'7 i -Xr: n from, the Fayettevu C. fTtt. . , - .- . ' Cfaert Geaerea, -Aa hie! Jttt -;- ; tlemaa wbo bat aoaa la U Artu, oi ' i bat yfaited tbe facet of war," write I.' ton the fallowing jodkaoe obeervattoaa -' apoa the aocaating demaad of tba tUy-aV bom Ueaerala of tbeaewapapcre, that oar army ibould wort forward and attack the team to fcik tttfecl6t': : Tba IVchraoed Ptpera very flea com erameat far the aaovotoeoua policy of de- fence which baa beea pursued oa the IV , toame, awl ee wrgiag forward move ' MiC The writer to of opinio that bar Geaeratohere panacd tbetrue ceume Rare fa doabt bat itber of tkd weald at oace eaj, wa caa tuocretfailiy storm toch or each a wotkv with lorn y ao. maay MTat writoeeU ;.JUmmi(. fad tot .atary tathetput tba aame qatatioa to bim U Am I willing thai my toot aboolJ C3 lha 'ditcb r Obterte, that every. pott of tbe aaemy, m well at ecowa, ia ..... eeonrod by the moat skilfully arranged fcr ' tSoaUoav ' Thoea which the writer bat - mm rare geaorally aboat twelve feotwida aad eight feet deep,- Oaa maa,. la tba da . faaea of aaaa worka, fa equal to tea email- ' - aate; aad wbea tba material of oar amy k aoasl dared, tow aartate would be wUIiag - tbM lkir aoat bottWnooooUtaoboJ4fc Theeeemy, on tbeeoatrery, bas-a aa amy caaepoted f just aoca iDaUria! aa -they - would prato to fill tba .dims, war i aot lofbi 1airoT4tiW1oaItfWBrta- that all (albert and ,reUtt' will believe tut oof ebfa.ofoem are dotaf aU fa tbair power to save tba bf of tba gaUaat yoalb aador tbair car ErerV day that wa bold tbo aamy ia 'aback M a ktory '; Stmlor oi-. Wa bad tba'pWira of aaaiaz, oa Saturday, tbo iloa. Jaavia IL Babar, bta Jadg of tba Sawaaaoa Cireait iw of Ffandju and aw Soaator toot from that Bw to tba Coaiadflrata Co- . .Judja ttakar iaa aativa of tba adjoiaio oaDtyof EoUaoa, agradaataefOafidaoa CoJl?sv who read law with CoL Jota W, Camaroa, aad waa Heeoiad to tba Bat by tba Soprema Court pf artb CaiolTaa. 3a ii ti!f a yoaag toatt, aad bja rapid r&a iia Florida, protMtoaal!v aad boTiticaUy.fa dato kigb petaonal charaetcV (oT fag- :. rMfladaAry, vjgor of j&iooVaad m poacbaUa 'babitai It alwara aflcd wa alaaMHW to totka tba frwa of talhra wrtb CarallaiaiMwWcber - tbo' -dwaUara ai boom oc taa dpiad abrbadt--radva Juit t warkad tba camr of JadJBabac witbr tapaeial plaatara, aa wa bat. Anowa Kim Drool bia aariy maabood, aad aot tba , kM jNeaaaa ba baa bad, lb good aeaaa to laok to Xiorta Caroliaa lar other, UktB thaa fata Law.