.1. 1t Wf Bl''OB.0ii lOiWl''Olilr0)?l' un Urn 4 -, r- .... ..... r -.';.' i ,y rttaitytfiiNff'ik.vr mm OEMIa 4.. ,,- X j V i1 1- 1 1' f 1 VOL. XIX. II -X ... . j . ,, a, e -4aa iB-i Verne, w . I A A n n r t - a j V) V't.V-- ; ii i it... i . h' . . r- W i' I i ' 1 11 ' ' rzt... ........ 1 ! '' aid MtoyamoBM TEBIIS M 41 Tm'o !, 1 , . $. ' f..'c.tHrt, . 14.00 - ,-.,-, .-.wi;nr Ua.ia U pro .5) ch. rTnnt klwart la KttKa ih IWtiaore Sa Aug. 2. Siecr t f Qttu ItUerV CxpeK- t.KTRS ,M0Ot, AIJW Z1.1M roJ JU UUcrM HM tr.lKi,,UiUf tfO" cJnJ at ow on board or brte Wah iatoa via Aanapolia, unmfr tor M . . . . ... ' - .L , 1V tijoJil rw4t iU AsatiMUo , n T.5r. Frta CJark aai Uattena UmUrdrd urn WaJaadaj, 4mJ Ol MkIiv, at 1 1 A M, UM CrirBr m tar: J'I J tV'rlf yttomtn araoajpirni .-e umiujJjte IWroav, CwL AWy t H W e ca4ttrJ tLirtjr gHM 4c4 "i thHJMfHl aUfrJ of MM isd tbtr a . tn'OA a-l lhr prUaa, OMf arbkb i cafjfiof ooito kJ4 Um Im Mi!'. Aio t Hgbl bU ad( ru aai a auruW f a!uaU iooka m4 Jt t rtvvdoi m Moat im porta! m4 iftit r?joictn j at OU Wit." at. AtrtiapotH cftff Ool. Mof,. faia4at at tbw aUlloa. ; TbT W (ivJ 1a Llt. WfMUl ai li Naval Aca4 raj, a-T taj ra IteiDg U cavU lor. It Irtaait af Ua CtataldM U Baitcmt WaaaniflToif, tJpt I. Ib Nt tMHtrtaiMt, kr abl and t- f-fJ ctbccra, kaa earofulljr atadi4 Um I of our ca villi tMtjoffaf tailiez Uw Ut uto.of sacfe frc aait va'l tcare. Tb ttftt&tloa to Uattrra laf a plaaaotl IwCar tjU aaooUaf of auJ .oiKa that bod Waoed tM &crMary fuoJ at th dispoaal of ika do partfiHBt, , aUV )rfrtioM r nada. Ai tbe o90peratioa of Um Wr Dtfori nwttt iii'cuary, otW prdimiaarioi r.piri tiuM fro indw aaaalU, oo taat u cut aul VIoiklar, ik Slik alL, Ual fit p-liltoo ailJ. X aiioca W pfh n t, vn4 Trf 4atkipatiutt of too trar(. ra-bt'i KaKirJ. '.. " r r1--..... n rj. paj,' 4p' wm rnf.' xopy f fe'.Ur frwui U Uu Awtaa f4rt.I at IU, llotrt i. Sewtt, fwiar - i.t of th vewacU Warin? or to Wa?o taal fori denaj a month, hh a faO deecHp- 2DIT01 hw mfonnauoo tho rebel unvateer haaefwa (D w."ooaeo ot fen utara too Ja CH fcr to J-oklar tboeo. vK atHj mi Banned ia the In voroeao B&:rgwrt-,U;,tha.eaglBO w twexaT vaaiao io the po 1 Uai. It io auted tbat all the food irub at Norfolk aro tipeaded J alee the W atoouat of foe. N Land-made prctmioa , cap veto I ,j u M aeeortaioexl that tho oP- t '') bea ttiipped freoi ooo of tbo pri. r (ti. bai k iJreVpoal) to.raniieh woto ! f the riiaonrctrt of tht eapa. They f v of t.Jef able good aality .(' lAbwhj the giao caiHorod vaja a larg ten Mi ClaroWed from tbo Tredegar, lclirnond, whtcb bad Bot beea anoatiUd. " Out vreri look three priaaa oa brig, the I Wry ai$odgtf,of Nov York od J'ifhl boaUbelotigiag (o tho U. Statea, bui the mployBoat of the Coa fed er aWwi'.b, nicel!aoeoaa targota. .A'gentJemaa OoaaeeTed vitb tbo lp jptioa rporu that the Faderal foroat Were Med ad drwa op Id llao ee tbo beach bet ft waa Land t&U tboro voro Sit "odor.CoL MrWbr,of.thaKow 0ih regimeoc ' At thW IhBO tbo id rMod a tuUo, aad h wva lea ad tm Kit4 to laad