.- ... v .. .. , (; - .1.. . .f. , t - t. ' .' " r''' " 1 " " ' - ' I - -- -L -.- . - , ,n, 1 I III! I' n II... Ill Ml III UW1 I l-WJ.. .. II III. I. 11 U-j, l-lj. .'.t -r: ,.; vr if., ? m " I:" v.- , m,,)- 'i : :7..V:?i -''''r- V0L.:XIX: SAMSBURYr N. .G;,iMAY:-I2, 1862; r :' r r. y-t . : a i it i 4. If- s. ft ). - . - I J, J. vBttUNt! .'1 TUE DUTY OF OCR FlKVIERSL Iax It WtaaW4 by fmir, thai I IfV Vf f-Jy UrniHitio f lb r pei , ubllbmf of tkv lBd a, 4bj nnt ,niM ftrf Urp - (Im to pun ery far com crop. v . " piec.of iMd Plotffbcd IU II '? rJ will pftkliitt mf cniilbmrf " ttit rtnieniUrud, t&kt! tare ar Barpn U om Um land. tpliiiif ia Mvitions aoi ibal lit rvia of tha ar rot worma ara mora territl Uian tat rran J armif of Lincoln. j . Lt-il.b jerotwberwLibaL Iw.t art aobjii2(a it ul b by tht apecslatara ia oarmidt, anJ not hj Lincoln. Lt it be ivmernK-rr.l, that oar former can dit mora to conqitar tbeaa than all oar aoMim in tli Ml. '. . . Lei it Ik rm-mSercJ, that tlia waj to ( conq uer I ho acuIaUng tuicreanta it tor T th Urnit-r to raia Urgu provUioo cropa " ' of all kin. ' lp Let. it be rmetnbrel,. that the wont . mUfnan that an MM an peo(U it a -'deartfcTtwiw.- v-' ' " ' Lift it l mn-rnbrrJ, that anj pfol wbo tia fU4ilt to t and wrar ara ob " " 15gtI to b proproi and catutot b con- Lr-t it b rfinpinWred, that if yo wi4lt to grow rich yoa niir4 III rour corn rribaand jfmntrir wow, and be. prepared to rawe large crojx of cottoa wbeo tba UockaJe - U railed. i it it be remeroberetj, that it it jour datj to raiw proviioa for yoaraelvea and a turptu (or the oldierjr' wbe are Sibling joar btiiUv for joa. " Lrt it be rohiembered, that if jot do not raiae rg proiioa crona yoa are helping Lincoln aad tbe peculator to finlea I be yoke "of boo Jaga upon, your wivea and "iiiblrea. " V Let ii be rewamberaJ, Uwt yeav ' it at a aolemn 4a(y to Ood and ytfar eoootry to your tv an4 cltiUraaUlov religuin ' and liberty tb raite rry large erupt of proTMiooft. ' ; ' We are io weeipt of a eomnaanieation from ine cawpof the Scotland Neck Moen tad Rifle, which gi tome farther a count of the fall of Fort Kfacois- ttated in yetterday'a Journit. Our eorreapoodent aaya that the eaevy'a own accoadof tbeir Iota U.aotne four huinlred and fifty. Th' ia foroiaiiott vf courta our.curretpoadcat re ceived (titm what apieared to be nood au tiiorily, tutTre-eaoTSot fiod.tfiat Ibe parol d officer who arrired bere"ha reivd an account of tba kittud or wouaded of the enemy. Although the arrival of wear of tle prisoner" hwe ha Bticipald our ;correpondenl,t letter, w are 4)Mlly frtatefal for hi altsntioa. Wa f tbe following rKUcrijt relating to, aaotber matter which may iaeret our eeader. Wa trunl oar frtetod " 1!. will continue hi favours : . , . . ; i f P. S. It may eot be amwa to gieejrott in accoant of the eecape of a Uaroa" ttita itamrd IiJ Scott, wbo waa .viwiad a few night eiiioa by two of Captain New klrk'a mn, who hpeued lo have on blue ofermat, and: werewineeijueBlIy L taken for. Yankeea by ttt Tle humour ed tie joit, and ooa found Scott to be a real traitor They aled tim all about the number aad poaiuW of tba " reUet." , lib infonaation at touol jtofW ar corj -looking foe thewt auaie titr. an would uk p.4ure in ilMiaif thorn wherever they wUhed to ep, bat charged them par tleularty to rwca'ie lbe tervket ef a certain nejrro, whom thy afcerwarila'dM teemrt. ,The men nnfortwnatt-lyjjiiada an ap pointment to meet ocoit aeif