v 1 l v V- X J-L-LL ViV JJfl-U. JL vo. ja:-:. .1 .j-l ta nr.: T'J f. v. ' ........ , , ,,, , ...m.ii, .1 jj.. .-jBrryryjiW--- -"i"' 1 1 . . r- T . I. .-i----rf ---...- ...u MUTrnm-namgBa. i .... - - i t , , . j . t ., NUMBER ijl. VOL. XIX. k 0 1 r 0 a a 1 o r t i WZ. 7HK FAiT D OF BBV.i D!C MOORR 4 " la 'nitftioii with Ui aotMM erlpbnUoni -u..; . clijrcU of -fnwJ, ibnlUv. Miwiu, uif Um Prrbylrin church, - p- v 1 a nuon uf rrourkabW power ao4 el j -"of- cooBt of (bt Biani i iu eoeJing r apprafnteoi U :a Jay, rrtrwet of Inaoo aa4 r ti ar iniucrvj 10 lay bww our , . a feriW krth of it. Ukeo Crooi 0ot I . I . I 1 m rrm.trkUd pmam : T . lif ivrea I IXk1vt preached from ae- j .ai u tiioirt.- ; 31, Jj: -If thy peojiW ; : ;.. .r ajfut llw ewoiira by Ibe j ,lf t.i m WJt tt-ul tberu, ati-1 tley j tuuwird Uu city tLt thou b j 'r7.,-r.. iai thelto m tuch I hav Ua.tt ( r'iu:; U-u I'' f the bn , . :mjt.t aud tir pUUn. aud uuin tr cas." He 4 that fejor tiui-a ' ;. h? : x auluata rf year U)a to L !;.- wtf m-cu ajuianoW to bmuUe oar. j,-? i.rt Gl ia Utun, od praerfifit . SnW A VVpi,-Uat iHrtreW, i if7 ..rrwtTStf! Wtwa which Pan-, tt-towbind r wt ftheeH of the i'r: t toe jUBitei sum in January, i 'Jii-. u - p whl lliefl remcd Howiy n.ni'f '"4 t;.e Pfy'-Wutol tteCijhfliengia4er' j i -ft Ua iaihty eoftUsst k4 U'io ; -i 4T - iirt iar aattionty, vfter . e ':-. 4ruux of Uot cif of wrath, and ' "j. f : ,1 t.'rt (rt-(ur U Uua terfiUe cvflfU-t. ffjtjr.A itttV of the aoocy fey wbeb i flittce naUoav tio kmg there ta fa li.t world we-iu.U"epevt ta ftnd jii Lup; jMtal erd amoef toen. Dot war u !. ntt-i'-j an uniuitigaied evil, terrible . :v .' .' wrre. A long eouras of praee p'M(tT tend to etbeacutate anj our nth1 - UuiKMia arimliin twiirue uri.uM. auJ onrrptata) crvrpa ttowiy mi 1 ".nt.iW.i wnfriraw free poLtical hie to ' - ai'.fi, .and he the dirwftion of. affair in lery roerfj ot".tie younj ripeoded , rtxrlrj . J di jtio. A wofUiy aoi rM- : cartan rj-Ja y, tliat aoeen it kifty bm-1 wn;aad Ltme pruictpka a tnltotio i iwi' nnpracuat. diaaoaitqr aud Lairrn j , f-psi-uUt,. a lar4 brawy aatKinaliam that wast errryUiiag to Ue atandard of Wirt t """aaI ytui. and a aecret iaorpticum a to tl j ai 1 rf erytbir,y bat money, 'tok HreJtby 1 . jwswa of th4 poMie heart War br?ak ' jp ti Ur9.1nt to' M axnvMi worahip, efferw-k tacy and tetfUi ripedjeucy. Itabowtlhati I j mrm KlrK ! in' lib tha tmVm f aov-f : IUmi Uxrv ar awtiter Uaae to be jitcn.kd for tlam BaUral advancement I . 4 if 1 MnMtJ . h.I trtffe 1 w&icn uwito! au texmwur. go. 4 th n.t win aati cvefi material ffra!rw : .that brroMRn. daring, onlS4hnond patnm ta vt rralitvrt, and not raric. At men eaaiunfw hardship, 'poriafi aad Jwn ia ,,piJt(IJMiOlHJt..,.aralMW-.