J :i a.1 4 .- . , ...... - - . -.-. '.-.. . ill 11 i ------ i---, ivi I, ,u i i) n - r . i - .... -j-, ...-yy. l-u.i, -tt . j - . , , ', . ,. ' ,. i .j mil -J i .i . irio r - m11 uin ' ' ' . l. I ,i 1 . Yd L. XIX. ; ' : " : ; & SALISBURY, N. C.;t SEPTEMBER 2 :1861.X i ' NUMBER 05. J.J. BUUNER, EDITOI AHD ?R0PBIET0R. TERMS -1 -If oopyy $2,00 K t eopiea, $.) T.-:i ep., $15.00 rtNt'lin ten. in the aam pro i'..h M. caca. ravnicot alwaja in the co.vfedeDatetax L.y U e nnnot M epar room for it set rn: iv, but by omitting all that j-art pro iJio,f far the' Uix of Treeawry note ie' rct-iai bjow all ' that " rt Ute to tA. It will be well for eerjr rron u pr.mre thflr rp', tr H will be In "..Ii -Ic rifattknrtu tit i'ww 7Vm wry tiVi, rt lo jtroriil m War Tuif? l'r,r rtJrmjitivn, Wvtinn 1, 2 nl 3. i-rohly fir i!o . olHk, retirvtnable r.n ihca.ioti of a Trtr cm IVace. 1 1' iiiiii.'tioh uot lt lliMi :"' Tleceiv 1'. iti I'-uiru'tkt of a'' public Java eivpt il i;-rt djij on caitun. ai to fuint 1 it, and for oth-.r j'trrpv"!-, ilia i ; . Y Un K barin 8 j-r nl, irt.ret i t:c. 4. TUt fjr tb apitTiT'uTji.Vr j 1. ,ti,' lL riuctal aud tuUtl of tlv ;;-fTir?tKrBd ""of aopport tn"t h ,L:u;ii!t. a a or tax Ui xw-.d and itiK.I of fifljr cL ojKn each out bundfl i in taliw wf tb j4ti0if l'Kjierj '.a ttilJnldvrate "ftatee, namvJy-: '-'"' 1: ii fvut t a;i Ktna: iuhi; u;rr,u j r ; ,tk UvcV; raiffoad aud wilier e ; -''.! .?! i money ai inifMi. tn mWuaU in l nrtb. ; t-, tiid ythcr cBrrti tr H-ny. . . ;4 llie bnd tf th'ftjt'oijfederal Slalea A'Ovnca, and raU.iu band, vt on d-;-'il in lai.k or cJxmhcr; calilo, LoiKa tuu!; gotd aalebva, "d al ail r j,at ; piano ; and flcaure etnff- : I'r n ,Ji, boacter, birii tbe tatable f.Mpeity, beretn aboe ea(niatlt of any b-d of a family ia.of enlua leaa tbaa fi I. jn ifvi JiilriutbUiUe property abail W nui4 from taxation uud.r tbia acl ; , vil rvW erfaVr, t!it tbe pr optfty of i.;U",-e timl ?bo4a, and of cWtabie or r tioa rjoratiooa oT w-iaocwiiion act at. v um1 for t!m purpcbf bih aucLi Y'j U-'vm, oorporatloas or acia' ; i. ar created, aball be en-mpt frora . i (?iio un Ut tbia act jjjud pridtfe' J lLr, that all pobiic lao7l aa.j all prtrjierty oned by a Slat lor publio porpoert W v- nipt from taxation, -- r SfcC 5. - Ibat for tlfl purpoaaof accr Utui aU property tacladed io tbo aboto and lb al lUereof, aud tba per- tb'fTa'! arilt-ti -Ut, eacti M ..!...?...; r .bi.J. L&:i U luiMBiaJ n L ref colltrlor. ho .bail be cbarg-d with tb duty of divid' i,f tbe Stati uto a eooreiiteBt numbrr of co.iilon iktBbj-c.W.Ui ravUal f "lolRtofaillbaap Kt, and .ball boW bia ollice for 0' yer, and r ia a !ary d" to thotlaaejd dob lara.- lUab.H bond wrth" wenrttwu to dieb:jb djlliea oT bk iofl5c5 f.ttc "anvMHrf am may ba pre -elbed by tb fiec reWf of tba TreaWyV and aball take oath -ft.tt.fa5iv;"-tiidiacbarffe tb H utie jf bk ortiw, bd to optet and detd tba CoU- 1 jwrtuijoo,- I oa - aawi- - imt-""! ttb the approbation U im 117 . . - . . - -'. -- - . -t hraiilay oi.