' ! V vl til M ' t : Ji H'' 7 i ' I'M. i " -iVWk.. peyvti 7,.' ! 't V, v' js. SALISBURY.,. 04 ;AUGUST:llf l862-r-v;: NUMBER 12; VOL. XX. i J. J. BRUNEIW BDITOE A'x ftoWOfO. From Ik KkkiaMf KiMr Jlj f. ,, n. ftmit ItUci m 1M3Pm1 Dh Ml At oo o'clock e Frkiay Mortltf iMl tiunj penoM ! Ui !tTal l lM irr tor m bov Wr4 UwWe caaoM Jipj i th dirifetkJB f DrryTi BML l h firiof eonUud kbt Wl r tw ir bur ami kart, Md mJ md dituaeilf WibU m 1 m t tkM dartftz B,rT rf iisuiig tU SvimUmt boritea like maet Joriof Ul fctOOO0, th CJMIBOOIMliBf w U lietn of erjr conrmtio o lb ut eomm, aftd coofllcting wer tht r Bur of iu wiM mJ rlu Stot Hum- .n on that aa atUmttt'vM lUt lo ! tio on Jm nwr. Aadtlw mot ofoaf citiavoa iajetiaodW taa UWthattktftHa beard a U rwalt of tba OtUoiptoi - cutioB of tb oww. ow tbat aa attack bad boa mad Op I r.wri Ittuff bv tb Yaake naboaU. Aboat eooa peaUtoaa oa tU atjaci er pat at rel by a ulgrapW dkfilck from ftterabtttf aaoauaciaf tbat aa ai t . t Wa m-U oa iba Yaakco float au.i MMUunpiDMit at IWkaWy bf a lafg aambf of oh amuonata, oaoaa caaaoa ht. Wnn oLuitod doriac Tharedar at Cof iTaroint aad dtbor plaoat loam.dova Jaro river. 1 tpteb forlbcr ataUd tht th ffuatKMU rvolied to aor irtilkry withoat ffH!f, tbat, tboag tba darjrag MUTaed br tho loH waa 5kaoa a "ki ba board la tba r duriHO' ui eaaoooaaa : ana urn , . r . i m .ku ; MUMiAb ! d. bav4r dropped downod tbo rivor. r nJaj aijjht ' oveorai aaaraoara av tnaf llktiutr ariiiltfff arnred bar ia cbam of tba body of lbir comiaje, Wra. T. Dal too, who bad beea ktUd dtnog tbf at tack: Tby could giya oo clear aoooaat of tbaeaiptgeWat. All day Satarday lb ,joiai ofytU fommotiity vaa ierced oa JW wCl of ht reaaJtof tb attack, bal aa ati&ctory iaformaUoa aoald ba ob taiaad froa ey aaartor. ' It waa tboogbt tbatartMwal of tbo attack at a poiat br dooa tbo rivor, was taaditatadV aad that. tbrfort, aay aoaa of tba fgbt of Kridav wa kept frora tba pabllc for faaf Ut tii taoaiy aboald ba pat oa bb) gaard. Aa, boor tbro appear aoa ao raaaoa for withholding th, aball lay bafora our raaJer auch particaUn of tb enjaga metit aa bat coma to oar kxoold. . Captaia Milea C. Macdof tl Ftyotta Artillery, retorned to thb) afty f fiatardat evesiog, aad ftom bin am bar oUaia tbt ttiuoa.-rrrr'r Ooaoral IVodMoa, wita taaay pawar- t tMtuwba RI4wioad Taaadat mora- . inr aad - arrived ia tba aatgbborbooi of 00 ibooaoaiy fiaat waa to bava baoa rnado that aigbt bl awtag to a mkaadtrtttad In of orders tbo diSoroat baltaria oiWd to readeivout at tbo appotatod place, lad if mA ot miii itt pcamoaaa. Oa Tbtroiay, GAoo Browa aad Oap taa Maooa and Wala, tbt Uttor of tba . Secoad Ilooiuert,' eied a tboroagb rt- eoaDiauaoe of tho mar aod lb,daia uaBaaMv vi ' -w . bank, oppoU alcOellaoa acjMot. a l . l. r iMlf emaoait At Uaycock't Laadiay, dirottly apooalu VaHOVr, tney Ttoa