, .... ( i V .,: ft! VOL. XIX. S ALISBUliy N. C, : DECEMBER. 9, . 1861. NUMBER 52. "T";T" ; A : "Tf.7 A HFI OIT fT " ?A (! v A . . RvT i -;.: Ji ... ' r" aT k 1 - j- r. 11 f : .. . i F i a i It I . . I . T i . I1fl. tl i. . 1 XXI j ... ' , -" - ' 11 - ' t' ----ir:--r-ri j, .JL.I.M x,;... -'a-gat'a.aw.W' .ia. .yia-aaa .y.i 4 N .. - - - !WEBKLY.v f'"t . vi , .. . . rs;, ; -.- .'7, I, ri.. , - '.'.V .' , "'-' . ' . J. J. 1 toiTOK apj rnoraiBTW LATE N'tilTlIti;M IMLLUUbvUfi. V pr-nt our nIn l-4JT " ' 2-Mh: .t.Uit I KISOSEt I THE tOCTM TMURS DiTIJS XU TUUTMEST IJWMMT- I'luln.Mpbia coolai ibidm . .. :r.-! ff''n 1tUrs ivcird is that . Am or t mi from th PaJaral ..Hrf itt Ku-hmond, who wr eaptar- 7; I t.tf lfttTI Jf?r fU CCOIIDt U ,:.:. od lb nanrt f ri frinhr Jv-. i'i J uliboujrb MkiiawlvJzing (I .y ri'wnt at lh hrl ol Uieir cp- -v,i.' i n rchnj of ptiMOer. Th , Y (-tntii ewtMiic4 ia lb Wl ... j; .v.jihiuij'to hil i alroatly known. X. rt.'k- tlx rUm4 viAVu, nowr ; IkTfKJl r( UHT. MOOPEH- . Kl lh iff, lli-ranjl no 1 K Sit u u,rrfnjr of w!in tl :i vi .,nn-; uii!! Imrp U-ft ii th h'injt of Ui iM-mf . ' t;..i invf oar rimniiii l- i - rtnt liJ U " J-vL-T-f J ',, wm (Tvr tn nvr ' .li lt hii Blnif to , : !t 1 4oubC lliat ... ..',1 vi a wt er oi!. TW nu ti id -nniT majtmum mtw 1 .1 - 1 . C . J . I n. whw-iheytet down iHetr fjr at &.K We udertood' before wa vroaa-1 it it w4,U00. y.;i '? frro fie to ail bandred of. -u o pf 'H(jer and conwyed to Leea .-. m' h place we left for Manmaaa V ame.nisbt -ont 12 oVlock, and ar-;:.f- v Wednnday toorninj aboat ; i. k W lfi ManaM tlie aarue itf'.tis WUnrbtnoni,-arrtee4 fcere about jiitk.ni Uiitrxiar morning. , wa ..are nr.Uin a large tobacco waM.otrw, ! 'v,'t irw; f'i,ut taken at Um M,tle of Ub v j"artere. The reomriio- I V. .n ( ml to lbo of the ton- i vin Ui'ihrv miiflit hw 'mweii "f J a i' A arr.- We are fraahed m'nh i n- .fi. ix i.r.-aj and frenh meat daily, both !."'' V are ri-eeJi02ly gooo, nJ no ; ;i anv Janjjrr of atareinff. Koffl- f i . V. eili l.irnt mm ana jpn wnaieeer Vn i'u' a oar money bohj ouL lbe4raaitii Kiting apart certain pri- Mfl bj ! i lean WIUI am wmmw h- 'f 4 !b riturJ prit4rriiiea . n"lbe NVr.s t .k ob on tie lOib toat. Lieut Hrf that thn wlionora nra of ibe : 'i'.fl tiit tn prtvatemmaw will not be jiDiatt rauosiaa r cSAautato. ' Ixtttrrtm iWonW CortvrmmImUrttt- ? MrnttfMttfr$iCa$tle Pimde cy, ChirliMiom Irlr--Conditio Wf nuke the followine eitr acta from t..1?. '. . il irf'f.iran nf the w V .i'-Nmlli lifiiueot, now ia coo- ' C44re J. it wlU ba ' reotembered, at f- and i held aa a boataew for S m K . . . I aua-ao nam n, t n.iaia H.-U, r'nlitT'J Ol FlTIEarjr iti a a . i f'!i., Cof. Cuayir,-. '"'""V ' my 4.t mrntiboei tbat iki fmfU ' (.! na With LtlOMd- 4le cu4ica on tb oecaaioo of our r- ' an-1 drartnr from thai city, but tr 'uortjii l. -oniko utuaiiM nnaaira u t-i instil ' here. Tb o facer bare iifne ol the nixna on wnicn inr n i a i, .itat 1, from rrvelile to retreat, and "I V.uir. na (ka limnirll . nntil fjltlOO. I rank ai.l 1.U a m'li-arl lL libertf tit... ...a . f M I VkA feliklMUUl 'i-fK II.,. (imia m tbuiM from Vrr rv h.'MU.