-ovmf -,f .3 .Urn UWU io Grinded laacb I t ad in aacb of ll abora.iDeiuionl r J ui W tU roWtbeHtttawdeflbereor mu aeoiat wF oaakj are i pgaaaion tWraof ; aad io (.f ler thereto, tha aaxl ta CQliecwr may appibt aaaiatora, abb .- aball . pvooeed alrvngh every yart of tiiepectiva di tiicta, aodafur pullks botioe, aball require all person owoiaj, poaio, rhariog the car and mao Jemeat of aay property I.Ue to tb tax afomaad,U deliver wriltee ru of tb' tame, wb'ic aball b ma-U la aocb manner aa may be .required b7 cbif collector, aad a far a jafcticohN coojormAblttotboae wtkb may U rtir: '! fo tb aam purpoea under lb aatbor ity of the f eapectiv RUtea ; and the aaid rora ara" authorised to 'teter ;.Tbto aod fcpoa alt aud ainjuUr tba premka tvt tbe . Ifaay poraoa aball ot b pr- - T' 1 bitbibit a written lt waen reww an 1 tLa.'t m,Jt A,iMbt todkeloa lb parttc- olva f taiabl property wwaed or poaaea- i iy aim,' or unacr nu car o cer to rortt d lUt, Wh UtojdUttaot Ij re4 and oamuKhI to, tball U nosi Skc. 7. Tnat if raorVan deliv rr or c)o to dj colltctor omcmot ppuintt a puraaanco of lka requirinj a lut, aa altirtaaoJ, any faUo or fraudulent Jut, with inteat to tfat or cvaJa tb valuation or Bumralka Itnby inteodml to be oiada, luih pereoo, K otfea diejf, aball ba4mI (a a turn not rioeeding flv baadNsl dolUrt, lo ba rrcovrd iu any tourt of onropaUot jarMhlictioa. . Hue. 8. Aa jprnwa bo lat1 fail to df livtr to tli collector or aMor a list of bit taxabla fworMMlj at tit tim tcribd y tttm, Uiall W ial4 toik JoobU'US nth oa all hi taiaMe npar ty, tha mid to be aeeM4 by tha culltoe or an-wuor, and lo ba collected tk the Mine manner and by tba Mtnc proem at ia bertia protidud aa to t! (njl tax. - - , - $r.c 0. Tkaliet aball be made ia rvferHiee hr the value and aitaathm ( tbe r oif tv .'ii ft lbf firl dey of toU-e neat, and !in!I be nW ut, ompb ltil and drturred ift the hl4 or tath-tJ tna ta crtlcUre uu - , . . 1 w " - - mm lirl lfvfnlcr, har tad dt'-rmme a'l ap ,il from tli' Mid aenvut, a wrt! i apj-licatMne fr tUc teducttou of a dmb' til, aln e aiKh tax ma bare lir incurrol, to a tiugtg U ; a hich Jcti-f unoalwa Until l final. Skt. -,'Th?f ra tax rrtlirrtor h!t oa or brfra the firt day of F fruvj en unjf, furrih u the rUiet 4WUr of tbe SuUi in wbirb bi diatritft ta aitutiwd, a rrrrt and ,WMjJh4,of aU lb a mnt mi3 upon cc& prn in Ki di tfkt. and f tb aaioonl tf thf tai t l tmid tnr awtdi i-erwn. jve ifrini earb.id- l Wj.Aa ; an-i tue.a cnu i and frw.wi the coll itel UftoUUiair.j tart of the Treasury. u... 11 TkL 1 ...t ,tLw.t.w ' bail. 00 the firat dy of Mav neU proceed . vf cr.t.im tbartto, tba folWct" aball 1 to collxt fVwia every p..rvo lUbbi for the chae tb aama i behV of tba CoWer aaid tax tbe amounte aoveratly due an4 't Statea U the amount afcreaaid r Vo owU.2, and ba aball previously -fi im rf. That tba ooatr or operinteadent bpuliiaWinJiat.ic Wo,., in at baat ht pablif pW I. Wwl Var"e!ee each tow whip, ward or witbm hU ooA hhlpJMT"n dtrlct.of.the time and placo at wbUb btba a-rue ; 00 tb, M&m top7tbe.a..K.. haWlU tU duty of place: 7roeu4 aU, tba . 