v.:. i V f f -5 i ' . i . c p ib o c cnq c c r o n A c&a i amcit ivdid iMf ;:t .."""n"11 1101 beloc;; tarth alone, bet tothe6ol;ni, t;. li ne tkltf . Drtaa cf a 8Ur. . Tber wu cnca a child, and ha .trol AWot V sttit 3ea,and thooghtofa4fa.aWrtblnM. He dartfd al tha death of tha bright wa- umm iww, iw iwo aouoi ia Httla aarltng to htr Dom ror The wejw. ua aaetrumaa uiai wia naa hp ut ib nwfN wi ta ,k ma svufuniwiBDaqivai iuttg I wviuf.vuiugu an con wvumj vi i "ivm . J ! . . i wo bsoq io woqaar aii oar long. r i ,u"i v:nw B7r,:Tr . ' J MM tuarM r -I flowart ; thej voadarad at tha hatch! I tliAi; ?- ...L -:n -a Thliatf tS rvmirtltt4 f ' f and hlaaaaaa of tha akv'i lhar won .. . .ni I it,. Trl i Tn.l.u. to aJn.,t I nr. Apr t "T . . w fc1 T -r 9 : mf .1 llf W ua v terf the wondered at tha goodoeta I tia race grew ADd Dover 'of God. who mada thai ticlpation. lovafr vorlL ti, ? ? , tTitej eaad to uj to ooa another aometimeii " . , .:. - , Seppoaincall. tha, children on aWtadia,aia thaBoirart tad lha water and the kbaaorrjr Ther beliered the would ba aor ry. For, aaid thej , tha bad ire tha cbildran of thefloirer,andthalitUa ptajrfel etreama tliat eambol down tha hiftaidea an tha chRdrefl bf tha Faferaod the etnalW brigtitipeckt plating at htda tnd aaek in the alt drenof the etiriV aod theV5 would a4 be griafad'to aea their play matea I tha children of men. no more. ,-- '-.! -There wai one deaf ahinln attr that Med to coma oat io the akj be - rore ioe rt near, lap ennreg spire about tbevelt; larger Mid mora,beAauful, the thought, than p'eaae wont you let me ask Uod to all tha otherav and every nicht ther I Uitht to call oe to-morrow, tor I watcnea tor ; It, standing i a a aj -a hand ia .band at the window. Whoever aaw it first, cried oat : "laeetheitAfr -And often thej cried oof both to- gather, knowing so well when 1 would rieaBid wherevH 6b tbcj Esw ta be aoVh friends with it that fore , iTinr down ' in tbejr beds, they looked oat once again to bid, it good mgnr; aoa wnea mey were taroingronnd to aleepthey 'would ohr verv,r,ery jouogi-th; "alster drooped, intT mV to be ao Very- weaJcthlt aha could no longer stand InXdowt nicht r Sd then the child looked aadiy oot by him- aeJi; aad whan be aa the stai turn OJ ioand to the patieo! pale 'face on tha bed: MI eeethe atari" And thcnaamilo wonld come npon her tace; ana toe a a little, weak voice need ta taV, Krod bless my brother Bod the star." ': Aodaalthatlme came, all too aoon, when the child -looked ott . .... " ' a aloDe, when tbere waa no face noon k." Jt - tU'mJ. mmm'm l!.l. rarB among the graved not there Wore, and when t& star made long . 7. . 1 i.r .. k 1. ?. i.. 