atoro troop. Picket vera 'anditely poatod,' Btdee oootraaad of 'nt Ider, of the rafwa. Aaceouag party, aider LUouCotovol WotM It4 liiiiTGrWsol, frocMdod op ilo boaca, captariaf otM ma 8oU doeo iia4 kanav Taabroo itaa advaaord to Fori Crk, vkka aad boto ovacaatad, Vat tat wroooajpalled to rvUro agahf oviag to itwaoaiia Brt4 Ironi tho Boot tailing laoro U, lad 4bjr narckod back , to tko pUot of taadiag kor UV binmadtod lor lW Early tbo ait awmtinf iboy aaia ro laraou, aao ia iieoieofliaMoota OuoiMrtf Inff tbo accoad fort, oiled Fort Uattorat, Inch aooo aAr.,d(plarad tba oKo Oaf aid tba luri watoatred br CaiA. Nitoa, of too Uakjo Coaat Gwrd ; UU CWk of Ooa. Dador't &. aad 8rjraal DoW Mav;Ta o.a4ctoJ U tfco taal of Coa. Barron,' Uk oonioade of ta OoaJadcrato fartoa. AHer aoraa profaro. wry ao4 eoapejMO-fiaco rmrka,ta Uoni-1 tnadoro oiaetd la too baada of Liaatoaaat CrirgU tbo foUoviag ropoakioa obiub bo laaaojiaUlj carrtod to (. DaUor : ,r . MBMOaalDCM. - riif nnUt Kmui iuhm n q oftm to tamadttr Ft Itattirraa, vitb ail tho naoiliooa of al. Tat ofSoart to U Sowed to go oat ohb Itda arala, aad tbo vat oitboat arioa o rtur, , - - . (SijBd,) ' 4 S. LUaaoN, Coa)ioBdin2ni1 Dtiocos of Virj(iaia a4rUi (4iaa. . t. oj CTta 'a aartr. I diptgbd bj Opt. CVoaJ. U. N,,aoJ MrmvrmmJ mm ;.. tWaj. F ButW; Uaju Vtom j niidMif t ; ailed Stat arat r w ropif to tba eomaauaicaUoo " of Santa! lUrroa, cotaaaodiof tWoaa At Fori Uat. tfaa, caaaot admit tho terma propuaiL- Tbo tarma o0Wd are tWwt : Fall ea4totadoo, tbo flkwra aad nr bar treatod a piiajaota of war.- No otbor Uraia admiU, Cn44uli ofiictfa lo OAOtt v booriTAa ibip Mioaaaoia to arrang dvUita. r , Oa iht rpikio of (Via tKa oomaiodort) cftd a council of war of bia Bold olSiwri, f aad aterpfod tbo trnot offtrod, arbfo lhy prooatdod to tbo Bay taip to arrasso U Tbo - priaaaara ":woro" tbf pot oa board tb Baf abip MiaaaoU aad tbo fort tak a tomomua ofc loo atarr ad atnotoa voro boiatod from tbo fort Ij CmpL Craa br, of tbo U. S. X, aad LmoL CritffW, amid tbo cbotrt of tbo treopa aad tba ag of tbo caaaea UtoJjr ia tbo pot oftoo totoij. . . . t. 8. CaAartuo Stkahib AbsUIoc, ) ia i la obodieoco to your order I have tbo booor Lerewiih to foraieh yoo a coa ploto hat of the voaaded pnaooor takea at tho arreader of Fort Uatteraa.- Tbo vbolo aaaaber U thirUea; aad ale- eoa of tbea vtto traoaVrrd to thiaktaaro tr br tboorder-of Flag OiSSoar 8ila IL 8triogbaat.Tb tow reaaaiaiag bmo ver boad to I two tetlooal lajored to pet nit ofltiioir befog oeod, had voro coo a-qoeali left ia tho tort la ebargo of a eaedieal officer,. '. , - .. ; Front tho ioloroatiof "vbkh I kavo to oat red Koa h crejWoUo arce, I bate fjrwiod tho opiaion that taaaf of tho vooaded nod, perhar, all tho kli'ed. weri aeat oa board tbo rebel ateamor ia the Soaad prior to tho oapiulauoo. Oal t vo killed, :jvara foond, aad they vera die- da of the oeaeoaf wo of theff jrtT I aaderUad from Sorgeov Wyatt and If C ttrovt totroerfy of tbetfcfc NafyTlt preeeat holdiog a meBmbwKio la the army of