v w L- , I- . , , 1 1 v i . Li ' w -. lj la U- k . I ' .... w -. . J'U r.r I - A , w e y t.n $4 "' rilfii -4yaa VOL. XIX. i "4 -f.J SALISBURY, N. ; CI , MAY19, 1862. . N UMBER 7V x -; r ; ito'1 w f Mrwrroa. , I CoflraU Lou aiShUo.Tb Ifemphft Ar hftt compiled U bU rf t(j kiJIeJ,, wounded nd- nil iofc )n rtzfrneoti 6f Ottf Array it SLiloh, tlcKillwi 827 woonded 4, 471, mitting Ml, Total 6723. Hit regiments nbt jtt heird from oQc(J 1 it T Bnpboted will tvell the list to 7000. It ii eatimtled that om la fi At of the woanded hari died, or will die. Tt) Arrui in thit onr force at tLa maaieenet of tke battle could exceeded S0, 000; o thaf netrlv onVfyirth of tie whole were killed or wuunded. A deaperate fight iedeed. I. avThe 1t mail brooght oi Oen. Ikaurcard'e official , re port, which ttatta that Moar-Jnee;i the two daja in kilted outright waa 1,7 29, w4Kiudvd 3,ni2, nii.injj y53 making an agreate of eaaualitiet of 10,Ci9. fin Md list teila in aia i le language of the ttont fight made r our cuntrjioea in inwt oi the: rade Uf chapel of ShiIoh cepecial It wLtfit it it krxia o that on 3Iondaj from exhaustion and ollter caaaea, not 2i,uo0 men on our aide eould be 'K we eontlier that It combine In It-, eelf contplcoooal, atUheiarbitrari neat, and mil tbe wickedaeta, and all the woca of veccaaion end abolition hot, we confcuthtt we fl that It la too montirtu and tod JUgfarf la ita roonttrouineaa, to require tcriooa dUcoiaion.' ' The Protect. ' In onr la dement, la the. moat atrocKma ooe eef propoted iq the Legiaiatureof iixe naiioq : oui iia .? eri airociiT makea anrntnent unneccsaarr. It cannot be neceaaarr to anrue araioit trepi ear miai, i us?ar pmpoaiuoa wnicn.anuer me ar i , - , cnnuUnceA, every eoustitcned patri ot.maat regard ete Waadlnjr tAor aa txMia imior and aa rati ' 4 . Omr formtf fomJimm4 sirttX lltrt Tk Suit f liMvdmlf AV t Vt pnpmntioi aW erpitkh . tieaa e UU ewawy flU ean - t -j Eicrnira, Uty t X 18M. - Wkee time ahall bate the ftmoke of battle freea tke aatae tot erenU daily 1 u ftf.'oa VTllO AIIE TOE TRAITORS. Qn of. tlie .. worat feataree la Ut whole matter, la that the men , who are making tnonejr out of the j Uvea of ier aeigUUora are gtueral- 1 tboae w1h were moat aaaioua to poader oa and atedf aad taaagieg at oar lareakeUa chap terof aeda labored , aaieaide- v4 pwe BMre bteteaUaf tefataie geaeratioaa taaa wbiea treata of the aaaaj datl eoeobaU ibctdeat to tka oeeanatioe of oar r1e aula by FodWal aed CoafitdWata fwrooa.- From the Tib f liarab, wbee UcCWUa eonmeaeed traneportiag bit traopt froej before Wasbiagtoe, aad inedibeai oa tbe oatleU of lie York aad JaaMe, aatH ilkia a fow bcara, the tit a) brew have by icoaped la eicroclaUtj agoay Loedlr roared ibelr artiHery, aad tnori aaat were their volteya of jaoaketry from ue op pwne ame oi ue oog ; mi aincxea Hoe of Utile, aad the fight became gener al aleeg tie liae, the eereral earth vox lu la froet of WiUiamtberg USog held bj North - aad 8oolh Caroliaiaoa. LoaUiaa- witb terror aad aJJieg to their loeeea ete- !, aad etbera, who agaia aad agaia rr moment bf the enerring rt2ca of oar barled back the