'r"u utr - u" "w " Uroogn me Mart. v , . Xiaw, tneae rajs were so origut, add they seemed ' to make duch a beautiful ahiolnc way from "earth 10 heaven, that when the child went to bl. aolitarj bed, he dreamed aboat the atarRDd dreamed that lying where be waa, he saw a traia otvJ. tie taken op that shining road by lag hint a $reat world of lijtltt4 where many rnee tnch Belf walled tv tacefreamK i"' ? - ' All these angels; who were walN log turned their beaming eyes' ojiOu the pVho were carrUd bp in to the star, aad aome came out from the long rows in which j they etod, aad fall upon the . people a necks, and kisaed them teocerl. and weni BwaV wIth them down, mauea'of light, and were so happy in their .K-fif-V:.V. w. i.. tVUIVaUJl lli IJtHjC III Hit ' VW, U I . r O I wept lor joy.. , .-. . Bat there were maay angela who did aotgo with them, and among Lhem.one he knew. The patient face that bad ,onca laid 'upon iha , bed was glorified and radiant, but bis heart Yoand out his slater atnoog all the boat. Vv-;-.;;,":- ': ' - V ' Is my brother corneP , . x : : -daeaa I " She was turning hopelessly away. when tha child stretched out his arms aad aaid, 0, sister! I am "here f take me." And then she turned .'. bar beanaing eyes apoa him :. aad it was sight, and the star was shining into tud room, making , long rays down toward ' him, aa be saw it '.through bla tears. r:-V-:"-J: From that hour forth, tha child looked out apoa the itan aa on the borne ta waa io go to wbaa hid time T" a. said liuJa Susy, Heft to heaven to-morrow. and see tmt hac been gone to loaf BOwyl want 1 a tja . , ' . f 10 aea niD. Tlia iDotherirept aod folded t oar And the lit bright with Joroua an ba '4d to meet Colt tha mother onlj wept mora, for ba lacked the, aabHme'fafth which gave her daughter ao ranch joy. .. And then the little. face eloaded, d Maj and December atroggled for tlw matterr of bar eoantenaoce, chilling doubt crept into her miodt and tha iwcet volca treinn louslj aekedt - . . , Ma, ihan't I aea pa any more P J ".And tha mother, rebaked and pt; itvoH antwerea wr.n a caimneaa wat I iTea, Vea, darting: wa ahalf eef, talnlj tea papa, in the bright, beau tiful heaven, where he fivea now with the ancela,' although wi cannot 1 go tn-morrow, tuteta God pleaaaa to i . - - 5 . I Then, ma," aaid . little Sntjv want to aae pa to bad : pleasardo, motner." , . r ..... M " , .... ' . . . ' "ALWAYS GIVING." 4,Six quarters V aaid Arietta. I am so ciaa craodua cave oa tbeaal last now. especially. So arnJMuoLaaid-Fanny, "for to-morrow is missionary Sondsy In our achoota." thuhV other crochet needle, and ever, so Ti-. . . i.fc. .. ....... rf?2r . Z A ' SiV?; .7 1 lb,nk ? rT;Vftra the command, of Chmt ! think, if 7".? gTf ?f , wfdiiobey him. He com- JSd? WUbat f1 Uj 7 "t6 I' V-L"??'