war aorve ia wm f ood aa.J crefltWlonmbank. A, Iwgt aad aptcadid teamor arid to ba ! orcapiod aa aartara bf iUClallaat priaoi pal oflem a liog cloaf aabort at tba Weatotar LaodTag. Bttwota bar aad tba Soatbora boraad at tar at tbt ty t eoold reach ap aod dvwe tba atraam wart gnat Dumber of large ateamort aad. traoaporta. Soma of tbt latter wara witbia foor bta dred yard of lb aoothora aboca. '. Tba Maod of voice ia coavafaadoo r wert plainly ; beard. VbiJt tho offioora ' were making oUervatioaa k ateamtr arri r e.1 from below aad aat aocbor ia tbt aiidat jotha. flert.. ImmtdtaUly-a-aamber of . oiota from tho veaatai were heard calling fx th York rad aad aainag bat J'ope . wa doiag' To tba toqtiry about Tope, a maa oa board tbo atoamer ref.rod,0b, bt hat got tvorytLiiig right; L' going to giVa tba b 1L , tiavio. couipleted thir .roooaoUaoot our officer wididreo . At a qaartar to twlr o'clock owr batteriea wart la tbt potftioo weigned them. ' Tba Caaovat - lattery wm .tatioaod at CogJitS Poiot , tie t'ajeXU Artiflory at MaToock'a, kaJf ' rail UU the fiaonad llowitaara WOft . ia pokitioa jatt beiow Maytock'a, aad tbt It at aaiavaWMgaiaaxw .mm taa aar. . Tba rWor. MOiOw tj a UoaUt of Mootd aiWaUf bj. bib o iu traooail aoaoai boomo w MoarH tUwwj of tba U.'k. tba Ai. Irofll tbo rigag aad tabiaa akao iadiea. tio toavwa iar. .. wm.v to arof, al tappoard to ba oScor' 4artar t taai Uu boar briUiaaUf rUa niaatod b Mgbta vbicb l-iakled ibroagb aoory aHadoo. TU vilobiag bo ofa At araai o aaaoi ai oa -Wov awaltad tbo gaal for opoofaf Bro, -rt iTv iiMek bv tba naboaU la tM riret j tuWrWa emd taMo'obxk an" ooll T A tM jan woro.ooa apoa ik. .... iW naoto dartiaaT Oat from Cortes poiat. . Uioood by a doaWiag mort, low toat Mag oaa aw f-- ..4 k ffat m bevaa. fiiajalUataoaalf UaM IbHoval Wata frowpolattd twiot nIU doa tba nw. Tba loot wa a a ikfMra ialo OOOINtoUoa. . XoltO, aad oatba, aad abfUa, loiaglod arUb tbt rtOMted ery of - pot oat Uat gbt- vara board froat orf aWamar aad icboaaor at oooa. Aad tarjqokkry wo tba Bgbai itiagaUiad. Dot oar ptosat batiag baoa 1 t iWt , tato raan. tbk waa a maOar ox aaialf aootoljaeaoa. ror(lbraa qaarton of aa boor oar fra wag poarad fortb aaioimuptod)? . Tba arabiag bf oaf tbot tbroagb tbo abipo timber aoald ba - . aa aJ.i board at ovary dNCaarga, aaa aaoaroaaoi tba bIU; ra aaoo to aiplod oa board tbaveoMk. Tbo ordf frora (Vmal fa dUtoa waa to Ira thirty roaoJa to rack gun aad withdraw. Wo kad aaarly fired Urn roatpiemeat befcra tbo guabbatabad MMraad op aa,l cb-ared for acUoa. baa tbot did opea with tbetr broUklea U aaa f ..i ik! smil vm aa tba reOaoL Tba mtiomt, thomtd lUi ttaj M panaoi rangOsOi wwivmm Z . t. " ajiei wiia un nw, wt -- ratmuns. Alrooat avert abot CH arttbia fftv tarda li tbia rood, aad it aeeraa niraeaioM that tboagb oar artillo ww KmJ it t eailea aot oa