lb OafoJeraU tkate la Wge Of tbo T modjcal department of Fort Ilatto ra aad CUrk, aad i UeuL Mardogh.of tho U. 8. Naey vaory badly ioiarod, a fragment of a aholl atnkior bai forearm and ranking a coiupooad frartaro of both booea. . . ; ., : . - Thi reallemaa oacapod from HaUora prior to, tho aarrooder; ia the privateer Wiaalov. - - j:, - ,.t , : " , " WiJIoBghby Davi'a, aged tlt aatle of, North Carolina, Jooeehoroogh tiaaida, laeeretod floab vooad of iauerv not aerioee. Waa. E. Uark, aged 17, aaUto of N; Carolino, Tar.IUo Boy, laoeratod voaad a mch aad a half deep, oilaraal aorfoo of oppor uiat of looor third of n'gbt thigb. Uotag veU. : i ' - '. Jam A. Coooer. afd 29, aauvo pi N.C. Tar, Baa BoyV doepl p voaad, ievoMog dolboid saaacl of left boalder ; qaiu ertbo, allboogb lb jolat la aot beltoeod to b ImpTieatad. W, a. Aadroorf, of tho Ilamittoa Gaard lacerated voond,, hfijetingjuno aad Uroa left aoi f bhod. Ci too-. ' - - '-'' MaUkla Taoaager,1 aged I of lb N. Caroliar 0rfMlor--ivlad. wootd of f par fart of left broaat aod aock'aipoeto rating blood J afot ittach oooiOlatloaal di larbaoM. -:-i ' " Ivgaa UilK'tgad 18, tadro of Korta Looir Braoea, alight Bodt .voaiu), of mUdto tbird of loft kg, ottoroal aorfaoa. Wilaoa . Fotbo), Igtd XO, aallra of !f, Caroliaa, oacaboroofb uaaidlaoaraUd aroand,' aboot two aad ooo-batf iacttca lonr aad Ibrta loclta dop, ipoa part UJrd of thigh, fMotonorMrraeo. llenry IllotO, sgod tS, taJfO of Nortk ' Lrnolr Braaea, ariooalj UapraUd voaad ia tba loft aid. ; ' ' ' .: Z l'' C, DamUtoa Oaaidh taoarmtcd wot ad la kit aida. ' Job MiRa, 2J IS. "tirt of Xortb Carollea, Tar River Bon, voaad prodao- td by a (ragmtat of aboil, occapyiog poa- Xtnor aapect of forearm; joint porhapa iaspfieatad. v t Ifr. Gilbert Itoscraoo. aativt of North Carolina, Roaaokt Oaard,' contaaioa of riirbt IboU ooaWt rablo avvltmg, tot ao Fraixb MoorW. acd 3l, a aatiTt of North Cavoiiaal Leooir Bravea, riirbt half of frootia; yMk a portioo of aaterior lot of a a at ' m ' a' aaa'aa.' braiB, carried ivtj y a pteoa or aaen; voond mortal - - John Sfooriaf, ad 18, a tat ire of N. CaroCaaTTar-Ki W iVrr ootBpoad : aad rorfluliratod -frvctaro or loft arm. aad com- poaad fradoWof 1 tblgaTSndlMoH Tho aWeo aanted ov were pW-d bb der rb"ait after Ibo rftaxlt?r oT Fort Matters ion tba afteroocMi of the ?tb iaet. Tho Ivjorfoa vet ca Wl hf fra neU of betl vbieh tot oa'. lacerated, bat ia' ftta.ay,' if aot all the caaea, boraed lb toft parta. 7 lamtory telpeetfally. yoar obedioat eertaat, ,WM. U.KIX0. :";r"- - Autaat Korsvoo. v ' To rotnmaBUr 11, 8, Steolwagea, U. 6. Nay, eomoiaadiag aieaovar Adalaide, oo pectal aerorCO. k PEACE NQT FAttlOFFV ; Tlo Now York - Herald com, mentiog opoo tho pooiUon of Eng. land fo regard to tbo blockade, aaja: What fa tho dot of the Go?orn merit aod the people of the free Stated under tbeae drcotnitaneet t It it to pot forth ever effort to de feat the rebel arm in the next great battle. If Una h dotwv f icturv lor toe on ia certain, , too up. r W..?. um Ft- n