' V w.'mv it U A XJ Ui . Ul h 3 - ' ; .rj. .- i t I u HI y J f . 1 4 oy . 1 : vWo;tt vV , L. , v " 1,-, t. , J ,, 4.,, w I ' C J , 't . 4 " p aWrwTrnfc-tavr rrar .r.-v .t. t-ew-4 awa attxvi4.ii A ct.'tM a-nnfT-g; i; '. -.-a.-ya ra. - -rf iiiA:v;'.iwsin UfRJSTANT fOUTKAC pOCK-l if .rf,...ENT.i tt r ft ' "Jit IlUtfttkA5W p Vi KM fv H Mm fuml hjctorr tioBmtHcd itKiii proper livibv W , VjTitlNMt it I WW forniinrotr w14 4f(nrrr tb (vorpt of ljro!. Ia dMDo'lUnu tlxdiWf tvf lb 4,iir U io ewWBjt out prtr oppoliion. hw owa eovatrj tW t(Mriroc f tW Ul trJr mBthrpr4ytM,'tnir tiii mmj ) 6 Irl.lrtorr. tht iHMHr of pirtj'or- tu con Ijr pujr, ai i ail d? il aeu a4 ppontiBiiU ba recogaiwtl, atfttiO u a4 obligation to that par- it. i orr mim win m a ornoiiMn. hlall it he a r. or)fwjuUK f oa f r T droocti party (bei rmor tha itv j-mt ajo. ( liaa bewr & dfhdi.' Tolaj: U nanWcaoo nillioo fir buni. 'tfitMiMnJ Uctora ia ika SlaUt til) JofaJ to tU Uftiu In r ent ajanMrrvna tieUirita in manuipaJ ce tto Is liM 'Watra a4 MiWl State iqooiIi if hm WLi Stat coat cAttooa cad TkoaalaatrJ fall democrat UelMta i)'vrr SuU ia tk Uoa.' Of ao: othr party 6mmJ lo tb lUpablicaM eaa Jtb was b nlU' ' .a,-, f -t-i -'I.. .. . i M., 4-' BHAJLL lllfc BKMOCaiTIO FAKIT SOW . ; Wb? bfoo!4 it I : Am it aat pia arivaf f Wa r ibVyf Lat H jUtfonri fUr tKMjr yeari ipoaKf - "Rmtfttt, Thai lh Amrcwi Dnaoe r pLaca tler t ajt ia lb UtcPunao. U MW MM WO MVTMB)MiaUw)g J tie of tb 'Amarieaa Mopl.'" f Tbat ijt tbk a a dUOaeti (saUir la our political crttd, irbicb r ar prood, lawaioUiw petbr lb orM, a tb great noral kweni ia tjrn of srrs mat priagtn' from aad)fpbU by lb popaiar iu; aa4 ra coatrott It v&a U .iit maA MMtiM i RJ.mU "nait barTr Bwoaof totm al'wb itcla lo . pWj(.U trill of JU coaatitaaoUt a4 t wkicbeooceirta ao tnaoatar too aaoaatraM ' lor tb pnUic mlalityi' iJ"":?'l " Tbat lb 1Kdral fOvrarosi U a of jinoltoj powr, 4rtve toiVjf fronp "jt eoa- atrfauoa; aaa i . grant pf poc bmo tberaia gbt Ui ba atrioiiy roU4 by at) tb dpriim-t aif ag at of tb f cfameut ; and tfaat 111 npdfital tad Un rtroft to tfci JoUfd eooatUaboilal Mwrv :.-:.;r.' J. .l And a rUaatorr of tbta tb follow U$ from Mr. JtffrtH' iaaujyral ftff "Tb lport of tb ora9Bto im kit fkir hirkf A nm nmiJala a. rataaKsaiwB of oaf donxatte eoooern tb wmt .UUww agaio aati-repaWi-caaVadeoe. '-v-. Tha juawrtatloa of Mraf ' jrra B9et a ua.arbol ooauitition! vigor, a fl a aLuJauikaa an Jaaaiai ahaLat a Lam at at. I - A jealou eara of l Hebt of elactioa ty tb pop(C U j, , I - Tt a-rmy of lb mil re lb miliBtborhy.t;;. ; " Eouoomy . la tb publto tiptoa, that lbor aify V HjWy tMrdmard. O- rTb bat payaaaat f ar dbt aad aacrtd ptaaatf atooa of lb ibii lirftb. 