of tbem va track. Ify bair pat oao oeiocK c iai of oor oioa bad retirad to a aafa dtaUaoa, bat tbo gaabeou eoaliaoad to abell tho bora for aara aaoroarda. ... i ' .a. a al t ' a.i Oar loot 4o tbia agagaiaaal wai Wil- Km T. Dahoa. kiTiedL aad Tboom rar mbat aad Patrick OrabalaVaf tbaliaoo- M UuV. atoaaJ. bv oao of tba aao- ya abalbk A Wiaadar Tbacker. of tba Paga baUonr, voaoded by lb prtoiataro axploaioa of a pa ; taa tor am wa Albaowt battery, arioaaly aoaadod by tba apacttief of 9a of oar caiatoas daHog aor ratraat. Of tbo daaag doea tba aaaaiy a ara . - . . m at' ' a . ji ooboat U neaMof manag aa eau mat. UU W of b( and proporty tteai, hAMr. bava boaa'tarriblr tosarOaf fw tbrtw at leaat batwaaa olva aai (iMa, baradrad abot aad botL aad Iba ta axttort obfott ot biea ara trad waa wHb la poiat-Uaak raafa of oar oalloit gaaa. Tba neat af tba a)t wan bat froa fiva baodrad tarda U a balf aatMdalaBt, Dm win tba aaraeamcat tba avaabaf aa) tkMMb titM waodea aidai of tbo aad ataaaaore eeakt U dktiagabaad abova ik roar etb raa. aad oar aOaUi vara am la mtAo&m over aad arkbia tba vea- mu, a4 a Bttaoar 01 taora wiuia t CWIaa4 aoeaapoMoV oa tb oppoiu VKOW t tWt. I rv fWardat aaorahar Cnrtaia llaoaa rode from XWabarg ia . tba dirtctjoa of iae aota w pr.-j - --ot; Tbt guaboatt bad reatvod tbt ahtUiaf of tbt abora. Star ty t'otai aa aa w ofoarvidtttaa. wbo had Jaat baoa dnvaa from tba rivor beak by tba aatmy) pro Ueulev aad oho bad beta ptvoaat dariag ' - ..tk MmkloAI aAaroaraxttUery bad retired. Tbie- picket aaaand CapUit Macoa tbat thlrty-oat of tbt oatmy trana. porta bad Waa teak abort thef Ur at anchor, ao pal a aaiaovr beea towed dowa tbt atreaa rnoay mora u t. coadiiioa. lie aUoata- ted that the fine learner to wbieb we have .tt.4 ik AtTicefa aaartetvwaa fit- -Jt wa to toMcoa. On wbeel-boote .Wn mm"mi: m.nA ttara aeamed to be iMMJf a w bote otaok oa her aide and aooerdeck. , Tbt Petonbarf Jixp of yeaUrday .t.M iW "ser Frid a V there were alety roueK of altkiada,remalaing in the river tear Berkeley, aad fortj ara aaa oeea towed awajKTr .'."V. W. U rallaLlv leformod that, o fiat arday afteraooa, IfcCUIlaai teat a Bta mnAme a flaf of traca, U tafona Geo, Laa that, fa day or two, fraaaporta aaita fnirt vain nxszi czm. BalieH lalaad. la tbt Jatpe rif,r, here tofore little kao oa aad arkbaat aay btro U Jatereat, b doitiaod to'l.1', tvWW aoaapMBJOoW aa vae acpot tor taa aoaneaveat af tbt atveral (boouuid Tea kee rriaoaerf Uiet la , tbt lata batUet be fore fecbojoad, and oooDtad for aometime afiorwardt la tbt libby tad ether prHoat of tho oky, aat' aUbia tba Uat loir week removed to tba aiaed, Tbt ialaad ia aboat oaa mile ia leorth aad a quarter of a mlM t. kMith- with twa braacbm of tba river tbatforma, daepiag the abort da either Ida. ': Oa a level portioa aear the laodiag it looaled tat camp of too