6 U I . ' ' W- -1 ' A p I lG!il It ft ."I Sil A ! IT- t " . . I ' B. I -a V 4 v .v. ;..-...w. X:' Vt a t--ff ,r"!"." ft"'tf-t ( t "'t' ' .! i i . fe e-is ur jurili ja1:-:- t-at VOL. XIX. " ! .". n". -l 1 ' ;: SALISBUIIY;N., .a, AUGUST 26, 1$1.: - " : :.fNUJlBEU.34. ' I -.- l , hnT ' i ill ' l&l .If t ' t 1 j. j.:miuNER, SPIT0& 1ID?B0?WT0R. , TEREIS s.tiiri copy! H,oo K r v,,,, .. . $3.00 Tfi rp!. fIS.00 'US tckt,lin)f"WB, in the urn pro . . i 1. IS a. .1 ( Vinoy-T!!ENRW8L thai lit fffHHl h olrculalAt'l Mr. Kir. JM4wgteieJ prmrt iw 9r bnJ, niUrJ by aatttoriir U t!t l'ohJ'raU Crovraniat i tb -. lkri'ihr iHf'ipitioft iHcWnj, .Other f li pi;", frum the reriort of .likor Mjvt)n f .l.trfiiD, are asioaU riercia r S.it Mr, Klt' real cuajibvo. One - .V ia )rt i.tk ta re tba aasietj aVl ii ri-ct ;n bia frama of our av- jW pnm ?iiiri oftaraipatr men u tke iiW'ftifj eiframtanr that a 1:rer aairh hi if ha I rvil from him 4n!ira in "a Uili a4 firm, band," "Vim i lri f the namU-nance 0 bia j.ati bml.i'y fcaltir. Mr. Etv bimff autbria a fonlraUie t; of t!e analtolcettnte rtporU ia bia Ir.v fcj I'iirtidmX Mcott, in li'kh k 1 ri-fc 1.1 iit nrtHi hi arbaottln!. trrxt r thai km J (Mat innl if fU Tait.iM ' f-r tho km I tretnnt of b' lei W -an Vi hr (tfv.T.'Xa. I'rrt-lrtit tliat ft r ' jtvuhi vj MiniaiM- wuft ilia Jvaturn 1 paaHy :tHT rij:ia' tW u-baiM of Wra. Mr. t turtpeas Whaflf oa thia awMecfc - Wa Uarn ihat the protcriptive commit- v a 1 . a ff '.f (.J(Oit.1 V.j it the Lincoln Uofiirrvwi to ' lit . .. I Ut rptt-ation of dttlotaJ em- i f vt ) trie irurfrnin;at, ia to coatiaae j . . '. 7 Jeru. iba CreHial rece. j ltb alrea-J? procvr. the -,iamiaal of: wnfi nf haa.ire4aajaeeei.tr cli ia the -1 If-r-nf .partmBU for - treaorL We act. la the mtwrity of inaUncea, t 1 .- aitrl tfeaW4-taa tba crime of ' :.lm; V? h.rn Jh itli Sontb, or of har 5 iD. in the (5r.t inJ-., Wa appoif.trj to : "VtttlttT&MhpniSti:- 'Tko linxJn t ofrariH.at i. .lotnijif Vigbl in tura- ! .t iToui tt. iU-Wtca 'i'tlitfaVn. wioV.! thr BUrnertatia Vat fill mmm aaa rRjaa f hare b-i .-or.L i.t to aril Ihrir birtbrthu . 5jT luml vreiwn. nw ww 'at bt, cannot Ut made oo any. fvr t lickifuttle rfrrlifKL Thia i a cae l"lw" wnwro- tnan. CXforr,liion;rW1lwUlion th r, M'nce m th drerlioo o rjr- Wo lear that th object of vi iif jM Werimtii rlila miait'M f" H!rt 1 s i a provfdtng fJt,tb redcmMion U Wk,k. the Goee;, W "CTSmT mgtos U J.fi0intf iu ideouty by awk ae- LDEUATE 0 JN ULSJ. r at4 jtit dHtinctiortf. the lino baa yet t A bill kaa keen rvj-ortrd ty tit 4 0.1icl l K drawn in Richmond 10 akat out of ' ar j Cornmillr of the ConWeraU Coa ffica Yaakte " eiperta.4 greaa for tko forfritar aiuTconfiacation of ' ''" - tko eetatc, property aad etlccta of aliea :;AIXAXDU!A-TUE''5mUTIOX.u4 W hare through a private aoorce in- t deratpod to to decided iir fa or of tbi r ;rr,tH)jr ami latr . tatdlistftro bant AWa ; 11 taie..intingeiifn iron hih- i lria ..4 tU ndUwg ,Uatro of tb ' - m ; r. - trr"- I -ir . r .1 ....l.