Vi " ' .i r't ; it J 1 r ii J k. -.1 ? i. J i. J , suwi 1 1.4 v. . e.lii i ill Ml ' . k . - . ' f . i,rh r -vi y y . t ?.( . . - .-.'-, - " . ; i - .... ...i- I b J 14 . I : ' -: ' V . J' ' i-J t-- "i cJ i Vi :. , . f t . - !i'jMU4iaj.-iiin' .al.!-,i-.rtLlf"liitinil i BMT0B Am.raoptrvTO.- Col. FiiteV CDcti! Ctiirt.4: No bo Mli j Nordi Cwlt 4obte tbil Cot. Vibca bevd Jiilh. rrrml taikir dm ami braver ,UUMLbtUfil btnul fai UnuMAti JU4)X lmia hiu.j,ft'. li OlNEIAt a iib ibilKary lha poa of Navbara m Tkirxtiy.'ar'yH-' gimaat a-aa onJcrtd to Ufoatoi" TVorta, aodar oa(Bmaad of VmVL Colwod Banr- vya, to a-H CJoaaJ' Saclajf a tvgiaBtat abool4 lb ainj Ua4 Uhw Itboaa, vorka. Xaarnio aout alW tha CJ., Caio-Il m at bia'piia I ioataaU .triufrrv4 i btia mj teinporiarf Miutkaaal pro oeeOUd to Croatoa w aw to Ipwfb osap4 of Col 8ioda.rTrtreitfiiaJvbd (oivrme4 m4 thai Ui fnf vera taodTar IWca alt FaW LaaJinfc J atartf atirijo. tbt work I rot W. iAtnpbtn, -bo bad joM ordarad toy ra(iaaat lo Uka tba ear aod raura to Fort TbowMoo: Dfr aW ro- tara tber bad bta poatad b LbraL CoU Barga ia tU mtm of raJaoa cvaatraci d by ma aa tba rifbt of tba railroad, ta U. II.. 11 . U L . J: - JiL tba railroad to tba aaarnp, about fiOO yaroa irom tba road hf Wratharbj'a. 'A' thla toAt aa roo ailf rvrhcmUr. 1 ba4 eon: - atraettd tba pgU baAira a Uvatork, oommaaijiog tba paaaajn of (bo a)aaip; with tba aMMaaoa of Mr. Oaaka, a faa tiataaa wboae aitlt k Bafpnttnafg, nuut mg tafj im aa l tat pleaaara fa ao- ttaoir favorabir. And Ihttm vaa nfaywJ a taction of Capt. Brcaa Artillerj. Li'Ua aol WiHiam oummaadiaj, Capt. McRa'i i eotapan v of infaatrjr, with a portion of iht ooropaawv tx vaptaina uava ana loomal A boot two o'clock Friday inoroia&v la eon.linnc with ordra receired, I baabad companirt E,' K aod II of ajy rtgbi wiof aeroaa ma amaii awarop aiiwoa to, ao aa to aaake ny axtmsa rijbt real oi tba bat tarj at tba Watfarby road. Tbia waa oar potitiua oa Friday aaoraiop; wblck ra- aiaiaad ancbaand daria tba e9, aeefit thai to coaapaaiaa of tba Md rtgimaat. aMer ueuiiuoia, aaovt Co aty aaaiaa aooa ahoot aiaa o'clock, wbo wtra olaoad ia tbarwdtaa tacatad by; any rigbl coaapa nia. who wra tbrow twyoad tba awamp. You will tefcuirt thai mi hrt eoaarad almoat a maci f roood aa aH tba raUof oar trooja tojetben Jakfag aiy,6wt po aitioa aar t ba ceatra. a Hula aaarar to tba right, amlw Liaat. Cot BurgaryV aboet wboaa poaitioa I was eoaaidarabfjr aaaaay, owing to tba aafaiaWd atate ttworki tWa, I placed tba Uf 4 ondar eorofBaad of Jlajo rjartatcbadtaadawaitad iba awraga raaoU It aegaa aa. aiy wtsg abocl tap jniaiiU to aiglt Vciock ailaodiag to ward my rigbl by draea, aatil aboat bail pa tight, f 1wt aQ tba troopa ia y coav mand wera aogagad aojur aa tba, awamp , referred to. TbaaavtfMt fgUing waa oa my aitrema left, tba aoeay advaoctag aa raoga of oar baa1-, Wbttaar tbay Wl tba wood and aakarcil lauw iLa ftfUA timberof lha awamp ia pv frovt, ther vara driv back ia tan!wo by tha asoat deadly and wall diroetcd in fim oar liaaa, Vbo wltb tba aataat eoolaeaa watebad