1 -.r.' l.i .l.:. j.. xrotori or admtnntratora. or tho collector, wupiw iweaiy j wo Brat dayiiof lUf .Wd.Vlf bie deritie. toWkvt tba tald U byJ-j free of too iraon " of tbe-oClfcf charged with tha colVcUon bb) beir or aarjJW ff ' .... 1- -i .AiHitki ; l. aiu-h Mrcher. with 1 10 maxe, or casrfo 10 oe w-5-Vr4-i , . . Uf tba pood rcbattlea bkb . bi. '.ZtZlZZlLVZ dWtrall, . cpy ywaf M TaJTicer makin2 audi tfiatrea-v U rbaUlre or etf-cta. or at bk or Wr dall- ul the time and plaoa of aatc; . ana w totrr.inartb-HV Tio-rionb?iiWfa nUwoUWicpleciieafeWtb iountr if not eieof than mihr utnar . V ;.,l,'.IU!h,! ft. r-T' i, ...1.- a nrla IO utauainra i v - - - - . , :lL--- -Mtaaew effiorr charged fell amount demanded, together wilfc acb fee for levykj ao4 aoca ror in ey 4av and roaUa tipeaaa to,rmoviag ao.dirfmiaed, " . V! eiaea by tha lw or I- f tb wberaio tb di-rm aball ba;.beeo mad . bat iaMoraoaiyn 7 arreaaU. tb aaidoffioer abaU proceed lo pablie aoctkm, ana auu t .. 1. r nh aaia tba amount sutei, .ah th J.rr". axpenae of d-trea ami - " m2ioa of ara par centum tbreoo U kje owa a rndna?. tba erlaa, if aay r.a-ect. h!TU" baea dktra.oed: PrWel Tbet it Thn not be lawful to rCakTdktrala of lb. took or impkmeoU 3 xXTfUut of tba plogb, and (arTDlaff fcUnaUtf. Aacoaaary for tba cultivation of Improved landa, araaa, or neb bouaebold faraitura of apparal aa toay ba aeomary for 4 family. X . I Ssc. Ii. Tbat il tba tax aeaaeJ.oa any real aatata aball remaia 'anpabl 00 tb 8 rat day of J a no aeit, tha taJ eollactor of ihedtaukt .vhereia.lbe aama ia ailoaUd, aball, on tba firat Monday of July tboraat tar, proceed to aell tba aama, or a aufikiea rr thereof, at publia auction, lo tba blgbaat bidder, to pay aaid taxea, togatbaf with la-eoty per oantam oa tba amoaat of aaid taxea, aud opete of aala ; aaid aala lo ba at tba court bouaa door of tba ouaty, or parnbi a herein aaid real rUt ia aiUatejJ, and,' if tbero aball be mora tbaa onaconn ty or pitb io a diatrkt, tba aaid tax col: lector ia authoriaed to appoint deputiea to matte eurb ! in bte namo, a be cannot attend to hirtml; and, lor all landa eo old by aaid deputtr, tba devl, aa brrcia after poVtioJ bvbaJI be eMiuted br Aid vll ctor. and ncb aatea ae made aball U ralid, h, tb-r tU real eataUi ao eohj abatl hS aHaiMl mi tU aama of tba true owner or at; Put tii alt r eaea berr llie property eltall not be dimtble o aa to enabfe the colb-ctor bjr a aatefof p ' 1 to rnivi Uo boU amount of t ilb all ccs chr an-1 comiio,' the wboleofauf'h pjw rty aball badd,hd he urpTu tbe ptveed ft tba wle, nfter aa'kfTia the t , coi, cbarjee and rwinirtoiii, aball paid to tba oeioer of tb priperty or bi fetfJ reprWalatiteir V. if be or they cannot beloaadror rtfuie U t,lra tbo eame,tbeaudittrplu aball W dvoHj in the Traaury of U Vn fe lr-tte Statee, to be tbrre Md for tbe tMa oFlbeToSaW Ue legal r1meata