t.. erew la tkewrw ' ig, there toetiag df : r-?' " racier, we refer to ihe'atews ai,javalage (4 the BoOlk rflN tilt iHli f feMftM aad atferta.ia whtyeaiive aWlher awrckaet have aaHdeae TmIm aad J wa, aad have art - vmij eVed taeaaealvea, mm ieflietad a baraiaf dwgraee epii the tattoo, prwetuatad t aekle war ik ewat iataaaeaa aorpwara, aad Hack- J " ef r' .. tai.. j I v- jJeeaui -laaat t. : ... fieeefor tfcaat i . a . .. I t. t ia 4mia f ,to i atarTW JL fc reeoatw tkeee aaa weal af lee paopl. " ' tOOM liuea a if wmi. "( 'X 'St' I JW f C igeni' a rt t kmsit irrrxtvjnt it, it. rtqrsa I arvarai pn eemew v w BTBikiUVW Ub bore, r print- Urjf icbooL Allbt rgioninf tbt war, tot a i .1 3 t . 4 an. anw. . ,, met. eatfJ bn of tYerttrt Korth. Care',! , Et wh eitieee of &atojvi3v Ittofc UlLi Several year carried oa a) cUuical and ul!i heed iWr eaoatfj I the of ej 6f TWwhl fw4 tifckaUklki Im of e. lortiae. Tke a ileal to wkiek it travail ia thia oOvifceh a to taebe ! a lb eaay bt added to obe aVakoKeal aowwttliah. aaeeta, UM oatoroooeio ai iucmmm . Mar la efceeefc. talk patrtotfcoa, aad ta taftk wiwAali m ka waa kiaftfcal i nkM t Mf praara mhumw Wa Oa JTafrl AaW. " ' ' MR BADGERS LETTER. Wa Imv 4Wa ahaaara a Wjrlaf WaW M rw4ara aanlayt lk btlar wrUfm akwl ka lat of Jaaa Uat, ky tka Hmi Gtf eWfa.af tkia Ciiy, u Mr. Cly.'al Nw Yr.aa4 vita (raaaaaitlalknfk Mr. Utl &t 5t kanu aa nm4 ky Wa. Wa ar aatkMria4 ia aaytkM M$,JMshm aiaaatn to aBak tka laUar at tka taqoaat f Waa4, la frUaa altaaktoMl to kkwatf aa4 hi aikaai aaJaaai af hanMl IM kat twr -afcUtaci naa P'P f roufh I Uir4 to boa aLirl, It pfoU My aa iM. ra( tH MMi "i0 V4aci!4 WtM VPVV mtm fd to order l abort aotieav Ool Vanoa Lr Careroor, (wlloh'tt OosMdJ aoJ Ya trr""" U oomiooUon, that Job'I proto Ua lUrv'W partkuLrSf 14 Ok I frirW afcbaiMk M ntt Bolro- 1 pudiatt jour kmkr ia that Yo moat " a-T 4n i .. UltraiaMtka t. 0 t" ' ! . U ckarw puataf m , ,1 t. "J h f tarkaaiaot m af ilit pfr aiatal h ikMi k at v3Se to fJ Ika po4aa. At U daair to Jra (Mr paaart tkroagk tka R 0, BI lWtf oioif tka aaa to tW rUtoMir,kavtl M lM aetofdiaglyM Tkaaa oka 4a aH oiak to pay Ua fnattf bmV Utoatrnoad 6Wmiof acbook Cisoa WJ01 oocnPttJr -urfattory otaS.I kai Wa. V ltd Ua Captoia. D arJoadkl oSaaf. iaalaV faflaa-!, aoi V3 ajflaft. fietto eocsmaad In loaca fctgUar poddoa. IT Vm" wounded ia tt' Ua4 ia oae of tht reotol Uuka acor PcbaooL $ai U4 bt ro A.-" 'a4 a ' takiac ikaa ftkay ftftawf ike ahmdrf-1 aactaeiaM a Hm aatW wkiek kaW aot aeeer aueUit a ae of Ike ktotMy afa-1 to Mf, Bae'm tofcre. kal wkkh mae tfad. ahre oka fcpi la fcrewaglMafarpaaatogHretke loiter to'tfce fteklie .''' - - '. - N afr, tUir t-le iroatf kitia? to Ma! Itaeiy, yea oaeoi to kua iWuffioaefakariekiaf tka Ml tof of UalaaMi M to ff artk Cam, aa4 tkot fatter aaeao to aiy kaaaa ia oat oak aa veboot ixrtud to My mU, 1 lake Ike likartl of aattiog yoo rifkt a IWi. ao4 akwoiac yea o-ka a Iwfaleie Uk jeofcart aafgaataa' wm ar.aiaatj. tnoeiaat af ike fbetoocikoM tkfaaaaMMOir are (tojaeteaoa pay earte aenoe aoe tkr-Mkike, la M II