for FFwrB,!c 1M waa tap wf onw about weivo o'dock, wbam Infortna- ttOO Wai broUffbt tit ana kw fVatala J T Yoaag, ray Qoartaraiaater, wbo Uralyaa .capad witk-rifit ia getting to m, that ba ul im in m a i.a. a vajva mmcuj nr Kit by tba rmilmad track bt WoodV Drtck Yard, bad fMllagad ray camp, wrfa firing ia ravarM oa my left wiag. aad war aev ra baadrad yarda tp tba railroad, bo- twa ma Aad Xawbaraj aU, tLrt all tba troopa oa tba flald wara ia f j f airaat ai ept my aoaaaad. Tbia batag ao, ibara : "aa ao aluraatira Wt aaa bat U ardor aa iaaadiat ratraat, or ba oovpUtaly aor rottftdod b aa ovarwbaloiiag ton. Wiib- oal bOMlation I gara U order.,. Ifr rmb janpad out of tba Ireotvaa, raRiadVaod drwnttA laa ika. ja4ai waiU Itktlt VajwaalAi a -wm--m aaa wr asai wiaawtfi W IVar faaioa ; and bavjag 6rt aeat a tneaaaogar ""'M wr w-Lieau vol. argwy to follow witk tba-foreea a tba ngbt, w W Craak, witk tba iitaatlow af JaRj la (4 a rbjuuti Vc't; tl cmVv' tuo3"?f OM'iin!! Ut f lie a t- tTV. tl cm .Mr n loo ibM ite imi n k. VUlCll lb meaatioM UktlMlM lent eaditiot). rem m -kkh, r.w of ir4 UbwT M Ti Yank futc bcinj d. t i !- naod, and took thV! IW TftaCW .: i (VM.i. VnJ'iTiJffiH of U . 3 -yUl f t.. ,mi w ( fti. 7r rT'rr7r: faiia fcr r mr p mm WJWIZZL&CEZ ttE-i2 rtjrt to tay that of oar rota, de patriiitf oftln i boat! at ti crtak aad da-! taniM tMWk Ukaa, tbraa aa '1 faaa 40 .im r; aema lata lo oar T. n u!-!.Y ?j aj-;.iji'j.ji ?aad. naaaitJO. laMloaMrtUpat wmPHi) inn a, aai v i piwniiif vnuajr tba iMat-taoaa. -Tbla coaolaoea tba aarrattaa of tba pnadrai mattafa awagi aJ viik iaj comtsaoid danef tb meat aad ratraat , Tba aanbar of . aa killed aod woaodad baa aot rat Uoa aa- cartaiaad. Oarv bafgaga. af eoaraa,' waa IV bat oar airk wr aa?atf Voagbt away. 'Iff ksAWMtK t MAI C.aaVN-Maa ta. 1 fm. 1 mJ alWa aavl.laK dead wa left apoo tba field. Major A. a i -Carmlchatl Ml aboat II o'efock, A. M,ly M Wa call apoa tba goreranaot to tap a abot tbroogb tba bead ' wbilat gaHaaUyply. U oo fjrora oor troopa 1 tba 6Vld boUiog b'w pvat oa tba left aader a noatrWeaoera, aa Orerabelioiog array To galliog Ara. A braver, aotlrr aoldwr na CUHaa and Popa fa TirgTaia, and a;aa vat fell oi tba field of baUla. ' Gwearooa 1 oar loyal Statra to pwab Oward tbeirtol. aad opa-bartd aa ha waa brara and ebiralrooaba waa aadearad to tba wbola reaaaoBC Ilaoofad ba kia airtory. Soot aftar Captaia W. P. ilartio of Co, II aiaa fali, oaar tba ragiaHaial aoW lUri raacaatad aa a aaaa, brave aad aVtaratiaed j wbkkBaay otberwiaa ba raqaired tot tba aa m aoldiar. ba waa aoaally regrattad by avppreaaloa if tbia" raUlHoa. ; Now k tba bia oooMaand aad all wbo kaew biiav Tbol ttna (or acfioa. If wa woald aava tba Ua: Stftb redroeatara (aatlv s Kowd of tbair iioo. 1Ya caa. Lat actioa. tban, ba tba gUrioaa fall, JtU fata of Capt. lUad, of Co. D. k aa vet eakaowa. Wbea last aeea ba wal aJrooat iurroaadad if akrga toroa, bat dkdaia.Bg to fir or aarraodrr, ba waa Igtthi draUJy wirb LkaL Vioaoa bad a Jaffa portioa of bk eorspaoy wbo rafaaad to kava bim. Lkal. Portar of Co. A waa