.''" '. MBut I am giving away all the time, Fanny. JB? ery few JSnndajs wa are called on for something." Hemeraber all we hare is the Lord a and onlj lent to nay coasin. Ifesidet; if joo Vera to pntwn in EM Jff? f another the dime! joo spend for yourself, yon would be anr&riaad t find hV triflin ti,- i first' would seem beside tha second." . , . M " Bat how can 1 tell boar much 1 ought to give P 7- .. will tell.yoo my plan. When ever l have money ct vea ma. tue YZIX m aTu f & t ?"" aside one- am not tempted to spend it. That. Is the vary inailest earn 1 ahonid care to offer. If It varies at all, it shall be to make the gift larger.' I will give away ana vf these at x quarters arand- pa gave oa. It seams iflfi.l indeed, to.aiend , u)ora than , nine timea as mocb for oa reel res aa we do Ur tlii I eiose, of Christ. Xow doo't yob tamB so, cousin JLetty V . It doea seam so, Fanny, when V. Vl ln L 1 "T' 1 , . I WV. benevolent. on look at it In tliat llrhf. I real- wra ""MM W7 selfish." A1- ; mxt . I ';: H 'Wa im nn ml Ia MmimhiiFthi good we do to others a great deal longer than that(wa do tor ourselves. While the Uible rule J, iou shalt love thy neighbor a thyielf."". S. lime. ' - Ilavt Lost My Way.---I have. loat royiway," a little girl.safd to ine tMa-.miing,---Iie hud wandered too far from lier father's boose. l rant to go .home," xJ.u... ;ai, and tears fell thick and fast upon her little hands. v , I led. the little lost one home ; and it was sweet to witness the rejoic ings ofctbe parent over the restored lamb. . . . '- I bare lost my . way, . , .repeated sadly to myseiria tnese deep labr rinth of life; any feet wander in atxaaga path; the fruit which'1-bad.j :c!;i:ktlfcflk;;TiV ka af !Cla4. Wtal.cWf J ,-... vUs. hod I haft too, v&iit to go. hbiual to THAT UTSU GIRL'S TEAKS. , comes sweeping over my soui; I jw. taaa f ir lift my father, bouse, UJTr cirl for tha text ot hia last, lermon. I NUmI tha tha eWI4 w no an. war, abaonlj - meaneto provide Diblrtt and. this led w:th Warion of theB;itiah and Forelgft Bible SocUlitd all the other Jiibla 6ocietiea of the world. 4 F6r tbaiUwi Column. ' THE BEAOTirDL Tbere ia alaoJ Uamortal-' Tte beaatiftrf of land; Beaida Ita fncfent portal A aileot aenlrj suada . ' Ba ooly eaa aoda it, And opto wide the door; And morula who paaa throaja it Are anrtala nevermore. ' - , . '".in Tbonga daik and drear the paange TUt teadeth 19' the gala, , " . Tet traoa attaada the aaenagt Toaouia that watcb and wait; ' And at tb trsa anointed A Hwwettggr eooea down, Aad raidce the Lord't aooiatext "'"iVpna ceoea to tferVa crown, Tlmr aigha art lust In 'ringing, ; Tbey're tleeatd ia tbair laars; ' faeir joeraej heaveawmrd winging, ' Thej leave ojB 1 earth 1 their feara Death iika as aogql aaeming, 44 We walcome thea," the err ; Their tux with gt)rj Reaming, Tia Ufa (or them to dia.1 d. l: Bringle, MERCHANT, 8AUSBUBT, N. C, OJSetppmUtkt Xvn llotd,) . Will pay ik kifkaat aMrkat aHee. ia caafc,for all klada of Cowatry PiWaet. " Ajwit3,863. fiuip?! FoBidry sad Maebiae Sbeps FOR SALK. THE aadaraigaad cflera f aaia tka aalaa airr Faaadty aad Jf ackaa akopa aractad ia ifcia plwpa ky , Boya aaa,aa4raaaat ly ia pmiiiaka af Frarek 4r Raar.