ilaauMoa- aaiarrva' aiartieaaof Waae.'le tkia'eUy. t wick a -oaaitor of I a they ef totek eayio f He mm M. J.kuJ x tUa Waaa it kieoea eat. Wee o eteik at lo 4aBaie aa4 eiy ee yaro tke arawe 'abit Weae. le tU c-wm koe ara eooaV with i aaal iMIala iM Saotft kf orkiok k kaako they or oot tcJ-WJotn, ibort aoani to boo on of kmnjr jiroOtaritj krtwoea Uxw, ai too eumiara ItmiumUv OceinMee iu ao2H date -ieo,ofcf Zeb, efcfcfWa. XOa-r otippooe aa umu to ot true, it proves ootb iof egmiott Tine ifcit yot ko tory rH Tabco Wat firef tdkmlbatotfby ethorpaftio-; laro or awro CUioiy nectiDgokftro Mi oaoM traa propotod b tUStaadard. Toa y it waa rWt of maWoVrlog oo tita dlolookaVaTanJ tare far Uw voaoded of bit ooaipuy, ad wbeo obout m4f It atari tew M takaa dtara vb tpboad ArroA Thai tto ioNiMMl trOM Otoako to tke eoaftetarftt at ey ioma ooo aiderakSe proftl. aad be wa eeo-iod to tkjfia tkat embaat freapiag a ike etwra foieeof arariea ood atortkto. The arte of the omm atYtoaeMW'BtoaatoraiW at aa eW ta tMliaiail.oeelaaaawiateweoa)aliaatoiatt the raaty orat Jt,tf ""ft based cooo ((eMp JtattOoeJea eiaJtaaaTg- taj j Thato are ike fitorU-era-the tkoaaaad ltt to. oaMof tkMT fcrteoae ' tatrf aw. aad. ike "to hOMitktiiaaiaUaooaatxr.' lavar.teo. fte ottoioa ia oily rafti. ead Ike, pwral atoaoaHa of eaeUty ore fiatii Vwartd or took The ailartinkae toofra.ohitaa ahaaHl toot ho it eauaato a eoowaaaoa fcriaee taat I ya. aaoto., of ee to taotoWy aattuaM hi bah Ibeborgt Tcabaty toot : l to tko raorality of Nerik ana Tkr tMrto, "4 tottv owMctar: je oust bra heca 7 V?Mt-HKt toaoowtriof leroaoaton, ood tiiarafort 'taor ZTkiTk W-oa .7 a that tot 8taodor4 bad beao doing tbe oorathobaiaff atojrmp tof m aWa the oat. bf fcr taaco. A fMJ oooMaNMttpr.Oia etfajotbi rrpo, ftotod tbfir ewo aewjpapert to kuara audd IM tfeoOeW-HM oiUWt (wbtoh K oo doobtv abort of UMtrath,",-. -L ; ,i.f -y gaioattta SunJant 1 " j' I iTle rycoaty4wfltieo opooOrO. i Bat waramcuiU the -lorinc lamOiar- l W pwW, at the right tboa, itxnbatoteo Taootaad tboStoiidard. Wh. fietl to ait aTeiatoO n ttS DaV aoae af eeoeat a to ooeeaot af b) vary apt to awm fontf m aoaaoof otbero. Ma Liaeola aaJae'ioai ao ke oeerepreAot o . . t;,.,,-,! o.'.j.-. . .;. t edhffoMaa.te W0iiMaJ lorO ke araiag 80 ,bl-"P' baforo yoo Cotrtet tkar the UaUa 100a hero ow. haaa eofcaai.ai.io" lOorarlf of wwrtt tridcery tbaa yoaoaODfOVt ate pioartog tk tooMao. I m mmmM u mmf J.j.,- k nMkt Mllf WW OTWatf aaWkl I .LO) lkk faaaai awOka. akaftl mAmmA X t m m aT oor elgku oad kooor. , Bat ae eoua aa Mr. Iia rotali precloaMiioa of ApriL aaeoorvd, etTirlag aa tke alternative af 4aieg to aa nay odlaeaoioo of oar tJoatkera tmt Bum lor their aaklagafoa. aaaeff the oeHooco of oaaca- tiaff Ike !, of feeieuaee to Ike aotkorMioe of -' - - - - - -j- - s- am l.a.. . ' ' tkUk It koMMia k a wforaa la a kaWi omtryantl the fate of irtty toaa; QoaOa trtoaarre the oaeoaed iroaa the prtaea at tkia to aaato lea 4a re ago, lata boeahreaghl ia. . They bad toealaoSetiWf Irhvalog (by aigbl aad eaatOMl tkat were amee W or W mQt$' Erytjptiat tatat4 to lU voaaded hand, aad e Jw kty ataned, IrTag. the obOe.'aa toraiaatod ia drotli. - Ca vat abort 21 taff I bleehkeiriee hod atptee. - IW2tf their eurtgth of ago, IIW toortol ItOwJoo. It tU c&afgt of WBag lha 00 thie tie of diet, they itlui (Hrodal aad acoootnaiiiad U two oongf ! W"b hatoaa' h.hiuii.a brotberl ad a ito paawd wp to CutetViSt ' r""." f f 8atofJV toornlofcirfbto'' WaeVfeaaWd lad frd tooo rWag to oV T?T5H' pirtvMtaaoto4W toaTdWf. 