- iat nHeUwCoimoowbgathrre.tU( I1 tw atKb-tie waew and aymroetry ; ; 4L4 that the wolt-nuraed twin of Tiber, be- 1 saae Imperial fUmv ttammnf ifl Pn itsCT ximr ngtUyxttrit fneray-rjXrilockt y UW .fiw ' Amoeg th KAt'wliW bar ba ga her mighty image oa afl aatiorrt and oa ; y, tm ne betweea am' iiwl lM.ad beea a Wf' J-.b.-iie on th mlofVT of othrfi to do oU.r prtaonera, wrr pmg "i wUl w coald and imtUra'doiaWwar-1 llamiltoa, Uhto, Jod arry, who bad 'itkvT have allowed thii tlrniml atrppadap saryaway pe!!, hemo, out eery cord-wood, to -rcturA'Tau d,-C.nl cMmlitiua,' aUacked theavia otberfiirm. wkiat era paid fur tht lran.pomtion4l Uck. I, tor ike arivilnm af brio I d-1 ptxlrnt oo them for th wy aeoraearir of fcfit Hrparated from tbi peord by tba coo ule titroe of war, al thee lie meat b hrki B thenar channrla flOed prnd -n tif oomrmiaJ ITd hidavlnal indc ptodrnMa aitabWhed, wtdtuat whk-h political iitfadene wvrM a a aiepCf withmrf a throne, a tword wihout aa arm to wield ic Ab-kW urijwruat effeol of th war would i deling of ooeneaa, a broad, deep naliou 1 omty,-b,ii.ling together tha arparai aover pbra lb CooWeracy,,a that folitHad lj, wlt.W they ahall b,ditinct U th biBpwa, it, natKmalfy. they ahall be on a th ara. the Original thirtoro Golowe arparaled jpulfy." from Great Pritain they would ;rrr have1 mad , Ut Jf rtmriba Vmmm BrW whkh tVy alraoced to aurh peerlena atiU the ajant aad power of that r- irj.iary atrogir!- beCama extinct la a fa-e knew ioiJeeph. It waa aaormary J V tJonJeskrata &ala aheuU be pat ..'aw-ui.f4raadaf war, tbat they, might be "-M Into ooe great waited people; banded fiirhfr by coremoa waakneaa, comtnoo aaf g, aad ooawooa Uimaph, baring a om moo Wriug of rtaf WJ common brritj of fWrjr ; initif U Wot4, of the bonW 8uic with tbuM of ti Oulf Mid m4 Val ley 00 Um am UttVfWIdt, AJ lW iof BMtnorW ao taorvd, pt dpi aJ o durioi m to five wtoM warm. biaA mJ mlttriaf wbob thb M tilth iuto b grrat bterhoudof iutiooaliUe . '':.Vt 1 Another mull of Ut war wai fr. VgW tki (b pM jtiat aUUiL , Nctaf wa m ar mj, aioot Jaj Cfwnwc3, hi which therv waj amotr (xxranf of Ut pow er ofOol Wbeo fw taw boy, yft warta from their mot hart' heart, Marx Uk wrtnrnA ia Um iro Wt f Bhi, or tb Thwwwf ka gvjrge oi lUch Muobua; U w aW iHua3nMM f raw trwhiDtoera ami oiUiu tanl a MM tralk-whiW law hnrrksM of flatnf nrrft -orrr the r4 paiM of UanatMU ana m, utur,; who we nw th my Mornta m IM av aita in aura hi tnnr ur a awrmiof to wp dixawr 04 osir natk- .. . k . ! Lab kiuttJ all of UM Utllik klt to be MIirtU rU" oJ tea. Vrr!y Uw Lurd wh la thU flAl!f, Hti I knew it not atiJ that many dear rliit L"wheB tie naoed hi l fjund M wnmcl or atood W hit rvnUnn pmt u pfckf i, brntU th lrtt atara; Ua fciwodhia