pneoaert, eooiaie ieg betwaea 400 aad eOO ttata, eloaely baddled togatber, with a bread aveave reaalag fbroagt tba oaatra, ' wbica bm beta aamtd Oroadway, after tbt famoa New York tboraaghfora. Thi Yankee MUlaaaaat aow lambert tpwarda of 400 iababitaatt, aad ia tbo evtaieg. wbeanbeir a aTl . a tl.ll. oieaaoOOoeaeooea, troaa w t o iwt Llaad rivab. Droadway ia New York, ear tatoly la tbt4ottaqaeeeoatama. . tad oaa bill overlooldBg tbo Yaakaa ea- caaapoeaL Tat gaarf aamoert aooai .vJ bnndred aaUL ktcJadiaa? Daf't Kirbt artillery battery. CbpUia Iforrw Uootom- try, who atptnotawotaa tat waoit poico ffaafemtat. Captaia afoatgomtry aad bit ofioart bare tbeir boadqaarttre ia a acaooi aoroa taUM aw WW, aear we iaat baa aeuleaaeat A tailhur aarroaad th camp, aad beyoed kaooasoM aooo of tbo rifeoie are anowea to laireae except mrA A bubtaff irjot bee beoo ee- Ucted aader tbt troeeia the river, aod the ,k nriaaaara are eoadected cot it Vtoada ua, aad aajoy abatbibfa fcw miaatta, wbica tbeyaeemtotawy vary vaaca. m .LaU Am at OCOQtWO 10 10 BiaBBeT BBUI Ka mcAm foar thaeaaaJ odd baadroda K. nade their aUatioo. The heal lb of iwwoeera bm improved to a remarka ble degree aader the wfleteee of the wa ter aad frwb air of tbt kdead, :; Xr OnlT fiflaea death hare occtrred otact UA mm oaeaioiad. laaido of tba camp eaohjtara af tba Yaakem they art allowed to tstvent aay wrm m aaunnnpH roverameot thtr ideaatv Uaay of tbem diaplay tht oaaal amoaatof Yaakee iago- aatty w tbt airaaiemeat of thatr doramuc qaanevar' jei aww w -- ool partt of the camp, frora wbettet tteaU Itat wattr vajawii ..--J -j Bat wb& tbia peopie ajtrewo taaic ax polity aod .kUl, w are torry to aiaw thai tbey ara praesnag amoeg i bwm- k. m mAAA dlkdarakhed thtm while eoiojitf tbt bpportaeTtite el lergt ia Vii4 riaia. laey art ua bbom awam aad aw evarr onwtaaity dtpredalo apoa oat aaother. f tr oaa It i takt off bit thorn, or A piece of bit rrmeet, aad M to aierp. la to iavlta a thai from Ida eomrade, , aad reery dar eomplalat. am made to tbt aommaaojag vwnr a"" , ,-"777 'aowl aavt lost tbelr eboee aad pWcoa of their dothity, aad go aboat baro footcl or ia tbeir atockieg foat, aad half , . Oat of tbtir owa aalien, tapiarao who .k. xft haa aatab&hed a tatknbilk Md iht priaoaera makt parcbtem from bim of aaco arucim aa are ta tbt daily raticat, They loadl eora ptaia cbJteitortioa, aotvar.aad tbrtat a to bava aim teat to tbt BiptUpt abta .v ak- Tiu. foada ara laamaa abort, too, aad maty art tompened to part afitK arkalaear taa Bava aaieaow aow. They art all fooklef aopefaUy forward mm aaebiaffw. aad are vert aatalateat ia k-;- .nUa eanMraiar the erorpecL A tta at ace ova a vi I tA aaaana be awimauok the rivt rk.CiUi iirrJtar ia fattiaff aearlr t ool all were eapuired aad ara aow V.rwt aluUf mUl . Vvrvtbfaa about the wlahd niTffU Mn,vt aad atrict