aiaa left UUod,- wovadad. Capt A. V.iltUilkm waa kadlr vaaaded, bat got away aaaaly. W .4 Wk V ? ' - -g-J regard -to tba kebarior of ray ftgt. meat gaoarally t ara acarotly willing to mefltioa fwtiCT.Ur,tiUtcaa af gallaotry, wbera all did tbeir daty. Obaerviag a Urga portioa f tba fegioaant tayaalf, aad iDak re diligent Inquiry aa to tba rest, I coald Uai a of bat oee rasa ta aU my eotnauod wbo fcaHubarad tbat ba tad-kga aatU after tba eoraamaad to retreat waa givaa. Tbay wara, tba laat of otirtroopt to leave & I aaa not coadade tbk report witboit aaaotkaiiaa? ia tarma of tba birbaat rxaiaa tbaapini of detanniaatiaaj aoid power af eouaranoa aviocad by tba. troopa daring tba turdabipa aad aa&ertogl of oar nartb. Draacbad. witb raJa Uiat'eftd feat, witboat aleap, aaaay aick aad wjaoded, aad alooU naked, tbay uil4 tbrvagb tba day aad all tba weary watcbea'of tba aigtt witSoat mamhirin, cbeerfally aad wilb eebordi aaUoa, aviaeiag raoat tboroagbly tboaa bigb ajaaBika ia adversity wbicb ttiTiUry aaaa loara to'valao atill eiora tbaa coaraga pootboakld...: : .? -: y v; bare tba booor to haXx-A': .,("- m'- S aaoat raapactaily, - i yoarobedkataarvaat, . V'.; Z''-- Z.B.YAKCK,; Cot. Connaodiag S6tb K. C. Vak. . .Taxaa k aaid to ba i a bettor oonditioa tbaa aay Quta ia tba Gatdaracy. Eba aaa aa abaadaaaa of baaor wbeat, dML; aad wTOal, k alia aad wi!Sef ' to .dala4 karaalf apkJaat'ta fcrca tba Yaalaaa eai briag apoa bar. ' '..-'-." ' TUE ilE2ALl),0N :-.TU3 CLOOJI w tt.vivt, II iLat of Dttakaf'UilLV'Il m: ' : "i- ' . ' : .w rV.-.,. ,t. - J" l i tVL r UM aMtiaiHrta IM AtMrv.d tiiai tUa Z; 5 .k-TZJ ?i7 -J CTtS.Wlf 1 evaUpci- of la--ar. Ta ooatlwt baa aaaa a . i , k.i. liag dowB p tba rabrttioftv bat tba aajra tioa of tba aalioaw .' Va ara ia tul i me, tront wbicb oar oajy aacapa ia tba aappraa. aloa of tba rebJlioa'6y7fwca."-":-:' Ia aaotbar anida it aayi tbat tbia aaav atr1! eaapaiga ra art fad tbia rabvUtoa or ; u aia -: ' ba a vary loaf aad araatfal ? aatom or aailitia. - If witbia wo or tbrea waaka wararaiatoaaoar twfialaanaiea to tba cxteat of a baodred tboaaaad aaa it mav aava aa a vaat aataaat of baraao iifc bod a tboaaaad railikma of dollari. word. ' r (i , ' r jV. aboold bava regarded tba above tract if it bad areared ta aay otbar , Kor tbera Joaraal, aa a aligbt MieaUoa of A paaoa carraat; bat ia tba .' UeraJJ' U aisoaata ta bat a fUr af a pabbo atati aaaat, aoaadiag to fad tba deptb' of Kortbara faaltags aitar tba reaeat defeat, "Ciall wa giva ap tba war, dtabaad awe Amy aad Jfary, aad lot iba Robak go ia paaca I?. aaka tba UMi;, H ivpbea .... . ;, Tba Herald U1 ba tba int paper to aboat tba cry for paaoa, at it waa tba first to aoaad tba bagta blaat of war, after tba coob bad viaitad iU odea. Ever acUe aod Tlgilaot.'tba Ilerald," alile aiUrlr aa prlociplid aad aoacrapaloaa, k lie Ut baroOMtar of Kortbera aratlroaet ' CaUr lag to tba poblia, ao taalter baw wWked tba popoiar cry wtavba, tbat Joaraal bnd all otbara ia qakk parrrptioa of popatar aeatkMBt. Iba targivaraatioaa bava alwaya boat rapid aad regaidieaa of all