t be Manaaarh, aad tb4 them Laa fc)L.mi, rWn there to hi metirirr Wolrb t! Ue W Ivanl anid tW tmwr acrnea of n, fn.pt CfMi that may be ereti ilen in the drp ef mUitijrbt, tuoinjr in wkM pray for the brTe and bdored hey w ta Ufaway. , . . The proper rrurt uf a iKtle, U time' of Wfcf wt WV04ld pray -that tle wKkli m - WrtWT ffiMli riiay U -WiTcre-l frmn rnu tliat mi4 weaketi o. irrOfc-th ua he Jw thai cwithct. A brave P""'U who ate Ciiinx tx. tJ ir Tibrtiea la tie Jeair of Otd can utr, orr, pkrer be rowrrd. 0 J wt3 toautUia oir caiae. He ha' maintained it Starting in thii:TararfSmrtM4f Krippting boy of BHhWutii jrolng forth to Bieet the rgaotV; ititUiit. uotUiog but the power at Jehovah cwuU have made the arm of ur beardh-M boyato ia pruvtrate atfaii) lb Dtupendou prjanUoo U our etMrou', aud in that Ood he will owtmne to trurt. Tboie brarejien by may taOjand thtjwffh nunr a woh meat-nwi not aay with the toic would nut pre tnv wj tayu"lf M dired that I aliuJ! lry j w to hit will ia nevk, ejirefNamgl iJivd the caw ha- not ami wdl Hut and van- not nerih, fcjr itd W&l frwtnrtO the r0lJt ftwn to eviy pntpbt oTevil, to eve- ry croaking CaManlr at rxKurf'anJ af-ma-l, j, ftj im wt are toe weakaud mint phh ki jj before our pwcWitTeiieaiiei; t rr4y, pj tnmg m wr o B ni ght, but to tt; im our Oyjw .p, ..m iaHiiH. I av W. rw a. TJJ 1 JaeCtf r'T w4 to rw. ;n i TW . r ar . tit eil'll "T M. um kiaaaae f ai iw la vtk a IkM fc - WNiOMW aahTiBe Mima-uMirK Urmtalitifl 0 JU J'aatr,--Tb Fed erata cotitiave tbetr oatrajea and atrocitiat 7....-... - - , " , ,1 tor Olbef l-ri uwier J""" TU,j,alhM KrMwtkiaba aud SoetlMrrn, Ln , toUe-vh venerabl.' Jo-r-.h 4CI. i...,.,..i itn. f!urtr ' of ilairiaoa t . . - .1.... .jm Vitl ibaivUI V U aumped. and t red 1 wbatiacieimed to b a Uinattaa .-.I .i; rhtauad eummaaite l God aae aa torcver from aay eonaecli.m, either ao- VrwVmf Gvfrrm-nmt ar A'ra-torl-. Tb iauriigenee w reraiv from Kentucky M lht tb veVeigntf Coove. 1'ioa aaaembted at Ramellville, ba ad tmraad altor tormr provielonal. go rarneoU Th lion. Gaorg- W.Mmoo, a atrg;Soihera Hjht man, eboa Goeeraor, aad Itowlingitf ree aeUxtod aa lb temporary, capital for lb totr meat nfakai Lnrialatox. - Tbr Coaatio, beiora adjoarameat. apprtated Me-r. IL 0. Itoraett, William mtooegotial tof lb admiaioa of Kea- tacky lato tb CooWeraU Vto. v lUkmi fymmimtr, . . - ar .11 . arm... . -. m it ik... (u Htirra rnvre ami 1 ?5:iisi TUB WAR OH TUB 6EA-C0AST. v TnE YANKEE RAID IN a CAROLINA. : , i v vlltivUTOi, p. Vk, ii ov. a. There b UU ! Mm bouiliiiea vw 'pur aAbord. General Sherman having pant. 4 thrSUrt anJ Stripe 00 the ar4 tort bat It s aiul which lie tader tb gn vf bia flee al bariojf iatved eminent ly beaevuleat proclettiaUoa