Jht'. .? 7. . 1 Vv V v .'ri. : . -i ' -7. '- ' : .' . ' :':::' - .'7 J'":- 7-; ' . 7 4 r; jls. !...' l 4 t...l '. VOL. Al. 'yy -X :SAIiISBUHY; N. C.i SEPTEMBER 19. 1861 :: Z- ' " f th- TQ; I I I If 1 1 ill i.-fni 'in i'li li Mil ' ',' ' V w. f- :-- ' J.J. BK I9IT02 A5D 71 ::, Kp.V Ten cji-fi", fc.Otv ,i:ia f " J, yMVW lA tUrtfj A(MM Ti; ttW r,rai HnpniM Cimrta of lr rftoll ,4 fv'iie jaiilictn o Ik', tT n4 i ir of mil nir Mtr U-h law, wbtdi piaj rvqwr Um auii t tut vw urm of ttM mM MMrior t '.i.- count .w sot tk Suii k rur, rpiwl by tar ftf h.Jlirtj th FI Tnn ' mi 1 o t, kixi ! fai firia; tfct t..nr : tit &wg term of mm! awtt w l M t u'f t tlie -M Mipnur courts of ! i'itr. t ch-titiif , or WMWW tMt-WMMttptiled lift pimd Ihttvto for r .ut hn Itrlf Wen broojHt iJ rljw prnii2ii"n) ittM" ipefW coorti Vjr erjaty, it !nmI W t dm J teC lb J otur. ( ip. r WWtWitT,U'tta(r Uar r . au tLt Fall ktria ol lfC, wbttu tU fr t-. Ml trial Mtiltrr !, U-i U (L.fcu h m tco UrtrUdne rjwhi otuftiWe tu U FU ttn of rlWI, 'T- fcfrnint or (WVoJUa.i4!tB(HWmi- V - a i (mn U V msrtnl -'mxtn. na (! lite axiitUt- of Trttrtrm kS U n cwirt f t'U anfl qaaer f m f.-rv rfar: hall bt htWrt to !.wi m & n tb UM Muo.Uy w Aipm, ol hi U tch- Il, on thm cmt W vptfmWf. wd in AIjriajr oo tle fourth Usnlty m OcUU w ta jreor, aUS ot ue;i.nISini.Mi of any oir,l emm in wbicli ii vmati.u vf jrj ijr bo iHrwory: ai.H N. Uw duty of of H p4o,( la tUo cootm of flc4 o4 urti-f r-ion, fl the own, tJT ;th tite vr.ipml fmm With tftocWkl of tbo jpwrwr f I of Mr, W Wi v no tiw !iui.fv oauru of lw to tbnr rr- ;w;tir coao:w; m4 K lk dwt of t; deft rf ti imor voru tU ictwtRpoh tfiolr jpiper'ojot ktJ t mii thH tn4 fcr tHl fti h m.4 .ipe-iof cm a other eooM hc t A- a HW mk4 Ttt In ail ia iucit 4 hmmU Lmt tuiretuforc bow t4kn ;a :- : jwr. ot otwuty cwmI J oj-. 'irhn-h eiMM hoO-WMir'il . k . . i. ... . ..... W Wn I -w r -,iT We" .fcht Jant ee-ilefefiaa; , .-,.x.v - I " mAr-miStaj iLit Miiifeaoa rotara aeet ; aifcuuua w t;imt aiakinj a ah; and apot 'f-tara 't ...4 m lb daty of tb oWrjt to w wAfcui u fount, vrjiriteu, at the - urn . t! jiiaiti'.'ff, ivigi naU to tbe tortn u' u vn-fKHta ,iirl whwrb w W tarelva UiXiVa X mu 'tbt? trtU m aocn rratmeaa avy i. or i Vii an-f 'hat all afat etoco- - n iwn fitm-Tit muir wrra a U r-urit,k ia Lke raa nJ'r. ,, Etc 7 Jiumrtm Tbateoanacb C. Wi;Ci.xtioa of tlie lOith cbapttr of a Kn! a-Waa tctaaheriff" to apea w.y on- b ialr4 doliara lor not McutiD 'rf rorwkUxf w all fteaJtilnearrtd . u piWofa b.tl at the 1 rtwkr of tiie ffirral Aawpbly. eaoltoi i3 to prein the aacnfha of tpmj, aad 'CwwlitW' beoiskM a to aSff Sac i. Thu eaka ad aeWaeja- abaU ! frjn anv of tlie trtorta or from any ; "V of khr irw any j-Jrwirtit "low 'r, 4r ep.. any jiid;rn? whwmayba f'CUt otui in Mir m tne aaw oooria, ' t-f'ifr . i.,t (4 the nrafV. - fa 9. Tjut rt ahail e tat doty of aStOft. ai-we ami o.'jo-ra to ky any execw ta !,icX in- I in Uwnr hauOa ihm ap tja JfD-r ,t ucrrt ofoi't ianid by uiagietratra, ad U r-tofo : iamt tigetbrr wjtb aaid b 't to tbe.j.