoa tarapike, wa board a firiag of riflad cannoa an oar right, and teamed thai tU anamy bid aa taUiabad a baltery aafiladleg tba rond. C.JH. AraobX wkb hi. aecUoa of artillery, ittaiopted to ra tba itd WW it.. LriJ ra mu Cab Uoa. aloot td wilei from Cratmiy. bat Uod H Wffctad Ubbrokea vtbtcks a4 waa covptJiea to abaodoo bb pw, a tbay vara adr b fiaof ttm rifled Ctanoa. ,tTbcaral rr, taraod to lit W&, aad, afW paaalaf tbroagb a) atrip of oaada aad aocia lUs airak a road bkb.Jrd .tbaiaj to aoaaa canpt oocBi4d by oaf troops la iba mora lag, mroag a waica wa rrvwat um wr piU .At aboat .Ijll T.Jiw reacbid tba carat wa sad oaoapM Pa mar lagii Ilad a brfgadafrom tba marra ad vaacad bor I dn4aac trtond Caatrtvilla, aa oaalkird i.iWfrviWry Juat, nigb ba0 baca aarcd; aa ft w abaadonWd at or aar tbia eModagi 'arA m rw( 1 mw witmutd htfn. . jVa tffmU totU iJmci $i$tt ftlm tovrm ' rtirtml kd tmmttil. , . , SECODWVISIONVCQL BUlOi-' y SIDE'S OFFICIAL EEIVKT. -- Tba brigada aodr wiy cornmaaJ, la coauooa wild tba rml of tba Woo, left Waabiafloo at 4V IVM. o Taraday, daly 18 ; Vncaatprd tbat aigbt at Aaaaadal; oarw4d FWai CWllI and an eawiiwd tbera on Wedaaaday. Oa Tbart day, JkJy lT, pro-dod to Caotratilla, waf wa rataaiaitU aaaay otoraiag, July SI, wba tba wbobi army took ap tb Hue ut aiarva ia jui ihun. , . JuiUtbg icmt occarn-dlilllba m. rival of tha d?tkioa at tba cruaaiair of UM irllitfaaco waa rcl tbat IM roem? waa ia frwat with eooaidafwUa txv.' Tba Uk w&Lm aaJ taaiMarv taaC Aftrrda aai ala waa omrraa io aau m a aoptMj pi ad'aaca fltottwawt waa mada, aa4 Umkt 1 - ... . . . I aal Stoclam, of tba Hoaood Kboda Wml lirgMaaot, waa orderad to tbrow ot akir wMbra,apoa tit br flank. aad to' front Tbaa wora 9oom wuitHualad by tba taa aiy'a lorota, aad tba bead of tba brtgfda foaad helf ia tlo Hroraca of tba foa. Tba Krcoad IVgiineat Uboda Ui JA anlaata waa iramcdtatrlf Wrat lor ward wkb da bunr of artillrtV. aad tba balanca of Itv tr1 JJ wr "lijrTO t ' tat fSl4 to- tba4 ngbt of tba road. Kioto thia report wa kwfrll.at tba Sd diviabHi wat into batUa ftr raM aad witb watr.J fTwiariaBflffca tba ballla bai coatiaoml for aWot ii boara ainoa tba tiOta when tba aeoond Ui- Jadabad bora aogagwl itb r tbiog ia ktor of oar trooj and prumiaing n dn.4 aita vktory. when aoma of tba regiweata aagagiag tba rnrnjy opon Uta. aitmna rijtbt of oar )oa, broka, ana larga aamotrra paaatd diaordarly by ny briad, tba duwn ap ia tba poaition obicb tbey Ut bald. Tba aromaoRioo bad barn iaaocd la part, arben I waa ordarod to pfwiact tba rUaak Tba Seventy-oratNw VorkStaU tg far fororfd tW tba Tatrtatbg eolawna and tba anemy, by CoJonel Mar. . . w - tali tin, aad tba aaeoad regiwtaai i.oooa tuao - " . . . ..., 'nan ' . aM moved oat into tba 0aJd at tba bottom of M bmc iba Lid. and remained for fifteen awnWeaywora irgvm miwumm ordered. Iba regiwent tbea pameo on io Uta koT tha bili, wbra it waayoiard ty tba r aujaindaf of tha IrigudCabd formed