toth - loyal" tolk, boae ttvwara'b baa lQvadl, pinn darrd anJ UeeuUleJ, i www mak i2 bimaetf and hie Yankre rvgiineaU cor, tortabte Hl the . land Uach-a, waJUng tor tW rlinelta prw4iml to ooea ia ami "take the ok" Like Com. Dtiat, U bit riltoa report whicli ia rtainly calco Uu4 to -aalWfy the eiiMrUtionaof Ui otunUy," aa (ar a arrant ulaeLoo4 aud 1 aiatuaUtnbat Caa avail to aetttfe it iOacUoa inong: Jlbe Haciing 'UwuanJ bo aararm the iifvlea cnarU of Jiorvhern eweuinarv aaJ mauufartBfra. lie klUdc ia the pkeaauWat at) k Kjaaihl to lb eon MCHpattoa of iWautort, aurama to coo atiler it an ihiU'.K'B of jpecial manaaim it. Nw h Uuthia, that though lhrau fort ia really draerted by every wl.ito i- habiUuL the 1 aakeea ar autety airaw u eccotY it. With their inauncuv .Jrrad of tnaakud batU-rWabfy up.t thai lh plc la a trap. Tlfr(or they tokrae va to ihecharniiM little town, - titfA-e. Nor "rt beaahi JthtUif -ap icWumou aie altoith-r MitrawaaU. Itrelarnia' totbe-tOTpy-tt wUt :Wm ibdi IWaulort a.tutd t on ttoyai u- aud, rhHh.of threwtH jjruup f tinpf taut Wanda in that netglibothwod, ia the vim aeareat to lb main land a4 iartW froaWeraab'-rOrr itcoalrWe4 atrvaut ed b crvm4 H rVl ' they d-ird tor (Caj'""'uyiiKHlralioa fVataot a bualiU trrt-nia rarV And then. too. Poll KVl Wml aJmi- raUv adabtod tor parte; aarfare; e-- o4iy to a caae h th plaen in wmc j .Mir net know every cterk. inarvo aaJ , ' a a ' . a coer. whiietlMi ftemy"a aoldiera, worepy- 'g a atrcag auaatry ami ww m wb!b,i tta tojiMiapMiUirawraa ;anuiJ.'.ir. jfrtUi new to litem, ill rly W betl dWed and loat, wbeaever ihey otur from tUr fiuoa. : Aa tneral Uerma w, ao doubt, ipipr-el milh a lively ane of tbrae cottaideiatMMia, alI e It will Owl do - . , 1 for ua to po.1 truope at a aaaat Wre U.ey ara at any momeal baWe to aaiuuro oy botnb-ahelta fruio th rr ltcaufort ia now, and wilt b, hkely to re- n...n t.,Wab!a ff'toand. uiuil the mU- in 1 aii- kee either ara dnvea otf row t1e altocetber, or,aeed .i -h,u(jvintj ' iW tha taaia laud COUUf ttou iO J Off a II -a- it 1 a ialand. Tbia UU.r Ph bardiy ay, aot deemed ber e.iy likely to Occur. ..- . For tb Uoefc of tlwt b ar aura-, ceoily reKK worn t on aa --r . - - . . . . - g .. -. .r,irjrr.r. n tuat thera rjm-lbat tba Soiiib? UroauiaM, -j mi nun taa uuiiLeiuiia ir-wtmaiw ia large number, are prvfemns tU(a)t..d lugrm. w,tb WftKll w.Tp-r..