foe wkh nutchleti braee ambuteadee, iha'caemy withdrew la dior f while their eomradee of irinpai 8tatea der. Oea. Smith coutmaaded Ike eaoir aeaailed the enemy la tha'wooda, whiiher la life aflVlrJ aad le aaid to bare beea I tbeyelielteredthemaelveaoowardlreaoezb. drank oa the ' oocaiioa ; bat there b one althoagb boerW reiaforeed by bearj asaay- tbieg et rtala, . kit wun were UtoxicmUl, of froth troof! Tt w la raia they Uat aad prieoaera eoolea they wre mada'ao '7 cheered aadftfeUt lowered .to charje, to work tbea V to Ate of detperadoa.-L. aad banaleee were tbelr batteriea oppooed lie bat eiaoe died. Ue waa abot aocldra " for fraemea net' them at every Ufr.m IfcCMlaa. fe aCaioo ta die !N d ae the aruiog aaa weat dowe. . Sir of Dant Jffe. t." admiu ' a Xzk cf I TT'MM rJ ..rtr f U bSoertktrieoV iad ICOprtrtUa woaad; hot Uanog 4Ue .k of ed f (!) bat thie wt kacw, via: not more arbilery, beadreda of arWoaera, aad CAeea than tventj of the foar baadred Jived ' to haadrfd killed aad woaaded apoa Ue reoroie the vamp; aad thWbot woaad baltle-groaad, aa far ae mar be gleaaad ed were bat baroeal r allowed .to wallow la roa tboae ia the ImmeJiata viciaitjr of the themlr aad eoflW ajl ,tbe tortarea of oae. :'. ' v,,'. . . t weaade aad want for forty-elffbt boor. Tbea, si nee their oocafatioa of the Fee-' and tboee of oan who re tared lortb to I iMK d wkh all their threaU aad boaita Nlieee their waalawera Bted epoai aadlwPTwwballiafelbei aooaropfieb- aeeeral loot their Km la lech erraada of d f ' Kotbing. Foiled, be lea iiddf mercj. i;h y.:( sX- I P"!, tbia their moaater arm? drag, ita 8ea wae ofre of tba away aaura." to I now leagta aieog ia toe rear, . bring on me war-wUo were" icoinff I aad heqacat eaoaoaterar-tavartaUr tee I nmA tkt ti Ja I afraid to aVhu-LUm J bm Art. to pour ool U.hJ and treaaure In the 'tiag ia tU dwooaiCtara of the a . ri ' t U.l aad fcarfol-fbU cfiorta duiracterh defence of the 5atu and who do-1' I ' ttbeejrb alvave eaiir Kn;.fi. f-.iio all their moteceata. aad raak rliima nohncea aa traitora all who did not rtfadilr eomo Into their aeceaaion. plana I To hare heard theui talk a" Union man Al . : . .-irJ l.r.......t rnr ikri.iB"" rnonine ajro a UOton the cn.,nX 1 hare no exact knw. kwottf,J 11 V Pf t incur tir very Iteaey. Unqueathmably it waa j hl ".''"P ,MfH,r 4'f a r.-f-r ; anxi-ui did they teem to .,wn. ri U d-r V.,r it w.. I to rd,t wf lreakinx up the uJd rent to all that tfor deadJeft wriCoreniH.ent-aid baiidinir ep the new. uui wuii a cnangoi iomt here death ebot, fall thick eat, where force of ialaatrjl ia eapport, tba FederaU i of ow poMueeoa the Wareiirk, lemediataly ie boat of We farm. Fanoealf atwiliag oar aodu aad aad debt aad dMboaor atalkiag ia their eudat, laroaga -erery raak aa4 ia every T.aV U - KEWOEUUKST fivUl outnumbered oaratwo to one. Uteir catnalitiea, therefore, cannot have fallen many abort of 20,000 in killed, wounded, pnaunere and. mia- s vvi a ' : w Ucn, iicaurcara autee the en roy'e force en bonday at 45,000.