aoaaiateB cyt k baa aJwaya Ualy reprtaaoted tba popalar atoiuoeot of tba aoeseol aad foaialaloed tt, eooraa.ooly ao loo aa lu daily, aaka indtoatad popalar appryvaL Hat tba - UrMm k jaat ow la a tg. Tba tardiaaaa of voluoUeriog, ad tbeam bamasmeaU tbat beaet tba roUla finaa eaa, ladieata, if aot i ebanga fa pablia aaa' taeot, at laaat a baaiUaey ,tto paraaa tba war policy tbat baa broagbt dktraaa to ao aaaay baarta aad raia to ao aaaay paraaa. Bat tba Herald1 k aol yt aatiaftad, aod baaoa it addat Tba raeDgbkios af tba Soatbara Coafederacy by awr aam 0o9 eravi k ao loager atnoog tba Jootia gaaciaa of tbia war." .' .. ... , But wby mala ao poaiuva aa aaaoaacV mast of tba fact tbat baa beaa reiUrated a t wbola yaar by tba caUra Norlb, ao laaa tbera wara ladicatioea of 4 cbaaga it CUla'aaaUtaafit 1 Ylj mi ka va, aa ukaa grMUd,aaaUoa) tbalavarj taai at ariidt nt jiooeaatiy U tfort, ta draft ia) tba Iraatbr of goldfmca (ba eaaatry.iboaa laJicaiioci, C a jthanga ,ia jotlia acpUt roPt a bk f(jfib!ow tba rtvofatlot iVoa. tba extraasaof war Jolbt axlrcCMof acaoa. . Lwhi!Jif -id?) x.w tba ? JXr rlT.", Kirffa wa J .agi bra our propU la abaia oaa ioubca aWar for a rigoraaa arwtacaiioa ;af raT' waarat j garaaata," ' ' H :A'-Tba aorawau wblcW 'aaa Laa of f alHa aarioMtr aod artloa W U tfOt, kh rvbrvaca to tba froarrotfoi of tb'a rartar aoioa' of tbaoi, ausaaiag., aria' .gravtaapi lm bat. Uralr aOaraaioe, -v. laa ga b Now York.' DoatoV Eprintf- field, lrtlaOd aad oUir f !ac,-ar ao, roach aoaad and'.farj;; tbay. ?gtifj.,aotJa i4. .Tba. Yaakae cvaatry Ja tbat load of cbaappagmetev J A caaaa aatirig im tba okwW Nr Trk Ii aboat tbatbraprat pabf. deOVMtrAUon lo tba world, ff k jckWWaa ta ba LorUj im fa pat and Lne jHrfiae of iwaa giveav ia tba oevMpav parv&Ay (boaaaand kjva, ewaaejera, bag gaga araaabera aaJ gBtWnrn Of1 laUoV. aalgU-ekeil Witdkd Jo.altja Ma p kaaT Ibara ara gvavor aapacta. howavwrvwf pUt aeatiRMKit ta tb Nortb. Tba Coa gttaf at WatbtngtoawbkiiVoW ndjoiira, aa4uadrfcWtdfalioaa btfloatt irig a0 ba oailiua imlq tba field. Tbk. bill baa edrrwdy passed Uka fieaate. . laa provi aloaa ara large and important kfwopcaa tbat tba Presideot abatl call oaVtbe rnif tia of l1a gutei. for aiaa nutba, and aleo aMiboriasa .bioa ,'to eail into tba field aaa baadrad tnoaaoad vg on terra, betideaaowb aarober of troopa aa anay ba repaired to fill ap tba reMmeoti i of IbUBtry tow io tba aeryica,' A bounty of twenty fira doUara k ia ba paid to avety aotdier wbo aalista. and tba additional boaatiea offerad to vol-1 arataera by States, cilka aod oorporatloni bava raised tbk aun lo aaivraga jtf at Irast one baadrad dMllara. . , i.Tbal tba North k able to rake Urge ad ditMoal forcea for rta arenka, aad that its people ara detcrwiaadj to prosaeata tba far 10 tba a of their mtm. meaaa, and reeoorcea, doea not adroit of a re aaaaabla doaU. . U lb Yaabea Coagraaa bad tbaad imatraamaot necaaaary to raiaa tba adJi tioaal troopa aaktd for ty PrWJeot Liol Colo, U ceruifily wk) not bavaJbaaitatai to bar lacuarta to kv Tba calk apoa tba aaitaia and tba