- . t!Oti,fAkWrb d-nrf,rTiimib aiart ilr- aud ta .nri.. fn httoinMa and of ' ftrr tamncv in htV. ntnr tn tU i V.r TaSMin of lo1 1 Irani in v-fa tub th liery ' Ijat fow of Br4t(l of U- cay would bare any 'yiogtwith the oldiera, and ia frrOeat JiUnc- hJ rejected tb-tr caatotn. AH "irial latWur waa denied to tbera. i atw i. J.t ikt t j ' ,i, ptraOea aad plmdt.i bandaf omnia bad WnVti,ct 1y e ;- thr. aod tapwially oor nob Yir j JT uta'tafie. 'ba'riair made U oditlart Poial I pLiftft iriiar iatarcaiamoaat to b- aracimle ..bjrwrlA ot rtrtkbioaot, aad toao Lietak-ltMi mi JUraoo fa, , UX til 4M (nMn J.lWM 'tli-IMt ;'jrjia mk of iWir acora aol con- Jr3.1fac';thdagcfora of the hI f their J5?a J inckknU of tie ei- i"" V M.Uroour"in AUsalfWwuh f . a-o'Jdpi. a aootler tralirnmy 'f"t prid and ptriCwib wbick tl, a?l.i hooofl Virnia. city baa ' f.alVH of tttelf bf Xorlb?r 4-lwt. occupation, atteaded tkro S'ftlh. ha rrn.l.u.l .. imr.r. nii.ti on llm . . i - i - - "ah ia t-,rf,u but that of acorn and itmj, n-n bate ea tho asm Tpl'ancf Jo an &fuhnt aad Powerful atr l,fwitatfng"no fortmn of th community 'fammlloq mlh Lincoln aaoWtera and ff z'iUaing tha other into aahmieaira ei- . i-lar to pmcura tbtir jtamaatty, i a -ct peculiar w'tde oa lb part of lb Aatdria rl in abWh the SUU of "yaia Bnda, alo, a aoorco of booor aad IT'tificaiion toberadH 1 be prrttecutioei of tko AWiaadria cter ft J, wh hart dUliofflUbeJ tUm!v bj thir U)Jm in f bf dUvbarfft f &ttr r - WHli9M opoiiav tail ronusuwj ai he iuiaJa of LUoula'a liepaia. -W a U(nne4 thai a fee? 4ejra keIUe. Mr. DeltSnf of tie lia4iat cbarcb waaarraaud bjr file of auMiera for the crlro of having prajed for thur'eMof oorarms Wbal tjitpoailiva u maJe of him bal aot teen caUiaJ at tie tiro oar iotormaot Irft AWaaa4ri. Tka Rn Mr. UAltcb, hy ba4 tonaerlj brm arraaleJ, utmnagtd to vacap tbroajv Um neOita lioea lo-tM eoauaioa) of the oaemhta dlal at ttatl Kaa. ,NThe (aiUHo iat at Ak-tatvlria bJ brea lhrratcJ Ub'amat fr rvfaa- Ihg to urrnJT bi.Vrrb (ur aorvivea bj una of tb araijr daplaiaa. :. .7""""", - Tha aewa a bat from tb tbeatrv of the war atijoiaiaf AUrianJria, ia of partie-lartte4- Taeo were oaljr about tn rejpmeat in- the vtrmur of the tity, and rveral of tbem not full. The tbrre yean nv bo hl by' ealxted lw?tre the metin fCoflgTaavt rralel Jo Iim raeuTptioa after tbrva muatba aertioa, oa the grotjej that Uieir ilWUiivt fur three year aa lo without tlm aatbonty of OongroM, a! tan not bJJ lt?m. Oie re giment ralie-l for thrw jrr on the li.h Jaa lat, eaa retrtrte4. by iu office rt iairaun 10 uvaQJ a ftoon aa tt iboaij rontplrU tf lr tLrre iuontr thrice. The army in Virjiibia mm jK4Urly Ufiitoral auiorraia nutl la a amiJ om l.u al 1 L. -ik. I mm I we ' e--o on wws. it w nriTni (MkAl.lA at a at ta bhuw j r at aaMAava: 1 - i - .