-wn-r we hod -oi been ffn,(i-ri ori- rnonvnt for air or aierctee .1 r . . ..... .1. .. a . ia.iMiiftn in lav nr n.Kl. i..kam ietitrir. and .'tbtKit UaWiiig of any kind: .-": -Ifrrr IU Uh.p of tiiie place witt roe, aoo TA in that mild. genUemanlr aad Ckirn t'L ..r t m kikl. Ml L-M-lTV AtMrT' " j'" . wutvu a.) vv vai rn, noru6der all ereumaUaoniy bara truly characterised. Ha banded m. ai ii r..-4. l ' - -; an m k I tood ia tba rreatear eaad, awl rr""!"1! a wih vwrm tmmm -witiea of the Miaonert ; bat tba dT wrt and atom that it aa impoa- , iUtool-iBmiaat daejwr, U oroaa r frooi iLm cite., bat wn exoect tua M i nriat ooajreaiaaaa. Tbn ia tb Smt time lht a apparent iatemt baa Ua Tba tood sauira of oar Uhh rIJiair la Klchmond,, (kb, thank Ogd, ea rW aboVa all aaUoaal or aeetional atrifa and ooaundoa of lha wotU, wilh ihoir oaiuJ aa4Wlfoacritcif and 'CbrKtiaQ dkpoai iio to raadar aid and ovmfort to tba a liotod) aUtadod toaock of oor wooadod. a wra at lU fari. boapital ( and of officora aad.BMA obo wtrlhr, aud who KjwHal all el of rl'tioa, ar aaaai moaa ia tkeir praiao of tbt eara aod aUao (ioa twatowtd ia drowinf and cWiJ tba wouaded, and many attribota tbairra e)ttry M ihtr vulirinf rivrtion. I a atrotlnrr letter, CoL Corcoraa writ mi f4'oV . . ' -Tl priauaer ltf left nicbnund cm tba IStb oltH fot4 si i'mj-kMf 0A7 nr ani 120 fro-Ho m iomtj ol&cr aad wif ata ; antoog tba format ara ibieo ootooela, a liaatroaut t-uluocl and a major. IBM plaot alreaJjr known, thirte ira Bead no dMriitiva. Tk cmwpuUm ara occupied a quarter At im tisttor ara allowed her. w art not aul)cted to tlia i4U and ff-nie curkwitj of ecU trm a wa Um cae at KichmooJ, bera crowd wrre fwriwriUHl to wwraUo ia front of ear yrntm U at a all da hm- rer wnl to ratcu a btrath of air at tba a iJow. w ben the inure fvod Ui'li vhu1 oMdiMcd mMr lu enter, 4 in mitfty wr lok t-GMiuii lu rk all kinl of mm tfctt. -1 mlwj, t4j teop!ft a4 C1uirUloa (.rruii I a tlrikiuit cwntrastm jjrutlenjen j v i-WWir-HvU rM, on r- im a! mr1 ;l jriure ; !ilmb large number ete ttet on UtU utrnftiom, nut a atn g vff'-uia word witt pok or neteow- tnitted. . - We are all here in ffreat need of cloth . . . 1 anj , nianr CM wittmot a aioska hCrWl to rocure anr of lHa different thirty .minitr ; newarT. !reird fcMna fun.1 from a rrUtit in K'cbmond. whicb have been et ponded, and Urate isaot Con nollf rJ inraelfarw ainbntho bnnkranta for ftODM dafa, 4mC lam veil antiafied lliere ar aooM in CbarleMoo wbo old ditvtM th ir Ut Uilar with m, but I can not no-pl it. a tnra apMara to be no Wwr.n4"wv "of rejiayinf . perha for Jenr. ttilcetl. aoine irentlenva were m kind to M9 tn.iuirr if I needed antlliinr. to hfch 1 re-iird ia the wtii-ej ami whiie JijchnMifci I rvceiJ a comtuitiikaUwa (ttttn giVmarfrom Mrtntjomery, At ,4, ta witd to ;.leonef tr w'enUhie .,'iJmen in tbat city, tting that he waa mml .lrmit f iPlJTtnf toe, with aat- . . t i ibtug 1 repaired. I am qutle Mliafied to remain here long, a it may be caniJerrd neormary to etta tba norpnaea of mf poternment or wir people; but I am r.