-i'fjree of the peace who kaued awn-, or t iw other roag wtrau ia aaid (. wVhp ilety it aaaU be, opoa Ut ap r!a of tli iknii; fa iajut a Mmd&iml Pa, bUjL itvaabk aoorier tlaa twelve . ; 'Xm frotii t i date thrrfat , 1 arjo. T'.t b-rrater a'l civil warraau HI by Ji,i.t tt lit p ahafl be tatile "".male i irl twtJrf minil after the of a-air a; oHi warraul aal art bafort; J Ut ywHcm of tie pati abali have power ;mr.iiciion U try any ouh.warrajita tolort ne ti(,.ratioo of twelve. WoolU -ia thr k jq U U urnr, jtrmUml tliat tba iMnod t or ifrbjAol a; M. kaU of U.U Utt JWWPiMwiiJ' " .. . i i aa4 aOajMoulioM baMd by of tba rwaoo Uiall bt atad roturaabW twrtvt axjotha tem tba bauinf of lb an;'tn Wpoo tbo trial ofMck arraBt,aitbr party Bay appeal rroalUhkWat t tba MtaucoMdiaffaB Mrmoi iwiaupenor court of thacoiay waora too varrani-M UW If fivtoj; aoMrrtr u if v f"v""vr vj w, pi oaoaai uaai mm janiorf judoMmuj but tf.tb4jM:tiut or MrQ4aut Bait oaib thai ba or thc art aa blttolN trcarttj tortb ampjntoftho J'tVpa t aa4 ootta, abtavlba jaotioa'abaJI rani mf apprai trtUMNttocwrUy ; ami return tbe ppr with auik aAlaTM to tba iit faS tlti 'if tht Mprrvrf Mtrt of aaid county, IbcaatabanbttMitiooTdortr aadautttaud 8a IL Ibal if iiy WaW or otbari offlew aball violat any of tbt nrofifnt of tbw act, thry ahall furMt tbt turn of two bua- irt4 dutUn, tobo rtootrrod by any Vho viaf 6 tbtaaait ia tbt oaat of tbt tai and abaJl ab, bt to Jodirfaitnt, aod !H SZi.Zr Bsc 11 TUt al ooaia J trtiat aad ayirt i a -- m a a pfva brrcalW mal ao jljRai eontVaa rd to aNvredebt rfiafl bv void aa to creditor, uak-as tt ia tpremh dvdarfd ibrrwa, tbat tht prooeoda of.altberuoJcr hfl bt apprupri atrd to tbr payiarot of aO tbt dbu an.1 W bditin of tbt tnaauM (ihia ahoald b InwaiH . . aa a i a mat tiit provwooa of thw kIkmi aUait q4 apply to brrtfT or otb pubbe oAoor wbo jtnay'aMba a nortfajrv tr4uod of traat to Oc ean aoruntwa to tbetr wflUad bond. Sac 11. TUt (Wf ata bt but oat Una K one term of tbt tprmt enort of tbt 8taUy aiuca anaa bf boM at tbt cj of Batotrb Uint vt WJnif tbaaoiatner aeraa tbtrtuC aad ail law watcb nairt tbt-wiator terra of tW wm oturt to bt bHar bcrvhy ivpraVi( and ilm jadftt of Uar said euavt aw oot roajair cd to bold 0e analor trrm tbcrtof. Stt. lL Tbat tba )foryaaua tors of aal! cWt ahar be diaoeaitnnad, aad it abal bt tbt oVK of tbt cWa of tbt ouatn bold battotoro to tbt towa of MdrfaoUxt, to traoaoiit to Ibt cJerk of the coart betd ia tba city of Baleffb al tat record, book aad papert ppfURHftf to aaid eoart, in Hormvtim ot or braort tbt aeomd Monday in liant oeit, 1 aad it abad liltramt bt tbt duty of Ibt clerk of tbt Coort of Morfaatoa to tapoat to aait tbt bbrare at alomotoBU (tsorpt agca bouka aa ibt joda of (be aopViw Oout abaB diravt to bt traut. tpHtM to Um aty or nairtcai at