ntoralnjr, fioWwl J makine tare of him theS but j 'ben rliey j he woeeVf, tmt ft Ihm. Wbe went to the place (weeiwly. Wwolnted, they, H Houtt well aA in a tail boat, go lag to the eewtJ oaUio. f - ; ;'; ,Vheaeer anything of importancts take place ep hre, I M lake plMur ia gi lag you the fct$ at they occar. - I RtectfiilTy year. B. ' A IM to eve 'nww-Tomtora ilyjuld be plaiitcd to large quaotitie tor tbe i use of te campc, . Tboee ' acquainted with tbe re marfctfble medicioal propertiei t thai Uelijrht ful WHaUe wiN moet heartily eaaorta the orreiiwn. . Let our ptanlert aad mrdiierf raue Utem ia tuch abundaoc tbia laaina ht,S bcaide tbe home demand, sufficient flhait be7 in hand to,aupplj the armies. -It ia U-aed tlttt to ieoe them to the army nest Meaner aa part of ibe ratiooa will preeent maoy catea offerer, dysentery, aua atarrtiaa. 8ait. There la reaaoa to bar that the wont eel It of I be erhnt naj gteot by which Hoanokt lalaad was buffered ,to fail Into lk IV a aalat 1st I Kaa AMAMaw ' aaa a tA Jkm.' eloped. TbeSuu iaalmottUra of talt. and them it bat a am ail apnea along the coast la which It cai bi 'Uiada.'Il ia a ret markable fa4. tetted: ljf 7 acloaf etperteoce of the SUM. Bait' GommUaioner. that ia Carritock, a bushel of salt Made from- O-galloaa of watef, whilat at both tbe ether points rnaferted to since the Commit sjoar wns driven from Currituck be 0t lull of RoaaokalalaiuL It requirea 300 loot of water ta make a bash of alt Kan that fact out in lu eariou rnmiftca- tfene W labor, fnat tnncUnaey and time. and it it not easy to eatiroate the eitentof the arir1 It may be, an J we fear it will be, that tba necessary qoantity of that India iienaable article cannot now be made, and if en, th At cattle will die, and human be ing be enbjealai to lb aeeereet evilw All for the want of proper foreaigbt ia drfciid n 4 4 4 lag uoanoae jwaao, . , mention tin now, not for the pur pose eif ntelea confplaioiltff, uut to draw attention to the nervwity of pVotectiiig, at all haxards the StaU Salt Woik where now lovated, and, which' are fi-iling fairly under way, supplying some salt, and pre- pannj, to tnpply a great deal. v 04. OrricUL IufKBTixairBa. The Stand ard cowtuieuts with arvrritv upon a Irtlrr sTene.! Ijr tlte AMant Adjeiant GRa il thU SiatV, adilrPrd to a CaiU'n of the 52d lgiint-nl, iut forjiir! aVCawp Man isvb m hiclt, tfia. Captaia J advtied tu o a certain person tor Colonel of tllat regiment. Tb law vivet tbe eh-ciioo to the fficert. - Wa bad beard of a case of that aort. which ia said a hav prodaced SO much indignation nuieng the ofBcert that the fa vorite of the; State authorities though po sibly he woutd jmske a good offioerrdi4 not receive a single eoto. aV, , SIGNS OF YELLOW FEVER. The Richmond Whig bet a letter firoa Savannah, which say, . ; . j ' - Therw are eertaia premonitory aigw wblcb aajslearty.!u?d JBJemailJyJitralittbt araacli of, tie eliom. Nvc4aa.eiaaa.caa fcweabadow aavthmg. One iaAhaappear aibe ofrerfcua Jy, ai 1nithtavwilT visile thia region without being Uowd by a severe eudetnic. It i known here aa the Jrettow fvrr fly, and baa made an aniMaalV y large twarutV In ibe kecoed place, it has never' tailed to be the case tnat the poultry bare bean invariably vkited with an epkiemieor some son previous 10 in appearance of the yellow fever, and mortality jvaa never greater aatoog fowl tbaa it baa been lor the Ian ten a Our vankee viaitort are likely to tova time of it on all tba fever