'ThaV J Oeo.ompb JolMaWa bfidat trtort I aaneaa)ioiad o I4tf aa totoped praMetr of tba bank oY tbt fttrtb IWUilti Mno 4WUaary,ad toaif rttara to that aiaee. Ho thea oWeored thathowatkl MraOaaaaV la Dai le eaOaty. aaiy If laaO Itoia Vhera he umit Ilia kvut -!t--t kiia. aai ho omaa "mm at paot. etroaad to ooadaat bto toptotto lea hk ratetal of hia ooaarade ko aa 000 frtad, If odtobt they ait better eattola too fhati ohSe trteptog tl Booth ae. - . t tJiJ--A-' I'd"" "" WmfrttJ ffnopiTeE-o-Tbtf totOafvn of thil Mid aotrVil fcatltaiioa hi tlkit Town, toB crt Iroaa tU eUlaroa' of toart tad 000007, oaetorpaaod giwerariek to a f41 I tke Caaed ototea, oar toaiiiua woe takea wih- . a V . t I oat a aieieWat'e heaitkuua. A CoataMMia waa I- Mkfia iMkaaalk- aaarae aeoaatod ryehlr tkot he en boa kek aaittfaa aiiaad lia7Mr wre 1 a tae k-joa oo4 oraye to a fae ekarefc. aao to toeatetrolto aaavr-r wUo ka pa mk-ik. etreetaTha 4ar af letokotiep, kWev B ototo t peare w8 g4oa liee far raaaetioa, fad orial krmffkock ika otd aaaral euaoWdaaf eaeweiaaotkad rigkt aoary atoa wo 'law eed hia r 44 oat f the bit fitaadard froa,eotJ daoignaiee U oaa I M W. 'i0 coalribotki'of WefaUri batter, tm ood oewopapm of oH ptkt ilway. uk pro- ZI JZIS! nTtll (Mi fbW3 Vd:8Jcofl to otbm a wreieh aai pariah f toao wl widoo tkaaa 4ia. uaatooje tka aaaaaory of ttoaa aaea Witt giW ktaaker to taair ckildrve, aoiil tke extoriooB a mi ally eoaod. aad jaataaiir aod wiifcaat a aWaiiof mice, tkat Cwootioa toaiaVe 4 to aad ahare- their fete oW god or etii. Turn that aauaMot. howem wo atay hare aVfrad Ja other iktofm, la ibie tkero he aot be a. aad ia aot aay diffVraoeo ' It enmkj, terkapa, be tea aaaek ta ea t. kf 1 war to aflat tkat ikon waa, oo, tkia oahjoet aa akoaleu aoaaiiaity ; hot there woe each aa ovarwtotoMagerrdioaiooace af oahtta aaatioMat. aa to aBbtar to what ia ealtod a Owraf aaaaioAy- kaaca the pmpto. didatoM ZK, old &bf 80 baea 1"Had Major Oeoerai flager. Dirwoo etoety thraame khd :f Ebortiet with 4wodi- , totiafiod ibal trr re' aorta woold kit. tblortlo UfitanaVablM Oiato to orovida -rVlJjLT?l heart, a-raog toonoa) fJaioa aira. ma oo ion -w w a 1 tW m. tl towe birdo af Ike paoJarotamry. tkatia.thaoba bad travlaaaly.oaea Vmmm aotowlr.aaaeag tke feral, kat tratb aad rat-, ta. tai of aaere aaaaWa aad aaouaarat mm MM tart I L-i . . - of eve treeeoftka at arhh rraaeto et- ftfM a uto oot oaeeorito or dr.o4 ' joaM of aw aaioao''aoooa'BW'e "ZzlT . ' in..