- It h tba toaorfzot ow JUpraaaatativa jtteta that a lietnbar of , Coajraaa m a aaaoabcr from u Uonieaer- acy aa jrU at from taa particsiaf 3Ui which alaeta bim , od if ab, wa kaow tbal ba Jadga wiS ba tba JSeaatof of' Nona Jaroliaa, oast to that of tba' Vlowary laad. Tbo nbuiow of Kortb Carotwa to tba CooJadadfcy promka to aa lur mara iatimata aad iaiportaat ibaa tbaj war to tba defasU Uakw, aad tbw cwajwaot ia iu Coaatil, botidat bar owa meiobcra, of Wcl iaatlfaa if Jod? Bkr aod other asay belp to aeeara'br ber profr ilara of coeudraioB. Cad fla' rfd iw1 test tba Araeaal la tbia pUca,&r hwtaaci, waa ttpi ion. Uader tba , 8 aamla faaiia fWfHtrtiraa4fb iti , ui tau wjaerai tiaw m m abbboria eoaatiaa ia eamia; iato aoiioa J7kiU ZTam Mi lit AVfA. Wa Uara Iro waa of Aba Uattaraa pria4rri wbo ttrs; ad ia tba Casr of traoa ateamar day trfar yohterdajp, Ihatlwe aero Uewardt 1 at fort TVVraaV UoUa Ilartor; great ia scetsAta to ivOaKaf tbo Worth. Tbay wera toid that if they would take tba oa(h of anewcw to ba 77'' that Uy obtj raoaird aif to'aaaef oflied Hcm, aod pt Comj a praat dai batter tV?i tSey eotiU oUf at tba o UL IXtcaick, of the F .oaad to admiafator tbo oatb to lbem;dt tier ioJL'jaUy reacted Jha propaaUtoa, , ad msarxad that tbay ,arotdd ratbar be -romat tba Sootb tbaa ,whiu maa ,1 oi 4 AU Amy. Owe of tbeaa Jtoea (a repreaafiUd to af to ba vary . weS o'owft 1m4 aararal tbomtad doHaw of Pctpertjla tlartiaCoaat.S.a ' ' f " , i : r : i SvrftZk VtyBooL i : - ' f..).'V- VTrpaia baa I S foarak ia tba dm feWaernuea; Boatb CaroCaa ; too muaaa; CwoffkT; Taaaemaa 8 Uortb CWoHaa ; KeetaciyTt Uarjlaad 4; 'Alabama 4 ; Uiialmippf 4 ; Taxm t ;' A xa$m 3 ; floridaS ; If imoorf aoaa, ' Tba faBowiaf wara bora: at tba Kortb, bo;b prartoaa to tba preaeat war tbey ware ouaeaaof 8oatbora 8Latm t CeaeraJ Cooper, bora la New York; Baler, ia 1 Obm; rerabertoe, la Paanaylvaam; Whi tla.m llaaaacboaaua; HaVm, ia afaa eacewietla; DlaocJu1, U) Jdaaaaebaartti; .rile ia blaeaacbaaetta; fraaeb, ia Jfaw 4 to tba namihoo Gearda, CapL Oeto fatv U Jim Tti Eegfeniat; TfffX Y&i txti, wicZi: while 1a 'cooflaefnetit Jeraey. La l-iv'itnc i rrap?9dt ,t of tSa VtJf p.!aiaCjci.i fia kllawjij U bia lattaf of tbo S4U of Dacambtf t . I oaaaot ckwa tbk fetter, ovjt hl wkh out aarratiaf aa ocewreoca wbkb bppend mm daya ago at Centrevilla: It waa tbia: 8oroa Offro at work oa ba toadi aod fertiScatiooa, U6k it into their 'bead 0t birht to tneoada Gtn, Paaurvgard. . Pleased wiih their parbraiwcf ; bt Wot M tba win dow aod atkad tbent to ainf 'uUf Mafy bad," tha tweeteat and moat tox&uof aooj "tLailr biiajiiuc!d.vTlHy teerobua bit to aiog H, - Tha MZt day poloool ordan, Beaofvgard't 'Adjutant, wbo baa printing r n WUdepartnaeot, caaaed MTorof aop of. bly MvyUad ta aa atradtoff and aaot to tha mentor of tha fir HrjUod .RKi maov many of whocq arc roalitti of tha high tat order, .Tbt hiot was taken, and ibatbiht Oa, Peaurrsard heard IfyHanrUnd" aang with tba power and wtbW iic etlWaldoa caa giva m t At ftatMa bo atepftd fbrward ad, ia bia modaat ganUa rt, aakl r Oa Utrnxn, ! tbapk yaw warmly far tha try arraaabto atraaada yoa bare girea me.7 Tha iZanrlaadara Jwpwiog bit iwt, Ubit, aad tbiakto? b bad mid a