coaat. Tbvy will require a goad many boepitable grave," land it will be a miracle if they do not epread the diae among the IfortLern ci ti. Tle same writer fay, Our wrtny here b becoming daily more formidable. , We have fnajuagod to get in a cargo of arm within the Ut two da that will aquio 30,000 more men than we Lav ever had in the field 'bfere Wj havr, oa the river ud aurrouadiug ty, in all, dl baltrria, and Savanaah can Oct be taken by one man ndef 1A0.000. - Tbe oottoo that i here and at Augu ta ba beea arraaged In" a most beaatifui manner to make a quick and roosiag tire, Tbi, bo wever, waa done soma two moiilha ago, before we ware a t ed and otherwiaa 'erepaeed to aea yaabee eiailees at "we now are.' " If the yankee fleet will only stay al Tybee a few day longer, until Yellow Jack gett one IwkNat them, it 1 "-:-.-.-- .. .'. . ' .! RljreinriiiWTwnTwrw eHtt4allfw;Tk.ttLf was breciaeiy io that way ii ia variably start ed ia Angeiw, afaeoa aad lloalgoaneryiy Tbweaarkete he are abounding with stwbetri large sia 'a small bh rgg, and etbuisitely dJtcio'ui.' The- aolfiers get tbein at JO per. quart,. Citueue haeu to pay S ceaCtper quart fee-them. The fruit t afe ,Wa shall baew eonnUtw ititTltont of delHoot peschet and mTocrt, which it it not thr intention f tht (ople to allow the aoldiera Io pay, far ; ae4 1 beard oaagen Uemta 1 aay b I.Trt , piaetrd several aeree of eesettblea et presly to give, without price and witfcout't.pt. to the toldier." - , Socth Caoua ft m e4Soially pub lidbed that Soatb Carofiaa bad ia tbe field, April LISiK I,74 ne, of whom M,0fl3 are h theperiod of he war. She la 4,042 over he quoU required by the Coo feoersU geeemaaeac Tbe At (t ItfjjimHit 'wa organlced at Wilniogtba by the election of Join L. Caatwell; CoL V. A. AJlea, LieoC C0I4 aalUeotor Mcaihaj. ??. ' THE FALL OF NEW 6RLE A :;3-FCtt AM) ISTWlESTLVa PAH1 .CUIAR& , W liar aomt further r ecounts .d t)i eapartj of Ktw Orlumt. Hi rtirvboata of flit enemy snUowl tor ribly in their attempt to j awForta Jlckion and Bt. Plinij. ' Tht Cott federata gan-boat(7en. C iitmanran Into one of them, and t'''. mnkliit very few rhlnntei wlth t ! on board. Tba McIUe alta went i ;(i, firinirj uer iMt ftfoauttqo jatt m alia wat, inking Ltfheaih the ' : Ir. Tlte lauKea vuaia, .wiiicu, i rcueq in gettinff op to the cfty, t hnttofa- WataaUioon ut ia i, ,i;;.tf oftr men and the accuracy or tu4r aim. Sjme jtft.hetn weeomptcfeljfd dlcd by our ahot, and ftll wci more otjeta dttiaed.:. They were, not iroti-ctad, or did not appear to Int. ii i the- itiater wtrrrjeomhig' 4op thi rircr, crowd, was pUectuu on the le vee, anion; whom wwaa email knot of traitors, who hnrrahed fur h Un ion. 4n immediate rveponaa ioiUU demooifratioq aa given (rwVolvj ere lit the iiae or the clUrcnt, who fired jiifo t)ieui, kililug XlittB , arid wounding aix. ;Tha ' statement br Ouninixlure Farrajrnt; Ibat women and children were ahot an) kiihd. a baaa fabricattri. r .Whott fha idBceri bearing, the duinand for t lid aurrender of tle eity7landel to the lv. be -was greeted ; w jt h a wl eoine and elialce of ho lund frtnn a aliury individnal. The officer part ed on, but hit friend soon after paid the penalty of hit treason with his life. ,. -r':-:. ,J;-'' '' Tlie CfiuceHt says : It it with feelings nf the deepest pride thnt we point, the Federal offi- cert to the fact that lift Union tenti me(jitts in our miut tiat, with almost att vofce, . antf ' with one tongue, riiis coinmnnityentirely re pudiates ali allegiaoclii tho old fiorauaotrll tedly adheres to the octtrAnd we respectfully oat nrmiy aert tnat implanted Jn Uie breasts of' oar n7cl.angercn serle t eradicate it, or still Jbeir. free eouk irill.eirf I- .1... 