-.-e.ltnJy aniKMit that the rank and 6!e of the different regi nienU ahouM If aeew to aoon aa potai hie. Tlie poof Wlow are all moat earn ratty devoted to tba l t tntereets of their cooolrv. and ara auflWrina much, from want fit proper elotht or any chaara of a ruler tfartpenU. Many nra wittKMt aboea, euat or b4 covering, which ia a c beer leea proaptvt, with the near approach of cold weaUire ; and, aboea all ihvn tbeir poor famiWiwionnt ri jnoewrU. naffer fcrtW WauCrJVtW aaatatanca tbey coull render if at hberty etui many are of tl.rno -motirha' irolunUera, who maJe o proeiaion for abaenra heyoodytriat tima, ami whoae future welfare depend tpon their return at the ry earlieat perio.1. TUB ENEMY OK OUIt (XiAST. We learn from reWbk aoarea that a Yaak reijtraettt parioo of 1'orUrooalh in thia State, and i). .t there ara tvn Yankea latVaoiert ia P..tt ml. With the eaceotieaof Tilnn. Farrow. Eq, tba tnhabitante aboat Ocmeoke wrecker and FnJernn hare given in their mlbenioa to tbo -Yank," in order U n a their property. Tbena ara wopU rwienerir, and nre in nodefrew n type of the population of Enrtern North Carotin. . V'"' k ' ! Mr. Farrow, wa r gijtA anf otf frototba Yankee, but we nra ajl-naed n t. hv h . property fnred. JUUijk Rgi$ur. ; - T" .. - Sntnlh ComyrtiiivMt PUtrictWt lenS that the atalement of t he return from U1 Yth Congriooai. lUtrict reeeotlf mA VheJ in thia unpet wne incorrect. TW ul WpuWiabedbT ua gaea Ut. Tho. &. ) U th auooennfuf didata, olf 81 in' UeeiprioJpalmpeWor,yf. CfcrinUaa, wnii, accoramg w ina retarpa, b actaal ajoritj aa hick would baa bee taereaned bad It urn frocd two Cotnpaaiea ox from and tba other from Montgomery-- eouatod. Tba oCctal eota la m toh LowJl AjhllSKCbrb Wa doll,. 1179 ; Uawdaav mBL From tba meriburfTzprea. RgMlIJLlgmgl-tjyltoOanwal Ilutiaw' ltadtuaiter.- wieta COlXDOU-fUSX JJkKV ALHOMIL William IL rania aad William a Wmroftif Watblnrua -OreyO Cap taiaTkomaa Soarrov, hem VVaabiagtoo. W. C, pneaed through Patanburg aeeoing Ufor (ant, oo ibalr ratira bomaAer a long impriaoasient at tba North. Their aacapu from fartber aoalbemeBt, nod their aubeoqueat aoidanoa of detectioa and ar teat, ara reraarka btoal moat nbacnlow. The wera tabeh neiaonera ia eompan with many otbef gnllaat North Qiroh aiaaa at Fori UaUaraa. Wa am all ao qaaiatod With tba ranUncea of tb aarrwsder. ' From ITatlema titer vera ta ken to Fort Lfaeelta-rth Daauk of Neat Yorf, .Ilarw they atr kept 4a cloa con 6neaeat until tba taUef birt uf Oi tuber, wba tby wera all put aboard a ateamer and lakea to Fort W arron near Boaton. The full aocouat of thia removal waa coj'raJT ia the JL'nrtM awn" time ago from the New York. Herald. On tl,eir way to Fort Warren, Ifarvia aad Willi formed ome plan of aacapc, aad aonoonoed thar intention to Captain Sparrow, wbo Jol-i them tlj mnatdo it nt lletr rial. If they failed heavy irooa nnd . xfoe coafioe inant for tba bnlanoa of the war would be tlteir lot. Hot they jioeaeeaed br heart aod were Cooadnat of auocee. They up-plri-d tboRMelvea with bread ud water, n uinjht, ttn. - On their rml t lwn the rovtr r niarchd nahore in coiup hiely .their.