ttoerantloae vf lb boaatiea will aaduobafdly ' rnka all tba troop! iba North tairea; aad ta a few moatba choraj anlvaa adma pecial tovUeDca or tba rain acta of an appeaaiva pclicy oc tba part af tbk govemateat ialereeaaa, wo aaay ax peat to aaeet those fraaft levM ta tb geld. Tier kt realty ;'ai;'forjd 'daaj'aottn' aeBa ia tba lUUmenU of the Xortbara Joaraak and tba aaboruiioaa of tbek.ora torn to iba aSeat, thai tboir defeat wefor BkhaMod baa mada tbetn troer tbaa ter.Tbard k Ibrca'aadplinoaoiby la tbk tVwy Aa loof aa tba North kcoal dactlng tba war npoalLaaoiof tbaSovtb a defeat tbera iavotwa mora mocwy x praditara and rnori ttlk fir' trort It tavofvaa ftotMag ! H baa ao otbef bor?, rora, H doea not im peril their hotaea; k k awily repaired bj tiaaav Tba Nortli ra aoera fron tba fore of defeat to pot forth' iU eaergiea anew, to take ad va&Ug tf at perkace t molifpl lu nteani of aocetaj aod to aaaay aaw pfaoa of earapaigo.' No 00a eaa doabt bat that tba eekbrated Urn aaasas defeat really atfaagtbewed tba North! and tbera k ao candid and,, fogical tnlod but baoat admit lb latna couarosiic f tba aeooiid repair of lb aneeny a Bo0 roeat aa Riahaad, if it k to ba atUnded by tba aaraa ooaditioaa oa oar part Ma action aad raaoaa. l 1 T! Defeat wrf aot dkpint tb "5ortb anH It k brought to her doora; aalU U aowa bar owa ao4 with her baai. blood aad atrikea dismay tat bar bomea. Wbera ft doea not Immediately 4m peri) tba afty of Xh4 couaUy aad, bamea of thai Yaakeea, where U.fiiaa 'lima for tba recovery and reorgaa i&aioa of iba aUacklog party, a ad wbera it raira,'W tb pfcaecbfioa if tba war, aotbiag bat enure aooney joba ia Coagvaac aad a aav raking ap of tba aenin of tie dtK tba effect of defrat apoi tba Worth, win olf ba to aroa lu paaawna, toftaroa iU captdity aJ multiply ita aaertkqajo break and oeoraoao the nkapplkd powaf of oar arm k. ' l--''f ' SooU's Partixaa:Iiagra, of Virgtaia, give aotiee ia tba Ekhinoad papere that, iaaamach. aa (bar of ibr amtr who wera eaptarad bava baoa katvd by tba Yaa keen, Uocaixth they wUl gjra a ysssUi. . Onaof.oar azcUszsa iua a Utter JuJ , ' Ilam.hoo, Ju! 14, girihw a datOd coonrcf tf ttrirl ef tbat1 f aeemi thai.'tue f anbraUa, la, the! frZ'"' op tbe.rW,.wevwttadLad.a7 a badf 4 oar cavalry, who l.'.'.ed firv aa J WocrJl t ry, aoauaaed I yna aad Jen lata d a ' itatilxbty wara wid,laBi',kf fJimiluiv wbrt tba loan t. 7a 0 tUfrxlt V.: Ti pf.Wf fyrf o;uc.Vf 1: j le?r&efWa jtiat ;'.iVtV'rit!;t3 baoa ' ij iLacIcata Ct ow-toad! t itsry awnaaticrt a ri n?raa of Il4wt tkmTi . 5 rt$p b? aaoVod; ij fc.Sioflltfht ' atroy tba tawa, iUWpacjpe. ptkjflaqtt dtkaaa aiaaadriax.tbaaa aader a tUje. trWtax'a'aaderJNvhtg'lbetW aata tijetf'' iTaala, tba Zoaavea wara rsarcned H2 - to H boatajtakr ffi irt. ta 0I4 cT; . airy bovaa, tba only tioa ofj pttia pro party ia tba pkeav vbo, (t -x taJt licied of the' Ta vat ancrtary' daftly ibi' retttraof tha MofV1. eraJieosea 'l.