tier, untll lta u ibry aball maka.applica ticn thrr-tt to tbe S-Warj of tba Treaa ry, bo, upon ao b apptiealioa, aball, bjr van ant 00 lit- TWnry, caie tba aame I be paid to th applicaaL Aad it the projirrty oar,I for tale at aiotoaaiJ,. can not be aotd t"T the amount of tba tax due il.w. ith the aaid additional tveoly 1,1,5. f f S frty to redm any "fJJ-M Tu tbeWber. Jmp amoaat paw iaiernt f"T tba ...... ... ...laie Jhiaaiffaaava MlbB j W " 7"":! " ULi f further, tbU w Ua tha owner any aami t""- t ;- " , , w i-.t ttmii i y - '7 - -rE, !, ! tin cha'ST. ARU m .aury wo v. .... axecoud aad pWl or, Mfa M tbe time ana im j-v... ... by tbe collor rerpectrvely, wUbia whoa JT 11 anch real eatat ahall be aituated. or, la cm of their death ar ra- ruoval from ofUoe, M weir ancaaaaov o. . a 1. Mirefaaae naonaf. or ftre 5bw a MBHrit tUrrefor, If already paid. r. Uw aa aball be authorized and recited bj tb IWC of tha dr. e..L M1.e tbe law of tbe State ia ... I .11 liaaa Cwa maklDtr. xecutiai. prorioj .eod; aUaowloUinng . .. .A:...;, and aaIorotbreonT- 1 .u i,analer and ooovevaace of real eaUle, acl fc vry dd ao prepared. a4 Moved and acknowledired. maML i,v.ia 1 - - - .-hee, collector UM mum - v - ' r rJUxtor. marabal or other per jr. tbe aak of the real faute tbewby coeveyed. ' Tba ecmmkaiona here loader allowed to tach eoUaetor iball ba la full aatUfaotioa of all amioat raodarad by them. , Tbo aaataaora appoiatad aoder tbem aball ba aa titled to tbraa dollar for vary 4 nployed la tnaklag liala and naaaaamanta under tbia not, tba aamber of daya beio; carti&ed by tba eollactor aad approved by tba ebW collector of tba Btata, and alao fiva dollara foravarr ban drad Uxabla peraooa eontaioad la too' fata aa completed by blot Md dalirarad to tba collector t TronJtJ, iTbat bea lb owner 0 aay real tatato ia nknoa,or b a nan reaideat of tba But or tax diatrict wherein tba aama la eitoated, sod baa 00 arent realdent in aaid diatrictj tba aaaaaaor iLall bimaalf maka ot I liat of ioch real aatata for naaeaMfient, V''"' ''' V- ' Sara. 13, 1 4, 1 and lo provide for keeping aeparate acoonota at tba Trtaeury of each ' aubject of taxation, collector to give, bond Ao, to r'p dopneat recalpta, ke . icrf 17. Tba taxea aaaeaaed oa each pervma aball ba a atatutory I'tea for one year upon all tba property of that peraon in KvH-rance to any other Dcu ; too aaia lien to take from tba firat day of October, to abich tba faluation baa relation, and tbe landa aad other property of any eolleo lor ahall be bound by ataUtory liea for five year tot alt moaera received by him for taie ; tbe date of aocb liea to com mrnce from tba time of bio reeaiving tba money. ' ""v ' ( ifner-18.