ba uuaaded to, my, rcapaoued rkb "tbrco abom &eaura rrd," abdwcnabootWrcturatotbeireamp. NVbat wta tbeir rprW wbrn ba ca8d them M tiy;'aad anfurfiny a taT, mid : - 0ntfc' met!,' I pteaeot yoa a Cbofedmte battle fUg, mada ia Baiumora by tha mam beawiiAd wo maa ia that eityi 1 1 - -. Without waitiug to bear mora, aa aatbuw astio young ofScer called lor " ibrea cheart far Mim Ilatua Cary," which were re jwtb a will " N'ot to M," mid tbi bfor of tha latbUrykotLm aooa m tha gbacrmf otatrd, u not ao JaM, .mid be, Mtbnf bit band oa tba aboaider of tba excited lautanan it waa not Uba ITattie, but her lifter." Ture cheer, than; far Mim Jennie Cary " cried tba Lwoteoant' Of eourw they wera baartily oivaa. xWboo tha aonnd-diod away iota per feet ailaooe, aad tba aadwocO now oomphiirig moat of tha fegijnent, awaited Oeo. Beaure gmnJ't further njmarfca with rapt attention, ba coatioaed: Te It wmA by Una Jen ak Caryraad when aha preaeotad ik to roe, I promiaed ber oa tho Itooor of it geotkatan that I wfeuld, with tar owabandapluit it vp oa the Tasbtn gtoo Monoment in Baliimore r Thii assaranoe of a trfuauvhant.. -wtura -to tbeir tHyv coming from the tip of tha eom Madinf QewaraC and while their hearu ware atiS tofteaad by thOj lander atrain of their thowi acnv tktm aad lameotatioo. oroduo edaa flct on the Uanrlaadera arbtcb it ia iarpwaibla to describe, .They Wera bterally Uap jpoited with Joy andaatiwitiaam, blary btoUur arba wUaeaaed tba aceoe aad haa ajaae riitad Bichmood, caanot ipeak of il woboot man iwenmg op to tbeirAeyes;( i PCTTDIO Off A fiOLDIEft f-Wa bata beea bionaed that a aoklier wm Ct off tha txprem train from CharkUa oo rdneaday sight Wat, by -tba Coodoctor. I low Wat aet out atTeral mika from any ata tiba Cauae ofosebca. want of moner. , Tr not inforii-wrhether traa ob far or act, tot wtMT baibaaa takes torn oo furkMurk. . Wa aaae aka been in farmed that conductora bare been wilag to taka what bUknurbt ba rireo tbeta u ot- diera mani&Med aa onwicinraem to nar tha whole. Wa Vppoae this waa ia the way of aoalma. wbicb waaerea to toe cotMuetor far mi good behariur.. 1V bar oho been mfomei by aaotber genileouq, of a cooduo; tor. who did not m hiw back tba cbanga, wUet reminded of fc' XTuh) bm bea receut ,cWa ba beard -of V good many tbingt dona by milraad efficiab Calculated to aroom any body's imligaatioa, but to put off aaol dW. Ehlinz far. tba protect k of tbia vary property, m a eoM aight aad wi a ttorm of rei aurpajora, aattbiBg walaw beard of yet Tba eotber acted aa owctyt gany off will logly and oot arpeaLog to (elkW aoidiers aboard, be would -bara waqaealooably -ta-kea mi pari - Wa leeueihiaaet to ba jodg. ad oC rnurely by pobno opiaaKL-frCboagrd alaf...; jirx A. iv, JMtfl UCf &m'aJLi-Accordir;s to toa WeaLarooriwoed Yeek jSmJg J,Qtt g aiet'praraita at tba Federal CapHal tbia Winter ' 7 n Oaa of tU mott atrikimr iatarei i of Kit bera U the at tarawmneea and tatouo raer of eterf 'oaa " From' WnC f tiaeola, drltiag to be gaedy eaaeb. aad Mr. Lii- eulaf ammwg aiamairwna lierama feato of yeaatidigiatma," dowa to tba foafg efloara daoeaa; gaily .at tba baiit t wntj m aaemt to ecawaat tba prnaattima mm papafly waated firr amearmeaur Jbcra fa aid the albtmt .aepwaaaom aay where that I have, beea able to ducorcrrrU b all TialAa aaraaa wbo Jookt V pk aaraeat'y of iae cruwai eowouwa at aora tm rjrrAA m a ba be bat un. ibe bw older aeada. Oaa would tbiak all tbe'Cmtboy9'or iba oooatry badeome to lyaabiffifaei far aoaa of tba mea bare meal to core far toaeb eba bat JdiOtyTba Mraeta are tt reefed wkb oCoert aad pni valea, all tateal oa. ammeraeD aod dmb tog oaag car airy otea ctoak tbeir word aad jingle tbeir apart ia Jeodeg rooma aa well aa the bar-rooeM." The moarafal facet are at tba koaoot that, th war baa made were" - meca ''$ lX jroclaaV. We bara from tba Mobile Rquiertd tba lib iaitaat, tba tba CocJedarata Butai atcaoier Taa darbilt baa got aalety iato New Orltaoa, with 90.00U poaada of powder, 10,000 Eabald rifaa, aad aa amurted aargev.". ' 7TU IUcimoad Zxmue uya it bat "a pretty well aatbeetkatad report that tba Committee oa Coomeree to tbo Pror aioeal CottrM bare reported ajtloat aapeaaioa of 1U Urll iA tba war. " . i ft -i . v ' -. v . - I . M 1 . - I. jr. T.t- .3UBT.IT. at; hthoi.v ftttfsat tnaa iatagt baa fallaa.rT !a Jba CoBtrataSutm iriot lifXioIUioW dolW-.caaparl aab a eorrMipoadiB period of time aa- ruu;;eaora.nirraio Wbetber U'a. ia owSog to tba preaeat btgh rate or ta Uck of btampa, wa bare ao meaaa of.baewit-- We Uiab it ma; be ttribated to tbeea aa the maia caoeee ; bat tba acaratty atld th brice of letter rapeV, frieada to ibaaampa by, privato baadaara Wdoababof oaoaaa worthy of aatka. Aad to tbl mv ba Mptraddad tbr lorn by? tbe'eVmu tcta Vot'penaioa' of the bul Data andacaewmiioWeooa heretofore exietiag batNa Ua XtertoaraaBd tfoaUr era 8wto.i "i, - v . 4 iyr -: - IUnoABoaor CAataea, There coosiderable Jay fa a emeHejrtk wemetwkh Saturday ..aVariog orr tb rrportrd retiraa doa of Caaaaoa bat to' tba eoorm ' of ra- marta oti the tubfect, boa 6T (be grmUettrt observed ba thoorht there wat aoihe mimp- preleotloa; ttat bVpVrrumed troccVa 8e ratary of.war waj a rrtmblafor tba Bi- maoagearnt of tbeXortb CVoKi R3 Eo4 Obi mid tba other. aviAe. tba Umoraol--I tbought.it wad Pact, a, Jbe mercury at ooeeaubWdtetW?omto(iBdJeae ' Catoaaaiaa awiratAtt . will be area by refermca to Major Craaa adrertiaereat to tbia t'wper, tbal (bar ewiipatMet of Inlha Uy are yacted local d7Cfnaa at , tba Cooliaaridi Here m aa excallebt opporUtaily far tboae to atr tamiea of tbo , Cbaatry wboae pimiNeeaad bualnaa aflalrt, prerrat tbeni itJm voVatertiogiatf tie coiamoa rice ai tba Confederacy, liable