-.t aaaa, ajotoaay .aaieag tae ana, aot trata aa we 00 aat eeoajnoatoeaaita taaacteawaaoo niioiia tmm aa aay the ari a Jit ft tkia eaktoet. There h heaa a net eitradi. Oie p-la hate aorty oiily rUoeu tar af taore taoaWa aad ooauaarat the part ,aoUl fall rapaaeata t aad aaaoa tojwiaaial ae eakonatieae to thiae t the root ooeeuae e tool or a pracuat. oe'ia nty for at oea that teeaot he traaied by aaaral par. eaaatoew aad tkat toereeaM ky totrrawee. - "Yhe aaooor to ke faeatioa 'we ballrre to he aay aed airect Oot tke goeeraoMat toiheoo. y party that aaa giro h- Ta deotror eatorooo wa aaeet aeaaltko hoad aad trow) af the etoa- Mar. we aaaat aiteca wo nrge eaanaan wpo Haaee wo he fe fttiy . taxed - oaiaattaa. aa4 hare aaaa oar errtft ia oiakiog iage kwoa toraataiithe war; aae1 tke eeirit wfcicfc kae prodaetd thie baa aem tagged, aad to ow ae fcigk aad active ae at Irat. . , 'v-'r.f- Mr. Kiy.taMftft a eaaairat.'- Wo kava haaa iavadad ky aa aaeoiy aa aarlraiiaf aad for. ciooe aa Ike bordee aadvr Auifa aad A Uric. wfco overraa tke BoMia anre. He aowar lorOrr oar propfo, to eotaoeifiola da tea, O beo aot ooo la 0 baodrod bad aay personal aeouatntaoot W!th tbt cdil. SLow w fluariLl&g If r. Taoes bat aatd or done going to prove bniniarity villi the Standard, aod tbeo yoo way oail.lt, tot Hov iDg," bat ataiaw laouSarity. Witboot evi drooaofiU being thutoal, yoa.koow very weJyaardavft to oopwtto Yaoue. Aad theft oeng 00 aucn ovaJeoot to eaatfeoce yon art eoovictod of odaLbarato attompt to injure to ioooerot maa whboot tbt abadow of aa rtcoM. YoO toy Ifr.Yanot went to BaJeigb la hare o ooMohatiba with tbt edit or of lh 8uodard ood ' that be could oot write bit' fetter of aoorptooce ' oot3 tbeo. Yert yoo at EaWgb at that time? Wmr you, or aay oot yoo can name, preaeot at aay tucb eoaauhaliuo ? Can joa relatt tbt to balance of Kf 'Do yoo of toy body ttot .kaow that tboro waa ooy eonooluatoo bo twreo litem t Wf do Dot beUeve it, and tod contidfttt that yoo cannot aiww any proof of ruck eoosukalioo, mech kea relaio what waa featet t llad it goot ioto teuoo ttoo at 4 1 o'cJock, tbt victory would hare beao wach I - S LongMft report 1 Mr. CbaodJetr, of Mkfigan, made oltrtrt attach 00 Geo. MCWRaa b tbt Yankee &e-! oato, i few-dayi ago. He toy that lis tboaaand 4 Ibt brat troopa that ever Mood oo'Oode iuotstoul bad Utea toot to IfcCU I too ; ami that be bad , wort tbtao oot digging treocbet if tbt ewiuur? tear Ckb ewod. Aod tbat after the trochee ZT7 7TT. T I r . " T keep it op, ood at Ma WwraSty to ei tended to otderod bittoto to fallback to r boato . W9tt rf J Mtkfta who uutcad or OMrcblny; to Iuchmond. Mr. Cbaad!er tewnt ta bt obliviowt of fb Kir tbt ox ood woundol owo atoppiag ot tbt boepitat a wet aa tbey would be gtod to do Tbera aro oAro ajoty ItUia debcacira vhcb avoibet comM toafy tpare, aod tbt Board of Manager M tbat to to oeiy awo tary" to Jvt o Ikat lo wiffitf people to torb libit to Mart Uborot hi mind tkatlhiabv. atiiuboo ttaodt oo Ike Ebcrafity of tbt pobBe OBttrelr ;ltbad4 pretty food toai totthrt with, but It wia oot bat alwtya. ,2t aaaat bo rrpieonbed nom hkot to test, or tt will bt coapr&Vd to ciott: and tbro tor tick aod wounded OjUWt wiS bave to take tbt groood