--v-r.w , "--j ' , " ' lo Ua the e)(bti that had L air tlirr root at Maoaa. ? h" F,r irt-Iloaat roaj, tfco AMV I . a. I u. I i 1 ... i. ... atil ' - ., i . 1 1.' : . 1. . 1 : i . i "v" w um.ihw w aLroi l It a am - - - - " . . . . -r-w' j maiai oooMurraon, majr prooawy oa ao H1 Hal Poart llovwr, tiaca of pick.-.., M correCe Oeaiy ao aa it ia H-,Jr ,,',n J! jostle to U. .-To recent teb(ra4o report V Tb r.kwtaitoa i4 the UiaU tataea ia lh ,a"'Bf Uck orCMI' Pf"i,J f.tU bin k of eoorte, .ul j-rl to aUe mar. l7 ,bt cireamance ih.t iachmeau of; & ium o b. uTen aa ei- 0,,, T ". arewaat of tb attheaJtatoraa ww at ,. aiooog , tko me a. t aaerer"pantim.' TbrM wMaoriJionof adanw roor. - " . war tin. s Jt sported a UtoUrj law. wvj ...... i..,,,-- ,l.,: ,, 1 m ,".. a ."a if ro,nt aiw Mi w ol tltwact of tnO -uaevtaf I hi frmaa tirvtondiatotnaMnl tba tro-i ' Thn UII eofitatfSI Hvtrtr. of wrry do- acrt4i.jv wnd. parWil or enjoird br jd eoawma it for tbo foil indemottywf aiiraxiKjfa ...w. ? ib taerw tha rioutlt, who hav offf-red nuy loan or injury under th act of the U. 1 plate to which It at retanutory. IWtrrn ar to ht apiajinted by Hi ! Confederal coorta to. tak cbarga of tho Iproparty oi WB-onemiea, including Jiti 4r way oTparlnerahip d troat; nlao; to auo for th aamo, ir a eeaaary. at J aUacli ail eredita da aoch ra- uirwta M auri. Xlra W-tropoW onj nroliy praclKii. I f wmmi tr n tiwrg-1 l ia-'h Bt 4oUney HJi tnuotHWtery of alUna' pryperty al jt W eoficaton, which i ai-led br ralUa for iu conceal- immtr ibe wilfut wrTeot of anartteroir ! truaiMu or riiiam. lo iv informatioa of anch propertr wttbm th OAftWerary be ing punched byvn hitd tniionmaL - t TbeCoofderaf Swtw attorney in fbo rictiro ditlriet coorta ar charged to orouU all caaea inatilawd nlr tba law. and ar coropenaated by tba commta.ioa of on pr caL aa tbo fraiU ol au aooo nt- i (ration.. ';: ' " ' ' vTKa Lifl aUo orovidea that lb IWdent aban,by aad with th adtic aad coOteat of Coo great, appoint a buud of -commie-aionera, to conawl of tbreO meroberv to bear and Jjdicat claim brought befor tbem by parti who hav ba pat to km ander Ua foonA-eatfoo act of tbo UarUd 8uta ; th fiadmr of tb commiaaiooer in fovor of any ucb claim to b frimujatb tl- j . kM 0 tb rrtctM vf lb dtcnaiv ; LMil elalma, bower to U tubWt la Uion it pkl oat of "U eonOxmlioa iual. All iptaaea iacurrrJ 1 prooaeJirir an dee Um art ar to be paJ4 fraia tlta " ftcaUoa fnaj tk receirert to be aHoweU oommiaaSoaaoa the amoaat of tbair receipU aim! cipeOiiitareJL ' ' . . . The law fire to lb Confederate cottrta pedal Jriaditfoti ia am aamerated ; ao4 particalarly to aetlle all partaerablpa WwCiltf taiatinf Jbete a eiliaea aaJ iliela eaemy, aal to arparalo the intvrfnt of the latter for OiwaatiUoa, aaj to aarer ail joint right ia