5 Freedom of reHio, rroadom'of lb prcaa, aad frarJoia of pry aaVr r pr iJty tacUoa of tba kubtmt tarp, aad In jrla troparttfily ackclvd. . y-s. j ; yoar party, tatfittal to paliic iiUety and to tba aUttlilf h m aJaiiaiaVattoa of tba govraNit, alik in jMC aa) war. Tbay aro tlx TfJpoa wbkb tn ' cooaiitatioa aad tb Union r feaadol ; atvl, ttaday thi coMol cf a party fbij a-lberta U( llm, UWon it uDoh Would b Boamtaioed -aoJ tb Uaioo coalJ aot b :V.:rV;;; , U tb policy of lb dtmoeraii party; wrofif, ibat it abotKJ t dabaBld I i . . . . ' i ( lu polwhrxia touialat- ilii ili priad-, l A t .J .L . I - n maw b MUinHru js iwin iim ' Cianioga fo! least Tb a port f libar. ty aa ftgatoat ixtr pr j c ia ppt a aftlaat tl f a;u aad MmiU ; to4 of Sua rigbtt t-aiMt otioJhl u) craUtrud.4rtpouam; a alpWoffra- pUi dfU ; kf tas m brt proUctt Uraal ao Bitaidian Jiard taof Fdral jmbVU dacat:M , iawraipUo;f SUU Jaboi; wpanaioa itory LalA f9rniat fof . lM Tvfritofwa, nrtt IV to i)m coMlilalKM tb alaolai corC .iTi'r AvW-'kt J"Jri,i L.' aaa . j w w aa iwm v ow ama a alaated jJart Ml! Adatltaloa of w 8tatrt,t-vi(bor kWat'aWtory, a ilbey nay.tort ; ani4aurfern9a;br tbf fwdttt al gonimifBl a-Ub larj a 4ut or Tr riiory,' or ia lb DiUrirt of Columbia aad, 6aUy, a art fortb h tb t3Bcttfnttr ptSl (arm. In If 35, aJdrlBrad" la 1 869, abaohit4 aad UrBKrdiaUoa) of all aoftioaaj paxt ad pbuni coaoarataf loiottifl .laTcry , abjc' ombroil iha 8(u4 aad lacila'to trvufHt a jtrtnl rVUan XL 1a ia tb TmUorwa, and vbae atowvd pwrpaata; it 'eonaaatroattd, ataat tni i iaitil arnr aad likm. !' ;l .. Sucb vaa tba isciti and lb mtnt polky of tb dvnwcrati party raaiag tbroaptt a ptriod of -Jrty Tra potiry eonmwtrnt wilb tb priflchM of tb cuatth tatioa, and akaoiaUrly taaenUal to tb pr MrratiiNi of tb Uatoo. " - ' Dor tb ba.tory of tba IVtndcraile tr pro tbat it nugtt to b atMnJonoil I Ur tbaw fruiu aitall txa tuar Siiairiyfe.fi! MB pla. ' iit wra frwa ti tap-4 io of JrQenioa W tb W of ilcl, rattoa 18U1,' tba IVnioeriW arf y; arilh lurtfw- t aa at.n. ' . ' a il "--a' tcrraia. controni tti iir aai ia nou y of tb Frdvfal CorafwanaiC . Fo abl yeara oat U, Ua,atuy, 4toocrti aa robrd i counter ; fur fifty fvar ytvt aad iigbt roootfia tb dfinoaaile pulky pr vwlad: Darfair tbia period Looiaiaaa, Ffer. id; Tasaa, tim ItVtico aad CnMbraia tr aocaily BMd to oar tttrhoty. with aa an nmr tbat Uie aa law at all , tb rglaal tbirtcta S(att tojttbor. Bgbl Stataa r Bdoitlad aader atnctly dn)ocrti a.l tnkirttoo t a adtr tb adttiohtrattoa of ' F4!mor .Frora' i niiIlW'iirwpit!atk)Q incraed to tbirty a fDiRiofia. Tb rolutroary dU vaa 3rtiajnbd. TVo fofalgn arara'irtt tiw cetafally proaenrtrd Hb i ajodrnk oatlay and a mail arroV arJ aaty, td it bout tb awpcoeioa of tb babeM eorpa J "witb oat tb Infraction of tb eoastiiatioa; aitb oat oat aaorriatlo of powrr ; vitbot.1 ap pmaln aiagl a;pr; niibvat im prUonieg a Mgf JjW j vkboit intka tbo ftct4oi of lb prwa, or of tipweb I of out of Coogma, but ia lbtmidatof tk graaatst aboa .'of botb ; and it boat tb armt of a aiagl traitor tboagb' tb Hartford Coavcatioa sal