w be order ed to diaaat poata. Wa tbiak i&waa caa tpara fotr mora' rorapaawa 4rtfavpar p9ae, wbic&'wfit iacreaas the whole nam b tf hf r tout to tba ten Ice of tba Go- arameal to faurtma . eomppaka, JSrfa aotortowt Jinj Lena, of Kan aat notomfy b'Mf,ree(eed tbe eommaad o( all ta radrVfbremUt fitaaaajj aVld. U fa aaid be fa to bare aa army of S5.000 toaa.Uk fa ab ttated that tbia ooiamaad X dealjed far a' grand rtpedv tioa 81002 tba Arkanam border Into Teiaa. erea-i-Tbe Yaakee flea ate baa fj i tT jbrttddW offieert af tba 'ay aad Arm to arret! and delirer to fbelf owe art, runaway elae or that may coma witiiia their, baea. Tbay might bate aa ad theroaatrea thai troabla. It fa oaly aa;ifwaWJ,;k feefe4 of tisyov owe m um o&encea w oicn broagbt oa a dfamin'tipa of tba CaJo 7t Tberw fa a etrto of eoaatry ia North Otf- oltoa, wbkb fa fargaty jWojaL .Beginoioff wh JUoWpb aod DoiSord, It ' extendi tbreurh Darid rortytn, are,-Taaa ioJoWr.IejC: put lU hotbed of toryfam fa in Furib eoafltr1. Ttfa coaatT Totea aboat toO aod fjuf farafabrd bwt about VA to 300 'ajkeaV tba towa af 6akm k ia Moravian aKtieaoeot, aod, whfla tbaft people are.booeat ead warthy to the ordtoary aSaaof lie, PO kticaBy tlwj ararottea to tbf core, . K one caa read pa JTtu weauy paper pubnaora ia tt arttWrnenti ,withoot Ajcoverinft ob dee tha'etftoriafa oa' Gaoaervattooa, tba rpwit of dittoyVry to tba Sautb." vXUiatoaataadaraa fka aoaatiea taniad." It fa aa aztraet Irvm a lerimpoaJeaoi iia tba &ebatoadJCtabto erai ' Tral!er - r We 'ampaot tba ambor lroTCaaiaa,aad-tbat there fa' a rwaTprrpoto at the bottom of Ufa acxuaatfaa araimt tbeaa coonUea. It fa very eiraaga iadeed. that we who lira withto ahacat daily touaaoaraa ttb tbeao aoaatiea abobld bare to Ware ee atartltog a atato oftbinpakfatiagtotbem aa Tra aeUer" aatotca.. ATaat baa beaoam of tba yea wad wara, aad tba pwaooarm, of tbo rrr mea to tbeakWatUa that tbey bare aot oa)y aot dWomxf, bat aot dfaaaearad tb.die!oyaky ebarjad apoa tbelf (tfiow Lisaaa I , Caa b be poeaitfa that a tree- eOer pemiag tbroagb tbeaa caa diaoover mora tbaa aU the watebful mea, mtidiag to 'territory 1 1 Or caa it ba pataible that thing bare 'reached, aacb a ttaga at that ao rewdaat dari &$ tty alarm I Tba eharge aarrfaa tba I'm epea ha faoa- it fa aboard. Not mack woree a thiag coald bare beta pabfiabed agaiast VTeetere Yfa giftiaVfieept to thai cam k would bare Uea - -r toll" ope ( ' - . '--pW-i Free '.II f :t ttle aad tke'pecpU of7tba "arandered rsioa at HfUl pt to abtma tba alf c?iatort ; jf?y-" ' ' '"'r ' '' : N A-; Cjrtmir7ati.Ricbard tlegbaa, froot VirHnla, aged abott 40 yaara. a tbo ight UW RobarU, to tbia place, left by oaa Mr. LitUa. Ue bTdocat leatTai r toenalr'byl (be Cre far eomVrowlWiflfam M. Bark &?t$ VprtJ iba tbopVaa Barkaraad aad aopa afl-r' t -llA aif bU teat aad laid bim oa tba Crl' 'Aboat t o'clock at algbt, Joba CCeToa!led Inland wbifa there, it waa atkad what aboald be doee with Ilagbra, Who, ai be bad beea drfakiag from 8ator day aretiiPg opto tbl lu wat aappoted to bw draak.. Mr. Olovtr aaut M .maat not oa out out of doom.' bod IptopoteJ to T a - , , m ' ...'