diannline. The lalaad it ecoseeibla oy ooat trora utc laodiag below tht Tredegar troa voria. V, laara that a eommaaicatioa froi ar govetameat, taqairiag whether Dot- ler a ooarao ta xw vnw waa wuxm ;nMA be bk MvatajotoL aot baviac beea iaj anocber mmmaaioatioa baa beea dWpatalradL wilh bt aococnpaayiag v.i mm mniieit aaawer will be tr- IZrtmA ia a rrvea time. aad. that to tL IyZm .k tKa alienee of the Liocola Gtveramtal will bo ootaUratd M sajtOr aative rtpry uewMaw.; trie nrTAUTia if ts nisi ' MaSatari CaMamof taa CoaManM Ricaaoaa, lagatt t. A, kaportaat Otaeral Order (No. 45) from tht 'AJ- JuUot aad lapedor GeaeraT (HSet baa beta pellisbed, tbt aabataaot af vbiah It Mtouowtt ,vK H.-ir A rtUa L atatea that tbt fonowtaa o' dm art oUiahod for the loforiatdoa aad - Tbt atxt iv t arbolet art M tbt form of a fj ream 1 4 I i v4t-,-- . v AnU IFteeitea tba Order imatd H tbt gacreurj of War of tbt Uahtd euua, dV recting the mintary tommaadtq ef )at govtramtat to aeioa aad aaa tbt property, real aad poreoaaL beloegiog to the kbaU taata of tbie CoaWeracy, aad etatef that aA ifUM fa made for ear eomMoUtiot to the oweera of priratt pfoparty tbpt Htf - Artiolt III necCPcrptVractoter. Am tVt tba aneat of ' aO dklOVtl ankle clb ixeaa, who art to Vt eoadac4o4, fejood L. ik flatted Rtataa. int. ata. V Article I V. teeifm the erwer of leafier Gtotral fJttfawaer.V.o. Awwearreaa f iba mat brbmiatat kitbtU l Tk eotaty. y," Jto bt bU m kt aad lfia daalh hi lit aWtat of tjrf tf tbt oLIum ik aadi fTlalaabao bm1 abot bybehwbacicam-ay waca wna or aattat titlataa of tbia Coofaderacy who bava. Ukta arm to oeteaa taaic aoaaaa, ' , Article V. Aod whereat kt fotaha froxt iL. .tMaMMtaea that' eomtof tbt aaffltar? .itttu. f iba tTattad Etatea. MtlOO BjakBlVI'vnav we ' w- r . .- .tk taa aalaat aod arramira war&fe waged with aavaga eraeny aarma a aw offradbf people, aad axaeporatad if tbo k;ta.a a? fkair eflari to tablOarati tbeoa. bava aow delertbfaed o iot7a!l TaTta aad aaagea of war, aad to aoattrt tat aoa tilittm bitborto wagtd agaiajtajtatd fcoam fato a campaiga of rowwry agaioai aaarm Jt;a.aa aad oeacaful fJUtrt of tbt toiL Article Tt Aa wteftae tba rtra: aatat. booed by tbt bigbeet obUgatioaa of j... . .uiataa. la tboo drivea to tba Mcoeaitt of adoptior each Jaat aeatafm of . e ' - t tt IT at! ilriiaaaT abawmfal aawff antsmi trBi mmn raaiiitiitvai aw -- adeqoau to reprem atvd peaiab tbeaa taw . wbaeaaa tbo order abova rtr cited ba'vo beta oaly wblihed aad made kaowa to the goteraataiaiBco vaeay are of tbt cartel for the ticbaagt of pnacwett af war, which cartel, la to far at it ftwridtt for aa escbaagaof taoea atrtampwr lot aa tscaaBEe a tuu piaiwf - mam bawa baaa alraed or arreed to bf tblt govtramtat, if tht iateaiwa to abaagt tht war bio a tytttet of lodiacrlta- i-.Vj.k. kad kaea aaade kaowa to kt! aad.wkartat a Jaat