- On Mnndaj 20,000 of thete who re I .i "i in o I hiu..i.i . a ilT -aIti wwtJ wJ.Ute aereremi aay aoU 'of aWb .aww e.ao. .ewew ewvp wa wnmvj I aavaalaV arftt la KaTUf iiaav -aadrY ilBhetMcaellaal '.Baefc-: aa ar my aeeoofrooted the foe oa, ear whole Bee wee aeeer eeea before by ee; aad more ! gallant, eaUerieg, ekeerraV and daahiaff atepped apor tended Bald aader the calm, araaeiag T-""'; "" I ffortaera aordea waoer McCWlaa. Tbee .Mwrw.m eameoot.'.oweeer,; bat abraak backto deal of eaaaticipated diacomfort. AU the rfrnw f awvw aarvav Bjaaiaiiai m a aiaaaoevK waveeoev ?.TLlr,Mlll,K,Jy : ieead Mm "labov 4bee aaeed, ip'tW to , oar e i1mm wfcA Iia ye do.u ; bat teoaetg oe-ooatemptaeeely. jno. eamaice ridee 0iOn the fair, where I eed eattief the eemmaader ia twaial ererr ri valet runa with tho bl.tod off llartily retiriaf from the coefiict, they frocmeH, there the old Union men w eppearee agate ei taai pmai oai are found, breaatimr the atorm and W "luF a eolama baring their boaoma to tba foemana hf l?r. f4. Uert teeL Where are Iha-Orfaalf-Jy??-!--.1"1 ' From what we b ear by . paMeagera, tba enemy ia likelj to bare a pleaaaat time at New Orleaaa. ,; lie bat got the city ! bat H wUl troeble bim to bold U, vrithoul I grjar-3 meeu of nicked abaraabootaia: armed aSb rJ m & f-ra ra. - I rifiea baviaf teleeeonie eiirfata. tber maaa-1 wUl bare U be gaarded bj bit goaboata. ed their pooderoaa ield aad breaatwarka I Aad be caa atay there ealr a brief time, akrag taeir Waole hae, afr.jj to come forth Br the ant of Jilv. be wilt have boioiul .vpp w T we gaege ire- ittJ caoegfa to aUead to. without f kh2 eommaadiag the road Ulebed forth a few I Aelk. hke a-melee. aad kBlbJ toa aad I acchmatod eitaea, .Oal one v,. y .v : . -itiMiUi-1 1.- i:-r fw"ef iao roaa oweneo wria a lew ...... """ -'"'"A rr? 'f,-,ilMT1- wmI iw Bcirj I M .V ul. nr r-'W officer eommaadiag t Uo coMeat with i v " .V"'" anu oiuer Uwaae ifil eeaaya. federal eemmee i articlea eaaential and aneaaentiaf to I j . , J kc 1 eV'caa by tba aegaoioaa aad ever-watch-! lerr- lauaaoe 1 i.xtm it u. k.j. i of their apmraaoa the eettoata of ' lU rtfcLeaada ' Um. a .TTLi' who were klnriouily reeieted ! 20,000 gallant apinta who fouirht on tlie aecond day. Tii General, after complimen mai aad a at. M ant -one doe, however, to the brave men under me, aa a cootraat to the behaviour of mot of tho army who fouiybt ao hemicUv. I aJInda ta tbot txm iK. ... ft.A t rf.l i.l.. Il I Vatoeaw - , - o --- - r- 7- ( w w w IVW ( V"V uvilf wil . I- . . aad every aroliaaoa kaowa xeV naJm 1 of bla eameaoa. and that is to ettertv da warfare tbia large arm aader lleCUHaa 1 atrej iba dty.-0 fca lite baaaaaotpUcb km laia laactive for weeka before a math I r p;,, that be k anaccortom- Huvnor puree, aao are agaia tuma la taeir ' lK ni.k.irt tit lift, f I nHrtnoftnm I .. t I . r . . ll I- .w. 1 in KnlIWi 1RM MIHfl IHUIIIIIla "I rv ' " wrim Win I BirOOF DKM lUTW mKNMUI WI" n j by name, Idda the followlnj i .od flvr j1 "f S,te ?,d einity of thie mHI bat ia evert V laeuaoe I It. ihni. "v ? taajr a Ugh prico for L while the I of tbe apUaraaoa the oettoata of the wiwea ami cuuurcn 01 inoae men I iim ummw ereve Uru jj ..p,,,, kIumi mlt ihnrt tlma tm I fai(i ItMB Im tuodi wtta erw fare and I 1 .1. :.: t 1 mk.jn i"M -,"ik.r "V-fB'DWMHn" - I baf bailt long jiaee or miliimy reoda, I , . 