- bad tberuaeleee aganate ittttlafitt. atiia.uUMo. U .. M..fdedrw a . & r .a - . ..a. aeutod to a wiee - at bwou ami '"Ttappli4 to lh calrtwaafW boat, aad, akalking dowa tb rirer, l pad - AmA dS La the (UwU W aiah tb 1 ae- - 1 aa haa ioyftbir acaawiuoa "i tbia aolitary cV varw'aa ary w ' a .Ll. ImrmmX tmM fLat h A aoMMf from taa ana mmm c-g prowltog hbott tba Waada la a- waa U.a aMiraad tu aaaitora with tW VaU Raaaert l lb jml her. IJy the way, Colonel Cocborna, who - to h bang whea the new of tbaaiwiioa of lb couvtcud - piato ia lUadJpfoejaede ha been placed ia the dangoa raeriel for coademaed erimloak. Tb otberriioa m of war bar, likew'iae bea pW ia aeparale cella. .' , TU baralng of the cotton aad other produce aad the beiJJinge on the iaUnd ia progreaaiog bravely. Eeropeaa loom Uk oat for their aapply W toag lpl out tun bntJi. tckad.WpfiedI laahjenta ineaaage baa beea raowead bom with general p!' PPfL , veau ia the Uce can, tieny umi w ar now I lb very pinch and Ug of Ihia war. The enny baa Uea tared of Uil!aa and delaaMM Ibal b could overwhaltfl U 8outb wild aamber. and narcb from field to dfld, frora-WaabiagVHl to lUchroood. Xlanaaaa and LeealHirg bar Uogbt bin le-aof which U Dot atlbpat daagnr to our aeirea. The Govern meat of" thUniu4 hutr baa covweattd to U Ha niliUr plana from ihe braia of S00U, laatead of the pijvaof the Nt York Tnia, and lletnpt ! pat w operatkm tb acb.ioe to the tjnrath of I be ttoatb, which thai ' traitor vaeettlea a4 whieb the awW beahj hare aioce onotiaaallf recotamead- It that idea a treat anar wat to be rolled do a the Miippi to Km Or Una, wbiW ftort blockaded 'lb ooaat from Uatteraa to Mobile, bomberdiag the rilie of tho hor ami Uaviaf tortilWd campa at other fxiintvtill it met the army, with full aptiearr-lU month tot th Vbra riv-r. Th Soatbrra CoflfcoVra- rv wontd UcrthLed a the embrace of theae twv arm. " . ., Such U the eampaign, to tba eiacation of a hich the, United hut aow Mifie all ita ttretigth and etraine ewer Berve. Cef. taifilr, it prmir more than any of It pre. deciwr. and if auilry and entirely Mtit of wtmidHed- miuut elfrct the 00 iki S.M11I1. ifiha .war ouotirierd.to becou. .1:,.1 i.Mnt' iriiliLarv onnwrf f n.iif -- , ration ami on aueai wviesMT bjwu IV. .w ...II 1 .,.Md,fult l.ea tiaa of rw. aw I.f r e e-w w-., r- appromb. llenee, the opiratiwn of tb enemy ar rearJed b mra apprebeo- atn.! LbH tliaW. La tt won - - - .-. I .7. . L.I r whirb th roaatry i full, fa ejuWkaoed Htr life by their rnewe-l wr, bk ipr at th approach of the aamrmVaqn. Aa illustration lie a tb Ublfi wber lb line ar written. It 1 aa aoonymou lei tft Mn j,, eoouiaiag alij&a . , . . .t.L. -... cut from tbaaulamae of tbia ne paper aix moot a agoeipeeaaiag oenaia ueciueuu arw(dlweatary ofioej of Yaaim and of Uacola. Iba anrowpanyw Uinaonly the woriaieW, oaa yarajr . lHMJto n . Mr. mnJ t. UUa douU hubdmit ,lk. wMcK. f . ... 