puww aacs Dmt to tha Vat bolder lor eab aod pay1 tbe prixwda mto UMMbiie irtif, aA ro- paring tbe wnount aivaiwrd by nWtubera of ! tW tln of, tba bar who have lacd I U w book it) aaid library tbe Unefii of the oMtrt, ahalt be permitted to witbdiaw Iheia brf lire the tale. . " .. : ttea 14. That a mattert and maaininf aadcttnbmed in laid coart at ilor rntM abaB btAc4etdtn Oteeourt at Ba crib, and aaafl Em4mtfrimt4mi". bw pawtoai truaH and tbt cWk of aaid court hi Morgan attaptt, bl4 bt arraatoi and too ahail make ail nte rvporta toucbiag an jnaUer rt&etftf to aiia. to tht aett euanuKT tona of ( tba coart ia lUMgU aa rttfly aad ooav pltetya tbt aatae aba.1 oe made to tbe court m Mnrranaoo. and that all writa. mL-e. ax- taetiaietH and prdreat f tvvry bad wWr- tavaaMa to toe let-aa or Lie ooon to at nota la Mtcjantoa ia Aurnt ae, ehaU berato- d to the Aiprenati Co.irt in lUbrtglj, ta ba brU on tba eond .Uoafay ia Jane, 19QJL rawahaW MiwoiUiiwt taa . . . I . - - . . tbe dcrrti.w of tb conn; aad tbat httwaf. Vrr aa tmmm ""aaio." m inio preme tura , wa- ""T- t .r r . : - .. 4 equity vt wewurt -jpijkm ug tae aixta and aerrnfb cifrtiit arafl h &--ViAt to fit 3tpr;ne Coon at EaWjfr an I that the jndg. et of tbe doort abatl have fH -rwer and aw tbanty to maka aj ntoneory ri aad order for cnrryiroj into aCect tir act; aad to anako tbt clerk at Mr-aotaa proH-r a!twanoaefor tba arrvicet bemn Wqutfwl ; and it auafl bo tbe duty of tbe tferk of Ue gopreibt Comt at Ralegh to lake chargt of tbe reenrdaof tbt coart at MTanron and to ferniab, toplrt rkaranr whn itMohrd ht the fnannrr at rvOFT ten of fWdt art fnraiehed frtaa the reoar4aktrasfrt tbt to tire aveaUy ara aai4- to- be of toe Sopremt Uoort at Kale.ga. , f t la. Tbat aoiia of pro at j Ihta aot ahall apply to tht oiJlrcooo tf itie Butt or County rrreoue or rvpr J any of tb eikting rnoJrt of moediet provided by kw lor tbe ontkrtiDii of tbt aawe. " ' 6A 17. Tut, tbt fat ' fee tpml hk-at Mfwieiila. rHarrtabk to tbe iprkW Cbert, Wl lirrmM be tba aama at tt now maed ia Ibt arvanJ ooonty courU v. . . baa .1 i Tto lb operaUia of tbt atatoto of hmiutio-j be aoM the aariM m brtebr io praaWd ap bing aa tbk kO. remaina in fciroe. uma. 1 9. i liai no nroTriwn m una ummu appry to tbt coBectkia of fntorwt oq aay contract aJrefiy aOBroea or annuwij n-T-mi-ter to arcrae; rxirpt a far at tbt tara k aewdered nrueawry for Jbe ahobtioa of oee torn evwy year fllJprawAtaaeioeNKt Had 2it That tbt llmt of tur jaraiae tended toriaoitortandaJiatiuatraiora wWrp In to tettk th- tstalrt of llterr ecutort aid inlratatre an-1 a further liine which to pk-aj itht!rru(Mtaf1ht fooraj. and ail kwt aad W-t lawt rrwniag ia jjonfliet with tbta proviarf a, lit awl the rame la brrehv f peJed, preetoW, Umt eeeutora be anl ui.