&Upw'mnimjmMVt), iakjted by tba aaaaar'a ahalL bat ao tW sew waa harl m , : 0t cavalry, ajbo attacked the' "be&Yk al laaf a maavkiUedor wowidedd - RkK JStmrnumt': 4-s ''r;'v t imrwi ta ' W Biva ai iao-iofoa oaeer IndJmU ' iafUtato.ttt aome interaating aeooaau of iatafv,kwatWr twaai Federal rkiara aiid-UJaAderata. pfSoeri artdrjtiaeaa. TM-i t iwir A toapla'bf gorVmo from UWtow; Uuk-fcld.. ,At wao plac, at a Wd boa-. pital, they met ap arkh ibraa Yaakaa Saa gabna who had falkw lato oar kaada, -and beea defladtd attaad to'tba rederar ' woaadtd left : oItha field i j llcCWlaa ia. hk'eUategie aaovaaatauf --A. ' -Thaaa ;iaaa, ric4 kmwfag fron kat Stat air frktid were, ripreased tiara aar. frkf'ni tba WoSty' of tta.ortkOaroIK,' aa Uoopa, aad at their delarmiaed tiax'.v Tbry bad tboejrbt North Carolina perfaet- r mmtm aw sa isnravv ss.aww aeKa BOW . , tbay coald reconcik tba aaaaber aad datar-' mlaatioa of North fhe Carolina troopi Twltlt tba tiiatoaoa of a Uaipn'foelipg.tbey were Mailed, hat aaid that aodoab4lhey bad; Loan coaaoTiptad aad made to Cbt, bat admitted that the' atvk of their f-b tin' did pot wiih'tlk tbirwyj Iiafjiaara , , m m.' 7 'at a. m. t . at tt . B if on. fenaia iobi reaerai apuiers Aire beaej taaght to baikve that North Caroiiaa. k all ready ie declare for' tba1 Ualow and UaeoW.' .faster YSqml geoUe'maVwan kaoVa aee ced last weak ta;aea a Psanaytvaaia. Coloaal. , now a prkoaar ia Cichaaaad, oa of the gentkmea having knowa bitd before -li ' war Waoot. II Wai veryo6chir; prked io beat: tbat.Nort CaroT.aa waa not,' a atrong Vaioa 6tata ooly waiting for av Cbaraiing Yaakao army A.aaab)a bar to throw aff lb yoke af Jef DevieV '60 they had all baea aasared by Oovaraor ?taarjH ' ao the aawbera tft Vu"fmit 'lta' aad ab they bad beaa coorlnced by eixrzcta, ia the Nawbera payer from Raleigh paper that there wai a afvorpatty ia lb Etaltl dowa the Cm WeraU gsvef Btoeot ,'.. i i"n -1 11 i" m n.- fi . We aarfeoder'aJl thi beaTktte Ipkca ,1a tba paper tbk,roorVfs' V tie vrryliri and ioiarraiieg news. wa.'jtara trea tie North - Th gaderal impreaaioa f thaaa. aewa as met taeJtona ta dtcrc:ot J t proairrata tba' bar ; VU tba pcx t 'ylrpoa nod 'ancrnoloo measarta. Tle iipoa aad afpoiaimani of Ualtack to.toa pacer, deaba af UoCkllaa, aa4- to aasaaaa cor raaad of the arwiaa of the North, ia 'katear vlgoor iod"!- leek k m atk oommaaderXa! aequiou taaur bat. fall of, hiJjeai ra. Mwajoatvapaloaa, acata, aevare aad do potia. Tba ordera of OeaeraI Topa, ia Virglaia, are the beat etpoaiUooa'we bare" yet area of the peoatdea aod lorrora wa ara, to expect Croto Iba conliooad jarawoa of oat aail by the eneeay.. Legalord plea der, forced eoatribatjoea, slavery of wkH ta'ea, famlae, devoarin fire, 04 bete forth tq mark the track of the North era "arBoka ia.YirgiaU. Saab ara " th kaaoea of iar vaaioa ; aaeh the Utter fraita of the' de fective" polkr. 2cA. Snmimrl :.' ' I. br.lR. Xi SfH4 nrt'gniiad to atata that Dr. 6pead will aerva the paopla. if elected, aa 8eaalot from Pasquotank and rartjuimtns la tbe'aaxt Lrjislatare. Jk. 8. k a alarliag palrlot aad h'gbly iatelli goal rtatkaiea. Th rGUraata ef the po ptoof thatwoaoaUeaaoald aot he eoatV dad tS ttftdi -ga& rsXaraf. ' ;