- Tba compenaation of tba tax oolWtora aLall bttJSra pet ctaUoa lb fira t,n thoutand lollara vroeived. and two a&d " ' half rwr eeaL on aU auma bevood that anvMit t, until tbe compenaation aball ranch 00, Uyoad w bkb no tartber ooapoa tion aball U paldV T ISkc. If autborixea tba CeCTatary to frame inctraciioo to ooltector aW. 8to. SO. Corporatioaa art ialeaded to be embraced aader tba word "prto" naad im tbia act ; and wbeaaver tba capital atock of any corporalioo i retaroed by tbo 00f Mratioo 'oae'f and tba tax cold, tha atock 10' tbe band of iadividuala xampt ftom Ux ; and a Wo all lb real eatat owned hr iba eomoralioo and naad for camrioxT on iu buatncaa, aad tba capital atock of all eorporauoa aball 0 retaraao, aaaioa ma ymU W7 ab .r abaitvaa, and not by tbo individual atocibotdera,- Tbo term -mercbaodiaa" k deaigoed to ambraot aU (Toodx, warea aad mrtbadia bald for !, axeef A ajricaltaral prodncU .of tba Country, "il'mej; at latareat W 1 iateadad to- tnciuda tbo nacipal aam of all mouoy brlooi0( to any paraoa other tbaa a bank opoa which inter! paid or to U paid by th owor, aa itm aama atanoe an taa tint day of October, t Tb term "cattle; bone and mob" k intended to tBctoda atlaaeb animal a ai a raked for aala, aad not aoch a ar raked merely for bad aad ovk 00 tb plantation or farm where tbey are iebi. TbaleriB -real eataU k mtt ded to iaduJ all landa and estate therein and all iiitertaU growiaf tbcraoui, Jnda-dm-x rrkV ridgf, mioca aad tb Ilk. and ia aU caac tba actual CQ VUUU val ue of tba iwperty ktob aaaeaaed. ITba romalnaef of Ma act proywea altte for aoanUtfeiuaff tb Treaaury aotot iudbaptUaWlowmrl-T ' Sc. 24. :ifiaSuta aball,n or for tba Utat day of April BXt, 7 l Tranry notcf of tin Coo federate Btataa, t- the tatea aiaeed anintt tb cUkena of och Stale, Ira: tea per ceoUa it..nww. -if ihan ba lie dult Oi to orvrw tafyoTitJiaaryto tba aeveral ui couecvor 01 mkm thereupon their authority aad dattwndt tbk act aball ceaae, ""7"- air "ldi?r jnan than Scrttbe.tween irV.1 k llta ferociir. wblcli las inrttJtawd witb bti yearavlelitthign cat eAmmednatiod. lit It ytt to win Ittl firtTliattl?- In Uttinj tbott .Ttt f Jarrrnder.be COet tO t Sad place ?prctoHea.-i?c W'Ay. VrrrwW nrxx. The Cbarlettoo xf WretiW mentlont a JS-poond rilled Ctnnoni or wrougn iron, it, rnnfrv of lletara. Cameron & r -- - ; - u-x , . , Oi; In tbat eity; and;J3 powd gon rifled at ibeiame eiUOitanmenx. Pma.Ur. A.U.Toml!nxon, niwmTrton. ; N. C' baa pat op, a r' a . " machine, to ran by steam, to ina. boo peg. Which tne wnia ua avi wayt heretofore been content toboy from tbt Yankees. -m- ; TU Tani-TT iWf err.!;!: J to poblUh tbt followfc extrtci tV:3 letter KrceiTtd J ia cZztt Ij tl) CJoDfodertU' tna 7, ' tsspcriri! Ia TMchmond. from bis brother. La Eil- tlmore, Ute4 ' S4 InttaaL ' .It ;rUl "I araa In Hnatnn whoa tJia rmT of the root at Vtntats wti recclrci. Tfarar. I a bit life, hara I Itairi xocii cea u 8txta ttrttt rcz:zr d: tha dmdIs venL nrtad ssi fowled. AdmloUtnttioo ptpert bxi lodj Uiem to baHert thartbab tro&li of touoj; bet preciptute rttrc-t 1 tut appearand of uaeie pssi ?rand Armf.' " Indeed. khT reillf were, uhavmod bf4tha South, beHar log them a mart of cowardly scoaa -ditU. Tbey eotild tetreel credit tbt nw; bot, wbto erery lacccedlcj deepateb twtlj confirmed-the cra- Ttooi oner, aaDoaociog uta root of tbe Federal, their coantenancss ezpreaaed tht deep etDottooxperrf- dinv tbalr hreaata. and ttttarmfica all grtn to their feeliogt to tht Bftnotr . above written. 