-v at berrby rfieiird to give aecurity ia tuob turn aa the cuwt may oirv-. Bw. 21. That the prwuota ot -Uiuj a t in wiiii iiiiiH ii lUottPf th tim of pirod'Df alaH not rx Uni to tuita araiootof the UnitoJ 6rue or tonwwboiMiocuMfroratbfl8ut. ' Baa. 21, That all kwt or daoaea of Uw , ooflicUnf Wttb la prorMwM of thia act bt ' aad tho aama a brrvby wpialtl mod tbia aot abaltaka tSoot aod ba ia foroa frwco aad aiirr in rauooauon. 4 i Rra4 Cbm limn aad raltoW r ita ratiDoatwn. - la 0ral AaMOibly tUa lllh day of tWtotnbof. A. D; 1991. , W. T. UUKTUL K.U.C. 11ENBTT.CU.RK. a 8, TI1E S(iUESTItATioS' La yt tu. i. ii.. ir .r U. o1 ifyttbVB i . B h4,1 w . It baa prwlacoj a pane aowad paly tbat bkb btnWl Ibrir bMwit tuMfy Um Uult Han. For a A-w Jay rror; j pfhapa. UI eipMrljr paraKa tbrw aa i bat' they i'l Im hrini tU a bolt bauory of tbtir tawh,r aaj inoa.itrta ! boar apoo tU aot t tbt iHtnwat of dfat iag lu AH aurtt of gttrn.pu to tvada tbt Onoctary of tba lav wilt U ouk ithal aatioa of aKppory ach bieb ft ar at war. Already a boar of attmpta at fnradafaal traaafao. of itooht aod mU apooWa of pro- party. rraMakrat ooavvyaawoa. bit u aaea5e ' KKtaoatrlf , ibt aanaotrattoa law ia fall ! M t . i i 1 " . . " t aao eojpeM m na pevrfamna aataat tbeta aUetajpta, U taopaaaa oacti ptaattart tbat ( lev, u ay, or cti atwanpta cm prove too 1 U.IW. a laoaoaiMtenatfab Itot a awerlbl rftbvUf eUoa the paU'ia agatiMt tb 0oaMai al eat tflWta foch anil bt maTa W prt-t tbe proper j of pat eaetaiaa. . Wt adfioiiib alt dork, baak afieara, raiktwa) iHcibi aad atbera, a bo are oafnitant of tbt aAaaoa of aay aad teerj tpeeWa of Yankee property, titb tr real or peraoaal, ia Vifpaia, to bold ot tt U CBHI tbt GoarUj U tter araeajr totf pro a awn. 0iitainae4 af tbtkaoar. Mga of tbt aiMtoaoa of aocb prtpeity it av a eriHM bicb tba law aaoat atearaJ paWba. AU tlf Vaafcea property at tbt 8oatb ia aow a,at faad.owt of wbidb tbt loaart of oar people frooi Vaakee rapine aadpiUajrtatauba paiJ; aad bt) wb aidt ia tbt wttbdrawal of aar portioa of tbat faad by befpittf the A'aakee to aeade tbt ' , '.T OflWal h.M now ra- ' yrd aay traaaWr of Yaake real or pirata 4 propetty ; for aery traoaVf Wbkb kat tveie4 aiaet tba iaae of ibt aeoteatra tiot) act, wear tba bad of baad, what ttar dato tbt traatfer may bear, fraada toal data trill oot aaet toy porttoa of tba te aa rta. cat aa cruatajua. Tbt bardeaaof Uta- tiot ape tba Hoalbera peoplt will tVpead very aaacb fepoa tba titoat of tbe toaja wbiob rate bt aceomaUtott by aa and faiVbfal tioa (aw. iorocraeat of tbt aaatia-4 ; Tlitvt baa Ltet) onaaMlerhhte, iaplait . .. ..... n . . tuaeraa pan U JWJUt ot a aa- cirnc ia tbtaaniT of ia(bvr. From what f Maraeej, bo1 band, atJ of tbt atov of yortnrta aft aaJe aboet at tba eutaiinvneat of tbe aaJe abeee m waf, ibert k to oaraaioO for aay imm4 aWa'iffiajtiptii. Hot yrt baaattJi ITwr art two tboaaead tanae riea it tbt 8olb, oapacifka af wbtcb cataot be, far iVura aaflb-kat tor tbt atoa faotar of all lb taatbrr w may aeed. W art tatbattl to aappoaa tbaitht' meat aarioaa ovfckacy it tbe prveat aapptv