for a piSow aft brfurt, LiWrai oooiibotioo to toeaey or vovwont wis to fHiotreo to to Mho, to gtfoo the eeaoraW to toe mamaaitr aad wfcooe I ttaoMat to thto aaaat aoweiaoe atgriaooa. aad ( i4 by tjat oartie aaroed. And onfeat iroriaaniOMiBoaBwrii-n-w, I i4v oaia ika rral arwaa a aantia war. I rm'thm Vharm mmi hm at Amm mm tcr.aad ato keek raw. thiol a) rr0toate t tkeai toealoHto tVif -It'tto ware whoa aat r cheat ead aaaMatoaroa, wki gUek ia wealth ood go oarobeaod to the ooaaaaaoity, aot thoea the a wopla "1 It trill aat eV tor tke iMreroeioat to aaahe land for egg aad urwfa aad to of. joat goal ky a war aeoa the Market etalla aa toat ae it ha art tke aorve to loaeh the kie i'Wo eottry oar or oaw enaw fo ml km. U toawliietoaVrat ea- lotlhetod: thohaadof tkokvaVaaaoai ko attaaUd With Oereaiaaa. aaa aaeeaawg et. jtaru towr the aoaatry aidovarot aad foaaiae kaawe eW araiio a ad tile at the aVtai " amt Ojooaaav r- -'. ";!, Tho hkorty whieh ihajteeraawai haeakVw . ad to oaeaa of tka giiaiiwt itertfiaaaedeaow t aaa to at oaoe dattoraUe aad iaotieiele , to tfce aaaoafaetariag aaiakUOMu at jtke. iW'bl the eeorattvea hkve heaeavt4 Aoa wlp ry doty It we aetyaaro taat. f-r OWprrvt tag,ooiooaaoaiitraitoaaeaJdtoetohoittkat : io fact it ttotfod a o-otroet oo taoort Of the aaaaafiaaaror ta deal Morally w the gv oraaaeat aad tko eaaatry ,aad to tot lhaw gaode at fair orieao : Taoae etiMtefatiaa kava kat. to ' few toeuecoe. fcaao raalrtard. There etoOMt too aad wartet miSk'd tko itoath which heve had haadeieiotedky ike faraojeet.eaeagh to fbrai a hattaioa, aat wkiek are aaiif . eel tkerjt notottot the tbaowad prr teat. of tka oatorUaoaa to M-rstfof eaen loiat ah toeaor taowtwoo, atlr I i, aoia iko dirMkrroraaaaariU war. am n to oaw wawa cmmw aaw 1 Ha BMooaaa aattoae leae tkaa oar mum dm aro ot lakoliwi arte hWtra4oaaMa, thpad otraetioa. the totaf aWaitoa af or oooatry. aoiveroal eoiaaetoadea at owe thelovo of tke atovea, hot woe hatred to ae 10 eroak aria aat the Heath -to tovrtvaraa ia amaaedtoMe owavry .aad hotatow rtiaf Vm, Ms. E3y, if year ova Stato af Kaw Tork were'wa iavadad aad tkrvatr-ard, wfcat waold ht jrnor forkap aad eWyuoraT : Frooi thea yoo too JMf -ara. Wo tuoh with hor rar at too thaagkt of kMAfaruo Oallad la ear aoiuieol teaar-awt. With the Jhorth. , He anODO of tboee Uwrtiea wbiob pclitioal paper bare beta io the babit of tokieg, to wit: -taiwafactoriog atoriea oot of oboto dotb. - r r . 2 ' But wt do oot iotefkd to kSow tbt Dm eral la ao toveatlgatioo of 9 iu ctargrt and mMouatioo agaioat ' If r. Taaoe. ' Tbt elec tioo to at band, ood tbera ia oo ti roe for k if wt aa4 to iLurpooiUoa', tf UU. Voce pot lact that tbera waa a good Moot army of bet. tor troopt tban McCWW between Kiclt ! mood and tbon whom bt. deaenbea aa tb beat that ever tt jod oo Cod'e foototeoL But Uiai'i oo concern of ourafet bias pila ! it oo" McOeSao if bt chooeae to. : .' JftJxvtal 7ri Sc adrertianneot io tLtt paper for medicinal ptaota, tic There art aaany vomon aod cbildrao io tho 8toto who oiiybt make toooey tat tLemarive tod reader