1, ft - - ant-one doe, buwerer, to the brate . wbo ow far away flrhtin? and the, part of jhe eaemy. JJ, 4.72 wOTiagly te aaeetaa eaemj which acorat ad to wiO U there, if aotaboaeaoa left to aaark the alaea. v t 80 be baa woe a victory which will be of ae ' Bee, except te exhaaet hie meaeiaad bit mea ; aad the latter will be alow to go men under me, aa a cootraat Jto the Idviojr for libcrtv.are eofferimr. ate U' lotaltbegallaal flat did not tone fWenaart'a traaeiortatioa le baaliar wea dad pa boata. behaviour of ot of tho araj who ia eotoeinitanceM .'.,. moaiiioaadaappneibeeernjeecapeal If every laehof the eoaai were givea tp loognt ao heroically, i allude to toe f for tba want of food 1 O.id belu nal v.w-w ewm.awe w "lifcm. aad taeir maader lamraaUaf weald beaeimtIkhad brtheteiK . m . . r ' I - - J laua IKa ' InLfl IMM 1 T I " ml ' t , . 8 tact m km otneera,, Dooeomaie. Tyraaoy and oppreaaion are not ??3ZZZZZirlu3i 3t. f64 ,w,0,, lM eIa? od remloa ofiae ribeDioa.: Oaly tbeeoU of r "r? " 0?T,,Dd" CD . I. their b.iSatIa2 diecomt.m.- rZ113uI P? .! u iincv ui cainarwu vnaunpnioBU : : Drtillar Will BOt eeaao at fjia and of I tri .i- Ti J-V. I . I .r 7 """t of thii war. fehoald wo lie. tn 1 JL" LZT' XIIiJ.kA-L: TO " w W .i. i"t"y:r V :irTr - r- v- v. tba teaeraia peabed brward alter oar re- ' pwwirw e v aaaa a otbera retired ahamefally from7 the field on both daya, while the thun der of cannon and the roar and rat . tie of waaketry fold them that their brotlicra were bein elaughtercd by the freah lei;kna of the enemy. l have ordered the aamea-of the moat cooipicoooa on thii roll of laggarde ' and cuwada U be publiaLed in or der. ed epecolators can Hg hL-IikXnonJ Tkt SortKer Qvcftnnunlupor strayed -by - its Tory FrUndt. The I'Oupleof the Confederate State hare hut to take 1 the teetimony of the DootLero men wlio nave unnatorally remained - In aaaxlalioo ' with tbe JHfta!itagof , goveroajent, to ;rm an idea of that oppreeeion which the yoke of Northern - domtnloa would tmpoee, It will be . remeiobcred that Lincol n lately recommended, and lyongroae adopted, s reeoiatioti looking to emancipation la the' bor der State. Tlie Lomarille Joar- nal, edited by the aotorioae preatice, thoa exclaimed against the taeaxare, bat exclaimed iii vain : v ":'x C 1 ? W lien we conaider that It MtUr ty rrvudiaUt toUmn d oftrrpeat ed wedatt of every hranek or Ik Government at tetU at tht oroqnic pwyw oj im tovemment utetf when we consider that it doea thia for Ute aale of aboliahiog the alave inatitationa, deetroring the munici pal fretdom of the Sutea which hare rebelled under tbe apprehension of mia very reaolt, asd which tbe ca tion ia aeekioff to wla back to (heir Allegiance ; when we comider, that if carried out, Us inevUdtU efed dd U tU ptmuuX dutrytdion f tM Ccvtrnmtnif when, ia abort, COL VANCE NOT A BRIO A- A week acne ooon what we eon aldered gvd authority, aBstained too by reneral runvr fn the City, we announced that Colonel Z. R. Vance had been appolnied