of Ouata aa aoota Urn Omoi. it tbt tot or Wotlaae OU-ai workaa- aevealhe of tb abeaaaa tba if onbert Stake 1 aad of the am ail lore of wot knaeo la tbt Booth, kiaaf have fan to tb war. It w at eiortVai ioVa, tbat lb War Ura iaat, propoara to oV Uit twt lb aren j, wiib oprttivet Tjof tbt oMiet raiflt, U JiacTiea of Sc CrkftB, to aerwt to aaakfatj provMooa tor I be eouilurta and taptaaltlat of oar two pa Air tl war. Ifr.lLr. WariB,toravrly tVva. dent of ilk towa, aad al repreoMio-d tb United iUattt l 6u Tboataa aa ISoneal, adar Btcbaaaa't aJiaieiatrali.. arrived bert ot ' Tttaday laat fnia New York, W aderauad tbat b( tnrrkd at tb Nortb air tb pavpoa of bavtag bk aa twwnta tettleJ, aad laally -bad to lake a draft oa tb Braacb Miol bt It payment of balaaot Jue Hat by tbt U.S. Urwrt rua L CkttkAU lhm-xra L e bt ieararaj, Ikowever. of Ut tpplraaii. Wadet tbe cwraajatoata aad vttb " Maty a poor-wotnaa ibiaka tba Can do aoihirt; wiibotit a buaband, and wbea tbt . . one, fioda aLt caa do aotbiog wilk j.'m. ' " . ' -x,v ().- ,- . i ' ' ' 1- ' - :,. 7 ;: ' " - ...... . , STATEMENT 0F TJ1B HJBUC ; TEEASCEW.77: ... , . Tasaaoar DaraanriRT or V . OL ' Atftai SOih, 1841. ; 3fb U hm. W. T. Daitcv, ' w -J t1 . ' Spmktrrfikt Bam a Qwatiaa $ r 8ia: I roeeivtd o tater Ja tW f4 itftttg ratofuiioa front Um XLhim of Cvta to ana, to wit , ,; : 1 ArtofaW; Tbat tbt Psbfc TraaOvr (afbna tbie Uoait at aooa at praolicabU, bat part of tbttiree anillio toaa totbo rnd bftha roaeontlo baa baaa borrow' t4 by Citu, tiki tba aoarot or aoaroH ftoaa 6btia4ritobvtata4oaatBo U Ibt Tleaaary, aaJ bow toaoh of aacb balance ia of palKoiiiet labdt paid ia by thSbn& : aod aUa bow mocb of tiit hUae of aid pippuatd luatt of three tail boat be eaa olanij of probrlfy oUaia, frorji tbt l-anka of tbia dtoto or wtbtraW I bart tbt koaor to tlait tbat tbt aaaoaat borrowod aadar aaidioaa k U,H7M9M. Tbat tba imrnat of eaah now vej kaad ia $13047383: and tbat tbt aaaoaat t wived bom BberiCa of tbt tal datOlll M, ia $1 If ,419 7s. Uow aaacb f tbt reaadat of tba aaU aroiaed loaa a ill bt prvtMMr reaitteg) f asarat to Cfaat aateat a natter of eorjectart ; bat 1 will gift aft iTie bt 1 baaa ofioa tbe tubjaet. I tauutl lb TftaMkMe af;iba atveraj tMbk of tbe Stale 'te lutet ia thit city oo tbe Vlb UaJT Of May 14, ) oruarld taia tbt aiuoaat. lUrj Weft, dwpuaed to aoV eaoctto tie State not of tbtbt Kdo attiouVd a4 ramwd to adf aboa 20 Mf oraUof tbeir capata' Tbey ala inti ntttol' I:lCaiieaia"lo baao'aaotbeljmtaat. log if tbey kLotU bt reqaetted to do ao. Uibw baaka aot rrprtaaotoo! ia tik mMtitg aaUeaeatly ialortoed ana tkroef b Ibetr otooala tbat liter Woakl raakt ilar aJtawvweaC ' Soma of tbajbaakt art yet boand u im tbta aravmeat to loaa tba Mate la tbe aimgau 8U4.220L wbiofc thry wiU fto tVaU tto, wbik portioa of tbeta baa already M ttt btvt inort tiaaa tUir quota. Tba abvlepek capital of tba Halt k f 8,43W. 1 raqaeatol U other toeatluf