4. ..ji,,- tmi laaa r in inn f'w- 1. " . .. k(mrlf keif j, Soutlt Govrameot, their rftorta foelheuwbob.v carefully filed away I - - arrap of evidence; 00 which they ? . , a anoro- . ; " ttr nA,rrtr. abo believ f ia tbi " 1 ... at lU aa.a.Ml lilfl. il Bit IW. CutB y aiiaoaxi to b broken. f ITOHnHt V'" aV" " wa, - - j There H a crt... fact, bowe, .bWU , . .tM.kl lMilil ,iIDy . ii.,ilV.,-Walt 4aMraitorTbTburrhicti ib Jonh I . -1 I. L.L U - VZl.ZTZZ v-w i . to i,. which it i---ranraiDjr imju ik j .. ..L ..i-uM Li due. UHf caioiau;n v wiu, ; u - - of ,b. ug. ujKtrUira ainc va)tNv r . r I . . ratatada,aW.aJaewvi 1 . 1..., m.i ..m. ! . ill iolv. a rivaler amoant of diflVr.nl - - fcfct. , ' r ; . lU titMtU3Kt ;....i.aai im 1 w a f-,. . , - , ,1 ilud aad naaal all be LikvTJoeyr . r . hich cbaht-e eter . t" - , detVaU the gambler, bowr eaaaingjy he baa calculated hie martiagal.- Tb hag eampalga iaearialJy toil harwaae aoio ; -t , . r beaa tb war. If Namdaoa eoald wet aMCatO pla for tba coaqarat of Rbain with lb blet general aad tb moat pfeet army et aeea, tb probability that the Yaake Go vt ameaf, with Ua mob of olatora, y tarda Uniht to boaIder a maahet, aad ai t earbU of marchia: in Uae, will aeccaed ia abjgaliag lb Soath by litor- ally anrronnaing n ia aceeuii's'7 Indeed, their pUa bat failed at tuiacr IUmoat waaiba.finL-alePl d tLAmJmxt mmm a AmLmt- Oa tb UCe of ikmt fint itMeemeatePtnded ibainaay eartum m Taaaeaa! aad Belmoal bae- f failed, tb bridge baralng were pra- matara. r That ha fared th groat arnry of UaJ rtb- rmai! of tl W baa dod tot litU watt:' Tb root of twwty a al eompcbaatei h aaecea at Port ltojav and Penaaoola wa aaeooa4 mbwarjisa for wbloh tba fieat did wot 1 M'na. Wa have tittle tW of Mf tulIiUrf pro ject, waetbar for bgH) baUl or a cam vmgtL wbkb iafoltea maty bcieava- V . . . . J. I NM mUlUlUd 01 OltVOCI oommaouv, mm "'aw tpacw) of tb eartbV wrfae. ' Ilnmaa , paaat, at Uir beat, r loauflcieat la acvonpladi tboH tLia pn wb of . tba braia.. TUf bat all failed hitherto ; .od tbia, tba moat gigaatiav ad ddScolt. d banraea or an, m wwapenewww - azaiaa a deaperate aad 'powerful adear; tarr, prvmiar to W o tlctplio) to tba cooaUat lawTf aaibaa.riicoa f Frota tb Mempli (Tt.) Aalwwt IMl-OUTASTFUOM EASTJOSES- TU Uto ipedUioVajalaet tba CuT fjawja Camp, aar Sal creek, wa not al together aaaacertafuU Tba LKn man r bad beea ao huifn!JJl94 lcaea their campa, camp "aqaipaga,. eook- intr atcaeik Ac Ua of vim a uaioa mca bad a farloagb, and aa aaddea aod aaeiptded wa thftr departora, that b retanwd to the camp only to t nd U oeta 01 Lv CualaJralea. II waa f conn Uk-' r". Uing ref-d U Ul tb pai a vv yiniwwKwj. aaeaw. (tf 'e bone waa f hMtod, but tf oa- - - T - -.