l4 U ta ooneerned lor the pttrpoaa of cooaWsuttf tWm. TUE COXIfcDEttATE WAUTAX UILL" W paUil.eJ yeaterdaf thf fall dr(aila of tltia Uil, am ateoUor lite laot that U baj bae iaaei If the uaanimowe VU of. Coarrcw, The ircwnUic of I hie ttnaalmity alferda aaotlterevi-hfwca of iba pouiutio diapotk 4 Cai;rr, m o an Uvrataoil that there ttTM oppu itioo to the till oa th part of member urn il the beoeaaily of ita bveame etklnt, wbea ibe miowiij .lU-rHiinct! to yktj their an J pre W the hill a pa triotic enpport on tit Mnt conrluioa of Ita rWominf a law. TIm eMimatea of the anKwat of rerenae j j, eah aUte.J le mU ar a iji.M. W Umnh that tn Fmncw-Oonti . . tlttr aitrr rttatHre etunu of ita m , ra 01 vjxtann mat 11 woM jn-jj moVn rWrelary vf tit lWr. thmlta u win jatU of w-mUra J raa4e in ibe tM of lU-hat wera aa f fe, aiiliiona. Hie einiale (, the 1 - t aa 1 41 : ' . . ri nil nee lumniuiw, aa a rrwiiuiu Uftaeea . ..... ,xirmm tae rwatl of. defiira'4 arx t aai a ft. r,r 00 the lat of Uoober aelt. aaJ aa -.niJketaiJa" eaJWa. 1ma tfcna alft to a juooa U tho ear. lUe tt- ofCrrtn valura "cert aTa'f airmunta. too. of value, (nun th operation of the Wtt cotnr'Ticate tTta cakuTat hm a hU h. poaiuva Cpogrvet, of th Citfvertttient iatuea at a date after the con- clotkMi of peace, i to aecure, in the revi val -of trad nnd commerea, conaeqavnt. vpa peOne, a rerena ade.iute to meet thrdenianda of ita floating deM. I a th meaolim, it i to be obeerved that the reeha aocr atag" from the war Ul laTrfKitJevt of tko public debt and th ordinary nipt-a diturea, but i lo be aed ia Paying off each . r----... .t. " 1 -r-.ll.f ataal At.a&a,iLuil ,a IK. ,liafia be toai.iUe and CQenirnl in the datro- ioo of Ilia Secretary 4 tLa Traury. -cam- tequenco of aittroct-'ph-tlge mad by j ti it waa bound to prrt, m tuaiic to timj ioIIirWPgOtiatljiaa io k to rcjdaoa thV tbirtr jUl :tiirW-aideMiowcV" bonJa weriarwilk thn made ofa taf. of tea maKoos to W b-vied withia th pivnent iltodarLvar, to -proi vib for tb altimat ledeir plion of tJw ; ' ".- "' CnoUraalioa reign at Wabinfloa; Th harryiag ow of keitoa .r th urgent appeal of ler4H t N em litnorarrJKd Hi preaa ia rrgarato ino novamnag line of lb CoafotJeraUi tro, f auU wbicb w iwi'woi .hvu . . .-.. ola C4iol uake aUb WrMr.-,Wo but war, ail tbo borof which Wl upon try devoutly pray that oorrrionding mo 7 aj etltavoa, wrtlMmt-prornking"irei4tov mnU oa our 01 part iv n. itir j tdjnrrlw'IiftbjdBC repent wkat wo had '! lime recently to remark,' lb ' jwrHriif i tl. (wur of lb raemr .weakn4w nnl of our own a - i fatiear-lh.Cror-aoldiera ot;ar. berovt: their denioraliaed, dwarT.- tdt iittl hHr than "dumb, "driten catlUt. Clara are e nooad, hav beta tbMth ihuca tip dtaeaa ca, and hav th ateadinr and discipline of vateraa S ' their are . f aWiajtaaea drawa fmb from the citir and lb camp,' wanting ia au th aliah) ol th hardy aoldMe. 