el. Bell Kbs aod Devie creek it oot in rain, Tbe nt tora to wia lt rirhtfellf ard s od W toon heima i Am wiped oA md tkittingef Sou tkern tvptriority im 'mrmt txUvcted ixr AMaJjonrixTi uoictuTixr ' kmi worn tub Knroaurioy ot rcALi, lostead of cootinolng thi insane and ajcWal itiife fur the araiiment of a4 m ' '..earn JT A o V '" a Mgiatid It BBCf rpd'o ioa ay tbo natal poweri rturot. ' Ooe little ' victor and thn tht "teitorxUUt cf jxoxv" NVthert pride alone aUnda ia , the way n, peace. That eratifled, and tbe eui cidal atrife eeaaee. MT)ie next tarn to win ia rigbtall joara, the M llerald aa4 u the eootn wui ouo ly permit that urn," lUn arran-- eaaa a netita for peace win ne rnaae. not botrif thwiiext tern fail, aa did the three Iaat I Why. then, peace o bow. :-;v;' Ooe more battle, aaj then peace, made and concloded in Imlcpert dence Ilall, Fblladetpbia, will end M the amooemont of EgTand, France, Spain and all the naval jowe of tarnpe.'" - ' v- r-r--.:r- It the North aVold win on m tbe next torn" tkty will make peace, and if they iooe on . Uie next tarn" fttl $vrt they will tnlke peacJ bo we concloae, pew M otar pj ..f v . Rich. hn$nirer 77 Tgpet Y&dUtiMffet 04 War. Tbe tpoe of Savannah are doair oca of orgaalxlog a coapaa of 80 men; compoaod eotiral of priotera, to eerve dariog the war. Tboee M Kaigbu of the Stick" in other eee tiona, wbo wiab to jolo, will addreea Franklin BopBbliean offlcc, 8v yannab, Oa. Vo Hatan need Bp- -I- - - - : : . - j larM IvoMoil Wrvl Of fafth-Batlar, ft MrDent trnme-ii anil talaat Intnutl ' tiir ArltrW that AkA. atf.A ' Guarding tho betttteooa eattom gatO ' Cf ttf yoaog eildoa bukI ; ' ' ; Otrabadowing wuh the viag of peaeo ; Tbo Mcrod vallj of bocoe i - -Xoro (0ow4ng ever, vbtreeoortr ' Thy pilgrim cblil doth roatn' ' ' Tbea of tho baart and broW laagered-- : Wbrro earthly lovea are dim, i--t ', Aad aaaioo tBtguj Jcring aad apao.; ,i Hi apmouioea oa tun. in4i SSL' J.!,-. TLlloma of Jbe baart-. earthly 1 . v berdB oor awt haet etrayed, Boll vara aUxrt na the treeo two lJroeaih vboe learca vf plaol , The mmtkmt linycr on tho M ; . v To tho BagWtooet'cGBg ri tnoai,A fNUl koirha- the babbhnff brook IN bid Tbo mimic bridgo aooaaj-- Ileloro tbe door tbo thiWJvi aport, The brother bravo aod good, i Aad tbi asaoog the prove and bower , O theBM of prorata and of hope, v .. Our aatieo land oo high. ' . Aaad tho vemng daah of thia, , Thy buly ouiet Bjorta the eye, Jt . ThrrjdvWJlhrWvedlhmottheved-- Tbero bide the anforgiv to, . The afnlcvj aoota, aerrae and calm, . Each io hi prHeet heaven. Aad lookifif throogh the bar of even, VTe deem thetr anirl eye hTne a, by the hght that pour " - Ah. WKHber trneweh, rrrfai home Ah7rffrrrd lMbJ1a'ad' "7 fiiiniuiw the (retted heart U Too, Throurh, aI ihie weary laodl And oh, f oo weKbup aeroal LiCretufmotlrrer cocne, . It at to flod you aO for aye 1 Ood't eternal heeno. To koo oar Irad baik noorad allaat, The fitid teoipeet duoa, -Tbe broken boeodf of earth eha9 iDeet, Aad home and hearea be ooe. 1 ' NERO