4!...U7 strtjggle for their independence. They huve'auflored, thej may, sulftfr antpeakably in the future, bojf we hazard nothing tu saying that n trf crifice even to the last iifowtll bo too much to accomplish) the one great, mighty and gloriwoi bndertaking. Tfiis we honestly believe, and while we do not titter oar convictions in a vain glorioos' spirit, we wilt not shrink from their free and Indcpen- dent IJrwfoA;rAi';i---- (ery er roild, hamlet, Wacgsniiib shop ; The Yanketi flag placed over. the.. railrd station and .. depot; arou da pf noi- Mint waa torn down tti Satajtfai4prfa . wh aaeUena and tug howie uu e veiungt 26tV olL, ljf ciUsena. " , .. . , The shots firad by f lie Federal tea lIefl,oiieMtrgy,Ma aels came very near several houses in the neighlrhHl of the Mint, and a sliell bNlirwi in the roof of the dwelling of Mr. J. A. Lacodr. - We coold notbave lielief - that a civilised peopleooid have an far fortfotfeft their diirnttir ar to have permitted themselves to jiave endangered the Uea.of nboffending women and chndren. in tbos wanton . 44 t . . '4 ' : - ' " ate, or tiie' reprcseiiiauven'i c.ury peaa Ouverniuenta, aire all. uiVplay ed from their rejectlre. o(Eccve; ceptingj in two or tbree instaneea. The Ckototaaof Ervsnea has n-J flag,' and two or three otlier, nalbmebayo. no representatives here. Several pri vate cltiaens, fiirw! sobjecta, have hoitted their coabtrj'a einWvm over tbeir reeidences. ! ; : Tlie'dettrttction of pfopct haa bipen imtseasej Btacbnore so thait neccstarjr . pS " '. . On Satnrday, aboot noon, k party of men, who have recently retnrned front Ikaoregsrdaarmjry went doem on the levee with a band of tnatic and a Confederate flag, to gfveveot taiheir feeling in face of the -Federals. The levee waa densely crowd ed with people, among whom waa a great-wwmber of women and ohtl dren: bat this did not deter the J sharp-abeotera oa board tba Teasel nearest tmj shore' from opening firo upon mo men enraged in me iarm . lets exhibition of patriotism, which resulted in.he oWhir an (nneent 4 . ' ".4 4. m . UJ4aHl 444U IVH t TVUIIUIU VI.IKMaomi phviwiui 444tv44 t 44l k44ing bthara. We do not com mend thalprool with which bktort al-onutf that action of thf young men wbo'provl11 eoadUlaa 'f maa VsiMeiM) b etampi r.v' : " rokeu Uie omnrtanate affair, Dot wa i ... '-'m . .4 cannot refrain fromtxmdemuin the eraaltr of the parties who co-Id lev el their guns at acnwd for the faoU Of Jwo or three. ; v Oem" Loebliy fcrmy, whjch' hj becneprvtented t S0.0C0. amodrit j cd to .ti1y .f5e W aix tliotitand, an t ; L-r Wl VUtsJj .r. orfbofn. were" the tniliUa tli dr.ij-' i I .. J '''.! . 4 4 . ri,auu orgauiawu-ciyzeua.. wuo iu uiclfj eoniituiiM-ouius and other ba- uVta:wjth their ,safV keya in their lMHricett. wiien the enemr flrat came. expoctfrjgtoret jntd a tJ,jjhratinc; iV Oglir liad taken place, and tio uratuct aited of an early enirae? iNent. and mwt of ih'eae eitixcn sol dleijr were returning to their boimsi and (vwiiriet, WAinnje til'tlie tiilM ft.r a ht hi.nld come. Tlie" city w a quiet, btit irrcatly in- tatttbf bKv Thefort below were stllf 'J.niif fecabifi, ftjid cCTectpally prvjvj)f .,r W, tratHrta imhu t,.iuiM up. Wilt UiOntlHIIlUIH; iKMi or