into M eolamav : ' " : lnra tmJlm of atrarffWra wera tauaZ alowtf tba road, aad ft waa foaod impuaaK bla ta i retain tba orOar wuicn oaerwoo tid bava barn preaerved. . TeC tba bt h mmmm - - - . .Bocaadoi in jrttiftog i .eoirativa.. I IB muwii - t .ni ..J r'.ni A mltona'i eamM- rrtaaTiiHjaa tbaaBnUt i mnt amrcirratkrwoodaawlfeiin and i a bea tba artillery, aad ea airy went lo tba Hlll' PPa ibb . ,.,.r. , ., retreating mam of Joen Vpon the teniae ercaaiag ba Cab Han a abot fook eftVct apoe tba boraea of a team that waaWw '. Tka obmb waa ovartarned dirrctlr ia tbeceatra of tba bridge, and tba paa- aaga waa eoaopktely obatrnateo. i aa en emy eoadooed to play artillerT npoa lha traia earriag, amUlaaom and and l... ..mu that filled tba road, aad tbem wore redaoed to iaBVTba Urjeonld4 not pomiUy pam, aad five rfe of tba IodoWand battery, wl,h bad been udelv broagbt off tba fieJd were ber loat -7:e; '. ; ' -x': REIOpT Or TI1K CniEF OF ABTtL- tofoflowiegt report of Wm. . lby, Mjr FAb Ar tiBory.'gira aa aoaoan of ika aavalry abarga tbat waa made npoa lb Zona vv r .. '. W wra aooa apot too groaad daalgaa tcd, 4nd Iba two tatUrlai at ooot pod 4 vary ffaoura.fira ppoa tha .aoatny a UfL Tba wo poattioa bad aearatl beta ooeo pied, wbaa a troop ol toaootfliy a cavury, dbiMiFbiaa froea ia oice of vooda cloat bjow our ngbt 8a nk, clargrd dowa tpoa Ika aw York IIU.- fta iooaraa caicav ( J aiibt tJ tba aaralni m Urn aooaetoU bw fora tby war apoa ibaia, broka raaka to aacb wgtf tbat tba cavalry cuwoas ihroagb wiiboul doiag mweb baro Tba Zoaavva gava tbaai aaeattariog fraaatbay paaed,'bteU ampuaa Hvtf aMaica.iaa kilWd tbrva fcomi.: A -w o8tr aAar watda. a. ftiaBeal of . tba aoarov a inlaw Vj, oovcrad by f bigb ItnrO, prtaontad U wV in tiaa oa tba ML aad Croat o( tba two UtterWa, at not aiora tban M or 70 yard dialaatiaod dalirertd okjf fU apoo tba UttarWa aad tbeir aapporta. -Jiaoli lUoway. 1st ' Artillery, oaa killed, and CapU Kickirtt, lt. Artillary, waa woaadod, aadaaarabr of toco and boraa wara killod or diaaliod by thia aloM and weH dirartad volWy. Tba lltk aadlatblla girnanta, inMaatly broka, a.nd. fled, io ooar faakm to tba rtar, nd,. bt tpita of tba rw pralad aad aarcaat tfforU of Col llciata tl wan witb U laitar, aad tnyaalf witb tba (otiaer. rafuaod to rally and rctara Io tba aari of tba batleriaa. ' Tha aaaroj,aao tag tba gaaa tbaa aVaodooaJ by thairaap' piata, riMiwd apun tUetn, aud driiaS off uiiiiiuiMfra. wbo. witb ikdr oflicw atopd branf atlhgtr pwatrantrf-iba Uat hioWK-ttt, cajitwrvq tltrw, leo la a OS) war Are ikeSoilhtrBersnebclsr . . . k .. . . - corrrai-oodettt of tfio Toronto (Cnonda) Zcader mwert lib qoew tioa m foltowi t - : if-k ; t Sir 5 Permit ma tlinioH ynr col amna to aneat to tha Canadian preat jcaoeratly tbat rhn pob.Uliing a a f . ... I ow aa ft la A American loivrauia -ganHJ " war Utween tU L'uiiwl-and ilia Coufadarato StaUa wlucb , ara re fMffd - antirelr. throoirb Northern tonrcea