. Uy bim -Marer tba are; aad meiatoJ by tba1 keeper af tba bar, tbey moved kim otirdiBgly. Bat to doing eu, Mr. CJore diaoovered. that Jbf, was aer waa called to, aad oaTeeaday beld aa btnitfdL'whieb rvaulted la the rtrdfat of ""f " . . . o'dVatb by 'ricemira Idrfntiftg of iatogtoa ting Itquvra.- la iaa courae ine re. ligalioa'of lb4 f auato of liegbea death, barkfrpcr. LUe, Uied that ba bad got aae tlriab attlat bar. It waa aUted by otbeea that bw bad rpenl tbo, meat of the day j Jack UalTa grog tbop, and that tbey bad pat bim oat at tba back door from that ettabnabmeat; 7 ' .Ilairbea bad beea to the employ af kieaara. Enafaa k Bradabaw, aad worked aU iba preoeditij week. lie receind bfa wava Saturday f feaing. aad , aowa after wh ata a Th4e doitort aad tweaty-flva eeeu were foaad ia bfa pork Hiv It a aoppoaed be paidi only aboat 2 forjw ppiirt out J tbe wrfU, ooo- Jointly a warded bjm by tke boabv' be paireaieed. ' A rtaw off rvyalmr ae a Tba lUbmuad Examiner , of tbe l&tb i . . a a m ' . a ' teetaet twya i Wa tear tbal taa Uoeera meat bai detWd i aew tyttera of pvpa lar ktui,wLWb prvWaUtocb esUa adv aetagea far toveatiweat, that k Jtoaaot tod to attract the attentloa M otify of tba eapitalfatt, bat of tba large clamca to the eommanity wbo may dewre totovett tmaO auCDt 01 mney w mmt prvuMwie farm, aad far abort terma. . Tba ad v aa tage of the aew plao of loaa fa nearly that of depoaka oa call aad reaembfaa the aar iog beak ejatem. A Ah A, Mr, MwniOKa. U.e SUr V the Treaaarybaa propoeed to partiea bariag mooey .to toaa, to tormt to Goreramaat bond, or regiatered etock. oq the Wlowtog liberal terma : A It a) prepared to make the etock ran from three to elghteei year but to gie It aearfy 6a ad.raatage.of a loan on by maikg it payable at any period ot aa mootbt mierrcB mg betweea three aad eigfatevav yaara, wkb (ba iatomt at tbo rata of aipbt pm eaaav par annum, payable tetai-aonaaJly to' ooiaV ; y DTolderf of Tmsarf aotet caa at aay tkaa proeure fi'tham1ra tmmuirr,deaor4ttafaaeeaimB or rettrred Mock m etchaneai trfaaary aobfHToda it jbti ty,toaoaWraf: UaVjdi&p&r fcto' to?aaa i ry aote aad to- brer totaneat at the rata of it par cent per annum, aatjl to reeoueerted, and thus coax3tutj a depodi oa call, bear ing tlx. per cent ioteieaC '"' A: . Both cliawt of etock-thatcf ai per rent, available at a depeaftoaca aad tbtfafaigbt per cent pay alto at aay period of tit mootta, pmnt heeler adftota f w lne(meet tbaa the ainal lUhdardt of commercial Soaa7ead w M dowb'tn pthr irivd tbemtatvm to the people of the