-Tka waia kaikfiac kt tSO feat Beat. 90 feat dp aad 14 foat kigk. Tk Foandry b SO ky 4tf. 17 f..l mg, "Blaekamiik Shop 80 ky 30. IS feat kigk. Patter Skop 40 ky 90. . Al Ml ta tha ajoat aakataatial taaoaer af kriek, aad b eew ia aowvbta ardor aad ftt ft Work. It br wtB 4lea1ate lor Waaalaetartag an klade waB aabataua tr TBaaafaCtarlaa an hlada U A ka : pnpmtM for making eaa aaa,' ' gaaa aa atkar araaa. Tka aatakMakiaaat to vary aaa. Ika N. Ci. Kaltnaui Daaat mmd m&ttJm avat' facility br raeairlag naterial aad forwardia foad It win ka aaid bw wi4 low, aaa aa ataoit - parekaaa aaaaaf to wli.faeiortfy saeared fart bar aartiearare addraaa aaa at Saliakary, Marek 17. 18tt. ifU ' V Riekaanad Exaaaiaer, Ckarbataa). Caav rvw. Norfolk Dy-Boak,aad WiliegwM iomrm al, win pakUHi twioe a week fbr fear waaka, aad fbrward kiib to D. A. Daria, Eaa, at tkla Jaaaary18dt. X . OT7 Dr. 7cu IL HoTxerton JI AY1N0 faiarad to BaRaVary, agaia odWt kb prnfauMal arrrleaa to tka ei tiaaaa af tka tawa mmi aarfnaalia ana at nr. II a aM at rail Ua. (aabM Siafiwlaaairy aagaga ka Ibaad 1 at tka BoyaVa Uaaa., :k , x. tt60 , FAMILY FLOUR ftAJI U loaad at ika BOOT aad SHOE J FACTORY far aab. ' - . ' " a a a ai WaM a M.. a - a mthtff ' BaKJajry. May St. 18CS , 1 FOR OAItB. rorR boksc wjcoi Apply to 1. E. DOBBIN, ar Me Sd.lSCJ. . 1 Pd2ai GARDEN SEEDS. WILLrecaiea to aba- dare e freak aee art. aaeat af CAIDCN BF.EDS, aat a. . aajetparbaeed etalkere gaalbawia. Far aab ky HENDER-ON eY ENXLSS.r rake, iw. :y-. BLANKS OF ALL KINDS T For Vfifih'-rA WarraaHl r,VJ ' ' . ' ATTSNUp. 1 arrvbe Ika IWdaal aaaf deaira, ara larked to Up Ibrwafd ekl ragbtol their mmm. The atenb aaw f"I b death. Otw mU M ftka M "J Ml CukfeaWnu Qawtvr . WvtfVrM 9 MANY CITIZCNI. BtatO of 0 00X011x1. ::;v-' Vjjfaa Artii4" i ;r a. 'fat 15, 18fl. f -TO THE PEdPL OF N. CAROLINA. TY AH ADYEaTMEJICHT IN TUB LmWm Mi.aicad vY.aVAakaiMiaia lalbrm4 im aa iU apf.Jat, aad aad agaaia tbiffc atrv Cvaaty ia U tia,M rmw. faMbMa.aadJraaaan.ia mpnt an laa anaa aaw ia tfce kaada a f rivata aitiaaaa. - -Aaf uaVp ta limn Um mmm af mn tUl mtmm. U diiMti al iufiitt wkk tka C-mMU- . m4 la apfMaitfea w lk aVcbrtd .iey af Um CSwraraaM!, wMak awkaa It k dalf af aaarf tkisaa ta kp4 kaar anaa, aad a acta tka anaa af that Mlt aaa Jf ,aajKe- OuapWdakt.'1 Bt mAU I kaiIv tm-ikl Ik a ajaatal ha?a a WIW1 awiWUir la awea it pmmf !!TW,!S.; a . Tk CUuaeU af tka aamal rtiatata af Mit'tia wis act aa agaata tor tka aula, aad writ aiAirf aia wWaavar aay aar fc anaaaref Hnwd. or xAVrfd le ikaaa Tkait aiwnpt tad taraaat aUaaUoa ia ead ta tka-aamiUi tkiawdar. HEURY TrCLABK . . Cavtraar El Offjaaj. April IS, I661-. i-" -. 