tliey aloold aboiUh tht as of tbo Inaolting miaoomer -rauoia. tJMuriottA. and m undtfervrtl. To k...,..t&.. ituir-. otdruBJilLoril V I Tlio ..JSootb'ern Statea bar hitherto prodoeea tbCgreateit f aleituen, and tbo Wrat general iHat tne American llnum baa vet toon. At the declar ation of jttdcpeiidctKej r tnajarTtr of tba btatta who lormea witmaeivca into a nnitr wera Sontberiu Tbcy ounot to rebeU tbay nwter wera in aubieetioJl to tli Northern Statea; from w born tbejr wiebed peaceably to aeparate, Ibey wera to Uj iba leaat perfectly on an eaoality witb the Xortb. JJow abatird, tbeif, to pplj tbM4rm?wbeI-5lo alrariiiiii berin lrarlyleri tnUnona, and in heriting JcoMhtry Iarge at Ed: ,r,lm f.itki aim id a reaiuiii that tber tbooe t tetiro from a partiicralnp. ..aioualv dtataatclul. that lud nl I becntnw iot 'lilyiMtwUrbut (.Wirt atilf. ; , . : t Jtia dao ta.tbem alao, tbat we i th rharaeter of oeuUnia. ahoQia Wr U-ar frviu tbe ute of any inaoltIti 0MmtjM.lMwwttt.taJiM one tkat ro would nt otndr to tbe otb l.antitMirt ff thia viow of tbe 'taMectV t flif adduce the tiamplea r it.. rthn tlaitad Etntce dnrinir thenadUn-HfoieUiwtvb I realiiywai a reboluon. In apeak i - fc , ibitrt of being oraclally f aanued by tbo.fJvrertiHtenf; the re!ei recetveu all -1 h" $tioourgmeui frvi tbe reclljf, they cvmu , pwaaiuiy-uavw :ahMl. under the exi-ectation that urn frvm tta preaem aiwginwce nnu become owe ot wienieivB. - If i. .lanVtou tt tlio enltltallot't t nr mrn intarcata tbat w ahonld ac- koowlwdirt-tl of llie Sontben " a . a a - ner poaaeaaing me rigtiv unnorio ao poinpooaly inaittd npoa by Atnericinll-iitttbl tbigoeerned alone poueaa Ibe pririle of cbooa- IOK www ivi " -. Tbe tideotiealre of tbe Copfod- erate Sulea to poaaea amicable tela t aWKnratIritainabODldeon vine Qi tbat It 1 alao doe to tbe cnl tivation otwt intereata tbat we thoild icknowladge tbe right of tbe 1- era fitalea to a acWate form at- fWarntnerjf--a r urincl tal ao nri : trntl Inaiatnd nnon li tba Northern' P. . .i t ' . .1.- ri.. r ' Otaiea luemawvca viaj iuw ca tbe people to acioct lUtir own urm . ; of Oofeiwment."- " Tba evident deilre of the Goofed-, erate Statea It to extend corowerciai . ' rnlationa wifit fjicUtnd.' Tlielr ear ' gerneea ' to adopt tbe BritJth fyatttn ' 1 or free trade : .tneir atnorr&Qce oi -tbe Northera llorrlll tariff,' tfontratt enorw favoflfabtr with the aelSihoeai - and " hatred .hlcb bae invariably ' - been axlibUed by the North agalnkt Urttiab trial itutfonei RritUb Interotta.' and Dritfeli naanfacture. r . ' l oora, repectfolly, - ':i'":.-W.4l' AV.