a Brigadier Gen eral by Preaident DaiC : We after warda heard thai Col-, U- 8.' Stokee had alao bou appointed a Urfgadier. IJol, ance waa ia the City on r ri day taft, and aaaured at that the ra mor- waa anfoanded. JJe waa oQ bia way to Richmond to complete the arrangement for hia Legion. Wi lean that forty companiea have tendered their eerricee W him lo join bla hctfon.I?aL Standard, ri;: DROWNED Mr. Francia O. Oroffl -of Capt Keetler'a Company: from thia Ooun- tr, we are paiueu to jearn. waa Crowned in noeae luver on tue am ol April teal Wa could not learn the particalare of thia' occurvooe lie waa buried with military lion ore oo the bank bf that itreara where he met Lie fate., lie bad cone forth to battle for the Hrbu l b fa eoantry, bot waa overtaken by '.the fell de- atroy er death. Teaee to bia remaloa. , Uvnccra flag. Crept end JTrmiLrk eormpoedeat ta Ifoetremerv eoaatr writea to aa that Wheat aad OaU are Coe, aad frait very aeavy for the Lb of year,- ay; we. radag u.e aam waaj bot Uriog army, aad agaia oa Baaday hot takiag advantage of oar faej'of aecori-1 m ta, AXmcU defaated aad their for. tv. the tih Vermoat volaateera led oV Col lord, aeddeoly. appeared ia liae of battle eae Baa mora tag, aad wading to the bmoMIo ia the twamp basailed oar oae gea trlaagaiar earlb work ; bet tae jxao IxHitwaaa, ie cbarge of the ptaee, erompt ly received them with mardroaa velUja, aad detpite tbe oirbt tea of tbe eemy oea cqmpeDed to retire ia diagmee. Oer rear gaard bad teareely eatored tbe lewa of n illtamabarg oa SaadiyofW noon, (when ' the eaemy tkbadjry tbe Terk road, aad aeniled rrt Uaerodrf ttb two rined pWa. aanmrwd by foor anaadroea or lae em Uerairy, aader uo- vomiting forth xrepe. VeUler aad ahell f CoL lioery. 8cb aa apprar- drove tbarOreee Uooatala Berrwbacei iw iwmmwoi vw u.t- a Atr I wore orpartuaeir.-aeig Ituie reawt guu to their batterytaad eoaeeatratiag aa 1 eeeay jl-ebed eat Bpoe tbeopea r.,;..u t. it.r.v!. iUMmmi,. I SeU ia spirited etrle. but iauaetfy milk eed to bombard tbe dam agaia la the af- ry wm opposed 17 aniy, and borsa to teraooa, with aaasaal fury f-ring coVsr. B . w "7 hobs m ed iron tb marderoa Era, lb toaWaa proacoing rrom 1 orasowa, uea. Aa- aaa wsilad for avsnta. bat whUe MrU of Oratma ieanmee wigaoa was eeeaur ; T . . . - .L. . ft. . ft.... ft.r .1 the 70 1 aad 8tb Oeor2iaoa oe: tbe-right iHori our-eavairy .i L..:t . .....i !. i.a.u. 1 bad caarna see eaemy wiu saca eatoe- awaraa avaaw nne vevur eK. r Mwwwaai . . v. ap aew earthworks to eafiiade the Itt re- al-m aad - fcrf that tbey ; brawaalf doabt la case of eaUare, the Zi Vermoat I dampfd. Waving aome I kiUed and saddeulr arPMwed. tUakieir tbe dam.' aad made a terrtSo effort to captare the re- doebObich their eompaafoae af tbe 01 aad ao miserably failed to do ia the ma tag. Takea eaMrefr by eerprae, tboae Jew e4taadd. maav borate, four eaiwoaa. and toe of tbir6eUptoslaoerbaada From pnaooers taken, boweter, u was posiMely kaowa. that a large force of the eaemr were congregating aroaad , Yorktowe for r i r , . - of oar mea )a tbe earthwork wre over- tbe parpoa persa.i i v