prviiio; uu.Iib vaudaii w"l4auia tipi tWiuJvbaf a to tba ciyt hnVacot th.Jveca bUw thai city, tli ua cutting off all retreat, sue corMr reinforceuionts. v- : ' Sum anpfMtted O011. LoveU would come to-Mobile ani ata.st rrr tbe do fence tf that place, bu his intentions were not known. t is ottt: of his power to render any assistance to New Orleans, or fur him to have done more than ha did. lie was down the river at the,, enemy ' came tip, and was alinvtt,bi;Kuret!. Ue had tw. ainall veaMia 4in bavins other a few iiiarinea, 1 be boat wit .the matinee engage the approach' mg vveU, ad- waaeaptureu J but this rvtardeJ their moveuieiits some what, and allowed GenTLovell time ? (oro be c'ta?d teverUkca. , 0UR A KM Y- WOUUS WEtL 8PO- . - , KE.T. ' t Tlie Abingdon l"jroaiia...bas tbe to o inji ' well-trioed remagT on a matter which wa have heard made tbe" tutject of censure on sever!! eeehMona: V ; ; .It i a ueatioo that might' be debated, a be titer we have an army or. oot .We have not been much away Iron tbta local ity of tf, but wu learo fioie geHtleoiea who Ue travNltil elteoaivelr thai at ey- TalU or ttit toJaier. a tury ire wucrcvr or.It Wd. but there i f ult somewhere. Jf UiriU tC flVWU HHU fHm IV tifEIWi .4 k not; pt-rhaps a division of the army to the field that has men enough, and Jet thousand of patriotic, brave soldier rtj J- I 4. 1...... .... LJ lini. 41 444.V 4ilWUtCU 4V WHllW V4 " 44...V iMuaeraUe puiuls of tendeavoet entrt tor becoote diacooraged and aVasoraliaed. - lt u only eeeeaaary to maiw ena trp ' iroan Unstoito Knosvillo to prove ..anbl taaffe are mora aoldiera out of tba field tbaa i iw - Gnral Marshall. sW taetaacev bat 'been Crippled aad baffled m bit vreratioua VA UiawaBt::afen-ane-Jva-Uiea.afa.: I ia a few Loura tuarch (bis , headquarters more, wno at ieen kii in alienees v ir man. ne m.nt Vf'geoe, , TUB SOUTHERN' FF.EUX6 IJfKtX-- . . :-jf TUCKY .'-. A correepondent wrflet from Uemplis enxuatnngl of the Southtra fetling la Kentji; Utsayt;., , -v ' ; ThabcounU w bare from Keatncky are' eauagiog, aad hope iiHrentartaiu ed thal.Utq time will cine wbeo that peo pU will turn 0on opnrwsors with" tbe fu ry of devouring, tiger." they refused believe until rerently that LincoIat Cov ernment wat waging' tbia war tot the abo lition of slavery' and lb subjegalioA of tba Southera peopi. They find apW proof now eX tbe sUrtling fact in reetet oQoial aU clltt Waahitgwu Coverameot. I bava no doe U' of the truth of the rtwtUjaai several Kentucky regiuJehU bav: laid down, or nttonptad to Uy down, tbeir rrna. - . Oar foreign paiers lava a longf accoont :'' of the dif treeeea of the roval famil v of Eair?' . -- A. t r 'f f uenpgm w wuK-n I Inn linftfainire U iiSMult If 4.4. 4I..JTJ - V 4 wa a podiioo that seemed to hSbrd every . , ! tVcw'rity of 6appine1t Was that of Vktaw ' 1 r " 'j r 1 1 1 mi H - 4HVI V 4 V - - , f- WW 4Vtl' '. iti ano iraii' y m iiie.tri9iiiet 7 ' l e4 4i c.4a oetow. li4t 1 V,- t..e 11: .1 4 f f "f ' itu'd (l. isl Wa 1 . From L oca tba death of the.? ' Piioce & - j beard amours which may ba t.n 1 j-4Me shadows of eota iej event, lie Queen i tnLjrct to fits of deeioo w hc at tiroes reoder jt IWMMauUa to at-proach JUiuIt iawalf known that the Priece of WaJrt tW lit tie promlitea of filling op tbeeoid created by the decease of lie btber. Hit JasteS are 'of a low order, aod 'whenever left to bit bwa divlceVbe is 'load of herding with parties' atuH Weworthy of liar lie it niorbfJly eusceptiblw'of flattery of ak gross klndVaod Lta arnipbrt are aft, mora pr (ea of a Vulgar character." 