-nme-eruih?d Imme-' dtatrl brforr Ibe liawea of tlie " Wh-liiL-tVi (frtfya" were caliTavrJJl.atid Willi Ivfi their twtiipanv. deacended fronJT arB decS ibd found tbTr way into tbect- Ira coal room of tb ateamer. , tier tbey . , i. Ootiowaled tWraielve, and ia htUe wliile hJ built up a wall of coat around them v that aar Parou euuniitf the rooio would not diacover them. Their late cum pauiona ia artn were gone, and they were aow alone in tb dark, anbolotu coal Lubk of ao enemy 'a auanier, not k&oing what dat or an boar wiifht Uina; forth. ta thia eondmwo they remained for a day or probably a day and a Bight, when a lar.Tr number o aaiwri wera brought board tha ateamer to ba thipped to New Yoik. i tba lat of Novwmber iba vunarl kt lfotiiBvaad lauded bcr lond at lb Itrooklyn Navy Yard.- In tba buathi and OLTuMm conaeoueot upon tbeir tmbark our heron thought tbey might Wave tbeir place of concealment and make laetr aat ape, laay gained ta dora ana went unobserved on nbor, with tU crowd of tailor. But the toon taw that their tiioe for eacap had not Vet coma. All around ,tha Navy Yard wr atatioeed .eeM.taabv whom il would b impotaftU to pm.m They therefor reeolee! to retara to tb ttenmer aad await yu toagtt. Tbey now concealed tbemaeJtca ia tlia private apart ment of the boat: aad ramaioeJ tbu for two day whoa fiaally, aad aa if pro v idea lolly, in on of her trip tba tnmr ra afoul of a acbooncf la tha nver, and wa reported ao much dmged a to cat her to niuk for Jertey City with nil pwibhi peed. Uraat cicitnment wa rodcd among her paanengert, aad everything and everybOiJjrw'eru-lo-th utnroat wlnwi. A moat favotabl opportunity Bow for the pnaoner to eeenpe, nd thy took ndraa tag of it They Ml their bldiag piece Bifalo.and a aooo aa the Jertey City land ing wa reached, tbey ruthed mhoi. The tiiea took paatagu oa a iWr-baior-N York, la tbi great city the found a friead wb took ibeffl ia and kindly uared for thym. tadtaed what the jbotild, do and. furniaboi . them uttli" inoiiey to complete tb''jaaA-::.Tber. took peag to lUlUmora a Uaioa silof anil Sou tberu ecebr of the deeptwt dye. In the aobl MoaumeuUl City lb 4 aot fcr U go be for tooetiag with friead of tb South and her defender!, Clothe ara gives to them and the ara aided ia get tiag employment oa a wood schooner, bolad for sorn point oa llm lower Mary land aboreFor aiiteuaday tWy wvrked hh beavers, aad by tbeir unusual iadu U'tow kabtt . aad, gwod behaviour tbey gained tbo Baboaaded eofidoe tj the CUia. Hi vr wudi waa 4a w, and tvery act waa dooa wilb dar.!:Bat tb peoudcaptaia wat aoon to ba defrivad of b prUea. It waa lb algbbfor J'affia to keep watch, aad tba Captain had retir ed, and Willi bad pretended to do ao. But band wery buty aa.ye. SaikiWtbaaiaaJl lwai.tucbed to tba acboouar war mad and lu4. Tb proper hour had com I tb aip a giveo, aad tb two mea set forth poo tha dark waters. It waa all