0ra aofler only from inertia aad rnaai, thoa fatal infliction oa tbo apirit and heal'Jl of tba daabing -volunteer; their need lm aod quiet for training and disci pline. - - ' What tbrir troop rwjuir oora already bare, Tb only qweaun av akaj w per- rait tbeaa Imtoeaaa tnaaea of tnea to baeH lima to (Mtfbct their military training", to rva through th camp diaeaaea, to beoom praetiowl marttmen, to acqair I ha bardt kaUta of Vetera na, baloro ttrikt a dect- airo blow I Shall oar own aolUiera let too canker worn of nuMta ealer. their cam pi Wo fowl earo thatooUimjr Ml lb t'wM miliury arceaaity ooold baro ladooad tb Uoeeramaat to bavo mtraioM tot optra tiooa of tla rotomao army. . It believod that iba eommaadlag General Jovoared aa immediata lvaaco, and that the O or era meat, from aom good reaaoa knowa Valy to iuclf, kaa prevented a motemenL U a i not propoae ta'cnll ia rjweatWw tba wia tlxo -of lh 0orMa9efll ia thia fnetlvv. With iu aboadaht aattrraO of latormatioo and oppftrtanitiea tor aeqairiaf kaowledga. not only of oar owa poww and roaaoroaa, but thoa of th enemy, it roak bo pro umtKloii to cJia!Uoi ita bllibiliir. Uut it ia a aeriooa bttainra to .fatraia ike a dour and tntkaaiaam of ach aa army on account f any rvaiona that apiiaar oa th ortic of agirtu Two or three month 1 ar lt-fi u when the eatnpnia will proba Uj cJ.tte on Mie Virginia frontier, and th eat of activa war pa transferred to the Houthera aaenatt at..! the Lower M'aia aippi. f th enemy ar permittl to rf main for that leftgtbrof le aeeorw 10 WitJiinjjtan, they will kava fortioad ita h'4iiHr to urh an riUt M lo tw-rmil i VKS4fwriiua sit to U 4vte4 wariUi -Mt-olh-Uiaii.a,, ryuriii i .i::. 1 ..t Dqni uiMa force on our jarU. ' Tar Uaaai Kveajaf ieanal aVaaaarmf tao laakf .laalali- " , JU. Taratow Waco, who ia knnwa, from hi intimate relation with Stwaaa, to kav a view of matter at NV aahinoa which ibe public generally lmenot been permitted to uUiftra ll.r following ttrong, and einpbalia artkU' about ibe war. Thurtow ia edroilj to ba4 iiuroor, and com plain that th preaant Cabinet do aot cotnpkad tb great iat uea of ta hour, and hat her a treating thia' whole war aa a grand frvltr to brin-fit faroritra rather tb wrtt pwrnah the ennnii uf oar coon try. 4 He propound to. himelf tbo tnlereotmg tntrro8atory-' nbetbrr it ia a real or a inimic r," and proi-eed to anWrr it na folUiw : -wketbr J Senator Hr-rkrnritle, who, aa it U al Ujtml and- behvl, waa doncr-rncd ia a oo pira-y - to aria th capitol iu February 1 ana bveoto in neat 01 a protmionai go-v-minntt afirf doing what mtarhief be could at Washington, attempted, to vlrke the pH'ie of lUltiioore' to a renewal of ioUmw And tit a wa permitted. Th prearnce bf fit, or at 1 regitnraub rMuired 10 preaerv tho parof lUhimorn. Aad yet a knowa nod awe4 onemy, to tiino of rwuft l-lnd: to go tberet and a lHdliu.haragttw .ioPir-r rgfoywfararnWaU-f'i tided, ad fow L'nioo mU wer aide j ronu rtt.r vohx of ibe lrttor. ttat nhy i wa be nt arrmtMif p here, and wbea. 1 1 1 itn the hHtory 4hrKeM4n I Il 4hrtWM.i, n.re nrrh ow HM.y ao-f ' ' To L'.k at k u ir ' tlx' mmmfli. f Brorkearbrgo T How Tfc wouM IWia kmat of tho atorm of iodignatiou that W f Kaptdeoa bavo riaedj if ho had dealt thaa nhout buratlkg forth upoo tbo bead of tbo tendevjv oilb bia aneto ina liVbal would jpajrtioBU M Waabrngtoa, aad tm Ua tWaator WiUoa if b aUutd t ktmlt, aatam ha iaaogurate a aw audierw, j,dnr of thiag and iafoaa oaorgy into tbo tw a veoiur into rWntitfalerntorf f, u7lTeWdepaii aad Indeed, Uo-iiKXKrrptteocy of a portion of tkopmaait nni concaii wt . itui ltr tu olT uf uting ia ruveraew W ' bjve ' 1n fonvd -into an onrtatweai lupactiy auo erny nre nni vapi Jd ndTkeigttilBdgvt ide, nbtbt aaaaimny an.1 fotbwranr dra - irri llw other. Throkulking uiia- j i aa- ,i a a anU nrownd Arhaeloo, Amanita, rair- fai,d:c who kol our artttinrk wh-n brought in n rfcionrra, ary rrlttrdjm la king the oath of alh-giaoc. lining trait ora. who krt-p tb enemy informed of all our movvioeoU, ;, reaiJa untmdMrd In Waabingtoo ; aod Jintil ' verf rerentfy. If aot aow, occupy deak ta aoto of tb do porlmenU, recritiog pay froth tb Govern ment for betraying iuaecAta. - ; It b aeedleea to aa that thi 111 jodged and ill-deaerred forbenraaco mboldea traitor aod dwhearteaa iryal citiieaa. uf f ovry .aof 4W mmftoftolU to aty oav' are any if nitk tmpltulkat (At W i fioa of ikimyt it naeaJurui aW wiTf aof U eWavWL Tkbj laralef of tko otbtr ;. ckk to tkt miter noat ecaaa. Mor than :; oooagh of tkcN batailiatioB war oodtrod " ' , baforo tka war axiatod. Wo moat now bar aa aye lor aa tyt, tooth for tootfa, ' r . Uov for blow, and Uood for blood. "-Aetaal war, all tko aovoritlol of wblck bava kooa vkiiud opoa Uaioe 0Mo.kaa etiaUd for a tkiM of ra, ooatlof aoif : mora tbaa tkrao' Uiowaaad tiros aad bmto ' tkaa a kaadred milliona of dallarav Tbo proaecatioti of tko war, ca!!a for atil! frea ;JZ ef aacrMcoa. Maaawkila boaiaeaa ia par alyaed, fwopoHy defraoiated, and - labor -ajtreqirtd.' Tko avtferiag and pooaluoa ; of war matt not, tkeroforo. b all 00 00''"' ' id. ' Wkoa aacb-mo a -Bmekaorldffw oho aiMottf jra, nfrrirg 9? rpboilioo, if tko UoverOajioat doe aot daal with tkaaa lb peoplo will. -;' . ,J, ' ' j, lit enemy atrikaa wbororor b sad weak aad defeootlea point If Uaioa 1 vieor ia np, a javalm ia thru at kr it: if a . earn ia foond oa our armoor. ita woarer ia pierced. Privateer, to our great akamo aad greatrr aaooyaaoe. era ia with aafety captariog oar mertbaM abipa, aad caaaiag conatrnuuton ia our coMiaereial dliea. Wo held fort bamter, but allowed rvbak ia reach of iu guua, to ooaatrvct. tko for lift" catioaa and batteriea to whicli it waa aar rendered. We