of "tbtat faTJoieti ot tbt I lib taataav bwt.tae nM-uag waa aot fail ooe aad aoo of Um geatleanea dial Oot leal empowered to toakt a furtbtr loaa itboat , a cooaauUtKM with their atock bobkra, and tbey adara4 with tba aa atoratawdiaf tbat the would aaeet Ogata lat oalleU Jtpytt to do ao. Tba oely aV wtiiotoai kiiotto I have aooa tbe aabX IjeU ktbaa faraa atwklioMtra of the baaA of Xiorvb UroU an, piaaid at jtbtirlttetia- oo tba f 7tb iaataNV a ibk uty, a bidk m aa foliooa Htmdrtd, 1Uf tbt wWtora of tbk baak aa . ta U.er d wcetiois ba4 to tba btato of ortk Carobao ire pot aeet. oa tba oaiatai at ktoraaV to. adduioo to tba Jaai ao4 agreed U bt Ut, ia aacb aaeja, at taob tJaoet, and apoa audt totioa aa lbt titay tbtak adaiaable. t d oot tpebett tbat fanbar loaaa froan tbe- baoka of otUr twarcet cao aafclt ba relied auoa betood, aay. katf a OitiUoa of doIUrv 1 ouafiajt I bad booed to receive a larwar tbe fwUetiaa.liiillJrmJab ra- ceotiy otoaiaed, the claitaa a-aiaat tba Zkatauar foaad to be accaratltMa; to to aateat wot Utort aarticipated, I reCoaanaead tbat tb taeaeaVrtVf aa be iaoreaaad aVtf par oeaV aod tbt kauwig of Treat try Koto, a indicated ta my toamaaionUoo at tbt ovwaiocerneat of tbe laaaioa. . ' ata, tilk'ifaatreatiecl,L:Tr:-; -7 Year obedieal aervaal, ' - 7 11. W. COUKToV -' - PaWar TrmuiWi 8TATME2TT , ?Ti 0 4aa4 J8tafatet WHalat tJ" -aSeBil t AWta-Ckroltaa Book of North Oarohaa, . Cap Fear, , - Uareadea, :. : ' ' ' M.Fayeutviiia, " f Waabiagtod, - Utarbxie, J -: . Yanoryiithv - "Wttjningtow, -.-o(ketJoro,, .(baaaVaa,--' UarchaM a Ikak af Kewbere, Fartaar't IkolTef K CaroGaa, $400,000 1 IlAOOO. 1AUO0 12X000 " 7SJ42 U 60,000 . oo,ouo; 200.000 4 80,000 , 8O.000 i 4&0U0- 60.000 Com. Uaak of Wuoungtoo, - 70,000 32,000 liaak of Lrxmrtoo, Grwoaboro' Mu. Iwmainca Co, fio.OOO Mmrr aad ITanim. Dauk, '12,197 AiDOont borrowed,. $1,767,109 1 ,' AnMoot toeradrt of Slate of - ortoCarohua, .I30,f73 83 Amount paid Uby tbtSher- ' iSaoaao&oftuaatbitFa3l 113,419 72 tptnttoaatt tfaatm nrglaU-Ut, i ;-fvw-rM.": at trior.. 'f. ' W rtftmd, on yotttrdij, to tbo loUlligjMOi rworrrtd bert of M dT ' trancw movtmaat of Oenantl I Ln - traiott t!( cotny lo AVettem Vlr-" fOAiaC ' Pro eoulderatioai of pm denca, ngr oiUtr Loir rttnottwt ' forte to gift) lb partlcufara of (hit mororptiit.7 7, Jl V V.'tc :1 L. Tbt rfCVal order .pBvlUbtd bjr Uf otrbTLa to Lit trpopt, ia oa nte tivq ,wJlh Ult, ftdrtAco BOTemtnt, war ttceittd jwlrrda., Jt ibIj ht bo i'mprppajff pfiot Mr of lttd Ca!tHUnitl ' In eoootctioo wilU tbt vattJlI- (toot of lb.lt naoromtat on tbt part - (IGto.-Xcs, tht teUrapb bnirjt7 otwt of m tetloa oft last Tnetda lt wcto Oto.' Flojd't brlrdt Md ' iCotencrant't eommartd, In tbt rl cioitj of 8flmtnertTl!e.7 It would tctm from tbi on .firtt cootlderav tiaa, tital tbt jrtltUlrt poaitioD of tbt two force.! M clangod, aod , thft Ltt't tdvttet would probablj btta iBttroept lbw tociuj, Of to tUck'I bitii to bit mr. At laat eeoanttt i Oto. Ltt wat Ai tbo VaJJejr ltotD tit)i. -';at.ei8;-r; rri:.'i;?'