regard la baowaityfoe- bidt that tba tepiatrioa of crime, which th'ia govtramtol It tbot eomptiiea to oa force, abootd U aaaeceaaarily tttaajed oa the aatiated mea ta tot army at we v gtatm, who may bt tbt aawllBaf laetra .. -I ,k. aaeaew araahff of thatf COeB- maadera, ta loeg aa tfttrt m a aope ua .L. tJ iba eaemt BUT be tjbtcktd or prtvaettd by ratribattoa oa tommitiioa. La ak. kaea tba BOW Bt ateid .i. -:v. twa eiaia aarvioi WadoT ! a fmeet which teak to la tit rjrpetratioo af aach blamoat baHanliee-. Uy Oaa. Pope, Brig. Geo. eulaweir, aad aQ (wowoata aaom anw j v; tbetr rmpeotive oomraaau, - r"'. I kajrlaaatptda ba aet aatuled to be eoealdered m ecer,! aad. therefore, aot eauued to uie 6esat n of wart fdrew; VarlAtr', t ja tsf naoiof Vbt taptamtf U.j. O. Tcre of IW. Oaa. Stelawabr, or aay comttUaloeed officer; tervieg aader tbem, the es Jve at takaa thai! be bald le elcet eoaSatmttt at loaf as tU ardor. ia forosaad eertpetita y ajcpeinu aiiitary aalboritka af tha Uaitsd Uatea; aad tbat la the evtot of tbt mardtr of aay mm. , ... - a .a t aJ aaartaed cithwa or iabattuai ot w atr taarmt tau at wm aoi oa ipe iook fadaraer, by 'rirtaa, or aader pretext of aay J tot for ribela,' atd wat tAtsgbt aappiag. of tba order berei abator ttcitad, aUtbar hi. to the aewaa aod waa met by the " . a a .B AL. J-.J I . e a a . S.a. a A : , a . with or witboot trial, waeiaar aaocr 1 kU.a a an n boataM. aea) Of aaia oiwava v'-m --rj r or ear other preteoc. it fthali bt the duty Ofibe oomiatnding geaera tracy to caaat imaaediately to be baag, oat ofthYaomaiieafoetd oiScera priaoatri aforw aid, aaatober eqoai e ui pm" wa.Wiat lbam"rde Uv order: - C0OrER- " Aajaiaat t- 1 ' J , Unt r4 rbe HaOOO TalrTrapol autre eome of tbt anolU of th kta tictoriet near Richmond, aa twwwa .. . ?f amber oforleooeralao tbcoaand coeboa. dred and twenty.. niW tebwranb wire aod apporteoaooaa , ia r-'anaJea and abovela, tooutb to teat Kl-aWhja..-l oor araj a ww.- : . ATROCIOUS ! PERSONAL j AT TACK. ON OOL VANCE. I Xt .tntka Jb , f)ong axtrtct . a ... 4 . from tha Htalo JimmaL out ct tat peetil gut of 0or. Clarke if? t j j imfffbl be'too f oVldiWto rim tl)t) eonirtutt ftr ctmpatUon is eat of tha ( jncticav ifa ColooaL Vanco and Cot Johariba, ia to par-? tonal appearance, aad wa will Uraeb "I aaa. a ai'a.a a.i.. . (btaa only tnctiuy ana witn oua tav gard to Col. Yw opinion of himself: ' A a t!brw are ' botit knarttoJ man It cjraoot affect' eliheTVoerr aar1ooiTv ktt. lMar.MaTaeapfnira f"V.l ITiiIm' la rfaeidodlw fcrW;- Col.1 Johnaten If not hrtdtome it onlto' cproely. . uoi., e ance i ctcb ara acaiewpai uia -apMtraac'aoflwo ,twenty-rtnoy fjatla drlreo Into iba eeotra pf a three . - a a a a a poaod loruip wblcii kf Dceo eorer ed itb wis - cojporiaoo with -arbote dolL, tomaoleat txpreaaioa, , OoL Joboatoo't re:aj twotparknn diatnondt ioterted la a globe of pore told tad adoraiow coontcoanca riv tiUnt wita ttnilea.' Ool,, Vaac,iJ' nit m thai if lapertaoatod . Anf-' m a . aa a i , a " o ' a .