bold Fort llekroe, out ia ' reach of it gwa permit tko iaetny to ta " tremJi aad lorrifr. ; W bavo a oavy a anvy which, ia otbyI rr ware, waa not onir oar mean of oa- frrm oar pride and fjory--bat tho tef" ror to owe eoemiee, v What ha that aary I. done, arwMrt'-tA.u -doiarfHhrwct-i t hn war I Una it renxJerwi tho bloekado ": efik-ient I Ilaa if achieved -gbry or won taurvta f 3 Wkr along tbooiil tided. .fod.., elpoard conat of rebellion, ' baa tho aavy' mad iu atarkl ' Wbera and ia what way baa it aaaoyed and barraaaed aa f ' I H: aot liroo, wo ak earnestly, that that war abould aaaorao all th foatarea and Inflict all tho' peaallie of war f Caa tho Gov- -t raraa adbrd aay longer to invent miti- . gatioaaor mdoigo aympatbic f -lira aad apktt moat bo imparted to tko war, aad leaf and coandoaco reatored, by a radical reform ia thia reapecL Tho ooomy moat bo -truck at wkoroeor b caa ho hurt." Ea poaed plaoea-iattM attack, all along tho - eoaat. "flip-Carolina,. Georgia,., Florida, J, At, eitbr or all of which kutaa baro harbora, vilagcand ' cofioat falda. at ' our mercy, ar not een mentioned and t iatlead of boing rrqulred to defend Ihem ' eltea, tbet aend their fegimeoU to beard ui a!mliu aigbtoflhe CapkoL We f anvot cloao tbi deaoltory but earn eat arlK.1 ht4ro tkao b aahjoiabg tko follow tag oiuwct from a Uttor worn aa oati aet Amertcaa, at rocavod, aad dalod , UiM,7aly 24, 1Mb - I bop aooa WWear of vlgwioo aotiba ' iu ile Held, and trtgorou action out of it, opoo ail tratorv reoplo wllh whom I -coavrra oa the topfen, oa both aid of the rkaaaei don't know wkat to make, of ikao reapecu, aad ioqoira if ikia bo,, jMaJf aro aot hanged, I ,,it, Ucra in lb war of rir aieorinaL - 0J I m naoo lU tthaa' nmUdiiie !och ciiterpttaet jhoalj JtuaJiM that a fatal .. j . reutt iwaiU lbn The fj rorkrfaWrpubmbeil irovinirir. ccd article, and add : ioa.)jtu loea ol .lJU cooatry. Thy kava Ml the font of mill tone upon milltoaa thro' IhtoVnicWnt-y of lha' Uockale, and th"" f-t that.' with tb oiroptbm of th abort a iT UillU'it campala of Gen. MoClel Ua r in AVeafnin' Virginia, and th aimreaa of ao our fcr' rvrrjratArrr. For all thia tkey nattier noma oaajt Waahiastoa ahtagtoa raopoa aitiiw. A' tula of vata baa traced it to . - " th bead of tkatdifieroot departmenU, aad it i aot at oil aurpriatng that thodemaad for a atop to thia bor'a play ia becoming aoirariiral that vo Thus low Word aboalJ bo compelled, to apeak out io deiiv ' tonea, declaring that ock proceeding will ; notloafrr be endured. L-t th aalbori lira at Watiingion uit heed ia timo.".' Tbo rablto want ao moro 'ltlg Belbeks Hull Raaa, or even uch i'augbter na bate . foal them tbo gallant Gea. Lyoa. The ?f . T.Tlnu aaya the U Ichi.af by ! Uaaa. waa la Ina taaka of ta faeaigm reciategta. . ' .'?-i!'!4f'W.1..'

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