a great pablid broeftt by oa&ectieg tbettpbaU aiad wothetelorooBggivttotbt toteibf rtadort of tbit paper to riot tucb poraoot tod orgt ttm to do toBietbinf bt I Out way. ISO one rtrtfbbortiood win be Lke- , paa tius way. tbia.itautaUoo appeato to a I large coaimuo Uy for aupport. ' . CeaeVdafr r 5m W. A. Watvoo, the prrortt henat, aad Mr laaac. M " taavaa Of (ke Caoiera part of ike eaaaiy are eaaeV daiMAtlhit ottoe. Mr. Maatm Brcawwt ako aaaooaeed hiaaaatf oa Tkaraday hat oa laAag thai hto Aiead, Mr. Shaver, hod hitowii a taaddale,h bad a oaaltai 'with hiaa oa t Friday, eveaiag, vkkk, aa Aatorday MVwVw'awiawj eaealud to tko wkhdrawel af Mr. lichwiaa. ; oi.rkaaW,,tkw. WUrv.H aiue-ltto wf Ooveroor, the treatr aw o. aaareveo to keep ae Herd; aod if ment bo baa reorived at tbt baaJa of tbt d ahooJd ha tko wia aod goad aartateaf At. fST" GoL lforjraoYapvJotioo io Konlocky bare atortlcd tbt Federal ait over tbt North ood ei citod theoi to a taga pitch at JLontovilie aod Oirtctomatti ' Martial tow ba bora oV otortd at Uaitovin, and trrry atto-bodW jperetotoriy eowmtruM to take op tat raa at kaWera, a kreah Iu foitk aad triaW t - taa-kto . ' ''krda of ietaeir." tt t with tho aoitUr: k rvr hia Ifit Aalar atatattoa aaaoey aW efotktog. wklt haa ve ry wef that it eaaoet thy toot aha aad ohirta tor a yeaa.- Br tko bdwaoaa af hitarOao tt kotoa tko oaaauy to K rata ? it eaeVr Ue twb- t . . Ia venae to he aorrattedi it wieaa at a W I . - -' groee wkoh ba dooo aaere tkaa toy tkieg aaa aoetojf ear eaaae, tHIele fc vino. mfttff ? - at to Ike doaeio Ue ey of tka worW ' ' thegi earaaiti.tae trio aV' are foir I ' aad roaaaaMaOea. - Thoraie of w govraeet ' 1 . ia thie aaattarj tkat of htoral raaariifio j I awagaat to oaatraet with oaaaafoetarara for f awtyOeo are , gototoPy kjialtlgaot aierrhaale, who aaa haw aa iateaaat ia hoatieg awwa tho oneoe of tka aaaaafeclorar, aad wkeaer ohSga . Itaoa to tke gwaraeaoet iavotve ao aarowaary or eaeeaiaiiog ioioraat, atagaaipir loaarceea at latr raiaa, am wa pavavevm aaa aiaaa toetaror of tho tooth Am have Wea aad aatMai aaea; who have leaeVty totonaa with the ogeata af the to aaaat aod eoeatieJ ike btovalartee aorrJ ay it for aattkee for tke amy. The rjrie.eduwd ky thoee ekoodd he aeolMd toaliataooaaaa ciatoof iadaailnaiow Jfco govaraoieat dare oo aooageoe iejUeo to tfeaw janouow aa oaty. Tke MVftaieai otgaraotat pn, I aaed mm . tke aWiaet-'aed.,aaita.aato aaaa the argkty God that tW aaaoJd ho0, w awal avar tote wttfc tataee whatever a vw v hrfol ro Bat a votaaiarv retara to aav eato wiie the Nrfk, thie wa eaaaM. tfOI art orertiroMeoy arraa; a revival uf Uaiea eet tiawata iitki to a esere waeuonadky. I ahiah, tkarefore, Mb Ely, yoa woald eV wall toadviae Mr.'Siaaly to akaodoa kie eetrrariee. He a Caerraar af North Cerolaa't A Govaraord. fivtof hleeowiaiaaiiio ftwa Mr. Liaonla! The very liikto aa toaalt to te. WWm daea Mr. Liaoofa derivo hi tower to apeoiata tauoeraar of Ikw Stale The very afeotataaaat: to aa aeaawotiao of the right of aaaoooarnr ef jo Bat we ar art yet aoaooorad. Aad 'aVyoo