diig oaof tb an. aad in lb jotbrSaafert kitd tba" cMiny to rpw wr foiaBUett arno bloody band bJ weloom tbn lo boapi ' labia mwutl i -n -fHfiHi iartog ail inta iiro ( aaiia locrtaaaa, UwiaM of aR kiodtnaJtiplied, proapcrity Mledv tt y aidA Uira war a low. a m r to",- tk AortnT and tb Boutb faraiaWd m tuaikat fur racb ;oUmm pro daet 4 ffood pNa pU JtUrty car, pnf "gb'a aautotmWd ,ty fflaa' bona waa- bia U; tb coarM war opa .ifc;alJ.iiwt..)Wp for lraV aoaocrtt ponot ' i'piav no inCortora, a Uatito $ tb tf Ut to aaaembl praetUy UtoVtgBt to petrtk Trtoro M yWgwIl, frtadoa of apavcli, a fro taJiot, and fre proa ; aad ail Ibi lira tb Coaatttalioa auiatakwd aad tba Un'ma of. tb 8taU Wad ' : ; I ucb er 'tka eVoic rraiu of tb dero ocraiic pHocipU Md HicyrT tbroafb tbrta4rwk tb lJwaoeratJc party lJd tb wwr aod adtslaialarad ll,Fdral GotrmBt Sack baa Ua tb biatory of ibat party h ia ft Uaioo jrty avr It pmomd Ui Co-' to) jailb Kiadoaa; paoa aad evauprootia, (or nior ibaa ba!f aaatary. 'v4i-i , ' Tbra albr tbo'anoiat principle, tb pobef , nor U paat Unutf of lb Pemo cnlM party rrir nor- wonld jaatify iu raiUaoSaW. ' ' v-f.y;;- ' . lt tlir' any t Sing la tba rreni crkia lick J.rnaivk U I 'Tb oior Imiuadiat iara BH 10 mintai tb CoatitalKNt aa k iauaad to mtor tb Ualoa ae Haa, : ; Ttf tnaiBtaia tba iXritltulwB (a to r pct lb Hglita of llr StalHi aod lb tiWr U4 o( lb ciliiea .Pt rjto adbr laiib lully to tb ry priacipl aad policy wbieb tbodcnocrafM ftny baa profts-ed for toor tbao ,bJf a woto, litlu it tory, asi' tb rea?u, from lb brglnbiag, prov betbar il baa practiced UwaJ a appeal proodl U tb raoord - f : Tb firat tp"towafd a rMtnrkUon of tb.17'i m'JComm ;?jnJoaitbtiiB. BlitaUoa ait k .Bo long a il aa inaia taiad ia fact, aa4 'aot tbrtattad ub ia fVaetioa' i pirk aad U ItlUf, actaal or IsJa tb Uaiofl al nbra. ''"1 : J talJ; eml ayrfew of i. Im provaattala li radra fuirtunivi ' rl tut- , n t ! . . .".' lift1 'l! inaVaai ' 11 1 ii matin : Treator IV Uan, it U i-wnluj Crat, to gTraaaiaraacraf lo crvry ulaa4 to tbia pOplt'of ttrry aaxtica tl-at tbirbu aad kUtlia aad property '.! Uotcarf t-hia (b yaipaaadtr tlf coBjtitaiiya, i y nfky furanra ao r'irt io in ra atoratioit to'Mff of lli4t. anciear.oVpa' zf aolKUted iloiocratlc party EkM fcr atltjr traii ff mdr' tW propwlfi lbta'aM rOarrtWt of tba SUJei and of Uti Bowplfttpf) tb did Bajll t) Contr tntiya) 4'P'" IVk.a.ivJ ibftin tbo nvtiipTicJ l!t-in ,UU 'JU tifllriilaTkli It atwt-a'ati wtf.rr tm;!if T4 Wuoro tb UnK.n i to ct ta. fitted tiotMSXotth iHl tiib.4 Tt0 ib ":rfa. otk of fwtoratioa llroogU tlU) o( bpf ia.to kill ebcJiimTW bitter lera'of 8"ie ' flv' Uru" an J arv"ki) till fr'oni lla auckaii fuaataio If abolitW km.