-' f ' -i, ii - mat ot tne dotido tpeci ta, luxij ftm : bUnjj totbe ptqre CoL JohoalobV tbtt of a ArAbUa;btfgef MddJ4 for'tfie cha,beo be beira tfaie. horn of fbe aaottaao, s Col, Vaaoo' , bajt faaclotbev tnade ap bj. $be noat faaionab!e taHorav ;bef owififf to the rotaodity of Jtit perioB Aaa the itrotolaritT of iuVaaffaetv' thef neer "&Ln ficoca ha It ai wayt at war with bimtelf of with hU tailor; aad tweo la hit finest oUdajif hi :, eateftrnJappearanewMt farmer. Col. Johaetolf bajt good : abetaatiat elotbet, knows bow to1 . pretertw aod bow to por tbem oh, haSaJwaya ;a tgtotiftvdf bis whole oppearanee Is that of eV neat, tidj, methodical American gentlo- man'; and man or bonnet, a Uol. Vaaees toot-and what a fbotK is like bis bead, oat of all shape, and of prodigious dimentionai bet weea no part or which aod tba groaad, bai eoald find shajtar from a storm, or raiara from an enemy, aad It ia time libra th. rii tAnrnfatfrAm 1 -- 1 r- I ttompa in sammer and frotU In win. ter. r Ool Johntton bat quite res-, poctabl foot, bat It it that of a fli raa to afavand armrnairw Mmnir.' OoL'VanceV Persooslly, aatara rjavr t nlendad "t3oJT,Vanco for a Governor : and the people will not tiolate the laws of natare bj ma king bim one.". V r , fatrr aeaaa- a W'haitr lit tup aatt tbt fr. Among tbt pritoaert takta t UarfrtmbofoS oaa Capt,aa Roesda, I flf the aifith ITlchipaJI rCSrlmtBL who WBf I taptared by Iieat, Grabata, of Uwtoti ct al, aadtr jMravfior cireaPMtaacea.. Eoaada was Bvovcet manhal af Uatfraatbcco?-' rittefaaorwUhw Uoioa toiry atelat alaca, aad waa to ot mamta to a ctajv tar af tbat auany oa eaaoay 4 mg&i,- ua Ueoaat; Orabaas 1 tbt . la vs- b, rrf tbat r . T . . . . , , ' , . tf tarry wtUoet, St tt aow pntoa at Ifkta, Oa, aad hi ioamorat ledcon- wlat. 8bt aboald Immtdlatclv start for fkW-aa, wbera tbt aaa meetwer -Iot- yiar" (wbta bt hi axtbaBged,) abd have ym, itnuMm, a . ettaa. yenua eat I ,bre the capuia was atoppteat tbt hoaae of bit atw bava" eo tbaxaored of 1 . . a i ..a ti a i eaftaiae aaieoaaa wue, wwo, va waawar w 1 kW UatvUa immiI kla Vl'f,t Tlnnnd i '--"n - r 7 WM aot ia tba hoaee, 8otbt , patriotic oouutara mate wow nau v imhw biaaof the eapUitS whefeabouta, aad wert au by lookiag oa, aaaattd bim tbat tht i capwa wa i toe aovia, wjjo wuiwi ju. eoramenced a I aearcb, - He aooadiacovtred bim tade tha m , Mnawig v; wiwmsw,".; bha oat aad received from hia hh tword. . , . , . tf . wW'wwt I boriotf cotton n the tioioity of UuoUtUto, war arreatea t)T a panT Aiaiaiua w .... . .... I i, ,,JlTL. wimkf moro- jJ-Tr xLLr U h kl j I tba-r bat I7-&UO m tOH aaaw vvw"- ak. ' . - - j v '

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