-iUii.a! ibra. irm Mer ' ' criUth.aaattaniiit)Zr. We ba acme addiliooal rteto from Eaat Teaiaaca. Tbera k great actiily naif tb Confederal ia arrcatioir and . ' - . .L ITv- mv. Koial tba uatoa aaeaw mbv aeteatrva Cmoa wer arraetod ad brought to CWUBooga, wbera tby ara o con Inad. Tba-tlh Alabama fegimaat baa BwedtoTyDraboataa mile from Cbatlaaooga, wber , they are atill doing good aervic ia kepiog th Uaitor down. Col. LooMy'a and CvL W'biu regimtaU ar ia Cbatlaaooga, and another rrgimeot, . a am aot raouiiaotad, are ia CbaUaaooga. 8,.ral of thoee arreted Uv abeady U- kea tM oata ami teiea " Amowp Lheaa ia WflTiamnitbfiia,Tl aOltd CtU- of CLatlaoOoca. On of tl aeventeeB noaaUy near Sal cerk ; h lb aecrata aboal tb bridg Uring ;TU , t'aioa man firing at ,TyalVwra Cbat- tonooga oa Sataiday, aad the town being odor martial law, and he beiagWUelo get bom and ..nwilliag to tak the oalh," deliberately eat biatbroat. Th peopl of Eaat Teoneaaee bar no doaU of their ability to pal dow tb tyai ton m tbir midav Ul the coaeiotioaj aeema to be forciog itaclf apon 1 bm tbat they may have to baag hm b for peace (a aecared. :'' fi. Gee. awoffef and ataff wera'ia Kfiox- ' . U oa Satarday atgbu - ;;ir?r:r.' ' :: utii raon At wiai, ... , ... it . VmImi k a nave mer ' -- TcniMaee. 80m fifteen or twenty UaioB . . i ii n:- tneasad twiawu iw (vii camp, aar Sale cwL Two of them have beea ukn to Sa"H ai tiggdln tba , bn.iM burainlf. : Tba feeling at Chaltav - -Itwkteyreawated aa having cooled down of ara vr'v roauWrablr. Soma two of tbra . .... -. tL.-i . : arreat are nwu oawy.-vn -wawe near Sale creek, had been broken p and lb Uatoa ma had escaped to tbi mona taiaa. care, Ac, each matt, U b Mppoaad, , diapming to bia owa qnarur in bia own ay. WJIiam Crauiifild,aBOld Lawn iat at Cbatlaaooga, had ukn tba oath to toiport tbr Cimfederat gorarnment, ana aaa oaaid aera u ou J5,000 to anawer for hi P1 Ywguaa aoAUr aoleo v ntonwt, aao ar io..-eavad in, aad eww to aapporl tba : CoafederaU goearamenU Tba Praaeoo of oar CoufederaU aoldiera baa bad a moal; beaaficial affect, tin. iiarroUa Uigaoo a ia Cbattoaooga, aad affair wer calm lag dowa rapidly."-.': 'y.' '.0 Jt firiJml Pitt. A Nw York paper aay that a wedding party lated through - . a. i ' : L t Ik. - - laaal Uimra, a w aaya am, wai , Ha prototyp in tb whole traii of lly mtZi devotee. Tb following itora In regard to tbia peculiar coapla wilt aaUafy cVtry oa that matrimoalat awaeta warn Mvt memared out on ao mall a fccaU btforaXTbeir reaptctite age ar XX aad JO year. l"beir- reapeclive weigbu ara about 4 aad IJ poaad. ;Tbirrpw tiva beigWta, three fcet five iacbea, and two frut eUeen inebm. Tha genllemaa kn trother af the celebrated Geaeral NatV Tarn nnmbV gtaat nvid. TV Wy known aa ibe Fairy Qaa, iWmerly Mjaa Sarah BeTtoar'Tbe" bappf paif wer V their way to lb liul lady-; homa fconi Ibtir bridal trip to Niagara Fall.

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