11 - SUBSCRIBERS TO THE SALISBURY Tka aaoVrWrnad waald arail kimat tf f tkn 1 MCtaaa la 11mm ta k fcnatf paifaa. taai ka kaa mi arrafaaMta KwmIi tka Cr abaa. WMttmmf ta laaaa waa aaa pais ia aa f aaof'ftr Ika BMr Tka tVatraaNw wOl ka at at ta iW aad af tka tarat M kwa) aak 1 paymaat ra ada. J. J.. STEWART. LaNr MtaacM. ( . Aprd 17, 18C2. , . INDIG(3 EXTRACT LOGWOOD, COOKING SODA, ' S1TB1C AVIJJ . OIL YITRIOVT' MADDER. MATCHES, CANDLE WICKA For aab fcr - ' ' ' . HE5DERSO.X EBM8B. F.k. 9, IK. ltf Tt all Rhoa It eay CoBcrra!! AS THE UNDERSICSEDi HAS VOL. aataarad klaatrrkae to go Jadgll paar 1 a- i aakt an wka ata boaaua U atia to eaB ii art. tbidiataiy, aa ka Waata t aay all fcb iahtm baftira ka bavaa. aad ka daaa as kaow at akat kW ha any k ardtred to tka fc-ld af ...... ... . . ... m r.. ii- . ! aetioa. naeaa- aa ataaa ai an iHaaa wiaar ai ki, Offira aril tka Oarrtara. " u , - ,R P1E88EVT. Saiadmry, March B9, 1669 . tf68 , TT1P T. A .V7T fl PPth HTT7NTT Yl M"T",-,T a awa,,aa-aia.. ay a EclW tel btcIJ tie Casscriftlhi BY aalWHyof M)or-C.ar) HJB, I aw dataek'e4 to rtcrail for ika 5(k BrgiaMat N. C Btaia Troopa. '.'" , " - ' : Tkia rrgiaMat kat kaeii argakiiad fer aaarly larvlra aaaaika, kaa aaairad a ktgh repatatiaa tar ddfl, dbebiiM, aad tkwraagfc crgaaitauMh aad Ha aal4ary fcaaring m tka bla mvSmm at WiBiaiakarf , gbaa pruaaba af fat ara aaafal. ni aadar lha badi-rakip af ita galbat aaa ai.aaar. Cat. D. K. MaRaa. Tka advaatagaaia ka darirad ftaaa ioiaing a wgHawat already dittbdvaad argaaised, aril raadMy ka perad ky aft Fraaa tka rare at latter af tka Baceatary af War, H wiD ka aeaa (kat aiea eaftaUat ara atig aatribd to their koaaiy af $50 frawi ika C 8. Uovaraaeai.aad tkav ara keadea aatilbd tod aiaibr koaaiy iraai tka Biata. V . Tkeee wbkiag to avail tkeawerree af tkia anaortaaity. will apply to asa at SeJbkery, N. aryr N. aideaea, C. ar to U.aL remnaaa. at kia re a aaiba ttoata at eawwary. M -O' -ps-'t tat aad ReeraJUag Officer. May It, 184X in COT OIL,-.!' TAnniiii's oil, V MACHINERY OIL; SWEET OIL, SULP.IT morphine. SULPIL QUININE.- , . dUM OPIUM. ! CASTILE SOJPJ Tar aab ky HENDERSON Jk ENNfSB. Fei.t.lSC3. Cltf W7 ANTED THREE kwdrad Wake to f V Wkaat. tkraa kaadrad karrato IW aad twa tkaajatad kaakrla aara. , M-RONETSf BtO. BaBaVwp, iaaa f, ISO. Ifc;;;aelj Litkittiptic. .r - ' . ' i mm ,,Z.-r1 - r , -1 . - . L . ' v" -f . .-3'. - FRIEND Of TUB IIVMAH FAMILY, .... t r.., ,: mwwtumm rui . H (. THIS fcMhi.il MrielMjt for nU tlt t MhifUI, B.!UV.ry SutmiH,(W. eor4 4 r-yrilttilU, at CL AtoUa'i T1 ntoeriktr Umt tat BtwM witk r. Cwaa Hflwl pauau, MtkaaMaafonara afc4 ! iMaWaaMii, Maa, li Mpar1 fatal aaa flj j . tfraaalaf kiai at Matkatllt'. V, C. -'"- " 1T V CriabprOtIgll IlntuU HSlRlNCE (CaPlNT. PiYPtn'ti.PriB Mt l MaWaa. W. J. M.C..I, C. P. MMMbakalt, tK f. Wt4r, Jaaaaa M . Catiatt. Jckm L. CJ.. N H D. WhWa, Wav Eania fr, DM MrEaigkt, a. Ikvl, 14. H. iaday raaakaraag k 1 