8bortly before1 tbe death oF tbePrince" Consort, it !' well knawit ifiat be vWitej Cambridge, ba it tt not generally known! bat tbe eouveratiuaa with the rriacef of Wslet at' Idaddaniy wrV oT w ni Watstory 'efttfa:aarfor We bim' iha inoat Wiooa anxity. Oa hls'returo "toWiodor be brooded over what bad pnd to that drgren that bit thysician remonstrated; and only a short fiiW Vfore bia deatli be said to the Prin ecst Allien that the anwers be received from her brother 'were of a character to low, to depraved and vitiated, that be feared all the paint be bad bestowed on hit .education would be feuitd" worse than useless. - ;. 1 - v It appear there soma women in town who eiurcise great influence ever Mm, and bnce 0ftwt(ur tHe PrTiici ftot i pin,iwivimwMwiia iu f noce a awav from Haddtnly tankoown to Oto oeral uuTiT the' train bad departed, abeo the telegram whs dwpatched to Windsor, and lbs Prince was'sotEttwliaO Hon, wailing for him; one of tbe royal car. riage, anb Sir 'OeoryeOray in attend ance, to escort him to tbe pattrumilia.' ' The Princess Royal too, wbo married l be Crowe Prince of Prussw, ba, it ap pears, been nailed to'a man of disaolute character. Some time ago her Hioyal Highness 'was said to have epraiimLJbcr aekW o the trnth Wat that her Uos hattJ, jo one of bk drealla fits, bad kick ed ber .down tone t'PtTba Prutcaes Allice, after ber nwrage will live at Frog more, and a the supposed y bare , in herited tbe talents and disposition of ber father ia a great degree, she will be a.. real eowdurf 'to the Queen. 'Itiiiltia ia ibe or- ftlarsanmaa evffctstbalt, av tarn should occur in ine niM-oi me. oe ucuo umm leen remarkably blessed, ber happiness so cMtinuous, her feelings so bained, that a cliaage seernu iaeVitawie. Troublous time aie looming io the dtslatoee for her and the rooatry the. reigut over. ' Lord Pal axM-ston i not to be disturbtd, I bear, to long at hie beahb permita him to wield; tba power be hojda, so conservatives are pledged to support bin in any partyetrug gle ; but death of disease may incapacitate m to-morrow, and then, with . tbe occu- pafit of tba throne in aaeb tribulation, tri am of no ordinary nature nay oegia. Tstrt. Tb Riebmood Dispatch re mark upon the elasticity of tbe Soutbera mind, that t rebounds from it b ( pressure of diaasier likeaw India rubber ValV which boqac the biglieethe harder it k tbrownrr upon the earth. - Thi i emphatically true. Lank at our owa State iihe had tome , 35,000 iu in the field w ben Roanoke Island a aa eaptured.v 6be bat now 0Q,OOO and nore are volunteering every sday,--- The reason.' of this ia, that Southern pee pin tee that kfy eaaaof tf ard to t cow f ueredt Every' thing they have would be loat.. Poverty and deaolatioe' and deaUi would be the inevitable result. . : ' r... : riy.Ob: 'V- . ,? '.. -- L Soli.-We weresbewe be other hf , a sample of Salt, wade froenNthe dirtv ta ken from tba fior of a.moks bouse. Tha procevt-by whfcb it waa obtained waa very simple. Tba dirt waa d ag np and pet tnto a gam and wafer dripped through it, jutt as lev it obtained front a be. The water wa tbeq boiled dowa till it loracd to SfH. One gatloa of waer Hm tfirdegb a besbel of dirt produced a qujun of Salt. Tbe Salt ia at tiroag at the best Liverpool,, tbetfeu not to wlrtta-trVifU vm '-is a ...... ir-

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