FIDDLED WIlltE B01U5 WAS BUUN1N0. The Sut JoMrnoL eo called, bnt trietl a pariy ebeet, poblitbed at IUleigh, and edited - by two foreign celebritiea, ba recorameodod to tbe Lrgiaiatoro, oo to District the State a to retaru each a Deuiocrat to Con greea. Whether tbe Legialatore will be governed byUii little and mean ajcgettion of tbe Jonroal, at a time likv the preoentj i moro than we koow, and care leu. JUUtwhaf uintt be the opinion of Democrat even if tbero bf eacb a party new in ex tat encf,of the patriotiam of the cooduc , wbu tbotf atttapt crenel dWUdo end tBinoettiee aroong the whole bod ofnative born citixvu who are tugaged. or ought Ui be engaged and Bulled la a death traggle for their libertiea, cemeDtod b. the atrongoet tiea of triendahip lor aeippreevreatioo I '?r'. I'arty-- i'lotider- Spoil and not 1'at notiaui appeara to u tbd gov eniiog priocfido of corUin iularla pert,- who for a lengtli of time have tugged at the inone "bdge - Of the buto, and rather, titan reliuqoith their hold would alnk the eouatry into perdition. What care they if ttie boiitu, aball win ur loae, if tbey can manage to retain office t Lio- colon, with the ui, will be quite M cepubte aa Pvi, Plunder U their -Newat repotted-aa poaoecaiog a few redtfeming tralti rould that o ruuch could be laid for tboee wbo, in a crii like the preacot, "would dutrict and divide, any portion of the Soqthern people. : It i Ute ver thing which .wwuld conquer the SvelK and tbnoe wbo advioe it are the zTMteittof truxlort, and tboald fortbwilli be aeut out of lb country. We bt'te, that the' man or' men, who ahall place bit or their claim, before the loiIe fr auy of3cet up on (tarty, pending tbU war., may be . . . i .J . . i ie. -f.l. ii eooaigaoa to eioniai luiamy, wuu an wuo lecommena iu . .it j f . . . e . ' . '1 v' xiere wnat tne rowrne aaia aa reported Id aa exenange: . . ' MTaehrageaTf the Auto late tea Caw graa-aeaal PieUtcta, aad lao fecta of Iv Beaalor, ie vera teat vil iei trtfy ttaho .... . . . a'd wt foelan. UI (eM) oa that ae. one at ae everleekeeV BJe eaeMO vo ortta Mr e U4 Urwamtia dafnrit e ee arafed fytra Dtmtrtit Krrrtti, hot Uvoooal geC taat v1 do tao ait beat ihiae BcoeiMe dale mU tee eoo eV Tba e. r way we eaa aeo e eeeara aaaaiMity ea.tkia eeetea ie f every eeiy le lmrm jfmmtrnt ae aaeeaVly ee peoaialo eW eeeo e eWl viaW Maw.; wMthr taaaW to t yioerie, ai; ibemfar aaeak oar ealiaMati.' We regret to letfii that lie 1V , lafqre Lm or it ff brolible will idopt the programme , pere , recommended in reUtrfctld tL Stifo,' tbp e dorlng the pfliDTlocipie by which, tbe, poJUicUc. of Uie Dewocratiaj ' party were roferoed l the old Uaw. on, tad ,bkb will prove. lo.be m. ctrte in: tbe UiotUerD CJonrodoraey. at . . a r w'-l 'l';. Df?rwaflJ-ParfcUT f3?flei tTTIi) IJncotfl gorerHmenl h'foj7" pea ibo nppijr or aioino Tur tbf Sooth, hoping oor tolditrt will ' Jio ;" raort rtpMlfof dioeatd. Ttt fnitda bark of the Dozwood root I a! moat ' a good a tonio as aaluine. and be lore uie latter came into nse, dog4 