- Tbat Ovauio ot bo hd a xl hpv arof tb Araalaa may traab daa b po CaCrtaU ovcrmtf t i tW tk JXaCrtaU fovcrmtfl a iW booib; bot tb otk of rvatoalioa ca oolr bcarrti on tLfvwgh ibfilical org aBlsaiMMi tad tb dnIIoI tb Kortb and Writ In tbia jrrat wotk w oordialty iavhlb ro p-1 ratio of alt vara of rry party bo at Oipuawd to tb apiritof aboiiuoa, aad aiko, la aioernty, di'a lb CoaMhulton a ft M tad tb fjfcWa ( av Let tb dd pial brj ha drad. ' Jia'ly Wera cf tb Uaton. tb Conaiitatioa.aadof iiUrty, to U (abdaf4 oftba dnorati patty, Wf ja.lbjfil4;ndjp ry.-r-lliat party it tb aataral and prrat bt fbni of aWitlor L'lO lti3 (K tioa "Va1 trcoH -a a batnral forjraafMtioa, tonm tt-iuf ba ba atliaiwa.arth rnicolar mea, or (a panicnlar Staira, it ctvar , and atMj'rihnaW.Ffon tfi Lrginnieg of tb anti-aJawy, ataiwn to tb pwlod of tba taat IVroocralic Xa tioaal Conwitioa il fma btd - bat on Ian gaaga ia regard to it. Let ik record tpraVi yZ&- :. f JfiO ttttuLmij Tbat: lb Cpagraa m no owr andrr lb cooatitaiioo to IntrtCrr ttk Of rootrol lb JtMntle inatitatilona of tb iTral StalM, and tWatM-k $Utraar tb nolo and pwpar : ydg of rrytbtt g appcruining to tbair a. affair aot pro-. biUud by t comiilotion ; tbat afl t(7l of lb bolitionina and nUrf ntado lo in doc Conrrra to tntarfrr wtib dtHtioo of alarry, or to tot tnefpirot ttio in r. tatiea Umto, ar eakalnlrd to Irad to tb taoat alarming aad dftitwia oooaequco era, aad tbat all attcb- tffru ba aa tnv iuU tandency lb diminiab tb bappin of tb ptopl aad ndaBjr tb lUttHty aid prmanacy of tb Uaina. iad onght aot t booaajaTaiaBod br any frirn4 of oar poUtieal iotaikiHV' ..." a.I ) , Cpoa tbaa priociplr' aloaa. ao far a rtlatr to tlamy, ca b yaipa aa "H,M be rettrd J and Do otbr Uaiva, sc4 tb anion fiietpoUtm, w b mafnlalard fa tbia ooanlrt t aad ibit Uat W will ro- nht, a ewr tnlhrrt did, ltb oar iirea, nor fat laaa aaa aiirl unr a ana am il K jnaha ' r--'-.c a I VI waaaaBB) anatrva ayanjl aatvayaj awrwvia ts-.--- --; . . Cot it it aaid tktt yon moat 4ba4 tb Dcmocratie party to aapporl tbJ!rotro incaC W anawrr tbat tb rVroorraiio party baa" alarayt aap-ottU Ui Goem iemt$ and, bit it' a trt 1 poorr,' pr rrd tb (jNmjK0t in ail itaigor nod iotriity, aot ty fcro and arnta, bt br wiadoro, tonnd polity and penee, jitrt ft avr did admit, and nctr will, tbat tin adtoioiatraiioB, or any .adoiloMlraiion. i tb GoTerararaL It bold, and er b bald, tbat tb FadnraJ Oownowntia tb agMi of tb poil of tb mal Sutra eompoaioir lb X,fiioo-tbt it ronaUt pf tbre dkaUnctoVpartRHBta; tb )rgiUtif tblCSti ndlbjtdWfcbrat ly part of tfco-Gomnment aad Bnlly Btiilad to lb oaaMn and aappurt 4 lb 8tl and tb peoplt; aod ibat it tb duly of , very patriot to aattaia tb afTcraJ depart raenta of tb Govrrnrant ia tb rirreia of all Tt Oo4'iot K-tial pow, tw of arb wklt k W orcaaaary a4 proper tot tb pvaervlioa of tb Ovtw mnt ia lu priaciplo akd ia It vigor a4 intrgrityi and to stand by and dfrad to lb Btmoal it fl? wbicb rtpctata tb Uovf rnrDtnt, lb Union and eottBtry. ' , Ja iLie MBAb Drmocratto arty baa alwoye otined,'nnl will now aaatam lb Government