a., vcatar with tbem, for (b kttew aot wbetbar tbey might land among trieadaor enemies. Alter long boar of w.poe aad weary travoL tb Uaded oa lb irgiaia aid oOmTotomaVwto Ilera tbey vera akea ia eaatody and aant tbey vera Jot fatly raeogoited by old ao qaaiataueos from North Carolina. Tbey vara farniahnd with fm pnaaea over tba raiiroada homa. Ia aot thia a atranga and romaatia Ula, reader I liut it ia - nevertbeleat true, aad pata OcUoa to tba bluhJ SimptUr nciimt. Tba Lynchburg Jtepablican rvlatnt tha following aoinewbat ratuarkabla atory : W were yealerday informed by a gen tleman of aa incident remarkable alik for it aiaflularitr n well a for it melancholy fulfl'lincat to the brother of one of the par tie cvnoraeL -Jual bador ibe war broke oat and before Lincoln 'a prvctamatioa wa it tied, a young Virginia, named Sam meroeki, wna viaiung ton city of a. iote, wbera ba mad tb ncquainuac of two kliane Holme, from Waterbory, VarmonL Ha became aomenbnt intimate with the young ladiet, nnd ihe.inleroour necmed to ba mutuatty agreeable. The prgcUma liou. waa iaaurd, and the bi North Uirowu into a bUieof cicitetuent. Upon uatiii.g i'tfiu idi o evening, and at. tba hour of iwrtitiir. tl.er remarked to fcjuie nierftvld that the preaetit menting would prolMl.lv tm ibe Ut, they liiuat hurry UoiiKt to aul in tuaklitg np the overcoat j mikI cioMiiiif tor (he toiuateer In-tn tncir to nnirrie Lie icgrel U.at tiM-y niut leate. l.ut at tbv aaiue lime ejiectHy reqttt-ftted tt.erti to.ai-e thai lie oeicoal were mil in .!., aa it aa Li. iltcul;uu, '.if Irfj er tn t the Vermont re- gmieiit in battle, to kilt on of them and itake hi coX Now for the tentiel. Vir- gini eoeded, Tha Second Vermont E . . . . . . . gi me tit, a portion of which wa from the town of alerbuiy, wa tent to Virgiaia. TW-UuU of Mai:aaaa w fought, in which they were ciitfeed, and o waa an meifkld. Duiing to UtUe H. warked hi man, Bot knowing to wbat.fkaU b beionged, the fatal ball wa red on rtt er lai.d of death, the victim , fell nt tb flatb of lite gun, and upon rushing up to secure the dead mans aruiiy8um'nTbr!d obeery. eti that be hud a fine Ben overcoat atrap ad to hi back.Vwhich h determined to approprUt to hit own ate.. .4Tb figbt waa or, and Sumuierfield had tioi to etm fne his pri, when, remarkahl n it may appeal, the coat wan marked in the lining u.1i the nam of Thorn. Jlolme, and la the pockets were found letters siirned wjth tha name of lb suiter, wliom Muro mi(ild had known in New York, "nnd to whom be bad made the remark have quoted, ia which the dead man wa nd dred a brother. The widenoe oooclusire, he had killed tjie brother of hi flrtend, nnd the remark which" brhd mad in jt hi a melancholy fulSlment. We re neured lht aarraliv ia literally trb. Summer firhl now wear tha coat, and our informant state Bot a litll trnprttawd itb tb ainguUrit'of tb cottKideticer - ' ' ' '' ;" SALT. The follow in jf proceedings with reforeno to supplying the -k'.1i of the Nate with the artn-le of Salt, were hadL jn tb Coo-i Ventkm on the 2Tth ult. S Mr, WotHldn .from tla oMninille on Salt, reji-rted that the CmttiiUe had Bo meant of aacertaining tha quantity requir ed by tl peopie of the Si ate, or the amount -u hand. Tbetvwoutd doubtfea b-a great deficieiicv. U . a ettimaJed that 600,000 bothfela were annually consumed in th ' State. There was uot more than one-6(ib of thi artHtuhV ia market aow,' and probably rotber fifth waa in th hands of thoaa hohad already purchased for tliyir own ue,The deficiency, would amount to af'h'Mt IW.OOO buliel, and thia, the Salt 'Works near Abingdon, Va, wbetioc our tupply wa chWfly drn,oould not furnish mor than one bushel ia Ira. It was ih 'opinioa of the oommitte w must look to tb maaufectur of Salt oa the ea-board the bett inetnt ofecur; ing a attjiplj. -'llir tlw-ught an abuhd nure uuid b procured on the eaconat by liliiit7 even nt thia seaaota of tb year, nod at be than $2 per bubL Individual anterpria waa totally inadequate to tb tirodwctioa of tb qunhtit aeeded, and immediate acUou wiaa aaceasary. Tba report 'waa accompanied by'aa or diaanc proposing Um appointment of a pmminsKioer to aater at one apo tb maaafactar of Salt on tba coast, tot furaUbl to tb people of tb State at coat, mIdiog pric of traatportatioo. Tb or diaaaau apprtpriaUa 1100,000, to I aaad ia rotig and furi'whiag lb a am mar work. Thia ordinance, together vitb tb report, wa ordered to ba priated, and lie eeur aadar rule for txnideraUoa to-tDOr rw I THE ELECTOBAL TICKET, Wa ar act dlafsoacd to coatioua or pro mote a coo tm arty ia regard to tb lata ; Electoral rot ia tbt State. Nor will w bandy epitbeu with tboe,' who, from bad babiU, UBot from bad' Uaedjag, ar too peon Id ladutg ia aajuat, fills aad vat gar criticism trpoa tb characters, actioa or motivea of geatlemeo, wboaa high mor' ' al stendiog pb ibem far abof lb reach oUiatbalteofmalioa.'But it may Uproar" -for us, an w bav anwiuingt aided ia placing tb aamaa of lb gentlma, which " appeared oa tb Peopi' Ticket," ia a ' poaitlon to b aimed it and traduced by lboe ho ar unworthy to be named ia ' tbu same connettioa wltli tbem, to give a wcjrdof eiplanatlo electoral . ticket which w aaw palliahed ia lb Stat, . . appr treble the Raleigh Regiittr, from aa anonymoua coWearwodenU ' ticket, w presume, formed tb batia of iha other ticket which afterward appeared: Fjad ing that tba member of the Lrgialatarw bad failed to gett a ticket, and tbat lb people had let the time tlip for doing so, the Standard, with the sole view of bar monixlng-the fo;l.!',g f l', proponed ticket without consulting any one which w bod would W acceptable. Wawera1 ', unfortunate in onr aoggettiona, not up . ing that any dislike to os or to oar course would nvarily produce, in a mat ter of that kind, a diversity- of sentiment. Our eirtemrronrie, tb .Afftyr. .'and 0reeuboroogli Patriot, at otic raised tb harnef Meaar. Grab a nr and BrM for""" " he Stat nt bir-re tirstend of Messrs. Keid aod Pool which we hal named, and tb Cbarlotra Butlttin, w Ulieve first brought out tb Rodman ticket. , W: deprecated the divrtion, but could