-,r ( Toronto, J aly 10, 1 801.H .... ; ' TUB ALKN ACT., ;. r Tbe New Orkeaea JDtlta referring to Iba 'roclaaaatlon of Praaldent Darw toochiatf ikooIiaoarYankaMvl from the Coafedaeata fitatav'wbe do" wot lateod to comply witb . tbe Uwv aaya . Uadaf tba provwiOM all CiUvM cr tb' Cailed fiuiaar reaidiaaT is tba 8outb. ara 1 to be' ex prilled witbia forty day from a ; procbunatioa by tba IVaaident,- or to give -rati factory proof of tbeir ktcotioa to be mmm elUaraa oftba Confederal State, and " atjba'aamo flm to Romany ackrrowWdga iba authorityof tie CWrdte'Corern. menL - W wiU not BB4rUk to aay wbo will La regarded aa Qtiaraa of rbovfjaited 8ute,-eader '-tbe jvWcW of tb'w aet. nam na prweiae wrma ara kbowb' It ia, ; certain, , bowerer thai ia anoro tban on -plaea oar popabuioa woald bear ayadkiooa porgation with beneficial rveulta.. ' W can ' not a&Vird to tatarat eaomiea la oar midat beeaM. ' foraootb. thee feoat have tba di cretioa to keep aileat and to bear oo ana - .i j ml : . "... ia inejr Danoa. i aw man oi ataaaacuoaeua, or tba aaaa of Keotockr btrc nd per . bapa thriving la oer midrt, ha no boai- nee at thr time to be among tra, if be ! Iowa a reaoabU toeracio to exiat tbat be " ja not abo cordially with wa,-,;..;,,; norrroRSTAKVKr 3; Tba ooor ' foreigner in Yankee aervicev bow aciiBff a biretio aoldier ft the fave aioa of ihaboQia b bat one aiteraauvw to out btfora them j - , ' .': Tight or UrveT : ; . So tber pardon tbeir peoitentiarr con- vtcta on coodiiioo that tby bU fight tba 8ootb.;rr; --2?': 2llL.. What heart eaa tbtaa poor People bav ta..ini Duataea i y - , -.iJi:;,. . ir-v Wa aboald dJacrimlaate ia-oar IreaU meat of foraiffoer tbaa tabaidised tv Ur- ration, and tbe full blood aativ of the ! North. : To the former we may aceord - mercy ; to tba latter, won ( L If w hog ; " lmlialioiUib6aldaIw Yankee. . Tbat wa moat bang t, perlutpa, naavoidaUe ; and, aa we bav bat twelve wiiUion againat eighteen,; we tbonld bang . aboat tlirw of tba eneroy for every oe of j our that , may afler. One of or people la worib, to oa, Tally tbreaof tbeir to tbem. $ ;: . t aarwroa jjiratry. UilTbe NtYUeraidbf tbe tltb inaL at tbat the blockade ! nobbiclado atalt : lliat tbe Southern" prirateera"taf t t airead cewnrca more thn twenty illiooaofdollara worth of JSdrtbern property, and that "very aoob," raore tban a houdred . million will be loat to tbe North by tbe-MOeeOeov5! - War did not know that onr orira-- teert had been wTortttaatOj for they ao'hot tnbllah inocb of tbairdoingay fuy obvlou reaaona. Lettbem keep n,' and get the hundred tnlllioha. . - r aaai at . "a ITie yankeee can anora to toote irr for tbey are throwing away httndred vt million on a worto than nieless war. ; ':C lSB .iiZ2!2iz; ia from an extra oftba Iloottoa Td- wwfrVdated Aogtta 10: in i.ani ar rortnria ni a ueu h o3th at Jnle, Wweetf CbL iroti . loVa ' totnmand aitdthe Federal f roope at Fort JfilUndre, rcaultinff In tbe defeat of tbe Utter, witb 30 killed and woended. Two ; Lientenant aBrong the killed. The Bootbertjert . were anbort. TliO Federala fled, v and ' were ptmaed, and . the whole command ' takeo ; priaonera iiOO in nombcr.) The tnail toToeaon wa cleaned oat by the Apache, and all baode killed ; " 1 i-V :1 .'1 . ;, J . - . : , .

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