tsoatlt,. t The tame paper, m aa arUcfa oa tba of.tbe blockade oo tbo trade of Ctohataad aad tbo Booth, mye-V The 3Mamtat fa tomiag Ua atteatMa to, the dirdut aacama,w meat of tpeual bcaodiea of maautoetajuig todmtry, aad a ayatro. of premiums to new eotefpneea, The effect of thfa puitcy eo the aMouactnrO Id (be $voth, ef the kaportant article of nitre, bat been Wry atrikiof ; aad the Government ia. we faara, now rreei.ving a rappty ofohm artwle at the rale d via kao dred tbooaand pouoda a day. h . . Our. oty barken are' aeoing fold at twrn y-eigbt eeam, aad botfog at twearooe, There fa aa Wttoflent '--ImliBf to gweeromeat aecaritiea, aad boada of the first fiAaea au!l kMkMaiQaotedattweperceprrmhim. Thi fcew ryttem of popular faao of which we gtve aa eoaJyait ta another article will roaQe the governmeo, it It mid, to get aU the moeey ft waota. i Tho Becretary cf the TreaaoryW determined m tetrthluca tome cbaafea ia the rroduea Loaa Office, aad Pro- ieaaor VtBn, the mperieXewJeot of the loan, baa goaa to New Oriesae to take cbam of a bcaocbof tha ofica toSraalLahed iq that auy. " " ' ' t . -. .. . . 5 Ca itz:. , .nolo Ulaad, f ; U try 4tb, 1802. ' x r Sirt At mry. thing lookt g'oocay I" it cold clondy mora log, I Iboajlt coufj not employ mymlf, beUer tbaa by giving yoa a fewjitema oonotrning Itoaaoka lalaod ) aad bera al low me to aay that the Ume matt be few, far there fa nothing maab totareat , at : ihia rather diaraalptaea,twrlUabouti ' The ebief produotfaa oftba Ialaad fa Tweet poUto,) lllcV'taa tlaadVrt tafaa ia freat abandao'f'TiaJieftcioat Scap- peraoag grapa la aalti rated extenalvely, , aad dariag tUpud tsfiier tba maa ia reriiOealLiJ attirwportiblty tba of tettiag itt rZ?' 'I tbiak if aome ' oaa wltbi aapiulcrjf WtocaU.oa ,'lbb lalaad aad fire U lU eu!littiuB of grapea bfa whole aUatioa, -ba woald ba able ia a lew to aapply a, Urge; prt of oar noble Conlederacy with the leal of fUihtiaraW wine.' Tbera ia to toe liltla rora tofard ttre, but barely aaoagV to keep aiock froea atarviag. ' - We bate apWaJid Werlet bera, all mounted. with jucelWet ganv aad'tbey will do execution if tw thVYaakeea giva -6 b aboali5A V'TW U Ceorgia rWinKUl baa beea rewioved to Portsmouth, Virginia, aad tba ttot North Caroline baa tekea ha ptoee oa tbedalaad.' A A - . .Tbe tiater Cjuartari we bare ba bai!dv in for tba teat jwoj. raoatha are aearly completed, and wbea we oaew oepy' ibem I tba mea' will i aor comfortable I thtok tbty till act cam ao much about goiag borne at tbey do aow, . a giaaee i Ute eyepvey our tacampmebt, eonveye Um idea of a'little tillage ia proama of rwrtioe-- bWoke bat looff tatoyed aa toteiliiba4efaaI fmowimroaaee -lioa walk tba aame of Sir Waiter Raleigh, aad tbel aaIiratl tetfkroeeU 7msde by EuropraM p poa ibeTfonVTSmefwia coa. fiaeat I ai'ia awea nm aeea iy ue d. kkii. mm. it Lkl eiOfO-of