pot help It. W' found that other regretted it, aad.wer n irons to sfcure ocb iieanimit na Would result, if tKMsible, in presenting bat job ticket to th prop! of North Carolina, ia order to prevent tb bad moral eSect upoa our Northern enmie of exbibhiog divi sion ia th Wtion.r ijs. Without our knowlf(r orro operation, t several gentlemen, w aoderatand, met ia thi City, framed a ticket, aad teadered it ; to tbr political paper here, uader tb aig. nat ur of Many . Voter." . i W -' aA'llmol Mpraased our acquiescence, provkled on or both would do ao. W ar positively aatured that .BO.ebllemaa-wbo asm appeared on that tu ket. waa conaalted d rectly or indirectly about it, and, ao far aa we know, not one of tbem took aay inter est or concern whatever ia promoting it election. adeed,'eo general was tb wish among th ceaarrvafire and friend of . that ticket, that tber should b but OB tWket, and tbat all political or part feeb lag abould b removed oa that occaaioa, that, o far w knw, no on felt bb coo cern abort uvea having ticket printed or circubiietl, ecept what wa done by our ow a press w bich w did almost atirely aa ." a gratuity not mor thai 9,800 tkkete hariaytJ - aa, " S,00w of - tho by a carotemporar.' " -' - "' Under such circumstance the miser bb) " clap crap of lb Uolded ticket," aad th - "(iraham nnd Uiwa; tiotat," throws oat - hr tmrtiaaB, made uch ligbt imprewtioa : upoo ut thai wa aceraed to aotlc iU-Tb - intimation lle ticket failed becnuae of th' unpopularity of two or three same oa it, or bwatrt tb peppir of North Caroliaaj" - doubted their fojalty or patriot.im ia .BO Ji.2 only basely fabe, but the inlimatiooxi a M4 opoa the good aeas and patriotism of ibrpoptthaStete7W biva drawa -no individual comparitori' bet ween tb gentlemea who composed-lb two tick eu, Bor will w bur W mar jojj- mark that ao nea wNorlb Carolinr joy more fully th7con5denc and cateemv . of itlieir foltow eitiieot, a mea of .boBO 't intearityi olitical wiadom and! high bear y -Ing, than thoae upon tb Peopl Tick, et" who have been o unjustly maligned and traduced , in certaia qaarter. 5a. : , Standard. ." ' ' " " V ' . . : i.. . l?imTjr-j Wmche4er 'inform that a soldier named , : MilW, a private ia Captain neoaWaon'a gur. rill wwnpany, was executed on Tuesday last, near tbat ptaoey for shooting hia commanding " oiEcer, with iotettt to lull -TboniwfTiinaite r man wa led forth from prison about 15 o'ekrk. ' accompanied by eloreTmen, and cooductcd to IX a biQ in the &igliborbood, urhera tba Mteara of tb court-martial waa read' to bini' .lie wa then blind-folded and made to ait upon . ! hi ouffia ; direct! aftrt which the signal waa riven, and the aqiuvl detailed, for-tb rnirpoa fired upon him. Two bullet pierced lo . -heart, and bev -died w ithout a etnigt--. V -Throughout the trying ecene b ezhibiled tli ' ntmort fortitude, nod met bi fate bra vet. . , Thi h) on of tb painful loci dents of war, c -j-whkb we bav thai far bee called bpobi to lt r-ordbolokkKn. JmaUVitpaick" ;

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