sum our maia powered aad retired, riajiilbmaalves army movej irww .up v eewiy masters of the work tbe eaemy bad acaroa- wid order, leiving ample force to protect lr time to breathe vbea some eompealea d cover the rear, ehoeld il be agaia ae- of the ?tb aad 8lb Georgia and Sad Leo- Ie4. , fi Mjidpated, fcotver, tba ene- islana dashed into tbe redoaU aad balcb- my were ae wie. roe gw w.bwwi ered tbe foe a tbey etoud. Few shots by M expduoos aaa coeiempiaoaa maa- were fired oe eilber side, Ut a lew, ramb-1 Mr ia Ik we oetoomoea weir nru aa Hog aoise aad acreamltold,, pUlaly ' what ranee, ibey moved ap force atooaaUBg to wa roier oa 1-Oot of four baadred of eight or tea tboosaed, amply prondad lb Uetarred Id Vermoat, who for a caa- wkh artillery aad cavalry, trusted to teea of ehUkey aad IJO bad volaaleered U" rear uea. JSree ap to OK eat the dirao of tbelr brethrea a favoraUe poaidoa daring 6aeday alclt, of the Cih, not toeaty escaped, for laaida od awaited toe eeemyTi approacb, aad oa asd enUiie tba redoaWaloag tbe dam, their teU arpraeo t thaai with a aad heaped togelber le a Ueediag maaa ta arardoroe. eeslaegbU rrood ta BBabara w. a .vi k tu. I tM rMk dctdovad thaw eohmna lata Aad. therefore, we are not the least de- peaaad by the faU of New Orleaaa. - It ia bely temporarily ia poeaeasloa of the Iia cola Government, V" If tbe devib) who have it win not act Kkerbariana, tbea all will be well before ion. -Tbe troable with as ia res pact to the adraacea of the eaemy ie ia relatioa to food. ; A deficiency of that U bow cawing some apprebeosioa ( bat we suspect without -warrant of reason. There seem to be abendaace when needed. If people are " ftaAi to pay the price, it caafbe got ia aay qeaaUiyriWdearwaveiliesaasoa at baad that will fwraWb a with what wiU add greatly to the aepply. Ia thia SUte ' abaa there la meat enough ta bold as a , ear, if the tight grp of m!Sddm do aot -ideitfroa as. Row Kttla meat alnaa caa tabsist apoa ts wonderful. The bisto ry of the past ft fan or insuaeea or waat t mea aad women have been content with . . for love of eouatry. ; ' We eertaialr are sot willing to exchange oer birthright for a mere mem of pottag 1 . or to be tee tree to onr cause Waose, ia tbk efliei to make it triampbabt, we are obliged le submit to the deprivatioa of lx- , art wbica peace aoo proipenij jpe ea.. Net the man who grumbles at this sao- rlfice to bia eoaatry w no UtterTtpaa a brats. -Tba ox and the bog look for tbeir -.. great laxary, com ; bat tby are oaly ex aad bog mere brutes, without jadgmeat, forecast, or souls to be saved; and are es pecially tadiSereat to all political rif bts kaow nothieff at all of bomaa liberty aad the elevated pride which eatenv Into the aataraof a true maa. If a maa cannot ' sufier aliUle for bis eouatrj-caaaot starve - for it be It jest tbe persoa that is well fit- 7 tad for the deffradatioU of serfdom. W have a lew af tbia kiad of people. The, moat of a will starts, or bora, or drowa, -. , rather tbaa aabmU 10 the miserabK bm eaaary ruflaaa who are aegtgsd I the . m ae .s. ' 1 I iapeaaiUe tea otsaijvjxasg --o Ivcaa. -X. ...