wood bark tea" waa a verr cdmaioa ' remedy with Son them people to tbe coontry, for the core of ague and f, ver. chll la, 4c ITd were ooce car ed of tbe old faahiocod "aLaklag ague'! by tbe no of thi tea, in s hort time. -The dog-wood trce 'ie uaiveraal at the Sooth, and famhlar' to all by tbe large white bloaaomt it ' bear in aprinir, Tons of the bark1 lata, be obtained Io Afaw wetiraud- -dried for Baev: -Ditr bp "the rooti.4 wwh, xcrape olTTllo fo ter ta tk, illen , peei lu ruiaa irom the wood. .., Z Uooo-Kt, wild-cJierr. taaia-root, &c aro cxcelleat t ic, and ail Ut be obtained in the South la aband dco. Tbe wood! aad fielda teetn with remedied to care maadiee,and -milliooa of people have been made wbole wiiboet taotieg one Imported dreg.v Let the fJoTemment vdvefv -tlee for tbeee remedies, if the import- ed kinda bare become acarce or can -not be obtained, meanwhile the peo-" pie mlgbr furaiah theai a donation, :,, .The commoo petcb tree will far. J Bieb a pargative or an emetic, at tbd decocttoB ia made atronxr or weak from the bark, aod tbe "old Jadieaf formerly Baed it in tbe place of cal omel and tartar. roV Exyrtu THE ttCABAilRUS PHALANX." Tide Ubb company jDrom ltooat Pleaiant,' Bndey the command of CapU Hafaa Barrier, n umbering 83, patted through thle! place, dne -da7v tbia week,1 on .their waj Itotbft fta-, dexvoaa at Warrentoo. :&Tby Brti-L ed bere oa Kooday evening j epent 1 the night with ui, and took their dtv y- part ore oa Taeaday; morBiag., , . V Tbe prcetaion of Cauriagea, Bug gioa and Wtgont, 'which followed after title conpan, at they march ed : throogh our principal areeta: neer. befoniwatwitne4odjnthit place, They were wemly received bt thw , citixent, aad three long and lood . cbeera were fgiven. for the gallaii corapanT, whed they arrived. Oa lloodtf Bight a fine and elo . qoent dicoure wat delivered to n them la the Prebterian Church, by'Ker. JIr. Kirk patrick, from tbe - 6th chapter aod 10th verte of Timoi-. ' . thy t "IfyAttAiifihtcf FaUJi. .va Aueaaay morning, too compa ar waa formed And marched to the - depot; followad by alart crowod. , Sooa tbe can arrived the last part- ' tng wora waa given, ana wiia ugn-; aiog apeed the weat daahbag over tbe iroe road. Onetpoataoeoot aad aaivettal about rent tbe air aa tbey ; moved off, sad many teart were tbea fr thote brave, noble, darter tooa ' of, old Cabarrsi who baa to Bobly retpopded to the call of tbe State. . Tbe Captain of tbia Boble compa , ay, we were $ont to learn,' waa pre- Tcnieu, oy ticxBest, irom going viu hjo WBipeui u . aw mn wt learn that be it fatt recovering, and wilt be able, in a abort while, lojoi ... tbam. Tbia company ia exceeding ly well drilled (of tbe time tbey have , beea drillifigl provided with good' clothed, aad each one it provided r with a bowlt knif, which ' abbald tbey come In contact with airy of old Abe'i hireling, could do great eie- cation. Oar beat wiabet attend them wherever the go.-ortfw 7v K . . - T .

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