atdure7aaU-ktoMU tra:tsilot-BOwttbetaadMig it aw poMea. ; aa ir in nrm m ' : i '.a - - - - - kiatorie aaad oaakt wUI bereajter revert to tiVaaoat mewoeal4e to the totty of their ntea. , Maay aiJj U tby Whleotiaarrated by "tbam to tbeir jd'lldrva to after tim ihetoau, aot btowdy it may b. but tba torn totuectira aad totereattog aa tbal iMtooaat. if Utoatrative of I be operatiwae af tbe faemaa bean aad bamaa 'pwnioaa. of wbkb camp life aSbrdt to maay ttrikiag aaaatMea,.:r-v- v-t---"-;: 1 caaaoteloae tbia kUer without pariof a oomplimeut to oar o(Ucera aad ata. 1 tbiak aar eaptoto fa tba toat captaia ia tba Jlegtmeat ; aad .aabmewObaJ.to twervTcaot -taa-voweuef wo otawa-T We have aot yet Vera pat to the teat at bard Skbtiai. ad far my part, if the rftfoiT fa wilting to ttand ofl, f cant aay that 1 deeire to gratify aaj idle carioaity v ak to tba malt of tuth a trial. Xver tWtom. we are here ba parwoae to keep aid ' Abea arwwwdmfa fioto pataiaff tbfa lata oi, ana u whwm aneinps ii. mr'ff well live tbem "Ito lert we Aae ia or aiep with a beartiaea aad maa eoal to oar atmoat abihty. Cod help-, lojf atL,70ar oompaay. to my kaoatodife wporialiy, are tolly rtoolved apoa aaataia- tojg tbo adr-fama of the aoidiam af the good old North Suae, aad doing credit to tbeir oCcett aad themevlvra, It h I bo wmtidered oaa of tba beat eompa- . a bera, aad la more frequently charged witb tba ptrtUmaacexof imporuat daiiea tbaa aay otherw Caps. K. fa tba aoal of it. bavin? by bfa irm aad manly bearia aad to partial deaEag woa the warm aiew of - aa -- - a'T at ... - . - . a - w mwieo.-ver iwawaaajiaareaao Wgbly rrtprated. aad P their pkeei to the MtUaCttoa aad pride of tba men; : A : (fw'of bur ma are tick but I am gbd'to aay aot daai mrnly. We bave knt bat twa aieat WavmiJ bnae Stoaeraad Lace, tba tottar batiag baa witb aa bat a abort Tba beehbef tba Ilegriaoai hgeaeeally gooa. i nere ao aoatagxaa atavaaa or epaeiiita: W; nrrT: 1 ; . . Wa art looktog . far aa attaek dailyr- arewa . a' - - -f tt lUtoal meaaiag tt w a-,boaatiag tba language of tba Cawaik boya fa-rl it torn f 7 N. ' Wtoler IMffterarbe 4ih leejaMalf. C. State Te kave f alehed beading theit wla-' ler raariia,er eabiaa, aaf. taeved fate' tbeav 1 A letter fom a aaeeator ef iba tewaa fOfiw Ceeaseeaaieaitk terwa-l lawtteat- i Btmm ft Oaf reetoester hat at taw raeerv1. ed a earply e f vet 0ee Itaavfe. teueve amy aew toaVrnfed to the too at the eW if tory amatpad. . . . ' , . . TU tmr fnlimf in Cbaa'a.--Caaaoa-are to be ttatkmed oa the Canada aide to ooaamaad the aeapeaatoa bridge. ' ' ' 1 fit II. f teiteck, baa beea elected a ateathw eflke Ceeveatiea from Teaiyvb Ceeaty.ia plaee ef R. L. PaUareea. a-orwed; t etaeajor Hy Wl eeR0:Abe.atV . ..' Tat iTATC conisn'nor Tbmbady wal W eawfaMe ;u the CeyWeJ ta- 1

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