ffinl all foea, . al born or abroad, ia tb IVortjk or tb Soutb, open t eonornled, ia offiea or ot of vCke, ia pvnc or i ar.V" ,;;V,:' - ' ' Rltbni.l , wbat tb ftrVtttnca party ataan by wp porting tb govomment, it h aa idlf ibiag. to abandoa tb old aad tried dftnorrattf! party, b'Kb tf o manyyeara and tbiotigb ao rnany Irtala, avpported, praaerve aaj rnainfaioed tb government of tb Union. Dot 1f tbeir real ; prpo bo to aid tb aacieai aaeaitra of democrt ct ia aubvertinironr aacienl eonatitatiott and form of goraraaot, aad, aadef p UfC9 of aaring tb Uawa, to orccl a aUoag Mtalltod daapotltra omitt fiiu, lb if rr" lrJ r"r' - nTirrrirraTTiBaTnrr-rTT"-ii mm f ' ;trtoftK pari win rvaial tbam a tb wont ;oy to tb contiiUtWa! ow'lb'UaWat aad to frr pKmmnt rnywbT. it jr.U(o do na propo to'ooaaiJr aw tbi a ajhwA iwi to tM aahappt' civil A filitv liisi i1 ora ImvatW for and dioeaMlwAUwi'aro fOraiad o aowtbat twrnptoaai- nd Joar UniaWwiMl.coav prpn. BO'rjKnUttgt ald'kar rtd ttvr I(apitdi fflUrti rfo'iotcbr af tb' laat awaioa of Ua TWrtyiltb SOmM grraa Am t)ua and :iAt -ory;tar.ih grtOt roaad'of tb fcwth, witb lb -boW dtmotralk parly of lb Nortb imd 1 Vi aaiird b iat-or of orrtnia nitirndrnnta -to tb CaMrailiatMHi'-Maad elkf ktnoag tbatn jaftU U4tUwa tiona,1! kick oaVj bam. nvoraad rvii war aod atiirtanad lb jL;nNa,Atvty atat nU propaaad iNOtndojettfa iaafMat aritb tbtaaclioaal doctriaetof tb Ckiengolat trn rt' ativoaoaslr ed ;nnaniMUnJf rcatattd and 4IVatd by ibo'repaUioaW party. ll."(;iUlendea prrpoattia'B vr mrtved a atfijl retttiUionO It V M Utm, For tb proof wo irppeal to lh jooraal fCongreaa and to tb Va grrwonal Vb4X'"rrT'"? W aoom to rrply to lb ebarg tbat Ihfl UnHmtt party opoed to granting aid and fl'fiffl to .ili F4eral (iorarn fuentia. niwuWnMgf aatvty, integrity. and ottatUuttonalirMprrmary, nn4 Hi taOr of ilkbanding our ann.it and auccumbing to tb Scat lu III vbart ia b Wpu ami UU. h amn ba adrncatMTany aucb pvftiyorlNfanMWit a fbtrtrjitily a pauiot lo awi-por tbgc frnineni ia aHcyrvtUi pi tonal, atcrary and pijer. cuorva to mainiam na aaitfiy, wteg rily, aad rvnalitntional aathovity ; bat at lb aain tiin ibey ar ibfirktbly oppoaed to wadng War agonal aa of lb Sutr or prfl of tbi Uakia i any ofirit of ,p lirraaioo.1 Or tor tb porpui of oonqueat Of ant jognlion, or. of ovcrliirowtng or w yrriag with the rigbl or crUUuktd ! tittition of ant fetata. AUn all' tb dVrnoeialto party nil! ao opport lb d ovtUtration ia .aayibiag whicb , look or lend io tl low of our poJilical or pro al rigbi aoi'lUriira,'or a rbang of oar rrrol denKOTJticjd -, no, oRHHTia, ii w not in anpport of tb govramot ia rtaioriog tb Uoioa mhkh IN part io power rvSaur jo. To ar naiad to g np yoar principle, ponr policy and yoar iarty, and aland by lb dmiawtraiion of Ui party in power, ia all it acta, Abovo lC it ja demaaded of you that y oh yfekl nt l-aat a ailatup- purt to tbeir