W.A.WittM, waariagtiaat B. Tay Laakartr AWaaalav Miliar. Nawkare TktaVsa Me. Ge, RaMrk 1 kowaa Jakaaaa. Yaaaty. tUUl Df.WlC. taaaaty, WadaaUraak a t aikMfd. rtMkliBiaa 1 Dr. E. F. W.i. ' ari..tt. . . t - -t i -: Baa. aad Traan Cvatret Agaat. J AVfiEfANE.. jEa-.Ua. C. J. M.GARRETT. vAnaattataalcauoaa as aauaaaa aaaaaciti witktka tfW.lMMl4ka44rrrtfta It r PETER ADAplB.Baafataw Orar nmiii & fiossAnoir, I f AYIJtU parekaatd af J. D. . .f V U baw Cav, tkair aatira J lalockaf. 1 ; nrX TtX; SHEET-IROS. COP-Ftin-WAKB, BT0TB3, 4., abw BV ika largaat aad kaadawaieat fet af COOK I MO. pARLOR' AND CHURCH STOVER avtraaVradia tkia. awrkat.' aa4 will m'U far eatk aa bw aa f aa ka ka ti w ara Nartk Carotiaa.' Aba, all liada Pbia ad Japaeed .TIN-WARE v aaa TlLlii kpt mi kaad. All kieaa Tia, Bkaettlmi at Cavpar wark daaa at tka akortaat at4iaav , . Ml'RR A BOSSAMOJt. Rtliekary. Jaa. i DISSOLUTION. THE firm af McNeely A Yaaagb tkb dy dwaol4 kt kwinima. ; u- Al peravaa nidrktad la a ara repeated i aoaa aad raHle ap. AaeoaaU aal ka ebata ' ky raa4 a aale., -J A..U Yag dt T. C McKaary ara aatkaN laed ta aetiie vp ika kaaia of tka tw. ' , T. C. MeNEELY, A. L. YOUNG, W. C. McKEELY. OctotH.fO.IS6l. NEW FIRM. rTHE katlnrae witt ka eoaliaaaa at tka Old , .... w. f r w.mj. a, a I. T.. towara, . (Oar laraw ara aaaliivety Ck mr Bmrtrr.) u . ... T.C. MrNEELY,: A. L. YOUNG. -Oci.Rt.18al. . ; , . tfAd. Filsallc Jcrkcy taad far Sale. f W11XSELL PRIVATELY TUE piara 1 wW" aiaiag .., mm- ' g Mk. - a. rm. V10 AUHfcaV akoaat Ifiy af wkiek b freak aba red. tka kal aaea kaary limkered. Akoat laa tkaaaaad Reitraad BiUe aa ke gmtae aa tka plaee, aaa aa it kea eoaaat la tka Nank Canae Rail Buad, weald eQ pay tka aadenaker- THe kmildiaca. wkiek ara all aew coaatet af Dwell- 14 lloaae, Bera aad all aeeeeaary eat kaiM iaga. - Aay aaa wbkiag la parckete aaek pre perty, aaa call aa iaa, ar addraaa ata at Hri' Urr. Ff . C. Tkoae waalint a kanrtie waM appty ama:. aa t aat deeralaed toeeH. Tararf awda aay. J. B FITZGERALD. Marck 24. 1863 , . tft .. LUMBER. THE eabecriae, eiag aer leard auik, Barka aoaaly, b 'p repered to farabk e7 -, aioaatafaep lanaarr, drflrared 'heard Ike ear, at f t aVr kaadrad. HaaH bunker eapr roatraet. Order addraaaed to kiaa at Ilarfy Haute, Barka eeealy. N. C, wiii raaatre I.. . ..." .!.. - T It , piawyi attcauoa. ,T. I t DONALDSON. Uarck 17, 1669. If6 .JAMES IIQRAIl, Wat'c ti-Makcr and Jar f I fry ' OaaaMrVtlaaK. A.MafTkrr. ' ' . 8ALISIJUUV, N, C. KEEPS eoeateeily oa haad alarge aeert aaaat af WITCBtl aad JCBCLRt Hkiada. '- V. " Ctocka, Watekaa aad Jewelry of arefy d aaripUoaraparredia tka keel miaa.r aad aa tka aaaat raaaaaakb l.raia. ; -. r.1. ' ' ' Fekraai y 14. Ifed: - ly3W V . U0W, SUOES. r PEGGED AND STITCHED BROGAN . T I ear MaaafeeWy la Hafiakarr. . Jaa.t7.18S3. tft . : JBLANK 1 1)EE1)S r;;1- YOB SALE AT TJIlt OSFJCE