iat at rM feoteaf r eooway oere ta tort, a etar aetar. aaptertrd by Morthera. hayaoau. to a aaaa J twaieieadj hiaweU to oar fovar, to Veathe io olkagvikraiiaUaf aawtyaad taaoe lowaea atoi or tknee wa a at biai bare T Mr. Ely, aa yoo have ototad a ieomapaodaaee vwh Mr. Otartr, yro hid keiter.o f tkiak ywe yooroalfi vol kafaovo afWt leeefeg vkot I toaee ntf y tkialohhos, p. ., If he wiebee the 'hooorad aaaa ef ftaoly tt mm wmm m ppwnn mmm m itiiw mmm mm mm aaakea with taara aad ktr4 fcv North Car. i aiaoa'kaeafartfc aad forrr, let kha arar( toaarraaat wan Ifa oVwa art wiefc tto let kia rator wkeeo he aaaa. aad foave aa to igfct oo( tkie coatert a keat w aay, wnaaot ate aiierforaoee, - GEORGE K. BADGES. 030 mTaTAIlD. Elatt artboritkt and two of fbror rabid par ttoao paper would krrprfl oa to tdppbrt biro. lie ba haoto dealt wkb by (htm aa if at wort ao arterhiavr i aa ooo who bad oo eight to How bit oamo to ootne beaurt tho pecpto tt o condaiato. Aod beiag yjoabld to brief againat bia toy thing bt bat laid or doit bifaetU; they bave kbtieed whh extronD ry .trol to make btm renarLle lur the al Vrged error, inoooaiateocrs or ioHie of oUer peraonej aod tbry hare Soot thia while bt baa boso bearing bit breaat to the bullet of the Tanket invader of oor o3 otfthe beitk field io ;Tirginiat If tbta don't abow tbt beartleaMMrt aod neaoneol of party thea there never wa t eat which duatralad tt. Meanwhile, Mr.Xaoot opponeot ciuoyt the advaataga of traveSiOf .about, aaooogrt ba tribwroutoeo at bontt; tod tho priviiege.of doir ahttle riiutojoieiiof ia o qqtoi wayt - TWe tVinocrat aaka et to help k correct the lalae report that Iff. Jabnatoa '1 a Sooth Car ry to fuvoadj very toasy of Q dTertol berba! tailed for, bat there otoarcvly any orlgb I ' harhoAil which Ciiiu.lUIJ, Jr-m UtA I to or fiort kidji; to lb when the cofleo- H Vfi1 ," .Bt h over 200 ltd- amt, coeftnt IdoWlf to oua aiior, or ba ftiioC mf -. -f aM wa ' ' half doa 1 10 " wHantira. Morgao tremt to he tiod abaft baft, bate; ad U it Mperttd to wuleuoUm OHHt.of kwaftJj laooVIartot ktodav. .t " f x 4 4't There Bay.be aocot di2Souhy "io kawwing bow to pat tp or ttet atane.'of the artUe called fur. la tbat ca, wt wooid tngprt that phjaitiaii kt tho naiDOrhood may bt tUa to give tbt teeewavy bwwwctionA " J ' 'r Ml Buy alao happen thrt peraoot who orxild tpend time ta ftberta ihrtn ruty not koow tbt ptaoU.' TyWiao, and other wbobavt ataxfied botafly ttol aert bt of aarvito agaio. ,bj directing Cttlo haad to t prvtubit tow I to dwUleea very isportaat tbat tbaat herb ahould bt obtoioed, and wt Lavo beet thu particular in eaihng aUeoUoo to the tub jatt booaoat wt koow bow lodiffWeot nraat poopJo art m regard to aocb triaut "rbt prlcr tobe peiJljf them aio eerUWjr ro maaoratirt ; and a (ht pUku arnica itered eral at Jiartrceaooro' ood captuml about 190v prwonera, hWct v largo amount of guto, tounuiutioo, wajoooand troy etores. CyntbiaM fell Ml I, tod tuoro priaaDera aod ttorottrmtahotv. Aod tola now rrported that bo aai take frooUort, tbo tapitot of the Ctatoi and topbwod