abol policy, and to wtikbold ail. ecruiiny Jato tbeu poblic ooodael of ry Had, enC yoa ahovld " cmUrraa lb adinioWtralinn.' t. Too ar tba aaked to renounce one of thf lrt priecipUtaad lb ebWf aeroritjr.of democraiio gevra menl--ib rijtbl to bold tb patlio ar eat reapooaibl to tbeir jnattert, U' p0 tt: lo rroJrr tV repreaentaUva aooount' aU lo Ux conJituet ; lb Wot ao4 a'ndooi4d prerogative of AmncB4 to ennvaaa f Mk menaarea and puUi men. Il ia tbia hifh 'cvnatitalional jfivila" bich ItanM vWrbator dtlare4 b wvold u ilalWnd and eicrci ilLi lb lou an4 out of lbt Jloo?, and in all pianm, ia liu of war, in time of wr, and at all limtw T It K a tigbi aerwed by tb crmikuiion afigbt InmtimnU to tb porpk, ntod for iiudaid to tyrant ooly,. : ,.1 1: z , If tvr tKcro waa lima wbe lUeiial- jjirt nod rono!idattua of tb dVoMeraUo party upon in prtacp aad poltcy waa t vital neceliy to pablio aod prival JiUr f ! .Sa'aowi'.;- ; ? -ty-.' ''A,s:,-t LVprioaaUr to lb c4wMitatia gieea ampin powor to lbaareraLdcparimcoli of iafJoirinri avl'ieet to it "protwiona, d,: ia aaa of eteil waf, wilb prU afcanty to ritiarn of tb lya States Kery act atoetaary tot tK aafety and aflkWncy of tb gottrn. ment. And for a ron'pl-la and moat vigor on trial of it aOmgib, k yet wlnJI con ablent with tbeV nUetvnnc.f every pfoV viaWn of tbat ln4mmeof, and oTlba, law i Proaac of it, if lb aol trtlW of ifcwae la power Wer lb aoppremioa oftbe) rbrtnon' b4 rio mre. And'yet tba bwtocy of tb ad mir.iAt ratio hr lb twrfe monlba paat baa been and eoottawt to be a brtot of re;ieated wrraltona of power and of lotahn of lb ronaTitMtion, tnj of tb pn'Jie and pnvat nghu of tb tlii trnt," F tb. proof, w' appeal t fctta too receat to menUoa bere, and'too' fla grant aa'4 beaioM for'lb falls jU'rratlv wbWb w propoa. Similar act l werdo4, aad a fii poly pUratted ra lb threaten ed war itbxFrar)ce, i lb llm of John Adama, afli aTlhlb Mts "tHimai pnr poae, Im: ia tn orlbre yearn' tb peo pU IUed thm into'ao konorabla peaoa wilb Fmnoa, rcbakd lb toe and a bo of power, vindicated tb eooaiila tioa, aad tra4 Vr tb F4ral roeora- atoat to tb priadple aad pUy of lb DimoCTaiw wrlrr To ft ioWr.r 5 V tWjfil if, ll peep! lber,W, aiu 'W J ' SPai if re74coiocrt cor.cn rreJ W iXi 1 J-r- JaMagattoa' of "tb Soutk'nnd liobUi'.V "J.- 1 ' YT v " . J" 1 veji tv 1UW a i W ... WDMorr run uover mnu wttu i. i kv ' Sulea. and'wJtlkiita'orftire'lUj?.! e,v -W tlooU Wii retelulily'r'iOtV' : V , tVndikg of ii drL r;rs UiiU on) ii i w iiuli ciai ra loi ch uiriinirna war im U i airAaiifi.CWtW.tll ' JpWUfc1, ik' if ii k ;2 1. 