1 epens urea wetsi in tbe Eaatera' BtiaxaiL and frota ao- taal.obnerfatioo do tot bellert'U poaaible for Uen. beoU to riles Ut 400,000 men. The tWOrOOO.000,1 know, U not to ba raiaeo. 1 tell Yon, ninalAntha Af tlu anllxllav do SO only to eT thenueUee froca tur X vaiion, ion mmj iwr w uiw, I bare been among and talked wi& tbt people of wwr Suraavtad know wbereof I write. .BoU Baa waami gloriooa day for tbt 8outJv-Pr6Ut. be to Uod for it r 3 r-Vt Tira Naw Otaxurs BaTtra RiM-Tht same parties who arrircd at Now York from tbt Booth, tad girt tbt jnformatioa of Gen. FlUowt moVement, bart abjo fornUitd tit Va Ynrar nommexcial With tbt fbl lowing deecriptioa of nottl ia plemeat oc. war in ten ecu wvjrcia against tbt blockading fleet! r At Algltrs t loimidablt IzSni meat of destrocUoit it beln prti ed. and was tzptcted to beUnnclti abont the 20th.. Theto bottD:cc!i Train, built in Cotton, aad est cl the moat powerful togs of her tlc has been conrerted to a porpceso ver Intended by btr botldtr. cr by th t gentleman wheat name sbt btirv . Hit opper;-poitios of tbt boat bri been cortred with railroad iron, aad perfectly sbislded from thtticicf an ordinary cannonade At tbt bt a ram hubeen eoostrocttd. Tbt bow has been built oat to the dtcst ci fire feet, beavily IVamed fcw0i Ua bet; andtben coTtred with heavy wroogoi roetat, , . ...... At the extreme end a fcrtilalitlJ row of ironroj aTtnon.leneatrTiJts rep ssa ct 7 noath tbe anrfaca if "'tba 'ttU twXF r atrong grapples hara been arrtr jsi ao faahioned tbat upon coUlvIir 3 wii a abip tht claws will fasten Into tbt aide of tht Teaael and take a.Crn hold: Protected by tbess grrr?I; . is a manner ot oalikt aa IzzzzX s Unco or sting, there projects aa tv gecconnected by means of LcTirr witli an Jn4epcnaeniciacsis8cai3 Wr ThI inxtrnmeat la'latssdsl U operate as follows s 4 Upca tit at lacbment of tbt grapples to tit tK? of the atUcked Teeaal, tht arrtr wia be set in rapid mollon and tort its - - an- vea J f atay Into tht siaa.' tv nea oce (.&.- bat been forced tbrotrA tbt a-r can be wilbdrawn,-aad by czzzm ct Independent axle, tbt pes. ca wi - m la.Aai r bt cnangaa ao aa ao M other part 0 tbe sbifv C. bcrlr- boles rspwiy ana iircw w: alnk the TetaeL Tbe boat will bart ax raw of aix men, who will be pro tected beneatn ue iron root, ua p lot obaertififf tbt direction tiroc !t atnbt or. teJeeoopt. . ... . .' 'a : iTo 2Tatioal J7iww" A eca mlttee in New York, wto tare beta sctiog as jodges opoa lis qtcrJca of a national hymn, ta? 1 ?CT tbat they recelred twtlrs t re 1 mantscrtptf, bot tbat no c-a tf tliu was cocuderad worthy cf Crrlri Tbey bav tbereiort, rt'Jni t-ca their position. .-- - ' ffl;ot, ibea it ban bf tbe iluiy ou V

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