Gov. llcOoffit. If be bat a Koto tufieianf to atuUia b!m ia throe bold adriwarta, It to not to bt won dered mi tJ.11j Federal aJoog the border boU4 feol alaripod at tbt nWoottratioos of IhtogaJiantkader. - - , - ' ihet ttoyarototoa iaralaaVaae raat tf arrtaeajo. -Tkaaa ortoaO o foe, oeeor tojoto ibt taaaaeoe toooodaf ke t4 STrSl they yre-l TBE ahooe arvord to mf$f4 for' the a t fhaio aad dhvrry eJAM Ed MAT, THvr,of Vavai treaty, ft. C, to lkr aa. drrwgaad at Bahahory. He to o rf alarly aw fiated autoW la Ike CefVfil aarvira, ia Hapt. W.. Bei'wa'a Cootaaay, Cl Goawia ' Karaaaat. aad haa aheetd hiaMalf freat the aaja arhkuat laaae. Tke GovaraaMM to kuaad for tke reward. I . " ' fUBTIIER NOTICE. i Al ataae eaoeat aaoataeea r nv eewaaay arV kvky oroared to aer Immttimij, or taey mm aa oen wna aaoaaanara.. . ,-4.f j wiixiAM Bitowrr,erv. .t'xftV l?-u.w Y.wJPrij oimU W.doao wiUtple.rW.be.r0W.W N66 bev V tot ntivo North Carolinian a oa rVl - oToM )fklet.hurg county, and a very wor. thy aooat that ' An iwoCect, reader, that Vance U from tho i3a of Buoootnbe, io Nortb CaroLca, wbert tbo! kopiog crystal boo tain teach the. peopto purity ead Ida; where the inrigoralipgair Ika thorn for na fatoea aad deeda of vaiorj mo4 where tho towering mouatajo toapirt morcoot tor a .)r - feountafatt V Ihto prioa, or otporott ooo. - " : J ; iTwdeofly rwacLed.-',---'' Jruv L Ooauu- Tih Oreeoaborouga-t . -- .9mx' ' . . , - . BA.LS. -Ooveroor fclark baa coptractod fa" tho eat of lt water at tho Virginia aalt work, ood our SUto Cooi&toaioocrbM been tent thert to oiaouiactort tait far thia fiUto. Tbt Greeaaboro' ratriot atyt tha.Ceeawiauoner wifl foroiab it toooeottottt $3 60 per boah- tl wt aopooaa H to to be delivered at the Patriot report the death' of Ihi highly erf leemed Oliara of OuU.jfd.' He died at. hi laiher'a io Oreoboro tht I0- Uo ago of ahoul Wyeara. . Cpi. l9t G Ooo- ktUa hi brother, t vat AJM fwroW-Foor Yankee proacbera tad ais Yankeo orgaoat who bad beao ia cooflot BMot her at pnaerf of war, wort rtjroaed oo TlMtrtday lost, aod amt to Ekhowod. Ji 4 to tU Uttlt it tnderrtood (hot ry $ barBtpo (Q thi I o ; fi I enemy Lnea. . . l .J y 1 EW COVlVUffDS. ' Uajreral T. II. Ualoart ba bera tealrned to tbt command of lb depart beat of Inttrta UMMtMtppu . U)ur Geaarai Jktjamia Uofirer ba Otto relioved of Ibo oommaiid of hi divi-. Wt end aaftfgittd to tbt da tie of laapec- 1 ,-! torcf Ordnance. ' ArTadier Orotral H. It Armatronjt fcaV beet mad o Major Geaerai aod aaaigneJ to Ibt oornmand of lbod)eiatoa lately coov x aoaaded by Otoorat Utger. Coiol Jenkioa, of Kmtb Carolina, ba bora tad Brigadier Oeaeral, vio Get. " R. IL'AoderaoR. oeooioted. i v l: bte beet ado' o Briffadiar Generati 'Tbt veoigoatioo oTOeoeral Joaepk R. AOdenoa bt bote tcotpted.- ?a A. ' Artovoa6 tinmAd rLMnulM ntrv mar tl unnlanteTS iaaoed io the ''Sooth, ' Bot.lhey bave eotne to ;j tolbontodrcik-'aBj'tdaiitltlt k oeooouty, eaongt belnj tO(00rp.; rr ; . Tht aleicba&ht of XtMfyra ba' cja0 draioo4 wf ct&L. , i -4

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