1 yt... . . . . ' r - - rMaoro;ainbt !U j. t;f tU t,- a ored D, It U iVI to Co tgaja. . ir'ab . e'tVailo a'tbintnry otT jtCwfv; reqt.irt-4. tb 'dWiocralio prilonf Lu evrnmand It - ? M ..f-; . I., f.'i: 'li 1 ':rn 4WCVUVIUU i J w n( on ruOf 1U fitil . , (JUIndfon of RuW. actiotj.'or parTv.Vlio ' Ualpa aa It wat, $o bV wult kala "ilTaV aa "i iv trrmawi iaaiur. w Q i ni i- ----- r . . WlwrtorwlIoaV'tb tbfooffb USkam Or t ronttneed orgaaiaitJbi That h. prrattoa of la1roiJtvto oVatMbflt ; f ka rTMl maioUTpaacr of fiberty ao J tor in Vronaiiiviion una. ana lb : wa':4emaWa-ll,a V' ' and todoam of tb '' 4mooYatical govramat demanda ill fi, - penditMretinoW at lb Vat of Lor taiJ3onji of dolltr. a d. dVoiaad h';', T;" . r tut rapiu aoLHinuiauon 01 an mormon v Bad pUm dU jJfendr OMbo'aaaaimTf. Wnt ofjollan waaat tb proaenk r rail, la tbreyeark, to fcielaVadcUof a , t ceatery and a bIf fa growtb T Veavy taxtboa, direct and indirect, Slate' aod Frdrrai, already nor baa two ; ' 1 bn4r4 million of jdbiai yef rali; ; out lb aalaUoo f tb pnopl. aojriwtt - ISeduoed waiwa. low twice.. deDreaaum V-. ofTtraw-Mn eaikj fit 1 , work, and impeadiaflr rata oa ererv 'aid.'.".- - , 4mn4$t,T'"': -.iri; , A ' . And Unallyi tb rcaforaiioa of lb eon - corj, gooa Miioir and rro.prttr former a m a - . - . t w a yew, demand tbat tb democnuio party ' ;v" ba b tiMtoittaed aod mad vloriooa, V-;, ,W. A. iUcpABMoit, of tUiuoie, -,n .Joan Law. of Indiana.'.. v .ke l v D. IV. Vooaaau. of Iivfllaaa . . . . v ! v. a. vvjuTt, w vraio, , . AVAaaP,lofObio,;.nV i Gao. U. rxainratf of Obioy Jamw a LlotOAK,of Olio, -IaI-v i , AtuaoioMAM, of Uio,. .v u: tmuur iBo, of Obio, J V l r . 8. K. Aacoa. of IVOarytvaata, ' ' Jo. K. tSuitt, of Oregon. ( . v ' ' Nor.--Tb oaroea of tb attai om ber ooocarWflff k lb aborn will ba JSi." ed to lb pampbbH dilioaV lbi.adJraa,V ' v : 4f : ,: ..J "" : V" " v""1 l ft f, ";'J ; vffV OESipiAJlX)yj,V tV JIa tb VirgwU'Wafroa Tbut reaolaiioa a adopted reoeting lb pre- V ideal V restore General Job B. rjo4 to " ; tk comaia'Bd Of tb form" ia ' Soutbwm,, V tern Virginia. 'Ob tb tarn day lit llooao rjf tfdegate oaniaaaIy tUopltd it fcl J. lowing motutiot i ; :J?rfrWI Flryfai'Tbal tb Governor bf aulbopi aad inalratfd to' grtat a", eommiaaioa of ' a ior geoeraf to fjea, Jolm K Floyd, and aalboria blrq'to raiao ft 'diviaioa iwetity y tbooaaad foti' n( auljecito tb. eooawTp- . tioa nc1,fwr lb4 defenr or tbl b. t keeabadMffded ia Iarg aamber at Sroiik; Bt-14.' i1 bearaea toSmULBrlJ to Jam rirer, factblW lor U., landing of Ik eoern v nbWb W coU'Bot,prvett, ; Ui .ufi(,Utt Ibey" bar -alao 'appeared al CbockatBckNaaaemoad coaaiy, So Ivg (ore. " BuraaiJn U reporlel to b malisg bia way alotly towarda' MarfrwUiro, H. and otWpoaiUoa in th iptty of lb eaboard railroad. -2f ilea .' report ba correct, tb iaJkalloaa'poiot very plainly M aa attempted jaacCtoa of tb lycrt fa der lJtttnw'J aau McClcHan, nod Ilea a grand aiovemeal towarda, Kick wood oa lb Sotlk aid of Jaroe rir. At Ax. ' Om wf Canewl Breff raaaal rjiaanU aam ia Klbv, tt la lr aaTeaaw n,na4 nia fupmi.TUj nee fi taarao ;TZ7 : :' " J? , vi. mj-'..y . v '.rJ f ii.(H 1 f TCrf f it -i. I L-J- '

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