-;. lt )i rttot known tjtacilr wbtt Bo tanerucVlorot It. rSooit wttkt go aUlltAt AAtrtl iiiil-'Att f'MXO waa rtportod, oo Um boat, ajtd tnoai di rtct inonnaiion tiiat eoabl bt ob" taiuad of if, at 15,000 tri.-"r It it proptr. bowtTttv to tvplti o that tbo ootioo of Botterang. oo tbo . Gaaltf lioe, doet not otcettaril ' irapfr tbt witbdrawid of tbo fbrctt 4 - wliicb bttt boon btretofort reporud M eonfmntloi- Let ' on tbt Cbett ' AToonUlo frootiar. At latt tccoauu, , Uiett orcetlirert sodef tbo ooo ntod of Ota. BejttoldtJ lieottO' erani it, tedioieall. tbt cbitf ia, eoaantod of tbo Fodtral Arm j in Wot torn Viffiuia, and bit btodaoar" " tort pcojwi m AMaruuorg I P 0 tit Indian TrotUrt ! JattUiffioeo hat bttn rtcoit ed btro that Cotnmttoiontr Iuut bat tot tied tlet) tertnt of t Contention botweOJi tlio Iloaorvt lodiaot tod a nainbtrof btodt of "Ckmajiebet,Ja tbo 6tt of Ttxat, br which tbt tor bar Bjrreoci to oomo to tat) ttt tlo apoa too BcotfTet Tbo Coal raiatiootT wkUtd tbt frontitr with an tacott ;of Grttk and ' Stminolt mounted Tolamrcn. Tbit lDctsart of tht Cbmaittfon rlt oot of jrcmt Inlcrctt with rt iH.ct to tbt rrtoatioa of pract oa tbt Ttxtt frooticr. In tht tztrtitt of tb t powerTotcd ia hina Coto; lutatiflat Piss . ba atipnlattd that ail . tbo Ttzaa trotni tliali b with drawn and tbtir tifact ttpplied by cotoptnltrof Oioctaw and Cbieka aow trooyt tnd,bi giren adrlct of tbS to tbt.Oottmor of Ttxta.' - Tbt Confedtrato, Sftlc know tie eott of an Indtao wtf.s ..Tlit iirci of . our peoplt tnuit far oulwoigii ia Ttt no ibott of tbo ftw ludUut IW froat ... titot .to timt wt ocoeed ia killioc at inantntt ott. ; Ftaceoo tbt looiaa frontier wot aortr. raort dttlrtblt tbta it it aow. whta all oor mtn. meant aod eiitrrr art atedod for tbt jrrtat Wtigp in wbich wo art wgfoti for tkw mainunaaot of oar libtrtitt tod boaotr. .-"'i k JA... AitJiitmt MijiKtMw i2oUrrjr.---Abott lire o'clock yratarday altoraoot t fttU at aaated Jajea IL BfWtrkk. wbHt procrediaf down If ait alreet, vat atootltd ' intbe viciaity of 1 7th tlml by t aoldkr ' aaotod Oeorg Block, who rtqattttl to bt told tbt tiato of day. JXr. Brodtrick draw bk waWb troaa bw poeket wkb tbo iaua tioof rtply tag tt tb itqairy, wbtt it waa taaubed from kit band by DIack, who ianBjed'iatelr fed tp llaia ttreet. . Tb ' alarm waa g ive,aad aUraotiaf tb atlaa lioo, of eQotrt Bibb atd Blaakiathip, ibty partard tb Ibirf, atd, afltr a loaf and ardooat cbaa. taotteded ia ovcrhaanng and arreating biau . Tbt acoanJrela aow inflating our city appear to bt iocreawpf , ia auJarity ; aad if oor eiliaroa aboIH . tb row a apoa tbetrowa Tceoure -of aelf protectioa, it k more that probable tbat w abotld too bt caflrd to record aoeoe r vary auaimary pwakbment inflicted" apoa Ibaat pitUmRkkmomdJKjmmmtr,

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